Abstract: The game and its role in the pedagogical process. Types of educational games

Pedagogical games are diverse in terms of: didactic goals; organizational structure; age possibilities of their use; content specifics.

Consider the classification of pedagogical games for various reasons, proposed by G.K. Selevko.

By field of activity allocate physical, intellectual, labor, social, psychological games.

By the nature of the pedagogical process:

    teaching, training, controlling, summarizing;

    cognitive, educational, developing;

    reproductive, productive, creative;

    communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psychotechnical.

According to the game method G.K. Selevko highlights subject; plot; role-playing; business; imitation; dramatization.

By subject activity ( G.K.Selevko ):

    mathematical, chemical, biological, physical, ecological;

    musical, theatrical, literary;

    labor, technical, production;

    physical education, sports, military-applied, tourist, folk;

    social science, management, economic, commercial.

The specifics of gaming technology is largely determined by the gaming environment. By gaming environment games are without objects and with objects, as well as board, indoor, outdoor, games on the ground; computer, television, TCO; technical, with vehicles.

Game as a learning method

The value of the game cannot be exhausted and assessed by entertainment and recreational opportunities. This is its phenomenon, that being entertainment, recreation, it is able to grow into education, creativity, therapy, into a model of the type of human relations and manifestations in work.

The game as a method of teaching, transferring the experience of older generations to younger people has been used since antiquity. In a modern school that relies on activation and intensification educational process, game activity is used in the following cases:

    as independent technologies to master the concept, topic and even section of the subject;

    as an element of a more general technology;

    as a lesson or part of it (introduction, control);

    as a technology for extracurricular activities.

The concept of "game pedagogical technologies" includes a rather extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined goal of learning and a pedagogical result corresponding to it, which can be substantiated, explicitly identified and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation. The game form of classes is created in the classroom with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of inducing, stimulating learning activities.

The implementation of game techniques and situations in the lesson form of classes takes place in the following areas:

    the didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game task;

    educational activity is subject to the rules of the game;

    educational material is used as its means;

    an element of competition is introduced into the educational activity, which translates the didactic game into a game;

    successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game result.

A person, learning in the course of the game, does not suspect that he is learning something. In an ordinary school, it is not difficult to indicate the source of knowledge, this person is a teaching person.

There is no easily identifiable source of knowledge in the game, no person to be trained. The learning process develops in the language of action, all participants in the game learn and learn as a result of active contacts with each other. Game learning is unobtrusive. The game is mostly voluntary and desirable.

Game forms of learning allow using all levels of knowledge assimilation: from reproducing activity through transformative activity to the main goal - creative search activity. Creative search activity is more effective if it is preceded by reproducing and transforming activity, during which students learn teaching techniques.

There is a great formula of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, which opens the veil over the secret of the birth of the creative mind: “At first I discovered the truths known to many; and, finally, he began to discover truths that no one had yet known. Apparently, this is the path to the formation of the creative side of the intellect, research talent. And one of effective means this is the game.

Based on this, we can say that the technology of game teaching methods is aimed at teaching students to be aware of the motives of their teaching, their behavior in the game and in life, i.e. to form goals and programs of their own independent activity and to foresee its immediate results.


Conceptual positions of game forms of education (S.A. Shmalov):

The target in training is the development and formation of a person's creative individuality. And the very initial link is the realization of the uniqueness of one's intellect, oneself.

Reorientation of the student's consciousness from an impersonal public to a purely personal socially important development.

Freedom of choice, freedom of participation, creation of equal opportunities in development and self-development.

The priority organization of the educational process and its content for the overall development of students, the identification and "cultivation" of open talents, the formation of entrepreneurial efficiency.

Based on these conceptual provisions, we determine the purpose of using the technology of game teaching methods - the development of a sustainable cognitive interest in students through a variety of game forms of learning.

Tasks of gaming technologies(Pidkasy, Khaidarov):


    Contribute to the solid assimilation of educational material by students.

    To help expand the horizons of students through the use of additional historical sources.


    Develop students' creative thinking.

    Contribute practical application knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom.


    Cultivate moral attitudes and beliefs.

    Develop historical self-awareness - conscious involvement in past events.

    Contribute to the education of a self-developing and self-actualizing personality.

The place and role of game technology in the educational process, the combination of elements of the game and teaching largely depend on the teacher's understanding of the functions of pedagogical games. The function of the game is its various usefulness. Consider the functions of the game as a pedagogical phenomenon of culture (V.S. Kukushin).

    The sociocultural purpose of the game can mean the synthesis of a person's assimilation of wealth, the potential for education and the formation of him as a person, allowing him to function as a full member of the team.

    The function of international communication.

    The function of self-realization of a person in the game.

    Diagnostic function of the game.

    The therapeutic function of the game.

    Correction function in the game.

    Entertaining function of the game.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

SEI HPE "Sterlitamak State Pedagogical Academy

them. Zainab Biisheva"

Department of Pedagogy


in Pedagogy

Game and its role in the pedagogical process

Completed by: student of group 31

technological and economic


Nadyrgulova D. D.

Checked by: Filippenko E.V.

Sterlitamak 2008


1. History, content and functions of the game…………………………………………..4

2. Types of games.

Conditions for the effectiveness of the game as an educational tool………………….8

3. The role of the game in the pedagogical process……………………………………………14


List of used literature……………………………………………...21


In the system of educational means, the game clearly occupies a place that is not equivalent in comparison with other educational means - communication, work, teaching. If it has a very significant significance, then in a certain short period of an individual's life - at the age of approximately one and a half to two years and before entering school. This, of course, does not mean that before and after this time the child does not play. The child begins to play very early, when he is a month and a half, and then continues to play all his life.

However, in the first one and a half to two years of life, it is not play that is the main activity, but cognitive activity (intellectual work) and learning activity. At this time, he learns a lot: to recognize, move, communicate, including play. And after entering school, the child has no time to play, and the interests are gradually shifting to the sphere of organized learning and work. And only communication does not lose its significance in any of the periods of life and development of the individual. Only its content, forms, and degree of involvement in other types of activity change 1 .

For the game, the most important means of education is a short period of childhood, only four or five years, when the results of the development of individuality and the socialization of the individual really depend on its diversity, content, emotional and intellectual richness. In games, the child masters the surrounding objective world and the relationships of adults. But he not only masters ready-made methods of action, but also experiments, adapts objects to his needs, uses them in accordance with the developing imagination. The same is true for mastering relationships in the adult world: a child, reproducing adult relationships in play, experiences them in his own way and transforms them in accordance with his fantasy: emerging ideas of goodness and justice. Through himself in the game, the child begins to understand another person, just as through another begins to understand himself.

Such an active participation in the development of the objective world and the world of human relations contributes to the development creative possibilities children: the two main mental neoplasms of preschool age that are formed in the game - orientation to the position of another person and creative imagination - are closely related to each other. It can even be said that these are two sides of the same beginning in a child, namely, the beginning of creativity.

The theme of the game in the pedagogical process is very relevant, because the game is one of the most effective ways of self-expression, self-determination, self-examination, self-rehabilitation, self-realization of a person.

The purpose of this term paper- to consider the possibility of playing in the educational process and its influence on the motivation of schoolchildren to the educational process. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. study the history, essence and functions of the game;

2. identify the conditions for the effectiveness of the game as an educational tool;

3. analyze the role of the game in the pedagogical process.

The emergence of the game as a way to solve difficulties in activity, a means for competition, entertainment and aesthetic improvement of a person in the book "Psychology of the game" D. B. Elkonin suggests that there are several options for the emergence and formation of game activity. So at the dawn of mankind, when hunting occupied one of the central places in the life of a primitive communal society, after an unsuccessful hunt, a situation could arise that required imitation of the actions of hunters while catching game. If the failure to hunt could be caused by the inconsistency of the collective actions of the hunters, then it became necessary to work out these actions. Or after a successful hunt, the hunters told how everything happened, and who showed himself. At the same time, elements of reality were recreated, and these are signs of a game.
In these cases, there is a separation from the integral labor activity that part of it, which can be called indicative, in contrast to the performing part, which is directly related to obtaining a material result. Thus, it can be said with certainty that the first game forms arose in underdeveloped communal formations. They could act as a means of training, collective education, information transfer. At the same time, they were endowed with the highest magical meaning to ensure protective function before the forces of nature. This is how ritual games arose 1 .

The following signs of a ritual game form are distinguished:
- imitation of real labor activity;

Implementation joint activities to find a way out of a crisis situation;

role playing;

The presence of a magical meaning.

With the development of society, with a changeable formation, rituals and rituals cease to play an important role in the life of society. Two main varieties appear in games: dramatized games and sports games. The game is considered as a cultural phenomenon.

The game becomes the most important part of people's leisure. It shows the dexterity, ingenuity, humor of the participants. It is a means of self-expression of the people in pleasures and entertainments. For a long time, the only developed form of the existence of the game was - a children's game. However, at present, the game has again acquired significant weight and a rather high status in the training and retraining of the adult population, in solving innovative problems in the life of society.

The game is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The following functions can be distinguished:
1. teaching function - the development of general educational skills and abilities, such as memory, attention, perception, etc.;

2. entertainment function - creating a favorable atmosphere in the classroom, turning a lesson, other forms of communication between an adult and a child from a boring event into an exciting adventure.

3. communicative function - the unification of children and adults, the establishment of emotional contacts, the formation of communication skills.
4. relaxation function - removal of emotional (physical) stress caused by stress on nervous system child with intensive study, work.

5. psychotechnical function - the formation of skills to prepare one's psychophysical state for more effective activity, the restructuring of the psyche for intensive assimilation.

6. the function of self-expression - the desire of the child to realize his creative abilities in the game, to more fully reveal his potential.
7. compensatory function - the creation of conditions for the satisfaction of personal aspirations that are not feasible (difficult to implement) in real life 1 .

Play is the main activity of the child. This is a free and independent activity that occurs at the initiative of the child. The whole personality of the child is involved in the game process: cognitive processes, will, feelings, emotions, needs, interests. As a result, amazing changes occur in this personality. The game is a very specific type of activity, which has all the characteristics of the activity, but all of them are special.

What is the content of play? Speaking of activity, we are talking about its process. If in any other, non-playing, activity, the goal, the result, is primarily important, then in the game, the process is important, since the game does not have a visible goal. It is interest in the very process of the game that is the driving force that allows the game to last.
Any activity can take place as an amateur activity. The game is always amateur. To work, for example, is possible both with joyful feelings and with hostility. There is no game without enjoyment. The game is always joyful for its participants. If negative emotions arise in the game, then it stops.

As already mentioned, the game is a type of activity, the motive of which lies not in the results, but in the process itself. For a child, play is a means of self-realization and self-expression. It allows him to go beyond the limited world of the nursery and build his own world. The game provides the child with emotional well-being, allows the realization of a variety of aspirations and desires, and, above all, the desire to act like adults, the desire to control objects 1 .

The game develops the ability to imagine, figurative thinking. This happens due to the fact that in the game the child seeks to recreate broad spheres of the surrounding reality that go beyond the limits of his own practical activity, and he can do this with the help of conditional actions.

In the game, the child gains experience of arbitrary behavior, learns to control himself, observing the rules of the game, restraining his immediate desires in order to maintain joint play.

The game is also an excellent means of diagnosing both the individual and the group. In addition to the personal development of the child, the game allows you to establish what the child aspires to, what he needs, since in the game he seeks to take the desired role. With the help of the game, we can carry out evaluation activities, since the game is always a test for the teacher, allowing us to develop, diagnose and evaluate at the same time 1 .

If the child does not want to do some work, if he is not interested in learning, then the game can come to the rescue, because it is a powerful stimulant.

    Types of games. Conditions for the effectiveness of the game as an educational tool

Games differ in content, characteristics, the place they occupy in the lives of children, in their upbringing and education.

Role-playing games are created by the children themselves with some guidance from the teacher. Their basis is children's amateur performance. Sometimes such games are called creative plot-role-playing, emphasizing that children do not just copy certain actions, but creatively comprehend them and reproduce them in the created images, game actions. A variety of plot role playing are construction games 2 .

In the practice of education, games with rules created for children by adults are also used. Games with rules include didactic, mobile, fun games. They are based on a clearly defined program content, didactic tasks, purposefulness of training. At the same time, children's self-activity is not excluded, but it is to a greater extent combined with the guidance of the educator. When mastering the experience of the game, the development of the ability for self-organization, children conduct these games on their own.

Role-playing, or the so-called creative play of preschool children in a developed form, is an activity in which children take on the roles (functions) of adults and in a social form, in specially created game conditions, reproduce the activities of adults and the relationship between them. These conditions are characterized by the use of a variety of game objects that replace the actual objects of adult activity. process the following groups are distinguished games: teaching, training, controlling...

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  • Introduction

    The theme of the game in the pedagogical process is very relevant, because the game is the most powerful sphere of human "independence": self-expression, self-determination, self-examination, self-rehabilitation, self-realization. Thanks to games, the student learns to trust himself and all people, to recognize what should be accepted and what should be rejected in the world around him.

    With the arrival at the institute begins milestone In human life. A new social position of the individual arises - students, that is, a direct student of one of the forms of socially significant activity - educational, requiring great effort. During this period, new requirements are presented to a person, new responsibilities appear; new comrades, new relationships also require certain moral efforts and experience of inclusion in business relations.

    Psychological tension is exacerbated by physical stress. The new mode of life - the student mode - implies increased efficiency compared to the senior class. Some students react painfully to changes in living conditions: sleep, appetite are disturbed, resistance to diseases is weakened. All this affects the deterioration of performance, lost interest in learning.

    The physical and mental well-being of students usually stabilizes after one and a half to two months of stay at the institute. The object of my research is the learning process in the game. The subject of my research is games in the educational process.

    I want to consider how the game helps the teacher to find mutual language with students, and students to comprehend knowledge without stress and with interest.

    The methods of studying the subject are mainly watching the games, comparing them with ordinary lectures.

    1. A little about the history of the game

    The history of the emergence of the game as a way of solving difficulties in activities, transmitting information about real activities for learning, a means for competition, entertainment and aesthetic improvement of a person in a number of works:

    D. B. Elkonin in the book "Psychology of the game" suggests that there are several options for the emergence and formation of game activity. One of them: at the dawn of mankind, when hunting occupied one of the central places in the life of a primitive communal society, after an unsuccessful hunt, a situation could arise that required imitation of the actions of hunters while catching game. If the failure to hunt could be caused by the inconsistency of the collective actions of the hunters, then it became necessary to work out these actions. Or after a successful hunt, the hunters told how everything happened, and who showed himself. At the same time, elements of reality were recreated, and these are signs of a game.

    In these cases, there is a separation from the integral real and vital labor activity of that part of it, which can be called indicative, in contrast to the performing one, directly related to obtaining a material result.

    Thus, it can be said with certainty that the first game forms arose in underdeveloped communal formations. They could act as a means of teaching, collective education, information transfer. At the same time, they were endowed with the highest magical meaning to provide a protective function against the forces of nature. This is how ritual games were born.

    The following signs of a ritual game form are distinguished:

    -imitation of real labor activity;

    -implementation of joint activities to find a way out of the crisis;

    -role playing;

    -the presence of a magical meaning.

    With the development of society, with a changeable formation (from primitive communal to slave-owning and feudal), rituals and ceremonies cease to play important role in the life of society. Two main varieties appear in games: games - theatrical performances and sports games. The game is considered as a cultural phenomenon.

    The game becomes the most important part of people's leisure. They show dexterity, ingenuity, humor of the participants. They are a means of self-expression of the people in pleasures and entertainments.

    For a long time, the only developed form of the existence of the game was - a children's game. However, at present, the game has again acquired significant weight and a rather high status in the training and retraining of the adult population, in solving innovative problems in the life of society.

    The German psychologist K. Gross, who was the first to attempt a systematic study of the game, believed that the game for a person is the original school of behavior, the school of life. A person benefits from the game.

    The game, according to many scientists, is a type of developmental activity, a form of mastering social experience, one of the complex abilities of a person.

    2. Pedagogical possibilities of the game

    1. How can educational tasks be solved with the help of a game?

    The transition from preschool childhood, dominated by play, to school life and study at a university, where the main thing is study, should be pedagogically thought out.

    The study of the development of children shows that in the game more effectively than in other types of activity, all psychological processes develop. The changes in the psyche of people caused by play are so significant that psychology has established a view of play as the leading activity of children during preschool childhood.

    At a student's age, the game does not die, but penetrates into the relationship to reality. It has its internal continuation in student learning and work.

    The game is the most mastered activity by children. In it, they draw models for solving new life problems that have arisen in knowledge, in work, in creativity. Therefore, reliance on the game is the most important way to include children in educational work without psychological shifts and overloads.

    All activity is syncretic, i.e., to a certain extent, unified, inseparable. And this unity arises due to the imaginary, conditional situation in which the creative process takes place. The game, as it were, synthesizes cognitive, labor and creative activity. Any new occupation or skill acquired at school and at the institute encourages him to act with it. The nature of this action is playful, the most understandable for people from their previous experience.

    2.2. Goals and process of the game

    Since the game is the main type of human activity. This is a free and independent activity arising at the initiative of a person. The whole person is involved in the process of the game: cognitive processes, will, feelings, emotions, needs, interests. As a result, amazing changes occur in this personality. The game is a very specific type of activity, which has all the characteristics of the activity, but all of them are special.

    Every activity has a purpose. What is the purpose of the game? . In fact, the game has a goal that is not obvious, but no less significant than the goal of any other activity. What is the content of play? The game is, as it were, given by nature itself, so that a person prepares for adulthood.

    Speaking of activity, we are talking about its process. If in any other, non-playing activity, the goal, the result, is primarily important, then in the game the process is important, since the game, as it were, has no visible goal. It is interest in the very process of the game that is the driving force that allows the game to last.

    Any activity can take place as an amateur activity. The game is always amateur. To work, for example, is possible both with joyful feelings and with hostility. There is no game without enjoyment. The game is always joyful for the players. If negative emotions arise in the game, then it stops, falls apart.

    As already mentioned, the game is a type of activity, the motive of which lies not in the results, but in the process itself. For a student, the game is a means of self-realization and self-expression. It allows him to go beyond the limited world and build his own world. The game provides emotional well-being, allows you to realize a variety of aspirations and desires and, above all, the desire to act like adults, the desire to control objects.

    The game develops the ability to imagine, imaginative thinking. This is due to the fact that in the game a person seeks to recreate broad spheres of the surrounding reality that go beyond the limits of his own practical activity, and he can do this with the help of conditional actions.

    In the game, a person also gains experience of arbitrary behavior, learns to control himself, observing the rules of the game, restraining his immediate desires in order to maintain a joint game.

    Let us turn to the game as a pedagogical category. Since the game occupies a huge place in development, it has long been used as a pedagogical tool. So, at the end of the last century, defectologists began to use the game for development purposes: the treatment of stuttering children, mentally retarded, etc.

    The game in the pedagogical process can "merge" with other activities, enriching them. Thus, for example, it is well known that a positive effect is produced by the fusion of work and play activities in childhood. In addition, didactic games occupy a separate place in pedagogy, significantly enriching the learning process.

    What tasks can play activities help the teacher to realize? First of all, it is an establishment of contact with the person. Speaking about this method of establishing contact, teachers call it the contact of commonwealth, co-creation, the best way enter into trusting, friendly relations with students.

    The game is also an excellent means of diagnosing both the individual and the group. In addition to the personal development of a person, the game allows you to establish what a person aspires to, what he needs, since in the game he seeks to take the desired role. With the help of the game, we can carry out evaluative activities, since the game is always a test for the teacher, allowing us to develop, diagnose and evaluate at the same time.

    pedagogical game competition business

    2.3. Game Features

    The game is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The following functions can be distinguished:

    Teaching function - the development of general educational skills and abilities, such as memory, attention, perception and others.

    Entertaining function - creating a favorable atmosphere in the classroom

    The communicative function is the unification of students and teachers, the establishment of emotional contacts, the formation of communication skills.

    Relaxation function - removal of emotional (physical) stress caused by stress on the nervous system during intensive study, work.

    Psychotechnical function - the formation of skills to prepare one's psychophysical state for more effective activity, the restructuring of the psyche for intensive assimilation.

    The function of self-expression - the desire to realize in the game Creative skills to fully discover your potential.

    Compensatory function - the creation of conditions for the satisfaction of personal aspirations that are not feasible (difficult to implement) in real life.

    4. Didactic games

    All games that are used for didactic purposes can be divided into two types depending on the main content of game actions.

    In one case, the basis of the didactic game is didactic material, actions with which are clothed in a game form. For example, students, divided into teams, compete in counting speed, or finding errors in words, or recalling historical heroes, etc. They perform the usual learning activities - counting, checking errors, remembering history - but they perform these actions in the game.

    In another case, didactic material is introduced as an element in the game activity, which is both in form and in content the main one. So in the game - a dramatization with a fairy tale plot, where everyone plays a role, didactic material can be introduced: some knowledge of geography, biology, mathematics, history and other subjects.

    It is clear that in the second case the didactic "load" is much less than in the first. But this is justified by the fact that it is not the assimilation of the material that comes to the fore, but educational tasks, the use of knowledge in various situations. Such games are used more often in primary school for children to relax from intense intellectual work.

    Naturally, most often didactic games are used when taking into account knowledge. The group is divided into teams that perform certain tasks. To evaluate them, you can create a jury or judges. Teams can be given interesting names they like.

    Traditional competitions, competitions, olympiads were supplemented with games similar to popular TV shows: “what? Where? When?”, “Field of Miracles” and others. The competitive basis has been preserved in them, only the game design has changed.

    In modern conditions, in addition to games - competitions and dramatization, games are played in the classroom - imitations that model certain relationships. real world. For example, a lesson is a congress, where a certain problem is taken, and reports are made on it, discussions are held, and at the end the results are summed up.

    5. The structure of the lesson - games

    Lessons - games are characterized by such positive qualities, as a pronounced motivation of activity, voluntariness of participation and obedience to the rules, intriguing uncertainty of the outcome and higher, in comparison with ordinary lectures, teaching, developing, and educational effectiveness.

    The use of all games in education is characterized by the general structure of the educational process, which includes four stages:

    1.Orientation: the teacher introduces the topic, gives a description of the game, a general overview of its course and rules.

    2.Preparation for the conduct: familiarization with the scenario, distribution of roles, preparation for their execution, provision of game management procedures.

    3.Conducting the game: the teacher monitors the course of the game, controls the sequence of actions, provides the necessary assistance, records the results.

    .Discussion of the game: a description of the performance of actions, their perception by the participants is given, positive and negative sides the course of the game, the difficulties that have arisen, possible improvements to the game are discussed, including changes in its rules.

    Of course, the use of the game in education is associated with a number of problems, and above all, with the lower educational efficiency of the game compared to the usual one. academic work, which is based on teaching as a type of special activity of students aimed at mastering knowledge, developing skills and abilities. In addition, not all teachers are sufficiently familiar with educational games, and the problem of ensuring discipline and proper order during the game is also important due to the increased liveliness and emotionality of students. However, a deep thoughtfulness of the educational goal, reasonable selection content educational material and providing high level the inclusion of all students in the game, in which key roles are played not only by those who are strong in learning, make it possible to overcome these and other problems.

    In the last decade, slowly but rather persistently, they began to introduce into school practice computer games. The episodic use of the computer in most lessons now generally creates a game environment even if students work according to training programs.

    The special value of the game for modern education lies in new logical constructions and their combinations in the study of the world of possibilities, the discovery and development of which brings so much pleasure and is so important for comprehending probabilistic processes in nature and society.

    3. Condition for the effectiveness of the game

    Any means, even the most perfect, can be used for good and for harm. And even good intentions do not ensure the usefulness of the use of means: knowledge and the ability to use the tool in an appropriate way are also needed so that its use brings unconditional benefits. Similarly, the use of the game in education requires the observance of certain rules:

    1.Games should be of such a kind that the players are accustomed to looking at them as something by the side, and not as some kind of business.

    2.The game should contribute to the health of the body no less than the revival of the spirit.

    3.The game should not endanger life or health.

    4.Games should serve as a threshold for serious things.

    5.The game should end before you get bored.

    6.With strict adherence to these conditions, play becomes a serious matter, i.e., the development of health, or rest for the mind, or preparation for vital activity, or all of these at the same time.

    The study of modern pedagogical literature about the game allows us to formulate the following requirements which the teacher must take into account when organizing games in the classroom:

    ?Free and voluntary inclusion of students in the game: not imposing the game, but involving students in it.

    ?Students should have a good understanding of the meaning and content of the game, its rules, the idea of ​​each game role.

    ?The meaning of game actions must coincide with the meaning and content of behavior in real situations so that the main meaning of game actions is transferred to real life activity.

    ?In the game, students should be guided by the norms of morality accepted in society, based on humanism, universal values.

    ?The game should not humiliate the dignity of its participants, including the losers.

    ?The game should positively influence the development of the emotional-volitional, intellectual and rational-physical spheres of its participants.

    ?The game must be organized and directed, if necessary, restrained, but not suppressed, provide each participant with the opportunity to take the initiative.

    ?Students should be encouraged to analyze the game played, to compare the simulation with the corresponding area of ​​the real world, to assist in establishing a connection between the content of the game and the content of practical life activities or with the content training course. The result of the discussion of the game may be a revision of its content, rules, and more.

    ?Games should not be overly (frankly) educational and overly didactic: their content should not be obsessively instructive and should not contain too much information (dates, names, rules, formulas).

    ?Students should not be involved in games of chance, in games for money and things, in games containing in their rules actions that violate generally accepted norms of morality.

    Naturally, these are just some of the most General requirements. Each game has its own rules.

    4. Business games

    A business game is a model of a real process, set in motion by the decisions made by its participants. A business game can also be considered as a simulation of the real activity of a specialist in artificially recreated conditions. A business game requires the participants to have the appropriate knowledge and skills.

    A business game as a teaching method allows you to "live" a certain situation, to study it in direct action. There are eight main qualities that are formed during a business game.

    1.the ability to communicate on a formal and informal basis and to interact effectively on an equal footing.

    2.the ability to demonstrate the qualities of a leader.

    3.ability to navigate conflict situations and resolve them correctly.

    4.the ability to receive and process the necessary information, evaluate, compare and assimilate it.

    5.ability to make decisions in uncertain situations.

    6.the ability to manage one's time, distribute work among others, give them the necessary authority, and quickly make organizational decisions.

    7.the ability to show the business qualities of an entrepreneur: set long-term goals, use favorable opportunities.

    8.the ability to critically assess the likely consequences of their decisions, to learn from their mistakes.

    Business games are conditionally divided into three categories: production, research, training. It is customary to distinguish two types of games: hard and free. Rigid - when the sequence of actions at a fixed time is strictly fixed.

    Business games cannot be the basis of learning, they can complement theoretical material, being, as it were, the final stage of assimilation.

    Being one of the active ways of learning, business games have the following features: activation of the thinking and behavior of participants, a high degree involvement in the process of the game, the obligatory interaction of participants with each other and with the material of the game.

    The functions of the business game are noted: information-cognitive, organizational-management, emotional-educational, professional-adaptive.

    In a business game, there are the following stages:

    Informational, which is associated with the assimilation, memorization, updating, systematization of the finished amount of professional knowledge, skills and abilities;

    Problematic, which translates theoretical knowledge into the language of practical actions;

    Behavioral, providing decision-making and action programs in conditions specific situation on the basis of its deep theoretical understanding;

    Evaluative, allowing you to choose and justify best option behavioral program solutions.

    Such a holistic, multi-stage process creates the basis for increasing independence in solving new problems, for the formation of the creative activity of participants - trainees. At the same time, the role of the teacher - the head of the business game acquires a qualitatively new color, making increased demands on the level of his psychological and pedagogical competence.

    In business games, several cognitive and educational tasks are solved at once. A number of well-thought-out interrelated playing techniques affect such an integral quality of a person as his readiness for a specific practical activity.

    The game provides a number of complex tasks for each participant to find what they can and successfully cope with it. The joy of success is an indispensable component of gaming activity. business game is open system, there are no deadlocks in it.

    A business game differs from a game - entertainment in that it has "aftereffects" - that which is a socio-psychological consequence of participation in such a game. Having lost the lottery, we say - "unlucky" - and immediately forget about it. Having made miscalculations in a business game, we think for a long time: “I don’t know something, I don’t know how, I don’t understand.”

    The super task of the game is precisely the achievement of the effect of self-development, self-education, self-regulation. It is in this, and not in the process itself, that its main advantage should be seen.

    Summing up the results of the game may be different in form, but it necessarily includes an analysis of the game and an assessment of the activities of its participants.


    In the game, a person fully reveals himself and the material that he needs to learn becomes more interesting and easier. During the game, teachers teach students to be kinder, listen to other people, respect other people's opinions, strive for knowledge - to comprehend something new. This is so necessary in adult life.

    With the help of the game, it is easier for teachers to get in touch with students, to establish with them a good relationship teach them to respect each other.

    S. A. Shmakov, the author of one of the most significant monographs on the problems of the game: "The games of students - a phenomenon of culture", as a conceptual idea, believes that in the game students do everything as if three of them: their mind, their subconscious, their fantasy - everything it participates in the playful self-expression of a growing person. The game, according to Shmakov, is, on the one hand, a model, a model of life, social adulthood, and on the other hand, a source of fun, cheerfulness, joy, a major tone of life.

    The game is important for the formation of a friendly team, and for the formation of independence, and for the formation of a positive attitude towards work, and for correcting some deviations in the behavior of individuals, and for many other things. If students in a team have all these qualities, then the learning process will go more interesting, faster, and better. There will be no need for students to be forced to do something, to teach, it will be interesting for them themselves, they will begin to strive for knowledge.


    1.Minskin E. M. "From the game to knowledge": a guide for teachers. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002.

    2.Pidkasisty P. I., Khaidarov Zh. S. "Game technology in learning and development." M.: 1996

    Sidenko A. "Game approach in teaching"// Public Education, No. 8, 2005, p. 134 - 137.

    4. Shatalov V. F. "The experiment continues." - M.: Pedagogy, 1999.

    5. Elkonin D. B. “Psychology of the game”. - M.: Pedagogy, 1998.


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