“Introduction of health-saving technologies and analysis of their productivity. Implementation of health-saving technologies in the correctional and educational process

Irina Barylenko
Project "Implementation of health-saving technologies in the family"

Project: « Implementation of health-saving technologies in the family»

Relevance project:

main feature health-saving education is the formation of an appropriate motivational sphere for children, i.e., behavioral reactions aimed at preserving and strengthening their own health. This motivational orientation in the future should become dominant in the behavior of children, their desire to lead healthy lifestyle life.

First of all, parents need to have a clear understanding of healthy lifestyle and teach it to the child.


Organization of joint activities of parents and teachers on introduction of health-saving technologies in the family.


Form a need families in a healthy lifestyle.

Ensure the participation of parents in the implementation of this project.


To give an idea of ​​the possible influence of child-parent relations on the formation of the criteria necessary for the child healthy lifestyle;

Help parents acquire the knowledge and skills they need to create family relations and upbringing of children;

To form the skills of rational nutrition, hardening, physical education;

Master the creation algorithm project based on the needs of children.

Type project: information-practical-creative.

View: mixed.

Duration project A: 8 months.

Members project:

Physical culture instructor Barylenko I. A.;

Group tutors;


Distribution of activities by stages project

Introduction of health-saving technologies in the family”

Stage 1: Preparatory. Identification of the problem.

Formation of the problem;

Definition of tasks;

Questionnaire for parents topic: "Are you driving healthy lifestyle"

Diagnosis of physical fitness of children, their physical development;

The study of methodological literature on this topic.

Stage 2: Basic. Organization of work on project:

Mastering the creation algorithm project;

Drawing up a plan of work with parents;

Counseling parents on topics: “Unconventional means children's health”, “How to avoid curvature of posture. correct posture”, , “Finger gymnastics in system children's health”, “Guidelines for the use of aromatherapy, herbal medicine, vitamin therapy in an educational institution and family”; "Gymnastics for the eyes".

Conducting a workshop for parents and children on topic: “Learning to breathe correctly” (February);

Drawing up a plan of joint conversations with parents;

Organization sports entertainment with the active participation of parents topic: “Visiting Baba Yaga for rejuvenating apples” (January);

Involving parents in searching for the necessary information in methodological literature, magazines, the Internet and distributing it among other parents;

Re-diagnosis of the physical condition of children at the end of the school year.

Stage 3: Final. Practical activity on the solution Problems:

Speech with an analysis of the work done at the pedagogical hour;

Presentation of activities at the general parent meeting on topic: “Health– the main value in life”;

Presentations of posters as a type of agitation and propaganda healthy lifestyle;

Issue of a wall newspaper "Parental Bulletin" from rubric: "Usage health-saving technologies in our family”;

Sharing experiences in family education introduction of health-saving technologies in mass media;

staging new problem, the development of a new mini project based on experience gained in topic: “Organization health-saving object environment in the family”.

1. Organize a survey of parents on topic: "Are you driving healthy lifestyle?” Help parents evaluate their lifestyle, realize the value health


2. Conduct a diagnosis of the physical fitness of children, their physical development. To acquaint parents with the physical development and physical fitness of their child.

Submit the conclusion of the examination by AMG specialists "Center for Physical health» . Physical education instructor

3. Study the methodological literature. Study methodological literature for subsequent use in working with parents All participants project

4. Draw up a plan of work with parents on the formation of children healthy lifestyle. Choose the most effective methods of working with parents on the formation of healthy lifestyle. All participants project

5. Prepare consultations on topics:

“Unconventional means children's health”,

“How to avoid curvature of posture”,

“Finger gymnastics in the system children's health”,

"Complexes of exercises for the prevention of flat feet"

shy technologies.

Teach parents how to play finger games

corrective exercises. All participants project

6. Make a plan of conversations on this topic. To identify the degree of interest of parents, to help choose health-saving technologies for a particular family. physical education instructor,


7. Involve parents in the search for information in magazines, the Internet. Arouse the desire to independently acquire knowledge and share it. physical education instructor,


Estimated result

Parents become like-minded with preschool teachers;

Changing the attitude of children to the preservation of their own health;

Active participation of parents in the wall newspaper “Parental Bulletin”, which tells about the practical experience of using health-saving technologies in the family;

Creation in media library family, including educational and educational programs, audio - video cassettes, disks with recordings of educational films, cartoons to meet the interests of children, education of adult members families.

Involvement of parents in compiling memos calling for the use of health-saving technologies in the family.

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For children of any age, the most important thing is health, and as a rule, health is laid from childhood. I decided to take note of everything that is connected.

The motto is "Through movement and play - to a better life!" Purpose: to increase the effectiveness of work with parents to improve children's health; create a need.

The use of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions The use of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions The main task of preschool educational institutions is to prepare the child.

On November 25, Pedagogical Council No. 2 was held at MBDOU No. 3 on the topic “Effective implementation modern technologies and methods for the development of coherent speech.

Health is a state of physical and social well-being of a person. This is one of the highest human values, one of the sources of happiness, joy, a guarantee of optimal self-realization. From how childhood passed, the physical and mental health of a person throughout life largely depends. It is important to preserve the health of the child in such a crucial period of life, which requires a huge, everyday work in the family and in any educational institution.

are the most significant among all known technologies in terms of the degree of impact on the health and development of children. Their main feature is the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, approaches aimed at maintaining the health of the child at all stages of his education and development. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should be continuous and purposeful.

The use of health-saving technologies in the activities of a teacher-speech therapist is becoming a promising means of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders. These methods of work are among the effective means of correction, increasingly used in special pedagogy and helping to achieve the greatest possible success in overcoming not only speech difficulties, but also the general recovery of children.

Good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct the child's speech, the wider his possibilities in cognition of the surrounding reality, the more actively his mental development is carried out. The development of speech - its sound side, vocabulary, grammatical structure, coherent utterance - is the goal of speech therapy work.

- this is a system of measures that includes the relationship and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at maintaining the health of the child at all stages of his education and development.

The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to teach him to use the knowledge gained in everyday life. Currently, the following health-saving technologies are used: - technologies for maintaining and stimulating health. -technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle. - corrective technologies.

Breathing exercises

Finger gymnastics.



Articulation gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics- this is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing mobility, accuracy in performing the movements of the organs involved in the speech process. When selecting exercises, I follow the principle of sequence, that is, we perform exercises from simple to complex.

Bioenergy plastics

Bioenergy plastics- the connection of the movements of the articulation apparatus with the movements of the hand.

"bio" - a person as a biological object;

"energy" - the force necessary to perform certain actions;

· "Plasticity" - smooth movements of the body, hands, which are characterized by continuity, energy fullness, emotional expressiveness.

Relaxation exercises

Relaxation - special method aimed at removing muscle and nervous tension using specially selected techniques.

Relaxation- deep muscle relaxation, accompanied by the removal of mental stress. Relaxation - occurs as a result of stress relief, after strong experiences or physical efforts. Relaxation can be both involuntary and voluntary, achieved as a result of the use of special psychophysiological techniques. Relaxation requires a special look and approach. The main thing is to use it correctly and skillfully. For the formation of emotional stability of the child, it is important to teach him to control his body. The ability to relax allows you to eliminate anxiety, agitation, stiffness, restores strength, increases energy. All children need to be taught to relax. Muscle relaxation relieves internal tension, fatigue and irritability. After exercises to music or the sounds of wildlife, children freely and naturally fantasize in the drawing, the colors are bright, saturated.

Gymnastics for the eyes

In the age of information technology, the body of children is exposed to a great deal of factors that negatively affect health. It's no secret that phones, computers, tablets, TVs - every day put a strain on the visual apparatus of children. Therefore, preventive and corrective work with the organs of vision appears today as a necessary component of educational activities.

Game therapy

Game therapy- a method for correcting emotional and behavioral disorders in children, which is based on the child's way of interacting with the outside world - a game.

Play therapy is the impact on children using games. The game has a strong influence on the development of the child's personality, promotes the development of communication, communication, the creation of close relationships, increases self-esteem. The game forms the arbitrary behavior of the child, his socialization. The game as a means of preparing for the future life is one of the main provisions of pedagogy. The game is designed to help the child accumulate spiritual material, form and clarify ideas about vital actions, deeds, values.

Self massage

Self massage

Su-Jok therapy

Su-jok therapy is one of the directions developed by the South Korean professor Pak Je-woo. Translated from Korean, Su is a brush, Jok is a foot. The Su-Jok diagnostic technique consists in searching on the hand and foot in certain areas, which are reflected reflex projections of the internal organs, muscles, spine, painful correspondence points (su-jok correspondence points), indicating a particular pathology. Possessing big amount receptor fields, the hand and foot are associated with various parts of the human body.

Su-Jok therapy


Auriculotherapy is a system of therapeutic effects on the points of the auricle, which project all organs and systems of the human body. The impact is carried out by massaging the auricle (pressure, rubbing) to a slight reddening and a feeling of warmth. Especially useful is the effect on the antitragus, corresponding to the projection of the brain. There are many biologically active points on the auricles. Their massage quickly mobilizes the forces of the body.

Correctional technologies


Chromotherapy is a science that studies the properties of color. Color has long been assigned a special meaning, which has a beneficial or negative effect on a person.

Color therapy is a way to correct the psycho-emotional state of a child with the help of certain colors. This is a special technique based on the effect of color photons of different wavelengths on the brain of a child. Thanks to such a simple technique, the impact of a certain color on a child, one can achieve significant results in the treatment of apathy, irritability, excessive activity, and even incipient child aggression, and manage one's emotions.

sand therapy

Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of interaction and transformation of the world for every child, and at the same time an effective means of developing and regulating the emotional state of the child. The fundamental idea of ​​sand therapy is that the child, transferring his fantasies and experiences to the plane of the sandbox, can independently control his impulses, expressing them in a symbolic form.

sand therapy- contributes to better speech correction and the development of the emotional-volitional sphere.

fairy tale therapy

Fairy tale therapy is one of the types of health-saving technologies. It is an innovative method in working with children, which allows you to gently and unobtrusively influence the child with the help of a fairy tale, while solving the most different tasks.

Fairy tale therapy is a psycho-correction by means of a fairy tale, based on the attraction for children of a fairy tale as a kind of work that allows you to dream and fantasize.


Logopedic rhythm

Correcting the shortcomings of sound pronunciation in children consists in staging and automating sounds and the simultaneous development phonemic perception, since without a full perception of phonemes, without a clear distinction between them, their correct pronunciation is also impossible. In parallel with the very first classes, work is carried out to develop auditory attention and auditory memory, which allows achieving the most effective and accelerated results in the development of phonemic perception.


eidetic- this is a teaching technique that develops the ability to think in images, teaches methods of remembering information, and promotes the development of imagination. Eidetics is a special technique focused on the development of figurative thinking in a child.

Eidetics is a special technique for developing memory, based on the activation of the work of the right hemisphere of the brain, the inclusion of visual images in the process of memorizing.

The term "eidetic" comes from the Greek word "eidos", which in translation into Russian means "image". Eidetics is a method of developing memory with the help of visual images. In simple terms, the meaning of eidetics is to apply your own visual image to any memorized information. Such images are generated by means of including the right hemisphere in the work, which, as is known, is better developed in children than the left. It is difficult for children to memorize information in the form in which it is presented by adults: accurate data and logical chains - all this is under the jurisdiction of the left hemisphere, which is not yet sufficiently active in children. If you teach information from the point of view of the right hemisphere, it will become much easier to remember and assimilate it. Developing a child's memory using the eidetic method, adults themselves should become more observant, try to use their imagination. The main thing is to develop in the child the habit of always creating in his head an image of what he is trying to remember. With this approach, study from a routine duty will turn into an exciting work.

Health is the main blessing of life. Only a healthy person can be free, joyful, happy.

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"Introduction of health-saving technologies into the correctional and educational process"

Implementation of health-saving technologies in the correctional and educational process

Life in the 21st century poses many new problems for us, among which the most urgent today is the problem of preserving the health of children.
Health is a state of physical and social well-being of a person. It is one of the highest human values, one of the sources of happiness, joy, a guarantee of optimal self-realization. From how childhood passed, the physical and mental health of a person throughout life largely depends. It is important to preserve the health of the child in such a crucial period of life, which requires a huge, everyday work in the family and in any educational institution.
The efforts of teachers of correctional institutions today, more than ever, are aimed at improving the child's health - cultivating a healthy lifestyle. It is no coincidence that these tasks are the priority ones in the education modernization program. One of the means of solving the identified problems is health-saving technologies , without which the pedagogical process of a modern educational institution is unthinkable.

Health-saving educational technologies are the most significant among all known technologies in terms of the degree of impact on the health and development of children. Their main feature is the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, approaches aimed at maintaining the health of the child at all stages of his education and development. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should be continuous and purposeful.

The use of health-saving technologies in the activities of a teacher-speech therapist is becoming a promising means of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders. These methods of work are among the effective means of correction, increasingly used in special pedagogy and helping to achieve the greatest possible success in overcoming not only speech difficulties, but also the general recovery of children.

Against the background of comprehensive speech therapy care, health-saving technologies, without requiring special efforts, optimize the process of correcting the speech of speech pathologists and contribute to the improvement of the entire body of the child. The effect of their application depends on the professional competence of the teacher, the ability to use new opportunities, include effective methods into the system of the correctional and developmental process, creating psychophysiological comfort for children during classes, providing for a “situation of confidence” in their abilities. In addition, alternative methods and techniques help organize classes more interesting and varied.

Health saving technologies - this is a specially organized interaction of children and the teacher; a process aimed at ensuring the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

The issue of introducing health-saving educational technologies into the practice of a speech therapist is becoming very relevant. Preserving and strengthening the health of children in the process of education and training is one of the most important tasks facing a speech therapist. For children with speech disorders, this is especially important, since, as a rule, these children are somatically weakened, they may have chronic diseases, violations in the emotional-volitional sphere. Children with general underdevelopment of speech are characterized by insufficient formation of processes closely related to speech activity, such as auditory-speech memory and attention, verbal-logical thinking, spatial and temporal orientation, impaired articulation, fine motor skills and general motor skills. Many children have increased fatigue, rapid exhaustion and lability of the emotional sphere. Thus, health-saving technologies in speech therapy work can significantly improve the effectiveness of correctional work, diversify the techniques and methods of speech therapy and contribute to the improvement of children, because high-quality development, education and upbringing of children is impossible without attention to maintaining and strengthening health

Good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct the child's speech, the wider his possibilities in cognition of the surrounding reality, the more actively his mental development is carried out. The development of speech - its sound side, vocabulary, grammatical structure, coherent utterance - is the goal of speech therapy work.

Speech therapy work involves the correction of not only speech disorders, but also the development of the personality of children, the preservation and strengthening of their health.


Health saving technology - this is a system of measures that includes the relationship and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at maintaining the health of the child at all stages of his education and development.

The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to teach him to use the knowledge gained in everyday life.
Currently, the following health-saving technologies are used:
-technologies for preserving and stimulating health.
-technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle.
- corrective technologies.

Technologies for maintaining and stimulating health



Physical education

Dynamic pause for the prevention of overwork in the classroom of the intellectual cycle.

Movable and sport games

These are games with rules, where natural movements are used, and achieving the goal does not require high physical and mental stress.
Sports games are games in which competitions are held.


Training of fine movements of the fingers of the hand.


Exercises for the formation of the correct pronunciation: the development of full-fledged movements of the lips, tongue, jaw.

Invigorating gymnastics

The transition from sleep to wakefulness through movement. Raising the mood and muscle tone of children with the help of contrast air baths and physical exercises.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Exercises to relieve eye strain.

Breathing exercises

Special exercises that allow you to clean the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, strengthen the respiratory muscles, improve the well-being of the child.


A specially designed system of exercises aimed at improving flexibility and mobility in the joints and strengthening these joints.


The system of physical exercises performed to music contributes to the development of muscle freedom, expressiveness, beauty, grace, rhythm of movements, musicality, a sense of rhythm and plasticity in children.


The system of relaxing exercises aimed at restoring the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition and reducing motor anxiety (breathing, muscle relaxation)

Aesthetic technologies

Emotional well-being of the child. They are implemented in the classes of the artistic and aesthetic cycle, when visiting museums, theaters, exhibitions, etc., decorating premises for holidays, etc.

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle



physical education

Organized form of education. 2 times a week in the gym and 1 time for a walk. 1 ml gr.-10 min. per group, 2 ml. gr.- 15-20 min., Wed. gr. - 20-25 min., Art. age - 25 - 30 min.

Classes from the series "Health"

Classes to familiarize children with their bodies, creating the prerequisites for taking care of their own health.

Self massage

Massage performed on your own body (arms, legs)


Acupressure is a mechanical effect of the fingers on strictly defined areas of the body.

Communication games.

Games aimed at developing children's communication skills.

game training and game therapy.

Creative Psychotechnics Training (TTP). A system of gaming exercises that train the ability to quickly and actively concentrate auditory attention and memory, touch, visual attention and memory, imagination and creative fantasy.

morning exercises

It is considered as an important element of the motor regime, a means for raising the emotional tone of children. Provides complete looseness in behavior, elevated emotional state. It focuses on a complex of interactions for the versatile development of children: movement, music, rhythm, aesthetics of the surrounding benefits, communication, play.

Correctional technologies



Art therapy

Healing the psychosphere by means of the influence of various types of arts (music, fine arts)

Music technology.

Creation of such musical accompaniment, which would most effectively contribute to the correction of the psychophysical status of children with certain developmental problems, in the process of their motor-playing activity.

fairy tale therapy

Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children.

Color exposure technologies (chromotherapy)

As a special lesson 2-4 times a month, depending on the tasks.

Behavior correction technologies.

    Games with rules

    Games - competitions

    Liberating psychotechnical games (special game exercises that contain an explicit or hidden formula of behavior)

    Psychotechnical liberating games (aimed at weakening internal aggression, acquiring emotional and behavioral stability)

    C-role-playing games (where the child independently distributes all the roles between toys)

    Folk games (charm game characters)


This is a course of special classes (etudes, exercises and games) aimed at developing and correcting various aspects of the child's psyche (both its cognitive and emotional-personal spheres). In psycho-gymnastics classes, children learn the ABC of expressing emotions - expressive movements. The main goal is to overcome barriers in communication, develop a better understanding of oneself and others, relieve mental stress, and create opportunities for self-expression.

Phonetic rhythm

A system of special exercises that combines speech and movement, where pronunciation speech material(sounds, syllables, texts) is accompanied by movements (arms, legs, head, body). Phonetic rhythm classes will help to form phonetically correct speech.

The choice of health-saving pedagogical technologies in a particular institution depends on:

    type of educational institution;

    specific conditions of the educational institution;

    organization of a health-saving environment;

    from the program on which teachers work;

    length of stay of children in the institution;

    on indicators of children's health;

    professional competence of teachers.

The health-saving technologies used in the complex eventually form a stable motivation for a healthy lifestyle in the child.

Technologies for maintaining and stimulating health

Breathing exercises

The expediency of introducing breathing exercises, which are carried out in a fun way, is due to the fact that as a result of their use, complete drainage of the bronchi is carried out, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is cleared, the respiratory muscles are strengthened as a whole, thereby preventing colds. It is believed that in addition to oxygen supply with the help of breathing, the energy supply of the body also occurs. At the same time, proper breathing regulates the state of the nervous system of a person, and even more so a child.

Proper breathing is very important for the development of speech, since the respiratory system is the basis for the speech system. Breathing exercises develop a long, even exhalation, form a strong air jet, train the ability to use air economically in the process of speech, taking into account its addition, train situational phrasal speech.

In parallel with this speech therapist, a number of health-improving tasks are also solved, such as:

Saturation of the body with oxygen

Improvement of metabolic processes

Normalization of the psycho-emotional state

Immunity Boost

Interest in breathing exercises is supported by a combination of visualization, game techniques, poetic forms, and attributes. Breathing exercises at the beginning of the lesson activates attention, reduces excessive emotional and motor activity, creates a positive emotional background, ensuring a smooth transition to the correctional process.

Finger gymnastics.

The use of finger gymnastics in correctional pedagogy is due to the insufficient development of small muscle groups in children with speech and other disorders. As a result of finger gymnastics, children's hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, and stiffness of movements disappears. The functions of the hand have a great stimulating effect on the activity of the child's brain, the psyche of children. Therefore, by performing various exercises with fingers, the child achieves good development fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech, but also prepares the child's hand for his further education at school. Finger gymnastics is carried out in a rhymed poetic form and is fascinating. Children are happy to remember and reproduce the texts of gymnastics, while developing not only speech, but also other mental processes (memory, thinking, imagination).

Fine motor skills and the level of speech development are directly dependent on each other. Therefore, targeted work on the development of motor skills of the hands directly affects speech development, making it easier for the child to correct speech disorders. Depending on the goal, relaxing, static and dynamic exercises are used. Importantly, not only in speech therapy classes, but also in independent activity these exercises, prepares the hand for writing, helps to relieve tension, especially after a long load, develops manual skill.

In speech therapy classes, there is a fairly wide range of finger and hand games. This is the most convenient type of tasks at the stage of automating sound pronunciation, which allows you to diversify the work, make it interesting for the child, avoid unnecessary stress, while maintaining interest in the correctional process.

When working on the prosodic side of speech, the dialogic form of coherent speech, it is advisable to use small finger toys that create a positive emotional background, help relieve tension in the lesson, stimulate speech activity, introducing elements of theatrical activity into the lesson.


Threadography- laying out contour images of various objects with the help of a lace or a thick thread, that is, “drawing” with the help of a thread. The concept of "thread" has two semantic roots: "thread" - means the material with which the execution of the plan is carried out, "graphics" - to create, depict the image of an object.

Isothreading is one of the needlework techniques, which is based on creating a thread pattern on a solid base. Thread graphics is a graphic technique, obtaining an image with threads on cardboard or other solid base.

Threadography contains great opportunities: it is a means of mental, motor, emotional, aesthetic and volitional development of children, improvement of mental functions: visual perception, imagination, memory, mental operations, and these exercises can also be used as the development of coherent speech, lexical side speech. Performing game tasks under the guidance of a teacher, the child gets acquainted with geometric shapes, with methods of schematic representation of objects, shapes, and learns to distinguish them not only by eye, but also through the motor memory of hands.

Articulation gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics- this is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing mobility, the accuracy of performing the movements of the organs involved in the speech process. When selecting exercises, I follow the principle of sequence, that is, we perform exercises from simple to complex.

In order for a child to learn to pronounce difficult sounds, his tongue and lips must be flexible and strong, maintain the desired position for a long time, and make repeated transitions from one position to another without much effort. Articulation gymnastics contributes to this. This is the basis for the formation of any speech sounds. Articulatory gymnastics exercises allow you to train the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. With the help of them, you can work out a certain position of the lips, tongue, soft palate. These exercises allow you to develop all the muscles - chewing, swallowing and facial expressions. In classes with children school age the speech therapist includes illustrated material, various pictures with fairy-tale characters, children listen to poems and imitate various animals. The speech therapist, together with the child, performs the exercise, accompanies the demonstration with the movement of the brush of one hand. Then articulatory gymnastics is performed by the child independently. Such articulatory gymnastics with bioenergetic plastics helps to attract children's interest in doing exercises.

Bioenergy plastics

Bioenergy plastics- the connection of the movements of the articulatory apparatus with the movements of the hand.

Bioenergy plastics includes three basic concepts:

 "bio" - a person as a biological object;

 "energy" - the force necessary to perform certain actions;

 "plasticity" - smooth movements of the body, hands, which are characterized by continuity, energy fullness, emotional expressiveness.

Bioenergy plastics synchronizes the work of the cerebral hemispheres, improving attention, memory, thinking, and speech.

The principle of bioenergy plastics is the conjugated work of the fingers and hands and the articulatory apparatus, the movements of the hands imitate the movements of the speech apparatus. A set of exercises, according to the principle of bioenergetics, contributes to the development of mobility of the articulation apparatus, which, in turn, affects the accuracy in mastering articulation patterns.

Relaxation exercises

Relaxation- a special method aimed at relieving muscle and nervous tension with the help of specially selected techniques.

Relaxation- deep muscle relaxation, accompanied by the removal of mental stress. Relaxation - occurs as a result of stress relief, after strong experiences or physical efforts. Relaxation can be both involuntary and voluntary, achieved as a result of the use of special psychophysiological techniques. Relaxation requires a special look and approach. The main thing is to use it correctly and skillfully. For the formation of emotional stability of the child, it is important to teach him to control his body. The ability to relax allows you to eliminate anxiety, agitation, stiffness, restores strength, increases energy. All children need to be taught to relax. Muscle relaxation relieves internal tension, fatigue and irritability. After exercises to music or the sounds of wildlife, children freely and naturally fantasize in the drawing, the colors are bright, saturated.

Relaxation is caused by specially selected game techniques with a figurative name. Children perform relaxing exercises, not just imitating an adult, but reincarnating, entering a given image. Most children perceive these exercises correctly, relax well. This makes it possible to judge appearance child: calm facial expression, even, rhythmic breathing, obedient hands.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Each person perceives and studies the world around him with the help of five senses or sensory systems: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste.

Of all the sense organs, the eyes are considered the most precious gift of nature. 90% of information a person perceives from the outside world through vision. For any activity: study, recreation, everyday life need good eyesight.

Everyone should understand that vision is important to protect and preserve. Children in this respect are much more susceptible to various influences. The development of vision in childhood should be given Special attention

In the age of information technology, the body of children is exposed to a great deal of factors that negatively affect health. It's no secret that phones, computers, tablets, TVs - every day put a strain on the visual apparatus of children. Therefore, preventive and corrective work with the organs of vision appears today as a necessary component of educational activities.

It is important not only to teach children to perform special exercises in the system, but also to understand the need to take care of their vision and health in general.

Gymnastics for the eyes is one of the methods of healing children.

Gymnastics for the eyes has a beneficial effect on the performance of the visual analyzer and the whole organism.

A set of exercises aimed at preventing visual impairment, allows you to relieve tension and relax the muscles of the eyes, strengthens the muscles of the eyes.

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle

Game therapy

Game therapy- a method for correcting emotional and behavioral disorders in children, which is based on the child's way of interacting with the outside world - a game.

Play therapy is the impact on children using games. The game has a strong influence on the development of the child's personality, promotes the development of communication, communication, the creation of close relationships, increases self-esteem. The game forms the arbitrary behavior of the child, his socialization. The game as a means of preparing for the future life is one of the main provisions of pedagogy. The game is designed to help the child accumulate spiritual material, form and clarify ideas about vitally important actions, deeds, values.

Self massage

In logopedic work, new therapeutic and health-improving techniques are becoming increasingly popular, which have a fairly high efficiency, are safe and easy to use, and also successfully complement the work of speech correction.

Self massage- This is a massage performed by the child himself, suffering from speech pathology. It improves blood circulation, helps to normalize the work of internal organs, improve posture. It contributes not only to the physical strengthening of a person, but also to the improvement of his psyche.

Self-massage is a dynamic articulation exercise that produces an effect similar to massage. Self-massage of the organs of articulation activates blood circulation in the area of ​​the lips and tongue. The child himself performs self-massage techniques that an adult shows him.

The goal of speech therapy self-massage is to stimulate the kinesthetic sensations of the muscles involved in the work of the peripheral speech apparatus and to normalize the muscle tone of these muscles.

Self massage favors psycho-emotional resistance to physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, tones the entire body. Self-massage is carried out in a game form daily in the form of a five-minute lesson or as a dynamic pause in the classroom. Cheerful poems, vivid images that play with massage movements, their simplicity, accessibility, the ability to use in various settings and at any time contribute to changing the position of the child from the object to the subject of pedagogical influence, and this is a guarantee of the success of rehabilitation, correctional and developmental work.

According to the concept of microacupuncture systems of the body, on the skin of the auricles, palms and soles, all parts of the body and organs are represented, the dysfunction of which leads to a violation of the sensitivity of the corresponding zones on the skin. Massage of these zones allows you to “wake up” inhibited and inhibit excited biologically active points, which significantly affects the general condition of the child.

Stimulation of highly active acupuncture points located on the fingers using various devices (balls, massage balls, prickly rollers, nuts, etc. When receptors are stimulated in the muscles, impulses arise that reach the cerebral cortex, tone the central nervous system, resulting in an increased regulatory role in the central nervous system in regarding the functioning of all systems and organs.

The combination of such exercises as self-massage, su-jok therapy, with exercises for the correction of sound pronunciation and the formation of lexical and grammatical categories, can significantly increase the effectiveness of corrective and speech therapy effects, increasing physical and mental performance.

Su-Jok therapy

Su-jok therapy is one of the directions developed by the South Korean professor Pak Je-woo. In Korean, Su means hand and Jok means foot. The Su-Jok diagnostic technique consists in searching on the hand and foot in certain areas, which are reflected reflex projections of the internal organs, muscles, spine, painful correspondence points (su-jok correspondence points), indicating a particular pathology. Possessing a large number of receptor fields, the hand and foot are connected to various parts of the human body.

Su-Jok therapy has a healing effect on the entire body. Massage of fingers and nail plates of brushes is very useful and effective. These areas correspond to the brain. In addition, the entire human body is projected onto them in the form of mini-correspondence systems. Therefore, the fingers must be massaged until a persistent sensation of warmth. It is especially important to act on the thumb, which is responsible for the head of a person. During corrective activity, active points located on the fingers are stimulated with the help of various devices (balls, massage balls, metal rings, prickly rings).


Auriculotherapy- This is a system of therapeutic effects on the points of the auricle, which project all organs and systems of the human body. The impact is carried out by massaging the auricle (pressure, rubbing) to a slight reddening and a feeling of warmth. Especially useful is the effect on the antitragus, corresponding to the projection of the brain. There are many biologically active points on the auricles. Their massage quickly mobilizes the forces of the body.

The system of influence on the area of ​​the auricles, by light massage (pressure, rubbing, stroking) has a general strengthening effect, improves blood circulation, stimulates the activity of nerve centers, increases tone, and activates attention. It is most effective to use these exercises in the morning, anticipating a speech therapy session.

Kinesiological exercises for the development of interhemispheric interaction

Any mental function is carried out by the joint work of the two hemispheres, each of which makes its personal contribution to the construction of mental processes. Coordination and interaction of the hemispheres of the brain is a necessary condition for the success of any activity. (B.G. Ananiev)

This type exercises are aimed at the formation and development of interhemispheric interaction, the development of the accuracy of finger movement and the ability to switch from one movement to another (“Fist-rib-palm”, “Ear-nose”, “Ring”, “Frog”, “Lock”, etc. ).

With regard to speech therapy work, it is advisable to use this type of exercise to activate attention at the beginning of a lesson, during a change of activity, as well as dynamic pauses or at the end of a lesson, to relieve tension and help the child switch to another type of activity.

Correctional technologies


Chromotherapy is a science that studies the properties of color. Color has long been assigned a special meaning, which has a beneficial or negative effect on a person.

Color therapy is a way to correct the psycho-emotional state of a child with the help of certain colors. This is a special technique based on the effect of color photons of different wavelengths on the brain of a child. Thanks to such a simple technique, the impact of a certain color on a child, one can achieve significant results in the treatment of apathy, irritability, excessive activity, and even incipient child aggression, and manage one's emotions.

Long-term observations and practical experience have shown that one of the main requirements is color, because. in terms of its effect on the human body, it is of tremendous importance. Color serves as a powerful stimulant for the emotional and intellectual development of children.

Child and color are interconnected things. After all, children are by nature more receptive to the multicoloredness of our world and need it especially urgently. Therefore, color for a child is a special “magic wand” in any critical situations.

sand therapy

Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of interaction and transformation of the world for every child, and at the same time an effective means of developing and regulating the emotional state of the child. The fundamental idea of ​​sand therapy is that the child, transferring his fantasies and experiences to the plane of the sandbox, can independently control his impulses, expressing them in a symbolic form. Transfer of traditional teaching classes in the sandbox gives a greater educational and educational effect. Working in a pedagogical sandbox contributes to the development of cognitive processes, the sensory-perceptual sphere, enriches the emotional world of the child, helps to relieve stress, develops the skills of cooperation with adults and peers, and helps in the adaptation and socialization of the child. Sand therapy methods are most effective in correcting fears, anxiety, isolation, aggression, and hyperactivity.

The basic principle of sand play is creating a stimulating environment, in which the child feels comfortable and protected and can be creative. For classes with children, tasks and games in a fabulous form are selected. This completely excludes a negative assessment of the actions and results of the child and the need to encourage imagination and creativity as much as possible.

The sand picture created by the child contains rich information about his inner world and current state. To understand the child and his problems, to feel the rhythm of the sand painting, to feel the unique figurative structure of the painting - all this is included in the concept of attachment.
Sincere interest, intrigue with events and plots unfolding in the sandbox. Considering the picture of the child, the specialist, as it were, combines two hypostases. On the one hand, this is an inquisitive open traveler who is extremely interested in what is happening in the world that the child created. On the other hand, this is a sage who seeks to find the truth.

Strict adherence to professional and universal ethics. This rule is at the same time a prerequisite for any kind of professional assistance to a person. The teacher cannot, in the presence of the child, without asking, remove the figures from the sandbox, rebuild the picture or express a value judgment. The inner world of a person is extremely fragile, and only strict observance of the ethical code and high professionalism of a specialist can protect a child from psychological trauma.

sand therapy- contributes to better speech correction and the development of the emotional-volitional sphere.

fairy tale therapy

Fairy tale therapy is one of the types of health-saving technologies. It is an innovative method in working with children, which allows you to gently and unobtrusively influence the child with the help of a fairy tale, while solving a variety of problems.

Fairy tale therapy is a psycho-correction by means of a fairy tale, based on the attraction for children of a fairy tale as a kind of work that allows you to dream and fantasize.

Fairy tale therapy is a method that uses a fairy tale form for personality integration, development creativity, expanding consciousness, improving interactions with the outside world.

A fairy tale is the most effective and proven way and means of educating and educating children.

Fairy tale therapy is education and treatment with a fairy tale. A fairy tale not only teaches children to experience, rejoice, sympathize, be sad, but also encourage them to verbal contact.

This is the most effective way of corrective influence on the child, in which the principle of learning is most clearly manifested: to teach while playing.

As a result, they activate and improve lexicon, grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills, melodic-intonation side of speech, tempo, expressiveness of speech.


The content of the classes also includes psycho-gymnastic studies and exercises aimed at developing and correcting various aspects of the child's psyche. Their use allows to reduce emotional stress in children, resulting in a correction of the emotional sphere. Quite simple facial and pantomimic exercises, tasks aimed at developing communication skills, memory, attention, and expressing individual qualities and emotions are selected for children.

Logopedic rhythm

Logorhythmics as a special science is an important component in the correctional work of a speech therapist. It is a peculiar form of active therapy, a means of influence in a complex of techniques, a synthesis of music, words and movement. It is no coincidence that, along with educational and correctional tasks, health-improving tasks stand out. As a result of solving health-improving tasks in children with speech disorders, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened, breathing, motor, sensory functions develop, a sense of balance, correct posture, gait, and grace of movements are brought up.

Logorhythm is useful for children with speech development delays, alalia, sound pronunciation disorders, stuttering, autistic disorders. Speech therapy rhythm is very important for children with the so-called speech negativism, as classes create a positive emotional mood for speech, motivation to perform speech therapy exercises.

Development of auditory perception, auditory memory, phonemic perception.

Correcting the shortcomings of sound pronunciation in children consists in the production and automation of sounds and the simultaneous development of phonemic perception, since without a full perception of phonemes, without their clear distinction, their correct pronunciation is also impossible. In parallel with the very first classes, work is carried out to develop auditory attention and auditory memory, which allows achieving the most effective and accelerated results in the development of phonemic perception. This is very important, since the inability to listen to the speech of others is often one of the causes of incorrect sound pronunciation. In the process of speech therapy classes, the child must first of all acquire the ability to control his pronunciation and correct it on the basis of comparing his own speech with the speech of others.

Thus, health-improving technologies in the educational process are introduced in the conditions of a health-preserving and health-developing environment that provides a favorable hygienic, psychological and pedagogical environment. Only a complex impact on the child can give a successful dynamics of speech development and social adaptation. The use of health-saving technologies in the work increases the effectiveness of the educational process, forms value orientations among teachers and parents aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, and forms motivation for a healthy lifestyle.


eidetic- this is a teaching technique that develops the ability to think in images, teaches methods of remembering information, and promotes the development of imagination.
Eidetics is a special technique focused on the development of figurative thinking in a child.

Eidetics is a special technique for developing memory, based on the activation of the work of the right hemisphere of the brain, the inclusion of visual images in the process of memorizing.

The term "eidetic" comes from the Greek word "eidos", which in translation into Russian means "image". Eidetics is a method of developing memory with the help of visual images. In simple terms, the meaning of eidetics is to apply your own visual image to any memorized information. Such images are generated by means of including the right hemisphere in the work, which, as is known, is better developed in children than the left. It is difficult for children to memorize information in the form in which it is presented by adults: accurate data and logical chains - all this is under the jurisdiction of the left hemisphere, which is not yet sufficiently active in children. If you teach information from the point of view of the right hemisphere, it will become much easier to remember and assimilate it.
Developing a child's memory using the eidetic method, adults themselves should become more observant, try to use their imagination. The main thing is to develop in the child the habit of always creating in his head an image of what he is trying to remember. With this approach, study from a routine duty will turn into an exciting work.

Health is the main wealth of life. Only a healthy person can be free, joyful, happy.

Application of health-saving technologies

in the educational process of kindergarten


FC instructor

Lobnya, 2013


  1. Conditions for the implementation of health-saving technologies
  2. Conclusion
  3. Literature

1. The importance of work to preserve and improve the health of children in preschool educational institutions

Currently, the problem of health and its preservation is one of the most urgent. The kindergarten is faced with the acute issue of ways to improve the work on health promotion, development of movements and physical development of children. It is known that only 7-8% of health depends on health care and more than half - on a person's lifestyle. Caring for a healthy lifestyle is the basis of physical and moral health, and health promotion can be ensured only through a comprehensive solution of pedagogical, medical and social issues. The concept of “health-saving technologies” has become firmly established in educational system starting with preschool educational institutions.

One of the main tasks of a preschool institution is to create conditions that guarantee the formation and strengthening of the health of pupils. After all, human health is a problem that is quite relevant for all times and peoples, and now it is becoming paramount. The relevance of the topic of a healthy lifestyle is also confirmed by statistical indicators. Education respectful attitude to health must begin from early childhood. According to experts, 75% of all human diseases are laid down in childhood. And the teacher can do no less for the health of the pupil than the doctor. The educator must be trained in psychological and pedagogical technologies that allow him to work in such a way as not to harm the health of his pupils in the classroom. The educational environment should be health-preserving and health-enhancing. The concept of “health-saving technologies” just integrates all areas of work of a preschool institution to preserve, form and improve the health of preschool children.

“Health saving technology”- this is a system of measures that includes the relationship and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at maintaining the health of the child at all stages of his education and development.

Health-saving technologies in preschool education are aimed at solving the priority task of modern before school education– the tasks of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of subjects pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

The purpose of health-saving technologies- to provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to teach him to use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

2. Types of health-saving technologies

Currently, the following health-saving technologies are most often used in preschool institutions :

  • technologies for maintaining and stimulating health;
  • technologies for a healthy lifestyle;
  • corrective technologies.

In my work, I propose to dwell in more detail on the technologies for preserving and stimulating the health of the child.

Technology name


Mobile and sports games

These are games with rules, where natural movements are used, and achieving the goal does not require high physical and mental stress.

Sports games are games in which competitions are held.

"Educational games for preschool children",

THEM. Vorotilkina

Breathing exercises

Special exercises that allow you to clean the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, strengthen the respiratory muscles, improve the well-being of the child.

Gorkova L.G., Obukhova L.A.

THEM. Vorotilkina

“Physical and recreational work in a preschool educational institution;

V.S. Kuznetsov, G.A. Kolodnitsky

"Educational games for preschool children"

Prevention of flat feet

Exercises for the formation of a muscular corset, the development of a stereotype correct posture the way to a healthy lifestyle

THEM. Vorotilkina

“Physical and recreational work in a preschool educational institution;

Gorkova L.G., Obukhova L.A.

"Physical training in the preschool educational institution";

V.S. Kuznetsov, G.A. Kolodnitsky

"Physical exercises and outdoor games";

O.V. Kozyreva

Posture prevention

The use and use of general developmental exercises that strengthen muscles and correct the shape of the child's foot, the formation and consolidation of the skill of proper walking

THEM. Vorotilkina

“Physical and recreational work in a preschool educational institution;

Gorkova L.G., Obukhova L.A.

"Physical training in the preschool educational institution";

V.S. Kuznetsov, G.A. Kolodnitsky

"Physical exercises and outdoor games"

O.V. Kozyreva

"Therapeutic exercise for preschoolers"

Gymnastics for the eyes

Exercises to relieve eye strain

Gorkova L.G., Obukhova L.A.

"Physical training in the preschool educational institution";


The system of physical exercises performed to music contributes to the development of muscle freedom, expressiveness, beauty, grace, rhythm of movements, musicality, a sense of rhythm and plasticity in children.

A.N. Fomina

"Subject - role-playing rhythmic gymnastics";

Gorkova L.G., Obukhova L.A.

"Physical training in the preschool educational institution";


The system of relaxing exercises performed to music contributes to the development of muscle freedom in children, aimed at restoring the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition, reducing motor anxiety (breathing, muscle relaxation).

Gorkova L.G., Obukhova L.A.

"Physical training in the preschool educational institution";

Finger gymnastics

Training of fine movements of the fingers of the hand.

Gorkova L.G., Obukhova L.A.

"Physical training in the preschool educational institution";

E. Cherenkova

"Developing games with fingers";

T.A. Vorobieva., O.I. Krupenchuk

"Ball games for the development of fine manual and general motor skills";

M.Yu. Kartushina

"Growing up healthy"



Massage performed on your own body (arms, legs, etc.)

Gorkova L.G., Obukhova L.A.

"Physical training in the preschool educational institution";

M.Yu. Kartushina

"Growing up healthy"


Acupressure is a mechanical effect of the fingers on strictly defined areas of the body.

Gorkova L.G., Obukhova L.A.

"Physical training in the preschool educational institution";


"Entertaining physical education for preschoolers"

3. Means of health-saving technologies

To achieve the goals of health-saving educational technologies of training, the following groups of means are used:

  1. means of motor orientation;
  2. healing forces of nature;
  3. hygiene factors.

The complex use of these tools allows us to solve the problems of pedagogy of health improvement.

To the means of motor orientation include such motor actions that are aimed at implementing the tasks of health-saving educational technologies of training. This is movement; physical exercise; physical education minutes; emotional relaxation and moments of "peace" gymnastics (health, finger, corrective, breathing, for the prevention of colds, for cheerfulness); physical therapy, outdoor games; specially organized motor activity of the child (health-improving physical education, timely development of the basics of motor skills); massage, self-massage; psychogymnastics, trainings, etc.

Using the healing powers of nature has a significant impact on the achievement of the goals of health-saving educational technologies of training. Conducting classes on fresh air contributes to the activation of biological processes caused by the learning process, increases the overall performance of the body, slows down the process of fatigue, etc.

For hygiene products achieving the goals of health-saving educational technologies of education, promoting health and stimulating the development of the adaptive properties of the body, include: the implementation of sanitary hygiene requirements regulated by SanPiNs; personal and public hygiene (cleanliness of the body, cleanliness of places of employment, air, etc.); ventilation and wet cleaning premises; compliance with the general mode of physical activity, diet and sleep; teaching children basic skills in washing hands, using a handkerchief when sneezing and coughing, etc. teaching children elementary methods of a healthy lifestyle (HLS), organizing the procedure for vaccinations in order to prevent infections; limitation of the maximum level of training load in order to avoid overwork.

4. For the implementation of health-saving technologies in kindergarten, the following conditions must be created:

  • conditions for strengthening the health of children, harmonious physical development, namely sports grounds, equipped with a gym and sports halls, which are equipped with standard and non-standard equipment necessary for the integrated development of the child
  • in each age group there should be equipped corners of physical activity, which should be equipped according to age with all necessary equipment
  • for each age group a mode of physical activity should be drawn up, a hardening system should be developed taking into account the season, age
  • each type of activity should include exercises, games that are aimed at strengthening and protecting children's health, the dosage and pace depend on the age of the children, mood.
  • it is necessary to carry out the prevention of colds; carry out hardening procedures; daily exercise after daytime sleep, which includes walking barefoot in combination with air baths, with corrective exercises, massage to prevent flat feet and postural disorders; exercise outdoors at different times of the year

5. Conclusion

To create an integral system of children's motor activity, it is very important to organize a motor developing environment. Our preschool institution is equipped with a sports hall, where a variety of physical education equipment is presented, which increases interest in physical culture, develops vital qualities, and increases the effectiveness of educational activities.

Receptions of health-saving technologies are widely used by teachers of our preschool institution in various forms of organizing the pedagogical process: in organized educational activities, on a walk, in sensitive moments, in the free activities of children, in the course of pedagogical interaction between an adult and a child. Every day, morning exercises are carried out with children, which helps to increase the functional state and performance of the body, the development of motor skills, the formation of correct posture, and the prevention of flat feet. Classes are held that include elements of children's yoga, which help children relieve stress, learn to control their breathing and feel their body. Classes are held on fitballs, which contribute to the development of coordination, orientation in space and also help relieve stress from the child. There is also an experimental group, which, together with their parents, attends the “Figure Skating” circle at the Ice Palace, thanks to which children develop coordination, strengthen health, immunity and simply have a lot of positive emotions, which also has a beneficial effect on children's health. In the kindergarten, children's fitness clubs are being conducted.

Great attention is paid to the organization of physical culture and health-improving work in the fresh air. To do this, in our kindergarten there is a mini-stadium on the territory of the preschool educational institution with sports and play equipment. To improve the skills acquired in physical education classes, sports corners have been created in groups that take into account the age characteristics of children and their interests. All groups have manuals for the prevention of flat feet, for outdoor games and general developmental exercises, physical education equipment is placed so that it is accessible to children.


  1. Akhutina T.V. Health-saving learning technologies: an individually-oriented approach. Health School. 2000.
  2. Kovalko V.I. Health saving technologies. – M.: VAKO, 2007.
  3. Health-saving technologies in general education school Keywords: methodology of analysis, forms, methods, application experience. / Ed. MM. Bezrukikh, V.D. Sonkin. - M., 2002.
  4. Sukharev A.G.“The concept of improving the health of children and adolescents in Russia”
  5. “The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions” / A.M. Sivtsova //Methodist. – 2007.
  6. Smirnov N.K.“Health-saving educational technologies in the work of a teacher”.

Complex health-saving technologies include: technologies for complex prevention of diseases, correction and rehabilitation of health (sports and health and valeological); pedagogical technologies promoting health; technologies that form a healthy lifestyle.

This article reveals the components, functions and classification of health-saving technologies



"Introduction of health-saving technologies into the educational process".

Human health is a topic of conversation that is quite relevant for all times and peoples, and in the 21st century it becomes paramount. The state of health of Russian schoolchildren causes serious concern among specialists. A clear indicator of trouble is that the health of schoolchildren is deteriorating compared to their peers twenty or thirty years ago. At the same time, the most significant increase in the frequency of all classes of diseases occurs during the age periods coinciding with the child receiving a general secondary education.

The health of the child, his social and psychological adaptation, normal growth and development are largely determined by the environment in which he lives. For a child from 6 to 17 years old, this environment is the education system, because more than 70% of his waking time is associated with staying in educational institutions. At the same time, during this period, the most intensive growth and development takes place, the formation of health for the rest of his life, the child's body is most sensitive to exogenous environmental factors.

Health-saving educational technologies (HEET) in an expanded sense can be understood as all those technologies, the use of which in the educational process benefits the health of students. If ZOT is associated with the solution of a narrower health-saving task, then the health-saving ones will include pedagogical techniques, methods, technologies that do not cause direct or indirect harm to the health of students and teachers, provide them with safe conditions for staying, learning and working in an educational environment.

According to the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, the school educational environment generates risk factors for health disorders, which are associated with 20-40% of negative influences that worsen the health of school-age children. IVF RAO studies allow ranking school risk factors in descending order of significance and strength of influence on the health of students:

Stress pedagogical tactics;

Inconsistency of teaching methods and technologies with age and functionality schoolchildren;

Failure to comply with elementary physiological and hygienic requirements for the organization educational process;

Insufficient literacy of parents in matters of maintaining the health of children;

Failures in the existing system of physical education;

Intensification of the educational process;

Functional illiteracy of the teacher in matters of health protection and promotion;

Partial destruction of school medical control services;

Absence system work on the formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, the traditional organization of the educational process creates constant stress overload in schoolchildren, which leads to a breakdown in the mechanisms of self-regulation of physiological functions and contributes to the development of chronic diseases. As a result existing system school education has a health-expenditure character.

An analysis of school risk factors shows that most of the health problems of students are created and solved in the course of the daily practical work of teachers, i.e. related to their professional activities. Therefore, the teacher needs to find reserves of his own activity in preserving and strengthening the health of students.

It should be noted that the tediousness of the lesson is not the result of any one reason (the complexity of the material or psychological tension), but a certain combination, a combination of various factors.

The intensification of the educational process goes in different ways.

The first is an increase in the number of study hours (lessons, extracurricular activities, electives, etc.) Another option for intensifying the educational process is a real decrease in the number of hours while maintaining or increasing the volume of material. Such a sharp reduction in the number of hours would inevitably lead to an increase in homework and intensification educational process.

A frequent consequence of intensification is the emergence of states of fatigue, fatigue, and overwork in students. It is overwork that creates the prerequisites for the development of acute and chronic health disorders, the development of nervous, psychosomatic and other diseases.

Health-saving technologies are implemented on the basis of a person-oriented approach. Carried out on the basis of personality-developing situations, they are among those vital factors due to which students learn to live together and interact effectively. They assume the active participation of the student himself in mastering the culture of human relations, in shaping the experience of health saving, which is acquired through the gradual expansion of the sphere of communication and activity of the student, the development of his self-regulation (from external control to internal self-control), the formation of self-awareness and an active life position on the basis of education and self-education formation of responsibility for one's own health, life and health of other people.

Health-saving technology, according to V.D. Sonkina is:

The conditions of the child's education at school (lack of stress, adequacy

requirements, the adequacy of teaching and upbringing methods);

Rational organization of the educational process (in accordance with

Age, gender, individual characteristics and

hygiene requirements);

Compliance with training and physical activity age

Child Opportunities

Necessary, sufficient and rationally organized

motor mode.

By health-saving educational technology (Petrov) he understands a system that creates the maximum possible conditions for the preservation, strengthening and development of the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, personal and physical health of all subjects of education (students, teachers, etc.). This system includes:

1. Use of student health monitoring data,

Conducted by medical workers, and their own observations in the process of implementing educational technology, its correction in accordance with the available data.

2. Taking into account the peculiarities of the age development of schoolchildren and the development

An educational strategy that matches the characteristics of memory,

Thinking, working capacity, activity, etc. students of this

Age group.

3. Creation of a favorable emotional and psychological climate

In the process of implementing the technology.

4. The use of various types of health-saving

Activities of students aimed at maintaining and increasing reserves

health, performance

The main components of health-saving technology are:

axiological, manifested in students' awareness of the highest value of their health, the conviction of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle that allows you to most fully achieve your goals, use your mental and physical capabilities. The implementation of the axiological component occurs on the basis of the formation of a worldview, internal beliefs of a person, which determine the reflection and appropriation of a certain system of spiritual, vital, medical, social and philosophical knowledge that corresponds to the physiological and neuropsychological characteristics of age; knowledge of the laws of human mental development, his relationship with himself, nature, the world around him. Thus, upbringing as a pedagogical process is aimed at the formation of value-oriented attitudes towards health, health protection and health creation, built as an integral part of life values ​​and worldview. In this process, a person develops an emotional and at the same time conscious attitude to health based on positive interests and needs.

epistemological, associated with the acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary for the process of health preservation, knowledge of oneself, one's potential abilities and capabilities, interest in one's own health issues, in the study of literature on this issue, various techniques to improve and strengthen the body. This happens due to the process of forming knowledge about the patterns of formation, preservation and development of human health, mastering the ability to maintain and improve personal health, assessing the factors that form it, mastering knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and skills to build it. This process is aimed at forming a system of scientific and practical knowledge, skills and behavior in everyday activities that provide a value attitude to personal health and the health of people around. All this focuses the student on the development of knowledge, which includes facts, information, conclusions, generalizations about the main directions of human interaction with himself, with other people and the world around him. They encourage a person to take care of their health, lead a healthy lifestyle, anticipate and prevent possible negative consequences for their own body and lifestyle.

health-saving, including a system of values ​​and attitudes that form a system of hygiene skills and abilities necessary for the normal functioning of the body, as well as a system of exercises aimed at improving the skills and abilities to take care of oneself, clothes, place of residence, environment. A special role in this component is assigned to the observance of the daily routine, diet, alternation of work and rest, which helps to prevent the formation of bad habits, functional disorders of diseases, includes mental hygiene and psychoprophylaxis of the educational process, the use of environmental health factors and a number of specific methods of recovery weakened.

emotional-volitional, which includes the manifestation of psychological mechanisms - emotional and volitional. A necessary condition for maintaining health are positive emotions; experiences through which a person consolidates the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. Will is a mental process of conscious control of activity, manifested in overcoming difficulties and obstacles on the way to the goal. A person with the help of will can regulate and self-regulate his health. The will is an extremely important component, especially at the beginning of health-improving activity, when a healthy lifestyle has not yet become an internal need of the individual, and the qualitative and quantitative indicators of health are not yet clearly expressed. It is aimed at shaping the experience of the relationship between the individual and society. In this aspect, the emotional-volitional component forms such personality traits as organization, discipline, duty, honor, and dignity. These qualities ensure the functioning of the individual in society, preserve the health of both the individual and the entire team.

ecological, taking into account the fact that a person as a biological species exists in the natural environment, which provides the human person with certain biological, economic and production resources. In addition, she ensures her physical health and spiritual development. Awareness of being human personality in unity with the biosphere reveals the dependence of physical and mental health on environmental conditions. Consideration of the natural environment as a prerequisite for the health of the individual allows us to introduce the formation of skills and abilities of adaptation to environmental factors into the content of health education. Unfortunately, the ecological environment of educational institutions is not always favorable for the health of students. Communication with the natural world contributes to the development of humanistic forms and rules of behavior in the natural environment, micro- and macro-society. At the same time, the natural environment surrounding the school is a powerful healing factor.

· the physical culture and health-improving component implies the possession of methods of activity aimed at increasing motor activity, preventing hypodynamia. In addition, this component of the content of education provides hardening of the body, high adaptive capabilities. The physical culture and health component is aimed at mastering personally important life qualities that increase overall performance, as well as personal and public hygiene skills.

The components of the health-saving technology presented above allow us to proceed to the consideration of its functional component.

Functions of health-saving technology:

formative: is carried out on the basis of biological and social patterns of personality formation. The formation of personality is based on hereditary qualities that predetermine individual physical and mental properties. Complementing the formative impact on the personality are social factors, the situation in the family, the class team, attitudes towards saving and increasing health as the basis for the functioning of the individual in society, learning activities, natural environment;

informative and communicative: ensures the transmission of the experience of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the continuity of traditions, value orientations that form a careful attitude to individual health, the values ​​of each human life;

Diagnostic: it consists in monitoring the development of students on the basis of predictive control, which makes it possible to measure the efforts and direction of the teacher's actions in accordance with the natural capabilities of the child, provides an instrumentally verified analysis of the prerequisites and factors for the future development of the pedagogical process, individual passage of the educational route by each child;

Adaptive: educating students to focus on

Healthcare, healthy lifestyle, optimize the condition

own body and improve resistance to various kinds

Stressogenic factors of the natural and social environment. She provides

Adaptation of schoolchildren to socially significant activities.

reflexive: it consists in rethinking previous personal experience, in preserving and increasing health, which allows you to realistically measure results achieved with perspectives.

integrative: combines folk experience, various scientific

Concepts and systems of education, guiding them along the path of maintaining health

The rising generation.

Technology types

Health-saving (preventive vaccinations, physical activity, fortification, organization of a healthy diet)

§ Wellness (physical training, physiotherapy, aromatherapy, hardening, gymnastics, massage, herbal medicine, art therapy

§ Health education technologies (inclusion of relevant topics in the subjects of the general education cycle)

§ Education of a culture of health (optional classes for the development of the personality of students, extracurricular and extracurricular activities, festivals, competitions, etc.)

The selected technologies can be presented in a hierarchical order according to the criterion of the student's subjective involvement in the educational process:

Non-subjective: technologies of rational organization

Educational process, technology formation

Health-saving educational environment, organization of a healthy

Nutrition (including dietary), etc.

Assuming a passive position of the student: herbal medicine, massage, ophthalmic simulators, etc.

Assuming an active subjective position of the student

Various types of gymnast, health education technology,

Raising a culture of health.

Classification of health-saving technologies.

By the nature of the activity, health-saving technologies can be both private (highly specialized) and complex (integrated).

In terms of activities, among private health-saving technologies, there are: medical (disease prevention technologies;

Correction and rehabilitation of somatic health; sanitary

hygiene activities); educational, health promoting

(information-training and educational); social (technologies

Organizing a healthy and safe lifestyle; prevention and

Correction of deviant behavior); psychological (technologies for prevention and psychocorrection of mental deviations of personal and intellectual development)

Complex health-saving technologies include: technologies for complex prevention of diseases, correction and rehabilitation of health (sports and health and valeological); pedagogical technologies promoting health; technologies that form a healthy lifestyle.

There are more than 300 definitions of the concept of "health". According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Healthy lifestyle Human health, first of all, depends on lifestyle. This style is personal. It is determined by socio-economic factors, historical, national and religious traditions, beliefs, personal inclinations. A healthy lifestyle combines everything that contributes to the performance of professional, social, family and domestic functions by a person in optimal conditions for health and determines the direction of the individual's efforts in maintaining and strengthening individual and public health.

Healthy lifestyle: favorable social environment; spiritual and moral well-being; optimal motor mode (culture of movements); hardening of the body; balanced diet; personal hygiene; refusal of harmful addictions (smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs); positive emotions.

Health-saving educational technology is a system that creates the maximum possible conditions for the preservation, strengthening and development of the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, personal and physical health of all subjects of education: students, their parents, teachers and other participants in the educational process. (O.V. Petrov)

The main components of health-saving technologies Axiological - the pedagogical process is aimed at the formation of value-oriented attitudes towards health Gnoseological - the acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary for health-saving, self-knowledge Health-saving - the formation of a system of hygienic values ​​and attitudes necessary for the normal functioning of the body alternation of work and rest, prevention of bad habits, mental hygiene and psychoprophylaxis) Emotional - volitional - the manifestation of psychological mechanisms, positive emotions that ensure the functioning of the individual in society Ecological - consideration of the natural environment as a prerequisite for the health of the individual motor activity, prevention of hypodynamia

Functions of health-saving technology: Forming: carried out on the basis of biological and social patterns of personality development. The formation of personality is based on hereditary qualities that predetermine individual physical and mental properties. Complementing the formative impact on the personality are social factors, the situation in the family, the classroom team, attitudes towards saving and multiplying health as the basis for the functioning of the individual in society, educational activities, and the natural environment; informative and communicative: ensures the transmission of the experience of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the continuity of traditions, value orientations that form a careful attitude to individual health, the value of every human life; diagnostic: it consists in monitoring the development of students on the basis of predictive control, which makes it possible to measure the efforts and focus of the teacher’s actions in accordance with the child’s natural capabilities, provides an instrumentally verified analysis of the prerequisites and factors for the future development of the pedagogical process, and individual passage of the educational route by each child; adaptive: educating students to focus on health work, a healthy lifestyle, optimize the state of their own body and increase resistance to various kinds of stressful factors of the natural and social environment. It ensures the adaptation of schoolchildren to socially significant activities. reflexive: it consists in rethinking the previous personal experience, in preserving and increasing health, which makes it possible to measure the actually achieved results with the prospects. integrative: combines folk experience, various scientific concepts and education systems, guiding them along the path of preserving the health of the younger generation.

Types of technologies Health-preserving (preventive vaccinations, ensuring motor activity, fortification, organizing a healthy diet) Improving (physical training, physiotherapy, aromatherapy, hardening, gymnastics, massage, herbal medicine, art therapy) Health education technologies (inclusion of relevant topics in general education subjects) Education of culture health (optional classes for the development of the personality of students, extracurricular and extracurricular activities, festivals, competitions, etc.) The selected technologies can be presented in a hierarchical order according to the criterion of the subjective involvement of the student in the educational process: Non-subjective: technologies for the rational organization of the educational process, technologies for forming health-saving educational environment, organization of healthy nutrition (including dietary), etc. Assuming a passive position of the student: herbal medicine, massage, ophthalmic simulators, etc. Assuming an active subjective position of the student, various types of gymnasts, health education technologies, education of a culture of health.

Classification of health-saving technologies 1. According to the nature of activity, health-saving technologies can be both private (highly specialized) and complex (integrated). 2. In terms of activities, among private health-saving technologies, there are: medical (disease prevention technologies; correction and rehabilitation of somatic health; sanitary and hygienic activities); educational, promoting health (information-training and educational); social (technologies for organizing a healthy and safe lifestyle; prevention and correction of deviant behavior); psychological (technologies for prevention and psycho-correction of mental deviations of personal and intellectual development).

Complex health-saving technologies include: technologies for complex prevention of diseases, correction and rehabilitation of health (sports and health and valeological); pedagogical technologies promoting health; technologies that form a healthy lifestyle.

Analysis of the lesson from the standpoint of health saving 1. environment and hygiene conditions in the classroom 2. number of activities (norm 4-7 types per lesson) 3. average duration and frequency of alternation of various activities (approximate norm 7-10 minutes) 4. alternation of types teaching (norm - no later than 10 - 15 minutes) 5. availability and choice of place in the lesson of methods that contribute to the activation of students 6. place and duration of the use of technical teaching aids 7. postures of students, alternation of postures of students 8. physical education minutes (at least one after 15 - 20 minutes) 9. students have motivation for learning activities

10. the presence in the content of the lesson of issues related to health, ensuring one’s own safety and the safety of those around them 11. the psychological climate in the lesson 12. the presence of emotional discharges in the lesson: jokes, smiles, aphorisms, comments, and so on 13. the density of the lesson, then there is time spent on educational work (at least 60% of the time, but not more than 75-80%) 14. monitoring the onset of the moment of fatigue and a decrease in students' learning activity, searching for techniques and methods to relieve fatigue, monitoring the increase in motor and passive distractions in children in the process of learning 15. the pace and features of the end of the lesson: - fast pace, "crumpled" (negative influence) - calm completion of the lesson (positive influence) - students delay after the bell at recess (attention is scattered, inefficient completion of the lesson)