Dictations in the Russian language on various topics. Methodical piggy bank

Dictations in Russian for grade 5

Dictation number 1.

Autumn in the forest.

Late autumn has come. It's bad weather. The sharp autumn wind is blowing more and more often. From the blue sky sends the sun parting rays.

How beautiful the forest is in autumn! The air is fresh. Yellow, orange, crimson leaves quietly fall from black trees and slowly sink to the cold ground.

The silence of the sleeping forest is not disturbed by the singing of birds. The alleys of the garden became empty, noiseless. But here in the summer it was so joyful, wonderful! Birds flocked here from the surrounding parks for a festive concert.

In autumn, the forest looks like a painted tower. It is good to settle down under a white-trunked birch and look at the golden colors of the forest, the purple edge of the sky for a long time.

Quiet, comfortable. The heart is light and calm.

Dictation number 2.

Hedgehogs are preparing for winter.

In late autumn, hedgehogs begin to prepare for hibernation. They have little prey, because lizards, bugs and frogs hide under snags.

A prickly hedgehog slowly crawls through black bumps, small clearings, dangerous ravines.

On autumn days, the hedgehog tries to prepare a wide warm hole for itself. Day and night he drags fragrant leaves, soft moss, dried blades of grass and twigs into the house. I want to make sure he has a comfortable bed.

A snowdrift covered the mink, and the hedgehog safely hid under such a fluffy blanket. He has wonderful dreams, and we are happy for him. With a good mood, the hedgehog wakes up, and then goes to inspect his farm.

Dictation number 3.

Winter sorceress.

In November, snow covered the frozen ground, and now the real winter has come.

A cold wind howls terribly in the field, a blizzard is walking. And the forest is quiet. You will go into the wilderness and you will not recognize familiar places, because everything is hidden under the snow. Frost covered the river with ice.

Dressed in a fur coat and a huge oak tree. Its dense crowns will last all winter, and their power cannot be broken even by an evil hurricane.

Suddenly, a squirrel ran through the branches. It appears black amid the dazzling, untouched whiteness of the light. Because of this restless bustle, a huge snow cap fell onto the path.

What air! What harmony! There are no words to describe such a miracle of nature.

Dictation number 4.

Squirrels in the forest.

From morning until late at night, cheerful, nimble squirrels are bustling about in the forest. You can't really keep track of their movements.

Mischievous squirrels will rise to the top of a huge pine tree, jump from branch to branch. Then they will go downstairs for food supplies: delicious mushrooms, selected nuts, dried berries.

In the forest pantries, these wonderful hostesses will hide what they have found.

They will make warm nests in the hollow house, and soon little squirrels will appear in new apartments. They will grow up quickly and be brought up by caring parents.

And in the fierce winter happy families squirrels will be saved from frost, harsh winds and snowfalls. It is safe to live in warm, cozy nests.

Dictation number 5.

Moonlight night.

Nice autumn moonlit night! On the sides of the road, young trees froze: birch, spruce, pine, aspen.

Rare snowflakes fall on the sleeping earth, and the bright yellow moon illuminates the forester's hut. The gloomy sky is full of frequent stars and looks down on the night earth.

There is an extraordinary silence all around. But suddenly a slight rustle of leaves was heard from the left. "Yes, it's a squirrel!" I shouted. Leaves rained down on me as she jumped from one branch to another.

The approach of winter is already felt. Soon the ice will forge the river, its banks will be closed with a fluffy carpet.

The beam casts light on the clearing, and the trees burn with all the colors of the rainbow: orange, gold, crimson. Hello moonlit night!

Dictation number 6.


Spring is an amazing time of the year. The sun gently warmed the awakened earth. The snow has long since fled from the fields in muddy streams. From the junction to the nearest village, winter rye turns green, and whitish clouds float across the blue sky. The dampness that usually happens in early spring is no longer felt in the air.

Life seemed to start up and be filled with some new sounds. From the surrounding groves, from arable lands and pastures, a joyful chirping of birds is heard. There was the sound of a truck at the crossing. "Egorych, open the road!" - a cheerful shout of the driver is heard.

Everything around begins to change: the smallest branch grows, the delicate stalk gathers strength and straightens towards the sun.

Nature celebrates spring renewal. Hello Spring!

Dictation number 7.


Rowan is an autumn beauty. Other trees have already given their fruits, and she is just beginning to dress up in crimson-red clusters. The cold is coming and the birds are eating the bittersweet berries.

You will meet rowan everywhere: on the outskirts, on the edges, in the clearings. It grows near houses, spreads twigs from behind the fence, settles down on the outskirts and stands happy, proud, majestic.

This plant likes privacy. Near the mountain ash, the trees feel better, because a huge number of birds flock to it, which destroy pests.

A thin trunk bends under the wind, but does not break. Rowan does not give up, and every autumn again her lovely outfit captivates us.

We expect to meet with mountain ash next fall. See you soon, wonder tree!

Dictation number 8.


Once, a mother called her son: “Yura, look who I brought!”

Mom was holding a purse, a litter of soft leaves someone in a fur coat scurried about.

An oblong muzzle with a smooth nose, shining eyes and small erect ears appeared from the purse. The muzzle of the animal turned out to be amusing: everything was gray above and below, in the middle wide black stripes stretched from the nose to the ears.

The baby's fur was light gray, and the legs were dark, as if he had dressed up in boots and mittens.

Mom took a bottle with a pacifier from the cupboard and poured milk into it. The kid immediately realized what was the matter. He took the whole nipple and closed his eyes. Wonderful badger, funny animal!

Dictation number 9.

Polar owl.

Snowy owls usually winter in the tundra. In the darkness of the night they fly over the snows shimmering in the starlight. They feed on mice and hares, mercilessly exterminate these helpless animals.

But still, the polar night ends. In the stone placers you will not notice the nests of an owl, because they are located almost at the very feet. The warmth in the nests is preserved in severe frosts, as they are covered with light fluff.

I found such a nest in a crevice. Suddenly, a huge white bird flew up from under my feet, and the spread wings merged with the whiteness of the snow.

"Sergei, what is there?" my friend was surprised. A frightened chick huddled in the nest, and they remained lying nearby warm eggs.

Dictation number 10.

To the homeland.

In early spring, flocks of birds unite on the southern coasts of Europe and Africa. "Home! Hurry home!” - from everywhere rushes restless cry.

Countless migratory chains are drawn to their native places, and people are always happy to meet him. But during the journey, some of the birds remain, scatter and settle in the surrounding lakes and rivers. The most enduring fly to the White Sea. Here they are located along the sandy shores, are divided into pairs to build nests and breed chicks.

In autumn, the chicks will grow up, get stronger, and the birds begin to flock in flocks before flying to warmer climes. But you can not live long in a foreign land.

Every spring you see how tired caravans return to their homeland.

Dictation number 11.


Once Gaidar went to meet the guys in the camp and took his five-year-old daughter Zhenya with him. The surprisingly arrogant girl seemed to boast: “I am the daughter of a famous dad and will grow up soon!”

During the reading of the fairy tale "Hot Stone" everyone sat quietly, but at first Zhenya looked down on her sides, then uneasily stamped her feet and began to run down the stairs.

Suddenly Gaidar paused, put down his notebook and said sternly: "Take the girl away, she's in the way!" Zhenya cringed, frightened, and immediately fell silent.

Gaidar read the tale to the end. The happy eyes of the guys spoke about everything: about love for the writer, about respect.

“To Gaidar for justice,” they wrote in the book they gave him.

Dictation№ 12


Chickens are the jungle cat's favorite delicacy. Once a predator went hunting, but suddenly a magpie appeared from somewhere, twitched its black and white tail and chirped. It was dangerous, and the cat decided to stop so as not to attract attention. An annoying bird perched above his head.

The village wakes up, and the cat begins to tease the cackling of chickens, but he cannot get rid of the harmful guide. He held back impotent anger and hatred for his obsessive companion. Then he began to make his way to the village. Soroka still did not set aside and still continued to guard him.

The cat had to disappear into the thickets, and the bird screamed and circled.

Today, robber, you will lie hungry, because the hunt has failed.

A selection of interesting texts for dictations was found on the server http://ruslita.ru/images/russki. This site represents interesting materials for lessons of Russian language and literature.

Diagnostic dictations
Usually in the first half of September, entrance work on the Russian language is held. Most often these are dictations. Their texts contain those types of orthograms and punctograms that were studied in the last academic year. The main purpose of diagnostics is to determine the level of residual skills and abilities of students. Up to grade 8, texts are accompanied by grammar tasks. In grades 9-11, such tasks are not provided, but they can be introduced at the request of the teacher.
Fifth grades write according to the texts of the final dictations conducted in elementary school, therefore these texts are addressed to students from grades 6 to 11. Please note: the number of texts becomes larger in grades 9-11. Almost all dictations are combined autumn theme, which fits well with the time of their holding.
2013-2014 academic year

Sad autumn day in the forest. Multi-colored aspens and birches stand naked. 4 A tall larch showers the needle. The herbs have long dried up and faded. The gray sky clung to the earth.
Annoyingly drizzling prickly rain. This is how it goes week after week. And then suddenly a noisy storm hits. Age-old fir trees bend. With a groan, old aspens break in the clearings. The wind drives yellow dry foliage along the clearings and dark riverbeds.4
The storm subsides. And one morning, the first thing you discover is that the earth has put on a white coat at night. Freezes slightly. But it's not real winter. In the meantime, the forest is spacious and clean, the snow is crunching like a fresh head of cabbage.
(92 words.) (According to R. Panov.)

grammar task

1. Parsing by the composition of the words: autumn, break, clearings (1st option), age-old, flies, snowball (2nd option).
2. Parsing: The wind drives yellow dry leaves along the clearings and dark riverbeds. (1 option)
There are multi-colored aspens and birches naked. (Option 2).
3. Morphological analysis: snuggle (1st option), crunches (2nd option).

Diagnostic dictation for grade 6
2013-2014 academic year
Latest mushrooms

The wind blew to the sides. Linden sighed and shook off a million golden leaves.4 The wind blew again with all its might. And then all the leaves fell off. Only rare gold coins remained on the black branches of the old linden.
So the wind played with the linden, and then crept up to the dark cloud. She splashed and immediately all dispersed with 3 rain.
The wind drove another cloud far beyond the horizon. And from under this cloud, bright rays escaped. Wet forests and fields immediately sparkled.
Red leaves covered the ground. But I found a few mushrooms, and boletus, and boletus.4 These were the last mushrooms.
(92 words.) (According to M. Prishvin.)
grammar task

1. Analysis of the composition of words: scattered, drove away, leaves (1 option), escaped, played, mushrooms (2 option).
2. Parsing: Lipa sighed and shook off a million golden leaves. (1 option)
But I found a few mushrooms, and boletus, and boletus. (Option 2).
3. Morphological analysis: dispersed (1st option), crept up (2nd option).

diagnostic dictation grade 6
2013-2014 academic year


"5" "4" "3" "2" Quality of knowledge Training



extra comma
Error name Number of students
Errors in parsing by composition
Errors in the morphological parsing of the verb

Errors in the proposal schema

2013-2014 academic year

Ringing silence

Leaves fall from trees in late autumn. The forest becomes quiet and transparent. I love at this time to meet the dawn on some edge. The morning silence is overwhelming. The beat of one's own heart seems muffled and loud, like hammer blows on roofing iron. But in a minute these blows will fade away, as if erased3 by silence.4 And the air, silent3 before, will ring in the ears with a thin sound.4 It seems that a red-hot filament of an electric light bulb is singing overhead. And suddenly you hear a squeak.
"Day, day ..." - there was a sound in the branches of the nearest spruce. "Day, day ..." - responded from a neighboring pine. And the ringing silence disappeared, melted away.
Something stirred in the black paws of the giant tree. I looked and saw a small pichuga. I don’t understand: this is a titmouse or some other inseparable singer of our forest. There is still a good half an hour before dawn, and the birds have already given voices.
(123 words.) (According to Vl. Stepanov.)
grammar task

1. Write out pronouns from paragraph 1 (option 1), from paragraph 3 (option 2) and indicate their category.
And the air, silent before that, will ring in the ears with a thin sound. (1 option). But in a minute these blows will fade away, as if erased by silence. (Option 2).
3. Morphological analysis: silent (1st option), erased (2nd option).
Diagnostic dictation for grade 7
2013-2014 academic year
Symphony of the passing summer

The last days of the outgoing summer are flying by very quickly. In the meadow you can see sad storks gathering3 in flocks and getting ready to fly away.4 Their chicks, now no longer like chicks, are conducting their last training before the flight.4 The meadow is almost empty, sad. Only occasionally does the aroma of the last summer flowers, so delicate and beautiful, smell in your face. At this moment, it seems that nature is powerless to force them to close their petals for the winter.
The sun looks tenderly through the velvet snow-white clouds, but his smile can no longer warm the earth, as in summer. Rains have become frequent guests. The birds are strange: they hurry, they scream. Only in the evening they calm down, their voices become quieter. And the frogs are no longer heard. Only the wind whistles a sad symphony of farewell to summer. Thank you, summer, for all the joys that you gave us. Hello golden autumn! (125 words)
grammar task

1. Write out pronouns from paragraph 1 (option 1), from paragraph 2 (option 2) and indicate their category.
2. Syntactic analysis of the sentence: In the meadow you can see sad storks gathering in flocks and preparing to fly away. (1 option).
Their chicks, no longer chick-like, are doing their last pre-flight training. (Option 2).
3. Morphological analysis: leaving (1 option), gathering (2 option).

Diagnostic dictation for grade 7
2013-2014 academic year
forest lakes

Passing through the thickets and wilds, the river Siya, like a necklace, strings on itself several dozen large and small forest lakes. And each has its own special landscape.
Mikhailovskoye is expanse and blue expanse. Lake Pleshkovo lies in a flat round thicket, in green, drowsy shores, edged3 with thickets of reeds.4 They say that pike and perch take well here. The most beautiful lake - Dudintsy - attracts with complete solitude, resinous infusion of the pine forests surrounding it3, water lilies along the tiny islands.
Each lake can tell about fishing luck, about stunning sunrises and sunsets, about lodging for the night in a small smoky hut, about the quiet joy of non-futile life.
Ragged wisps of fog creep between the sleepy shores. With light gusts of wind, it blows it aside, to the swampy thickets of alder and willow. There, stiffening and being fed with cold, it turns into solid milk.4
(124 words.) (According to O. Larin.)
grammar task

1. Analyze the composition of words: passing, drowsy, smoky (1st option), getting drunk, fishing, swampy (2nd option).
2. Syntactic analysis of the sentence:
Lake Pleshkovo lies in a flat round thicket, in green, drowsy shores, edged with thickets of reeds. (1 option).
There, numbing and saturated with cold, it turns into solid milk. (Option 2).
3. Morphological analysis: edged (1st option), surrounding (2nd option).

diagnostic dictation grade 7
2013-2014 academic year
Number of students according to the list - pers.
The number of students who performed the work - pers.

"5" "4" "3" "2" Quality of knowledge Training

"5" "4" "3" "2" Quality of knowledge Training

Spelling name Quantity Spelling name Quantity

Error name Number of students
Comma in a sentence with homogeneous members
Punctuation marks in a complex sentence
extra comma
Error name Number of students
Not all pronouns were written out
Incorrectly defined category of pronouns
Mistakes in identifying parts of speech
Errors in the definition of sentence members
Errors in the proposal schema
Errors in the characteristics of the offer
Errors in parsing by composition

2013-2014 academic year


More than once on rainy September days I observed a gray bird with a reddish breast and the same neck. It is called a robin and is no larger than a titmouse, with the same thin paws and beak. You look for the last red-headed aspen mushrooms in the frequent undergrowth, and it spins around. You stop to look at it, and the bird also watches you, sits one and a half to two meters away and shifts its head from one side to the other.
And once, while gathering nuts in a clearing overgrown with hazel and aspen, I again saw my old companion.
Here it is, what's the matter! The weather is gloomy, several times the rain was adjusted. Insects huddled under the blades of grass and fallen leaves. I walk and disturb them with my feet, make them move and show themselves. Here, the robin turns out pleasant with useful: it will catch insects, and it will moderate its bird's curiosity.
(141 words.) (According to N. Pashkov.)
grammar task

1. Write out service words from paragraph 1 (option 1), from paragraph 3 (option 2).
2. Syntactic analysis of the sentence:
The red-breasted runs on the ground and pecks insects from the blades of grass knocked down by my feet. (1 option).
And once, while gathering nuts in a clearing overgrown with hazel and aspen, I again saw my old companion. (Option 2).
3. Morphological analysis: downed (1st option), overgrown (2nd option).

Diagnostic dictation for grade 8
2013-2014 academic year
autumn colors

The beginning of autumn without any special signs. It seems to be the same somewhat gloomy days and the colors are the same everywhere. But look into the green spaces. The horizon seemed to be pushed back, the circle was more spacious, it became brighter. “Autumn is clearer than summer,” is subtly noted3 in the folk calendar. The air is clearer and cleaner, pollen is no longer carried in it. That's the whole secret of the crystal days of the first autumn.
And then those crimson and lilac tones! And interestingly, they first appear on the lowest floor of the forest. Take, for example, the leaves of the stone. In the summer they were green-green, and now they are blushing, as if filled with a thick blush. Even the knotweed is reddened, spreads on the edges of a picturesque canvas, and to the touch it is hard, rough. Autumn mushrooms, spilled out on stumps among yellowed3 ferns, are piled up in heaps.4 Just have time to cut! Summer species of mushrooms descend. Now, more and more often, tight deciduous plants fall into the basket: milk mushrooms, volnushki, saffron milk mushrooms and late porcini.4 The autumn mushroom is strong and non-wormy.
(140 words.) (According to A. Strizhev.)
grammar task

1. Write out service words from paragraph 1 (option 1), from paragraph 2 (option 2).
2. Syntactic analysis of the sentence:
Autumn mushrooms, spilled out on stumps among yellowed ferns, are piled up in heaps. (1 option).
Now more and more often tight deciduous fall into the basket: milk mushrooms, volnushki, saffron milk caps and late whites. (Option 2).
3. Morphological analysis: noticed (1st option), yellowed (2nd option).

Diagnostic dictation for grade 8
2013-2014 academic year
Path to the lake

It was an early sunny morning, whistling, clicking, and squabbling of waking birds were heard in the thickets. Ragged wisps of mist crawled between the sleepy shores. With light gusts of wind it was blown aside, to the swampy thickets of alder and willow. There, numbing and soaking with cold, it turned into solid milk.4 But the sun climbed higher and higher, melting light frost. The fog was slowly dissolving. The shores, illuminated by the morning sun, receded in an obscure witch haze.4
It is easy to imagine a traveler, exhausted, surrounded by a voracious mosquito, who wanders through the taiga for a long time, knocking down his legs, falling into unsteady swaying mosses. But his soul stubbornly strives forward to the long-awaited lake. A blade of blue water suddenly flashes through the parted thickets. And behind it a radiant space will open, indented with white scallops. Only then will he feel how great is the soul of this lake and what is the force of its attraction. A landscape without water is blind and lifeless. How many times have I convinced myself of this! He looked into the lake and seemed to straighten up, cheered up.
(142 words.) (According to O. Larin.)
grammar task

1. Write out adverbs from paragraph 1 (option 1), from paragraph 2 (option 2) and indicate their rank by value.
2. Syntactic analysis of the sentence:
There, numb and saturated with cold, he turned into solid milk. (1 option).
The shores, illuminated by the morning sun, receded in an obscure magical haze. (Option 2).
3. Morphological analysis: awakening (1st option), indented (2nd option).

diagnostic dictation grade 8
2013-2014 academic year
Number of students according to the list - pers.
The number of students who performed the work - pers.

"5" "4" "3" "2" Quality of knowledge Training

"5" "4" "3" "2" Quality of knowledge Training

Spelling name Quantity Spelling name Quantity

Error name Number of students
Comma in a sentence with homogeneous members
Punctuation marks in a complex sentence
Separate definition expressed by participial turnover
Separate circumstance expressed by adverbial turnover
extra comma
Error name Number of students
Mistakes in defining function words or adverbs
Errors in the morphological parsing of the participle
Mistakes in identifying parts of speech
Errors in the definition of sentence members
Errors in the proposal schema
Errors in the characteristics of the offer

2013-2014 academic year
Red rowan bonfire burns

A multi-colored blizzard is circling. Autumn cuts off a luxurious outfit of trees, throws it on roads, carries it into rivers and puddles, as if trying to wash off the bright cheerful paint. Cold in the morning. No, no, yes, and the grass will be covered with silver dust. True, the days are fine and warm. And then it seems like summer is back again. But not for long. And here again a fine cold rain, a low leaden sky, the farewell cries of migratory birds.
Every day the forest becomes more transparent. He loses his mystery, drops a luxurious dress on the ground. And then rowan bonfires will blaze on the forest edges. They will burn for a long time, illuminating the forest with their cold flame, until noisy and nimble bands of thrushes will fly at them.
Elegant mountain ash from spring to autumn. In spring, light yellow, almost white fluffy flower caps adorn this tree with an openwork crown. "Why openwork?" - you ask. Take a closer look. Its leaves make it openwork. Isn't it true, it seems that someone threw woven lace over the mountain ash? Then the berries will begin to ripen on the mountain ash, becoming more orange and brighter every day. Until finally the rowan fire flares up.
(161 words.) (According to T. Gorova.)
Diagnostic dictation for grade 9
2013-2014 academic year

Maneuvering among the dense reeds, the huntsman drove the Veterok to a narrow wooded cape. He turned off the engine, and the prow of the boat poked softly into the mud. Young birch and aspen trees grew along the swampy shore, obscuring the gloomy untidy taiga. The trunks of some aspens were gnawed by hares almost to the ground.
Blissful, drowsy warmth fell to the ground. Everything around was majestic, simple and reliable, and even one's own heart could be heard in the silence. But then, somewhere in the thicket, a branch crackled, a jay screamed in fright, and her voice was transmitted to other inhabitants of the forest. A woodpecker answered with a long typewritten knock, a squirrel rustled in the needles and immediately disappeared ...
The path along which we walked was strewn with small deadwood, edged with juicy malachite moss. Coniferous infusion hovered over us like a stuffy cloud, the smell of fallen and already fermented leaves turned our heads. Under the dried branches of the firs, lingonberries blushed, aspen mushrooms, volnushki, butterflies looked out. Picking up mushrooms on the go, the foresters cleaned them of leaves and carefully, so as not to damage the hats, pricked them on sharp tree branches - approximately at the height of human growth. As a squirrel gets hungry in winter, it means that it will have a dried delicacy.
(167 words.) (According to O. Larin.)
Diagnostic dictation for grade 9
2013-2014 academic year
Forest fires

Fires in the North were rarely wholesale, when entire trunks were enveloped in fire and the flames raged, throwing out long tongues. Most often there were fires from the ground. Dry grass and moss burned, and the height of the flame barely reached a meter. But how many misfortunes for the forest such a fire brought!
Coniferous undergrowth, shrubs, and tree roots that came to the surface were dying. Often, a grassroots fire acted like a cancerous tumor, like a time bomb. Outwardly, seemingly unharmed, but in fact, exhausted trees could no longer resist hordes of bark beetles and other evil spirits, which, with millions of strong jaws, bit into the wood pulp, turning it into dust.
Is it possible to calculate the damage caused to wildlife by one seemingly innocent tourist fire? I think the math is powerless here. Of course, you can calculate the hectares of burned forest, the cost of fire work. But will dead animals, birds, plants be included in such a calculation?
This loss, moral and material, is simply unpredictable, it will not fall into any accounting statement, just like the maintenance of a forest fireman, a pilot, a huntsman is unpredictable.
My companions have almost finished their morning tour. Their tanned faces expressed tired contentment and complacency.
(166 words.) (According to O. Larin.)

2013-2014 academic year

Rowan is one of the favorite trees among the people. No wonder it is called a rowanberry. This tree can be found not only on forest edges and in light forests. They plant it near houses, along roads.
Rowan ordinary - a slender tree up to fifteen meters high with a smooth gray bark. It grows along forest edges, in woodlands, in the second tier of forests. Rowan is unpretentious to soils and is not afraid of frost. It's just that the light really loves it. Usually on clearings among the young shoots you can find a lot of mountain ash. But other trees will grow up, and the beautiful mountain ash will not be among them. There was little light for her, so she died.
The fruits of mountain ash, which are popularly called berries and apples, are not only beautiful, but also useful. They are widely used in folk medicine. Rowan fruits are a valuable vitamin raw material. They are especially rich in malic and citric acid.
Rowan belongs to the Rosaceae family. The rowan genus combines various types of trees or large shrubs that grow in almost all forests of our country. Usually they are not very high, from ten to twenty-five meters.
Rowan flowers are also different in color. White, light yellow or reddish, they are collected in a large inflorescence. And by autumn they will turn into large clusters of orange-red, purple, sometimes bluish berries.
(190 words.) (According to T. Gorova.)

Diagnostic dictation for grade 10
2013-2014 academic year
Autumn time

In September, autumn comes to the forests and forest-steppes of the Russian Plain. Those places that lie south of the coniferous taiga are called the middle lane. In her nature there is no splendor and brightness of the humid tropics or the poverty and severity of deserts. She is modest and charming, her colors are soft, her scents are subtle.
Sometimes September starts here with rains. They pour from low clouds - lingering, monotonous. The surroundings are dull and boring. In September, in the morning, the fallen grass turns gray from hoarfrost.
But in the second half of the month, the time often comes, which people call "Indian summer." In "Indian summer" the dormant nature sometimes wakes up again. Raspberries, wild strawberries, bird cherry, wild rose are blooming again. Flies and bumblebees come to life, and prolific hares, it would seem contrary to the laws of nature, give birth to babies. People call these rabbits "falling leaves".
Time is running. A golden leafy blizzard is circling. The birds are moving south. Schools of cranes and geese swim very high. Swallows, finches, starlings fly below - in a cloud.
If in middle lane autumn lasts three months, then in Siberia - one and a half or two. Autumn comes here in August, and snow falls in October. Special autumn in Yakutia. There are three main colors here: the azure of the sky, the gold of the crowns and the reddish color of the tree trunks. Siberia is a country of forests. Their inhabitants are preparing for a long and harsh winter.
(190 words)
Diagnostic dictation for grade 10
2013-2014 academic year
Autumn in Siberia

September is an autumn month, but it is not at all the same on the coast of the Arctic Ocean and in the south.
Autumn begins in the Arctic in the expanses of Siberia. Under the slanting rays of the northern sun, the colors of the autumn tundra flared up with red, orange, yellow flames. This is the beginning of polar autumn. Here it comes in the summer month - August. By September, the tundra fades and turns brown. Strong night frosts seize the soil soaked in moisture. Snow falls more and more often, and by the end of the month the tundra turns white.
Siberia is a country of forests. Their inhabitants are preparing for a long and harsh winter. A bear is looking for a den, a badger cleans a hole, squirrels and chipmunks stock up on mushrooms, berries, and nuts. At the same time, the weasel, ermine, arctic fox, fox and other fur-bearing animals molt and dress in beautiful winter coats.
The Far East has its own autumn. Summer here is often damp. But autumn is quiet, warm and clear. This is the best time of the year off the coast of the Pacific Ocean. The warm Sea of ​​Japan sparkles with bottomless blue. The colors of the Far Eastern autumn are frantic, red-purple color prevails, flaming hills stretch to the very horizon.
To the south of the forests there are steppes, almost completely plowed. But in some places preserved virgin virgin soil. There, under the pale blue sultry sky, thickets of feather-grass are agitated and shimmering.
This is how autumn, starting in August, its procession across the country, by mid-October conquers the entire space.
(190 words)

Diagnostic dictation for grade 10
2013-2014 academic year
crystal hill

Gray solid clouds overlaid the entire sky. The forest, stretching behind the river, seemed completely dark. Only in some places white threads are pulled through the solid blackness - birch trunks.
I approached a well-known hill and stopped in surprise. In summer, this hill, running down a gentle slope to the river, seemed shaggy, overgrown with tall fluffy plants. Their unpretentious flowers are collected in panicles. They are often pulled between the fingers, wondering what will happen: “cockerel” or “hen”.
Now, late autumn, panicles, of course, flew around. But on the yellowed stalks, crystal beads sparkled instead. The stems bowed under their weight. It seemed that the wind would blow, and a gentle chime would be heard.
Maybe these seeds are so amazing? I tried to pluck the plant, but the beads immediately fell off. And I had in my hands, in autumn, a bare stalk with thin yellow twigs spread out in all directions.
I picked another plant. Just be careful now. And, as happened in the summer with panicles, she pulled it between her fingers. The beads immediately disappeared. And my fingers got wet. The beads were made from water. It is a fog whimsically settled on the stalks.
This is the crystal hill I happened to stumble upon on this dull, dreary morning. It turns out that even on such a bleak day, there are many amazing, simply fabulous things around us.
(190 words.) (According to E. Surova.)
2013-2014 academic year

On a fine day, elegant butterflies still flicker over withered grasses, large dragonflies-rocker tremblingly knock. The birds are also gratifying with their farewell songs. Starlings are especially vociferous, singing near their native houses. Young wagtails rushed into the distance. Soon the autumn sky will resound with the cries of crane flocks.
There will also be truly wet days ahead, when nature inadvertently becomes generous with warmth and affection. Behind the bad weather - a bright warm "Indian summer". Golden sheaves of rays will return to the Central Russian expanses not only the friendly smiles of flowers, but also the sonorous songs of birds, cumulus, bizarre clouds, the hospitality of bright waters.
September is an amazing time of the year! Stock up on paper and pencil, you must hurry to the fields, meadows, to the river, so as not to miss the opportunity to find out the latest autumn news.
In some places, the old stubble is woven with the finest silk of web spiders. And on the winter wedge - an emerald of the purest greenery: the seedlings were painted, overcoming the infantile purple.
In the forest, the most interesting September phenomenon is the beginning of leaf fall. In September, elms, bird cherry and linden will part with the summer beauty. In addition to the weather, the rate of leaf fall is also affected by the terrain, groundwater, soil features and, of course, the age of the trees.
Let's take a look at the flower beds. How did they welcome autumn? It looks like it's in all its glory. Late flowers stand proudly and, moreover, are charming and picturesque. Especially pleasing to the eye are thick red cannes crowning powerful stems. They stand unfading until the frost.
(202 words.) (According to A. Strizhev.)

Diagnostic dictation for grade 11
2013-2014 academic year
Animal barometer

The taiga is turning yellow, autumn is coming. V cedar cones ripened, the nut was poured with oil, the lingonberries blushed to a cherry color. Here and there you can see purple, orange, gray russula. Often there are, as if sewn into green moss, crimson saffron milk caps.
Having collected a full basket of mushrooms, I go out to the clearing. I took a liking to a taller stump, sat down to rest. Everywhere is quiet, drowsy, mysterious. The forest is blazing in inextinguishable fires, as if deliberately painted in bright, iridescent colors. Suddenly a rustle from the side.
And out of nowhere, a funny animal appears in front of me - a chipmunk.
His tail is long, hairy, with five longitudinal stripes on his back. And the bulging black buttons of the eyes are framed by light rings, which give the impression that the animal is running around in glasses.
It is known that the chipmunk is troublesome, curious and, like no one else from the wild kingdom of the taiga, is trusting to a person. And now, having checked what the basket was filled with, he looked at me, as if in bewilderment, and jumped onto the fallen tree. Twirl-twirl in one place. He froze in a column, stood, swayed from side to side once, twice, and, as if lamenting about something, began to cry. The sad and dreary sounds made by the animal were strikingly reminiscent of a quiet plaintive cry. It seemed that the chipmunk was pouring out her grief unknown to anyone, crying and complaining about some offender.
If a chipmunk screamed in the taiga, then be sure to expect bad weather. And, however, by evening the sky was covered with clouds, a lingering autumn rain began.
(203 words.) (According to P. Stefarov.)
Diagnostic dictation for grade 11
2013-2014 academic year
forest noise

The steppe wind silently waves the panicles of feather grass, light as cobwebs, bends the silky juicy grass to the ground and swiftly rushes on. But forest strips grown on virgin lands meet with a dense wall. The trees unanimously weave their branches, as if holding hands, sway their peaks reproachfully and angrily hiss with each petal.
Try to listen, and you will see that the forests make noise in different ways - each with its own voice.
The pine forest rustles more viscous, somehow thoughtfully, with a barely noticeable whistle. The voice of the deciduous forest is surprisingly similar to the noise of a mountain river with its murmur, the distant ringing of barely audible bells and many other sounds merged into a common chorus. Silent of all saxaul forests of deserts, devoid of leaves and needles. They do not make any noise even in a strong wind, but only faintly rustle, just like winter bare aspens with branches frozen in the frost, wooden voices, exactly justifying the meaning of this word.
If anyone had to spend the night next to the snowy peaks, among the colorful alpine meadows, near the thickets of polar birches only knee-high, he remembers how at night this dwarf forest of celestial peaks hissed like a snake under the gusts of a light breeze.
(200 words.) (According to M. Zverev.)
Diagnostic dictation for grade 11
2013-2014 academic year

The giant tree lizard - the green iguana - is found along the banks of numerous tributaries of the Amazon and in the mangroves of Guiana and Brazil. Especially a lot of iguanas live on the small islands of the Atlantic coast.
Iguana at first glance makes a repulsive impression. A four-sided head sitting on a short thick neck, a green back painted with dark stripes, along which an uneven jagged crest stretches, an ugly bag-like skin fold hanging under the chest, and a long, laterally compressed tail do not make the iguana a beauty. However, for the Indians, the iguana is an excellent prey. Its meat is considered a delicacy, and boiled eggs, soft as butter, are a favorite delicacy.
Sometimes Indians hunt iguanas with a gun using specially trained dogs. But catching iguanas with a loop is more attractive and is considered a sport.
Iguanas feed on plant foods, mainly leaves and fruits of trees. Iguanas spend most of their lives in trees, although they can swim and dive very well. When danger approaches, the animals jump into the water.
In September, female iguanas leave for the upper reaches of the rivers, where they lay their eggs in coastal sand or dunes. Each female lays fifteen to twenty eggs. Sometimes several females lay their eggs in one hole. The sun is the incubator. The hatchlings are left without any supervision and grow up completely on their own.
(200 words.) (According to E. Linnik.)

Diagnostic dictation for grade 11
2013-2014 academic year
tree voices

Autumn ruled in the forest. The foliage of the trees at the touch of her cold breath turned into all hot colors: lemon-yellow, golden, crimson, orange.
I walked along a barely noticeable path, powdered with fallen leaves. She meandered between the giant oaks. Suddenly I heard a sonorous slap - a fat, pot-bellied acorn rolled up to my feet. I picked it up and placed it in my palm. A weighty piece of flesh of a heroic tree, breathing with power, it, like a mirror, reflected the sparks of the dim autumn sun. As if some wonderful and skillful master polished it and varnished it lovingly. But the master, apparently, was not satisfied with the work of his hands and made an even fine checkered hat, coquettishly putting it on his side.
In the ringing silence of the forest, broken only by the sound of a woodpecker and the squeak of a bird flying from branch to branch, the dry sound of a fallen acorn was reminiscent of a rifle shot. Day and night these sounds are heard in the oak forests - acorns bravely fall from the branches of oaks, old, thick and wise.
The fallen acorns will be gently covered with snow, and in the spring, when the traces of winter will melt the hot sunbeams, they will sprout, stubbornly throwing soft green elastic leaves towards the warmth and light.

Try to listen and you will see that the trees make noise in different ways, each of them speaks in its own way.
Here, on a wide street of a steppe village, a pyramidal poplar and a birch grow nearby. The wind has already completely swept the street, but still finds some dust somewhere in the back streets and carries it like a snowy drift along the asphalt of the highway. A birch in the fresh wind loses its temper, waving soft branches, like tufts of disheveled hair.
And next to it, a pyramidal poplar, all directed upwards, barely moves its thick branches, and in order to call it for a big conversation, you need a wind many times stronger. And only when you want to turn and turn your back on the wind - then the proud poplars will shake their tops and turn their leaves with their bright bottom up. Not at all like a talkative birch, ready to wave its branches and make noise from any breeze.
Well, everyone knows about the aspen that it is the most talkative tree in the forest. Its leaves tremble and murmur under their breath when the wind is so small that not a single leaf moves in other solid trees.
The voices of all the trees are good in their own way. And for me, the noise of a pine forest is sweeter than all forest conversations. This is probably because my whole childhood passed next to him.
(200 words.) (According to M. Zverev.)

5th grade, 1st quarter

In the morning we went fishing with the guys from the neighboring village. The sun has already illuminated the forest and a small river with low banks. From the green meadows came the sweet smell of flowers and the buzzing of bees. Industrious insects hurried to harvest honey.

On the near shore, the fishermen spread out their fishing rods and waited for a good catch. By lunchtime, fish were splashing in my blue bucket.

But then a huge cloud appeared on the horizon. She quickly approached from behind the forest.

The leaves of the bushes stirred anxiously. Weakly pulled damp. It was getting darker, the songbirds were silent. Sharp gusts of wind charged the water in the river and drove the leaves. Torrential rain poured down. We ran home, but got soaked to the skin. (101 words.)

Grammar task.

1.Morphemic parsing words

illuminated, small, catch / charged, honey, smell.

2. Analysis of the sentence by members, definition of parts of speech

On the near shore, the fishermen spread out their fishing rods and waited for a good catch./

Sharp gusts of wind charged the water in the river and drove the leaves.

5th grade, 2nd quarter

In a thunderstorm

It was a hot July day. With slanting hot rays, the sun burned the dry earth. The thick dustand was small on the way and filled hot air. The clouds gathered into a large purple cloud. The distant summer thunder rumbled.

And now the clouds began to cover the sun. It peeked out from behind the clouds for the last time and disappeared. Everything in nature has changed dramatically.

A whirlwind swooped in, the aspen grove trembled. From gusts of strong wind, young aspens bend almost to the ground. Bunches of dry grass fly across the road. By the river, thick reeds rustle dully. A blinding lightning flashed, and a deafening thunderclap sounded. The first big drop of rain fell. A torrential downpour poured down. (96 words)

Grammar task.

1. Phonetic analysis of wordssun / stood.

2. Morphemic parsing of words

trembled further, rivers / aspen, flew, hit

3. Complete parsing of sentences

The thick dustand was small on the road and filled the hot air./

It peeked out from behind the clouds for the last time and disappeared.

Grade 5, final control

A few years ago, a beautiful building was erected in the center of the capital. On hisfacade there are interesting watches. Every hour, black doors open on the dial, and heroes of folk tales appear behind them.

You enter the theater in anticipation of a meeting with wonderful world. In the theater museum you will get acquainted with puppets different countries. V winter garden you will see a tree with wonderful birds. Fish are swimming in the pond.

"How beautiful it is here!" - say the guys.

One floor above is an auditorium with multi-colored chairs: red, blue, yellow, green. This was done so that the guys did not confuse the places.

The bell rings and the audience gathers in the hall. The doors close silently and the play begins. (100 words.)

Grammar task.

1. Phonetic analysis of wordsblack/yellow.

2. Morphemic parsing of words

multi-colored, gather / appeared, pond

3. Morphological analysis of the word

center (from the 1st sentence)/body of water (from the last sentence of the second paragraph)

4. Schema proposals

last of the 1st paragraph, sentence of the 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence of the 4th paragraph / last of the last paragraph, sentence of the 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence of the 4th paragraph.

6th grade, 1st quarter


August is the best time in the Urals. At this time, nature is resting from the hot summer. The succulent grasses have already faded, the leaves on the birches and lindens are beginning to turn yellow. These are the first heralds of the coming autumn. The air was saturated with fragrant herbs.

On such a day you walk along a narrow forest path among the giants of a pine forest. The dog Azor hurries up beside him. He tracks the game, diligently rummages through the bushes. Here is a capercaillie running and helplessly flapping its wings. Little capercaillie are not yet able to fly, but they already understand the danger. The chickens run up to the hummock and hide their heads in the moss. You stand and admire the little tricks of the capercaillie. (93 words.) (According to F. Tarkhaneev.)

Grammar task.

1. Phonetic analysis of wordsday / game

2. Morphemic word parsing

tricks, pine, run up / leaves, small, admire

He tracks down the game, diligently rummages through the bushes./

The chickens run up to the hummock and hide their heads in the moss.

6th grade, 2nd quarter

Do not touch bird nests.

Feathers are great masters. Among them are carpenters, diggers. basket makers, sculptors, potters.

The shore swallow is a wonderful digger. She breaks into the ground no worse than a mole. The warbler builds a house that would not only protect her from bad weather, bad weather, but would also be hidden from the eyes of a predator. She will take a fancy to three reeds nearby and begins to weave a basket.

And how many birds build their houses right on the ground: in the grass, in a dimple, under a bump! You walk straight across the field, and you have swollen from under your feetand a bird wails. It flies out and leads away from the nest with various tricks.

No need to interfere with her, touch the nests. Where there are useful birds, there are fewer harmful insects, more better harvest our fields, gardens, orchards.

Grammar task.

1. Morphemic parsing of wordsdiggers, leads away / protected, tricks

fly out, basket-makers / birdie, bad weather

basket (from the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph) / bad weather (from the 3rd sentence of the 2nd paragraph)

4. Mapping

1st sentence from 2nd paragraph,

1st sentence from 3rd paragraph,

the last sentence of the 3rd paragraph.

Grade 6, final control

Throw urgent matters, go out late in the evening to the sandy bank of the river. If you listen for a long time, you will hear indistinct rustles and sounds in the reed thickets.

One night I was sitting at my desk. The night was quiet, windless, only some distant sounds were heard from the river. Suddenly, low voices were heard from under the floor. They were like the whispers of chicks that have awakened in the nest. I was seized by a desire to understand who was talking under the floor. Then I guessed that I heard the fuss of hedgehogs.

Hedgehogs are useful little animals. They don't harm anyone. They are not afraid of anyone, destroy harmful insects, fight mice. For the winter, hedgehogs fall asleep. Their small lairs are covered with snowdrifts, and they calmly sleep in them all winter. (108 words.) (According to Sokolov-Mikitov.)

Grammar task.

1. Morphemic parsing of wordslisten, windless / awakened, urgent

2. Word-building analysis of words

rivers, no one / snowy, no one

3. Morphological analysis of the word

sandy (from the 1st sentence of the 1st paragraph) /written (from the 1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph)

4. Drawing up diagrams of the 1st and last sentences of the last paragraph.

Grade 7, 1 quarter

The coming autumn is felt in everything. The sun no longer burns and does not sparkle, but it shines very gently and affably. Deserted fields open up an immense horizon. The air is clear and fresh. The ruts of country roads, rolled during the harvesting of bread, cast a leaden sheen. The cries of flying birds are heard. This is the last hello of summer guests.

Lush and rich forest attire is still full of all colors. Trembling aspens silver, golden birches rustle, emerald firs turn green. The wind will soon tear off this motley outfit, and the bare trees will stand under the icy breath of winter.

Heavy clouds driven by the wind cover the entire sky. The sun rarely comes out, but in the blue autumn sky it seems brighter.

Grammar task.

2.Full parsing of the sentence

The ruts of country roads, rolled during the harvesting of bread, cast a leaden sheen. /

Heavy clouds driven by the wind cover the entire sky.

7th grade, 2nd quarter

First time at the theatre.

When I was six years old, my father and I once walked around Leningrad. And suddenly, walking with me along Ostrovsky Square, my father asked: “Do you want to go to the theater for a minute?”

I have never been to the theater in my life, and it is not difficult to guess my answer.

We entered the box when the action had long since begun. Deep below me was an abyss that was sinking into darkness. My eyes got used to the twilight, and I was delighted to see the hall filled with spectators, the dimly lit stage. On it rose a grandiose bridge, thrown at an oblique angle from one end of the stage to the other. It was flooded with moonlight, and some people were talking to each other by the embankment near it.

This scenery was my first strong impression given to me by the theater. (116 words.) (According to Yu. Alyansky.)

Grammar task.

1. In the text of the dictation, it is necessary to designate suffixes for all participles.

2. Morphological analysis of the wordpassing (from the 1st sentence)/ seeing (from the 3rd sentence of the 3rd paragraph).

3.Full parsing of the sentence

Deep beneath me was an abyss that was sinking into darkness./

This scenery was my first strong impression given to me by the theater.

Grade 7, final control

The fate of the second bread.

Today it is hard to believe that some two hundred or three hundred years ago, no one in Europe wanted to grow potatoes.

The homeland of the potato is America, where it has long served as food for the Indians. When he was brought to Europe, no one knew how to handle him. It was bred in gardens next to flowers. They tried to eat its fruits, but they were bitter and caused poisoning.

Then the Minister of Finance of France went to the trick. In different parts of the country, soldiers began to sow plowed fields with some kind of plant. Carrying guard duty during the day, the soldiers left for the night. The peasants, seeing the guards, reasoned in their own way: "A valuable plant if it is guarded." The peasants waited for darkness and ran to the field, dug up valuable tubers and planted them in their gardens. Potatoes grown in France also found their way to other European countries. (122 words.)

Grammar task.

1. Morphological analysis of the wordgrown (from last sentence)/seeing (from the 4th sentence of the last paragraph).

Carrying guard duty during the day, the soldiers left for the night.

Potatoes grown in France also found their way to other European countries.

Grade 8, 1 quarter

Mystery box.

Chaliapin had a voluminous leather briefcase, pasted over with many labels of travel companies from different countries and cities in which the singer toured. All the years he lived abroad, Chaliapin carried a briefcase with him, did not trust anyone, almost did not let go of it.

There was a small box in the briefcase. Not only the people who worked with Chaliapin, but also their relatives had no idea about its contents.

Arriving in a new city and entering the room prepared for him, Chaliapin took out a box from his briefcase and put it under the bed.

Knowing the cool temper of Chaliapin, no one dared to ask him about the box.

It was mysterious and incomprehensible.

After the death of the artist, his widow opened a tightly boarded box.

It contained a handful of Russian land taken by Chaliapin before leaving for the border. A handful of Russian land.

Grammar task.

Morphological analysis of the wordtaken / boarded up.

2. Complete parsing of the sentence

Knowing the cool temper of Chaliapin, no one dared to ask him about the box.

It contained a handful of Russian land taken by Chaliapin before leaving for the border.

8th grade, 2nd quarter

Everything is good in nature, but water is the beauty of all nature. Almost the same can be said about the forest. The complete beauty of any locality lies in the combination of water with forest.

Forests are water keepers. Trees cover the earth from the scorching rays of the summer sun, from the withering winds. Coolness and dampness live in their shade and do not allow flowing or stagnant moisture to dry out.

All types of trees are called red forest: pine, spruce, fir and others. Oak, elm, linden, birch, alder and others are called black forest. It also includes such berry trees as bird cherry and mountain ash. All species of bushes: viburnum, hazel, honeysuckle, wolf's bast, wild rose, black-tailed and ordinary willow - should be classified as black forest.

Good spreading white-trunked birch. The maple is also good with its paws-leaves. Chunky, strong, tall and mighty is a perennial oak. (125 words)

Grammar task.

1.Full parsing of the sentence

Trees cover the earth from the scorching rays of the summer sun, from the withering winds./

Chunky, strong, tall and mighty is a perennial oak.

2. Mark one-part impersonal sentences in the text.

Grade 8, final control

About dictionaries.

All sorts of thoughts come to mind sometimes. For example, the idea that it would be good to compile several new dictionaries of the Russian language (in addition to the already existing general dictionaries).

In one such dictionary, you can collect words related to nature, in another - good and well-aimed local words, in the third - the words of people of different professions, and in the fourth - garbage and dead words, all the bureaucracy and vulgarity that litter the Russian language. This last dictionary is needed in order to wean people from stupid and broken speech.

The idea of ​​collecting words related to nature occurred to me on the day when, on a meadow lake, I heard a hoarse girl listing different herbs and flowers. This dictionary will, of course, be sensible. Each word should be explained, and after it should be placed several passages from the books of writers, poets and scientists who have a scientific or poetic connection to this word. (According to K. Paustovsky.)

Grammar task.

Mark in the text in one-part impersonal sentences as part of complex grammatical basis.

Mark incomplete sentences in the text of the dictation.

Grade 9, 1 quarter

At the beginning of autumn.

A maple leaf flew silently through the open window and landed on my papers. It looked like a palm with fingers wide apart. As if someone's hand reached out to the table and closed the written lines.

I closed my notebook, laying the first autumn leaf on the unfinished page, and went out into the garden.

The garden was autumnal quiet and empty, like a boarded-up house. I walked through the meadow to the river, undressed and threw myself into the water - for the last time! The body burned with icy cold, caught his breath. Having got out on the shore, I squeezed my back into the slightly warm sand and remained like that lying motionless in a comfortable, warming sand cast from my body.

The sky stretched over me like a cold blue. Not a bird on it, not a cloud. Only sometimes a single strand of cobwebs flashes high, high with a silvery flash, flashes and disappears. And then you have to strain your eyes for a long time to see it again. (According to E. Nosov.)

Grammar task.

Make sentence parsing

I closed my notebook, laying the first autumn leaf on the unfinished page, and went out into the garden./

Only sometimes a single strand of cobwebs flashes high, high with a silvery flash, flashes and disappears.

2. Mark in the text in one-part impersonal sentences as part of complex grammatical basis.

9th grade, 2nd quarter

Every year, one of the most famous flower gardens in the world, located in Denmark, hosts an exhibition of tulips. The birthplace of tulips is Turkey, not Holland, as many people think.

The tulip, whose calyx resembles a turban, originally grew as a wild flower, then for centuries was used in Turkish art as a decorative element. Huge gardens planted with tulips were created in the capital of the Ottoman Empire.

The first bulbs of the precious flower were brought to Europe by travelers and diplomats. When the tulip came to the continent, they fell passionately in love with it, erected it into a cult. He reaches the pinnacle of fame in the seventeenth century, when one flower bulb was equal to the cost of a painting or sculpture by a famous master. The tulip was considered one of the wonders of nature, which should be presented in the garden of every self-respecting collector.

The Dutch began to grow it with such zeal that in a certain sense they appropriated this flower.

Grammar task.

Do parsing

1st sentence / last of the 3rd paragraph.

2. In the text of the dictation, mark all participles.

Grade 9, final control

Old musician.

The old violinist loved to play at the foot of the monument to Pushkin, which stands at the beginning of Tverskoy Boulevard. Climbing up the steps to the pedestal itself, the musician touched the strings on the violin with a bow. Children and passers-by immediately gathered at the monument, and they all fell silent in anticipation of the music, because it consoles people, promises them happiness and a glorious life. The musician laid the violin case on the ground; it was closed, and there was a piece of black bread and an apple in it, so that you could eat whenever you wanted.

Usually the old man went out to play in the evening: for his music it was necessary that the world become quieter. The old man suffered from the thought that he did not bring people any good, and therefore voluntarily went to play on the boulevard. The sounds of the violin resounded in the air and reached the depths of human hearts, touching them with gentle and courageous power. Some listeners took out money to give it to the old man, but did not know where to put it: the violin case was closed, and the musician himself was high at the foot of the monument, almost next to Pushkin.

Grammar task.

Do a full parse

1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph / 2nd sentence of the 2nd paragraph.

Grade 10, entrance control

By the sea.

Under the light breeze of the sultry wind, the sea trembled and, covered with small ripples, dazzlingly brightly reflecting the sun, smiled at the blue sky with thousands of silver smiles. In the space between the sea and the sky, the lapping of the waves ran up to the gentle coast of the sandy spit. Everything was full of lively joy: the sound and brilliance of the sun, the wind and the salty aroma of water, the hot air and yellow sand. A narrow, long spit, piercing like a sharp spire into the boundless desert of water playing with the sun, was lost somewhere in the distance, where a sultry haze hid the earth. Hooks, oars, baskets and barrels lay randomly on the spit. On this day, even the seagulls are exhausted by the heat. They sit in rows on the sand with their beaks open and their wings lowered, or they sway lazily on the waves. When the sun began to descend into the sea, restless waves either played merrily and noisily, or splashed dreamily and affectionately on the shore. Through their noise, something like sighs or soft, affectionate cries reached the shore. The sun was setting, and a pinkish reflection of its rays lay on the hot yellow sand. And miserable willow bushes, and mother-of-pearl clouds, and waves running up to the shore - everything was getting ready for the night's peace. Lonely, as if lost in the dark distance of the sea, the fire of the fire flared up brightly, then died out, as if exhausted. All around was only the immeasurable, solemn sea, silvered by the moon, and the blue sky dotted with stars.

Grammar task.

1. Morphemic analysis of words

running up, boundless, affectionately / randomly, immeasurable, silvered

2. Make a complete parsing of the sentence

Everything was full of lively joy: the sound and brilliance of the sun, the wind and the salty aroma of water, the hot air and yellow sand.

And miserable willow bushes, and mother-of-pearl clouds, and waves running up to the shore - everything was getting ready for the night's peace.

10th grade, 1st semester


As a child, I fell in love with the tall green lindens that surrounded our village garden. The wide linden alley was once planted by the peasants of our village. We loved to play under the tall lindens, to watch how life awakens in the young garden in the spring. In the green tops of the lindens birds sang, starlings and thrushes whistled.

The once beautiful tall lindens, along with other trees, grew almost everywhere in Russian forests. White pure linden wood was highly valued. Skillful craftsmen sharpened beautiful wooden utensils from the light pliable wood of linden, and carved spoons. From linden clean boards in the villages they made countertops for dining tables. The bark was torn off from fallen trees, soaked in water, made bast and mats out of it. Now you will not see adults, large lindens in our forests. Only in the distant Trans-Urals did I see free-growing tall lindens in the dense forests.

Linden is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful, cheerful and tender trees. Linden sweet honey has long been famous. Linden foliage is good and tender. In autumn, linden sheds its yellowed leaves before other trees, and fallen yellow leaves lie in a dry rustling carpet at the roots of bare trees. You used to walk along the fallen linden leaves rustling under your feet, admiring the familiar trees that were preparing for a long winter.

Young lindens are still being planted in parks and big cities. Lindens easily take root and grow quickly. Their fresh green foliage adorns the noisy city streets, pleases the eye of a tired city person. (214 words.)

I. S. - Mikitov

Grammar task.

1. Morphological analysis of words

yellowed / rustling

2. Morphemic word parsing

surrounding, resets, wooden / fallen, awakens, high

Grade 10, final control

In search of truth.

He took the blood of a patient with typhus into a syringe and injected himself into a vein ...

It was in Odessa in 1881. Three days later, the auditoriums and classrooms of the university were bombarded with alarming news: Professor Mechnikov was dying.

Although the thermometer stubbornly climbed up, he wrote down his observations himself until delirium began. A large head with early gray hair on the temples and in the beard rushed about on the pillow. His wife was crying softly by the bed. What's this? Suicide? An attack of insanity? He alone knew the real reason. When the crisis passed, Ilya Ilyich's face lit up with a joyful smile. He found out the truth!

Mechnikov did the same while studying cholera. He was lucky he didn't get sick. But the example of the teacher was followed by his assistants. One of them fell ill with a very severe form of cholera. Despite the fact that the patient's condition was hopeless, Mechnikov managed to wrest him from the hands of death. Twenty years later, in the article "Martyrs of Science", he wrote that at all times scientists risked their health in search of truth. He wrote about many whose exploits he admired, whose example he followed. Although he conducted experiments on himself, there is not a single word about this in the article.

Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov was awarded many awards, but remained indifferent to honors. He considered the only reward to be the discovery of a truth that could benefit humanity.

Giving his friends last instructions before his death, he demanded that he be opened. And after death, he wanted to serve science. (230 words)

(According to M. Yarovinsky)

Grammar task.

1. Morphemic parsing of words

studying, did/times, spent.

2. Derivational analysis of words

did, assistants/wrote, disturbing.

1st sentence of last paragraph/last sentence of 4th paragraph

Grade 11, entrance control

If you want to understand the soul of the forest, go through the forest stream and go up or down along its bank.

I walk along a stream in early spring. And that's what I see here, and hear, and think.

I see how in a soft place the flowing water meets a barrier in the roots of fir trees and from this it dissolves bubbles. Being born, these bubbles quickly rush and immediately burst, but some of them get lost at a new obstacle into a far-reaching snowball. Water encounters new and new obstacles, and nothing is done to it.

Water trembling from the sun casts a shadow on the trunks of fir trees, on grasses. From the pool, the water silently rushes on. And where the blockage is, the water seems to murmur, and then this splash is heard. But this is not a complaint, not despair: the water does not know these feelings.

Some herbs have long since come out of the water, and now on the jet they are constantly bending and responding together to the trembling of the shadows. And the cold of the stream.

Let blockage on the way, let! Obstacles make life: were it not for them, the water would immediately go lifelessly into the ocean.

And until the last drop runs away, until the spring stream dries up, the water will tirelessly repeat: “Sooner, later, we will fall into the ocean.”

It was so good that I sat down on the roots and, while resting, I heard how there, below, under the steep, mighty jets called to each other. The stream tied me to itself, and I can't step aside, it gets boring.

For the eleventh year now, I've been early, undressed in spring, when the wolf's bast blooms,anemones and primroses, I go through this clearing. And my eye is caressed, and the aroma of the resin of poplars and birch buds - everything came together.

(According to M.M. Prishvin.)

Grammar task.

1. Morphemic parsing of words

dissolves, caresses, lifeless / called to each other, silently, flowing.

3. Full parsing

1st sentence / 1st sentence from the 3rd paragraph.

Grade 11, 1st semester

Meshchersky region.

In the Meshchersky region there are no special beauties and riches, except for endless forests, endless meadows and unusually fresh air. But still, this amazing land has a great attractive power. He is as modest as the immortal paintings of Levitan. But it is precisely in this that the charm and all the charm of Russian nature, imperceptible at first glance, lies.

What can a person who comes here for the first time see here? Flowering or sloping meadows, overgrown pine forests, unique smells that are dearer to a Russian person than all exquisite fashionable perfumes.

I had to visit these places several times a year. In October, when the grass is covered with frost at dawn, it is good to spend the night in haystacks, as if in warm enclosed spaces. After all, hay in stacks keeps warm throughout the cold winter.

In the pine forest of the Meshchersky region, it is so solemn and quiet that the bell of a lost cow can be heard almost a kilometer away, especially on calm days. On windy days, the forests rustle with the ceaseless ocean rumble and the tops of the pines bend after the passing clouds.

In the Meshchersky region you can see forest lakes with dark water, vast swamps covered with alder and aspen, lonely foresters' huts charred from old age, yellow sands, juniper, shoals of cranes and unforgettable beautiful stars familiar to us under all latitudes.

In this region, you can hear the disturbing cries of quails and hawks, the endless knock of woodpeckers, the heartbreaking howl of wolves, the rustle of rain, the evening play of the harmonica, and at night - the discordant singing of roosters and the sound of the beater of the village watchman. (221 words.) (According to K.G. Paustovsky.)

Grade 11, final control

In the woods.

We move slowly, step by step, wade across a shallow forest river. I’m a little scared, because I don’t see anything, not even water, but I don’t betray fear in anything. Finally, we come to the sandy shore not far from the forest clearing.

Only now I notice that the night has brightened somewhat, and I vaguely see the back of my companion and some indistinct outlines. Against the gray background, the nearest pine trees looming indistinctly with their straight bare trunks, and in their immobility, amid unbroken silence, something stern is felt. Suddenly my hearing is struck by strange sounds, and I shudder involuntarily. These are some high-pitched, unusually sonorous groans emitted by dozens of voices. I can't tell where they're coming from: right, left, front or back. Everything calmed down, and everything again plunged into the former imperturbable silence. Suddenly my companion became alert. Obviously, his sophisticated hearing caught some sounds, but no matter how hard I listened, I could not distinguish anything. We made about eleven more dashes when I finally heard the capercaillie playing.

(157 words.) (According to Kuprin.)

grammar task

Make a syntactic analysis of the sentence.

I can't tell where they're coming from: right, left, front or back.

Only now I notice that the night has brightened somewhat, and I vaguely see the back of my companion and some indistinct outlines.

2. Mark in the text in a one-part impersonal sentence as part of a complex grammatical basis.

Current page: 1 (total book has 2 pages)

Olga Vasilievna Uzorova, Elena Alekseevna Nefedova
Control dictations in the Russian language
4th grade

© O. V. Uzorova, E. A. Nefyodova

© LLC "Publishing house ACT"


Do you want your child to write correctly? This set of books will become an indispensable assistant for a fourth-grade student who wants to work out all the spellings studied in Russian language lessons with high quality. Special dictations are selected for each spelling. They will help the child to securely consolidate the acquired knowledge on this topic. But this is not the end of the book. An essential part of the work is the repetition of previously covered topics, not only of the third, but also of the second grade. The texts collected in this manual are intended to be written from dictation. For independent work of the student, the second book of the set is intended, where in the same dictations he must choose from several given spellings correct option writing.

And individually, each of these books can be of great benefit. But, according to our intention, maximum effect achieved by their combined use. For example, the first two or three dictations of a new topic, the teacher gives the student a book for independent work. Then, after working on the mistakes, the teacher once again dictates them according to this manual. He dictates the following text to the students without preparation.

In conclusion, we would like to draw your attention to one important point. When dictating, you should clearly pronounce all the spellings that the student has not yet completed. If you have any doubts whether this or that spelling is among those passed, you can check this manual.


Dictation 1

Here comes the first of September. On this festive day, joyful and happy students crowded at the entrance of the school. In their hands they held magnificent bouquets of flowers. Schoolchildren from different classes stood interspersed in tight groups. Some of the children were on the stairs. There were cheerful voices and laughter. Cars often drove up to the school grounds. It was former students who hurried to congratulate their old teachers. The students have not entered the school yet. They listened to an interesting speech by a famous professor. He graduated from this school many years ago. (76 words)

Dictation 2

At the end of October, leaf fall began. Yellowed and reddened leaves swirled in the air. It was a sad and beautiful autumn dance. It happened that a furious gust of wind turned the dance into a dance. The forest became beautiful and sad. A mass of leaves covered wide avenues, narrow paths and tight paths. The weather was often inclement. Sometimes the bright sun warmed the air. But in vain. Winter will come sooner or later. (59 words)

Dictation 3

It was a wonderful autumn day. The sun shone softly in the clear sky. The last midges buzzed. Bird flocks moved south. In the meadows and in the yards, the crows gathered in groups. Each had up to a dozen birds. In autumn, crows also roam south. But they don't fly far. And sparrows settle close to human habitation. You can find a lot of edible leftovers here. Kind people often make bird feeders. They are hung on trees, on windows. (69 words)

Dictation 4

In late autumn we went to the forest for a walk. It was an early morning. There was silence in the forest. Occasionally there were birdsongs. Tons of yellow and red leaves lay underfoot. They have not yet turned into a slippery gray mass. The forest without foliage seemed sad and insipid. We walked around the surroundings, crossed a deep ravine along the bridges and stopped before a big climb. A group of children ran towards us. These guys participated in the school cross. And we decided to warm up and run home. After the run, we had a hearty breakfast. (81 words)

Dictation 5

Young naturalists Alla, Rimma and Seryozha decided to collect a collection of yellowed and reddened autumn leaves. Early in the morning they went to a nearby forest. The road lay through a large park. A long alley led the children to the bank of the pond. The night was cold and water surface covered with brittle ice. Dried reeds protruded in places. A flock of crows walked across the ice. Several dozen birds divided into groups. They were looking for edible grains. The guys threw them a cake and kalach. The birds began to happily peck at the bread crumb. (72 words)

Dictation 6

Early Saturday morning, Kirill and Olga played tennis on the court in the yard. A group of children sat on the low stairs and watched the game. The territory of the yard was neatly cleared by janitors from autumn leaves. But yellow and red shreds kept falling from the trees. Here the red cat got out of the iron booth and ran into the entrance. A green car drove away from the house. She drove up a big hill and ended up on the highway. (66 words)

Dictation 7

The weather was cold. The autumn sun shone in a clear sky. A giant cloud appeared above the tops of the trees. The weather was getting rough. Furious gusts of wind knocked leaves and branches off the branches of trees. But the rain hasn't started yet. The rare midges buzzed sadly. They hurried to find shelter. A timid mouse ran along the path. She is afraid to get caught in the rain. And the vault of heaven is already covered with clouds. (59 words)

Dictation 8

Was late autumn evening. Low gray clouds covered the sky. Only a narrow strip of the moon was visible through them. This night we will not see the starry sky. Now there is almost complete silence. Slightly rustling reeds on the shore of the lake. But the silence won't last long. Soon the weather will be inclement. The rain will fall, the thunder will rumble. Slippery mud and deep puddles will cover the wasteland next to our village. (62 words)

Dictation 9

One early Sunday morning we went out into the countryside. It was autumn weather, but it was warm. The yellowed and reddened forests and fields seemed very beautiful. We stopped the car and went out to admire the beautiful scenery. Near our regional center there is a lake. Wasteland stretches from it to the forest. There are four logs on the shore of the lake. We pull off the highway, go around big puddles and come to a smooth area. Do not go further. But we are already close to the lake. (71 words)

Dictation 10

The porch of our country house was shaken. The boards were rotten. It became dangerous to walk up the stairs. You can fall and seriously hurt yourself. At the local market, we bought new boards and started making stairs. We worked Saturday and Sunday. To keep the wood from rotting, we did not use iron nails and staples. The nail was replaced by a spike made of wood. The porch turned out wonderful. We had a wonderful, festive mood. (62 words)

Dictation 11

The leaf fall has begun. Beautiful yellow and red leaves scattered autumn along the alleys, paths and paths. But soon the cold rainy weather will come, the fallen leaves will turn into a slippery gray mass. In the meantime, beautiful landscape around. We walk along the path to the park. We rake bright shreds with our feet. There are kilograms and even tons of them. There is a red squirrel on a pine branch gnaws strong shells with strong teeth. And here is a timid hare running. It is interesting to see forest animals with your own eyes. What a wonderful trip we had! (78 words)

Dictation 12

Yesterday our class went on an excursion to the autumn park. At first we walked along a long, wide alley. It was covered with a mass of yellow and red fallen leaves. The grass under the trees remained green. In places she has already turned yellow. We came across rare midges, bugs and spiders. Soon they won't be. The last flocks of birds flew south. When we returned, the vault of heaven was covered with clouds. A sharp wind blew. He furiously plucked the leaves from the trees. The weather became inclement. Today at the Russian language lesson we wrote a story about yesterday's walk. (80 words)

Dictation 13

Summer holidays are over. The pupils returned to the classrooms, started oral and written works. They learn Russian grammar, read the stories of Russian classics, solve problems. You need to be a serious and accurate student. What silence is at school during classes! But the lessons are over. Groups of children leave the entrance of the school and run down the stairs. They will dine with appetite, and then many will go to the tennis court and to the pool. (65 words)

Dictation 14

In the spring, we planted a garden on the school site. We dug up long narrow beds. There were about two dozen of them. The autumn days have arrived. Large cabbage heads appeared on one bed. Strong juicy carrots grew on another bed. And there's the onion. In summer, its green leaves looked like arrows. On a small plot, rye began to sprout. It is interesting to see what black bread is baked from. A good and fresh vegetable from your garden! (64 words)

Dictation 15

It's rainy autumn weather outside. We are indignant at her and perplexed. After all, in the early morning, a bright sun shone in a clear firmament of heaven. Old women warmed themselves on the benches at the entrance. And now furious gusts of wind are tearing leaves and branches from trees. We hate bad weather. We don't like to stay at home on Saturday. We hope that Sunday will not be so rainy. (58 words)

Dictation 16

In early autumn we often go for mushrooms. Saturday or Sunday morning we get up a little light. Well, if the day before was a warm rain. Then there are a lot of mushrooms. But the ground is slippery, and there is dirt on the paths and narrow paths. Wet low branches give us a cold shower or even a bath. Mushrooms usually grow in groups. It is interesting to look for them in the yellowed and reddened fallen leaves. We know how to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous ones. After all, poisonous mushrooms are very dangerous. Our baskets are filled with gray and red hats, strong and fragile legs. In the evening we will fry them with potatoes. It will turn out an appetizing meal, just overeating. (91 words)

Dictation 17

Cold autumn weather has been standing for a long time. Leaves fly from trees and cover the ground with a colored carpet. I hate being at home on Saturdays and Sundays and am not afraid of inclement weather. Here I am going into the forest through the park and raking up whole armfuls of yellowed and reddened leaves with my feet. On the alleys, kilograms of smooth and slippery shreds are collected in large piles. And in the deciduous forest there are tons of them. You can see stunted reeds on the bank of the pond. In the morning, the surface of the water was covered with brittle ice. But during the day, the vault of heaven cleared up. The sun melted the ice. I walk in the forest for two hours and return home. (93 words)

Dictation 18

Young naturalists Ilya, Petya and Alla walked through the autumn forest. They made their way along a narrow and short path to an iron pavilion. They wanted to observe bird habits. The children descended into a deep ravine, climbed an earthen ladder and ended up in a pavilion. From it opened a wonderful landscape. To one side was wasteland. On the other side was a ravine. The tops of trees protruded from it. Birds lived on them. For a whole hour the children did not talk, but silently watched and wrote down Interesting Facts in notebooks. (77 words)

Dictation 19

In early autumn we stopped going to the beach. Swimming was cold. But we never stopped going to the river. We are interested in sailing. We had a boat in which we sailed along the coast and admired the surroundings. There is a regional hospital on the mountain. And you can see the ancient fortress wall. The foliage on the trees has already turned yellow and reddened, began to fly around. But in late autumn the weather became stormy, with violent winds often blowing. We didn't go out on the boat anymore. It became dangerous. During the spring flood we will sail again. (84 words)

Dictation 20

Alyosha Kartoshkin was seriously involved in sports. He was not lazy to do exercises and jog every morning. The boy ran along the forest alleys and paths. After school, Alyosha went to the pool or to the tennis court. In his class, many were fond of sports. Denis Korablev wanted to become a rider. Lena Chueva loved sailing. Grisha Chashkin exercised with iron weights. In addition, Grisha liked to watch the starry sky through a telescope late at night. (64 words)

Genitive singular nouns of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd declension (-i, -e)

Dictation 1

Young spruce trees stood around the clearing. There was a mouse hole near one Christmas tree. Timid mice often ran out of the mink. The mouse has a thin, slippery tail and a smooth coat. The coat color is usually greyish. I often sat near the mink in the shade from the top of the Christmas tree and watched. The life of a mouse depends on the speed of its run. A small animal rushes like an arrow. If a spruce trunk stands in the way, the mouse runs up to a meter high on it. Then she falls down and runs on without stopping. (75 words)

Dictation 2

Autumn has a special smell. It is easy to feel during a forest walk. At the end of the week, on a Saturday or Sunday, I like to take a leisurely stroll through the woods. I like to go from a low gazebo to a large clearing. Around the path, the ground is covered with yellowed and reddened leaves. There is a sweet smell of autumn leaves in the air, a wonderful and sad smell. It has a lot of both freshness and sadness. Poets sometimes call autumn air crystal or diamond. (68 words)

Dictation 3

A narrow path led from the forest edge into the depths of the thicket. We turned onto it near an old spruce and now walked almost without a road. Every now and then I had to dodge a low biting branch. Often flashed the head or tail of a timid bird or the muzzle of a dexterous mouse. But here we come to a large clearing. There are many sweet strawberries and delicious blueberries. Out of the bushes peeped out and again disappeared the red tail of a cunning fox. And we already ate with appetite four mugs of wonderful strawberries. (79 words)

Dictation 4

It was a fine autumn day. I was visiting Aunt Katya. There is a large garden around Aunt Katya's country house. Here I am standing near the cabbage patch. I want to pick two heads of cabbage. Aunt Katya is raking the ground around the carrot with the tip of a spatula. The garden has a lot of parsley, beets, strawberries, but no beans. In a nearby area, a rope is wrapped around a branch of a mighty spruce. A scarecrow is attached to the end of the rope. (61 words)

Dictation 5

Young naturalists of our class decided to collect a collection of meadow plants on the banks of the river. Ilya, Kirill, Alla and Oksana came. There was no Sasha, Katya, Kostya and Masha. I had to go without the mongrel Zhuchka. The dog had puppies at the end of the week. Here the young naturalists are already at the beginning of a narrow short path. Children will walk along it and collect samples of meadow grass - leaves of sedge, timothy. Every girl loves flowers. Boys don't think it's a big deal. It is more important for them to observe the life of animals. (73 words)

Dative case of singular nouns of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd declension (-i, -e)

Dictation 1

Nature gave autumn a special beauty. At this time, I want to be close to nature. I like to run along a forest path, path or clearing, add another armful to a large pile of leaves. I like to give crumbs to a timid bird or nuts to a nimble squirrel. The place where the squirrel lives is easy to determine by a gnawed cone, by a nutshell. And here she is jumping along the Christmas tree, jumping from branch to branch. Now the squirrels are preparing for the winter. (69 words)

Dictation 2

A big bear was walking along the edge of the forest. It was late autumn. The animal was preparing to hibernate. Along the narrow path the bear went straight to the thicket. On a thick fallen aspen, he crossed a deep hole. Under the roots of this aspen is a dangerous place to rest in winter. By autumn, the bear had accumulated a lot of fat. He searched all over the area for food. The beast was very happy with sweet raspberries and other tasty berries. Along a long snag, like a ladder, a bear descended into a lair. (70 words)

Dictation 3

Early autumn morning. A sailboat floats on the surface of the lake towards the morning mist. There are two people in it. A red flag is attached to the mast. The boat needs good wind. An experienced team will not be afraid even of the furious gusts of a hurricane. Now, to the delight of passengers, the sail is inflated as it should. On the shore of the lake, a herd of cows wanders along a large pasture. A ringing bell is tied to one cow. The shepherd walks along the path and sings a song. The shepherd's song lacks melody. (70 words)

Dictation 4

Early Saturday morning, our class crossed the wide path of the park. We were lined up and divided into groups. Our group got to run first. At the command of the teacher, we ran to a nearby tennis court. From it we will run to a distant dam. All summer I devoted time to sports training. And by autumn I scored good shape. To be honest, I run great. So we ran to the forest edge. A flag is attached to the aspen. Flags marked the path of the cross. I'm ready for the long run. (78 words)

Dictation 5

It was a Sunday. It was warm autumn weather. My friends and I decided to take a walk around the area. We ran down a long hill to a large wasteland. They went down the earthen stairs into the ravine. There, along a narrow and shaky perch, they crossed a stream. Yellow and red leaves floated on the surface of the water. We climbed to the edge of the forest and climbed a giant birch. As I climbed to the top, the branch below me cracked. I was not prepared for this danger. But I managed to go down another branch below. We never climbed that high again. (84 words)


Dictation 1

There was a big wasteland around our dacha. She was well suited for a walk. A wide stream flowed through the wasteland. We crossed it along a shaky and narrow plank. Then we ran along the path that led to a low hill. Young birch trees stood around the hill. Near one birch there was a large smooth area. For the sake of this platform, we came here. Here we played tennis. It is good to run with a racket near the net. Although it's nice to run without a racket. (70 words)

Dictation 2

In the early autumn morning, I went to the cabbage patch to take a head of cabbage for borscht. A long snake crawled along the groove near the beds. I'm not afraid. We must be able to distinguish it from the viper. I took a head of cabbage and a bunch of parsley. What is borscht without beetroot? I also don't have carrots and potatoes. The beds with these vegetables are on the other side of the garden. I walked around a large barrel, walked along a narrow path, dodged a low branch of an apple tree and dialed the right vegetables. Delicious vegetables ripen on our land! (77 words)

Dictation 3

On Saturday we went for a walk to a distant dam. It was late autumn. A slippery, gray mass lay all over the path. A mass of leaves is scattered over the withered, yellowed grass. Without greenery, the trees looked sad. We reached the old dugout and went down the earthen stairs into the ravine. There is no perch here to cross the river bed. Along the edge of the shore, we will approach the dam. There we will rest near the dilapidated gatehouse. Let's watch the autumn leaves glide across the water surface. (73 words)

Dictation 4

There was a low mound near the birch grove. Alder grew on it. At this alder, my friends and I loved to relax. We saw a wonderful landscape. The wind drove the waves over the soft grass, as if over the surface of water. We often saw a hare run across the wide wasteland. Sometimes the red tail of a fox flickered. The muzzle of a timid mouse protruded from a narrow mink. We watched the beautiful flight of a swallow. Far away in the forest came the voice of a cuckoo. It is interesting to look closely at the life of animals. (70 words)

Dictation 5

People walk from the village to the stop along the highway. A group of people is already standing near the iron booth. The bus is coming. Some of the passengers will get out of it by narrow steps. Others will take their place. I don't need to leave. I will stay until the end of the week and return to the city only in the fall. In the meantime, I lazily wander through the wasteland to the edge of a nearby forest. I'm just going for a walk. It is good to walk around our village. (69 words)

Instrumental case of singular nouns of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd declension (-ohm, -em; -hey, -oh)

Dictation 1

If you go through the fields from our village, you can see a beautiful landscape. Here I am wandering along a narrow field path with a gnarled road stick in my hand. On the right, the fields are sown with wheat. On the left, the rye is waving like a real sea. A gust of wind passes through the field in a long path. Here a timid mouse flashed under my feet like lightning. Fields can be called a mouse land or kingdom. But the mice meet here with a dangerous hunter - a dexterous fox. Red predators often hunt field rodents. (70 words)

Dictation 2

In the summer, my friend and I went to the beach in the morning and in the evening to swim in our river. But early autumn did not indulge us with good weather. It often rained heavily with thunder and violent winds. The water flowed down into the groove in front of our house. October began with a strong leaf fall. Leaves littered the ground with yellow and red masses. Before dawn, the grass began to be covered with frost. The surface of the lake was covered with brittle ice. November came along with the herald of approaching winter - the first snow. (69 words)

Dictation 3

Late autumn is famous for the morning frost. I like to start the day by exercising in front of the house and jogging in the nearby wasteland. It is good to breathe fresh cold air with an autumn sweet aftertaste. It's funny to shower yourself from head to toe with a bunch of leaves. It is pleasant to run along a slightly slippery field path, to admire the fog over a nearby ravine, forest, field, river. Or walk along the river cheerful song. Beneath the hillside enjoy an easy rest. The same way to return home and enter the native garden through the gate with a creaking gate. (77 words)



Yegorushka listened a little, and it began to seem to him that the mournful, lingering song made the air stuffier, hotter and more motionless ... (220 words) (According to A.P. Chekhov)

Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of the word, checked by stress. Spelling of vowels not checked by stress. Spelling n and nn in adjectives; endings of entities; indefinite pronouns with - then; adverbs; not and neither with different parts of speech; derived prepositions; particles would with other words.

Punctuation marks in compound and complex sentences with several subordinate clauses. Punctuation marks with homogeneous members of the sentence (with repeating unions and with a generalizing word); with isolated definitions expressed by adjectives and participle turnovers; at comparative speeds.


written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

("zero" cut).


Yegorushka, out of breath from the heat, which was especially felt now after eating, ran to the sedge, from here he surveyed the countryside. He saw the same thing that he had seen before noon: the plain, the hills, the sky, the purple distance. From behind a rocky hill rose another, wider; a small settlement of five or six households was molded on it. There were no people, no trees, no shadows to be seen near the huts, as if the village had suffocated in the hot air and dried up. Having nothing to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the grass.

Suddenly, a soft hum was heard. Somewhere not far away a woman sang. The song, quiet, viscous and mournful, like a cry and barely audible, was heard now from the right, then from the left, then from above, then from under the ground, as if an invisible spirit was hovering over the steppe and singing. Yegorushka looked around and did not understand where this strange song came from. Then, when he listened, it began to seem to him that it was grass singing. In her song, half-dead, already dead, without words, but plaintively and sincerely, she convinced someone that she was not to blame for anything, that the sun burned her out in vain; she assured me that she passionately wanted to live, that she was still young and would be beautiful if it were not for the heat and the drought; there was no guilt, but she still asked someone for forgiveness and swore that she was unbearably hurt, sad and sorry for herself.

Egorushka listened a little, and it began to seem to him that the air became stuffier, hotter and more motionless from the mournful, lingering song ... (220 words) (According to A.P. Chekhov)


    Analyze the words according to the composition: strange, sun, listened

    Perform phonetic analysis of words: Yegorushka, singing.

    Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence.

Having nothing to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the grass.


written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

("zero" cut).

From early childhood to old age, the whole life of a person is continuously connected with the language.

The child has not yet learned how to speak properly, and his ear already catches the murmur of grandmother's fairy tales, mother's lullaby. But fairy tales and jokes are language.

The teenager goes to school. A young man walks to an institute or university. Through the lively conversations of teachers, through the pages of hundreds of books, for the first time he sees the immensely complex Universe reflected in the word. Through the word, for the first time, he learns about what his eyes have not yet seen.

The new man is related to ancient thoughts, to those that have developed in the minds of people millennia before his birth. He himself acquires the opportunity to address great-grandchildren who will live centuries after his death. And it's all thanks to the language.

And you, and I, and each of us - we all constantly think. Is it possible to think without words?

Everything that people do in the truly human world is done with the help of language. It is impossible to work without it in concert, together with others. Without his mediation, it is unthinkable to advance science, technology, handicrafts, and art a single step.


    write out keywords text.

    Find synonyms and antonyms for the words:

joyful -


written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

Renaissance art.



written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

Renaissance art.

What was new in the art of the Renaissance was that ideas about the deity and heavenly forces were no longer interpreted as an incomprehensible mystery and, most importantly, this art was imbued with faith in man, by virtue of his mind, creative possibilities.

Art sought not only to fill churches and palaces, but also to find a place for itself in city squares, street intersections, on the facades of houses and in their interiors. It was difficult to find a person indifferent to art. Princes, merchants, artisans, clergy, monks were often people who were knowledgeable in art, customers and patrons of artists.

The development of art was greatly facilitated by the fact that quickly acquired wealth accumulated in large cities. But easy success did not spoil even the most avid artists for fame and profit, since the strict foundations of the guild organization of artistic labor were still strong. Young people were trained by working as an assistant to a mature master, which is why the artists knew the craft so well. The works of art were made with care and love. Even in cases where they do not bear the imprint of talent or genius, we are invariably admired by excellent craftsmanship.

(From the encyclopedia of a young artist) (168 words)


    Choose from the text a complex sentence and perform syntactic analysis.

    Write out phrases with the word most often found in the text.

First half

1 quarter


When the boy was seated, he seemed to have somewhat calmed down. Despite the strange feeling that overwhelmed his whole being, he nevertheless began to distinguish individual sounds. The dark gentle waves were still rushing uncontrollably, and it seemed to him that they were penetrating inside his body. But now they brought with them either the bright trill of a lark, or the quiet rustle of a blossoming birch, or the barely audible splashes of the river. The swallow whistled with a light wing, describing bizarre circles in the distance, midges rang.

But the boy could not grasp these as a whole, could not put them together. They seemed to fall, penetrating into the dark head, now quiet, obscure, now loud, bright, deafening. At times they crowded together, mingling unpleasantly into an incomprehensible disharmony.

And the wind from the field kept whistling in his ears, and it seemed to the boy that the waves were running faster and their roar drowned out all other sounds. And as the sounds faded, a feeling of some kind of tickling languor flowed into the boy’s chest. His face twitched with the rhythmic ripples running through it; the eyes first closed, then opened again, the eyebrows moved anxiously, and in all the features a question broke through, a heavy effort of thought and imagination. The consciousness, not yet strengthened and overflowing with new sensations, began to faint: it still struggled with the impressions surging from all sides, trying to stand among them, merge them into one whole and thus master them, defeat them.

But the task was beyond the power of the dark brain of a child, which lacked visual representations for this work.

The boy groaned softly and leaned back on the grass. His mother quickly turned to him and cried out too; he lay on the grass in a deep faint. (245 words) (According to V.G. Korolenko)

Spelling of prepositions, conjunctions, particles.

Spelling of vowels and consonants at the root of the word; vowel in verb suffixes. Spelling of adverbs.

Punctuation marks with homogeneous members of the sentence; in sentences with separate members; in complex and non-union complex sentences. Punctuation marks in compound sentences different types connections.


Chekhov is on his way.


3 quarter


Chekhov is on his way.

Already many painful road inconveniences and sorrows had been experienced, but nowhere had one seen such a difficult road, such an impassable crossroads, as between Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk. Here, together with the coachmen, they had to fight without rest against the cold, spring slush, colossal river floods, and dirty pits. How many times has the wagon broken down! How long did it take to sit on the banks of different rivers in the rain, cold, wind and spend days and nights waiting for ferries and boats. And how sad it was to get off the wagon and in felt boots to spank through icy puddles, mud, swear, not sleep for twenty-four and thirty hours in a row, eat only bread and tea, and even starve in the county towns of Siberia, because it was impossible to get a single sausage in the shops , no cheese, no meat, and even herring.

He never lacked life observations. The impressions of adolescence and youthful years were not forgotten, and he, as an artist, was able to expand them, tone them up, and thanks to this, sitting

on Malaya Dmitrovka in Moscow, he could write 120-130 stories a year. But on the road, with difficulty, he only had time to keep a travel diary, send short letters to his relatives and small correspondence to Suvorin for New Times.

A whitish mist crawled low on the ground. It was gloomy in the silent ocean of the cold taiga. The cold was inexorably pestering, and it already seemed that summer in Siberia would never come.

It was sad to look at the ugly road, which seemed to

some kind of monstrous black pox was all uprooted, it was even more dreary to think that this road, murderous for people and horses, is the only thread along which civilization stretches from Europe to Siberia. (250 words)



annual test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

Another day passed, and the hussar recovered completely. He was extremely cheerful, joking incessantly with Dunya, now with the caretaker, whistling songs, talking to passers-by, entering their wayfarers in the post book, and the kind caretaker fell in love with him so much that on the third morning he was sorry to part with his beloved guest. The day was Sunday; Dunya was going to dinner. The hussar was given a kibitka. He said goodbye to the caretaker and Dunya and volunteered to take her to the church, which was located on the edge of the village. Dunya was perplexed.

“What are you afraid of? - her father said to her, - after all, his nobility is not a wolf and will not eat you: take a ride - to the church. Dunya got into the wagon next to the hussar, the servant jumped on the pole, the driver whistled, and the horses galloped off.

The poor caretaker did not understand how he himself could allow his Dunya to ride with the hussar, how he was blinded and what happened to his mind then. In less than half an hour, his heart began to ache, and anxiety seized him to such an extent that he could not resist and went himself to mass.

(A.S. Pushkin. Stationmaster) (172 words)


    Find in the text obsolete words and give them an interpretation.

    Disassemble the composition of the word: bring, third, guest, blinding, allow.

    Choose a sentence with different types of connection and parse it.