How to improve diction and speech quickly. How to improve diction and speech clarity

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Some people think that they have no problems with diction and it really is so. However, when they come, for example, get a job on television or leading to the radio, then they can immediately answer that it is necessary to improve diction. What methods are easy and quick to improve the level of diction? There are several ways to help solve this problem in a short time.

You will need:

First steps to convincing speech

To talk confidently, it is beautiful and consecutively to perform a number of some exercises. First of all, you need to learn how to clearly and clearly utter explosive sounds. Of course, if the deaf consonants will be silent, then the level of dictation will significantly drop. Due to the fact that the deaf sounds themselves in their own structure are quite quiet and incomprehensible, they need to be repaired much better than other vowels.

For example: na, th, ku.

Take the deaf sounds without voice, but with very big activity, as if blasting these sounds. After the exercise done, say the same sounds, but with a voice. This can be done with the help of consonant letters that follow the deaf.

For example, software, then, ko, etc.

After the exercises done, connect ringing vowels and hissing.

Book and reading out loud - a great assistant in improving diction

The second and very strong mistake of many is the wrong pronunciation of the letter "g".

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood

Sheeping speech is an unforgivable error. Of course, if a person has incorrectly developed a bite or there is a piercing in the language, it is forgiven. However, it often happens that neither one nor the other is observed, respectively, the culprit is a weak tongue.

To solve this problem, you need to do exercises not only for hissing sounds. For example, you need to learn how to accurately and clearly utter the sound "C".

It is also necessary to learn to relax the muscles of the mouth and strain the language. You can do it like this:

  1. smile so that the teeth can be seen;
  2. pull a little tongue;
  3. mouth blow some air to the tip of the tongue to hear a small whistle (such a whistle is similar to the pronunciation of the letter "C").

It is necessary to see your mistakes directly

A good exercise is reading and conversation in front of the mirror.

It is necessary for you to have seen your mistakes and have seen yourself how your mouth muscles work. If you have sounds and words, phrases in front of a mirror with a diligent force, that is, making movements more plastic and strong, more open your mouth, etc., then over time you will hear that the level of your dictation has grown significantly. And after such exercises, you will be much easier to pronounce those or other sounds.

Use third-party subjects

Do exercises with outsiders.

  • For example, you can dial into the mouth of small nuts and with nuts in the mouth to speak the patter, while using each sound well.
  • You can also use, for example, a handle. Hold the handle with lips or teeth, and after that, also start to read the speigned.

It is necessary to take into account that from the first time it is unlikely to succeed, but you do not need to lower your hands before. With long workouts everything will turn out. In addition, the first times should not be very rushing.

It is better to pronounce every word at a slow pace, but clearly and clear.

Darina Kataeva

During the conversation, you often shrug the words, say inadvertently, quietly, and others cannot understand your speech? Then you have to start work on improving diction. Whatever interesting and important is your message, it will be useless if your words can be disassembled with great difficulty. How to improve diction and make your speech intelligible and understandable?

Dickey: What is it?

Dickey is general conceptwhich means clearness and quality of pronunciation, the clarity level. Dickey relative to ORFOPII is comparable to the handwriting in relation to spelling. As a written letter is not perceived, and the vague speech is regarded by the listeners as foreign words. Some people with disturbed diction even become the subject of ridicule and ulcer statements. All organs participate in word formation speech apparatus, Some are responsible for the timbre of the voice, others - for articulation, height, pace or sonicity. But they all together are responsible for human diction.

Dickey requires:

Knowledge of speaking sounds and word formation.
Proper use of speech organs.

Why is it a vague?

Some people have a speech so well that it seems that they are inborn speakers. Why are others say so vague and incomprehensible?

Do not hurry.

Keep equilibrium. It's not worth talking too slowly, saying in a smooth pace, as if you are not in a hurry anywhere. Over time, you will increase the rate of pronunciation. Especially follow the pace during. The desire to finish their speech contributes to the violation of diction. Do pauses, it will even attract the attention of the listeners and paint your speech.

Breather breathe.

When pronouncing words, we do not even think about what is happening in our speech apparatus. The beauty of speech is based on automation and consolidation of sounds. Pay attention to singers and actors, they carefully monitor breathing. There are even special exercises devoted to the correctness of breathing. In order to increase the clarity of speech, lean the diaphragm. To do this, put one hand on the stomach, the other - on the chest. When you breathe, the hand on the stomach rises, the other remains still. Doing exhale, hands change. At first, you will have to control the breath, then it will be in the habit.

Examine the rules for the formulation and formation of sounds.

To speak correctly, you should understand how speech sounds are formed. Knowing the participation and role of the articulation authorities in sound formation, you will understand what to do the emphasis and what you have disadvantages. Think that you are planning to say, such pauses will help you focus and make the necessary breath for further clarity of speech.


The best way to learn is beautiful and clearly talk - regularly perform in front of the audience. At first it will be difficult for you to control the speech, you will constantly disturb strong excitement and experiences. However, over time, you will get used to such speeches and can even vary by voice to provide psychological influence on people listening to you. Analyze your speech and constantly train. Speech will not be impressive if it is not enough to prepare.

Teach pator and repeat periodically difficult words.

Species - a great way to learn how to clearly and clearly express thoughts even complicated and confusing words. Most actors warms up voice ligaments and the articulation apparatus before the spelling of the spells. Start them to pronounce slowly until you memorize, then train to speak faster. However, it is important to say patterings and complex words correctly, so do not increase the tempo if you make mistakes.

If some word for you is a special difficulty, be sure to pronounce it at home in front of the mirror several times. Do it until the correct pronunciation of a complex word does not reach you before automatism.

Do not forget about intonation.

Even if you spell clearly, but monotonously, the listeners will not perceive the words seriously, they will constantly be distracted and thinking not about what you say, but how do you do it. Your intonation will show what you want to make an emphasis and what to convey to the listeners. Speak confidently, firmly, impression is that you doubt your words.

Train your face muscles.

The clarity of speech directly depends on the work of the muscles of the jaw. To train them, spend regularly a set of exercises. Stretch muscles, wide open your mouth, make chewing movements. These exercises will help you relax and in the usual speech not to squeeze your teeth, but to speak relaxed and with a wide open mouth.

Exercises for Diction Development

Speak with a plug in your teeth. When there is something in the speech apparatus, which prevents the words in the same mode, the jaw will begin to strain and work hard.
Conduct the usual articulation gymnastics. Active exercises with the language, mouth, teeth and the whole jaw will help in the development and independent improvement of diction.
Read the prose or poems to the music without words. This will allow you to speak smoothly, melodiously and without unnecessary padded.
Understand not just patters, but integers with complex and confusing expressions.
Prophons of complex combinations: Lry-Chra-LRU-BRU-PRE and other syllables that are hard to say. Their use and regular pronunciation will be excellent preparation for you.

March 31, 2014.

Clear dictation is of great importance not only for singers, television leading and public speakers - in everyday life She also takes a special place. If you have problems with diction, then subsequently, some difficulties in communicating with people are subsequently excluded, but in your power to correct the situation, starting classes with a teacher or starting independent learning.

What is dictation and why need to develop

Dickey is a clear pronunciation of words and all letters. It certainly needs to work on it, as this favorably affects how they are perceived by the surrounding people. It is far to notice that this is extremely rare quality - dicciation, clear from nature. However, this does not mean that we cannot improve our own pronunciation - it is possible both in orphanages and adults. Of course, the second option involves a more painting approach. Adult man over the years is getting used to speak in a certain way, so it's not too easy to change it. But afterwards the results, certainly, they justify themselves.

Exercises for Diction Development

As a rule, in order to develop diction, certain exercises are used: patters, breathing training, and so on. Exercises with cork, nuts or candy in the mouthThis exercise is very useful before tying pronunciation. So, we smear the language and lips! In order for the front teeth to hold the candy, walnut, cork or pencil. Note that your language should not touch the selected item. Adjust your teeth, a little rejection of the mouth. Now, clamping your teeth, for example, a nut, start the pronunciation of consonant sounds, subsequently add vowels to them, thus forming a syllable. After that, you can proceed to pronunciation of words and full phrases. Repeating spellsWithout patterings it is quite difficult to develop a beautiful speech. Try to adhere to several patter immediately, afterwarding paying attention to which of them are harder. Concentrate attention on "problem" sounds, paying for them more time. Do not forget about the regularity of classes, so that the speech apparatus had the opportunity to get used to the right pronunciation. We present to your attention a few very useful spells: "The thunderstorm of Grimov, Grazing," "Grandfall became old," "Kosi, Kosa, while Rosa, Rosa, And we are home, "Li Lisa villages at the village of Lie Lées", "Klim's kum in one pancake wedge."

Staging a beautiful speech yourself

Of course, if you want your speech to be distressed with beauty and literacy, it is important to read as much as possible, thereby raping its vocabulary. It is better to give preference to classics and scientific literature. Reading. Read out loud, but at the same time, watch your voice sounded monotonously. Imagine that you are reading someone, and want a person to listen with interest. Of course, in this case it is important to change the intonation, read speed, as well as the volume. Note that there may sometimes be necessary for pauses - for example, before the start of the dialogue or when highlighting important moments. It is also important in order to pause to the place, and it is recommended not to delay them. Vote. Probably, you also noticed that a confident and calm speech is better perceived. Learn to control your emotions so that your voice sound clearly, confidently and convincingly. Retelling. It is important to "fix" what you read or looked. For example, reading with any product or artistic film, retell it. Of course, it is advisable to do this using a voice recorder. Subsequently, you can listen to the recording and identify all your shortcomings. Also periodically retell the learned material to friends or relatives, following how the story is perceived - a person clearly misses, is trying to change the topic or listens with genuine interest? Enrich word stock. Try to regularly add new words to your speech. If you come across some unknown word, please remember it, look at the value. Many people prefer to insert "smart" words into the conversation, not fully understanding what they mean - do not allow such an oversight. Integet to new information. Sometimes in a conversation it is quite appropriate and organically, facts from history and modern culture sound, and it would be wonderful if you had a presentation at least some of them. To do this, it is possible to view news and be interested in well-known and just entertaining historical facts. Strokes. Some people have an annoying problem - they competently write, but they cannot boast the perfect speech, and all this because of the wrong arrangement of the stress. If you are not sure how to pronounce any word, then do not use it until you can look into the dictionary and find out the necessary information. Expressiveness. Make sure that what you say has sounded expressive - it is unacceptable to mold yourself under the nose or give everything in one breath. So that your speech sounded with the right intonation, periodically read with the expression. Flexibility. Learn to "feel" your interlocutor. For example, you see that a person is upset and is listening to your stories without interest - it probably wants to speak out, something worries him. Pick the desired words that will help him reveal. Laconicity. Laconicity is exactly what is missing for many people when voicing any information. Most often it annoys the interlocutors, especially when telephone conversation or at the moment when a person is busy in some kind of business. If you want to convey to someone something really important, you should learn to talk about the case without making long entry and without deviating from the topic.

What is articulation

Clear articulation of the speaker allows students to correctly understand it. If the articulation is violated, and this may be caused by physiological features, in some cases it may interfere with full-fledged communication. However, the training muscles and language muscles can improve position.

Articulation authorities

Articulation organs can be divided into movable and fixed. The first believes, lips and tongue, and the second teeth, as well as a solid and soft sky. The most active of the listed bodies is the language - it can occupy various positions in the mouth, approaching the bodies that are less mobile. As a result, certain sounds of speech are formed.

Exercises for the development of articulation

    1) First, it is necessary to develop a tip of the language. Imagine your tongue with a hammer that you beat on your teeth. At the same time you need to repeat: "Da-yes-yes-yes." Then, in a similar way, go to the letters "D" and "T" .2) Liberate the larynx and language. You need to quickly breathe through the nose, and then breathe rapidly through your mouth. Sound when exhaling: "Fu". Wanting to strengthen the muscles of the larynx, instead of "Fu", say "M" or "K" .3) Before each phrase, it is important to be able to gain air in time. We will develop this skill. Getting reading out loud of any story, in front of each sentence, gaining air. If you regularly perform this exercise, the desired skill will enter the habit. Please note that inhale, however, the exhalation should be silent, almost imperceptible to others.4) activate the lip muscles. Inflate your cheeks, after which, through a compressed mouth, cotton free air. At the same time, say "P" and "B" (quickly, one after another) .5) Do not forget to properly separate the air, if you want your articulation to be developed. When a person speaks loudly, he usually needs more breathing. In turn, the quiet pronunciation causes more control exhale. Alternately, say phrases that quiet, then a loud voice. 6) Try to learn how to utter vowels on one stream, alternating them with a clear pronunciation of consonants. Take the book and read any offer. Now repeat it, ignoring the consonants. The vowels at the same time somehow pull. After that, insert clear consonants in the smooth flow of vowels. 7) This technique also works on improving diction. Try any words, highlighting their endings - they must sound clearly and sharply. With this exercise, your speech do more expressiveness. 8) Take into service a few spells that will be unhappy with each other. This will help you develop articulation. Begin to pronounce the spells slowly, but the tempo must be increasing. It is important that your phrases sound not only intelligible, but also expressively. 9) In your power to improve how the sounds you have pronounced. Enter the sounds that in your case are "problem". Now loudly utter words that include these sounds. For this purpose, you can use the dictionary. The more often you will work out this sound, the faster learn to pronounce it without any difficulty.

The article tells what diction is and how to improve it.

IN modern world People with good, expressive diccia are fairly easy to get comfortable in most areas of our dynamically developing life. Beautiful speakers are needed not only on stage, but also in business, both on television, and in politics.

Steve Jobs - Beautiful speaker

What is diction?

Dickey is customary to call a clear pronunciation of sounds in accordance with the phonetic norms of the language. Expressive dictation is the most important characteristic of acting skills, singers speaking.

Clear diction depends on the level of travelery of active speech bodies - such authorities include language and lips. In this regard, the development of expressive diction should be started with muscle training - articulation gymnastics.

Dickey shows as far as a person correctly utters words and syllables, as it clearly pronounces sounds - all this is amenable to workout, improvement.

The fuzzy pronunciation of words interferes with their correct perception, and a poorly uttered phrase sometimes even deprives sense. The distortion of sounds can strongly distract the attention of the audience, forcing them to focus on the defects of sound, and not in the sense of the said phrase.

Important: A person with expressive diction is much easier to interest and captivate the public. Such a person is much easier to speak in public.

Work on diction and pronunciation

In order to get rid of a sharp "g", whistling "C", whispered "sh", in order to improve the pronunciation of words and syllables, so that the diction has become more expressive, it will have to work a little.

For the net sound of speech, there is a huge amount of exercises that have been helping people for a long time to become interesting, fascinating speakers. Some of the exercises were already known in ancient Greece.

How to improve the diction of an adult, teenager?

For the development and improvement of diction, there are special exercises. It:

  • Breathing and posture

Not many know how much the speech and posture is depends on. In this regard, even there are special exercises:

  1. It should be straight, legs on the width shoulders, hands should be located on the belt. After that, it is necessary to open the mouth, and, allegedly overcoming resistance, make a slow exhale. After training, it should complicate the exercise by reading on the exhalation of several lines of your favorite poem.
  2. You should return to its original position, and then slowly leaning forward to do inhale. The back should be kept smooth, and on the exhalation to start climbing and pulling "GM-Mm".
  3. For exercise on posture, you should stock book. The book must be placed on the head, and slowly walk with her so that it does not fall. Then add gestures, squats, more dynamic walking.

Posture - the first step towards beautiful speech
  • Articulation. You can read in more detail in the section below.
  • Pronunciation of consonants and vowels. Examples for the correct pronunciation of sounds can be viewed in the following videos:

Video: Phonetics. Statement of consonants and vowels. Associate Professor Bitechtina N.B.

Video: Stopping whistling sounds in adults

Video: Correction of sound suspension in adults

  • Intonation

The best exercise for the development of intonation is to read on roles.

Video: intonation (training)

  • Tongue Twisters. Large list of patuals can be found in the section below.
  • Acting methods. To train diction using acting methods, you should take in your mouth walnuts, or pencil, and then start slowly, pick up pronounced patters or read text

Exercises for diction and articulation

Expressive dictation needs daily muscle training of the speech apparatus. For the development and strengthening of the muscles of the mouth, jaw, lips and language should be engaged in a special articulation gymnastics.

You can choose some of the exercises below in the articulation gymnastics, although to achieve a better and quick effect, it is better to carry out all exercises in turn:

  • Standing, holding hands on the chest, should be leaning a little ahead and as low as possible in the exhalation, it is possible to utter vocabulary letters, for example, "A", "O", "and"
  • Mouth should be widely open and move the lower jaw in different sides, including back and forth
  • It is necessary to close your mouth, strain the tip of the tongue, and then alternately touch them to the cheeks. Such an exercise can be done and opening your mouth
  • It is necessary to smile very widely, and then the tongue tip alternately to the corners of the mouth. It is important that the jaw remains fixed, and the language did not touch the lips
  • It is necessary to smile wide, the open mouth, and then recalculate the teeth in the upper and lower row, touching them the tongue tip. The jaw in this exercise should be fixed
  • You should close your teeth and smile wide. It is important that the teeth in two rows be visible during a smile
  • You should close your teeth, and then fold the lips into the tube, stretching them out in front and at the same time pull the sound "y"
  • You should open a widespread mouth and how to stretch the sharp language

  • You should open the mouth and put a wide relaxed language on the bottom lip
  • You should open the mouth, and then the tongue with the tongue is licking alternately the upper and lower lip, without moving with the jaw

Important: All exercises from the articulation gymnastics should be done about ten seconds. After a short break, each exercise should be repeated several times.

Exercises for diction and voice

There can be no dictation of expressive without correct frequency of voice and its emotional color. In order for the voice to sound fascinatingly, you should train the diction, the voice itself.

For this, there are some exercises:

  • It is necessary to push the handle, pencil, etc., and then uttering clear words and sounds, read texts, poem.
  • Read texts, poems alternately quickly and slowly, loud and quiet
  • It should not be shot down breathing, withstanding all pauses, expressively read the texts, poem, jumping on the rope or treading the coward.
  • You should pay attention to your neck during a conversation, because When trying to feel it, the neck relaxes and lowers the larynx.

  • It follows, making different sounds, beat yourself in the chest.
  • It follows during the yawa to pronounce vowel sounds, or talk. It will also help relax and lower the larynx.
  • It is necessary to start the morning from the mixture, pronouncing "Mm-Mmmm"
  • You should talk smiling. The voice will change significantly.

Important: if the described exercises repeat 10-15 minutes daily, then you can quickly notice the changes in the voice.

Video: Best Voice Exercise for Diction Development

Do I need to read out loud for the development of diction?

Reading out loud can be an important, closing exercise to work on improving diction. Reading out loud, it's easier to understand where and what problems are there, what else should work on.

If, with the next reading, all previous errors will be taken into account, then it can be noted that every time it will sound all cleaner and cleaner.

Important: To read out loud, it is better to choose white poems, multiple poems, complex for perception of excerpts of texts.

Reading out loud - exercise for diction

Species for Diction Development

And I am not upgraded.
Archka Osip, Osip Hyrbon.

White snow. White chalk
White sugar is also white.
But the protein is not.
White was not even.

Brit Klim Brother,
Brit Ignat Brother,
Brother Ignat Beardat.

The scorer bombarded Brandenburg.

Migrated to the wolf in Khlevu with wipes.

Pronounced Voronenka.

Verlil Vavilu had a pitchfork.

As on a hill, on the hill
There are thirty-three yards.

The messenger with a gallery burned down.

Gathered Margarita Daiste on Mountain,
Lost Margarita daisies in the yard.

Two woodcutters, two firing,
Two wood cuts pulled the axes,
Topors are sharp until
For the time being of the top of the ax, until time.

Grandfather Dodon duded in the Duda,
Dimka grandfather Dudoya bought.

Wood man treats ancient oak,
Good woodpecker OUBU either.

Species - Exercises for Diction

Eats Fedka with radish vodka,
Eats radish with vodka Fedka.

Week Emele to spin the box of smoke,
And the daughter's daughter is to spin one night.

Buzzing the grip, buzzes, do not spin.

Hergehog is hedgehog, hard is horror.

Winter in the morning from frost
On the dawn, birch ties.

All lakes - mirrors
Green glass.

Sonya Zina brought a bezin in the basket.

Intendant incident.

Ishak in Kislak Firewood drove
Ashak firewood in the grass dumped.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on cucusulok hood.
How in the hood it is ridiculous.

Karl from Clara stole coral,
Clara from Karl stole clarinet.
Queen Clara Strictly Karala
Karl for theft of coral.

Koval Koval Konya,
Cuba Koval
Koval konut horse.

She sews a cap, knitted a cap, yes not in Kolpakovsky,
The bell will fall out, Kovan Bell, but not in the bellovers,
It is necessary to overlapping the cap, but to transfate.
It is necessary to spin the bell, but to discharge.

Are you raspberry soap?
Soaps, but not soaked.

Soap Mila Bear Soap,
Mila soap dropped.
Dropped Mila soap
Bear soap did not dominate.

Called Malina Marina Galina,
Galina Marina called Valin.

Whether we didn't catch a nice?

Our Naum yourself on the mind.

Pavel Pavlushka drunk,
Melt, yes quail.

Peter first went to walk,
Caught the cripper went to sell.

Promenade Praskovya Karasia
Three pairs of purebred piglets.
Ran pigs on dew,
Cathered piglets, but not all.

Slow pig, stupid, bellast,
Half a doors
I dug, undermined, I did not care to the hole.
At that, Javronie and Dark, so that she was digging.

Greek rode across the river,
Sees Greek in the river Cancer.
Greek turned his hand into the river
Cancer for the hand of the Greek DAC.

Suk was carrying a badger.

Old seed said to her sons:
"Sow a stack of hay."
Sons mocked the haystack.
Old seed said to sons: "Thank you."

Lucking Senka Sanka with Sonya on Sanka;
Sledge Claw, Sanka - Walk,
Sonya - Skok, Senka with legs.

Species - a great way to train speech

Only Tanya will rise in the morning.
Tanya dance pulls.
What is there for a long time to explain?
Tanya loves to dance.

Under the tree TETEREV TETEREVA met:
"Teterev, Tetherov! How are your aunt?"
Tetherov Tetherov in response:
"My aunt - healthy guys,
Hi from them from them! "

Three forties, three crackers
Lost three brushes:
Three today, three yesterday,
Three more day before yesterday.

Became a duck on the pond to teach their ducks,
Ducklings to swim in sight of mom do not want.
Awful duck suffers:
"Well, what of them will turn out?"

Corner corner brought
In the corner corner of your way!

Ducklings taught duck mother
Snails in the meadow look.
Snails in the meadow without joke
Learned to hide from ducks.

Fani Fufyk,
Fedi - shoes.

Foke fantasized
Fedor Fokusnichnal
Feofan fentened with a feoktist.

Filina Filina Two Finnish -
Filming and Filitonka.

Laughter letter x.
Laughed: ha ha ha!

Crested hooker
Laughter laughed: ha, ha, ha.

Bouncer boasts-boasted,
Boasting-boasted yes and snatched,
Yes, and snatched.

In the flower garden flowers bloom.

Kutsaya Fox in a dress from Citz
Wheat trees sow through Citz.

Appreciates the chain of the Kossel on the Cosovice.

Four black chumazines
Drawing black ink drawing.
Extremely clean!

Chok, chok, heel,
Appeared on the bitch
Broke away, broke,
Chek, chok, heel.

Chiki chiki.
Rides goose on a stick.
Duck - on a pipe,
Bunny on a wheelbarrow
And the boy on the dog.

Six six baskets
And three lines of fluffy bag.

Pushkin's fender bit the Pasha;
Beats a whale with a cap of the bug of a bow.

Bristles in the Chushya, scales in a pinch.

Schegol-shchegol over the chapboity is chirping.

Schegolich had a shchegolikhiah.

Yulka-Yulka Yula,
Yulka Yurkaya was
Go on site
None could not.

Lizard on yalik
Apples at the Fair
In the box was lucky.

The yacht is light and obedient mine
I will boom on it will be the sea.

Yaroslav and Yaroslavna
Settled in Yaroslavl.
In Yaroslavl live nice
Yaroslav and Yaroslavna.

Video: How to work with diction and articulation spells // 24 vocal lesson

Do, train your diction, and then in oratorical skills you will not be equal.

Why do you need to develop a child's diction? He is still small, it will grow up, and the speech itself will work out. So many parents think, without giving meanings to even such bright defects in the speech of the baby, like a whisper, fuzzy pronunciation. Experts insist on the fact that it is necessary to work hard on diction and as soon as possible that the child's speech over time does not turn into a "speech porridge". Otherwise, the speech therapist will have a lot to work to make a spectacle of competent, intelligible and beautiful.

Why is it important to engage in the development of diction in children

Recall that the concept of "diction" includes a clear pronunciation of words and sounds. Psychologists note that the correct anticipation of words and sounds affects the overall development of the child, contributes to a more rapid formation of mental operations. A fuzzy speech negatively reflects on the school success of the student, on the quality of communication with classmates and friends. In the future, the literacy of the letter depends on the correctness of oral speech primary school. It is necessary to realize that the correct, clear and competent speech is the element of the success of the child and the indicator of its attractiveness in the eyes of other children.

It is important for parents to notice the problem in diction at the initial stages of speech development, about 2-3 years, when it comes to very actively developing. There are many factors affecting the mastery of the ability to clearly speak clearly. Specialists noted, first of all, those that affect the development of diction. The causes of bad dictation in children can be:

  • Violation of sound pronunciation;
  • Lack of some sounds in speech;
  • Replacing the deaf sounds on ringing;
  • Reducing long and complex words;
  • Reduction of syllables by places;
  • Softening sounds;
  • Replacing sounds for similar sound.

In some cases, poor diction is interconnected with the development of hyperactivity, attention instability and poor self-control. With the progress of pedagogical science and medicine, many problems associated with diction are quite easily corrected. In most cases, to improve the dictation of sufficiently regular classes with articulation gymnastics.

Effective diction exercises

The main difficulty in pronunciation of words is the need to quickly change the position of the language in the mouth. To master this skill, it is necessary to strengthen its muscles and conduct a permanent training.

Exercises for the development of the muscles of the speech apparatus

1. Exercises for warm-up lips:

"Ruor" - It is necessary to open the mouth wide. At the same time, the sound "A" is pronounced.

"Tube" - Madely pull your lips ahead. At the same time, the sound of "U" is pronounced.

"A smile" - It is necessary to stretch the lips, as if smiling, not blurring them.

"Bagel" - stretch your lips as much as possible, pronouncing the sound "O".

2. Exercises for the warm-up language:

- it is necessary to touch the tongue to the upper heaven and then sharply lower the language with the clock sound;

"Shovel" - Open your mouth, turn the tongue, get it to the chin.

"Sandy" - We must lean alternately in every cheek. The mouth is closed.

"Pendulum" - It is necessary to laugh tongue. Right to the right, then left.

"Needle" - Madely pull the tongue forward. The mouth is open.

"Mushroom" - It will come up with the tongue to the upper sky, so that the bridle stretched.

"Turkey" - Align the tongue from the mouth. Led on the upper lip from side to side. Gradually increase the speed of movement and add a voice (there are different vowels on the branches).

"Misechka" - Opening the mouth, turn the tongue and roll it in the form of a cup or a mug.

"Drummer" - It is necessary to hit the tongue on the upper teeth, accompanying it by the utility of the sound "d".

Important! For maximum efficiency, each exercise must be performed at least 2 minutes. In order for small children to be interested in repeating the same exercise to repeat the same exercise, you can use poems, pictures, minor toys.

3. Exercises for the beautiful voice timbre:

"Stretch syllables» - Make a deep breath. Exhausted, pronounce "bom" syllables, "Bim", "Bon" (it is necessary to pull the last sound).

Kewe-X - Send syllables "Kew" and "X". By pronouncing the "Kew" strongly pull the lips with a tube, to the syllable "X" stretch the lips in a smile.

"Sound Moderator" - One palm must be pressed to the ear, the second to bring to the mouth to the distance somewhat see. In this position, spell words, syllables and sounds. This exercise helps to understand the true sound of his voice.

Classes with a child for the development of diction at home

The best I. effective way On assimilation of skills to speak clearly clearly is the game. Development of diction for all age groups will faster goes in game exercises and interesting tasks. In addition to the development of the articulation apparatus, such classes have a beneficial effect on strengthening the relationship between parents and a child, as well as simply bring him joy and pleasure from communicating with their parents.

Games that develop a child's speech:

"Reat" - Training consists in repetition by a child of individual sounds, syllables. Often, the occupation is carried out in a game form. Mom or dad read the poem, the baby repeats the final syllables of each line.

"Farm" - This game resembles the previous one, but sounds need to be used as clear as possible. Parents are reading a poem about the farm inhabitants, and Chado speaks the sounds published by animals.

"Guess who" - Play it follows after they have mastered the previous two. Pictures of animals (you can buy in the store or do yourself) Place in an opaque bag. The child pulls the card and says that sound that matches the animal in the picture. Cheerful to play the company.

"Pantomime" - This is an alternative version of the articulation gymnastics. The child is offered exclusively with the help of a face to show a variety of emotions. In this way is carried out good training Muscles of the speech apparatus.

"Policeman" - For the game you will need whistles. Children at the command "Violator" or "Criminal" begin blowing in the whistle. When inhaling the stomach is swelling, with exhalation - compressing. Shoulders during this process remain in place.

"Decoration Lion" - The game is aimed at working out the pronunciation of a certain sound. Children are offered a set of words, quadruple, patter, passages of prosaic text (can be filed as the stages of the competition), where a certain sound is most often found. The guys read out loud proposed words and work out the sound.

Tongue Twisters

In addition to the games for improving diction, the patters are perfectly affected. Each person knows them since childhood, but only units have the opportunity to boast the ability to pronounce them correctly, clearly and quickly. With regular training session, the patter effectively eliminate speech defects, significantly improve the quality of the diction.

Speaking is a special text that is a combination of words with difficult-acting sounds. They are aimed at creating the correct pronunciation of consonants.

  1. At the first stage, it is necessary to choose no more than three spells to train the pronunciation of a certain sound;
  2. The text is pronounced slowly and most clearly;
  3. It is advisable to do in front of the mirror;
  4. Handling the exercise is needed emotionally and out.

In addition to the games and spears when working on a child diction, it is very important to pay attention to voice and speech breathing.

Enemies of beautiful speech

This is a reflection of the human culture level. Under the concept of "beautiful speech", the competent speech is most often understood. To date, the problem of stylistic speech mistakes in children is very relevant.
Clown speech and spoil the overall impression of a person:

Many child speech problems parents can solve independently at home. It is necessary to comply with some recommendations and a positive effect will not make yourself wait. Recommendations to parents, how to develop a diction of the preschool:

The problem of diction in children is relevant today. Almost every boy or girl has a violation of the pronunciation of sounds, syllables and words. It is important to pay special attention This problem. It is necessary to deal with the child not only at the moment when the problem has already declared itself, but also for prevention. A regular and systematic approach will help to cope with the task as soon as possible. The child's speech will be clean and beautiful.