How to care for a flower that brings income and good luck to the house? Money tree: how to properly care for it How to care for a money tree has blossomed.

Not many people know a houseplant called Crassula, but everyone knows what the Money Tree or Crassula looks like. And although its historical homeland is Africa, this flower takes pride of place in the homes of many flower growers. So - this is the same plant, loved by everyone for the unusual beauty of the crown, unpretentious nature and its ability to cleanse the room of negative energy and attract wealth and prosperity to the house. In this article you will find useful tips for caring for the Money Tree (Crassula) at home, including during flowering or dormancy.

Note that only a healthy and well-groomed Money Tree has this property. There is a belief that a diseased plant has the exact opposite effect on its owner. He may suffer failure in financial affairs and loss of money. To prevent this from happening to you, try to ensure that the Fat Woman living in your apartment is always well-groomed, beautiful and healthy.

It is believed that the money tree contributes to financial well-being.

However, even with good care, the Money Tree will begin to wither and may even die if it is in a negative atmosphere of scandals between family members for a long time, if its owner or mistress is constantly stressed or seriously ill. Keep this in mind and, if you want the Fat Woman to live in your house for many years, try to avoid conflict situations and do not get sick.

Useful properties of Crassula

Everyone knows that the Money Tree has positive energy. In addition, it still has healing qualities, is a filter plant. Its leaves release phytoncides into the air, which have pronounced antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties, which disinfect the indoor air.

Crassula leaves contain arsenic, their consumption is strictly prohibited.

But externally, the juice of the Money Tree is used to treat many diseases:

  • From sore throats and inflammation of the gums - in the form of rinses. To rinse, take the juice from several leaves, dilute it with warm water 5 times. Rinse your mouth and throat with this solution up to 5 times a day.
  • From insect bites, herpes, abscesses, bruises, cuts - in the form of lotions. For lotions, take a few leaves, crush them in a mortar into gruel. Apply a sterile bandage soaked in this gruel to the sore spot. If necessary, you can make a bandage and keep it on the wound for up to 4 hours. Especially effective for muscle sprains and bruises. Herpes is treated with Crassula juice - every 30 minutes. lubricate their lips.
  • From diseases of the joints, arthritis, arthrosis - in the form of rubbing with the juice of the plant before going to bed.
  • From corns - peel the leaf from the film and attach it to the corn with a band-aid for the night.

We remind you that you can use the juice of the Money Tree only externally. The lack of regular flowering in the indoor flower makes it practically hypoallergenic. Very rarely, an allergy may appear in the form of redness, itching, tearing, or a rash. In this case, this medicine should be discarded. Pregnant women, children and nursing mothers should not take risks.

Care for the money tree at home

Check out our article in order to choose a flower to your liking. Here we will tell you about how to care for the Fat Woman so that she will please you for many years.

Location and lighting

Intensive lighting is the key to active growth, health and beauty of your pet. A place for a pot must be chosen on a spacious windowsill of the south, southeast or southwest directions or near them. Almost all types of tree-like Crassuls, namely, Crassules, respond well to sunlight. The color of their leaves directly depends on the intensity of lighting.

Only in varieties with a pure green leaf color from the midday sun, the surface of the leaves can become dark brown, and its edges acquire a reddish edging. To prevent this from happening, shade such a flower from direct sunlight in the middle of the day with a curtain or blinds. The rest of the Money Tree species are not afraid of direct sunlight.

With a lack of lighting, variegated and flowering varieties may lose the bright color of their leaves and not bloom. For uniform formation of the crown of the flower, it is necessary to periodically turn it to the light source in different directions. In the summer, it is advisable to take out all the Tolstyanki in the open air. Choose a place well-lit, but protected from the wind - there they will grow well, and some will bloom.

If you have only north-facing windows in your apartment, you can’t do without the help of a phytolamp or a fluorescent lamp. without them through a short time the plant will lose its decorative effect - the shoots will begin to stretch towards the light, the leaves will become thinner, fade and fall off.

The temperature of the money tree

The money tree feels good at normal room temperature in the range of 22 - 28 gr. AT summer period it can be taken out to the balcony, veranda, garden. If you do not have such an opportunity, move the pot from the windowsill to the floor - it is a little cooler there. The change in temperature during the day is only good for the flower.

How to care for the Money Tree during the dormant period

In winter, Fatty prefers to rest. From late November to February, she needs to provide a lower temperature: 14 - 16 gr. Move the pot away from the heaters, put it near balcony door, ventilate the room more often (while not forgetting that drafts can kill the plant). Water once a month, do not feed. If you have a heated loggia, Crassula can spend the winter on it at a temperature of 8 - 10 gr. At high temperatures during the winter dormancy, the plant may shed its foliage and lose its decorative effect. Connoisseurs say that Fatty can withstand temperatures as low as 0 degrees. But we do not advise you to do this. But you try to provide three months of cool content.

We remind you that the plant does not tolerate drafts.


It is important to know how to water a money tree at home. The fat woman reacts strongly to the presence of excess moisture in the soil. We can say that the flower needs little moisture. Never flood succulents. Their root system is prone to decay, the leaves will immediately begin to fall off, the lush crown will turn into a bald stem. Therefore, before you start watering, make sure that the pot has drainage holes. If there are no holes in the bottom of your pot, you will have to make them - drill with a drill or burn with a red-hot awl. Now you can water.

In summer, the Money Tree is watered abundantly once every 2 to 3 weeks. Young specimens are watered more often, especially in the heat, every week. The substrate during this time should dry out at least 2 - 3 cm deep into the pot.

If you have an adult plant, you can safely go on vacation without worrying about watering it. The thick, succulent leaves of the Money Tree retain moisture, and the plant can wait a month for your arrival without losing a single leaf.

Water Crassula every 3 to 4 weeks in the fall. remember, that upper layer the substrate dries out very quickly, especially on a sunny window sill through glass, but this is a deceptive moment. Check a little deeper - most likely the soil around the roots is still damp. The next watering is done when the substrate dries out 4 cm deep into the pot.

If the soil between waterings long time does not dry out, which means that it was not picked up correctly or the pot is too large and the problem is in it. Excess moisture after watering from the pan must be drained.

In winter, if the Crassula is in a cool room on vacation (from November to February), watering is minimized. Just make sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out completely. Leaves serve as a signal for watering - they become soft.

Water for irrigation should be used settled, filtered or boiled, at room temperature or a couple of degrees higher.


Humidity in the room does not play a big role in the life of the Money Tree. This plant is a succulent. Its stems and leaves accumulate moisture and use it during unfavorable dry periods, for example during heating season. Subject to regular ventilation of the room, she feels great in a city apartment. If for some reason the Crassula is in a humid microclimate, then watering is reduced to a minimum. And this flower does not need spraying, because this can lead to deterioration appearance leaves and, even - to their decay.

At the same time, to maintain the cleanliness and elasticity of the leaves, they should be wiped with a damp sponge or cloth. Clean leaves are better saturated with oxygen. While the dimensions of the flower allow, you can periodically wash the leaves with a warm shower in the bathroom. Just make sure that water does not get on the substrate, it is better to cover the pot with foil.

The soil

What land is needed for the Money Tree? The soil should be not so much nutritious as loose, moisture and breathable. Suitable soil for succulent plants, which can be purchased at flower shops. It is also possible to cook on your own. To do this, mix 1 tsp of leafy soil, 3 tsp of soddy land, 1 tsp of humus, 1 tsp of coarse river sand, 1 tsp of fine gravel or agroperlite. You can add some ash. Feng Shui lovers can put two or three coins of different denominations to attract wealth. At the bottom of the pot, along with drainage, add pieces of charcoal or activated charcoal to prevent fungal infections.


The root system of the flower is fibrous, rather weak, superficial. Therefore, the pot for the Money Tree must be chosen according to the width of the roots. In addition, it should be shallow and heavy, preferably clay, so that the growing tree does not overturn it. In such a pot, the roots will develop well, delivering moisture and nutrients to the stems and leaves.

Young, fast-growing fat women in a year will need to change the pot - to a more spacious pot. Adult specimens require transplantation less often - once every 2-3 years. AT adulthood The money tree has lush crown and a tall strong trunk. The risk of tipping the pot increases. We recommend that during the next plant transplant, install a support in the pot, to which you tie the flower.

Pay special attention to the drainage layer. Crassula is a very sensitive plant to an excess of moisture, so a good drainage layer in a pot is a must. As a drainage, you can use any non-rotting material - expanded clay, stone, pebbles, cork. Before use, disinfect them.

top dressing

The money tree needs to be fed only during the active growth of stems and leaves - from late spring to mid-August. Enough three prikormok for this time. Preference should be given to fertilizers for cacti or succulents. In order not to damage the root system, top dressing should be applied in liquid form some time after the main watering.

If the flower was transplanted into a new substrate in the spring, it should not be fed this season. In winter, the plant is also not fed.


The best time for transplanting fat women is autumn or the end of March - April. Young trees are transplanted annually, adults - after two to three years.

So how do you transplant a money tree? If the time has come, take the flower out of the old pot. Examine its root system. Cut off broken, rotten or too long roots with a sterile instrument. Sprinkle the cuts with crushed activated charcoal. Leave the tree for several hours in the air - let the wounds dry and tighten. Only then proceed to landing in new pot.

If you did not find any visible damage to the root system, do not disturb the earthen ball, but simply transfer the plant along with the earth into a new pot, which already has a drainage layer and some fresh substrate. Cover all the roots with fresh soil so that there are no voids left in the pot. Do not deepen the root collar. Lightly compact the substrate and water.

When buying a plant in a store, do not rush to immediately transplant it into a new pot upon arrival home. Let him live with you for a couple of weeks in a shipping container, in a warm, well-lit place. Let him adapt to the new conditions. At this time, exclude any negative impact on the tree, surround it with attention and love. Remember that it is very important for a young Money Tree to feel the positive energy of the room. Only after that you can start transplanting.

If it becomes necessary to transplant an adult large plant with a thick trunk and a heavy crown, prepare a wider ceramic pot for it, put two or three stones on the bottom of it to make the pot heavier, make it more stable and prevent the flower from falling. Use the transplant to establish a support in the pot and tie the stem to it. After transplanting, while the root system is fixed in a new pot, cover the stem of the tree over the substrate with large stones to prevent the Crassula from falling on its side. Put the flower in partial shade for a week and do not disturb it, let the roots become fixed in the substrate. Then the stones must be removed.

How to form the crown of the Fat Woman

If the flower has already reached the size you need, and you do not need the Money Tree to continue growing, stop transplanting it into a larger pot. Just change the top layer of the substrate in the old pot every year.

The crown of the Fat Woman itself is formed in the form of a tree. But you need to know how to prune the Money Tree at home, because some side branches will grow so much that they will break under the weight of their own weight. The result is a tree of a completely unsightly shape. If you start pruning a young plant in a timely manner, you can form a neat and beautiful mini-tree of the original look.

Start forming the Money Tree in infancy, when the stem and shoots are gray-green in color, and the cuts do not leave marks on them. When pruning an adult tree, stumps remain in the pinching places, which spoil decorative look flower.

The essence of crown formation is to first remove the lateral processes until the tree grows to the desired height: the bare stem should be about 15 cm, and the whole plant 25 - 30 cm in height. Now you need to pinch off or cut off the top of the head with two upper leaves. After a while, four leaves will appear in their place. So go ahead. As your tree grows, pinch off the top bud where you want new shoots.

Try to have no more than four pairs of leaves on each branch of the Money Tree. If you missed the moment, and 6-7 pairs of leaves formed on the branch, pruning above the growth point of the fourth pair of leaves will help. Sprinkle the cut with crushed coal or cinnamon powder. To avoid bending branches to one side, often turn the flower to the light with different sides.

The money tree belongs to the tree form of Crassula, grows in the form of a tree and gradually sheds leaves at the bottom of the woody trunk.

This is what your tree should look like: the stem is thick, grey-green. Over time, it becomes woody from below. From above it is decorated with a neat crown of thick leaves of dark green or silver color, with a glossy surface, with a reddish edging or spots of the same tone. The height of the flower can be whatever you want - from 50 cm to one and a half meters.

You can also make the Money Tree look like a bonsai. It will take some time, perhaps more than one year. First, you should grow a strong tree, in which the trunk will reach the thickness you need. Then you will radically cut it off and patiently wait for new branches to grow. At these branches, you will cut off almost all the leaves - leave only those that are at the very ends. So, gradually, you will form the desired crown of your pet, and the Money Tree will be the main decoration of your interior.


Crassula (Money tree) rarely blooms at home and only in adulthood (about 10 years). With a high degree of probability, only ideal conditions of detention will be able to move Crassula to bloom: intense lighting all year round, long cold wintering and regular plant transplantation in new ground. If a miracle happens, then in the spring you can see how the Money Tree will bloom. Flowering will continue for two to three months.

This is how the money tree blooms

Numerous flowers, collected in loose inflorescences in the form of umbrellas, will appear at the ends of young mature shoots (therefore, pinching and pruning in order to form a crown must be done in early spring so that after pruning these shoots appear, so that they grow over the summer and ripen until autumn, when the laying of flower buds for flowering next year begins). The flowers of the Money tree are very small, in the form of stars. white color with a pinkish or greenish tint.

A flowering tree will exude a strong sweet fragrance throughout the flowering period. Faded inflorescences should be removed so that the plant does not waste energy on the formation and cultivation of seeds. Try to properly care for your beautiful Crassula, and we hope that she will delight you with beautiful flowering.

Reproduction of the money tree

Propagation by cuttings and leaves

Most often, the fat woman is propagated using cuttings. Even an accidentally broken twig can suit you as a planting material. We recommend that if propagation is necessary, do not break the branches, but carefully cut the stem or leaf cutting with a clean knife. Powder the cut site with crushed activated charcoal to exclude infection. Allow time for the wound to air dry. The fat woman has poisonous leaves, so put the stalk in a place where animals and children cannot get it.

Then, place the cutting for rooting in a slightly damp substrate to a depth of 5 cm. If you root a leaf, the depth of its immersion in the substrate should be 1 cm. It is better to carry out this operation in the spring, in March - April. It’s good if you arrange a mini-greenhouse for seedlings. Use a mixture of peat and sand as a substrate. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated, moisten the soil with a small spray gun if necessary. Maintain the rooting temperature within 18 - 22 gr. Usually, the rooting of the cuttings is quick and without problems. How to plant a shoot of a money tree? As soon as you see that your young tree has begun to grow, develop, has reached 10 cm, transplant it into a pot of a suitable size, put it in a well-lit place in partial shade and take care of it like an adult plant.

Very often, cuttings are rooted in a glass of warm settled water. To prevent the stem from rotting, a tablet of activated charcoal is added to the water. And in order for the roots to appear faster, a solution of a root formation stimulator is dripped there, for example, Kornevin or Zircon. After the appearance of stable roots, the stalk can be transplanted into its own pot.

Propagation with seeds

Another way to propagate the Money Tree is with the help of seeds. This method is less common and less effective. If you decide to get your copy of Fat Woman in this way, we will help you. Prepare the substrate for succulents, container, seeds. Put a layer of moist soil on the bottom of the container, put the Crassula seeds on it, cover the lid. If necessary, ventilate and moisten the substrate with a small spray bottle with warm water. The best time sowing seeds - February. After two weeks, wait for the first shoots to appear. After the mass appearance of sprouts, move the greenhouse to a bright, warm place and organize additional lighting so that they do not stretch. Start opening the lid of the container, first for a while, and then completely remove it. As soon as the sprouts get stronger, they can be transplanted into separate small pots. In the first year, the plant is not satisfied with the dormant period - let it grow and gain strength.

Diseases of the money tree

Fatty is extremely rarely sick. She has a pretty strong immune system. However, if you strongly neglect the rules of her room content, she will get sick. Let's consider some such cases.

  • If brown spots appear on the leaves of the plant, if the leaves begin to rot, these are signs fungal disease. The reason is the excessive humidity of the air and the substrate. For the same reason, the Money tree may experience leaf fall, it may become bald in a short time. Treat the affected plant with a fungicide containing copper. Adjust the frequency of watering and the quality of the water used.

  • Why do the leaves of the money tree fall? Sudden shedding of leaves during the summer season indicates that you are not watering the plant enough or watering too much. cold water. If the Fat Woman sheds leaves every two to three years for no apparent reason - this is the norm.

  • If the leaves of the flower are covered with black spots, pay attention to the location of the pot. If it stands in the sun - for sure, the plant received a sunburn. Move it to another place or shade it. If the Fat Woman spent her rest period in a dark place, then in the spring solar lighting it needs to be taught again, gradually.
  • If the Money Tree began to dry and wither, this is a sign of suffocation. The plant is hot. Take it to fresh air or ventilate the room, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, spray the surrounding air with cool water.
  • Why is the money tree not growing? Perhaps a transplant into a larger pot is required. Perhaps you have not fed the plant for a long time. It is possible that insect pests have wound up in the roots. Perhaps the roots simply rotted from frequent and abundant watering. Either way, transplant the Money Tree into a new pot and new substrate. If you find pests, pre-treat the roots with some kind of insecticide: actara, fitoverm, actellik. If there are no living roots, the plant cannot be saved. Try rooting its shoots or leaves.
  • If brown spots form on the leaves, most likely these are dry, healed wounds from insect pests. Cosmetic defect, but nothing dangerous.
  • From excess moisture, the stem of the plant may darken. Stop watering for a while. After a couple of weeks, the substrate and the roots in it will dry out well, and the Fat Woman can recover. If the flower still disappears, take it out of the pot, inspect the roots. If they are all black and soft, the flower cannot be saved. Cut off the top and try to root it. If only part of the roots is affected, remove them and all rotten parts of the plant. Treat with a fungicide or crushed charcoal. Plant in a new container with a new substrate. And keep an eye on watering.
  • The roots may partially die off with a long absence of watering in the hot season (for example, the owners were on vacation). When watering is resumed, the plant will almost certainly grow new roots if no root rot has occurred.
  • If the leaves of the Money Tree have become soft, have lost turgor, then this is similar to insufficient watering or lack of nutrients in the soil. Rather, water the plant with warm settled water. After watering, if necessary, fertilize with fertilizer for cacti or succulents.
  • If you water regularly, the substrate is constantly wet, and the leaves wither and turn yellow, then the problem is in the root system of the flower. Most likely the roots are starting to rot. This can happen for several reasons:
  1. from an excess of moisture in the soil;
  2. from improperly selected substrate;
  3. from watering with cold tap water;
  4. from too large a pot in a plant.
  • If the Flower began to stretch or fall on one side, it means that it lacks lighting. If you do not take action, over time the stem of the plant will bend, and it may break and die.
  • If the trunk of the Fat Woman began to thin out, the lower leaves fall off - check temperature regime flower content, the presence of drafts and the frequency of watering. In addition, fresh indoor air is extremely important for the plant - do not forget to ventilate regularly. In the warm season, take the plant outdoors. And never water the plant with cold tap water.

If you notice in time that Fatty is not healthy, try to cure her. Take the flower out of the pot. Release the roots from the substrate. If necessary, rinse them under water. Examine the roots. Cut off the rotted areas with a clean tool. Treat wounds with crushed activated charcoal or cinnamon powder. If the damage is severe, treat with a suitable fungicide. Hold the treated plant for some time in the air - let the wounds heal. Then plant the flower in a new pot suitable for the size of the root system in a new soil for succulents. Adjust the frequency of watering. Use only settled or boiled water. We hope that you will be able to save your Money Tree.


In any case, the appearance of insects is a very alarming signal. They multiply rapidly, form huge colonies, suck juices from leaves and stems. We recommend using special preparations - insecticides, such as actara, actellik, fitoverm and others, of which there are a huge number in specialty stores. Read the instructions for using each drug. Perhaps one time will not be enough to get rid of all the individuals, their larvae and eggs.


In this article, we talked about how to grow a money tree beautiful and healthy. If you master the simple rules for caring for a Fat Woman - you will give her time to drink, feed, bathe, do her hair (cutting), change her outfits (pots) and take her out into nature, the flower will give you all its best decorative and healing qualities, become a healer and decoration of your home, a talisman of its well-being and financial condition for many years. In some families, money trees delight more than one generation of households.

The botanical names of the plant are Crassula or Crassula. This is a fairly large beautiful succulent with fleshy leaves that improves the microclimate in the house due to the intense absorption of carbon dioxide.

What does a fat woman look like

Belongs to the Crassulaceae family. In the wild, it is found mainly in Africa. Several species are grown in pot culture, but the tree-like fat woman, the money tree, is the most widespread.

It is distinguished by a thick, lignified trunk over time. In the upper part, a crown is formed of thick, rounded, dense leaves of small size. In shape, the leaves resemble coins, which explains the popular name of the flower.

In nature, it grows as a fairly large shrub or tree. In the apartment, the height of the fat woman does not exceed one and a half meters. Only adult specimens from the age of eight years bloom. At home, Crassula rarely blooms, but good care you can still achieve the formation of buds. The flowers are not large, but beautiful - pale pinkish or white.

If you do not have a fat woman, there are two reasons: the plant is too young or you are not caring for it properly. In the reviews, flower growers share their experience - in summer, a fat woman should be put out on the street or on a balcony, in winter - kept cool and reduce watering. A large role in flowering is played by timely top dressing with balanced fertilizers.

Tips on how to care for a money tree are easy to remember. Crassula is considered a fairly unpretentious plant - it easily withstands missed watering, adapts to the dry air of city apartments. But for flowering, carefully selected conditions, balanced top dressing, regulated watering are needed.

  • Lighting. The fat woman is quite demanding on the degree of illumination, but she cannot stand the direct sun. If possible, the pot is placed on the southeast side. In winter, it is better to keep the plant on the south window. If it is impossible to provide full-fledged natural lighting, additional lighting will be organized.
  • Temperature . In warm weather, the recommended temperature level is 20-25°C. Higher temperatures are undesirable - the fat girl does not withstand the heat. In winter, the temperature is reduced to 10-15°C. The room is ventilated daily. Wintering in warmth weakens the money tree, prevents the formation of flower buds in adult plants.
  • Watering. If you water the money tree correctly, you can avoid common problems- rotting and falling of leaves. In summer, in warm weather, you need up to two waterings. The average interval between watering is three days, but it can be increased or decreased depending on the temperature in the room and soil characteristics. Soil moisture is systematically checked - the substrate must always remain moist, but not damp. They also try to prevent drying out - with a prolonged drought, the plant will not die, but will shed its leaves. In winter, subject to a cool content, the frequency of watering is reduced to two times a month.
  • Humidity . The fat woman reacts normally to dry air, does not need an artificial increase in humidity. But spraying is beneficial - the leaves are cleaned of dust, they look better. Periodically, you can arrange a warm shower for a fat woman. The soil in the pot is covered with polyethylene so as not to overmoisten it.
  • The soil . You need to start caring for a fat woman after purchase immediately, and the first step is to replace the soil. The fat woman is planted in loose, light soil containing sand. It is allowed to use ready-made store soil for succulents. But it is better to take deciduous land with the addition of sand and peat. To neutralize acidity, clay and wood ash are mixed into the substrate.
  • Transplant. It is difficult to transplant a money tree into another pot so as not to touch the roots. Therefore, you can transplant once every three years, only when absolutely necessary. Frequent transplants harm the plant. Transplanted in the spring, be sure to provide good drainage.
  • Top dressing. Apply standard fertilizer for succulents. During the growth period, they are applied no more than twice a month; during winter dormancy, the intervals between top dressings are doubled. The concentration is taken half as much as indicated in the instructions. Feed after pre-watering. Applying fertilizer on top of dry soil is fraught with a chemical burn of the roots.
  • Pot. The fat woman is not planted in large spacious pots. A large volume of soil accelerates the growth of the plant, makes it difficult to form, and increases the likelihood of root rot. The trunk grows unevenly and stretches. Choose a wide and low pot, slightly larger than the root system.

If it was possible to achieve the formation of buds, take into account the peculiarities of caring for the money tree during flowering. To keep the flowers longer, set a moderate temperature, the plant is protected from sunlight. They try not to disturb the flower pot - it is not necessary to transfer and turn it. Constantly monitor the condition of the soil. It must always remain moist - drying out of the root system will lead to the dropping of buds and flowers.

Features of breeding Crassula

Like other succulents, the crassula can be propagated vegetatively and by seeds. The vegetative method is considered simpler and more effective. When using any method, you must adhere to certain rules.


Vegetative propagation is simple, gives good results - cuttings take root easily, grow quickly. To achieve a high survival rate of cuttings, the rooting process is carried out in four stages.

  1. Use apical cuttings from adult branches. Can be neatly cut large sheet- it will also take root. The harvested cuttings are left to dry for several days.
  2. Peat or hardwood mixed with coarse sand. Calcined in the oven or in a pan, poured with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The container is filled with a substrate, the prepared cuttings are slightly deepened into it.
  3. Each cutting is covered with a glass. Or pull polyethylene on the container to create greenhouse conditions. Every day, the film is removed for 15 minutes, ventilated, if necessary, moisten the soil from the spray gun.
  4. After the appearance of signs of growth, the shelter is removed.. After a couple of weeks, the strengthened cuttings are planted in separate pots.

You can root the branches of a fat woman in water, but the likelihood of rotting of the cut increases. The addition of an activated charcoal tablet helps prevent rot. It is recommended to change the water more often.

Growing from seed

More laborious and lengthy process. Seedlings from seeds grow for a long time - complete ornamental plant of them is obtained only after a few years. The procedure is carried out in four steps.

  1. Peat mixed with coarse sand. In equal proportions. Drainage holes are made in the container, filled with a moistened substrate.
  2. Seeds are sown without pre-soaking. They do not bury - just sprinkle a little with the same soil or sand.
  3. The container is tightened with polyethylene or cling film. Put in a moderately warm, bright place. The film is regularly removed to ventilate the greenhouse, the drying substrate is sprayed with a spray bottle.
  4. They are seated. After the appearance of several true leaves, the seedlings can be planted in a larger container - a box filled with light fertile soil. When the seedlings grow to 7 cm, they are re-seated in separate pots.

In order for the plant to form a beautiful, lush crown, you need to cut the money tree. After the appearance of the third pair of leaves on the shoot, it is recommended to pin the growth point. Formation begins early - as soon as the seedling reaches a height of 10–15 cm. After the first pinching, they begin to grow side shoots. As they grow up, they are systematically pinched. Some flower growers form a bonsai from a fat woman - a Japanese-style bonsai.

Common Care Mistakes

Crassula - easy to grow, unpretentious plant. If you follow the basic rules of care, there are no problems with it. An unregulated irrigation regime, unsystematic fertilization, and the absence of a dormant period lead to a decrease in decorativeness. Common problems and their solutions are shown in the table.

Table - Problems of growing a fat woman

External signsPossible reasonSolutions
The fat woman dries, the foliage crumbles- Prolonged lack of watering;
- waterlogging;
- small pot size
- Transplant the fat woman into another pot;
- carefully examine the root system, cut off rotten or dry roots;
- normalize watering regime
Dry brown spots appear- Lack of moisture in the soil- Watered regularly, only with warm water
The leaves become soft, there is a general lethargy of the plant- Lack of drainage;
- dense soil;
- excessive watering
- Dry the earthen clod;
- in case of unsatisfactory condition of the soil, they are transplanted;
- water regularly but moderately
White dots appear on the leaves- Excessive watering at high humidity- Reduce air humidity;
- water sparingly
Leaves turn pale and fall- Systematic waterlogging of the soil;
- application of high doses of fertilizers;
- a consequence of stress;
- low water temperature for irrigation;
- irregular watering
- Adjust the mode of care;
- top dressing is temporarily stopped, further fertilizers are applied in a low concentration
The plant turns pale, stretches- Lack of light;
- abundant watering in winter
- The plant is placed in a brighter place, additional lighting is organized;
- dry the earthen ball
Fat girl grows slowly- Lack of nutrients;
- insufficient lighting;
- dormant period
- Adjust care conditions, fertilize regularly
Leaves turn reddish- Lack of nutrients;
- stagnant air in the room;
- exposure to direct sunlight
- The money tree is shaded;
- make a balanced mineral complex in a reduced dosage;
- the room is regularly ventilated
A silver lining appears- Restoration of the money tree after stress- watching the plant
The leaves are wrinkling- Abundant watering after a long drought- Avoid moisture fluctuations

Diseases and their treatment

The main diseases of the fat woman are fungus and rot, which appear as a result of excessive watering. Treatment will be effective only with timely measures taken. Very often you have to root cuttings from healthy branches to replace the plant. The symptoms of the most common diseases and how to treat them can be seen in the table.

Table - Diseases of the fat woman

Name and cause of the diseaseExternal manifestationsMethods of treatment
Powdery mildew (fungus)- Yellow spots and powdery coating appear on the leaves;
- leaves dry and fall
- All affected leaves and shoots are pruned;
- change the top layer of soil;
- sprayed with Topaz or Previkur
Soot fungus (develops on sticky secretions of insects)- Black spots appear, similar to soot- Inspect the plant for pests, treat with insecticides;
- the affected leaves are removed;
- treated with fungicide
Gray rot (fungus)- Softened areas appear on the stems;
- a gray fluffy coating is formed
- Affected leaves and stems are cut out;
- transplanted with the treatment of the roots with a fungicide;
- reduce the frequency of watering and air humidity;
- repeatedly sprayed with Teldor
Anthracnose (fungus)- Dark spots appear with a purple border;
-leaves turn brown, dry and fall off
- Cut off the affected shoots completely;
- treated with preparations "Skor", "Previkur"
Stem and root rot- The leaves and trunk turn yellow, the fat woman looks oppressed;
- softened areas appear on the trunks;
- Root system rots
- The fat woman is removed from the pot, all affected areas are cut off;
- transplanted into sterile soil;
- watering is reduced;
- carry out regular treatments with fungicides;
- Root cuttings in case of death of the plant

Table - Crassula pests

Name of the pestThe first signs of damageInsect control methods
Shchitovka- Rigid brownish plaques appear;
- sticky drops form on the stems;
- the leaves turn yellow, the plant weakens
- The shield is removed mechanically: with a toothbrush or tweezers;
- wipe the affected areas with alcohol;
- treated with the drug "Aktellik"
spider mite- Small yellowish dots appear on the leaves;
- leaves turn yellow, fall off,
- insects braid the bush with a thin cobweb
- Washed with soapy water, bathed in the shower;
- treat the aerial part of the plant, pot, window sill and neighboring flowers with Aktara
Mealybug- A whitish waxy coating is formed;
- cotton balls appear in the axils of the leaves;
- fat woman fades, dries
- Transplanted into sterile fresh soil;
- several times at weekly intervals treated with insecticide
root bug- The fat woman stops growing, languishes- Check the root system;
- wash the roots under very warm running water (50 ° C);
- the root system and the whole plant are treated with Fufanon

Growing a money tree at home does not take much time. The plant will help improve the air in the apartment, add comfort to the interior. And for followers of the teachings of Feng Shui, a flower will allow you to quickly achieve good luck and financial well-being.

The fat woman (Money tree) is very popular with gardeners. This can be explained by the fact that this plant is unpretentious in care, and also has a beautiful appearance. A tall, branched tree, with proper care, can decorate any room with itself.

No wonder it indoor plant also has a scientific name - "crasulla". The popularity of the Fat Woman is also explained by the fact that the people call her the "Money Tree". There is a sign that this plant brings money into the house.

Description of the houseplant fat woman, photo

This bush belongs to the group of Crassulaceae. In total, this group has approximately 350 varieties. The amazing thing is that the sizes of these trees can be completely different: from 4 cm to 60 m tall.

Small bushes perfectly enliven the design of the room. But it will be very difficult to keep large fat women at home. This view represents creeping herbaceous plants , and succulents, and water flowers, and shrubs.

These species have only one thing in common - juicy and thick leaves located along the branches crosswise. Moreover, the leaves have completely different shapes:

  • oval;
  • cylindrical;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • lanceolate.

Gardeners have come up with many names for this plant: tree of happiness, breadfruit, Money Tree. According to Feng Shui, a fat woman brings prosperity and peace to the house. In places where this tree grows, there is always a positive atmosphere.

The most popular types of money tree

As mentioned above, a fat woman has more than 350 different varieties. The most popular types of this plant are described below.

oval krasulla- the most popular type of krasulla. Characterized by a large number of different varieties. Leaves are oval, sessile, petiolate. Intense green leaves are framed by a strip of red tint.

Plants of this species can grow up to one meter. The size of the leaves usually reaches 6 cm in length, and 3 cm in width. During flowering, small white or pink buds are formed. This plant can also often be found under the name - silver fat woman. Different kinds This plant is completely unpretentious in care.

Tree fat woman- This is a bush that can reach a height of up to 1.5 meters. Has leaves gray color, framed by a reddish stripe. Leaves are 9 cm long and 4 cm wide.

As a rule, it blooms with small white buds, which turn pink over time. At home, gardeners rarely delight with their flowering. Grows well on or near western or eastern window sills.

Fat Schmidt- bushy plant with lanceolate foliage. The leaves, unlike other types of fat woman, are pointed towards the end and not so wide. The leaves are green above with a silvery tint, below they are reddish.

During flowering, carmine buds are formed with reddish-carmine inflorescences. Often this plant can be seen in Europe. But they plant it not as a perennial, but as an annual. After flowering, the fat woman is thrown out, and new bushes are planted the next season.

Lycopsform Crassula- completely different from the above plant varieties. The leaves of this flower are pointed and thin, but rather fleshy. Along the edges of the leaves are dense rows of small leaves. This shrub reproduces very well.

His shoots fall out of the pot in the truest sense of the word. When flowering, completely inconspicuous small flowers are formed. It is also called as slimy fatty. The plant at home does not require significant care.

Can easily tolerate shading. Often this type of fat woman is used as a ground cover, because its roots are very small and do not require a lot of water. This bush can even be planted in pots with other indoor plants.

rock fat woman- a creeping plant, the size of which sometimes reaches 50 m. It has stems of small diameter with small thin and fleshy leaves. Along the edge of the leaves there is a red border, and directly on the leaves there is a red coating. This species is characterized by the fact that the leaves germinate in pairs, being more at the base. Blooms in small pinkish buds.

Tetrahedral krasulla- semi-handicraft plant with thin shoots. It has many aerial roots. Shoots easily bend and spread along the ground. The shrub is quite unpretentious, but grows quite quickly. Constant replanting by cuttings is necessary.

dot fat woman- herbaceous shrub with thin leaves and stems lying. The leaves are egg-shaped, and pointed towards the end. They have a marble tint. Silvery-greenish leaves have small dark blotches. It blooms with white thyroid buds.

Money tree care

Often gardeners have a question, how to care for a money tree? Houseplant when watering doesn't like pouring. But even simple watering can also lead to the fact that the roots will begin to rot, and the leaves will quickly wither.

For good drainage of moisture into the pan, at the bottom of the pot you need make small holes. When making a pot for a fat woman, be sure to lay drainage on the bottom. Watering plain water tap is prohibited. If you have no other sources, then the water must be well defended.

We must also not forget to periodically wipe the leaves of the money tree with a damp cloth and spray them with water from a spray bottle. It is best to take a warm shower once a week. In winter, this “washing” can be done once a month.

Water should be at room temperature. Care must be taken to ensure that no water enters the ground. To facilitate this task, you can cover the soil in a pot with ordinary polyethylene. It is forbidden to take a wet krasulla to its place. It is necessary to allow moisture to drain a little.

To avoid issues with watering, you do not need to install a pot with a money tree under the sun. The soil layer on top dries out fairly quickly, while the bottom soil remains moist. Before you start watering check the clod of earth by 3-4 cm.

If the soil is dry at this depth, then you can water the fat woman without fear. In watering the money tree, the basic rule works unconditionally: do not overdo it! In this case, watering will lead to rotting of the leaves.

If the irrigation regime is not followed and the soil is very moist, the roots become infected with the fungus. In this case, you can save the money tree if you remove it along with a clod of earth from the pot, well dry and sanitize against fungus.

temperature for crassula

In summer, a money tree needs a temperature of 21-26 degrees. But in winter the plant lower temperature required. During dormancy for Crassula, the optimum temperature will be 11-16 degrees.

If it is not possible to create the desired temperature for the plant, then you should not place it near heating appliances. The negative consequence of this will be the extension of the trunk of the money tree and the fall of the leaves that are below.

Lighting for a fat girl

For this plant, the illumination of the room is important. But this does not mean at all that the krasulla can be installed under the direct rays of the sun. It is advisable to install a pot with a plant on a windowsill that faces southeast.

With this option, the money tree will enough natural light, but the plant will not bake much. In summer, krasulla can be installed on the floor of the loggia. Here the flower will have enough air, and the effect of the sun's rays is minimized. In winter, the plant will be best on the south side.

Krasulla does not feel the need for constant moisture, therefore it is absolutely not necessary to spray it daily. But this plant does not like dust very much, therefore it must be periodically removed from the leaves. Also money tree need constant ventilation, but do not allow strong drafts. They will only destroy the plant.

When the flower appears

The money tree, despite the fact that the description of the above species indicates what colors they bloom, in reality, few people have seen this phenomenon. Therefore, it is quite a popular opinion that the fat woman does not bloom. But this is not true.

The lack of lighting and improper reproduction prevent the money tree from blooming. In the tropics, this plant blooms much more often. Flowering occurs during the growth of krasulla.

Soil and bait. For this flower, the land that is used for growing cacti is best suited. The composition of this soil includes soddy and coniferous soil, as well as sand with a neutral reaction. Brick chips, ash, humus and clay are also important.

Transplantation and crown formation

Repotting this plant is required according to the degree of growth. You can do this quite a few times a year. But this will depend on the rate of growth. It happens that weak roots cannot hold a large bush in a pot.

That's why it's important choose the right pot for the money tree. It should be voluminous, heavy and correspond to the size of the fat woman. But you do not need to pick up a very deep container, because the roots of the plant are not very long.

An important component of the care of the money tree is crown formation. To form a crown, you need to wait until 4 new leaves form on the bush, and a new bud forms. It must be pinched off by carefully unscrewing it with tweezers. On any branch of the plant should be no more than 3-4 pairs of leaves.

When the bush grows up, its top will also be need to pinch off. In order for the plant to grow evenly, it is necessary to turn it towards the light in turn by different sides. If the time when 4 leaves have already grown is missed and new leaves are formed, circumcision can help. It is only necessary to cut off the shoot over 4 pairs of leaves.

Pests and diseases

The money tree is considered resistant and unpretentious to various pests and diseases. But still, there are many pests that attack this plant:

Infection with a fungal infection will manifest itself spots of brown on the leaves. To cure a bacterial or fungal infection, complex preparations are used.

Often gardeners complain that the leaves of the money tree wither or fall off. This happens for the following reasons:

  • Leaves wither due to highly moist soil.
  • Direct rays of the sun or radiation from heating devices fall on the bottom of the bush.
  • The plant loses leaves if it is watered with cold water.
  • Lack of moisture leads to leaf fall.

The healing properties of the fat woman are not known to many. With the help of the juice of this plant, tonsillitis, arthritis, herpes and tonsillitis are treated. The money tree heals wounds, abscesses and cuts. For treatment, the juice of the leaves is used, which is squeezed out by hand.

The money tree is great plant for any apartment. There is even a statement that it "attaches" to its owner and active growth indicates the well-being of the house. Try to grow a money tree, especially since there are practically no difficulties with this.

Money Tree(tree crassula, crassula) is one of the most common and surprisingly beautiful house plants that adorns the homes of not only indoor flower lovers or professional flower growers, but is also often grown at home by people who do not always remember the name of this most popular miniature tree of Happiness. Popularity in our country, the Money Tree has won thanks to the amazing unpretentiousness of home care, the amazing healing properties of crassula leaf juice, comparable only to useful properties such medicinal fat women as Kalanchoe Dergemona and K. Pinata, as well as due to the ability to "attract" luck and money to the family. The popularity of the unique properties of the money tree prompted many craftswomen to the idea of ​​making crafts with their own hands "for good luck" from beads or coffee beans in the form of topiaries and miniature trees of Happiness from flowers that look like crassula.

From this material, you will learn how to easily and simply organize the care of a money tree at home in order to cause the plant to bloom. We will also tell you how to form a crown at home crassula in order to make a miniature plant as similar as possible to the Money Tree, and photos of different types of tree-like crassula will help you choose the crassula option that is suitable for the interior of your room. By the way, experts in the symbolic organization of space (including Feng Shui) refer far from all types of crassulas to money tree-like fat women. Recommended options are Crassula Tree (C. arborescens), as well as Crassula Ovate (C. ovata) with fleshy rounded leaves (varieties: Hobbit, Variegata, Gollum, Coral). Fat women fit perfectly into the modern phytodesign of an office or living space and harmoniously combine in compositions with such popular houseplants as Benjamin's ficus, Marginata palm dracaena, the Spathiphyllum flower that attracts female happiness and male Anthurium with chic leaves and flowers.

The "magic" properties of a fat woman attract material wealth.

Why do many people believe that tree crassulas attract material wealth and financial well-being? It is believed that these indoor plants have powerful positive energy and extraordinary properties that allow even an inveterate loser to believe in their inner strength and achieve success in their careers. It is interesting that after the leaves of the crassula fall off the tree and dry up, they become like placers of jewelry (photo below). There is still a belief that during the flowering of the money tree, you must definitely make a wish for financial independence and it will certainly come true. It is advisable to bury a few small coins in the substrate during the flowering period of the tree. The gift to accumulate and increase wealth lies in the amazing abilities of Crassula - rounded leaves, similar to coins, accumulate moisture and useful material over time, helping the plant develop even in harsh environments.

Medicinal properties juice of the leaves of the fat woman.

If the existence of the "magical" power of crassula in some people is in doubt, then it is difficult to doubt even the inveterate skeptic about the medicinal properties of the juice of the leaves of the fat woman. Healing juice from the leaves of the money tree is widely known for its antiviral, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties.

How to get rid of a cold (herpes) on the lips:
Pass the leaves of the fat woman through a grater onto cheesecloth and squeeze the juice from the crushed pulp into a glass jar. Dip a cotton swab in medicinal juice and attach (with a medical plaster) to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin affected by herpes before going to bed. Remove the swab in the morning and apply a cotton swab dipped in juice to the inflamed skin every 40-60 minutes.

How to get rid of itching after biting blood-sucking insects:
Juice, squeezed from the leaves of Crassula, lubricate the inflamed areas of the skin after the bites of wasps, bees or mosquitoes 5 times a day.

How to use the juice of the leaves of the fat woman for cuts, abrasions, wounds and abscesses:
Grind the leaves to the state of gruel and evenly distribute over the surface of gauze folded several times. Apply gauze and bandage. Change the bandage every four hours.

How to make and use an infusion from the juice of the leaves of the fat woman for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys:
5-6 leaves chop and pour hot water. Infuse the medicine for an hour, then strain through cheesecloth. Take the infusion three times a day 20 minutes before meals daily.

How fast cure tonsillitis or purulent tonsillitis with the help of juice from the leaves of the fat woman:
Strain the juice squeezed from 10 leaves through cheesecloth and dissolve in 250 ml of warm drinking water. Gargle 4-5 times a day.


Location and lighting.

The most ideal location for crassulas is on a floor stand near a window or on a window sill shelf on the southeast side. On windows from the south or southwest sides, these plants also feel comfortable if the glass is slightly shaded in the hot summer period, protecting it from direct sunlight. Be sure to take Crassula to fresh air (loggia, garden) on warm spring days and in summer, if possible. It is important that your money tree is placed close to sunlight, otherwise the plant will be easily vulnerable to pests and diseases.

Temperature regime.

In the autumn-winter period, it is advisable to keep the tree-like fat woman away from heaters and lower the temperature to 14-17 ° C, which contributes to the abundant and timely flowering of the plant, reduces the likelihood of shoots stretching. The optimum temperature in the room in spring and summer is 19-25°C.

Air humidity.

It is known that arboreal fatworts perfectly tolerate any humidity in the air at home, but frequent changes in humidity levels can lead to a deterioration in the appearance of fleshy leaves, and they can also begin to turn yellow and fall off. You can spray Crassula with water during hot, dry periods. But it is best to wipe the leaves of the plant with a damp sponge.


Adult plants can easily endure several weeks without watering, as the thick leaves contain a sufficiently large amount of moisture. But frequent and abundant watering can lead to root rot, which can kill a houseplant. In summer and spring, water the crassula when the substrate is almost half dry. And in the autumn-winter period, no more than once a month. Use soft, well-settled water for irrigation.

Earth mix and top dressing.

The capacity for planting the plant should not be very deep, since the root system of the crassula develops more in breadth, and not in depth. Be sure to make good drainage in the soil, as water should not stagnate around the root system. You can make a do-it-yourself soil mixture for planting crassula by mixing soddy soil, river sand, hardwood and humus in a ratio of 4:1:1:1.

It is often impossible to feed the plant with fertilizers. In spring and summer, it is enough to fertilize (you can buy special fertilizer for cacti and succulents in a flower shop) once a month. For the entire autumn-winter period, it is enough to fertilize several times in the form of a weak solution of fertilizers (less than half the dose indicated in the instructions).


It is enough to transplant an adult tree-like fat woman into a new pot with a new earth mixture once every 2-3 years in the spring, as the plant grows very slowly. Keep in mind that the leaves and trunk of the "money tree" are quite heavy, and the root system is rather weak. Therefore, choose a wide, stable pot (or bowl) for transplantation. Perhaps after transplanting, it will be necessary to strengthen the massive plant with props for a couple of months.

Trimming and pinching.

Topping. If you want to grow a beautiful money tree with a lush crown, be sure to pinch it! When 3-4 pairs of leaves grow on a branch, you need to carefully pinch a new bud located between the leaves of the last pair with tweezers or a fingernail. Several new buds will appear in this place and the crassula will begin to branch well.

Pruning. If the branch has grown quite long (with 6 pairs of leaves or more), then it is advisable to prune above the growth point - above the last pair of leaves that will remain on the branch. After that, it is necessary to sprinkle the place of trimming with crushed activated carbon.


If you want to achieve regular flowering of the money tree, then you must definitely choose a well-lit place for it. The probability of the appearance of beautiful flowers increases if you transplant in March (or no later than mid-April). In addition, it is advisable to take the plant out in the warm season to fresh air, and in winter place it in a bright corner with a low temperature (12-15 ° C).


cuttings. Crassula reproduces remarkably with the help of stem or leaf cuttings. To do this, it is enough to cut off a leaf (or shoot) with a sharp knife, neutralize the cut site with crushed activated carbon and dry it for several days. Then you can plant the cutting in a wide container with a mixture of leafy soil and clean sand (2: 1 ratio).
Seeds. To propagate Crassula with seeds, you need to take a wide bowl with holes at the bottom and fill it with a mixture of leafy soil and sand. Evenly sow the seeds on the substrate and cover with a glass lid. Spray seedlings daily clean water and ventilate.


Root rot.
Signs: First, the leaves lose turgor, and then turn yellow and fall off.
What should be done: carefully pull the plant out of the pot and wash off the soil from the roots under a warm shower. After drying a little and carefully examining the roots, we cut off the rotten roots with a sharp knife and process the cut points with crushed activated charcoal. It remains to transplant the plant into a new pot with prepared earth mixture. The most important thing is to reduce the number of waterings, since most likely it was this reason that caused the rotting of the roots of the crossula.

Fungal infections.
Signs: the appearance of brownish or light spots on the leaves.
What should be done: Remove the leaves affected by the fungus and treat the plant with a systemic fungicide, according to the instructions.


Spider mite.
Signs: between the leaves and stems you can find a thin cobweb, as well as yellow spots on the leaves.
What should be done: treatment of the plant with 96% alcohol is very effective. It is necessary to very carefully disinfect the leaves and stems with a cotton swab moistened with a small amount of alcohol, which will quickly evaporate.

Signs: rounded brown or yellowish spots appear on the surface of the leaf plate.
What should be done: remove insects with a soft brush, and then treat crassula leaves with a solution laundry soap(option - drug Fufanon).


Signs: in the axils of the leaves, a grayish coating can be found, which can be compared with pieces of cotton wool in appearance.
What should be done: treat the plant with special means. Home remedies - rubbing the leaves with tobacco or garlic infusion, or spraying with a solution of laundry soap. You can also treat the plant with an insecticide solution.


Be sure to form the crown of the money tree by pinching and do not let the shoots grow arbitrarily. The crown of the crassula should branch evenly and be lush;

Watering the plant should be very moderate, without waterlogging the soil even in summer. Pour out excess water from the pan immediately;

It is important to choose such a location of the pot in order to ensure good illumination of the crassula with diffused sunlight every day;

Right choice pot - pledge good flowering money tree! The best option is a wide and shallow clay bowl;

Do not repot an adult plant often without special reasons. It is enough to transplant an adult crassula once every three years. Young (up to three years old) can be transplanted annually into a larger pot.


Question: Why do the leaves of my money tree wither and dry?
Answer: Often this happens on hot summer days if the plant is in a room and the window glass is not shaded from direct sunlight. It is necessary to achieve diffused light on the crown of a tree a the best way- keep it in the hot period on fresh air, in a timely manner sheltering from heavy rain.

Question: What should be done if the leaves of the money tree fall?
Answer: One of the common causes of this problem is too dry indoor air during the heating season. Ventilate the room more often. Also, the leaves may fall off if you water the plant too often or if too much salt and minerals are added to the soil.

Question: Why does the money tree collapse and not grow straight?
Answer: first of all, you need to choose the right container for your crassula, the root system of which is very weak and shallow. Plant the plant in a wide, shallow pot, covering the substrate around the trunk with large pebbles.

Question: Is it necessary to form the trunk of a money tree by removing the lower leaves?
Answer: Such a procedure to improve the appearance of the tree is not required. The lower leaves themselves will fall off over time, exposing the beautiful stiff trunk of an adult plant. But do not forget about pinching to form the crown of the money tree!



Very helpful tips. How to transplant Crassula and make it bloom.

The conditions of the modern metropolis do not often allow you to get out into nature. Surrounding yourself with house trees, you can create an oasis room type. They will become an excellent decoration of the home and create comfortable conditions in it.

Home living trees, unlike other indoor flowers, have a central trunk and branches. Some of them bloom at home, in other versions - the tree has a lush crown. Thanks to pruning, they can be shaped. The most popular is to create Bonsai from them. Pets perform a decorative function and, in addition, freshen the air.

They are used for landscaping apartments, offices and commercial premises. Large, beautifully flowering, and deciduous trees can be of very different shapes. They also differ in the shape and color of the leaves. Features of the most popular species that grow in flower pots, will allow you to turn the room into a blooming garden.

Unique in its kind. At home, it blooms and pleases all year round with its greenery. In place of inflorescences, berries are later formed. The leaves are dense, shiny and embossed.

With proper care, its height can reach 1 meter. The crown is formed by pinching. It tolerates drought well, it is recommended to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

In winter, it is necessary to provide additional lighting.

Often found in apartments indoor flower. mature tree quite tall and spreading. The leaves are large, with symmetrical slits. The color of the leaves is bright green, shiny. The monstera leaf is dark green and shiny. In the lower part, aerial roots form over time. You do not need to remove them, they provide the plant with support and additional nutrition. Blooms rarely, white inflorescences.

Monstera is suitable for large rooms. Height can reach 3-5 meters.


Spreading house tree in a flat pot, got its existence in China, later in the West and Japan. The creation of Bonsai has become a whole science. A miniature copy of a tree with a powerful crown has its own characteristics.

  • bonsai is considered houseplant with a strong trunk and a well-developed root system;
  • branches should have a clear outline, they may have a curved shape;
  • the trunk should not be hidden in the foliage; its ratio is minimized;
  • the pot is used flat, often clay, inconspicuous color.

Florists will categorize bonsai according to size and shape. Care requires some knowledge of the characteristics of this species.

So that the branches of the bonsai do not stretch towards the sun in one direction, it is recommended to unfold the pot.


An exotic houseplant is not only beautiful, but also useful. With the right care bears fruit all year round. There are many varieties, among themselves they differ in tree height, leaf shape and fruits.

Yield is maintained up to 20 years. The leaves are bright green, dense. They are used to make tea. Thanks to its unique features, lemon helps to purify the air.

He is afraid of drafts, if he is comfortable in one place, it is unnecessary to rearrange it once again.

Chinese rose

Beautiful blooming rose can grow to gigantic sizes. The trunk is woody, the older the flower, the stronger the crown grows. The shape can be corrected by cropping. It blooms in large inflorescences of scarlet color. Scientifically called hibiscus.

Suitable for indoor and greenhouse cultivation. Propagated by seeds, division of the bush, layering and cuttings. It is not whimsical in care, it will decorate any room with its presence.


An evergreen tree can be found in warm Asian countries. We have it. The leaves are dense, oval in shape. The color of the leaves is green or bicolor.

Blooms rarely unsightly inflorescences. Florists use different types of ficuses to create bonsai. The height of an adult flower can be 3-5 meters. Propagated by cuttings. It is recommended to fertilize 2-3 times a month. With improper care, leaves can completely fall off.

Ficuses do not tolerate dry air and drought, they need regular watering and daily spraying of leaves.

In ancient times, laurel was considered sacred. Today Europeans forever green plant used in landscape design. A noble tree with fragrant leaves, often grown in kitchens for the purpose of using as a condiment.

  • leaves are dark green dense;
  • the bush grows slowly, is not afraid of pruning;
  • laurel loves bright and spacious rooms;
  • after flowering, seeds are formed at the site of inflorescences.

An unpretentious indoor flower will not cause much trouble, it will become a worthy decoration of the interior. For the summer period, pots with laurel can be taken out to the balcony or loggia.


A sunny and elegant tangerine tree will become bright element landscape design of premises. The plant secretes special substances that enrich the air.

Mandarin repels insects and gives good yields of fragrant fruits. On the windows you can often find dwarf varieties of mandarin. The leaves are dense, green. The trunk is woody. It blooms with small flowers, in place of which green tangerines are formed. When ripe, the fruits turn orange.

The variety is susceptible to diseases and pests. The condition of the flower should be monitored regularly. Do not spray with poisons, it is better to use water solution with laundry soap.


A tree that resembles a bottle in the shape of a trunk can be found in nature in Mexico and the USA. Scientific name - nolina,. The leaves are palm-shaped, thin with pointed edges. Grow in small pots.

The plant loves the sun, is not afraid of drought, but still requires regular spraying. It grows slowly to get a large trunk, it will take 6-8 years old. If you water it abundantly, the trunk will quickly stretch upwards, so you need to organize drought conditions.


A real miracle, rarely does anyone manage to properly grow it to enjoy flowering. Flowering season is coming after 5-6 years. Up to this point, the plant resembles a snake. Later rushes up, forms a tree. The buds look bewitchingly beautiful, but at the same time emit a nauseating odor. Those who decide to place it in a residential area must take this fact into account.

Growing compact trees at home, do not forget - this is painstaking work. It will take several years to get an original bonsai. You can buy a ready-made tree or get hold of cuttings from friends. There are no special difficulties in care, you just need to take into account their features.