Exercises “Speech material for the differentiation of S-Sh sounds. Card file of tasks for the differentiation of sounds


    anchor correct pronunciation sounds [s], [w] in syllables, words, pure phrases, in phrasal speech;

    teach children to distinguish these sounds by ear and in pronunciation;

    teach to listen carefully to adult speech, recognize right and wrong use case endings nouns;

    form phonemic hearing;

    promote the development of speech breathing;

    contribute to the formation of the grammatical structure of speech;

    promote the development of logical thinking, hand motor skills;

    to educate sensitivity, responsiveness, a benevolent attitude towards the environment.


    toy "Snowman";


    manual for the game "Vases";

    pictures - snowflakes depicting objects, the name of which contains the sound [s] or [w];

    manual for breathing exercises"Storm".

Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist:- One, two, three, four, five - get into a circle to play! A new day has come, let's greet it with a smile. I will smile at you, and you smile at each other. We are calm and kind, we are friendly, affectionate.

Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in kindness, beauty, health, and exhale through your mouth all the resentment, anger, grief (Lyric music sounds.)

Children breathe in and out three times.

Now, look, who came to visit us?

Children: snowman.

II. Alternating pronunciation of sounds [s] - [w].

Speech therapist:- Right. He came to us from the Far North and brought a radiogram. He does not know what the weather will be in the near future, and you will help him decipher it. (In previous lessons, the word "radiogram" was explained to children.) The speech therapist distributes cards to the children (Figure 1):

Picture 1.

Children in turn say: S - W - SS - W, etc. (Pronounced loudly, quietly, in moderation.)

The up arrow indicates that you need to pronounce the sound [w], and down the sound [s].

Speech therapist:- Well done boys! Correctly deciphered the radiogram: "The Far North is awaiting blizzards and wind."

III. Exercise for the development of facial expressions.

Guys, the snowman has friends, want to know which ones? (picture 2)

Figure 2.

These are the friends of our snowman!

IV. Differentiation of sounds [s] and [w] in syllables, words.

Speech therapist:- And now the snowman wants to play with you (d / and "Repeat after me"). Let's show him how considerate we are:

Okay, now from the pictures:

V. Game "Vases". Coordination of a numeral with a phrase.

Figure 3.

Speech therapist:- Guys, our snowman was bringing these jugs as a gift to friends and accidentally broke them.

Help him collect them. (picture 3)

Children pick up the missing pieces.

Now let's count how many jugs there are? And we will count as follows: one beautiful jug, two beautiful jugs, etc.

Children count by correctly pronouncing the sounds [s], [w].

Vi. Logorhythmic exercise.

Speech therapist:- Well done boys! Let's try to cheer up the snowman, play with him, otherwise he was very upset because of the broken jugs:

Sha - sha - sha - we walk slowly,
Sa - sa - sa - blue skies,
Shu - shu - shu - I'll crumble the crumbs for the birds,
Su - su - su - and I'll bring some water,
Shi - shi - shea - our kids are good,
Sy - sy - sy - we need to hide our noses,
Oshki - oshki - oshki - clap our palms for us.

Execution of movements in accordance with the text.

Vii. Exercise for the development of breathing "Storm in a glass".

This game requires a cocktail straw and a glass of Styrofoam crumbs. A hole is made in the lid of the glass, into which a straw for a cocktail is fixed. The child blows through a straw to make the foam crumbs fly up. You should pay attention to the fact that the cheeks are not puffed up and the lips are immobile.

Speech therapist:- So we got warm, and our snowman began to melt. What to do?

Children prompt: "The Tempest."

VIII. Game for the development of phonemic hearing.

Speech therapist:- Oh, guys, how many snowflakes have you inflated. And the snowflakes are magical, with pictures. You need to put snowflakes with the sound [w] in the car, and with the sound [s] in the sleigh. On snowflakes pictures:

  • horse, mouse, pear, cup, bear, sock, bus, cactus, sled, scales, etc.

IX. Didactic game "Is it right?"

Speech therapist:- And the snowman invented a game for you for not letting him melt. It is called "Is it right?" The snowman will tell you the wrong phrases, and you will have to say them correctly.

The girl eats porridge. The boy is reading by a book. The man is drinking tea. The woman goes to the store. The cat is sitting on a chair. The mouse climbed into the closet. Mom sews an elegant dress for her daughter. Father reads a book to children.

H. Didactic game "Say a word".

Speech therapist: - And also, our snowman is a big joker. Hear what he came up with:

Speech therapist: - Guys, now let's, and we will teach the snowman, and tell him a clean phrase about our tongue:

Tongue up: sha-sha-sha,
Porridge, pies, noodles.
Tongue down: sa - sa - sa,
Sugar, butter, sausage.

XI. Bottom line.

Speech therapist: - Well done boys! Did you enjoy playing with the snowman? What do you remember the most? You answered well, played, your snowman also really liked it, and for that he gives you magical ice cubes (Chupa - Chups lollipops). It's time for him to return to the North. The snowman says goodbye.

Differentiation of sounds S - Sh.

Purpose: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound in syllables, words, sentences, to develop the coherent speech of children.

Cognitive: develop logical thinking, imagination.

Speech: to consolidate the pronunciation of the sound Ш, differentiation sounds S-W in words; to activate and enrich the children's vocabulary with new words; continue to improve the ability to form the plural of nouns, to harmonize nouns with adjectives; form nouns plural; develop phonemic perception and hearing.

Educational: continue to form ways of establishing warm relations with family members, showing care, help, respect; develop the ability to evaluate the actions of other people from the standpoint of morality, to give an objective assessment of their own and others' actions.

Course of the lesson:

Organizational remark.

Good afternoon guys. Today we are with you, we will go to the sunny city where little people live. What do you think, on what you can go to the sunny, magical city? (examples of children)

And we'll hit the road with you on a magic train.

Can you see the train in the distance?

He's on a steel road

Runs like a word across the country

Broken into syllables ...

But before we hit the road, we need to get into the trailers. The one who has one syllable in the name of his picture will sit in the trailer with one window, in the trailer, where the two windows are those who have two syllables in the name of the picture, in the third one - who has three syllables in his word.

Is everyone sitting down? Let's go: chug-chug-chug.

As in any trip there are stops, so will be in ours with you too. But since our journey is magical, the stops will also be unusual, magical.

Each of them will be waiting for you fairytale hero and his interesting task... So ... let's go ..

Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

While we're on the way, listen to my assignment.

We play with sound C

We select the word for the word

Airplane, wheels, space. Tire

What's more, tell me?

We play with the sound Ш

We select the word for the word

Coil, ears, gun, Vacuum cleaner

Tell me, guys, what's superfluous?

Speech therapist: Guys, you probably guessed what sounds we are going to work with today?

Children: With sounds S and S.

Speech therapist: Yes, that's right. We will learn to distinguish between these sounds because very often children confuse these sounds. We will soon be convinced of this. And we will teach them to distinguish.

3. Here are the guys we are with you and arrived at the first station. See who greets us? He wrote poetry for you. Let's listen to them.

We put it in a bowl ... a helmet

Put on the fireman ... porridge.

The writer composed ... the tower

The artist painted ... a fable.

Sleeping sweetly in a den ... a bowl

On the table with salad ... a bear.

Wearing a ... masha

The name of our cat ... mask.

It turns out that Dunno also confused these sounds. But with our help, he must understand and correct his mistakes.

Well guys, let's continue our journey.

Chuh-chuh-chug - the wheels are knocking,

Our locomotive is racing.

Chuh-chuh-chug - he goes fast,

4. And here is the next stop. And here Grumbler meets you and me. He prepared for us the game “I’ll say the other way around”: if I say a word with the sound C, then you must replace it with the sound W, and vice versa.

Who will suit me,

He gives me the answer.

Saika - a gang, juice - shock, jokes - a day, mars - a march, a mouse - a cape.

Oh, look, and there is also Znayka. He's very smart. He must have prepared a very unusual assignment for you.

If in the word Miska the third sound is replaced by the sound Ш, then a new word will be obtained. Which? Bear. The guys make a diagram of this word: how many sounds are in this word? Name them. How many consonants? How many vowels? What is the first sound in this word? Etc.

5. Physical education.

Pinocchio stretched.

Bent down once, bent down twice,

Spread his arms to the sides

I couldn't see the key.

To get that key

We need to stand on our toes.

Now, guys, stand up.

Raise your hands slowly, squeeze your fingers, then unclench

Hands down and stand like that. We all rested a little and went to the track.

6. Look, guys, the street of craftsmen. People live here different professions... And doctor Pilyulkin meets us. He also prepared a task for us.

What professions do you know? Children are called.

We take a picture, look at it and determine what profession a person needs the object depicted on it.

In the name of which profession one of the sounds that we are learning to distinguish today is heard?

Chuh-chuh - chuh - the wheels are knocking,

Our locomotive is racing.

Chuh-chuh - chuh - he goes fast

He is taking us to the next station.

7. And the next stop is IZO-studio. The owner of the art studio is the artist Tube. Here is his assignment.

In the center of the palette card, a picture is drawn in the title of which you hear the sound Ш or the sound С.

8. Reflection.

Now our journey has come to an end. What sounds did we learn to distinguish with you today? Sounds S and S.

One, two, three, four, five

We found ourselves in the kindergarten again.

Well done boys! Everyone did a great job today.


Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in isolated sound

Exercises: "Pump - Wind",
"Cold - hot water":
S - W, S - W, S - W ...

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in direct syllables





Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in reverse syllables





Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in intervocal syllables





Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in closed syllables



Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in straight syllables with a confluence of consonants





Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in reverse syllables with a confluence of consonants









Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in words, where the sounds S - W at the beginning of the word

Day - be able to joke - make noise knocks - things

Joint - well-fed bayonet - sewn saddle - gang

Court - jester owls - seam sleeps - hisses

Spores - spurs style - calm salt - shawls

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in words, where the sounds S - W in the middle of the word

Mustache - ears mask - Masha toffee - Irishka

Usat - tub mass - Masha fable - turret

Pass - plow sands - carry pawns - sew

bowl - bear helmet - porridge ask - flash

Fable - Pussy Tower - Bowl Guts - Teddy Bear

ambassador - go pasture - go millet - Prosha

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in words, where the sounds S - W at the end of the word

Us - our throw - a brooch

You are your plus - plush

Kis - Kysh Cape - Mouse

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in words, where sounds S - W in one word

Sa-sha, su-shu, su-sha, so-went, su-sew, she-lest, sho-se, dry-ka, sosh-ka, Sash-ka, sko-shu, sti-shock, she- current, haste, funny, haste, solid, chance, pole, sew, su-she-ny, Sa-she-ka, sy-nish-ka, do-shis-ty, poo- shis-ty, ma-shi-nist, shah-ma-tist, pass-carcass, pass-to-shock, pus-tysh-ka, old-rush-ka, weight-nush-ki, sol-nysh- ko, after-lush-ny, ras-pu-shil, six-vi-e, ras-shu-mel-Xia, pu-te-six-vi-e.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in phrases

Pine cone, sleepy cat, Son's fur coat, high pole, Yashin sleigh, fragrant bush, lush dough, fragrant hay, silk scarf;

Fluffy cat, high tower, dry pants, shepherd's bag, grandmother's chest, mouse squeak, sauerkraut, clubfoot bear, sharp thorn;

WITH me w naya w duck, w awkward to With ka, With drunk w ka, vi w new With OK, With me w naya ma With ka, poo With that me w OK, With ear drip w he, w stitch up With ka, With me w sweaty w Ki.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in sentences of 3 words

Sasha eats drying. Masha has a sled. There are cones on the pine. Our grandfather is a machinist. Natasha is eating soup. The gander stretches his neck. Our pump is noisy. Misha washes his glass.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in sentences of 4 words

Natasha has a son, Sasha. Sasha hurries to his grandmother. The dishes are in the cupboard. Grandpa is drinking pineapple juice. A cuckoo is cuckooing in the garden. Grandpa is sleeping on the sofa. The bowls are in the cupboard. Sonya is drying down pillows. Dasha sews a satin belt. Sonya writes without mistakes. The dog Kashtanka eats meat. The bear eats from a bowl.

The cat has a fluffy coat. Natasha sews a scarf for Dasha. Sonya is eating meat soup. There are cones on a tall pine tree. The son took the coconut to his grandmother. Dasha has a tall ficus. There is a cactus in the window. The bus goes to the forest. The shepherd Sanya grazed the flock. There is a wardrobe against the wall. Sasha hurries to the exhibition. The dishes will be put in the cupboard.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in sentences of 5 words

Sasha sleds Sonya. Sasha is eating porridge from a bowl. Children are looking for cones under a pine tree. Cherries are singing in our garden. A fluffy cat sleeps on the window. There is a tall pine tree at our window. Misha prepares meat soup for the cat. Our kitten's tail is fluffy.

Stas puts the millet in the bag. The tall pine has fluffy branches. Gosha gives Sonya a dry tray. Dasha is standing under a high bridge. Our cat has a fluffy tail. The cat is eating a big tasty sausage. The cockerel sits high on a pole. Sasha hurries to the bus stop.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in sentences of 6 words

Funny jokes- from Sonya and Mishutka. Sonya and Sasha are going on a trip. There is an oak wardrobe in Sasha's room. Pashin's grandfather is at the bus stop. A glass, a ladle, and a bowl are the dishes. Misha knocked a cone off a pine tree with his hat. Grandma's fur coat in the spring hangs in the closet. The club-toed bear slept under a tall pine tree. Sonya and Sasha are playing checkers. A pinecone fell on the sleepy bear.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in sentences of 7 words

Masha and Dasha are standing by a tall pine tree.

Sasha and his grandfather planted six rosehip bushes.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in pure phrases

Sha - sa - sha our Masha is good

Sa-sha-sa was bitten by a wasp's nose

Shi - sy - shi our ears are good

Sy - shi - sy the wasp has a mustache, mustache

Ish - is - ish run here soap

Ash - os - ash we have a big hut

Ash - wasp - ish so quiet around!

Os - osh - wasps over the bushes there are many wasps

Osh - osh - wasps and there are many wasps above the cherry

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in phrases

Annoying midges keep Alyoshka awake.

There is a pine hut on the edge of the forest.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in proverbs and sayings

Do not raise your nose - you will stumble.

You sleep, you sleep, but you cannot rest.

The cat sleeps, but hears the mouse.

Don't blame your neighbor when you sleep until dinner!

What you bake, then eat.

As you go to bed, you will sleep.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

Do not rush with your tongue, hurry with deeds.

Songs cannot plow a field.

A sleepy cat does not catch mice.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in verses

Fluffy eared,

Eared fluff

Along the edge of the hop-hop.

Our Dasha loves drying,

Drying is not porridge for you.

I sewed a fur coat - I sewed a skirt.

I sewed a hat - I sewed a sneaker.

Sleeps on the window

Fluffy cat

Mice eat millet,

Mice at the edge

Millet is eaten -

They move their mustache.

Slippery bumps rustled.

They plopped noisily from the pine trees.

With a layer of snow, like a shawl,

Will hide cones until spring.

Oh what a mess

Masha is cooking for us!

There is no tastier porridge

Than our Masha!

Stesha was in a hurry

I sewed a shirt.

Yes, she hurried -

The sleeve is not finished!

Sasha is in a hurry to visit today,

Again he will make everyone laugh with jokes.

Sonya and Sanya laughed merrily:

Six fluffy cats

The little mouse was scared!

Seven fluffy kittens

They don't want to eat soup today,

And our Natasha gives them porridge,

Here is a funny Natasha!

Past the forest, along the edge,

Past the plowed fields

Lazy frogs walked

On a visit to his grandmother.

Sasha and Masha, slowly,

Sew boots for a cat

But there won't be a cat

Wear these boots!

The turtle makes everyone laugh

Because he is in no hurry.

But where is the hurry for that

Who is always in their home?

Cars are racing madly -

Their tires rustle along the highway.

And in a rushing avalanche

A whisper is heard: "Shu - shu - shu."

This is the tire whispering to the tire:

"I am in a hurry, in a hurry, in a hurry!"

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in texts


Sasha and Masha are eating sushi. Sasha is not happy:

I have funny drying! They have freckles, I won't eat them. It is necessary to be able to shove freckles into drying!

Don't make a noise, Sasha, this is not a freckle, but a poppy. Mix the dough with poppy seeds and bake. Eat, they are delicious!

It's clear! Give me the one with more spring!


We have an extraordinary cat! Her name is Anfiska. The cat is dressed in a fluffy fur coat. A chiffon bow on the neck. Our cat is smart. Her children ask:

Who walks barefoot? Gander?


Who gets the bump from the bump? At Mishka's?


Who are mice afraid of? A cat?


Who is the mustachioed in the water under the bridge? Catfish?


That's what our cat is Anfiska!

Whose braid?

At the edge of the forest, the dog Fluff found a kerchief. “I'll take it to Masha. And she will give me meat! "

There is a dog with a headscarf, and a cuckoo for him:

Where are you going with my scarf, huh? This is my kids' kerchief. I dry it on the branches.

No, cuckoo, I found this kerchief and carry it to Masha.

A kerchief for my children!

There will be a kerchief machine!

A kerchief for my children!

There will be a kerchief machine! You have no kids either!

The fluff does not give up the kerchief. No one in the forest has peace from the noise. They hear the noise of a bird, a bug, a wasp and a mouse.

“Found it! Found it! This is my kerchief, ”squeaked the mouse. She grabbed her kerchief and ran to her house. It became quiet in the forest - no one bothers anyone.


Under the bush near the mouse and mice are a house with windows. Not cramped for mice in the house, there is enough space for everyone.

Mouse mom prepares delicious porridge for mice. And the mice stand by the window and see the cat.

Mum! Mum! Is this our nanny coming to us? So fluffy! So soft! Such a mustachioed! Ears on the crown!

Oh, little mice, get away from the window. This is not your nanny. This is Sonya the cat going hunting.


Do not give rest to the mouse grandmother. They will carry away millet, then oats, then porridge. And the cat, Sonya, sleeps on her pillow, eats and sleeps.

Grandmother to the cat: "No matter how they take you away!"

No, they won't! I'll scare them with my claws, mustache and tail!

And again the cat sleeps and eats, eats and sleeps.

They see mice - a cat is not dangerous to them. Everyone goes to sleep on the cat's pillow. The mice are joking at the cat: they will take off the bow from the neck and wear it themselves. Then they will put a spider on the cat's mustache.

Granny doesn't need such a cat. The grandmother will give her to the upbringing of the neighbor's cat Muska.

Differentiation of sounds [s - w] in tongue twisters

Sonya has bumps, and Sanya has checkers.

Sasha sewed a hat for Masha.

Eat, Sasha, six dryers.

There are pine cones on the pine tree.

Our Mishutka has funny jokes.

We have our cat, you have your cat.

Sonya's cat is sitting on the window.

A hat and a fur coat - that's all Mishutka.

You have to be able not to make noise here.

Mashka's mouse has funny pants.

Sixth jokes are jokes.

Six mice rustle in the hut.

Cones are on the pine, checkers are on the table.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying.

There are six rascals in the hut.

I will buy morocco boots for the cat.

I will make my little braggart son funny pants.

Six Sashki have six poles, and six poles have six dryers.

Sasha Shustrikov has a son - Sasha Shustrikov.

The cat has six kittens, the mouse has six mice.

Misha will go to Sasha, Sasha will go to Misha.
Pasha went on foot, carrying a bag of sand.


1 . Alifanova E . A ., Egorova N.E. Speech therapy rhymes and miniatures. A guide for speech therapists and educators of logogroups. -

M .: "GNOM-PRESS", 1999. - 80 p.

2. Kulikovskaya T.A. 40 new tongue twisters. Workshop on improving diction / T.A. Kulikovskaya. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2010. - 48 p.

3. Spivak E .N. Sounds Ш, Ж, Ч, Щ. Speech material for the automation and differentiation of sounds in children 5 - 7 years old / E.N. Spivak. - M .: Publishing house GNOM ID, 2007. - 48 p.

Exercise 1... a) Select the initial sounds from the words: sleigh, hat.

b) Compare the sounds with and w by articulation.

How are these sounds similar?

What is the difference between these sounds?

Assignment 2... Extract the initial sounds from words. The speech therapist pronounces the words, highlighting the first sound with a voice, the children repeat it.

Sample. Catfish (s), noise (w).

Himself, noise, shawl, sleigh, bag, neck, bacon, bough, walk, tire, power, blue, sugar, rustle.

Assignment 3... a) Say the sound s or w with support on the hand of the speech therapist.

The speech therapist reminds children that when pronouncing a sound from, the tongue is located below, behind the lower teeth, and when pronouncing the sound sh, the tongue rises up behind the upper teeth. If the hand rises up, children pronounce the sound w, down - s.

S ShS ShSS Sh S etc.

b) Pronounce the sound s and w along the reference arrows.

The speech therapist shows children cards with arrows pointing up or down, children pronounce the appropriate sound.

Sample, with w

c) Pronounce the sound s and w according to the conventional symbols.
The speech therapist reminds children that when pronouncing a sound from

lips smile, while pronouncing the sound w - lips are a mouthpiece. Speech therapist shows children cards with conventional icons: s, w. Children pronounce the appropriate sound.

Assignment 4... Pronounce the syllables reflected.






Game "On the contrary".

A speech therapist pronounces a syllable with a sound with, children with a sound and, and vice versa.




Assignment 5... Memorize and reproduce a number of syllables.




Assignment 6... Listen to the words, a) Highlight the initial syllable. The speech therapist emphasizes the syllable highlighted by the children in a voice.

Sample. Sani (sa), shawl (sha).

Sleigh, shawls, dry, tire, bacon, awl, honeycomb, neck, catfish, steps, boot, raw, sewn, sat down, makes noise.

b) Highlight the last syllable. Sample. Fox (sa), I wear (shu).

Fox, porridge, noses, braids, ours, carry, kids, kosha, Masha, mice, carry, yours, Lusha, Alice.

Assignment 7... Finish the word by adding the syllables sa or sha based on pictures (selected by the speech therapist). Say the whole word.

Li ... (Sa), na ... (Sha), kole ... (Co), halo ... (Sha), kry ... (Sha).

Add sy or shi syllables. Say the whole words.

U ... (Shi), u ... (Sy), but ... (Sy), we ... (Shi), kry ...

Assignment 8... Speak the words reflected in pairs.

mustache - ears nose - knife

rat - roof socks - legs

bowls - bears us - our

What sounds do word pairs differ in?

Ears - mustache; the rat is the roof; fable is a tower; us - ours;

you are yours.

Exercise 9. Look at the pictures. Name them.

Assignment 10... Speak the words reflected.

Dry, hurry, fluffy, drying, freckles, highway, shepherd boy, rhyme, laugh, old woman, heard, hurried, made laugh, made fun, skvorushka, smart, machinist, smart.

The speech therapist assesses whether the children understand the meaning of these words.

Assignment 11... Memorize and name a number of words.

Haste - hastened - haste; sew - sewn - embroider; dry - dried - dried - dried - dried.

Assignment 12... Remember the words that are similar to the word dry.

Assignment 13... Answer the questions in one word. The speech therapist monitors the clear pronunciation of the sounds s and w.

Who is driving the train?

What shines for people during the day?

What is the body of a cat, a dog covered with?

What other word can you call small bagels?

The teacher read the story to the children, and the children laughed.

What was the story?

Assignment 14... Complete the sentences with one word.

Speech therapist reads an excerpt from K. Chukovsky's poem "Moidodyr". He begins a sentence, the children end it with one word.

Long live the soap ... (fragrant). And the towel ... (fluffy). And dental ... (powder). And thick ... (scallop).

Task 15... Select pictures in three columns: with sound s, with sound w, with sound s and w.

Pictures are selected by a speech therapist.

The list of suggested pictures: beets, shower, wardrobe, socks, chamomile, forest, radish, bag, sun, icicle, checkers, grandmother, old woman, drying, highway.

Task 16... Determine the place of sounds s and w in words. Old woman, highway, sun, scary, nimble.

Task 17... Complete the sentence with one word using reference pictures.

The hare has long ... (ears). The cat has long ... (mustache). It rustles under the floor ... (rat). The house has a new ... (roof). Sasha helped ... (to the old woman). Shura has new ... (boots).

S-sh sounds in sentences

Task 18... Pronounce the phrases reflected.

Gray-haired grandfather. Fluffy snow. Fragrant hay. Red pencil. Dry buds. Funny story... Mossy swamp. Terrible beast. Silky grass. Silk head, oily beard.

The speech therapist finds out if the children understand these phrases.

Task 19... Answer the questions. Say the whole sentences.

Sample. What snow? Fluffy. (Fluffy snow.)

What pencil? What story? What a beast? What grass? What's the head? What beard? What hay? What swamp? What are the cones?

Who has a silk head, an oily beard?

Task 20... Listen to the suggestions. Answer the questions.

Reeds grow in the swamp. The reeds are thick and tall. Sasha and Sima cut the reeds.

What grows in the swamp?

What reed?

Who cut the reeds?

Task 21... Speak sentences reflected.

The cuckoo kukuet merrily. Masha is drinking jelly. Sasha is carrying pears. The shepherd boy hurries home. Sasha's sister sewed a shirt for Sasha. The elephant has big ears.

Task 22... Make suggestions for the plot pictures about Sasha and Masha.

Who is doing the right thing?

Task 23... Speak reflected proverbs, sayings, pure phrases. Memorize by heart at the choice of a speech therapist. Find out the meaning of each proverb and sayings.

As you go to bed, you will sleep. Oh, what a frost, I brought all the windows!

Take care of your nose in severe frost. Sits with his legs dangling like noodles on a spoon

Do not rush with your tongue, but hurry with deed. Stands like a cat over a mouse.

Owl, owl, Big head. Stands like reeds over the river.

Songs cannot plow a field. Leaves? whispering as alive

If you hurry, you will make people laugh. and the time comes - and they will make noise. Nine mice pulled together -

The lid was pulled off the tub.

In a hurry, in a hurry, but there is no time to rest.

The mouse's tears will pour out to the cat.

Task 24... Pronounce tongue twisters at three rates: slow, medium, and fast.

The speech therapist monitors the clear pronunciation of the sounds s and w.

The pine tree makes a noise from sleep

A pine tree rustles from sleep.

Sasha is small,

Sasha is sweet.

Sasha washed his ears with soap.

Task 25... Listen to the riddles. Find clues. Memorize them. Ask riddles for mom, dad, grandmother, your friends.

The speech therapist puts up pictures depicting answers to riddles.

I sit at the window

I look at the whole world at him.

(TV set.)

And the roof is with me.


I'm a fluffy ball

I turn white in a clean field.

And the breeze blew -

The stalk remains.


I left the house

And took out the roof.

Returned home

Antoshka stands

On one leg.

Smooth, fragrant,

Washes clean.

I stand on a fat leg

I stand on a smooth leg.

Under a brown hat

With velvet lining.


(P. Russ-Silver.)

Lesson summary.

Topic. Sounds s and w.

This speech therapy session aimed at clarifying and comparing the articulation of sounds [S] - [W]. It will certainly be a good help for studying with the younger children. school age having speech disorders.

Topic: "Differentiation of sounds [S] - [W] in syllables, words and in a sentence"

Purpose: clarification and comparison of the articulation of sounds [S] - [W].

Correctional educational:

Improve phonemic analysis and phonemic perception;

Correctional and developmental:

Extension vocabulary student;
- development of voluntary attention;

Correctional educational:
- education of expressiveness of speech and interest in cognitive activity

Equipment: tape recorder, object pictures, a panel depicting a forest, "letters" with assignments, a mirror.

Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Hello Katya! Do you like to travel? Today we will go with you for a walk in Magical forest... To start our adventure, let's say the "magic" words correctly and clearly.

Sasha was given porridge, and Klasha - curdled milk.

Well done, Katyusha! Did you notice something in this phrase? What are the most common sounds? That's right, the sounds [S] and [W].

II. The main part.

1. Characteristics of sounds.

Let's remember the characteristics of the sounds [S] and [W]. ([S] - consonant, deaf, solid sound... [Ш] - consonant, deaf, always solid sound). What are the differences and similarities of sounds?

And now we begin our journey.

2. Respiratory gymnastics.

Do you feel what Fresh air in the forest? Let's do breathing exercises.
"Rose and Dandelion"
Performed in a standing position. First, the child takes a deep breath through his nose, as if he is smelling a rose, trying to draw in all its aroma, then “blowing on a dandelion” - exhales with his mouth as much as possible.
3. Development of phonemic hearing.

Look at the tree stump. Who is sitting there? (Bunny) He has a letter in his hands. Let's read it.

“I am lost and cannot get home. To find my way, I need to recognize sounds. If you hear the sound S - clap your hands, if you hear the sound S - stamp your foot. "

Well, Katyusha, can we help the bunny? Listen carefully.

Sounds: Ж, С, З, Ш, Щ, С, Ш, Ж, З, etc.

Syllables: ZHI, SY, SA, SHO, SHI, SHU, ZHO, SO, SHU, SU, etc.

They helped the bunny, now he found his way home. And we will go further.

Look, and who is there rustling behind the bush? This is Shurshik the mouse. She also asks you to help him. Shurshik likes to name only those words that contain the sound S. Change the words so that instead of the sound C there is the sound S. Let's try?


DAY - …. (JOKES)


MISKA- .... (BEAR)

ROCK - .... (SCALE)

TOWER - .... (TOWER)

CAPE- .... (MOUSE)

Bite - .... (Bite)

Name the incomprehensible words.

And they coped with this task!

4. Physical moment.

And now it's charging time. All the animals do it. Come on and we will join them.

(We perform to the song "Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, specks everywhere ...")

Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, specks everywhere.

(We clap our palms all over the body.)

Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere.

(We pinch ourselves, as if collecting folds.)

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,

On noses, stomachs, knees and socks.

(Both index fingers touching the corresponding parts of the body.)

Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere.

(We stroke ourselves, as if smoothing the fur.)

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,

On noses, stomachs, knees and socks.

(With both forefingers we touch the corresponding parts of the body.)

And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere.

(We draw the edges of the palm over the body (draw stripes))

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,

On noses, stomachs, knees and socks.

(With both forefingers we touch the corresponding parts of the body.)

5. Differentiation of sounds S - W in sentences.

There is a box in a forest clearing.

Katya, look, someone has lost their gift. We urgently need to find whoever owns it.

There is a note on the box, but yesterday's rain has erased some of the letters. We need to insert them.

“Dear aunt _ovu_ka!

I will tell you that I will soon come to you in the morning. I’m getting a mail with different flavors, and there’s both chocolate, cheese, and yu_ki.

I'm really looking forward to meeting you. "

You need to insert the missing letters C and W.

Great! Now we know who the package is addressed to.

III. Lesson results.

You helped everyone today, did useful things, and the animals want to thank you. They brought a present with the gifts of the forest.

What sounds did we work with in class today? Did you enjoy our trip?

Amarkulova A.D.,
teacher speech therapist

Related articles:

Distinguishing sounds S-W by ear and in pronunciation.

Durneva Marina Alekseevna, speech therapist teacher, MBDOU Kindergarten No. 17, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.
Target: differentiation of sounds Zh-Z.

1. To form in preschoolers the correct pronunciation of sounds, the ability to differentiate the sounds S-SH in their speech, to use them correctly.
2. Diversify with didactic game work on consolidating the correct sound pronunciation, to interest children.

Description: Sounds S-SH child mixes most often, and not only by ear, but also in pronunciation. The work on the differentiation of the sounds S-W helps a clearer, conscious pronunciation in general, and is also the basis of literacy in writing. These games can be conducted by both a speech therapist and an educator. this work will be useful for speech therapists, speech therapists, educators, parents. First stage
Distinguishing the sounds S-W is isolated, in syllables and words.

1. Differentiation by ear of sounds S-SH in words.
Listen carefully to unfinished sentences. From a pair of words that sound similar, name one that is appropriate in meaning. Explain its meaning.

We put it in a bowl ... (porridge or helmet).
The firefighter puts on ... (porridge or helmet).
Sleeps sweetly in a den ... (bowl or bear).
On the table with salad ... (bowl or bear).
The name of our cat ... (Masha or mask).
Porridge should be ... (naughty or salt).
The wrestler has great ... (awl or strength).
The bakery has a big ... (gang or crust).

2. Differentiation by ear and in the pronunciation of isolated sounds S-SH.

We play with children in various onomatopoeic games. Type:
- The forest is noisy (they shake their hands raised up and draw out the sound Sh-Sh-Sh).
- Pump (imitate the movements of a person pumping a tire, uttering the sound C-C-C).
- Snake (put your palms together, drive them from side to side and hiss).
- Water is pouring from the tap - I wash the pens (imitate washing hands and whistling - water is pouring).
- The tire has lowered (Sh-sh-sh-sh - we squat), it is necessary to inflate (exercise "Pump".)

3. Differentiation of sounds S-SH in direct syllables with the same vowel sounds.
The game "Repeating" - clearly pronounce the syllables (first 2, and then 3 syllables). First, an adult acts as the leader, and then you can invite the child to ask the syllables, and other children or the teacher repeat. The task of the child leader is to notice mistakes and correct them.

Sa-sha so-sho su-shu sy-shi sha-sa sho-so shu-su shi-sy

Sa-sha-sa so-sho-so su-shu-su sy-shi-sy sha-sa-sha sho-so-sho shu-su-shu shi-sy-shi

4. Differentiation of S-SH sounds in direct syllables with different vowel sounds.

These syllables are also used for the game "Repeating"

Sa-sho su-shi sy-sha se-sho shu-sa shi-so sha-sy so-sha

Su-shi-sa sy-sha-su se-sho-sa shi-su-sho sho-sy-shu she-su-sho sha-su-shi shu-sy-she

5. Differentiation of S-W sounds in words.
Game "Memories" - the pictures that the children named when automating each of the sounds are taken, mixed and laid out in front of the child in 6 pieces. While laying out, the child names each picture. After that, the child remembers all 6 pictures and closes his eyes. The teacher removes the 1st picture, and the child, opening his eyes, must name which picture the teacher took. First, we take pictures with only 1 sound in words. For example, cheese-jackal-salad-bag-bag-hat. Then words with both sounds are taken, such as sun-drying-six-weightlifter-highway-old woman.

Second phase
Distinguishing the sounds S-W in sentences and coherent speech.
1. Differentiation of S-W sounds in independently composed sentences.
Game "Come up with a proposal". This game is carried out on the material of the same pictures that were discussed earlier.
The child is given a picture and asked to come up with a sentence with this word. If you are working with a group of children, then you can arrange a competition, who will come up with the most proposals. A chip is given for each sentence made,
then the result is calculated. The one with the most chips wins.

2. Differentiation of S-Sh sounds in rhymes.
The "Repeating" game is to repeat the rhyme after the teacher, first slowly and then quickly.
Take care of your nose in severe frost.
The steam locomotive is breathing steam, steam is breathing from under the wheels.
They gave Sasha porridge in a bowl, gave all the porridge to the pussy.
Ivanushka was swimming by a gray pebble.
Owls, jays and cuckoos were making noise at the edge.
Masha cooked delicious porridge.
Pies with peas are good in the lane.
At a large hut, an elephant rocks a baby.

3. Differentiation of S-SH sounds in amusing performances.
Game "Theater". It is conducted in a child-child or child-adult couple. For the image of the role, masks-rims are prepared in advance. We put them on and act out the poem. The task of the child is not only to portray his hero, but also to pronounce all the words correctly.

Vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner!
Where are you sticking your nose?
- Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu,
I breathe your dust!

Mouse, mouse, why are you awake?
What are you rustling with straws?
- I'm afraid to fall asleep sister,
I will dream of a mustachioed cat!

A nimble Bear walked through the forest,
A lump fell on him.
- And on us, but on us
Let the pineapple come off!

4. Differentiation of S-SH sounds in stories.

We read the story, and we conduct a conversation and ask the child to retell it.

Sasha walked to school, and behind him walked the dog Pushhok and, as always, carried Sasha's bag. Sasha was proud of his dog. No one has ever had such an intelligent dog! Sasha walked quickly to the school, did not stop and did not look back. At this time, Sasha's neighbor, Mishka, approached Cannon and handed the dog a bone and meat. Fluff dropped his bag, grabbed a large bone and went after Sasha again. And mischievous Misha took Sasha's bag and said to himself: "I'll look at Sasha when he comes to school with a bone and sits down at his desk!"

Once a pig bought a bag of acorns from a bear. A pig is carrying a bag, and something seems weightless to her. "The bear deceived me, - the pig decided, - he poured half of the sack!" The pig walks on, gets tired. The bag seems heavier to her with every step. "No, the bear did not deceive, - the pig thinks, - he poured the sack!" The pig is walking again, and it can’t bear to carry the heavy sack. The pig threw the sack, stood up and said: "Why did the bear pour two instead of one sack for me ?!"