Sound analysis of words in Russian: scheme. How to make a sound scheme of a word? How to write the sound designation of a word

As soon as parents begin to think about how to teach their child reading skills, in addition to letters and syllables, the concept of “sound analysis of the word” appears. However, not everyone understands why it is necessary to teach a child who cannot read to do it, because this can only cause confusion. But, as it turns out, the ability to write correctly in the future depends on the ability to correctly understand words into sounds.

Sound analysis of the word: what is it

First of all, it is necessary to give a definition. So, the sound analysis of a word is the definition in order of their placement of sounds in a particular word and the characteristics of their features.

Why do children need to learn to perform sound analysis of a word? To develop phonemic hearing, that is, the ability to clearly distinguish sounding sounds and not confuse words, for example: Tim - Dima. After all, if a child is not taught to clearly distinguish words by ear, he will not be able to write them down correctly. And this skill can be useful not only when studying the grammar of the native language, but also when studying the languages ​​of other countries.

The order of parsing a word by sounds

When performing a sound analysis of any word, it is necessary first of all to put stress, then divide it into syllables. Then find out how many letters are in the word and how many sounds. The next step is to gradually analyze each sound. After that, it is calculated how many vowels and how many consonants are in the analyzed word. At first, it is better for children to give simple one-syllable or two-syllable words for analysis, for example, their names: Vanya, Katya, Anya and others.

When the child has gradually figured out how to correctly analyze simple examples, it is worth complicating the parsed examples of words.

Sound analysis of the word: scheme

When working with the youngest children, special colored cards are used to better assimilate information.

With their help, children learn to create a sound analysis scheme.

The scarlet color card is used to represent vowel sounds. Blue - hard consonants, green - soft. To designate syllables, two-color cards in the same color scheme are used. With their help, you can teach your child to characterize sounds and whole syllables. You also need a card to indicate stress and a card showing the division of the word into syllables. All these designations, which help teach a child to make a sound analysis of a word (the scheme plays an important role in this), are approved by the official school curriculum in Russia.

Vowels are their brief description. diphthongs

Before starting to analyze a word, it is important to know what features all phonetic sounds (vowels / consonants) have. When teaching children in the early stages, it is necessary to give information only about the simplest properties, the child will learn everything else in the upper grades.

Vowels (there are six of them: [o], [a], [e], [s], [y], [and]) are stressed / unstressed.
Also in Russian there are letters that in a certain position can give a couple of sounds - e [yo], yu [yu], i [ya], e [ye].

If they follow consonants, they sound like one sound and give softness to the previous sound. In other positions (the beginning of the word, after the vowels and "b" and "b") they sound like 2 sounds.

Brief description of consonants

There are thirty-six consonants in our language, but only twenty-one signs represent them graphically. Consonants are hard and soft, as well as voiced and deaf. Also, they may / may not form pairs.

The table below lists voiced and unvoiced sounds that can pair, and those that do not.

It is worth remembering: the consonants [y`], [h`], [u`] in any position are soft, and the consonants [g], [c], [w] are always hard. Sounds [c], [x], [h `], [u`] - absolutely always are deaf, [m], [n], [l], [r], [d `] - (sonorous) or voiced .

Soft and hard signs do not make sounds. The soft sign makes the previous consonant soft, and the hard sign plays the role of a sound separator (for example, an apostrophe plays a similar role in Ukrainian).

Examples of sound analysis of words: "language" and "group"

Having dealt with the theory, it is worth trying to practice.

For example, you can conduct a sound analysis of the word "language". This word is quite simple, and even a beginner can understand it.

1) In this example, two syllables "I-language". 2 syllable is stressed
2) The first syllable is formed using the diphthong "I", which is at the beginning of the word, and therefore consists of 2 sounds [y'a]. The sound [y`] is a consonant (accord.), soft (soft) (green card), the second sound [a] is a vowel, unstressed (scarlet card). To designate this syllable in the scheme, you can also take a two-color green-red card.

4) Syllable 2 "language". It consists of three sounds [h], [s], [k]. Consonant [h] - solid, voiced (blue card). Sound [s] - vowel, stressed (red card). Sound [k] - acc., solid, deaf. (card in blue).
5) Stress is placed and checked by changing the analyzed word.
6) So in the word "language" there are two syllables, four letters and five sounds.

It is worth considering one point: in this example, the word "language" was understood as for first-grade students who do not yet know that some vowels in an unstressed position can give other sounds. In high school, when students deepen their knowledge of phonetics, they will learn that in the word "language" unstressed [a] is pronounced like [and] - [yizyk].

Sound analysis of the word "group".

1) In the analyzed example, there are 2 syllables: “group-ppa”. 1 syllable is stressed.
2) The syllable "gru" consists of three sounds [gru]. The first [g] - acc., solid., ringing. (card in blue). Sound [r] - acc., solid., ringing. (card in blue). Sound [y] - vowel, percussion. (scarlet card).
3) A card is placed in the scheme, indicating the division of syllables.
4) There are three letters in the second syllable "ppa", but they produce only 2 sounds [n: a]. Sound [p:] - acc., solid, deaf. (card in blue). It is also paired and pronounced long (blue card). Sound [a] - vowel, unstressed (scarlet card).
5) Emphasis is placed in the scheme.
6) So, the word "group" consists of 2 syllables, six letters and five sounds.

The ability to do the simplest sound analysis of a word is not something complicated, in fact it is a rather simple process, but a lot depends on it, especially if the child has problems with diction. If you figure out how to do it correctly, it will help you pronounce words in your native language without errors and will contribute to the development of the ability to write them correctly.

Dear parents, at the stage of learning to read and write, children learn to make a sound scheme or, in other words, a model of a word. Help your child figure out how to make a sound model of a word.

I will give examples of sound schemes for the program "School of Russia". There, the designations of different sounds differ in color.

So, let's brush up on the knowledge of phonetics that you received at school.

There are six vowels in Russian - [a], [o], [y], [s], [e], [and]

Consonants form pairs by hardness-softness, by deafness-voicedness.

There are unpaired consonants.

The soft sign and the hard sign do not represent sounds.

The letters I, Yo, Yu, E denote two sounds if they are at the beginning of a word or after a vowel sound, they denote one sound if they are after a consonant.

In the table we see a letter and under it the sound or sounds that are denoted by this letter.

For example, the letter B denotes two sounds [b], [b "]. The letter Zh has one sound [g].

Let's analyze the compilation of a sound model of the word LETTER.

We divide the word into syllables: PI-SMO (how to divide the word into syllables can be found here http://website/?p=1742)

The first syllable is pi. This is a merger. The vowel sound [and] denotes the softness of the consonant. The first sound [p "] is a soft consonant, the second sound [i] is a vowel.

The second syllable is CMO. The first sound [s "] is a soft consonant. Then comes the merger - MO. The vowel sound [o] indicates the hardness of the consonant. The sound [m] is a hard consonant. The sound [o] is a vowel. We put the stress.

As a result, the following scheme is obtained:

The guys and I then do the transcription (as we hear the word).

And then we write down the word: letter.

The vowels that are in the top row of the tablet - a, o, u, s, e denote the hardness of the consonant sound.

The vowels i, e, e, yu are after the soft consonant, the sound [and] also denotes the softness of the consonant.

But it must be remembered that there are consonants that are always solid. They are indicated in the table only in blue: [g], [w], [c]. There are consonants that are always soft, they are indicated only in green: [h "], [u"], [y"].

Be careful when parsing words with iotized vowels.

Here is an example of parsing the word APPLE.

At the beginning of a word, iotated vowels represent two sounds.

I hope that the article helped you understand a little about the construction of the sound scheme of the word.

In other programs, just different designations for sounds. There may not be squares, but circles. In another way, hardness-softness is indicated. But you can figure it out by substituting the necessary notation.

You can see more materials on the compilation of a sound scheme

If your child loves coloring, visit ESLI COLORING.NET. Here you will find free coloring pages for girls and boys. Large coloring pages online for free, coloring pages from fairy tales and cartoons.

Even in early childhood, when a child is just learning to read, he is faced with a problem when words are not pronounced the way they are written. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct a sound analysis with it. Why it is studied throughout the entire school curriculum, we will consider in our article.


Our speech is divided into two major types: oral and written. The first, of course, appeared long before the second. After all, initially people learned to exchange information using gestures and simple sounds. Then it gradually developed into words that formed this or that language. But soon there was a need to record everything that was said. This is how

In this article we will talk about the features of oral communication. This part of the language is studied by a complex science - phonetics. It deals with the sounds that make up our speech. Each of them has its own characteristics and individual characteristics. Their study is included in the sound analysis.


One of the most important parts of our spoken language is the presence of vowels. They are so named, based on their main function - to transmit a long sound by voice. There are six of them in Russian: A, O, U, Y, I, E.

It must be remembered that the number of letters does not always match the number of sounds. For example, in the word "south" there are 2 letters, but at the same time 3 sounds: "yuk". The letter-sound analysis of the word should show what is different from how we write.

Vowels make up syllables in words. It is by their number that they determine how many parts a word is divided into:

  • stick- there are 2 syllables, since it has two vowels;
  • catfish - 1 syllable, since there is only one vowel.

In addition, you need to know the features of such letters as e, e, y, i. They, unlike all the others, can form two sounds - a vowel in combination with Y:

  • Yo (d + o);
  • E (d+e);
  • Yu (y + y);
  • I (y + a).

This phenomenon is observed in cases where the listed sounds are used:

  • after soft or hard signs ( pouring, zealous);
  • after a vowel ( big, belt);
  • at the beginning of a word ( Yula, El).

Very often, when performing sound analysis given below), children make mistakes precisely in the analysis of these vowels.

All other characteristics that vowels have are quite simple. Especially those that are studied by the school curriculum. Only two signs are considered: shock or unstress.


Before performing sound analysis, you need to know the features and consonants. There are many more of them than vowels. The Russian language has thirty-seven of them.

Consonants have different characteristics:

  • Softness or hardness. Some sounds can be pronounced without softening: sea (m- solid). Others, on the contrary: measure (m- soft).
  • Voice or deafness. When a sound is pronounced with vibration and voice, it is called voiced. You can put your hand on your throat and feel it. If vibration is not felt, then it is deaf.
  • Pairing. Some consonants have their opposite. Usually by loudness-deafness. For instance: v(sound) - f(deaf) h(sound) - With(deaf.).
  • Some consonants are pronounced as if "on the nose". They received the corresponding characteristic - nasal.

How to perform

Now it is possible to compose an algorithm by which the sound analysis of the word is performed. The scheme is simple:

  1. First, we divide the word into syllables.
  2. Next, we paint the letters of which it consists, in a column.
  3. Now for each we select the appropriate sound.
  4. We characterize each of them, according to the characteristics that are described above.
  5. Count the number of sounds and letters.
  6. If their number does not match, we explain why this phenomenon occurred.

Let's take an example. Take the word "ceiling":

  1. This word has three syllables: ceiling(3 vowels, hence the corresponding number of syllables).
  2. The letter P has a sound<П>. It is consonant, pronounced without vibration at the larynx, and therefore deaf. Also it is solid and has a couple<Б>.
  3. The letter O has a sound<А>. It is vowel and has no accent.
  4. The letter T has a sound<Т>. It is a consonant, pronounced as deaf. It does not soften, and therefore hard. In addition, it has a pair of voiced<Д>.
  5. The letter O has a sound<А>. He is vocal and unstressed.
  6. The letter L stands for sound<Л>. It is consonant, has no softening - solid. Pronounced with vibration at the larynx - voiced. This sound has no pair.
  7. The letter O has a sound<О>. It is a vowel and, in this case, stressed.
  8. The letter K stands for sound<К>. Consonant, pronounced as deaf, has a pair of voiced<Г>, solid.
  9. To summarize: in this word there are 7 letters and 7 sounds. The number coincides, no linguistic phenomena are observed.

The sound analysis of words for preschoolers is much simplified.

Children need to learn that the pronunciation of a word and its spelling are very often different. When teaching reading and writing skills, children get the first impressions of the difference between oral and written speech. Thus, it is enough for the teacher to explain that some letters, like soft and hard signs, do not have sounds at all. And there are no words for the letter Y in Russian.

Alphabetic-sound analysis of the word "blizzard"

We already know how diverse the Russian language is. The sound analysis in the previous example is quite simple. It is only necessary to correctly characterize each sound. But there are some in which there is a problem situation. For example, the word "blizzard". Let's execute it:

  1. Winter storm- two vowels, so 2 syllables ( winter storm).
  2. The letter B has a sound<В’>. He is consonant, softens thanks to "b", paired - deaf<Ф’>, voiced.
  3. The letter b has no sound. Its purpose is to demonstrate the softness of the previous sound.
  4. The letter Yu has two sounds<Й>and<У>, since it comes after b. Both need to be described. So,<Й>- this is a consonant, which is always soft and voiced, it does not have a pair.<У>- vowel, has an accent.
  5. The letter G - is a consonant, denotes a solid sound. Has a deaf pair<К>and is voiced.
  6. Letter<А>has the same sound<А>. He is vocal and unstressed.
  7. To summarize the analysis: 5 letters and 5 sounds. We observe a phenomenon called "iotized vowel". In this case, the letter Yu, under the influence of b, broke up into two sounds.


Sound analysis with knowledge of all the characteristics is not difficult to perform. You need to say the word out loud. This will help to record all the sounds correctly. After carrying out their characteristics and summing up the phonetic analysis. And then success in this business is guaranteed to you!