Individual lesson on the differentiation of sounds, - Journey for cones. Speech therapy exercises and games Differentiation of sounds - in words

Differentiation of sounds C - W.

Purpose: to fix correct pronunciation sound W syllables, words, sentences, develop coherent speech of children.

Cognitive: develop logical thinking, imagination.

Speech: consolidate the pronunciation of the sound Ш, differentiation S-Sh sounds in words; to activate and enrich the vocabulary of children with new words; continue to improve the ability to form the plural of nouns, coordinate nouns with adjectives; form nouns plural; develop phonemic perception and hearing.

Educational: continue to form ways to establish warm relations with family members, show care, help, respect; develop the ability to evaluate the actions of other people from the position of morality, to give an objective assessment of one's own and other people's actions.

Lesson progress:

Organizational moment.

Good afternoon guys. Today we will go to a sunny city where little people live. What do you think, how can you go to a sunny, magical city? (examples of children)

And we will hit the road with you on a magical train.

Do you see the train in the distance?

He's on the steel road

Runs like a word across the country

Broken into syllables...

But before we hit the road, we need to get into the trailers. The one with one syllable in the name of his picture will sit in the trailer with one window, those with two syllables in the name of the picture will sit in the trailer, in the third - who has three syllables in his word.

Did everyone sit down? Let's go: choo-choo-choo.

As in any journey there are stops, so there will be in ours with you too. But since our journey is magical, the stops will also be unusual, magical.

Each of them will be waiting for you fairy tale hero and his interesting task. So...let's go...

Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

And while we're on the road, listen to my task.

We play with sound

We select word by word

Airplane, wheels, space. Tire

What is too much to say?

We play with the sound of Sh

We select word by word

Coil, ears, gun, vacuum cleaner

Tell me guys, what's wrong with that?

Speech therapist: Guys, you probably guessed what sounds we will work with today?

Children: With sounds S and S.

Speech therapist: Yes, that's right. We will learn to distinguish between these sounds because very often the guys confuse these sounds. We will soon see this for you. And learn to distinguish between them.

3. Here are the guys, we arrived at the first station. Look who's meeting us? He wrote poems for you. Let's listen to them.

They put in a bowl ... a helmet

Put on a fireman ... porridge.

The writer composed ... a tower

The artist painted ... a fable.

Sleeping sweetly in a lair... a bowl

On the table with salad ... a bear.

On the face is put on ... Masha

Our cat's name is...a mask.

It turns out Dunno also confused these sounds. But with our help, he should understand and correct his mistakes.

Well guys, let's continue our journey.

Choo-choo-choo - the wheels are knocking,

Our steam locomotive is rushing.

Choo-choo-choo - he goes fast,

4. And here is the next stop. And here we are met by Grumpy. He prepared for us the game “I’ll say the opposite”: if I say a word with the sound C, then you must replace it with the sound Sh, and vice versa.

Who will suit me

He gives me the answer.

Saika is a gang, juice is a shock, jokes are a day, mars is a march, a mouse is a cape.

Oh, look, and here is Znayka. He's very smart indeed. He must have prepared a very unusual task for you.

If in the word Miska the third sound is replaced with the sound Sh, then a new word will be obtained. Which? Bear. The guys make up a diagram of this word: how many sounds are in this word? Name them. How many consonants? How many vowels? What is the first sound in this word? Etc.

5. Physical education.

Pinocchio stretched.

Once stooped, twice stooped,

Raised hands to the sides

The key is apparently not found.

To get the key

You have to get on your toes.

Now, guys, get up.

Slowly raise your hands, squeeze your fingers, then unclench

Hands down and so stand. We all rested for a bit and started walking.

6. Look, guys, the street of craftsmen. People live here different professions. And the doctor Pilyulkin meets us. He also prepared a task for us.

What professions do you know? The children are called.

We take a picture, look at it and determine what profession a person needs the object depicted on it.

In the name of which profession is one of the sounds that we learn to distinguish today?

Choo-choo-choo - the wheels are knocking,

Our steam locomotive is rushing.

Choo-choo-choo - he goes fast

He takes us to the next station.

7. And the next stop is the art studio. The owner of the art studio is the artist Tubik. Here is his assignment.

In the center of the palette card, a picture is drawn in the name of which the sound Sh or sound C is heard. If the name of your picture sounds C, then you draw pictures in the name in which the sound C is heard in white circles, and vice versa.

8. Reflection.

Here our journey comes to an end. What sounds did we learn to distinguish today? S and S sounds.

One, two, three, four, five

We found ourselves in the garden again.

Well done boys! Everyone did a great job today.


Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in isolated sound

Exercises: "Pump - wind",
"Cold - hot water":
S - W, S - W, S - W ...

Differentiation of sounds [s - sh] in direct syllables





Differentiation of sounds [s - sh] in reverse syllables





Differentiation of sounds [s - sh] in intervocalic syllables





Differentiation of sounds [s - sh] in closed syllables



Differentiation of sounds [s - sh] in direct syllables with a confluence of consonants





Differentiation of sounds [s - sh] in reverse syllables with a confluence of consonants









Differentiation of sounds [s - sh] in words, where sounds S - Sh at the beginning of a word

Day - jokes to be able - to make noise knocks - pieces

Joint - well-fed bayonet - sewn cod - gang

Court - jester of owls - seam sleeps - hisses

Spores - spurs style - calm salt - shawls

Differentiation of sounds [s - sh] in words, where sounds S - Sh in the middle of a word

Mustache - ears mask - Mashka toffee - Irishka

Mustache - tub mass - Masha fable - turret

Pasu - plow the sands - wear pawns - sew on

bowl - bear helmet - porridge ask - flash

fable - pussy tower - guts bowl - teddy bear

ambassador - went pastli - send millet - Prosha

Differentiation of sounds [s - sh] in words, where sounds S - Sh at the end of the word

Us - our drop - brooch

You - your plus - plush

Kis - shoo cape - mouse

Differentiation of sounds [s - sh] in words, where sounds S - Sh in one word

Sa-sha, su-shu, su-sha, so-went, su-sew, she-lest, shos-se, sush-ka, sosh-ka, Sash-ka, sko-shu, sti-shock, shes- current, rush-sew, funny, rush-ka, solid, chance, pole, sew, su-she-ny, Sa-shen-ka, sy-nish-ka, du-shis-ty, pu- shis-ty, ma-shi-nist, shah-ma-tist, pass-tush-ka, pass-to-shock, push-tysh-ka, old-rush-ka, weight-nush-ki, sun-nysh- ko, pos-lush-ny, ras-push-shil, pole-vi-e, ras-shu-mel-sya, pu-te-six-vi-e.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in phrases

Pine cone, sleepy cat, Sonya's fur coat, high pole, Yasha's sleigh, fragrant bush, lush dough, fragrant hay, silk scarf;

Fluffy cat, high tower, dry pants, shepherd's purse, grandmother's chest, mouse squeak, sauerkraut, clubfoot bear, sharp thorn;

WITH me w naya w duck, w akhmatnaya up With ka, With yty mi w ka, vee w new With OK, With me w naya ma With ka, poo With to me w OK, With ear capu w he, w Kolnaya to With ka, With me w sweat w ki.

Differentiation of sounds [s - sh] in sentences of 3 words

Sasha eats dry. Masha has a sled. Pine cones. Our grandfather is a machinist. Natasha is eating soup. The gander cranes its neck. Our pump is noisy. Misha washes a glass.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in sentences of 4 words

Natasha has a son, Sasha. Sasha hurries to her grandmother. Dishes are in the cupboard. Grandpa is drinking pineapple juice. A cuckoo is chirping in the garden. Grandpa is sleeping on the sofa. The bowls are in the closet. Sonya dries down pillows. Dasha is sewing a satin belt. Sonya writes without errors. Dog Kashtanka eats meat. The bear eats from the bowl.

The cat has a fluffy coat. Natasha is sewing a scarf for Dasha. Sonya eats meat soup. On a tall pine - cones. The son took the coconut to his grandmother. Dasha has a high ficus. There is a cactus on the window. The bus goes to the forest. Shepherd Sanya was tending the flock. There is a closet against the wall. Sasha hurries to the exhibition. Dishes will be placed in the closet.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in sentences of 5 words

Sasha rides Sonya on a sled. Sasha eats porridge from a bowl. Children look for cones under the pine tree. Cherries are ripening in our garden. Fluffy cat sleeps on the window. Our window has a tall pine tree. Misha cooks meat soup for the cat. The tail of our kitten is fluffy.

Stas pours millet into a bag. The tall pine has fluffy branches. Gosha gives Sonya a dry tray. Dasha stands under a high bridge. Our cat has a fluffy tail. The cat eats a big tasty sausage. The cockerel sits high on a pole. Sasha hurries to the bus stop.

Differentiation of sounds [s - sh] in sentences of 6 words

funny jokes- Sonya and Mishutka. Sonya and Sasha are going on a trip. There is an oak wardrobe in Sasha's room. Pasha's grandfather is standing at the bus stop. A glass, a ladle and a bowl are dishes. Misha knocked down a pine cone with his hat. Grandma's fur coat hangs in the closet in spring. The clumsy bear was sleeping under a tall pine tree. Sonya and Sasha are playing checkers. A pinecone fell on a sleepy bear.

Differentiation of sounds [s - sh] in sentences of 7 words

Masha and Dasha are standing by a tall pine tree.

Sasha and his grandfather planted six wild rose bushes.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in pure tongues

Sha - sa - sha our Masha is good

Sa - sha - sa nose bitten by a wasp

Shi - sy - shi our ears are good

Sy - shy - sy at the wasp mustache, mustache

Ish - is - ish run here mylysh

Ash - os - ash we have a big hut

Ash - os - ish around such silence!

Wasps - osh - wasps over the bushes a lot of wasps

Osh - osh - wasps and there are many wasps over the cherry

Differentiation of sounds [s - sh] in phrases

Annoying midges do not let Alyoshka sleep.

At the edge of the forest stands a pine hut.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in proverbs and sayings

Do not lift your nose - you will stumble.

You sleep, you sleep, but you can't rest.

The cat sleeps, but the mouse hears.

Don't blame your neighbor when you sleep until noon!

What you bake, then eat.

As you lay down, so you sleep.

Hurry up and make people laugh.

Don't hurry with your tongue, hurry with your deeds.

You can't plow the field with song.

A sleepy cat does not catch mice.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in verse

fluffy eared,

eared fluff

On the edge of the jump-jump.

Our Dasha loves drying,

Drying is not porridge for you.

She sewed a fur coat - she sewed a skirt.

I sewed a hat - I sewed a slipper.

Sleeping on the window

fluffy cat

Mice eat wheat

mice on the edge,

Millet is eaten

Mustaches move.

Cones slippery rustled.

They splashed noisily from the pine tree.

A layer of snow, like a shawl,

Will hide cones until spring.

Oh what a mess

Masha is cooking for us!

There is no tastier porridge

Than our Masha!

Stesha was in a hurry

I sewed a shirt.

Yes hurried -

The sleeve didn't finish!

Sasha is in a hurry to visit today,

Again, he will make everyone laugh with jokes.

Sonya and Sanya laughed merrily:

Six fluffy cats

The mouse is scared!

Seven fluffy kittens

They don't want to eat soup today

And our Natasha gives them porridge,

That's funny Natasha!

Past the forest, along the edge,

Past plowed fields

There were lazy frogs

Visiting my grandmother.

Sasha and Masha, slowly

Sew boots for a cat

But there won't be a cat

Wear those boots!

Turtle makes everyone laugh

Because it's not in a hurry.

But where to rush to

Who is always in his house?

Cars rushing madly -

Their tires rustle along the highway.

And in the rushing avalanche

A whisper is heard: "Shu-shu-shu."

This tire whispers to the tire:

"I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry!"

Differentiation of sounds [s - sh] in texts


Sasha and Masha eat dry food. Sasha is not happy:

I have funny dry! They have freckles on them, I won't eat them. It is necessary to be able to put freckles in drying!

Don't make noise, Sasha, it's not freckles, it's a poppy. Mix the dough with poppy seeds and bake. Eat, they are delicious!

It's clear! Give me the one with more spring!


We have an amazing cat! Her name is Anfiska. The cat is dressed in a fluffy fur coat. Chiffon bow on the neck. Our cat is smart. Her children ask:

Who goes barefoot? Gander?


Who has a bump from a bump? At Mishka?


Who are mice afraid of? A cat?


Who mustachioed in the water under the bridge? Som?


This is our cat Anfiska!


At the edge of the forest, the dog Fluff found a scarf. “I’ll take it to Masha. And she will give me meat!”

There is a dog with a scarf, and a cuckoo for him:

Where are you with my scarf, huh? This is my kids' scarf. I dry it on branches.

No, cuckoo, I found this scarf and am bringing it to Masha.

My children's headscarf!

There will be a kerchief machine!

My children's headscarf!

There will be a kerchief machine! You don't even have kids!

The fluff does not give the scarf. No one in the forest can rest from the noise. They hear the noise of birds, insects, wasps and mice.

“Found! Found! This is my scarf,” the mouse squeaked. She grabbed a scarf and ran to her house. It became quiet in the forest - no one interferes with anyone.


Under the bush at the mouse and the mouse is a house with windows. Not cramped for mice in the house, there is enough space for everyone.

Mama mouse prepares delicious porridge for mice. And the mice stand at the window and see the cat.

Mum! Mum! Is this our nanny coming to us? So fluffy! So soft! Such a mustache! Ears on top!

Oh, mice, get away from the window. This is not your babysitter. This cat Sonya goes hunting.


Do not give rest to the mouse grandmother. Either millet will be carried away, then - oats, then - porridge. And the cat Sonya sleeps on her pillow, eats and sleeps.

Grandmother to the cat: “No matter how the mice take you away!”

No, they won't! I will scare them with my claws, mustache and tail!

And again the cat sleeps and eats, eats and sleeps.

They see mice - a cat is not dangerous to them. Everyone goes to sleep on the pillow to the cat. The mice are joking with the cat: then they will remove the bow from the neck and wear it themselves. Then they put a spider on the mustache of a cat.

Grandma doesn't need such a cat. Grandmother will give her to raise a neighbor's cat Muska.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in tongue twisters

Sonya has cones, and Sanya has checkers.

Sasha sewed a hat for Masha.

Eat, Sasha, six sushi.

Pine cones on the pine.

Our Mishutka has funny jokes.

We have our cat, you have your cat.

Sonya's cat is sitting on the window.

A hat and a fur coat - that's the whole Mishutka.

We must be able not to make noise here.

Masha's mouse has funny pants.

Sixth jokes joke jokes.

Six mice rustle in a hut.

Cones - on a pine tree, checkers - on the table.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

There are six rascals in the hut.

I will buy morocco boots for the cat.

I will sew funny pants for my braggart son.

Six Sashas have six poles each, and six poles have six dryers each.

Sasha Shustrikov has a son - Sasha Shustrikov.

The cat has six kittens, the mouse has six mice.

Misha will go to Sasha, Sasha will go to Misha.
Pasha went on foot, carried a bag of sand.


1 . Alifanov E . A ., Egorova N.E. Logopedic rhymes and miniatures. Handbook for speech therapists and teachers of logogroups. —

M.: "GNOM-PRESS", 1999. - 80 p.

2. Kulikovskaya T.A. 40 new tongue twisters. Workshop on improving diction / T.A. Kulikovskaya. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2010. - 48 s.

3. Spivak E .N. Sounds Sh, Zh, Ch, Shch. speech material for atomization and differentiation of sounds in children aged 5-7 years / EN Spivak. - M.: Publishing house GNOM iD, 2007. - 48 p.

Differentiation [S] [W]

Exercise #1

Finish the sentence with a rhyme. Learn, tell without confusing the sounds [S] and [Sh].

Put in a bowl...

The firefighter put on ....

Sleeping sweetly in the lair....

On the salad table...

Wearing on the face...

The name of our cat....

Basket of words: helmet-porridge, bowl-bear, Masha-mask.

Exercise #2

Divide into syllables. Make up a word plan. Do not forget the rule: "How many vowels in a word, so many syllables."

Sample: sasha - sa-sha; a / a;

sasha machinist

drying cowherd

highway wool

sunshine old lady

Exercise #3

Read the story carefully. Remember words with sounds [s] and [sh]. read the story again. Retell.

Masha and Sasha were walking home from school down the street. And ahead of them was an old woman. It was very slippery. The old woman slipped and fell.

Hold my books! - Sasha shouted, handed Masha his backpack and rushed to the aid of the old woman.

When Sasha returned, Masha asked him:

Is this your grandmother?

Sasha answered no.

Mum? - the girlfriend was surprised.


Well, aunt? Or an acquaintance?

No, no, no, - Sasha answered. It's just an old lady.

Exercise number 4

Name things kindly. Write it down. Underline the letters [s] and [w]

Poem - …. Coward - ....

Nightingale - .... The old woman - ....

Sasha - …. Shepherd - ....

Glass - …. The sun - ….

Exercise number 5

Choose the possessive adjective for the noun. Complete the task according to the example

Sample: the mouse has a mouse tail

The cat has ……. At the horse - ... .. At the rooster - ...... ..

The mouse has ……. The dog - ...... The bear - ....

Exercise number 6

Repeat the words in pairs, first slowly in front of the mirror, then faster. Draw your child's attention to the meaning of words:

Saika - gang Day - jokes

Knocks - pieces Rock - scale

Stopper - corkscrew Spores - spurs

Joint - bayonet Shame - scar

Juice - shock Cattle - sheet

Style - calm

Exercise number 7

Repeat a couple of words:

Your - you Our - us

Tower - fable Terrible - red

Kashka - kaska Cup - often

Arable land - pasta Shirt - sausage

A penny - grew Went - grew

Cane - koumiss Yashka - clear

Stick - chandelier Pawns - songs

Bags - revenge Bear - bowl

Cherry - hangs Poems - vise

Swift - rice Decide - hew

Hinder - write Horse - landing

Naughty - salute Miner - sapper

Shalash - salad Sage - napkin

Porridge - checkout Roof - rat

Noodles - sausage Horosha - strip

Ushanka - sled

Exercise number 8

Game "Say the other way around":

Getting deuces is bad, but getting fives ... (good).

The grass is low, and the tree ... (high).

The stream is narrow, and the river ... (wide).

Mustard is bitter, and sugar ... (sweet).

It is dark at night, and during the day ... (light).

The dwarf is small, and the giant ... (big).

After the rain, the earth is damp, and in the heat ... (dry). The tortoise crawls slowly, and the hare runs ... (quickly).

Change offer:

I hear a laugh. You.. He (she). .We you they..

Exercise number 9

Repeat the phrase three times, gradually speeding up the pace. Control the correct pronunciation of sounds s-sh.

A gray-haired grandfather, an old grandmother, pine cones, a cheerful kid, a noisy class, salty waves, a wild rose bush. Dry drying, fluffy cat, fragrant lily of the valley, funny rhymes, cherry orchard, delicious noodles, big dog, tablespoon, sweet chocolate, forest edge, striped bumblebee.

Exercise number 9

Slowly and clearly pronounce the sentences (2-3 times), controlling the correct articulation.

The elephant has big ears. Lesha caught a big mustachioed catfish. The cat eats porridge from a bowl. Dasha has delicious cherries. The basket is on the window. The cuckoo chirps merrily. Alyosha loves salad, and Sveta loves chocolate. A fluffy cat is sitting on the window. The pine forest smells of fragrant resin. The sound of an airplane is heard in silence. Kids listen to funny rhymes. The cockerel perched on a perch. Masha has a fluffy cat. The shepherd hurries home.

Exercise number 10


I made a shirt for a bear.

I'll sew him pants.

Gotta put a pocket on them.

And put a handkerchief.

Porridge boiled on the stove

Where is our big spoon?

Exercise number 11

adult reads the child a story and invites him to first answer the questions, and then retell it.


Sasha and Masha went to the forest for pine checkers. Here is the edge of the forest. At the edge stands a tall pine tree. On a pine tree there are dense fluffy branches. And high, at the very top, there are big cones. Cones with noise fall down to the ground. There are many cones under the pine. Sasha and Masha raise the cones. With a package of cones, they rush home.

Questions: Why did Sasha and Masha go to the forest? Where is the tall pine? what's on the pine tree? What's on the very top? How do the cones fall down? What is a lot under the pine tree? What are Sasha and Masha doing under the pine tree? Where are the kids going?

Fluff and Masha

Sasha has a dog Fluff. Dasha has a cat Masha. Fluff loves bones, and Masha loves mice. Fluff is sleeping at Sasha's feet, and Masha is on the couch. Dasha herself sews a pillow for Masha. Masha will sleep on the pillow.

Questions: Who is with Sasha? Who is with Dasha? What does Fluff like? What does Masha like? Where does fluff sleep? Where does Masha sleep? What does Dasha Masha sew? Where will Masha sleep?

Elder sister

Sasha has a sister, Natasha. Natasha is six years older than Sasha. She is in the sixth grade. In her free time, Natasha sleds Sasha, plays checkers with him, and helps him build airplanes. On Sunday, Natasha takes Sasha to the cinema. Sasha loves her older sister Natasha.

Questions: What is the name of Sasha's sister? How many years is Natasha older than Sasha? What grade is Natasha in? How do Natasha and Sasha spend their free time? Where does Natasha take Sasha on Sunday? Who does Sasha love?

S - W 1

catfish, bear, pine, cat, reed, sand, Lusha, fox, sausage, wallet, landing, make noise.

2. "Remember, repeat"

4. Make a sentence with the word "miner", "napkin".

1. "Listen, do not yawn and show the letter: S or Sh"

S - W 2

Sonya, empty, noisy, stuffy, let's go, salt, porridge, sausage, last, tall, buns, ear, jump.

2. "Remember, repeat"

4. "I ..., you ..., he ..., we ..., you ..., they ..."

- stir the soup lies / sh / koi

1. Speak

S - W 3

2. "Add the syllable SA or SA"

3. "from 1 to 6 (10) and back" - light hat, big piece

4. come up with sentences with the words:

- millet soup

- sweet buns.

1. "Remember, repeat"

S - W 4

3. "I ..., you ..., he ..., we ..., you ..., they ..."

- With at w to visit grandfather w kins With apogee

4. "Remember, repeat"

Sasha - rustle - listen

haste - scary - six

drying - glass - highway

1. Speak, distinguishing between sounds С and Ш:

S - W 5

2. "1 10" - funny baby, delicious drying

3. "Confusion" - make sentences from the words:

  1. dry, Masha, sundress, balcony, on - Masha dries a sundress on the balcony.
  2. play, kitten, Pasha, fluffy, with - ...
  3. school, morning, Sonya, hurry, in - ...
  4. sandals, buy, Sashenka, grandmother, beautiful - …
  5. car, highway, rush, along - ...

4. Learn

WITH a w a With quiet pi With al With me w Noah. WITH be quiet w en on w e With current.

The rain poured down torrentially. WITH at w it WITH a w a With howl With ti w OK.

1. - Listen to the story.

Chauffeur rode along the highway. He carried bags of potatoes by car.

Suddenly the driver sees: along the edge of the track weaves horse. The horse is carrying a cart, and on it, on top of such bags, is sitting man. Overtaking a cart, driver shouted to a peasant: “On a horse far you won't leave!».

Suddenly the motor stalled. Car got up in the middle of the highway. Overtaking a car, a man on a horse shouted to the driver: “Hush! you are going- farther you will! /Tkachenko T.A./

2. - Listen to the story again and name the action words.

3. Retell the story.

How do you understand the proverb The quieter you go, the further you'll get"?

In classes outside the correctional group, children with speech disorders receive correctional assistance in portions, and not daily, like children in a speech therapy group.

The main forms of organization of work in this case are individual and subgroup lessons. Our classes are short-term (15-20 minutes), short-term (2-3 times a week) and are designed for 6 or 12 months of study.

At the same time, there are practically no programs, scenarios and notes for this type of training today.
In order to solve this problem, I developed this lesson.

This lesson is the final lesson on the topic " Differentiation of sounds S-Sh».

Sounds - С, Ш are placed at the beginning and in the middle of the correctional work of a speech therapist and, as a rule, their production does not cause great difficulties, as well as subsequent automation.

The differentiation of these sounds is quite difficult for children, and in words these sounds are often found.
If these sounds are set and introduced into speech, and differentiation is not worked out enough, then the child’s speech “whistles” and “lisps”.

Failure to consolidate sounds in speech subsequently leads to problems in writing.

Therefore, it is the differentiation of sounds that should be given great importance.

This lesson summarizes a set of corrective techniques, such as: articulatory and finger gymnastics, differentiation of sounds in syllables, words, pure phrases, text.

In my study, I pursued the following goals:

Development of the articulatory apparatus;
Without this, it is impossible to set sounds and clear speech children. Especially today, the muscles in children are poorly developed.

Development of phonemic hearing;
This is one of the most important points speech therapy work.
The ability to hear a sound, find its location in a word will help the child to correctly pronounce the sound in each case.
Prevention of dyslexia and dysgraphia at school.

Development fine motor skills hands;
It has long been known that the development of speech centers is closely related to the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Creating a positive motivation for the lesson;
As a rule, children with speech disorders have low motivation. If something in the lesson is given with difficulty, the child loses interest, yawns, is distracted. Therefore, the game form of training, active use demonstration material: plot pictures, frequent changes in activities encourage the child to actively participate in the lesson, support his attention throughout the lesson.

The lesson is conducted with children selected according to the appropriate diagnoses and level of preparation for this species classes.

Synopsis of an individual lesson on the differentiation of sounds [S], [W]
"Journey for the Cones"

Subject: Sounds of S-Sh.

Purpose: Differentiation of sounds [C] - [W].

1. Educational:
- clarify the child's understanding of the sounds [C], [W].

2. Correctional - developing:

Develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus;
- to clarify the idea of ​​​​the articulation structure of sounds [C], [W];
- develop phonemic hearing for the sounds [C], [W];
- develop speech breathing;
- development of fine motor skills of hands;
- differentiation of sounds [С], [Ш] in syllables, words, sentences, text.

3. Educational:
- to form a positive motivation for classes;
- educate self-control over speech, the desire to practice.

- individual mirror;
- blue, green and red squares;
- ball;
- plot pictures.

Lesson progress

1. Organizing moment

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. I invite you to visit your grandmother's village and take a walk in the pine forest. Want to? Then close your eyes and imagine that we are now in the forest. Open your eyes. Show me how big the trees are.
Children raise their hands.
A warm breeze blew: shhh, the leaves rustled.
Children move their fingers very quickly.
A cold wind blew: ssss, the pines swayed.
Children sway and wave their hands.
The wind has died down - neither leaves nor branches move anymore.
Children relax.
The wind blew again.
Children tense up again, sway and wave their arms, then relax again.

Well done, have a seat.

2. Reporting the topic of the session

Let's remember: how did the leaves rustle from the warm breeze? (Shhhhh) How did the cold wind blow? (S-s-s-s) Today we will repeat the sounds S, Sh.

The letters C and W are attached to the board. What are these letters called? What rule do we know? (We read and write letters, and we speak and hear sounds).
Let's remember the characteristics of sounds.

3. Comparison of sounds С, Ш by articulatory and acoustic features (similarities and differences)

4. Articulation and finger gymnastics

Look guys, who came to us? (Pictures are attached to the board - a boy and a girl) That's right, these are our friends - Sasha and Masha. They will go with us to the village to the grandmother. Let's put an individual mirror in front of us and do the exercises.

Articulation gymnastics.

Fat grandchildren came to visit (we puff out our cheeks),
With them, thin - only skin and bones (we draw in our cheeks).
Grandparents smiled at everyone (lips in a wide smile, upper and lower teeth are visible),
They all reached out to kiss (lips stretch forward).
In the morning we woke up - in a smile of the lips (again a wide smile).
We brushed our upper teeth (wide tongue behind the upper teeth)
Right and left, inside and outside (corresponding movements with a wide tongue).
We are also friends with the lower teeth (repetition of these movements with the tongue in the position behind the lower teeth).
We will squeeze our lips and rinse our mouth (alternate puffing of the cheeks - the lips do not let air through),
And we puff with a samovar that there is urine (simultaneous inflation of both cheeks, followed by the release of air through the lips).
We put saucers - they put pancakes on us (a wide tongue lies on the lower lip).
We blow on the pancake - not on the cheeks, not past (blow on a wide tongue).
We chew the pancake, wrap it up and bite it (we chew the flattened tongue, then we bite it, wrapping it by the lower teeth),
Pancake with delicious raspberry jam (we lick the upper lip with a wide tongue from front to back).
We put the cups so that they pour tea (we bend the wide tongue up with a cup),
They blew on the nose - we cooled the tea (blow from the "cup" up).
They drank tea - no one is offended (“the cup” moves back and forth).
Breakfast was delicious - we will lick our lips (the tip of the tongue licks the lips in a circle).

Finger gymnastics.

Well done boys. Now you can go to the forest. But for a walk in the forest, we need not only strong legs, but also handles.

Let's do gymnastics for the hands:

Clenching fingers into fists;
- rotation of the fists;
- arching of the hands;
- connecting the fingers.

5. Differentiation of sounds [С], [Ш] in syllables.
Guys, let's remember how sounds are friends with each other? (The consonant is friends with the vowel.)
Here are the sounds for us, if we are friends with them, they will help us get through the bumps. (Children stand each at their place. The speech therapist throws the ball to the child and pronounces syllables. The child repeats and throws the ball to the speech therapist.)

sa - sha sa - sa - sha
so - sha sa - sha - sha
su - shu sa - sha - sa
sy-shi sha - sha - sa
sha - sa sha - sa - sa
sho - so sha - sa - sha
shu - su
shi - si

6. Differentiation [C], [W] in words.

The children sit down.
Speech therapist: "Oh! What happened here? Sasha and Masha came up with words for you with the sounds C and Sh, but when the breeze blew, these sounds were lost. Let's help Sasha and Masha return the sounds to their place ”(if the children are having difficulty, you can distribute pictures of these objects).
The child must name the word and determine the location of the sound in the word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end).

Game "Guess the word"

Ishka. bad we are. b
. ova. orok
. kamya. Anki
. arf. apogee

Speech therapist: “Sasha has prepared a task for you (cards are given to children). Divide these words into syllables and make a sound scheme.

8. Differentiation of sounds [C], [W] in tongue twisters.

Well done boys! You did an excellent job. And now, in order for us to come to the forest edge, we need to walk along the paths and repeat the tongue twisters correctly. (Children stand up, take turns catching the ball and repeating tongue twisters).

Checkers on the table, pine cones.

Sashka's hat knocked the bumps off.

Pasha went on foot -
Carried a bag of sand.

Our big fluffy cat is sitting on the window.
And your little funny cat leaves the window.

Keshka ate a pawn in a hurry.

The old women dried the dryers.

9. Differentiation of sounds [С], [Ш] in the text.

Speech therapist: “We walked along the paths and where did we come? But where!” (A picture of a pine forest is attached to the board). Children behind a speech therapist take turns repeating sentences and memorizing the text. Then images are attached to the board: pine, pine cones, bag. Based on these pictures, the children take turns retelling the text one sentence at a time.

Sasha and Masha went to the forest for pine cones. Here is the edge of the forest. At the edge stands a tall pine tree. On a pine tree there are dense fluffy branches. High - large cones hang on the very top of the head. Cones fall down with noise. There are many cones under the pine.
Sasha and Masha collect cones in a bag. With a bag of cones, they rush home. Behind you can hear the sound of a pine forest.

Summary of the lesson

Speech therapist: “Well, guys, you and I visited the forest. Our lesson has come to an end. Let's remember: What sounds did we make most often today?
We clarify the articulation of the sound: what did the lips, teeth, tongue do, what was the air jet, did the neck sing or not?

Evaluation of speech activity

You did a great job today and pronounce the sounds correctly. You will take pine cones with you to the group, which we collected in the forest (the speech therapist distributes cones to children for crafts).

Semenyuk Yulia Sergeevna,
teacher speech therapist
GOU TsRR No. 1688 Moscow

The exercise.Speak words in pairs.

Follow the correct WITH and Sh.


landing horse

naughty salute


line bag


toe strap





I am writing





our-we have


sausage shirt



roof rat

checkout porridge


The exercise.Speak suggestions. Follow to WITH and W don't get confused! Slowly.

Sanya eats potatoes. Sonya hurries to school. The school is big and bright. A rat rustles in the bushes. Masha cooked cherry syrup. I ate sweet chocolate. Grandfather sits in a wide armchair. The squirrel has a bushy tail. Cars are speeding across the bridge. A dense rosehip bush grows near the bench. Shura and Sveta are playing checkers. Pasha and Kostya are chasing the puck with sticks.

S-Sh in one word

Sasha, Sasha, son, old woman, sun, funny, dry land, drying, senior, dry, mix, hurry, listen, scary, pole, wool, prank, rustle, six, fragrant, fluffy, coward, silent.

The exercise.Speak suggestions.

Sasha has a car. Sasha has sandals.Sasha was walking with an old woman. Pasha is a coward, he's scared. Hurry up and make people laugh. Cats sit on the window and bask in the sun. Through the colored glass I look at the sun. Six kittens are hungry. Long live fragrant soap and fluffy towel!

Clean tongues

Sasha hit a bump with his hat.

Got a bruise on his forehead.

Six mice rustle in a hut.

Sasha was given porridge,

and Masha yogurt.

Checkers on the table

pine cones.

Sasha loves drying, and Sonya cheesecakes.

Frightened bear cub

hedgehog with hedgehog and hedgehog,

siskin with a siskin and a siskin,

a haircut with a haircut and a haircut.

Too many legs

in centipedes.

Rain, rain, don't rain.

Don't wait, wait.

Come out, come out, sunshine

Golden bottom.


Cocked out, messed up

Cockerel cock.

Bully somewhere in the fight

Took off the comb.

He walks without a comb.

Doesn't look like a rooster!

Dropped a squirrel bump

Dropped a squirrel bump.

The bump hit the bunny.

He took off running

nearly knocked the bear off his feet.

Under the roots of an old spruce

the bear pondered for half a day:
“Something the hares got bolder,

attack me."

sly hedgehog

Sly hedgehog - eccentric

sewed a prickly jacket.

A hedgehog will stick on a needle

pear, plum, any fruit,

what he finds under the tree.

And with a rich gift

hurry to his hedgehogs.


I walked through the forest and was afraid.

Someone's scarf caught me.

Immediately the forest became fearless.

Hey, who lost the scarf?

What are you, hedgehog, so prickly?
- I'm just in case.
Do you know who my neighbors are?
Foxes, wolves and bears!

Where are the fasteners?

Summer in a zoo cage

the teddy bear is very hot.

Good in this heat

take off the fur coat.

He is looking for a clasp

to take off your clothes.

About the cat

The cat sat on the window

purred in her sleep.

What did you dream, cat?

Tell me soon!

and the cat said:


Hush, hush, speak.

I dreamed of mice

Not one, but three.

In the silence of the forest

The whisper to Rustle is in a hurry.

The whisper to Rustle is in a hurry.

Whispers rustle through the forest.

Cheerful old lady

Cheerful old lady

Sewing all day today.

Behind the round spool

A fluffy cat follows.

Tired of sewing old lady

And sat at the gate.

And with a round coil

The cat started playing.

Fluffy cat

The fluffy cat jumped onto the chair.

He curled up in a ball and fell asleep.

The fluffy cat is very tired.

He played with his tail all day.

The rain fell and passed

The sun in the whole world.

It is very good

Both big and children!


I love my horse.

I brush her hair smoothly.

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

In the toy store

Lying on a shelf, standing on a shelf

Elephants and dogs, camels and wolves,

Fluffy cats, harmonicas,

And ducks, and pipes, and matryoshka dolls.


Everywhere darkness, everywhere silence.

Fish, fish, where do you sleep?

The fox trail leads to the hole,

dog track - to the kennel,

squirrel's trail leads to a hollow,

myshkin - to a hole in the floor.

It is a pity that in the river on the water

there are no traces of you anywhere.

Only darkness, only silence.

Fish, fish, where do you sleep?


Rain, rain, don't rain

Don't wait, wait.

Come out, come out, sunshine.

golden bottom


All the whims of Oksanka

Let's collect in big sleds,

We'll take you to a distant forest

And we'll leave it there by the tree,

Let the evil wolves eat them!


Squirrel from a branch to your little house

dragged the bump.

The squirrel dropped a bump

hit the mouse right.

The bear groaned, groaned -

a checker jumped up on the nose.

Sounds Z-Z

sound beetle


rose mug

goat skin






spring basket



Poems to consolidate the delivered sounds


golden spring day

We sing the song loudly.

And the bugs are buzzing in the grass,

Animals climb out of the hole.

Bunny got out of the bushes.

He is always ready to jump.

Creeps out slippery

Toads jump from puddles.

Mom needs to rest.

Mom wants to sleep.

I walk on tiptoe

I won't wake her up.

And never, and never

I won't say a word.


The hare slept in the forest, did not interfere with anyone.

Suddenly, something fell on his back.

The little coward rushed off, trembling with fear.

And somewhere in the bushes disturbed the hedgehog.

And then the frightened hare shouted:

Save yourself, who can, trouble has happened!

The exercise.Speak suggestions.

Near the puddle is a green toad. Bronze beetles circle over the roses. Zoya has a yellow rubber bunny. Zina lights the stove. Uncle Zhora cuts iron. Zoya loves golden gooseberry jelly. For filling you need gelatin.

The exercise.Speak suggestions.

The foal ran into the yard and neighed. Zakhar loads a gun. Zhenya deserves an award. I held an iron nail in my hand. The dog lay down and licked its paw. We tied the Beetle to the booth so it wouldn't run away. An iron saw screeched, an iron hammer clattered. A green moth sat on a yellow stalk. Near the puddle. Bronze beetles buzzed over the roses. Zoya has a yellow rubber bunny. Uncle Zhora cuts iron. Zoya loves gooseberry jelly. For filling you need gelatin.


The exercise.Speak suggestions.

Oksana has a plush giraffe and a clockwork mouse. Yellow roses stand near bookcase. Zhenya rides a bunny and a dog in a yellow car. Sasha and Jeanne ran after Masha. Near the bushes are yellow daisies. Behind the fence are jasmine and wild rose. At Sveta's birthday, the children ate ice cream, chocolate and watermelon.

Poems to consolidate the delivered sounds


The puppy was fed milk

May he grow up healthy.

We got up at night and secretly

They ran to him barefoot -

Feel his nose.

The boys taught the puppy

Fumbled with him in the garden

And he, a little upset

Walked about.

sly hedgehog

Cunning hedgehog eccentric

sewed a prickly jacket.

All in needles, without fasteners.

A hedgehog will stick on a needle

pear, plum, any fruit,

what he finds under the tree.

And with a rich gift

hurry to his hedgehogs.

Silent fairy tale

You will read this story

quiet, quiet, quiet...

Once upon a time there was a gray hedgehog

and his hedgehog.

The gray hedgehog was very quiet,

And the hedgehog too.

And they had a child

very quiet hedgehog.

One worm got into the acorn

And won't eat it.

Who where, tell me, got in?

Who won't eat who?

An acorn, or what, a worm?

Fu, what nonsense!

One worm got into the acorn

And won't eat it.


To the meadow to the meadow

Quietly the snow is falling.

The snowflakes have fallen

White fluffs.

But suddenly a breeze blew

Our snowball is spinning.

All the fluffs are dancing

White snowflakes.


Mouse in a green mug

Made millet porridge.

Dozen kids

Looking forward to dinner.

Everyone got a spoonful.

Not a grain left!

In the woods

I have been walking in the forest since morning.

I was soaked with dew.

But now I know

about birch and about moss.

About raspberries, blackberries,

about hedgehog t about hedgehog,

who have a hedgehog

all needles tremble.

winter song

White lawn.

warm sweatshirt,

I'll go skiing.

You catch me!

white track,

Wait a bit.

Who walks there behind the bush:

Bunny or cat?

eggplant and tomato

An eggplant and a tomato were arguing in the garden about which of them was more beautiful and tastier. When they ripened, the owner took them to the market. In the bazaar, they lay side by side and again argued over which of them would be bought first.

Eggplant and tomato were bought immediately by one buyer. At the buyer's purse, they again argued which of them would rather be eaten. And in the kitchen they made a sauce out of eggplant and tomato.

So they did not know which of them is more beautiful and tastier.