Short-term project in the middle group of preschool speech therapist. Practical significance of the project

teacher-speech therapist MKDOU Pavlovsky kindergarten №8

A practice-oriented project aimed at increasing the potential for the full-fledged speech development of preschoolers.

Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I'll remember
let me try and I'll understand. (Eastern wisdom)

The relevance of the project.

In modern conditions, when the rate of information obsolescence is very high, the reorientation of the educational process from methods that contribute to the assimilation of a large amount of information to methods aimed at developing the ability to think, analyze, independently find and summarize information, and draw conclusions is becoming increasingly relevant.
Such an approach to the learning process is such an educational process when the child becomes precisely the subject of activity, and vigorous activity forms in him a sense of personal involvement, involvement, and increases interest in acquiring new knowledge.
According to American educators W.Kh. Kilpatrick, John Dewey, the child must acquire experience and knowledge by “doing”, in the course of studying a problematic learning environment, making various projects, schemes, production of experiments, finding answers to controversial issues. In their opinion, the project involves "energetic, wholehearted activity."

The method of project activity allows introducing new content into education, developing the mental and cognitive activity of a preschool child, changing motivation, gaining knowledge in the course of independent search, and planning and carrying out consistent systematic work. The child learns to argue his position, set a problem or task, find solutions, plan, predict, work independently with information, be a responsible partner, which creates a unique atmosphere of creative search, favorable conditions for the optimal development of children preschool age.

design method in kindergarten became one of the most important components in the organization of direct educational activities. Its most important advantage is the independent "acquisition" of knowledge by children. "Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I'll remember, let me try and I'll understand" - so says Eastern wisdom. Indeed, only by acting independently, by trial and error, the child acquires - "appropriates" knowledge and experience.

Design is an important area cognitive activity children, which is not compensated by the development of other forms of activity of preschool children. Project activities have a number of characteristics that have a positive impact on the development of a preschool child.
First of all, in the course of project activities, children's knowledge about the world around them expands. This is primarily due to the implementation of research and creative projects.
In addition, the general abilities of children develop - cognitive, communicative and regulatory. Already at preschool age, the child acquires the skill of public presentation of his thoughts.
In the course of project activities, preschoolers acquire the necessary social skills - they become more attentive to each other, begin to be guided not so much by their own motives as by established norms.
Project activity also affects the content of children's play activities - it becomes more diverse, complexly structured, and preschoolers themselves become interesting to each other.
It is impossible not to say about the impact of project activities on the teacher. Designing forces the teacher to constantly be in the space of possibilities, which changes his worldview and does not allow the use of standard, patterned actions, requires daily creative, personal growth.
In the course of project activities, parent-child relationships are also developing. The child turns out to be interesting to parents because he puts forward various ideas discovering new things in already familiar situations. The life of the child and parents is filled with rich content. In children, the potential for full development, including speech, increases.

But it is worth considering whether it is possible for a speech therapist teacher to use the project method in his work with children with special educational needs? Is it worth it to start hard work with those who have problems in the development of speech? My own experience allows me to answer unequivocally - yes! On the contrary, such children, perhaps even more than others, need to use the project method, as it allows you to increase interest, motivation, cognitive activity, which are usually reduced in children with speech disorders. Having thoroughly understood the subject, it is easier for such children to understand, “accept” new information, and master a new skill.

The only difference is that the speech therapist must first study the possibilities of children with speech problems, determine for themselves the main goals, directions in work, distribute responsibilities in working on the project, carefully monitor all the actions of children, but on the other hand, give them the opportunity to independently evaluate their activities, use self-control techniques.

Modern speech therapy is in a constant active search for ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children at different age stages and in various educational conditions that are typical for children with speech disorders.

Experience and modern research show that pedagogical process only to the extent that it can increase the possibilities and quality of development of a child with speech underdevelopment, to which the teacher is able to competently manage it. Success is determined by the methods and techniques of education of the pupil.
The use, along with traditional, innovative pedagogical technologies, opens up new opportunities for educating and teaching preschoolers with speech disorders, and the project method has become one of the most effective today.

This method is relevant and effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills, thereby preparing him for successful schooling. Knowledge and skills that the child acquires in the process practical activities, are absorbed faster, easier and give better results; complex and sometimes uninteresting speech therapy exercises become fun for the child.

“In productive activity, the development of perception and awareness of speech by children occurs much faster, since speech acquires a truly practical orientation and is of great importance for the performance of a particular activity,” writes S.A. Mironova about the importance of practical experience for preschoolers with speech disorders.

Solving various cognitive and practical tasks during the design process together with adults and peers, children with speech underdevelopment motivatedly enrich and activate their vocabulary, learn to speak publicly, adequately communicate with others.

Of course, the project method cannot be considered in speech therapy as independent, it becomes part of the generally accepted time-tested technologies, and introduces the spirit of modernity into them, new ways of interaction between the speech therapist and the child, new incentives, serves to create a favorable emotional background, contributes to the inclusion of safe and activation of disturbed mental functions.

Many years of experience in speech therapy work made it possible to highlight some of the difficulties and contradictions that may arise in the process of implementing this issue.
First, there is a steady upward trend in the number of children with speech development disorders. Solving the problems of speech correction is a hot topic in preschool age.

Secondly, the information density of the preschool stage of teaching children and preparing them for school requires a speech therapist to decide challenging tasks search for effective forms and methods of work. To increase children's interest in speech therapy classes, we need a variety of creative tasks, new approaches to corrective work.

Thirdly, the child’s weak motivation for cognitive activity, the lack of full-fledged speech activity, on the one hand, and low level interest and competence of parents in matters of speech development of children.

Fourth, the degree of development of the problem. In modern literature, there are more and more articles, publications, one way or another touching on the topic of using the project method in working with preschoolers. But the scope of this method in speech therapy practice remains poorly developed.

I faced the problem of organizing a system of work using project methods in solving the problems of preventing and correcting speech disorders with preschool children.
One of the ways to solve this problem was the development of the Logopedic paths project. The project is aimed at creating conditions for the full speech development of preschoolers.

Speech therapy paths are different directions in corrective work with a child with speech disorders, “paths” leading the child to a fully developed speech: the formation of articulatory motor skills, the development of correct speech breathing, phonemic processes, the assimilation of correct sound pronunciation, the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, connected statement. And each such path the child must "pass" consciously, understanding and accepting, assimilated the knowledge and experience of this activity to the maximum, and, as expected, one of the most effective methods in solving this problem, the method of projects in speech therapy practice becomes. This method of speech therapy projects is presented as a way of organizing corrective process based on the interaction of a speech therapist teacher, a child, parents and educators.

The project is intended for children 5 - 7 years old

Project participants Keywords: children with speech disorders, speech therapist, educators, parents.

Target: increasing the potential for the full-fledged speech development of preschoolers.

The hypothesis of the project was the assumption that the use of the project method in speech therapy work with preschool children will allow pupils to "assign" the knowledge and skills that the child acquires in the process of practical activity faster, easier and more firmly, increase the child's motivation and parents' interest in their speech development. children.

Project objectives
1. Awaken in the child the desire to actively participate in the process of speech correction.
2. To develop the speech and creative abilities of children.
3. Activate the processes of perception, attention, memory.
4. Increase the amount of corrective action,
5. Increase motivation, interest in speech therapy classes, involve children in the process of active learning.
6. Encourage children to work together.
7. Combine the efforts of teachers and parents in joint activities to correct speech disorders, widely use parental potential.
8. Stimulate the joint productive activities of children and parents.

Expected Result:
1. The use of the project method in correctional work will contribute to the successful development of the communicative and creative abilities of children.
2. Increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers and parents in matters of speech development of children.
3. Increasing the interest of parents not only in the results, but also in the very process of correctional and educational work.

The effectiveness of these results
For kids:
- positive dynamics of speech development;
- successful social adaptation in the preschool educational institution and the family;
- development of sustainable motivation for speech self-realization.

For parents:
- a positive assessment of the activities of the preschool educational institution;
- readiness and desire to help;
- activation of the pedagogical potential of parents,
- acquisition and use of knowledge on the speech development of children;
- mastering by parents of regular reflection of the child's achievements;
- feeling of satisfaction from joint creativity.

For teachers
- a positive psychological climate between the speech therapist and educators;
- the interest of teachers in creativity and innovation;
- satisfaction with own activity;
- improving the professional skills of teachers on issues of speech development and education of preschool children through
various forms and methods of work;

For preschool
- favorable conditions for the professional growth of teachers;

Practical significance of the project
The practical significance of the project lies in the fact that the proposed system for applying the project method in the speech therapy process can be used in the speech development of children and without speech disorders, as a prevention of speech development disorders in preschool age, as well as dysgraphia and dyslexia at school age.

Project type: practice-oriented, long-term.

Project implementation period- 1 year

Stages and strategy of project implementation

I. Preparatory stage (information and analytical):
Disclosing the meaning and content of the forthcoming work, developing the necessary pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the project, taking into account modern requirements and the speech capabilities of children.

1. The study of the state of the problem under study in theory and practice, to substantiate the conceptual apparatus of the study.
2. Identification of the problem - diagnosis of the current level of speech development of children of senior preschool age (speech therapy examination of children).
3. Determination of the system of speech therapy projects, the conditions for their implementation.

II. The main stage of the project implementation (practical):

1. Speech therapy project "Obediant breeze"
Formation in children of the concept of a healthy lifestyle and correct breathing; teaching children the technique of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing
Acquisition by children of skills of differentiation of nasal and oral breathing, the effectiveness of the use of speech breathing
Formation of strength, smoothness and direction of the exhaled air stream;
Attracting the attention of parents to joint work on the development of proper speech breathing in children.

Project type: Practice-oriented, short-term, collective
Implementation period: September October

The content of the work:
Work with children
The development of the strength and purposefulness of the air jet in
children in speech therapy classes, when performing gymnastic
exercises and games in morning exercises, in physical education classes.
Game exercises for the development of physiological (lower diaphragmatic) and speech breathing using multimedia presentations, colorful illustrations, special allowances;
Lesson with children on the topic "Health"
Invention and production of manuals for breathing exercises
Family work
Consultations for parents on the topics "Formation of correct speech breathing", "Breathing and fusion of speech", "Respiratory gymnastics"
Memos for parents “Obediant breeze”, “Let's breathe properly. Game exercises for the development of breathing "
Together with children, inventing and making manuals for breathing exercises
Working with teachers
Consultation with the workshop "Games for the development of speech breathing in children";
Production of special manuals for conducting breathing exercises with children;

Design of the exhibition "Obediant breeze"

2. Logopedic project "The Tale of the Merry Tongue"
Formation of ideas about the organs of speech, their significance for the correct sound pronunciation,
Development of fine differentiated movements of the articulatory apparatus using non-traditional complexes
Increasing the competence of educators in this area.

Type of project: Information-practice-oriented, short-term, collective
Implementation period: October

The content of the work:
Work with children
Acquaintance with the structure of the organs of speech through a speech therapy fairy tale
Subgroup/individual learning of complexes of articulation exercises using colorful illustrations, multimedia presentations "Tales of a cheerful tongue", a didactic doll
Collective inventing a fairy tale about the Merry Tongue
Drawing illustrations for the tale of the Merry Tongue
Family work
Memos "The structure of the articulatory apparatus"
Practical lesson "Performing basic articulation exercises"
An individual demonstration of performing exercises aimed at developing the articulation pattern of a particular group of sounds.
Joint production of a page or an articulation cube “The Tale of the Merry Tongue” with the child
Working with teachers
Workshop “The place of articulation gymnastics in group mode. Methodology for performing articulation exercises "
Practical use results of parent-child creativity in the morning corrective gymnast
Practical result of the project
Final lesson - “Presentation of articulation cubes, a collective homemade book “Tales of the Merry Tongue”
Practical application of the project products in the morning corrective gymnast

3. Logopedic project "Rhymes"
Attracting the interest and attention of the child to the sounding word
The development of phonemic hearing and perception in children.
The development of the ability to select a paired word for a word that differs from given word with one sound.
Attracting the attention of parents to joint work on the development of phonemic processes in children.

Type of project: Practice-oriented, short-term, individual
Implementation period: November

The content of the work:
Work with children
The development of phonemic hearing and perception of children in speech therapy classes.
The acquisition by children of the ability to find words similar in sound content, to establish how they differ, to select paronyms, replacing one sound in a word, to highlight the sound that changes the word.
Designing the cover of your own baby book "Rhymes", inventing pairs of paronyms and drawing appropriate illustrations
Family work
Consultation-workshop for parents “First steps in literacy. Formation of phonemic processes in children "
Questioning of parents on the topic "Phonemic processes in children" in order to identify ideas about phonemic processes and the need for their development, in order to attract parents' attention to this problem.
Reminder for parents Magic world sounds "(games for the development of phonemic representations)
Joint production of a baby book “Rhymes” with a child
Working with teachers
Consultation-workshop for teachers "Recommendations for teachers on the development of phonemic processes in children"
Consultation for teachers "Formation of skills sound analysis in children with speech disorders
Consultation-workshop for music directors "Recommendations for the development of phonemic processes in the process of musical correctional work with preschoolers"
Practical result of the project
Presentation and exhibition of baby books "Rhymes" made by children's hands,
Creating a mini-library of homemade books

4. Speech therapy project "Difficult sounds"
Identification of organs involved in the formation of human speech sounds
Research and comprehension by the child of the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sounds being practiced
A conscious understanding of the articulation pattern of a particular sound and a qualitative correction of a pronunciation defect.
Increasing the interest of parents in the correctional process
Increasing the competence of educators in this area

Type of project: Research, practice-oriented, long-term, individual
Implementation period: During the entire period of sound pronunciation correction

The content of the work:
Work with children
Acquaintance with the organs of articulation through the "Tale of the Merry Tongue"
Use in individual lessons for the correction of sound pronunciation of game techniques for analyzing articulation "Teach an alien to pronounce the sound correctly", "Explain to a friend correct location organs of articulation…” and others.
Use in the analysis of the articulation of the studied sound of the manual "Articulation patterns of sounds"
Study of the features of the pronunciation of each sound being studied, gradual (as each disturbed sound is staged and automated) design of the booklet "Difficult sounds"
Family work
Consultation for parents "Violation of sound pronunciation and its causes";
Jointly with the child maintaining an individual booklet "Difficult sounds"
Using the booklet in the process of fixing the correct pronunciation of sounds at home on the instructions of a speech therapist teacher.
Working with teachers
Consultation “Violations of sound pronunciation. Causes. Kinds"
Drawing up together with the children a common booklet "Difficult sounds" (for all sounds)
Using a booklet in the process of fixing the correct pronunciation of sounds on the instructions of a speech therapist teacher.
Practical result of the project
Presentation of individual booklets "Difficult sounds", their practical use in doing home exercises.
Compilation together with the children of a common booklet "Difficult sounds" (for all sounds) and its use in the process of consolidating the correct pronunciation of sounds on the instructions of a speech therapist teacher.

5. Speech therapy project "Everything in order"
Formation in children of the skills of building a coherent and holistic descriptive story;
The development of logical and figurative thinking and observation;
Formation in preschoolers of the ability to operate with generic concepts ("animals", "insects", "dishes", etc.);
Deepening children's knowledge about environment;
Improving Children's Communication Skills
Increasing the interest of parents in the correctional process
Increasing the competence of educators in this area

The content of the work:
Work with children
The use of visual reference charts to compose descriptive stories on various lexical topics;
Formation of an album of descriptive stories independently worked out by children and compiled together with the teacher;
Family work
Lecture hall for parents "And speech flows like a river" (development of a holistic, consistent coherent statement of children)
Working with teachers
Pedagogical piggy bank "Development of a full-fledged coherent statement of an older preschooler."
Helping children to draw up their own schemes of descriptive stories for the formation of a collective album "Everything in Order"
Its practical use;
Practical result of the project
Making the collective album "Everything in order", its presentation in the classroom,
Practical use
Replenishment of the mini-library of homemade books

6. Speech therapy project "Very important words"
The development of the grammatical structure of speech
Formation in children of ideas about prepositions as separate independent words;
Development of children's interest in their native language
Increasing the interest of parents in the correctional process
Increasing the competence of educators in this area

Type of project: Information-practice-oriented, long-term, collective
Implementation period: During the academic year

The content of the work:
Work with children
Acquaintance of children with prepositions in the classroom and in specially organized games,
Using preposition patterns
Compiling sentences with a given preposition
Observation of prepositions in Russian
Participation in the creation of the pages of the piggy bank "Very important words"
Family work
Lecture hall for parents "Formation of competent speech of a preschooler"
Periodic filling in the child's individual folder of the page "Very important words" - drawings of models of the studied prepositions.
Working with teachers
Organization of special games and exercises to develop the ability to use prepositions in speech;
Replenishment together with the children of the “Very important words” piggy bank for each pretext worked out by the speech therapist teacher in special classes.
Practical use of this manual.
Practical result of the project
Creating a piggy bank "Very important words"
Practical use

7. Logopedic project “Such different words»
Observation of linguistic reality, words of various categories;
Formation of initial ideas about the variety of words in the Russian language;
The development of linguistic flair.
Involving parents in the search activities of children
Formation of children's interest in their native language.

Type of project: Information-practice-oriented, long-term, collective / individual
Implementation period: During the academic year

The content of the work:
Work with children
Acquaintance of children with some synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, unchangeable words in the classroom and in didactic games;
Selection of material and illustration of pages for the piggy bank of dictionaries.
Family work
Creating together with children pages for a piggy bank of dictionaries
Lecture hall for parents "Development and enrichment of the vocabulary of a preschooler"
Memo for parents "Tell me a word" (games to enrich the child's vocabulary)
Working with teachers
Pedagogical piggy bank "Games and exercises to enrich the vocabulary of preschool children";
Practical application of a collectively made piggy bank of dictionaries, assistance in its periodic replenishment
Practical result of the project
Creation of a collective piggy bank of dictionaries:
- "Stubborn Words" (unchangeable)
- "Words-friends" (synonyms)
- "Words on the contrary" (antonyms)
- "Twin words" (paronyms)
Replenishment of the mini-library of homemade books
Familiarization of children and parents with the results of the project at the final presentation

8. Speech therapy project “Piggy bank of “difficult” words”
Formation of the syllabic structure of words
Development of phonemic processes

Type of project: Practice-oriented, long-term, individual
Implementation period: During the entire period of corrective work

The content of the work:
Work with children
Games and exercises to prevent violations of the syllabic structure of words;
Direct correction of defects in the syllabic structure of words in a particular child. (careful and consistent development of each type of syllabic structure, first on the material of words, then on the material of phrasal speech)
Making the cover of the piggy bank "difficult" words, gradually, as complex words and phrases are worked out, the accumulation of pictures with the corresponding syllabic schemes under them
Family work
Lecture hall for parents “Oh, these “difficult” words” (prevention of violations and development of the correct syllabic structure of the word)
Memo for parents "Oh, these difficult words"
Helping the child in the design of a piggy bank of “difficult” words, gradually, as complex words and phrases are worked out, the accumulation of pictures with the corresponding syllabic patterns under them.
Using this guide to reinforce speech material during homework.
Working with teachers
Diagnostic tools to help teachers of various age groups kindergarten to track the level of development of the syllabic structure of words in children
Pedagogical piggy bank “Formation of the syllabic structure of words in ontogenesis. Recommendations for the prevention of violations and the development of syllabic structure in preschool children "
Practical result of the project
Making a piggy bank of "difficult" words.
Replenishment of the mini-library of homemade books
Familiarization of children and parents with the results of the project in an individual lesson

9. Logopedic project "ABVGDEYKA"
Assimilation of the image of the letter;
Involving every child in active learning creative project on the creation of the "Merry ABC"
Training in the selection of means and materials for the implementation of their creative ideas, the presentation of the results of their work in the form of a presentation.
Raising children's interest in creative interaction when working together.
Attracting the attention of parents and teachers to joint work on the development of the syllabic structure of words in children.

Type of project: Research and creative, long-term, collective
Implementation period: During the academic year

The content of the work:
Work with children
Preliminary work: Games and exercises for mastering the image of letters.
Analysis of existing ABCs.
Illustrating each letter as you learn it,
Presentation (a story about a letter, looking at a collage), placement of a page with a letter at the exhibition "Merry ABC"
Preparation and participation in the holiday "ABVGDEYKA"
Family work
Assistance in the production of a page with a letter (drawing, execution from various waste materials ...),
Creating a collage for a given letter (selecting words for the sounds that the letter stands for, determining the position of the sound in the word)
Working with teachers
Conducting games and exercises to master the image of letters.
Coordination of the creative process research activities,
Helping children find sources of information
Support and encouragement of activity of children
Practical result of the project
Final exhibition-presentation "Merry ABC"
Speech holiday "ABVGDEYKA"

III. The final stage of the project implementation:

1. Analysis of project activities and evaluation of the results of the effectiveness of the use of speech therapy projects in the correctional process.
2. The final presentation of the results of the project activities of children and parents through exhibitions, the presentation of a mini-library of homemade books, collectively created albums, the organization of the ABVGDEYka holiday.
3. Presentation of the project "Speech therapy paths" for speech therapists and teachers of MADOU and the city.

The end product of the project will be:
Formed stable motivation of children for speech self-realization.
Increasing the literacy of parents in the upbringing and education of children with speech disorders, providing them with support and assistance in the correctional process
Improving the professional competence of MADOU teachers in the issue of supporting children with speech disorders

Forecast of possible negative consequences.
The following possible difficulties and ways to overcome them are assumed:
1. Weak motivation of project participants.
Ways of correction: the introduction of additional forms of stimulation and encouragement, the use of new, more interesting forms of work.
2. High incidence of children, low kindergarten attendance.
Ways of correction: periodic return to the material already covered.
3. Absence of conditions in carrying out any planned event.
Ways of correction: holding another event that contributes to the achievement of the intended goals and the implementation of the tasks set.

In perspective: search and development of new innovative forms correctional work with children with speech disorders in cooperation with all participants in the educational process.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of project activities is quite possible and even necessary in the correctional speech therapy process for a more durable, full-fledged development of new skills and abilities by children.
But this activity should be corrective, that is, while solving various cognitive and practical tasks together with adults and peers during the design, children with speech underdevelopment should exercise their speech abilities, train language skills and abilities.

List of used literature:

1. Babina E.S. Preschool partnership educational institution and families in speech therapy work - Logopedist magazine - No. 5, 2005.
2. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Project activity of preschoolers. M., 2010
3. Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in the preschool educational institution. Sphere. M.2005
4. Kiseleva L.S. project method in the activities of a preschool institution. Artie. M., 2005
5. Mironova S.A. The development of speech of preschoolers in speech therapy classes. -M. 2007.
6. Fadeeva Yu.A., Zhilina I.I. Educational projects in a group for children with ONR. M., 2012

Svetlana Filippova

The game is the leading activity in preschool age, and it is through the game, game techniques, and toys that the correction of speech disorders occurs faster, better, and the tasks are completed due to the maximum interest of the child, and motivation for joint activities.

In our kindergarten, the short-term speech therapy project "Toys for the Development of Speech" has ended.

Objective of the project-

development of the basics of speech motor skills based on finger games and exercises, involving parents in the joint production of toys for onomatopoeia, fixing, and introducing sounds into speech, as well as the development of coherent speech both in speech therapy classes and in everyday life.

Project objectives

1. The combination of games and exercises for training fingers with the speech activity of children.

2. Improvement fine motor skills through finger games;

3. Increasing the competence of parents in the importance of finger games, exercises for preschool children.

Expected Result:

Development of fine motor skills of fingers in preschool children;

Development of speech skills in preschool children;

Enriching the experience of parents in raising children.

In the senior group No. 2, parents and children took the most active part, and this is what we got:

Finger simulators "I walk along the path"

made Bulakina Dasha with her mother Tatiana Nikolaevna. Together with a doll dressed on fingers, children walk along bumpy paths, automating the sound, or pronouncing syllables, words. The combination of finger movement and speech helps children in a playful way to cope with automation faster.

Glove Bear-tongue

Our assistant during articulation gymnastics has become a favorite of children. It was invented and made by Yaroslavtseva Angelina together with her mother. “I put out my tongue so that I’m not used to being lazy. And bite from end to end. I’ll bite ... ”The movements of the tongue and the movements of the hand are performed synchronously, with verses, for example, Shovel dug,

Digging, digging

Then she subsided

Apparently very tired.

(exercise "Shovel")

A wonderful snake for calling and fixing the sound Ш

Bondarev Vlad turned out with his mother Anna Alexandrovna.

The snake crawls and hisses Sh-Sh-Sh, the sound teaches us to say Sh-Sh-Sh

Sha-sha-sha- our snake is good

Sho-sho-sho- we all hiss well

Hardworking bee Zhuzha,

which Varya Muravyova made together with her mother helps us to fix the sound Zh,

Zhuzha the bee collects nectar and repeats her favorite songs;

Zha-zha-zha- bees buzz merrily

Zhu-zhu-zhu-I'll buzz like a bee

Zhi-zhi-zhi-you show me a bee

Finger theater based on the fairy tale "Teremok"

made Manannikov Alyosha with his mother

Orazova Jasmine made with mom

finger theater based on the fairy tale "Turnip"

Children with great pleasure participate in the dramatization of fairy tales, reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds and developing coherent speech.

Related publications:

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Larisa Staroseltseva
Project "Speech therapy paths"


Project the method in kindergarten has become one of the most important components in the organization of direct educational activities. Its most important advantage is its independent "mining" knowledge by children. “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand” - this is how Eastern wisdom says. Indeed, only by acting independently, by trial and error, the child acquires - "appropriates" knowledge and experience.

Modern speech therapy is in a constant active search for ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children at different age stages and in various educational conditions that are typical for children with speech disorders.

V speech therapy practice project method is valid and effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills, thereby preparing him for successful schooling. Knowledge, skills that a child acquires in the process of practical activities are absorbed faster, easier and give better results; complex and sometimes uninteresting speech therapy Exercise is fun for the child.

I faced the problem of organizing a system of work using design methods in solving problems of prevention and correction of speech disorders with preschool children.

One way to solve this problem was to develop project Logopedic paths. Project is aimed at creating conditions for the full speech development of preschoolers.

Speech therapy paths- these are different directions in corrective work with a child with speech disorders, « paths» leading the child to a fully developed speeches: the formation of articulatory motor skills, the development of correct speech breathing, phonemic processes, the assimilation of the correct sound pronunciation, the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, a coherent statement. And every such the path the child must"pass the" consciously, having understood and accepted, having maximally appropriated the knowledge and experience of this activity, and, as expected, one of the most effective methods in solving this problem is the method projects in speech therapy practice. This method speech therapy projects is presented as a way of organizing the correctional process, based on the interaction of the teacher- speech therapist, child, parents and caregivers.

Hypothesis project

it has been suggested that the use of projects in speech therapy working with children of preschool age will allow pupils faster, easier and stronger "assign" knowledge, skills that a child acquires in the process of practical activities will increase the motivation of the child and the interest of parents in the speech development of their children.


increasing the potential for the full-fledged speech development of preschoolers.


1. Awaken in the child the desire to actively participate in the process

speech correction.

2. To develop the speech and creative abilities of children.

3. Activate the processes of perception, attention, memory.

4. Increase the amount of corrective action,

5. Increase motivation, interest in speech therapy classes, attach

children to the process of active cognition.

6. Encourage children to work together.

7. Combine the efforts of teachers and parents in joint activities to

correction of speech disorders, widely use parental


8. Stimulate the joint productive activities of children and


A type project

Duration - long term.

By composition of participants project - subgroup.


children enrolled in speech therapy center,

their parents, teachers speech therapist.

According to the activity of the participants project- practice oriented.

Stages and implementation strategy project

I. Preparatory stage

(information and analytical).


1. Disclosure of the meaning and content of the forthcoming work, development of the necessary pedagogical conditions for the implementation project taking into account modern requirements and speech abilities of children.

2. The study of the state of the problem under study in theory and practice, to substantiate the conceptual apparatus of the study.

3. Identification of the problem - diagnosis of the current level of speech development of children of senior preschool age (speech therapy examination of children) .

4. System definition speech therapy projects, the conditions for their implementation.

II. Main stage of implementation project



Implementation project in various forms , methods and techniques of joint adult-child activities.

III. Final stage of implementation project



1. Analysis design activities and evaluation of performance results

applications speech therapy projects in the corrective process.

2. Presentation project« Speech therapy paths» for teachers- speech therapists Kursk district and teachers of MBDOU.

Expected Result:

1. Using the method projects in correctional work will contribute to the successful development of the communicative and creative abilities of children.

2. Will rise psychological-pedagogical competence of teachers and parents in matters of speech development of children.

3. There will be an increase in the interest of parents not only in the results, but also in the very process of correctional and educational work.

Practical significance project

Practical significance the project is that the proposed application system design method in correctional speech therapy The process can be used in the speech development of children and without speech disorders, as a prevention of speech development disorders at preschool age, as well as dysgraphia and dyslexia at school age.

List of used literature:

1. Babina E. S. Partnership of a preschool educational institution and

families in speech therapy work - magazine Speech therapist - No. 5, 2005.

2. Veraksa N. E., Veraksa A. N. Design activities of preschoolers. M.,

3. Evdokimova E. S. Technology design in preschool educational institution. Sphere. M. 2005

4. Kiseleva L. S. design method in preschool activities

institutions. Artie. M., 2005

5. Mironova S. A. The development of speech of preschoolers on speech therapy

classes. -M. 2007.

6. Fadeeva Yu. A., Zhilina I. I. Educational projects in the group for

children with OHP. M., 2012


Speech therapist week at preschool educational institution

"Speech therapy palette".

Project passport

Project theme : "Speech therapy palette"

Type of project : short term

Type: corrective, informational, creative, social, pedagogical.

Project leaders:speech therapists: Komarova M.A., Averina O.G.

Project participants: children aged 5-7 years attending speech therapy classes, in the conditions of a speech center, teachers, parents of pupils.

Objective of the project:

Correction of speech disorders in older preschoolers in the process of creative activityusing health-saving technologies. Promotion of logopedic knowledge.

Project objectives:

  • Formation of practical skills in children of correct speech (phonetically clean, lexically developed, grammatically correct).
  • to familiarize teachers and parents with the work of a speech therapist in kindergarten, in the conditions of a speech center;
  • usage modern technology in speech therapy work;
  • create a special environment that encourages the child to an active educational process and the desire for creativity;
  • to encourage children to verbal communication with peers and adults;
  • involve teachers and parents in the correctional and pedagogical process;
  • use methods and means that encourage children to bright, emotional process speech development;
  • Generate interest in preschoolers speech therapy games the need for them.

Project relevanceEvery year the number of children with speech disorders increases in kindergartens, and speech therapists working at speech centers preschool institutions, it becomes more and more difficult to organize effective corrective work. PTherefore, along with traditional speech therapy classes, new forms of work are used using health-saving technologies. One of the forms of such work is the “Speech Therapy Week”, during which speech therapy knowledge is also promoted among teachers and parents.

The number of children with speech difficulties is steadily increasing. Standardized methods of corrective work do not always give the expected result. To improve the efficiency of speech therapy work in the educational process, project activities are used. The project method is a pedagogical technology, the core of which is the independent, research, cognitive, playful, creative, productive activity of children, during which the child learns about himself and the world around him, embodies his knowledge into real products. In the educational process of the preschool educational institution, project activities are in the nature of cooperation. The child ceases to be an object pedagogical impact and becomes an active participant in creative activities, the purpose of which is to activate his own resources in the process of learning and development.

The relevance is due to the need to resolve issues aimed at improving the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work with children of older preschool age in the conditions of a speech center.

Develop higher mental functions; phonemic perception; general and fine motor skills of fingers; creativity, coordination of speech with movement.

educational product:

Presentation of the held events,

Exhibition creative works pupils and wall newspaper

Booklets for parents

Speech on GMO speech therapists

Stages of project implementation:

Preliminary. The study of methodological

literature. Selection of materials for " methodical piggy bank» and development

plans for the week "Speech therapy palette".

Organizational. Pedagogical board. Consulting teachers. Development of plans. Project announcement.

Basic. Conducting remedial classes and master classes according to the plan, creating presentations.

Interaction with parents (group exhibitions, consultations, master class, day open doors).

Final. Presentation at DOW. Analysis of project results.

Expected result:

Children's interest in speech therapy classes will increase, the relationship with parents and teachers will improve, and the effectiveness of correctional work will increase.

. Speech therapist week at preschool educational institution

"Speech Palette"

"If a strong tongue

And nimble fingers

Will speak clearly

Girls and boys"

Days of the week





Opening of the week

  • Exhibition "My favorite letter"
  • Wall newspaper "Speech therapist through the eyes of children"
  • Subgroup lesson

"The Tale of the Merry Tongue"

(preparatory group)




Speech therapists


speech pathologists



  • Master class for educators

"We play with fingers, we develop speech"

  • Subgroup occupation

"Finger Games"

(senior group)

speech pathologists


speech pathologists


speech pathologists


  • Open day for

Parents and caregivers

  • Individual sessions

"Visiting the whistling family"

(preparatory group)

speech pathologists



speech pathologists


speech pathologists


  • Training for parents

"Game exercises for the development of articulation and breathing"

  • Booklets for parents
  • Classes in microgroups

"Magic Sand"

(senior group)

speech pathologists


speech pathologists


speech pathologists


Closing the week

GMO "Correction of articulatory and fine motor skills, as part of health-saving technologies":

  • speech entertainment

"Surprises from Smeshariki"

  • Message "Correction of articulatory and fine motor skills,

as part of health-saving technologies"

  • Master Class

« "Bionergoplasty" To develop movements

It is necessary - we will make friends with our hands and tongue ""

speech pathologists

speech pathologists


speech pathologists

  1. Morozova L.D. Pedagogical design in preschool educational institutions: from theory to practice. - M .: TC Sphere, 2010.

  2. Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in DOU.M., 2008.

3. N. E. Veraksa, A. N. Veraksa manual “Project activity of preschoolers”, Mosaic Sintez, Moscow 2010.