Abstract Node "Letter W, Sound" (for children of the preparatory group). Speech therapy exercises on the sound "sh"

Municipal autonomous pre-school educational institution

nizhnevartovsk kindergarten №80 "Firefly"

A summary of literacy training in senior group

Sound and Letter w


Carrier Albina Akramovna


A summary of literacy in the senior group sound[Sh], letter sh.

Correctional educational tasks: Consolidate correct pronunciation Sound [sh]. Exercise in determining the presence - the lack of sound [sh] in words; In determining the position of the sound [sh] in the word (beginning, middle). Improve the analysis and synthesis synthesis of Sha, Sho, Shu; Decision words on syllables. Reading Slots Sha, Sho, Shu. Teach the synthesis of the word fur coat. Introduce the letterSh.

Correctional and educational tasks: Develop auditory attention, memory, speech, thin and general motility; Coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional-educational tasks:To form cooperation skills, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence.


Demonstration material: A poster of sounds and letters, houses for sounds, symbols of sounds "A", "O", "U", "s", "sh", the sound scheme [sh], "magic bag". Large letters: a, o, y, s, t, m, in, d, sh, small letters: sh, y, b, A. Toy: Mouse Shusha. Pictures: Teddy bear, hat, shower, pants, hat, fur coat, hat, shorts, teddy bear, horse, cat, mouse, marty, frog. Teremki V. Vosobovich. Tablet, numbers: 1, 2, 3, multicolored eggs, basket.

Handout: Customized mirrors, workbooks, color pencils, sound analysis chips, sound rules, su-jock balls, playing, did. Game "Teremok with letters", blue markers.

Structure occupation

  1. Orgmoment. (1 min.)
  1. Org.Moment:

The educator and children are sitting in a circle on chairs.

Psychological setting

Invented by someone

Just wisely

When meeting to greet.

Good morning!

Good morning, sun and birds.

Good morning smiling!

I want to wish you so everyone today good morning, Good afternoon, especially for you, because you came to do, learn a lot of new things.

- Do you want to do everything? (Yes!)

- So we will do.

II. 1. Introduction to the topic. (3 min.)

Today in the class we will get acquainted with the new sound and the letter. But first remember what the sound is different from the letter. (We pronounce the sounds and hear, and let's write letters and read).

We can't see the sound,
And we can not take in your hands.
Sound we can only hear
And to say it.

What two groups share all the sounds? (Sounds are divided into vowels and consonants).

What is the difference between vowels from consonants? (When pronouncing a vowel sound, the air does not meet the barriers and therefore the sound can be pulled for a long time. The consonant sound does not stretch, because when it is pronouncing the air meets obstacles).

The vowels stretch to the song called.
Can cry and buried.
IN dark forest call and disk
But they do not want to whistle and grumble.

And the consonants agree
Rustle, whisper, creak,
Even snatch and hiss,
But I do not want to sing.

Let's play: I show the letter, and you are a queue call the sound and a word that begins with this sound.

Guys to visit us today, someone came to visit, I now make a riddle, and you immediately guess who came to us.

Lives in mink, gnawing crusts.
Short legs; Afraid cats. (mouse)

The speech therapist from the "Magic Bag" takes out a mouse.

Guys, this mouse call Shusha. He came up with a lot of tasks for you, and if you handle all the tasks, he will give you something.

What kind of sound is repeated in the words of Shusha and a mouse?

- True, this is the sound [sh]. Today in the class we will fasten the pronunciation of the sound [sh]. But before this, we will make articulating gym with a mouse with a mouse

2. Articulating gymnastics. (4 min.)

Thick mouse came to visit us (inflation cheeks),
Compared to him, we are thin - only the skin yes bone (pulling the cheeks).
We all smiled at him (lips in a wide smile, visible the upper and lower teeth),
You all draw it to kiss it (the lips stretch forward).
In the morning I woke up - in a smile of lips (a wide smile again).
We cleaned our top teeth (wide tongue behind the upper teeth)
Right and left, inside and outside (corresponding movements with a wide language).
We also be friends with lower teeth (repetition of these movements with the language in the lower teeth position).
We bite your lips, and the mouth will be glittered (a bone influx of shoes - the lips do not let air),
And I puffed selfovar that there is urine (simultaneous inflation of both shoes with the subsequent release of the air through the lips).
Soccer put - put pancakes (a wide tongue lies on the bottom lip).
Pancakes are chewing, certify and bite (Zhuyay the spread language, then bite it, wrapped behind the lower teeth),
Pancake with grinding raspberry delicious (lick the top lip in front of the back).
Cups will put in order to pour tea (a wide tongue bend up the top of the cup),
We looked at the nose - we have cooled tea (pour with "cups" up).
Tea was drinking - no one is offended ("Cup" moves forward-back).
Delicious was breakfast - we might sponge (the tip of the language licks the lips in a circle).

Well done boys. We go beyond the tables.

3. The characteristic of the sound "sh". (3 min.)

Guys, our guest Shusha is a very terrible chaloon. Shusha climbs behind the screen and rustles there: Shur - Shur - Shur. "Cat !!!", - Mom squeezes and, along with dad, hide behind the wardrobe.

- Guys, how did the shusha rustle?

"True, everyone says together: Shur - Shur - Shur.

- What kind of sound is at the beginning of these words?

- Let's say it.

- What do our lips do when we pronounce the sound [sh]?

- Lips are put forward forward. Are they like a bagel or on the tube?

- True, they are round as a bagel.

- What does our tongue do when we pronounce the sound [sh]?

- Open your mouth, show where your language is when we pronounce the sound [sh].

- Language rises to the sky, for the upper teeth. And which air is warm or cold comes out of the mouth when we say the sound [sh]? We bring the palm to the mouth and say all Schshsh.

- Air warm.

- That's right when we say [Ш], the lips are rounded, slightly nominated forward, wide tongue rises to the tubercles for the upper teeth. Air jet comes warm.

- Guys, and the sound [sh] What is he: vowel or consonant?

- That's right, sound [Ш] Consonent, ringing or deaf sound [Ш]?

- Deaf.

- And the sound [sh] solid or soft?

- Yes, the sound is true [sh] is a solid, deaf, consonant sound. This sound has a feature, it is never mild, always solid. Unlike our mouse, this sound does not like to stitch and noise, and if someone begins to make noise, he always says Sshchsh.

(The red and blue houses are placed on the easel, next to them - the corresponding chips to indicate sounds.)

See what kind of houses?(Sounds for sounds).

What sounds live in a red house?(Vowel sounds).

What sounds live in a blue house?(Consonant solid sounds).

What house do we settle the sound [sh]?(In blue, since the sound "sh" consonant, solid).

What color will we celebrate the sound [sh]?(Fishka of blue color).

4. Work in the notebook. (2 minutes)

Collect "Clothes" of sound [sh] pencil the desired color (blue). And remember that the sound [sh] is a consonant, solid, deaf.

5. Working with sound symbols. (1 min.)

Muscular wants to see if you can make syllables. Put the symbols of sounds and on the table to make a syllable [ShA], and now the syllable [ears]. Well done, coped with the task.

6. Determining the position of the sound[Sh] in words. (2 minutes)

And now let's show a mouse, as we can determine the position of the sound in the word. We take the sound line and determine the position of the sound [sh] in the word (we indicate the beginning, middle or end of the word). Pictures "Bear", "Cap", "Shower".

7. Fingering gymnastics (1 min.)

Well done. Let `s have some rest. Put everything on the edge of the table. Take the balls of Super, make a finger gymnastics.

This ball is not simple

All prickly one.

Between her palms

They are palm switched.

Up and down it rolling

Develop your hands.

You can roll the ball in a circle,

Each one to each other.

One, two, three, four, five

It's time for us to rest.

8. Acquaintance with the letterSh. (2 minutes)

- Guys, the sound [sh] is indicated by this way - the letter sh. And what does the letter sh? Which color we always paint consonant letters (blue). Take the blue pencils circle and pull the letter W in the notebook. Well done, and now remove the notebook on the edge of the table.

9. D / and "Teremok with letters". (2 minutes)

Momens for you prepared another game. Put in front of ourselves playingors, find and circle a blue marker in Teremki letter sh. How many letters found?

10. D / and Teremki Vosobovich. (1 min)

And now let's show a mouse, as we can read the syllables.

The speech therapist is a syllable in teremki, and the children take turns read(Sha, Shu, sho).

Well done, get up in a circle.

11.Pizkultminutka "Mouse" (2 min.)

  1. D / and "Telegraph" (3 min)

On the tablet, next to the lines of numbers 1, 2, 3, on the table stack of pictures.

Guys, look at what interesting task For us prepared a mouse. Girls need to choose the pictures where the sound [sh] at the beginning of the word, boys, where the sound [sh] in the middle of the word .. pictures: pants, hat, fur coat, hat, shorts, teddy bear, horse, cat, mouse, marty, frog.

Girls as one word can be called all the pictures you found (clothes).

Boys, and how you can call all the pictures in one word (animals).

And now, in turn, count how many syllables in each word and place pictures on the desired line. Name words in which one, two, three syllables.

13. Synthesis of the word fur coat. (3 min)

Mouse Shusha prepared for you the last task, look at a mousebrought multicolored magic eggs, what are they? (White, yellow, orange, pink, green), and size? (Large and small). Let us take turns take the magic eggs, there are letters in them, of which you need to make a word of a fur coat, but to open them, you need to guess the riddle. Whoever rents, the egg will open.


Jumping a little animal

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Fuck trap

And Komar and Mushka


Soft Paws,

And in the paws of the scratch.


Tail is long

Chrumb itself,

It is afraid of very cats.


In the forest one funny bird

All day sings ku-ku, ku-ku

In no way can learn to sing,

Like a rooster, "Kukarek"


Let's get letters and make out of them the word fur coat, how many letters in this word?, What is the first, what is the last? And now let's put the eggs in place. Where did you put eggs?, Where did you get them from?

III. Outcome (1 min)

What sound and letter we met today? What games played?

Score speech activity.

Guys, you perfectly worked perfectly and fulfilled all tasks correctly. For this, you have a mouse shusha to give sweet gifts. The speech therapist gives children a treat.


Topic number 30. Sound and letter sh

1. Teach correctly pronounce the sound [sh].

2. Teach a child to determine the sequence of sounds in the word, improve the skills of analytical synthetic activities, develop sound-sludge views.

3. Learn to independently produce sound-syllable words analysis.

4. Learn to convert words.

Task 1. Didactic exercise "Continue the chain of words." Adult offers a child to identify the last sound in the word houseand choose a word that begins with this sound, and then "continue the chain":

House - Mac - Cat ...

Task 2. Acquaintance with sound [sh].

Listen to the patter. What sound is often heard in it?

Six mice

In the reeds rustle.

The adult shows in front of the mirror and explains the child the articulation of the sound [sh]:

A wide tongue at the top forms a "cup";

Sorry "silent."

Symbol of sound: snake hits: Shershshsh ...(See Color Plug). Sound characteristic: consonant (tongue creates an air barrier), always solid, deaf. Designation: Blue circle.

Pump the wheel: Schshshh (the sound is pronounced eager). The wheel pierced with a carnation, the air leaves the wheel: Shsh ... Shsh ... (sound is pronounced smoothly, with the transition to the whisper).

Task 4. Didactic exercise "Locks in palm, if you hear the sound [sh]":

W, P, K, W ...; Sha, Pa, Ka, Shu ...; Cat, cat, cat, crow, pencil ...

Sha-Sho Shu-Shi ...; Ash-Osh-ush ...; CHAT-SATO-STE-SPI ...

Task 6. Didactic exercise "Say on the contrary":

Sha-Ash, sho -...; Ash-Sha, ears -...

Task 7. Adjust the last sound in the word ([sh]):

Parades ..., small ..., Lands ..., Kama ...

Task 8. Remember words beginning with syllables:

Sha: -th, -Kal, -Lun ...; Shi: -n, - Lo ...; Shu: -B, -R ...;

Sho (neck): -th, -pot ...

Task 9. Finish the word syllable Sha (shi). What words did it happen? Which of these syllables is formed by the multiple number of nouns (many objects)?

Ka ..., Kry ..., Gru ..., Cha ..., Afi ...

Task 10. Replace the first sound in the words on the sound [sh]. What words did it happen? Make proposals with each pair of words.

Cup - checker, Bear - ..., Flang - ..., Dar - ..., Lips - ...,

Garik - ...

Task 11. Didactic exercise "Guess the word" (make a word from sounds):

Cupboard; sh, y, b, a; K, O, W, K, A.

Task 12. Didactic exercise "Name all sounds in the word".

Adult pronounces the word, and the child separately calls the sounds of this word in due sequence:

Noise [w in m]; jester [w in t]; Masha [m and sh a].

Task 13. Guess the riddles, call the first (last) sound in the words-guessing.

I sit on horseback

I do not know, on whom. ( ^ Cap)

Grows on land

Head from plush. ( Famys)

White peas

On a green leg. ( Lily of the valley)

Task 14. Pick up as many words as possible with the sound [sh], in which the sound [sh] is standing at the beginning, in the middle, in the end of the word.

Sha-Sha-Sha - Mom washes the baby.

Shu-Shu-Shu - help the baby.

Shi-Shi-Shi - in the glade kids.

Sho sho sho - we say well.

Ash-Ash-Ash - give a pencil.

Osh-Osh Osh - I have a knife.

Ish-Ish-Ish - I have a baby.

Esch-ears - warm shower.

Ashka-Ashka-Ashka - Bucacheka flies.

Oshka-Oshka - on the cat's window.

Ear-ears-ears - a frog-cuckoo.

Ishka-Ishka-Ishka - Little Mouse.

Task 16. Adult calls a number of words, asks the child to make a proposal of them; Name all words with sound [sh], call the pretext (if it is in the sentence).

Masha, shop, walk, c. Machine, ride, road, software, quickly.

Cat, milk, lap. Shura, school, walk, c.

Task 17. Acquaintance with the letter Sh.

Letter Sh with three spikes -

Do not grab it with your hands.

^ O. Hoffman

What does the letter sh?

Letter w out of fingers: thumb and little finger right hand connect, and index, medium and unnamed fingers lift up.

Games with the letter.

Task 18. Independent sound-syllated analysis of words:

Cabinet, fur coat, misha, cat, shower, noise.

Transforming words with letters of split alphabet, reading words, writing off with printed letters, drawing up with each sentence:

Mouse - Teddy bear - Mushka - Moshka - Cat - Basha - Pasha - Push - Cannon - Dushka - Dashka - Dasha.

Reading proposals, finding an excuse:

Here is Dasha. Dashi fur coat. Fur coat in the closet. Cap on the closet. Cat under the cabinet. Cat behind the cabinet.

Topic number 31. Sound and letter

Correctional and developing tasks.

1. Develop auditory attention and logical thinking By solving logical tasks.

2. To teach correctly pronounce the sound [F].

3. Continue to teach the child to determine the sequence of sounds in this word.

4. Improve the skills of analytical synthetic activities, develop the sound-sound ideas of the child.

5. Develop the hearing-voice memory of the child.

6. Continue learning to make proposals with a given word.

7. Learn to independently produce sound-syllable words analysis.

Task 1. Adult offers a child to listen carefully, think and solve the following logical tasks:

Mom has a cat gun, a dog of his friend and daughter Dasha. How many children do mom have?

The mickey dog \u200b\u200bhad kittens born: three white and one black. How much is the kittens were born at Mickey?

Walked in winter soldiers forest, field, forest, field. Suddenly the river. How does he move across the river?

Task 2. Acquaintance with sound [F].

An adult offers a child to think and say what the items depicted on the color pictures are similar: lemon, sun, chicken. (All of them yellow color.) Then asks to pick up the relationships to the word yellow(yolk, yellowness, yellow) and define the same first sound in all these words.

The adult shows in front of the mirror and explains the child's articulation of the sound [F]:

Sponges are rounded and slightly stretched forward;

A wide tongue at the top and forms a "cup";

Warm air jet goes in the center of the tongue;

Gorelshko "works".

Symbol of sound: beetle buzzes: Zhzhzhzh ...(See Color Plug). Sound characteristic: consonant (tongue creates an air barrier), always solid, ringing. Designation: Blue circle with a bell.

Task 3. Phonetic exercise.

Wood saw saw: Lzhzhzh (the sound is pronounced briefly, rubbish).

Task 4. Didactic exercise "Locks in palm, if you hear the sound [F]":

Well, m, b, g ...; Ms, ha, zhu ...; Zhenya, belly, milk, bed, giraffe ...

Task 5. Repeat for the adult series of syllables:

Zho-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-jo ...; Waiting, I'm waiting and waiting, I wait, wait, wait ...

Task 6. Finish the words with a syllable. What words did it happen?

This ..., Gara ..., Chi ..., Dam ..., More ...

Task 7. Didactic exercise "Big - small" - exercise in word formation (pay attention to the appearance of sound [F] in a new word).

Flag of flag, shore - ..., friend - ..., horn - ..., Pie - ..., Circle - ..., Iron - ...

Task 8. Guess the riddles, call the first sound in the guess, find the longest and shortest word.

Like a tiny call. ( Zhavoronok.)

In the golden tongue

Ducklings hid. ( ^ Acorn)

Black, not raven,

Horns, not bull,

With wings, not a bird. ( bug)

Task 9. Didactic exercise "Finished tying, call the first sound in the Word."

Lying red cat

I lookedtered myself ... ( stomach)

Task 10. Replace the first sound in words on the sound [F]. What words did it happen? Come up with suggestions with each word.

Onions - Beetle, Baba - ..., World - ..., Little - ..., Package - ..., Ticket - ..., Bunch - ..., Venya - ...

Task 11. Adult pronounces the word, and the child calls this word by sounds:

Beetle [w y k], toad [g a b a].

Task 12. Adult pronounces a number of 3-5 words with sound [F], and the child must remember all the words and repeat them in the same order.

Task 13. Pick up words beginning with syllables:

MS: -R, -Qu ...; Zhu: -Is, -s ...; Zh: -RAF, -Well ...

Pick up the words ending with the syllable:

Zh: but -..., lies -...; MS: lies -..., ko- ...

Task 14. Pick up as much words as possible with sound [F]: The sound [F] stands at the beginning of the word and in the middle of the word.

Task 15. To learn the cleanrs:

Zhai Ms. - We saw hedgehog.

Lyi-Zhi - Hedgehog run.

Zhu-Zhu-Zhu - Help the Yellow.

Jo-Jo-Jo - I'm going to the "Peugeot".

Task 16. Adult offers the child to listen to suggestions and repeat them (one by one):

Zhenya chews. Zhenya chews a gum. Zhenya girl chews a gum. Girl in Zhenya chews a mint chemge. Little woman girl chews a mint chewing. Little girl in Zhenya chews a mint delicious chewing.

In which words, there was no sound in each sentence [F]?

Task 17. Come up with as many sentences as possible about Jore and Zhenya, using familiar prepositions.

Task 18. Acquaintance with the letter J.

J. similar to the beetle,

Only not buzzing yet.

O. Gofman.

What else looks like a letter?

Compare letters to and w:

It - J.,

And this is - TO,

Whole beetle and felting.

^ A. Shibayev

Games with letters.

Task 19. Independent sound-syllated analysis of words. Reading, writing, letter under dictation:

Beetle, beetles, leather, toad, toads.

Reading, Proposals:

Here is Dima and Nata. Dima Beetle. At Nata toad. Dima and Nata beetle and toad.

Daria Asigritova


acquaintance with the letter Sh.


1. To introduce children with the letter Sh.

2. To form skill to pronounce words with a given sound,

the ability to highlight the desired sound in words.

3. Forming the ability to install classifications

relationships between concepts.

4. Forming the ability to answer questions on


5. Secure the ability to conduct sound analysis words.

6. Check the skill of children to divide the words on the syllables and put


7. Develop speech, phonderatic hearing, logical thinking,

memory, attention, perception, fine motility hands, skill

solve riddles.

8. Expand and activate vocabulary Children.

9. Relieve accuracy, culture of communication.



board, chalk, sound chips, illustration "What is like a letter sh", a picture with the image of the cones and the letter sh, the story "Cat and a mouse".


clothing pictures, two hoops (blue, green, notebook with incistent hat with hat and letter W for coloring and with sample letter sh for prescribing, color pencils.

Structure occupation

1. Organizational moment.

2. Topics message

(Children sit on the carpet)

Guess the riddle:

On high slender Christmas tree

A friendly hid in the needles.

Love squirrel and cool

They taste.

Simple my question for you, kids:

What are they eating all?

Guys, what are bumps?

(Fruit of coniferous and some other plants rounded or oval shape covered with flakes)

3. The main part of the lesson

a) sound analysis of the word "bumps"

(Children sat down at the tables)

Guys, how many sounds in the word "cones"?

(In the word "bumps" 5 sounds)

Let's wonder the word "cones"

How many syllables in the word "cones"?

(In the word "cones" 2 syllables)

How determined?

(How many in the word vowels, so many syllables. In this word 2 vowels, it means 2 syllables)

Divide the word "cones" to syllables.

Name the 1st syllable.

From how many sounds is the 1st syllable?

(The 1st syllable consists of 3 sounds)

Name the 2nd syllable.

From how many sounds consists of a 2nd syllable?

(2nd syllable consists of 2 sounds)

Determine the shock and unstressed sounds in the word "bumps".

(In the word "cones" shock is the 1st vowel sound [and], and unstressed - 2nd vowel sound [and])

How determined?

(In order to determine the impact sound in the word, you must call this word)

Put the stress.

Name the solid consonant sounds in the word "bumps".

b) Phondematic charging.

(Children sat on the carpet)

How does the snake happiness?

How wives a goose?

c) what looks like a letter sh.

Look at the illustration and listen to the poem:

What does the letter sh?

On the teeth of this bucket.

Repeat what letter is the sound [sh]?

(Letter W)

d) acquaintance with the letter sh.

(Children sat down at the tables)

Guys, see the illustration and tell me which letter sh?

How many items consists of this letter?

What is shown in the illustration?

What do you think why?

(Because begins on the letter sh [sh])

Consider another time and tell me what cones on it are depicted?

e) game "Who is attentive?"

(Children sit on the carpet)

Consider pictures.

List what is depicted on each of the proposed pictures?

(Pants, shirt, fur coat, shorts, hat, hat)

Find and name the same sound in words.

e) game with the ball "Name words with sound [sh]"

(Children stood in a circle on the carpet)

Guys, I will throw each of you the ball, your task returns me the ball back and pronounce any word that begins on the sound [sh].

Who was the most attentive and noticed how to pronounce the sound [sh] in all words?

What conclusion we can do with you, what is the sound?

(always solid)

Right. Remember guys, the sound [sh] is always solid.

g) Preparation of your hand to the letter.

(Kids sit at the table)

Finger gymnastics.

h) work in notebooks.

Coloring the letter sh

Open the notebook and look at the illustration.

What is shown on it?

(Letter W and hat)

Think why in the picture shows a hat?

(Because it starts on the letter sh [sh])

What is a hat?


Quite right. Guys, how do we highlight solid consonant sounds?

Your task is to paint the letter W in the foreground, and the hat is on the second.

Which color color the letter sh?

And hat?

Let's remember the painting rules.

(Do not put pressure on the pencil, do not go beyond the drawing, color without spaces)

Sit comfortably, rectate backs. Get started.

i) exercise "classification of objects"

(Children sit on the carpet)

So, consider the pictures again and divide them into two groups.

In the blue hoop - place pictures that you would attribute to the first group, and in the green hoop - lay pictures that you would attribute to the second group and explain your choice.

Explain how the sign did you share pictures into two groups?

(In the blue hoop attributed warm clothes, in green hoop attributed light clothes)

And is it possible to combine them in one group, i.e. call them in one word?

(You can. This clothes)

k) prescribing the letter sh

(Kids sit at the table)

Open the notebook. Look at the sample and pay attention to how the letter sh is written.

Why is it written in blue?

(Because the sound [sh] is always solid consonant, and solid consonants need to be highlighted in blue)

Right. Please do not get the element in the letter W shown in the notebook and suck it until the end of the line through the cell.

l) reading the story "Cat and Mouse"

(Children sit on the carpet)

Listen carefully story:

"All went out of the house. There is one cat. Cat sat on the window. The mouse came out of the mink. Cat does not see the mouse. The mouse does not see the cat. Mouse went to the kitchen. Found crumbs from pyshki. The crumb mouse was born. Then the mouse saw a mug. The mug is covered with a lid. Pushed the mouse cover. The cover fell. The cat hung the mouse and jumped from the window. The mouse ran. Cat for her, but not caught up ».

Who is the saying about the story?

(About the cat and the mouse)

Where did the cat sat down?

(On the window)

Where did the mouse come out?

(From mink)

Where did the mouse go?

(In the kitchen)

What did the mouse found?

(Crumbs from pyshki)

At what time did the cat shrink the cat?

(When the mouse pushed the lid, which the mug was covered)

What happened to the mouse?

(The mouse ran away from the cat)

Guys, name words with sound [sh], which

met you in the story.

(Cat, mouse, window, crumbs, paddy, lid, etc.)

4. Outcome classes.

What letter got acquainted with?

(With letter w)

What did we know about the sound [sh]?

(That sound [sh] is always solid)

Tasks for the preparation of children to school Program: learning to read and draw up words, drawing up proposals and letter F, the development of thinking and the solution of the simplest tasks in mathematics.

Training reading. Sound and Letter "sh"

purpose: Acquaintance with the new letter, the development of phonderatic hearing, fixing the image of the letter.


The teacher makes the riddle to children.

Easy and air,

Obedient breeze.

In the clouds flies

And where - does not know. (Ball)

- How many syllables in the word-guess?
- How to change the word to become two syllables?
- Name the first syllable in the word balls.
- Name the first sound in this word.
- How do you think the sound is vs and consonant? (Consonant).
- Why did you decide so? (The sound w does not stretch, it does not feel, the air is free of breath freely, the teeth interfere).
- Sound W ringing or deaf? Close your ears with the handles and say Sh-sh-sh-sh. Ears do not ring. Sound w - deaf.
- Name words with Sound S.
- cones, helmet, hat, porridge, wider, etc.
- Now let's think, can he be firm and soft?
- We picked up words and found out that the sound of W can only be solid, it does not happen.
- What can we conclude?

Sound w - consonant, deaf, always solid.

Show the appropriate side of the sound cube. Blue cube side - sound solid.

The teacher shows the children a card with the letter W. Children will drive the letter with a finger along the contour, "remember the letter."

- What letter is written on working sheets upstairs on the left? (Letter W).
- Color the letter Sh.
- What does the letter sh?

Training reading. Sound analysis of syllables

purpose: Development of phonderatic hearing, sound-letter analysis of words.

Slames are written on the working sheets. Read them.

Make up sound schemes To these syllables.

What can you say about the sound of sh? (This consonant, it is always solid).

Training reading. The words

purpose: Development of attention, learning to read, fix the image of letters, increasing the speed of reading.

Material: work leaf.

"You know that the sound w is always solid, it means that if after the letter W you saw the letter and, then the w is not softened and is pronounced firmly Shi.
- Word writes on the working sheets. Read them first by columns, then line.
- Find and circle in the circle Schi Schi.
- In the words of the first column, emphasize vowels.
- How many syllables in the words of the third column? (One).
- Exercise to the words of the second and first column.
- How many syllables in the words of the second column? (Two).
- How many syllables in the word of the root? (Three syllables).
- Slip the stress in the words of the second and first columns.
- What do the words of the cat are different and different?
- What are the words of the mouse - reeds like and different?
- What are the varieties like and different?

Training reading. Drawing up words

purpose: Fastening the image of letters, the formation of the ability to draw up words from the proposed letters, sound analysis and synthesis.

Material: The letters have passed, (necessarily vowels: a, o, y, s, and, e, y, y) - 15 pcs, a bowl in which letters are folded.

- Take the letter from the bowl and name it.

Children take turns get letters from a bowl and lay out on the carpet.

After the bowl became empty, the teacher proposes to make a word from the letters.

- Make out words from the letters that in front of you.

Training reading. Working with the text "Pillow"

purpose: Increasing the speed of reading, the formation of the ability to determine the number of proposals in the text is to draw up proposal schemes.

Material: Worksheet, Sound Cubes

- Read the text twice.
- Read the questions and answer them.

1. Who embroiders the pillow?

2. What did you embroider Dasha on the pillow?

3. From whom the mouse runs away?

4. Who caught up with a cat?

5. Who can't catch anyone?

- Return a story.
- How else can you be called a story.

Training reading. suggestions

purpose: The formation of the ability to determine the number of proposals in the text is to draw up schemes of proposals.

Material: work leaf, sound cubes.

The teacher draws the attention of children to the text just read.

- How many suggestions in the text? Circle points at the end of the proposals in the circle.
- Make out the schemes of the second and fifth sentences with the help of cubes.
- How many words in the second sentence? What is the first word in the second sentence? What word second? Third? Etc.
- How many words in the fifth sentence? What is the first word in the second sentence? Second? Etc.
- What sign stands in the last sentence?

The teacher draws the attention of children to the task in the work sheet.

Training reading. Sounds "F" and "Ficy"

purpose: Development of phonderatic hearing, fixing the image of letters.

Material: Ball, sound cubes.

The teacher organizes the game on the carpet.

The teacher throws the ball to children and asks to call the first sound in words:

  • TORCH,
  • FLAG,
  • Frak,
  • FILM,
  • February, etc.
  • - What are the first sounds in words? (Sounds F and FF).
    - Sound F, vowel or consonant? (Consonant).
    - Sound f ringing or deaf? (Sound f - deaf).
    - Sound f can be solid and soft? (Maybe hard and soft).
    - What can we conclude?
    - The sound of f: consonant, deaf, can be solid and soft.

    The teacher issues sounds of sound cubes.

    - Come up with words with the sounds of F and Ficy.

    Children analyzes which sound in the word is solid or soft and show the corresponding sides of the sound cube. Blue cube side - sound solid, green - soft sound.

    Training reading. Letter F.

    purpose: Fastening the image of the letter, the development of graph-motor skills.

    Material: Card with letter F, butt, plasticine bases.

    The teacher shows the kids card with the letter F.

    Children rub the letter with their finger along the contour, "remember the letter."

    - Let's lay out the letter f buttons.

    The teacher shows a pre-made sample on a plasticine basis.

    Children lay out the letter according to the sample.

    - What does the letter F?

    Mathematics. Score. Game with the ball "Consider on"

    purpose: Exercise in the account within 20.

    Materials: Ball.

    Children become in a row. The teacher throws a child a ball and calls the number. The child calls the subsequent 2-3 numbers and returns the ball.

    You can also with a reverse account of 20.

    Graphic dictation

    purpose: Development of shallow motility hands, formation of visual and motor coordination.

    Materials: work leaf.

    Teacher dictates:

    - one cage to the left. One cage up. One cage to the right. One cage up. Two cells to the right. One cage down. One cage to the right. One cage down. Two cells to the right.

    Continue the pattern yourself.

    Development of thinking. Tell the contrary

    purpose: Development of speech, the formation of the ability to select the opposite words in the meaning of the word.

  • Motherland, depreciation - (Alien).
  • Sunrise - (Sunset).
  • Winter summer).
  • Dirt - (purity).
  • Light - (Darkness, Darkness).
  • Day Night).
  • Heat - (cold).
  • World - (War, Quarrel).
  • True False).
  • City - (village, village).
  • Good evil).
  • Use - (harm).
  • Bogache - (poor man).
  • Friend - (enemy).
  • Joy - (sadness, sadness).
  • Lazy - (worker).
  • Mathematics. Solving tasks




    Mathematics. Solving tasks

    purpose: Forming the ability to solve simple tasks.

    Materials: Work leaf, color pencils.

    - Look at the picture. What is drawn?
    - Let's try to draw up the task about apples and pears.

    Children must independently make a condition and question of the task.

    - Right. In the vase lay 5 apples and 3 pears. How much fruit lay in a vase?
    - What is known in the task? That in the vase lay apples and pears.
    - How many apples lay in a vase known? Yes. Five.
    - And how much do pears lay in a vase known? Yes. Three.
    - So, 5 apples and three pears lay in the vase.
    - What are you asked in the task? How much fruit lay in a vase.
    - If the question sounds "how much?", How will we solve the task? Addition.
    - Who can say the problem of the task? - Record the solution of the problem in the cells in the work sheet.

    Development of thinking. Find an excess word

    purpose: Development of mental actions.

    We read the words. Children should find an excess word in each row.

    1. Birch, pine, maple, poplar. (Pine, because coniferous tree).

    2. Astra, Flox, Vasilek, gladiolus. (Vasilek, because wild flower, not garden).

    3. Nest, anthill, chicken coop, Berloga. (Chicken, Because created by human hands, not animal or insect).

    4. Stove, mom, car, gate. (Mom, because animated).

    Development. Caterpiles

    purpose: Development of sustainability and selectivity attention.

    Materials: Work leaf, color pencils.

    The teacher asks to find all caterpillars in the picture.

    - How many caterpillars found? Count.

    Preparation of your hand to the letter. The mountains

    purpose: Formation of graph-motor functions.

    Material: Work leaf, color pencils.

    Circle the mountains by cells.

    The teacher sets the homework to children.


    Goodbye, you've come to date again,

    Goodbye, goodbye, with you very well.

    Goodbye, goodbye, come to us again.

    Goodbye, goodbye - we will play fun!

    This literacy training clamping announcement is one of the abstracts of the working program "from sound to the letter", compiled by me, a teacher-logopeda Sazhayeva N. K. Working programm In preparation for learning, diploma includes 72 classes and is designed for senior preschool age. For the methodological basis, the "speech therapy keynament" N. S. Zhukova was taken. For more than five years I am engaged in children using this methodical manual.


    1. Continue to learn to navigate in the space-time categories of the "Week", "time of year";

    2. Continue to form the ability to call the subject by generic species ("clothing");

    3. Continue to teach the inflammation techniques, namely: the only and multiple number of nouns, including working out multiple number parental case of nouns; diminishing suffixes;

    4. Continue to acquaint children with the concepts of "sound", "vocal sound", "consonant sound", learning to call characteristic signs vowels and consonant sounds, learning to distinguish them between themselves;

    5. Continue to form the ability to call a generalizing concept;

    6. Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept of "letter", continue to learn to distinguish the concepts of "sound" and "letter";

    7. Give representation graphic image The letters sh, sh;

    8. Continue to form the ability to relate the studied letter with familiar subjects;

    9. Continue to form the ability to allocate a given sound to the rumor in various positions: the beginning, middle, the end of the word;

    10. Continue to generate the ability to invent words to a given sound and determine the location of the sound in the word;

    11. Continue to form the ability to work with the case of letters and syllables;

    12. Continue to develop a fine motility of your fingertips with finger exercises;

    13. Continue to develop overall motility using physical workouts.

    Equipment: Side pictures cap, scarf, ball, mouse; "Magic bag", checkout of letters, cards for symboling sounds, cards for lays down the word syllated structure, magnetic board.

    Travel course:

    1. Organizational moment.

    Greeting. Clarification of the day of the week. Prophoning all days of the week in direct and reverse order. Story "Days of the Week" (choral progress).

    "I know seven days of the week: it's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - It is working days, and Saturday and Sunday are weekends. "

    Call the current year and list autumn months.

    2. Check homework

    • "Name the vowels from the passed" ("A, O, O"). "Why are they vowels?" ("When pronouncing them, the air in the oral cavity passes freely. Consist from voice. Form syllable").
    • "Name the consonants from the passed" ("M, C, X, P"). "Why are they consonants?" ("When pronouncing them, the air in the oral cavity meets the barrier. Consist from voice and noise").
    • Reading the page of the P "P" (this is the previous subject of classes).

    3. Announcement of the subject of classes.

    Pictures from "Magic Bag": cap, scarf, ball, mouse.

    (Words are pronounced and pictures are hung on a magnetic board).

    "Name the word that means the headdress" ("This is cap").

    "Name the word that means the object of clothing, put on the neck for holding heat" ("This is a scarf").

    "Name the word that means the ring of a round shape filled with air" ("This is a ball").

    "Name the word that denotes the small rodent" ("This mouse").

    • Game "Classification"

    "What pictures can be put together and why?" ("You can put together a scarf and cap, because they are clothing").

    • The game is "one, a lot" ("Cap - caps" ...).
    • The game "Nazis Laskovo" ("Cap - Hat" ...).
    • The game "Nazis is huge" ("Cap - Shapach" ...).
    • The game "Who / What Fair": children closes their eyes, and the speech therapist hides a picture ("did not become the caps" ...).

    The sound is allocated from the sounding speech. "What kind of sound is heard in all these words?" ("Sound [Sh]"). "Today in the class we will get acquainted with the sound [Ш].

    4. Analysis of classification features.

    Sound [sh] vowel or consonant and why? " ("Sound [Ш] consonant, because the air meets the obstacle in the oral cavity").

    "Sound [sh] ringing or deaf and why?" ("Sound [sh] deaf, because the neck does not sing - the voice ligaments do not work." Check the tactive-vibration control).

    "Sound [sh [solid or soft and why?" ("The sound [sh [solid, because the right language").

    "The sound [sh [solid deaf consonants, we denote the square of blue" (the speech therapist places the square of blue).

    5. Development of phonderatic hearing and perception.

    "Raise your hand if you hear the sound [sh]:

    in sound row: a, sh, p, g, o, m, sh, l, s, sh, r, u ...;

    from the slope: sha, Ash, Sa, Ms, Shu, Sch, Ach, Shi, Sho, Sy, then, Coo, Ku, Shu ...;

    from words: juice, ball, crust, fur coat, samovar, hat, bug, mouse, yeld …».

    "Sound the sound in the word" (start, middle, end of the word): hat, scarf, mouse, ball.

    "Come up with your words with a studied sound and define the sound of the sound in the word" (beginning, middle, end of the word).

    6. Sound correlation with the letter.

    S. card is presented print letter (big and small). "The sound [sh] is denoted in Russian letter" sh "(Sha).

    Sounds we hear and say, let's see and write letters.

    7. Analysis of the image of the letter.

    "The big and small letter" sh "is written in the same way." "What elements are our letter?". "We carry out three straight lines from top to bottom at the same distance from each other. Below, we draw one line, only from left to right, it connects all three lines together. It turned out the letter "sh" (the speech therapist accompanies the writing of the letter by showing on the board).



    - Inflating the quick ball,

    (Fingers are assembled into a pinch near the mouth and gradually "expand")

    - He gets big.

    (Hands through the top aside, describe the circle)

    - The ball burst,

    - The air came out,

    (Slope down, sit down)

    He became thin and thin.

    (Get up, pressing hands to the body)


    - This is mom - mouse.

    (Stroking your head)

    - She is beautiful as all mice.

    (Stroking the face)

    - She has big ears,

    (Stroke the ears)

    - She has big eyes,
    (Stroke the area around the eyes)

    - She has soft brushes,

    (Stroke broths)

    - She has sharp spout,

    (Stroking your nose)

    - She has a toothy mouth.

    (Stroke your lips)

    8. Calculation of the image letter with familiar objects.

    - Shura hay twisted,

    Washed in the Seine forgotten. (Vier)

    - What is like sh?

    On the teeth of this bucket. (V. Stepanov)

    - Oh, the stool is good!

    Turned over - and the letter sh!

    "What objects look like the letter" sh "(children's answers).

    "What the letters of the Russian language look like a letter" sh "(children's responses).

    "What figures look like a letter" sh "(children's responses).

    9. Working with the host.

    (Pages 29-30). Reading speech material First, the speech therapist, then the children.

    Fingering gymnastics

    Winter clothes

    - Mom will contact her daughter

    ("Knit on the spokes")

    - Scarfik

    (Spend the palm on the neck and take a hand for the shoulder - "throwing a scarf")

    - and socks,

    (Show on your feet)

    - Cap and mittens,

    (Show on the head and brushes)

    - So as not to blame Varyushka.

    (Person - Show index finger left-right).

    (O. Kryvenchuk)

    10. Work with the cashier of letters and syllables.

    Share letters and syllables at the checkout:

    - Large / title "sh";

    - small / stringent "sh";

    - Ash - Sha - Ball - Balls

    - Sha - Masha

    - ESS - Shu - Noise - Noise

    - Shu - Shura

    - Osh - sho

    Slots as much as vowels.

    "How many syllables in words: a ball, balls, a honeshche, noise, noise, Shura?". The laid out words accompany the cards to designate sounds.

    11. Summing up.

    "What sound did you learn?" (collective response of children).

    "What letter indicated?"

    12. Homework.

    Reading the page of the tank (p. 29-30). Lay out the title and lower case Sh, Sh. Invent the words studied sound. Come up with names for boys and for girls in which there is a studied sound. Think what is like a letter W and get a certificate for certification?