Interesting theatrical scenes for children. Puppet show for children in preschool educational institutions of all age groups "Garden story

Children's theater- this is powerful tool influence on the formation of the child's personality. Children love to play, this develops them and prepares them for adulthood. And when they see a talented performance on stage, their soul absorbs the whole performance to the smallest detail. Children also like participation in the action. For little actors, this is a transition into a fairy tale, and makeup and costumes will complete the transformation. For the performance to be successful, you need a good script for the children's performance, adapted to the age of the children.

What are the scenarios

Scenes that are put in kindergarten are usually one-act actions. All events unfold in real time. There is no curtain, so scenarios should be chosen with this in mind.

V primary school the performance can take place both in the classroom with the furniture shifted and in the assembly hall. During school-wide events, the cast of the play can be of different ages. This only brings the guys closer.

The script for a children's play often has an educational direction:

  • street crossing rules;
  • the importance of cleaning the house;
  • responsibility for pets;
  • condemnation of greed;
  • the importance of honesty.

In kindergarten

The plays are simple and short. The attention of children is still unstable, and it is difficult for them to work like schoolchildren. You can offer the production of "Little Red Riding Hood".

1 scene. Small house, forest in the distance. The path leads in two directions.

The storyteller tells about a beautiful village where Mom and her daughter, Little Red Riding Hood, live. He explains why they call her that, and points to the forest in the distance - Grandma lives there. Grandpa is a lumberjack, so he and Grandma live in the forest.

Mom comes out of the door, calls her daughter and asks her to take the presents to Grandma. She says that she has already called her, and she is waiting. Mom asks her daughter to call her grandmother's mobile when she comes to her. He and his grandfather put in a new second door, and no bells or knocks are heard.

The girl takes the basket, looks into it. Mom goes into the house. The daughter walks along the path, collects a bouquet and sings a song.

The Wolf comes out. He finds out where the girl is going, what is in the basket - and he also decides to visit Grandma. He points out a long road and the girl leaves the stage. The wolf runs on the spot, saying that he will first eat Grandma, and then the girl.

The storyteller explains that the Wolf is running along a short road and will now be at Granny's. Music sounds. A curtain.

2 scene. The house after the opening of the curtain is already on the other side of the stage. Wolf runs out and knocks on the door. An old woman in a scarf and glasses looks out the window, sees the Wolf. He doesn't notice her. She takes off her scarf and glasses and hides in the house. The wolf climbs out the window.

The storyteller explains that Granny turned off mobile phone so that he does not accidentally ring and hide in the closet. And she left a handkerchief and glasses on the window on purpose so that the Wolf would think that she was gone. Because everyone knew that Grandma leaves the house only wearing lenses.

The wolf put on a scarf and glasses - and settled down by the window, periodically falling asleep and snoring.

Little Red Riding Hood comes up. In the hands of a basket and a bouquet. She tries to make a phone call, but no one opens. She says: "Where is Granny?"

The wolf wakes up and in a raspy voice finds out who has come. Then he gives the order to pull the string. The girl says: "Grandma, you changed the door, open it yourself." The wolf disappears into the house and his voice is heard: "Get in the window, the door won't open."

The storyteller explains that the door can only be opened with a key, and Grandmother took it with her into the closet. The girl calls Mom and tells her about the door and that her grandmother offers to climb out the window.

The storyteller reports that Mom did not say anything to her daughter, but she called Grandfather, and he is about to rush in a new jeep with his team of lumberjacks.

There is a dialogue between the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood about Grandmother's hands, ears, eyes and teeth. In the end, the Wolf climbs out of the window and rushes at the girl. The music of lumberjacks sounds. The Lumberjacks come out, surround the Wolf. A curtain. The music stops.

In front of the curtain, Little Red Riding Hood is crying. The woodcutters, the Wolf and the Grandmother come out. They hug. The lumberjacks say they took Wolf to the brigade. Now he won't have to starve. Grandma tells how she was sitting in the closet. The wolf asks to give him tea. Everyone goes to drink tea and pies that Little Red Riding Hood brought. She goes to the audience and treats them to sweets. Everyone bows.

The musical intro includes the storyteller, he also gives signs for the performance of the actors and the sound design group.

In the school circle

A script for a children's play for a school play may include dance numbers, monologues in verse, performance by children of musical pieces from the stage. It is proposed to stage the musical "Fly-Tsokotukha".

1 scene. Field, music. Fly walks with a large gold buckle on his belt. She picks flowers and sings "I see a wonderful freedom." Leans over and picks up a fake coin.

The fly reads the beginning of Chukovsky's tale: she walked across the field and found a coin. She decides to go to the market for a samovar. Leaves the stage.

The music of the "Paint Fair" is played. Merchants come running, arrange their trays. Fly is walking along the rows, looking for a samovar.

The peddlers come running, sing the song "The box is full" and offer to buy an electric kettle, she agrees.

The fly dances with the merchants square dance, at the end it is lifted in her arms and she invites her friends for tea. A curtain.

2 scene. Mucha's apartment. Big table, chairs around. In the corners there are sofas. In the background is a window with curtains. There is a door on the left. The music “At the samovar, me and my Masha” sounds. The doorbell rings, Fly goes to open it. Enter the Cockroaches.

Fly invites: "Come in" - and offers tea. They sit down at the table, drink tea. Fly comments on the events of the tale.

Bugs enter, bringing milk and pastries. The fly accompanies their actions with the words of a fairy tale.

Fleas enter, present boots. The fly accompanies everything with the words of Chukovsky.

Lame, the Bee walks heavily. Carries a barrel of honey. Cockroaches quickly uncork it and put it on the table. Everyone eats honey, scooping up the spoons from the keg. The music fades.

Butterfly comes running, she protects the figure. Refuses tea. All her chorus persuade: "Eat the jam."

Spider enters unnoticed. He grabs Fly and drags him to the door. The Cockroaches notice this and comment in horror.

Fly asks guests for help. They, pronouncing the words of Chukovsky, are hiding who where. A grasshopper jumps to the door, reciting poetry about himself.

Fly summarizes: "No one will move."

The spider ties the Fly with ropes to a chair, rubbing its hands and licking its lips. These actions are commented on from under the chair by Bug. The fly screams. The bug commented on this too.

Music "Time - Forward" G. Sviridov. Everyone froze. The curtain is flung open, Komar enters in a musketeer suit and with a flashlight.

Bug comments on his arrival in the words of Chukovsky.

The mosquito says its words: "Where is the villain?" - and attacks the Spider. Scramble, they run out the doors. Mosquito comes back alone. Grasshopper follows him and tells what he saw.

The mosquito continues on its own: "He takes a fly by the hand ...". She and Mucha decide to get married.

Music "The wedding sang and danced." Everyone crawls out of hiding and comments on the events of the tale.

Mosquito and Fly are dancing "Waltz of the Flowers".

Everyone comes to the edge of the stage and throws flowers at the audience. Bow down.

Guys of different ages can play the roles of both children and adults. This determines the choice of scenario. Along with such works that pass through school curriculum, there are classic things, unforgettable and loved by everyone. These are Cinderella, Swineherd, Morozko, Aibolit. The script is not written very close to the text, popular songs and music are added. Do not forget about the author's remarks - these are instructions to the actors about the place, time, situation and other features.

The magic is replaced with a special effect. The author prescribes in the script how to make a miracle. This is called an author's remark. For example, in the fairy tale "Moidodyr" the candle runs away from the boy. This can be done like this: by tying a fishing line to a candle, stretch it behind the curtain. There is an actor who will gradually pull the line, and the candle will "run away".

Along with the usual characters of the fairy tale, new ones can be introduced into action: a boy with an iPhone, a caring grandmother who follows her grandson with a wallet of useful things, a modern scientist (he, like Paganel, will help the heroes get out of difficult situations not by magic, but by science).

In the theater studio

For teachers teaching children in the theater, goals and objectives differ from school performances. A child trained in a theatrical collective must be able to reincarnate. He is taught to collect gestures and facial expressions. different people in a kind of "piggy bank". Then he will sculpt an image based on this baggage.

Acting ethics are brought up and the ability to improvise is revealed. This is necessary in order to beat any hitch or mistake of the partner. Important role assigned to the teacher of acting charisma. Stage movement, plastic art, sketches, work with invisible objects are the disciplines of a theater studio.

Scenarios for children's performances for a theater studio are complex: they include actions in front of the curtain, changing clothes during the performance, they may contain interactive elements and monologues. More than a hundred Shakespeare festivals in America have shown that children can play complex roles. But it is still better to turn to fairy tales.

Scenarios for children's fairy tale performances

It is better to write the script yourself, as Kurmanaeva Svetlana Valentinovna, a resident of Yoshkar-Ola, does. This is a teacher primary grades and for thirty years the head of the school All fairy tales are musical, with dances. "Oseniny" even looks like a musical, all the characters are singing there. Svetlana Valentinovna finds material for the script herself, but sometimes children bring it. Performances are also staged based on such works. The guys also take part in the discussion of the script. For more complex staging- with a change of scenery - the scenario of the children's play "The Snow Queen" will do.

The teacher has staged many performances, mostly fairy tales. "Seven-color flower" introduced the children to the culture different countries... The tale of the journey to the aquarium taught me to be responsible for those whom I tamed. "Laughter and Tears" based on the works of S. Ya. Marshak teaches mutual assistance and dedication.

Fairy tales are originally written for children, so good performances can be staged on their foundation: kindergarten, at school, in the House of Culture - wherever there is a stage and spectators. Good will surely defeat evil, and the main characters are handsome. And there will be a miracle, because kindness works miracles.

(Play-fairy tale in 2 acts. Motive by D. Rodari)


DAD is her son
MOM is her daughter-in-law

(The play is a fairy tale in 2 acts.)


BLACK TRACK (no words)
BUTTERFLY (without words)

A play-fairy tale in 2 acts
(Based on English fairy tales)

JACK - country boy
JENNY - the guard's daughter



(Children's fairy tale play, possibly for a puppet theater)



(A play in two acts based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm)



they are:
ANAKHAY - evil spirit

(A fairy tale play in two acts)


Vasilisa the Wise
Ivan Tsarevich
VASILY, tsarevich
KOSCHEY, emperor of 25 kingdoms, 25 states
1 - robber
2 - the robber
3 - the robber

(Fantasy on the theme of Georgian fairy tales)

KAJI - water spirit
GVELESHAPI - serpentine dragon
PASHKUNZH'S MOTHER - half-beast, half-bird with the head of a lion and the wings of an eagle
BABY PASHKUNJI - all in mom

(Delusional fantasy)

DRAGON, (without words)

(A fairy tale for a puppet theater)


(Based on English fairy tales.)


CLOOTY is an old witch

(A fairy tale play in one act, possibly for a puppet show)
Based on the fairy tales of Beatrix Poter.


JOHNNY is a city mouse.
TIMMY WILLY - Country Mouse
LIZZY is Johnny's older sister
KITTY is Johnny's middle sister.
BEATRIX - Johnny's younger sister
ROBIN - Johnny's middle brother
RICK - Johnny's younger brother

(Play-fairy tale in 2 acts)


Evil Wizard
Evil Witch
The OLD WOMAN is a kind sorceress.
LISA - the maid

(Play-fairy tale based on Mordovian fairy tales in 2 acts)

YURTAY - tailor
LUCKY NIGHT - an unkind creature
VIR-AVA - the mistress of the forest
VED-AVA - the mistress of water

(play-fairy tale in 2 acts)

Merchant daughter

(Play-fairy tale in 2 acts)


ESHKIN CAT - (just Cat)

(Play in 2 acts)



A play-fairy tale in 2 acts, in prose and poetry, for children from 5 years old and older.

The prince and princess saw each other in a dream and fell in love. And they would be happy in reality, but the evil magician Dragon also loves the princess. With evil sorcery, he separates the lovers, lures the princess into his house. The princess wants to run away from him, but the magician's all-seeing magic diamond finds her everywhere. And only the skin of a white monkey can hide the princess from the evil sorcerer. Putting on the skin of a white monkey, the princess runs away from him into the forest. In the forest, she is met by a prince mourning the loss of his bride and taking the monkey to his palace. A lot of things still happen to our heroes, but in the end, as it should be in a fairy tale, the evil spell dissipates and good triumphs over evil.

A play-tale in 2 acts, in prose and verse. For children over 5 years old and adults.

ROLES: female - 2; male - 4.

It is sad in the kingdom-state because the daughter of the king is the most perfect Nesmeyana. And the king issues a decree: whoever makes the princess laugh will marry her! Who will make her laugh? A merry fellow, a passer-by, Ivan or an overseas prince?

A play-tale in 2 acts. In verse. For young children.

ROLES: female - 7; male - 1; as well as - Girlfriend's cars, geese-swans, frogs, mice and a hut on chicken legs.

The play in verse was written based on the plot of a Russian fairy tale. The girl Masha runs after the swan geese, trying to save her brother Ivanushka. On the way she comes across a stove, an apple tree, a milk river. Everyone is trying to help Masha. Baba Yaga's mother and mice help her, as well as a hut on chicken legs. In the end, even the swan geese help her, which the evil Yaga keeps running errands and does not feed at all ...

The play-fairy tale in 2 acts, in prose and in verse, written for the songs of the heroes of the fairy tale. For children from 6 years old and adults.

The merchant Martiros comes to the city of Alep to profitably sell his goods there. But he meets scammers who trick this product out of him. And in Alep, Martiros meets the girl Narine, who helps him and will return the goods and find love ...

A play-fairy tale in 2 acts. Half in prose, half in poetry, for children from 8 years old and adults.

Roles: female - 5, male - 4.

A funny play in prose and verse, about how three daughters of Baba Yaga, after sitting up in girls and getting ready to get married.

A play-fairy tale in 2 acts.

Roles: female - 3, male - 2.

A fairy tale traditional in all aspects: the naughty Nastenka is taken into the forest by Baba Yaga. Older sister Alyonushka goes to her rescue.

The play is simple in staging and subject to the laws of the genre, it is ready to withstand more than one rental year. More than ten seasons have been played in the children's playbill of the Vologda Drama Theater.

The lyrics of the song numbers prompted some groups of musical theaters to create a musical out of the play.

Dina Fedorovna Bortnik, the headmaster of the Vologda drama, wrote the wonderful music for the songs for the performance.

A play-fairy tale in 2 acts, in prose with verses for songs. Children from 6 years old.

ROLES: female - 5; male 4.

The play is composed of two one-act acts "The Wolf, the Fox and Summer Wonders" and "The Wolf, the Fox and the Autumnal Wonders" (Summer Tale and Autumn tale). If in the first act the Wolf helps the Fox in her intrigues, for which he is punished, then in the second act he takes his mind and refuses to help the red-haired cheat. Moreover, he helps Belka, Bear, Hare, Leshem and Mermaids to bring the deceiving Fox to clean water ...

or "Ivan Tsarevich, Grey Wolf other"

A play-fairy tale in 2 acts in prose with lyrics, for children from 7 years old and adults.

ROLES: female - 4; male - 4.

The gray wolf accidentally eats Ivan Tsarevich's horse, and therefore decides to help him get rejuvenating apples for the Father Tsar. However, Koschey demands a high price for apples - a golden-maned horse, which is at Elena the Beautiful, and also wise. And the commotion begins in which the Baba Yaga, the scientist cat and the mermaid that sits on the branches take part. And Elena, though beautiful, but quite wise. Koschey is defeated by common efforts, everyone is happy and hopes to be happy ...

A play-tale in 2 acts in prose.

For children from 5 years old and parents.

ROLES: women - 2, men - 4.

Although the author uses the theme of the Russian fairy tale "Rejuvenating Apples" - the play is quite original, both in the plot and in the characters. The action is played out by "buffoons" who, in the course of the narration, turn into one or another character of the tale.

A play-tale in 2 acts. In prose and with poetry for the songs of heroes. For children from 6 years old and adults.


women - 5; male -5.

The fairies raising our awake beauty are unhappy with their student. Instead of sleeping peacefully and waiting for the prince when he comes and wakes her up with his kiss, the princess runs through the forest, does housework, dreams of the sea that rustles outside the windows of her castle, so beautiful and enticing. It never occurs to anyone that the sea can promise trouble: pirates infiltrate the princess's castle and kidnap her. And the prince, who came to wake her with a kiss, has no choice but to make his way to pirate ship, and join the battle with the pirates ...

A play a fairy tale in 6 scenes in prose and with verses for songs.

For children over 6 years old.

ROLES: women - 2, men - 6.

The play is a journey from beginning to end. Together with the main character, the viewer walks through the tale from one character to another, doing good deeds, making mistakes and performing feats. At the end of the play, the hero is expected to win over Koshchei and the love of Vasilisa the beautiful.

A play-tale in 2 acts. In prose. For children from 8 years old and adults.

ROLES: female - 2; male -2.

Everyone knows the tale about the Frog Princess, into which Koschey the immortal turned Elena the Wise into a frog, and how Ivan Tsarevich saved her. But that was a long, long time ago. And if Koschey and Yaga live in our days? Such inconspicuous grandmother and grandfather walk in the forest, pick mushrooms and it would never occur to anyone that this is Baba Yaga and Koschey. And if Koschey, having met the girl Lena in the forest, suddenly, inadvertently turns her into a frog, then who will free her from the hated frog skin? After all, we don't have princes now. Ivans still meet, but they are not princes at all ...

A play-fairy tale in 2 acts, in prose. For children from 6 years old and adults.

Based on the Italian fairy tale "Wicked Fate".

ROLES: female - 8; male - 3.

Princess Santina has a bad fate. Because of this, all the misfortunes fall on her and her family. So they would pour on the head of the poor princess all her life, but her kindness and hard work make even her Evil fate, take pity on the unfortunate one, and help achieve the prince's love and happiness for her sister, mother and herself ...

Play-fairy tale recipe in 2 acts, in prose and with verses for the songs of the heroes. For children from 5 years old and their parents. Based on English fairy tales.

ROLES: female - 2; male - 2.

Every Englishman is well aware that the terrible Mr.Myakki puts naughty children in his bag and takes them to his scary house in the forest, where his lovely wife, Mrs.Myakki, makes soup from them for her beloved hubby. Tom does not believe in this until he himself finds himself in the house of a terrible cannibal. But is this cannibal so terrible? And is he really a cannibal? The kindest Mrs. Sally, the wife of Mr. Myakki, cannot treat children so cruelly, even if they are very spoiled. One way or another, Tom saves himself, saves his sister Mary, and moreover, they become good friends with Mrs and Mr Myakki.

A play-tale in 1 act about friendship. In prose and poetry. For children from three to one hundred years old.

Fox and Hare are friends. But they only want to be friends together, with each other, so that there are no extra third. So they drive away both the Hedgehog and the Bear. But the Wolf invades their friendship. He does not at all consider himself the third superfluous. Moreover, he considers Hare to be the third superfluous, and wants to cook soup from him. So the Hare and the Fox would have disappeared in the Wolf's large pot, if the Hedgehog and the Bear had not come to their aid and proved to the whole vetet that there are no superfluous third parties in friendship.

The play is a fairy tale in 1 act. In prose.

For children over 6 years old and adults.

ROLES: female - 3; male - 3.

One of the plays about the Fox and the Wolf. "Spring Tale".

The squirrel and the Hare found in the forest, on a rolling mountain, a sleigh with an effigy of Maslenitsa. And in the sleigh there is a tub of pancakes and a pot of butter. The fox wants to take the find from them. Calls for help from the Wolf. And the Belka and the Bunny wake up the Bear. Mirit same forest dwellers Spring-red.

Instructive tale in 2 acts based on Toelius's tale.

For younger and older children.

ROLES: female - 6, male - 2.

The play is based on Topelius's fairy tale "Adelmina's Magic Pearl". But at the same time, the play is an absolutely independent work. Rather, the author was influenced by Yevgeny Schwartz's continuing love for drama. True, the play from this turned out to be somewhat edifying and, as it seems to the author, too prim and verbose. However, in reading the play is perceived by the audience with interest. Staged and is in the Voronezh Youth Theater.

A play-fairy tale based on Kazakh fairy tales.

A play in prose and with verses for songs of heroes.

For children 6 years and older.

A somewhat detective plot makes it interesting for adult audiences as well.

ROLES: female -2; male - 3. + Nukers of Karakhan and nukers of the khan judge.

Ilyas is in love with Malika. But Malike's stepmother wants to give her in marriage to the wealthy Karakhan. One thing holds her back - the word given to father Ilyas. And then someone in the night steppe kills Ilyas's father. Khan's judge, biy, promises to find the murderer. And he finds it. Biy punishes the culprit, and Ilyas marries Malik.

The play is a fairy tale in 2 acts. based on the fairy tale by V. Gauf.

ROLES: female - 3; male - 4.

I think there is no need to acquaint with the plot of this work - who from childhood does not know this beautiful story told by Wilhelm Hauf?

Characters: grandmother, grandfather, Alyonushka, bull, bunny, chanterelle, bear (sometimes a wolf appears in other retellings)

3 different scenarios and a fairy tale famous history when the cat tells the cockerel not to open the door, not to talk to strangers, and the cockerel does not obey. The fox steals the cockerel ... Characters: cat, fox and rooster

Characters: grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse, turnip



A script based on Suteev's fairy tale (like a chicken repeating everything after a duckling and almost got into trouble). Characters: duckling and chick


Script based on the Bulgarian folk tale(how the fox outwitted the cockerel, and then the cockerel outwitted the fox and survived). Characters: cockerel, fox


Scenario in verse for children of senior and preparatory groups.The story of how the cuckoo flew away from the clock, and the animals tried themselves as a cuckoo.Characters:Cuckoo, Cat, Frog, Lion, Dog



Scenario for the smallest: 1.5-3 years old.Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Fedya, mice, hares, foxes


Script in verse for kindergarten. The fox took away the key from Santa Claus's box. But the animals find her and forgive her. All together go to the Christmas tree, where Santa Claus comes with a box. And in the box ... Characters: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Fox, Hare, Squirrel, Bear.


New Year's scenario in verse for a nursery group with games, songs and dances. New Year's script in verse for a nursery group with games, songs and dances. Characters: Host, Fox, Bear, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.


The script is based on the fairy tale of Suteev (how the animals shared the apple and the bear judged everyone). Characters: Hare, crow, hedgehog, bear.

Children's lives are permeated with play. It is this type of activity that reflects their main interests and experiences. One of the types of games that helps the child to try on all sorts of images and roles is theatrical play and the organization of performances for children in kindergarten. That is why even whole circles and studios dedicated to the theater are often organized in the preschool educational institution. A journey with preschoolers to the magical world of theater will allow teachers to maximize the developing potential of theatrical activity.

Puppet theater performances for children in kindergarten - introducing preschoolers to the theater

The puppet theater is the first introduction of preschoolers to the world of art and improvisation. In anticipation of the puppet show, sparks light up in the pupils' eyes, cheerful laughter is heard, children's hearts are filled with joy in anticipation of a miracle. After all, the doll, "revived" in the hands of an adult, conceals a little magic, it irreplaceable assistant in the education and training of preschoolers. If an adult communicates with a child using a doll, the baby, like a sponge, absorbs every word.

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The specificity of the theatrical activity of preschoolers is that it always has a free character, even when playing out a certain plot. In a theatrical game, a preschooler plays different roles: an artist, a spectator, a decorator, a puppet maker. He shows his attitude to the transmitted image, his feelings, seeks to do it in such a way that those around him would believe him. No wonder K.S. Stanislavsky advised the actors to learn from children the ability to reincarnate, according to him, their acting is distinguished by “faith” and “truth”.

We master the simplest ways of owning a theatrical toy with the help of the theater of circles (pupils of the younger group and educator M.E. Levinson) In order to create conditions for the development of theatrical games, teachers of preschool educational organizations use different methods and forms of work with pupils.

An example of effective activity in this direction was the creative child and adult project on theatrical activities in the kindergarten "Magic World of Theater" (hereinafter referred to as the project), implemented on the basis of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Kindergarten of compensating type No. 1701" in Moscow. Organized activities with the participation of pupils of all age groups did not leave indifferent neither the members of the ECE team, nor their parents, nor their children.

The peculiarity of the project aimed at supporting the children's initiative is that it does not regulate the activities of pupils, but gives them the opportunity to choose the type of theatrical play, plot, role, partners, toys, encourages improvisation in the game, provides a unique opportunity to form key competencies of preschoolers - health-preserving, social, informational, activity-based, communicative.

Goals and objectives of organizing performances for children in kindergarten

The main goals of the project for theatrical activities in kindergarten - development creativity, intelligent and personal qualities children, the formation of cultural values ​​by means of theatrical art.

In accordance with the goals, the following tasks were identified:

  • instilling in preschoolers a steady interest in theatrical activities;
  • gradual development by children different types theater, taking into account their age characteristics;
  • acquaintance with the rules of puppetry, the development of the ability to correlate the movements of the doll and the word;
  • improving performing skills in creating an artistic image using play, song and dance improvisations;
  • development of monologue and dialogical speech, improvement of intonational expressiveness, activation and enrichment of the vocabulary;
  • development of communication skills and game interaction in theatrical games.

During the implementation of the project, the psychological and pedagogical significance of theatrical games was also taken into account, during which children learn to express emotions and adequately reproduce them at the time of reincarnation into animals or fairytale heroes... They have the opportunity to form certain actions to express emotions of interest, joy, surprise, grief, fear, anger, shame, guilt.

The developmental potential of theatrical play has great value for the formation of the personality of a preschooler, stimulates development mental processes: integrity of perception, ease of imagination and belief in transformation, emotional sensitivity, figurative and logical thinking, motor activity. In this type of game, the origins of creativity are laid, it attracts children with its emotional saturation.

Theatrical play is a means of ensuring the emotional well-being of preschoolers, develops the ability to empathize, sympathize with characters, actions, actions, contributes to the assimilation of a literary text, the accumulation of knowledge about the surrounding reality, acquaintance with the social and natural world.

These games are integrated with other types of children's activities: visual, artistic and speech, musical and motor activities.

Preschoolers convey the images of heroes in modeling, applique, drawings, construction, learn the basics of acting with the help of facial expressions, pantomime, intonation, timbre, rhythm, diction and movements.

In the process of theatrical activity, which is of an educational nature, the preschooler is aware of the moral rules and norms.

Requirements for the organization of performances for children in kindergarten

The main requirements for the organization of theatrical games, which the teachers adhered to during the project:

  • motivation to include children in theatrical activities, activity at all stages of preparation;
  • availability, content and variety of theatrical games;
  • the use of familiar literary material in games-dramatizations;
  • partner interaction of an adult with children at all stages of the project;
  • creation of a subject-developing environment in groups in accordance with the age of the pupils;
  • sequence, complication of topics and plots in accordance with the acquired skills;
  • providing individual support for children in the course of developing skills for playing with a doll and role-playing images.

The project used two main groups of theatrical games: directing and dramatization games (according to L.V. Artemova). In director's games, teachers taught children to lead a toy character, act for him, depict him with the help of facial expressions, intonation, gestures, and create scenes. Special attention was given to speech, intonation expressiveness and diction.

Plane, finger, spoon theaters, bibabo puppets, mugs, mitten and sock theaters, disc theaters, "with a live" hand, from pompons, Dymkovo, plot-shaped toys were widely used to organize director's games.

In dramatization games based on the performer's own actions, the pupils reproduced the content literary works using puppets or fairy-tale characters worn on fingers or hand, cone theater. In these games, they acted independently, resorting to such means of expressiveness of the image as intonation, facial expressions and pantomime. The standard for imitation, of course, was the teacher, because the degree to which the child masters the means of expressiveness depends on his ability to expressively read, convey intonation, characteristic facial expressions, gestures.

V younger groups the simplest games were held: improvisations "Cat and kittens", "Hen and chickens", were used folk nursery rhymes and songs, poems by A. Barto, Russian folk tales "Turnip", "Kolobok". With the direct participation of the teacher, preschoolers reproduced the simplest stories of fairy tales with the help of the theater of mugs and spoon theater. In short sketches, they learned the simplest ways of owning a theatrical toy, leading it across the table, changing direction. Such games promote the development of speech, attention, imagination, memory, coordination and facial expressions.

In the middle groups, the pupils were offered teaching exercises that combined movement and words at the time of the embodiment of the fairy-tale image, the dramatization of the simplest fairy tales.

Special exercises for pronunciation of words, phrases and sentences with the expression of surprise, question, delight, sadness, fear or apprehension helped older preschoolers master the means of intonation expressiveness. With the help of gestures, children learned to convey feelings of "hot", "cold", "painful", as well as various actions: knitting, washing dishes, rolling a snowball, stoking the stove.

Games-imitations of images of various animals and people were organized, role-playing dialogues were drawn up, stage speech and movements were practiced. We made it easier to prepare for dramatization games and study studies.

Working with older children preschool age was also aimed at giving them an idea of ​​the theater as a form of art, to acquaint them with the different theaters of the capital. Viewing video materials, encyclopedias, illustrated magazines, postcards of theatrical themes expanded vocabulary pupils, they learned the meanings of such words as "poster", "decoration", "backstage", "premiere", "make-up". Together with their parents, the pupils watched performances in Moscow theaters - the Children's Musical Theater. N. Sats, Puppet Theater. S. Obraztsov, as well as puppet theater in kindergarten.

In the process of creating a subject environment, the organizers of the project chose theatrical games and toys according to the interests of children, which allowed them to engage in game interaction with peers and adults, to act individually, in free independent activity.

Particular attention was paid to the production of various types of theater by teachers, specialists, kindergarten staff and pupils.

Active participation in enrichment species diversity Parents accepted theatrical games, while encouraging the voluntary involvement of children in joint productive activities, providing the opportunity for free communication and movement. In the process of making theatrical toys, the pupils used the methods of paper construction familiar to them: folding a rectangular sheet in half, the origami technique, twisting a semicircle into a cone, a rectangle into a cylinder. Game motivation was formed taking into account the preferences of children, they took a direct part in the choice of familiar fairy tales, selected required material, agreed on joint actions, evaluated and corrected them, learned to work in a team.

The criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the project was the participation teaching staff and kindergarten pupils in the Week of Preschool Theaters, organized by the South-West District Methodological Center, which took place in accordance with the plan (Appendix 1).

Organization of performances for children in kindergarten as part of the Preschool Theater Week

The goals of the Week of Preschool Theaters: spiritual and moral education of preschool children by means of theatrical activities, the formation of cultural values ​​in them, the development of intellectual and personal qualities.

Objectives of the Preschool Theater Week:

  • the introduction of educational systems that create conditions for the participation of children in creative purposeful joint activities, their moral and aesthetic education, the development of the emotional sphere, the formation of self-confidence;
  • creating a creative atmosphere in kindergarten, an atmosphere of benevolence, meaningful interaction between children, teachers and parents;
  • organization of conditions for theatrical games in the preschool educational institution;
  • support for the organization of meaningful leisure in the family, interest in theater and theatrical activities, events in the cultural life of the city.

Each day of the Preschool Theater Week had a specific focus (Appendix 2).

In groups worked a children's creative workshop for making games and toys "Theater with their own hands". Older preschoolers showed creativity and imagination in making the characters of familiar fairy tales, used the acquired constructive and visual skills, presented the kids with fairy-tale characters made by their own hands.

In addition, the pupils of the older groups got acquainted with the professions of theatrical workers - director, puppeteer, make-up artist, tried on the role of graphic designers, learned the secrets of theatrical backstage, participated in the production of scenery, attributes and props for fairy tales.

The kindergarten pupils reacted with increased responsibility to the preparation of the performances of children's performances "The Kids Go to the Theater" and "Retrospective of Children's Theaters". This event was solemn and joyful. It is important that the children had the opportunity to present their results in a meaningful environment for them, they were able to speak in front of their peers and adults.

Emotional pleasure from the performances in kindergarten was received by the kids who followed the development of the theatrical performance, sincerely worried about the characters. The selected plots of familiar fairy tales were easy to perceive, and the motives of the actions were available to convey the images of the characters.

Little artists took part in the dramatization of the fairy tale "Who Said Meow?" V. Suteeva, "Tales of stupid mouse"S. Marshak, Russian folk tale" How a goat built a hut ", fairy tales" Naughty Hare ", tried to figuratively and expressively convey the characters and mood of the characters. The theatrical play helped children overcome feelings of insecurity, acquire valuable communication and play interaction skills, and appreciate the importance of a joint result.

The teachers and specialists of the kindergarten did not stand aside, they prepared the play "Lazy Masha" for the children, which was enthusiastically received by the pupils. The tale was of an educational nature, helped to evaluate the actions of the heroes, to understand what is good and what is bad.

A performance based on the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden" presented at the district stage of the Children's Theaters Week with the participation of the eldest pupils, preparatory groups and teachers was highly appreciated by the members of the competent jury, the wide pedagogical community and parents, was included in the list of the best children's performances in the South-West District of Moscow.

Children were motivated to participate in this performance, were involved in the distribution of roles, rehearsed independently in their free time, played various stories with interest, and folk games, round dances and carols were used in free activities. They were sympathetic to the fact that understudies were selected for the leading roles, which provided an element of "competition". The video recording of the preview of the performance helped the pupils evaluate their performing abilities, see what they have to do to transform and convey the expressiveness of the presented image and various fairy-tale actions.

The demonstration of the play contributed to the education in children of interest and love for the theater, formed the ability to feel free in the role, helped to get an access to the theatrical art in an accessible way.

Following the results of the Week of Preschool Theaters in the kindergarten, a creative exhibition of theatrical toys and various types of theaters, props, scenery, characters of familiar fairy tales was arranged. Pupils, employees of preschool educational institutions, teachers, specialists and parents took an active part in the preparation of the exhibition.

The purpose of the exhibition is to increase the interest of preschoolers in theater and theatrical activities, to develop children's creativity in kindergarten, improving partnerships between an adult and a child. The presentation of the exhibition was organized for both parents and colleagues from other preschool educational organizations.

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The participation of the teaching staff in the project helped to increase the importance of children's play in the development of preschoolers, to determine the optimal place for theatrical play in the daily routine, and to support the free creative self-realization of children. Close cooperation with the families of pupils had a positive impact on increasing the competence of teachers and parents in organizing children's play and understanding its role in the formation of a preschooler's personality.

Attached files

  • Document # 1.png
  • Document # 2.png

Name: Puppet show at the preschool educational institution for children of all age groups "Garden story"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, performances, performances, Preschoolers 4-6 years old

Position: Music Director
Place of work: MBDOU No. 264
Location: Krasnoyarsk

"GARDEN STORY" Puppet show for children of all age groups
Based on Russian folk tales.

Bibabo dolls: Murka (cat), Bug (dog), granddaughter Masha, Grandfather, Baba, Crow, Hedgehog, Mouse.

The puppets are controlled by the kindergarten teachers from behind the screen.

Scenery. In the left corner there is a voluminous turnip sewn from material, in the right - a house, around - greenery.

V musical arrangement you can use Russian folk dance.


(Music sounds. The music director comes out to the children from behind the screen with a Crow doll put on his arm.)

Crow. Hello!

Children. Hello!

Crow. Welcome to our theater studio! Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children. Yes!

Crow. And I want to ask you riddles. If you guess all of them, the story will begin faster! Listen carefully! “How would a crown go to me! - Croaks loudly ...

Children. Crow!

Crow. Right. This is about me. And here's another. “Under the pines, under the trees, there is a ball of needles. Who is this?

Children. Hedgehog!

Children. Dog!

Crow. Good. Next riddle. "Soft paws, and there are scratches in the paws" Who is this?

Children. Cat!

Crow. Right. Now is the hardest riddle! Yellow, round side, lies in the garden ...

Children. Gingerbread man!

Crow. No, guys, it sits tightly in the garden ...

Children. Turnip!

Crow. Well done! It's time to start the fairy tale. Here's a story that happened in one garden. (Music sounds. The music director goes behind the screen.)

Action one

(Bug and Murka appear on the screen.)

The bug. Woof!

Murka. Meow! (Music sounds. The bug and the murka quickly run after each other on the screen for several circles and run away. Grandfather comes out of the house. You can hear the buzzing of bees, the singing of mosquitoes.)

Grandfather. Hello kids!

Children. Hello! Have you seen how Murka and the Bug are running around? Play catch-up. No, to get busy! Quiet, like in a garden ... Only the bees are buzzing, but the mosquitoes are ringing. (Goes to the turnip.) I came to see the turnip. How does it grow here?

Hedgehog. Puff! Puff!

Also an interesting theatrical performance for children:

Grandfather. Fathers! What a passion! (Grandfather runs to the house.)

Woman (out of the window). What's the matter with you, Grandfather?

Grandfather(catching my breath). What, what ... I went to see my turnip. And there, from under the bush, some kind of beast: - Puff, puff! - So I barely escaped! Fearfully!

Woman. Yes, okay, Tell stories. It’s quiet in the garden.

Only mosquitoes and bees. I'll go and see my cabbage. (Sings.) La-la-la ...

Grandfather. Go-go. Go. And I better at home I'll sit. (Goes into the house, looks out of the window. Baba goes to the turnip)

Woman. And what is so terrible about that? To me too, old bush scared. Where is my cabbage here? .. Here it is, a beauty. And how good the turnip is!

Hedgehog. Puff! Puff!

Woman. Ah, priests! (He runs to the house. He breathes heavily.)

Grandfather(out of the window).. I told you! And you are mosquitoes and bees to me!

(Music sounds. Granddaughter Masha approaches Baba.)

Masha. Grandfather grandmother! Who are you running from here? Who were scared of? It's quiet in our garden ... Only the bees are buzzing, but the mosquitoes are ringing.

Grandfather. Another one. With mosquitoes and bees. Go - go! You will see for yourself!

(Masha goes to the turnip, sings: La-la-la ...

Masha. Eh! What a beauty! Where is my beet? And even a carrot?

Hedgehog. Puff! Puff!

Masha... Ouch! Who's here? Come out! Why are you scaring everyone? But I'm not afraid!

I'll find you now. (Looking.) Yes, it's the Hedgehog! Oh, you are a spoiled person! And are you not ashamed to scare Grandfather and Baba? Come out on the path. And I'll water the turnip.

(He takes a watering can, sings to the tune of the Russian dance song "Lady".)

I don’t regret water! - I water it as I can.

Grow, turnip, planting - to the delight of Grandfather and Baba!

So, now let's go, Hedgehog. I'll treat you to milk. (Music sounds. Masha and the Hedgehog leave.)

Second action

(Music sounds. Murka and Bug come running. They play, running after each other, stop.)

The bug. So. Everything! Tired of running.

Murka. What are we going to do?

The bug. What-what? Business! Come on, we'll plant something.

Murka. And what are we going to put?

Bug... You have to think. Grandfather, over there, planted a turnip, Baba - cabbage. And Masha - both carrots and beets. And I will plant ...

Murka. Can you plant something?

Bug... Of course. I saw how potatoes are planted. They will dig a hole. They put one little potato in there and bury it. And then they dig out instead of one

many, many great!

Murka. What are you saying, Bug? How interesting! Bury one! And they dig up a lot! And I came up with it! I'll plant a little sour cream jar.

The bug. And I'll plant a bone. Here! (They sing to the tune of the Russian dance song "Barynya".)

We are planting a vegetable garden - all the people will be surprised!

We are planting a vegetable garden! - All the people will be surprised!

So they planted it!

Murka. Will my sour cream grow soon?

The bug. Soon only a fairy tale will tell! We're going home now. And we'll come in a few days.

Murka... It takes a long time. I'll come tomorrow!

(Masha appears.)

Murka... And here is Masha. Let us tell her about our landings.

Masha... Murka! Bug! What are you doing here? Do you admire the turnip?

Murka... We're doing business here.

Masha... How?

Bug(important). By the way. Now we need to water everything.

Masha. Yes, what to water? What are you doing here?

Bug... I planted a bone.

Murka... And I’m a jar of sour cream!

Masha. Well, you give! Who plants the bone and sour cream?

Guys! And what do you think? -

Can I plant it?

Children. No!

Masha. Will something grow up between Murka and the Bug?

Children. No!

Masha. You can plant whatever you want! Yes, not everything will grow! So dig up and eat before it goes bad. Look after the turnip. It's time for me to dine. (Leaves.)

Murka (digging). Here it is, my sour cream - yum-yum-yum!

The bug. Here she is my bone - yum-yum-yum!

Murka. Eh, good, but not enough. I'll run, I'll drink some more milk. And you, Zhuchka, can handle it without me. You will look after the turnip. (Runs away.)

The bug. To watch, so to watch. This is my job. We dogs are supposed to guard everything. (He walks back and forth on the screen several times.) I'm tired of something. We need to rest. I will lie in the sun and warm myself.

(Yawns) Something I wanted to sleep ...

Guys! Woof! I'll probably get some sleep. And if the Crow arrives, you will wake me up, please. Shout: Bug! Bug! Good?

Children. Yes!

The bug. Well, thank you. I'll lie down more comfortably. (Falls asleep. Crow flies.)

Crow. Kar! Kar! What kind of turnip is this? (Children scream.)

Bug (jumping up). Woof! Woof! Here I am! Shoo!

Crow. Yes, I just wanted to see. Kar! Kar! (Flies away.)

The bug. Thanks guys! How well you guard! I'll go to dinner then. (Runs away.)

Action third

(Music sounds. Mouse comes running.)

Mouse. That's a turnip! It's time to pull it out. Guys, help! Let's call Grandfather and Baba!

Children. Grandfather! Woman! (Music sounds. Grandfather and Baba come running.)

Grandfather. What happened? What?

Mouse. It's time to pull out the turnip!

Woman. And, really, it's time!

Grandfather. Now we are her! (Tries to pull out. The turnip does not move.)

Woman. Let me help. (They pull together.) We must call everyone. Guys, help!

Children. Masha! Bug! Murka! (Everyone runs to the turnip.)

Grandfather. Become!

Everything. Come on together, come on, we need to pull the turnip together!

Grandfather. It seems to have shifted. Come on, one more time! Guys, help!

Everything. Come on together, come on, together - we need to pull out the turnip! (Music sounds. Everyone picks up the turnip, carries it to the middle of the screen.)

Everything. Hooray!

Grandfather. Thank you all for your help.

Woman. Come to eat the turnip!

Crow. Yes, listen to other tales.

Everything. If we take everything together, we will always achieve our goal!

Elena Anatolyevna Antipina,

musical director, MBDOU No. 264, Krasnoyarsk