Lacquer paint the wooden stairs. How to paint a wooden staircase: making a choice

In the process of use, stairs are constantly subjected to various tests. Changes in temperature, exposure to sunlight, humidity, all this affects the life of the product. An excellent option that does not require special skills and knowledge is painting the stairs. It will save your product from problems. The procedure for painting the stairs can be done even with your own hands.

Only, at first glance, it seems that the procedure for painting stairs is simple. In fact, this is a complex process that requires compliance with its technologies and rules. But in order to achieve desired result, you need to spare neither time nor effort.

Do-it-yourself painting stairs, now, is popular, as the cost of work for painters is very high.

To make the staircase look like new after repair, the owner needs to choose the right tools and materials. It is also necessary to carry out the restoration of the stairs in the house consistently and correctly.

The sequence of actions you need to know:

  • Choose the right paint or varnish;
  • Prepare tools and materials for work in a timely manner;
  • Before painting, it is necessary to clean the surface (grind or putty);
  • We cover the stairs with a primer;
  • First we paint the railing, then the steps;
  • At the end, cover with varnish or polish.

The choice of material also depends on the location of the stairs. If the staircase is outside, then it is necessary to choose paints and varnishes based on natural ingredients (linseed oil). If the surface will be subjected to frequent washing, then we use alkyd paints. Stairs located inside the house are painted with oil paints.

How to paint a staircase in a house: types of paint and varnish coatings

Before we paint the stairs, we find out what material it consists of. Mostly it will be wood or metal. Concrete, glass, stone and other building materials could also be used in the construction of stairs.

How to paint the stairs in the house? This event is best approached creatively. The choice of material will depend on the style of design of the stairs you choose.

To finish a wooden staircase, the choice must be made in favor of materials that emphasize and preserve the naturalness of the wood. There are a variety of them.

For painting wooden stairs can be used:

  • Oil or alkyd paints;
  • Enamels, giving attractiveness to the product;
  • Lacquers that emphasize the structure of wood.

The ladder may be metal. You can paint such a staircase with various compositions. These are alkyd-based enamels, nitro-paints, as well as oil paints. To paint the stairs, you can unleash your imagination, and use, at the same time, various coatings.

How to varnish a staircase: the secrets of the material

If you want to bring out the natural beauty of wood, you will need varnish. Varnishes are solutions that, when applied, form a film on the surface of the product. And it, in turn, protects the stairs from negative influences.

Many experts know how to varnish a staircase. This can be done in two types of varnish: transparent or opaque.

An opaque coating is applied not in one, but in several layers. Therefore, the ladder acquires dark shade. This is done to eliminate all the shortcomings of wood. A transparent finish, on the contrary, is applied in order to emphasize the beauty of the natural wood.

There are several types paintwork materials that can be used to paint the stairs:

  • Alkyd;
  • Formaldehyde;
  • Alcoholic;
  • Nitrocellulose.

A polish can be applied over the varnish to enhance the shine of the wood. However, all varnishes are highly toxic, and when using them, it is required to use goggles, gloves, and respirators.

What should be the paint for the stairs inside the house

One of important elements The interior decoration of the house is a staircase to the second floor. Timely care and painting contributes to the life of the product.

The paint for the stairs inside the house must be of high quality and safe. Colors can be varied, depending on the design of the room. It is better to paint the stairs in such colors that will distinguish it from the walls.

Shades can be very diverse. These can be tones that fully match the tone of the tree, and bright saturated tones that highlight the staircase from the entire interior. Once you have decided on the color, you can proceed to the choice of its type. You should choose light paints that allow the wood to breathe, as well as quick-drying, without an unpleasant, pungent odor. Oil paints have these qualities.

Varieties of oil paints:

  • Alkyd paints. They have a rich color and are easy to apply;
  • Pigmented paints. Help to hide wood defects;
  • Urethane-alkyd. Such paints can be applied without prior cleaning of the surface.

Also, for painting indoor stairs, use enamel paints. Enamel dries very quickly, has no toxic impurities, and has excellent protective properties.

Do-it-yourself staircase painting (video)

There is not a small variety of colors with which you can beautifully paint the stairs in the house or in the country. They differ in type, color and structure. What color you should paint the stairs to you depends on the style of the interior of the house itself. Painting the stairs can be done by resorting to the services of various construction companies, but to save money, you can do it yourself.

If the process of erecting a staircase is already over and a magnificent do-it-yourself pine structure is already in your country house, then it's time to start painting it. How and with what to paint the ladder system, what types of paintwork products to give preference to - this article will tell about this and much more.

Lacquered pine staircase looks beautiful and solid

Features of painting wooden surfaces

Coating with varnish and paint of pine products has its own characteristics. After all, as you know, wood, unlike metal, plastic and stone, is hygroscopic. Besides, not worse than water its surface is eaten by paints, varnishes and solvents. This can cause the wood fibers to change and the surface to become rough.

That is why you can paint a pine staircase with your own hands only with the coating that is intended specifically for these purposes.

Due to the unique resinous structure, pine wood requires a special approach and certain knowledge.

Should wood be painted?

The texture of the wood itself is quite beautiful and can be used as part of the decor. In this case, its coating can be made transparent or translucent.

Pine is characterized by a high content of resin that impregnates the material. Therefore, not every paint will lie evenly on the tarred area.

By painting a tree, you not only make it more attractive, but also protect it from damage. external factors

wood stain

This layer is mandatory and should be the first when processing wood. Its advantages:

  • firstly, it prevents the tree from fungus;
  • secondly, it protects against decay;
  • thirdly, it does not allow the reproduction of midges in the wood.

In addition, the stain forms a moisture barrier and prevents the pine from cracking.

Pine wood emits a large amount of resin and therefore requires very careful processing.

However, this coating alone is not enough, since it is not able to protect the tree from mechanical wear. And walking up the impregnated stairs only barefoot or in slippers, you see, is not very convenient.

What kind of coating to apply

The second layer after applying the stain should be varnish or enamel.

From right choice quality coverage depends appearance the whole structure


For painting wooden stairs made of low-grade wood the best choice there will be enamel. It will hide putty on knots and cracks and protect the surface from wear and mechanical damage. In addition, the enamel layer is very easy to care for - it is enough just to wash it periodically.

Enamel is able to hide all the imperfections of the wood texture


If the surface of the pine stairs is smooth and devoid of any damage, then varnish is the best choice. It will emphasize the beauty of the texture and ennoble its appearance.

If the pine wood is of the highest quality, then it can be varnished

Lacquered surface pine stairs looks extremely beautiful.

When to paint

Many novice craftsmen are interested in the question of when to paint and varnish a pine staircase - before installation or after.

You can paint the stairs, both after assembly and before, depending on the type of construction.

According to many experts, the product should be varnished or painted as follows:

  • If for mounting ladder construction apply anchor bolts, screws and studs, it is most reasonable to apply a layer of coating to the component parts before they are joined together. This will reliably protect against negative external influences those planes that will be inaccessible after installation of the system.
  • If, when building a staircase with your own hands, you use glue to connect its components, then you need to cover the surface with varnish or paint with a ready-made staircase structure.

It is better to varnish the stairs already in the final finished form

How to choose the right paint and varnish

Before you decide on the desired coverage, you need to divide work surface pine stairs into separate components, since they have a completely different mode of operation.

When choosing paint and varnish, you should give preference to trusted brands

For example, steps are subject to more severe wear - on a wooden surface, stilettos and heels can leave prints if protective layer coverage is weak.

At the same time, handrails and fittings, as well as risers, are almost never overloaded. And, therefore, their coating has a more decorative function. Hence the choice of materials.

Fittings (balusters and railings) must also be covered with high-quality paint and varnish products

Decide on the type of coverage

So how to paint a pine staircase with your own hands and make the right choice of varnish and paint?

For the working plane of the steps, alkyd floor enamels are used - for example, domestic paint PF-266, as well as its imported counterparts.

In a specialized store you can choose any color

The best varnish for pine stairs - polyurethane parquet. Its cost is quite high, but despite this it is of very high quality and forms a strong and wear-resistant protective surface.

For those surfaces that do not experience strong mechanical stress, PF-115 enamels can be recommended.

The paint and varnish industry today offers many high-quality types of varnishes and paints for woodworking.

As for varnish, the most the best option are affordable nitrocellulose varnishes of the NTs series or alkyd PF-170.

Coloring process

So, we now know how to paint a pine staircase. It remains to figure out how to do it yourself.

When purchasing varnish for pine wood, carefully read its instructions

The whole staining process is divided into the following stages:

  • Surface degreasing.
  • Application of putty.
  • Product grinding.
  • Staircase painting.

The processing of the ladder structure must occur in a clearly defined sequence


This is the first step in the preliminary work. Pine, as you know, has a resinous surface, and in order to remove it, it is necessary to treat the product with a special solvent. For these purposes, ordinary turpentine is perfect.

To degrease the surface of a pine staircase, you can use ordinary turpentine


In order to close up all the existing design flaws, it must be puttied. In this case, the best choice would be a special acrylic putty on wood.

Before painting, the product must be puttied, thereby making the surface perfectly smooth


Immediately before painting a pine staircase, to obtain a flawless surface, the product must be sanded. Steps are best processed with a grinder, and balusters and railings by hand.

On a well sanded surface, the paint will lie evenly.


Painting a pine structure is best done with a brush. Alkyd enamel or viscous varnish cannot be sprayed with an airbrush, for a roller, the surface of the stairs has a rather difficult shape.

Painting is carried out in three layers, and polyurethane varnish can be applied to steps in 6-7 layers, since it performs, in addition to an aesthetic function, also protective against mechanical damage.

Coloring should be done with gloves and in compliance with all safety standards.

After applying the first layer and its complete drying, the entire surface is polished with sandpaper zero.

Now you know how to paint a pine staircase with your own hands and choose a varnish. But, if for some reason you do not want to build and then paint the structure yourself, then you can always take advantage of the offers of our online store and buy from us a ready-made staircase made of pine or any other material

A pine staircase painted neatly and in compliance with all the rules looks extremely beautiful and impressive.

Wooden stairs have become a familiar element of any country house or cottage. Wooden stairs are very comfortable to use, beautiful and able to add extraordinary comfort to the entire interior and even make the atmosphere in the cottage warmer. But wood is a rather capricious material: it equally badly perceives both heat and cold, as well as quick transitions from one to another, it does not like the effects of water and in general humid air, its surface wears out from constant interaction with shoes.

In order to protect the stairs in a country house from all this, and therefore extend its service life, one cannot do without such an operation as painting a wooden staircase. In general, painting a wooden staircase does not cause any particular difficulties, however, as in any business, there are some nuances here.

The list of such features is quite wide: starting with which product is best suited specifically for the stairs in your cottage, and ending with the question of how to apply the selected product and how to do it correctly, that is, how to prepare the stairs for painting, how to apply the product and how to make the staircase of a country house give you pleasure with its unsurpassedly beautiful view for as long as possible.

This is the first question that a person who decides to do such a thing as painting a wooden staircase with his own hands puts in front of him. And this is perhaps the most difficult stage of the entire operation, since today there are many means with which you can paint wooden stairs. From the choice of a specific tool, the appearance of the stairs can change unrecognizably, or it can remain almost the same as before painting.

The first thing you need to decide when choosing a tool is what you want to achieve in the end: do you dream of “fitting” the staircase into color scheme interior or keep the external charm natural wood with its graceful divorces and exquisitely noble shade.

All products intended for painting stairs can be divided into several groups:

  • paints;
  • varnishes;
  • enamels;
  • stains.

Consider the features of the funds from each group in more detail.

Stair paints

Paints are used if you want to give it a certain color or shade when performing such work as painting a wooden staircase, to bring it into line with the general color of the interior surrounding the stairs. As a rule, we are talking about oil paints.

But the oil paints themselves for painting wooden stairs are divided into several varieties, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • alkyd paints give the stairs a rich color, they are very easy to apply;
  • urethane-alkyd paints are a great option for stairs that have been previously painted, as they can be applied without wasting time rinsing or scraping off the previous paint layer;
  • pigmented paints - will help hide any defects in the surface of the wood.

In addition, paints can be thickly grated, they must first be prepared for use by dissolving the powder in drying oil, or already completely ready.

The choice of drying oil is of great importance. On the container with drying oil they write whether it is natural or artificial. Natural drying oil has excellent resistance to any impact environment. But artificial drying oil is not so hardy. Therefore, if you decide to paint a street staircase, you need to buy natural drying oil to dilute the paint. For stairs inside the house, a cheaper artificial one is also suitable.

Lacquers for stairs

Painting the stairs with wooden varnish is used if there is a desire to leave the texture of the wood visible. Varnishes can be either completely colorless, practically not changing the shade of wood, or colored: most often they make the natural color of wood brighter, slightly darkened, but at the same time the natural pattern becomes clearer. There are also many varieties of varnishes for painting wooden stairs:

  • oil varnishes- they are used exclusively for "internal" stairs, since street conditions they do not tolerate well;
  • alcohol varnishes- quite expensive, perfectly enduring any mechanical stress, but at the same time afraid of moisture, so they are rarely used for stairs;
  • alkyd varnishes - very resistant to any influences, including water, almost completely colorless, can be used both on "home" and "outdoor" stairs;
  • polyurethane varnishes– an ideal coating for any wooden stairs, the high price of such varnishes fully pays off with their outstanding wear resistance and real durability of the coating.
When choosing a varnish, please note that they can be matte and glossy. And although glossy varnishes give the wooden surface a more “shiny” look, it is best to use matte varnishes for stairs, as they can “hide” any defects in the wood. And glossy on the contrary - emphasize all the "weak" places.

Enamels and stains for stairs

Painting a wooden staircase can also be done with enamels or stains. Enamel is a kind of mixture of varnish and paint. As a result, it simultaneously gives the surface of a wooden staircase a certain color when painting, and covers it with a shiny film, which, among other things, also protective function. But enamel also has one drawback, due to which it is very rare to see such a coating on stairs - it does not tolerate interaction with water.

If you still decide to cover the stairs with enamel, then give up glossy enamel in favor of matte. The fact is that the steps covered with glossy enamel will become very slippery, and this is completely unacceptable for stairs.

Mordants- these are rather not even dyes, but impregnations for a wooden staircase. Although the wood on which the stain is applied will still change its color: it will become slightly darker, and its pattern will be more pronounced. The advantage of the stain is that it not only reliably protects the tree from moisture, decay, the effects of various pests and other adverse factors, but also gives it new properties - for example, fire safety.

Often, the stairs are treated with a stain before varnish is applied to it. In this case, it is necessary to carefully choose the varnish itself: it should “lay down” well on the stain and adhere perfectly to its surface. The choice of the type of varnish depends on the choice of the type of stain, so when buying, you should use the recommendation of a specialist.

How to paint stairs?

Although painting a wooden staircase is not at all difficult, a certain sequence and extreme accuracy must be observed here. The stages of work here depend on which product you have chosen for painting the wooden stairs, that is, whether you want to paint the staircase “tightly” or varnish it, while maintaining the external charm of wood.

If you want to continue to admire the beauty of the wood pattern, then painting the stairs will consist of the following steps:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the stairs from dust and dirt, sand those places where it is required - the surface of the steps must be perfectly smooth.
When painting stairs, attention should be paid not only to the cleanliness of the steps, but also to the fact that it is clean in the whole room where the stairs are located. After all, dust or dirt from the floor or furniture surface can get on the steps at the most inopportune moment when you apply a coloring agent to them, and it will be difficult to remove them without removing the already applied layer.
  1. If your staircase is made of softwood, then additional step there will be a deresining of some areas - those where the resin has accumulated the most. Otherwise, any coating (except for transparent varnish) will stain the surface of the stairs due to uneven absorption of the product. To do this, you can use a solvent, and to remove the resinous areas on the pine, the masters recommend using a 25% solution of technical acetone.
If you are deresining the wood of the stairs, then the next stage of work cannot be carried out immediately. Before proceeding with further painting, you will have to wait until the wood dries completely.
  1. The next step should be the application of stain - this impregnation will become an additional protection for the wood and make it more beautiful.
  2. Wait until the stain dries, then varnish the stairs. To do this, you can use a special sprayer or a wide brush. Lacquer (like paint) is applied to the surface of the stairs in 3 layers (each new layer cannot be applied before the layer applied before dries):
    • first layer- the coloring agent is applied longitudinally along the wood fibers;
    • second layer- applied perpendicular to the location of the wood fibers;
    • third layer- again, the brush or spray moves along the wood fibers.

If you decide to cover the stairs with opaque paint, then after cleaning it, you must follow the following sequence:

  1. first, the surface of the stairs is puttied;
  2. after the putty dries, the stairs must be sanded, and experienced craftsmen it is advised to do this twice, allowing the stairs to “settle” for several days between grinding, so that previously unnoticed surface defects appear;
  3. then a primer is applied to the surface of the stairs;
  4. and finally, you can apply a paint layer.
As you can see, for a complete and high-quality painting of stairs, more than one day is required. At the same time, stairs are often located in such a way that it is completely impossible to stop using them even for one day. Therefore, the masters advise to paint the stairs through the step. Of course, going up and down such a ladder is not very convenient, but in any case, you can continue to use it even during the painting period.

The internal staircase is a functional element and a noticeable accent in the interior of the house. Most often it is built from pine wood. The task of the designer is to make sure that the architectural component blends harmoniously into the environment and performs its tasks for as long as possible. To do this, a pine staircase is treated with special products and painted in accordance with the overall design.

What are the advantages of making stairs from pine

During the construction and decoration of budget wooden houses pine wood is used. This wood is not as durable as oak, cedar or larch, but is quite durable, more common, cheap and available. Pine is better than spruce because it has a denser texture and much less knots that reduce the strength of lumber.

Pine products are distinguished by a pleasant light golden or almost white color and a unique pattern.

Pine has a pleasant light golden or almost white color.

Features of pine wood

Pine is somewhat more difficult to work with than cedar or oak. Soft wood needs fine sanding and careful selection of processing agents.

The density of the material depends on the growing conditions of the tree:

  • In warm periods, intensely growing fibers form a loose array. Cold years provide hard and dense wood.
  • Pine harvested in the mountains has a dense and uniform texture, while pine grown on sandy soils has a light, loose, fibrous texture.
  • The northern pine is better than the material obtained in the southern latitudes.

Therefore, most of the resulting lumber absorbs the processing agents unevenly. Unsightly spots appear under the transparent coating, which is extremely unpleasant for aesthetic reasons. Gum (resin) contributes to the appearance of color spots on the surface of pine products. If the raw material is prepared in winter period, when the bulk of the resin is pumped by the tree into root system, the fibers remain drier, cleaner and stronger. They evenly absorb processing agents. On wood cut down during the spring-summer sap flow, stains and stains appear. Brought into a warm, dry room, it begins to push the resin out.

The steps of internal stairs are usually built from edged massive board. But often they use a glued board, which has greater strength and wear resistance. The difference in the color of the lamellas from which such a board is assembled is especially noticeable. In addition, due to changes in humidity, the lamellas begin to warp over time, gaps form between them.

On a glued board, the difference in the color of the lamellas is especially noticeable

If you want to leave the interfloor wooden staircase in its original natural color, you will have to use special means processing: primer, mastic, wax, stain. A simpler option is to apply a decorative opaque coating to the pine stairs.

Why you need to paint your home

The statement that a tree is beautiful and does not need to be painted is fundamentally wrong. Wood does have an attractive appearance, but it is very vulnerable to insects, mold, hard shoe soles, dirt, and fire. Steps wear out especially quickly.

Stair rungs wear out the fastest

Therefore, it is necessary to paint a pine staircase. If you want to see the natural pattern of wood, paint at least with a colorless varnish, but be sure to paint!

The paint creates a solid protective covering, which does not allow premature "wearing out" wood fibers. It is inedible for the bug and unsuitable for the settlement of rot and mold. Impregnation at times enhance protection and extend the life of the product.

How to paint

For the processing of pine stairs are used:

In order for the coating to turn out to be of high quality and durable, cover the wood only with high-quality materials purchased in specialized stores or from manufacturers.

Which coloring material to choose: a comparison table

Types of paints




moisture resistant, rich color, create a reliable protective film

They dry for a long time, do not “breathe”, have a sharp toxic smell, lose their shine in places of wear, are afraid of alkalis, and can peel off over time

Moisture resistant, form the most durable and smooth surface, dry quickly, lie flat

They give only a matte surface, are intended only for interior work

Acrylic, acrylate

Moisture-repellent, breathable, water-soluble, quick-drying, low-odour, smooth application

Gives only a matte finish


Moisture resistant, dry quickly, form a smooth surface with a polishing effect

For stairs, use matte or semi-gloss paints. Glossy steps and railings from constant use lose their luster over time and look untidy. It will not be possible to quickly refresh the color, you will have to grind and repaint all surfaces.

Materials and tools

  • Primer
  • Thinner, paint cleaner
  • Paint, enamel, varnish
  • Putty on wood
  • sealant
  • masking tape
  • Protective film
  • Putty knife
  • Napkins, rags, rags
  • Scraper
  • Sanding tool, sandpaper
  • Mini rollers, brushes
  • Protective equipment: gloves, respirator ("petal" or others).

How to work with paint or enamel

All work with paints and solvents should be carried out in warm time year to ensure constant ventilation of the room.

Video: How to paint steps with paint

The procedure for working with varnish

Preparation and coating of stairs with wood stain + video

  1. Perform all preliminary work: protection of adjacent surfaces, cleaning, puttying, sealing, grinding.
  2. Use a paint brush to apply stain to one step. Leave on for 2-3 minutes to absorb. With a dry, lint-free cotton cloth, carefully wipe off excess material, moving it only in the longitudinal direction.
  3. Treat all steps, balusters, railings in the same way.
  4. If the color of the impregnation turned out to be uneven, repeat the treatment. In order for the stain to lay down more evenly, not to leave stains, to better emphasize the texture of the wood, moisten the surface with water before applying it. When working with stain, wear latex gloves, since contact with soiled rags is inevitable.

Before staining the entire staircase, experiment with the tone in a small, inconspicuous area.

Finishing varnish (with video instructions)

  • For stairs, it is desirable to use matte and semi-gloss varnishes. They do not show signs of wear, and the slip coefficient matte surface lower, making the stairs safer.

Glossy surface wear looks especially unsightly

  • Combined coatingFor painting the internal staircase, you can use the combined method. For example, paint the vertical parts of steps and balusters with paint, and protect the more worn horizontal parts of steps and railings with parquet varnish.

The best varnish for steps is polyurethane parquet. It is expensive, but extremely durable.

When working with a spray gun, the use of a respirator is mandatory.

Painting interior stairs is not difficult and is quite affordable. home master. If you have purchased quality materials and during the work they followed the technology, your staircase will fulfill its tasks and look brilliant for a very long time.


What is the best way to paint a wooden staircase to the second floor of a house with your own hands?

Modern residential buildings often have several floors or an attic, the entrance to which is carried out through internal stairs. Often flights of stairs and sites are being implemented. To create an interior in the same style, a wooden staircase to the second floor can be varnished or painted with environmentally friendly paint. In this article, answers to the question of how and with what to paint the stairs with your own hands.

Finishing a wooden staircase

There are two kinds fine finish wooden stairs:

  1. Transparent - with this type of finishing coating, the grain of the wood remains open. Under a layer of colorless lacquer, the unique pattern of natural wood perfectly complements the overall interior decoration. interior in the same style with a common design.
  2. Opaque finish - with this type of finish, tone finishing layer the coloring composition is applied to wooden surface continuous layer, covering the wood texture.

Varnish compositions for finishing wooden stairs

Varnish compositions for wood structures are special compositions that form a durable layer with a matte, transparent, shiny surface.

The properties of varnish compositions are quite different:

  • Lacquer compositions based on alcohol resins- These finishing compositions are characterized by a short drying time. In 2 hours the coating is completely dry. Polishing the finish layer also does not cause any difficulties. But alcohol-based formulations have significant drawbacks: low moisture resistance and insufficient frost resistance. These restrictions allow the use of compounds only in warm rooms.
  • Lucky based on nitrocellulose– improved varnish formula allows the use of the composition for outdoor and indoor use.
  • Formaldehyde varnish compositions- the most common for finishing structures of internal wooden stairs. Lacquer perfectly covers the surface, allows you to reach High Quality finish coating.

Important! A huge minus when using this composition is persistent bad smell, which does not erode from the room for a long time.

  • Alkyd varnishes- made with the addition of various oil compositions that are well absorbed into natural wood. Upper layer alkyd varnish coatings are resistant to mechanical stress, however, the coating quickly becomes unusable - it quickly wears out. Such compositions should cover wooden stairs, which are of secondary importance, which are rarely used.

Opaque types of coating

Opaque coatings can be applied in several coats, completely hiding the texture and imperfections of the wood. Before application finishing compositions it is required to completely clean the previously painted surfaces, to carry out a preliminary set of works on priming and puttying. Putty is able to hide small cracks and imperfections in wood, a primer layer increases the degree of adhesion of the coloring composition to the surface.

Tools for applying finishing compositions

For work on finishing stairs in the apartment with my own hands, you will need: bristle brushes and flutes; drying oil; primers; turpentine; varnish or paint.

Advice. Before the beginning finishing works work brushes should be carefully prepared, they are soaked in drying oil, then washed in turpentine.

Surface preparation

Before applying the paint composition, it is worth cleaning the surface of dust, paint or old varnish, remove dust, putty the stairs and cover with a primer.

Important! Varnish or other coloring composition should be thoroughly mixed before use.
The composition is applied to the surface with wide strokes, then the layer is leveled, while the brush is held slightly inclined.

Painting stairs: video