How to find out a debt for a home phone. How to find out the new personal account number of Rostelecom

MTS is the main Russian private operator of telecommunication services. The company is one of the so-called big three and is the fastest growing among all competitors. Best Rates, reliable connection anywhere in Russia and high level service, made the company the most demanded, among other mobile operators.

Mobile communication, as well as Internet access and other services are provided in the absence of debt from the subscriber, that is, with a positive balance. If you have a debt, then communication services will be suspended until it is fully repaid.

It is easy to find out the debt on MTS and this can be done in several ways. Let's take a look at each of them so you can choose the one that suits you best. convenient way.

Everyone knows such problems when you urgently need to call or go online, but nothing happens due to the fact that all services are disabled by the operator. There are many situations and sometimes a working phone becomes extremely important. Do not allow the formation of debt on the MTS and you will not experience any difficulties. All you need to do is periodically check the balance and if it approaches zero, replenish the MTS account.

You can find out the debt on MTS in the following ways:

Using USSD command

1 The most convenient and effective way is to send USSD request from your phone number using the following command: *100# + Call. By typing the command, your phone will display the balance of your personal MTS account.

In some cases, instead of being displayed on the screen, you will receive a message from a short number, where the balance will be indicated. Now you can easily check your MTS debt using your phone.

By calling the call center

2 You can find out the debt on MTS by calling call center companies. If you have a mobile phone at hand, then dial 0890 and follow the voice assistant.

You can also use the hotline - 8 800 250-08-90 . Absolutely all calls to these numbers are free and can be made if there is a debt (negative balance).

The main disadvantage of this method is long time expectations. With a heavy load, there is a possibility of a long wait for an operator's response. On the other hand, you will be able to figure out the reasons for debt and incorrect write-offs by MTS. If the formation of a negative balance was not your fault, you will immediately return the money to your account.

Through the personal account of MTS

3 Also, you can get information about MTS debt in personal account. To do this, you need to go to the site, click on the ENTER button and select "Mobile communications".

In the opened window personal account, you will see your MTS balance.

At the office or sales department of MTS

4 The most time-consuming, but sometimes very good way is to visit the nearest MTS office and find out about the debt from the employee. To obtain the necessary information, you will need to present a passport or other certifying document. In a relaxed atmosphere, a specialist will answer all your questions in detail and politely.

Through the mobile application My MTS

5 U mobile operator MTS is mobile app through which you can keep track of your personal account, keep abreast of expenses, connect and disconnect services, subscriptions, tariffs, etc.

The application is called My MTS, it can be downloaded from the AppStore for Iphone, or from Google Play for android.

I have an iPhone, so I:

  1. I go to the AppStore.
  2. In the search bar I type the request - My MTS and press the search button.
  3. The application was found, proceed to download.
  4. After installation, launch the application and click the "Login" button.

And so, we have a phone number, the password came via SMS. We enter all these data and successfully log in. Inside your personal account, you will see the balance of the MTS personal account.

Usually telephone and Internet connection disappears at the wrong time, and not so often the reason for this is a malfunction on the line. There are frequent cases when the subscriber himself simply forgets to pay for these services on time and when an impressive debt is formed, they are turned off. To prevent this from happening, it is important to keep all payments under control and not be late with payment. If this nevertheless happened, it is equally important to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to find out the debt by telephone from Rostelecom. This will be discussed a little below.

Here are the main ways to do it:

  1. Visit to Rostelecom office.
  2. Sberbank ATM.
  3. Visit to the nearest post office.


A quick and easy way to find out how much you owe. To call there, use mobile phone and one of two toll-free numbers: 8-800-100-0800 or 8-800-181-1830. After connecting, you will find yourself in the voice menu, where you will be asked to select the information of interest and press the number corresponding to it. Usually this is a deuce - information about the state of personal accounts is attached to it. Click it, and the operator will call you back shortly.

To save time in a conversation with the operator, prepare in advance the information that he may need - your personal account number, address and phone number.

Personal Area

A great way for those who normally navigate the Internet and want to control all their accounts and connected services without leaving home.

If you are already registered in your Rostelecom personal account, then to check the account balance, you just need to log in there, select the connected service (home phone or Internet), and all the information will be displayed in the window that opens, including the account status.

If there is a debt, the amount will be displayed with a minus sign. In the same place, below, the “pay” function is provided, which will allow you to immediately eliminate the debt.

A huge plus of a personal account is that you can go there even with a negative balance.


In order not to look for information about the balance every time, you can subscribe to the newsletter from Rostelecom. Once a month for your email will receive letters with payment notifications, details and data on the state of the account. The service is absolutely free.

Visit to Rostelecom office

Also as an option, especially for those who do not have a personal account or who live near the service center. A competent employee will gladly and clearly provide you with all the necessary information about the state of the account and help you pay off the debt.

It is the one for whom the contract for the provision of communication services (Internet or home phone) has been issued that must go to the Rostelecom office. If you are going to visit it, do not forget your identity document.

Sberbank ATM

A fairly simple way to find out the debt by phone by Rostelecom and immediately pay it off. To find out about the debt, go to the ATM menu in the "payments" section and enter the account number or home phone. After that, the information you are interested in will be displayed on the screen.

Post office

This method is only suitable for finding out the debt on the home phone. It will not work to find out or pay the debt for Internet services.

Visit the nearest post office, taking with you the phone number, account or agreement, and call it to the operator. He will check it in the system and report on the status of the account. There you can also pay the resulting debt.

These were the most comfortable simple ways find out the debt on phone Rostelecom from which you can choose the most suitable for you.

It is quite easy to carry out a debt check by phone by Rostelecom. The company in some regions does not send an invoice for paying for home telephony, which is why customers experience certain difficulties. With paper receipts, paying this bill is not a problem. In cases where the receipt does not come in writing, then you can simply forget about the payment, which can happen to every client. Therefore, if the funds on the account balance run out, the provider is authorized to restrict access to services.

This happens almost instantly, as specified in the contract. It may happen that the service becomes unavailable at the most inopportune moment. It is worth noting that home connection often used by the elderly. They are hard enough to use. modern technologies to check the balance. However, everyone should know how to find out the debt by phone by Rostelecom. There are several options that provide the ability to check the balance of your home phone. Therefore, each person is able to choose the method that is most suitable for him.

Find out the amount of your debt

The easiest way to contact a company specialist is by phone 8-800-100-08-00 by finding out on the site the number of support for Rostelecom subscribers. Employees of the company can report the exact amount. To do this, they will need information about the personal account provided to you. Also, it is easy to check your balance by entering your home phone number. There is a special number that allows you to find out the balance automatically. Such a procedure will take no more time than communication with a specialist. In addition, by communicating with employees, you can get acquainted with the tariffs, as well as existing services.

If communication with the manager via phone is not possible, then you can get acquainted with the balance through personal account, which has a wide range of menu options. In this service, you can get acquainted with your debt by home telephony. Also, this section of the site provides an opportunity to pay off your debt on the account. The service aims to introduce existing conditions provided communication services.

In the section, you can change your tariff by setting a more suitable one. In addition, there is the possibility of managing additional functions. It should be remembered that the personal account works with a negative balance. This allows you to connect support for your mail, which will receive information and invoices. This service is especially user-friendly.

We find out the debt for Rostelecom's home phone

However, not every pensioner knows how to find out the debt for Rostelecom's home phone without leaving the apartment. For some clients, it will be preferable to visit the company's office. Employees of Rostelecom can tell you the amount of the debt. Such a procedure will not take much time, since Rostelecom managers work quite quickly. At the office, you can clarify information about the connected services, for which you will need to provide a passport. This measure eliminates the possibility of a scam. Communication with the manager personally turns out to be very informative, it allows you to learn about the additional opportunities provided. Today, Rostelecom has offices in almost all cities, which makes it easier to communicate with employees.

Despite the abundance of mobile operators, Rostelecom remains a monopoly in the field of fixed telephony

Note that communication providers offer connection paid services. If you do not want to study the detailed conditions for the provision of the service, the client, again, runs the risk of being on the list of non-payers. The standard situation here is the accumulation of arrears for using a convenient, but paid service, about the cost of which citizens do not know.

Thus, the prerequisites for the emergence of debt are the inattention and carelessness of Russians in economic matters. In order not to become an unwitting victim of such circumstances, it is appropriate to study ways to find out the debt for a Rostelecom phone - after all, with a critical amount of non-payment, the company has the right to transfer the debt or resolve issues with debtors in court.

Verification options

Now let's look at the nuances of how to find out the debt by Rostelecom's landline phone, since such an identifier becomes a convenient means of control for older citizens. Keep in mind that the company offers customers there are only two ways to get the information you need, and the second way here is the subscriber's personal account. As for the type of control, here it will be possible to obtain information through personal contact or remotely.

The company offers customers several options for clarifying the amount of debt

Unfortunately, checking the debt by Rostelecom phone number is not available on the Internet.. The criteria for searching for such information in the user's personal account provide for the entry of the subscriber's personal name. However, other methods are available here, which also deserve the attention of Russians. These methods are characterized by certain positive and negative features, so the choice of the subscriber here is determined by personal convenience and commitment.

It will be possible to check the debt by Rostelecom's phone number by calling hotline organizations, at Sberbank of Russia ATMs, at a postal branch or provider's office.

To understand the nuances of these methods, let us consider in more detail the probable methods of control. Remember, some options involve the provision of additional information to the operator - the client's passport or address. For these reasons, it is appropriate for users to familiarize themselves with the conditions for obtaining such information in advance.

Use of payment machines

This the way is fine debit card holders. Here additional benefits there are chances of instant repayment of the accrued amount and the speed of obtaining information. In addition, ATMs of this financial organization are easy to find in Russian settlements.

Sberbank customers check the status of their account at an ATM or via Internet banking

Note that customers of this bank will be able to use the online service. To do this, you will need to register a personal account in the Sberbank-Online system. True, in this situation, the subscriber's identifier is not the phone number, but the client's personal account.

Communication by phone

Consider another remote way to find out the payment arrears by phone number in Rostelecom. In this case, information can be obtained after calling the line " 8 800 100 0800 ' to contact the operator, or ' 8 800 181 1830 » to independently clarify the amount. Moreover, calls to both numbers are free, and you can contact the provider from a landline or mobile phone.

A simple and familiar way for citizens is to call the company's hotline

Note that when dialing a number in the second case, you will need to change the settings and transfer the device to tone mode. If the subscriber plans to use automatic prompts, it is appropriate to select the "Information about payments" function in the menu. The desire to communicate with the operator needs to press the "Consultation" button.

Note! Big number applications and congestion of the line is the result of a long wait for a response. Here the client loses up to half an hour until he finds out the necessary information.

Another disadvantage of this method, the Russians call the provision of incomplete information if the request is sent to automatic mode. Detailed transcript cash flow can be obtained from the consultant, but even here errors cannot be ruled out. Accordingly, the receipt of false information provokes an increase in arrears and further problems.

The disadvantage of this method is a long wait for a connection with the operator

Remember, when communicating with the operator, an employee of the company has the right to clarify the identity of the client. For this reason, in addition to the telephone number, you will probably need to indicate the number of the contract or the user's account. Consider this nuance. By the way, this practice is also used by other communication providers: MTS, Beeline,.

A trip to the structure's office

This option is convenient for people who have received notices of arrears and do not understand how such an amount appears. In addition, it is appropriate to contact here to resolve payment issues - registration. Note that company employees provide information on the amount of debt if the client confirms his identity presenting a passport and says a phone number.

You can find out the amount of the delay and resolve related issues at the office of the organization

Given the need to travel to the nearest office and waiting at the information window in line, the method involves significant costs time . However, the advantage such a choice becomes the clarification of reliable and accurate information and the chance of obtaining details of transactions on the account. Although there is a way to reduce time losses.

Study the work schedule of the selected branch in advance and check if the electronic queue works here.

This modern way recording minimizes the wastage of people's time. In addition, it is appropriate to clarify the hours of reception of the desired employee. Compliance with these recommendations allows you to effectively plan personal affairs without fear of unplanned delays. Note that it will be possible to clarify such information on the company's website or by calling the desired branch.

Russian Post Services

When the question arises before the subscriber, how to find out Rostelecom's debt by phone number, the post office becomes an option to find out such information. Note that this method difficult to call convenient and quick option obtaining information. For this reason, it is appropriate to contact here only when resolving related issues, for example, transferring payment for.

If the subscriber uses only a landline telephone and pays public utilities at the Russian Post office, it is appropriate to consider this method of checking the balance

The negative point of such a decision is the loss of time on the road and waiting in line to the postal worker. This option is popular with older people who do not own the Internet and rarely use payment devices. In addition, here it will be possible to find out the amount of debt only for city telephone services.

Clarification of arrears for the use of a landline phone

Note that the above methods for finding out information about debts by phone number are only suitable for checking the balance for city telephony services. If verification of a TV or Internet package is required, the client will need to provide a personal account number. Moreover, it will be possible to find out such information everywhere, except for post offices.

Phone number is not the most reliable requisite for account control

Keep in mind that it is advisable for people with limited mobility to control the balance of a landline phone to use the option with calls to the operator or use automatic prompts. As for payment, here it will be possible to pay off overdue payments on the Internet, ATMs, post offices and company offices.

A convenient option for transferring funds to a provider is the Sberbank-Online system. The only drawback here is the presence of a bank card and registration in the system.

As you can see, Rostelecom offers citizens a sufficient number of options for controlling their account status. Moreover, such actions are in the interests of the subscriber, because late payment becomes a reason for disconnecting the service, transferring the case or litigation.


Note that the phone number is not the most reliable requisite for identifying overdue payments.. However, in situations where the debt for using a landline phone is thinning, such information is sufficient. The disadvantage for people who have not mastered the Internet is the lack of chances of using the company's online portal, where the necessary information is available on the client's personal page.

Timely transfer of funds to the service provider ensures that there are no problems in the future

As for the issues of periodic control of payments, here the employees of the organization remind subscribers of the need to transfer funds for services in a timely manner. Only people who regularly review the account balance will be able to avoid the accumulation of debts. Keep in mind that often the reason for the appearance of debt is a small amount, which the client does not even know about.

We think that the information provided is useful to people who plan to connect Rostelecom services. Remember, timely payment and periodic control of payments is a guarantee of the subscriber's peace of mind and the uninterrupted supply of the company's service package.

Subscribers of one of the largest telecommunications companies in Russia, Rostelecom, subscribe to many services at once: satellite television, mobile and landline phone, access to the World Wide Web. Each of these services has its own personal account. How not to get confused in payments and replenish all attached accounts on time? How can I find out the amount due?

When making a connection of one or another after-sales service, the client is assigned a unique personal account number for each connected option. For example, there will be one number for a home phone, and a completely different one for accessing the Internet. It is these numbers that will help you find out the balance of the account - debt or overpayment. And to replenish the balance you need to know the personal account.

When filling out a payment document, paying the cost through terminals with a bank card or in online banking, the subscriber must indicate his personal account number, otherwise it is impossible to make a payment.

If the contracts are lost, and there is no way to remember the treasured numbers, then you can restore payment information in the following ways:

Ways to inform about upcoming payments

The subscriber can find out the amount to be paid as follows:

  1. Through the unified support service 8-800-100-08-00 by dictating the personal account number.
  2. From the personal account on the tab "MY services". Attention! In order to use information from the personal account for all connected services, you must first attach all the services used by the client.

Informing about the state of the mobile phone balance

The amount on the mobile balance can be found out by a combination of numbers from the device keyboard * 105 # and activate the request with the dialer button.

Innovations from Rostelecom

But! To keep abreast of all upcoming payments, Rostelecom organized a mailing list. You can receive newsletters as email address account holder (the so-called "Green" account), and through the post office at the place of residence. This is very convenient: the client is sent payment data in advance with an indication of the amount, and you can pay using any of the following methods. You can arrange the delivery function in the form of sms messages to the attached client phone number.

To switch to using the service, you can subscribe in advance on your page in the payments section, indicating a convenient method of delivery of all attached invoices.

If something is not clear, then you can always get detailed help by calling 8-118-88.

How can I make a payment

You can pay for the services used by the client both in cash and non-cash methods.

Cash payments can be made:

Cashless payment can be made via the Internet:

  • From the personal account of a subscriber of the Rostelecom operator in the "Balance replenishment" section. Step-by-step instruction posted.
  • From the official page in the section of payments or electronic wallets (Yandex Money, Webmany, QiWi).
  • Through a function mobile banking from Sberbank.
  • By connecting the auto payment service with an attached bank card subscriber (the required amount for payment will be debited at a certain time and without charging commission interest).

And remember, paying bills on time will allow you to continuously use the services provided, and our article helped you learn about ways to inform.