Comparative characteristics of blocks for construction. Properties and comparative characteristics of building blocks

The rapidly developing sphere of the construction industry constantly requires the emergence of new technologies and materials. Therefore, many are wondering which blocks are best for building a house, since they are the ones in Lately are the most popular and compete at a high level with the long-known brick. The emergence of a new type of masonry raw material was mainly due to the desire to speed up the construction process and reduce its labor intensity.

The larger dimensions of building blocks compared to bricks make it possible to produce masonry several times faster, and their relatively low weight greatly facilitates the work. This quality gave a significant impetus to their introduction to the market.

There are several classifications of blocks for construction. Depending on the dimensions of the product, they can be divided into the following groups: small-sized and large-sized. The first group includes products with small dimensions, low strength and heat conductivity. The second group will be represented by products with large dimensions and high strength values, as well as medium insulating characteristics.

Better quality building blocks classified according to the type of material used to make them. The main component of all types is invariably concrete. Only secondary materials and production technology vary.

The following groups can be distinguished here:

  • concrete;
  • expanded clay concrete;
  • gas silicate;
  • aerated concrete;
  • foam concrete;
  • polystyrene concrete;
  • cinder concrete;
  • ceramic.

Defining characteristics and their impact on consumer choice

Considering in more detail all types of blocks for construction, you need to dwell on their main technical characteristics. These are density, compressive strength, frost resistance. They are the deciding factor in choosing the right material. Based on these parameters and dimensions, the correct calculation of the number of blocks for building a house is made.

It is always worthwhile to clearly think over all types of work, since various blocks are suitable for specific goals. You need to focus on a certain course: it will be just insulation, a partition, or a more massive supporting structure. What type of building will this material be applicable to: capital in the form of, for example, a house or a garage, or a simpler option summer shower or outbuildings. And of course, one more factor: how much do the blocks for building a house cost.

Concrete blocks: performance characteristics and scope

This type of blocks was the very first on the production line. It is very common in applications, especially where high structural strength is required. Depending on the brand of concrete used, the following groups can be distinguished:, FBV and FBP.

Exists state standard, in which the sizes of blocks for construction are clearly regulated. This makes it possible to accurately calculate the costs of building construction. The above brands may have a solid structure or longitudinal cutouts designed for laying communications.

The most significant advantage of these types of blocks is ease of use. In most cases, they are applicable for laying the foundation. Thus, when using this particular technology, the process can be greatly facilitated. You will not need to pour concrete, while attracting a lot of additional equipment, you will not have to wait for it to solidify in order to continue further work.

The price of concrete blocks measuring 390x190x188 mm, which differ only in the number of slots in their structure, ranges from 40 to 55 rubles per piece. Smaller sizes 390x80x188 and 390x90x188 mm cost from 25 to 30 rubles per piece.

Expanded clay concrete blocks: properties, advantages and disadvantages

In the manufacture of expanded clay concrete blocks, expanded clay is used as an impurity. It is a porous material produced in the form of granules by firing clay. Such a mixture gave very unusual properties to new types of blocks, thanks to which they won due recognition from the consumer.

By varying the amount of filler, as a result, a block of different strength is obtained. This leads to an expansion of the range of applications of this material. The most popular density is from 500 to 1800 kg/cm³. The denser the material, the stronger it is and can be used for multi-storey buildings.

The construction of houses from expanded clay concrete blocks has a number of positive qualities. Buildings are not deformed, do not shrink, do not crack. The low cost of production is also a plus. The presence of a sufficient amount of the source material and the low technological cost of production as a whole provide the maximum benefit from its use.

Note! Precisely because the production of expanded clay concrete blocks does not require large material costs, many people try to make it on their own using the “handicraft method”. Failure to comply with certain necessary standards results in poor quality material and inconsistency in block sizes for construction. Therefore, when purchasing this product, you must make sure that the manufacturer has a good reputation.

This block also needs to be insulated. finishing materials, and with outer side. This will give a positive effect of increasing thermal conductivity, as well as increase the life of the building.

The price of expanded clay concrete blocks depends on their size and purpose. For a hollow wall block, the dimensions of which are 390x190x188 mm, it ranges on average from 33 to 50 rubles per piece. and directly depends on the number of voids-slits in the material.

The solid block has the most popular dimensions of 390x190x188 mm, and its price is slightly higher, about 57 rubles per piece. The partition view of this type is most often presented in the size of 390x90x188 mm and the price range ranges from 25-30 rubles per piece.

Gas silicate blocks and the main criteria for their use

The construction of houses from gas silicate blocks has become very popular recently. The material itself, aerated concrete, is made from cement, quicklime, quartz sand and aluminum powder by the autoclave method under certain temperatures and pressures. In the process of mixing these components, a large amount of hydrogen is released, which, when solidified, gives finished products cellular structure.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas silicate blocks

The positive qualities of gas silicate blocks are as follows:

  • they have a small mass and therefore the construction will be much easier than, for example, from brick. This property makes it possible to reduce the pressure on the foundation. This means that the skeleton itself can be planned less capital, which significantly saves money;
  • low thermal conductivity will provide a higher temperature during indoor areas;
  • A variety of shapes and sizes makes this material in demand. Not limited to specific size ranges, manufacturers are expanding the range of consumption. The design with additional recesses and groove joints is also quite popular;

  • the large size of the gas silicate block for building a house and their clear, even edges significantly speed up the construction process;
  • the use of special adhesive mixtures for masonry, which are simply diluted with water in a certain proportion, also saves time;
  • gas silicate, due to its structure, is easy to saw, process, lay all kinds of strobes;
  • high fire resistance is in the first place in matters of safety.

Despite a number of the above positive qualities, several negative ones can also be distinguished: the cellular structure of the material gives not only pluses, but also minuses. It clearly reduces the density index, the level of compression and stretching. Therefore, the maximum number of floors of such buildings should not exceed 2. Otherwise, experiencing a heavy load, the lower rows will begin to collapse and shrink. The appearance of cracks is not excluded.

Note! To increase the strength of the walls, experts recommend strengthening the building with steel reinforcement.

Blocks of this type in the size range 60x25x50 and 60x25x40 mm cost an average of 30 to 206 rubles per piece. Increasing the last parameter increases the price. Sizes 60x30x10, 60x30x20 and 60x30x25 have a cost of 30, 58 and 75 rubles per piece. respectively. The most expensive are the largest - 60x37.5x25 mm, which have a price of 210-233 rubles per piece. and 60x40x25 mm - 225-240 rubles / piece.

Construction of houses from aerated concrete blocks: advantages and disadvantages

Just as in the case of the use of gas silicate blocks, the construction of aerated concrete begins with determining what needs to be obtained as a result: main walls, partitions of a two-story array, or insulation of existing buildings. Based on the tasks set, you just need to buy blocks for building a house of the desired density. And also take care of the exterior wall decoration. It should provide not only an acceptable appearance of the structure, but also minimize the moisture absorption coefficient.

Aerated concrete blocks are made by the autoclave method. They consist of cement, lime, gypsum and aluminum powder. As in the case of the gas silicate species, a massive chemical reaction, as a result, hydrogen is released, due to which the cellular structure of the material is obtained.

After complete hardening, aerated concrete is cut into the required size blocks for building a house using a string. Therefore, the result obtained is characterized by ideal geometrically even edges. This is important, since during laying there will be very few gaps at the seams, which will provide an additional percentage of heat.

This type of blocks has another attractive property. Due to its special structure, it can be easily cut with a conventional saw. In this way, you can quickly adjust the parameters and get the desired size of aerated concrete block for building a house.

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We pay attention to the marking: the main selection parameter

Aerated concrete blocks are very popular today. Numerous offers from manufacturers provide the opportunity to use this material not only for walls, but also for ceilings, lintels for windows and doors. A large size range makes it possible to build the entire structure from these blocks.

As well as on other types of blocks, aerated concrete products can have mounting grooves for ease of use. Such a connection will give maximum fit and the desired thermal conductivity.

When choosing the necessary material, pay attention to the marking. It is indicated by the Latin letter D and the numbers after it. These numbers indicate the density of the block. Thus, the most applicable are the grades D500-D900, which, with a size of 600x250x200 mm, weigh 18 kg and thus can replace 20 pcs. bricks.

Foam concrete: the best value for money

Concrete block refers to cellular types of building materials. He has all their qualities. It is made from a mixture of concrete and a foaming agent. The foam is prepared in a special generator and then poured directly into the cement. It envelops and thus closes all the cells in the structure. After the mixture falls into special cassettes and remains to solidify at natural ambient temperature. There is no special thermal effect on this material.

Note! Foam concrete needs to "stand" for an average of 28 days from the date of manufacture in order to finally harden and obtain the necessary strength.

Many developers note the favorable price of blocks for building a house: any private developer can buy foam concrete products. At the same time, they make it possible to easily display, for example, any curly arches or partitions.

When considering which blocks are best for building a house: gas and foam concrete are often compared. There is no definitive answer to this question, but it is worth considering a few points:

  • aerated concrete blocks outwardly resemble a sponge. Their pore-cells are not closed, as a result, they actively absorb and retain moisture that has got into them. In this regard, foam blocks with completely closed and concentrated cells exclusively inside are in a more advantageous position;
  • if a sub-zero ambient temperature is still applied to the absorbed moisture, we will get a disappointing result for the gas block: it will crack and shrink;
  • foam concrete has a lower density, it contains more cells that are filled with air. Therefore, it retains heat much better;
  • for the manufacture of aerated concrete blocks, more professional equipment is used, which makes it possible to have clear dimensions and the correct edges of products.

Foam concrete block, depending on its density in the most popular size 600x300x200 mm, has a cost of 95 to 120 rubles per piece. Naturally, the material with high density has the highest price. If you increase at least one of the dimensional parameters, for example, up to 600x400x200 mm, then the price will be 120-170 rubles per piece.

Which blocks to choose for building a house: advantages and disadvantages of polystyrene concrete

This type of block has recently appeared on the building materials market. He deserves to be popular with developers. The following characteristics are very important:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • soundproofing;
  • reliability;
  • frost resistance;
  • ecological purity.

The manufacturing process takes place both in production conditions and at home. A mixture of polystyrene granules, cement, sand and hardening additives is poured into a concrete mixer in a well-defined sequence, mixed. Then they are poured into pre-prepared forms for solidification for about a day in natural conditions. After 24 hours, the blocks can be removed, carefully laid out on a flat surface until completely dry.

All polystyrene concrete blocks can be divided into two types:

  • with lining. They do not require additional facade finishing, as one side can be made in the form of stone, marble or granite. An important point is the absence of any additional adhesive compositions. This layer of the facing side is part of the concrete;
  • ordinary blocks that are used to build walls. The cost of blocks for building a house from polystyrene concrete is about half the cost of a brick.

A polystyrene concrete block with a size of 600x300x250 mm has a price of 120-160 rubles per piece. A smaller block with a size of 390x190x188 mm costs 40-50 rubles per piece.

Almost all negative sides The use of this type of material depends on the correctness of its manufacture. If the blocks were made without strict adherence to the rules, then the possibility of microcracks and shrinkage increases significantly.

Plus, it is necessary to add special fibers so that the result is a durable product. If you save on these fibers, you get a block that does not justify itself. All this must be taken into account when buying.

Special qualities of slag and its application in the slag concrete industry

The product obtained after a strong heat treatment of any raw material is called slag. It is an alloy of oxides. When using slag for the production of concrete blocks, the material is taken without any additional chemical compounds.

It is important to properly prepare the slag for use. It should be left out in the open for about six months. This will enable natural precipitation to wash out the remains of sulfur and lime impurities from it. It will be good if it is moved several times from place to place. Such an action will also help to weed out everything unnecessary.

The production of slag concrete blocks takes place using slag sand (it gives additional density) and crushed stone (gives additional lightness). In finished products, about 2/3 of cement and 1/3 of lime, plus the required amount of slag.

Subject to all necessary norms and requirements, the price of blocks for building a house will be very acceptable. It turns out a good price-quality ratio.

The main characteristics of these blocks are considered to be its strength grade, as well as density. The following brands are distinguished:

  • M10 - used for insulation;
  • M25 and M 35 - suitable for the construction of partitions of low bearing capacity;
  • M50 and above are used for the construction of load-bearing walls.

Grades M50 and above are used for the construction of load-bearing walls

Pros and cons of cinder blocks

The advantages of cinder blocks over bricks are relatively light weight. Less pressure is created on the foundation and other supporting structures. This prolongs the life of the buildings. Like other types of blocks, they greatly speed up the construction process due to their size.

Cons can be identified even at the production stage: a long time to prepare the material itself, and a long time to achieve the desired hardening index. Only after a month it reaches only 50% of this value. It will take a year to fully comply.

Used for interior partitions cinder blocks have a size of 390x90x190 mm and cost 17-35 rubles / piece. For buildings for various purposes, products with a size of 390x240x190 mm are used, the material has voids-chambers and costs 50-80 rubles per piece. For objects with increased load, one-piece material is used with a size of 390x190x190 mm and a cost of 35-80 rubles per piece. Cinder blocks with the same size and with a different number of chambers are used to build the outer walls of residential buildings. They cost about 34-55 rubles / piece.

Environmentally friendly wood concrete blocks

Arbolite blocks belong to the group of wall blocks. They are 80% wood. Cement and various chemical additives remain unchanged in the composition of all blocks. For proper manufacture, the wood must be dried well, chemicals must be added to stop the processes in the organic matter and for better bonding between the main components.

Arbolit can be produced in the form of blocks, slabs, panels and solutions for pouring monolithic surfaces. All this can be used to create walls and insulation.

They have a number of advantages: thermal protection of the house, high sound insulation performance, environmentally friendly composition, they are light in weight and do not put a heavy load on the foundation, they are easy to process and can be used without reinforcement when building small formats.

The disadvantages of the blocks under consideration is the need for mandatory cladding, since the material itself does not have a very attractive appearance. You should always pay attention to the manufacturer, since many wood processing plants have taken up this type of work. Since this process is not a profile for them, then the quality is worth thinking about.

There are not many installation features for wood concrete blocks. Masonry is carried out in 1-1.5 blocks, ordinary cement mortar is used, reinforcement can be used at will. Experienced builders advise taking drying breaks every 3 rows, as the blocks are very light.

This environmentally friendly material in the price occupies one of the highest positions. An arbolite block with a size of 150x200x500 mm has a cost of about 60 rubles / piece, 200x200x500 mm - 80 rubles / piece. and 300x200x500 mm - 120 rubles / pc.

Straw concrete blocks: is it worth it to be afraid?

Straw concrete blocks are a separate type of wood concrete blocks. This the new kind products that are ideal for followers of environmentally friendly materials. Their production has not yet been widely delivered, many are skeptical about this, but they already have their own consumer.

In the manufacture of straw blocks, it is important to take into account the quality of raw materials. Straw must be, firstly, of a certain type, and, secondly, ideally dry. All further construction technology depends on the quality of drying. If the material contains even the slightest percentage of moisture, then it will not be possible to avoid rotting, flowering, and the reproduction of harmful microorganisms.

Useful advice! This type of block is used only for frame buildings. After all, no matter how much chopped straw is poured with cement, it will still remain a soft building material.

Nevertheless, they have a very long service life, and you can buy straw blocks for construction at very affordable prices.

Construction of houses from ceramic blocks

This type of blocks is interesting in its own way. Depending on the constituent substances, products can be divided into two types: porous and non-porous. The representatives of the first group include clay, foam plastic waste and cellulose. Minor additives burn out under the influence of temperature, after which microscopic pores appear in the structure of the finished block, which provides greater thermal insulation.

Non-porous blocks do not contain any additives. Therefore, they are heavier in weight and have less thermal insulation. Both groups have high rates of physical and technical characteristics. Good thermal efficiency, sound insulation, environmental friendliness, ease of installation are also inherent in ceramic blocks.

They can be used for the construction of multi-storey buildings, the construction of interior partitions, and are suitable for complex architectural tasks. Ceramics by its properties does not need additional cladding, heat and waterproofing. This significantly reduces the cost estimate by eliminating many additional materials from it.

A feature of laying ceramic blocks is the purchase of special glue without fail. The cement mortar has a very liquid consistency, which will fill all the pores of the block and thereby minimize many of its useful qualities. And a special glue with a thickness of only 2 cm is able to ensure the strength of the connection and do no harm.

The second note to keep in mind is the use of ligation of vertical seams with fiberglass mesh. It is laid every 2 rows.

The ceramic block has the following dimensions and cost: 25x120x65 mm - 12 rubles / piece, 250x120x140 and 250x120x140 mm - 17 rubles / piece, 250x250x140 and 80x500x219 mm - 45 rubles / piece, 150x50x219 mm - 60 rubles / piece . and 510x95x219 mm - 67 rubles / pc.

Construction of non-residential premises from blocks

Today, the construction of blocks is very popular not only for residential premises, but also, for example, for street storerooms, a summer shower or a garage.

Consider briefly the main points of the construction of the latter. Most often, construction takes place on its own. Therefore, you need to immediately decide which blocks are best for building a garage? Note that in principle, any kind is suitable. You should evaluate all the pros and cons and choose the most acceptable option for yourself.

A garage made of foam or gas block must be reinforced during construction. This will give the desired density. Do not avoid finishing the walls, and immediately after the completion of construction. Since the porous structure will be filled with moisture and subjected to frost, which will soon cause many problems.

When building from cinder or expanded clay blocks, the actions are slightly different. Armo-belt is not used here, but simply the top row is laid out with holes up. Subsequently, these voids are filled with rubble or concrete. Thus, a reinforced concrete structure is obtained.

In all cases, turn Special attention on the . The most correct would be to lay out the first few rows of strong red brick. A slightly different option: the already exposed formwork is poured with concrete.

Note! Before starting construction, always evaluate the quality of the soil. After evaluating the soil, choose the right version of the foundation.

Building a bath from blocks: a quick guide

Building a bath from concrete blocks is a good alternative to wooden buildings. Considering individual characteristics buildings, select the right type of products.

From blocks: steps 1-6

The most applicable foam and aerated concrete blocks with their cellular structure will strongly absorb moisture. Therefore, it will be necessary to spend not small financial and labor costs on reinforced waterproofing of walls on both sides.

Block walls are finished on both sides. Outside apply wooden crate, in the cells of which layers of heat, steam and waterproofing are laid. Since the bath is the place of maximum moisture formation, it is worth considering the options for a slag or expanded clay block.

Construction begins with the foundation. It is advantageous to use in this case tape monolithic concrete blocks, which are laid on a pillow of crushed stone and sand. A layer of roofing material is laid on the foundation itself. It will act as a waterproofing agent.

Having decided which blocks are best for building a bath, their laying is carried out in rows with mandatory linking. Here it is best to use a special adhesive solution. This will allow you to keep warm. The most common laying is half a block wide, which is quite beneficial in terms of savings.

After the construction of the walls, you need to think about the quality strengthening of the roof. To strengthen the fastening systems, a special beam is used, which is attached to the block wall using metal studs or anchors. This will enable the block wall to withstand the increased load.

Which blocks are better for building a house: the correct calculation of the material

When building any room, you need to choose blocks according to several criteria:

  • determine the most suitable type according to the characteristics;
  • material quality;
  • justified and cost-effective price.

Considering which blocks are better for building a house, their price plays an important role. Having picked up the right quality material, any developer strives to make his business the most profitable in material terms. The cost of blocks is directly affected by the size of the blocks for construction.

Here, acquaintance with the price lists of supplier companies and, of course, the correct calculation of the required amount of material, which can be done using an online calculator, will come to the rescue. The calculation of blocks for building a house in this case will be correct and correct. To do this, you must enter the parameters required by the program.

You can make your own calculations using this formula:

V \u003d (P x H x L) - S 1 - S 2,

where P is the perimeter of the base, H is the height of the walls, L is the thickness of the walls, S 1 is the area doorways, S 2 - area window openings.

Using this formula, you can calculate the required volume of blocks. By dividing this volume by the volume of one structural element, you can easily find out right amount material.

In the construction of houses made of bricks and blocks, it is simultaneously necessary to take into account the amount of both materials separately. After spending everything necessary calculations, you can easily buy blocks for building a house.

From all of the above, it follows that in order to obtain a high-quality building, it is necessary to correctly determine the required material, correctly calculate its quantity and not miscalculate the price. It should be noted that each type of block has its pros and cons. There can be no specific answer to the question of which option is better. Everything determines the specifics of construction and its purpose.

Building blocks began to seriously compete with traditional bricks in the construction of residential and / or non-residential premises. The types of building blocks and their technical characteristics will be discussed in the publication. The article gives an answer to the question of which building blocks are better and how to choose the right working materials. Let's stop in detail and consider the types of building blocks. Traditionally, at the end we will summarize, summarize the material and draw conclusions from which blocks it is better to build houses.

Photo: Building houses using blocks today is at the peak of popularity.


Obviously, the increased block sizes compared to traditional bricks allow you to spend less time laying walls. The light weight of the material makes it easier for masons to work. These indicators determined the popularity of blocks and gave a certain impetus to the growth of their popularity on construction market. Today, building blocks are used in the construction of most buildings.

If the material is divided into groups, depending on the dimensions, we get:

  1. Small-sized products with low strength and low heat conductivity.
  2. Large-sized building material of high strength and suitable insulating characteristics.

In the composition of any group during production, concrete is added as the main component. Only the material and the manufacturing method (technology) change. Answering the question, what are the building blocks, we note that there are such groups as:

  • concrete;
  • expanded clay concrete;
  • gas silicate;
  • aerated concrete;
  • foam concrete;
  • polystyrene/concrete;
  • cinder concrete;
  • arbolite;
  • ceramic.

What to look for when choosing a product

When choosing building blocks, it is necessary to understand what characteristics this or that type corresponds to. Purchase considerations include:

  1. Density.
  2. thermal conductivity of the product.
  3. Compressive strength.
  4. Frost resistance.

These are the components that significantly affect the choice. Understanding the parameters and knowing the dimensions of the product, you can easily calculate the required amount of material for building a house.

It is necessary to think over the types of work, technology and sequence of construction operations. When choosing a material, it is necessary to decide what you need to get in the end: wall insulation, construction of a partition and / or installation of a supporting structure. An important factor influencing the choice of material is the price. Next, consider the scope and performance of the blocks.

concrete blocks

They are at the forefront and are considered the most sought-after goods in the building material market. Since, according to SNiP, all building blocks have certain (established) dimensions, it is easy to calculate how many of them will be required for construction. Speaking about the advantages, we note the ease of their application.

The main purpose is laying the foundation of the building under construction. Single block size: 390/190/188 mm. The cost varies from 40 to 55 rubles. a piece.

Photo: Important is the size, which directly affects the cost.

Products with smaller sizes: 390/90/189 will cost buyers at a lower price: 25-30 rubles. for 1 block.

On the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the properties of expanded clay concrete materials

Photo: Building material using expanded clay.

Hollow wall blocks are made in sizes: 390/190/188 and cost 33-50 rubles per piece. Full body block estimated in the construction market at 57 rubles. Its dimensions are: 390/190/188. Partition block sold at a price of 25-30 r / piece. dimensions: 390/90/188.

As you can see, the price is different, and depends on the size and purpose of the building product. Most of all, blocks with a density of 500-1800 kg / cm 3 are sold out. The density of the material directly affects the strength of the structure.

Using expanded clay building blocks, you can not worry that the building will shrink, deform or crack. In the production of these blocks, expanded clay is used, a porous material that is fed in the form of granules during the firing of clay.

Be carefull!

Ease of manufacture pushes people to self-production. However, non-compliance with technologies and regimes leads to the manufacture of a low-quality product that cannot be used in the construction of a house. It is important, when buying blocks, to pay attention to their technical characteristics. You need to purchase blocks from trusted and reliable manufacturers.

Due to the fact that this type with a higher thermal conductivity, it is necessary to insulate the walls from the outside of the house.

Where are they used and what are the technical indicators of gas silicate blocks

Currently, the gas silicate product is one of the most popular building materials. In its production, in addition to cement, quicklime, aluminum powder and quartz sand. Manufacturing method: in an autoclave under pressure and a certain t 0 mode. The product is in great demand due to its unique technical properties:

  1. Small mass allows you to build a house that will be lighter brick building. And during construction, it is very important to create minimal pressure on the foundation of the building (foundation).
  2. The product of low thermal conductivity allows us to assert that there will be a high t 0 in the interior of the building.
  3. The use of different forms makes it possible to vary the block and show imagination when laying it.
  4. It is important that the working material is distinguished by smooth and clear edges. And large sizes allow you to speed up the masonry process, saving working time on the construction of walls.
  5. Certain mixtures are added to the solution, which quickly dissolve in water. This is another way to speed up the workflow.
  6. Gas silicate can be sawn with a conventional saw on a tree, therefore, it becomes possible to use it in a wide range of applications.
  7. The product is considered fire safe.

Photo: Characteristics, dimensions and features of the material.

This could be put an end to, but what about the negative. It needs to be talked about openly. Gas silicate has low density. Many complain about the level of compression and stretch. What does this mean? The indicators signal us: the construction of houses over 2 (two) floors is prohibited. Ignoring the number of storeys can lead to shrinkage of the foundation and destruction of the building.


At the discretion of the builders, steel reinforcement can be used to strengthen the wall structure.

This type of blocks 60x25x50 and 60/25/40 mm costs from 30 to 206 rubles per piece. Building gas silicate blocks in sizes 60/30/10, 60/30/20, 60/30/25 will cost the buyer 30, 58 and 75 rubles per 1 piece, respectively. The most expensive are large building gas silicate blocks, the dimensions of which are: 60 / 37.5 / 25 mm. Their cost varies from 210 to 233 rubles. And a product with indicators of 60/40/25 mm can be purchased for 225-240 rubles.

What you need to know about building houses from gas silicate blocks

Using this material in construction, it is necessary to understand for what purposes this product will be used. What needs to be erected: main walls, partitions and / or load-bearing structures.

In this case, it will be easier to decide on the blocks and buy them in accordance with the density. Care should be taken to finish the walls with outside the buildings.

Using gas silicate products for building a house

care must be taken to reduce the moisture absorption coefficient. This can affect the "lifespan" of exterior walls and load-bearing structures.

It is better not to take risks and secure the outer part of the building using technical capabilities.

A few words about security measures

Building a house from blocks of different strength, quality and cost equally implies compliance with the technical conditions defined by laws and by-laws. Do not ignore the rules of your own safety during construction.

Yes, corny, pall. But, unfortunately, non-observance of elementary norms leads to sad results.

Do not forget to use gloves and a helmet when building on the "upper tower". You can not neglect the safety ammunition, especially when building a second or more floors.


Summing up, what conclusions can be drawn? Construction, and even successful today, is carried out not only using traditional material: stone. At the moment, other building materials are actively promoted and used in the construction of houses. They are not inferior in quality to bricks, and their cost differs downwards.

Today, the use of blocks, in the production of which different technologies are involved, allows you to build buildings faster, without losing heat-insulating and other positive properties of the working product.

Summing up, it is necessary to clearly delineate the directions for each type of product, which we will do.

Blocks and features of their effective use
Product (block) name Where it can or can't be used
1 Aerated concrete Used for arranging load-bearing walls. Blocks with relief are most effective for building secondary walls. U-shaped are suitable for mounting reinforced belts and lintels above door and / or window openings.
2 Foam concrete Basically, they are used for the construction of houses no higher than 3 floors.
3 Ceramic For the construction of lightweight walls, houses of any number of storeys. Suitable for the construction of external and load-bearing walls, partitions, as well as for filling openings.
4 Arbolite For the construction of non-residential premises and outbuildings.
5 Expanded clay concrete Partitions, frames, fences, outbuildings. They can be used in the construction of three-story houses using a reinforced belt and reinforced concrete strapping.

All concrete blocks are suitable for building foundations and walls of buildings under construction. Knowing the features of each of them, you can most effectively use the working material.

What is better to build a house from (watch the video):

At the stage of construction of structures, various building blocks are actively used. They are worthy alternative stone and brick. The introduction of innovative technologies in construction makes it possible to increase the speed of building construction and improve their performance. Numerous types of building blocks allow you to select optimal materials for structures of various sizes.

Building blocks - what is it?

Modern blocks for construction are made in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped. The dimensions of the elements are much larger than the standard brick.

Types of blocks for construction differ in a number of parameters:

  • dimensions;
  • constructions;
  • the type of filler used;
  • purpose;
  • manufacturing technologies;
  • masonry features;
  • technical parameters.
When choosing blocks, you should focus on the specific purpose of the building or structure being built.

The advantages of most types of building blocks compared to bricks:

  • minimum construction period;
  • reduced labor requirements;
  • reduced load on the base;
  • improved thermal insulation properties;
  • no need for top coat.

Building blocks: types and characteristics

Considering what blocks for construction are, the first criterion for dividing into groups is the nature of the origin of the material:

  • artificial. Production is carried out by mixing mixtures. They are convenient due to the possibility of obtaining various sizes, the mixture is poured into the desired forms, after solidification, the blocks are ready for use;
  • natural. Grinding technology is used for manufacturing natural materials, usually based on various types of stone. They are intended for finishing work.

The cheapest type of blocks for construction is artificial, it includes:

  • concrete;
  • a mixture of expanded clay with concrete;
  • blocks with polystyrene and concrete;
  • gas silicate;
  • foam concrete.

Right choice building materials for thermal insulation properties avoid additional heating costs

Building blocks differ in purpose and are used for:

  • laying the foundation;
  • building walls;
  • thermal insulation of the room.

According to the design, the types of blocks are distinguished:

  • corpulent. They are integral and do not have voids, which is why they have a large weight and increased strength. They are used for building walls and forming foundations. Dimensions of such blocks: width - 30-60 cm, length - 88, 118, 238 cm and height - 28.58 cm;
  • hollow. They are distinguished by the presence of several air pockets, they are less durable, but light and have increased thermal parameters. Dimensions: width - 40-60 cm, length - 238 cm, height - 58 cm;
  • smooth. They are used for decorative coating, as they have a perfectly smooth surface, do not need finishing work;
  • corrugated. They are made with one or more rough surfaces. They are always used for the construction of load-bearing structures and further processing. The main advantage - better adhesion with plaster.

Modern building blocks include various fillers.

Almost all include a certain amount of Portland cement and sand, and are additionally added:

Building blocks are a good alternative to other building materials
  • clay;
  • slaked lime;
  • expanded clay granules;
  • slags of various origins;
  • wood chips or sawdust;
  • inclusions of granite;
  • a piece of polystyrene.

Considering what blocks are for building walls, you can get confused if you do not know the basic selection parameters.

When planning a construction site, blocks for construction are selected with the following characteristics:

  • strength. Indicates the resistance of the material to compressive loads without damage;
  • thermal conductivity level. As the indicator decreases, the amount of stored heat inside the room increases;
  • frost resistance. The indicator is a reflection of the number of freezing and thawing cycles while maintaining the original structure of the material;
  • density. Depending on the level of density, strength changes. More dense varieties are highly durable, used for the construction of walls in highly loaded buildings, but lead to an increase in thermal conductivity;
  • water absorption coefficient. Reflects the ability to absorb moisture. Species with a high ratio need additional cladding.

Building blocks are different types

Expanded clay blocks

The technical standard for the production of building blocks of expanded clay concrete type is GOST 6133-99. The standard stipulates that the group includes heavy, light and fine-grained concretes, which are always made hollow. The wall thickness on the outside is not less than 2 cm, and the weight is not more than 31 kg.

Expanded clay concrete elements are used for the following construction purposes:

  • creating partitions;
  • masonry walls in low-rise buildings;
  • construction of soundproof partitions;
  • organization of natural ventilation;
  • formation of the foundations of wooden log cabins.

For construction, 2 types of blocks are used:

  • front. It has one (side) or two (side and end side) front planes;
  • ordinary. There are no surfaces with a decorative look.

According to the place of masonry, the elements are divided into angular, ligamentous and ordinal. The range includes blocks with sizes:

  • width: 7-49.5 cm;
  • length: 12-45 cm;
  • height: 19 and 24 cm.

The material has a strength of 400-1800 kg/m3.

Expanded clay concrete is a block made by vibrocompression, which includes: cement, sand, expanded clay, water

Polystyrene concrete blocks

The production of polystyrene concrete is standardized in GOST 51263-99. According to the standard, polystyrene concrete building elements made of sand, cement and water always include polystyrene foam granules.

The main areas of application of expanded polystyrene:

  • load-bearing walls;
  • creation of enclosing, frame buildings;
  • home insulation.

The foundation, facade, roof and insulation of the house are formed from polystyrene concrete, the blocks are distinguished by good heat transfer and ease of installation. In terms of thermal conductivity, the foam block is similar to polystyrene concrete elements, but is significantly inferior to them in strength. The density of the material ranges from 150-600 kg/m3.

Most often used for the construction of buildings of any size with the need for thermal insulation.

Sold as:

  • plates: 60x30x9-20 cm;
  • wall blocks: 60x30x20-25 cm;
  • elements for partitions: 60x30x8-12 cm.

Building blocks made of polystyrene concrete are lightweight concrete using cement binder and foamed polystyrene as aggregate

Gas silicate building blocks: types and properties

When choosing aerated concrete, gas silicate elements, blocks for small objects and walls or floor slabs are preferred. At the legislative level, it is standardized by GOST 31360-2007. Gas silicate elements are made of non-reinforced cellular type concrete. Designed for the construction of partitions and walls.

Manufacturing technology implies the possibility of obtaining blocks with non-through and through holes, grip pockets. Manufacturers in a limited edition produce U-shaped.

Production is carried out in two ways:

  • autoclave way. To dry the material, the influence of steam is used, it is supplied under high pressure. The result is high strength characteristics and resistance to shrinkage during drying;
  • non-autoclave method. Freezing is carried out in natural conditions. It is characterized by significant shrinkage in the process of solidification. In structures, it is used less often due to reduced strength, but it costs less.

Which gas silicate block can be recognized by the marking of the batch. During the laying process, installation is not required vapor barrier film if the air humidity does not exceed 75%. Blocks have standard dimensions: 62.5x50x50 cm. Plates are made in dimensions: 150x100x60 cm.

Aerated concrete blocks are connected using special glue, this is facilitated by their ideal geometric shape with an error tolerance of not more than 2 mm

The material is valued due to its technical characteristics:

  • arithmetic mean density - up to D700;
  • compressive force to deformation - from B1.5;
  • thermal conductivity level: 0.08-0.1 W/m;
  • shrinkage during solidification and vapor permeability - corresponds to GOST 31359;
  • frost resistance: for external walls F25, for other tasks F15.

The mass of one block starts from 17 kg and reaches 40 kg.

Foam concrete blocks

Manufacturers are guided by GOST 21520-89. The material is divided by density, there are 3 main types:

  • structural. They are used for the construction of structures with a high bearing capacity (foundation, bearing walls, plinth). The group includes grades D1000-D1200 with a density of 1-1.2 t/m3;
  • heat-insulating. Used in the process of creating a layer of insulation. The category includes: D300-D500 with a density of 150-400 kg/m3;
  • structural and thermal insulation. They combine the qualities of the previous groups, they are used during the construction of load-bearing walls of low buildings and partitions. The type includes materials marked: D500-D900 and density 500-900 kg/m3.

The difference between foam concrete and aerated concrete is that the first hardens in natural atmospheric conditions, otherwise the characteristics of building materials are similar

Foam concrete blocks possess high level frost resistance and optimal strength. Thermal insulation characteristics are due to the porosity of the material, sometimes savings on heating payments reach 50-70%. Foam concrete allows you to create a high-quality, warm and reliable building capable of serving for 100 years or more.

Types of reinforced concrete wall blocks

The most common concrete products are reinforced concrete. It is impossible, considering what building blocks for walls are, to miss the most famous construction option. Reinforced concrete, like other types of wall blocks, has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include high strength and durability, and the disadvantages are low thermal insulation ability and high weight.

Reinforced concrete is made of:

  • elements for the formation of the foundation;
  • blocks with technological holes for laying communications;
  • empty elements.

The material is produced in a wide range of sizes:

  • length: from 880 to 2380 mm;
  • width: from 300 to 600 mm;
  • height: from 280 to 580 mm.

When using them, better performance is not ruled out in comparison with traditional blocks.

Characteristics of reinforced concrete panels:

  • high strength;
  • the minimum amount of mortar for masonry;
  • effective noise reduction;
  • moisture resistance;
  • immunity to temperature changes.

The disadvantages include:

  • insignificant heat-insulating ability;
  • large weight and dimensions, there is a difficulty with transportation and installation;
  • high construction cost.

What are the blocks of tongue-and-groove type?

The growing demand for tongue-and-groove blocks is due to the low weight of the elements. Gypsum is added to the composition, which does not affect the operational and technical parameters.

Main characteristics:

  • low weight;
  • high-quality sound insulation;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • correct shape and size;
  • ease of installation.

Modern plaster tongue-and-groove slabs depending on the degree of moisture absorption, they are divided into ordinary and moisture resistant

Thanks to the clean, smooth surface and perfect appearance, no finishing of the tongue and groove elements is required.

Designed for internal works, usually produced by 2 methods:

  • standard. It has a pure, white color;
  • moisture resistant. Made in green color.

The dimensions of the blocks are fixed: 66.7x50x8 cm. 30 elements with a weight of up to 29 kg each fit simultaneously in a standard pallet. The volume of the pallet with blocks is 0.8 m3. From one pallet it is possible to build a partition with an area of ​​10 m2.

Building blocks - which are better?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer which building blocks are better, because many factors influence the choice:

  • region of residence;
  • specifics of use;
  • technical properties of the material;
  • required strength;
  • construction budget.

Based on specific goals, comparison of materials and estimated cost, a choice of preferred material for construction can be made.

It is impossible to say for sure which type of blocks is better, justification and specific requirements for the planned construction are necessary

Experts advise:

  • correctly calculate the amount of material to reduce the cost of building a structure. A smaller amount will lead to the need to re-purchase, and a larger amount will be useless ballast. It is important to take into account all the parameters of the formula, this should be done taking into account the margin, destruction, defects, the size of the seams, etc.;
  • when choosing aerated concrete and foam blocks, it is important to lay it correctly, since reinforcing aerated concrete blocks is a mandatory measure to increase the strength of the structure. for an amateur it is hardly noticeable, but before determining a specific type, it is worth finding out about the differences;
  • you can cook at home, they are practically not inferior to production materials and are suitable for building residential premises;
  • to keep the heat in the room is better to choose. help save on additional insulation and payment for energy resources;
  • the choice of material is influenced by the scope of use: a supporting structure or a partition. Blocks for partitions must perform sound insulation, but are not designed to withstand heavy loads, hollow options are suitable. Bearing walls are made exclusively from solid elements.

Clear prioritization and understanding of the differences between materials will help you make the right, solid choice. The priority should be in the plane of economy, thermal insulation or strength. Each material is good, but in its own way.

A stone house at any time looks reliable and prestigious. This design easily resists moisture, fire, cold and noise. Today, a large selection of artificial materials is presented, which, in terms of their technical and operational characteristics, are not inferior to natural stone. The main thing is to choose blocks for building a house that fully correspond to the aesthetic preferences and climatic features of the region.

How to choose blocks for building a house

All building blocks differ in the laying technique, manufacturing technology, and operational characteristics. It is important to consider all criteria when choosing a material.

  1. Weight. To reduce construction costs, experts recommend choosing lightweight blocks, which will allow you not to build a powerful and expensive foundation.
  2. Thermal insulation properties. You need to focus on the climatic conditions in the region. In cold climates, it makes sense to use an additional layer of insulation. In regions with mild weather conditions, blocks with heat-insulating characteristics can be dispensed with.
  3. Time costs. Work with large and even blocks is carried out several times faster than brick construction.
  4. Subsequent finishing. The overwhelming majority of building blocks do not require finishing which saves a lot on the budget.

The best blocks for building a house

Among the wide range of large-format building material, experts distinguish the most versatile and reliable blocks with the best technical characteristics.

gas silicate blocks

The material is used for the construction of load-bearing walls, partitions and the organization of a heat-insulating layer. The blocks have a porous structure, the key classification parameter is the density:

  • from 300 to 400 kg / m3 - density allowed for wall insulation;
  • 500 kg / m3 - the material is reliable enough for the construction of small buildings;
  • from 600 to 700 kg / m3 - blocks are used in capital construction.

Note: the higher the density index, the stronger and more reliable the block, respectively, its performance characteristics increase.

Gas silicate blocks are produced in a wide range:

  • dimensions: length from 500 to 600 mm, width from 200 to 600 mm and height from 200 to 300 mm;
  • one pallet holds an average of 2 m3 of blocks of standard sizes (600x200x300).

When choosing gas silicate blocks for construction work, several important characteristics of this material should be taken into account:

  • processing blocks and giving the necessary shape leads to the formation of cracks and chips;
  • operation in conditions of high humidity significantly reduces the service life;
  • material characteristics deteriorate due to exposure to sudden temperature changes;
  • construction work should be carried out gradually, proceeding to the next stage only after the complete shrinkage of the blocks;
  • material consumption depends on climatic conditions, the optimal wall thickness in regions with a mild climate is 400 mm, and in the northern regions it is necessary to double the wall thickness, up to 800 mm.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas silicate blocks



Low weight (several times less than concrete).

Insufficiently high strength in comparison with other building materials.

Material with a density of 500 kg / m3 and above has high strength.

Low resistance to frost and temperature extremes.

Excellent thermal insulation qualities, which makes it possible to save on an additional layer of insulation.

The ability to absorb moisture.

Tendency to the appearance and reproduction of fungus and mold.

The material accumulates heat, thus reducing the cost of heating the room during the cold period.

Material shrinkage.

Good soundproofing.

Environmental friendliness.

The ability to pass air.

Aerated concrete blocks

Despite the similar production technology and structure with gas silicate blocks, aerated concrete has several fundamental differences.

  • The material is easily transported and quickly assembled. Due to the simplicity of masonry, blocks can be used at any stage of construction without the involvement of special equipment. At the same time, installation time is minimal.
  • Does not lose its shape and does not deform during processing and sawing. To cut a block of the required size, you can use a regular hacksaw.
  • To improve the thermal insulation characteristics, which are not too high for aerated concrete, it is recommended to use glue. As a result, the masonry is thin-seam.
  • The blocks are light, do not burn and are made of environmentally friendly components.

Note: the vapor permeability index of aerated concrete is similar to that of a wooden beam.

The main characteristic of the material is density (D). The indicator varies from 350 to 1200 kg / m3. For construction country house it is preferable to choose grades of aerated concrete from D 500 to D 900.

Standard dimensions of one block: 20x25x60 cm. Weight is 18 kg. One aerated concrete block equivalent to 20 bricks.

Advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete blocks



The laying speed is 9 times faster than brick laying.

Deforms when bent.

The factory-made material has a clear shape and a perfectly flat surface, which allows you not to additionally level the surface.

During operation, cracks may form.

High compressive strength.

The material is able to absorb moisture. In the case of storage of aerated concrete blocks on the street, it is necessary to shelter them from the weather.

The material retains heat well.

It is necessary to lay the material only on a solid foundation.

High fire resistance, when exposed to fire, no hazardous substances are released.

Frost resistance, high vapor permeability.

ceramic blocks

In Europe, the most popular and popular material for building houses is a ceramic block. This is an absolutely environmentally friendly material, for the production of which clay and wood chips are used. Inside the block has a porous structure, on the sides there is a corrugated surface that facilitates the laying of the material. The cost of blocks is quite high, so you can build a house quickly, but you will have to pay a considerable amount for speed and quality. The service life of the building is at least 150 years. At the same time, the margin of safety of ceramic blocks is so high that it allows the construction of multi-storey buildings.

Though ceramic blocks presented in different sizes, the height of all models is the same and corresponds to brickwork. This property of ceramic blocks is used for the construction of structures according to the project of a brick building.

A standard block weighs 25 kg and can replace 15 bricks when laying. This greatly simplifies the construction of a house, reduces the time and financial costs of purchasing materials. The width of ceramic blocks varies from 23 to 25 cm, and the length - from 25 to 51 cm. It is the length of the building material that determines the thickness of the future wall of the house.

Note: to ensure optimal performance of the building, experts recommend using blocks with a length of 30 cm or more. If the wall thickness is more than 38 cm, then it will not be necessary to additionally insulate the walls of the house.

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic blocks



The material is highly durable with low weight.

High price. Ceramic blocks are included in the group of elite building materials.

Economical consumption of the solution, it is used only in horizontal seams.

Given that the material is relatively new, it is difficult to find a good specialist by its setting.

Excellent frost resistance.

Brittleness. This must be taken into account during transportation and storage.

Fire resistance.

Well absorbs noise and accumulates heat.

The material does not interfere with air circulation.

Long service life - up to 150 years without the need for repairs and performance degradation.

Expanded clay blocks

This is the most promising building material today, it is distinguished by its lightness, porous structure. A distinctive feature of expanded clay concrete is the combination of the advantages of wood and natural stone. The shape and size of the blocks correspond to the criteria for fast and simple construction. An object of any complexity will be erected in the shortest possible time at minimal financial cost.

With the help of expanded clay concrete blocks, a wide range of construction tasks can be solved. The material is environmentally friendly, made from natural ingredients: water, cement, clay. During operation, expanded clay concrete does not emit substances hazardous to health and the environment. At the same time, a comfortable microclimate for living is always maintained inside the premises. In Europe, the material is called "eco-block".

Expanded clay concrete is widely used for the construction of load-bearing walls and as thermal insulation material, as it has a high resistance to mechanical deformation, compression and low thermal conductivity.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce expanded clay concrete complex shape. The presence of voids inside the block significantly increase the performance properties of the material. In addition, grooves and ridges simplify the process of connecting blocks. Size range of expanded clay concrete blocks:

  • width - 70, 90, 190, 300, 390, 425, 495 mm;
  • length - from 120 to 450 mm;
  • height - 190 and 240 mm.

Special U-shaped blocks are also produced for the organization of monolithic jumpers.

Advantages and disadvantages of expanded clay concrete blocks



High strength. The material can be used in regions with any climatic conditions.

They have high porosity compared to heavy concrete. This can adversely affect the technical characteristics of the material.

The thermal insulation properties are much higher than that of ordinary concrete, while the cost is much lower.

The fragility of blocks narrows the scope of expanded clay concrete. For example, when organizing a foundation, it is better to use heavy concrete.

It has good soundproofing qualities.

Resistant to moisture, chemicals, aggressive environments.

Minor weight.

Wood concrete blocks

Arbolite or woodblock is a building material, the production of which is regulated by the provisions of GOST 19 222-84. This is a type of lightweight concrete, which includes:

  • wood chips;
  • cement;
  • hardener of organic origin.

The wood part of the material can reach 90%, which is why the performance characteristics of the wood concrete block are similar to wood - the ability to accumulate heat, sound insulation and vapor permeability.

The combination of all the properties of wood concrete allows the material to be used in the construction of small houses, load-bearing walls, partitions, as well as for organizing a heat-insulating layer.

Depending on the density of the material, wood concrete is classified into:

  • heat-insulating - density index up to 500 kg / m3;
  • structural - density varies from 500 to 800 kg / m3.

The scope of application of wood concrete extends to the construction of two- and three-story houses, as well as warehouse and agricultural buildings.

For the construction of the walls of houses are used wood concrete blocks with a density of at least 800 kg / m3, and load-bearing walls can be built from wood concrete with a density of 650 kg / m3.

The material has a number of individual technical characteristics:

  • mold does not appear on it;
  • easy to process;
  • it is possible to apply plaster on the surface of the wood concrete without preliminary reinforcement;
  • under the condition of equal wall thickness, a structure made of wood concrete has better thermal insulation properties.

Note: even under conditions of increased load, the wood concrete does not deform and does not form cracks, the material is compressed, and then its shape is restored.

Advantages and disadvantages of wood concrete blocks



The material is resistant to bending, which allows construction without reinforcement.

It requires the organization of good waterproofing of the foundation so that moisture does not penetrate into the material made of wood.

The material is able to shrink and recover its shape. Thus, wood concrete is used on soils that may slightly shift or shrink.

Arbolite blocks do not always have correct form, therefore, special attention should be paid to laying and proper use adhesive mixture or solution.

Arbolite slabs lend themselves to any processing, they can be sawn, driven in nails, chopped, plastered.

Arbolit is able to retain heat.

Minor weight. Construction work is carried out without the involvement of special equipment and at any height.

Fire resistant.

Lets air through.

Affordable cost.

Thus, the choice of large-format building material depends on a combination of factors: climatic conditions, load on the structure, architectural features, personal preferences, and the allocated budget. Large selection of blocks with different operational characteristics, allows you to select a material that meets all the specified criteria.