The dollar tree has grown. All about caring for zamiokulkas or dollar tree

There is a belief that zamiokulkas helps to increase and save finances in the house. The plant should be placed in the southeast of the room, in terms of wealth, provided that 2-3 coins will lie in the soil. Most likely, it was the household (dollar tree) that made it popular.

How to water zamiokulkas

Zamiokulkas needs water as the upper earthen layer dehydrates. When watering, do not allow water to accumulate in the pot. The root system of the plant is able to retain moisture for a long time, so the formation of excess water is unacceptable, otherwise the flower will begin to rot.

Not only the roots are able to concentrate water, the leaves also have the same properties, since they are not small and leathery. Proper watering: in summer - 1 time per week, in winter - 1 time per month.

In addition, the leaves should be moistened from time to time, using a wet rag or cotton pad. It is not necessary to spray the plant. It is not recommended to keep Zamioculcas in direct sunlight after moisturizing.

What should be the soil

Zamiokalkus can be planted in a ready-made substrate for succulents. To prepare the soil in households, you need to mix leaf and sod soil in equal proportions, add peat, charcoal.

The soil for growing zamiokalkus must be water and breathable, loose and have zero acidity. The clay substrate is absolutely not suitable. The main condition for growing a dollar tree is drainage of at least 25% of the volume.

How to feed Zamioculcas

As fertilizers, special products intended for succulents and cacti are used. The dosage should be calculated according to the attached instructions. In most cases, the money tree is fertilized at the stage of its growth - from spring to early autumn, 2 times a month. After the onset of a dormant period, feeding is stopped.

The best place in the room for is the windowsill of the south window, but it will not wither on the north side either. True, with this arrangement, the leaves of the plant will be a little smaller, and in this case it will need to be watered less often.

Zamioculcas, or it is also called the "dollar tree" - one of the most unusual indoor plants. The original shape of the leaves and some similarity with the money tree fully justifies its name. Another striking feature is the flowering of the dollar tree.

Zamioculcas: features of an exotic plant

The dollar tree (see photo in the article) is the most common name for the Zamioculcas flower among the people. The birthplace of this unpretentious plant is East Africa. It is difficult to imagine that this plant, known to many and very fond of flower growers, was completely unknown until recently. For the first time in public, it was presented only in 1996 in Holland, and then spread everywhere.

Zamioculcas grows in the form of a bush, it has small plump stems and a lot of rich green glossy leaves of small size on long branches. The height of the plant can reach a meter. The root system is in the form of tubers, visible on the surface of the earth. Zamioculcas is a perennial, but its life span is short - about 8-10 years. Its closest relatives are dieffenbachia and calla lilies.

Today you can buy a dollar tree at any flower shop. It is very unpretentious and does not require special care, while being relatively inexpensive.

Varieties of Zamioculcas

  • Zamioculcas zamyelous variety Zamicro was bred in 2007. It differs primarily in height: an adult plant grows no more than half a meter. The leaves are also smaller and more graceful. I must say that this variety is most often bred for sale, since even a small plant 20 cm tall costs about five hundred rubles, and the higher it is, the more expensive it is.
  • Zamioculcas variegated. The leaves of a plant of this variety have an uneven color, ranging from light green to dark green. Because of this, it is also called the variegated leaf. The shape of the leaf blades is elongated. It is interesting and unusual for the sprouts of this variety to plant. Initially, the sprout has only a couple of leaves and a tuber without roots. After planting the tuber in the ground, the roots appear in about a week. And after six months, the plant will release buds, which will later grow into long branches.
  • Zamioculcas Zamifolia. The most popular variety among flower growers, and it was he who was nicknamed the "dollar tree". It is believed that this plant brings financial luck to its owner.
  • Zamioculcas Raven. This variety was bred very recently and got its name "raven" due to the unusual black color of the leaves, which makes them look fake or painted.

Flowering "dollar tree" flower

Pleases with flowering zamiokulkas very rarely. However, without exception, flower growers are looking forward to this event. The thing is that the flowers of the plant resemble an ear with male and female inflorescences, and sterile flowers are located between them. Nature provided for this so that self-pollination does not occur.

If the plant in your home is comfortable, you will be able to observe the flowering of the dollar tree. How often it will bloom at home will depend on where the plant pot is located. If on the window of the north side, then it will take a long time to wait for the appearance of the coveted cob - until the zamiokulkas grows up. But if you place it on the south side, then the flowering of the dollar tree (the photo is presented in the material) will occur shortly after planting.

Zamioculcas inflorescences are usually located near the ground, at the base of the plant. The first signs of flowering of the dollar tree (pictured) can be easily seen: a bright green arrow from a folded leaf grows on the stem of one of the leaves. After a while, when a peduncle forms inside, the leaf will bend in the manner of a hood. Zamioculcas bloom usually lasts a week or two.

Dollar tree: home care

Zamiokulkas flowering is not its only feature. For example, a plant loves warmth and can easily withstand 30-degree heat. But at the same time, it does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature and drafts. In summer, a flower pot can be taken outside, he will be comfortable there.

It is not worth watering the plant too often, because it does not like strong humidity. Enough weekly spraying with warm, settled water and rubbing the leaves. In order to give the leaves a beautiful shine, you can use special polishes.

Sunlight falling on zamiokulkas must be diffused, as with direct rays, burns can form on the leaves. Adult tall specimens are best placed not on the window, but near it.

If your plant has very long and heavy leaves, then there is a risk of breaking them. Then the plant definitely needs support. A special ring made of thick wire or wooden slats can serve her. Such a device can be purchased at specialized plant care stores, or you can make it yourself.

Transplant rules

Do not transplant during the flowering period of the dollar tree. It is better to extend care and watering until it fades. Spring is considered the best time to transplant a plant, and only a young zamiokulkas needs to be transplanted annually, an adult needs to change the pot only as the old one becomes cramped.

Remember that the tubers of the root system of the dollar tree are very fragile, therefore, it should be transplanted very carefully, along with an earthen clod, according to the transshipment method. And for too large and overgrown flowers, it is better not to disturb it at all, simply periodically updating the top layer of the earth by five centimeters. Moreover, it is also necessary to clean the earth carefully, trying not to damage the tubers. It is better to fill them up not completely, leaving about a centimeter on the surface.

Methods of propagation of zamiokulkas

division of tubers. This is the easiest and most efficient way. A clod of earth with tubers pulled out for transplantation is carefully divided into two or more parts, trying not to damage it. Then each sprout is planted in a separate pot. Such seedlings do not require special care, only infrequent watering. You can feed young plants only after the appearance of new leaves.

Propagation by cuttings. A method that requires patience. At the base of the flower, a leaf with a bud is cut off with a sharp blade. A fresh cut on a leaf cutting is sprinkled with activated charcoal and dried for several hours. Then it should be planted in the ground and put in a warm place away from the sun. The appearance of roots is a very long process and can take about a month. You can speed it up a bit by covering the sprout with cling film to create a greenhouse effect. However, then you should regularly arrange ventilation so that the earth does not rot. It is not necessary to water the stalk, rare sprayings are enough.

Watch out, poison!

Inside the stems and leaves of Zamioculcas contains juice, which, if it comes into contact with the skin, can cause a burn. Since the plant is exotic, it can also cause severe allergic reactions, so you need to keep it away from children and pets, and only work with gloves.

If poisonous juice does get on your skin, immediately rinse this place under running water and lubricate it with a healing cream, for example, containing panthenol. If the juice gets into your eyes, rinse them with water and consult a specialist.

Signs and superstitions

The flowering of the dollar tree is such an unusual phenomenon that among the people it was immediately overgrown with various signs. And the very name of this plant should also say something.

Signs related to wealth:

  • In order for the dollar tree to bring financial well-being, you need to talk to it and ask for it. And better on the new moon and on Tuesdays.
  • You can put a cent coin in the tray, and put a cap from a folded dollar on the top of the cob flower.
  • You can water and spray Zamiokulkas with special cash water. Throw a couple of coins into a container of water for watering and let them lie there until the container is empty.
  • If you want to give or have been presented with a dollar tree as a gift, you need to exchange a coin in return. Then it will bring wealth.

Women's happiness is another interesting name for this plant. Perhaps this is due to the characteristic elongated shape of the cob flower.

  • In order for Zamioculcas to bring happiness to its owner in her personal life, it must be presented, not bought.
  • To attract female happiness to the house, zamiokulkas must often bloom and be healthy. In no case should you throw away a sick flower, it is better to try to cure it.

Secrets of flower growers

  • The flowering of the dollar tree can be observed much more often if the plant is not transplanted for a long time. In cramped conditions, it stops releasing new leaves and only blooms.
  • Zamiokulkas can be watered with a decoction of onion peel. This is an excellent pest control.
  • If you try to transplant the plant in winter, it is quite capable of shedding leaves.
  • If the dollar tree has not bloomed for many years, it may need top dressing. Try adding succulent or cactus mixes to the soil.

This exotic handsome man won the love of Russian citizens in the late 90s. An evergreen beautiful plant has appeared in Dutch nurseries. As a result, Zamiokulkas settled in many apartments and offices. The flower has poisonous juice, but it does not emit any toxic fumes. Therefore, keeping it at home is completely safe.

Zamioculcas zamiifolia) - belongs to the aroid family. This unpretentious evergreen plant, in most of its features, is closest to succulents.

The flower has the following unique names:

  • dollar tree;
  • currency tree;
  • Money Tree;
  • Eternal tree;
  • Zanzibar pearl;
  • Woman's happiness;
  • The flower of celibacy.

His homeland is Africa. The plant got its unique name because of its similarity with zamiya. If we take into account the Latin roots, then “zamia” means loss or damage.

The flower is perfect for interior decoration, because it has a pronounced external decorative effect. Under good conditions, the length of the plant can be up to 80 centimeters and above. Zamioculcas is a perennial, but does not live more than 10 years.

The closest "relatives" of the plant are Monstera and Dieffenbachia. Its distinguishing feature is straight-growing glossy leaves attached to the stem with long cuttings.

Zamiokulkas appeared in flower shops 20 years ago. During this time, breeders have bred several different species, the most popular of which for home cultivation are:

Zamioculcas zamielifolia ( Zamioculcas Zamiifolia) Zamifolia

This is the most typical representative of the plant. It refers to the "money tree". Beautiful ornamental bush with bright fleshy leaves. The plant looks so perfect that it seems that it is artificial. An amazing plant that hides its trunk in the soil. For the first time weeks after growth, the flower does not form roots. Instead, a tuber that stores large reserves of water. The tuber is somewhat reminiscent of a dark marsh or brown potato. Has the shape of an ellipse.

Looking at a pot with a plant, it seems that bright green leaves grow directly from the soil. The leaves are attached to the tuber with the help of a long cutting, which flower growers who do not know take for the trunk. The length of the leaves reaches 60 centimeters. The leaves grow from a tuber and are divided into 8-12 individual leaflets-feathers. This is very rare for this species. The feather is dense, glossy, has a thick juicy axis in which the flower stores moisture.

The plant grows in height very slowly. The cost of a shrub in a flower shop depends on its height, the longer, the more expensive.

Zamioculcas zamielifolia / Flowering

Zamioculcas variegated ( Zamioculcas variegate)

Variegated or variegated zamiokulkas is very difficult to find in flower shops. His homeland is the island of Madagascar. At home, it can reach a height of 1 to 1.5 meters. The leaves are arranged symmetrically in strict order. They have a bright green color, juicy pulp, pointed at the tips. The flowers of the plant rarely appear, with very good care. The inflorescence is formed in the form of an ear.

Zamioculcas variegated

Zamioculcas lanceolate ( ZamioculcasLanceolata)

It got its name because of the elongated leaves of the original lanceolate shape. The flower was first exhibited at flower auctions in Holland at the end of the 20th century. Its height reached 1.5 meters and above. In 2007, a miniature plant was bred, not exceeding 60 centimeters in height. Its leaves are an exact copy of the progenitor, only in a reduced size.

Zamioculcas lanceolate

Black Zamioculcas ( ZamioculcasBlack)

The plant has leaves and cuttings almost black. Otherwise, it is completely similar to Zamioculcas Zamifolia. The same fleshy leaves, pointed at the tips, fixed symmetrically on both sides on a common handle. The young bush has salad-colored leaves. As they mature, they begin to darken. At the same time, the lighting in the room does not affect their color at all. No matter how the florist tries to lighten the leaves, he will not succeed. This "tree" looks very impressive. Therefore, it will perfectly decorate any room.

Black Zamioculcas


The plant does not require careful constant attention. Growing a healthy dollar tree is not difficult. In its natural habitat, the flower is used to difficult growing conditions. Therefore, he is not at all capricious in care, location and choice of soil.


The health of the currency tree depends on proper watering. The plant is able to accumulate liquid, so it tolerates drought more easily than excess moisture. Excess moisture causes tubers to rot. The lack of moisture can be seen in the thinning of the leaves, their sluggish form. With prolonged drought, the flower may shed its leaves, especially during a period of intensive growth.

The following irrigation scheme should be followed:

  • Spring and summer is the period of plant growth. Therefore, the flower needs extra moisture. Watering is carried out 3-4 times a month;
  • Winter and autumn refer to the dormant period when the plant is resting. It is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering to 1-2 times a month.

For irrigation, settled water at room temperature is suitable. Before moistening the soil, make sure that the soil is completely dry. If excess water has leaked into the pan, it must be immediately drained. With its stagnation, putrefactive processes begin.


This is a photophilous plant. Although it brings great blackout. The best location is the windowsill of the south window. Do not expose the flower to direct sunlight, as the leaves can get severe burns.

  • It is worth hanging a small curtain on the window to create a slight oppression, especially in the summer season.
  • In the absence of good lighting, the leaves of the dollar tree become thinner. They become slightly lethargic, and the shrub loses all its decorative charm.
  • It is especially important to create bright lighting during the period of increased plant growth: in spring and summer. In order for the growth to be uniform, you need to turn the flower to the window on different sides, otherwise the symmetrical shape of the arrangement of the leaves will be absent.

The plant loves fresh air. Therefore, in the warm period, it should be taken out into the garden or onto the balcony. It is first necessary to provide the eternal tree with a slight darkening and protection from atmospheric precipitation.


The plant comes from Africa, so it loves heat very much. Intense heat exceeding the thirty degree mark will not bring any harm to the shrub. Specialists involved in the cultivation of zamiokulkas believe that the optimum temperature for the normal growth and development of the plant is from 22 to 26 degrees. A drop in temperature in winter to 16 degrees will not harm the shrub at all. It should be noted that when the air temperature drops below 12 degrees, the plant may die. Sharp temperature fluctuations are also harmful to him.

The dollar tree does not like drafts.


The flower perfectly tolerates dry air. Spraying the plant with water is not an urgent need. It should be carried out when dust has accumulated on the leaves, which will be much more convenient to remove.

Only warm water is sprayed. Then the leaves are gently wiped with a damp soft cloth. Most often, such "cleaning" should be carried out in the summer.

The soil

The soil for the plant should be loose and light, able to pass moisture and air well. Flower shops sell special formulations specifically for succulents.

You can prepare the soil yourself. You will need the following components:

  • Sod land;
  • Leaf land;
  • Peat;
  • Sand.

All components are taken in equal proportions and thoroughly mixed. Flower growers are advised to add a little sphagnum moss to this composition. The Zanzibar Pearl does not like acidic soil, so the acidity of the soil should be neutral.

Before use, the soil must be disinfected. To do this, it warms up in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. You can also shed the soil with special chemical compounds or a weak solution of manganese. Some growers spill the soil with boiling water.


Zamioculcas is a slow growing plant. Therefore, he does not need frequent transplantation. The young flower is transplanted once every two years. For a mature adult shrub, a transplant once every five years is sufficient.

You need to be careful. The flower does not tolerate even minor damage to the tubers. In order not to injure the money tree, it is transplanted while preserving the old soil. A complete replacement of the soil is possible only if the plant is diseased or it needs to be divided.

For a flower, it is better to choose a clay stable pot. Transplantation is carried out according to the following instructions:

  • With the help of a flat wide tool, it is necessary to carefully remove the plant from the old pot along with the soil.
  • Drainage is placed in a new container. Do not add coins to it. Such superstition can lead to oxidative processes that will harm the tuber of the plant;
  • Drainage is lightly sprinkled with new soil;
  • The plant is clearly located in the middle of the new pot and sprinkled with soil on all sides. It is impossible to deepen the tuber much, it should slightly rise above the surface.
  • The plant is watered with a small amount of water.

After transplantation, the currency tree does not require any special care. It is put in its original place. It is possible to plant a plant only by dividing the tuber into two or more parts. This is a painful procedure. Therefore, if this method of flower propagation is not planned, then it is better to transplant the tuber as a whole.


Special top dressing is best purchased at the store. For indoor plants, it is diluted in half with water. Especially the flower needs fertilizer during the period of active growth and flowering, that is, from April to October.

During dormancy, do not fertilize the plant.

In addition to horse top dressing, you can use foliar. It is held in spring and summer no more than 1-2 times a month. To do this, the leaves of the plant are sprayed with a solution of urea. The procedure is carried out between waterings.


In flower shops, the plant is expensive. It will not be difficult to breed it at home. There are three ways to breed Zamioculcas:

  • Tuber separation.
  • Cuttings.
  • Leaf reproduction.

Each method has its own characteristics:

Tuber separation

This method of flower propagation is possible in the presence of a large maternal tuber. It is necessary to remove the tuber from the pot and remove all the soil. There are buds on the rhizome, from which lateral shoots can later form.

A tuber on which there is only one bud cannot be divided. Separation is carried out with a sharply sharpened disinfected knife. The tuber should be cut lengthwise so that there are several buds on each side. The cut is sprinkled with crushed sand of black activated carbon.

After 2-3 hours, the plant can be planted in a prepared pot. If there is no lateral shoot growth point on part of the rhizome, the plant will die.


This is the most acceptable way to propagate Zamioculcas. Cuttings are suitable for mature plants with several side shoots.

The larger the cutting, the more likely it is to grow a full-fledged flower from it. The cutting retains many nutrients that contribute to faster rooting than when propagated by leaves.

The stalk is a process of Zamioculcas, on which at least one kidney is present.

Cuttings go through the following stages:

  • We choose the most suitable part of the plant for this;
  • Cut it off with a scalpel or a sharp knife. The instrument must be sterile;
  • Pour warm water into the container with a small amount of activated or charcoal;
  • We place the process cut down in the container;
  • We are waiting for the formation of roots;
  • We plant in a pot.

For germination, it is necessary to observe a temperature regime of at least 20-22 degrees and keep the process in good light. The water is constantly refreshed, otherwise the stalk may rot.

You can carry out cuttings in another way. For this, the cut of the process of the rhinestone is processed with charcoal. After a few hours, a special cork is formed at the cut point, which will not allow the plant to rot. Now it can be placed in the moist soil of the pot, so that the bottom of the kidney is covered with soil, and the top remains on the surface.

For a transplanted plant, you can make a small greenhouse, then rooting will go faster. When watering, the main thing is not to get on the kidney, otherwise the plant may die.

In order to see the formation of the roots, it is better to plant in a transparent container - a plastic bottle or glass. Drainage holes should be made in them with a sharp tool. After the formation of the roots, the plant must be transplanted to a permanent place.

leaf reproduction

The plant can propagate as a whole leaf or leaf plates. The process of obtaining a tuber from a leaf can take up to six months. It all depends on the planting material. The more you can take a leaf, the faster the tuber will form.

If a whole leaf is used for breeding, its lower parts should be removed. It is placed in warm water in a well-lit, warm place. The water changes every other day. When the first roots appear, the leaf can be immediately planted in a prepared container.

It should be noted that with direct sunlight or stagnant water, the leaf will die.


Pruning is not a prerequisite for proper plant care. It is carried out only to give it a certain shape or rejuvenation. You can cut any part of the plant: tuber, leaves, cuttings. The main thing is that the pruning tool is very sharp and sterile. A scalpel, garden pruner, sharp knife will do.

The place of the cut must be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon. This will allow you to quickly stop the flow and close access to the "wound" to pathogens. Often pruning is used to treat the currency tree.

Diseases and pests

The flower is very resistant to various diseases. Therefore, it practically does not get sick and is not affected by pests.

Not proper care can bring it to a painful state. The most common reason is the abuse of watering. In Zamioculcas, the root system begins to rot. In this situation, the flower requires an urgent transplant. It is necessary to inspect the rhizome, remove all putrefactive damage.

If the leaves of a currency tree turn yellow, this does not indicate its illness. This is the normal growth process. Old leaves die off and turn yellow, they are replaced by new green leaves. Yellowed leaves are removed only after complete wilting with a sharp tool.

Why is it not growing

Sometimes it seems to the owner that the plant practically does not grow, and at the same time there are yellowed leaves. In this situation, you need to check the temperature, the presence of drafts and pests. It is possible that the breeder forgot to water the plant during the time.

Slow growth is a hallmark of this plant. Do not try to add more fertilizer or increase watering. If new shoots do not appear for a long time, it is worth reconsidering the location of the money tree and paying attention to the water that the plant is watered with. It must be clean and warm.


It is rare for a gardener to see the flowers of this ornamental plant. But, this does not mean poor care of the flower, since the appearance of flowers in Zamioculcas, even at home, is a rare occurrence.

The inflorescences have an unusual appearance of the cob, in which female and male flowers are located on opposite sides and are separated by a row of sterile flowers. Inflorescences appear at the bottom of the plant, at a distance of 20 centimeters from the ground. This arrangement does not allow self-pollination. Pollination is done by small insects and wind.

In place of faded flowers, small berries appear, filled with seeds. At home, it is impossible to get a ripe fruit. Experienced growers argue that the period of the appearance of the first flowers is largely envy of the location of the plant. So, if you put it on the "northern" window sill, the flowers will appear by the end of the life of the dollar tree. The choice of the "southern" window contributes to whiter early flowering.

Signs and superstitions associated with the plant

Now it is difficult to find the origins of the popular name of the plant. Why it became known as the "currency tree" and every banking institution must have it in the reception.

A huge number of superstitions and signs are associated with this shrub, especially those related to female happiness. For example, one of its popular names - "celibate flower", indicates that a young girl who has such decor in her house will never receive a marriage proposal. But there are some exceptions to this myth. If a girl bought a flower herself, then she will not see female happiness, but if she was presented with it, good luck in amorous affairs is guaranteed. In this case, flowering is considered a special success. This indicates that the wedding is very close.

  • It is important to give a shrub on a special day, such as New Year, Christmas or birthday. It is believed that he will bring great luck and rapid career growth, which will lead to an increase in material wealth.
  • The presence of a flower in the house accompanies the addition of health and well-being. But for this, the plant must be loved, as it feels the energy emitted by its owners. For a good attitude, the plant emits positive radiation.
  • The donated shrub should be immediately transplanted into another pot. This will ensure the flow of money. In this case, it is necessary to bury coins in the ground. This will help the shrub "tune in" to the radiation of monetary energy.
  • Any growth of a plant, the formation of cobs is regarded as an indication of imminent financial well-being. In this case, the receipt of funds must be in dollars.

Zamioculcas (scientific name), called the dollar tree, has recently become one of the most popular plants for landscaping and decorating home interiors and office furnishings.

This flower promises wealth and prosperity to its owners. He is not demanding in care. Even a novice florist and a person who does not have the desire to learn this art can.

Such a houseplant has a lush green crown, which makes it an extraordinary decoration for any interior. In addition, zamiokulkas is called female happiness. Wealth, happiness, prosperity, well-being - all this emphasizes that the dollar tree has the right to settle in your home.

Description of the flower Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas)

The Zamioculcas flower belongs to the aroid family. He came to us from tropical Africa. Among people, due to its beautiful green leaves, the plant was called the dollar tree. In its properties, it is similar to the money tree. So the flower accumulates moisture inside the trunk, leaves and roots and then uses it as needed. This allows him to survive in the dry period characteristic of his homeland.

The leaves of the dollar tree are very beautiful and fleshy. On average, 10 feathers are part of one sheet. The root of the flower is tuberous. It is he who stores most of the water that the plant needs during difficult periods of drought. The height of the tree is 1 meter. Unlike the money tree, this plant can bloom. True, this event occurs extremely rarely even in the wild. Flowering at home is almost impossible to wait.

The most important advantage of this houseplant is unpretentiousness in care. Due to its bright appearance and high growth, the dollar tree is well suited for decorating large areas. In small rooms, this flower can also fit in harmoniously, if the rooms are not overloaded with other flowers.

Proper care of the dollar tree

The dollar tree does not require too much attention. The best place for this plant is a place with diffused light. In summer, you can put the pot on the balcony or street. In winter, you should choose a place on the windowsill closer to the glass. Excessive watering, as well as lack of light, can cause serious damage to the flower. The plant may become sick or be attacked by pests. In this case, it is necessary to provide for competent treatment that will help the tree return to its previous shape and continue harmonious growth. How to propagate and how to transplant a plant? What pests can cause serious damage to a dollar tree? Let's try to answer all these questions.

Lighting and temperature

Zamioculcas is an unpretentious and hardy representative of modern flora. However, for normal growth and development, the flower also needs special conditions. The best place to place it is on the windowsill of a south-facing window. This position allows the sun's rays to affect the leaves of the plant throughout the daylight hours. It will also grow on the north side. But the lack of the proper amount of light will affect its appearance, making the plant dull. Do not be afraid of high temperatures. When it is +30 degrees outside, the dollar tree feels great. It is worth emphasizing that Zamioculcas needs a certain temperature regime. So, even in winter, the room should not be below 18 degrees. At lower temperatures, the flower may get sick.

Plant pot and soil

The dollar tree feels best in loose, soft and breathable soil. This type of soil provides the proper level of moisture and oxygen entering the root system. For the normal life of a flower, it is important to use well-nourished soil. For this, a mixture of peat, sand, turf and leafy soil is suitable. Fertilizer in the form of humus will also benefit the plant. A mixture with expanded clay will help to make the soil looser. The bottom of the pot itself should contain holes through which excess moisture will escape. The bottom quarter of the pot should be occupied by drainage.

What to feed and how often to water

An adult and young dollar tree needs to be fed and watered. The best time for top dressing is from early March to mid-autumn. If the tree does not grow, it means that it does not have enough moisture. How do you know when it's time to water? After all, overflow for this representative of the flora is worse than drought. It is necessary to water the flower when the earth in the pot has become completely dry. The plant must receive enough liquid so that the soil becomes wet throughout the depth. Excessive moisture causes the development of plant diseases. Also, in such conditions, pests can start. The recovery period is very difficult and long. The plant may die, so you should avoid the formation of puddles in the subwindow and on the surface of the soil.

During the period of active growth, the plant spends a lot of energy. It is best to feed him once every two weeks. As a fertilizer, ready-made mixtures for succulents are also suitable. During the winter period, it is recommended to stop watering and feeding the plant. Once a month you can wash the dollar tree.

Transplantation and propagation of the Zamioculcas tree

The plant needs an annual transplant. The most suitable period for this is spring. The soil must be sufficiently nutritious. The best composition: turf land, peat, sand, leaf land. Good humus is an excellent fertilizer. Adult representatives of this group require a rarer transplant - once every two years. When choosing a pot, you need to consider the size of the root system. They must be proportionate.

Reproduction can occur by leaf, cuttings or bush. Planting shoots is quite easy:

  • The leaf is dried before planting;
  • When planting a leaf or a cutting, it is worth using soil with phytohormones, which will allow them to root faster;
  • The rooting process can take two months.

Plant diseases - what to do and how to treat?

The dollar tree is characterized by a high degree of endurance. Due to its unpretentiousness, this flower is sick and attacked by pest attacks quite infrequently. The only way to harm Zamioculcas is inept care. The leading mistake of the florist is excessive watering of the plant. The dollar tree is no exception. The roots of this flower are afraid of a lot of moisture. They start to rot. If suddenly this happened, then the plant must be immediately removed from the pot. Next, you need to remove the rotten roots, and sprinkle the remaining parts with crushed coal. After that, the plant requires drying and transplanting into a new soil. Let us consider in more detail the main problems faced by lovers of dollar trees.

Leaves turn yellow

If the leaves of the flower began to turn yellow, then it is not yet necessary to conclude that the plant is getting sick. Zamioculcas is characterized by slow growth, during which one leaf ages, turns yellow and dies, and the other appears. Do not worry if new shoots grow along with yellow leaves. If this does not happen, it is worth reconsidering the principles of care. The main causes of yellowing leaves:

  • Draft;
  • A sharp change in temperature;
  • Insufficient amount of moisture;
  • Pests.

The trunk turns black and the roots rot

If the roots of a dollar tree rot and the trunk turns black, then in 99% of cases we can talk about cold temperatures and excessive watering. In the autumn-winter period, care for the plant should be special. It can be watered only a few days after the top layer of soil has dried completely. At low temperatures in the room, the time between waterings must be stretched even more. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the leaves of the dollar tree do not change. They should not wrinkle and fade. In the cold season, it is best to choose the most sunny location for the flower.

Dark spots appear

The appearance of dark spots also indicates that flower care is organized incorrectly. It is necessary to make adjustments to the thermal and water regime. Do not allow stagnation of water in the pot.

Video: how to grow and care for a dollar tree

In this video, an experienced expert gardener will tell you in detail everything about the dollar tree. Why did it get such a name? How to properly care for a plant? How to transplant it? What to consider when choosing a pot and soil? All this and more will help you learn how to care for your dollar tree.

Signs associated with the plant Zamioculcas

There are many signs around Zamiokulkas. First - the plant will bring prosperity and well-being. It is important to provide good conditions for flower growth. If the tree begins to wither, the family is threatened with financial problems. The second - a flower will bring happiness to a woman. The main thing is to try to achieve its flowering. Thirdly, the flower cannot be accepted as a gift. If you are handed it, you need to pay a symbolic amount. Only in this case, the plant will bring wealth.

Photo: how the dollar tree looks and blooms

These photos will help you appreciate the beauty and singularity of the dollar tree. In the photo, you can note what common features this plant has with the money tree, and also understand why the plant got its name. In addition, you can get acquainted with such a rare and unusual phenomenon as the flowering of zamiokulkas.

Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas), also called the dollar tree, grows in East Africa and on the island of Madagascar. This is a perennial plant that is grown in an apartment or house for interior decoration. We will tell you about how to grow zamiokulkas and care for this plant in this article.

The plant is very decorative and, with good care at home, grows to 0.8 m in height. It is a perennial, but its life span is relatively short - only 5-10 years. His homeland is a land with a hot climate and high humidity, but at home he is unpretentious and manages with minimal care.

Zamioculcas is a rather large flower, it is distinguished by long upright glossy leaves on the same long petioles. At home, it has been grown since the 90s of the last century, it gained popularity after the Dutch nurseries introduced the first species of the plant.

The appearance of Zamioculcas resembles that of its closest relatives: callas, monstera and dieffenbachia. Among the people, this plant received a special name, a dollar or money tree, the origin of which cannot be explained.

How does the dollar tree bloom?

Zamiokulkas flowering at home is a rare occurrence. By the way, in wildlife, the plant practically does not bloom. Flowers of any kind of Zamioculcas are quite unusual. Male and female are located separately on the cob, and between them is a strip of sterile flowers.

This structure prevents self-pollination. The structure of the flower is due to the natural growth zone of Zamioculcas, the succulent is pollinated by wind and small insects. Probably, it is for this reason that the cobs-inflorescences are located in the lower part of the bush no higher than 20 cm above the ground.

After flowering, berries with seeds appear, but at home they never ripen. Some experienced gardeners note that the flowering of a plant is directly related to its location in the house. On the north window sill, the dollar tree will bloom in adulthood. And putting a small bush of zamiokulkas on the southern window, expect an early flowering.

Follow the flowering stages of an old plant. If it produces inflorescences, but does not produce new stems, then it is worth considering cutting it in order to propagate younger trees.

Signs and superstitions: a flower of celibacy or female happiness?

Zamioculcas is simply surrounded by various myths and superstitions. Maybe the reason for this strange bloom? For example, he was called the flower of celibacy, but this does not mean at all that a woman who breeds zamiokulkas will never marry.

If a woman bought it herself, then her personal life will not stick. And if she was presented with a small zamiokulkas sprout, good luck in love is guaranteed. Do you already have a flowering plant? You can start sewing a wedding dress. Zamioculcas helps to get married, and ficus helps to conceive a baby.

The value of plant content for women and men

The magical properties of a flower in Feng Shui increase a hundred times if it was presented on a special day: birthday, New Year, Christmas. It is also useful for career growth, material wealth and health, its presence in the house - to money and well-being.

There is a belief that a flower feels an attitude towards itself and thanks its mistress or owner with the positive energy of good luck.

The plant that was given to you should be transplanted immediately, this will positively affect the attraction of money. Drainage must be made at the bottom of the pot, and some gardeners use coins instead of expanded clay. They say that in this way the plant is tuned to make a profit.

Of course, it cannot be said that this is correct or useful for a flower, because coins can react with water, fertilizer.

Types of Zamioculcas: description and pictures

Varieties of the money tree entered the flower shops of Europe about 15 years ago and over the years of their popularity have retained the status of an expensive plant. Scientists are developing new varieties of zamiokulkas, for example, a small bush that does not grow above 60 cm. Therefore, it is difficult to name the exact figure for the number of plant species.

Zamioculcas zamielifolia

Zamioculcas of the Zamie-leaved species is a plant similar to the Zamii, which is why it got its name. The type of zamiokulkas zamielisty is unusual. This is a succulent whose trunk is hidden in the soil. In the first weeks of life, it has no roots, and moisture reserves are stored in a large tuber under a layer of soil. But the bright green leaves of the plant look out of the pot, and it seems that they grow straight from the ground.

Petioles of leaflets are strongly developed, and they are often mistaken for a trunk. They grow up to 1 m in height, the leaves are tightly pressed against each other and resemble a rosette.

This variety is ideal for home growing and interior decoration. Having bought zamiokulkas, in a few years you can get several new bushes with the help of cuttings, dividing an adult bush or leaf cuttings.

Note that the cultivation of this variety can even be profitable, because the smallest plant of 20-30 cm costs about 500 rubles, the higher it is, the more expensive.

Variegated zamiokulkas: landing rules

The variegated variety is a real rarity and curiosity, so it is very popular. A small sprout of zamiokulkas consists of 4 leaves and a large tuber, but there are no live roots on it yet.

It is planted in universal soil, to which 2 parts are poured. Drainage is laid out at the bottom of the pot, expanded clay, for example, the remaining soil is poured, a small process of zamiokulkas is placed and the rest of the soil is poured out.

The variegated variety does not like water overflow, so lightly spray the soil with a spray bottle - droplets of water are better for the plant than watering from a cup. That's all, now send the plant to the south window and wait. After about a week, the first roots can be seen through the drainage.

If you planted a small zamiokulkas tuber with leaves in the fall, then by spring the first buds will appear, then each of them will grow into a gorgeous branch. We will talk about further care rules a little later.

Zamifolia Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas zamifoliya (such an unpronounceable name) is the most that neither is a dollar tree. It is believed that this variety will bring the greatest success in making money. Naturally, there is no scientific justification for this popular theory.

Even if Zamioculcas Zamifolia does not bring success, you will get a wonderful ornamental plant. Green leaves, fleshy petioles - a real photo, not a flower! Like other species of this family, it is a succulent.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas: from a small sprout to an adult plant

Zamiokulkas is propagated in 3 ways:

  1. Division of the bush.
  2. Cutting sheets.
  3. Simple cutting.

The fact is that it is impossible to get the seeds of this exotic plant anywhere. At home, they do not ripen, and they may not be sold intentionally in stores, because the cost of the smallest zamiokulkas is high.

In principle, all parts of a plant, from shoots to leaves, can be used to propagate a plant. The main thing is to learn how to do it right.

Beware, the flower is poisonous!

The plant that we will now learn to transplant belongs to the aroid family, and its juice contains poison. Of course, it is impossible to get a fatal burn from a flower, but in places of contact with a bare cut on a leaf, the skin will be damaged.

Redness, itching, feeling unwell are possible. But the biggest harm that a plant can bring is allergies and even anaphylactic shock.

We are talking about an exotic plant that cannot be found in the natural conditions of our country during the day with fire, so be careful. If you buy a small zamiokulkas sprout for home, choose a safe place to place it, and do all the work with gloves.

The division of the bush

Dividing a bush is the easiest way. In this case, the adult bush is simply removed from the pot and divided into equal parts so that each new bush gets a decent part of the root system with tubers. Very often, after leaving the pot, the plant simply breaks up into the parts necessary for transplantation.

After separation, the rhizome is dried, pots are prepared with a fresh substrate, each part is planted in a separate container. After planting, observe the plant. Note that 90% of the separated bushes tolerate this procedure perfectly.

How to grow zamiokulkas from a leaf: the second way to propagate exotic

To grow from a leaf, you need to cut several leaves obliquely, and sprinkle the cut points with charcoal. If there is no wood, then we recommend grinding 2-3 tablets of activated pharmacy.

The leaf dries up, and you prepare the soil and the pot for rooting.

  1. Which pot to choose is up to you. For small sheets of zamiokulkas, plastic cups, shallow plastic pots, mini planters are suitable. Do not choose a beautiful flowerpot for the initial planting - the plant grows quickly, and soon it will have to dive into another container.
  2. At the bottom of the selected container, lay out a layer of foam, expanded clay or crushed brick - this is our drainage.
  3. Now we prepare and fill the soil. The ideal combination of soil for zamiokulkas is peat and poured in a ratio of 2: 1, respectively.
  4. Now moisten the soil, take the cut leaf and immerse it in the substrate. Planting at a depth of 1-2 cm. Then water and place in a warm place under diffused light. It is recommended to cover it with a jar so that the leaf does not dry out and is in a kind of greenhouse.

The leaves take root immediately after pruning, they are not immersed in water to germinate the roots. A small leaf of zamiokulkas strengthens in the soil for 30-45 days, it needs moderate watering. After rooting, the sprout quickly gains growth, and after a few years it can become a donor for brand new bushes.

Diseases and pests

The plant is practically not susceptible to pests. Rarely, a plant is attacked by a spider mite, which leaves a white mark - a cobweb. For treatment, treat the flower with an insecticide. The decorative appearance is spoiled by small midges (aphids), settling heaps in the soil and on the leaves.

And from improper care or excessive generosity in the matter of watering, fertilizing, the plant simply dies.

Secrets of growing, or what to do if the flower gets sick?

What to do if zamiokulkas does not grow at all? You may have planted the plant in a pot that is too large, which is not recommended. The pot is chosen a few centimeters larger than the one used before the transplant. Zamiokulkas also does not grow at all during our summer, but it sprouts new shoots from late August to late February (summer in the southern hemisphere).

What to do if a tuber rots in the soil? Rot on a tuber is a sign of water overflow, and in this case, gardeners recommend cleaning the damaged layer to living tissue. Can be wiped off with gloved hands and then cleaned with a knife.

After cleaning, the tuber will be covered with a crust, and only after that the plant can be transplanted. If it rotted to the ground, the plant disappears, hurry to take the petioles from it to plant them again. You can also separate good tubers from rotten ones, sprinkle them with wood ash and transplant.

Dark or black spots are a sign of cold air or a draft, you overlooked, and the plant blew. Treatment is moving the flowerpot with the plant to a calm place.

If the petiole or leaf of the plant is wrinkled, this is a sign of water overflow or the presence of pests that gnaw on the roots and stems.

Home care

Caring for this plant at home is a real pleasure.

Problems that can happen to the plant

The only problem you may have is that the flower falls apart. Leaf petioles become thin, they fall and may even break. Many gardeners recommend tying the leaves. If you do not want a few lower branches to break off, then you can tie them to a special lattice stand.

Description of soil moisture, air and irrigation regime

Like all succulent plants, our exotic flower calmly reacts to low air humidity, and the soil in the pot does not really bother him. If you forgot to water your pet, don't worry, give him a quota of water, but don't fill the pot to the brim.

Watering is done after the upper part of the substrate layer dries. Overflowing water can lead to rotting of the root system, in which case it is very difficult to save the bush.

What temperature and lighting will the plant like?

The plant loves light, so try to save a place for it on a well-lit, warm windowsill. Note that if you decide to germinate the exotic in the winter, then it will need a backlight with a lamp.

In the warm season, it is useful to put large and small zamiokulkas on the balcony or in the garden so that the flower can breathe fresh air.

Favorable air temperature in summer is 24–25 °C, and in winter it is not lower than 12 °C.

How to feed and when to transplant a plant: time and recommended remedies

From the end of April to the end of August, it is recommended to feed 2 times a month with fertilizer for cacti or succulents. The fact is that zamiokulkas quickly consumes the supply of nutrients, and regular feeding will help maintain its healthy appearance.

Transplantation is done every year in the spring. After transplanting, the plant should be well fertilized and not flooded with water.