Outline of a drawing lesson (middle group) on the topic: a summary of the educational activities of drawing directly in the middle group "Bullfinch on a branch" (poke with a dry brush). Pedagogical development


1. To clarify the idea of ​​the appearance of a bullfinch, to develop research interest (structural features, color).

2. To acquaint children with the concept of color and composition.

3. To improve the technique of drawing with a poke with a bristly brush, to achieve an expressive image of a bird (bullfinch).

4. To develop a figurative perception of classical music.

Methods and techniques:

Conversation, questions on the topic, reading a riddle, examining illustrations, drawing a bird (bullfinch) for display, explanation, analysis of works, musical accompaniment, game situation - Pinocchio's character, game exercise - warm-up(with a brush).

Materials and equipment:

album sheet (light blue), gouache, brushes (bristly, squirrel), simple pencil, jars, palette, brush holders, napkins, rags, easel.

Preliminary work:

observation of birds arriving at the site (sparrows, pigeons, tits), viewing images of birds in illustrations, reading poems about birds, acquaintance with the silhouettes of various birds, preparing paper using the "raw" technique (watercolor).

Course of the lesson:

1.Organizing time.

A knock on the door, Buratino enters, brought a letter with a riddle:

We arrived for the winter

Birds that are clever in cold weather

They gallop through the trees, branches

In red-fiery vests,

We cannot fail to recognize them -

We love the bird ... (bullfinch).

Illustrations of bullfinches are hung out, children are examining.

Educator: Guys, what wintering birds do you still know?

Children: Wintering birds: pigeons, sparrows, crows, tits.

Educator: But today we will draw bullfinches on a branch.

2. Conversation of the teacher with the children.

Educator: What are the main parts of the bullfinch?

Children: The bullfinch has the main parts - the head, body.

Educator: What shape?

Children: The bullfinch has a head - a round body - oval.

Educator: What color is the plumage?

Children: Head, torso, wings, tail - black, breast - red.

Showing the child to draw using the poke method (with an explanation of the teacher).

Remember how we paint with a bristly brush? (we collect a little paint, plug from the beginning along the contour of the pencil, and then inside the contour). We try to work carefully so that the paints do not mix with each other. Guys, now I suggest you draw bullfinches in the branches of the winter forest. Think about how to arrange the birds so that the flock fits on a piece of paper?

We perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush:

Let's take a brush like this: (the hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part).

It's difficult? No, it's a trifle.

Up-down, right-left (perform movements with the hand)

Proudly like a queen

The brush went jabbing

Knocked with a "heel".

And then he walks in a circle

Like girls in a round dance.

You're tired? Let's have a rest

And we'll start knocking again.

We draw: one, one ... (put the brush vertically, make a few pokes without paint)

Everything will work out with us!

Music sounds: An excerpt from the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. December".

3. The practical part.

Children draw bullfinches and a branch on an album sheet with a simple pencil.

At first, with light pokes (with a bristly brush), children paint over the breasts of all bullfinches with red color, the head, back, wings, tail in black.

Physical education. Game "Birds".

In the center is a blindfold bird-catcher. Children walk around the driving birder with the words:

In the woods, in the woods,

On a green oak tree

The birds are singing merrily

Ay! The birder is coming!

He will take us in bondage,

Birds fly away!

The birder claps his hands, the players stop in place, and the driver starts looking for the birds. The one he found imitates the cry of the bird he has chosen. The birder guesses the name of the bird and the name of the player. The player becomes a birder.

Rules of the game. Players should not hide behind objects on the way. Players are required to stop at the signal.

Educator: What details still need to be completed?

Children: eyes, beak, legs.

After a pause, children paint with a thin (squirrel) brush - eyes, beak, legs, branches.

4. Analysis of OA.

Well done! What amazing drawings turned out!

Guys, I suggest you choose drawings and give Buratino.

Educator: What drawings would you give?

Children: Beautiful, bright.

Educator: Why?

Children: because the bullfinches are drawn correctly.

The bullfinches turned out to be beautiful, like real ones.

Children give drawings of Buratino.

GCD. Painting with gouache. Bullfinch theme.

Middle group.


To acquaint children with the bullfinch bird, with its structure. Some features (when it arrives, what it eats), teach children to convey the image of a bird in a drawing, teach them to select the appropriate color range, learn to compositionally position the image on a sheet of paper, develop a sense of shape and color, cultivate neatness, love of nature.
Sheets of A4 paper, tinted and with painted rowan branches, gouache, brush No. 3 (synthetics), napkins, photo illustrations or pictures with the image of bullfinches

B. Guys. Do you know what time of year it is? That's right, winter. Remember, in the fall we talked about migratory birds, about those birds that fly to warm countries for the winter. But there are such birds that come to us in winter. Hear a riddle about them:

We arrived for the winter
Birds that are clever in cold weather
They gallop through the trees, branches
In red-fiery vests.
We cannot fail to recognize them -
We love the bird -


B. That's right, this bird is a bullfinch.The bullfinch got its name because it comes to us with the snow, and lives all winter.

Bullfinches sit on branches of mountain ash, maple, viburnum bushes, pick berries and peck seeds.The bullfinch is a beautiful, calm bird. Look closely and remember what it looks like. The upper part of the head, wings and tail are black. And the chest, abdomen and cheeks are red. The bullfinch has a short, thick, black beak.

Look at your leaflets. Last time we drew rowan bunches with you? Now bullfinches will fly to our rowan branches. In order to draw a bullfinch, we need red paint. We carefully draw paint with the tip of a brush, so as not to stain the piece of iron and draw a red circle.

Then wash the brush and wipe it on a cloth.Then we take black paint on the tip of the brush and paint the back of our bullfinch.

Then, we decide in which direction our bullfinch is looking, and draw a small beak, on the other side a tail.

It remains to draw the wings.

Now we wash our brush properly. Because you will need to take a different paint color. We wipe it on a cloth. Draw the eye and the pattern on the wing with white paint. So we got a bullfinch.

Now, guess the riddle:

He's busy all the time
He can't go in vain.
He goes and paints white
Everything that he sees on the way.

Children: Snow.

B. That's right, snow. On the twigs, on the bunches of mountain ash, in the air, we will draw snow.

Now you can start drawing the bullfinch.

The outdoor game "Bullfinches" is carried out after the children have drawn the breast and back.

Look at the branches - clap their hands on the sides

Bullfinches in red T-shirts - tilt the head to the sides

Fluffed up the feathers - frequent shaking hands

Bask in the sun - claps on the sides

They turn their heads, they want to fly away - head turns

Shoo! Shoo! Flew away!

Behind the blizzard! Behind the blizzard! - children scatter around the group, flapping their arms like wings.

Summarizing:Well done boys!What beautiful bullfinches flew to your rowan branches!

Program tasks:
teach to convey in drawing the image of a bird, features of the shape of the head and tail; learn to transmit and pick up the colors you want, direct children to find drawing techniques, continue to teach how to place the drawing on the entire sheet; develop aesthetic education, love of nature.

Educator: Guys, a magpie flew to us today and brought riddles on the tail. She knows that you love to guess them and asks you to do it. Are you ready?
Children: Yes, ready.
Educator: Then listen.
I've been catching bugs all day
I eat bugs, worms.
I don't fly away for the winter,
I live under the cornice.
Chick - chirp! Don't be shy, I've been ...
Children: Sparrow.
Educator: Right. Listen further:
Guess what kind of bird
Afraid of the bright light.
Crochet beak, piglet eyes,
Eared head. It…
Children: Owl
Educator: Yes. And who is this:
"Cracked from the very morning:" Porra! "
What is the time!
Such a hassle for everyone when it bursts ...
Children: Magpie
Educator: Yes, you have guessed all the riddles correctly. You probably noticed who they are?
Children: They're about birds.
Educator: Yes, these riddles are about birds, but which ones?
Children: About wintering
Educator: Well done, tell me what all birds have in common?
Children: Voices, torso, tail.
Educator: The head of the birds is rounded, the body is oval, the tails resemble an "arrow", then in some birds it is longer, while in others it is shorter. What is different about them?
Children: Birds different color plumage.
Educator: Of course. Today we will look at a picture of a bullfinch with you, and then we will try to draw it. So, as we have already said, the structure of birds is the same. Tell me, Danya, what is the head of the bullfinch?
Dania: It is round, rounded.
Educator: Right. Look closely, it fits snugly against the body. And what is the shape of the torso?
Children: The body is oval.
Educator: Right. And what does the tail look like, have I already told you?
Children: It looks like an arrow.
Educator: Yes. See what an interesting color the bullfinch has. What color is her plumage?
Children: The bullfinch is black, but its breast is red.
Educator: Look at how small the eyes are. The beak resembles a small triangle. The legs of the bullfinch are small and bent, because he sits on a twig. So we examined the bullfinch with you. Did you understand everything?
Children: Yes, I see.
Educator: Then everyone sit down in their places and try to draw a bullfinch bird. Before you are sheets of white paper, paint and brushes, and you can begin work. Do not forget that the drawing must be in the center of the sheet, must be depicted neatly.
Educator: Well done guys. Here are what beautiful bullfinches all turned out. Now each of you will try to describe your bullfinch, tell us how you painted it, with what colors.
Well done, everyone did their best today beautiful drawings drew and composed good stories.

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Abstract of a drawing lesson in senior group

Topic: "Bullfinch on a branch"

Program tasks:

teach to convey in drawing the image of a bird, features of the shape of the head and tail; teach to convey and select the right colors, direct children to search for drawing techniques, continue to teach how to place the drawing on the entire sheet; develop aesthetic education, love of nature.

Educator: Guys, a magpie flew to us today and brought riddles on the tail. She knows that you love to guess them and asks you to do it. Are you ready?

Children: Yes, ready.

Educator: Then listen.

I've been catching bugs all day

I eat bugs, worms.

I don't fly away for the winter,

I live under the cornice.

Chick - chirp! Don't be shy, I've been ...

Children: Sparrow.

Guess what kind of bird

Afraid of the bright light.

Crochet beak, piglet eyes,

Eared head. It…

Children: Owl

Educator: Yes. And who is this:

"Cracked from the very morning:" Porra! "

What is the time!

Such a hassle for everyone when it bursts ...

Children: Magpie

Educator: Yes, you have guessed all the riddles correctly. You probably noticed who they are?

Children: They're about birds.

Educator: Yes, these riddles are about birds, but which ones?

Children: About wintering

Educator: Well done, tell me what all birds have in common?

Educator: The head of the birds is rounded, the body is oval, the tails resemble an "arrow", then in some birds it is longer, while in others it is shorter. What is different about them?

Children: Birds have different colored plumage.

Educator: Of course. Today we will look at a picture of a bullfinch with you, and then we will try to draw it. So, as we have already said, the structure of birds is the same. Tell me, Danya, what is the head of the bullfinch?

Dania: It is round, rounded.

Educator: Right. Look closely, it fits snugly against the body. And what is the shape of the torso?

Children: The body is oval.

Educator: Right. And what does the tail look like, have I already told you?

Children: It looks like an arrow.

Educator: Yes. See what an interesting color the bullfinch has. What color is her plumage?

Children: The bullfinch is black, but its breast is red.

Educator: Look at how small the eyes are. The beak resembles a small triangle. The legs of the bullfinch are small and bent, because he sits on a twig. So we examined the bullfinch with you. Did you understand everything?

Children: Yes, I see.

Educator: Then everyone sit down in their places and try to draw a bullfinch bird. Before you are sheets of white paper, paint and brushes, and you can begin work. Do not forget that the drawing must be in the center of the sheet, must be depicted neatly.

In contact with

Synopsis of direct educational activities drawing in the senior group: "Red-breasted bullfinches."

« Red-breasted bullfinches »

Target: Teach children draw bullfinches.


To deepen knowledge about the world around, about wintering birds.

Clarify children's perception of appearance bullfinch, its structural features, coloration.

Improve the ability of children to convey in drawing bullfinch image, his specific traits.

To improve visual skills and abilities.

Develop compositional skills.

To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, benevolence, love for nature.

Preliminary work:

1. Bird watching on a walk.

2. Consideration of illustrations of wintering birds.

3. Conversation about wintering birds, about the help they need in feeding.

4. Collective application "Birds at the trough".

5. Riddles, didactic games.

Vocabulary work : wintering and migratory birds, bullfinch, red-breasted, plumage, coloration, feeder, flock.

Materials (edit): illustrations with wintering birds, separately bullfinch on a branch in different projections, gouache, a jar of water, brushes, napkins, blue A4 tinted paper. Video: « Bullfinches » ... Audio recording of birds singing, work by P.I.Tchaikovsky "Seasons. January".

Integration educational areas according to FSES: artistic and aesthetic, cognitive, speech, physical.

The course of educational activities directly.

Organizing time.

Children stand in a circle. Everything is prepared on the tables in advance for drawing... The teacher shows illustration: "Wintering Birds".


Guys, what time of year is it?

And who flies to our trough in winter?

What are these birds called?

Why are they called that?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, these birds do not fly away to warmer climes, but remain by our side.

What kind of wintering birds do you know?

Look at the pictures and name the birds that are here depicted(crow, sparrow, magpie, dove, woodpecker, owl.)

The teacher shows the following illustrations, in which bullfinches are depicted.

Black, red-breasted,

He will find shelter with us.

He is not afraid of colds.

With the first snow is right there. (Bullfinch .)

Children's answers.

Educator: Right. it bullfinch... Let's take a closer look at it. Bullfinches are very beautiful birds, they live in a flock. Bullfinch slightly larger than a sparrow, dense build. She has a black and gray back, a black cap, bright red breast.

What bullfinch beak? That's right, strong, thick.

For what bullfinches need such a beak? Right to get seeds out of your buds.

And what else can you eat bullfinch? That's right, rowan berries, hawthorn berries.

Have you ever seen such beautiful bullfinches... Let's see together ...

Ah, how angry the frost is!

There is snow, snow all around ...

Bullfinch sitting on a twig,

The bullfinch is on fire and on fire,

Like a little checkbox.

And the garden, and the grove, and the wasteland ...

Everything is in a quiet winter sleep.

What are you thinking about, bullfinch?

Sometimes these birds fly closer to a person in the city, as they do not have enough food. They really need our help. And we are very grateful to those who make feeders and pour grains, seeds, seeds, bread crumbs.

Educator. Who do you think we will be today paint... That's right today we will be with you draw bullfinch.

Educator: Our bullfinch will sit on a rowan branch. For this we need to take brown paint, brush. And neat draw a twig where our bullfinch(teacher show)... And so that our bird is not hungry, we will draw rowan berries, and bullfinch will be able to feast on them.

What kind beautiful you got the twigs! And soon they will fly bullfinches... But first, let's play with you.

Finger game : Bullfinches

One two Three! One two Three!

Have arrived bullfinches ("Thumbs" interlocked, waving fingers).

The breasts were shown (one palm clasps the other).

The berries were nibbled (tapping with one finger on the palm).

They jumped on the branches (tapping fingers on the palm).

Over the torso of black paint the head like this so that it slightly overlaps the body, since the neck bullfinch is very short(teacher show).

Now you have to choose how you will draw your birds. Bullfinch it can look at you, it can sit sideways, and it can even fluff its wings.

For this, the teacher shows all three possible options.

Educator: We draw the tail average size two wide lines and winglets. They are raised up if the bird fluttered, and pressed to the back if sitting. If it sits sideways, we draw only one wing.

Performed independent work... The work of P.I.Tchaikovsky sounds "Seasons. January".

Educator: Well done. Now small parts.

Beak first. It is short and thick, black in color. We draw the beak with short strokes, and if it is open, then with two strokes.

Eyes slightly higher, light paint, the tip of the brush.

Well done, now let's finish our paintings snowfall... For this we will play, we need a brush and a white dye. We carry out:

Let's take a brush here So: (hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part).

It's difficult? No, it's a trifle.

Proudly like a queen

The brush went jabbing

Knocked "Heel".

Educator: We depict snowfall, Little snow put on top of the rowan branch, and on the berries themselves.

Well done! Wonderful you got bullfinches! We will make an exhibition of your work so that parents can look at your work.

This material can be used in the lesson on the visual activity of the senior age group... The use of various non-traditional ways of drawing by children made the usual depiction of birds more interesting. Children were encouraged to use with cotton swabs, a sponge, and a brush.



Abstract of directly educational activities

GCD theme "Our feathered friends are bullfinches"

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Musical - artistic creativity".

Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive, productive, motor.


Cognition: teach children to reflect in the picture the idea of ​​wintering birds; to clarify the idea of ​​the appearance of a bullfinch (structural features, color);

Communication: arouse interest in drawing a flock of birds on a rowan branch;

Artistic creation:to acquaint children with the concept of color and composition;

Musical creativity:to educate curiosity, artistic taste, interest in drawing.

Planned results:

  • Has an idea of ​​wintering birds, their features and appearance;
  • In the course of his own activity, he shows initiative, independence in the choice of materials for work,
  • Knows how to navigate in space,
  • Exercise children up to 10; in the ability to correctly answer questions how much? Develop logical thinking, fine motor skills fingers;
  • Form the skill of self-esteem, self-control.
  • The ability to mix colors on the palette getting shades of gray, red, brown.
  • Ability to describe the structure, shape, color of a bullfinch.

Materials and equipment:A4 paper, gouache, cotton swabs, palette, oval-shaped foam rubber stamps, brush.

Preliminary work:

  • watching birds arriving at the site, viewing images of birds in illustrations, photographs, postcards, in encyclopedias for children;
  • reading and learning poems about birds, acquaintance with the silhouettes of various birds;
  • a conversation with children about wintering birds, about how a person helps birds in winter.
  • viewing illustrations of wintering birds, comparison by outward appearance bullfinch, sparrow, jackdaws.
  • observation of wintering birds, their behavior at the feeder.

drawing and modeling rowan branches with bunches of berries.

1. Introductory word of the teacher

We greet the guests and go to the location of our "Magic" forest.

Guys, today we will go on a journey to the fairy forest.

Music sounds: birds singing in the forest.

Please look carefully and tell me who do you see in our forest?

Indeed, many beautiful birds came to visit us. Let's guess together what kind of birds they are.

Who can name the birds that stay with us for the winter? How are they called in one word? And why do the rest of the birds fly away from us? What are they called? (children's answers)

So we came to the conclusion that birds can be divided into? (wintering and migratory)

- Now I will ask you a riddle, and you try to guess

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again.

Does everyone agree that this is a bullfinch? You guessed right, well done.

Guys, I suggest you get to know the bullfinch even closer. Therefore, I ask you to sit down at the tables and listen carefully to me. And we will sit down at the tablesin an unusual way.Each of you is already familiar with our fun palette.

Let's remember what a palette is? (plate, plate for mixing paints)

I show the color and ask:

Who has yellow (red, blue, green) on their clothes? Sit down - at the first table (further to all). How can you get Orange color? Green? Gray?

Remembering correct posture at the table.

And who knows about the bullfinch poem? (those who wish to tell)

What a wonderful, interesting poem Vika read to us. thanks

I want to remind you that in our kindergartenthe project "Waltz of Victory" is taking place, Let's let's hear the soldier's song- the defender of the fatherland, who dreams of beautiful bullfinches.

We carefully look at the screen. (I include a video clip by Y. Antonov "Bullfinches")

Clap for emphasis.

Part 2 - a description of the bird.

So let's trydescribe the bullfinch.

Who was watching closely? what do bullfinches look like? What shape are they? What color?

And I would call these birds alive Christmas toys... Why do you think? (decorate the forest like toys)

Can you call them red apples? Why do you think so?

Bullfinches are very beautiful birds that live in flocks. Let's look at the bullfinches together. This bird is slightly larger than a sparrow, very densely built. She has a bluish-gray back, black cap, chin, wings and tail, white upper tail and stripe on the wing.Males have bright red breasts. And in females it is gray.

What is the shape and color of the beak? Why do bullfinches need such a strong and thick beak? (to get seeds from the cones).

What else do you think a bullfinch can eat? (dried rowan berries, larvae).

Have you seen these beautiful birds? After all, sometimes they fly to the city, closer to people in search of food. How can we help them in a cold, hungry time? (children's answers)

That's right, they will remain very grateful to all those who feed them by hanging feeders and pouring grains and seeds.

I think that after our lesson welet's make a feederand hang it up, where different birds will often fly for lunch.

3. Practical part - drawing.

Showing technological map images of bullfinch.

Guys, now I suggest you depict bullfinches in the branches of the winter forest. But first, tell me how we can depict a bird (drawing with pencils, paint, non-traditional techniques, applique, plasticinography)

Consider the scheme for drawing a bullfinch in stages. Where can you start drawing a bird? - Which geometric shape and the color of the bullfinch's body? Head?

We move on to the tail - it expands slightly at the end. What shape does he look like?

And now yours a skillful hand will show us in the airhow to draw a torso, a head, a tail. (children paint in the air with a brush), our bullfinches are round, what else can be round? Ball. Inflate the cheeks and touch with your palms to represent the body of the bullfinch.

Think about how to arrange the birds so that the flock will fit on a piece of paper.

Place your palms where your birds will be.

You can draw two or more birds, but remember than more quantity birds, the smaller their size should be.

(Display on easel)

Decide in advance where you will draw the bullfinch, and where the female. For her we need gray paint. How to do it? (mix black and white on the palette).

We try to work carefully so that the paints do not mix with each other. Draw the beak, legs and eyes with squirrel brushes. Don't forget about the white and gray details.

and for rowan bunches we use a cotton swab.

Calm music “birds singing in the forest” “bullfinch singing in the forest” sounds, I focus on the bullfinch singing. Children are working. In case of difficulty, I advise some children along the way.

Physical education

While our birds are resting on the branches of the mountain ash. Let's play with you.

I propose to dance, but not get up from the chairs.

(Perform dance moves on a chair for different parts bodies for the backing track happy song"Dance of the Happy Ducklings").

And who noticed that bullfinches came to visit our group? Let's try to find them? There should be exactly 10 of them (math game - "Find and Count")

Pictures depicting bullfinches are hung in a group of 10 pieces.

Whoever did not have time, we finish drawing our birds, and for the rest I suggest each of you, in turn, find a bullfinch chick and plant it on our tree.

4. Result (reflection).

Well done! You have got amazing work! Your bullfinches glow in the branches like holiday lanterns. How did you like them? (Children talk, share their impressions).

We will also organize an exhibition of your works - a panorama "Look, see what kind of birds are bullfinches" in our garden and invite guests - let them admire our works.

And after lunch, we will definitely make a feeder for our feathered friends. After all, it is so difficult for them to survive in the harsh winter. And we, people, should take care of our smaller brothers.