What you need to replace the gas meter. The procedure for replacing the gas meter in a private house

1. I do not need to combine the toilet and the bathroom, if there is no "dubler". In the morning, such an avral happens! And at all, it is not aesthetically aesthetic, one in the bathroom splashes, the other to the toilet is impatient ...

2. Thenoleum, it is terrible, and the ceiling is doubly stupid.

3. Do not trust the repair of my wife. Let her do it under the direction of the designer. And then most of the apartments of my friends do not differ from each other.

4. Want painted walls? But in everyday life they may be impractical. Especially in the field of switches - fingerprints remain.

5. In the kitchen, it is better to provide a box under corrugation for an exhaust.

6. Never climb the space under the bathroom!

7. Never separate the cutting area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen with the cooking panel!

8. Never put carpet! Allergy to dust is provided.

9. Never need for bathroom use serogolube, blue and malachite shades!

10. Never hang top cabinets kitchen above eye line!

11. I do not advise the laminate or parquet board in the kitchen. The first leakage and Kerdyk ... and indeed skeptical to the laminate. From a purely practical point of view - any fallen object forms scratch or chip. And ultimately the laminate turns into complete ugliness.

12. Do not put a white or very bright tile in the bathroom, the feeling as if you are in the hospital.

13. In vain, the kitchen furniture along the entire wall in the rectangular kitchen is much more convenient - to arrange an angle.

14. Do not save on the plumbing and tiles - will be slaughtered to look for several years, and you will not be able to redo

15. In vain made a small dressing room, so that more space remains in the room. This half-meter is not saved by the meter, and when the dressing room is broken by a bit, you will not build the other.

16. For nothing, it is not necessary to make a wiring of electricity in the apartment, without making a pre-plan for the placement of furniture - and the final plan that will no longer change !!!

17. It is terrible - dark floor and dark tile (especially on the floor in the bathroom). Any dirt is visible - each dust and drop, especially from the washing machine. You need to clean several times a day.

18. Many open shelves with a bunch of souvenirs. This is an unreal dust collector!

19. Do not install the sockets "in the floor". Very uncomfortable, constantly open, dust will be copied and it is impossible to wash the floor normally.

20. Machines are better to put on every high-refrigerant electricity, the monster so that it is not to suffer with the lack of light due to the inclusion of the complex "TeanetistralColovolovsky".

21. Do not forget to install sockets right in the bathroom for a hair dryer, an electric set for manicure and razor. One can one, but then select the mirror in which the sockets are also built into the extension manner.

22. Provide referee (dimmers) in the child's bedroom, so that the light is not inclusive, and slowly.

23. Make a warm floor. In principle, at first it can not even be included, but it is better to do it right away. It would be nice in the hallway too.

24. No need to buy chandeliers with flat horizontal open beams - there so much midges will be copied, you get tired.

25. Halogen lights are better to choose with an angle of inclination, and not firmly fixed.

26. If the wiring is old - it is better to completely replace. By the way, it would be nice to write (or take a picture with measurements) its location, and then it is in the wiring and fall.

27. Provide the entrance to the apartment for all possible cables (wide cable channel).

28. Switches all "euro" (at an altitude of 80-90 cm) - so that children can turn on the light, not jumping.

29. Light on the balcony and a socket just in case. It can be useful.

30. Backlight in the kitchen right above the working surface (built-in lamps in the kitchen visor - it is beautiful, but not functional).

31. Use two switches / light switch - when entering the bedroom and the bed in the bedroom, so as not to get out of bed, wanting to turn it off.

32. Do not put on the floor in the hallway and the kitchen tile rough. It is impossible to wash! The rag is torn, and dirt is so hard!

33. The floors are warm necessarily supply the timer if you turn on in the morning, then you do not have time to warm up.

34. Immediately decide where the kitchen furniture and the refrigerator will stand, it is impossible to lay a warm floor. My girlfriend has a depth of outdoor cabinets 60 cm, and the floor does not heat 1 meter from the wall. Stand, cook, and the legs do not heat. And under the refrigerator heats. And the hallway is better to warm the whole - so that the shoes of the sink.

35. Windows is better with microwing function - so safer for children and animals.

36. The place under the counter must be chosen in advance. If the counter unsuccessfully hangs, over it to drill the wall of scary - wires. And the position of the switch in the hallway must be carefully measured so that the hole in the furniture under it is not cut into it.

37. The doors with a glass insert personally broke out if the child falls asleep in the room, the light in the corridor selects.

38. In the nursery, think the sports complex in advance and strengthen the holes for the Swedish wall.

39. About warm. Refractory materials should be placed near the hot surfaces. We have a polypropylene finish near the fireplace tube of glass on the wall - melted.

40. Batteries do not need to sew too much, leave access to their overlapping.

41. Many regret that they did not find space for the boiler in time in case of disabling hot water or its extremely low temperature.

42. Another point - I do not have a special delight in relation to perfectly smooth walls, so never uttering for their particularly thorough alignment. But if you are going to make built-in wardrobes or chests to order, it is necessary to smooth the walls!

43. It is necessary to think over the little things in advance. If, for example, after repair, buy a water heater for 80 liters and decide to put in the toilet - you will need a socket, so as not to strob in new wallpaper or cafél, pride it in advance.

44. In the kitchen there was too slippery floor tiles and covered with light grout (first it was very beautiful, and now the rubble went stains, not washed out on the view of the horror)

45. When installing the bathroom, borders were not laid on the wall, where it goes on with a tile, and simply clutchly with silicone sealant ... As a result, water always stands in the corners.

46. \u200b\u200bSorry for the warm floors in the kitchen and the corridor, did it only in the bathroom, now regret? Justification one. By the end of the repair of money was not at all, the estimate swept to the disgrace.

47. Pipes to batteries pass in the floor. In the bath, the sleeve sensor was put too close to them. Outcome - When you turn on heating, the thermostat has only two modes: off or at full power.

48. Too rough tile on the floor in the bath. It is time to care (poorly washed).

49. Sewing in a drywall ceiling too narrow ventilation for exhaust. The result is the drop in suction power at the exhaust.

50. When dividing gender in the kitchen on the working area (tile) and recreation area (parquet), put too many tiles. Conclusion: it is necessary to plan carefully and taking into account the volume of future furniture.

51. The waterproof was made according to a consistent scheme and did not make plumbers to remake. Before the start of the work, this moment was not thought about, and they did how it was easier.

52. In the kitchen, the tile is very beautiful, but one minus, very deep chamfer, there every dirt quickly accumulates and is poorly washed away. It was necessary to choose absolutely smooth, but not glossy and to almost the champers.

53. Rosettes better do more than then on new wallpaper to stick. Immediately plan wherever there is at least a hint that you ever have something to stand here. It is better not equal, and double, at a price almost the same thing, but then do not redeem.

54. It is very cool that switches made in the corridor and bedroom. In the corridor, it is not necessary to walk there in order to turn off the light, and in the bedroom the light can be turned off lying on the bed.

55. Windows installed badly. Watch very well, so that there are slopes, so that everything is carefully propening, and the outside wept as it should be so that not a single hole is !! Otherwise it will blow.

56. When installing the bath, make sure that the tilt of the bowl is done to the plum, and the water almost does not leave if the bath is installed.

57. Forced the Proba to make the outdoor tile flashes in the bathrooms and the kitchen. Those. If the water comes under the bathroom or kitchen furniture leaks, it flows into the middle of the room (you can immediately score the alarm)

58. When choosing a tile (especially ours), collided with a variety of problems: the difference (tortured to lay the color palette), a different size (up to 3mm), non-stalking pattern. With Spanish and Italian there were no such problems.

59. If the funds were allowed, it would be replaced by all (and not only one) windows, lowers, slopes, etc. Our house has the cheapest glass windows and installation quality appropriate. I had to warm myself and close the gaps.

60. Do not forget how I am, about a towel resistant !!!

61. The sewer pipe is very noisy when the neighbors use the toilet from above. All are good plastic pipes, but they are nozzhen pretty, so do sound insulation - wrapping her something.

62. If there is a little curious baby, it is better to make keys or punctures on all doors, especially in sleeping. And keep the dubls higher, but in an affordable place.

63. If you yourself buy corners in your clothes, then take care of them from scratching and damage during transportation.

65. Stretch ceilings Make immediately to the entire apartment and tramble in the firm where you will order (if you have a decent metrah - from 50 sq.m.);

66. And all the same, in my opinion, most importantly at the time of the start of repair have a complete picture of the arrangement of furniture. Planning the kitchen immediately. Summary of many communications depends on it.

67. I would never have done an angular dryer in the kitchen - very uncomfortable.

68. It would not be to do a monophonic light floor in the bathroom - each Musorinka is visible, at least once every hour. And my dark hair on it .... just a nightmare !!!

69. Problems with a boiler arose, no one warned that it was dangerous to hang on the plasterboard wall. So we are now without a boiler.

70. I must first think - do you want to change the windows, and then make cosmetic repairs in the apartment. Replacing glass windows after sticking wallpaper - that still stupidity ...

71. Do not use a white grout for tiles in the kitchen - it will look dirty.

72. First you need to consider the wiring of electricians in the bathroom, and then put the tile.

73. Be sure to put the warm floor in the bath and the toilet - it is such a pleasure!

74. Do not save on Watergery - buy a cumulative at least 80 on the family, and better than 100 liters.

75. It is better to make a bathroom in warm colors. For the first time I live in such now - it seems that the temperature is above the degrees at 56.

76. Now I would have forbidden to tumble to a stainless steel kitchen appliance! My grated damn knows what it is, now on the exhaust scratch.

77. I would bought a non-parquet board, and the parquet is real, because A few years later, the board, even very expensive in my case, began to get out slightly, and the seams between the boards were expanded slightly.

78. Sockets !!! Do not regret. I read this advice earlier, but the husband slowed me for the sleeve (died appetites), as a result, there were extension cords that would very much like to avoid.

79. Warm floors: wherever there is a tile, be sure to. We are stuck and very happy. In the kitchen - for some reason they love to lie and draw on the floor, in the corridor - after the street, all wet overalls and jackets lay out on the floor and they dry very quickly, the same with shoes. In the bathroom and the toilet - be sure. You still need to be provided in advance, where the furniture, plumbing will be standing, etc., and already in these places the warm floor does not hold.

80. Doors: When the interior doors were installed, it never even came to mind that the switch should be near the handle operating the door. And we hung them so that the switch was from the loop side. Now you have to include the light (HP, in the bathroom, toilet, storage room), and then go to the handle and open on the other side. The little thing seems to be, but so uncomfortable !!!

81. Storeroom: If there is at least a place that can donate in favor of the storage room, do it! Vacuum cleaners, rollers, sledges, skiing, Christmas toys, mops, basins, buckets, household appliances that do not use every day - everything is there.

82. Parquet: We have a dark parquet Merbau. It looks very nice, but on such a dark floor, especially on a sunny day, each dusty is visible, so you have to clean every day.

83. Ceiling: Promach - made a glossy ceiling in the living room, but did not take into account that under it another ceiling level with the inside lamps - all these lamps now do not dispel the pleasant light around the perimeter of the room, as it was assumed, and reflected in the ceiling, as in Mirror. Horror!!! All exhaust, as they say, is obvious.

84. In the toilet, bathroom (and wherever there is a lot of moisture) necessarily need a stretch ceiling. Nothing will not swell, not falling off, but most importantly - if the neighbors flooded you, the water does not bloom widely in the apartment, but is going to the ceiling itself. The ceiling saves, and the water remains inside. Then the masters were filmed part of the ceiling, merged water, and it was installed back.

85. Loggia (or balcony): You need to withdraw the lighting and necessarily a socket! I adapted to the shopping room, sushi and ironing there.

86. In the bathroom sockets should be moisture-proof (with a cover) - a washing machine, a hairdryer, a razor is simply vital.

87. Need forced exhaust in the bathroom. Now it turns on us automatically when light ignition. And only now I realized that it was necessary to make a separate switch. And it annoys it so much, but it is impossible to turn off.

88. It was a bombardment of her husband, and in the end did not make hidden places for storage (for example, buckets, rags, chemistry and other hosts. Verds), although it was possible to beat some options with built-in lockers. He so wanted some "glamorous" species imposed on the magazines, and that people live in the apartment and cleaning, did not take into account.

89. From what was done correctly: 1. In the guest bathroom put a shower cabin. It is necessary to quickly, wash themselves there, and still very convenient to wash the dog; 2. Warm floors, boiler, insulated loggia (with warm floors, light and outlet); 3. Many boxes and closed shelves + wardrobe in the nursery, there is an all children's economy; 4. Built-in dishwasher - a dream.

90. I would have won the designer to immediately see the whole picture! Many things do not like exactly because of the unprincipled.

91. When planning sleeping places, it is necessary to take into account the direction of drafts.

92. And I got the buttons-plugs and joints on the plinths - we do not like terribly. It seems to be picked up. And the sister, they were in the same collection - they are not visible practically.

93. Door handles with sharp corners - periodically someone hurt their hand or something else, it hurts and clothing rushes.

94. Vinyl wallpaper under the painting of Ukrainian production - in the same room a sirdora was stuck - horror horror! German - super blocked on another.

95. You should not enter the apartment with unfinished repair and lack-fitted furniture. Then the process will delay .... it seems to be used to it, but the time is always missing so as not to finish everything.

96. Single sockets are just funny! Now with hated tees I live.

97. About the light grout on the floor is already so much written !!! But, apparently, I had little ... a very untidy look.

98. I will never glue in the children's "fluffy" wallpapers that can be pulled off - in the process of falling asleep. Children all the time they pick themselves with her finger - they hated everything near the bed.

99. All accurate dimensions of furniture need to be recognized before repair.

100. We experienced overhaul and realized that most importantly - do not save on materials - wallpaper, paint, adhesives - everything should be a good quality!

19.02.18 114 296 9

Part 1: Plan, Brigade, Treaty

My husband and I bought an apartment without finishing and received keys in early June. We had 2 months for repairs, 350 thousand rubles, one engineer of technical supervision and brigade of workers from Tajikistan.

Svetlana Ahmadishina

finished repairs

We started to prepare a repair base for three months before issuing keys: learned prices for building materials in large networks, chose plumbing and finishing materials. While they did not order anything, they only compiled a list of desires.

We knew that we need high-quality repairs without frills: Simple environmentally friendly materials and functional furniture. They did not need gold tapestries, carved door handles and designer chandeliers from cast iron. Thanks to this approach, at the stage of preparation, we had a clear action plan and a complete understanding of what we eventually want to do in the apartment.

I'll tell you how we met on time and went beyond the budget for only 15 thousand rubles.


We bought an apartment in a new building in a new area, houses are handled here by phases. In our phase, 10 houses passed at once, all had to be repaired in all. Therefore, there was a lot of repair brigades.

Projects are looking for customers from the office of the management company, when the tenants give the keys. In such new buildings, as we, the prohibitions can show apartments that are repaired right now.

We met with three prohibits. The first two we were given leaflets with rates, and the third immediately offered to see the apartment in the work. We asked to show some more objects at different stages of repair. So we were evident as a brigade performs draft work, as installed plumbing, and met the workers who will participate in the repair of our apartment.

If there is no brigade in the district, several potential contractors are invited to the object. Meetings are prescribed in a row to come across each other in the doorway. So compare the qualifications and traded with those who want to work with.

This is usually assessed by the qualifications of workers.

According to projects - Well, if you have the opportunity to see an object, live or, at worst, in the photo. If you get to the object, look at the corners, joints and any complex places: it can be seen how the team works.

Look at the exactly painted wall meaninglessly - look at the joints with the floor and the ceiling. See how the outlets are installed, as the tile is lost, which is going on under the sink or washing, how the entrance places in the wall look like. In repairing the devil in detail.

By communication - To do this, it is convenient to connect the third direction so that the customer's specialist appreciates the qualifications of employees, asked questions about what materials the wizard will use and for what technology work. If there are no friends savvy in this matter, welcome to Tehnadzor.


If the experience in repair is not enough, a specialist from the side is invited to choose the brigade and evaluate work. It may be a builder or engineer for technical supervision. We found such a specialist on the Internet.

Our engineer in the 70s received a specialty of the construction engineer and has been working in the construction sector since then. We agreed that he would come to the surrender of the draft stage.

The third direction in the repair is invited to separate stages or for the entire repair period. Tehnadzor for repairing an apartment in Moscow costs from 4,000 rubles for departure, the price depends on the remoteness from the Moscow Ring Road, the area of \u200b\u200bthe object and how often it is necessary to control the work.

4000 R.

at least one departure of a technician specialist in Moscow

Bad to attract tehnadzor suddenly or in the middle of work. Our engineer told how he was hired at the end of repair, when 60% of work was already accepted and paid. He gave a bunch of comments, the workers were frightened, threw everyone and naturally fled. Therefore, the Proba is warned before starting work that tehnadzor will participate in the acceptance of the stages.


To calculate the cost of repair, the Proba is invited to the object. The customer describes in detail the works: Indicates the places of sockets, the mileage plan in the kitchen, the location of the plumbing, wiring layout, the location of the lamps on the ceiling and walls.

In order for the foreman to be easier to understand the client, show a design project or a selection of photos of apartments, whose finish like. The foreman measures the area of \u200b\u200beach room, the height of the ceilings, assesses the state of the apartment to repair. For expensive work, the replacement of radiators, the insulation of the balcony, noise insulation of rooms, the replacement of double-glazed windows, redevelopment. After that, the foreman makes a list of work and gives the cost of work and materials.

All the same you can make a good interior designer who takes the estimates, measurements and engineering plans. It may not give the final price of the work, but at least definitely define all the areas, lengths and volumes by which the foreman makes its calculation.

This evaluation scheme works in new buildings. In the houses of the Old Fund, the cost to calculate harder: it depends on the degree of wear of the apartment. Examine wear and calculate the number of work is final when the floor is opened, the state of the supporting structures, wiring and plumbing pipes is visible. Therefore, at the initial stage, the cost of dismantling is calculated, and the exact amount of work on reconstruction and draft decoration is determined after all the disadvantages of the room become visible.

We have a studio apartment in a new building without decoration. We planned to spend 350 thousand rubles along with work and materials. The foreman appreciated only work in 240 thousand. For us, it was expensive: lacked for the purchase of materials.

350 000 R.

our scheduled budget for the repair of one-room apartment

When we realized that they were not laid in the estimate of the work, they crossed out what we can do or postpone the future. The insulation of the balcony, laying the laminate, putty and painting the walls took over. The ceiling in the room decided to do later. As a result, the cost of work has decreased to 140 thousand, or 3,600 rubles per square meter.

For the purchase of materials for draft work, we planned 90 thousand, on cleaners - by 120 thousand, so we were put in the budget - 350 thousand rubles.

How to reduce the cost of work

They ask a discount on work. It should be understood that the builders give a discount just from their pocket, so heavily live themselves more expensive.

Choose builders with low qualifications. Brigades that have little experience and no own equipment are cheaper. To take on the role of an expert in this case will have to customer. It will be necessary to consult on the side, in detail to delve into each stage of work and often come to the object.

Refuse part of work Or change technology. Alignment of walls - expensive work. If an uneven wall is indoors, but the customer knows that the built-in ward will install in this zone, the perfectly smooth surface may not be needed - however, you must first be advised to consult with the company that will make a closet.

Save on materials. Builders do not recommend save on electrical cable, plumbing fittings and on pipes for wiring. The quality of these materials is checked at the end of the repair. If the materials are bad, you will have to disassemble and run the finish process again. You can save on materials for finishing finishing, buy plaster not for 600 rubles per bag, and for 350 rubles. Or put on the floor not a parquet board for 5 thousand, and laminate for a thousand.

Part of the work Customers take on themselves. Save on dismantling outdoor and wall coverings. If enough experience and free time, customers leave themselves some of the net works, shook wallpapers, laying laminate and plinth.

Does the interior designer need

There is such a profession - the interior designer. If this is a good specialist, he will take on three aspects: aesthetics, workers drawings and materials with a complete set.

Aesthetics - This is how the apartment will look like: what will be the color, from what fabrics, how everything will be fundamentally looking, how and where the furniture will be as soon as it is. This is a common feeling from the apartment. Good interiorners make collages and visualization so that you can present the result of repair in advance.

Working drawings - This is a plan of floors, walls, tiles, ceiling, electricians, lamps and anything that is required for your apartment. The designer declares it in the drawings so that you do not poke your finger to the foreman, what to build. This is important: today you showed him a socket in one place, and tomorrow it will appear in the other and nobody will prove anything.

Especially in working drawings, tile and plumbing are useful. The designer directly folds the tile of the desired size from the desired angles, bypass hazardous joints, parses the borders. If you need a complex tile job in a bathroom or in the kitchen, such a plan must be: otherwise, you will remain with a bunch of unnecessary tiles and trimming, and in the end, it still will not come out.

It is necessary to plan an electrician too in advance: so that the sockets were where they are needed, and not behind the cabinet; In order for the apartment then it was not necessary to throw extension cords, and the sockets themselves did not cut down tees. The designer determines that here, for example, there will be a TV zone. He believes: We need sockets under the panel, receiver, columns, console, epl-thies and three more spare. The designer designs a block of 8 outlets in this place and gently hides it from the eyes.

Equipment and materials - The designer selects specific articles of wallpaper, tiles, coatings, furniture and lamps, often with prices. As a result, the table is obtained that and where to buy. Typically, designers choose the articles from expensive salons from which the commission receive. In some cases, you can agree to draw up a statement of materials on furniture from Ikea and wallpaper from Lerua-Merlen, but we do not believe in such a way.

The main question is whether it is necessary to contact the designer or better do it all?

Usually the answer is: if you have expensive materials and in general, expensive repairs in a large apartment, then definitely contact the designer. If you are limited in everything and the apartment you have a small one, then it is better to do all the design work yourself: draw all the same working drawings and choose materials themselves.

You can find a designer who will look at your layouts and drawings and tell me for a reasonable fee. Be sure to convey your wishes and show the drawings by the engineer engineer: he will tell you where your desires are unreal.

2500 R.

for m² there is a normal interior designer in Moscow on our experience

The cost of the designer services in Moscow begins from 1000 rubles per square meter and flies into infinity. A good designer can be found for 2500 rubles per square - it's not much less than our entire budget for repairs in terms of meter. Therefore, we did everything themselves.


In Russia, we can conclude an agreement with a citizen of Tajikistan, if he has a residence permit, permission for temporary accommodation or a patent for work.

Each of these documents makes it possible to operate in Russia a certain period:

  • residence permit is 5 years;
  • temporary residence permit - 3 years;
  • a patent for work is bought by a limited period from month to year, it is possible to extend the patent without restrictions.

If there is no one of the documents - bad: a foreign citizen cannot work without these documents. A migrant who has no documents can be deported from the country, and all obligations and contract contract will not have legal force.

Our Proba has a residence permit, it can work in any region of Russia. RVP and patent make it possible to work only in the region in which issued.

We concluded an agreement with him, indicated the deadlines for the start and end of work, responsibility for the failure of the timelines and the delay in the payment of work, the terms of warranty service after the object of delivery.

Payment of repair in three stages

In the contract, we indicated the total cost of work and divided paid for three parts. We agreed that the money would be made after receiving each stage.

Engineer on Tehnadzor advised us to divide this: 30% + 30% + 40%. This motivates the workers to take a job on time. The draft stage of work must be carried out strictly according to the technology, alteration will cost expensive and will be in the cost of a new repair. The finishing stage in our case is very simple, no complex materials. Work is profitable to make quality draft work, not to spend time and effort to refine defects.

At the last stage laid a large amount. As a result, finishing finishes quickly and the workers received the final calculation.

They paid like this:

  1. The first stage, 20 days - 42 000 rubles.
  2. The second stage, 27 days - 42 000 rubles.
  3. The third stage, 14 days - 56,000 rubles.

How to cheat

In the last payment we laid risks: poor-quality repair, disruption of terms and other troubles, up to the disappearance of the contractor. The market for repair services has popular schemes of deception.

Workers get an advance and disappear. Therefore, work is paid in stages. The procedure for payment is prescribed in the contract, the detailed work plan indicates in the estimate, each stage is closed by acts of acceptance of work, pay the stage after signing the act. If defects are found, the builders eliminate them, the customer re-takes work and only after that pays for it. If the advance should still be listed, you need to document the transfer of money.

Workers take money to buy material and disappear. The customer can independently purchase all the materials on the list of the Proba. But to accelerate the process, the purchase of materials for the first stage is trusted by the Contractor. In this case, the workers buy materials at their own expense, deliver and unload on the facility. The customer checks the bought by commodity checks and returns money to the contractor. Separately stipulate the purchase of expensive materials, the contractor transmits the entire amount or the main part.

Workers perform the main part of the work, receive 80% of payment and disappear after the appearance of a third party in the reception. This happens if you connect the construction of the builder from the side, engineer or technical supervision specialist. The workers receive claims to the quality of the already executed and paid work, do not want to eliminate the shortcomings and disappear. So that this does not happen, the brigade warn that since the start of repair or at one stage, the third party will be monitored.

In the next article, I will tell you directly about the repair itself: how to make up the estimate, the materials are purchased, control the time and take work.


  1. The brigade is chosen by portfolio or reviews on the site of the masters. If you can see an object in work, evaluate live.
  2. If there is no time and desire to control the repair yourself, attract a technician specialist. He helps to choose a contractor, interviews, takes communication with the builders for himself, controls the steps and comes to the object two or three times a week. Engineer attracts one-time or full repair cycle.
  3. To conclude an agreement with a foreigner, check the documents. The migrant should have a residence permit, permission to a temporary stay or patent. If a contractor has a RVP or patent, check the region: the contractor has the right to work in the region where Patent or RVP was issued.
  4. To reduce the cost of work, choose contractors with low qualifications, ask a discount to work, remove disassembly from the estimation or take part of work on themselves.
  5. Payment of work is divided into stages so that most of the work takes place to complete work.

The most unpleasant repair, undoubtedly, is washing off the water-emulsion from the ceiling and removing old wallpaper. To facilitate this work, get old newspapers on the ceiling. When the glue will die, you can tear them together with the paint. At the wallpaper, attach a wet cloth, bring it down with a hot iron: wallpapers will be removed from the wall with ribbons.

It is impossible to glue the wallpaper until the wall is clean from whitewashing and paint. Otherwise, the wallpaper will not fall on the wall. The wobbly seam will not be noticeable if you start glue the wallpaper from the window.

In order to smoothly flush the walls with a film, use a wooden stick, having passed the foam rubber on it. When sticking the film, smooth it with this foam rubber. It will repeat the irregularities of the wall and presses the wallpaper. To eliminate bubbles on ordinary wallpaper, you should try their slightly heated iron (naturally, when they are dry).

In order to do not see the traces of the brush when painting, it is necessary to apply the last layer of paint towards the window, the penultimate is across. On the wall, the last layer of paint must be applied from top to bottom.

When painting, the ceiling or top of the wall often jet paints flow along hand. In this case, you need to make a cap from the waterproof material and put it on the handle of the brush: it will collect dripping paint.

In order not to paint the window when painting the frames, attach the cardboard to the glass. Then you can safely paint all corners.

Big surfaces are preferably painted with roller. First, strokes are made crosswise, and then rubbish. Paints are applied with a thin layer several times. But before using the roller, it is necessary to cross all the bottlenecks with a brush.

So that the alabaster does not stick to the walls of the dishes, where he was kneaded, put a bag in it before breeding the mixture.

In the holes that found themselves in the walls you can invest the stationery buttons. If necessary, they can be found using a magnet.

If, performing cosmetic repairs, you decided to complete the finishing work on your own and paint the walls, you will have small tricks that use crafts when working with paint.

1. If you got a paint brush, in which the bristles do not hold well, fill the universal glue between the bristles (for example, the moment), and the brush will last for a long time.
2. In an open bank, it is very difficult to stir the stupid paint so as not to blur your hands and clothes. In the lid of the jars, make a small hole, insert the curved rod into this hole, fixed on the cartridge drill, and turn on the drill. One minute will be enough to stir the paint well and do not get dirty at the same time.
3. Bended from two sides a piece of wire, put on a bucket with glue or paint, will serve as a handset for a brush, and a rapid cleaner.
4. If oil paint remained in the bank, before closing the can and put it on storage, put the circle on the paint, cut out of thick paper on the paint, and pour the thin layer of machine oil - so the paint does not dry during storage and does not form on its surface film.
5. Apply a variety of interesting shades with white water-emulsion paint with the help of aniline dyes for fabric.
6. If the film was formed on the surface of the paint, it is not necessary to push it - it is only necessary to lower the old trap stock on into the paint, and it will be possible to calmly wrap a brush right through this stocking, the paint is completely used.
7. Stretching even the most inexperienced painter by the wall can stretch even the most inexperienced painting wall, if it uses a brush with a metal transverse rod and a ruler with a bevelled edge.
8. Passing in the corner or lying on the floor pipe is very difficult to completely paint with a brush. Take a piece of old Tsigayka and SHAVE SHOW MANAGE MANAGES FUR outwards, then dress her on her hand. Move such a mitten in the paint and paint the pipe, just spending your hand along it.
9. If you need to remove the old oil paint from the wall surface, swallow it through aluminum foil Iron before softening - then the paint can be easily read by cycles or spatula.
10. Two or three thin layers of paint are much stronger and smaller than one thick layer.
11. If you put the paint with a roller, start with several strokes crosswise, and then rub the paint.
12. The final layer of paint needs to be applied from top to bottom, otherwise traces of the brush will be noticeable.

Laying ceramic tiles do it yourself

When repaired in the bathroom and in the kitchen, one of the main steps is the change of tiles on the walls and on the floor. Now prices for tile laying specialists are approaching prices to the tile itself, so it makes sense to do everything yourself - with your own hands.
It should be started with the preparation of the surface on which the tile will be laid. First free the room from furniture, mirrors, plumbing. When the room is empty, you can start training. It does not matter whether it will be walls or gears, the surface must be solid and even.
In principle, you can put a new ceramic tile on the old one, but in this case the likelihood is the likely that the old glue will not withstand excess weight, and the whole tile will begin to crumble. In addition, several extra centimeters of the room area have not interfered with anyone.

1. With the help of a chisel and the hammer you need to remove the old tile, as well as the adhesive base under it. The main thing is to ensure that the surface becomes perfectly smooth. As soon as this step is made, you need to make sure that the overall bias of the surface does not exceed 4-5 mm. You need to check it with a level whose length should not be less than a meter. The slope of the walls can be checked using a plumb - ropes with a load attached at the end. If the slope in your room is more than the desired value - you need to get rid of it. To do this, use the primer. It is best to begin to apply it from the place where the nerve is maximum. Simply, it is impossible to apply a layer of two centimeters in a layer, otherwise it just does not dry.

2. When the surface is ready, you can proceed directly to the laying of the tile.
First you need to unpack a pre-prepared tile. Let's say a few words about how to choose the right ceramic tile: In addition to the desired color, pattern and size, you should choose a tile based on its wear resistance. For example, for the bathroom and stairs, for walls and floors it is desirable to buy different tiles - more about this in the article "How to choose a ceramic tile."
In addition to the tile itself, you still need to be glued and glue. It is best to use special dry building mixtures. You can find them in any store. Mixtures used for wet premises, outdoor work, etc. differ from each other.
Before laying, you need to prepare a glue solution (the instruction should be on the package). The solution should not be too liquid and too thick, that is, it should not be spread and slide along the wall, but at the same time, without much efforts to deform.
Typically lay the tile start from the walls, and from top to bottom. It is recommended to place the surface (for example, using stretched ropes) so that the tile ranks are smooth.

3. Next, it is necessary to apply adhesive solution on a small section of the wall surface or floor, it is recommended to use a toothed spatula.
After that, it should be carefully attached to the adhesive tile and, tapping the rubber image to align it. With the help of the level, it is possible to make sure that the tile lay smoothly. If the tile was too recessed into the solution, then it is necessary to carefully separate the tile and put it again by adding a little solution to it.
The main thing in laying ceramic tiles with your own hands is to constantly monitor the ranks to be even relative to the walls.
The gap between the tiles of the tile should not exceed 4 mm, but also should not be less than 2 mm.
Usually the difficulty represents laying of the neuropal parts of the tile. This is due to the fact that they first need to be prepared. Crop the tile is needed using a special tool - stoveturis.
It is recommended to plan the stacking so that the neuropal parts fall down the walls, along the edges of the floor, or in the future closed furniture objects.

4. After the entire tile is laid, you need to give it to dry. After drying, it is necessary to clean the surface from dust and adhesive solution, and the seams fill in the fugue (it is recommended to use a rubber spatula).

13 Apartment repair tips.

1. Removing old dowels. We advise you to leave old dowels in the wall, since in the process of their extraction, the hole from the dowel often becomes even more. If, for example, in close proximity you need to drill a new hole, then take a corkscrew, screw it into a dowel and thus remove it from the wall. Then the old hole is sealed with plaster.

2. Wool for walls
This trick is best manned with a rough surface.
The holes from the dowels are filled in instead of gypsum by a piece of cotton wool, and then covered with a layer of paint for walls.

3. Such a concept, as "Dowel does not hold," does not exist: it all depends on the right choice. For each wall offers a suitable dowel.
Detailed information can be obtained from a consultant in a construction store or on the company's website.

4. Quickly fill small cracks
Small cracks (whether there are cracks from stress in new buildings or manifestation of aging in older
Houses) you can quickly and easily fill the acrylic mass for sealing seams.
Acrylic has one advantage in the future can be coated. To align the mass, use a spatula or a finger moistened in the detergent.

6. Deep cracks leave open
Deep cracks deepen to brick masonry with a hammer and bit, then wetted (you can use a sponge) and only then filled with plates.

7. Gypsum Mass without lumps
The secret of mass without lumps lies in the mixing sequence of components. First water is poured, then the plaster is falling asleep.
Never on the contrary! In this case, the capacity is filled with water for approximately one-third, and then there is a slightly pypsum, while it does not turn into a smooth mass, covered with a layer of water. The mixture is left to stand for a while.
Then, with the help of a thin spatula, stirring the gypsum before obtaining the gravity mass.

8. Laying cable in the wall
Laying cable under the plaster is one of the most time-consuming and dirty work. Often, homemade masters are carried out with the help of hammer and chisels. Facilitate your task - use the stroke cutter with a dusty device. Such a tool can be rented in building stores.
This investment will pay off quickly, especially in the case of solid solid brickwork.

9. Comfortable strokezes
If you want to pave a channel under the cable in plaster or in a lightweight construction brick, it is best to use a small strokesome.
It is attached to a drill as an additional nozzle.

10. Observe the distance
Cable, plug and junction boxes are installed at a distance of 30 cm above the floor and 30 cm under the ceiling. Distance to doors and windows should be 15 cm
Switches should be located at an altitude of 105 cm.

11. Laying of the zektrocabel
You want to lay a cable in a past channel, but under hand there are no cable to fasten the cable? Purge the wall near the cable with small cloves crosswise, then close the canal with plaster. After drying the plaster, remove the nails and close the holes with plaster.

12. Cleaning of cracks
Stretch cracks caused by different construction materials, even after filling, may appear again. The output from this situation will be gluing a special self-adhesive adhesive tape for cracks based on the mesh.

13. Wall shockting without irregularities
Metal lighthouse strips, fixed perpendicular and in parallel, ensure uniform applying plastering solution.
Planks need to be put so that the plasterboard for applying plaster is good for them.

House without errors - tips on gold weight!

1. Height of kitchen furniture
According to the standard, the height of the kitchen database is 85 cm. Furniture customers often forget to make a "correction to growth." As a result, having received a set of lockers and working surfaces of a standard height, forced to either slouch, or pull out all the might up. If you, having a big height, bought finished furniture, you can put the lower lockers on the legs and decorate their bar. For cuisine in country style, the role of supports can perform conventional facing bricks with a beautiful finish. If the furniture is too high for you, you can cut her legs.

2. Does wash wings need?
A widespread error is a waiver of washing with a wing or from the second bowl: to save space. In the kitchen, where they are prepared for a large family, without a bulk multifunction shell can not do. On the wing - a peculiar continuation of the countertops - you can put hot utensils or putting the washed vegetables and fruits. The second bowl will allow you to wash at the same time large pans and fruits.

3. Retractable boxes instead of cabinets
Do not hurry to hang the shelves in the kitchen. Organize drawers: it will save space and streamline work. The space in the box is easy to divide into the sections and place any containers in them. Access to them will be convenient. Just push the box - and everything is like a palm. Internal partitions can be ordered separately or use conventional plastic containers.

4. Just and comfortable
Instead of handles on the doors, instead of the handles on the doors look unusually and aesthetically and fully correspond to the modern type of kitchen. But you can ... wave this seemingly simplicity, trying to open the door with wet hands or without removing the fusion. Exit is the "Click-Click" system, which allows you to turn out the doors even elbow. This system will satisfy even the most cautious owners of kitchen furniture and will minimize the space of any kitchen.

5. An indelible mark
Steel fronts of furniture, tile and refrigerator are fashionable and elegant and especially popular among young couples. However, even clean palms are left on such a surface of traces. And it makes the harder mistress regularly wipe and flush shiny items. Solutions of the problem Two: Purchase poly rays for stainless steel, which are not only removed from such surfaces of pollution, but also prevent, or steel technique of leading manufacturers treated with a special protective coating.

6. Cozy corner
The desire to create comfort in the kitchen should not lead to deplorable results. Walls or their fragments, upholstered with fabrics, look great, but quickly accumulate unpleasant odors and dirt.

Cute for the eyes and souls of the effect of warm rooms can be achieved using the wallpaper imitating matter. Of course, the kitchen is most suitable.

7. What refrigerator is convenient?
Home appliances stores offer a huge selection of refrigerators. Economic energy consumption, beautiful front, comfortable freezer and suitable price - important purchase terms. But imagine: the layout will need to move the refrigerator - it will take to change the loops so that the door opens up the other side, and it turns out that it is impossible. So think about it still in the store. The equipment of the refrigerator must correspond to the composition of the family and the image of her life. External design is important, but also important internal device.

8. Do not interfer each other
The absence of partitions between the living room, the hallway and the kitchen makes the room light and spacious, but less comfortable. If there is a TV in the guest area, the cutlets are frying in the kitchen, and children play nearby, then the noise interferes with absolutely everyone. Yes, and the sounds from the staircase will be heard throughout the apartment, and not only in the hallway.

Install the entrance doors with high sound insulation, as well as rebound the room. The last reception is possible, even if I do not want to lose the desired space. Use movable or translucent shots or partitions. Install the seaspless of the incomplete height or open on both sides of the shelf. Also help sliding or folding doors in full width of the room.

Visiting paint: the problem of choice

Deciding on the cardinal change of style or is intended to simply update and engrave the premises, trust the paints. The main advantages of staining are versatility, simplicity and accessibility. However, there are some subtleties here, the knowledge of which will help you in the choice of paint, painting will make a pleasant process, and the paint coating is beautiful and durable.

So that intuition did not replace information

Before making a choice, you should know that all modern paint materials (LKM) for internal works are mainly divided into two large groups: water-based paints and solvent paints.

The solvent paints have a good water-repellent ability, the coating formed by them is easily washed with household means. These paints are used mainly for surfaces with severe operating conditions, good for wood and metal. Resistance to the effects of external factors in alkyd paints is higher than that of water-soluble, but alkyd paints are not too useful for health and the environment (remember the smell of solvent).

Water-based paints - the optimal choice for internal works. In addition, they have several advantages. Most of them are environmentally safe, since they do not distinguish harmful substances by applying or during the operation of the coating. They have the ability to "breathe" - the surface is permeable for air and vapor, but does not let the fluid. Another of their significant dignity is fireproof. As for the convenience of work, here in paints out of competition: do not flow, random contamination is easily removed with a damp cloth, the tool is cleaned by conventional water.

Very often, during the repair of its forces, there are situations over which you have to break your head. Or after some time, unpleasant moments appear after repair.

Sequence of work

When repaired, it is very important to comply with a certain sequence so that later it does not have to redo everything.

If you plan to change the floor, and grinding works are assumed, then it should be done first, before decoration of the walls and the ceiling. If the floor is made from laminate or finished boards, then this is done after decoration of the walls and the ceiling.

If you plan to change the doors, then you need to do after the floor, because the doors may not open.

A lot of dust and garbage is obtained when changing windows. This work is also better to do first. If you plan to replace the wiring, then it is also done before the start of finishing works.

Also primarily work on the replacement of plumbing and heating.

Finishing work

So that the white glossy enamel after painting is not a jewel - before starting the color, add to the can with an ink paint from the ordinary handle. At 1 kg. Enamel is enough single rod. Enamel will retain white color for 3-4 years.

If suddenly soon after repair, the wallpaper is beginning to move away from the walls, and the glue is left, it will help the usual market soap. It needs to be soaked in water so that soap softening, moisten the inner surface of the wallpaper with a damp cloth, rinse with soap and press the wall well.

After repair in the apartment, the smell of alcohol, varnish, paint and not weathered, is also not scary. You need to take a bucket, pour water, add ice and 10 g. Summer alcohol. If there are several rooms, then put buckets in each room.

Remove all windows and doors and leave for the night. In the morning, odor did not happen. When removing the old whitewash, a lot of dust is formed. To avoid this, the surface must be pre-wrapped with a leaky.

Before glue, it is necessary to clean the walls thoroughly, otherwise the wallpaper simply will not stick. To remove old wallpapers, they need to be saved with old newspapers, let it dry and then, when removing, they pull the old ones. A frequent problem when painting surfaces is traces from the brush. In order for them to avoid, the penultimate layer is placed across, but the last along the surface. When painting the ceiling, the last layer is placed in the direction from the window, and on the walls vertically. Large planes are better painted with roller, and in front of it, to cross the brush all the corners and joints.

Paint must be thoroughly rubbed over the surface, otherwise it is inevitably formed. It is better to put 2-3 thin layers than one thick. When packed and coloring ceilings and upper parts of walls, paint is often poured on hand. To do this, you can wear a cap from the bottom of the plastic bottle or rubber on the handset, and the paint will be stroke there.

If the hairs can get out of the tassels, they can be strengthened with a superclone, and the tassel will last for a long time.

When cooking alabaste solution in the bucket, it quickly collapsing and sticks to the walls of the bucket. Insert the polyethylene package in the bucket and the bucket will be clean. If you add a bit into the water for Alabaster, the alcohol, the alabaster will be softer and elastic.

More trick repair - Visual

In addition to purely construction work, it is necessary to use so-called visual effects. With the help of the right finish, you can achieve an increase or decrease in space, increase or decrease its height. The general rule of bright colors make the room more, but dark smaller.

Speakingly lift the ceiling. If you make it light, or use the wallpaper with a vertical pattern. And if on the contrary, it is necessary to reduce the height, then here you can use the wallpaper with a transverse pattern or make stretch ceilings.

The darkest wall of the room should be saved with lighter wallpaper, and the room will be lighter.

When laying tiles, some nuances should be taken into account. Due to the color and size of the tile, the method of its laying can be achieved by resizing the room.

Clear Apartment Repair Tips: Art-Therapeutic Section (Spray Works)

  1. Of course, you know that before painting it is necessary to close everything that should not be subjected to her.

The smallest places are plinth, all sorts of pipes and other complex forms. You will avoid these troubles, if we pin down the whole relief of old wet newspapers. The newspaper will dry, exactly repeating the form and will not leave the chance for penetration of paint.

  1. Another attack is constantly falling bristles from the brushes.

And here they come to the rescue folk tips on repair. Place your brush for 1 hour in water before painting. The bristle will wake up and will not disturb you anymore. Her boring perseverance is dissolved in the water!

  1. But generally stunning in its simplicity, but very necessary trick.

Put the usual foil to the bottom of the paint tray, and you do not have to miss and tray every time, and your hands from the next portion of this terribly adultery.

  1. Working with paint although not dusty, but fraught with difficulty laundering consequences.

Especially unpleasant drops or splashes of excess paints at the moment when you pass a brush from the bank to the target.

Homemade craftsmen, sharing secrets of repair, advise to pull the usual lounge rope on the can with paint. Remove yourself calmly all the excess painting liquid about it.

Brilliant! And just!

And for a snack about painting works.

  1. If the film was formed on the surface of the paint, do not blow on it, like hot milk. And do not fix!

Why suffer? Invite the lady of your heart for a candle dinner, and then use it stocking. Asking permission, of course!

Immerse a part of the categorous stocking into a jar with paint and make a paint brush right through it. The paint will be used completely, and you will forget about the film. The stocking is not necessary to wash and give the hostess.

  1. About windows and doors

Before painting the frames and doors, they must be washed. And so that after painting it is easy to remove stains, wipe the glasses with a bulk cut in half or a cloth moistened in vinegar. Let the smell do not confuse you. You will later tell you thanks when the paint can be easily removed from the glass.

  1. About wallpaper

Now imagine that you have shone children's wallpapers. So they tried to create comfort and beauty for your child, and then attack - bubble. So often happens.

Do not despair!

Arrange the usual syringe with glue. Head the needle, squeeze a little glue and smooth the wallpaper spatula. Everything, the enemy is defeated!

  1. About nails

Without soap, as popular craftsmen say, they don't even drink nails. It turns out if you need to score a nail into sufficiently solid wood, spread it with soap or oil. And you will distort a really kind word and repair tips, and everyone who shares them. We hope, of course, that we will fall into the number of recent!

  1. About the ceiling and wallpaper roller

On the ceiling glue the wallpaper hard. To do this, a large roller is suitable on a long handle. Well, if you have only small?

Do not grab the head into the store. Take a cardboard roll from paper towels, do a hole in it, insert a long stick there and climb all this design with scotch. Yes, this roller will not spin, but you do not need it in this case. The hand will not fall off, and this is the main thing!

  1. About tiles

But, for example, in order to prevent unnecessary splits and breakdowns of the tile, hold it 45 in the water. In the bathroom or in a large pelvis. After such a "swim", the tile will be easier to cut and it will not break.

Well, for a snack in this block of repair tricks →

  1. Try to play the Terminator!

Yes, what does an American superhero to the councils of repair? And the most direct.

Find a magnetic bracelet, put it on your hand. And then no iron trifle will hide from your magnetic hand.


We conclude

Of course, the complex design and repair of apartments is better to trust professionals. But even in front of them, you can safely attend one of the repair councils that have just read.

We do not apply for our brief instruction.

Yes, and cover all existing folk tricks and tricks is simply impossible. But we hope that you could tell you something new and useful.

Roman wide

Reading time: 5 minutes


Repair of the apartment is a painstaking process that requires accounting for all sorts of trifles. We are talking about a thoromal action plan, counting estimates, choosing materials, tools and inventory, without which the repair is impossible. Therefore, the question is where to start repairing the apartment with your own hands, relevant.

You can instruct the task to the master or brigade of repairmen. As a result, questions will decide without your participation. In an effort to save, people make repairs in a new building or secondary on their own. If you are thinking to save, housing repair advice will be useful.

Step-by-step action plan

I will not delve into every little thing, otherwise the discussion will delay. Instead, focusing on the main councils. After reading the material, you will find out where to start repair, so that it is faster, because success depends on the correct sequence of actions.

  • Make a repair plan . Will be the basis for further actions. Think in what premises, and what character needs to be needed. Repair may be capital or cosmetic. The first type provides for alignment of walls and ceilings, redevelopment, flooring, and the second is reduced to replacing the finish.
  • Clean the estimate . Repair is accompanied by material costs, so the estimate is the first after planning, which is recommended to do. Calculating the costs, get the amount that will need to be repaired. It depends on the type and quality of building materials. The value of costs is determined by the result that you want to get.
  • Choose inventory and materials . If there is no confidence in the wizards repairing apartments and plan to do everything yourself, army with a set of spatulas, sandpaper, hammer, rollers and other construction devices. Buy stucco, putty and primer.
  • Prepare the premises . Remove the shelves, chandeliers and lamps, end the furniture, whether it is a sofa or wall. If there is no such possibility, leave furniture items on the side and cover with tarpaulom, film or matter.
  • Doors and openings . If the repair is scheduled in one room, interior doors and openings close using wet rags. As a result, the dust will not penetrate the space.
  • Working with the ceiling and walls . From the surface, remove the old finish: paint, blotch, wallpaper. With the help of emery and spatula, it is easy. Work with the use of protective agents, including glasses and respirator. If you have difficulty with removing wallpaper, wet warm water.
  • Spatula and hammer . To remove irregularities, paints and tubercles, use a spatula and hammer. The painted surface is cut down by a hammer and clean the spatula. In the event of difficulties, paint is treated with solvent. To remove whitewash, use a spatula and water.
  • Primer . After removing the old finish, the surface is treated with primer. After drying, potholes and deep gaps close up plaster. A putty is suitable for the elimination of small grooves. After drying, the surface is cleaned with sandpaper and again pass the primer.

Video instructions

With the help of the instruction, you can easily prepare housing to other repair and finishing works that interior transform. If you intend to use the services of the repair brigade, I recommend to complete the preparatory stage yourself to save a round sum.

Where to start repair in a new building

People who have become happy apartment owners in a new building face a problem due to the need to make repairs. It is recommended to carry out repairs in the new housing, taking into account the various factors that are not known to everyone.

If you plan to put a new accommodation in order, I do not recommend using expensive materials for finishing apartments. For several years, the structure is prone to shrinkage, as a result, finishing materials are deformed and covered by cracks. By doing repairs, get ready for this issue in a few years.

Repair of the apartment in the new building depends on the structure of the building. In monolithic houses of apartments with a free layout, represented by free space, limited by externally walls. The arrangement of such housing is complex and is large-scale, since during repair it is necessary to act in accordance with the construction norms.

Rules are prohibited to equip closed loggias with a heating system, dismantle the ventilation channels or to transfer the sewer riser without negotiation in the relevant authorities.

You can purchase accommodation in the panel house. The developers take apartments to operation with partitions and a tie, which facilitate repairs. In some cases, the apartments are equipped with wiring, pipe wiring and rough finish. If you do not plan to dismantle everything, repair work yourself.

Holding the living area in the panel house, consider that the building's shrinkage takes place at least two years. Therefore, be sure to rein the walls using the grid. I do not recommend at first repairs to put the tile. Better use plastic panels. Ceilings and walls in such apartments at first are covered by cracks.

Stages of repair

Let's talk about the steps of repair in the new building. There is nothing complicated in this if there are certain skills and skills. Otherwise, the housing arrangement instruct professionals.

  1. Question with planning . If you want the apartment to be comfortable and original, at the initial stage, demolish unnecessary partitions and take new walls at discretion. For this purpose, plasterboard sheets are used.
  2. Sequence of work in a new building . Depends on the level of staffing. If the accommodation has sewage, plumbing and wiring, it simplifies work. If the apartment is deprived of these things, use the wizard services that will install.
  3. Screed . The standard screed leaves much to be desired, I do not advise you to leave it, since problems will arise in the process of laying outdoor coverage. To begin with, align the floors, and then cover the plastic composition. To organize floors, use a parquet board or tile.
  4. Sound insulation in new building . If you do not want to hear the conversations of the neighbors, take care of the sound insulation of the apartment, paying attention to the ceilings and walls.
  5. Alignment of walls . Swipe plaster works, and then apply the finishing material. During the choice of building materials, take into account the shrinkage. Professionals are advised to use silkographic wallpaper to finish the walls. They are characterized by a high density hiding small cracks.
  6. Ceiling design . For this purpose, stretch ceilings made of fabric or plastic, which are not deformed and are not covered by cracks. To get the original design, complete the drywall finish.
  7. Doors . Install the last place. The exception of only the window and the entrance door are mounted which at the initial stage. The rules for the choice and installation of doors for the new building is not. Buy the product at discretion.

Video advice

Now you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to start repair at home. The sequence of work is known. Interior and style choose with thematic forums or magazines.

How to save

In conclusion, I will tell about savings. After the preliminary calculations, a terrifying amount will turn out, but this is not a reason for experiences. Such is the cost of living in a comfortable, cozy and renovated apartment. From any situation there is an output. Instead of burning nervous cells in vain, think how to save. With the right approach, save a decent part of the money.

Use cheaper construction and finishing materials.. There are many solutions on the market offering an acceptable price and quality ratio.

Save on the equipment. Just save on plumbing, electrician, ventilation and heating I do not advise. By installing low-quality instruments, spend money on repair or purchase replacement.

With limited budget repair make yourself. If there is no time, look in a brigade of repairmen who do not chase for great profit and do not overestimate the cost of services.

To save, follow the following rules.

  • Before repairs, call stores and make a list of outlets that offer building materials at competitive prices.
  • Buy materials on ads. Usually, with their help, the materials that remained after the repair, which affects the cost.
  • For painting window frames, doors and elements of the heating system, use the usual paint. The use of expensive paints and varnishes will not provide the best effect.
  • To finish floors in the kitchen, use the tile in the toilet and the bathroom. At first glance it will seem that it is expensive. But if you consider that even high-quality linoleum will lose its original appearance in a few years, the costs will pay off.
  • To put the walls before finishing with wallpaper, use a gypsum putty. It will not provide such a smooth surface as an acrylic putty, but with such an finishing decoration it is not required, the wallpaper will hide small disadvantages.
  • People trying to make the interior of the apartment perfect, buy expensive borders. Instead, buy a roll of striped wallpaper and dissolve on separate strips. As a result, the border will turn out.
  • Do not dismount the wallpaper for painting. They are more expensive than a paper counterpart, but wider and longer. And after a few years, the interior of the room can be changed using the paint of another color. Clear can be glued through home braes.
  • When placing a children's room, do not use wallpapers with animals and characters from cartoons. This is an expensive pleasure from which the eyes get tired. Take advantage of the "fabulous wallpaper" roll, complemented by a cheap one-photon accompaniment of a pastel shade.
  • Super!

Each gas equipment that includes and gas meters has its own period of operation. Most often, the duration of this period is from 8 to 12 years. Thus, the service life of the counters installed about 10 years ago has already expired, and they need to be replaced. But there is an option when the replacement of the gas meter is not obligatory, it is enough to remove and give an old device to check the laboratory, where the verdict will be made about the possibility of its further use. Usually checking the old counter takes no more than three weeks. And payment for gas consumed during the verification period will be charged according to the heated area.

You need to notify in advance about the date and time of replacing the counter of the one who will fulfill the services, and insist on its mandatory presence with this procedure. The Contractor's control is necessary to write off the readings of the removed and installed gas meters, as well as for further sealing the installed device. The presence of the controller when replacing the gas meter will also eliminate any possibility of controversial issues related to the readings of removed equipment, its health care, as well as the integrity of the seal at the time of its removal.
Sealing a new gas meter is carried out immediately, or no later than 5 working days, the employee performs this service must send his representative to install the seal. Only after that payment for gas will be made according to the instrument indications.

Technical conditions Installation of the gas flow meter The basic requirements for the pipe supply and the placement of the device can be found in the picture. Special problems with the installation, as a rule, does not occur. To perform work on connecting the device itself to the pipe, it will be necessary to apply to the subscriber and operational departments of Gorgaz with the application of copies and the originals of documents:

  1. Passport;
  2. Project installation of the meter in housing indicating gas consumption points;
  3. Technical passport on the device, certificate;
  4. Contract for maintenance and performance of work.

Tip! Ask in the operational department in advance which counter is better to buy and how faster it is feared after installation.

For household purposes, membrane and rotary systems are used. The meter class is chosen depending on the amount of gas consumed.

Replacing the gas meter, rules and features

After that, he needs to take all the necessary documents (act on the maintenance of installation work, contract and act on the commissioning of the device).

  • After that, it is necessary to contact the management company with a statement and the necessary papers for sealing the counter. This procedure is carried out within 3 working days. If the Criminal Code violated the timely deadlines, a citizen may complain about the housing inspection.
  • Important! Such procedures should be engaged only by organizations with the relevant license.
    Appeal to a private specialist is unacceptable. On the video about choosing a gas meter. Conclusion The timely replacement of measuring instruments is beneficial first for the owner itself.

For example, the G4 gas meter can connect two consumption points with the volume of "eaten" gas to 4 cubes per hour. The G6 gas meter can be "hanging" two consumers with a flow rate of 6 to 10 gas cubes. It will not be superfluous to check the service life of the gas meter, most often it does not exceed 30 years.

Replacing the gas meter at a certain time, every 5-10 years, depending on the model and requirements of the State Standard, the flow meter must be sent to verification. The essence of this procedure is similar to the inspection of the electric meter or water meter. Issues related to the conduct of verification are settled in Law No. 102-FZ.

Responsibility to follow the timely conduct of the instrument verification, as well as to replace the gas meter in the event of its breakdown, is assigned to the gas consumer and at its expense. If you do not make it before the end of the intermediate interval, it will identify and force the Morgaz inspector.

Gas meter: installation, replacement, calibration

Law on the replacement of gas meters

Law on replacing the gas meters replacement of the gas meter in private homes necessary measures to replace gas equipment:

  1. Project documentation that can be ordered in a specialized company.
  2. After consulting a gas supplying organization, the owner is obliged to independently acquire a meter of a certain brand, as well as pay for services for the design of its installation.
  3. Payment for dismantling work of previous equipment.

How much is the installation cost installation of a gas accounting device varies within 900-3000 rubles, depending on:

  • the complexity of the work performed;
  • type of work;
  • stamps of the counter;
  • places of its installation (apartment or private house).

And what will happen if the counter is not changed, will gas be more expensive without this device? Read: Gas tariffs for the Russian Federation; Board with a counter and without.

Do I need to pay for the replacement of the counter?

On average, the country's replacement cost is within 3-4 thousand rubles. The list of necessary documents for submitting an application to order the installation of a new meter, it is necessary to provide the following list of documents:

  • passport of the owner of the house (in his absence it is permissible to use another document identifying a person);
  • tEM.Pasport Counter;
  • documents confirming the rights to real estate (contract for purchase / sale, a house book, etc.);
  • if the applicant takes off housing, the lease agreement is provided;
  • technical plan of the building;
  • statement (permissible written compilation in free form);
  • approved project gasification project.

Important: The application necessarily indicates all the characteristics of the device (factory number, model, etc.).

Rules for replacing a gas meter in a private house in 2017

But for legal replacement, the owner of a broken counter must be applied to a specialist in this field and submit a replacement application (this is usually free of charge, but with the same nuances as when free installation). The client pays only the cost of dismantling and equipment, which is already doing this process is not completely free. Before replacing the replacement, you must execute the plan and fill out the relevant documents.


In case of debt, pay the debt so that the amount on the account is zero. Before turning on the device, the last testimony is recorded on the old meters. Dump the old counter and grasp the new must exclusively master who will bring these actions to his magazine.

Gori fire

It is not necessary to give the entire amount immediately, you can pay in installments within 5 years in the framework of the monthly payments for gas. However, gas supply companies did not cope with the task. "In a significant part of the organizations, funds necessary to finance work on installing counters and the provision of installments are absent," the explanatory note is stated. Another nuance is that in Russia there is still no necessary number of accounting devices, production does not cope.
At the moment, it was possible to install 185 thousand gas meters, in the queue more than 800 thousand houses. "Russians received an extra time in order to voluntarily decide on connecting accounting devices," Alexander Kozlov explained.

Gas meter replacement law

Federation exercises on the basis of the testimony of gas meters, electricity and water. Any measuring equipment has its own determined service life, after which it must be replaced. In addition, in some cases, when after the next calibration, the device is declared unsuitable, and a new one is also installed instead. Replacing the gas meter is made according to such rules, and is carried out according to the established procedure. The replacement grounds and the need for an operation according to the Government Decree No. 824 dated September 19, 2013 Replacing the gas meter can be carried out for the following reasons:

  • After the expiration of the service (operation) of the device;
  • In the event that the counter has not passed the calibration.

One of the main issues that exciting our citizens is to pay for the calibration or replacement of the gas meter.

New Law on the Replacement Gas Counter

  • Free replacement of gas meters: myth or reality
  • Replacing the gas meter: for whose account
  • Installing gas meters: the law makes amendments
  • The procedure for replacing the gas meter in a private house
  • Terms of gas meter replacement and basic rules
  • Bases and procedure for replacing the gas meter
  • Replacing the gas meter
  • Gas meter replacement law
  • Law on the replacement of gas meters for free
  • Law on the replacement of gas meters Ukraine
  • Law on the replacement of gas meters

Free replacement of gas meters: a myth or reality. The new federal law has already come, which was reported by the State Committee. Based on this amendment and the new bill, the life of gas consumers is slightly facilitated by gas plates.