How to build a homemade septic tank without pumping. How to make a septic tank for a summer residence with your own hands: from improvised means to modern technologies Installing a septic tank in a country house with your own hands

To have some kind of structure in your dacha that would not only collect wastewater, but also somehow purify them - this desire exists among many summer residents and owners of houses located outside the city. Most of them even seek to equip a septic tank with their own hands for a summer residence and are looking for the simplest options for such structures. It is to them that we address our article in order to provide them with the necessary amount of primary information.

The current septic tanks are fundamentally different from those traditional containers that existed earlier and were intended only for the accumulation of effluents, which were later taken out by sewage trucks.

Country "birdhouse", towering over the septic tank in its primary sense

The achievements of modern technologies have now made it possible to talk about the possibility of creating such a septic tank with your own hands for home and summer cottages, so that the water purified in it can even be reused, at least for household needs. In particular, such treatment facilities have already been developed, for example, where water purification is multi-stage, consisting in settling and subsequent clarification using anaerobic microorganisms.

How a septic tank works

How to start a septic tank for a country toilet with your own hands

First of all, you should think about the fact that the use of a septic tank is not limited to servicing the toilet. This facility is quite capable of absorbing and processing all types of wastewater that may be present in a residential building.

Then you should decide what the septic tank will consist of: from factory-made elements and containers, or it will be built, for example, from concrete rings, which we already wrote about. Based on the decision made, it is necessary to draw up a diagram and choose the location of the future structure on the site. This should be done so that all currently existing .

When preparing to cock even a mini-septic tank for giving with your own hands, you must remember that the design of the future system will include several chambers, each of which is designed for the corresponding type of cleaning. All containers must be connected by airlifts (pipes).

Septic tank for a summer residence: price and arrangement options

A do-it-yourself septic tank for a summer residence, as we have just indicated, can be built in two ways:

  • by mounting prefabricated structures;

Installation of a finished septic tank

  • by building from building elements.

Construction of a treatment plant

If you want to initially determine the level of expenses, then they will consist of the cost of materials (a finished septic tank or building elements for its construction) and the cost of performing work. The last cost component - the cost of work - can be minimized if a decision is made to install a septic tank for a country toilet with your own hands.

The price of finished septic tanks depends on the brand and model of the product. If you want to limit yourself, for example, to a simple Eurocube, then its price is from 4.5 thousand rubles. If concrete rings are used during the installation of the treatment plant, then the price per piece starts from 350 rubles.

So, we have provided you with initial information that will allow you to determine the scope of work and the upcoming level of expenses if you decide to make a septic tank with your own hands for your home and garden.

To make leisure on a suburban area comfortable and convenient, it makes sense to make a septic tank for a summer residence with your own hands. This procedure is quite simple if you know how and from what to make it.

Septic tank - comfortable life in a country house

More recently, it was customary to call septic tanks storage tanks in which sewage was stored. They were regularly pumped out of such tanks, calling for sewers with special equipment.

Today, a septic tank is an effective and at the same time a fairly simple solution that makes it possible to treat some of the drains and send them to the ground. At the same time, what is important, no serious harm is done to the environment. When deciding to make a septic tank for a toilet in the country with your own hands, take into account two important requirements:

  1. The cleaning structure being erected must function according to the multi-stage cleaning scheme. It is necessary to provide for the presence of 2-3 chambers for a septic tank. In one of them, wastewater will be collected, and then divided into light and solid fractions (the first will float up, and the second will settle to the bottom). The clarified water then flows into another compartment, in which it is purified from various organic matter. In the third tank, the final purification of wastewater and their withdrawal into the soil is carried out.
  2. The first two chambers should be sealed. This is necessary in order to guarantee the maximum environmental friendliness of the functioning of the septic tank.

If the cleaning structure is being built for, in which people live permanently, the septic tank should be additionally insulated so that it can be used without problems in any season. In addition, in this case it is recommended to make the cleaner more voluminous than when the dwelling is used exclusively in the warm season.

The material for the construction of a country septic tank is usually European cubes, well reinforced concrete rings, brick, concrete, used car tires. All this will allow you to make a really cheap drain cleaner that will serve you for many decades.

Important about the country mini-septic tank - location and geometric dimensions

A home-made device for sewage treatment is best done 5-10 meters from the house and 2-4 meters from car parks and highways. It is not recommended to place a septic tank at a greater distance from the cottage (15 meters or more), as this will be very irrational.

Firstly, you will have to bury the cleaning chambers deep, because the pipes of the external sewage system must be laid at a certain slope - the longer they are, the deeper the septic tank will need to be “hidden” into the ground. Secondly, blockages on a long sewer pipeline are formed much more often than on a short one. This problem is solved by installing a revision well, but this makes arrangements for arranging a septic tank much more expensive.

Pay attention to the fact that you need to pave a convenient road to the cleaning home-made structure. A sewage truck will regularly drive up along it - all the drains of a cheap septic tank, made by hand, simply cannot be cleaned and put into the soil.

The volume of the wastewater purifier is calculated individually. It all depends on how many people live in a house outside the city, how often they use water. According to generally accepted standards, one person consumes about 200 liters of water in 24 hours. It is worth starting from this indicator when planning to build a septic tank for a summer residence with your own hands. Pros say that for a cottage in which 2–3 people live in the summer, a 4–8 cubic meter septic tank is quite enough.

The depth of laying the cleaning chambers is determined by the level of soil freezing and the level of groundwater flow. It is optimal when the bottom of the septic tank rests on sand layers or on an earth formation with good absorption potential.

It is important to understand that a purification device for a country cottage will effectively decompose wastewater only when a relatively high temperature is maintained in its containers. If the structure cannot be buried below the soil freezing mark, it is necessary to provide for additional insulation of the structure using expanded polystyrene in sheets, expanded clay or foam chips.

A brick septic tank is a simple and reliable solution

For the construction of a country sewage purifier, clinker bricks made of baked clay are often used. This material is affordable, very durable and versatile. Let's see how to make a septic tank in the country from it. The scheme of work is as follows:

  1. We dig a 3-4-meter hole with an area of ​​​​about 2.7-3 square meters. A pit of greater depth does not need to be made, since its cleaning can later be difficult. The volume (useful) of such a septic tank will be about 8 cubic meters, which is quite enough for a country cottage, even if it is used year-round.
  2. At the bottom of the pit we make a pillow of gravel and install reinforcement on it.
  3. We fill the foundation (30 cm in thickness of the base is enough) and wait a few days until it hardens well.
  4. We lay out the walls of a mini-septic tank in one brick.
  5. To eliminate the danger of bricks getting wet and water from the soil penetrating into the structure, we waterproof the septic tank with penetrating mastic (bitumen can also be used).
  6. We sprinkle the walls of the septic tank (external) with ordinary clay.
  7. We make jumpers from corrosion-resistant steel or metal.
  8. We perform plastering of bricks from the inside, and then by means of bitumen we isolate the structure from moisture (it is advisable to do this operation twice).

Now you need to put a concrete slab (or other floor) on the mini-septic tank and make a simple ventilation duct. It is made from an asbestos pipe 10–12 cm in cross section, which should rise about 0.5 meters above the ground. It is advisable to additionally insulate the inlet pipe from water. You just have to mount a service hatch for servicing a homemade septic tank for the cottage.

Simple tire cleaning design – maximum savings

If you have no particular desire to purchase a brick, it is easy to build a country septic tank with your own hands from used tires. Its device is very simple. The scheme of work is as follows:

  1. Dig a pit, on the bottom of which a layer of rubble is placed as an elementary filter for drains.
  2. Lay the tires in a slide (on top of each other) and connect them together (pierce holes in the tires and tie them). The number of tires should be such that they fill almost the entire excavated pit.
  3. Run a pipe into the pit through which dirty water will flow.
  4. From above, cover the resulting structure with a shield made of wood or other material.

Immediately, we note that such a simple septic tank does not clean drains well and needs quite frequent periodic pumping. It cannot be operated in winter (at sub-zero temperatures, it literally freezes through). The design of tires is optimal for a country house, where people relax exclusively in the summer and use little plumbing benefits.

A septic tank made of plastic eurocubes is an excellent drain cleaner

Containers, rectangular in cross section, in which bulk and liquid materials, called eurocubes, are transported and stored, are perfect for building a mini-septic tank for a private house. Such a container costs a penny, has a large volume (up to 1000 liters) and is simply mounted due to its low weight.

When using plastic cubes, some important features of working with them should be taken into account:

  1. Tanks must be fixed to the concrete bottom of the cleaning structure by means of cables or tie-down straps, otherwise they will float when your site is flooded during floods or heavy rainfall.
  2. Eurocubes require when installing the bedding from the outside (do not forget to tamp it well).
  3. It is necessary to lead a straight sewer pipe into a plastic container - without any turns. When a bend cannot be avoided, an additional well should be installed in its place.
  4. The cube is always placed on a sand cushion (thickness - at least 0.3 m). Otherwise, there is a high probability of violating the integrity of the container due to local overloads and loads.
  5. It is obligatory to insulate (very carefully) Eurocubes with expanded clay or ordinary slag.

The scheme for the construction of a septic tank from plastic containers is as follows:

  1. We take two cubes.
  2. Concrete pit for tanks.
  3. We launch two pipes into the first plastic cube - overflow and inlet. The hole in the containers must be made with an 11 cm annular cutter. Please note - the overflow pipe must be located below the inlet (at least 20 cm).
  4. We connect eurocubes with a pipe.
  5. In the second plastic container we make a hole and insert the exhaust pipe into it.
  6. We carefully seal the outputs and inputs using a reliable silicone compound.
  7. We place the structure of the Eurocubes in a prepared and concreted pit prepared according to their size.
  8. We put foam sheets on the sides of the tanks and concrete the free space (the concrete shell protects the tanks from earth pressure).
  9. We warm the made septic tank and fill it with soil.

Choose which sewage treatment device from the proposed options suits you in all respects, and feel free to proceed with the self-construction of a septic tank.

The dream of any summer resident is a smoothly functioning sewerage system. To save money, many are trying to equip the sewer system with their own hands by building a storage well from improvised means. The choice in this case is small - simpler in execution, or a multi-chamber septic tank with the ability to filter liquid into the ground.

Obsolete cesspools require increased attention during maintenance - the storage tank overflows quite often. In such cases, it is required to call the sewers or clean the pit on your own. It is difficult to call this work pleasant.

The characteristic smell that curls around the sewer and the need for regular cleaning make traditional sewers obsolete structures that require urgent modernization.

Appointment of septic tanks

The transitional option between a cesspool and a modern biological treatment plant is the one already mentioned, built taking into account all technical and sanitary standards.

Its direct purpose is to settle the liquid with its subsequent filtration into the soil. The septic tank protects the environment from the ingress of substances hazardous to human health. After passing through the process of settling, followed by decay, clarification of drains and filtration of liquid into the ground, sewage waste becomes safe.

Of course, such processing cannot be called 100% effective. If they are drained into the sewer harsh chemicals-, drugs, alcohol, alkalis, it is almost impossible to get rid of them. In such cases, experts recommend installing a volumetric sealed septic tank and regularly pump out its contents, preventing soil contamination. In other cases, it is allowed to install a structure with a filter chamber that does not require regular pumping.

Device and materials

A home-made septic tank should consist of two, and preferably three tanks, interconnected with pipes into a single structure according to the principle of communicating vessels.

The first tank is designed to receive wastewater and pre-settlement. The volume of this compartment is half of the total capacity of the entire structure. After filling the tank, the liquid flows freely into the second chamber, in which sedimentation also takes place - heavy organic fractions settle to the bottom and rot without oxygen, and the liquid gradually becomes clearer.

The third tank is for filtration. Its bottom is perforated. About a third or more of the compartment is filled with any filter material. For example, broken red brick or rubble. An additional sand cushion, up to 0.5 meters thick, is arranged under the tank, providing reliable water purification before it seeps into the ground. Also, water from the third tank can be diverted to additional filtration fields or drained into.

The sludge that has settled at the bottom of the septic tanks must be pumped out once or twice a year to ensure the proper operation of the sewer.

To build such a treatment plant, craftsmen use a variety of building materials and containers:

  • Bricks. The clinker type of this building material is used. Construction requires certain skills in working with masonry. Outside, waterproofing is additionally provided with special mastic and backfilling with clay. Inside the well must be covered with a solution of cement.
  • Concrete. The bottom is poured, followed by the construction of formwork and the erection of concrete walls. The structure is strengthened at the pouring stage with the help of iron fittings. The finished structure is treated with a sealant.
  • Concrete rings are a lightweight version of a concrete structure. Usually, no more than four rings are used so that the septic tank does not sink under its own weight during operation. For work, it is necessary to attract special equipment or use a winch. The seams between the rings are carefully concreted and treated with bituminous mastic to ensure waterproofing.
  • Containers made of plastic or metal are quite a budget material. Especially if used barrels are used. The disadvantages of the metal include its susceptibility to corrosion processes, which cannot be said about plastic. Barrels made of plastic or eurocubes are resistant to moisture and any aggressive environment, they tolerate low temperatures and soil pressure well.

When choosing a building material, you must consider:

  • features of the use of sewage (quality of incoming water);
  • the depth of groundwater - with their high location, it is forbidden to use filter wells;
  • quality of building material;
  • their construction skills and financial capabilities (for example, not everyone knows how to do masonry on their own, and special equipment will be required to work with concrete rings).

Device diagram

When placing sewerage on the site, first of all, its distance from residential buildings, roads, public reservoirs, and personal sources of drinking water is taken into account. The main sanitary and technical standards are spelled out in a special document - SNIP.

According to these requirements, it is necessary to place septic tanks:

  • no closer than 50 meters from a well or well;
  • 10 meters from rivers and 30 meters from reservoirs;
  • 5 meters from houses and roads;
  • a meter from the boundaries of the site and 3 meters from fruit trees.
Be sure to take into account the depth of groundwater! Filtration cannot be carried out at its high occurrence to the soil surface.

The bottom of the prepared pit is lined with a sand cushion (20-30 cm). At the location of the filtering well, sand is poured up to 50 cm. Gravel or gravel is laid out on the sand, and then the floor is concreted. On this reliable foundation, the design of the septic tank is installed. It is recommended to additionally secure plastic containers to prevent them from floating up and being squeezed out of the ground.

Between themselves, wells or containers are connected in series with plastic pipes. Their installation is carried out using tees and sealant. The hatches of the septic tank are insulated, and the settling tanks are equipped with ventilation risers. Ventilation is especially important if special oxygen-sensitive sewers are to be used.

How to make a septic tank with your own hands

As a do-it-yourself design, you can consider concrete septic tank.


To carry out the work, you will need the following tools and building materials:

  • sand and cement;
  • formwork boards;
  • reinforcement for strengthening the structure;
  • concrete mixer or container for mixing the solution;
  • shovels and buckets for earthworks;
  • drill.

The working process

Work order:

  1. The pit is excavated taking into account all sanitary standards - at the required distance from residential buildings and other objects located on the territory. It is believed that it is necessary to deepen it to a sandy layer or rubble. These soil layers will ensure proper fluid filtration.
  2. Formwork is mounted from the boards around the perimeter of the pit. A drill makes holes in it, which will later be used for drainage (installation of plastic pipe trimmings).
  3. Then jumpers are installed (drainage holes do not need to be made in them!) With blanks in the form of holes for overflow pipes.
  4. Sewer and overflow pipes are mounted in a finished wooden structure.
  5. At the next stage, pouring is performed (two parts of crushed stone and sand are taken for one part of cement). For reinforcement, a metal corner, fittings, rods are used.
  6. The formwork is dismantled after the concrete has completely dried. Partitions inside the septic tank (between compartments) can be made of old brick.
  7. The entire structure is treated from the inside with a sealant for additional waterproofing.
  8. The top floor is made of concrete. Reinforcement is used for reinforcement. Openings are left in the ceiling for ventilation risers made of asbestos cement or polyvinyl chloride. A technical hatch is also arranged, designed to remove silt.

Important Points

During construction work, it should be taken into account that technical errors can lead to incorrect operation of the entire sewer system.

To avoid trouble, you must:

  • ensure a sufficient slope of the sewer flow towards the septic tank;
  • avoid sharp pipe turns to protect the system from clogging;
  • equip the slope of the overflow pipes between the compartments of the septic tank (the inlet pipe must be located above the outlet!);
  • do not build filter wells at a high level of groundwater - this is unsafe for the environment, residents of the cottage and neighbors.

Selection of bacteria

To make the septic tank more efficient, it is recommended to use bacteria. Two types of bacteria are suitable for processing sewage: aerobic (oxygen-dependent) and anaerobic (putrefactive). Anaerobic bacteria live in any conditions, but aerobic bacteria are extremely sensitive to oxygen. To ensure their vital activity, the septic tank must be equipped, or at least with ventilation pipes.

When choosing bacteria, it must be taken into account that they are of several types:

  • universal, suitable for any conditions and purposes;
  • living in drains with a high content of fats and household chemicals;
  • used for the conservation of sewers for the winter;
  • used to start a septic tank in the spring.

It is also necessary to familiarize yourself with customer reviews, instructions and product range, and make a choice in favor of a reliable brand.

Such equipment plays a very important role in the waste processing complex.

Do you want to modernize your pumping station qualitatively? Then make an ejector with your own hands! How - read in

If earlier summer residents could not even dream of something more comfortable than sewage in the form of a cesspool, today more and more often lovers of country life are thinking about more modern options.

Septic tanks for summer cottages are much more perfect and practical. But the purchase and installation of such equipment can be quite expensive. Therefore, it would be reasonable to consider the question of how to make a septic tank with your own hands in the country. The device will quickly pay off, and for many years it will be possible to forget about cleaning the containers, because the liquid part of the waste flowing here after cleaning is removed from the septic tank into the soil.

If the scheme of the septic tank for giving provides for the presence of two or three chambers, and it is supposed to intensify the cleaning with the help of special biological additives, then the maintenance of the septic tank will be simplified as much as possible. Such a septic tank for giving without pumping out can be operated for decades.

Requirements for septic tanks for summer cottages

All country septic tanks must meet certain requirements:

  • The design of the septic tank is calculated taking into account the principle of multi-stage cleaning in two or three chambers in series. The first capacity of the septic tank for giving is used to accumulate the separation of waste into fractions. Solid waste sinks to the bottom, while liquid and light fractions sink to the top. This water enters the second chamber, where it is further purified from organic matter. In the filter well, water is additionally purified and then discharged into the soil.
  • All chambers, except for the one where the drains are brought out, are as tight as possible.

Location of septic tanks for summer cottages on the site

When planning how to make a septic tank with your own hands in the country, you need to calculate the location of the structure.

  • When placing a septic tank, the distance from the house according to the norms should not be less than five meters.
  • Roads and parking should be no closer than two meters.
  • But at the same time, taking the septic tank too far from the house is also wrong. Here it is easy to make mistakes in calculating the slope of the pipe system. As a rule, long pipelines are more likely to become clogged. Therefore, at every 15 meters, experts advise equipping revision wells.

Installation depth of the septic tank

Septic tanks for summer cottages are dug in, taking into account the level of groundwater and the average depth of soil freezing.

In order for the cleaning process to be stable under any weather conditions, a positive temperature is necessary. If the design of a country septic tank cannot be buried below the freezing level, which often occurs with high groundwater, then thorough insulation cannot be dispensed with using:

  • foam chips;
  • sheet expanded polystyrene;
  • expanded clay and other modern materials suitable for these purposes.

With proper design of a septic tank for giving, the bottom of the last tank is located at the level of a sandy layer with a high absorption capacity.

Septic tank volume

The volume of storage and filter chambers should be calculated based on the number of existing daily drains. And here it is impossible not to take into account the mode of using the dacha, the number of regularly living people, the features of the system of plumbing fixtures and available household appliances.

If the cottage is used year-round and is equipped no worse than urban housing, then each tenant has an average of approximately 200 liters of water, and a country septic tank can process these drains in three days. In this case, the volume of the septic tank is calculated by the formula:

Volume of containers = Number of residents * 200l * 3 days

septic tank material

When planning to build a septic tank with your own hands in the country, different materials are used:

  • Reinforced concrete well rings;
  • Concrete;
  • Eurocubes;
  • Brick;
  • Car tires and other auxiliary materials.

Septic tank made of concrete rings

This option is one of the most common. Installation is carried out quickly enough, and the volume of the chambers is determined taking into account the diameter of the well rings used.

  • Before installing the rings for the storage chambers, the bottom of the pits is concreted, and where a filter well is supposed to be arranged, a crushed stone pillow is made.
  • Concrete structures are installed one on top of the other. When building a septic tank with your own hands from rings, the scheme should take into account the supply of all necessary pipes to the wells, taking into account their slope and diameter.
  • Future chambers inside and out are carefully sealed with cement mortar, modern coating and built-up waterproofing materials.
  • When the chambers are mounted, the pipeline is connected and thermal and waterproofing is done, the pits are filled up.

Concrete septic tank

When planning the construction of a septic tank for a summer residence, quite a lot of people choose the most durable and durable, in their opinion, option, which is the construction of monolithic concrete.

  • During the construction of such a septic tank, at the first stage, the bottom of the future chambers is concreted, after laying the reinforcing mesh. So that the metal does not undergo corrosion, which is inevitable under conditions of constant moisture, the layer of concrete on top of the mesh should not be thinner than three centimeters.
  • Then, erecting the formwork and strengthening it with reinforcement, the walls of the chambers are concreted and partitions are made between them.
  • Construction is completed by pouring the ceiling.

Concrete construction requires thorough and sufficiently long drying. This stage may take up to two weeks, and in order for the drying to proceed evenly, the solution is covered with a film.

Country septic tanks from improvised means

If the cottage is used periodically and only in the summer, then considering the question of how to make a septic tank for a summer residence with your own hands, you can make a fairly simple septic tank from improvised materials. It can be tires or plastic barrels. It will not work here to achieve tightness and long-term strength, so you should not use the design for cleaning and storing toilet drains. But for a country shower, such a septic tank is the best fit.

Installation of a septic tank with high groundwater

A serious obstacle to the arrangement of country sewage systems of any design are high groundwater on the site. In such a situation, it becomes impossible to clean the drains that have passed through the chambers in the ground. And not all septic tanks will withstand staying in such conditions. But there is a solution to the problem.

The easiest way is to use a sealed storage septic tank for a summer residence. A high level of ground moisture will not be able to affect the runoff and treatment process. The only and significant disadvantage of such a septic tank is the need to regularly use the services of sewers.

A more advanced and complex design allows you to create a cleaning system without pumping.

Typical scheme of a septic tank

This design provides for a sealed container made of high-strength plastic or concrete. The capacity is divided into several chambers, where wastewater is supplied and the already purified moisture is removed.

  1. In the first chamber, where domestic wastewater is supplied, they are coarsely cleaned and divided into fractions.
  2. In the second chamber of the septic tank for giving, anaerobic decomposition of organic matter occurs, here fats and alcohols are decomposed.
  3. In the last chamber, the decomposition products either precipitate or pass into a gaseous state. As a result of this process, two-thirds of the contaminants are neutralized.
  4. At the last stage, soil post-treatment of wastewater takes place.

When using a septic tank for summer cottages without pumping out, in conditions of high groundwater, it is recommended that additional purification of moisture be carried out not using filtration fields, but to build special filter cassettes on the soil surface.

Rules for choosing septic tanks for summer cottages with high groundwater:

  • The safest and most reliable will be a septic tank made of polymeric materials or, in extreme cases, made of concrete;
  • The volume of the septic tank is calculated taking into account the speed of processing wastewater per day;
  • Preferred are horizontal structures that do not require large depths;
  • Possible type of septic tank: accumulative or with the possibility of forced pumping out of moisture that has already been cleaned.
  • The more in the scheme of a septic tank for giving cameras, the better the cleaning of sewage;

If the groundwater at the site comes close to the surface, then some materials in the manufacture of septic tanks for summer cottages will have to be immediately abandoned, since they cannot provide the proper strength and degree of sealing:

  • tire septic tank;
  • a brick septic tank when laying it with gaps;
  • septic tank made of concrete rings;
  • septic tanks with perforated pipes for drainage.

The device of a septic tank from eurocubes

You can make a reliable septic tank for giving with your own hands from plastic containers - Eurocubes. Under such chambers, a concrete base of sufficient thickness is necessarily made, to which the septic tank is securely attached in order to prevent its displacement during the movement of soils or the rise of ground moisture. The plastic container must be insulated with foam plastic and placed in the pit. Then it is filled with water and concreted on the sides. Warming of a septic tank for a summer residence is also carried out from above. Ventilation pipes are brought to the surface.

Since the wastewater in such a septic tank is not completely cleaned, soil post-treatment is required using filtration fields or filter cassettes.

In order for the cleaning of the septic tank chambers to be required as little as possible, and the cleaning process to be more intensive, biological additives can be used to promote the decomposition of solid waste and significantly reduce the percentage of sludge formed.

Video: do-it-yourself septic tank in the country (diagrams)

The problem of hygiene and comfort is always faced by a person who decides to move to a permanent place of residence in the private sector, where there are often problems with the shower and toilet familiar to the “stone jungle” inhabitant. Indeed, in such cases, it is often not possible to connect your housing to centralized communication systems, including the sewage disposal system. And that is why, before building the house itself, most of the owners of land plots also plan arrangement. How to do it, what is needed for this and how difficult is it?

Septic - what is it

Table. The main types of septic tanks.


This septic tank has a bottom and periodically needs to be pumped out. It is similar in design to a cesspool - in other words, it is an ordinary container for the accumulation of wastewater. A design that forces you to regularly spend money on cleaning with the help of vacuum trucks.

Water that has been treated in such devices needs additional purification. The most efficient, but also the most expensive septic tank.

This septic tank is equipped with several settling chambers, in which the water is partially purified, and then enters the well, which filters it, from which it passes already purified into the environment. It rarely needs cleaning.

Cesspool or septic tank - which is better?

For decades and even centuries, people built ordinary cesspools near their homes and in household plots to equip the sewer system (if you can call it that).

These holes have the following disadvantages:

  • fragility of use;
  • an ordinary cesspool is not able to cope with large volumes of wastewater, which have increased significantly over the past decades, because bathrooms, washing machines, dishwashers, and swimming pools have appeared in private homes;
  • complexity of maintenance - too large volumes of wastewater will require pumping out waste several times a week, which can hit your pocket hard;
  • there is a high risk of runoff entering groundwater and environmental pollution - cesspools often do not have a sealed bottom and walls at all:
  • an unpleasant smell hovering next to the pit;
  • problems with neighbors and sanitary inspection services.

All of the above disadvantages of a cesspool are absent from any properly equipped septic tank. It is more efficient, durable, economical, less likely to need cleaning and processing, and there is a special one for this. Although outwardly very similar to an ordinary cesspool, the filtration system in it is much more complicated. Rather, in the cesspool, it can be said to be completely absent.

However, the arrangement of a septic tank must also be carried out in accordance with certain sanitary standards - you cannot equip it anywhere and in any way. A septic tank can now be purchased at a specialized store or ordered to be built by craftsmen. But it is much cheaper to equip it with your own hands. Before you start building a septic tank, you will need to create its scheme, determine the size and location.