What is better for lining varnish or impregnation. Painting lining inside the house: interior photo and step-by-step painting process

Lining is an excellent finishing material, especially for a private house or cottage. It can sheathe walls, ceiling, slopes, doors, balconies, etc. Such material has excellent thermal insulation performance, beautiful appearance and most importantly, it is eco-friendly.. The main disadvantage is the fragility due to susceptibility to decay and the formation of fungi.

To extend the life of the lining, it must be protected by applying an additional protective layer on its surface. It is important to decide how to cover the lining inside the room so that it becomes reliable and has a beautiful appearance.

But is it necessary to cover the lining paintwork materials indoors, where it is not threatened by an aggressive environment in the form of precipitation and temperature changes? The fact is that, albeit to a lesser extent, moisture is still present in the room, and the influence of temperature also acts. All these factors are especially pronounced in country houses that remain without heating in winter.

Materials for lining lining

Finishing material should perform two main functions - it is decorative and protective. Exists the following materials with which you can cover the lining.

Clapboard without coating

Any coating to one degree or another has harmful chemical components. That's why, to keep the house environmentally friendly, it is not covered by any additional funds. The wood itself has beautiful colour and texture. In addition, in this way you can save on the purchase of paints and varnishes.

However, in order for the lining not to darken and last for a long time, it still needs to be protected with additional substances. Here you need to make a choice between durability and environmental friendliness.

Oil paint coating

Most simple, readily available and widespread lining method. It is not difficult to buy a brush and oil paint of any color and paint the lining. What paint to cover depends on the desire of the owner of the house.



Painting with water based acrylic

This type of coverage considered a compromise between aesthetics and protective properties. Acrylic paint consists of a clear varnish and a tinting mixture. After double processing, the lining acquires desired color, the texture is preserved and all protective properties are fulfilled.

Positive sides:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • high protective properties;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • versatility.


  • high price;
  • time-consuming process of preparing the material for painting.

Coating with acrylic paint

Acrylic paint is more decorative material than protective. It has a number of advantages over oil paint, but its cost is higher.

  • durability;
  • temperature resistance;
  • dye does not crack or bulge;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • protective properties are weak;
  • high price.

Processing with decorative glazing

Decorative azure is an effective protection of wood from external influence. It gives the desired color to the material and at the same time the texture of the wood is clearly visible.


  • moisture resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • vapor permeability.

The only disadvantages are material cost. It is higher than oil paint, but technical and physical indicators are much better.

Opaque enamel finish

Enamel components practically do not differ from the components of oil paint, the whole difference is in the proportions. Enamel has significantly more film-forming substance and less filler. To ensure an opaque coating layer, a triple application of enamel is performed.


  • coating strength is higher than paint;
  • higher hardness;
  • better elasticity;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • more pleasant appearance due to the greater gloss of the material.

The cost is correspondingly higher than oil paint.

Acrylic scuba treatment

Aqualac is water-soluble acrylic latex with additives performing a stabilizing function. Drying, the varnish forms a glossy silky very durable surface. It performs more protective functions, but emphasizes the natural beauty of wood, giving it shine.

  • preserved lining appearance;
  • fire resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • good adhesion;
  • durability;
  • economical consumption;
  • simplicity applications.

Negative sides:

  • high price;
  • requirements for indicators of temperature and humidity in the room during the performance of work.

Coating with alkyd varnish

The binder for alkyd varnish is alkyd resin, which made from wood or linseed oil . Such material is able to penetrate deep into the wood.

Positive sides:

  • good expression of the texture of the material;
  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • perfect adhesion.
  • complex requirements for the microclimate in the room during the performance of work;
  • long process of drying the material;
  • requirements for the thickness of the varnish layer.

Treatment of lining with stain

Stain on water based does not have protective functions , but is performed only as a decoration. An alcohol or solvent based stain protects the wood. Such material gives the lining any shade.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • lack of smell;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of work;
  • low cost.


  • water-based stain lifts fibers;
  • non-alcohol based dries too fast and stains may form.

Bleach treatment

Wood bleaching is carried out due to the action of active chlorine. Thanks to this tool you can hide lining defects and give the material a noble white tint.

  • hides the imperfections of wood;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • durability.
  • low protective properties;
  • probability destruction of the upper layer lining.

Bactericidal treatment

Bactericidal treatment is required to protect lining from mold, fungus, rot and various bacteria. Such an antiseptic has potent chemical substances. Therefore, the question arises: what is the best way to cover the lining indoors for bactericidal protection. For this, there are special mixtures for internal works. An antiseptic can also play a decorative role with the help of an antiseptic stain.


  • high degree of material protection;
  • perform an additional decorative function;


  • harmful substances are released;
  • the need for pre-treatment.

One of the popular surface finishes wooden house or cottages - sheathing with thin boards, known as lining. As a result, the rooms acquire a cozy look, allowing you to relax in a healthy, environmentally friendly environment.

To ensure the preservation of the interior unchanged for a long time, impregnation for lining inside the house helps, which can be purchased in specialized stores and applied in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers. There are other means by which you can cover the tree.

Why use impregnation?

Some owners have doubts about the need to impregnate a wooden lining inside a suburban building. If the boards are not covered, after a while changes will be noticeable on them. With poor ventilation, blue will appear on the lining, as a result of intensive solar lighting it may turn dark grey.

Blueness is explained by the action of microorganisms, which can be eliminated with the help of active oxidizing agents, such as chlorine. The procedure is not very easy to perform and is accompanied by the release of an unpleasant odor.

A plaque that has turned gray from the sun can be removed by mechanical grinding of the lining, but the positive effect will not last long. It is more expedient to carry out processing immediately after finishing, so as not to have problems later.

In addition, the coating transforms the wood, making the interior special. Lining covered with waterproof impregnation can last longer even in an irregularly heated, damp room.

Types of compositions

How to cover the lining inside the house is an easily solved issue, because there are many products for sale for different climatic zones and types of buildings.

Composite impregnations are designed to perform several functions, the main of which are the following:

  • flammability reduction,
  • germ protection,
  • improvement in appearance
  • increase in mechanical strength.

There are tools designed primarily to protect the lining, and compositions designed to decorative effect. Many drugs equally successfully perform several functions.

What is the best way to process?

There are a large number of processing aids on the market. wood materials. Information about the most popular drugs will make it easier for potential buyers to choose a purchase.

flame retardants

Lining located inside the house next to heating devices must be protected from possible ignition. For this purpose, they are used, which are not easy to apply on their own.

It is much more convenient to buy a lining for a summer residence, pre-impregnated with fire-fighting substances. In rooms with a moisture concentration not exceeding 70%, the lining can be covered with solutions with moderate resistance. Inside the house, the applied composition will remain for a long time, it costs much less than a weatherproof solution.


A strong risk factor for wood damage is microbiological exposure. Get rid of it with the help of antiseptics. Antimicrobial solutions that can be impregnated with wood cope with biological contaminants, prevent the appearance of new foci of mold and decay. Antiseptics have a pungent smell that does not disappear for a long time, and you should pay attention to this when buying, having studied the reviews about the product.

More expensive preparations than conventional disinfectants can not only protect against microorganisms, but at the same time improve the aesthetic impression, increase the ability to repel water molecules.


Special liquids based on water, alcohol or organic solvents that penetrate deep into the wood, create a certain color or shade, are called. The term has a foreign synonym - beyts. The solutions do not protect, but only tint the wood, although there are special types of expensive stains with a pronounced protective effect.

Note! In any case, after applying the stain on the lining inside the dacha, it must be varnished on top. Otherwise, the tree will not retain its original appearance.

Sometimes there are dark spots on wood planks, the appearance of which remains a mystery. You can treat such places with bleach, choosing the concentration and exposure time well. You can practice on the lining waste, see how many tones the wood base is clarified, and draw the appropriate conclusions.


Varnishes have a good protective effect in relation to lining inside a summer house or a residential building. They can also cover the lining to achieve a decorative effect. Lacquer compositions based on acrylics decorate the surface well, create a biological barrier on it.

Due to the minimal allergenicity indoors, it makes sense to use scuba. It dries longer than solutions in organic liquids, but is more safe for health. Scuba diving can create a completely or slightly matte, as well as a glossy surface.

If you add color to the solutions, you get a colored product with the desired shade. Outside, such a composition will not last long, therefore it is not recommended for outdoor use. Water-based varnishes create a barrier to steam penetration, eliminating contamination of open pores.

Note! In some modifications of scuba diving there are additives of antimicrobial action, which significantly improves the safety of lining inside the house.

Substances that level the influence of UV rays have been introduced into other compositions. With such compounds it makes sense to cover the walls illuminated by the sun for most of the day.

Alkyd lacquer solutions have great resistance, after drying of which the coating can be preserved for 10 years. Usually inside a wooden house, dachas, it is recommended to cover the floors with such compositions. For lovers of permanent color solutions rooms can be applied alkyd varnishes on the walls. If the desire to change the interior arises earlier, you can spread a varnish of a different color on top.


To cover the lining inside the cottage, a huge group of various wood paints can be used.

The "veteran" of the market are oil paints of all colors and shades, which are kept on a dry surface for more than 7 years. After the expiration of the period, the paint layer may discolor and peel off, then the painting will have to be repeated. Improves the fixing of pigments on wood by pre-treatment of the base with drying oil. drying out vegetable oils cover all pores with a polymer film, which impairs vapor permeability, but improves the quality of the coating.

Note! Oil paints - the most cheap material to cover the lining, which has disadvantages.

Due to the clogging of the natural pores of the tree, the microclimate inside the room worsens. When painting, there is an active evaporation of the solvent, which has bad smell. Vapors from organic liquids are harmful to health, so painting can only be done in summer with open windows and doors.

Acrylic paints are also made on a strong-smelling basis, painting should be carried out carefully, with thorough ventilation of the rooms. Acrylate paint is applied faster and easier than oil formulations, forms an elastic, elastic coating that lasts a long time and is durable. The walls inside the cottage, painted with acrylates, tolerate the winter cold well, even if there is no heating for a long time.

Oils and waxes

In addition to drying oil, which is made from drying oils, others are used to cover the lining inside the dacha, which are well absorbed by wood. They form matte or shiny surface with gentle rubbing and subsequent polishing. Similar chemical structure have waxes, the difference lies in the replacement of glycerin ester to the highest monohydric alcohol.

Waxes have a very high resistance, form a shiny, even surface when properly distributed and applied to the lining. Wax coatings can be preserved for decades in cases where there are no large mechanical loads. Wax blue is sold in a ready-to-use state. Hard waxes must be softened by melting in a water bath before application. In order for the wax to be evenly distributed, the lining should be pre-primed.

A good result will be obtained if the boards are coated with a mixture of wax and oils that combine the advantages of both components.

Features of impregnation application

There are several types of lining, they differ in the number and shape of joints on the resulting surface. Depending on this, you will need different amount efforts to prepare.

In any case, before covering the lining with any means, you must carefully examine all the boards. In the presence of dark spots carry out local clarification with bleach. Then the entire surface can be lightly washed with a dilute soda solution, wait until the water has completely evaporated. Only after that it is possible to process the tree with soil and the main composition or immediately by impregnation.

Cracks are covered with putty for wood, everything is carefully cleaned sandpaper.

For more effective fixing of the decorative layer, the wood is primed. Very carefully you need to distribute the primer mass in the seams. To apply primer over the main part of the area, you can use an airbrush, at the junction it is better to prime with a brush.

Each tool has its own application features, which are necessarily described in the manufacturer's recommendations. Accompanying documents need to be well studied, prepare the compositions in accordance with the instructions. All funds are applied in several stages; each subsequent stage can be performed only after the surface has dried, while the final layer should be the thinnest. Following these rules will help you get a reliable and beautiful coating.

Wooden lining is beautiful, natural material. It is not surprising that so many users around the world prefer it as a finishing and cladding material.

Environmental friendliness and natural beauty wood not only decorates the room, but also creates a certain microclimate in it. And the lining covered with a dense coating (paint, varnish) allows you to create any decor.

But, the tree has a significant disadvantage, which affects performance characteristics lining - it undergoes rotting, various damages, and also tends to darken.

This article is intended for those who want to protect and at the same time keep the lining in its natural form. Consider step by step how and what is better to cover (impregnate, process, paint).

I must say that the “take a brush, paint and paint” method is good, precisely because of its simplicity. But how long will wood painted in this way last? Wouldn't it be better to choose a more thorough and correct approach?

Proper painting of wooden lining consists of 4 stages:

Stage 1 - preparing the lining for painting

For eurolining, such a stage will be superfluous, since manufacturers are guided European standard, which provides for the mandatory primary processing of wood with protective compounds.

Those who bought a standard lining domestic production or is dealing with an already painted surface, it is necessary first of all to carry out the initial processing of the panels.

Preparing a new lining

Preparation of new slats includes:

  • sorting. It is known that the intersection of varieties up to 10% is allowed. That is, a batch of first grade lining may contain up to 10% of second grade lamellas. In order not to disturb the surface, they need to be sorted;
  • drying. Purchased lamellas must be dry before installation;
  • aging in temperature regime premises in which it is planned. It is natural to heat the sauna so that the boards “warm up” makes no sense. But here it is necessary to lie for 2-3 days in the room where they will be installed by the boards;
  • removal of defects. The surface defects of the lining include chips, roughness, the appearance of blue, white spots, dead (falling out) knots. On part of the panels, defects can not be touched. This is due to the fact that in the process of work, a short lining will be needed. For example, for finishing under a window or above a door. However, in order to proceed with the installation on an open surface, the boards must be cleaned of defects by bleaching (for this purpose, it is recommended to use SenezhNeo or Hoarfrost). Grease stains can be removed by deresining - rubbing with a 25% acetone solution. Roughness is removed with sandpaper (sandpaper) or a metal brush.

Preparation of the operated (old) lining

Unfortunately, painting a wooden lining is not an action that can be performed once for the entire period of its operation. Painting lining is a process that needs to be repeated periodically.

In the event that it is necessary to paint previously painted, varnished surfaces, the panels must also be pre-treated.

When to paint the lining:

  • peeling of the bottom layer of paint;
  • loss of lamella color;
  • loss of gloss of paint or varnish;
  • the appearance of a significant defect, for example, the ingress of fat, oil, solvent, other dye, the manifestation of fungi on the surface of the lining;
  • new style, thirst for change and fashion. For example, the existing color of the lining does not fit into the updated interior of the house and other factors.

How to clean the lining from varnish, paint and dirt

Take off old paint or varnish from lining in two ways:

  • Mechanical. In this case, existing coverage removed with a scraper, wire brush or building hair dryer and spatula. To completely remove the paint, you need to treat the boards with a solution of soda (100 g of soda for 1 liter of water). A significant disadvantage of the method is the possibility of damaging the lamellas with a scraper. Tip: this method is suitable for cleaning the lining from oil paint.
  • Chemical. It involves the use of various synthetic solutions and compositions (washes, softeners), which contribute to the peeling of the paint from the base. It is worth noting that chemical method pretty aggressive. Work with solutions in a well-ventilated area with the necessary equipment personal protection. After removing the surface layer, the lamellas should be washed with water or rubbed with white spirit.

artificial Decoration Materials gradually survived their boom, and gradually the market began to win wood again. Such a statement is relevant not only for the construction of houses, but also for their interior design clapboard. Completely environmentally friendly cladding gives additional comfort, warmth and beauty to the premises. However, not knowing how to cover the lining, some owners leave it unprotected. As a result, beautiful wood, which, if properly processed, could serve for many years, needs to be replaced after 5-7 years. This happens due to its destruction, the appearance of chips, stains during cleaning, pollution.

Processing lining with varnish

The main purpose of wood processing

After sheathing interior spaces clapboard, it is necessary to carry out the first surface treatment no later than a week later. Using a varnish correctly selected for the conditions of the internal microclimate, it will be possible to guarantee the material:

  • durability - after varnishing, the appearance of fungus, mold, and decay is no longer possible;
  • aesthetics - neutral reaction to UV radiation;
  • improved performance - the outer layer protects against impacts and other types of physical impact;
  • fire resistance - protected wood can withstand a strong fire pressure.

Regardless of the type of varnish chosen, the lining is pre-treated various materials: drying oil, antiseptic, protective impregnation, stain or subjected to heat treatment. For self-fulfillment This procedure uses a burner that is slowly scorched upper layer each element, achieving uniform darkening.

In the process of processing, especially in coniferous species, resin is released, which gives the lining a special originality. However, now such operations are carried out much less frequently, since more effective ones are commercially available. protective equipment and varnishes, the work with which is incomparably faster.

How to choose a lacquer

When choosing how to cover the lining, you need to familiarize yourself with all types of such products. The most popular among builders are varnishes:

  • water soluble;
  • polyurethane;
  • alkyd;
  • acrylic.

All of them are suitable for application inside residential premises, as they do not emit toxic fumes and are completely safe for the health of the inhabitants of the house. At the same time, polyurethane and alkyd types of varnishes can also be used for external processing of structures, which makes them universal and facilitates the task of painting the owners.

It looks like varnished lining


Great for helping wood retain its unique texture and are good choice for those who are just deciding how to paint the lining inside the house. They protect surfaces from exposure to sunlight, and the aesthetic perception of the lining only benefits from this.

Depending on the basic composition, following the instructions, acrylic coatings are diluted with water, alcohol or ethers, which dry very quickly after application. Acrylic surfaces do not tolerate moisture well, so when dirty spots appear on the walls, it is better to refrain from the desire to wash them. Moreover, it is undesirable to use these materials in particularly wet areas, for example, in the kitchen.


No less beneficial, because they are moisture resistant and, in contrast to acrylic counterparts, the surfaces covered with them can even be washed. True, without the use of household chemicals and abrasives. An actual advantage if small children and pets live in the house. In addition, after complete drying, the varnish becomes so durable that it can withstand some physical exercise protecting the wood directly from chips and scratches.

The disadvantage of alkyd varnishes is an unpleasant smell while working with it and a long drying time, which takes at least 48 hours. The last problem is easy to deal with by adding a special hardener to the composition.


It is difficult to overestimate their advantages, since this type of varnish protects the lining not only from problems and aging during inner lining, but climatic tests for outer walls structures. This coverage guarantees:

  • increased moisture resistance;
  • lack of reaction to chemical components, alkalis;
  • UV resistance.

The presence of so many positive qualities also determined the price of polyurethane varnish - it is much higher than other analogues.

water soluble

All water-based varnishes, among which acrylic is also listed, are characterized by quick drying and a complete absence of unpleasant odors. They are so non-toxic that it is possible to paint the lining inside the house using such compounds even without a respirator. Water-soluble varnishes are applied only to the lining located inside the house.

An example of a water-soluble varnish for lining

What to consider additionally

There are several nuances, considering which you can create a very durable, high-quality and aesthetic coating:

  1. Regardless of the type of varnish chosen, maximum strength can be achieved by applying it in 2 layers.
  2. If the varnish is offered for sale in two forms: translucent and completely transparent, the second option is applied first. The surface will receive a certain, more saturated shade, but at the same time, the structure of wood will also be preserved for visual viewing.
  3. We must not forget about the protective impregnation against biocorrosion, which must be carefully processed lining before varnishing.
  4. During operation, the varnishing agent is often stirred to maintain a uniform structure. When the first layer is completely dry, it needs to be sanded a little and only then re-paint the lining inside the house.

Covering the lining with varnishes does not present any particular difficulties. The owner of the house will be able to cope with such work himself. Especially if he uses the information provided.

Your home is your fortress, a reliable rear, a place for mental relaxation. Therefore, the situation in it must be consistent with all these parameters. What creates comfort and peace in the house? Of course, the corresponding interior. Many owners, in order to create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and a special aura of goodness and well-being in the house, use ordinary wooden lining which has come back into fashion in recent years.

But beautiful finish, like beautiful woman, requires a reliable defender.

Lining protection

What kind of wood would not be a wooden coating, its protection must be approached with all responsibility. After all, its natural beauty and durability depend on it.

There is currently no shortage of protective equipment. What are the types protective coatings exist and what properties do they have? Specialists distinguish the following from them:

1. Translucent and opaque antiseptics the so-called glazing and covering.

These funds protect the tree from fungal formations, darkening and decay. They can serve as protection from 3 to 5 years.

Glazing coatings, protecting the surface with a translucent film, highlight the structure of the tree, emphasize its beauty.

Coating agents not only protect, but also decorate the tree, hide its defects, favorably highlighting its relief. We can recommend: Valtti Teho, Vinha. All of them are produced by the Finnish company Tekkurila.

Video - how scuba works on wood:

2. Oil paints- a good and fairly common form of protection. Their distinctive feature is their special resistance to adverse natural influences.

They are well absorbed into the wood and prevent deep penetration of water vapor into its structure.

Of course, slow drying and changing colors(burnout) are among their negative qualities, but in general they are quite suitable for defensive purposes. Durosil and Teho are commonly used types oil paints for wood.

3. Acrylic paints retain their color and luster for many years. Protecting wood, they at the same time allow it to "breathe", and the substance included in their composition - acrylate does not allow the dye to crack, while maintaining its original appearance. for a long time can last up to 10 years. Some of the representatives are Piña Pro and Pika Tejo.

And the most effective and popular defenders among the consumer, without any doubt, are various: polyurethane, alkyd, water-based varnishes. Which lacquer for lining perfectly protects and is best suited for the interior, as well as its distinctive features, we will consider in more detail.

Water-based varnishes - features, advantages and disadvantages

Choosing a varnish for lining inside the house is not an easy task.

Connoisseurs working with various types of wood know this firsthand. First of all, they advise paying close attention to the water base. and their personalities:

  • A high degree of protection against the effects of adverse environmental factors.
  • Durability. It is noted that they stay on the surface from 5 to 7 years.
  • Decorative features that positively affect the structure wood flooring and their appearance. They do not spoil the natural color of the wood and do not give a yellow tint.
  • Environmental friendliness. They do not emit harmful fumes that have a detrimental effect on the health of households. Do not have allergic components.
  • Fast drying (up to 24 hours) and self-levelling, which makes it possible to obtain a perfectly flat surface.
  • Fire safety. They contain components that inhibit the ignition of wood.

The main feature of such paints is that they, forming a transparent film on the surface of wood, do not spoil the texture of the surface, leaving a natural wood pattern and color.

In addition, they do not have solvents that cause an allergic reaction in the body.

Many water-based varnishes have one or two components in their composition. What does it mean?

Single-component ones do not contain a hardener in their basis and are easier to use. However, they have a significant drawback - they are not very durable.

The composition of the two-component varnishes includes a hardener, which better protects the surface of the tree and does not allow to crumble or swell for many years.

Speaking of water-based varnishes, experts, based on their features and consumer reviews, give them an excellent rating and believe that they are the best suited for interior decoration premises.

However, minor drawbacks should also be noted - you should not use strong detergents when cleaning and washing. chemicals. May fade. Therefore, you need to carefully choose detergents and cleaning agents, and preferably, on a natural basis.

Preparing lining for varnishing

In order for the varnish for lining to lay down beautifully and the surface of the wood to be even and pleasing to the eye, gotta get it ready for painting..

First of all, you need to clean the tree of dirt, dust and remove all irregularities. To do this, you can walk on the surface with a steel or hair brush.

Then, with pumice stone and sandpaper, clean out all the roughness, especially carefully on the ends and chamfers. Then the tree can be washed warm water with the addition of 2% soda. And let it dry well. This is the first stage of preparation.

Second stage preparation is the treatment of wood with a primer. This stage is very important. The primer fills the entire porous surface of the wood, which significantly saves the consumption of the coloring matter. You can apply a primer either with a brush or a roller, many use a spray gun to speed up the process.

Now you can start the varnishing process itself.

Video - do-it-yourself painting:

Varnishing lining with a water-based composition

Covering is not a very difficult task. The main thing is to know the technology of work and follow the instructions for its operation.

  • Do not dilute with drying oil or other thinners. Water-based varnish may curl. They are only diluted with water.
  • Do not store the dye at sub-zero temperatures, especially when painting. May freeze and become unusable.
  • Stir thoroughly before use until smooth.
  • For applying varnish, it is better to use brushes made of natural bristles, small in diameter. They crumble less and do not leave unwanted fragments on the surface.
  • The use of a spray gun is encouraged. The varnish will be evenly distributed throughout the wood.
  • You can also use a paint roller, but with a short pile.
  • The varnish should be applied in continuous motion along the surface, then it will lay down in an even layer.
  • It is desirable to make two or three similar layers. That will give a rich uniform color.
  • Covering the lining with each subsequent layer of varnish, it is necessary to allow the previous layer to dry. After drying, each of the layers is best treated with zero sandpaper before applying the next layer of dye. Then the surface will please the master with a deep uniform color.

Video - final processing:


Lacquers for lining on a water basis have different prices. It all depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the product. Here are some of them:

  1. PANELLILAKA- a water-based mixture for varnishing walls and ceilings made of wood, manufactured by the Finnish company Teknos. The cost is 409 rubles for 0.9 liters.
  2. Varnish TOBAGO, the same company Teknos. It is also used for interior work and has a water base. The price for 0.9 liters is 209 rubles.
  3. PANELS ACCA matt- also water-based company Tikkurila. It is applied to wooden coverings. The price for 0.9 liters is 475 rubles.
  4. PANELLI ASSA semi-gloss- intended for wooden panels. Waterborne. The price for 0.9 liters is 637 rubles.

As you can see, prices vary greatly. Which varnish to choose you can decide for yourself. We hope that our advice will help you make your home cozy and reliable.