The meaning of symbols in home improvement. Money or lucky cat

The house is a place of our rest, life, a place where the most beloved, honored and wonderful people gather. Home is our sacred place where we live. May it bring us joy, light, peace, love and material good.

Each of you, at the call of your intuition, your heart, at the prompt of your guardian angel, will choose your own symbol for each room. After all, the house reflects the worldview. Symbolic language should not be underestimated.

They matter and carry the program by which your house lives. When using symbolism, always choose items that have a special meaning for you. You should not include Chinese objects in the decor - they belong to a foreign culture and are unnatural to us.

When you use items or images, place them in the area of ​​the house or room that you want to activate. For example, place a vase of flowers in the northwest corner to strengthen your marital relationship. The following is a list of symbols that can be used in the home and their traditional meanings.

Stork. In Christian iconography, storks symbolize purity, prosperity and resurrection. In the East, they symbolize longevity, in Taoism - immortality. There is a belief among the people that storks bring babies. Tip: have a stork figure or a picture of him in the bedroom. This is especially true for those who want to have a child.

Acacia. It is a symbol of immortality in the Jewish and Christian traditions. It is known that hardwood acacias were used in the construction of frames and tabernacles in temples. It is believed that the prickly crown of Jesus Christ was woven from acacia. Tip: keep a small branch of acacia next to the front door as a protection for the home from all that is bad and evil.

Amethyst. Amethyst products should be in every home. This stone symbolizes peace, humility and piety. Tip: women must have amethyst jewelry (it is desirable to have this stone in a bracelet).

Orange. Flowers orange tree- an ancient symbol of abundance. It was necessarily woven into the wreaths of brides. This tradition existed in Christian countries, but meant chastity. In art, the Christ child is sometimes depicted with oranges as a symbol of atonement for sins. Advice: aromatic oil fumigate the kitchen and dining room on Sundays. Sunday is the day of the sun and this fragrance will stimulate the energy of abundance.

Watermelon. Due to the large number of seeds inside, it is a symbol of fertility. Tip: young families have pictures of this big berry. If you can't conceive, put watermelon seeds under your mattress.

Butterfly. Symbol of immortality. Her life cycle: a bright caterpillar (which symbolizes life), a chrysalis (which symbolizes death and free flight), a butterfly (symbolizes the immortal flight of the soul). Tip: for those who decide to change their lives, have this symbol at home.

Ram horn. It is a sign of protection. Tip: If you need protection, hang a ram's horn in a conspicuous place.

Birch. Healing protective tree, a symbol of a person's spiritual ascent through life, as well as cosmic energy. Planted near houses to drive away evil spirits. Tip: plant a birch near the house, it will stimulate spiritual and protective energy.

Ladybug. Good luck symbol. She bestows wealth, promotes success in business and is especially favorable to those born under the signs of Taurus and Leo.

Bagels. They symbolize prosperity, abundance, hospitality. Tip: keep in the kitchen in a conspicuous place to attract the energy of prosperity.

Bulldog. A symbol of endurance, strength and perseverance. Such a mascot is very popular among athletes.

Grape. The most ancient symbol of fertility. It is also a symbol of spiritual life and rebirth. In Christianity, wine is revered as the blood of Christ. Vine- the emblem of hospitality, youth, generosity. Tip: Have a painting of grapes in your living room. Or dry the leaves and vine pieces yourself and make an ikebana, you can make it a wall picture.

Water. An ancient symbol of purity, fertility and the source of life itself. It is a cleansing element, especially in religious traditions. Tip: Have a small fountain or aquarium with live fish.

Nail. Protection symbol. Tip: drive in next to the front door.

Pigeons. Symbol of romantic love. Tip: keep any paintings, figurines, postcards depicting doves in the bedroom.

Pear. Symbol of love and motherhood. Tip: in the kitchen, always have pears in a fruit bowl to maintain strong energy love and attracting the energy of motherhood into the house.

Dolphin. Symbol of salvation and love. As an emblem of the sacrifice of Christ, the dolphin was often depicted with a wounded trident or with a secret symbol of the cross - an anchor. Tip: carry with you as a talisman.

Wood. Symbol of development and unity. Trees should always grow near the house. Every person in his life must plant a tree. Tip: if there is contention, quarrels in the family, have a picture of a tree or small tree in a pot.

Pearl. A symbol of light and femininity. It is believed that the jewel in the shell is a figurative unity of fire and water. Tip: every woman should have pearl jewelry and wear it periodically.

Star. Symbolizes superiority, leadership, protection, vigilance, aspiration. Tip: have a star image next to your workplace.

Corn. Fertility, rebirth, the divine gift of life, abundance, prosperity. Tip: Put the spikelets of wheat in a vase in the living room.

Iris. The symbol of purity. Protects the house from evil spirits. Tip: plant near the house, along the roads as a talisman. At home, you can put an artificial iris.

Clover. The three-leaf clover symbolizes the Christian Trinity, spiritual growth. Tip: dry and keep in the bedroom, in a pillow. The image can be absolutely in any room.

Key. Power, knowledge, also a symbol of liberation, consistent progress from one stage of life to another (the expression "keys to the doors"). Tip: carry it with you, you can have a small key in your wallet as a symbol.

Bell, bell. Symbolizes the voice of truth. It was revered as a talisman that warded off evil spirits. Tip: periodically ring the bell and listen to its ringing.

Ring. A symbol of eternity, unity, wholeness. It is the emblem of completion, strength and protection. Tip: periodically clean the ring in holy water and put it on your finger when wet.

Laurel. Peace, victory, protection, divinity. Laurel is also known as a Christian symbol of eternal life. Tip: keep a few leaves in a conspicuous place. You can compose a composition with them.

Horse. Symbol vitality, speed and beauty. Tip: in the house to have a figurine or a picture with this graceful animal.

Broom. Since ancient times, a broom has been endowed magical properties. It is considered a protective symbol if it stands in a corner with a panicle up. Tip: keep close to the entrance to the house.

Fire. It symbolizes purification, transformation, rebirth, spiritual impulse. In Christian art, fire is a test of virtue and faith. The flaming heart is the emblem of some saints. Symbolizes the preservation of the hearth. Tip: periodically light at the icons church candles and let them burn to the end.

Eagle. A symbol of greatness, victory, courage, spiritual uplift. The eagle is depicted not only on fonts, but also on church pulpits - as an emblem of the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian, bearer of the Word Christ. Tip: have a figurine in the office on the table.

Rose. Symbol of the heart, romantic and sensual love. White Rose- the emblem of chastity, purity and virginity. Red rose - passion and desire, sensual beauty. For Christians, the red rose and its thorns are a symbol of the passion of Christ. Tip: have a picture where there is a rose in the plot. Sometimes a bouquet with these flowers should be in the living room.

Fish. A symbol of fertility, known as an early Christian symbol of Christ. The fish is the oldest symbol of the confession of the Christian faith. Composed of the initial letters of the Greek words Jesus Christ the Son of God the Savior, the acrostic (translated from Greek as “fish”) was a secret password for Christians. In gospel stories, the symbols of fish and fishermen have a certain meaning. The sign of the fish is a symbol of the Eucharist, which is reminiscent of the gospel story about the saturation of the people in the desert with a few loaves and fish. The apostles are like fishermen. Just as an angler catches fish, so the apostles are called to catch the souls of mortals for a blessed life. The early Christian writer Tertullian refers to the converts as fish. Tip: have a picture of a fish in any room.

Box. A symbol of accumulation and prosperity. Tip: to have in the house as a box or as an image to attract the energy of prosperity.

Duck. It symbolizes marriage, happiness, devotion, home. Tip: Have both an image and a figurine. Where they will be does not matter.

Flower. A symbol of connection with the forces of nature. Tip: Have blooming flowers in pots in every corner.

Watch. Restraint, calmness. Tip: make sure that they are not in a hurry and do not lag behind.

Garlic. The emblem of the protective force. There is a custom to hang bundles of garlic in the house as a protective symbol, coming from antiquity. Tip: have a bunch of garlic in the kitchen.

Anchor. Hope, salvation, strength, devotion. The anchor is a symbol of hope for salvation. Tip: Have a picture of this item in your office.

It is quite normal for a person to protect not only his life, but also his own home. Each ancient people collected a whole storehouse of amulets for the home, most of which must be made with your own hands. Only such a keeper of the house is able to be your faithful assistant and protector. Your energy in the process of creation puts into it the meaning of well-being that is most desirable for you.

Making homemade amulets is a very simple task. It is important to understand the symbols in order to make them the most effective, working for your well-being. Most of the elements and components used for the amulet are simple and straightforward. You just need to combine them as you wish, in accordance with the rules.

One of the most common home amulets is a broom. It has received quite legitimate fame, and already has its own rules for creation and its symbolism.

  1. Grains, cereals, legumes - prosperity in the house, a well-fed life, a good financial situation.
  2. House - a figurine is made of salt dough and baked in the oven. It symbolizes peace in the family, mutual understanding between households, comfort.
  3. Bast shoes - can be both an element when they make a broom amulet with their own hands, or a self-working talisman. They symbolize a pleasant atmosphere in the house, the desire to return to their native walls.
  4. Coins - are important for attracting financial well-being, protection from a beggarly fate.
  5. Garlic - home protection from evil spirits. In addition, if we ignore the magical component, the use of garlic was justified by its strong smell designed to control domestic pests.
  6. A pod of dry pepper - for the owner of the house should symbolize his fertility, male power, potency.
  7. Dried wild rose is a symbol of the feminine. It gives women the energy of fertility, strength for childbearing.
  8. Sunflower or pumpkin seeds - symbolize a good and healthy offspring, many kids.
  9. Corn grains - protection of the family, fertility, relief in childbirth, generational change.
  10. Bay leaf - victories and successes in work and affairs.
  11. Nuts - the health of all family members, family strength, cohesion.
  12. Dried fruits - it is customary to hang to sweeten your life, fill it with pleasures.
  13. Bagels - hospitality, many friends, generosity, responsiveness.
  14. Red ribbons or threads - love, feelings, fidelity. They guard the heartfelt affection of their masters.
  15. Green ribbons - attracting financial flows, improving material wealth in the house.
  16. Yellow ribbons - joy, good mood, kindness.
  17. Flowers - longevity and youth.
  18. Needles and pins - protection from damage and the evil eye.
  19. Dried herbs (thyme, wormwood, nettle) - a talisman against the magical effects of ill-wishers.
  20. A piece of bast - harmony in everyday life, thrift, thrift and practicality of the household.
  21. Bell, bell - children's laughter, the fertility of the owners of the house. It should help in the situation when the owners have problems with childbearing.

Composing these elements in our amulet, we put a certain code and meaning into it.

Sign! When girls are constantly born to the owners, by attaching more beans to the home amulet, you can attract the energy of the birth of a boy.

Amulets from the folk traditions of the Slavs

In addition to the broom, there are other amulets that have not become widespread in the modern world. Nevertheless, they served our ancestors with great success as faithful guardians of well-being in the house.

Pot of Wealth

Should have bought a new large ceramic pot. In such traditionally stored cereals and flour in the house. From the past generous harvest, selected wheat is poured into the pot. It serves as the basis for the amulet. Then some details are added to it from the symbols listed in the alphabet.

Since the symbolism of details and objects is similar in meaning, it corresponds to almost all regions. The ancient tribes usually had little difference in the meaning of the elements, so choose them as you wish.

  • The number of elements is usually three, seven, twelve.
  • Selected parts should be hidden in the poured grain.

This pot becomes the place where the brownie will keep the spirit of your home. Therefore, it is correct if the amulet will stand by the stove or in the pantry - these are symbolic places for your invisible assistant.

Bast shoes - a talisman for family happiness

To make such an amulet, it is enough to buy decorative bast shoes. But by adding some details to them, you can get a completely functional and effective talisman for the home.

Bast shoes are given to the spirit of your home so that the brownie is satisfied and answers you with his efforts. They put several characters of your choice into them to encode them to perform certain tasks.

Sign! It was customary for bast shoes to hang at the threshold on a red ribbon. It's like a rite by which the hostess sealed her husband's connection with the house. Wherever a man is, he will still be drawn to his house with his family.

Such an amulet kept the owner on the road from temptations, made his connection with his family and home strong. Especially when a man is stately and prominent, a good owner, they tried to make such a talisman so that no one coveted and took her husband away from the mistress.

New Year's boots for brownie

This amulet is similar in style to how New Year other peoples hung a boot for gifts. Also, our ancestors have their own New Year's amulet - felt boots.

To make it, you need to put a gingerbread, a coin and a handful of wheat in a felt boot. They put it in a corner near the stove - the traditional place where the brownie lives. Such a New Year's gift should serve to appease your home keeper, and in return he will be more affectionate to you, will not be naughty and harm his owners. Making such a charm, they still hoped that they could find out from the brownie about the hidden treasure, if other owners lived in the house before you.

The element of our planet Earth is associated in Chinese tradition with stability and confidence in all areas of life.

According to Feng Shui, land animals are distinguished by extraordinary willpower and spirit, so even a simple small snail will become a symbol with great potential in your home.

True, such talismans should be selected taking into account the personal characteristics of the owner, and not only on the basis of general feng shui recommendations.

feng shui tiger

One of the oldest manifestations of courage and strength is the tiger, which, as a rule, has a white color in Feng Shui. This beast is one of the four main defenders of the home. It is no coincidence that the most famous feng shui tiger painting in China shows a predator guarding the house.

Tigers also act as good luck charms when placed above the front door on New Year's Eve. Then the whole family is provided with his patronage. In addition, some Chinese provinces believe that the tiger in feng shui is important for the birth of healthy children and a successful marriage.

Today, the following types of talismans are distinguished:

  • The slumbering tiger is one of the most balanced symbols, so it is ideal for overly emotional and energetic people. Such a talisman looks appropriate in a small apartment.
  • The beast sitting on a handful of coins represents successful business. It can be placed in the career zone to acquire a new position or in the wealth sector to increase your fortune.
  • A predator with an open mouth and exposed fangs helps to add status. It enhances the energy of the leader and helps protect against evil forces. Keeping this figurine is allowed only if there is a dragon talisman in the house.
  • A feng shui tiger painting can be on a woven basis and imply only the head of a predator. A similar talisman in China is hung on the gate. It is also allowed to use paper images as curtains, and Feng Shui also allows you to use images of a tiger as a basis for creating toys and bed linen.

When choosing a figurine of a tiger, you need to be sure that those born under the signs of the Rooster, Rabbit or Boar are not present in the house. eastern horoscope. Otherwise, the risk of premature death of such family members increases.

Please note that any of the directions of the light in the apartment will correspond to a certain animal (you can read in our magazine). For a white predator, this is the northeast. According to Feng Shui, the tiger zone for a water rat, for example, is not very favorable, but for dragons it is not prohibited.

Spider in Feng Shui

The feng shui spider is the constant meaning of creative energy. The spiral web in this case personifies the entire process of the universe. In a larger sense, the Spinner represents the creator of the planet, forming the web of time. In addition, according to ancient legends, spiders are identified with the feminine.

Interestingly, feng shui gives the spider a divine and cosmic meaning due to the structure of this creature. The eight legs are the sum of the winds of change and the main directions. Therefore, it is identified with the wheel of life. If you choose a spider as a totem protector, he will always warn of danger and, conversely, congratulate you on the results of competent decisions.

A sign of approaching happiness in China is a descending spider. The symbol of what according to Feng Shui in this case is this eternal worker? Of course, family luck and well-being in all areas. Such a talisman is also necessary for individual use if a person wants to look into the depths of himself and learn to control emotions.

The spider symbol will help you become far-sighted and do only the right things. And a small spider talisman from expensive materials can be stored in a wallet to attract money and save your accumulated savings.

Among Chinese mascots, few animals are honored and respected for their slowness in helping humans. The snail is a feng shui symbol associated with extraordinary peace and tranquility. This talisman increases financial income and helps to achieve goals, albeit not too quickly, but surely.

Trying to evenly share the energy of well-being and prosperity in the house, you should definitely find your place for a figure with a snail. She guarantees success in achieving business goals in the Career zone, and the wealth sector will exist under her protection if necessary to save up the required amount. Surround the snail with elements from the element of Water, and it will respond to you with goodwill.

In addition, you can buy creature and plant it in a beautiful and spacious aquarium. For general harmony in life, you can buy paintings, wallpapers and even a bed with snails.

For the bedroom, in turn, a sculpture of two snails in love is suitable.

dragonfly in feng shui

Interestingly, even within the framework of one Eastern tradition, dragonflies are perceived ambiguously. In Japan, for example, it is an expression of courage and victory, an image of good luck and courage. At the same time, the attitude towards the dragonfly as an irresponsible creature is simultaneously growing among the Japanese.

In China, it was the dragonfly that became the concentration of grace and lightness. What feng shui symbol is a weak insect? For starters, this is a sign of the onset of summer, which means the arrival of heat and sun. Joyful flying dragonflies fit perfectly into a nursery, a workshop for creativity and even a bedroom. But the sectors of wealth and career, where carelessness and playfulness are not virtues, will do just fine without this talisman.

Dragonflies are also a sign indicating the salvation of our souls, the personification of rebirth and immortality. They are great at restoring past feelings, so for couples who have been married for many years, this is a great symbol. But for single girls, this is an effective talisman that adds beauty and grace.

It is worth using this image to activate the love zone only when you are fully prepared for change. Even a small picture with a dragonfly makes the relationship easy, and also makes changes in the sexual sphere.

feng shui ladybug

An expression of extraordinary good luck is a feng shui ladybug. The significance of this tiny creature is very great, because it transforms all negative energy and cleanses the house. It must be borne in mind that the strength of the talisman and its specific focus depend on the number of spots on the back of the ladybug.

  • One point characterizes the symbol as an assistant in a new business, including business, family, and profession. Such a talisman is appropriate in the study or office, on the desktop.
  • A ladybug with two spots is necessary to harmonize relations with the outside world. She gives inner peace good dreams, self-confidence, and also destroys fears and misanthropy. To be kind and positive person, you should keep the talisman in the bedroom: on dressing table, bedside table or near the head of the bed.
  • The trinity of spots on the back makes the insect a protector from wrong deeds, rash decisions. This talisman is quite appropriate at work, but you don’t need to keep it on the table, it’s better to put it on the windowsill.
  • Four spots on the ladybug are responsible for protecting the house from theft and robbery. Keep the figurine in the hallway, but away from prying eyes.
  • A string of five points symbolizes the creative talisman. But one speck more means the development of abilities in learning. Such a ladybug should be placed on the school table, in the office or living room.
  • Ladybug with 7 points helps to achieve success in your personal life. Such a talisman works only for one owner, so it should be kept in his favorite room (you can even in the bathroom).

The feng shui butterfly symbol is associated with sincere joy and love. This insect perfectly helps lonely people to meet a loved one, but such a talisman is useful in family relationships. For longtime partners, butterflies bring passion and romance, helping to forget about the routine of days.

Feng Shui butterflies are used to activate the love sector only in pairs. You can also hang a picture with a whole group of butterflies, but one image will not increase the benefits for marriage. The ideal location for a butterfly in a bedroom is the ceiling above the bed. Placing the talisman in the southwest also helps to improve communication with all acquaintances in general.

What do feng shui butterflies mean to most Chinese people? This is the immortality of the soul and true rebirth. Therefore, in the guise of this insect, there is so much divine and supernatural.

Talismans with butterflies in Chinese tradition are usually divided according to color scheme, forms and materials.

  • Many people are interested in knowing what the Feng Shui butterfly symbolizes in the composition of wind music. In this case, it is about family happiness, and if insects are made of metal - about success in personal life and the fire of passion. You need to place such a talisman only on the southwestern side of the house.
  • A silver or gold butterfly in Feng Shui has a more sacred meaning. This symbol fulfills personal desires in love and family, while brooches of this type make girls very confident.
  • A festive mood and positive changes in life are brought by a ceramic multi-colored butterfly. The symbol of what in Feng Shui is a wooden butterfly? This is the harmony of spouses and general well-being.

Please note that dead butterflies on needles are bad feng shui with the energy of death. Such an object in a house or office leads to a deterioration in all relations of the owner. Also, do not place sculptures near the windowsill and attach butterflies to curtains: love and joy will definitely fly out into the street.

But feng shui butterflies in the workplace are a good option for those who need to establish friendly communication with colleagues.

feng shui rhino

According to feng shui, the rhinoceros is a brave animal with excellent defense abilities. Talismans with him always look impressive and naturalistic, and use them to protect the house from accidents, incidents and crimes. Rhinoceros attract good luck in business, neutralize negativity and make the family happy.

  • Gold, silver, and black rhinoceroses are not only an important part of the design of the apartment, but also add endurance and firmness to the owner. If the gray and white figures are made of ceramics, crystal, porcelain, they are designed to protect against the influence of bad people.
  • Rhino made of wood attracts natural energy with positive charges. This talisman helps to survive the effects of stress and quickly restores a person's mood. It can be either a plain simple animal or a decorated animal with a multi-colored pattern.
  • The blue rhinoceros in feng shui has the strongest protective powers. It turns negative flows into positive and reliably protects the apartment from uninvited guests and aggressive invasions. Even from the evil thoughts of secret enemies, intrigues and gossip, he helps to protect himself. Such a talisman perfectly promotes the owner in a career.

Where to put the dragon in feng shui? Keep the figurines in the living room or near the front door, preferably in pairs.

The dragon in Feng Shui is a fundamental talisman that provides peace and harmony in the house. In China, this is not at all an evil creature, a strong, strong-willed, revered image. The dragon is made up of cosmic Qi energy, and each of its breaths gives hope to people. This talisman is able to reveal the potential of the mind, soul and body in the owner.

As a rule, the feng shui dragon has financial and career significance. This means that it protects the owner from bad partners, competition and brings good luck in new business.

Exist different types feng shui dragons

  • Tian lun or Sky Dragon is the most powerful and possesses five legs. As a rule, this is a golden dragon in feng shui. The sector of its location is east, while the head is directed to the south.
  • The Shen of the Moon or the Dragon of Rain and the Sea is a divine being who determines the weather and rules over all cardinal points. He is responsible for financial prosperity and has 4 claws (previously had 3).
  • Di lung or the dragon of the Earth is the most generous and sows wealth with cosmic breath. Sometimes you can incur his wrath, and then any business will not lead to enrichment. This is a green dragon in Feng Shui, and in the eastern sector, it also helps to strengthen family relationships.

The feng shui dragon symbol can be depicted in different poses or with some animals. This affects the semantic load of the talisman:

  • A dragon paired with a phoenix means well-being in the family and is often kept in the love sector. In the workplace, it protects against intrigue.
  • A curved dragon with an open mouth and a pearl in its paw. This feng shui golden dragon represents harmony and helps you achieve your goals.
  • The Dragon Turtle with a Lot of Coins is a figurine that attracts happiness for children, including wealth and health.
  • Imperial dragon with five fingers. This is a very powerful energy talisman. Such a feng shui golden dragon is not often ordered through the store, because it is quite rare and not suitable for home use. You have to put it at work.

Feng Shui dragon symbol: where to put

Most, of course, are very interested in the question when there is already a feng shui dragon: where to put such a symbol so that its powerful energy is fully revealed? It is best to keep it on the eastern side: in the office, in the living room, on the left side of the door. A feng shui dragon figurine can be activated by the presence of water elements, such as a kitchen faucet or an aquarium. If you are wondering where to put a feng shui dragon to improve your well-being, choose the central sector so that it feeds you with Yang energy.

An additional activation of the talisman takes place during the hour of the dragon according to Feng Shui. It is necessary to calculate the day of this creature according to the Chinese calendar from 7 to 9 in the morning local time, put dots on his eyes with black paint. It is important that he faces east throughout the ritual.

The image of a dragon in Feng Shui cannot be placed in the bedroom due to the activation of insomnia and the bathroom due to loss of luck. More than 5 figurines should not be used. The feng shui dragon should also be located no higher than eye level, and there should not be people born in the year of the Dog in the house.

According to Feng Shui, a dragon in a keychain is allowed, the meaning of the talisman does not change. Such a thing can be carried with you to bring changes to life and attract the forces of heaven or nature. The feng shui dragon even through a photo helps single girls to attract good luck in love.

feng shui giraffe

The feng shui giraffe has the meaning of a wealth talisman. It increases family income and saves money already accumulated. Interestingly, not only figures can be used as an active symbol. The feng shui giraffe is also effective as a soft toy, drawing or photograph.

If you have a giraffe, according to Feng Shui, the question of where to put the talisman is not too acute. It is allowed to be placed in the Career zone or in the money sector, and if the animal is chosen as a totem talisman of strength, it is suitable for placement in a favorite place in the house.

Please note that the giraffe does not appreciate haste, he likes friendly people who know how to listen to others and their intuition. Such a talisman is suitable for those with the gift of providence and courageous individuals. The giraffe will help his master to become above all in the best qualities and make him kind, caring, faithful.

feng shui cat

Feng Shui cat figurine is associated with the mysteries of the universe. This animal brings good luck, protects the house from adversity and increases overall well-being. If we talk about a real animal, then the cat is a feng shui symbol associated with the restoration of energy flows. This creature is able to neutralize stagnant energy zones and remove all barriers to the movement of Qi.

In addition, cats and cats are able to indicate to their owners which sector of the house needs urgent activation. True, a lot depends on the color of the pet:

  • Ginger cats help set up a personal life, but do not get along well with dark pets.
  • Gray animals protect from negativity and are useful to people who work with constant risk.
  • Black cat feng shui adds good luck only initially successful people. Those who are deprived of fate are unlikely to gain anything, since dark animals only strengthen the already existing energy.

A feng shui cat figurine should ideally have hieroglyphs to attract good luck and wealth, and porcelain or ceramics should be present as materials. A paired cat in Feng Shui has the meaning of personal luck and drives away loneliness, so you can safely purchase two figurines at once.

Money or lucky cat

Of particular importance is the Feng Shui money cat. It is also called Maneki-Neko or Lucky Cat in China. This is a very popular figurine in the East, because it opens the way for a person to new opportunities. In addition, this feng shui cat drives away evil spirits at night. Such a figurine differs in that one paw of the animal is raised, and the second holds a sign with the hieroglyph of happiness and wealth. Such a talisman is of two types:

  • With the left paw raised, the cat in Feng Shui has the meaning of an attracting symbol. It not only attracts financial flows, but also guests and visitors. The figure can be placed in the Wealth zone, in the office, in the northeast sector.
  • If an animal raises its right paw, it is a guard. This means that already accumulated wealth is being protected. Such a figurine is useful for those who are involved in lawsuits or are afraid of criminals.

There is also a Maneki-Neko figurine with a kitten. This feng shui cat has the meaning of respect. The talisman helps mothers and the elderly.

According to Feng Shui, the lion is the protector of a person from external threats. The talisman brings peace and stability to the family, and also fights well with the envy of other people. This symbol adds fearlessness to its owner.

  • The image of a lion in Feng Shui with an open mouth means a call to submission. The owner of the mascot prioritizes the social ladder.
  • The beast on the pedestal symbolizes the general superiority of the owner over other people.
  • A crouching predator refers to the confidence of a person, develops hunting instincts.
  • An animal in a jump reflects the concentration of the leader and his power.

Where is it better for a lion to live in Feng Shui? Of course, near doors or windows. Animals are charged by the sun and pass all the energy through themselves, transforming the flows if necessary.

feng shui cow

Cows have long been associated with the positive energy of the Earth, and in China they are associated with wisdom. The feng shui cow has a very wide meaning: it is the attraction of material wealth, and overall success, and the achievement of the desired goals. Also, the talisman lures family well-being, fertility, monitors the fate of offspring.

It is necessary to place the talisman in the office, in the office, especially if the figurine is made of porcelain, copper or crystal. Even a picture with animals will do. Usually a large female is depicted with calves, while gold bars may be present. You can keep the sculpture in the northeast of the house.

If the figurine is called “Wish Granting Cow”, it can be activated in the western sector.

feng shui horse

According to Feng Shui, the horse has a very majestic meaning. This noble animal attracts success, as a rule, in business and profession. The feng shui horse symbol is associated with courage, perseverance, speed and fame.

Usually figurines are divided into several categories:

  • Festive Feng Shui figurine horses usually rear up. They bring recognition and popularity, therefore they are effective for creative individuals and athletes.
  • Feng Shui running horses, or, as they are also called, victorious, are symbols of success in careers and competitions. They are also identified with complete freedom, especially if a herd is depicted.
  • A gift figurine of a horse in Feng Shui with jewelry is needed to attract good luck and wealth. It should be placed in the direction of the apartment. And from the flowers, white and gold shades should be preferred.
  • A feng shui painting of a horse where the rider is present rarely has a strong impact. If the animal is saddled by a fly or a monkey, then you can hope for career growth. It is useful to put a gold coin on the saddle of such a figurine.
  • According to Feng Shui, a pair of running horses refers to strengthening relationships. Two graceful creatures are establishing a personal life and work. If they are black, then the power of victory is enhanced, if they are red, luck comes. It is about partnership, and about family with friendship.

Where to place horse figurines

Horses should be placed in the south or in the office on the desktop and walls. Surround the symbol with red objects, sun designs, and candles, but not water elements.

According to Feng Shui, a pair of horses running across the field will be a good gift for leading people. But the image should not look at the window or door.

feng shui elephant

The feng shui elephant is an expression of the best human qualities. He is distinguished by willpower, wisdom and kindness. But its main characteristics are stability and general well-being. What does the feng shui elephant symbolize? High social position, power and energy. With its trunk, the animal attracts good luck and positive vibes, and also absorbs negativity in the sharp corners of the room.

The feng shui elephant, whose photo is found on the Web, does not have to be strengthened in its action. However, it can be decorated with beads, rhinestones, chains in the trunk and saddle area. A picture of an elephant in Feng Shui can also be framed with amber beads or cypress rosaries. Naturally, jewelry Ivory, like similar frames, are not desirable.

The feng shui elephant can be represented in the home in several forms, postures and materials:

  • An Feng Shui elephant with its trunk up attracts material wealth. Such a talisman will save the whole family from waste. According to Feng Shui, an elephant with a raised trunk endows a person with moderation, prudence in financial matters.
  • According to Feng Shui, a female elephant with a baby symbolizes motherhood. The talisman helps conception and improves the relationship of children with their parents.
  • Seven elephants in Feng Shui are very revered in the East. The power and strength of the talisman attracts a full cup into the house: love, luck, wealth. To be more precise, 7 elephants express the completed lunar cycle and give seven blessings at once.
  • If you have a feng shui elephant with its trunk down, it is a symbol of abundance and fertility. There is also a version that such an elephant in Feng Shui has a value associated with longevity.
  • Rhino Elephant in feng shui means very strong protection. This is not only the protection of the apartment itself from intrusions, but also the stamina and balance of the family members themselves.
  • Where to place a wooden elephant in feng shui? Try to compare the material of the talisman with the elements of the sectors. It is useful to keep it in the zone of the east, southeast and south.
  • Many porcelain lovers are interested, is the white elephant a symbol of what in Feng Shui? It should be remembered that this is the personification of protecting the house from negativity and a wonderful talisman for preserving the family.
  • Three elephants in Feng Shui are associated with the unity of heaven, earth and man. Such a talisman brings harmony in all spheres of life.
  • The personification of maximum financial luck is the toad on the feng shui elephant. Where to put such a strong talisman? The best option- a sector of wealth, freed from other symbols.
  • What do elephants linked by trunks mean in Feng Shui? This is not only attracting good luck, but also preserving it. Such a romantic couple in the bedroom will retain the loyalty and love of partners.

Where to place an elephant in feng shui

When you have the right feng shui elephant, where to put such an animal? Best of all - on the windowsill, so that the trunk is directed towards the positive star. You can also direct the trunk to the apartment, but this will mean that there is already good luck in the house.

The Feng Shui elephant is very unpretentious when choosing the cardinal points, so you can put it in any part of the apartment. For example, in the northeastern sector, the talisman attracts patrons to the house. What does the feng shui elephant mean in the southeast? This is the support of the head of the family.

Land animals in Feng Shui often have similar meanings. The specific choice of a mascot depends on personal preferences and the overall interior. Whether it is a huge dragon or a barely noticeable snail, the Feng Shui symbol always works effectively with proper care and attention.

In almost every country since ancient times there has been an animal that is its symbol. Like many other representatives of the fauna, our distant ancestors endowed the elephant with an unusual magic power. Talismans in the form of figurines of this animal can now be seen in almost every apartment. What is for different peoples elephant, the symbol of what is this royal hero?

Feng Shui elephant figurine meaning

In Feng Shui, the elephant is one of the most striking symbols. According to this teaching, there must be a figurine depicting this amazingly majestic and very beautiful animal in the house. The elephant is credited with a number of very valuable qualities that he gives to a person, namely:

  • well-being and stability;
  • wisdom and kindness;
  • reliability and strength;
  • luck and endurance.

It is believed that the figurine of an elephant attracts good luck to the house, just like a living elephant draws water with its trunk. A very small souvenir elephant has the ability to fill your home with warmth and love. To protect the household from negative energy, the elephant must be in a conspicuous place. BUT what does the elephant mean as a symbol reliability? The point is that, due to big size, he is an animal standing firmly on his feet. By this analogy, it is believed that the figurine depicting an elephant has the ability to create a strong foundation for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

What is an elephant for Chinese culture

What is in China elephant? Symbol of what does he represent? This majestic animal in the Celestial Empire is the emblem of supreme power, symbolizing power and great strength. A donated elephant figurine is considered very valuable in China, as it gives its owner good health and long life. In addition to power, the elephant for the inhabitants of this country is a symbol of such valuable qualities as:

  • discretion;
  • insight;
  • strength and energy.

In China, the elephant is considered a sacred animal, and therefore the attitude towards him in this country is special.

The meaning of the elephant in Indian culture

In the Indian pantheon of gods, the elephant is still revered as deeply as in antiquity. In this country, he is given a special, honorable place. In Buddhism, the white elephant is dedicated to the Buddha, because it was such an elephant that appeared to Queen Maya with the news that the royal ruler of the world had been born. It is also commonly believed in India that the existence of mankind is possible only as long as these great and calm animals hold the world on their tusks. Elephant in India - a symbol deities. The god of happiness, Ganesha, is depicted as a man with the head of an elephant. Young girls turn to him with a request for love, and married women- the preservation of the family. Therefore, the elephant here personifies love and fidelity. Indians decorate not only houses and temples, but also public institutions with figurines of this giant. In addition to statuettes, in India there are many images of him in the form of drawings both in temples and in dwellings. The inhabitants of this country endow the elephant with the most noble qualities, such as:

  • prudence;
  • the personification of calm;
  • extraordinary deep wisdom;
  • dignity.

In India, as in China, the elephant is a sacred animal. Moreover, in India elephant - a symbol of the country, as depicted on its coat of arms.

What does the elephant symbolize in African culture

In African culture, as well as in others, a special place was given to the animal world. The inhabitants of ancient Africa not only used in their Everyday life various witchcraft and magical rituals, but also endowed animals living nearby with such abilities. Possessed mystical abilities, in their opinion, and elephant. Symbol of what is this a regal creation for Africans? First of all, among the inhabitants of this continent, the elephant was associated exclusively with positive features:

  • firm character;
  • deep mind;
  • developed intellect;
  • logic and intuition;
  • peacefulness and patience;
  • integrity.

It was also a symbol of longevity and prosperity. There is evidence that the elephant standing on its hind legs was the decoration of the banners under which the soldiers went into battle. But an elephant with a raised trunk was a symbol of victory in Africa. Many frescoes that have survived and have come down to our times depict the direct participation of these strong animals in battles.

What does the symbol of an elephant with a raised trunk mean?

Almost all Feng Shui elephant figurines are made with a raised trunk. Even in ancient times, this beautiful large animal was the personification of strength. The trumpet sound of a voice emitted by its trunk was considered a victory cry. In this form, the elephant is depicted in ancient paintings and frescoes. The trunk raised up symbolizes victory over evil. But if the figure of an elephant standing in the house has its trunk up, this is a sign of the following signs:

  • material wealth will appear in your life;
  • you can avoid unreasonable spending;
  • it will help you to be prudent and prudent in financial matters.

In a word, such a figurine is able to bring stability to your financial situation. Also, the elephant will help you avoid trouble at work. To do this, put a small elephant in your workplace or hang a picture next to the image of this animal.

What does an elephant with a lowered trunk symbolize?

We figured out a little about what an elephant is: a symbol of what with a raised trunk, we found out. But there are figurines depicting these giants with a trunk lowered down. There are several versions of what such an elephant symbolizes, namely:

  • motherhood;
  • fertility and abundance;
  • longevity.

Some do not accept as a talisman a figurine depicting an elephant with its trunk down, considering its meaning to be unfavorable. But this is a wrong assumption. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, if after the appearance of such a figure in your family, troubles began, then this is not because the elephant’s trunk is lowered down, but because you placed it incorrectly in your house.

Elephant figurine - a good gift

Now the figurines of elephants are not only confidently returning to our apartments, but they are also customary to give. Just before you buy such a gift, you need to decide what you want the souvenir to be. elephant, a symbol of what? If you give such a figurine, you need to know exactly what you want to wish to its new owner.

  • If you want to please with such a souvenir a woman occupying leadership position, then she needs to buy a silver elephant. Being responsible in her post for the work of her subordinates, it is very important for her to have wisdom in making certain decisions. It is the figurine of a silver elephant that can endow it with such a quality.
  • Malachite elephant as a gift is ideal for people who want to start a new stage in their lives (find new job, get an education, open your own business), but are too indecisive for this.
  • White marble elephant figurine is an excellent gift for quick-tempered and unbalanced people. This will help them become more calm and resilient, resistant to life's adversities.
  • A figurine of a crystal elephant will be very beautiful as a gift. It must be treated very carefully, since such an elephant is able to ward off all adversity from its owner and protect it from the blows of fate.
  • It is customary to give a golden elephant (or a figurine made of another yellow metal) as a talisman to athletes. He helps them gather during the competition and achieve the coveted victory.
  • But the amber elephant is a good gift for a jealous husband or jealous wife. He will definitely help get rid of his new owner from this negative quality.


We learned a little about what good qualities people endowed such a cute animal like elephant, a symbol of what he personifies. Now everyone is again beginning to believe in the miraculous properties of their figures. Small elephants made by skilled craftsmen are no longer considered a sign of philistinism, and collectors pay a lot of money for old porcelain figurines depicting these and other animals. True, for many, small figurines of elephants in a house made of porcelain, metal, glass or other materials are an element of decor. But most still believe in their power and try to place them in their homes, according to the teachings of Feng Shui. The strongest symbol is seven elephants in a row, one smaller than the other. They are in perfect harmony with the decoration of modern apartments, symbolizing good luck and happiness in the house.

Many attach great importance to various talismans and amulets, put them in the house, performing various rituals. The amulet in the form of an owl is especially popular.

This is due to the fact that this bird has long been considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Many nations idolized and feared her.

The proposed article discusses what meaning is attached to this symbol, how to use it for your own purposes, folk omens associated with an owl.

AT different countries this mysterious bird was given great importance. It has not always been unequivocally assessed. This is due to the fact that owls were associated with mysticism and night.

Physiologically, they are nocturnal: hunting at night and well oriented in the dark.

Watching this bird, our ancestors believed that it:

  • It contains all earthly knowledge and wisdom.
  • It is a guide to the realm of shadows.
  • A demonic creature that serves the king of darkness.

The table examines how this mysterious creature was treated in different cultures and nationalities:

Nationalities What does it mean and what is associated with
Indians Omnipresent, wise, sees the future
ancient greeks Wisdom and knowledge personified the goddess Athena. Symbolized sleep and eternal night
Celts Considered a servant of the underworld, flying for the dead, a witch
Chinese They were compared with naughty children who treat their parents badly, the embodiment of evil, death, criminal activity, a nightmare. Proximity to her predicted wealth
Jews Blindness, sorrow, longing, loneliness, bad news, the devil incarnate
Egyptians Night and grave cold, death
Romans Wisdom and knowledge; symbol of the god of darkness and healing
Hindus Personification of the god of the dead
Japanese Bad sign, death
Mexicans Eternal night and disappearance into oblivion
Scythians Discretion, nobility, silence, wisdom
Aztecs and Maya Demon of the night, all-consuming evil, guide of souls to the realm of the dead
Slavs An unclean bird, a harbinger of troubles, deaths, fires. Keeper of hiding places, treasures, cherished herbs

Now the image of this bird is often depicted on books, medallions dedicated to extensive knowledge in scientific or military sphere, on various occult subjects.

She personifies enlightenment, military prowess, wisdom.

Owl in Christian culture

It was treated ambiguously in Christianity:

  • Among the first Christians, it was associated with Christ's enlightenment and theology.
  • She was endowed with sensitivity, the ability to think and philosophize, the ability to keep secrets, knowledge in medicine.
  • After the second century AD, completely different meanings were attributed; she was considered a symbol.

  1. Satan luring people into a net.
  2. Loneliness and reclusion.
  3. Ignorance and unbelief.
  4. Prophecy, omniscience and foresight.
  5. Night, death and darkness.
  6. A witch that brings misfortune.
  7. Sadness, gloom and unhappiness.
  8. Witchcraft and sorcery.

A different attitude towards the bird is associated with its nocturnal lifestyle, completely silent flight, and the ability to turn its head around its axis.

Burning big yellow eyes, absolutely motionless and soundless daytime existence.

How is the symbolism of the owl used?

The mysterious owl bird covers a huge range of meanings, from positive to gloomy and ominous.

If in ancient times she was treated with caution, now there are figurines and amulets with her image everywhere.

She decorates living quarters and offices, puts on medallions, makes tattoos, etc.

Such symbolism gained particular popularity in the Chinese philosophical current of Feng Shui, according to which a correctly placed figurine will achieve the following result.

Such as:

  • attraction cash flows: the figurine is placed near the places where money is stored. You can buy a money tree with a bird sitting on it.

    This symbol will not only attract funds to the family, but also help to spend them rationally, strengthen the family idyll and well-being.

  • Ensuring stability and well-being in the family: the money toad is located next to the statuette of an owl.
  • Instilling in children the skills of economical and rational spending of money: the figurine is placed in the children's bedroom.
  • Protection from evil: in a room whose windows look to the northeast, three such amulets are placed.
  • Improving the performance of schoolchildren and students - a figurine or image of a bird is placed on a desk or in a room where the child is learning lessons. A small figurine-talisman is taken for the exam.

The color of the owl is very important:

  • White polar - the keeper of the family. Her figurine is placed in living rooms, halls, family bedrooms.

    The talisman absorbs someone else's negative energy and transforms it into positive. But if there are quarrels and conflicts in the family, the owl absorbs the negative, then returns it back.

  • White, with outstretched wings - promotes career advancement, eliminates industrial conflicts, etc.
  • Ordinary gray - an assistant in solving financial and production problems.

    If you put it on your desktop in the office and take care of it with love, you will increase your salary, improve relations with colleagues, etc.

Please note: you can’t make a fuss around the figure, splash out negative energy, behave incorrectly.

It absorbs the negative, and after a while it returns back. Fill it with positive energy.

Folk omens

There is no people who did not make up legends about the owl, attributing magical powers to it. A huge number of signs and beliefs are associated with this image.

All over the world, an owl is a talisman for women: the image of this bird can be found on women's jewelry, jewelry boxes, etc.

Different peoples had different beliefs:

  • Among the Slavs, it was believed that witches, old maids, widows or women of easy virtue put the statuette of an owl at home.
  • Hearing the cry of an owl is an omen of an imminent conception or the birth of a long-awaited child. If an unmarried woman hears this, she will become pregnant.
  • French women believe that if you hear the cry of an owl during pregnancy, a girl will be born.
  • The Saxons believed that if an owl screams near the house, the girl will lose her innocence.
  • The Scots were afraid to see a flying bird in daylight, considering it a bad omen.
  • The British thought that the best treatment for whooping cough in children was the broth made from its meat.
  • The Romanians believed: if someone looks into the nest of this bird, he will be sad, unsociable and silent all his life.
  • Ukrainians believed - to hear or see an owl, for the wedding.

Today, an owl amulet worn by a woman indicates her sexuality, cunning, and energy. Therefore, if you don’t know what to give a woman, give her a charm in the form of this bird.

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