Juniper Rock Fisht Description Landing. Juniper rocky: Description, best varieties, landing and care

Juniper Rock Blue Herrow belongs to the number of the most attractive types of coniferous plants. Thanks to its original appearance and fitness, even the most severe climatic conditions, it is deservedly popular among landscape designers. This variety of juniper is undemanded to the content and perfectly feels like landing not only in open soil In the garden, but also in the container on the terrace or balcony.

Description of varieties

Juniper Rock Blue Arrow (Juniperus Scopulorum Blue Arrow) is an evergreen shrub from a family of cypress. Some belong to the description not to the rocky, but to Virgin. The name of the variety is translated as " blue Streth"What reflects the appearance of the plant. Hard shoots of the shrub are located almost vertically and begin at the very base. As a result, an elegant and narrow crown of sweep shape is formed. With the annual shrub increment, it will be 2-2.5 m with the age of ten years. , and the diameter of the crown is not more than 70 cm. The greatest sizes In the height of this variety of juniper - 5 m.

The plant has a soft scaly chew intense blue color, in some cases it can be almost blue. Fruits of Shrub - of blue color Binding. Distinctive trait Juniper Blue Errow is a long-term preservation of the lower branches, which gives it additional decorativeness and expands the possibilities for its use to implement ideas in landscape design.

How to plant juniper

This shrub feels well in a sunny plot protected from the wind. Grade Blue Errow loves wet airIt is preferable to choose the places nearby from the irrigation system. It gets around with any plants, so it can be planted near deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs.

This variety is undemanding to chemical composition Soil. It is important for him that the soil was well drained, and the moisture did not delay the roots. Therefore, an ideal place for planting this variety of juniper is a small elevation.

Choosing the bushes, it is necessary to give preference to seedlings in containers that have already passed acclimatization. Them root system will not be deformed when landing, so the plant is captured Faster and better.

Blue Errow saplings located in containers with a closed root system can be used at any time of the year. If it is bare, then the copies are allowed to be placed in the open ground only at the beginning of the spring or the beginning of autumn, before the onset of frosts. The roots of such plants need to be placed horizontally. If you need to place a few pieces, then between them you should withstand the distance of at least one and a half meters so that they do not have to fight for the space.

Step by step process of landing juniper looks like this:

  1. 1. Prepare a pit, 2-3 times higher than an earthen room, covering the root system of shrub.
  2. 2. Drainage layer is placed on the bottom.
  3. 3. The seedling is placed in the pit and fall asleep the free space of the soil consisting of an equal amount of garden land and a mixture for coniferous plants. You can prepare it yourself, mixing 2 parts of peat and 1 parts of sheet soil and sand.
  4. 4. When landing, it is necessary to ensure that the root neck is not blunting.
  5. 5. In order for the plant to be faster, a complex mineral fertilizer can be deposited.
  6. 6. For giving aesthetic species And the best development of the shrub is needed to be mulching the boring circle, pine chip or any other material. It will protect the ground from drying and weeds.

After landing during the week, juniper need to water daily. This will accelerate its adaptation in a new place.

Organization of care

In the dry time of the year, adult juniper Blue Herrow must be poured once a week. For young plants, more frequent moisturizing should be organized - every 2-3 days. If the priority circles are mulched regularly, then the amount of irrigation can be reduced. Like other juniper, this variety refers to sprinkling. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly spray it with water.

In the fall, all dried juniper branches must be cut off. So that the bushes do not break under the weight of snow, they are binding and wrapped with young plants for the winter with a web or snapper. Adult copies are resistant to frozen and do not require special shelter. W. surgeless circles It is necessary to lay a peat layer with a thickness of 8 cm.

Reproduction of juniper

Blue Errow multiplies with cuttings. The process is best done in the spring, so that the young seedlings will have to be rooted by autumn. For cuttings use the top shoots, leaving some of the old bark and wood. After cutting, they are cleaned with 4 cm.

Coniferous plants at home or in the garden is a fashion trend that captured a huge number of flower water. Cedars, pines are huge plants for which there is no place. And what if you put a juniper Rock Blue Arrow? The charming medium-sized tree has a number of advantages. He is unpretentious, it grows well on any basis, and on decorativeness he can put 10 points out of ten.

Features of the shrub

Even if yours pricework It is very small, it will definitely fit some of the blue bushes. Rock Juniper Blue Arrow grows slowly, but can stretch up to three meters, forming a cone-shaped crown with a diameter of about 0.7 meters.

The unique structure of the branches allows you to use this variety even as a living hedge. Soothes are characterized by high rigidity, they are oriented vertically, and adjacent to the trunk is very tight. Rock Juniper Blue Arrow Indispensable for the framing Alley, Gardening Terraces, Shores artificial reservoirs And to implement other design solutions.

Short description

If you see it once, then definitely decide to plant the same in my site. Most impressive color of his needles. Rock Juniper Blue Arrow can be different, it depends on the soil and lighting conditions. In addition, inside the species there are varieties that also differ in each other. There are a dark green shade juniper, which are far from the most spectacular. Much more interesting varieties of a bright blue shade.

Which is very noteworthy, the trunk in the plant is practically no bare. For coniferous it is a rarity. The lower branches are growing directly at the base, creating a spectacular image. Especially good group landings along the track or alley.


What is characteristic, "Blue Errow" is absolutely not demanding to the chemical composition of the soil grade. It can be planted anywhere, without even conducting an additional analysis. The only condition that must be respected is good lighting. If the site is darkened, the growth of the plant will slow down. Therefore, we choose the solar place, it will be perfect.

If you want to plant a few plants, it should be noted that they look much more effectively in the group. At the same time, the recommended interval between the wells should be observed. If you break this rule, then the Blue Arrow bushes can heal each other and slow down growth. In addition, the luxurious crown will be clamped with neighboring trees, which means it will be twisted. So, between plants you need to leave at least 1.5 - 2 meters. The depth prepared in advance of the wells is selected based on the size of the root system. If an adult plant is subjected to transplants, then it is necessary to leave at least 70 cm. For a young seedling, the depth of the wells should be 2.5 times more than the size of the land of the land near the rhizomes.

We draw drainage

Juniper seedlings do not tolerate the stagnant water, so when landing needs to pay attention to the depth of groundwater. In lowlands and pits with clay soil It is better not to plant it. And in any case it does not hurt good drainage. To do this, a layer of brick battle is falling asleep on the bottom. river sand. The layer must be good, approximately 15-20 cm.

After installing the seedling, it is important to leave the root neck above the ground level. In addition, the well is desirable to sprinkle with a nutritional composition, which is prepared from peat, turf and sand.

Plant care

Description of the rock juniper initially demonstrates that this plant is unpretentious. That is, there is no big difficulty care. The only thing to take into account is Blue Arrow practically does not tolerate dry air. Heat and good illumination is good, but the lack of moisture is much worse. So that the plant felt well, it is best to equip a fixture area for automatic irrigation, but not drip, but with sprinklers. Air saturation with water ferry has a beneficial effect on the development of a coniferous miracle.


Rock SCOP Blue Arrow The first week after landing requires daily irrigation. It is best to repeat it in the morning and in the evening. So there is a speedy adaptation in a new place. Juniper roots love the influx of oxygen. It is for this that the drainage is organized, and the soil around the plant needs to loosen well, approximately 5-8 cm. Additionally, it is recommended to make fertilizers, but not more often than once a year. As a rule, it is performed in spring.

We did not speak about loosening, because it is called dry irrigation. But water plants are also necessary. In the first year of life, it is important to water more often in about a day. For adult plants, the irrigation rate can be reduced. In hot weather it can be every 4 days, and in the spring and autumn - once a week. If the landing is performed on cottage plotWhere so often there is no possibility, it is advisable to make mulching - fall asleep with the roar circle of sawdust and needle.

Preparation for Winter and Spring Pruning

This variety is characterized by a beautiful winter hardiness, he calmly transfers frost to -30 degrees. However, given the feature of the crown, it is necessary to protect it from heavy snowfalls. The crown is best to drag the ribbon or rope, and the young to the first wintering is covered with a completely cloth and a sweetheart.

In the spring, the plant needs to be examined and produce pruning. Even before the beginning of the Softness, it is necessary to remove all broken and dried branches. Live shoots in the formation of the crown can be shorted for no more than a third.

Home maintenance

Some gardeners decide to decorate magnificent coniferous plant its own winter Garden, The central office hall, reception or greenhouse. Juniper at home is growing enough. The main thing is to provide him with optimal conditions. Plant by melting light, but it does not tolerate straight sun rays. The ideal option It will be placed in winter in front of the southern window, and in the summer - before the northern.

It is very important to prevent air overheating. The recommended air temperature is +20, it is unacceptable to reduce it is stronger than up to +13 degrees. In the summer, it is best to carry a pot on a balcony or garden. Surprisingly, the juniper who does not tolerate drafts at all, grows very well on fresh air. Over the summer in the garden, he can grow strongly.

Landing Capacity and Soil

Juniper at home is much more demanding for the composition of the soil. Affects closed spacein which it is to dwell its roots. The ideal option will be porous soil, which will be the key to uniform moisture access to the root system. Specialists in growing plants from the family of cypress trees are recommended to use the following composition: sand and peat. It provides a good nutrient medium, and also allows water and moisture to quickly penetrate the roots.

The pot must be spacious enough, because the root system is quite developed. Welcome selection of tanks that are made of natural materials. This is ceramics and clay, porcelain.

Instead of imprisonment

Rock Juniper Blue Arrow is very beautiful plant With a very dense, packed. It is perfect for registration garden tracks, alley and arbors. With group landings, it can be cut, giving the track any shape. But even without this, the plants form a beautiful pyramidal crown. Charming color will not leave anyone indifferent.

Juniper Blue Errow got its name thanks a unique thing. Due to the narrow and colonum crown, the juniper reminds the arrow as directed into the sky. You can see this for yourself, the photo is presented below.

Description of the shrub

Blue Arrow translated from of English language Means "Blue Arrow". Bright blue shrub needles. She is very soft. Adult plant It reaches a height of about 5 m. Fruit is a bush blue hidden. The benefits of juniper Blue Errow include its lower branches that grow from the base of the trunk and persist on for a long time. Such a feature provides a lot of opportunities in the universal use of the variety.

Juniper Blue refers to the scaling type. This variety is often used in landscape design, as well as in various vegetable compositions for the design of terraces and entrances.

The pros of Juniper Blue Arrow can be attributed:

  • frost resistance;
  • unpretentiousness to the soil;
  • resistance to adverse weather conditions.

A shrub can grow in a half and on a plot under the straight rays of the sun. Juniper does not like hot winds, so choose a place to land without drafts. Thanks to the phytoncides, which highlights the needles, the juniper does not allow the development of diseases. If you want juniper to show itself in all its glory, then do not allow water stagnation, be sure to make the soil drainage. An ideal place For landing is a small elevation.

Blue Errow: Growing Features (video)

Care for juniper

Blue Errow variety is best to plant from the container with the ground, in this case the roots remain safe and the shrub is adapted faster on the new site. For the growth of the root system should be added corneser or radio affairs. The rules for landing the variety Blue Arroe are similar to the general.

First you need to prepare the landing pit. It should be at least 2 times more than the earthen com. Drainage is laid on the bottom of the pit. Then the shrubs sapling and the free space is falling asleep. The soil must consist of peat, sand and leaf land. If the maintenance of the soil does not comply with the recommendations, you can buy a special soil and mix it in equal proportions with garden earth. Soil acidity can be corrected if you add some lime into it.

During the landing, the soil must be focused. Such a procedure also helps take root system. To give aesthetic external view juniper Blue Arrow In the soil you should add a cort-based substrate and a pine chips. Such a substrate will protect the shrub from weeds and dryness.

You can land juniper with open roots in spring or autumn, and the shrubs made of container can be planted at any time of the year. If you want to create an alley of juniper, then the distance between the seedlings should not be less than 1.5-2 m. The dense landing creates competition between plants, and it is negatively affected by their development.

Before planting a large juniper, it is necessary at a distance of 30 cm around the shrub cutting the soil to the depth of the bayonet shovel. It is necessary in order for young roots formed.

Juniper need to water, but not often. The root system of Blue Errow is compact and able to consume moisture independently and other nutrients From the soil.

In the dry time, adult shrubs should be watered 1 time per week, and young seedlings are no less often 2-3 times. If the soil is regularly melted, then watering can be carried out even less often. This shrub variety, like many other juniper, loves spraying. But excessive humidity can lead to fungal diseases.

Despite the fact that Blue Arrow is resistant to various diseases, their development cannot be completely excluded. Most often juniper is subjected to rust. The needle becomes a brown and gradually crept on. The infection affects the bark of shrub. In this case, the affected branches should be removed, and the plant to process phytoncide every 10 days. To avoid the appearance of rust, juniper should be squeezed away from apple trees, pears, hawthorn, quince and rowan. Among the insect pests most often occur. You need to fight with her phytooferm. Shrub should be sprayed every 10-14 days. The mini moth use a decis solution.

As a rule, an adult juniper Blue Arrow Frost-resistant, and no need to strengthen it for the winter, which cannot be said about a young plant.

Therefore, with the arrival of winter, young seedlings should be covered, but before that it is necessary to remove all dried branches and hold a cosmetic haircut.

So that the branches of the juniper are not broken under the weight of snow, they must be tied with twine.

Reproduction of juniper

Of all existing ways Juniper Blue Herrow can be multiplied by cuttings or seeds. The drawing is considered the most efficient and universal method. To multiply with cuttings Juniper is best in the spring, so that the root system will have time to form and the plant could be overwhelmed. As a cutlets, it is necessary to take the tops of the shoots. It is necessary to cut shoots in such a way that the old bark and wood remain on the shoot. Then the cuttings must be cleared at a height of 3-4 cm.

How to plant juniper (video)

It is necessary to plant cuttings immediately. To young plant It shoulder, the soil should be loose. The soil should consist of peat and sand. Best cuttings put in boxes. The landing depth is about 3 cm. Cuttings in the soil need to plant under a small angle. Then wooden boxes Clean the greenhouse where climatic conditions should be observed. Special care Young plants do not require. It is enough regularly to water and spray them. The first roots will appear after 50-90 days after landing.

Seeds, juniper rarely breed, as the young plant will appear no earlier than in 7-8 years.

Juniper rock "Blue Arrow"

(Juniperus Scopulorum "Blue Arrow")

General characteristics

High conifer shrub with a very narrow, colonum crown. Hard, vertically growing, tightly pressed against the trunk, grow about 15 cm per year. At 10 years of age, the plant reaches 2-2.5m in height and 0.5-0.7 m in diameter. The lower branches grow almost from the very base of the trunk and are still preserved. Needle bright blue, soft, scaly.

The fruits are dark blue with a sisewater hidden.

Optimal conditions cultivation and rules

The soil fertility is not demanding, grows on different types soil. Minting with drought and high air temperature. Frosty, but in harsh winters can freeze young shoots. It takes better if you plan it in a wind-protected place. In the spring it is desirable to remove dry branches. First time after disembarking on permanent place Crown requires protection from the bright spring sun. Despite the drought resistance, watering will contribute to the hot season better development plants. Does not tolerate stagnant overvailing. After severe snowfalls, the crown should be shaken in order to avoid breakdown branches.

Methods of breeding

Varietal forms Spank by spring cuttings, taken from short side shoots "with a heel" before or at the beginning of the awakening of the kidneys; The rooting is first carried out at a temperature of +15 - +18 degrees, then raised to +20 - +23 degrees. 50% of winter cuttings are rooted.


Valuable grade to create small and large-scale landscape compositions from conifers and deciduous trees and shrubs with different architecture and contrasting color foliage. It looks great as a soliter or as part of small alone groups in herassic gardens and mountaineering, as well as in free-frequency mixlers. Created to create excellent live hedgewhich does not require a haircut and takes very little space. In addition, this juniper variety is extremely good as a container culture for landscaping of the main entrances, balconies, terraces, etc.

Many gardeners' lovers know what the juniper is a rocky. This small shrub is often used to decorate the plots. Often it can be found in the squares and parks, near the administrative structures of the region. For landscape design today, many varieties of culture are derived, which this article tells about.

About culture

Evergreen coniferous shrub is called juniper rock. Culture refers to the family of juniper, from the genus of cypress. The place of growth is the mountainous terrain of North America, from 1.5 to 2.7 meters high above sea level.

Separate species are found on the territory of Canada, British Columbia, the southwestern province of Alberta, the United States and Northern Mexico.

Juniper rock

The plant is characterized by the duration of development and life, special specimens exist over a thousand years.

As decorative culture is known since 1839. In Russia, juniper scalnyy is actively grown since the 60s of the last century. First of all, culture culture began for purposes agriculture. The juniper wood type was valued for the fortress and durability of use. Making first household items From this material it was noticed in North America, the first Indian settlements. Such objects in everyday life differed in the duration of use, pleasant color and aroma.

Interesting. Often, the juniper the header was used in medicine, contributing to the healing of small damage, for the treatment of problems of joints and skin.

Description of culture

Culture is shrubs and downtar trees. At home in nature, such plants can reach 18 meters in height, during the trunk tapping from 0.8 to 2 meters. Garden species Different with dimensions in a smaller side. Starting from the base, the crown of an irregular conical shape is growing, which is gradually rounded.

The colors of foliage can vary from dark green to gray-blue

An excellent feature of the plant is considered a reddish brown color of the bark and a pale blue color of young stems. The foliage is contrary to the ovoid-rhombic form of the plate, often resembles scales, whose length is not more than 0.2 cm, diameter - 0.1 cm. The colors of foliage may vary from dark green to gray-blue.

The fruits are distinguished by an interesting ball-shaped shape of dark blue with a characteristic bluish coniferous flask. Length can vary from 0.4 to 0.6 cm. The first ripening of fruits occurs only by the end of the second year after landing. Inside the bump hides the seed, brown-red, with a diameter of not more than 50 mm.

Best varieties

As a result of selection, the world knows not one variety of culture, they gradually conquer the trust of the gardeners. America breeders withdrew the following varieties today, planting which is carried out in medium latitudes.

  • Juniper rock ero. The height of the plant may vary from 150 to 250 cm. A narrow, colon-shaped krona is considered a feature, no more than 50 centimeters wide. Needle needle, green-blue color, scaly with a metal tide;

Juniper Rock Blue Eroou

  • Blue Haywn - low bushes, in a height of 0.2 meters. Have a pyramidal crown whose width is 0.1 m. Plant color round year light blue;
  • Juniper Blue Skye is one of the few winter-hardy species, reaches 6 meters in height at 10 years of age. It is distinguished by a narrow and slender barrel and straight, adjacent stems. Needles, like other species, scaly, green-gray. Most of all susceptible fungal infections;
  • Moffet Blue. The difference between the variety - winter hardiness. Tight wide crown of pyramidal shape. Needle - greenish blue. Maximum height - 6 meters, with a width of the crown at 130 cm. Does not like excess moisture, which makes it impossible to grow a variety in regions with high humidity;
  • Munnglow is similar to Blue Hayven in many indicators. The only difference is the color of the needles of blue-silver, which becomes also brighter in winter time;
  • Silver King. A bush with wide empty branches. At 10 years old, it reaches 60 cm high, with a width of the kroon to 2 meters. Like everyone, the needles of the scaly, blue shade;
  • Table Top Blue - has a characteristic oval crown, with a blue-silver color. After ten years from the date of landing, the plant has a compact dimensions: 2 m of heights when the crown is up to 2.5 meters;
  • Vichita Blue. It has open branches, the maximum width of which is 150 cm, with a height of 10 summer Tree 40 cm. Color - silver-blue.

Vichita Blue

In addition to species, the description of which is presented above, in gardening also uses others: Juniper Fisht, Green, Erect, Medor, Gray Glim, etc.

Features of agrotechniki


All year round you can plant bushes with a closed root system. Landing seedlings with open roots in open land It is carried out exclusively after the arrival of spring and sufficient warm-up of the soil, without waiting for the beginning of the sludge. Under compliance with the rules of agrotechniki, the departure of the tree will not be difficult.

Choosing a place to disemboditate, you need to prefer sunny open space. Follow the distance to groundwater Massed at least about 10 meters. For low-speed varieties, you need to choose poor soils, otherwise the dwarf property will remain aside. Full types are grown in nutritious soil in open areas.

Choosing a place to disemboditate, you need to prefer solar open space

Should be considered! The size of the pit under the tree should at least 2 times exceed the volume of the root system. Dwarf varieties Sit down at 50 cm. For high cultural representatives, the distance is needed more, given the annual increase of not only height, but also the scope of the crown.

First of all, the bottom of the pit is resurfaced by a drainage layer, its thickness should be at least 20 cm. You can use broken stones, brick or crushed stone. Following the landing pit, the bush is lowered, falling asleep all the mixture of peat, turf and sand (proportion 2: 1: 1). Now the freshly-covered bush should be abundantly pouring, waiting for the full absorption of moisture.

The mulch layer should be at least 8 centimeters, consist of peat, chips, sawdust or pine crust. Seasy trees, you need to pay attention to the root neck after landing was on the same level with the surface of the Earth.

The mulch layer should be at least 8 centimeters

Important! In order to carefully pull the sapling from the pot, before, a few hours before disembarking, the pot needs to be placed in a water container. Thus, the tree can be removed from the container without damaging the roots. All this will help the plant get better.


In the greater mass, the head is valued precisely for unpretentiousness. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that, regardless of secured care, the first years of the growth of the tree slows down. For full development, a recently planted juniper is watered several times a month, subject to the lack of natural precipitation. Additionally, it is recommended to spray bushes warm water, exclusively in the evening. Adult representatives watered only during periods of drought, while during the season they can be moistened not more than a few times.

It is strictly forbidden to use juniper for feeding organic fertilizers. Young trees are enough one feeder, held in the current period from April to May. On 1 bucket of water use 20 grams of Kemira-Universal or bring nitroamophos at the rate of 30-40 grams per square meter. Plants that have taken place, fertilizer is not required.


The need to care B. winter may be due to a variety feature. For colonum-shaped trees, there may be pushing snow from the branches, which escaped them from damage under weight. Also in the fall, you can pull the branches, pressing them to the trunk so that the crowns do not break from heavy snowfalls.

Diseases and pests

Most coniferous trees suffer from fungal infections. Diseases and pests from which juniper suffers:

  1. Rust - fungus, manifested by rich-orange growth. To combat it, affected areas are cut off and processed by any fungicide;
  2. Trachemicosis (fusarious wilt) - the disease of the root system associated with the mooring of the soil. It is recommended to replace fresh ground upper layer, cut off the affected parts, spray the surface of the soil under top layer fungicides against fungal infections;
  3. Drying branches - begins to die. For treatment, affected branches and other areas are removed, all the trees are treated with fungicides.


Juniper Munngloe.

Weakly common culture gradually gained popularity. Today, the juniper rocky is actively used when creating designer compositions on private homesteads and social territories. Such bushes help to create recreation areas, as close as possible to natural conditions. Various varieties perfectly look without additional elements Landscape design and can be combined with other plants.

The most popular Municipal Municipal in Landscape Design, thanks to compact size and interesting color. Especially spectacularly, the plant looks in winter when its painting on a snowy background becomes also brighter. The popularity of the scalp in the landscape is due not only to simplicity in care and content, but also unusual geometric shapes. Often juniper becomes a profitable background for other plantations, complementing various design compositions. Culture is great in cases where the garden landscape is created based on Japan and to decorate the large alpine slides.

Crown Juniper rocks is quite effectable due to the fact that it is geometrically correct and clear. It is often used as a background for other plants or as a central level in the garden composition. This plant is perfectly suitable for those areas that are decorated in English or scandinavian style, Juniper will look great in Alpine or Japanese gardens.