An even number of colors. Why you can't give an even number of flowers

A wonderful gift for girls and women is a bouquet. Have you heard that you can't give an even number of flowers? Why? What does the odd meaning of flowers in a bouquet promise? And how many flowers do you need to give? This article is just the same devoted to issues that are not easy for the stronger sex.

According to Russian traditions, it is proper for a living person to give flowers only in an odd amount.

Is it possible to give an even value of flowers

Can I give an even number of flowers? There is no definite answer, but we will try to consider and understand several points of view.

Even in Ancient Russia, odd numbers promised negative energy in themselves, namely, incompleteness, the end of the path, death. That is why many of our distant ancestors believe that you cannot give an even number of flowers.

And if you take the signs and opinions from different countries, then you can trace this. In Japan, you can give an even value of flowers in a bouquet. This sign indicates that they want you to find your soul mate as soon as possible if you do not have it. And such a gift is very gladly welcomed, and not rejected, as is customary among us, among the Slavs.

And in the USA and Europe, an even number of flowers bodes well for happiness and well-being. Therefore, if people living in Europe are given an even number of flowers, they understand what the gift giving such a cute present wanted to say to them.

In Europe, an even number of flowers promises happiness and prosperity.

When given an even value of flowers

According to tradition, the even value of flowers is given at the funeral, i.e. on the day of sorrow, grief. Why? An even number of flowers among the Slavs is always associated with mourning, death, misfortune, funeral. Many people believe these traditions and signs. In order not to offend a person, even if he does not believe in the power of an odd number, do not give him such a bouquet. Is it really difficult for you to add another flower? Questions like "why and how" can be dropped here.

What to do if presented with an even value of flowers

But what if you presented an even number of flowers in a bouquet? Complain? Shout at the bouquet presented to you? These are primitive methods, or rather reactions. But what if you don't count at all how many flowers you have in your bouquet? Well, is it so easy to take and not count? Is it really so important? .. If you really can't come to terms with what was presented to you, or rather with an even number of flowers, then proceed as follows:

  • Divide the bouquet into 2 parts, and you get 2 bouquets, even better.
  • You will have to believe that an even number of flowers in a bouquet were presented to you to attract your soulmate into your life. Agree, it's very interesting and beneficial for you.
  • Read the conspiracy:

    “There are two dawns in the sky: one dawn blooms, the other fades. Without the morning dawn, the sun does not rise, without the evening dawn, the Lord counted the apostles, but my flowers are not counted. Whoever counts across my prayer will exchange an odd number: a key, a lock, a tongue. Amen".

What does the number of flowers in a bouquet indicate?

In floristry, the number of flowers carries a certain message.

Let's take a look at something else interesting. It turns out that in floristry the number of flowers carries a certain message, meaning:

  • 1 - love, in which there is no courage to confess;
  • 2– fast wedding;
  • 3 - recognition of your feelings;
  • 5– best wishes;
  • 10 - admiration for your other half;
  • 11 - mutual love of spouses;
  • 12– mainly presented on a memorable day of acquaintance, anniversary;
  • 16 - mostly given to friends and family;
  • 29 - given in recognition of the fact that you are always the most beloved and only one for him;
  • 37 - as well as in the case of number 5, this is a wish for happiness;
  • 101 - real - unreal love.

When and what bouquet to give

When are flowers presented? When flowers are given and in what cases, strong representatives of the sex are interested. Give flowers to girls and wives as often as possible. Not only on holidays, but also on weekdays just like that. Don't wait for the moment, don't wait for the weekend, don't wait for a reason, do it right now.

What bouquet would be best for a present to your beloved? It depends on her preference and taste. By the way, the bouquet does not have to be huge and with big amount flowers. It can be small flowers without decoration. The main thing here is not the presence of flowers, but attention to beautiful ladies.

Let's summarize together. Should you give an odd number of flowers in a bouquet? If your beloved woman or girl believes in such signs regarding the amount of the number, then it is better not to risk it. Even if you yourself do not believe in any "nonsense". Well, if your lady of the heart still does not give in to the opinions of ancestors and everyone else, then feel free to present her with such a present.

We also found out with you why it is impossible to give an even value of the bouquet. If the bouquet was presented sincerely, with all love, with all your heart, and even with an odd amount, then your woman will not even notice. After all, the main thing is attention.

According to the magic of numbers, since ancient times, there have been signs about the meaning of the number of flowers donated:

  • One is a shy sign of affection for you.
  • Two - an invitation to legalize a relationship, an engagement.
  • Three - a confession of strong love.
  • Five is a wish for happiness and good luck.
  • Ten is a sign of admiration and adoration.
  • Eleven - exchange of courtesies of the spouses.
  • Twelve is the jubilee number of flowers.
  • Sixteen - honoring friends and relatives.
  • Twenty-nine is a number symbolizing regret for a mistake and a promise of eternal fidelity and love.
  • Thirty-six is ​​a desire for immense happiness.
  • One hundred and one flower - the giver's complete reverence for the object.

As can be seen from the symbolism of the number of colors, even numbers also have the right to be. But in the USSR nationalities and at all times it was customary only to bring an even number of flowers to the cemetery and "give" to the deceased person. Although given a large number flowers, no one will count them, and 50 and 70 roses will look more effective than 5.

Citing the example of America or Germany, where an even number of flowers in a bouquet is considered absolutely acceptable, we note that these fears also have their own beliefs and numerical values. The Japanese, for example, bring four flowers to the funeral, and the Italians have an odd number. The people of Israel do not bring flowers to the cemetery at all, but give live bouquets of an even number.

In Georgia, flowers belong to family, therefore a pair of flowers means the completeness of the search for a pair, and dead man the pair is useless - therefore it is worth giving an odd number of them.

On this basis, it can be seen that in the countries the former USSR there are concepts on this topic.

But still, what is the reason, where did it come from in the Russian states, i.e. why you can't give an even number of flowers do we live for people?

According to the opinion of the Magi in ancient Russia, an even amount of something meant a vicious circle, the end of the cycle, that is, death. And the odd number, respectively, foreshadowed movement, the search for an end.

This is due to the opinion “trouble does not come alone”, taking into account the number of elements in amulets, etc. Both esotericists and florists who communicate with flowers and make up bouquets believe that the number of flowers exceeding ten is acceptable both in Russia and in the countries of the former USSR.

On this basis, we can conclude that the number of flowers in a bouquet does not actually matter, the mood of the giver and the receiver is important.

Indeed, in addition to the number of flowers, their color, the moment of flowering, the types of flowers given are taken into account. Each of these characteristics carries its own meaning and determines and even removes the significance of their number.

All signs and beliefs, as well as their strict observance, are controlled by the people around. Mono to give a chamomile, which, in fact, means solar energy, that is, a wish for strength and prosperity, and rarely will anyone count them in a bouquet.

The magic of numbers concerns not only bouquets of flowers, but also the number of dishes on the table. After all, old Russian beliefs were clearly divided: even is bad, odd is good.

According to Russian, Ukrainian and, for example, French traditions, an even number of flowers can be brought to a funeral, while a living person should be given flowers only in an odd amount.
Almost throughout Europe, the United States and some eastern countries everything is exactly the opposite, giving an even number of flowers, because it brings happiness.

Israelis give only an even number of flowers, but they don’t bring flowers to the funeral at all. In Georgia, they believe that everything related to family values ​​brings happiness, therefore, a pair of flowers - a good combination, and at the cemetery they carry an odd number of flowers "so that the deceased would not take a couple with him."
The roots of all these traditions and prejudices must be sought in the pre-Christian world.
Each country (region) has gone its own way of development and therefore such discrepancies and contradictions often arise.
Pagan beliefs interpret even numbers as symbols of death and evil. Remember the saying “trouble doesn’t come alone”?
By many ancient cultures, paired numbers were associated with completeness, completion, in this case - life path.
An odd number, on the contrary, is a symbol of happiness, success, luck.
Odd numbers are unstable, they symbolize movement, life, development.
Even - a symbol of peace and tranquility.
For the ancient Pythagoreans, odd numbers were the personification of good, life, light, and they also symbolized the right side (the side of luck). The unlucky left side, and with it death, evil, darkness - were symbolized by even numbers. Is this where the famous "get up with your left foot", symbolizing a bad start to the day, came from?
In ancient Russia, only those who died in the war, those who defended their homeland, were laid two flowers: "one to the deceased, the other to God."
Now, it is customary to lay an even number of flowers on all the dead.
Gift bouquet in modern Russia obeys a simple rule: "odd up to a dozen", that is, the number of colors matters if there are three, five, seven, nine or eleven. It is customary to bring an even number of ten or fewer stems as a sign of mourning at funeral ceremonies. If the bouquet contains twelve and more colors, their number does not carry any semantic meaning.
In sign language, each number has its own meaning, and you can use this to give the bouquet the right meaning. So, if you give one flower, it means that the person to whom you are giving it is the only one for you. By giving three flowers, you can express your desire to leave with your loved one to the ends of the world. Well, five means: "I love you."
Few people know that seven flowers were previously given only on the day of the betrothal.

According to Russian, French and, for example, Armenian traditions, an even number of flowers are brought to a funeral, and a living person should only give flowers in an odd amount.

In almost all of Europe, the USA and some eastern states, everything is exactly the opposite, giving an even number of flowers, because it brings happiness.

Israelis give only an even number of flowers, but they do not bring flowers to the funeral. In Georgia, they believe that everything related to family values ​​brings happiness, therefore two flowers (a pair) are a good combination, and an odd number of flowers are carried to the cemetery "so that the deceased couple does not take with him." The roots of these traditions and prejudices are to be found in the pre-Christian world. Each country (region) has gone its own way of development and therefore such discrepancies and contradictions often arise.

Pagan beliefs interpret even numbers as symbols of death and evil. Remember the saying “trouble doesn’t come alone”?

By many ancient cultures, paired numbers were associated with completeness, completion, in this case, the path of life. An odd number, on the contrary, is a symbol of happiness, success, luck. Odd numbers are unstable, they symbolize movement, life, development. Even - a symbol of peace and tranquility.

For the ancient Pythagoreans, odd numbers were the personification of good, life, light, and they also symbolized the right side (the side of luck). The unlucky left side, and with it death, evil, darkness - were symbolized by even numbers. Is this where the famous "get up with your left foot", symbolizing a bad start to the day, came from?

In ancient Russia, only those who died in the war, those who defended their homeland, were laid two flowers: "one to the deceased, the other to God."

Now, it is customary to lay an even number of flowers on all the dead.

A gift bouquet in modern Russia obeys a simple rule: "odd up to a dozen", that is, the number of flowers matters if there are three, five, seven, nine or eleven. It is customary to bring an even number of ten or fewer stems as a sign of mourning at funeral ceremonies. If there are twelve or more flowers in a bouquet, their number does not carry any semantic meaning.

In sign language, each number has its own meaning, and you can use this to give the bouquet the right meaning. So, if you give one flower, it means that the person to whom you are giving it is the only one for you. By giving three flowers, you can express your desire to leave with your loved one to the ends of the world. Well, five means: "I love you."

Few people know that seven flowers were previously given only on the day of the betrothal.

Flowers have long been a symbol of different nations around the world. It turns out that not only the odd or even number matters, but how many flowers are in your bouquet: one flower is a sign of attention; three flowers are a sign of respect; five - confessions; seven - love ... 13 roses are not accepted to give.
If there are more than twelve colors, then the evenness or oddness of their number no longer plays such a role.

Funeral bouquets are usually made up of an even number of flowers, preferably strict and dark tones. In Russia, there is an opinion that an even number of flowers are given only to the deceased. But in the USA, Europe and some eastern countries, it is believed that an even number of flowers donated brings happiness.

Why is it still customary to give an odd number of flowers?
There are several versions about the origin of this tradition. Pagan beliefs interpret even numbers as symbols of death and evil. Remember the saying “trouble doesn’t come alone”? It was from following this tradition that the custom began to give living people only an odd number of flowers.

Many ancient cultures associated paired numbers with completeness, completion, in this case, the path of life. An odd number, (except for 13), on the contrary, is a symbol of happiness, success, luck. Odd numbers are unstable, they symbolize movement, life, laughter. Even - a symbol of peace and tranquility.

For the ancient Pythagoreans, odd numbers were the personification of good, life, light, and they also symbolized the right side (the side of luck). The unlucky left side, and with it death, evil, darkness - were symbolized by even numbers. Is this where the famous "get up with your left foot", symbolizing a bad start to the day, came from?

In Japanese culture, the numbers 1,3,5 designate the masculine principle "yang" and speak of life, strength, movement. The numbers 2,4,6 are feminine"Yin", calmness, passivity. In Japan, it is not customary to give four flowers to living people, because the number 4 symbolizes death.

The Israelis, on the other hand, give an even number of flowers, but do not bring flowers to the funeral. In Georgia, they believe that everything related to family values ​​brings happiness, therefore two flowers (a pair) are a good combination, and an odd number of flowers are carried to the cemetery "so that the deceased couple does not take with him."

A European and an American can give a Russian girl 8 or 10 roses with the best intentions, and be sincerely surprised at her reaction.

It is worth noting that such a picky count of colors takes place only up to a dozen. After this number, it does not matter whether or not the number of stems in the bouquet is even or not. After all, the notorious "million of red roses"- has an even number of colors.