Summer kitchen made of wood step by step. How to build a summer kitchen in the country with your own hands: Let's tell me about everything

With the onset of summer, life at the cottage is boil. Many move here not only for the weekend, but also for all summer. In the heat, you do not want to cook in the house and the temptation appears to make cooking beyond the stationary house. And then a summer kitchen comes to the rescue. It can be with a brazier or without a stove, barbecue oven and numerous kitchen equipment. Its construction of special work does not represent, and the project can be developed with their own hands.

Summer cuisine of summer kitchen. It can be almost a capital structure, different from the stationary house, the lack of heating, a separate economic structure or a gazebo with a brazier and an equipped place under the dishes.

Summer kitchen may include:

  • hozblok;
  • separate room with dining area and kitchen room.

The simplest summer kitchen consists of one room in which the place for cooking, a fridge and a dining table are located. In a number of such a hosbler, it may not even have capital walls as such. Instead, bruis columns that support the roof are used. Such summer cuisines are more reminded by mangal gazebos.

Material of manufacture

The most simple summer kitchens can be made with their own hands from a wooden bar and boards. In principle, their construction is practically no different from the construction of a shed in the territory of the garden plot. And the project is quite simple.

More capital builds can be built from:

  • brick;
  • stone;
  • foam blocks;
  • slag blocks.

Such buildings are already referred to as proudly by economic buildings and are built in a single style with the main house. They can be a real decoration of the site and used as a guest house with a hozblock.

Above the cooking zone made on the street - Mangalom - you can equip the roof of polycarbonate. Then sudden rain will not interfere with the process of cooking and rest.

Choosing a place

If a summer kitchen is planned from a tree or brick with a hozblock, then you need to choose a place on the plot, wherever it disrupts the common landscape design and did not fit into the bed. Optimally, when summer kitchen is located near the house. This is especially important if the summer kitchen is a gazebo with a brazier and a place to relax. In this case, the refrigerator is located in the house and, therefore, for the products will have to go there.

The most optimal summer kitchen project is built with two solid wood or brick walls, along which shelves are placed, countertop, stove. The other two walls are open, as on the veranda. This structure is practical, functionally and aesthetic. And the materials on its construction will need not so much. Also build it with your own hands will be much easier than the capital structure.

Construction of foundation

We must remember the construction with your own hands that in any case it is not necessary to do without the construction of the foundation. Otherwise, after the first winter, the building will glance and will see. The form of the foundation depends on the construction project.

Under the foundation it is necessary to pull the hole throughout the perimeter of the kitchen. The depth of it is 35-50 cm. It is best to pour a ribbon foundation. The edges of the pit are strengthened with formwork. Then, a pillow from gravel with a thickness of 5-10 cm is pillowed to the bottom of the formwork. Gravel is pretty condensed. After that, the formwork is poured concrete. In order for the foundation to be durable, you can pre-rein it. To this end, metal bars are inserted into the foundation and only then poured concrete.

Important: The construction of summer cuisine can be continued only after the foundation will finally dry. It will take 2-4 weeks. It is better not to hurry. Make the right first stage and then in the future you will not have to decide what to do with a cloak building.

Foundation of summer kitchen (video)

Construction of walls

Only after that the construction of walls begins with their own hands. If they are built out of the brick, then laying them begin with an angle. Each layer is stacked with the level so that the walls are smooth. The second row is placed with a shift - the edges of the previous rows of bricks should have to middle a brick of the stacked series. This ensures the strength of the construction. Surplus the solution is removed during the styling.

Two walls can be folded from the brick. Instead of the other remaining walls, vertically, vertical vertices from the tree in the corners and in the form of columns. They will simultaneously support the roof.

Countertop, oven, stove

Along the capital walls, a tabletop is made. It can be built in it. Similarly, you can use the wall of the brick on the table top, which is laid out according to the same rules. For the stove between the supports, steel rods are stacked. The tabletop is stacked from above, which should be from heat-resistant materials.

Barbecue oven is usually purchased ready. It can be an electrical or gas design, depending on what the project involves and how much allows the wallet.

In the summer kitchen you can post a stove. It can be a brand made of brick. Or a more complex design that resembles Tyindar. The furnace is placed from heat-resistant bricks. It is not always possible to make a stove with your own hands. This requires certain knowledge. This operation can be entrusted to specialists.


The floor can be wooden or with your own hands from porcelain stoneware. In any case, you first need to pave lags. And only then on top of them laid down the flooring. Paul can be painted, covered with tiles - here already solves the taste of the owners.


The most simple - make a flat roof with your own hands. The roof frame is the beams stacked on the walls. Since there are no two walls in this summer kitchen, the walls represent the columns from the bar. Along their upper edge, a timber is laid and fixed. The beams are already put on it and the roof is attached.

Customs, flexible tile, metal tile can be used as roofing material.

Construction of summer kitchen (video)


Options, build a summer kitchen in the country with your own hands in fact a lot. You can choose a finished project, and you can do otherwise and develop it yourself. Make it from the colon with the roof - you will get an elegant arbor with the furnace, make with capital walls - you will get a multifunctional economic building, which can be used even for summer accommodation. The principles of construction are about the same. If you do everything neat and good, then the country's summer kitchen will delight the eye and decorate the site.

Summer kitchen with your own hands (photo)

Cottage without summer kitchen - like a resort without the sea. But how to build a summer kitchen, if you hire professionals are expensive, but there is no confidence in our own forces?

The main thing is to remember that the gods do not burn the pots, but we will help you in the ways and features of the process.

Determine the kitchen type

The construction of summer kitchens suggests at least two types of building:

  1. Closed;
  2. Open.

Kitchen closed type

As can be seen in the photo, the summer kitchen of the closed type is a full-fledged house with four walls, windows, door and roof.

Advantages of closed buildings:

  • The room is protected from dust, wind, precipitation and insects;
  • With the appropriate heating, the construction can be used in the cold season;
  • In the closed kitchen, you can leave stocks of products, equipment and other valuable things;
  • The room can be used as a house for guests;
  • In such a kitchen, you can arrange additional rooms: bath, cellar, workshop, garage.


  • Building a summer kitchen of a closed type will require more building materials;
  • The construction of summer cuisine will be harder and will not cost without labor-intensive work, attracting assistants and technology;
  • The project and the calculation of the foundation, the rafter system and other buildings of the building will be required;
  • The construction of such a kitchen will cost much more expensive and will last longer.

Open kitchen

Choose summer kitchen location

Locate it in the right place. It is not difficult to identify such a place, it is enough to follow our instructions:

  • The kitchen is a place of food, so we have it as far as possible from toilets, compost holes, garbage tanks and animal enclosures.
  • For convenience of supplying communications, the kitchen is better located near the house. This is especially important if the eyeliner is planning to do with your own hands.
  • An extension of summer kitchen to the house is a good solution, but you will have to take care of her fire safety especially carefully.
  • Open-type summer kitchen is better located in the depths of the site, away from road dust and eye passersby;
  • If there is a cellar on the site, then you will arrange a kitchen over it - just a great solution. It will save you from unnecessary runner, especially during the summer workpiece and conservation.
  • The open kitchen is better to put in the shade of trees, it will create an extra comfort and protects from direct solar radiation.

Construction of summer cuisine

Open type

Build a summer kitchen with your own hands the easiest way is precisely in the form of an open arbor or terrace.

  • To do this, you will be enough to dig a shallow pit - no more than 15 cm, which will be needed to fill in rubble and sand.
  • Intim the pipes of sewage and water supply, if such is planned.
  • After the coupling along the perimeter, they make a low formwork, insert the reinforcement grid and fill with concrete.

Doing the cooking in the kitchen of a small size - the occupation is not pleasant. Hot air, close, constant absence of free space, make the process of cooking difficult, and sometimes unbearable. The output is only one - build a separate spacious summer kitchen in the country, where there is enough space not only to accommodate the working, but also the dining area, with a large and comfortable dining table. What kind of summer kitchen is most in demand today, and is it possible to build it yourself, using typical projects and the usual photo, then in our article.

What is the summer kitchen

Summer cuisine at the cottage is a house-built or a separate construction, designed for cooking and recreation. Depending on the choice of materials and the method of insulation, it can be used, as for the warm season and constantly.

The type of summer kitchen design can be open and closed. In the first case, the walls in the structure are not completely either partially. They can replace light curtains or. Closed-type has capital walls and windows, reliably cover the kitchen from the rain and wind.

For an experienced carpenter to independently build over the summer kitchen - canopy from the rain, will not be difficult

The summer kitchen having a simple project can be safely erected in just one summer. This requires basic construction skills, necessary material and tools. Well, for the Safety, it is desirable to have one or two assistants, as some types of work will be produced at altitude.

Important! Before starting the construction of the object, you should choose a suitable place for it. From how much that this will be done not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side of the question will be dependent.

We select a place for construction

Selecting the appropriate place, first of all, it should be borne in mind that the kitchen should not be too removed at home. And it's not even that it will be easier and cheaper to bring communication, but in the fact that it should be within walking distance from the main structure. You will agree, every day go to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner on the opposite side of the site is not entirely comfortable.

In addition, next to the summer kitchen, there should be no sources that have an unpleasant smell. These include, sheds and cells with animals, pits with fertilizers, compost piles, sewer wells, septicities, etc.

Have your own kitchen in the fresh air - Dream of any mistress

If there is a tree on the plot, it is advisable to plan the summer kitchen in close proximity to it. On hot days under his thick crown, you can place the table and chairs. After all, it is no secret that breakfast in the fresh air is doubly pleasant.

However, carried away by planning the future structure, do not forget about the rules of fire safety, neglect which can lead to not the best consequences.

The presence of an open flame in the summer kitchen is allowed if it is removed from the passenger-friendly buildings at least 8-10 meters.

We define with the design of the kitchen (photo)

In order for the extension for cooking food, it was practical, functional and convenient, and also had an attractive appearance - it is important to choose the right project for it, in which all nuances and design features will be painted.

In addition, it is important that the kitchen organically fit into the overall building and did not violate the surrounding landscape, so the materials for its construction are desirable to choose the same as for the house itself. So you will achieve perfect harmony between two buildings.

As you could have noticed, many projects of summer kitchens of which are posted in the article, have an original and non-standard design. This suggests that today is aesthetic component, no less important than functional.

Construction of construction on their own

When the place and the project for summer cuisine is chosen, you can safely begin to build it. Like any structure, the construction of summer kitchen is performed in four stages:

  1. Marking of the site and fill the foundation.
  2. Erecting walls (if provided for by the project) or support pillars.
  3. Roof construction.
  4. Internal and exterior finish.


Since this building is relatively not difficult, the need to fill capital foundation - no. It is quite possible to do or, the main thing that is carried out in compliance with technology.

Important! For those who subsequently do not want to mess with the floor, it is perfect, the top base of which will be the floor.

For the construction of a summer kitchen made of glass - the foundation and may not be required.

  • Ribbon foundation. First on the site make the markup, which is noted on the plane by fixed spikes with a rope stretched between them. Next rotes the pit (depth 40-60 cm.), On the perimeter of which formwork from boards or moisture resistant plywood is installed on both sides. Then, to avoid grounding of the soil, there is a subference from the rammed seeded sand and rubble. Before pouring the concrete, the valve is lowered into the trench and bind it with a wire with a special hook. The foundation should have no less than 30 days. If you're lucky with the weather, you can start construction in 2 weeks.
  • Monolithic foundation. After having marked up the site, at a depth of 15-20 cm. Drove the pit. To enhance the soil and protect the stove from groundwater, geotextiles are settled on the bottom of which the pillow from the sand is made. Next, the sand is moving well and tightly tumped by a wheeled machine. It remains to put a formwork, link the reinforcement frame, pour a solution of concrete. After complete drying, reliable and high-quality base for summer cuisine - ready.

Important! If you plan to use the open type of summer kitchen, the plate from the monolithic foundation is recommended to do with a small bias of 1.5º-2º so that raindling water can be finished on it.

Wall and roof

If the walls of summer kitchens are wooden, their construction begins with the construction of a frame that is made of metal or wooden bars.

  1. In the corners, large (reference) racks are set - the size of 200 × 200 mm., And between them additional - the size of 150 × 150 mm.
  2. The topping bars are put on the supporting bars, which will also serve as the basis for setting the rafter.
  3. After the structures are installed, from 70 × 50 mm bars. A doomle and a counterclaim is done.
  4. Next, the entire design is processed by a special composition of fungus and mold, after which the installation is made.

Often, a rounded log, brick or a stone, which is ideal for the construction of this type is often used as the wall material. With this walls, the construction can be used yearly, the main thing is to produce their quality.

The indisputable advantage is that facade of summer kitchen From the log, facing brick or decorative stone does not require additional finishes. Excess costs are reduced only to the fact that the tree is needed and, and the stone and brick.

We define with the design of the facade

Choosing a summer kitchen project from the photos that you like, you need to pay attention not only to its shapes, sizes, and functional component, but also on the structure of the structure. For the cottage it is very important that the style of the attachment corresponds to the overall layout of the entire site as a whole.

It does not mean at all that the construction should be a kind of clone of the main structure. Rather, even on the contrary, they should not replace, but complement each other, creating common stylistic strokes.

Special attention in the summer kitchen should also be given to the working and dining area, where everything should be as rationally and convenient as possible. Competently organize space to help you stock Foto Summer cuisinewhere it is clearly demonstrated how beautiful and correctly draw up various zones.

The work area is an important element in the interior. Try to be comfortable and practical

  • Furniture. Use upholstered furniture on an open summer summer kitchen is not the best idea. In most cases, it is made of foam rubber who absorbs moisture well. Therefore, it is better to use wooden or plastic benches and chairs with removable pillows. Also in the interior well will fit various types of wicker furniture, which is perfectly combined with any finishing materials. For example, a rattan chair or a chair from the vine will look very beautiful. If the closed type of kitchen is used, then the flight of fantasy should not be limited. In this case, you can use any furniture, including soft.
  • Lighting. Proper lighting of summer cuisine in the country, regardless of its size - an important stage of repair work. Hung in the center of the chandelier or a single lamp, it can not always cope with the task assigned to it. To illuminate all zones, it is desirable to use more than one type of lighting. Over the working area, it is appropriate to place spotlights in the CO tandem, and hang over a large chandelier over the table.

We hope that this article will help you competently approach the choice of a suitable project for your summer kitchen. As you can see sources for inspiration and fresh ideas on the embodiment of conceived abound. Successful construction to you.

The most favorite occupation during the rest is a trip to the country where you can feel comfortable and forget all urban problems. For such purposes, the country area creates a recreation area in which the main object is summer kitchen. This place in which barbecues are satisfied, kebabs are fried, spend the evening in a circle of friends at the dinner table. Built in the country, with your own hands, summer kitchen becomes a favorite place of time.

All buildings of this purpose are divided into two groups - open and closed, characterized by the presence of walls. In the first case, the kitchen is well ventilated and it is not hot. In the second, the work area is closed from all sides, so it will be comfortable in the cold season.

Open areas resemble a veranda or gazebo. They have no walls and often there is no roof, so the effect of unity with nature is created. Often they are needed to expand the cooking zone, if there is no such possibility in the house. The easiest option is canopy to the wall of the kitchen room. The main element of the design is the platform with an awning on which the stove is placed, washing, a table with chairs, etc.

Closed kitchen more resembles a separate house. To increase the term of operation, it is erected from bricks and stone. One of the embodiments of the structure is a summer kitchen with a veranda, which has all the walls of glass. In winter, it is used as a storage room, so as not to be empty. If you insulate the walls and the ceiling and put the stove, you can even live in winter in this room.

When building a summer kitchen, you can combine various materials, experiment with the design, install the brazier, barbecue. Often, there are a platform in the form of a terrace, veranda, arbors, which allows not only to prepare food outdoors, but also to be trapes. Thus, the transition to the garden plot is created.

When developing a summer kitchen project, it is necessary to take into account its type on which construction technology depends. Pay attention to these features:
  • Summer kitchen with terrace. Conditionally divided into two parts. The food intake zone is sometimes equipped without walls and roofs. Frequently placed in the garden, under the trees to hide from the sun.
  • Summer kitchen with a veranda. This is a variety of closed buildings, which is distinguished by large windows. Vacationers offer a beautiful view of the surrounding environment. It can use sliding walls or opening windows.
  • Summer kitchen with room. Such a combination is created to save money - different rooms are combined under one roof. Often adds a bath or sauna to the kitchen.
  • Summer kitchen with barbecue and mangal. The hot device put in the middle of the room, and the tables are installed around, creating a cozy atmosphere for a good company.

Advantages and disadvantages of summer kitchen

Unlike traditional cuisine in summer, there are two functional zones. The first prepares dishes, in the second all the trapes.

The structure is very popular thanks to such qualities:

  1. The room does not require cooling in the heat, so there is no need for expensive air conditioners and ventilation systems. The hostess will not be pushed into a hot plate.
  2. Lunch and dinner outdoors are much more tastier, and you can easily feed the little children.
  3. In the evening dinner, it turns out romantic and even strengthens the feelings.
  4. Dishes can be quickly served to the table. The close location of the mantal or barbecue tables is especially valued.
  5. During the cooking, the hostess does not leave the room and has the ability to communicate with the company.
  6. Summer kitchen with terrace is an ideal workplace. In the summer, during conservation there is nothing to be afraid to escape and dying the floor covering, because It is simply not. Evaporation is quickly carried away from the working area.
  7. In the summer kitchen it is convenient to take a large number of guests and treat them with a kebab and barbecue that are preparing nearby.
The benefits of such a building a lot, but there are disadvantages:
  • Works require significant financial costs. However, finances can be saved if you do it yourself.
  • The kitchen is intended for use in the warm season. To flow in winter, you need to build a closed well insulated room, which will take a lot of money.

How to build a summer kitchen

Before making a summer kitchen, consider what responsibilities it should perform. Depending on the decision of the owner, materials and design are selected. Below are the recommendations and instructions for its arrangement.

Selection of material

Summer cuisines are built of bricks, wood or metal. Each option has its own characteristics. Brick walls are heavy, so they need a foundation for them. From this material make closed kitchens that can be operated all year round. Such fireproof structures, in them are often installed stationary mangals and barbecue. They are durable, do not require constant care.

Wooden cuisine to build is much easier, cheaper, faster than stone. Buildings create a comfortable surroundings for recreation. Walls from lumber do not require the foundation. If necessary, you can do clumsy. The disadvantage of the design from the boards is one - the tree is well lit. Therefore, before use, heave the blanks with antipirens, and spaces near the furnace or mangala, sort out brick or tiles.

Metal summer kitchens are found only in the form of buildings with walls of wrought-iron grids with decor. They are well combined with brick or stone walls, which makes the construction with exquisite and rich.

Selection of seats for summer kitchen

When choosing a place for recreation area, we recommend using our advice:
  • The most successful option is the platform near the residential building, to which electricity and sewage can be easily suspended. Often summer kitchen is a continuation of the main, so utensils can be stored in the house. You can attach it to the wall in which there is a kitchen window.
  • Building should not blow up any pass so that it does not have to bypass it. It is also not worth posting it in such a place in which it looks like a belly in the eye. Find an unused area.
  • From any flammable object, it must be at a distance of at least 10 m.
  • The construction must organically fit into the surrounding landscape and go well with other buildings in color and wall material.
  • Turn it to the open side to the north to protect yourself from direct sunlight.
  • Summer kitchen in the country without a roof is better to place under high trees that create a shadow.
  • So that rainwater flows grade, position it on a small slope.
  • Put the kitchen away from Sarai, where cows and other pets are contained, as well as away from the toilet and compost pouch.
  • It is convenient to build it above the cellar, in this case all the products will be at hand.

Place for summer cuisine with mangal, choose such criteria:
  1. The recreation area is not striking, but a playground is visible from the tables.
  2. Please note that a large territory is required for Kitchen with Mangal. This is due to the fact that the furnace should be at a safe distance from the tables with the company. Nearby leave a seat for the cutting table and washing.
  3. Paul be sure to pour concrete, regardless of the material from which the walls are made.
  4. The location of the furnace is determined at the stage of the fill of the concrete floor.

Instructions for the construction of closed summer kitchen

The construction of summer cuisine resembles the construction of an ordinary unwanted building. The main stages of its construction are shown below.

The closed summer kitchen must build on the foundation. If the walls are made of brick, pour the ribbon foundation, if from the tree - lay out the column.

Perform the following base creation operations:

  • Drop by the perimeter with a trench with a depth of 50 cm. Its width must be wider than 10 cm.
  • Pour a thickness of a thickness of 15 cm on the bottom of the sand layer and compliment it.
  • Install the water and sewer pipe in the pit and move them to the installation places of the sink.
  • Pour the trench with a solution and wait until it hardens. It is usually required 2 weeks so that concrete has gained sufficient strength.
Walls can be made from any material. Often, after the construction of the residential premises, boards and bricks remain, which can be used for these purposes. So in the room in the summer it was cool, it is recommended to use a brick, and the walls are not plastering. The laying can be thick in the Pollipich or brick. It is allowed to build walls from the boards, and then put them with a stone to provide coolness in the summer and keep warm in winter.

To knock down the wooden wall of the summer kitchen, first assemble the frame from the beams, and then take it outside the boards, and from the inside - the clapboard. Make at least two windows with dimensions 1x1 m. To save heat, install them on silicone gaskets. Often, the openings leave from the floor to the ceiling, which allows you to skip more light. Thus, visually you can increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. When creating a combined kitchen option, when the openings are closed with rollers, make windows wide.

To create a floor, dug in indoors with a depth of 15 cm and pour it off with sand. From above, you can lay the boards, put the paving slabs or pour the floor with concrete. If a summer kitchen is built with a mangal with a wooden floor, be sure to choose a brick section under the furnace. In the roof and wall, refer to the openings for removal from the working area of \u200b\u200bsmoke.

The roof of the summer kitchen can be made single or duplex. Single room roof is more simple in performance and will cost cheaper. The second option looks harmonious and solid, but will need more billets. The duct roof looks good on large buildings. You can cover the top with a slate, polycarbonate, tale or any other roofing material. To operate in winter, warm the roof of mineral wool.

At the last stage of construction, make a furnace or other such device. It is the main element around which others are arranged. Then place the table, chairs and other items.

Construction of summer open kitchen

Such a structure can be erected in just a few days. To make a summer kitchen with your own hands, use our recommendations:
  1. Construction begins with applying the site contours on the ground. Drink in the corners of the dedicated area of \u200b\u200bthe pegs, stretch the cord between them. If the kitchen does not exceed the dimensions of 2x3 m, it is cut at the pegs with a depth of at least 50 cm and the size of 20x20 cm. You can use a large diameter brother. If the floor is larger than the specified area, dig another hole between them, the result is two rows of 3 rows of 3 each. Pour on the bottom of the sandy sand with a layer of 10-15 cm.
  2. Fold in each pit a brick column, while inside the masonry should remain under the metal pipe installed vertically.
  3. Poles must perform above the ground for height, in advance by the owner. Install in the middle of masonry pipe and score to the ground. Check that they are located vertically, and the upper ends were in the same plane. Fill free space inside the masonry concrete.
  4. After pouring the solution, proceed to the assembly of the roof. Metal pipes or profiles will be needed for this. Weld them to the top of the pillars. So that the fabric does not save, place the beams with a step of 1 m. To protect against moisture, paint the frame.
  5. The easiest way to roof for open summer kitchen is the use of the awning. Pour the tissue on the beams, pull it out and tie to cross.
  6. Another equally common material for flooring is polycarbonate sheets, corrugated glass or only. When counting the amount of material, consider that the roof should perform in the perimeter of the kitchen by 50 cm. Fasten wooden slats to the beams, which will provide this condition. Sheets are fixed to raids after macate assembly by self-draws.
  7. Cover the kitchen as an awning and secure it to the frame.
  8. Remove inside the highlighted area of \u200b\u200bthe top layer of the soil at a depth of 15 cm. Put the deepening with sand and thoroughly confuse.
  9. On the finished basis, build a wooden flooring. The site can also be careed with brick or sidewalk tiles. It must be at an altitude of 50 cm above the ground, so as not to flood after the rain.
  10. In the location of the furnace and barbecue lay the floor with brick or paving tiles.
The choice of plate for the kitchen depends on the host preferences. It is more practical to use gas devices, however an open summer kitchen with a barbecue looks original.

How to make a summer kitchen - Look at the video:

The long-standing traditions to have summer kitchens at the cottage in separate houses gradually go into Genesis. Today, modern design becomes all bolder and they are starting to post next to terraces, open cinemas, pools, etc., creating a unique design of the courtyard with such a structure. You can independently build a summer kitchen Quickly quickly, especially if there is a ready-made site near the house, if it is not, then depending on the type of construction you can make it open or closed.

  • summer kitchen with a gazebo;
  • summer kitchen with bath;

  • summer kitchen with a veranda;

  • summer kitchen with mangal and the like.

A closed summer kitchen involves use in construction a little more building materials, while it remarkably protects against dust, wind, etc. If you wish, it can be used all year round.

Open type can be without walls and pose a small platform with curtains, canopy or without it. At the same time, the buildings are considered open, which are erected as a kind of pavilion - the roof and three walls.

Also create a summer kitchen on the site can be in the form of a wooden structure, which is trimmed by plywood, wood or drywall. A more durable type is built from foam blocks, natural stone, bricks and other similar building materials.

How to make a summer kitchen with your own hands

Kitchen selection

Located with a place under the summer kitchen, see that it is conveniently located for the supply of various types of communications: water supply, waterproof, electrical wiring, etc. Also an important nuance is the location of the kitchen away from the livestock, toilet and compost pits. Otherwise, eating here will not be very comfortable.

If you wish to build a summer kitchen from non-resistant building materials, it is better to highlight it away from the light-aggravated structures.

Often, the cuisine is attached over the cellar is the perfect solution, since all the necessary products will always be at hand, and after summer conservation, you can quickly place orders.

Also, experts recommend to have a summer kitchen under the trees, so that the sun and the heat of the focus did not bring you inconvenience. In extreme cases, orient windows to the East or North - thus, the dropping rays will be minimized in them.

Device platform

Preparing an earthy plot, it should be aligned and foreseen to the water drain. If you plan to supply communications, they are created at this stage.

When building a summer kitchen without walls, the foundation can not be laid, but to limit the ordinary platform.


  • first rotates a depth of 100-150 mm;
  • then he falls asleep with sand;
  • next, the pillow from the sand is trambed, and wooden boards, paving slabs or bricks, which will serve as the basis for it.

If you are planning to create a stationary type of kitchen from stone, brick, etc., here it is necessary to provide a real foundation. For stone and brick structures lay a ribbon foundation, and under frame wooden - column, which will stand on stone or brick columns.


  • initially, in the marked perimeter (it should be 100 mm more planned section) the ground is removed to a depth of 500 mm;
  • a sandy pillow (150 mm) is well built onto the bottom;
  • on the remaining 300 mm, the foundation of a certain type is erected.

After the fundamental basis is ready, you should think about the floor arrangement.


  • between the walls of the foundation, the steel of the sand pillow (100-150 mm);
  • trambet her;
  • then they fall asleep with rubble, which is also rambling;
  • next, everything is poured with a solution of cement.

Construction of walls

The construction of a summer kitchen from the brick assumes the presence of knowledge and skills of brickwork, while it is practically no different from the construction of walls. Mainly applies masonry in one brick or pollockich.

However, it is much faster to build a summer kitchen from a wooden frame that is trimmed by boards. In this case, the carrier elements will not be a wall, but a frame consisting of solid wood or bars. All frame elements are fixed with each other with screws. At the same time, close attention is paid to the compound with metal corners of the beam structures with the foundation.

After the frame is set, it is cut with the outer side by boards up to 2 cm thick, and with the inner - clapboard, plasterboard, etc.

Roof of summer kitchen

Today, a double roof is very popular in the construction of summer kitchens, it can also be made with a single one or flat. If you wish to use the room all year round, it is recommended to provide in the design of the heat-insulating layer. Completes the roof of the tile or slate.

For an open kitchen, which has a platform type, it is advisable to create a canopy. So the metallic or wooden rack is mounted a dory, which is covered with roofing materials - polycarbonate, corrugated colored plastic, etc.

Installing windows

When erecting a closed summer kitchen, you should take care of the window frames. The window box should be installed in the opening quite tightly, by the need to apply silicone special gaskets. If the construction design allows, you can use large windows that will be located from the ceiling to the floor.

What to cook

Summer cuisine is completely unthinkable without stoves that are several types:

  • for barbecue;
  • for daily cooking.

For everyday cooking, the easiest to use electrical or gas plates. Some prefer more exotic variant - a Russian wood-burning furnace, which is lined with refractory bricks. This option attaches significant savings, however, increases the risk of fire. Therefore, be sure to pride the high-quality ventilation system.

Summer kitchen with barbecue is a kind of furnace, which is similar to a fireplace, having a combustion compartment for baking on coals of vegetables, meat and other food. Mapping a barbecue, pay due attention to the construction of an exhaust pipe.

Interior decoration of the kitchen

Outdoor coating in the summer kitchen can be made of 2-3 cm boards thick. Such a floor opened by varnish will become a wonderful alternative to parquet. If this building material is not satisfied with you, then put the linoleum on top of it. You can also use ceramic tiles or natural stone.

Depending on the design of summer kitchen, the ceilings are trimmed with plasterboard or 2 cm boards thick. Wooden coating is recommended to cover with oil, and drywall sharpen and paint with water-level paint, or just to bother.

Speaking of the walls, it is worth noting that it looks great with a clapboard with wood or plasterboard, which is subsequently chosen in any color.

Summer kitchen design

As mentioned above, the main decoration of the summer kitchen is the oven. However, to comfortably use it, and then eat food with an appetite, the sink, countertop, dining table and chairs should be provided in the room.

Interior can transform vases with flowers, wrought elements, carved wood, porcelain, ornamental clay products, as well as textile original things.

How to build a summer kitchen of an open type

Initially, you should purchase the necessary tools, building materials and equipment, and also to determine what will be included in the design. It can be a bar stand, a bio or gas fireplace, a furnace or oven, mini refrigerator, cabinets with shelves, washing, cooking surface or grill. Immediately solve the issue with communications or organize an additional place for a gas cylinder. Take care of light placement and determine the size of the kitchen island.

For the construction of a kitchen island on a frame carcass, we will need the following materials:

  • the stone is artificial from light concrete;
  • metal legs;
  • sealant designed for outdoor work;
  • plastering solution for external work;
  • plaster grid;
  • felt construction;
  • plywood 3/4 inches thick;
  • bar 20x40 mm.

This frame design provides sufficiently low placement of the grill so that its grille is located at the level of the main concrete countertop. Material for the table top does not matter, the main thing is its surface should be moisture-resistant and does not deteriorate when the temperature drops. For example, you can use:

  • mosaic;
  • artificial or natural stone;
  • porcelain stonewares, etc.

The construction of a summer kitchen includes a number of stages:

1. Construction of a wooden basis:

  • according to a predetermined plan, the timber is cut and the frame is mounted, which is fixed by 2.5 inches screws;
  • at the junctions of bars, cutouts of 1.5 inches depth are created;
  • for fixing the design, the bottom of the middle frame, an additional bar is fastened and the legs are mounted;
  • then plywood lies;
  • in the locations of the bruse frame and plywood sealant;
  • next, plywood is attached to it with two 1-inch screws;
  • internal shelves, doors and necessary fittings are created;
  • after that, all removable elements are dismantled and finishing work begins.

2. Preparatory work on plastering:

  • a wood frame is covered with construction felt, which should overlap on the joints, about 50 mm;
  • next, duch is done under the plaster;
  • it is best to apply a plaster grid by fixing it horizontally at a distance of 300-350 mm and 150 mm vertically with nails;
  • observe the direction of the pattern and overlapping the joints by 50 mm;
  • then, protruding the mesh frame is cut;
  • at the end of the work, check that the duch does not save.

3. Watching:

  • initially, the kitchen island should be located in the right place, since the facing is capable of driving it;
  • divide the plaster according to the instructions and apply it on the grid, controlling the content of each cell;
  • the first layer should be done not too thick (the duch drawing should be viewed);
  • give the first layer to dry (60 minutes);
  • the second layer is applied by a trowel with jar (0.5 inches);
  • smoothly move horizontally, holding it at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • the second layer remains at least a day.
  • if you plan to make cladding with tiles, the corrugated surface will provide good adhesion with the basis;
  • if you do not want to fane the kitchen by a stone or a tile, then the second plaster layer should be aligned, produce a grout and subsequent putty.

4. Facing with artificial stone

After the plaster dries, the inner shelves are mounted. Next is applied to the door body and the boundaries are scheduled. For cladding, it is best to apply concrete stones that perfectly imitate a natural pattern, weigh much less and are simply processed. Make sure that the vertical seams of the neighboring row overlap, and the color of the stone alternated.


  • starting the facing should be with the angular elements, laying out the rows of spending;
  • the reverse side of the stone of 25 mm thick is covered;
  • next, the workshop creates pits;
  • excess construction mixture is removed;
  • the stone is fixed on the side of the kitchen island, carefully pressed to the base;
  • then you should knock on a stone and make sure that there is no air gap;
  • at the end of the work, after the daily drying of the facing layer, the countertop, sink, grill and doors are mounted.

Other summer kitchen arrangements:

  • if desired, you can refuse cladding and make a tabletop and a kitchen island from stainless steel;
  • you can also use metal frame instead of a wooden frame;
  • create M-shaped and P-shaped structures;
  • combine with kitchen bar rack;
  • create a brick kitchen and separate it with brick artificial siding;
  • lining with mosaic or ceramic tiles;
  • make cladding with clapboard, porcelain book or composite building material.

Summer kitchen with your hands video: