The correct technique of Holotropic Breathwork and what it is. The accidental discovery of the rebirthing technique


- I do not like the way Luciano Pavarotti sings.Out of tune, and even bursting strongly!

- Where did you hear him?

- Yes, my neighbor Moishe sang ...

Over the years of my own practice of rebirthing (and this is more than 20 years), I have met with the fact that very few people are familiar with real rebirthing. Some people are familiar with this. word, but they do not represent the essence of rebirthing. But, perhaps, even more sad were the situations when people understood rebirthing as something that was absolutely not for them.

The astonished eyes of Leonard Orr, the creator of Rebirthing, come to mind. In 2003, he first came to Moscow at our invitation. We translated for him a description of the "rebirthing" from one website of a Moscow center. "How can it be?- he said. - This is not rebirthing at all! Why are they using my name for their own breathing exercises ?! " We could not answer his question, because these people were not interested in the possibility of a personal acquaintance with Leonard Orr and learning (or even improving) the practice of rebirthing "first-hand".

Breathing Master Dan Brule, teaching rebirthing at his seminars, he constantly makes a reservation that he prefers not to use the term himself. The fact is that the amazing efficiency of this technique caused such a rapid explosion in its popularity in the very first years after its promulgation in the 70s of the twentieth century in the United States that the term "Rebirthing" became a kind of guarantee of attracting customers. However, many began to bring something of their own into the technique, and, alas, often changed it beyond recognition! Dan Brule says: “Under the name“ Rebirthing, ”they began to do sometimes very dangerous things. And I decided with some colleagues that I do not want my name to be associated with this word ".

Myth 1. A person died in the USA from rebirthing.

Of course, in the United States, the tragic story of the death of a 10-year-old girl, who was presented in the media as “death while practicing rebirthing,” “added fuel to the fire”. This was the reason that rebirthing is officially prohibited by the laws of one state in the United States. However ... even in this case, the same "Moishe neighbor" sang the word "rebirthing". The fact is that for the English language this word is quite common, and it is translated as "rebirth" or "new birth". Nice name for almost any transformation technique, isn't it? And this term began to be called certain psychotherapeutic methods of working with clients, not at all associated with Leonard Orr's research in the field of breathing. In particular, the method of "New birth" ("Rebirthing" on English language!), which consisted in the fact that she was completely swaddled, practically tied with sheets, then pressed with pillows, and demanded that she free herself - this, according to psychologists, imitated the experience of birth - moving through the birth canal. They gripped the girl with pillows so hard that she suffocated and died.

As you can imagine, this case had nothing to do with the mastery of energy breathing. Leonadre Orr himself no longer just says "Rebirthing", but constantly uses the add-on "Rebirthing Breathwork".

So, starting a few years ago the work on the creation of the Center for Conscious Breathing, focused on the Russian-speaking audience, I found that it was impossible to find a clear definition of what “Rebirthing” is. I want everyone to have the utmost clarity about this wonderful and safe technique, so that anyone can understand absolutely exactly whether they are doing (or doing) rebirthing or something else.

Rebirthing- the technique of working with breathing, practiced by separate "breathing sessions", during which a process of energy movement arises, starting an "energy cycle" - the activation of suppressed blocks, their release and the integration of a new state:

  • breath should be coherent (circular), active inhalation and relaxed exhalation;
  • body is in a state of maximum relaxation;
  • consciousness persists, does not turn off, but acts in the mode of awareness - a neutral observer of the thoughts, emotions and sensations of the body.

Myth 1. Rebirthing creates a trance state

Myth 3. Rebirthing requires the supervision of another person

Let's remember the definition: rebirthing is the practice of conscious intuitive coherent energy breathing. Mindfulness is a skill that is practiced by the person himself. Intuition is also a quality inherent in a person himself. Breathing is also an action performed by the person himself. The goal of rebirthing training is to convey to each person the most important "keys" to your own breathing, to teach you how to control your breathing, so that you can independently use the strength and potential of the breath energy. Since the practice is performed under the condition of physical relaxation, it is not a trance, but on the contrary requires maintaining full awareness, and in the basic training course the breather is taught to regulate different parameters breathing in order to independently control the respiratory process - this practice does not pose a danger. We, as rebirthing specialists, following Leonard Orr, its creator, very much hope that you will master this wonderful way of using the energy of your own breathing and will do this practice on your own.

You can compare teaching rebirthing to learning how to drive a car: first you drive with an instructor, but as your own skills develop, at some point you feel ready to drive a car on your own.

It can be noted that the practice of breathing with an instructor contains many important qualities and opportunities for a breather, due to which even experienced practitioners still continue to come to classes with an instructor: this is the very fact of the presence of another person for you, attention to your every breath, support with word or advice before or after a breathing session (and sometimes during a breathing session), observation of relaxation (it is difficult to objectively assess your relaxation yourself, being inside the process). This can be compared with a massage (you can massage yourself, but it’s still more pleasant when another person does a massage) or with a trip to the bathhouse (you can steam yourself with a broom, but it’s still more pleasant when another person does it).

However, self-rebirthing skills are acquired by every person who has passed basic course training, and supervision by another is optional.

Myth 4. Rebirthing requires music

Rebirthing practice does not require musical accompaniment. Wonderful activities are carried out in nature, in the forest, on the seashore. You can have a breathing rebirthing session wherever you need it.

However, many find the musical accompaniment of the breathing session very useful, inspiring and allows the process to go to the greatest depth. Since rebirthing is aimed at developing personal breathing skills, you can decide this issue at your discretion. The main thing is that there should be no rigid dependence “you only have to breathe to the music”. The breath master has the full range and does not need external crutches.

Myth 5. Rebirthing requires deep, rapid breathing.

Rebirthing does not require deep, rapid breathing. The main task of the breather is to learn how to finely control all the parameters of his breathing in order to independently control the energy process. There are people for whom deep, rapid breathing is overly intense, they have to be limited and stopped so that they do not accelerate. When learning rebirthing, it is useful for any person to practice breathing session through soft and thin, slow and shallow breathing.

Myth 6. Rebirthing can cause hyperventilation.

Hyperventilation is an increased (or excessive) flow of air through the lungs. In itself, this does not mean anything, and in some cases it is even performed on purpose - for example, by scuba divers to obtain the beneficial effect of supplying oxygen. However, if you are not a scuba diver before diving, then pay attention to the fact that in rebirthing you do not need to breathe "a lot", you do not need to breathe "deeply", you do not need to breathe "fast". The most important thing you need to do with your breath is to remove the pauses from it, to connect the in-breaths and out-breaths. However, even if you breathe "more" (that is, formally start "hyperventilating"), this also does not mean anything bad in itself. During the practice of rebirthing, you will have different sensations in your body. This is part of the process, you increase your awareness and your sensitivity on the one hand, and the energy of the breath, like a magnifying glass, increases the visibility of any sensations. While beginners do not have sufficient skill to control all 7 parameters of their own breathing at the same time, at first they may experience discomfort. Even the novelty and unusual sensations can cause discomfort in some people. But since classical rebirthing is performed with mandatory relaxation of the body, preservation of consciousness, and training is carried out with an instructor, there can be no danger or negative consequences from this. In any case, the essence of hyperventilation should be understood: doctors define it as “effort syndrome”. If you put excessive effort on your breathing where they are not required, then you can create discomfort for yourself. Most often this happens precisely in the first classes, and especially for those who find it difficult to relax, allow, let go, accept - in such people, the exhalation phase is performed without the necessary relaxation. But since breathing is a physical action, it is trainable. Therefore, after a few sessions, absolutely any person who has begun to study rebirthing already masters this skill of balancing work on inhalation and relaxation on exhalation - and is freed from any manifestations of hyperventilation. And hyperventilation is dangerous if it suddenly starts on its own, not during rebirthing, but at some other time during your day. That's when you have to worry.

Myth 7. 5 principles of rebirthing were formulated by Jim Leonard and Phil Louth.

Jim Leonard was trained in rebirthing by Leonard Orr, and decided to improve this practice with some personal additions. As the practice began to differ from the classic rebirthing, he began to look for a new name for it. For some time his breathing technique was called "Integrative rebirthing". And over time, he gave her a new beautiful name "Vivation". With his friend and colleague Phil Louth, Jim Leonard began to promote his breathing technique (in particular, he wrote the book "Rebirthing or How to Know and Use the Whole Fullness of Life. Per from English. - SPb .: TF" ICAM ", 1993, - 192 p. "In it, he formulated 5 elements of his practice:

  1. Connected breathing
  2. Complete relaxation
  3. Attention to detail
  4. Integration into joy
  5. Trust in the process

However, since this practice was called at that time "integrative rebirthing", these principles were cited in relation to "rebirthing" by Leonard Orr. In fact, these principles (also often referred to as "elements") describe the essence of the practice of "Vivation", at the same time in general outline they are quite applicable to "Rebirthing" and do not contradict it.

Mindful breathing practices around the world have proven effective in:

  • Health: breathing - as a way of self-healing.
  • Emotions: getting rid of stress, emotional harmonization.
  • Inner harmony: self-contact, better self-understanding, self-acceptance, self-love.
  • Relationship: interacting with other people and the outside world, accepting oneself and others, understanding needs, understanding limitations, compassion, giving away from overflow.
  • Creation: Rebirthing often results in creative insights, new ideas, inspiration, and the strength to pursue these new visions.
  • Success: awareness of their value and uniqueness, getting rid of limiting thoughts, the ability to see existing opportunities and use them in harmony between their needs and the interests of other people.
  • Spirituality: development and deepening of the spiritual principle, which extends to your entire life.

Rebirthing - what is it? This term is understood as a special breathing technique that contributes to a certain spiritual transformation. The process is part of a whole philosophical teaching aimed at releasing energy and uniting the body and mind of a person.


The term "rebirthing" - what is it? Translated from English, this word means "rebirth". This practice is aimed at freeing a person from various negative consequences of his past experience, as well as redirecting his energy, which leads to harmony and restoration of living space.

The founder of this technique is Leonard Orr, who used his knowledge and experience in applying various oriental techniques for this. According to this practice, each person can remember and relive their birth. This is the foundation on which rebirthing is built. Feedback from followers of this technique claim that memories of birth open up enormous potential in a person. vitality and energy. It helps the individual to change and be more free, joyful and efficient in their daily activities. Spiritual development is another term sometimes used to describe rebirthing. What it is? In this case, the technique is understood as absolutely new life for a person, since he begins to feel the space around him, as well as the energy of everything that surrounds him.

History of appearance

For the first time, this technique appeared in the 70s of the twentieth century in the United States. The rebirthing rebirth was a basic rebirthing. The technique foresaw the release of a person from birth trauma, which prevented him from living normally and stored negative information that left an imprint on all his actions. This has a very powerful and effective therapeutic effect. The breathing technique helps to free yourself from negative experiences at birth.

Rebirthing at its present stage foresees the possibility of getting rid of any type of negativity, and not just the one that was received by a person during his birth. This is facilitated by correct breathing.

As for the effectiveness of the technique, there are different views on rebirthing. Feedback, negative and positive, comes from both adherents of this technique and from specialists in other fields. These ideas are criticized by doctors and psychologists, and some psychiatrists generally consider it dangerous, since the method can lead to.In any case, to date, there are no clinical studies that confirm or refute the effectiveness of this technique.

Method advantages

Despite the conflicting data, the techies insist on positive aspects that rebirthing has. Reviews claim that this technique has the following advantages:

  • Relieves stress and depression.
  • Frees the body from muscle clamps.
  • Removes a variety of psychological and emotional blocks.
  • Reveals the potential of a person.
  • Expands the possibilities of self-knowledge.
  • Promotes health.
  • Allows you to find a clear position in life.
  • Boosts immunity.

In addition, this technique also allows you to focus on the positive things and not get hung up on problems and failures.

Features of the method

According to the supporters of this technique, rebirthing allows you to open, find and recognize the secret complexes of a person, which are in his subconscious. Most often it comes about various mental and psychological traumas, suppressed desires and experiences, wrong actions, regrets, etc. Getting rid of this burden is what rebirthing sets itself. Technique leads to harmony inner peace a person, and also opens the way for him to recover on a physical and mental level.

The more internal blocks and suppressed experiences a personality has, the more of its vital energy is spent on it. Rebirthing frees up these resources and redirects them in a more positive and active direction.

Self help

This technique assumes that the process is carried out from the inside, without the involvement of strangers. Self-help and rebirthing - what is it? To this process was effective, a person must gain certain knowledge about his mind, emotions and body. This will allow you to understand what it is - the subconscious, and what exactly it contains.

Conscious finding of foci negative energy and awareness of their problems brings a person a sense of activity and responsibility for himself. The technique provides additional opportunities for the body and mind. In particular, it helps to understand oneself and achieve a state of happiness and harmony.

Features of technology

In order to master this technique, you need to conduct several sessions under the guidance experienced master, and then continue to practice independently. This is an advantage that rebirthing has. The execution technique foresees the following constituent elements:

  • Associated breathing is cyclical.
  • Relaxation on the muscular and mental level.
  • Heightened attention to detail and the general picture of what is happening around.
  • The transition from negative to positive in everything, regardless of the context of the situation.
  • Complete confidence in the rebirthing process.

Parallel following these components allows you to achieve maximum effect for body and mind.

Breathing features

Rebirthing has several components. Breathing plays the main role here. It is it that is responsible for the release of energy and the connection between body and mind. The technique foresees the use of four types of breathing:

  • Deep and slow. This option is used for introduction to the technique. At the same time, the body relaxes, and all negative and unpleasant sensations are neutralized.
  • Deep and frequent. The basis of rebirthing. Used to access the subconscious. The emphasis is on naturalness and spontaneity.
  • Fast and superficial. Used to crush negative feelings into pieces. Especially effective in extreme situations.
  • Superficial and slow. Used to exit rebirthing.

Each type has its own characteristics and requires some practice. Properly selected music contributes to the process.

Holotropic Breathwork

The entire rebirthing technique is partially based on the Holotropic Breathwork method. It was developed by Grof as a way to get into the subconscious as quickly as possible. Holotropic breathing and rebirthing still have some differences. Given the seriousness of the implantation into the subconscious, the supporters of the first method believe that all sessions should be carried out gradually and only under the supervision of specialists. In addition, before this, a person must receive the appropriate theoretical knowledge that will prepare him for the immersion process. The rebirthing method is more independent and is applied without the need to involve additional specialists. This is what often becomes a new criticism of technology.

Rebirthing - special technique breathing, aimed at releasing energy and searching for impulses for positive changes. The technique foresees the use of special breathing, as well as certain rules for the implementation of the practice.

Leading: Vladimir Konkov - certified body-oriented psychotherapist, clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst, thanatotherapist-practitioner, member of ITA (International Thanatotherapy Association).

Rebirthing- respiratory psychotechnics, created in America in the early 70s by Leonard Orr. The main goal of rebirthing is the transformation of a person and his "rebirth in the Spirit", during the creation of rebirthing, his main goal was to re-live birth and release from birth trauma.

The term rebirthing can be translated from English as "rebirth", "rebirth". This is true not only in a figurative sense (a person is freed from what was done wrong in his life, what is suppressed, he receives a new influx of energy, activity, as if reborn), but also in the direct: a person can re-experience those real sensations and situations that he experienced during his actual birth, and thereby neutralize those deep unconscious causes that negatively influenced his life, health, behavior and state.

Rebirthing method:

The rebirthing method is a way of opening and searching for hidden unconscious complexes (suppressed feelings, psychological trauma, desires, wrong actions) and harmonizing the inner world, the path of physical and mental recovery. the method of immersion in the personal and collective unconscious, entering the transpersonal area, the global information field. A certain amount of psychic energy is spent to displace from consciousness and retain in the unconscious (in a suppressed inhibited state) "undesirable experiences". The more such "suppressed foci", the more a person's vital energy is diverted to this blockage, as a result of which a person may experience a certain lack of it for his life, which manifests itself in unsatisfactory mental and physical well-being, in a weakening of activity and loss of interest, joy from life , in the increase of problems, conflicts, difficulties. The rebirthing method allows you to open and eliminate "hidden foci of suppressed experiences", to release psychic energy and direct it for current activities, receiving a charge of activity, joy and pleasure, and great well-being.

Rebirthing as a self-help method:

Rebirthing - modern method self help. It involves the use of a certain breathing technique in order to give a person positive and deeply detailed ideas about his mind, body, emotions, as a result, he confesses what is contained in the subconscious. This is how the "hotbeds of suppression" are opened, and the consciousness integrates, transforms the suppressed (what the person did somehow wrong) into a general feeling of activity and well-being. Rebirthing makes it possible for the mind and body to carefully rebuild itself in such a way as to increase the feeling of happiness, efficiency of activity, to be healthy, to feel the inner harmony of the personality.

Rebirthing technique:

To master this method, you need to go through 5-10 sessions under the supervision of an experienced specialist, and then a person can do it completely independently. The rebirthing procedure is based on 5 elements: 1. Cyclic connected breathing (without pauses between inhalation and exhalation) 2. Complete relaxation (muscular and mental) 3. Attention to details, total volumetric attention, not controlled by consciousness, but released, free, attention to the sensations that come to you from the body in this moment time, maintaining contact with the body 4. Integration into joy, flexibility of context. Integration - moving from a negative context to a positive one, from a negative perception and assessment of a situation to a different, flexible, more positive outlook on the situation. Connected breathing has the ability. automatic change of context (a way of perception of reality). 5. Complete trust in the rebirthing process: in each process exactly what is needed at this moment happens this person, complete confidence in yourself, in your feelings, in the benefits that they will bring to health and life. There is no need to consciously control something, to manage something, let the rebirthing go spontaneously, and it proceeds exactly as it is most useful for a particular person at the moment.

Breathing types:

Connected breathing is the main tool for accessing information located in the unconscious part of the psyche. In the process of rebirthing, 4 types of breathing are used: the depth, intensity and speed of the course of psychological processes directly depend on the depth and frequency of breathing.

Deep and slow breathing- It is used for a gentle introduction to the rebirthing process. Not just a slow breath can be used, but a kind of stretched breath. With this breathing, the body relaxes. IN Everyday life it is useful to use it at the very beginning of a negative state, to neutralize unpleasant feelings.

Deep and rapid breathing- It is about 2 times more frequent and deeper than usual. This is the main breathing during rebirthing and is used to approach unconscious complexes. The exhalation is relaxed and out of control. If you inhale through the mouth, then exhale through the mouth too, it is better to breathe in this way. Forcing or holding back the exhalation, controlling it can cause "tetany" - tension and contraction of the muscles of the arms, legs, face, which is a manifestation of internal resistance and fear. The person should be reminded that there is no need to resist anything, let everything go spontaneously, and the exhalation should be relaxed or go to the third type of breathing.

Fast and shallow breathing- It looks like a "dog", it allows you to split, crush feelings into pieces, weaken and quickly overcome unpleasant and painful experiences and sensations. This type of breathing is a universal helper in extreme situations, when the emotion is pushed to the limit and it is necessary to quickly "slip through" it.

Shallow and slow breathing- Used when exiting rebirthing. You must love yourself and not rush to "jump out" of the process, but get out of it slowly, carefully.

The use of all types of breathing allows for "integration", psychological relief and pleasure. It must be remembered that the more relaxed the exhalation, the higher the quality of the process: in order to relax the exhalation, you can make the inhalation sharper. Breathing must be carried out by the chest, because a lot of emotions "settle" in her muscles. In the process of rebirthing, all 5 of the above elements should be activated simultaneously, realizing the three-stage principle of the process:

explore the subtlest changes in your body; immerse yourself in the strongest feeling; enjoy this feeling as much as possible. Specially selected music contributes to effective rebirthing.

Expansion of consciousness during the session includes the internal therapeutic potential of the human psyche and allows you to solve exactly those problems that are most relevant for this person at the moment in his life. The most common effects of mindful breathing are: the release of any kind of muscle and body tension and tension, followed by an improvement in overall physical condition, up to healing or relief. chronic diseases; working out and responding to chronic emotions and complexes associated with past traumatic experiences; solution psychological problems associated with the mental component of birth trauma.

As a result of this practice, there is an increase in the general level creativity, development of previously hidden capabilities and skills of the body, obtaining deep internal knowledge about yourself and your inner world.

Seminar format: the first part - Body-oriented psychotherapy, Lubki, relaxation complex. In the second part of the seminar - Rebirthing.

Admission to the group is carried out by appointment.

Registration by phone: 8-916-939-43-29, 8-905-530-05-40

Address: M. Tulskaya. Dukhovskoy per. 17.bldg. 11. The first row of buildings, room - 8

Time spending: From 12.00 to 18.00

Have with you: Clothing that does not restrict movement. Tourist or yoga mat (foam). Light blanket or blanket.

e-mail: [email protected]


Rebirthing was developed in the early 70s. Leonard Orr- a pioneer of self-improvement. Rebirthing is physical and spiritual: it completely restores the natural connection between mind and body; he uses the body to get in touch with the mind, but one can say with good reason that he uses the mind to touch the body. Rebirthing causes a transformation of consciousness through the fact that innate joy and well-being permeate the entire the world generally. A person's consciousness becomes happier, and the body becomes healthier. This increases the efficiency of a person's activities, bringing his whole essence in line with his intentions. This means accepting and loving yourself, which is already an action of great love.

Rebirthing creators consider it a flawless self-help method that has been successfully used by millions of people around the world. This method uses a completely amazing breathing technique to give a person positive and deeply detailed views of their mind, body and emotions. It enables the mind and body to gently rearrange themselves in such a way as to increase the feeling of happiness, efficiency of activity and to ensure good health... It is a rejection of one's own experience and what is outside of it. This is a huge gratitude for the miracle of existence.

Rebirthing itself is just a tool you can use to achieve desired result for myself. Once you've learned rebirthing, you can get the result you need anytime, anywhere. You will become independent from anyone else.

When creating rebirthing, many methods and techniques were used from the experience of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, yogis and Hindus.

The main emphasis in rebirthing is on working with the source of negativity in a person's mind. This is how the authors explain the origin of this source.

“Whenever you do something wrong, you experience an unpleasant emotional sensation in your body that lasts as long as you reflect on what you are doing. See for yourself. The next time you complain about something, notice how you feel.

People have a powerful incentive to feel as good as they do it right. Therefore, often understanding what they are doing wrong, being fully aware of this, people, moreover, try to feel good. This awareness is known as 'suppression'. "

This indicates how a “psychological clamp” is formed in everyday life and how it will affect you later.

“If you suppress something, nothing changes except the level of your consciousness. What you do wrong remains done wrong. Unpleasant sensation still remains in your body, but you decide to pretend you don't know about it. Through improper performance and suppression, the action you did wrong becomes something to hide or run from. The unpleasant sensation in the body is deposited as chronic stress or some kind of physical ailment. "

The authors explain the term "subconscious mind" in a slightly different way. In their view, "subconsciousness" refers to the part of consciousness "that you choose to subconsciously avoid regret about the past, upset about the present, and fear about the future." It is filled with contexts of wrong actions, which contain corresponding experiences of wrong actions, and each of them is tied to unpleasant emotions, which in turn accumulate in the body.

Suppression leads to fragmentation of consciousness into many parts. Sometimes these parts directly control your actions, while your consciousness has no idea what is happening. In other cases, the subconscious mind has a great influence on the process of work of consciousness and thus influences your actions. As a result, the conscious, controlled part of consciousness is only a small part of consciousness, a field form of life.

Further, the authors explain how suppression - "psychological clamps" - affect the connection of the field form of life - consciousness - with physical body... They call consciousness "the spiritual body." This is the "body" that we have during sleep. It includes the mind, the sense of identity or ourselves, and all of our conscious awareness. During sleep, a person does not feel his physical body, because at this time our consciousness (field form of life) is not in the physical body. When a person wakes up, he feels his physical body exactly to the extent that consciousness is in contact with it. Suppression, from this point of view, means a long-term elimination of consciousness from the sphere of the physical body, where life processes take place.

In this model, our consciousness (field form of life) is what gives life and organization to a group of molecules and coordinates their joint work in an artfully made form called the "physical body." Withdrawal of consciousness from the physical body due to suppression (the appearance of "psychological clamps", or "small holograms") leads to blocking of vital, organizing energy circulating in this part of the physical body. Molecules become less organized and conditions known as "aging", "disease" are created. Areas of blocked energy inevitably affect other parts of the body in such a way that the human body begins to malfunction. This leads to a mismatch of life processes.

To eliminate emotional clamps that violate the integrity of the field form of life and prevent the normal regulation of the physical body, the authors of rebirthing use breathing and some other techniques that contribute to their elimination and transformation into a positive experience. This is how they describe it themselves: “Anything that has been done wrong and suppressed can be transformed with the rebirthing technique. Rebirthing uses sensation in the physical body to gain access to consciousness. Everything that you have ever done wrong and suppressed has left an energy mark in the body (in my terminology, “psychological clamp” or “shell.” - Author's note.), Which is waiting for you to pay attention to it and transform it into feeling gratitude and great health. "

The creators of rebirthing claim: rebirthing is not only the only way to transform suppressed material, but also the most effective; rebirthing is a precise technology of unification of consciousness with the physical body, it is a single process, but it is best described by five elements.

Integration (connection of the body with consciousness) occurs only when all five elements are fully used, regardless of the method by which it is conditioned. If integration fails, then at least one of the five elements is probably missing.

The time period from the onset of circular breathing to integration is called "Breathing cycle". When using five elements in rebirthing, the breathing cycle is shortened. If the five elements are skillfully applied, then the breathing cycle lasts only a few seconds. It is useful to integrate faster, not only because more can be done during the session, but also because integration can be triggered when each "psychological clamp" is in the form of compressed energy deep in the person's consciousness. This makes the process more convenient and enjoyable for the person who is being rebirded.

Five elements of rebirthing the following:

1. Circular (connected) breathing.

2. Complete relaxation.

3. General attention.

4. Transform negative with joy.

5. Complete confidence in the rebirthing process.

FIRST ELEMENT: My circular breathing is simple, self-regulating, pleasant and continues now forever.

SECOND ELEMENT: My consciousness knows that it is safe to relax, and I am completely relaxing now.

THIRD ELEMENT: Everything that exists is bliss, and I feel the limitless variety of bliss in every detail.

FOURTH ELEMENT: It is simple and natural for me to enjoy everything now.

FIFTH ELEMENT: Everything that I am able to do leads to the unification of mind and body.

1) a sufficient amount of suppressed material has come to the surface and has been worked out;

2) everything that has become activated has been integrated, that is, the person feels great;

3) the person himself feels that the first two conditions have been met.

The rebirthing authors admit that the completion of the suppression release process takes a lifetime. This is because most people have a lot of repressed negativity and it would be unreasonable to expect even the most powerful techniques to get rid of it in a few sessions. It is a process that takes many years, even for the best of us.

From the book Running and Walking Instead of Medicine. The easiest path to health author Maxim Zhulidov

Rebirthing. Help yourself When I had the first successes in healing the body, I was at the height of bliss. It seemed to me that now my health was definitely in my hands. Internal organs can be cleaned on occasion folk methods, food can be adjusted

From the author's book

What is rebirthing Rebirthing owes its appearance to Leonardo Orr, who presented it to the general public in the early 70s new method self-help, in which it is possible to restore the connection between the physical body and the so-called field structure. author

Initially, the holotropic technique was considered by some to be a real breakthrough in psychology, while others were a good alternative to LSD (the most famous psychedelic). But today, among scientists, this practice is considered one of the strongest types of psychocorrection.

What is it

Holotropic Breathwork is a way to explore itself, a psychotherapeutic technique based on rapid breathing. The technique is recognized as one of the best among breathing technician modernity (there is also rebirthing, vivation, free breathing).

History of appearance

The American transpersonal psychologists Stanislav and Christina Grof are the developers of the Holotropic Breathwork technique. In 1975, they offered it to replace the banned LSD therapy.

The very history of the emergence of this technique is quite interesting. Even before psychoactive substances were banned, they noticed that at the end of the psychotherapeutic session, with an unresolved problem, they began to breathe actively. This was done in order to leave yours changed and be able to bring everything to the end. When the Grofs began using this method, Stanislav instructed, directing what was happening.

But somehow the psychologist hurt him and could not conduct the process as usual, it was then that Grof appeared - to separate people in two: during the first session, one (the holonaut) breathed, and the second (sitter, nurse) helped him, then they changed.

Did you know? In Russia, this technique was allowed in 1993, registering it as one of the psychotherapeutic methods.

The effect was amazing - people's feelings were much richer, and the result of psychotherapy was stronger.

Harm or benefit

Like all such techniques, this technique has adherents and opponents. To figure out whether this is good or bad, you need to know the position of everyone.

Holotropic supporters

Supporters of this therapy are sure that it is absolutely not dangerous for a healthy person who has no contraindications and who has been trained by a professional.

According to them, holotropic breathing is harmless, because it is controlled by a nurse or an experienced instructor. In addition, the technique has been scientifically proven. And everything happens not through the use of drugs, but through ordinary breathing.

The adherents of the technique note its most important effect - consciousness is freed from what interferes with it: clamps, blocks, mental stress,. Plus, the holonaut gets complete freedom of action regarding his self-realization.

What the opponents of the method say

Critics have their own stance on the methodology. In their opinion, deep, rhythmic and frequent inhalation / exhalation through the mouth, and even without stopping, leads to a jump in oxygen, provoking a decrease in carbon dioxide in tissues and hyperventilation of the lungs, which can cause reflex vasoconstriction, jump, decrease in the performance of hemoglobin, metabolic disorders.
The technique can provoke irreparable consequences (for example, brain edema) or even lead to death. Serious harm to others is not excluded.

Correct technique and basics of Holotropic Breathwork

First, you should learn the basics of Holotropic Breathwork and familiarize yourself with correct technique fulfillment by learning how to breathe.

Basic principles

How is the session going

IN classic version Here is the instruction on relative Holotropic Breathwork:

  • 5-10 minutes breathing is slow, deep;
  • the next 40-60 minutes - deep, rapid;
  • next 20 minutes - start with slow, shallow breathing and finish with normal breathing.

Is it possible to use at home

What is rebirthing (the origins of the method)

Rebirthing is another breathing psychotechnique that was created by the American Leonard Orro in the early 1970s. Rebirthing is used for serious psycho-emotional disorders that arose in childhood and remain even in adulthood, for withdrawal and self-knowledge, sleep disorders, to prepare for painless childbirth.

It is believed that rebirthing is a safe type of breathing practice, in contrast to holotropic breathing, although the theory and practice of rebirthing is much based on the techniques of the Grof spouses. The origins of this type of respiratory psychotechnics are rooted in (management vital energy with the help of breathing exercises c).

But rebirthing has its own differences. If Grof's technique allows the body to free itself from, spontaneously going through all experiences and fully realizing and accepting what is happening, then in rebirthing main essence- the realization that "thought is material", or, in other words, - "thought creates your reality."

Spontaneous Holotropic Breathwork: Home Technique

The basics of Holotropic Breathwork at home are as follows:

  1. First, for your safety, it is imperative to cover all possible dangerous corners and surfaces in the room where the classes will take place with something soft.
  2. An experienced sitter must certainly be present nearby - he will protect, help and at the end he will listen carefully to you.
  3. Please note that this technique has two main points: the frequency and depth of breathing, which at first are difficult to combine, but this simply requires practice. Remember how the dog breathes, and try to breathe in the same way, increasing the amplitude.
  4. To enter consciousness into an altered state, the initial 20 minutes are extremely important. Further, you will listen to yourself, regulating your breathing.

Important! At some point, you may not want to breathe at all, take this only as a necessary part of the process.

It is not uncommon for beginners to face the problem of blockages, which are manifested, for example, by cramps in the limbs. And this is very disturbing, distracting.

In this case, the sitter can take your hand, but you, resisting as much as possible, should pull it towards you. Let the assistant put pressure on the place where you feel