Types of household dehumidifiers. Reducing air humidity

Not every one of us pays attention to the level of humidity in the home, but it is this indicator, along with air temperature and illumination, that is involved in creating a microclimate and directly affects well-being. Both low and high humidity are harmful.

Optimal values. If you focus on sanitary norms, then normal level relative humidity for living quarters varies from 40 to 60%. In winter, when hot radiators dry up the air, the humidity “drops” to 15-20%, air humidifiers come to the rescue. But in warm time years, indicators often “go off scale” in the opposite direction, which leads to unpleasant consequences.

Consequences. Negative influence high humidity on the human body is not exaggerated. Firstly, heavy humid air is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, hypertensive patients and asthmatics. Secondly, in combination with elevated air temperature (more than 25 ° C), high humidity provokes overheating of the body, and if the temperature is lowered, hypothermia.

In such conditions, harmful microorganisms and bacteria multiply with amazing speed. Even in healthy adults, breathing is disturbed, efficiency decreases, allergic reactions occur, to say nothing of the “risk zone” - the elderly and young children.

High humidity leads to mold

In addition, high humidity in the apartment contributes to the appearance of mold and fungus on any surface, it can ruin furniture, books, bedding and mattresses, food (cereals, flour, vegetables). A persistent "swampy" smell appears in the house.

How to measure humidity level

At home, a hygrometer is useful. This device, more like a digital alarm clock, controls the increase or decrease in humidity.

Hygrometer - the simplest device for measuring humidity

However, you can find out whether the humidity is increased or not using plain water. Fill a transparent glass halfway and place it in the refrigerator for several hours (“outlet” water temperature should be no more than 5 ° C). Place the vessel in the “tested” room, away from household appliances and radiators, watch for 5-10 minutes. Large drops of condensate appearing on the walls of the container indicate that the humidity in the room is high.

Large drops are a sign of high humidity

How to deal with high humidity

First of all, you need to find and fix the problem. The following options are possible:

1. Non-working ventilation. Hoods tend to break, and ventilation shafts- get dirty. And if in the warm season you can open the window to ventilate a room or kitchen, then in winter it is problematic to do so. Be sure to check the ventilation of the apartment or house. If necessary, install a hood in the kitchen, more powerful fan Or a baffle in the bathroom.

2. Insufficient insulation or waterproofing. Poorly insulated and not waterproofed walls and floors, like a sponge, absorb moisture from the outside, becoming covered with condensate and "giving out" all this into the room. Constantly wet wallpaper or “chunking” linoleum is a reason to do repairs.

3. Lack of heating. The rooms that are heated to a minimum dampen most quickly. Installation additional radiator or buying an oil heater solves this problem.

4. The presence of sources of moisture. Perhaps the most common reason for high humidity in an apartment: poor quality installed double-glazed windows collecting condensate, errors when connecting a washing or dishwasher, leaking pipes or plumbing. "Walk" through all nodes and connections, if necessary, replace or repair problem areas.

Not right installed windows- the most common reason

If windows “fog” in the apartment, treat the glass special composition: 5 parts clear dishwashing gel or liquid soap, 3 parts glycerin, 1 part turpentine, and then rub them to a shine with a clean rag.

Prevention of high humidity

Elementary, but effective preventive measures will not be superfluous even when everything is in order in the house with humidity.

  • Be sure to ventilate the apartment (even in winter) at least half an hour a day.
  • Heat the rooms evenly, preventing already heated air from entering the "cold" room, creating a sharp temperature drop.
  • Do not dry clothes in the living quarters and bathroom, it is best to do it on the balcony or loggia.
  • Use simple but effective absorbents. Arrange in cabinets, on shelves in the toilet, bathroom, kitchen, bags of table salt, rice, coffee beans.
  • Run the dehumidifier periodically. This unit passes excessively humid air through filters, which helps in maintaining a natural and healthy microclimate.

An example of an electric dehumidifier

From this article you will learn about the main causes of dampness in an apartment or house. We will also talk about how to eliminate these causes and restore the normal microclimate of the home. You will learn about the traditional and most modern methods solution to the problem of air drying.

When the seasons change, almost all owners are faced with high humidity due to snowmelt. The spread of negative phenomena is great: from mild discomfort to “weeping” walls and mold. Consider some of the most popular cases and causes of dampness in residential premises, as well as ways to combat this unpleasant phenomenon.

Any changes in the microclimate have their own reason, influencing which, you can change it. Dampness has its own "sources", which the owner may not know about, or may not attach importance to them.

Reason #1: Poor ventilation

The owners often “forget” about the device of forced ventilation during repairs out of economy, relying entirely on windows and doors. In our apartments, the project provides for ventilation of two rooms - a bathroom and a kitchen. Living quarters have vents, windows and balconies for ventilation. Of course, ventilation lowers the temperature of the room by blowing out warm (and moist) air, so in cold period it is rarely used.

The effect of dehumidification in summer is achieved by mixing dry air from the street with steamy internal "exhaust" air. During transitional periods, especially at the beginning of spring, atmospheric air is saturated with vapors, but at the same time remains cold. Accordingly, ventilation does not bring the desired effect.

How to fight

Check the ventilation arranged according to the project - the draft should be noticeable. If the draft is good in the kitchen and bathroom, and dampness is not removed, there are three options for solving this problem.

1. Forced exhaust ventilation. The device of such a system, although it will entail certain costs and inconveniences, will solve the problem of dampness once and for all. The branched hood has its drawbacks - energy consumption, duct system, background noise. The minimum that can be done is to install a fan in the kitchen duct.

2. Installation of the heat exchanger. A ducted room heat exchanger of the "PRANA", "Reventa" or similar type is a more modern and ergonomic element that solves two problems at once - the extraction of moist air and the inflow of fresh air. Many models are heated to work in winter period. The cost of a channel heat exchanger is from 340 to 380 USD. e.

Video: PRANA duct heat exchanger

3. Use a dehumidifier. This device passes air through itself, collecting excess moisture and filtering it. Such a device is very effective - it removes dampness from the room within an hour. At the same time, the composition of the air remains unchanged. Moisture is collected in a separate container and drained. Filters, ozonizers and fragrances can optionally be integrated into the device. The cost of such a device for a room of 30-50 square meters. m is from 140 to 220 c.u. e.

Reason number 2. Moisture source

In private houses, these are septic tanks or shambos located close to the house. They impregnate the soil with water, the water passes under the house, the soil surrounding the foundation or basement becomes damp. The same with atmospheric waters flowing onto a split blind area. Dampness in the basement and in the floor of the 1st floor is provided.

In apartments, this can be:

  • leaking roof;
  • a defect in the drain or overhang of the roof, directing atmospheric water to the wall of the apartment;
  • windy side of the house - rain constantly hits the wall of the apartment;
  • constantly flowing taps, plumbing;
  • a large amount of water on the lower floor - aquariums, a swimming pool, a bathhouse;
  • evaporation of condensate on the windows (which collects due to poor ventilation).

It is difficult to name other trouble-free open sources of moisture in the apartment, but in each individual case everything is possible.

How to fight

Eliminate source. Fix a roof or drain, move a septic tank, protect a wall from atmospheric water. If the reason is in an open source, waterproofing should be done with a liquid composition. Remember that waterproofing is applied from the source of moisture.

Reason number 3. Unheated room

Extreme savings on heating on the principle of "only warm air in the room" is the most common cause of dampness" weeping walls» apartments or houses. The wall must be heated to at least half the thickness. Then the dew point (the place where condensation forms) will come out on the side of the street. A frozen wall shifts the dew point closer to a warm area, and sometimes even to the inner plane.

This problem often "works" coupled with a lack of ventilation. Abandoned or poorly heated premises become damp very quickly - Decoration Materials are destroyed in 2 seasons, the structure loses up to 5-6% of strength annually (in addition to natural wear and tear). It is highly undesirable to combine heated and unheated (according to the project) premises under one roof.

How to fight

Increase heating. Try to calculate how much damage your home can get from merciless dampness and the amount you save on heating. Then compare these amounts and draw a conclusion. Of course, insulation must be of high quality and timely.

If it is not possible to raise the temperature, set the fans to heating appliances and provide short-term ventilation - the humidity will even out. Do not leave the house unheated if you are going to return - find a person who will heat it.

Reason number 4. Improper insulation

Thermal insulation of walls with cheap and lightweight foam plastic or expensive modern extruded polystyrene foam has already gained momentum and is becoming a welcome event for residents apartment buildings. Almost no one ever does thermotechnical calculation walls of the apartment to determine the thickness of the insulation. Therefore, when choosing a layer insufficient thickness the wall continues to freeze and damp.

Life in such a "thermos" can spoil the dampness in the apartment and the inevitable fungus. The reason is the same dew point, which is comfortably located between the panel (wall) and the insulation plate. In addition, the vapor permeability of sounded materials is close to zero and this is not the only problem with foam. cheap material, produced in an artisanal way, is extremely flammable and toxic when heated. Keep this in mind when preparing to insulate the apartment.

Video: Styrofoam problems

How to fight

Study useful articles where engineers and builders with extensive experience speak. Understanding the physics of processes will save you not only from dampness, but also from many other troubles. There are two unmistakable options for warming an apartment:

  1. Obviously an excess layer of polystyrene insulation. A thickness of 100-150 mm guarantees that the dew point is outside the wall (in the thickness of the insulation) for any region.
  2. Vapor permeable insulation. Mineral wool, ecowool, any kind of ventilated facade. This is guaranteed to get rid of moisture in the walls.

Dampness in the apartment can provoke the appearance of mold, which, getting into the body, becomes the cause of human viral diseases. In addition, in itself, humid air is not suitable for everyone. Weakness, soreness, spontaneous loss of efficiency - something that can happen due to excess moisture in the air. Therefore, the elimination of moisture is a concern not only for native walls, but also for yourself and dear people.

Regular tidying is necessary to create comfortable conditions living in the house. But maintaining cleanliness does not at all protect residents from the formation of dampness, and as a result, mold. We will tell you in detail about how to remove dampness on the walls on your own, and why mold fungi are dangerous for human health.

Reasons for education

Before you fight moisture, you need to find its source. Often dampness on the walls is the result of a combination of reasons. The most common of them:

  • Leaks - occur when the water supply system, sewer, roofing is damaged;
  • Poor ventilation;
  • Unusable waterproofing of floors and foundations;
  • A large number of house plants;
  • External factors - the proximity of the river, heavy rains, groundwater, etc.

However, the most important factor in high humidity is the person himself. Under normal conditions, an adult produces up to 2.5 liters of water vapor per day, including that during cooking, washing, water procedures, etc. Even a slight deviation from the norm, for example, when drying clothes in the bathroom, is fraught with consequences.


Having found the cause of the formation of high humidity and eliminated it, you can begin to dry the room. Expensive methods such as the use of heat guns are only necessary to eliminate the effects of flooding or for very large rooms. In the conditions of an apartment or a private house, the following measures can quickly eliminate dampness on the walls:

  • Heater - the device provides air convection; even a small heater will cope with the task in 1-2 days;
  • Household dehumidifier - the power of the unit is determined by the size of the dwelling; to eliminate dampness on 50 m², a device with a power of 400 W is enough;
  • Silica gel is a substance that absorbs moisture and organic vapors from the air; for use in everyday life, it is admitted in the form of granules, they must be decomposed in a damp room; drying can take up to a week;

Finally, dampness is negatively affected by an increase in the temperature in the house. Using the heating system or the fireplace at full power, you can dry the walls relatively quickly. At the same time, the method is poorly suited for houses made of timber - due to direct impact high temperature wooden structures may crack.

Mold on the walls

The appearance of mold fungi in the house is possible if high humidity (70% or more) has existed for a long time. Of the huge variety of mold species in nature, only a few can appear in a human dwelling:

  • Black is the most dangerous variety. Belongs to the fourth group of pathogenicity. Especially often affects building structures.
  • White - rarely forms on the walls, only if there is condensation for weeks;
  • Blue - amazing wooden walls, leads to rotting of the material from the inside, its cracking.

Beyond the unaesthetic appearance Mold has a huge impact on human health. The reason for this is the saturation with mycotoxins that destroy any kind of living tissue. Entry into the body occurs both through direct contact and through the excretion of spores and their penetration into the respiratory system. If you do not remove dampness in the house on the walls before mold develops on them, the following diseases are possible:

  • Skin lesions - mycoses, dermatosis;
  • Respiratory tract infections - asthma, bronchitis, cough;
  • Disorders of the digestive system;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases nervous system, musculoskeletal system.

The presence of mold is especially difficult for allergy sufferers and people with pulmonary insufficiency.


Molds are difficult to remove. In all cases finish coating you will have to completely remove - wallpaper, plaster, and with a large depth of damage and putty to the very base of the wall. An exception can only be a painted surface, since the mold hardly penetrates the paint layer, but spreads more strongly over its area.

The most reliable way to remove mold and dampness in the house is with the help of chemical compositions, some of which are easy to cook at home:

  • Antiseptic primers - special means with a high content of fungicides; with their help, you can process the wall to a depth of 0.5 cm;
  • Household bleaches - any types containing sodium hypochlorite are suitable;
  • Hydrogen peroxide - 3% composition is used; due to the bleaching effect, it is not suitable for the treatment of painted surfaces;
  • Potassium permanganate - in everyday life it is found in the form of a solution of potassium permanganate; used as a mixture - 15 g per 1 liter of water;
  • Vinegar and lemon acid- effective at the initial stage of mold development.

Even after the elimination of the fungus, the characteristic bad smell. A simple method to get rid of it is to treat the floors with a solution baking soda. For its preparation, 15 g of the substance is dissolved in 100 ml of water.

The optimal microclimate in the house

Much depends on the microclimate inside the premises, including the health of the inhabitants. But the design of the house, the safety of walls, floors, and ceilings suffer no less from temperature and humidity.

To avoid costly repairs, it is important to maintain an optimal microclimate in the premises. Such for humidity - no more than 60% in winter time year and 65% in summer. For air temperature – not less than 15°C. It is not difficult to notice a deviation from the norm, dampness is manifested by the following signs:

  • Condensation on glass and sections of walls articulated with the ceiling;
  • Characteristic "wet" smell;
  • Swelling of wooden structures; expressed, for example, in poorly covered doors;
  • Damp salt and sugar.

At the first sign of high humidity, do not hesitate. If you do not remove dampness from the walls in time, mold will soon form. It will take weeks to eliminate it, may lead to the need cosmetic repairs. "By eye" to determine the humidity above the norm is problematic, this will help a simple home appliance hygrometer.

Note that high humidity has a destructive effect not only on wooden structures, leading to their decay, but also on stone structures - brick, concrete. Soaked in water, they crumble, a process accelerated in regions with cold winters. Slightly less suffering metal constructions but they are susceptible to corrosion.


So that residents do not have to worry about how to remove dampness on the walls, it is important to know effective ways prevention of its occurrence. It is enough to take a number of simple steps:

  • Ventilate the room for at least 10-15 minutes every day, creating a draft;
  • Dry clothes only on the balcony or on the street;
  • Equip the ventilation system in the kitchen;
  • Use air filters- models equipped with a non-filter are more preferable;
  • Install air conditioners in combination with fungicidal filters against mold fungi;
  • Do not abuse wet cleaning.

It is not so easy to remove the fungus from dampness on the walls. It often reappears from spores that have survived processing in the depths of the floor structure.

Provide own health and the safety of the home is not so difficult. To do this, it is quite enough to follow the elementary rules for the care of the premises. And when mold appears, in no case should the problem be left to chance.

Cellar owners often complain about the humidity in it. Usually this problem is associated with violations made during construction. How to reduce humidity in the cellar is a question that worries many Russians who store their vegetables in cellars and basements.

In basements and cellars, excessive moisture often appears. If time does not begin to take measures to eliminate it, then a fungus will appear, and then mold.

For obvious reasons, moisture and dampness are unacceptable in cellars and cellars. indoors with humid air mold and fungus appear. It is impossible to store vegetables in such a basement, and if a humid room is located in ground floor, this may adversely affect the integrity of the entire structure.

One of the causes of humidity and dampness is moisture that enters the room through the walls and then accumulates on the floor. In the process of its evaporation, the humidity of the air increases many times over.

If the cellar or basement is located in a private house, the cause of dampness may be insufficient insulation of the building. At low temperatures water through the joints in the walls of the house penetrates into the basement.

Groundwater may also be the cause. This is possible with poor waterproofing of the floor.

Moisture removal methods

Lower humidity in basement can different ways. But first, check the condition of the basement waterproofing. If it does not cope with the task, then it must be redone. This is often not the cheapest option.

Most inexpensive way, at which the moisture in the cellar can be removed, is as follows:

  • purchase polyethylene film, you can use the old one, the main thing is that it be whole. Also you will need shovel, trowel and clay. If the floor of your cellar is clay, then use it;
  • remove a 5 cm layer of clay floor, level and tamp the resulting surface. On top of it, carefully lay two layers of polyethylene. Pour a clay layer on it and carefully tamp it down as well. This must be done carefully so that the film layer does not move. The clay will begin to dry out and the air in the cellar will become drier. Instead of a clay floor, you can make it out of concrete.

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Additional Causes of Humidity

  1. Often moisture in the cellars appears during the snowmelt season and after precipitation. Pour a layer of sand at the bottom of the cellar, and 10 cm of fine gravel on top. The dampness should be gone. If this does not happen within a year, then make the gravel layer thicker by another 10 cm. ground water will sink to a lower level, and from there it will no longer be able to rise to the level of the basement or cellar floor.
  2. The humidity in the basement is significantly affected by the condensate that appears on the walls. You can fight it with the help of a special waterproofing plaster. Plaster the walls of the basement with it - and they will begin to breathe. Condensation will disappear along with dampness. Ready-made waterproofing mixture is sold in stores. You can cook it yourself. Add a waterproofing additive to dry plaster.
  3. Remove fungus and mold from the walls with a special solution and apply plaster to the wall.
  4. Moisture in the cellars appears where thin and cold floors are made in them. Make a double floor, in the middle of which lay a layer of roofing material. The humidity in the air will decrease.
  5. You can fight moisture in the basement with the help of potassium chloride, which quickly absorbs excess moisture. Pour the powder of this substance into jars and place it in the corners of the cellar. This method works well if you have a small cellar.

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What to do if nothing helps

If all these simple ways cannot reduce the humidity in the cellar, then additional waterproofing must be created.

  1. Start by waterproofing the floor. Cover it with several layers of bitumen. Heat it up with a building hair dryer and lay two layers of roofing material on top. Instead, you can lay waterproofing, it is not exposed to rot and is resistant to mold.
  2. At the second stage of waterproofing, build additional walls in half a brick. Between them you mount a waterproofing layer. On top of the cellar do concrete screed at 10 cm.

Has moisture started to appear on the floor and walls in the basement? What should be done to make it dry and suitable for storing vegetables?

  1. The first thing you need to do is to regularly ventilate the basement by opening it every day. Check ventilation.
  2. If moisture appears on the walls and floor in the basement in the spring, they must be repaired. On the floor, make a screed of waterproof cement. Carefully inspect the walls, if they have cracks, repair them, and then plaster the walls.
  3. If possible, dig out the basement walls from the outside. Repair any cracks you find. cement mortar. Cover the walls with a layer of bitumen or roofing felt, this will enhance the waterproofing of the basement. You can make a clay castle around its perimeter. In the trench around the basement, lay the clay in layers of 20 cm, carefully tamping. Such a lock will completely block the flow of groundwater and rainwater to the basement walls.
  4. You can additionally along the outer perimeter of the basement, in a trench dug to the depth of the foundation, lay drainage pipes through which water will be discharged into drain hole or septic.

Is groundwater flooding the basement floor? Dig a hole below the basement floor level. Make a gravel pillow in it, place a container on it with holes drilled in the side walls.

The container must be wrapped with a cloth that passes water well, it will prevent the holes in the container from silting up. Place a float pump in it. Water fills the tank, the float rises and turns on the pump. The water is pumped out, the float drops and the pump turns off. Such a device will allow you to effectively deal with water and humidity in the basement.

Since a dwelling with an overestimated moisture rate is not a favorable place for a person to live, it becomes more relevant how to remove humidity in an apartment.

The modern lifestyle of almost all people contributes to an increase in the level of humidity inside the room in which they live.

To understand this, it is enough to give a simple example: earlier people took a bath about once every 5-7 days.

Today, daily showering is the norm for the common man.

Some of the people play sports or go to the gym, as a result of which they constantly sweat.

In addition to the developed habit, take a shower every day or, you still have to wash clothes, and some even take care of pets.

The main sources of humidity in the room include:

  • human respiratory process
  • daily bathing procedures
  • laundry care, including drying, washing and ironing
  • influence of the external atmosphere
  • cooking in the kitchen

In any case, all these everyday moments cannot be avoided, so you will have to deal with excessive humidity in.

Possible effects of dampness

The most favorable place for the reproduction of microflora is a room with a high indicator of air humidity. It could be a bathroom or a basement. Humidity in the room often contributes to the appearance chronic disease the person who lives here.

Most often, children suffer, because the child's body is not yet formed, and the immune system is not fully strengthened. Old people also suffer from living in such premises, since the protective and other functions of the body weaken with age.

Residents of houses that are made of brick most often complain about the problem of high humidity in the room. In turn, the inhabitants of the panel, complain about the lack of the required level of moisture inside. Dry air also negatively affects human health, as a result of which it can get sick.

If the room has a high level of humidity, you should immediately address the problem, since replacing several household items is much cheaper than spending money on treatment.

In addition to the possible harm to human health, an increased level of humidity creates an uncomfortable state of being inside.

Often, due to an overestimated indicator of dampness, an unpleasant smell and a feeling of coolness form inside the dwelling or any other room. In a humid room, food quickly deteriorates, including even vegetables and fruits.

In such rooms, mold and harmful microflora often form. Dampness is one of the most unpleasant phenomena that can spoil the whole comfort of living or being inside a building. If this problem is detected, it is worth immediately taking measures corresponding to the elimination of dampness.

Causes of dampness in the apartment

Before you begin the process of fixing the problem, it is worth identifying the main cause of the accumulation of damp air inside.

The main reasons for the accumulation of dampness inside the building include:

  • Lack of room ventilation. Even if ventilation is present, its performance and quality of operation should be checked.
  • Moisture may appear due to the heating of the apartment by neighbors from above. Often this problem is difficult to identify, since a neighbor who lives above an apartment with high humidity may not be aware of the breakdown of his plumbing. It is always necessary to check whether this is the main cause of orphanhood in the home.
  • If there are open seams between the walls in the building, moisture can also appear inside the building.
  • If the basement high-rise building flooded, then the moisture will rise up, as a result of which it will create dampness. Before you remove the moisture in the apartment on the first floor, you should make sure that the flooded basement is the main source of moisture.
  • Wrong location kitchen appliances may contribute to dampness.

To fix the problem, it is always necessary to find the source of dampness. The easiest way to detect an increased level of moisture is to lean a mirror or piece of glass against the surface.

If, after a few minutes, drops of water appear on the surface of the glass or mirror, it means that private room or the whole room has an increased level of dampness. If the glass turns out to be clean, you should not rejoice ahead of time, since moisture can be stored exclusively in the walls of the building.

How to get rid of moisture

As mentioned above, if a problem is detected, it should be immediately eliminated, since the influence of a humid environment can adversely affect the human body.

The most common methods for removing humidity in a room include:

  • Installation of an air dryer, which can be purchased at any supermarket electronic and household appliances. The price of a dehumidifier directly depends on its model and capacity. In any case, to fix the problem, you must purchase a similar unit. When buying, it is worth considering the fact that the higher the power rating of the device, the faster the dampness in a particular building will be eliminated. On the market for such products, devices with built-in dampness control sensors are offered. If the moisture indicator on the dehumidifier sensor drops, the device automatically changes the heating temperature. Thus, the device will not dry out the air, but will keep a stable rate of temperature and humidity inside the room or building. Note that such models use more electricity than standard, simple dehumidifiers that do not have a control sensor.
  • Mounting the radiator, if it is not. If there are radiators in the building, then it is worth using them. A damp room needs to be warmed up from time to time. When radiators emit heat, all of the unfavorable microflora, including fungi, may disappear, and the apartment will dry out well. Based on the advice of experts, the room should not be warmed up much, but often.

How to prevent excessive moisture

Houseplants absorb moisture. That is why it is worth acquiring plants, if there are none already. Flowers on the windowsill, in addition to their aesthetic function, perfectly absorb the dampness that is in the building.

Indoor flowers or other plants minimize any chance of increased moisture levels. For example, tropical plants absorb a huge amount of water, so putting such a plant in the bathroom or bedroom would be the right decision.

Cacti are the most "powerful" plants in terms of absorption capacity.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that these plants are not very decorative, many do not want to put them at home either.

When choosing a plant for a room, kitchen or bathroom, you should first study the characteristics of various plants.

If the above problem is identified, the main source of the emitted moisture should be urgently identified. And only after the discovery of the problem, the owner of the house should choose the ideal way for him personally to regulate the microclimate and, accordingly, reduce the level of moisture inside the building.

How to get rid of dampness in an apartment or house - in the video: