We draw up the priority circles. Registration of the priority circle of flower beds Young trees in a residential

The rolling circle is a portion of soil processed near the trunks of any trees. It is needed to enter the roots of oxygen, water and fertilizer plants, has a diameter larger than the diameter of the crown, because the roots are behind its territory. Processing should be careful, any experienced gardener should be remembered about it. In the garden, where the trees are just planted, such a circle is treated with time: ground and remove weeds. Many experienced gardeners cover it with a row. And modern gardeners prefer the mulching of the rigging circles, and the peat or other decorative materials are used as a mulch.

Sawdust near the trunk

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

Many experienced gardeners are wondering how to contain soil under fruit trees, for example, apple tree? Some believe that this site must be accurate. Others argue that vegetation should be planted. There are many opinions. And in order to determine the choice, let's find out the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

What are the advantages of the rescue exist:

  1. Pests disappear. Most pests winter in the ground and, if in the autumn period to dwell with turnover, many larvae will die from frosts.
  2. An additional area will appear for plants disembarking. The plot under fruit trees, for example, apple trees, is suitable for growing trendy flowers or vegetable crops.

Brick with tree trunk decoration

And among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  1. Useful insects disappear.
  2. You can damage the roots. The fact is that most landings have a lot of small roots absorbing moisture and nutrients, they are located at a depth of about 35 centimeters. Dropping the soil to the bayonet with a shovel is thus injured or more than 50% of the roots data are destroyed.
  3. Falling frost resistance. Perevoannoye ground in winter freezes much deeper than untouched. Frosts can kill the roots, so the tree itself will die.
  4. Smart qualities deteriorate.

If you arrange herbal lawns, then we will have the following advantages:

  1. The quality of the soil will improve over time. At the untouched territory of the roots of landings and rain worms form a special structure of the soil - loose. As a result, the soil and fluid go better.
  2. The plants will feed. The grass-dying in the autumn period is decomposed over time, and this is a nutrient for trees.
  3. Vegetation under the tree forms an additional type of root protection against bad weather. And heat soil is not so instantly evaporates. This is a very important point if you have no bad winter periods.
  4. Roots in the summer do not heated. Grass serves excellent protection of them from scorching sunlight.
  5. It will not be necessary to make an extra work: resistance of the territory and weeding.

Using the container under the trunk

And what we have from flaws:

  1. Probers will probably survive. In the intact ground, they will be great to overweight, and in the spring it will be necessary to process vegetation with chemicals. However, if the site is very taking care of the disease and carry out the prevention of diseases, then this is not a special problem. In addition, liveliness is survivors in the ground, which is useful for plants.
  2. Loss of useful plot, for example, for the garden. But you can plant not vegetables and greens to the table, but the flowers, for example, can be planted under the trees any bulbous flower.

We make out of the foregoing conclusion: the option when the grass is planted around the plants, it has much greater advantages. So you should arrange a meadow under your landings. Try this option.

Decor of the priority circle

On any subsidence can be seen - large landings that occupy a lot of space in the territory. In addition, an important rule is to care for a tree, which includes trimming, regular watering and feeding.

To date, many ways to design this section are known.

Using natural materials

Circles around the trees are an area near it, which slightly exceeds the diameter of the crown. In the gardens, where the fruit grow, in some cases this area is constantly picked up, while the territory is exempt from pests. This, of course, becomes facilitating watering, although it is not very attractive. Therefore, mostly circles do less - approximately meter in diameter and apply any design. The most eco-friendly decor is the use of natural material, for example, crushed bark.


Speakers are also in demand, however, they need to take old. They are perfect for coniferous and shrubs, because with such a feeding they grow well. The soil under mulching dries less, it partially restrains the reproduction of pests. So that the mulch is preserved separately from the soil and the pests spread less, it is better to put the black spunbond on the ground, and pour mulch materials to the next layer. As a limiter you can apply logs or pebbles. For example, the use of coconut fiber as a mulch today has been widespread. Because the coconut fiber mulch looks beautiful, in addition, useful fertilizers for plants can be obtained from coconut fiber.

Inert materials

Often, in order to arrange in the household plot, an inert material is used - large or small gravel or pebbles. On the appearance, such inert materials look very impressive, you can make sure you yourself. They are eternal because they do not rot. They are placed under the tree, they do not fly away and delay the liquid, while also preventing the growth of pests. Around the trunk also many gardeners make limiters from plastic borders or stones. A very beautiful border around the trunk of a tree can be obtained if it decorates a large white-colored pebbles and colored glass.

Lawn near the trees

In some embodiments, it is possible to arrange in such a way that the lawn adjoins immediately to the trunk. It is better to implement in such cases when large trees have already grown on the garden plot, the diameter of the planting barrels is about 18 centimeters.

In some parks, such a decor method is used: if they grow on the tracks, the dend restricting raised borders is laid onto them in a small height.

Plant Decor

It is impressive and beautifully look if decorated with decorative-hardy varieties of plants. Basically under the trees, the soil shaded, in this embodiment there will be a shadowed plant, for example, a variety of hosts, fern and so on. Plants can be planted free or planted them in low modules of stones or bricks.

The compositions from the host near the trunks look very attractive. They can also be used to create a beautiful painting, completing it with juicy palettes. In the spring, when there are no leaves on the tree and light, there are a lot of plants like crocus or dwarf anemone. In the summer, based on the degree of shadow, other varieties of plants are chosen. With a strong shadension, such a plant is used as a cladding of a creeping or begonia eternal. In places with great light, it is better to plant lilies or other annuals.

In some cases, small compositions can be concluded to low stone borders.

The owners of small sites often arise a problem - where to place the flower bed? All places are already busy, even eaves and porch, where flowers are placed in containers. Exit: Embossed flowerbed under the tree.

However, not all trees are suitable for placing a flower garden under them. Conifers with a dense and thick crown are not suitable due to the shade. Trees with a height of more than 6-7 meters have a powerful highly crushed root system in the surface layers of the soil and will take water and nutrients in colors. It is better to choose small fruit trees, oaks or others with a scattered crown.

So that the plants are not in the roots, it is better to raise a bed of 20 cm.

It is better to choose shadow and plants for such flower beds, early blooming (tulips, hyacinths, etc.)

How to arrange a flowerbed under a tree

We place the flower garden perimeter and dig a groove along the edge. Remove the turf with roots of grassy plants.

We deploy the metal fence on the perimeter of the flower (sold in the gardeners) or stones.

Sweep the layer of wood sawdust (mulch). She does not give to grow weeds.

4) Sleep the soil layer (10-15 cm)

Looking off the plants and pour out well.

Wood Flombra

1. Most often, flower beds are made in the form of circles and flat. But you can make a flowerbed in the form of "caps" by making a mound. Here is one of the options that can be placed under a small tree that skipping a lot of sun.

2. Very decorative phlox creeping in a mix with tulips. In combination with stones, it turns out a real rocker.

3. Good grow under the trees of Pansies, Petunia and Nasturtia. They create a tight bright fluffy carpet.

Now the place under the tree will be one of the most beloved areas of the garden. Put a bench or story hammock and enjoy.

Having a drowning garden in greenery and fragrant colors dreams of many country owners. But for the successful implementation of ideas and creating a pictorial artistic image, every centimeter of the Earth has to use. As the practice of experienced gardeners, lush and elegant flower beds can be equipped not only in open areas, but also use for these purposes and rolling trees.

You can rarely meet a country or country area on which fruit trees would not grow. But these plants with empty crowns and well-branched root systems occupy a lot of space on the plot. How to rationally use the priority area under the trees to make the garden more elegant and attractive, but at the same time not to harm the plants?

Flowers and vegetable compositions are better broken under adult trees. After all, the rapid young seedlings in the garden are more vulnerable

Young seedlings need careful care. Their priority circles must be left open, because they are needed to make fertilizers and irrigation. The opinion that the roots of the trees grow, leaving the land strictly down, erroneously. Some of them are located in the upper layers of the soil, blocking just 40-50 cm. This moment is worth considering when choosing a place for flower beds so that the roots of adjacent plants do not harm each other in the struggle for the lifeful moisture and nutrients.

For example: Birch, Walnut and horse chestnut have a powerful surface root system. Any plants in the attractive circles of these trees feel uncomfortable. But the apple tree, hawthorn and rowan have a rod root system. They are glad to be allowed under their crown fern, decorative cereals and flowers, allowing you to turn the bare-haired circles in the picturesque flower beds.

Though spectacular perennials capable of transforming any corner in the garden, land under the crowns of trees is not entirely advisable, among the variety of magnificent plants you can always choose flowers that feel great in a small shading

When creating flower clubs around trees, you should follow the same principles as in the arrangement of flower beds in the open area. The only difference is to carefully choose the plants that will be comfortable in the conditions of lack of moisture and light, as well as neatly (with minimal damage to the root tree) process the soil before falling down colors.

What should be thought out first?

Thinking out a flower bed arrangement. It is important to imagine how the plants sitting under the tree will look like a couple of years. When choosing colors, the features of the soil composition should be taken into account on which they prefer to grow, their resistance to temperature drops, laptop of moisture.

At the place of arrangement of the future flower garden, with a small blade, we clean the ground from small penetrating the soil of roots, garbage and stones. The roots of the trees do not care. But it should be determined in advance to their delicate, shopping the shovel in several places of the future flower garden, drowning on the bayonet. If each time the shovel rests in a branched network of roots, for the flower beds it is better to look for another place. The variant of the roots of the roots is possible, in which the "interfering" branches are moved to the sides, creating small "pockets" under the fall of flowers. If during the arrangement of the flower garden without partial trimming of the roots of the tree can not do, then when performing work, it should be guided by the principle that it is possible to "chop" no more than 10 percent of the entire root system. After trimming, the root will have to shorten the crown of the tree, reducing the same volume.

The bottom of the dug holes intended for the arrangement of planting yams of the plant plants, linse with nonwoven material or fine grid. This will prevent the penetration and interlacing of plant roots and somewhat slow down their growth.

Drainage is an important moment when the flower bed is arranged. So that the water is not stored in the flower bed, the bottom of the "pockets" we swell the ten-centimeter "pillow" from gravel, pebbles or sand.

Empty places between the bushes of flowering plants can be reeded with sawdust, wood chip or crushed bark

The prepared wells are half filling with a fertile soil mixture, the third part of which is the earth, digs when creating landing holes. Look at the plants in the wells so that the root neck of everyone was above the level of the earth for 2-3 cm. Soil is tamped and water.

If water-saturated soils prevail on the site, then when the flower garden is designing, preference is worth paying moisture-lovable plants

What plants to choose for compositions?

Most caric flowering perennials prefer solar fertile sections. But the placing flower garden under the tree of such conditions is impossible. Even if the tree has a transparent transparent crown on the flowers planted under it, only a part of sunlight will fall.

Therefore, when plants choose, it is necessary to give preference to shadowish and tenetic colors. For the design of a flower bed under a tree, the dwarf varieties of coniferous plants, bulbous and annuals are perfectly suitable.

It will also be useful to choose from the best technical perennials for the garden:

Non-additive annual and coniferous plants in nature grow in the forests and therefore used to constantly fight for moisture and sun rays

In terms of partial shading, such perennials as a host, lily of the lily, anemite, sparking, Ivy, Lisimahia will feel comfortably feeling.

By issuing a rolling circle of wood, you can solve two tasks at once: to achieve a decorative effect and protect the fruit trees from the encroachment of malicious insects. Nasturtium is able to protect the trees of cherry and an apple tree from the apple mixer and bloodflower. The velvets and chamomiles are perfectly scared to the tool and nematodes, and the lilies of the valley crop crops from fruit rot.

Since fruit trees predominate, the crowns of which create a fairly thick shadow, an excellent version of the design of the rolling circles will be the landing of early decorative plants

Early spring bare branches of trees will not prevent the penetration of light on the flower, giving the opportunity to the primrose to please the eyes even before the leaves on the crown.

Ready-made flowcharge schemes

Options for creating spectacular vegetable compositions on a priority circle set. It can be the multi-level flower beds round shape, the outer edge of which is decorated with low-voltage plants, and the internal space is filled with higher colors.

When decomriage of the coil circles of trees placed along the construction or fences, which are viewed only on the one hand, semicircular and asymmetric flower beds are suitable.

Flower compositions decorated in the form of improvised slopes equipped with retaining walls around the trunks of trees

During the arrangement of multi-tier compositions, it should be borne in mind that the rolling circle of fruit trees can be filled with no more than 10-12 cm. Floating in the soil of the root tree of the tree can lead to a rotor of the trunk.

Option # 1 - Spring Kaleidoscope

For the arrangement of such a flower garden in the fall, it is necessary to clear the priority area around the tree from the small stones and the roots of weeding plants. You can enrich the soil by making composite and organic fertilizers.

Pepling composition of flowers blooming after each other early spring will fill only waking up from the winter hibernation area with bright colors

Lukovychnyy looks at small groups: they are like plaque of multi-colored kaleidoscope whirlpools sparkle in the sun's rays. Narcissus, crocuses and groups by placing them at a distance of 15-20 cm apart. In the foreground of the flower bed, small tubers of a hooker - a herbaceous plant, which received its name due to the bizarre-shaped flower shape. The empty places between the outer glades are filled with bushes with griming on the ground.

To protect the bulbs from frosts and provide them with conditions for growth and full blooming in early spring, it is better to hide them better or foliage.

Option # 2 - Contrast of primroses

Not at all, it is not necessary to give the flower bed with a smooth round shape. A decorative tile will serve as a worthy framing of contrasting blooming cleans, with which the flower garden can be given to any form.

Colorful spring composition, successfully combining miniature spanles of soft blue shades and spectacular irises of saturated yellow colors will bring bright contrast to the site

The bulbs of daffodils and proleski are also planted in autumn, placing them in small groups around the tree trunk. After a bunch of daffodils in their place, pretty herbaceous "bushes" remain, collected from the elongated smooth leaves, which retain decorativeness until the middle of the summer.

Option # 3 - Solar Paints

Earls, decorated with tiny golden yellow flowers, exhibits the greatest decorativeness only in the sun. Fortunately, the early spring crown of trees do not give a thick shadow, giving the opportunity for this unusually beautiful herbaceous plants to express themselves in all its glory.

An elegant composition of spring primroses is also built on color contrast, in which blue and purple crocuses are profitably highlighted against the background of gentle yellow spring

When setting a flower garden, the composition pattern is first thought out. According to the outlined contours, the clubnelluca crocuses are planted, and as a background - the rhizomes of the spring of the winter. After the spring blossom of crocuses, faded flowers are not removed, thereby multiplying the plants with the help of seeds.

With the help of colors, even empty places under the tree can be turned into picturesque and pleasant to rest corners of the garden. Spectacular floral compositions framing the rolling colors will decorate the garden with gentle paints and fill it with charm.

In order for the trees to grow quickly, were strong and high, care for them. This applies to both decorative and fruit species. If earlier, the priority circles around the trees were left in the form of open portions of the soil, which swallowed and fertilized in autumn and spring or covered with mulch, then in our time an increasing number of dachensi plant flowers, spicy and vegetable cultures or sow lawns.

This not only adorns the garden and benefits the trees themselves, but also allows you to save the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot in favor of other plant species.

Dig or do not dig?

For many gardeners, the question of how to properly care for fruit trees and when they jump the earth around them, whether it is at all, or it is better to sing this area of \u200b\u200bgrass. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of the dropping can be allocated as follows:

  • Pests will become less or they will disappear at all.
  • Since the priority circle of fruit trees is expanding as they grow, it makes it possible to use this land with benefit, for example, break the flower garden.

Since the flaws from the leaving of the Earth around the trees are more, then many dackets refused this practice. Caused by the fact that:

  • When soil jumps, not only pests, but also useful microorganisms are destroyed in autumn. For example, aerobic bacteria living on the surface requires oxygen. When pumping the upper layer of the soil turns over and they turn out to be underground. Lained oxygen, they die, and since the aerobic bacteria supplied plants the main nutrients, then the trees are deprived of the elements important for the vital activity.
  • When pumping, there is always a risk of damage to the roots. This is especially true for those who are closer to the surface and the necessary food is obtained.
  • Autumn junk reduces the frost resistance of trees, as the soil becomes open to the cold.

Each dacket decides himself, how to care for his garden, but more and more people are inclined to the fact that the soil around the trees is an area that can be used with a sense and benefit both for the plant and for yourself.

Flowers and beds around trees

In the light of the above, gardeners prefer to use priority circles and sow them either by dispersion or flowers or useful vegetables and spices. This gives its advantages:

  • Gradually, untouched soil is enriched at the expense of plants growing on it, which, taking their time, become a natural dress for wood.
  • It is especially useful to sit down the priority circles for the additional insulation of the root system. The roots of the "neighbors" create a peculiar pillow, which does not give frost to penetrate the ground.
  • In the summer, the lawn or flower garden protect the roots from the sun, and the tree is less than watering.
  • The priority circles of trees filled with vegetation do not need to be rescuffed and a special tie, which not only relieves from excess work, but also contributes to the preservation of the fertile layer of the Earth.

Given all the advantages, more and more dacnisters use the soil around the trees for planting beautiful or beneficial plants.

It is important to know: plants are not always combined with each other. Before planting something, you need to make sure that the "Neighborhood" will be mutually beneficial. This is especially important for fruit trees, as their harvest can significantly decrease by satellites that will act in oppressing.

Types of priority circles and care for them

Design and care for the soil around the tree begins with its landing. So, when he is 2-3 years old, it is 2 m, it reaches 3 m to the sixth anniversary, and by 10-12 - 3.5-4 m. Together with the growth of the crown, its rolling circle is growing, the design of which is growing to the tree change.

Soil care depends on how the ground looks around around the seedling:

  • If the earth remains under black ferry, then it needs regular weeds and light looser after every rain or watering. In the presence of heavy soil, autumn jumps should be carried out annually, while on the sublinks it can be done every 2-3 years.
  • Mulching Although it is the best way to preserve moisture, improving the quality of soil and protection against cold weather, nevertheless is considered to be many gardeners in vain spending land area. Molding methods are described below.

  • Decorated priority circles are becoming increasingly popular, as they simplify the care of them and allow you to create beautiful flower beds, lawns or mini-gardens.

It is important to know: if planting a plant around the tree, then it should be noted that its barrel should be quite high (from 75 cm), and the branches are raised above the ground.

Materials for the decor of rolling circles

Already long ago, those times were passed when the design of the rolling circle of wood consisted only from mulching or "naked" soil. Today, landscape designers use natural and artificial materials for this, flowers and herbs seeds.

Sades are not lagging behind and add their gardens:

  • decorative stone;
  • rubbed and pebbles;
  • glass;
  • synthetic fiber tissues, for example, agricultural;
  • lawns;
  • groes with spices;
  • healing herbs.

It is important to know: the soil around the trees is a useful area when it is properly used. What is allowed on large landscape lawns does not make sense on a plot of 6 acres, where every meter of land on the account.

Decorating stone

The use of shallow pebbles or gravel to decorate the priority circles is particularly popular with dachensors who cannot pay a lot of time. These "helpers" are capable of:

  • hold the moisture;
  • protect root from hot sunlight and strong frosts;
  • not to give weeds to grow;
  • do not let pests.

Such a decor of the priority circle frees the gardener from weeding, loosening and pumping the Earth. Stones are natural material, which is durable, does not fly away from the gusts of the wind and looks impressive.


In the regions where rains are rare, and frosts - no, summer houses are used in the form of a mulch dry manure, straw, peat or leaves with reed. For this there are reasons:

  • this is a natural fertilizer that is drunk in the spring and gives the roots additional food;
  • a similar mulch warms the soil;
  • well keeps moisture.

It is important to know: such mulching should be done not only at 10-15 cm from the trunk, as many gardeners come, but throughout the rolling circle.

However, in warmer regions, an increasing number of dachensons prefer not to multen the rolling circle of fruit trees, but also decorating it. For this, pine cones are perfectly suitable, for example. They look beautiful, they keep warm well, they skip and retain moisture, do not blown away by the wind and do not give a chance to weeds a proportion through such a barrier.

In any case, the choice of which natural material is used for mulching, remains behind the gift box, based on weather conditions and the needs of the tree itself.

Lawn around trees

Beautiful well-kept lawn always looks spectacular. Not an exception when it covers an apple tree, for example, or other fruit trees. Such luxury can afford the owners of large areas. As the grass grows it, it is cut off with a lawn mower and remove. As practice has shown, lawn in the attractive circles is a beautiful decoration that provides a tree with additional care:

  • protects from the sun;
  • protects against cold weather;
  • well keeps moisture;
  • the roots of the grass themselves loose soil, and it breathes.

It is important to know: lawn requires constant care, otherwise the garden will look overgrown and abandoned. Also trees need a regular spring feeder, which is better to make directly under the roots.

Loading the priority circles

The owners of the cherished six hundred and hundredth lawn is not suitable, so the best way out is to create a cultural retention, for which the seeds of the dispersion are used. It is better to sow perennial herbs, for example, a cereal mixture of meadow tissus (up to 60%) and meat lugs (40%).

As the grass grows it, it needs to be scarked and folded under the trees, as this is the best natural fertilizer, which frees the gardener from additional organic feeding. Such a downturn serves as a natural "carpet", which retains the roots of trees from the scorching sun, strong frost and drought.

Flower garden

Before proceeding to the creation of a flower bed, a bed with spices or healing herbs, it should be found out which plants of the priority circles will bring the highest benefit. For example, the following flowers are combined with an apple trees:

  • daisies;
  • daffodils;
  • lungwort;
  • pansies;
  • forget-me-not;
  • bells;
  • nasturtium;
  • barwinka.

They will not only decorate the rolling circle, but also a beneficial effect on the yield of the tree. Among the spices and vegetable crops, the apple tree gets along well with:

  • dill;
  • radian;
  • feathers;
  • salad;
  • sorrel;
  • basilica.

To date, the cultivation of the coil circles of trees is a widespread practice, and not tribute to fashion. When the earth can not only be used, to improve and decorate, but without much effort to improve its composition, it is a chance to make your site perfect.

The place in the shadow of a fragrant linden, powerful oak or compact chestnut connoisseurs of natural harmony tend to turn into a cozy corner of relaxation and privacy.

For some daches, the optimal decision will put a regular bench under the tree, and others are engaged in finding original ideas.

In any case, the lawn under the tree can not only perform aesthetic function, but also carry the functional load, serving a place for family tea party, evening conversation with friends or lonely thoughtfulness.

Create a flower bed under a tree

The flowerbed around the tree looks spectacularly, and inexperienced inhabitants such an idea seems simple and easily executable. However, when it is created, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of the type of wood and the decorative plants growing under it. There are species that do not endure any vegetation in the zone of the priority circle. Such soles can be attributed to birch, Ivu, spruce, walnut, larch, maple, IRGU, Tyu and Posina.

These breeds of trees have a surface root system and will inject any closely growing plant, competing for nutrients and moisture. The prioric circles of this group of trees are better to arrange some other than creating a flower garden, doomed to death. Nicely under such trees will grow lawn grass.

However, with a large desire, in such cases it is possible to create some elevation from the soil mixture in the form of a podium, more of the design of such a flower garden will be discussed below. The lover and chestnut is isolated toxic substances to other plants.

Apple tree, pear, rowan, linden, oak, poplar, ash and fir are easily allowed under their crown of grassy neighbors, allowing you to create luxurious compositions.

Regardless of the tree type when planning and a flower garden, it will take some more features of such a designer project. Flower plants are selected only by trendy and resistant to uneven humidification. Such plants include all kinds of hosts, most of the soil rims, dwarf conifers, some perennials (Badan, Badwin, Volzhanka, Lily of the Lily, Camnheel, Medicarian, Snowdrop, Ferns, Ferrust, Violet, Voronets, Shoe, Hot, Anemone) and bully.

As a rule, the flowering of teothelubil plants falls on early spring, when Krone still skips enough sunlight. Although the main decoration of the shadow flower beds is to decorative foliage.

Before planting flowers around the tree, you need to properly prepare a place. First remove the top layer of soil. It is done very carefully in order not to damage the root tree of the tree. In some cases, the landing is carried out in "pockets" between thick root ramifications. The bottom of the dug hole should be protected with non-woven material to protect the root system and contain its growth.

Next, it is necessary to lay a drainage layer of pebbles, a broken brick or rubble with a thickness of 10 cm. Removing the soil is replaced with a nutrient mixture of compost, turf and peat with complex mineral fertilizers. In the presence of rozing plants, they are recommended to carefully choose. Planting seedlings are produced in moistage soil. Free areas mulched sawdust or wood chips. Complex flowerbeds from plants with different prediction are drawn up according to the principle: the higher, the closer to the trunk.

The shape of flower beds can be both round and asymmetric. So that the soil does not fall down and was not washed away during irrigation, the border of the flower bed must be designated using decorative stones or a border of wood or plastic. The arrangement of flowers in the flower bed should not necessarily obey some kind of scheme, the chaotic composition is interesting and naturally look.

Raised flower bed under the tree do it yourself

When creating flower beds, under adverse trees, difficulties associated with many roots penetrating the upper layer of the soil can occur in the coil circle. For the composition you can not use perennials with deep-rotor roots, it is much more profitable to plant annuals (Ameratum, Begonia, Amarant, Annual Astra, a Talk, Carnation, Gotanyania, Lobelia, Verbena).

To increase the space for the growth of the roots of floral crops, you can design a raised or multi-tier flower leaf on a tree under the tree. For the manufacture of the side of the asymmetric flower beds, wooden slats and plastic bottles can be used, and bricks, old tires and plastic border are suitable for round. Just and quickly make a square wooden box of boards. It is important that the height of the soil sprinkling the tree trunk does not exceed 10 cm. If the root neck is somewhat raised above the soil level, then the soil can be filled and higher.

You can originally and smallly make a flowerbed from the lane. For this, thick branches or the trunk of the old tree are cut to the cylinders with a length of 20 - 30 cm, which, in turn, split on the halves. In construction stores you can buy ready-made borders. Prepared lamps are treated with antiseptic and dried.

Then cut off the geotextile tape, to which the lamps and nails are fixed. Geotextile will protect the tree from moisture and extends the service life of the border. At the next stage, the finished border is plugged into the soil around the tree and fastened with steel rods. After laying a nonwoven material, drainage devices and sweeping of the soil flower bed is ready for landing.

Place of rest under the tree: bench and table

The zone of the priority circle can be not only beautiful, but also useful. A round, hex or square bench around the trunk of a tree and the table successfully complement the well-kept garden, without requiring the selection of a separate place. The shop and the table can have a different design, characterized by the style and complexity of execution.

The most common garden furniture is arranged under the birch, chestnut, nut and ever. The main rule: buildings should not tightly fit into the trunk, it is necessary to leave space for growth. The material is more acceptable, but metal and stone are also used.

From rocks, it is preferable to choose a larch - a record holder for durability and sustainability to external influence. Less expensive options: pine, acacia, spruce and cherry.

The most common design of the garden shop has the shape of a hexagon without a back or with a high back.

To make a simple bench with your own hands, you will need to perform the following work:

  • preparation of material (wide boards for the seat, 12 bars with a length of about half a meter for legs, 6 frames for the backrest, small billets for connection and self-tapping screw);
  • determination of the size of the section (the largest side \u003d the diameter of the barrel + 15 cm, the smallest inner side \u003d the length of the greatest side / 1.75);
  • cutting parts constituting each of the 6 sections, and the angle of the cut should be 30º;
  • processing of all parts and seats of cuts by an antiseptic with a subsequent drying;
  • assembly sections consisting in fixing the seats for meter transverse boards;
  • the assembly of the legs, consisting in fixing the outer and inner legs to the common broad bar with the help of self-tapping screws, as a result, 6 prefabricated elements should be obtained;
  • fixing the adjacent sections to the legs, and two parts of 3 sections in each should be obtained;
  • fastening parts around the tree;
  • installation of parts of the back;
  • the finished design is covered with astactic impregnation.

The table around the tree of the simplest design consists of a metal frame with bars attached around the trunk, and a table top consisting of several sections. The connection of the frame and the countertops is carried out through wooden planks.

How to arrange a gazebo around the tree?

If the creation of flowerbeds and benches seems too simple and unoriginal, you can think about the construction of something more large-scale, for example, gazebo or a cozy recreation area.

The plot under the tree can be a great place for an open garden gazebo. At the same time, Krone Tree serves as a natural canopy from the scorching sun, and if the shadows seem insufficiently, it is possible to plant the actinidia - a fruiting liano-fledged lens with large leaves protecting from the sun and a small summer rain.

A garden gazebo around the tree serves as a comfortable place not only for outdoor activities and communication, but can also become an excellent corner for sleeping and reading. Its design may be the most different, the design depends on the overall style of the garden. A simplified solution is a small podium from a wooden flooring.

If you add a low fencing to the raised flooring, it will be pretty simple in the open gazebo.

Those who want to create more monumental structures and, so to speak, climb over the ground, you can advise buildings on high wooden racks. They look quite impressive, and allow plenty of enjoy the picturesque view of the site.

All considered design ideas of the section of the area in the zone of the priority circle can be actively used on any garden plot, adding new parts and modifying the proposed appearance of the construction. In addition to the presented options, the territory around the tree can be decorated with pebbles, sowed the grass or is clicked. In some designer styles, such minimalism is the best choice.