Art therapy technique: therapy, basic and non-traditional techniques, creative self-expression, psychiatrists. Types of art therapy

Surely many people heard such a term as "art therapy". The word ART from English is translated as art. Consequently, the basis of this direction psychological correction Lies creativity and art. Worth it special attention We give the technique of fractals in art therapy, which involves crushed drawing, favorably affects the brain and patient feelings.

Essence of art therapy

The tasks that art therapy set are essentially identical to other methods of psychological correction. That is, if globally, is the harmonization of the emotional state of the person. But in art therapy, this state is achieved through self-expression in creativity. The value and uniqueness of this method is that with the help of art therapy, you can express a wide variety of emotional states and feelings:

  • fear;
  • delight;
  • offense;
  • anger;
  • love, etc.

One of the main ideas of art therapy (fractal techniques, dramaturgy and other) is that the essence of the inner "I" person is expressed in the images that it creates. For example, when a person writes a picture or creates any other subject of creativity. And it is in the process of self-expression of his "I" and the process of harmonizing the psychological state of personality is carried out. At the heart of art therapy lies sublimation. That is, a person removes a certain internal voltage by redirecting energy to achieve certain purposes. In the case of art therapy, this is the creation of objects of creativity.

As for the items themselves, it can be paintings, and literary works (liberting), sculptures (mlinotherapy) and others. Art therapy is a good tool for psychological work on himself. This method suits people of absolutely any age. The possibilities of this method are very wide.

With the help of art therapy, you can overcome certain complexes and fears in children and adults, harmonize their psychological state, lift self-esteem. By the way, it is one of the fastest growing areas in psychotherapy. In the rhythm of modern life, complete stressful situations, more and more people around the world are resorted to the technique of bodily-oriented art therapy as a tool for the removal of stress and receiving positive emotions.


Frislay is an unconventional art therapy technique, namely the art of drawing with light, to perform only a few ordinary cameras and the presence of a light source. One of the mandatory conditions for the implementation of this technique is a complete darkness. Usually the photographing process occurs in dark time day. For a successful process, the camera is fixed with the maximum exposure than it will be longer, the more artist will have time to work. The main methods of freezlight are:

  1. Dynamic - in which light sources are moving.
  2. Static - light sources on a short interval highlights harvested items.

The beginning of this area is the experiments carried out in 1949. That year, Pablo Picasso heard the story from his familiar story. This man was popular at the time by the artist and photographer Giyon Mile. Mile told Picasso about new technique Photographing he recently applied: he attached small lanterns to the static shoes. Inspired by Picasso decided to test such a method.


Monotype is a special drawing technique, which is available for use to all people, regardless of their abilities. It is believed that her inventor was the artist of Italian origin - Giovanni Castiglion, who lived in the XVII century, and received the spread only at the end of the XIX century. Monotype is performed by applying paints to a smooth surface. As a material that will be applied, watercolor can be used (to obtain a single-color pattern) and oil paints (for multicolor). In order to diversify the drawing, you can apply various methods Applying smears. The resulting pattern is complemented by various means and techniques, among which it is worth noting circuit circulation of black and white paint. This technique of art therapy in psychiatry is perfect for working with children, as it helps them to express their emotions.

Plasticine painting

Painting is one of the most difficult varieties of modern art. The art of painting from plasticine appeared at the end passed the century. Initially, only children worked this technique. And the real artistic figures considered her baby fun.

There are many drawing in and technology. First of all, it is worth highlighting the drawing with plasticine.

Teachers in preschool institutions gladly used plasticine painting in classes with kids. This type of creativity is well developing his finching motility and thinking. However, the admirers among the adult audience appeared near this painting. Although professionals still continue to consider this type of art with pampering. Over time, various techniques of picturesque art of plasticine arose, among which the modeling along the contour, the creation of relief works, their harness, peas, modeling with smears. For each of these techniques, a certain material will be required. It can be both ordinary plasticine and wax, frozen, paraffin and others.


The art of drawing is interesting and exciting not only for children, but also for adults. One of the modern non-traditional techniques is a photocopy - drawing with the use of candles. This technique is absolutely not difficult. It will take any candle for its embodiment. The first thing on a sheet of paper is drawn a sketch of the future picture. The sketch lines are then drawn with a candle pencil in advance. With the help of a brush, the sheet is wetted with water, and the paints are applied on top. Brush can be replaced by a piece of foam rubber. Then, so that the image appears, it is necessary to neatly brush or poropolon sponge Apply paint over the entire paper surface. And the drawing will appear as when photographs manifest. After the drawing is driving, it can be supplemented with stomers. Photocopy is one of the art therapy techniques and helps specialists to carry out various psychological adjustments.

Music therapy

Music therapy - treatment by using musical works and musical instruments. Music therapy can be both part of complex psychotherapeutic treatment and independent treatment method. The main results of application are:

  • restoration;
  • education;
  • raising children and adults suffering from mental or physical diseases.

Music therapy not only affects human psychological health, but also makes an active influence in such processes as breathing, blood circulation and others. It can be used in a complex with appliances of closed eyes in art therapy. It is considered active if active actions are required from the patient, such as singing or a game on a musical instrument. Therapy is considered passive if the patient acts as a listener. Therapy will be considered integrative, if other types of creativity will be used besides music:

  • painting;
  • poetry;
  • prose;
  • dramatic and others.


Library includes various techniques Such as psychotherapy, psychocorrection, psychology, bidders. Blitchers impacts the patient with the help of reading literature specifically selected for him by a specialist. The purpose of therapy is the normalization of the psychic health of the patient. In the course of therapy, man writes everything in reader's diary. Then the specialist analyzes the recorded data. The analysis will help diagnose and give an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the correction. This type of therapy is recommended to be used in working with children and adult patients who suffer from personal and emotional problems. Liberals can be used in individual and group sessions. For group classes of members of the group, they are selected in terms of their readiness and literary interests. During diagnostics, customers together with a psychologist analyze the impact of read books, which helps patients to realize personal problems.


Dramatherapy is a targeted method of impact on the patient, with the help of which the psychotherapist achieves the manifestation of any emotions to normalize and restore its emotional state. As the basis of this technique, invented dramatic plots are taken. By participating in the playful story, not noticing for themselves, the patient is gaining in the role proposed by him and thereby pushes himself to solve his psychological problem. Dramatherapy found its use in the treatment of such deviations as:

  • various unresolved psychological problems;
  • minor psychological deviations;
  • in-family conflicts;
  • psychological disorders.

DEMOTEHERS also includes the resource technique of art therapy and implies the implementation of several sessions by which the psychotherapist helps to establish contact to the patient with the world around and solve his personal problems. When using this technique for most patients, the result of the stabilization of the psychological state occurs in the shortest possible time.


Games - the treatment method at which the main source of influence is the role-playing game. The game helps to promote the client in overcoming his psychological and social difficulties. The main goal is to remove obstacles in personal growth and emotional development. This method includes all psychotherapeutic effects with the help of games and toys. The object of treatment may be a person of any age and social status, however, this method is most often applied to children and adolescents. In the process of playing the playing learns to cope with its feelings and situations that are simulated in the game. One of the most important advantages of the game Therapy is that in the game the game you can identify the source of the problem, and then gently and carefully assess and adjust the condition of the child or adult. It can also be used to teach a group of people to collectively interact in solving the task of the game.


Isotherapy - a technique used in the psychotherapeutic direction and using painting. This method includes coloring antistress, creative painting techniques in art therapy and other methods. When using isotherapy in practice, the patient creates its pictures or actively interacts with ready-made images. This technique has an active impact not only for children, but also on adults. The essence of drawing technology in art therapy is that the "artist" activates the work of the brain and splashes all the hidden thoughts on paper. Auxiliary instruments of this technique are paper, paints and pencils. After a certain time, at the preserved work, the psychotherapist determines the dynamics of improvement or deterioration of the psychological state of the patient. To achieve a full-fledged positive result from drawing technology in art therapy for a patient, classes are conducted by systematic and under the supervision of a doctor. The use of isotherapy in practice is a proven method, which gives positive results in the treatment of psychological deviations.


The compilation of the composition associated with meaning from the numerous number of pictures, various images or patterns is called collage (art therapy technique). Family work brings closer, and this is a great option to those who want to hold a collective work.

Such a concept as a collage appeared at the end of the XX century and for a short time It made a positive impression on art lovers. To compile this composition, a certain "platform" is used in the form of a sheet of paper, watman or any smooth surface, on which various images are fixed using glue. As an additional type of decor to collage, various applications and small items can be attached. main feature Collage is the possibility of a combination of various images, not similar in its topics. The collected history on the "platform" is allocated by its originality and uniqueness. Per lately The collage became a real work of art, which can create anyone.

Sand therapy

Psychological practice uses many methods for working with people who have psychological problems, as well as children. One of them is basic technique Art therapy using sand. The method is popular because of its effectiveness and easy easyness. The patient with sand is trying to harmonize his inner and external "I", as well as to overcome stress. When conducting therapy, a tray with sand, water and small figures are used. Patient, using its own fantasy, must connect all together. Creating sandy compositions, as well as their reconstruction - a special ritual. On the basis of it, you can trace the dynamics of mental changes. This is a kind of art therapy technique. A person is immersed in creativity and learns to listen to his thoughts, which contributes to the solution of psychological problems that were before therapy.

Color therapy

Color therapy - modern method Psychocorrection using the color palette. Since ancient times it was believed that the color had a strength restoring peace of mind, and is able to cure various diseases. It is believed that a person perceives the colors not only with the help of vision, but also unconsciously absorbs it through the skin, muscles and even bones. Modern specialists apply flower therapy for the treatment of stress, headaches, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep and other psychological problems. Also, the treatment of color well affects the restoration of the state and external view Man's skin, perfectly stimulates immunity. The color therapy is also used with a reduced appetite, allergies, skin diseases, tract and other diseases. Anyone after a hard day instinctively dreams of being in a suitable color environment, swim in the blue sea, lie on the green lawn and the like.


Fairy tale therapy is one of the innovations in art therapy. In psychology, this method of psychocorrection and psychoprophylaxis began to be used relatively recently. Fairy tales For many times, our ancestors used to transfer information. Fabulous stories Very deeply affect the subconscious and consciousness of both babies and an adult audience. In children, this method develops fantasy and teaches them to look for exits from various life situations. With adult people therapy is also perfect. Modern specialists often began to apply fairy-tale therapy at their seminars, trainings or individual sessions, because it can be attributed to the resource technique of art therapy. During this therapy, not only existing works can be used, but also inventy new ones. Today, talekotherapy is a serious means of forming adult consciousness and an excellent method of raising children.


IN modern world Phototherapy is a method of psychocorrection from one of the varieties of art therapy. This pace of therapy is gaining popularity. Specialists use various photos for the treatment of depressive states, knowledge of their inner world, feelings and fears. The technique of operation of this therapy is quite simple. The patient considers various photographs to plunge into the events of his past. During a prolonged story, the specialist makes various marks, and then based on their conclusions about the problems and their causes. Phototherapy can be individual, group or even family. To hold a person will need mobile phone, digital camera or just an old camera. This type of art therapy can be used to treat people of different ages while solving a large list of problems.


Mlinotherapy is a method that is used in psychology and is a kind of art therapy. This technique is used in the treatment of fears, aggression, insecurity in adults and children. It is also successfully used in the treatment of hyperactivity and attention deficit syndrome in children. Mlinotherapy helps a person to express those feelings that are hidden in his subconscious and do not find the exit. Also, with the correct interpretation of the figures of the figures, it is possible to understand what feelings and emotions are not enough in a person's life, which he does not even suspect. If at first occupations, human figures do not work, they do not like it, then this also has a certain therapeutic effect. In subsequent classes, a person still starts to get better. Seeing an increase in his skill, he gets emotional satisfaction. In hyperactive guys, children with deficiency deficit syndrome are formed by perishability and the concentration of attention is improved.

The use of art-therapy technique and exercises is the method of impact on the psyche of a person with the help of funds, images, objects, classes, and so on. Art therapy is able to return to the normal life of a person with mental disorders. Art therapy affects the subconscious. Due to the method of its holding, a person at the subconscious level is formed a change in character traits, actions. So, a person can get rid of phobias, love the fact that it seemed to him before alien, and so on. The psychology of art therapy is a unique opportunity to understand what was incomprehensible to see what was not visible, to change what was impossible, as well as to increase self-esteem, raise the mood, change in nature, behavior and much more. But at the same time, the technique of art therapy can be introduced only by the knowledgeable Psychiatrist. Judging by the advice of psychiatrists, the methods and techniques of art therapy should be used only in cases where the problem occurred is difficult to solve the other method when a person feels uncomfortable during treatment.

For example, the lack of desire to live, the depressive state, surging apathy and so on, the reasons have a lot. It can be a psychological trauma, obtained in early childhood, a temporary crisis, the development of fear and the like. To cope with this, the reception of some medicines is small. Anxiety, fear, apathy, depression, are perfectly treatable during the game, through art and so on. A certain technique of art therapy and exercise can be chosen at its discretion. The main thing is that it is interested in the patient. Only so art therapy will bring a positive result. The most popular and frequently used technique - impact through art, drawing, color, music. For children, fairy-tale therapy, playback and others are suitable for children. The main result is a change in a person when he stopped his thoughts to keep in himself. All negative he was able to pour into the paper, opened. Regular conducting art therapy will change life for the better.

this is a unique method that allows you to receive information from the subconscious, making it gently and freely. This means that you can easily get an answer to any question.

What does it all start?

The art therapy session begins with the request, with what is currently the most worries you, and that in your life you would like to fix. This is how the theme of the pattern is chosen and it opens up the depth of non-traditional art therapy. You can work out any request, starting with problems in relationships, ending with the purpose and disclosure of internal resources.

It all starts from the moment of drawing. In other words, if you have a problem, you draw it, and now she is poured out of the unconscious plan on a sheet of paper, so to speak from unmanifested - in an obvious one. From now on, you can see your problem and talk to it.

How is streaming pattern created?

The second stage of the session is the drawing process itself. He is also unconventional. This is the so-called "streaming drawing". Its essence is that with the help of a certain breathing, you activate the work of the right hemisphere of the brain, thereby awakening its subconscious. From this point on, your dialogue begins with a soul.

Streaming pattern is created in a special meditative state in which you enter with the help of a consultant.

What is the difference from traditional art therapy?

The main difference of the method is that in streaming pictures are not looking for logic. The consultant is trained to "read" subconscious images with the help of sensory vision, so its help is indispensable.

In the figures you can easily learn:

  • yourself
  • its situation
  • your inner state.

During the session, the consultant will report that you need to do to harmonize the situation.

What can you expect from a session?

Often, during the drawing of their situation, people leave resentment, anger, anger, aggression, apathy, laziness, anxiety, pity and much more. All this literally splashes onto the canvas. You will feel a significant relief after the first drawing session, because you get rid of many years of emotional Noshi.

How is the session?

  1. You draw a problem after formulating the query.
  2. The consultant of non-traditional art therapy "reads" it with the help of sensory vision.
  3. You get detailed decoding, seen images, as well as specific recommendations on the adjustment of thinking and behavior that you need to implement in your life.
  4. You make adjustments to your drawing, providing a conscious positive effect on the subconscious.

After your drawing is ready, it can be transferred to the consultant to read. The consultant with a sensory vision will hold for you images that hide in your subconscious mind will help identify problem areas that prevent further development. And already with the information received you can carry out work on yourself.

So what is next….

Then the present magic begins. With a modified pattern, simple work will be required: to look at it every day at least three minutes. Having done this 21 day, you reprogram your subconsciousness, and even your inner relationship to the problem will change. Sometimes it does not take place and a few hours after the session, as becoming noticeable first results.

What can I expect from a session?

During the session, you are waiting for a lot of discoveries.

You can:

  • it is better to understand yourself and your inner state,
  • listen to the voice of the soul
  • change the inner feeling of yourself and the world
  • get long-awaited answers and insight
  • change the outside world and surroundings by conducting internal work.

Non-traditional art therapy sessions are equally effective, both during personal meetings and with remote work via the Internet.

What can be drawing?

You can draw with pencils, wovers, colored crayons or paints using brushes or fingers. There are different types of "streaming drawings". Their main rule is no rules, restrictions and logic.

Art therapy will not solve all the problems. However, its cleansing effect is comparable to the effect of many spiritual practices. With it you can remove more quantity Emotional garbage. And it is important to remember that changing ourselves and developing, garbage in life will be less and less, and more cleanly in the shower.

If you do not like what you get, change what you give.

(Carlos Castaneda)

List of topics for consultation

The first chakroom center. Generic relationship.

Figure "Rhoda tree".

Second chakroom center. Relationship with a partner in life.

Figure "Inner man and an inner woman."

Third chamber center. Center for social and education.

Figure "My abundance".

Fourth chamber center. Soul, purpose. Your dialogue with soul.

Figure "Purpose of the Soul".

Fifth chakroom center. Center for your potential and development (when all of the above is in perfect order).

Figure "Gifts and talents".

Sixth chakra center. The center of internal awakening.

Figure "Internal Master",

Figure "Inner healer".

Seventh chakrah center. Spiritual Center.

Figure "Inner GOD / Goddess",
Figure "The Way of Ascension".

Health. Diagnosis and treatment.

- Figure "My body and aura",
- Figure "My Disease".


- Figure "My dependence"


- Figure "My Fear".

Your individual request.

All applications and questions on the topic Send a consultant to non-traditional art therapy - Marina Gatsenko.
Emeyl: [Email Protected]

In Western culture, a campaign to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist is almost an ordinary thing for every resident. We also have many people so afraid of such doctors, and even more the fact that neighbors and acquaintances know about the visit of Mozgoprava, which prefer to cope with psychological injuries, depression and stress on their own.

However, this approach to mental disorders often leads only to aggravation of state. An excellent alternative to analyzing and solving psychological problems is libertile, isotherapy, mandalotherapy and in general the whole range of art therapy methods.

The essence of art therapeutic techniques

What is art therapy? This is a relatively new direction, which is gradually gaining more and more popularity in psychology, psychoanalysis, in social work And in psychotherapy. The essence is to use different species Art and creativity for psychological analysis and correction. The methods of art therapy perfectly help in overcoming the consequences of traumatic stress, in facilitating the traditional treatment of mental and neurotic disorders, as well as identifying psychological and personal problems. The objectives of individual and group art therapy are in self-expression and knowledge of themselves through symbols in creativity. The targets of art therapy also include self-realization, harmonization of the personal development of children and adults. You can conduct art therapy at home, in a specialized room and even outdoors.

A bit of history

The history of this direction in psychology begins in 1938, it was then that the term art therapy was used for the first time. And I introduced it by A. Hill - an artist who used treatment with art in working with tuberculosis patients. In the United States described by A. Hill Art therapeutic methods, used to work with children who were in the camps of the fascists. Later, in 1960, the American Association of Art Therapists was founded in the States.

Most of the techniques of art therapy are based on the psychoanalytic theory of Freud that the final product of a person reflects its unconscious. K.G. Jung actively used art therapy, drawing mandalas and other characters to analyze the mental state of their patients. Today, many specialists who have been trained are preferred by art therapy, as a tool of psychology, psychotherapy, personal development and self-expression.

Draw your problem

Picturesque therapy (isotherapy) is the most common form of art therapy. The first art therapists are using the drawing worked with their patients, tracking their emotions, symbols of consciousness, mental violations. Isotherapy is to work with works of art and creativity. In one of its options, a person can be an active participant and draw a picture independently under the guidance of an art therapist. Active isotherapy allows you to identify internal blocks, fears, complexes, personal characteristics. It is also a great tool for removing aggression, voltage, relief of experiences.

Psychologists are used and passive isotherapy as a method of psychological correction and analysis, assessing the interpretation by a patient specially selected creative materials. Isotherapy is an excellent method of art therapy for adults and children, which allows in a soft form without excessive stress to solve many psychological problems, facilitate serious psychotherapeutic treatment, harmonize emotions, develop cognitive functions and deal with psychotrams. A separate version of work with a drawing is an emotional painting - creating a picture with a help of colorful splashes.

Mandala - your soul flower

Weaving and drawing mandala - a method of art therapy in psychological counseling by many diagnostics. Mandalotherapy allows you to identify deep injuries, features of the person and character, model of human interaction in society. Mandala is a very ancient geometric symbol of harmony of the universe, which Karl Gustav Jung brought to the psychology. Mandala-therapy can be carried out with ready-made schemes that the patient is offered to color, after which the specialist analyzes the mental state on the basis of the choice of colors.

Mandalotherapy passes in other versions, for example, drawing special characters in the mandala or weaving mandalas from multi-colored threads on wooden sticks. Everyone can undergo simple training for creating and analyzing the mandala and then use this technique independently. So that the mandalotherapy is more efficient, some experts offer to start with meditation. This is especially true for group art therapy.

Types and methods of art therapy

Blitchery is a method of psychocorrection, which also belong to art therapy. What it is? Bliturpia includes psychocorrection techniques for the patient with the help of literature specifically selected for a particular case. The library is used to harmonize the patient's psyche state, it helps to cope with physical and mental pathologies. Can be carried out by library in the library, in nature, on individual occupations. This is an excellent art therapy method for pregnant women, teenagers suffering from neurosis and mental disorders, and for anyone who wants to solve personal problems. Blochetia is known since the times of Middle Ages.

Phototherapy - the path to yourself through the photo. Phototherapy is used in correctional and medical activities since the 70s of the last century. The essence is to create copyright photos or in performing special exercises on art therapy using ready-made, specially selected pictures. The psychologist can offer a patient to describe the perception of certain images in the photos, to make a collage or installation of them. Phototherapy is carried out within the framework of both group art therapy and individual. Additional techniques can be introduced into the installation process of creating installation. Phototherapy is well combined with such art techniques as drawing therapy, dance or theater using pictures.

Other treatment options for art

  • Music therapy. It is used as an aid in addition to other psychotherapy techniques, for the correction of the psychosocial parties to various psychosomatic disorders. Music therapy is also popular in educational and pedagogical practice.
  • Dramatherapy. This is a method of symbolic self-expression using theatrical-dramatic agents. Allows you to recognize and soften mental disorders, complexes and socio-psychological problems with the help of creativity.
  • - Method of emotional and physical integration through dance movements. Based on the principle of unity of the body and psyche.
  • Kuklotherapy. Most often applied in family psychotherapy to correct the behavior of children, adolescents and all family members through theatrical puppet performances.
  • Logommika - Combination of speech and movements to the music. It is used in the form of individual or group art therapy for the treatment of children with dysarthria, stuttering, speech development delays, weak motility and other problems.
  • Sand therapy Psychology is used as a tool of psychoanalysis, symbolic self-expression, knowledge of the deep properties of the consciousness and its own painting of the world, as well as for removing mental tension.
  • Fairy-therapy. This is one of the options for this type of art therapy as libertile. It is often used in educational, educational and psychotherapeutic purposes when working with children.

Alternative ART therapeutic methods

Often psychologists use combinations of various directions of art therapy, add new readings, interpretations and techniques. The unconventional approach to art therapy is sometimes allowed to make psychocorrection more individual, cover a wider range of psychotherapeutic tasks. One embodiment of non-traditional art therapy is the use of landscape art therapy technician. The essence of landscape art therapy is to find on a certain territory of all sorts of objects, which are used to create art objects. Landscape Art Therapy Specialist is watching patients during the entire process, both in the office and beyond during the search. source materials. The implementation of landscape art therapy is carried out in various formsHer techniques are successfully used in working with children, adults, older and families. Landscape art therapy programs may have therapeutic, preventive and personal development orientation.

Tasks of art therapeutic techniques

The use of any technician of traditional and non-traditional art therapy requires not only special learning, but also a certain experience and personal qualities of a psychologist. One of the advantages of art therapy is a wide range of applications. Using various techniques Art therapy is shown at depression, stressful situations, interpersonal conflicts, violations of the development of affective sphere, phobias and neurosis. The softness and unobtrusion of art therapy allows it for pregnant women, children, adolescents, disabled people and any other target groups. A visit to the art therapy sessions for pregnant women allows women to overcome fears, cope with emotional instability and impulsivity. Art therapy is an excellent assistant in working with the family, when the solution of intra-family conflicts is required. Useful methods of art therapy and for older people who experience loneliness, increased anxiety and other involutionary problems.

Group and individual art therapy allows you to solve many psychotherapeutic and personal tasks. For example, treatment with drawing, sculpture, work with sand and other creative techniques makes it possible to spill up aggression, anger and other negative emotions without harm to others, as well as develop an depressed state. ART - Therapeutic methods facilitate traditional psychotherapy, allow a specialist to establish contact with the patient. One of the key tasks is to diagnose in art therapy by mandala, symbolic pattern, phototherapy, etc. According to the results of psychodiagnostics, using positive art therapy, you can adjust the patient's condition to increase its self-esteem, emotional condition, strengthen self-control, develop creativity. The focus on the inner sensations and feelings during art therapy allows you to solve many male and female problems, adolescent complexes and conflicts in relationships.

I do not cease to respect and admire our audience! How much people know the technician !!! And still the desire to learn something new! I ask you to pay special attention to the fact that unconventional art therapy is a unique technique, and quite young; It should not be confused with neurograph.

The school of unconventional art of therapy offers the person himself to set questions and receive answers through a consultant or masters. After special training - meditations, the listener paints not mind, but feelings, reactions. Pay attention to the reviews that have passed several therapy sessions from Marina Gatsenko:

Galina Miracle February 15, 2017, at 1:12 -
For me, streaming drawing was sooo nice and easy. And when considering it turned out to be deeply. Marina helped me pull out on the surface what was needed, which means in healing. At what point I caught myself what I do not know what to draw. Then I understood that it was reflected in life - I do not know what I want in my life. And in conclusion I caught myself on the fact that it is very nice - to draw without meaning and given goal. Just draw! Thank you, Marina!

Tatyana Fahuri:Today I want to express my gratitude and admiration for the amazing session on an intuitive picture with Marinochka Gatsenko!
As soon as she suggested the session, I immediately wanted to pass it! And my inner feeling did not let me down! I got very valuable and interesting information for myself.
I liked the practice while setting up on the drawing! Since I use the method that (the technology of figurative creation), I very much felt all the processes during the configuration.
My request was abundant, and he manifested itself on paper. Marina, very felt him and outlined a picture of my inner condition Very for sure. I was everything clear what she was talking about ... We found an answer to the request, as always - truth inside! And my abundance is only inside me! I still continue to reflect and work with the drawing!
Marina, thank you, I am very glad to meet our acquaintance!

Irina Antonova, February 18, 18:40 -
Yesterday passed a session with Marina Gatsenko. She has interesting way reading images, via drawing. We set a question about the implementation. And together comprehended the images coming to her. After the session, there is still a transformation in the body and head. At night, a dream was dreamed, which we have been disassembled together and found a painful point. We were meditated together, what the subconsciousness was talking about in a dream. I realized a lot and understood, in what direction to move me.
Marinochka, thank you for the help !!! I wish you success in further development Abilities !!! Light, love and happiness to you and your family !!!

Seminar program:

Day 1. Figure "Tree of kind": We show the condition of the generic energy on paper and possible obstacles On her way on the tree of the tree. Eliminating these blocks through drawing adjustment and additional practices. Figure "Relationship with Father / Mother": shows a subconscious attitude towards parents, identifies problems and blocks in relationships. Eliminating these blocks through drawing adjustment and additional practices. Figure "Inner man / inner woman": Shows whether men and female energy are located in balance or not; Receives true feelings inner woman and inner man. Drawing balance and harmonization of energies occurs through the adjustment of the pattern and additional practices.
Day 2.. Figure "My abundance". It demonstrates how energy is abundance and implementation manifested in humans. Drawing and harmonization of energy of abundance occurs through the correction of the picture and additional practices.
Figure "Inner man / inner woman at 2 day too
Both days energy practices before drawings

Recording to the seminar is carried out by phone: +7 771 577 0021 and +7 707 059 3267;

Music therapy- This is a system of psychological correction of physical and mental health of a person with the help of musical and acoustic effects. Music causes various therapeutic effects. It can be used to influence human well-being. There are group and individual music therapy. The session is carried out both in the sitting position and lying. The psychological contact is important before conducting a session. A person clarify the goals, tasks, classes opportunities. Sometimes live music performance is used.

Blitterpia- Special corrective impact on the client by reading selected literature in order to normalize or optimize its mental state. It is aimed at the formation of the reader's personality. Books are powerful tools that can affect people's thinking, their character, to form their behavior, to help solve problems.

Diamotherapy- Theatrical productions for different issues have a favorably affect all cognitive mental processes: Memory, will, imagination, feelings, attention, thinking. The drama classes help develop the logic, own their body and do not be shying to him, free from the inner clamps, bring unfulfilled dreams through the game. Most often used when correction of interpersonal interactions: I and friends, I and parents, strong and weak, enemy and friend.

GameTherapy- Method of psychotherapeutic impact on children and adults using the game. The use of games and toys makes it possible to consider, touch, listen, feel and remember what bothered for many years and served as the cause. The method of the game Therapy can be used both in group and in individual work. It provides for the possibility of working: with post-traumatic stress syndrome, with early children's injuries. Game therapy helps to solve not only personal, but also as a result of this professional difficulties.

Isotherapy- Therapy with visual creativity, first of all drawing. It gives an opportunity to internal conflicts outside; helps to understand own feelings and experiences; contributes to improving self-esteem; helps in development creative abilitiesScheduled Mute Treatment is used: for psychological correction of clients with neurotic, psychosomatic disorders; with difficulties in communication and social adaptation; With intra-daisy conflicts. The use of isotherapy in the correctional work with children allows to obtain positive results: favorable conditions are created for the development of communication of closed children; effective emotional reacting is ensured by socially acceptable forms - in children with aggressive manifestations; it turns out the influence of the child's awareness of its experiences; the development of arbitrariness and ability to self-regulation; Confidence due to the social recognition of the value of the product created by the child.

In isotherapy, such techniques can be used when working with children:

Drawing on wet paper. On a pre-dipped paper sheet with watercolor, a drawing is applied. It is desirable to use the maximum possible palette of colors. It is necessary to observe the color mixed with each other, feel your feelings arising in the surveillance process. Next formed on a sheet of paper Patterns gives name

Monotype. An image is created on the glass with thick paints, after which it is imprinted on a sheet of paper. At the end, the results obtained are discussed.

Paint inflating technique. Water soluble paint is applied with large percentage Water content on a sheet of paper using a tube and the resulting drawing is inflated. Important when performing an exercise to use the maximum possible color palette. At the end of the task, the client makes an attempt to recognize the resulting image, to fantasize.

Maskotherapy- The well-known method of psychological work, based on the translation of deep complexes and human problems in non-living masks. The face is the projection of our psychological state and mood, our body, as well as our past and present. Getting rid of the usual, stereotypical roles with maskotherapy creates the opportunity to free themselves from unnecessary and change its life.

Collage- Technical technique in visual art, consisting in sticking on Watman objects and materials different from the basis of color and texture. The material is newspapers, glossy magazines, natural materials, various objects. Using tape, glue, scissors and paper is created by a bulk composition. You can cut out of newspapers and figures, making up a story. It is also possible to use for the creation of a wrapper against candy, wrapping and toilet paper, cardboard boxes etc. Collance makes it possible to reveal the potential human capabilities, suggests great degree Freedom, is a painless way of working with personality, relies on positive emotional experiences related to the process of creativity, it allows you to determine the current psychological state of a person, to identify the actual content of his self-consciousness, his personal experiences. This method Effective in working with students in practical training in special psychocorrection and contributes to the cohesion of the group, the development of creative abilities, removal of emotional stress.

Sand therapy - this is the possibility of communication with the world and yourself through the sand; The method of removing the internal stress, embodiment in the unconsciously symbolic level, which increases self-confidence and opens up new ways of development. Sulting therapy is based on the creation of a free and protected space in which the client is a child or an adult can express and explore its world, turning his experience and its experiences, often incomprehensible or disturbing, visible and tangible images. The picture on the sand can be understood as a three-dimensional image of any aspect of the mental state; An unconscious problem is played in the sandbox, like drama, the conflict is transferred from the inner world to external and is visible.

Color therapy- This is treated with color. Back in distant antiquity, people noticed that the color had a powerful effect on a person. Special coloring, applied to the body of a warrior and his armor, inspired the enemy fear; The colors selected for the clothes of the kings and priests spoke about their power, caused delight, worship or sacred trepidation. IN ancient Egypt They knew about the strength and effects of color and even built colored halls in some temples. They studied the use of color and taught healing. It has been proven that organs and systems of the body are sensitive to certain colors that stimulate or slow them. Knowing it, you can use different colors from therapeutic goal. Color can change the functions of some systems of the human body. For example: Orange-Red changes the pulse, respiratory frequency, blood pressure and in general has an exciting effect; Dark blue, on the contrary, brings calm. According to psychologists, the language of colors is universal, it acts independently of religion and nationality.

FairyTherapy- this is a way to transfer an individual (more often than child) moral norms and rules, ancient way to socialize and transfer experience. This information is laid in folklore fairy tales and legends, epics, parables. In the process of hearing, inventing and discussing the fairy tale, the child is developing necessary for the effective existence of fantasy, creativity. It assists the main search and decision making mechanisms. Listening and perceiving the fairy tales of a person, embeds them into his life scenario, forms it. In the kids, this process is especially anger, many children are asked to read them one and the tale of many times. Working with a fairy tale is directed directly to the help of the client. The psychotherapist creates the conditions in which the client, working with a fairy tale (reading, coming up, playing, continuing), finds solving its vital difficulties and problems.

Phototherapy- A set of psychotechnics associated with the medical and correctional use of photographs, its use for solving psychological problems, as well as the development and harmonization of the person. Phototherapy techniques: photos created by the person himself; Pictures of the client made by other people where the client is specifically posted, or pictures made spontaneously; Self-portraits - any photos of yourself; Family albums. Phototherapy can assume how to work with ready-made photosand the creation of original copyright pictures. The main content of phototherapy is the creation and / or perception by the client of photographic images, complemented by their discussion and different species creative activity (drawing, collance, installation of ready-made snapshots into space, manufacture of figures and a follow-up game with them, etc.)

Mlinotherapy. Working with clay allows you to gently react, recycle and realize a traumatic experience. Especially important for those people who are difficult to "speak out" to whom it is difficult to tell about their feelings and experiences, in situations of uncertainty - after all, "groaning" reduces or removes resistance and makes it possible to "see" the decision. Thanks to the modeling, a person can learn how to control himself; no contraindications and age limitations; gives a man the opportunity to feel like a creator, it is one of best tools When working with emotions (fear, aggression, insult).

Summing up, we note that visual, auditory, tactile analyzers are involved in art therapy, which in turn favorably affects the physical and mental well-being of man. Art therapy has a tonic, reinforcing, soothing, stimulating, relaxing effect on the mental and emotional state of a person. The art therapy uses a complex of correctional exercises that affect the general physical development, emotional development, speech (verbal) development, which is generally a positive effect on social development. Art therapy develops small motor, creativity and imagination, creates an emotionally positive attitude in children and adults. Non-traditional work forms deliver many children positive emotionsthat helps to overcome timidity, fear. The value of art therapy is not the result (creative product), but the identity of the participant, which is particularly important when working with people with OVD.

Art therapy is an effective, affordable, safe, interesting method of special psychological correction.