What to do if kiwi leaves turn yellow. Noncommunicable diseases

cordilina (cordyline), astelia family.
Place of origin: Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand.
Usage: decorative and deciduous.
Plant sizes: up to 1.5 m in height.
Growth: slow.
Flowering: rare.

Lighting: Bright place, partial shade, does not tolerate direct sunlight. Many consider cordilina, like dracaena, shade-loving plant, but in fact, in a dark place, it will be stunted and smaller. For good growth and development needs intense light. Variegated forms require more lighting than forms with green leaves. If there is enough light in the summer, then in the winter the cordilines should be rearranged closer to the window, since in winter there is usually not enough light.

Watering: Plentiful in summer, moderate in winter, but taking into account the indoor temperature. Cordilina does not tolerate stagnant water in a pot, otherwise the plants will shed their leaves. But it also does not tolerate overdrying an earthen coma. Cordilins are suitable for growing in hydroponics, they relate well to watering not from above, but through a tray.

Reproduction: By apical cuttings (using heteroauxin and heating the soil), pieces of the trunk, at least 10 cm long, layering. If you cut off the top of the cordiline, you can put it in a jar of water by adding a few pieces of charcoal there.

Air humidity: Cordilins require regular spraying of the leaves. As long as the plant is small, it can be placed on a tray of water. Give the plant a warm shower periodically to remove dust and freshen up the plant. Dry brown leaf tips often grow on cordilina when kept in rooms with central heating in winter.

Change: In the spring, every two years. The soil for cordilina is a mixture of heavy turf and leafy soil, rotted manure or greenhouse soil with the addition of sand. When transplanting cordilina, add pieces of charcoal (birch) charcoal and brick chips to the fresh soil mixture in addition to sand. On a bucket of earth, three handfuls of coals and 0.5 liters of brick chips. Pieces of coal prevent the development of rotting processes, and brick chips increase the looseness of the soil and collect excess moisture, which is very important, because dracaena do not tolerate excess and stagnant water.

Top dressing: Fertilization: During the growth period, from April to August, every two weeks cordilins are fed with special complex fertilizers for indoor plants. You can use "Rainbow", "Ideal", "Giant", etc.

Cropping: not needed.

Pests and Diseases: Brown tips or edges of leaves - too dry air, cold drafts or insufficient watering.

Brown spots on the leaves - insufficient watering.

The leaves are curled, soft with brown edges - too low temperature, it may be warm during the day, and at night the temperature drops below normal.

Yellowing of leaves - with dry air, lack of nutrients in soil (in particular nitrogen).

Turn yellow lower leaves- It is common for cordilina to lose the lower leaves, while the upper part of the plant remains leafy. You can only rejuvenate the plant by cutting off and rooting the top. You can also plant younger plants in a pot to the old cordilina, in a group they will look more spectacular (see photo above).

Light dry spots on the leaves - too intense lighting or sunburn. Cordilina needs shading from direct sunlight.

Scale: brown plaques on the surface of leaves and stems, sucking out cell sap. Leaves lose color, dry out and fall off.
Control measures. For mechanical cleaning of pests, the leaves are wiped with a soapy sponge. Then spray the plant with 0.15% actellik solution (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Thrips - high temperature and low humidity air.
On the underside of the leaf, thrips lays numerous colonies, and light dots appear on the upper side of the leaf. As a result, the upper side of the leaf becomes grayish brown with a silvery sheen.
Control measures. The plant should be sprayed, if necessary, repeatedly with insecticides (fitoverm, decis, actellik, inta-vir).

Aphids - also sometimes infect cordilins. They damage the leaves on the underside, the tops of the shoots. The damaged parts are discolored, the leaves curl, turn yellow and fall off.
Control measures. Spraying with derris, fitoverm, decis, actellik, inta-vir. In case of severe damage, repeat the treatment.
Features of care: Tips for care.
Cordilins by outward appearance often confused with dracaena. To distinguish them, you have to get the plant out of the pot. Cordilina has roots white on the cut and have swellings or pineal growths, and in dracaena the roots are even and smooth in color from orange and yellow to light brown.

Cordilins with wide leaves require more watering during growth than cordilins with narrow leaves, as their leaves evaporate more moisture.

Cordilins respond very well to periodic loosening of the top layer of soil in pots in spring and summer. This improves soil aeration. If upper layer earth in a pot with cordilina, the earth on the surface is covered with a white crust - these are salt deposits from water and soil, then this land must be removed and replaced with fresh one.

Growing Kiwi at Home The best time to sow is from March to May. Pick the ripe kiwi from the store. The fruit should be soft, smooth, flawless. Wash the fruit and cut it into several pieces. Gently mash the pulp. Throw the resulting gruel into a glass of warm water, stir and let stand a little. Rinse several times - the pulp will go away, and the bones will remain floating on the surface. Place the kiwi seeds on a napkin. They will dry out in 2-4 hours. Wrap the bones in cotton or cloth and place them in a saucer. Add a little hot water- it should saturate the material well, but not spill out when the container is tilted. Cover the seeds with foil and place in a warm, sunny place. At night, it is better to open the film or remove it altogether. Top up in the morning required amount water. After 7-10 days, the kiwi seeds should hatch. Take a flower pot and sprinkle some expanded clay on the bottom. It is better to take the soil ready-made, intended for tropical vines... Soak it in a water bath for two hours. Put 2-3 seeds in holes 5-10 mm deep. Sprinkle them lightly with earth, sprinkle them with water room temperature and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Place the tray in a warm, sunny place. The first shoots will appear in 3-6 days. It is better to start getting rid of unpromising and unnecessary sprouts already at this stage. Water sparingly and only with standing water. In winter, the growth of kiwi shoots slows down, and it is enough to water them 2-3 times a month. During the growing season (spring and summer), plants need more moisture, so watering is necessary more often - 2 times a week. In addition, in the hot summer, kiwi must be sprayed. Remember to thin out the plants, otherwise they will interfere with each other. In the early stages, they can simply be pulled out of the ground. A little later, this will not work, since root system kiwi develops quickly enough. The most the right option there will be shearing off an unnecessary sprout. When the plants are 10-12 cm tall, transplant them into separate trays. If this is not done, their development will slow down. In favorable conditions, kiwi from seeds begins to bloom and bear fruit in the third or fourth year.

The secret of a luxurious indoor flower garden is simple: the plants need to be well fed, otherwise you will not wait for lush foliage or good flowering... A rigid "diet", when a plant lacks nutrients for a long time, usually leads to disease - after all, the plant does not have the strength to resist. But what is the right way to create a menu for green pets, taking into account their different tastes? 1. Almost all plants love sugar (and cacti in general are great sweet teeth). Before watering, you can sprinkle 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar (with a pot diameter of about 10 cm) over the surface of the soil or give the plant some sweet water (0.5 teaspoon of sugar in 0.5 cups of water). 2. A good effect is given by feeding beautifully flowering castor oil (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) while setting buds. 3). Very beneficial for plants wood ash(both as food and for the prevention of diseases). For the preparation of an ash solution 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ash must be poured into 1 liter of hot water and insisted for 1 week, sometimes stirring. Watering with this solution - 1 time per 10 days. 4. You can water the plants with this infusion: take the peel of pomegranates or any citrus fruits. We fill them with water and let stand for a day. Everything! The nutrient infusion for watering is ready! 5. The immunity of indoor plants is excellently increased by spraying with an aspirin solution. One tablet dissolves in a liter of water. 6. Diluted aloe juice is also suitable for all common indoor plants... It is necessary to dilute one teaspoon of juice in one and a half liters of water. 7. Ficuses can be watered with sweetened water once a month. One teaspoon of sugar takes one liter of water. The leaves of these plants can be wiped with milk. This will give the plants shine and beauty. 8. Mushroom infusion will help your plants look healthy and beautiful. Soak chopped edible mushrooms in a ratio of 1 to 1. After a day, drain the infusion, and fill the mushrooms with water again. In a day, the mushroom water for irrigation will be ready. 9. Violets will like this feeding: take an ampoule of vitamin B12 and dilute it in a liter of water (of course, settled). You can feed violets with such a vitamin twice a month. 10. Banana peel, which is rich in potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, can be used for plant transplantation. Lay a layer of finely chopped or minced banana peel on top of the drainage layer, cover it with soil and plant the plant.

Freezing of plants in autumn and spring. The kiwi plant can grow year-round under favorable climatic conditions. Therefore, in cases when autumn and / or winter were warm, and then a sharp cold snap set in, it is possible that the plants are damaged by frost, and sometimes the plants are completely frozen out.

Control measures. Plants are watered and sprayed abundantly on the eve and after frost. Moisture keeps warm, and the plant does not freeze. Also the most simple and effective way the fight against frost will be the shelter of the plants with sacking, rags, and also acrylic on top. They must be tied at the corners on four sides to the base of the palmette. The next way to protect plants is to smoke with smoke bombs or smoke fires, and with especially strong frosts (up to -5 ... -6 ° C and below) - a combination of the two methods. Smoke heaps are best prepared in advance. To do this, put two stakes on the ground in a criss-cross pattern, put a third one between them. Lay dry combustible material (straw, brushwood, firewood) tightly on them, then raw combustible material (shavings, sawdust, tops, leaves, manure, needles). Add a small layer of soil on top. Before ignition, the vertical stake is removed. Air will enter the pile through the hole, and it will be able to smoke. It is better to place such a device in the aisles, between parallel palmettes with an interval of 3 to 8 meters, depending on the strength of the wind and the intensity of the frost. Smoke should be started when the air temperature drops to +2 ° С and finished two hours after sunrise. It should also be borne in mind that the coldest time falls on the predawn hours.

You need to know the parts of plants most vulnerable to frost. So, kiwi, first of all, freeze fruit buds... An increase in frost resistance is facilitated by spraying plants with dormant buds with a weak - 0.5% solution of potassium nitrate. In kiwi, the root system is located superficially, therefore, care should be taken to protect the roots from freezing by hilling the root collar with soil or sawdust along the diameter of the entire plant.

Withering of plants due to lack of moisture. Kiwi plants are very demanding on moisture. Conditions of the Russian subtropics in terms of the total amount annual precipitation(up to 1500 mm) fully meet the requirements of the culture. However, the distribution of precipitation over the periods is uneven, especially in the summer months - the period of fruit loading - there is an acute lack of moisture. However, kiwi plants do not tolerate excess of it.

The symptoms of a lack of moisture are the loss of turgor by plants, which is restored after watering. If it has not recovered, the death of the plant has occurred or the nature of these symptoms is infectious. If the plants have been lacking for a long time, then partial or complete loss of leaves, flowers or fruits may occur.

Control measures. During three summer months, at least 6 irrigations are carried out at the rate of 300 m3 / ha per irrigation. On young plantations, it is possible in the first two years to carry out local watering directly under the plants until the root layer of the soil is completely saturated. The total consumption of irrigation water in the season on heavy loamy soils is about 2000 m3 / ha.

Sunburn. If the kiwi plants were watered at the wrong time of day or not at the root, sunburn may appear on the leaves. Sunburns are caused by overheating of the water droplets left on the leaves after watering. A drop of water on a leaf acts as a lens that collects the sun's rays. Tissues under drops of water overheat, quickly die off, and brown spots of different size and shape appear on the sheet.

Control measures. Watering at a favorable time of the day. The most favorable time of the day is evening and night hours, when surface evaporation decreases, the likelihood of sunburn leaves through the lens of drops, and the coefficient of moisture utilization by the root system also increases. As well as watering plants at the root.

Plants soaking. If the choice of a site for the plantation was made incorrectly or a high-quality drainage, drainage of the site was not made, in months with a high rainfall rate or during irrigation, water stagnation on the site may occur. The consequence of this is a lack of soil air and, as a consequence, complete or partial death of the plant. Stagnant water contributes to the development of infectious diseases affecting kiwi.

Control measures. Necessarily right choice plot for laying a kiwi plantation. When water stagnates on an already broken plantation, it is necessary to drain it using special drainage channels that are dug in the aisles. It is also possible to dig holes in the aisles, which are buried after a period of excessive moisture. Drainage is carried out using plastic pipes, in which holes are made, and they are buried in the soil in the aisles, holes up, to the depth of the roots. The pipes are connected to each other and taken out of the plantation. Every 3 - 5 years drainage pipes require cleaning.

Lack of nitrogen. On loamy soils with a low humus content, which mainly represent the soils of the Russian subtropics, plants during the growing season most often experience a nitrogen deficiency, which ultimately leads to a loss of productivity and even plant death. Lack of nitrogen causes depression of the plant, shredding of leaves, yellowing of the leaf blades and reddening of the stems.

Control measures. When these signs appear, you should nitrogen fertilization with irrigation water in order to avoid scalds of root hairs in the surface layer of the soil. Foliar feeding with a weak (0.1 - 0.2%) urea solution is also possible.

Lack of phosphorus. Lack of phosphorus can be detected by changes in leaf color, which becomes dark green and dull. The leaves are shrinking, the plant looks depressed, the yield is sharply reduced.

Control measures. Timely and systematic application of phosphorus fertilizers.

Lack of potassium. With a large potassium deficiency, the leaves acquire a reddish-brown color, dry out and fall off.

Control measures. Timely introduction potash fertilizer(including dressing) prevents the appearance of these signs. With a lack of potassium, you can feed the plants with potassium salt. Water solution which plants are watered at the root or produced foliar feeding.

Lack of magnesium. The lack of magnesium in the plant is expressed in the appearance of brown spots on the leaf blade between the veins, the leaves turn yellowish-green, the plant looks depressed.

Control measures. With a lack of magnesium, magnesium sulfate is added to the soil or foliar feeding is carried out with a 1% solution of it.

Other factors affecting the emergence of non-communicable diseases in the soil and climatic conditions of the city of Sochi do not have a significant effect on the growth and development of kiwi plants.

An exception may be such meteorological factors as: wind (tornadoes), showers, hail and lightning. But they are of a periodic nature and, as a rule, they do not cause significant harm to kiwi plantations if the agricultural technology of their cultivation is followed.

Vladimir Bugaev

• Not so long ago, for fun, I sowed kiwi seeds in a flower pot. to my surprise, after a few days they climbed in unison. then planted in different containers, they grow well. the largest sprout is up to 3 cm and it has 5 rough leaves. please tell me what can come of this experiment? and how to care for plants. and what, in general, is a kiwi plant? > read>

• So I decided to grow kiwi at home! Could you tell me how to make my dream come true? How to plant and care for. > read>

• Tell us about the details of caring for your garden kiwi. > read>

• Please tell us about the beneficial properties of kiwi. > read>

• What is the history of the kiwi plant? > read>

• How to propagate kiwi fruit correctly? Tips for grafting common actinidia kolomikta didn't work.
Respond, who tried to plant kiwi in the suburbs! > read>

• I planted kiwi, they went up in a very large quantities... I've heard that kiwis can bear fruit at home - how can you help speed up this process? How to tell the gender of plants? > read>

Olga Yurievna Morozova says:

I love kiwi, this wonderful hairy fruit; I really like its taste. I read in a book that in nature the Kiwi vine reaches 25 meters in height, and 15-20 cm in diameter.
And one day I decided to grow a kiwi vine myself, from seeds. When buying a kiwi fruit, I felt and chose a softer, strawberry-scented ripe fruit. I removed the seeds from the kiwi and laid them out to dry on toilet paper for a few hours. Then she sowed in a pot, spreading them evenly over the surface of the wet substrate, sprinkled with earth and lightly sprinkled the substrate with water. And she put the pot on the window. Kiwi shoots did not make you wait long and EVERYONE sprang up together!
When I started growing kiwi, I read a bunch of literature; there they write that young shoots of kiwi in the first two years of life must be shaded as young leaves are afraid of direct sunlight. In the summer, I carried the seedlings out onto the glassed-in balcony and watered abundantly, preventing the earthen coma from drying out.
In the first two years, the seedlings grew very slowly, by the end of the second year they were only 10-15 cm each. I understood that it was very cramped for them all in one pot, but at that time I did not have room on the window for each bush separately ... I transplanted the two strongest bushes into separate pots, began to take care of them: I fertilized them every week with ordinary fertilizer for indoor flowers, watered abundantly. In the summer, they began to grow so actively that I had to tie a support rope. My Kiwis crawled up so rapidly that from May to September they grew almost two meters! At the end of the season, I brought kiwi into the apartment and pulled a rope under the ceiling so that my beautiful liana was comfortable.
Kiwi loves plentiful watering and daily spraying of the leaves during the growth period. And if the kiwi doesn't like something, then its leaves dry up and the vine sheds them; but after a while new leaves appear.
During the entire growth period of the Kiwi vine, I did not light it up (when she was little, it seemed to me that she had enough light on the window). V indoor conditions liana never dropped leaves for the winter. This southern and thermophilic plant winters in my apartment. I have never cut Liana Kiwi.
I hope that my experience will help an exotic lover to grow a beautiful Kiwi vine from seeds.

Tatyana Alekseevna (Sochi) says:
- We live in Sochi. It is extremely easy to grow a kiwi in the garden: you just need to root its stalk and form a bush. It is best to first form a "stem" of kiwi with a height of 60-80 cm from the ground, and then - four to five main (skeletal) "branches", which will then give a stable harvest.
Like all actinidia, kiwi is characterized by active growth and good awakening of the buds, therefore, pruning of vines should be carried out almost all year round.
Kiwi is not susceptible to disease, so no spraying is required. Besides
pruning and watering, no more care for the kiwi is carried out.
By the way, if a lot of "male" plants are taken when planting kiwi (norm: 1 male plant for 5-6 female) - it doesn't matter, kiwi is easily grafted with "eyes".
We had such a problem: instead of female plants kiwis were sold to us for men. For six years we waited in vain for fruits from them, and then we grafted on them buds from female plants, which quickly began to grow.
In our conditions, kiwi survives the winter very well: plants hibernate without shelter and can easily tolerate even sub-zero temperatures.
In addition to kiwi, tangerines, lemons, feijoa, pomegranate, unabi, sea buckthorn, apple trees, plums, cherries grow and bear fruit in our small garden, Walnut and hazelnuts, several varieties of persimmon and grapes, mimosa, bamboo, laurel, dogwood.

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Despite the fact that Calathea is quite capricious, it relatively rarely suffers from diseases and pests, if you create the right conditions for it. The most common problems are powdery mildew, spider mites, scale insects and whiteflies.


What is called powdery mildew, in fact, is the result of the activity of a pest called a mealybug. They settle in whole colonies under the leaves. You can observe small pellets, as if from dirty cotton wool, dotting the leaves, their petioles and peduncles. Worms suck sap from plants. As a result, the more calathea suffers, the more its growth is inhibited, deformed, dry and leaves fall off.

For prevention, regularly carefully inspect the plants, wipe the leaves with a damp sponge at least once every 15–20 days, cut off all yellowed, withered, dried leaves in a timely manner. The sooner you find the problem and start to deal with it, the easier it is to get rid of the worm.

Control measures:

  • At an early stage, it may be sufficient to wipe the leaves with a piece of bandage or cotton pad dipped in foam laundry soap, and then three times a week spray calathea with a solution of potash green soap (a teaspoon of fine shavings per liter of water).
  • Another option is to wipe the leaves with 7-10% ethyl alcohol or an alcoholic tincture of calendula flowers diluted to the same concentration. A more concentrated solution can burn the leaves.
  • V severe cases use insecticides - Actellik, Fitoverm, Inta-Vir, Nurell-D, Karbofos. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer. The affected calatheas are sprayed with the prepared solution weekly until the pest is completely destroyed.

    If one of the drugs gives no visible results, use the other until you find the most effective chemical.

  • Those who prefer natural remedies can fight mealybugs with an infusion of garlic arrows, onion peels, and any citrus peels. 50–70 g of crushed raw materials are poured with a liter of boiling water, tightly closed with a lid and removed for 2-3 days in a warm, dark place. The ready-to-use infusion is filtered. Processing is carried out every 3-4 days in the evenings, alternating means. With a cotton swab dipped in the infusion, periodically changing it, wipe the leaves and flower stalks.
  • Spider mite

    The spider mite is a pest that feeds on plant juices; it is a carrier of many pathogenic viruses, fungi and bacteria. On a calathea infected with a spider mite, one can notice thin threads twisting around leaves or their petioles, as well as small whitish dots on the lower part of the leaf plate. If the process has gone too far, the plant literally hides under a thick layer of whitish mass that resembles a cobweb.

    The spider mite feels great in insufficiently humidified air, therefore, regularly spray calathea leaves for prevention. Carry out sanitary pruning in a timely manner - remove faded flower stalks, old dried leaves.

    You should not be overly zealous with moisture - the liquid accumulating in the axils of the leaves, especially in winter, will very quickly lead to decay of the flower. Also, do not hope to drown the pests by periodically submerging the entire plant in water. Ticks can form a bubble of air that effectively protects them.

    Control measures:

  • The fight against spider mites begins by wiping the leaves with a solution of laundry soap or dishwashing liquid in warm water.

    Don't limit yourself to surface spraying. The spider mite prefers secluded places, such as leaf axils. It is also useful to handle the pots, stands for them and the window sill.

  • If the pest has not yet hit the calathea en masse, water the plant abundantly (0.5 l of water) and cover it with a plastic bag on top for 2-3 days, sealing it on the pot. Due to the increased humidity, the pests inside the bag will die. All this time, watch out for calathea (especially in summer) so that sunburn does not appear on the leaves.
  • In advanced cases, spraying the flower with solutions of Karbofos, Inta-Vir, Fitoverm, as well as products containing the oil of the Neem tree, will help. At the same time, Temik or Aldicarb granules can be added to the soil.
  • In addition to high humidity, these pests do not like ultraviolet light very much. That is why they prefer to settle on the underside of the sheet plate. if you have Fluorescent Lamp, irradiate the leaves with it.
  • You can try the following folk remedies:
    • Onion infusion. 10-15 g of finely chopped onion or 2 times less husk is poured with a liter of water at room temperature and insisted for 8-10 hours. Filter the infusion before use.
    • Infusion of dandelion roots. Pour a tablespoon of finely chopped raw materials in a liter warm water and insist 2-3 hours.
    • Garlic infusion. Gruel from peeled cloves (12-15 pieces) is poured with a liter of water and infused for 4-5 days. Then they mix thoroughly and take a teaspoon of liquid for spraying, again diluting it in a liter of water.
  • Shield

    On the leaves affected by this pest, a sticky transparent coating appears, clearly visible in the sun due to its characteristic shine. The scale insects feed on plant sap, and their excrement creates a light and airtight film, negatively affecting the normal course of photosynthesis and cellular respiration of the plant. Calathea practically stops growing, the leaves are deformed, turn yellow and dry out.

    For prevention, regularly inspect the plants for the presence of characteristic dark brown almost flat growths on the underside of the leaves, on the petioles and at the roots. At least once every 2-3 weeks, wipe the calathea with a soft cloth soaked in warm water.

    Control measures:

  • If literally the whole plant is affected by a pest, it is easier to destroy it, the pot and pallet can be disinfected, and the window sill and window must be thoroughly washed with hot water.
  • When the problem has not yet become chronic, pour warm (about 45 ° C) water from a watering can or shower over the flower. Then wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in 70% ethyl alcohol. Be careful to spread the alcohol in a thin layer - this will evaporate faster. After 1–1.5 hours after rubbing with alcohol, the calathea is treated with a thick foam of laundry soap. The foam treatment is repeated every other day, and then after 3-4 days (only 7-10 times) until the pest is completely destroyed. The second and subsequent foam treatments can be replaced by thorough spraying with Inta-Vir, Aktara, Aktellik, Fufanon, Fury, Bazudin solutions. It is important that the leaves are completely dry before the procedure.

    Since some of the listed products are quite toxic, read the label carefully and follow all the safety measures described by the manufacturer. It is best to carry out the treatment on a balcony, loggia or outdoors.

  • Whitefly

    Tiny insects with whitish wings appear on the underside of calathea leaves. If you shake the plant slightly, you can see them rise into the air. On the leaves, starting from the lowest ones, a shiny sticky coating is formed. The whitefly is very fond of the heat and high humidity... Therefore, for prophylaxis in winter, it is useful to keep calatheas for 3-4 weeks at a temperature of about 18 ° C.

    Control measures:

  • Of the chemicals for pest control, Verticillin and Pegasus (no more than two treatments), Actellik (up to 4 treatments after 4-6 days), Confidor, Mospilan, Fufanon (one procedure) can be used at intervals of 7-10 days.
  • Folk remedies for fighting whitefly:
    • Traps. Pieces of cardboard, plywood, glass are painted in bright colors and placed next to flower pots, having previously lubricated with a mixture of petroleum jelly or rosin with honey, jam or sugar syrup. Whiteflies stick to the trap, attracted by the bright color. Homemade traps will be successfully replaced by special sticky tapes designed for catching flies.
    • Infusion of yarrow. 3 tablespoons of leaves and stems are finely chopped and poured with a liter of boiling water. Insist day. Filter the leaves before spraying.
    • Garlic infusion. A teaspoon of finely chopped arrows or a gruel of 2-3 cloves is poured with a liter of water and infused for 24 hours.

      However, any folk remedies are effective only when the problem is identified in a timely manner and there are still not very many pests.