Methods of pedagogical influence on personality. Methods of education and methods of pedagogical influence

Methods of pedagogical influence on personality

3. Methods of pedagogical influence

Methods of influencing a personality for pedagogical and educational purposes are varied. For the proper functioning of the pedagogical process, at least 6 groups of methods of influencing a person are needed:

1. persuasion;

2. suggestion and infection, "personal example" and imitation;

3. exercise and domestication;

4. training;

5. stimulation (methods of reward and punishment, competition);

6. control and evaluation.

The reception of influence is a set of means and an algorithm for their use. Methods of influence - a set of techniques that implement the impact on:

1) needs, interests, inclinations - i.e., sources of motivation for activity, human behavior;

2) on attitudes, group norms, self-esteem of people - that is, on those factors that regulate activity;

3) on the states in which a person is (anxiety, agitation or depression, etc.) and which change his behavior.

For example, a heart-to-heart talk, a dispute, an explanation, a lecture are examples of persuasion techniques.

Approval, praise, gratitude are methods of encouragement. Persuasion is an impact on the mind, the logic of a person, it involves a system of evidence based on life examples, logical conclusions and generalizations.

But most often the teacher addresses the mind and feelings of the pupil at the same time, combining persuasion and suggestion, infecting the pupil with his conviction and faith in success. But the most powerful way to convince is when the word, feeling, deed and personal example of the teacher influence. The effectiveness of persuasion methods depends on compliance with the following pedagogical requirements:

1. The high authority of the teacher among pupils (logically literate, persuasive speeches of a disrespectful person only cause irritation of listeners and a desire to do the opposite, but, on the other hand, authority will not help if there are logical inaccuracies in the speech, contradictions in reasoning, rigged examples).

2. Reliance on the life experience of pupils.

3. Sincerity, logical clarity, concreteness and accessibility of persuasion.

4. A combination of persuasion and practical training.

5. Accounting for the age and individual characteristics of pupils.

1) Methods of influencing the sources of activity are aimed at creating new needs or changing the motive power of existing behavioral motives. In order to form new needs in a person, the following methods and means are used: they involve him in a new activity, using the person’s desires to act with a certain person. At the same time, by involving a person in a new for him, as yet indifferent activity, it is useful to ensure the minimization of the person’s efforts to complete it - if a new activity is too burdensome for a person, then the person loses desire and interest in this activity.

In order to change a person's behavior, it is necessary to change his desires, motives (he already wants what he used to want, or has ceased to want, strive for what used to attract), i.e., make changes in the system of the hierarchy of motives. One of the techniques that allows you to do this is regression, i.e., the unification of the motivational sphere, the actualization of the motives of a lower sphere (security, survival, food motive, etc.) is carried out in case of dissatisfaction of the basic vital needs of a person (this technique is also carried out in politics in order to "bring down" the activity of many strata of society, creating for them rather difficult conditions for subsistence and survival).

2) To change a person's behavior, you need to change his views, opinions, attitudes: create new attitudes or change the relevance existing installations or destroy them. If attitudes are destroyed, activity falls apart. The conditions that contribute to this: the uncertainty factor - the higher the level of subjective uncertainty, the higher the anxiety, and then the purposefulness of the activity disappears. The method of creating uncertain situations allows you to put a person into a state of "destroyed attitudes", "losing oneself", and if you then show a person a way out of this uncertainty, he will be ready to perceive this attitude and respond in the required way, especially if suggestive maneuvers are made: an appeal to according to the majority, the publication of the results of public opinion, combined with involvement in organized activities. Thus, the method of creating uncertainty allows you to change the target, semantic settings and the subsequent radical change in his behavior and goals. The method of orienting situations, when almost every person for some time has been in the same role, in the same situation, experienced the same requirements for himself and for his activity, like all other people from his environment or group, -- this allows everyone to develop the same required attitude towards this situation, to change their behavior in this situation in the required direction.

The required social attitude is formed in a person:

1) if it is periodically included in the relevant activity;

2) repeatedly receives relevant information;

3) if he is included in a prestigious, significant group for him, in which this position, this attitude is supported (for example, the leaders of the children's movement are nominated to the asset, to a prestigious post, after which they quite quickly learn the attitudes and positions required by the administration - this technique known since antiquity and was called "co-optation").

In order to form an attitude towards the required attitude or assessment of this or that event, the method of associative or emotional transfer is used: to include this object in one context with what already has an assessment, or to cause a moral assessment, or a certain emotion about this context,

In order to strengthen, update the required setting, but capable of causing an emotional or moral protest of a person, the technique of "combining stereotyped phrases with what they want to introduce" is often used, since stereotyped phrases reduce the attention, emotional attitude of a person for a moment, sufficient for operation of the desired setting. For change emotional state and a person’s attitude to current events, the method of “remembering the bitter past” is effective (recalling past hardships more acutely, they perceive the present and future more positively, perhaps they seem more optimistic).

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Forms and methods of pedagogical influence

The effectiveness of the didactic process to a large extent depends on the choice and implementation of certain pedagogical technologies (organizational forms of education, teaching methods, techniques, etc.). The function of a teacher within the framework of the educational process is to ensure consistent (technological) operations, organization and control of students' activities. The totality of the actions of the teacher and the cognitive activity of students determines the didactic process.

A variety of methods are used in the educational process. The most important of them are methods: persuasion, trust, suggestion, accustoming, encouragement. Each of them is designed for a specific educational effect.

The method of persuasion is the main one in education.

The teaching method is to organize correct behavior pupils, in cultivating the right habits.

An important method is the method of coercion. This method requires great pedagogical tact and skill. Punishment should be accompanied by suggestion, censure, warning.

There are two forms of pedagogical influence:individual and collective.

So, the essence of the individual form of organizing training sessions is as follows:

  • The teacher individually guides the learning process of each student and this guidance comes down to giving individual assignments and checking their performance by each student separately;
  • The student, performing his specific educational task, acquires knowledge through independent work on the task, because there is no systematic presentation of knowledge by the teacher;
  • The pedagogical influence of the teacher on the student is carried out in individually, outside the team;
  • The composition of students is not constant, different in age and level of training;
  • There is no class schedule, a certain duration of study, a certain alternation of study and rest, a permanent curriculum.

The group form of organization of educational work made it possible to cover more children with training than with individual work. The lesson, as a form of organization of educational work, was developed by Comenius Ya.A. (1592-1670). The teacher in the process of lessons, wrote Komensky Ya.A., must check the knowledge of students, achieving a solid and thorough assimilation of the subject by all students. In order to consolidate knowledge, one must resort to repetitions and exercises. In addition to the lesson, Comenius considers it necessary to preserve the old form of learning, the fulfillment of tasks by the student at home, but at the same time Comenius points out "there should always be a certain form and norm of what should be done." Speaking about the student, Comenius remarks “... after all, he still cannot create anything on his own, not knowing what and how he should do, therefore, he needs to be shown. It would be cruel to force someone to do what you want, although he does not know what you want ... ". Along with lessons, home studies of students, Comenius also dwells on such a form as tests and exams. “With special solemnity, the annual examination should be carried out ...” and gives expedient instructions regarding its conduct.

The variety of organizational forms of training in the study of a particular educational material makes it possible to consider this material from different angles and to get to know its various aspects more deeply. Hence the diversity of organizational forms of education should be considered as one of the directions for improving organizational forms of education.

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Faculty psychological and pedagogical

Department of Pedagogy


According to the main activities of the class teacher

Topic: Methods of pedagogical influence



1. Groups of methods of pedagogical influence

1.1 Persuasion

1.2 Exercises and habits

1.3 Training

1.4 Incentives

1.5 Monitoring and evaluation


List of used literature


The technological scheme of the pedagogical process looks something like this. First of all, the teacher convinces the student (student) of the importance and expediency of solving a specific problem, then he must teach the student, that is, achieve the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge necessary for solving the task. At the next stage, it is necessary to formulate the student's skills and abilities. At all these stages, it is useful to constantly stimulate the diligence of trainees, to control and evaluate the stages and results of the work.

1. Groups of methods of pedagogical influence

For the proper functioning of the pedagogical process, at least five groups of methods of influencing a person are needed:

1. Persuasion;

2. Exercises and accustoming;

3. Training;

4. Stimulation;

5. Monitoring and evaluation.

It should also be noted that there is a problem of methods of influencing a person, since there is no unity of views on their selection, quantity, nomenclature and the grounds on which they should be classified.

1.1 Belief

Belief- this is a versatile influence on the mind, feelings and will of a person in order to form the desired qualities in him. Depending on the direction of pedagogical influence, persuasion can act as evidence, as suggestion, or as a combination of them. If we want to convince the student of the truth of some scientific position, then we turn to his mind, but if we want to cultivate love for the mother, then it is necessary to turn to the feelings of the pupil. In this case, the persuasion acts as a suggestion.

critical role in persuasion with the help of the word, such techniques as conversation, lecture, debate are played.

Conversation . The main function of the conversation is to involve the students themselves in the assessment of events, actions, phenomena of life and, on this basis, to form in them the desired attitude towards the surrounding reality, to their civic and moral duties.

Lecture . A lecture is a detailed, lengthy and systematic presentation of the essence of a particular educational, scientific, educational or other problem. The basis of the lecture is a theoretical generalization, and the specific facts that form the basis of the conversation in the lecture serve only as an illustration or as an initial starting point.

Students are especially sensitive to the bright, independent style of thinking of the lecturer, to his ability to separate the fact from thinking about the fact, to express their personal attitude to the material of the topic. The lecture should be a school of thought for the student. Only then does knowledge acquire personal meaning, become not a passive component of mental baggage, but a guide to action. The credibility of the evidence and arguments, the validity of the conclusions, a clear personal position, and most importantly, psychological contact with the audience from beginning to end - this is the main component of the lecture's success.

Dispute. The clash of opinions with the aim of forming judgments and assessments, which distinguishes a dispute from a conversation and a lecture, is the best answer to the acute need of adolescents and young people for self-affirmation, the desire to seek meaning in life, not to take anything for granted, to judge everything by the most maximalist standards. Dispute teaches the ability to defend one's views, to convince other people of them, and at the same time requires the courage to abandon a false point of view. The dispute is also valuable in that the knowledge gained in the course of a clash of opinions is distinguished by a high degree of generalization, depth, strength and conscious assimilation.

The dispute requires the teacher careful preparation. It is extremely important that the questions that are brought up for discussion contain a significant problem for students and really excite them. At the same time, the dispute is a review of all the pedagogical qualities of the teacher and his pedagogical qualifications.

Example . An example as a method of pedagogical influence is based on the desire of pupils to imitate, however, its psychological and pedagogical effect is not limited to stimulating their adaptive activity. It has long been known that words teach, and examples attract.

For all its merits and possibilities, the word does not have the influence that living concrete examples living concrete people in all the richness of their relationships.

Examples of worthy imitation can be older brothers and sisters, mother and father, grandfather and grandmother, fellow students, scientists and cultural figures, outstanding actors and athletes, statesmen and literary heroes.

The effectiveness of persuasion methods depends on compliance with a number of pedagogical requirements:

2. Reliance on the life experience of pupils. The word of the teacher acquires a specific meaning if it touches personal experience pupils.

3. Sincerity, concreteness and availability of persuasion.

4. A combination of persuasion and practical training. The greatest successes in education are achieved when verbal influence is combined with the organization of a variety of practical activities.

5. Accounting for the age and individual characteristics of pupils

1.2 Exercises and habits

The exercise- this is a systematically organized implementation by pupils of various actions, practical cases in order to form and develop their personality.

Exercise in a broad sense is such an organization of the life and activities of students that creates conditions for them to act in accordance with the norms and rules of behavior accepted in society.

The exercise method is often implemented through assignments. They teach schoolchildren to live and work according to the laws of the collective, to feel their involvement in public affairs. But this role is not always fulfilled.

Involving pupils in the execution of assignments, it is necessary to manage the motives of their social activity. Without an understanding of those inner forces that induce the student to act in a certain way, it is impossible to successfully guide his social and moral development, to train him in the right actions.

In the practice of educational work, three types of exercises are mainly used:

1) exercises in useful activity;

2) routine exercises;

3) special exercises.

Exercise in a variety of useful activities aim to develop habits in work, in communication of pupils with elders and with each other. The main thing in this type of exercise is that its benefits are realized by the pupil, so that he, experiencing joy and satisfaction from the result, gets used to asserting himself in work and through work.

Regime exercises - these are exercises, the main pedagogical effect of which is not the result, but a well-organized process - the regime. Compliance optimal mode in a family and an educational institution leads to synchronization of the psycho-physiological reactions of the body with external requirements, which has a beneficial effect on the health, physical and intellectual abilities of the pupil and, as a result, on the results of his activity.

Special exercises - these are exercises of a training nature, aimed at developing and consolidating skills and abilities.

In the educational process, all exercises are special, and in educational work, this is accustoming to the implementation of elementary rules of behavior associated with external culture.

accustoming- this is the organization of systematic and regular performance by pupils of certain actions in order to form good habits. Or, to put it another way: habituation is an exercise in order to develop good habits.

The habit is not important in itself. Under certain conditions, it can and should become a stable property or quality of a person.

Habituation discovers the greatest efficiency in the early stages of the upbringing and development of children. The application of this method requires compliance with certain pedagogical conditions. Teaching is impossible without a clear idea of ​​what is to be learned. When prescribing a particular course of action to students, it is necessary to express it in the shortest and clearest possible rule. For each given period of time, a minimum of individual actions that make up this form of behavior should be allocated. It takes time to develop a habit, haste here does not lead to the goal. first, you should achieve the accuracy of the action being performed, and only then the speed. The method of accustoming involves controlling the way the action is performed. Control requires a benevolent, interested attitude of the teacher to the pupils, identification and analysis of emerging difficulties, discussion of ways further work. It is even more important to organize self-control of students.

The method of accustoming varies depending on age, living conditions and upbringing.

1. 3 Education

pedagogical impact persuasion learning

The methods are divided according to the dominant means into verbal, visual and practical.

All the variety of teaching methods are divided into three main groups:

1) methods of organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities;

2) methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity;

3) methods of control and self-control over the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activity.

The most optimal is the classification of teaching methods proposed by I. Ya. Lerner and M. N. Skatkin, which takes as a basis the nature of educational and cognitive activity (or the method of assimilation) of students in their assimilation of the material being studied. This classification includes five methods:

1) explanatory and illustrative method (lecture, story, work with literature);

2) reproductive method;

3) method of problem presentation;

4) partial search (or heuristic) method;

5) research method.

These methods are divided into two groups:

1) reproductive (methods 1 and 2), in which the student learns ready-made knowledge and reproduces (reproduces) the methods of activity already known to him;

2) productive (methods 4 and 5), characterized in that the student obtains (subjectively) new knowledge as a result of creative activity.

The problem statement occupies an intermediate position, since it equally involves both the assimilation of ready-made information and elements of creative activity.

Reproductive learning methods

Explanatory and illustrative method.

It consists in the fact that the teacher communicates ready-made information by various means, and the students perceive, comprehend and fix this information in memory.

reproductive method. To acquire skills and abilities through a system of tasks, the activity of trainees is organized to repeatedly reproduce the knowledge communicated to them and the shown methods of activity. The teacher gives tasks, and the student performs them - they solve similar problems, make plans, reproduce chemical and physical experiments, etc.

Both of the described methods enrich students with knowledge, skills and abilities, form their basic mental operations (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, etc.), but do not guarantee the development of creative abilities, do not allow them to be systematically and purposefully formed. This goal is achieved by productive methods.

Productive learning methods .

The condition for the functioning of productive methods is the existence of a problem.

A learning problem is a search task, for the solution of which the student needs new knowledge, and in the process of solving which this knowledge must be acquired.

There are four main stages in problem solving:

1) creating a problem situation;

2) analysis of the problem situation, formulation of the problem and its presentation in the form of one or more problem tasks;

3) solving problematic tasks (tasks) by putting forward hypotheses and testing them sequentially;

4) verification of the solution to the problem.

The role of the teacher and students at the four stages of solving an educational problem can be different: if all four stages are performed by the teacher, then this is a problem statement. If all four stages are performed by the student, then this is an exploratory method. If some stages are performed by the teacher, and some by students, then there is a partial search method.

1.4 Stimulation

stimulate- means to induce, give an impulse, impetus to thought, feeling and action. In order to reinforce and enhance the impact on the student's personality of certain factors, various methods stimulation, among which the most common competition, encouragement, punishment

Competition - the desire for superiority, priority, self-affirmation is characteristic of all people, but especially young people. Competition in educational institutions is akin to the best examples of sports rivalry. The main task of the teacher is to prevent the competition from degenerating into fierce competition and striving for superiority at any cost.

There is currently no competition based on specific performance indicators and should not be. However, it would be wrong to completely exclude competition from the most important area of ​​life and activity of schoolchildren. The experience of the best schools shows that the use of competition in academic work is possible and of obvious benefit if it is carried out on a voluntary basis. For example, the following obligations are introduced into the conditions of the competition for younger students: always do homework, work diligently, not have comments at work, have neat notebooks, strictly follow the school and home daily routine, read additional literature.

The competition can be collective and individual, designed for a long time and episodic. In the process of organizing and conducting it, it is necessary to observe traditional principles: transparency, concreteness of indicators, comparability of results, the possibility of practical use of best practices.

promotion - a way of expressing a public positive assessment of the behavior and activities of an individual student or team. The feeling of satisfaction experienced by the encouraged pupil causes him a surge of strength, an increase in energy, self-confidence and, as a result, is accompanied by high diligence and efficiency. But the most important effect of encouragement is the emergence of a keen desire to behave in such a way and act in such a way as to experience this state of mental comfort as often as possible.

At the same time, encouragement should not be too frequent, so as not to lead to depreciation, the expectation of a reward for the slightest success. The subject of special concern of the teacher should be to prevent the division of pupils into those who are praised and overlooked. Rewards are most often used in work with younger schoolchildren and adolescents, who are especially sensitive to the assessment of their actions and behavior in general.

Punishment - this is such an impact on the personality of the student, which expresses the condemnation of actions and deeds that are contrary to the norms of social behavior, and forces students to steadily follow them. Punishment is one of the most oldest methods education.

Punishment corrects the behavior of the pupil, makes him think about where and in what he did wrong, causes a feeling of dissatisfaction, shame, discomfort. Punishment is a self-affirmation on the contrary, which gives rise to the need to change one's behavior, and when planning future activities, a feeling of fear to experience a complex of unpleasant feelings again. However, the punishment should not cause the pupil either moral humiliation or physical suffering.

Skillful use of punishment requires pedagogical tact and a certain skill from the teacher.

Any punishment must be accompanied by an analysis of the causes and conditions that gave rise to a particular act. In those cases where the student violated the rules of behavior thoughtlessly, by accident, you can limit yourself to a conversation or a simple reproach. Punishment brings success when it is consistent with the public opinion of the collective. Collective punishments should be avoided whenever possible, as they can lead to the association of students who violate public order and discipline.

The means of the method of punishment are the teacher's remarks, the offer to stand at the desk, the call to the pedagogical council, the reprimand in the school order, transfer to a parallel class or to another school, expulsion from school and referral to a school for difficult-to-educate students.

The pedagogical requirements for the application of punishment measures are as follows:

1) it is impossible to punish unintentional acts;

2) it is impossible to punish hastily, without sufficient grounds, on suspicion: it is better to forgive ten guilty than to punish one innocent;

3) combine punishment with persuasion and other methods of education;

4) strictly observe the pedagogical tact;

5) reliance on the understanding and support of public opinion;

6) taking into account the age and individual characteristics of pupils.

1.5 Monitoring and evaluation

Managing the process of education is impossible without feedback, which characterizes its effectiveness. Methods of control, self-control and self-assessment in education help to fulfill this function.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the educational process, it is necessary to study the activities and behavior of the students. The effectiveness of education is understood as the degree of compliance of the achieved results with the goals of education.

The indicators of upbringing of schoolchildren can be judged by the degree of their participation in all the main types of activities corresponding to their age: gaming, educational, labor, social and the effectiveness of this participation.

The main control methods include pedagogical observation of students, conversations aimed at identifying good breeding, surveys (questionnaire, oral), analysis of the results of socially useful activities, the work of bodies student government, creating situations for studying the behavior of students.

The main function of methods of control and self-control is control and regulation. This means that control should not be separated from the educational process, but be a component that performs educational, educational, developing, stimulating functions.

The method of self-control provides for the formation of the ability of students to independently find mistakes, inaccuracies, and determine ways to eliminate errors.


Methods of pedagogical influence in the primary grades are very diverse in content, structure, and method of organizing educational activities.

When determining the methodology for conducting educational work, it is necessary to take into account the content and characteristics of various subjects, significant differences in the development of children, the conditions in which children live.

All types of pedagogical activity that have social goals potentially have certain educational opportunities. However, one activity cannot replace all others. Therefore, in the pedagogical impact it is advisable to use a complex of activities.

The impact may not have a positive effect on the student if it does not have "personal meaning" for him.

As a result of pedagogical influence, schoolchildren form a readiness to choose the goal and methods of activity. Being an ideal anticipation of the expected result, its anticipatory reflection, the goal of a person is the force that, like a law, determines the method and nature of his actions and to which he must subordinate his will.

In relation to the formation of the student's personality, the pedagogical influence remains a neutral process if the appropriate methods of its pedagogical instrumentation are not found and implemented. In this instrumentation, various methods and techniques must be combined in a certain way, providing motivation, accustoming and exercising students, shaping their experience of social behavior.

List of used literature:

1. Pedagogy: textbook. allowance for students ped. in-tov / Yu.K. Babansky, V.A. Slastenin, N.A. Sorokin; ed. Yu.K.Babansky. - 2nd ed., add. And a reworker. - M., Education, 1988 - 479 p.

2. Pedagogical technologies: a textbook for students of pedagogical specialties. Under the general editorship of V.S. Kukushina - Series "Pedagogical Education", Moscow: ICC "MarT" Rostov n/a: Publishing Center "MarT", 2004.

3. Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy. New course: A textbook for students of higher educational institutions: In 2 books. Moscow. Publishing Center "VLADOS", 2001 - Book 2, Theory of Education

4. Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F. General Pedagogy: Textbook for students. higher textbook institutions / Edited by V.A. Slastenin: at 2 pm - M .: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2003. - Part 2. - 256 p.

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DISCIPLINE:Psychology and pedagogy

TOPIC:“Means and methods of pedagogical influence on whether h ness"


1. The concept of pedagogy. The goals of education and upbringing

2. Means and methods of pedagogical influence on the personality

2.1 Persuasion

2.2 Exercise and habituation

2.3 Training

2.4 Incentive methods

3. The problem of choosing the style of pedagogical influence




The upbringing of a growing person as the formation of a developed personality is one of the main tasks modern society. The current situation in educational institutions requires new approaches to the organization of educational and educational activities, in connection with which, the domestic education system is entering the path of high-quality training of a specialist, where one of the priority tasks is the training of a teacher who is able to act creatively and effectively in the conditions of real pedagogical reality.

The most important component of the educational process is the student-oriented interaction between the teacher and the student. A special role in this context is how he influences his pupils. It is important to build the pedagogical process in such a way that the teacher manages the student's activities, organizing his active self-education by performing independent and responsible actions. The teacher can and is obliged to help a growing person go through this - always unique and independent - path of moral and social development.

aim this test is the study of means and m e methods of pedagogical influence on personality . Before proceeding to the study of this issue, it is necessary to consider such a concept as pedagogy (as well as other concepts related to pedagogy in this matter); answer the question: "What is the purpose of education and upbringing?"

1 . The concept of pedagogy. The goals of education and upbringing

The science that studies the patterns of transmission by the older generation and active assimilation by younger generations of social experience necessary for life and work is called pedagogy .

V Ancient Greece a teacher was a slave assigned to a student, accompanying him to school, serving him in the classroom and outside of them. This Greek word can be translated as "tutor". Thus, "pedagogy" in literal translation from Greek - child-guiding. The main categories of pedagogy are: development, upbringing, education, training.

Human development - this is the process of the formation of his personality under the influence of external and internal, controlled and uncontrolled social and natural factors.

Upbringing (in a broad sense) is a purposeful process of the formation of the intellect, physical and spiritual forces of the individual, preparing it for life, active participation in labor activity. Upbringing (in the narrow sense of the word)- the systematic and purposeful influence of the educator on the pupils in order to form their desired attitude towards people and phenomena of the world around them.

Education - the process and result of the assimilation of a certain system of knowledge and the provision on this basis of an appropriate level of personality development. Education is obtained mainly in the process of education and upbringing in educational institutions under the guidance of teachers. However, self-education also plays an ever-increasing role; acquiring a knowledge system on your own.

Education - this is a purposeful process of bilateral activity of the teacher and students in the transfer and assimilation of knowledge. The activity of the teacher is called teaching, and the activity of students is called teaching. Therefore, learning can be defined as follows: learning is teaching and learning taken in unity. in view of the above pedagogy appears as parenting science (meaning "education" in a broad sense); it a science that studies the patterns of upbringing, education and at cheniya (here "education" is used in a narrow sense).

Subject of Pedagogy - the process of directed development and formation of the human personality in the conditions of its training, education, upbringing.

General Pedagogy - studies and forms the principles, forms and methods of training and education, which are common to all age groups and educational institutions. This branch of pedagogical knowledge explores the fundamental laws of education and upbringing. Components general pedagogy are the theory of education and the theory of learning (didactics).

The goals of education and upbringing .

educational process largely targeted. It involves a certain direction of educational efforts, awareness of their ultimate goals, and also includes the content side and means to achieve these goals. The goals of upbringing are determined by the ideological and value orientations that this or that society proclaims.

The educational process should not be dependent on what views and beliefs are professed by people who are now in power. The upbringing of the younger generation should be based on permanent, enduring ideas and values. Therefore, as the ideological basis of the entire system of education, the principles of humanism should be developed and tested by centuries of practice.

The term humanism is very ambiguous, since its content has changed throughout history. Humanism - first of all means humanity: love for people, high level psychological tolerance (tolerance), gentleness in human relations, respect for the individual and his dignity. Ultimately the concept humanism It is formalized as a system of value orientations, in the center of which lies the recognition of a person as the highest value. Humanism is a set of ideas and values ​​that affirm the universal significance of human existence in general and individual in particular.

With such an interpretation, humanism as a certain system of value orientations and attitudes acquires the meaning of a social ideal. Man is seen as the highest goal community development, during which the creation necessary conditions for the full realization of all its potentialities, the achievement of harmony in the socio-economic and spiritual spheres of life, the highest flowering of a particular human personality. At the same time, in the modern interpretation of humanism, the emphasis is on the integral, universal formation of the human personality. This universality is comprehended as a harmonious development of its intellectual, spiritual, moral and aesthetic potentialities. In this way, from the standpoint ofatmanism, the ultimate goal of education is that each person could become a full-fledged subject of activity, cognition and communication, that is, a free, independent being responsible for all events.Oliving in this world. Consequently, the degree of humanization of the educational process is determined by the extent to which this process creates the prerequisites for the self-realization of the individual, the disclosure of all the natural inclinations inherent in it, its ability to freedom, responsibility and creativity.

From the content side, the implementation of the principles of humanism in the educational process means the manifestation of universal human values. In the concept of "common human values" " In this case, two complementary meanings are invested. Firstly, human values - these are values ​​that are significant not for some narrow limited circle of people (social group, class), but as something that matters for all of humanity. They are inherent in one form or another in all social communities, social groups, peoples, although not all are expressed in the same way. The features of their expression depend on the features of the cultural and historical development of a particular country, its religious traditions, and the type of civilization. Therefore, the approach to the educational process from the standpoint of universal values ​​means its de-ideologization, that is, the rejection of the imposition of positions, attitudes, beliefs of some particular social force, the emphasis on the spiritual, moral, intellectual and aesthetic development personality, on the basis of its development of all the cultural wealth accumulated in the history of mankind.

Secondly,human values - these are the ultimate, historically and socially non-localized values ​​that are absolute, eternal values. Believers, comprehending universal human values ​​from the standpoint of religion, believe that these values ​​are of a divine nature. They are based on the idea of ​​God as the absolute embodiment of Good, Truth, Justice, etc. For unbelievers, universal human values ​​are based on the centuries-old experience of mankind, its potentialities and aspirations.

And one more important setting of the content of the educational process, arising from the principles of humanism. Humanism, as follows from the above, considers the human personality as the highest value, gives priority to the universal principle, and contradicts the ideology of individualism. . Humanism presupposes the recognition of this person asevalue of the personality of all other people. It is no coincidence that the term "humanism" was originally understood as "philanthropy".

The humanistic approach requires that the main goal of the educational process should be the creation of prerequisites for the self-realization of the individual.

The humanistic orientation of education can be realized only in appropriate forms of the educational process. It's about O humanistic pedagogy. Generally speaking, this pedagogy a high degree individualism and differentiation of education, emphasis on the awakening of the activity and initiative of the student, the application in the relationship between the teacher and the student of the basic principles of pedagogy of cooperation.

2 . Means and methods of pedagogical influence on personality

The implementation of the goals of upbringing and education is called pedagogical e skim process. The system of educational and educational means that characterize the joint activities of teachers and students is called method of education or teaching method. The division of means and methods into upbringing and educational is very conditional, and sometimes even artificial, so we will use universal concepts in the future. "means of influence on the personality" and "methods of influencing whether h ness" .

The technological scheme of the pedagogical process looks something like this: first of all, the teacher convinces the student of the importance and expediency of solving a specific problem, then he must teach the student, i.e. achieve the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge necessary for solving the task. At the next stage, it is necessary to formulate the student's skills and abilities. At all these stages, it is useful to constantly stimulate the diligence of trainees, to control and evaluate the stages and results of the work.

For the proper functioning of the pedagogical process, it is necessary, at a minimum, five groups of methods of influence on personality:

1. persuasion;

2. exercises and habituation;

3. training;

4. stimulation;

5. control and evaluation.

In the theory and practice of the pedagogical process, such a concept as reception . Reception acts as an elementary link in the pedagogical process, as a practical act of implementing a particular method in various pedagogical situations. Conversation, debate, clarification are examples of persuasion techniques. Approval, praise, gratitude - methods of encouragement.

Method of influence on personality is a system of pedagogical techniques that allow solving certain pedagogical problems.

Another important concept in this series is the form of organization of pedagogical influence. There are the following the most important forms of org a lowering the pedagogical impact:

1. educational process;

2. extracurricular work;

3. family education;

4. educational activities of youth organizations;

5. educational activities of cultural institutions, arts and the media (to the extent that it is available).

Consider the above methods of influencing the personality.

2 . 1 Persuasion

Belief - this is a versatile influence on the mind, feelings and will of a person in order to form the desired qualities in him. Depending on the direction of pedagogical influence, persuasion can act as evidence, as suggestion, or as a combination of them. The most important role in persuasion with the help of a word is played by such techniques as conversation, lecture, debate. The effectiveness of persuasion methods depends on compliance with a number of pedagogical requirements, the most important of which are:

1. High authority of the teacher.

2. Reliance on the life experience of pupils.

3. Sincerity, concreteness and availability of persuasion.

4. A combination of persuasion and practical training.

5. Accounting for the age and individual characteristics of pupils.

2 . 2 Exercise and habituation

The exercise - this is a systematically organized implementation by pupils of various actions, practical cases in order to form and develop their personality. accustoming - this is the organization of systematic and regular performance by pupils of certain actions in order to form good habits. Or, to put it another way: habituation is an exercise in order to develop good habits.

Exercise (accustoming) as a method of pedagogical influence is used to solve a wide variety of problems of civil, moral, physical and aesthetic perception and development. Without the systematic application of reasonably set exercises, it is impossible to achieve the effectiveness of educational work. In the practice of educational work, they are mainly used three types of exercise:

1. exercise in useful activities;

2. routine exercises;

3. special exercises.

Exercises in useful activity are aimed at developing habits in work, in communication of pupils with elders and with each other. The main thing in this type of exercise is that its benefits are realized by the pupil, so that he, experiencing joy and satisfaction from the result, gets used to asserting himself in work and through work. Regime exercises- these are exercises, the main pedagogical effect of which is not the result, but a well-organized process - a regime that leads to the synchronization of the psychophysiological reactions of the body with external requirements, which has a beneficial effect on the health, physical and intellectual abilities of the pupil and, as a result, on the results of his activities. Special exercises- these are exercises of a training nature, aimed at developing and consolidating skills and abilities. In the educational process, all exercises are special, and in educational work, this is accustoming to the implementation of elementary rules of behavior associated with external culture. So, first-year students are "trained" to get up at the entrance of the teacher. Special exercises are also used to overcome shortcomings. So, the violator of discipline is made responsible for order. It is only in the very early stages that an exercise can be regarded as mere repetition. In the future, the exercise is an improvement that is cumulative. Just as the rehearsal of a performance is not a simple repetition of it, but a stage of ever closer approach to the state that materializes the director's intention, a stage of improvement on the way to the standard.

2 . 3 Training

Teaching methods are divided according to the dominant means into slOspring, visual and practical. They are also classified depending on the main didactic tasks for:

1. methods of acquiring new knowledge;

2. methods for the formation of skills and knowledge in practice;

3. methods for testing and evaluating knowledge, skills and abilities.

This classification is supplemented by methods of consolidating the studied material and methods of independent work of students. Moreover , all mnOThe diversity of teaching methods is divided into three main groups:

1. methods of organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities;

2. methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity;

3. methods of control and self-control over the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activity.

Seems to be the best classification of teaching methodsein which the nature of educational and cognitive activity is taken as a basisOsti (or way of assimilation) of students in their assimilation of the studied material. This classification includes five methods:

1. explanatory and illustrative method (lecture, story, work with literature, etc.);

2. reproductive method;

3. method of problem presentation;

4. partial search (or heuristic) method;

5. research method.

These methods are divided into two groups:

1. reproductive(methods 1 and 2), in which the student learns ready-made knowledge and reproduces (reproduces) the ways of activity already known to him;

2. productive(Methods 4 and 5), which differs in that the student obtains (subjectively) new knowledge as a result of creative activity.

The problem statement occupies an intermediate position, since it equally involves both the assimilation of ready-made information and elements of creative activity.

Explanatory and illustrative method. It can also be called information-receptive, which reflects the activities of the teacher and student in this method. It consists in the fact that the teacher communicates ready-made information by various means, and the students perceive, comprehend and fix this information in memory. The teacher communicates information using the spoken word (story, lecture, explanation), the printed word (textbook, additional aids), visual aids (pictures, diagrams, videos), practical demonstration of methods of activity (showing the method of solving the problem, methods of drawing up a plan, annotations and etc.). Students listen, look, manipulate objects and knowledge, read, observe, correlate new information with previously learned, and remember. The explanatory and illustrative method is one of the most economical ways of transferring the generalized and systematized experience of mankind.

reproductive method. To acquire skills and abilities through a system of tasks, the activity of trainees is organized to repeatedly reproduce the knowledge communicated to them and the shown methods of activity. The teacher gives tasks, and the student performs them - they solve similar problems, make plans, etc. It depends on how difficult the task is, on the abilities of the student, how long, how many times and at what intervals he must repeat the work. It has been established that the assimilation of new words during the study foreign language requires that these words occur about 20 times over a certain period. In a word, the reproduction and repetition of the mode of activity according to the model is the main feature of the reproductive method.

Both of the described methods enrich students with knowledge, skills and abilities, form their basic mental operations (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, etc.), but do not guarantee the development of creative abilities, do not allow them to be systematically and purposefully formed. This goal is achieved by productive methods.

Productive methods learning. The most important requirement for higher education is the formation of qualities creative personality. An analysis of the main types of creative activity shows that during its systematic implementation, a person develops such qualities as quick orientation in changing conditions, the ability to see a problem and not be afraid of its novelty, originality and productivity of thinking, ingenuity, intuition, etc., i.e. . such qualities, the demand for which is very high at the present and will undoubtedly increase in the future.

The condition for the functioning of productive methods is the presence of a problem . There are four main stages in problem solving:

1. creating a problem situation;

2. analysis of the problem situation, formulation of the problem and its presentation in the form of one or more problem tasks;

3. solution of problematic tasks (tasks) by putting forward hypotheses and their consistent testing;

4. checking the solution to the problem.

Problem situation- this is a mental state of intellectual difficulty, caused, on the one hand, by an acute desire to solve a problem, and on the other hand, by the inability to do this with the help of the available stock of knowledge or with the help of familiar methods of action, and creating a need to acquire new knowledge or search for new ways of action.

Analysis of the problem situation- an important stage of independent cognitive activity. At this stage, what is given and what is unknown, the relationship between them, the nature of the unknown and its relationship to the given, known is determined. All this allows us to formulate the problem and present it as a chain of problematic tasks (or one task). A problematic task differs from a problem in that it is clearly defined and limited in what is given and what needs to be determined. The correct formulation and transformation of the problem into a chain of clear and specific problematic tasks is a very significant contribution to solving the problem. No wonder they say: "Properly formulating a problem means half solving it." Next, you need to consistently work with each problematic task separately. Assumptions and conjectures about a possible solution to the problematic problem are put forward. From a large, as a rule, number of conjectures and assumptions, several hypotheses are put forward, i.e. well-founded assumptions. Then the problematic tasks are solved by sequential testing of the put forward hypotheses.

Checking the correctness of the solution to the problem includes a comparison of the goal, the conditions of the problem and the result obtained. Of great importance is the analysis of the entire path of problematic search. It is necessary, as it were, to go back and see once again whether there are other clearer and clearer formulations of the problem, more rational ways of solving it. It is especially important to analyze errors and understand the essence and causes of incorrect assumptions and hypotheses. All this allows not only to check the correctness of the solution to a specific problem, but also to gain valuable meaningful experience and knowledge, which is the main acquisition of the student.

Learning through productive methods is commonly referred to as etc O problem learning . In the light of what has been said above about productive methods, the following can be noted. advantages of problem-based learning:

1. problem-based learning teaches to think logically, scientifically, creatively;

2. problem-based learning teaches independent creative search for the necessary knowledge;

3. problem-based learning teaches to overcome the difficulties encountered;

4. problem-based learning makes educational material more evidence-based;

5. problem-based learning makes the assimilation of educational material more thorough and durable;

6. problem-based learning contributes to the transformation of knowledge into beliefs;

7. problem-based learning causes a positive emotional attitude to learning;

8. problem-based learning forms and develops cognitive interests;

9. problem-based learning forms a creative personality.

Let us clarify that productive methods are not universal, not all educational information contains a contradiction and is an educational problem. Such educational material should be given by reproductive methods. Create problem situation in complete ignorance is impossible. In order to arouse cognitive interest among students, it is necessary that they already have some "starting" stock of knowledge. This reserve can be created only with the help of reproductive methods.

2 . 4 Incentive methods

stimulate - means to induce, give an impulse, impetus to thought, feeling and action. A certain stimulating effect is already built into each method. But there are methods, the main purpose of which is to provide an additional stimulating effect and, as it were, to enhance the effect of other methods, which, in relation to stimulating (additional) ones, are usually called the main ones.

Competition. The desire for superiority, priority, self-affirmation is characteristic of all people, but especially young people. Competition in educational institutions is akin to the best examples of sports rivalry. The main task is to prevent the competition from degenerating into fierce competition and striving for superiority at any cost.

promotion. Encouragement is a signal of self-affirmation that has taken place, because it contains public recognition of that approach, that mode of action and that attitude to action that have been chosen and are being implemented. The feeling of satisfaction experienced by the rewarded person causes in him a surge of strength, an increase in energy, self-confidence and, as a result, is accompanied by high diligence and efficiency. But the most important effect of encouragement is the emergence of an acute desire to behave in such a way and act in such a way as to experience this state of mental comfort as often as possible. At the same time, encouragement should not be too frequent, so as not to lead to depreciation, the expectation of a reward for the slightest success.

Punishment. Punishment is one of the oldest methods of education. On the most ancient papyri that have come down to us, there are drawings on the themes of the pedagogical practice of those years: a boy in a characteristic pose and a teacher with rods over him. Justifying the legitimacy of punishment as a method of education A. S. Makarenko wrote: "A reasonable system of penalties is not only completed, but also necessary. It helps to take shape as a strong humanecharacter, fosters a sense of responsibility, trains inOliu, human dignity, the ability to resist temptations and overcome them". H a testimony - this is self-affirmation on the contrary, which gives rise to the need to change one's behavior, and when planning future activities - a feeling of fear to experience again a complex of unpleasant feelings. The main feeling of the punished is the feeling of alienation, detachment from others, from the team. A. S. Makarenko called this state "pushed outaniem from the general ranks ". That is why collective punishments are not recommended, in which conditions are created for unity on an unhealthy basis. PedagogicaleThese requirements for the application of penalties are as follows:

1. cannot be punished for unintentional acts;

2. it is impossible to punish hastily, without sufficient grounds, on suspicion: it is better to forgive ten guilty than to punish one innocent;

3. combine punishment with persuasion and other methods of education;

4. strictly observe the pedagogical tact;

5. reliance on the understanding and support of public opinion;

6. taking into account the age and individual characteristics of pupils.

3 . The problem of choosing the style of pedagogical influence

The two main figures in an educational institution are the teacher and the student. Their communication in the classroom, in extracurricular activities, at leisure becomes an important condition for the effectiveness of the educational process, a means of shaping the student's personality.

Sometimes in an educational institution one may encounter the following situation: teachers strive to improve their studies and discipline, but choose the wrong path - the path of fighting against students, strive to subordinate them to their will, often forget about such a concept as a person. As a result, there are two opposing camps: teachers and students who are fighting not in the name of common goals, but in defense of their own interests. And one more consequence - students reject the requirements of teachers and the educational institution.

The relationship between the student and the teacher is the foundation of all social formations created by people over many years. And the teacher, as a more experienced one, has the task of creating and maintaining goodwill and mutual understanding. And for this, the teacher needs to constantly study the characteristics of students.

In the process of transforming our society on the basis of democratization, educational institutions (especially schools) are called upon to create conditions for educating a person who feels personal responsibility for the fate of the people around him and his own destiny. Not struggle, but the search for cooperation, commonwealth, permeated with humanistic relations - the basis of productive communication in an educational institution that educates a citizen, the master of the country and his own destiny, a comprehensively developed personality. It all starts with the teacher, with his ability to organize pedagogically expedient relationships with students as the basis for creative communication.

Teachers are not always aware of their leading role in organizing contacts. When there are difficulties in communication, about 25% of them believe that the complications "come from the students", are the result of their bad manners. One has to regret that the mentor is not aware of his "contribution", and often significant, in creating a conflict situation. The main thing in communication between the teacher and students should be a relationship based on respect and exactingness. Pedagogical communication - this is a professional communication of a teacher with students in the classroom and outside it, aimed at creating a favorable climate. Communication between a teacher and students should remove all kinds of negative emotions, cause the joy of comprehension, a thirst for activity, and contribute to the socio-psychological optimization of the educational process.

There are two types of communication:

socially oriented communication in the course of which socially significant tasks are solved, social relations are realized, social interaction is organized.

Learner-Centered communication, which can be business-like, aimed at some kind of joint activity.

Both of these types are present in pedagogical communication. When a teacher explains new material, he is included in socially-oriented communication, if he works with a student one-on-one, then communication is personality-oriented.

However, since communication takes place directly face to face, it acquires a personal dimension. Students are far from indifferent individual characteristics teacher. They develop a group and individual rating scale for each teacher. There is also an unformed, but clear opinion about each of them. Mismatch personal qualities teacher's requirements of students - negatively affects his relationship with students. In cases where the actions of a teacher in some way do not correspond to elementary ethics, not only his personal prestige is undermined, but also the authority of the entire teaching profession. As a result the effectiveness of the personal influence of the teacher decreases.

The nature of the teacher's communication is also determined by subject preparedness. In this perspective, the qualities of his personality are also perceived.

Of no less importance is the development of the teacher's ability to analyze his position as a private communicator, the extent to which he is focused on students.

Pedagogical communication as a process is characterized by the following functions: personality cognition, information exchange, organization of activities, role exchange, empathy, self-affirmation.

The task of the teacher in the implementation of the information function of communication: - to ensure the process of exchanging spiritual and material values, to create conditions for the development of positive motivation for the educational process, an environment for joint search and reflection. The function of communication is the self-affirmation of the individual. The task of the teacher is to promote awareness of one's "I", a sense of one's personal significance, and the formation of adequate self-esteem.

Empathy- provides conditions for understanding the feelings of another person, for the ability to take the point of view of another.

Knowing these functions will help the teacher organize communication with students in and out of class.

The choice of the appropriate style of pedagogical communication goes through several stages and includes:

1. Modeling by the teacher of the upcoming communication with the class (prognostic stage).

2. Organization of direct communication at the time of initial interaction (communicative attack).

3. Management of communication during the pedagogical process.

4. Analysis of the implemented system of communication and modeling it for future activities.

5. The modeling stage requires knowledge of the characteristics of the audience: the nature of its cognitive activity, probabilistic difficulties, and the dynamics of work.


In the implementation of the educational process, the teacher uses certain methods. Methods of upbringing are a pedagogical projection of objective factors of social reality that have a formative influence on a person. The system of upbringing methods is complex, because the goal of upbringing is multifaceted, a person is multidimensional, his relationship with the world is contradictory.

Professional communication of a teacher with students in the process of education and upbringing has certain pedagogical functions and is aimed at optimizing educational activities and relations between a teacher and a student within the team. In other words, pedagogical communication is the communication of a teacher with pupils for pedagogical purposes.

Pedagogical communication should not be a heavy duty, but a natural and even joyful process of interaction. What are the components of optimal pedagogical communication? First, it is the high authority of the teacher. The second condition for the success of pedagogical communication is the possession of the psyche and methods of communication, i.e. The teacher must be well prepared practical psychologist. And, finally, the third component of success is the accumulated experience, this is what in everyday practice is called "skill first, and then mastery."

WITHlist of literature

1. Educational process: the study of efficiency /Ed. E. N. Stepanova- M., 2001.

2. Davydov VV Problems of developing education. M., 1986.

3. To the class teacher about the educational system of the class / Ed. E. A. Stepanova. -M., 2000

4. A. N. Leontiev, Izbr. psychol. Prod., vol. 1, 1983.

5. Makarenko A. S. Op. v. 5, 1960.

6. Sidorkin A. M. On the development of the concept of the educational system of the school. - M., 2001.

7. Bushkanets M.G., Leukhin BD, "Reader in Pedagogy", edited by Z.I. Ravkina, Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1976.

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    Learning aids as a component of the learning process. The structure of the pedagogical process. material and ideal means learning and their functions. Pedagogical control as a system of evidence-based verification of the results of education and upbringing.

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    Pedagogical communication as a means through which the implementation of the tasks of training and education is carried out. Styles of pedagogical communication, their characteristics. Mental development of a younger student. Evaluation of the impact of pedagogical communication on students.

    term paper, added 09/08/2014

    Definition of the concept of pedagogical communication. Views of foreign and domestic psychologists on the problem of styles of pedagogical communication. The value of the individual style of communication as a means of improving the communication skills of the teacher. Choice of communication style.

    term paper, added 09/19/2016

    Analysis of the structure of the teacher's activity. The study of the structure of the teacher's activity in the educational process, the types of interaction and the pedagogical process as a whole. The interaction between the student and the subject of study, between the student and the teacher.