Drawing in the senior group is a folk toy. Drawing lesson in the senior group "Decorative drawing based on the Dymkovo painting

Abstract of GCD for drawing in the senior group "Dymkovo toy"

Purpose: acquaintance with the folk toy and the methods of painting it.


To acquaint children with the painting of Dymkovo toys.


Develop creativity, aesthetic perception, imagination and fine motor skills of the fingers, interest in drawing.


To foster love and interest in folk toys and arts and crafts of folk craftsmen.

Materials and equipment: illustrations and pictures of Dymkovo toys, a glass of water, napkins, paints, brushes, musical accompaniment.

The course of the lesson.

Educator: - Guys, today I suggest you go on a trip. And we will travel on a carpet - an airplane. Let's all stand on him, join hands, close our eyes and say magic words.

The sun is golden in the sky

Our carpet is flying up.

For a moment of magic, We'll fly here here!

Educator: - And now we open our eyes. Guys, look how beautiful it is around. Where do you think we got to? And we got to the village of Dymkovo.

The smoke comes out of the chimneys in a column,

Everything is as if in a haze.

Blue gave

And the big village Dymkovo was named.

Educator: - In ancient times, the inhabitants of this settlement, young and old, sculpted a clay toy for the spring fair. In winter, the whole settlement is in smoke because stoves are heated, toys are burned; on cloudy days the fog spreads from the river in a light haze, perhaps from this the name Dymkovo arose, and the toys began to be called Dymkovo toys. What are these toys?

Clay horses are racing

On stands, that there is strength,

And you can't hold on to the tail,

If you missed the mane.

Look how pretty this soul girl is

Scarlet cheeks are burning, amazing outfit,

The kokoshnik sits proudly

The young lady is so beautiful!

Like a swan swims.

Sings a quiet song.

Educator: - Guys - these are poems about the Dymkovo toy, let's call them.

Children list: - A horse, a young lady, a turkey, a deer, a goat, a cow ...

Educator: - Well, well done, the masters really depict in their toys what they see around them, what seemed to them funny, funny.

Educator: - Guys, I found out that grandfather Tikhon is the best craftsman in the village of Dymkovo. I was told that grandfather Tikhon had been ill for a long time this winter. Let's go to visit him, see the master.

The teacher shows the children an image of an old master with one toy in his hands.

Educator: - The spring fair of Dymkovo toys will open soon, and grandfather Tikhon, due to illness, was able to paint only one toy. He is saddened about this. It is very important for a master to take part in the fair, to show people his skills.

Educator: - Guys, let's help grandfather Tikhon. I invite you to become his students, apprentices.

Educator: - Young assistants of the master were called apprentices, they helped knead clay, burn figures, cover toys with white paint, stir colored paints, and when they mastered all these works, they helped the master create funny toys, and then they themselves became masters.

Educator: - What was the name of the young assistants of the master? (children's answer: joint, individual).

Educator: - Colors, what color did the masters use when painting the Dymkovo toys? Children's answers. (Red, yellow, orange, light blue, blue, green, pink).

Educator: - Well done, everyone answered correctly, but what is the most important color in the painting?

Children: - White.

Educator: - That's right, the white background of toys is never painted over entirely, but always actively participates in painting, making the colors of paints sound especially bright. The masters use a wide variety of colors in the painting, but there are only five elements, name them.

Children list: - Circle, straight and wavy lines, dot-peas, rhombus and cell.

Educator: - Well done, guys, they named all the elements correctly.

Educator: - Grandfather Tikhon has blanks of toys. Each of you can choose a figurine of your choice.

Physical education.

We tried to paint (arms out to the sides)

It was difficult not to get tired (body bends to the sides)

We will rest a little (sit down, hands forward)

Let's start drawing again (get up, lower your hands)

Educator: - Sit down more comfortably, we start work.

Independent work of children at the tables.

At the end of the work, the children fix their products on the table in front of their grandfather Tikhon.

Educator: - Grandpa Tikhon is very pleased, and grateful to you guys, he liked all your work.

I invite you to admire your toys. Which one do you like the most? Why?

Educator: - And I, guys, would buy all the toys, because they are very beautiful. You all tried, worked hard, put your skills into them! Now Master Tikhon has something to show at the spring fair of folk crafts. And at the same time he will glorify you.

Synopsis of directly educational activities in decorative painting in the senior group

Acquaintance with the Dymkovo toy

Saprygina Anna Nikolaevna


To acquaint children with folk craft - Dymkovo toy.


To acquaint children with the history of the origin of the Dymkovo toy.

To acquaint with the variety of Dymkovo toys, the specifics of decor, characteristic elements and color combinations.

To teach children to see the beauty of the Dymkovo toy, its expressiveness, imagery, and the brightness of the pattern.

To foster a love for folk art.

To foster respect for the work of folk craftsmen.

Learn to paint a paper silhouette of a Dymkovo toy.

Teach children to independently choose techniques and elements of painting, color combinations.

Develop creativity, imagination, interest in drawing.

To improve the skills of working with watercolors - to paint with the whole brush, its end.

Integration of educational areas:



Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

Using ESM:

Presentation for children on the topic of the lesson.


- Toy Parsley

- Dymkovo toys

Cut out silhouettes of Dymkovo toys

Paints, brushes, palette

The course of the lesson.

Organizing time. The children take their places.

1. A toy appears in the group.

I'm a fun toy

And my name is ... (Petrushka).

I'm the funniest person in the world

For this, the children like me.

I did not come to you alone

I brought my friends.

Parsley takes out one toy at a time from the box.

Guys, look what beautiful friends our Petrushka has.

Did you recognize them? (This is a horse, cockerel, duck, lamb).

Parsley addresses children:

Do you guys like my friends? (Yes).

How did you like them? (Beautiful, bright).

Indeed, these are very beautiful toys. My faithful friend Pencil introduced me to these toys.

They call them the Dymkovskys.

Do you want to know why they were named that and where they came from? (Yes).

The pencil invites us on a journey to the city of craftsmen, where such beautiful toys appeared.

Do you agree to go on a trip? (Agree).

Then sit back, we're off.

2. Sloboda Dymkovo.

Affectionately and affectionately, this toy is called haze.

From the high bank of the Vyatka River, on which the city of Kirov stands, one can see the Dymkovo settlement beyond the river.

In winter, when the stoves are heated, in summer, on cloudy days, when the fog, the whole settlement is as if in smoke, in a haze. Here, in ancient times, this toy was born.

In winter, when people did not have work in the fields, they sculpted whistles from clay. All winter Dymkov's women sculpted them for the fair. From a small clay ball with holes, the whistle turned into a duck, then into a cock, then into a ridge. And now, on the stalls and counters of the crowded fair, they sell funny goods.

The Dymkovo toy is made of red clay.

The clay was soaked, sand was added and mixed thoroughly. A duck, cockerel, turkey, horse or deer emerged from a small ball.

Then the craft was dried and fired in a Russian oven. They mixed milk with chalk and whitewashed the toy, then painted it with paints.

If you look at the pattern of the Dymkovo toy, it is unusually simple: circles, straight and wavy stripes, cells, spots and dots.

But what colors are bright! Crimson, red, green, yellow, orange, blue, blue colors.

Pay attention to our guests - Dymkovo toys and consider their patterns. What are the main colors with which they are decorated.

My friend Pencil wants to introduce you to the elements of the Dymkovo painting.

All toys are not simple, but magically painted. Snow-white like birches, circles, cells, stripes - a seemingly simple pattern, but you can't take your eyes off.

Many toys are united by a plot. It's fun to play with them, coming up with their own stories. And individual toys are so bright and colorful that they just ask for hands. But it must be remembered that these products are very fragile, and you need to play with them very carefully. And there are toys that you can only admire.

Did you guys like the story of the pencil? (Yes)

What are these toys made of? (Toys are made of clay).

How many of you remember how these toys were made? (They sculpted figures out of clay, then fired them in the oven, whitewashed and painted).

What patterns were used to decorate the toys? (Circles, dots, cells, stripes).

What colors did the craftsmen use for decoration? (Red, yellow, green, etc.).

Do you want to try to become the Dymkovo masters and help me paint these toys? Parsley shows paper-cut toys: cockerel, deer, horse, duck. (We want).

Then I suggest taking a little rest first and then getting to work.

Parsley spends physical education:

Now, guys,

I call everyone to exercise!

Turn left, turn right

Bend over, come up.

Hands up and hands to the side

And on the spot, jump and jump!

And now we're skipping

Well done, all the kids!

Slow down, kids, step

And stop there! Like this!

And now we sit together,

We still need to work!

The children take their places.

I turn you guys into glorious masters of the Dymkovo toys and suggest that you choose the toy you like and paint it using the techniques of Dymkovo painting that you already know.

During independent work, Parsley monitors the observance of the sequence of work, the technique of making the pattern, if necessary, individually shows, gives advice on the use of color in the pattern.

Upon completion, all works are posted on the stand. Parsley, together with the children, examines the work done.

They ate asleep by the highway

In hoarfrost,

The trees are sleeping, the river is sleeping,

Bound in ice.

Snow is falling softly

Blue smoke is curling

The smoke comes out of the pipes in a column,

As if everything is in a haze,

Blue gave

And the village was named Dymkovo.

They loved songs, dances,

Miracle tales were born in the village,

Evenings in winter are long

And they molded there from clay

All toys are not easy

And magically painted:

Snow white like birches

Circles, cells, stripes -

Seemingly simple pattern

But I cannot look away.

And glory went about the "haze"

Having earned this right,

They talk about her everywhere

Amazing miracle

We will bow more than once.

Today we have made an exciting journey to the city of craftsmen.

What new have you learned, what have you met? (We got acquainted with the Dymkovo toy and learned how to paint it).

You guys have made some very beautiful toys.

Pencil says goodbye to you and says: Until we meet again in the city of masters, friends!

Parsley says goodbye to the guys.

Our lesson is over. Goodbye!

Maria Kurilova

Target: teach children to decorate product silhouettes with elements Dymkovo painting choosing a color when drawing a pattern. Generate interest in drawing.


Educational: continue to introduce children to folk arts and crafts (painting based on Dymkovo toys) ... Strengthen the ability of children paint simplest elements Dymkovo painting(circles, stripes, wavy lines)... Pick up paints (a combination of colors to make the toy bright, elegant)... Exercise in outlining circles with continuous lines with the entire pile of the brush, rings in one circular motion, drawing dots and dashes with the end of the brush.

Developing: develop creativity, a sense of color, aesthetic feelings, hand motor skills, the ability to highlight beautiful works, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and answer questions.

Educational: to cultivate accuracy, aesthetic taste, love for Russian applied art, arouse the desire to do something ourselves, adopting simple techniques from folk craftsmen.

Material and equipment: Dymkovo toys(for demonstration, paper silhouettes horses, tables depicting elements Dymkovo painting, drawings - options for patterns on toys, gouache paints, brushes, pokes, napkins, jars of water.

Preliminary work: conversations about Dymkovo toy, about the features of the pattern, composition, color combination, examination of items of decorative and applied art, drawing elements of Dymkovo painting... Learning poetry on the topic.

Individual work: teach Dima F. draw wavy lines, continue to teach Roma R. paint with the end of the brush.

Course of the lesson

Educator: - Guys, today we came to the toy workshop, and which guess:

Clay horses are racing

On stands, that there is strength,

And you can't hold on to the tail,

If you missed the mane.

Look how pretty this soul girl is

Scarlet cheeks are burning, amazing outfit,

The kokoshnik sits proudly

The young lady is so beautiful!

Like a swan swims.

Sings a quiet song.

What toys are these verses talking about?

Children: - O Dymkovo toys.

Educator: - That's right, children, these wonderful poems were folded by the people about Dymkovo toys... Name them.

Children list: - A horse, a young lady, a turkey, a deer, a goat, a cow ...

Educator: - Well, well done, the masters really depict in their toys what they see around them, what seemed to them funny, funny.

Guys, what colors do they use to paint such beautiful toys?

Children list colors: - Blue, red, orange ...

Educator: - Well done, everyone answered correctly, and what is the most important color in the painting?

Children: - White color.

Educator: - That's right, the white background of toys is never painted over entirely, but always actively participates in painting, making the colors of paints sound especially bright.

The masters use a wide variety of colors in the painting, but there are only five elements, name them.

Children list: - Circle, straight and wavy lines, polka dots, rhombus and cells).

Educator: - Well done, guys, all the elements were named correctly. Now I offer in the air draw a circle, straight and wavy line ...

Children carry out the task.

Educator: - And now we are starting to paint Dymkovo horse... First, we will draw small details - this is the mouth and eyes. What will we be draw eyes, and what paint?

Children. - Draw the eyes with black paint, with a thin stick, using the "poke" technique.

Educator. What else are we going to paint with black paint?

Children. - We will paint the hooves, tail, mane with black paint.

Educator. - And also, what paint can you draw tail and mane?

Children. - You can use brown paint.

Educator. - And what will you decorate your horse with?

Children. - We will draw different rings, circles, dots, stripes. On the chest you can draw sun symbol.

Educator: - Well done. Now I suggest you put a silhouette in front of you horses and paint it like a master. Get to work.

Russian folk music sounds. In the process of work, I provide children with the necessary assistance.

Physical education:

I ask you to rise - this time.

The head turned - that's two.

Hands up, look ahead - that's three.

We spread our arms wider by four.

Squeezing and unclenching your fingers with force is five.

All the guys sit down quietly - that's six!

Children finish work, wash their hands.

I compose a panorama from painted silhouettes « Dymkovo horse» .

Educator: - Guys, look what a wonderful holiday fair we have. What is good Haze!

Children: - Yes! The toys are bright and festive.

Educator: - Since we got a real holiday, tell us poems about Dymkovo toys.

1 child:

What is famous Dymkovo?

With your toy!

There is no smoky color in it,

What is the grayness of the gray.

She has something of the rainbow

From dew drops

There is something in her for joy,

Thundering like bass!

2 child:

Through mountain spurs

Through the rooftops of the villages

Red-horned, yellow-horned

A clay deer is racing.

3 child:

Here is a smart turkey

It's all so foldable

Big turkey

All sides are painted.

Look, bushy tail

He is not at all simple.

5 child:

What a horse!

Just touch -

Together with the rider

We will gallop two hundred miles away!


At the end classes all painted silhouettes are exhibited horses... The teacher offers to admire them, choose the one you like, say why you liked it. When analyzing, note the location of the patterns, the color, the accuracy of the work.

Educator: - Here are our toys lit up. It becomes joyful and festive in my soul. Thanks for your work, masters.

On this class is over.

Visual activity. Painting.

The theme "Dymkovo toy"

The program content of educational activities:

"Artistic creation"

Continue to acquaint children with folk Dymkovo toys, fostering an aesthetic attitude to objects.

To help children notice and highlight the main means of expressiveness of the Dymkovo toys: brightness, elegance of color, decorativeness, a variety of elements of painting. Focusing on originals, make children want to paint any toys.

To consolidate the skills of drawing elements of Dymkovo painting (circles, dots, stripes, mesh, ring, wavy arcs);

Teach children to independently choose techniques and elements of painting, a combination of colors, to convey their attitude to the drawing.

Develop creativity, imagination, interest in drawing


Contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world and broaden the horizons, foster interest in folk art, respect for the work of folk craftsmen, national pride in the skill of the Russian people.


Fostering a benevolent attitude towards others in preschoolers, the formation of patriotic feelings, citizenship;


- development of musical and artistic activities;


Continue to foster interest in oral folk art,


To develop the skills of free communication with adults and children about, the process and the results of productive activities.

Materials and equipment for the lesson:

paints - gouache, brushes, water jars, napkins, aprons, silhouettes of Dymkovo toys, an image of the master Tikhon, a magnetic board, a screen, toys, colored magnets (red, green, blue), a presentation "Dymkovo toys", a multimedia console, a screen, a computer, a carpet. Phonogram of Russian folk music.

Children, do you like to travel? Today I invite you to go on a journey! And we will go on a journey in an unusual way. The power of imagination, our imagination and this flying carpet will help us. Sit back more comfortably, hold your hands firmly and close your eyes. So, our amazing journey begins! (Russian folk music sounds, children sit with their eyes closed).

Now open your eyes, look around, and guess where you are ?!

Slide depicting the village of Dymkovo.

- And we got to the village of Dymkovo!

The smoke comes out of the chimneys in a column,

Everything is as if in a haze.

Blue gave

And the big village Dymkovo was named.

In ancient times, the inhabitants of this settlement, young and old, sculpted a clay toy for the spring fair. In winter, the whole settlement is in smoke because stoves are heated, toys are burned; on cloudy days the fog spreads from the river in a light haze, perhaps from this the name Dymkovo arose, and the toys began to be called Dymkovo toys. What are these toys? Let's see.

There is a slideshow “Young Lady”, “Turkey”, “Deer”, “Horse”, etc.

Look how good this soul girl is.

Scarlet cheeks are burning, amazing outfit,

The kokoshnik sits proudly,

The young lady is so beautiful.

Circles, cells, stripes -

Seemingly simple pattern

But I can't take my eyes off

From the lady and the water bearers.

Through mountain spurs

Through the rooftops of the villages

Red-footed, yellow-horned

A clay deer is racing.

Clay horses are racing

On the coasters, that is the strength!

And you can't hold on to the tail,

If you missed the mane!

Duck-Martha walks on the shore,

Leads ducks-little girls to swim ”.

(T.A. Mavrina)

Here is a smart turkey

It's all foldable.

Big turkey

All sides are painted.

Look - bushy tail

He's not easy at all!

Like a sunny flower

And a high scallop.

Guys, I found out that grandfather Tikhon is the best craftsman in the village of Dymkovo. I was told that grandfather Tikhon had been ill for a long time this winter. Let's go to visit him, see the master.

A screen opens, on the Whatman paper is an image of an old master with one toy in his hands.

The spring fair of Dymkovo toys will open soon, and grandfather Tikhon, due to illness, was able to paint only one toy. He is saddened about this. It is very important for a master to take part in the fair, to show people his skills.

Guys, let's help Grandpa Tikhon. I invite you to become his students, apprentices.

Who are the apprentices?

Apprentices they called young assistants to the master, they helped knead clay, burn figures, cover toys with white paint, stir colored paints, and when they mastered all these works, they helped the master create funny toys, and then they themselves became masters.

What were the young assistants of the master called? (children's answer: joint, individual).

Before getting started, let's remember what we need. We need figures for painting, brushes, paint.

What colors did the masters use when painting the Dymkovo toys? Children's answers ... (Red, yellow, orange, light blue, blue, green, pink).

How, in one word, can you say about these colors? (bright, smart, funny, festive).

Slide with samples of the colors of the Dymkovo painting.

Grandfather Tikhon has blanks of toys. Each of you can choose a figurine of your choice.

What elements are used when painting toys? (circles, dots, waves, stripes, etc..). The image on the screen will help you remember the elements that are used when painting Dymkovo toys.

Slide with elements of Dymkovo painting.

Sit down more comfortably, let's start work.

Independent work of children at the tables.

Children work to music. During independent work, the teacher keeps all the children in sight, helps those who find it difficult to create a composition, monitors the planting, the technique of work execution.

After 10 minutes of independent work - physical training pause.

We tried to paint (arms out to the sides)

It was difficult not to get tired (body bends to the sides)

We will rest a little (sit down, hands forward)

Let's start drawing again (get up, lower your hands)

At the end of the work, the children fix their products on the table in front of their grandfather Tikhon.

Grandpa Tikhon is very pleased and grateful to you guys, he liked all your work. I invite you to admire your toys.

Which one do you like the most? Why?

What toy did you buy at the fair for your home, or as a gift to someone?

And I would, guys, buy all the toys, because they are very beautiful. You all tried, worked hard, put your skills into them!

Now Master Tikhon has something to show at the spring fair of folk crafts. And at the same time he will glorify you.

There is a settlement on Vyatka

It is called Dymkovo.

There at the fair in the spring

Toys are waiting for you and me.

Ladies and men,

Piglets, turkeys.

Everyone is brightly dressed up

Motley decorated.

Loves them both young and old,

Everyone is happy with those toys!

I invite you to express your mood and impression of our trip. I have colored magnets: red means great mood, I really enjoyed the trip; green - you don't care; blue - bad mood, did not like the trip. Attach a magnet that matches your mood below your artwork.

Bun Tatiana
Summary of GCD for the senior group Topic: "Drawing based on the Dymkovo toy."

Educational tasks:

1. expand and clarify children's knowledge about Dymkovo toy;

2. to enrich the vocabulary of children;

3. to form realistic ideas about Dymkovo masters.

Developmental tasks:

1.continue to introduce children to Dymkovo painting: its color, constituent elements;

2.reinforce technical skills drawing.

Educational tasks:

1. to foster interest in folk applied art, respect for craftsmen.

Preliminary work:

1.consideration Dymkovo toys, albums, illustrations with elements Dymkovo painting;

2. modeling of turkey from white clay;

3. talking with children about " haze".


1. turkey sculpted from clay;

2. cups with water, gouache, brushes, napkins;

3. discs with recordings of musical works.

Working with parents:

1. consultations in the parent's corner;

The intended result:

1.the ability to use elements in work Dymkovo painting.

Sources used:

1. I. A. Lykova "Visual activity in kindergarten";

2. AA Vakhrushev "Hello World".

The course of the lesson.

Children sit at tables, the teacher begins the story.

"If they sleep by the highway,

In hoarfrost

The trees are sleeping, the river is sleeping


Snow is falling softly

Blue smoke is curling

The smoke comes out of the pipes in a column,

Exactly in haze all around.

Blue gave. And the village is big


They loved songs and dances.

Miracle tales were born in the village,

Evenings in winter are long

And they molded there from clay

Everything toys are not simple,

And magically painted,

Snow-white like birches

Circles, cells, stripes

Seemingly simple pattern

But I cannot look away.

And she went about " haze" the words,

Having earned this right.

They talk about her everywhere.

Amazing miracle

We will bow more than once

About the ancient Dymkovo toy,

Let's tell the story now. "

V. - Tell me, guys. In which village do Dymkovo toys? What is it called? What material are they made of?

D. - The village is called " Dymkovo"do clay toys, they are painted bright paint: red, yellow, blue, green.

V. - Would you like to paint yourself Dymkovo toy?

D. - We want.

V. - And in order for it to turn out bright and colorful, let's look at these toys(show Dymkovo toys) and what patterns are they painted with? What elements Dymkovo painting is here?

D. - The toys are very bright... They use such elements " haze" how: cells, circles, dots, straight and wavy lines.

Q. - Please tell me how to use paints correctly?

D. - So that the paint does not spread, you need to pick it up on the tip of the brush, and carefully turn the work on the board.

D. - Right. And do not forget that you must first draw large elements and then small ones. And one more thing, when applying one paint to another, wait for the first paint to dry. Today we will paint the "turkey" that you sculpted. Look and listen to what I am going to tell you about it.

"Here is a smart turkey

He's all so fine.

Big turkey

All sides are painted.

Surprised everyone with his outfit

He spread his wings importantly.

Look - bushy tail

It is not at all easy for him-

Like a sunny flower.

A tall scallop

Red paint of grief

Like a king's crown

The turkey is fabulously beautiful

He's pompous, proud

Looks around from a high

The important bird is the turkey. "

V. - And now sit and think about how you will start painting your turkey. Think carefully about the entire course of work and start painting.

Pay attention to slow children along the way.

Outcome: Well, we have done a great job. See how beautiful you have turned out toys, very bright, elegant. Now you can be called Dymkovo craftsmen, you can do too toys and paint them. (there is a knock on the door, a peddler enters).

Peddler: Oh, where did I go? I went to the bazaar, froze, so I decided to go in to warm up. And here it turns out the masters live, toys make, yes, what beautiful, bright, painted, elegant. Here's another product for me for the bazaar.

Q. - Buy our product if you like it. We do not mind. Really kids?

D. - But before you leave us for the market with our goods, would you like to sing with us?

Peddler: I want, really want.

Come on, toys and people

Become a round dance.

Round dance: "Like ours at the gate."

Peddler: Well, here I was on a visit

And I found the goods.

And now it's time to part. Goodbye, goodbye


The peddler leaves and carries away toys to the bazaar.

V. - And it is time for us, children, to say goodbye to the guests. We did a good job, it's time to rest.