Make an artificial reservoir with your own hands. Decorative reservoir do it yourself - where to start? Reservoir from the old bath

For a long time he was heard, the water calms down, but more and more they say that if it is near the house, it brings well-being and money. Not always natural reservoirs can be located on the territory of the site, more often they are created by artificially. That is why we decided to tell you how to create an extraordinary beauty corner in our garden with our own hands using for this, remedies.

A very important point in creating an artificial reservoir is a terrain that surrounds your home, and therefore it is simply necessary to pay attention to it. Review the entire existing area, perhaps there are natural recesses or small holes, if any, then we advise you to use them.

Where to place an artificial pond in the country

Place an artificial reservoir is better closer to the house, so it will have natural lighting. It is important that if you have small children, you can always control their games near the water. From the point of view of Feng-Shuya, the reservoirs must be located on the eastern or southern part of the site, then water benefits, it is also not recommended to use areas planted with trees and shrubs, especially if they are fruit.

The fact is that any plant has roots, which can adversely affect the condition of the walls of your reservoir, and the fruits and leaves, falling into the water, will start over with time, why water will quickly determine. If you really want to have a small reservoir in the garden on your site, then take care that it is always clean and well-groomed.

Artificial water bodies do not need to do deep, as they are not intended for swimming, but are part of the decor of your site, in addition, to care for small lakes is much easier. It is also worth noting that they need to change water, and clean it, and therefore take care that the water source is as close as possible, thereby it will be easier for it to fill it.

What makes a pond in the garden

It is possible to arrange a water from finished containers in the form of fiberglass, insulating floors, flexible and hard, polyethylene, PVC films, or butyl rubber rubber. At the same time, if you want to achieve originality, we advise you to carefully study your barn and see, perhaps, there were launched a big container or an old bathroom, which is perfect for the basis of your lake. It is better to start work in the summer, or closer to it, since the soil waters fall at this time, which will greatly facilitate the tasks.

Ped of finished capacity with your own hands

The easiest way to do in the country the pond from the finished container, which can be purchased in the store. It is done very simply - the pit is digging the capacitance code, the container is placed and its edges are aligned in terms of level. Excess space fall asleep the earth, the edges of the container can be masked with stones or leave as it is. Pour water, plant plants, decorate the pond itself. Here is the photo instruction:

Copy pit

We put the container

Out stones

Decorating the pipe with water

Make a fountain

View at night

On the bottom of the backlight

Night pond

As you can see, there are still letters for water, in order to make two fountains. One is just disguised as the old clay pot with water, the second is a beautiful fountain in the center of the pond. Here are another ponds with a fountain and a waterfall:

Also in the photo in the manual for the manufacture of a pond from the finished capacity with your own hands you saw a beautiful backlight. You can do the same in your country.

And of course, the bars must be decorated. You can plant plants, both around the pond, and inside it, you can use garden figures - to put something next to the pond or let the swan swim in the water. Here is a couple of ideas:

Polyethylene ponds and ponds do it yourself

It is recommended to use polyethylene for a pond, the container of which is from 130 to 4,200 liters of water. For its formation of the BOK, the catlets must have a stepped shape and gender slopes. View carefully raging bottom. Free it from stones, roots and acute items. For polyethylene, it is recommended to use just sand, in the form of embankment with an insulation of 10 cm, followed by impregnating waterproofing. To do this, it is necessary to make a cement screed with a thickness of 3 to 5 cm and leave it for 7 days. Waterproofing will hold the sand pillow from the operating of the groundwater.

After this time, pour a layer of large grain sand from 5 to 10 cm and laid polyethylene film. Instead of sand, you can easily use a layer of oily clay, glass gamble, artificial wool, old newspapers. A dense modern material of a two-layer membrane has a greater density and elasticity than polyethylene. She will last longer, take advantage of it, if after construction, or repair at home, you will have a suitable segment. Disposable materials, leave a stock of about 60 cm, it is necessary to provide fixation. Make a small ditch around the perimeter from the edge of the reservoir, roll into a polyethylene tube and put it into it.

Sprinkle the ground and on top of a flat pebbles. Water filling is necessary evenly and follow so that there is no air under the film. At the bottom of the reservoir, we recommend laying a layer of clay and sand mixture, or pebbles.

Planting the pitches or any other aquatic plants is better in pots, as this will allow them to quickly pull out when they will carry out the prevention of your little pond.

At the edges, sit down any plants that are not afraid of water, and from the north, protect your pond from a strong wind by shrubs.

Pond with fish do it yourself

Another idea is to launch in the pond in the garden plot of real goldfish.

Raised pond do it yourself

It is done in the same way as a pond from polyethylene, only after you dig a pit for a pond - you need to lay a foundation from bricks - to the desired height of the pond. The foundation should be worth not less than two days. The film is similar to the previous case, it is stacked on the bottom, it is trimmed superfluous and the additional layer of bricks is trimmed on the foundation to close the edge of the film.

Reservoirs and ponds from the bath do it yourself

If, after repair, you have an old and unnecessary bathroom, then do not hurry to take it into a landfill, since it can be used in a private house for different purposes, including to create a small decorative pond.

To accommodate a bath, like a water-container container, you will need to make a deepening. The bottom of the bottom fill in river sand and make a cement screed. It will not allow the underground waters to blur it. Observe the ratio - sand 10 cm and pure camp for screed 3 - 5 cm. After a week, pour gravel 20-30 cm and lower the bath. Fill the side openings of gravel (at least 10 cm from the bath to cut). The edges of the bath should not be higher than the level of the shore, as it will look unnatural. Water around the perimeter to sow pebbles, preferably flat. The bath installed on the slope must be strengthened from one side with a large stone, making a subpople for one side and partial, for another, which will be free. Externally, the free side will resemble an alpine slide formed from stone.

We make a pond from the bath

Stock Foto Pond from bath

Bath reservoir

Ponds and ponds from barrels do it yourself

An excellent option for creating a small decorative reservoir is the use of old barrels or pads that were previously intended for the soles. Such containers must be placed on the side. Make a hole in the form of an oval and place it in the pre-prepared deepening on the mound from sand and gravel.

When the barrel is installed, fill out sand free spaces, or rubble. To put the cellophane into it, its free edges can be shopped, and throw the pebbles to the bottom. Outset approach to its water and pond with rubble and pebbles. Decorate by low plants on one side and sides. If necessary, you can set the backlight. You can also make a waterfall, a fountain or some unusual composition.

Mini ponds in the garden do it yourself

In addition to the above methods, you can also make your little pond using a large pelvis, an old trough or tire from the tractor wheel. Such reservoirs can well be made a bit towering or in-depth. In order to separate it, use the decorative brick, natural large stones, sand of various shades or gravel, also it is possible to decorate various kinds of plants, which will only complement your overall interior.

Create an artificial pond on its site, even if it has small sizes, it is quite possible, it is enough to just include fantasy and carefully look around.

Remember! In order for your artificial reservoir to serve for a single year and did not deteriorate, in the winter season it must be released from water.

Photo Gallery: Pond at the Dacha

And now I suggest to look at what a pond in the country has already done with your own hands those who decided to engage in the creation of decorative water bodies on their plot. Someone makes big ponds, someone small. Someone likes strict forms, and they make square, rectangular and round ponds, and someone like natural immediacy, and they try to make oval and elvenous ponds of uneven shapes. Also, everyone decorates her ponds as it can - adds a bridge or bench, plants and flowers, fish and garden figures or invent and implements their own ideas that no one else. And we collected you photos of various ponds so that you choose the one that will decorate your own cottage.

Large pond in the country

Little pond in the country

Options for registration of a pond in the country

Water plants in a pond at the cottage

(19 estimates, average: 4,39 out of 5)

Artificial pond in the country can be a great holiday destination. Summer hot day. Now people who have country houses on the shore of the lake or river are very lucky. Well, and the rest will need to, drove the sleeves, to equip the reservoir in the country with your own hands.

Making a project

Best place for future artificial reservoir back at the design stage of the country area. With this reservoir should:

  • not to fall under the continuous impact of direct rays of the Sun - the heated water provokes the growth of algae and the development of microorganisms. Water in the reservoir quickly becomes muddy and will have a shaft unpleasant smell;
  • to be in the open area - branches and foliage from trees quickly pollute water, and the root system can damage the bottom of the artificial reservoir;
  • it is possible to be located so that then you can expand the size of the water surface if the pond wants to remake, for example, in a full-fledged complex - with a fountain, bridge, etc.

Professional builders They advise you to make an artificial reservoir shallow - as it will be predominantly used as a beautiful element of the surrounding landscape in the garden. In addition, you immediately need to think about how you will take care of the reservoir on the site - there must be a convenient approach to it. Naturally, not through alpine slides or garden.

Water in an artificial pond will need to be changed with their own hands, as it will not be cleaned naturally, in contrast to natural reservoirs. Therefore, it is necessary to take care that the well with water at the cottage is located nearby from your pond.

Selection of material for construction

Before making a pond, you need determine its base. In this case, solutions are several. Consider from which it is possible to make an artificial reservoir.

Reinforced concrete

The most durable pond in the garden can be made using reinforced concrete. The bottom and coastal zone, fortified by reinforcement and poured by concrete, will be able to withstand different additional loads - the installation of sculptural compositions, fountain, etc.

The complexity of construction makes it inappropriate this technology for organizing small ponds in the country. The disadvantages of this decision include a significant cost. We will have to rent special equipment, use a lot of building materials, and removing the reservoir installed can only be with large labor costs.

PVC film

Budget decision for the construction of an artificial reservoir in the country. The depth and shape of this reservoir can be easily changed, reduce or increase its dimensions. The pond on a plot with a film base can be even made seasonal - for example, fall asleep with the arrival of winter and set themselves in the summer.

The disadvantages of this solution include the briefness and the fragility of the PVC coating - the film can be easily damaged, and when the integrity of the bowl is violated, water will easily go into the ground. Therefore, it is not recommended to swim in these domestic water bodies - they made small in size and used for garden scenery.

Store artificial bowls

It is a golden mean for people who want to have their ponds in their garden and do not suffer with construction materials for his organization. Shopping bowls for decorative water bodies are made of durable and durable materials - fiberglass or polyvinyl chloride.

The first option is much more expensive. However, the cost of the fiberglass bowl is compensated for full of excellent performance of this material. This cup can be easily delivered by your own hands, not attracting extraiming assistance to this process. The disadvantage can be considered the acquisition of already ready-made standard forms - that is, the kitty should be done under the shape of the bowl, and not vice versa.

And the possibility of facilities is lost relief irregularity The bottom for the design of natural coastlines. In addition, this method of organizing a pond in the garden will cost much more expensive than the reservoir from the girlfriend or film.

Screw materials

Quite an interesting option - the use of different primary tanks or materials. Old troughs, cast iron baths are quite suitable for construction.

The advantages of this method is that it is not necessary to build reinforced concrete bulky structures or acquire standard forms. The shortcomings can be attributed to the low decorativeness of old tanks - it will be necessary to show fantasy to make an old bath make artwork.

For example, people who have little space in the country, specialists advise to use a comfortable and simple tire pond. Old tires cheer, inside the film, and the shores decorated.

The resulting crucible can surprise even professional designers - the finished reservoir will be an exclusive element of the landscape interior.


Then, when it was determined with the material for construction, it is necessary to dug the pit. It is better to do this job in the summer when groundwater maximum go. The depth of the pit is determined, based on the type of material from which they decided to make a bowl. If it is an old bathroom or other ready-made form, the pipe is 25-30 cm deeper than the dimensions of the form.

If you decide to make a pvc film with a reservoir, then dig it will be to be at a depth of about 70-90 cm - the small armor in winter will completely freeze, quickly dry and warm up in the summer. For reinforcements from reinforced concrete, it will be necessary to dug a cutting depth of more than 1.5 meters - here without special equipment can not do.

Consider the stages of work for the construction of a pond in the country of their own hands for various types of selected materials.

PRC pond

When the pit is ready, it remains to clean it the bottom and open on the sides of the future mini-pond small terraces. The depth of these terraces is approximately 30 cm, and the width of about 25 cm. The bottom of the pit is rambling, pebbles, crushed stone, stones and other foreign objects are cleaned. Purified bottom sprinkle with sand and covers geotextile web. This bottom preparation will significantly improve the strength of the main coating, and will also extend the life of the film.

Further stage - laying a film coating. The size of the film can be calculated in this way: take the total length of the reservoir and add doubled the depth of the pit. The film cloth is fixed on terraces with a margin of approximately 30 cm. The laid cloth lay down with stones or bricks - it must be done to preserve her form of laying.

Then you need to fill the pond with water, check the integrity of the film and proceed to the design of the coastal zone. No need immediately crop the remnants of the film Under bricks, as it can satisfy over time.

Bath reservoir

For the construction of a pond from an old bath or other unnecessary tanks will be necessary:

  • crushed stone;
  • a piece of grid-riving;
  • sand and cement;
  • motor steel or aluminum wire;
  • beautiful stones for decorating.

After dried down the pit, it is necessary to make his edges. For what all over the perimeter of the future pond we remove the top land layer of a width of about 45-50 cm. This perimeter is plunged so much so that it is in a level with a reservoir form. A drain hole in the bathroom closes, then it is installed on the bottom of the pit.

To extend the operation of the future mini-pond, it is necessary to protect the enamel on the inner surface of the bowl. For which the side and the bottom of the bath can be treated with tile glue. After that, the bath is given to dry carefully. As a rule, for this you need at least several days.

Then all over the perimeter of the bowl lay the chain grid. It is required for reinforcing the bottom and sides of the reservoir. We apply to the grid cement-sand mixture or concrete solution and let it dry. After the turn of the final design of the shores.


Pitted, dug for shape, cleared from garbage, branches and other items. Walls and bottom pits are trambed. When there is a very bulk soil at the cottage - it needs to be strengthened. For the finished form, the perfectly smooth plane of the sides and bottom of the pit is required. The surface can be aligned with the help level.

Then the bottom must be filled with sainted sand, which also needs to be tamped. The sandy layer is an excellent fuse that will ensure the integrity of the finished bowl.

After that, the bowl is installed in the pit and pour water. The resulting emptiness between the ground and the sides of the shape fall asleep with sand, it is necessary to do it gradually. Initially, 20-25 cm sand, which is wetted with water. After the sand distribution, this process is needed. repeat up to full fill Between the walls of the pit and shape.

It must be done necessarily, since the form for the pond is very fragile and easily deformed. Uniform pressure on the surfaces of the bowl will not allow its curvature.

After a day, check the gap between the ground and the sides of the bowl. If emptiness remained, sanding sand. Pour water from a mini-pond, we finally clean it and pour clean water.

Selection of plants

On the coastal part of the pond small plants are planted. The picturesque picture on the banks of the pond can create hosts, and the green prefer the half, and the blue shadow.

Also, the shadow grow perfectly with narrow leaves, which sometimes grow up to 80 cm. In a fellow, an unpretentious Derbennik with attractive feels inflorescences of purple color. On the sunny plot you can land the prayer.

Excellent decorate the shore of the reservoir, located in the half, fern. In a wet land, he grows perfectly. These same conditions are suitable for the Astilba. For landing near the pond, her low grades are suitable.

If the reservoir is quite large, land on the shore of the darmer (PelTIFylum) - a perennial plant in the form of bushes with a height of up to 1 m and a diameter of up to 0.5 m with laid round leaves.

At the second level in the reservoir traditionally placed the pita. Hybrid nymphs are characterized by a variety of color color. Do not need to overload the pond with a large number of copies, they grow up and only interfere with each other.

Solar shallow water is great place for Aira. In a small reservoir, the low AIR cereal looks organically, and in the large - swamp. Some varieties of irises also prefer low water.

Unpretentious whitefall is a rather popular plant for home ponds. At the beginning of the summer, a flower appears in the form of a scenario, and after - the berries of red. It must be remembered that they are poisonous.

Water hawthorn, smelling vanilla, perfectly grows in water, reaching 50 cm in diameter. It is a deep-water plant. It looks originally floating on the surface, miniature, coating with a water-in-water carpet of azolla. However, it will be necessary to fight it, catching periodically bushes.

Maintain order

As with all facilities, a pond requires a certain care. Here you do not need to spend special effort. With a competent selection of water plants in your reservoir, biobalance will be installed over time, and the system will independently control itself. You only need to help her a little.

Even the most small and externally, no remarkable household plot can be made cozy and interesting if they equip an artificial reservoir on it. The decorative reservoir in the garden is not only able to harmoniously fit into the landscape of the household plot, but also visually expand the space.

Artificial reservoir in the landscape of the subsidence

The presence of a pond or a small artificial waterfall on the household plot is caused not only to aesthetic considerations, but also the practical component. On a hot summer day, even from the little on its size of the reservoir does cool, the air seems much cleaner and fresh, and a calm surface or a measured murmur will help remove the nervous tension and fatigue.

The most popular types of artificial water bodies in landscape design:

  • pond;
  • creek;
  • fountain;
  • waterfall.

Over the form of water bodies, both rounded, with an irregular coastline and proper geometric shape can be both rounded, square, rectangular and rhombid. It all depends on the style of the site as a whole, its location, features of the site and your imagination. The main rule at the same time - the reservoir should be perfectly fit into the surrounding landscape, to become an integral element.

The most common form for an artificial reservoir is rounded or oval. It is this way that natural lakes look like, so if you want to create a corner of nature near the house or in the garden, then this particular option will be the most acceptable. In this case, it may even appear the wrong coastline and an asymmetric reservoir plants.

If the reservoir is located on a plot where everything is performed in a classic style, direct lines are dominated and there is no place for natural forms, then the pond is the right shape. Often, this is the basis for the fountain, which is the center of the exposition. Since the natural barrier in the form of vegetation and stones does not have such a pool, its sides need to be located higher to prevent falling into the water. As an option - to protect such a reservoir with a low forged grille.

It should be noted that the most common and least expensive in terms of labor and financial investments is the pond. But it is quite possible to equip it on its site independently without attracting specialists.

Here is the main experience. When it appears, the pond created by you can become the first in general complex connected by waterfalls, streams, decorative bridges.

Decorative reservoir do it yourself - where to start?

If you have a wonderful idea to get an artificial reservoir on your household plot, you should not throw my head for a shovel. First of all, it is necessary to choose a good place. At the same time, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • section size;
  • illumination;
  • relief;
  • degree of gardening;
  • type of soil.

Best to equip a pond closer to home. In this case, it should be placed in such a way that the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is lit by the sun at least 5 hours per day. Otherwise, there is no time a beautiful pond with time can turn into a milder bolot.

The relief of the terrain also has an important meaning. The optimal place is the lowlands, where the water level in the well or in the well is closer to the surface of the Earth.

In the process of choice, you should also pay attention to the presence of vegetation - large trees located along the shores will be in the autumn time to pollute the reservoir foliage, and the roots of the trees can damage the protective film at the bottom.

The type of soil is important. For the arrangement of the reservoir, loam and clay soils are suitable, as well as peat, less preferable chernozem - it contributes to the formation of the alley. In acidic soils, the equipment of the reservoir without reliable protection of the side walls and the bottom is inappropriate.

After the site is selected, form and sizes are defined - it's time to stock with the necessary materials and tools. Most often to create a pond use ready-made hard containers, which can be purchased in a specialized store or flexible waterproofing, much less often - concrete (most expensive and time-consuming process).

Types of waterproofing for artificial reservoir:

  • polyethylene film - inexpensive material, not resistant to ultraviolet;
  • PVD - high pressure polyethylene. Visually practically does not differ from polyethylene, but has greater flexibility and durability.
  • PVC - polyvinyl chloride - durable and durable material, the edges of which are welded with each other.
  • rubber and butyl sheets are the most optimal, but expensive option. The service life of this material is practically not limited.

Specialists recommend to avoid polyethylene film for the arrangement of waterproofing. With its function, she copes, but it is enough for no more than 2 years. If you want a pond to please longer, choose more durable materials.

Materials and tools:

  • shovel;
  • protective film or reservoir;
  • pipes for supplying and removing water;
  • valve;
  • geotextile material or sand

It is better to see once. The whole process of arrangement of the pond in pictures looks like this:

Construction of decorative reservoir

There is another way to arrange a pond - a concrete bowl, but this method is time consuming and costly, so it is currently not applied. Construction begins with the fact that on the selected area make marking and remove the turf layer. After that, you can proceed to the root of the necessary form. At the same time, it is necessary to leave the edges a little inclined (gentle, and not cloudy). Further, if you plan to make a decorative water with a polyvinyl chloride film, and not a finished tank, you must lay out the bottom of the future waterproof material. For these purposes, clay is quite suitable. It is necessary to lay it in two layers - the second after complete drying of the first (between them you need to pave a waterproof film). After that, it should be filled with a bottom of gravel.

IMPORTANT: If you plan to plant a pond with plants - there should be special recesses on the bottom and fill them with fertile soil.

How to make a decorative reservoir so that water in it is always clean and fresh?

In order for the appearance of a reservoir, located on your site always pleased with his appearance and gave freshness and coolness, it is necessary to make water in it in it. For these purposes, you need to pave two pipes: flow and waste. On the running tube, the water will flow in the pond, and it is shut down to the ditch. Note: the ditch level must be slightly lower than the level of the pond. For ease of use, you can install a valve on the waste pipe or simply to close the hole with the plug. The first option is the most practical.

Decorative reservoir device using "Calosh"

Mainports will need significantly less if you acquire a special reservoir for an artificial reservoir. In the people, these containers were called "Kaloshi". Why is that? Everything is very simple: they are made of plastic black color, and the form of such tanks on its external outlines resembles rubber shoes. But if you wish, you can always find and buy a bowl for a reservoir suitable forms.

In order to equip the decorative reservoir in the country , You will need to purchase a special reservoir of suitable size and shape: the cost is relatively small.

The main stages of the reservoir arrangement:

  • circuit markup;
  • digging care;
  • setting capacity.

In order to properly designate the outline of the reservoir, it is necessary to install the tank to the ground and vertically set up the rail at its perimeter with an interval of 40-50 cm, further tied with the twine. So you get the outline of the future pond.

Installing the container needs strictly horizontally. The reservoir should be filled with water gradually, while the gaps are existing between it and walls, the gaps should be accurately filled with sand.

Note: If you want to equip a fountain in an artificial reservoir, it is important to purchase a special pump and nozzles in advance, which are installed in the water-mounted process.

The final stage is the design of the reservoir. In order for your man-made pond to look really stylish and beautiful, for example, just like the bizarre decorative reservoirs, the photos of which we placed, you need to make it right to arrange its shores.

Registration of the shores of an artificial reservoir

At this stage of work, you can not limit the flight of your imagination. To decorate an artificial reservoir, you can use ceramic tiles, marble, granite, artificial stone, pebbles, wood, etc. These materials need to mask the edges of the reservoir, by type of close to natural. It is important to fix them with the help of a cement solution. If you plan to additionally equip your fountain pond - in the process you need to take care that the pump hoses are hidden under tile or stones.

Next, you can pour the bottom of the reservoir pre-washed sand, lay minor pebbles and plant water plants in pots or baskets. You can breed around the pond decorative shrub or just flower bed.

Decorative inhabitants of ponds - always in joy. It can be aquarium fish, and dwarf turtles. And if you spend the backlight on the bottom of the pond or lay the floating lanterns on the batteries on the surface, you can create a real enchanting of light and water.

Pond care

  • To maintain an artificial pond in good condition, it will be needed.
  • First of all, you need to get a bottom vacuum cleaner for garbage collection.
  • During the leaf fall, it will take to close the pond with a mesh so that the foliage does not fall into the water.
  • If fish lives in the pond, then they will need filtering and aeration of water.
  • To avoid the greening of the water, it is either filtered and cleaned (for this, the water should be flowing), or plant oxygen-made plants: the shrovers, rogol, Elodea.
  • If the pond drop the pita or cubes, then they will prevent the sunshine and overheating of the water with their wide leaves.

An artificial pond on its household plot is an important element of landscape design, to the arrangement of which you need to approach the arrangement, with a sense, arrangement! And then the beauty created by your hands will delight you, and your guests!

One of the brightest tools in landscape design is a decorative pond. Of course, most of the country areas is limited to the traditional six weaves, and the owners simply cannot build a large reservoir, but because of this, it is not necessary to abandon the dreams to acquire an artificial pond. As for the technical part, it will not be an obstacle, but provided that there is a good instruction and desire. So today we will find out how to make a pond in the country with their own hands step by step.

Initially, it should be found out what purpose will chase a pond on the site. From this point of view, the reservoirs can be divided into four large groups.

Table number 1. Classification of artificial water reservoirs

Group nameShort description

They are an element of the landscape composition and are intended primarily to decorate a garden zone. Next to such water bodies, active rest is not provided.

They are deeper and often decorated with fountains, bridges, sometimes equipped with backlight. Such ponds are built near the house or gazebos, there are benches with canopies. Therefore, it is quite obvious that such water bodies are the heart of the recreation area of \u200b\u200bresidents of the house.

This option is suitable not only for avid fishermen, but for families with children - the latter will be enjoyed to watch bright fish, resting in nature.

They also belong to artificial country water bodies and not only perform aesthetic function, but also make it possible to refresh yourself or even swim (it all depends on the dimensions).

Then, based on goals and its capabilities, proceed with the choice of style, location, dimensions and shapes.

Second phase. We define with style

An artificial pond can be performed in one of two possible options, and each of them also has a great multitude of modifications.

Table number 2. Styles of artificial reservoirs

NameShort description

This name is exactly reflecting the essence - these are structures that differ clearly specified outlines. Proper in terms of geometry The shape of the pond is suitable for those areas that are decorated in the style of minimalism, High-Tech, modern or classics. But what is characteristic, the form can be not only rectangular, but also square, round, oval, broken.

They are more popular, because they are characterized by the naturalness and incorrect outlines of the shores, and therefore, as if they bring people to nature. The form of the reservoir depends only on personal preferences, but the more difficult, the harder it will be to put the film (about it somewhat later).

A large role when choosing a style plays the relief of the plot. So, if the surface is quite smooth, then the shape of the pond can be any. If there are irregularities and differences on the site, then they need to pay special attention, but they can additionally equip the cascade or a waterfall. In addition, against the background of all this, it will be great to look, say, artificial hill.

Also, it can also be somewhat raised above the ground. In this case, the construction technology will differ only to the arrangement of the foundation, which will prevent possible breaks of the bowl.

When creating such a reservoir, earthworks minimize, and it will take care of it much easier.

Note! If the reservoir is built with a fountain, then preference should be given to the high design.

Third stage. Choose a place

Let's start with the fact that we are placed in the best possible place to be able to admire your creation from any point of the site. That is why when choosing, we take into account several important factors.

  1. Land area. Not only the sizes of the pond are directly dependent on it, but its form.
  2. Light. Artificial reservoir is preferable to position in a shaded place, in which the impact of direct sun rays does not exceed five to six hours a day, otherwise part of the water can simply evaporate. Moreover, with sunlight, biological activity can develop, which is unlikely to be able to decorate the pond. Therefore, by choosing a specific place on the site, several days are watching the sunny mode.
  3. Relief. The shape of the pond depends on it, and it also simplifies the device of additional elements (for example, fountains).
  4. The level of ground waters, the composition of the soil. These indicators affect not only the depth of the reservoir, but also on the complexity of the work and the need for additional consumables.

Note! The more the depth of the pond, the more in the more illuminated place it should be positioned. If the reservoir is intended for fish, then we apply to the location even more responsibly, since the oxygen content in highly heated water decreases.

  1. Possibility of expansion. Do not forget about the future, therefore, on the one hand, leave free space.
  2. Visibility. It is advisable to place a reservoir so that it can be seen from home and recreation places.
  3. Power supply. If the fountain or backlight is additionally equipped, the electrification is thought out in advance. The wires are better to put it during the development, and under the ground and in reliable protective corrugation. In places of compounds there must be small hatches for access.
  4. Reflection. The pond will look more attractive if the surface will reflect the sky or beautiful buildings, and not some economic structure.
  5. Landscaping. Vegetation near the pond is, of course, beautifully, but the leaves will pollute it, and form the ride. Moreover, root systems of trees can damage the waterproofing layer.
  6. Compatibility with shared design and other objects.

Works begin in the spring - so we will have enough time so that the reservoir "passed on" in the site.

Fourth stage. Determine with dimensions

It is difficult to say that a big pond will cost more than a small, because here the mass of their nuances. Therefore, we consider key points.

1. Dimensions. They depend on the location of the reservoir. Many say that the pond should form an average of 3-10% of the entire area area, although there can be no clear recommendations in this case. As for specifically, length and widths, they depend not only on the land area, but also from our capabilities. After all, we will dig a pit under the water.

2. Depth. It depends on the purpose of creating a reservoir, as well as its size.

3. Difficulty content. The greater the pond, the easier it is (no matter how paradoxically it sounds) for him to care for him.

4. Zoning. The reservoir is divided into the following zones:

  • coastal (from 10 cm to 40 cm), which will serve as an entry and planting plants;
  • shallow (from 40 cm to 100 cm), where cultures will be planted, which grow deeper (for example, winter-hardwood water lily);
  • deep-water (more than 100 cm) - it is required only in those reservoirs, where fish breeding is planned; The area of \u200b\u200bthis zone depends primarily on the number of fish, but on average it should be more than 20% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir.

5. Biological equilibrium. In the pond, in any case, animals are settled, and therefore, it is necessary to ensure such conditions so that it can be self-charge. No oxygen saturation or water chlorination is provided here. It is worth remembering: for plants you can divert no more ½ of the entire area.

Note! The lowest point should be lowered below the soil freezing line, especially if the fish breeding is planned - so they will be able to survive the winter in non-freezing water.

Fifth stage. Choose materials

The next question that needs to be sought is the choice of consumables. In the modern market there are many options that can be used when creating an artificial reservoir. Consider them.

Concrete pond

The most expensive option that, nevertheless, allows water to be operated quite a long time. Although the concrete pouring is more suitable for the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool.

Finished plastic container

This option is more suitable. A shape made of fiberglass or PVC allows you to record quickly to build a pond and use it up to 30 years (a specific term depends on the quality of the capacity).

The procedure itself will consist of only four steps:

  • install the form;
  • fill out the remaining emptiness sand;
  • plant planted, fill with water water.

The disadvantage of this method lies in the difficulty of transportation (if the volume is large) and the need for basic installation knowledge (otherwise the bowl may be damaged). Moreover, plastic containers over time are destroyed under the action of UV radiation.

Note! It is preferable to use a fiberglass bowl that enhanced rubber - such a design is more reliable and is suitable for repair.

Polymer film

In terms of shape of the pond, this option provides simply unlimited possibilities. The most affordable material is a plastic film, although it will last long.

At the PVC film, the operational period is greater, with a competent installation, it can serve to ten years.

Perhaps the most reliable option. For ponds with a stony bottom and great depth, it is recommended to use a butyl rubber membrane (EPDM), which reaches the operational period of 50 years. In addition, this material is able to withstand multiple frosts.

There are several people's folk water making methods that use scribe materials. We will get acquainted with the most popular of these ways.

Reservoir from the old bath

Excellent option, because the bath is a container that was originally intended to hold the fluid. The bath can be painted in bright colors and put in a picturesque area of \u200b\u200bthe site or, as an option, deepen into the ground.

Water from the tire

A simple way to create a mini-reservoir on the site. Manufacturing procedure is shown in the photo below.

Water from Tazika

Even easier way. The basin is able to keep water well, so it can be installed in the same way as the bath. With competent decoration, such a mini-pond will become an excellent jury.

Note! Not only the aesthetic characteristics of the pond are dependent on the material selection, but also its life. It is desirable that the selected material is environmentally friendly.

Sixth stage. Prepare equipment

To create a simple artificial reservoir, we will need a level, a trolley with a shovel, cord, a hose that is used for watering, and pegs.

If the pond will be more technological, then you will need such equipment:

  • cleaning filter;
  • sterilizer (it will remove algae so that the water is transparent);
  • pump for pumping / pumping water;
  • aerator for oxygen saturation (especially important during fish dilution).

Seventh stage. Create an artificial reservoir

Materials that can be used to create a water branch, abound, but we will focus on a polyvinyl chloride film. The fact is that it is cheaper, better takes the right form, it can be repaired, and specific knowledge or skills are required for work.

Step 1. Initially, choose the color of the film. There are several possible options here.

  1. Black film - It will turn the bottom in the mirror (plants, clouds will be reflected, so on.).
  2. Cream, blue- So the reservoir will be more like the pool, and the fish on a light background will be visible more clearly.
  3. Brown - It will imitate the soil of natural reservoirs. Excellent option for a landscape pond.

Also, when choosing a film, we draw attention to the composition (PVC is more durable than PE) and the thickness (for the pond, the material is thicker than 0.5 mm). At the same time, the greater the depth of the reservoir, the greater should be the thickness of the film. No less important is the resistance to UV radiation and mechanical damage.

Note! If the depth of the pond will exceed 1.5 m, then we use butyl rubber. Such a film is resistant to stretching, deformation and UV, moreover, it can withstand temperatures in 40-80 ° C.

  • pond width + (depth X 2) + reserve (55-60 cm) \u003d material width;
  • pond length + (depth x 2) + reserve (55-60 cm) \u003d material length.

For gluing, we will use special glue (for example, "Tagnit") or adhesive tape (Quick Seam 3).

Step 3.The next step is to create a scheme.

Initially, we draw it on paper, after which we transfer to the ground. We indicate the dimensions of the steps or "shelves" for plants - this will avoid possible problems. To apply marking use sand or flexible garden hose (preferably bright color).

After that, we hide the placed area with a piece of light film and consider from different angles. If necessary, make adjustments.

Step 4.. ROOM KOTLANA. To do this, perform the following actions.

  1. First, we remove the turf.
  2. Then ROOM KOTLOVA himself. At the same time, moving from the edges to the center, deepening in the required places - it is more convenient. For layout of stone and decorating, we draw a protusion with a depth of 60-70 cm.
  3. We remove the soil, and with it roots, stones, garbage and everything that can damage the film. By the way, an alpine slide can be made of ducklings.

Conducting earthworks, pay attention to the shores of the future pond on the same line. If the waterfall will be created, then withstand the required height drop.

Note! If a big level is required, we can make it yourself. To do this, laid the usual level on a long smooth board.

Step 5. We put the substrate. The bottom of the finished pit is carefully tamped, after which we get to the waterproofing layer, which will prevent the penetration of water into the ground.

The substrate can be performed in several ways:

  • dno shelter by stones and fall asleep sand (this kind of waterproofing will lose its properties in a few years);
  • we put a layer of geotextiles that fall asleep sand (cost in a large amount);
  • we put the PVC film (the most reliable way, so we will stop on it).

Step 6. Next, lay the film, preferably on the sandy "pillow" (the latter will prevent damage to stones and other hazardous objects). It is advisable to lay it on a hot day - heating, the film becomes militant.

In this case, difficulties may arise with the formation of folds. We try to make one major fold, and not a large number of small, then glue it either to press it with stones. The film should be not a unpretentious free.

For its fastening along the perimeter, an additional trench. Place the film there, after which we fall asleep rubble. Next, fill in the trench with large stones with a flat bottom (so that the film does not break). Walls lay round stones (flat will slide). At the end, fill the pond with water - we feed it without a pressure, directing to the center of the pit. After two days, cut the surplus of the film.

Step 7.. Strengthen the shore. Their slope depends on the type of soil: if it is sandy, then the walls should be under a slope, if we are talking about clay or chernozem, then vertical. The optimal angle of the slope should be approximately 45 °.

The strengthening itself depends on the type of coast.

If they are gentle, it can use:

  • geomat;
  • geologist;
  • polymer geovel.

You can also use a conventional chain grid, scoring its cells with soil with long-term grass seeds (for example, clover). There is another option - to strengthen the shores by shrubs or plants.

If the coast is cool, then we can use:

  • piles;
  • gabions;
  • right walls.

Effectively can strengthen and with biological methods (plant landing). Ideally, biological gain methods should be combined with engineering.

Eighth stage. We decorate artificial pond

There are several ways to decorate the reservoir. So that it becomes a full decoration element, we use one or more of the methods below.

As a conclusion. Features of care

As a result, a few words about further care of artificial reservoirs.

Video - Creation of a pond from the film

Even in a small area, it is possible to equip a completely decent artificial reservoir, donating with only a few beds. It will be cheap. In order to create a pond in the country, you will need only geotextiles, PVC film or polyethylene and several days of free time.

Choosing a place for artificial reservoir

When choosing a place for a pond, it has great importance light. Since it takes enough sunlight for aquatic plants, it should not be too shaded. But too much water overheating is also undesirable, as it can lead to flowering surface.

The most suitable area for placing an artificial reservoir is a fence in the corner of the garden, which is illuminated in the morning, but is in a half-day half a day. It should not be placed a pond near large trees: the growing roots can damage the coating of the pit. And during the leaf fall, it is necessary to clean the water from the leaves almost daily.

Artificial reservoir is better located in half

Preparation of catlovana

The size of an artificial reservoir can be any - it all depends only on the desire of the owner and free space on the site. But it should be noted that too much pond will require more care.

1. With the help of ropted stakes and ropes at the selected place, markup is made in the form of a pond.

2. On the perimeter of the markup is removed.

3. A small pit can be pulled out with a regular shovel. So that the pocket walls do not appear, its walls should have slightly. There is no need to make an artificial reservoir too deep. Minimal depth Bowls - 60 cm (plus 30-40 cm on the frustration of rubble and sand drainage).

4. In the event that the pond is planned to start fish, its depth must be lower. soil freezing level In this climatic area. Otherwise, water at the bottom will freeze, and the fish will die. In the central part of Russia, the soil freezes at a depth of about 1.4-1.5 m.

5. For landing aquatic plants, if the edges of the pit will be speedless. The size of each of these steps is 10-15 cm.

Step pit for a pond

6. From the bottom of the pit, all major stones and branches are cleaned, which can damage not too durable film.

7. At the bottom of the pits fall asleep drainage: rubble, and then sand each layer of 20 cm and tamper.

8. To protect against the blurring of the soil, the layer is stacked on top of the sand geotextile. It can be replaced by any durable cloth: old carpets, blankets, old oilcloth or rubberoid. The laying of such a protective layer is made with the allen on the edges of the pit for about 50 cm.

Laying Ruberoid

9. Further on the bottom of the reservoir can be laid polyethylene film (its shelf life is about 3 years) pVC film (it will last longer, about 15 years) or durable butyl rubber rubber. In order to during filling the water, the film is not damaged, it is necessary to lay it without tension.

The film is placed on the bottom of the film

10. Drop excess geotextiles and films should not immediately. They will take the right form only after filling the pond with water. Around the perimeter of the pit is better to break through shallow trenchIn which it will be possible to put the edges of the fabric and films and lightly fall asleep the earth.

11. After filling the artificial water reservoir, the stones are stacked by water, which will not only hold the material, ripping the bottom of the pond, but also serve as decoration. The edges of such an artificial reservoir can decorate and decorative tiles, slate, sandstone or other suitable stones or bricks.

Stones are stacked along the edges of the reservoir

12. A plot adjacent to the water can be spoiled by a crushed stone or marble crumb.

Decoration of the edge of the reservoir

13. In the center or from the edge of the pond you can install a small artificial fountain.

14. At the edges of the reservoir, you can install several small lamps on solar panels.

Council. If there is too little space on the site, a small artificial reservoir can be made from an old wheel or bath, burned to the ground and trimmed along the edge of the stones (see photo).

Small artificial reservoir made of old bath

Water from the old wheel

Purdy cleaning

To clean a large pond, you can use the simplest filtering system: a small pumping station with a sandy filter. Two pipes are held in the pond: one serves to take water, from the second purified water will come to the pool again. Additional cleaning can provide a small stream filled with sand, which will pass filtered water before re-entering the pool. It can flock into a pond on a small waterfall.

Pond filter

A small reservoir is enough to clean only once per season manually. To do this, it should be completely pumping out water with a submersible pump and remove the accumulated dirt from the bottom. To clean his pond, you can use a special vacuum cleaner equipped with a filter with which you can collect dirt from the bottom.

Pond cleaning vacuum cleaner

Council. If a vessel filled with charcoal is put on the bottom of the pond, water will not bloom in it for a long time.

Favoring leaves can be collected from the surface of the pond with a cuckoo. In the fall during a strong leaffold, the reservoir can be covered with a special grid. In order to avoid dirt entering the winter, the pond is covered with any observer material.

Council. So that the film in the frost cracks, the water is better not to merge. To compensate for the pressure forming when the ice expands, you can throw several wooden boards or polyethylene bottles filled with water.

Landing of aquatic plants

Aquatic plants serve not only the original pond decoration. Bolotnik, rogol, Elday and other plants capable of saturated with water from oxygen, will help protect the water surface from the greening.

Naturally, only those plants that can develop well in this climatic area should be planted. For the decoration of the pond, you can use traditional plants: reed, e-country, reed. Large plants (lilies, pita) will be able to cover the water surface from a bright scorching sun and reduce water heating. Flowering plants preferring to settle near water bodies include a graonist, a bitch, placan grass, a Porpore, Badan, Medunication, Water Iris, etc.

Council. For plant landing, you can use special containers that are packed along the bottom of the pit. In this case, it will be much easier to care for plants.

Landing of aquatic plants

Video: Pond in the country do it yourself