Dollar tree is the correct name. Zamioculcas - we grow a dollar tree without problems and hassle

Probably, almost every person living on our planet has ever dreamed of how to acquire wealth without spending time and effort. And here human fantasies know no bounds. What people are just not ready to use to attract fabulous wealth to their person. Among the many different fads, the breeding and cultivation of plants and flowers is of no small importance.

From ancient beliefs, and all sorts of superstitions of some peoples, one of these magical plants is the zamiokulkas flower. It is believed that his presence in the house promises the owners financial well-being. In other words, zamiokulkas serves as a kind of magnet that attracts money to itself. No wonder it is also called the dollar tree in another way.

There is a sign - for a flower to bring money, it must be taken from the hands of a rich and successful person by paying at least one coin for it. Along with money, the dollar tree can bestow happiness, family well-being, and an incredible surge of sexual activity during its flowering period. This is probably believed because its flowers themselves resemble the male reproductive organ.

For women, there is a special sign that the flowering of the dollar tree will bring its owner the groom or the birth of a child. And vice versa, if the plant suddenly dropped its leaves just like that, then parting with a loved one cannot be avoided. But of course, in order for the magical properties of Zamioculcas to work, it must be maintained in the proper form. That is, it must be strong, healthy and well-groomed.

Another reason why Zamioculcas was called a dollar tree is its beautiful, bright and catchy gloss, green leaves, probably reminiscent of some visionaries of a widespread currency. The flower also has powerful, tuber-like roots that help the plant keep moisture in the ground for a long time and do without watering. That is why it can please even the most inexperienced grower.

dollar tree care

As such, caring for a plant is extremely simple and does not take much effort or time. It doesn't matter why you're going to keep it. Is it just for the sake of beauty and aesthetic taste without admixture of superstition, or is it still in order to gain with its help untold wealth and incredible family well-being. Because caring for a dollar tree is carried out in exactly the same way for one category of people and for another.

Zamioculcas by nature quite unpretentious. It can be easily placed on any window of the apartment, whether it be at least the south, west, east or even north side. In his normal environment, he tolerates the scorching sun and arid climate. He is also not afraid of drafts. Therefore, keeping the plant at home is not difficult. It is enough to plant it in a pot and put it where sunlight will fall on it. Of course, do not forget to water occasionally so that it does not die.

However, it is not recommended to abuse the unpretentiousness of the dollar tree. And during a too bright glow of the sun, it is necessary to cover the plant from excess light and heat. Otherwise flower leaves may turn yellow, and then no luck will be seen for those who believe in its magical properties. And do not admire the beauty of glossy leaves for those who simply love home flowers.

Dollar tree, care at home

In the first days after buying a plant, it is not advisable to immediately place it under the open sun. First you need to give him time to adapt. And the place should be chosen where there is partial shade. Thus, being in the shade, after about a week the flower should fully adapt to the new home. Further for its successful growth and flowering it is enough just to maintain acceptable conditions of detention.

The temperature at which Zamioculcas feels comfortable is 25 degrees Celsius in summer. In such a climate, it will grow and bloom beautifully. In winter, the miracle tree requires a lower temperature. According to the advice of experienced flower growers, +16 degrees is enough for Zamiokulkas in the cold season. The insulated loggia is just the place where the plant will feel good in winter. But you can not allow temperatures below +12. Otherwise, the plant will die.

It should be noted that the dollar tree blooms very rarely, and in order to achieve its flowering at home, you should follow some simple rules. What was said above about the temperature regime and rare watering is not all that is required to care for it.

There are some nuances that will help the plant bloom. And let's talk about these nuances. Despite the resistance of zamiokulkas to aridity, he still loves a certain humidity, which can be created by ordinary spraying the leaves with water at room temperature. You can also use a more sophisticated method of moisturizing - set the flower on a pallet with wet moss or peat, which will evaporate water and provide the plant with the necessary moisture.

Zamioculcas belongs to the family of plants that originate from the tropics of Africa. And when choosing soil for a tree, you need to be guided by knowledge of the composition of the soil, similar to the very soil from distant Africa. Loose soil suitable well-permeable to moisture. In order to create the necessary soil at home, it is enough to buy it in a flower shop and dilute it a little with river sand for looseness and softness. Such soil is quite suitable for our miracle tree. You can also prepare something like a "mix" of chernozem, peat and river sand, mixing all these ingredients thoroughly. The main thing, remember, the soil should have a soft and loose consistency.

Let's touch on watering in more detail.

  • Watering should be no more than once a week, but plentifully enough. If you remember, thanks to its roots, the dollar tree retains moisture in the ground for a long time.
  • To determine if a plant needs watering, it is enough to inspect the soil in a pot. It must be completely dry, otherwise your watering can only do harm.
  • The tubers of the flower must not be allowed to rot. That is why it is not recommended to water it often. Try to avoid stagnant water in the pot pan and on the surface of the soil. Remember that watering a plant often will kill it much faster than if you water it very infrequently.

When the plant gains growth and strength in the summer, it also needs additional nourishment. Once every two weeks it feed cactus fertilizer. During the growing season, the dollar tree is fertilized no more than once a week. Moreover, the alternation of organic and mineral fertilizers is recommended.

In winter, if you place the dollar tree in a cool place, then feeding and watering can be completely stopped. If it remains on your windowsill, then you need to continue to occasionally spray it with water or wipe the leaves with a wet cloth. Because dry air can kill your plant.

A little about how the dollar tree blooms. And it blooms, yellowish, pinkish or white, with flowers, about eight centimeters long, resembling corn cobs in shape. This is not to say that these are too attractive-looking flowers. However, many people find them truly beautiful. Perhaps this is due to the wonderful properties of attracting wealth and happiness to families.

dollar tree transplant

For the successful growth and development of the dollar tree, it is recommended to replant it relatively often (at home at least once a year). So it gains resistance to diseases and a real fortress.

Most a favorable time for transplantation is considered mid-spring, April-May. As you grow, naturally, you need to increase the container in which the plant is placed. In other words, each subsequent pot should preferably be larger than the previous one. At the very least, the same size. Most suitable are plastic, low pots, with a wide top and a narrow bottom. Two days after transplantation, the plant is watered abundantly. Transplantation, like care, is nothing fancy. Everything is extremely simple and is done easily in an ordinary apartment.

dollar tree breeding

A little about breeding a dollar tree at home. There are several propagation methods for a miracle plant:

Tuber division method it is not difficult to breed a plant, because its tubers eventually begin to divide on their own. The flower grower can only carefully separate part of the tuber. And it is easiest to perform this procedure during the next plant transplant.

The very place of separation must be sprinkled with crushed coal, preferably activated, dried for some time and placed in moist soil, similar in consistency to the soil of the mother plant. This method of reproduction is quite risky. Since as a result of the separation of tubers there is a possibility of disease and death of the mother plant. And the new tuber itself can simply die, because it has not taken root. That's why it is not recommended to use this method for young plants due to the lack of a sufficient number of tubers for transplantation. But it should be noted that this method is quite suitable even for inexperienced flower growers because of its simplicity.

There are a lot of positive points in this method:

And finally, the simplest of all methods - leaf propagation.

That's all I wanted to say about such an amazing plant. We hope that our information was useful to you.

Zamioculcas has a strong reputation as a fashionable plant. Speaks about this and its "popular" name - the dollar tree. Zamiokulkas looks really impressive. Perfect for decorating office space and apartments, especially since caring for it at home is completely simple.

The indoor flower zamiokulkas zamielist belongs to the aroid family, although it is difficult to call it a typical representative. He received his unusual name because of the external resemblance to the zamiya. Zamiokulkas is native to Madagascar. The leaves are pinnate, symmetrical, slightly pointed at the top; dense, look waxy, which, in combination with a dark green color, creates a decorative effect. Leaf plates of an adult plant can reach 80 cm in length. They inspired the popular nickname Zamiokulkas - the dollar tree. Shoots are short, horizontal. It seems that the leaves grow "out of the ground."

The dollar tree develops slowly - this explains the high price of adult plants. The "heart" of zamiokulkas is a large tuber that accumulates moisture reserves. Thanks to him, the plant behaves in many ways like a succulent. The dollar tree blooms in old age. The flower, justifying the "family" affiliation, is a cob with a veil. The inflorescences are small, located close to the sinuses and do not represent decorative value, therefore Zamioculcas is not considered as a flowering plant. Popular rumor ascribes to the blossoming dollar tree the ability to "attract" women's happiness. Well, since you can wait for this only by properly caring for the plant for many years, evil tongues call Zamioculcas the flower of celibacy.

How to care for a dollar tree

Caring for a dollar tree, thanks to its unpretentiousness and ability to adapt to environmental conditions, will be within the power of even novice flower growers. Following a number of simple rules, you can ensure that the plant retains a spectacular appearance all year round.


Optimal for Zamiokulkas will be an abundance of bright diffused light - that is, windows of western or eastern orientation. However, he feels great on the northern windowsills, and even at some distance from them. Shading will only affect the growth rate of the dollar tree, not its appearance. From direct sunlight, especially when kept outdoors, the leaves protect - with an excess of light, they fade.

Temperature regime

Houseplant Zamioculcas feels comfortable in a wide range of temperatures. Due to its African origin, it does not need to be protected from the summer heat. The dollar tree is also loyal to coolness, but it is desirable that the winter temperature of the content does not fall below 12 degrees.

Humidity and watering

Zamioculcas will feel better if its leaves are periodically sprayed with warm water during the warm season. But this procedure is not necessary - the dollar tree is quite suitable for the humidity of the air in our apartments. But to wipe his leaves, cleaning them from accumulated dust, you need to regularly. To do this, you can use a soft damp cloth.

Caring for zamiokulkas will not cause trouble even for those who are constantly on the road. The plant does not tolerate an excess of water, but is loyal to its lack. During the active growing season, the top layer of soil must be dried; in winter, the amount of moisture is reduced even more, allowing the earthy coma to dry completely between waterings.


Proper care for zamiokulkas at home involves regular fertilizing: twice from spring to autumn, and once a month in winter. Additives with a slight predominance of nitrogen in the composition are used: universal or intended for succulents. In the first case, the dosage from that indicated on the package is halved. It is advisable to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers. Some flower growers recommend spraying the plant "on the leaf" with a weak solution of urea in the spring to accelerate growth.

Post-Purchase Care

Industrial greenhouses keep plants in the tightest possible containers, so after purchase it is advisable to transplant zamiokulkas into another pot, several sizes larger. In the process of transplanting, the peat in which the plant "sat" is carefully crushed from the roots, trying not to damage the tuber. Be sure to look at them for the presence of soft darkened areas, which are cut to healthy tissues, sprinkling the wounds with crushed charcoal. After transplanting, the dollar tree is watered sparingly; do not need to be placed in a greenhouse.


Zamioculcas, when cared for at home, is easily formed by pruning. If you remove the top bud on a leaf, it stops growing. Thanks to this feature, by cutting mature plants, you can give them various shapes that will last for a long time. Pruning can only be done in the spring.

How to propagate zamiokulkas

Reproduction of a dollar tree at home requires patience - the "young growth" grows more slowly than adult plants. For this, methods of dividing the tuber, planting leaf cuttings are used.

Tuber division is used if the mother plant has grown strongly and is absolutely healthy. It is better to combine the procedure with a spring transplant. Usually it is easy to find the optimal place for the incision: the tuber develops unevenly, its different parts are separated by a thin isthmus of tissues. Make sure that each division has its own growing point. Slices must be sprinkled with crushed charcoal, dried. Each division sits in a cramped pot; Before the appearance of new shoots, it is watered a little bit.

Zamioculcas does not really like violating the integrity of the tuber, therefore, as a result of the procedure, both young plants and the mother plant may die.

Reproduction of zamiokulkas by a leaf (a separate leaf plate) is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. One of the old lower segments is cut off with a sharp knife along with part of the stem - the “leg”.
  2. It sits in a mixture of peat and sand without strong penetration.
  3. The containers are placed in a greenhouse with constant ventilation (or placed in a plastic bag without tying it on top), watered moderately.

After a while, the plate will sprout roots and begin to form a tuber. It will take up to six months, after which it dies. If by this time the tuberous organ has had enough time to form, after a while it will begin to sprout. The apical parts of the leaves sit down in a similar way. They quickly form a tuber and grow. The length of the cutting does not affect the success of rooting, but the smaller the part taken for propagation, the more time it will take to turn it into a beautiful plant. You can use the material left after trimming.

How to transplant zamiokulkas

Transplanting zamiokulkas at home is not difficult, since the root system of the plant tolerates "invasions" well. The tuber itself is handled carefully, trying not to damage it. A young dollar tree is transplanted annually, an adult - once every 2-3 years, until it grows to floor tubs. Then every spring replace the top layer of soil with fresh.

Suitable soil and pot for zamiokulkas

The most suitable land for zamiokulkas is an equal mixture of soddy, leafy soil, peat and sand. However, it is undemanding to the composition of the soil, therefore, with equal success, you can use a ready-made universal or substrate intended for succulents. Main requirements: good air permeability and neutral acidity. The pot for zamiokulkas is chosen low and wide. A few centimeters should remain between the tuber and the sides.

Step by step transplant process

The dollar tree is transplanted as follows:

  1. The earth ball is removed from the old container, the roots are partially freed from the soil.
  2. The tuber is carefully examined for rot. When rotten parts are found, they are cut off with a sharp knife to healthy tissues, the wounds are sprinkled with crushed charcoal; the tuber is dried for half an hour.
  3. A layer of drainage and fresh soil is placed in a new pot so that after planting the tuber does not “sit down” too deeply.
  4. From above and on the sides they fill up the earth, lightly tamping.

Some flower growers prefer not to completely cover the tuber with soil; the more common method of landing with partial, not more than 1 cm, deepening. The tuber is slightly poisonous, so be careful when handling it.

Growing problems

Even when growing an unpretentious dollar tree, problems can arise. Sometimes zamiokulkas does not grow, sheds leaves or loses its attractive appearance. As a rule, such manifestations indicate violations of agricultural technology. If the problem is identified in a timely manner, it can most often be eliminated without harm to the life of the plant.

External manifestationsThe reasonsSolutions
Zamioculcas leaves turn yellowMost often, this is a natural aging process. By yellowing and dropping leaves, zamiokulkas can also respond to critical violations of agricultural technology. It is worth worrying if the process also affects young leaves.Observe agricultural technology - do not be zealous with watering, but remember that in the summer it is advisable not to bring the earthen ball to complete drying. Do not keep the plant in too cold rooms.
Spots on the leavesThe reason for the appearance of dark wet spots is waterlogging, possibly in combination with low temperatures or drafts. Yellow dry marks indicate direct sunlight or too dry air.Follow agricultural practices, do not overmoisten zamiokulkas and protect it from excessive temperature drops.

Do not place the pot on the south windows. Remember that spraying should be part of plant care in summer. Keep it away from batteries in winter.

The trunk turns black and the roots rotThis indicates over watering.

Dark but dry, "painted" spots on the central veins of the leaves may appear naturally during growth.

Remove the plant from the pot, cut off all damaged parts, treat healthy tissues with charcoal or Fundazol. Plant in a tighter container; before the appearance of new shoots, reduce watering until the earthen coma is completely dry. Do not forget that the dollar tree is extremely negative about excess moisture.
Dollar tree does not give new shootsZamioculcas grows slowly, but if there are no new shoots from month to month, this indicates that the plant lacks light or nutrients.Move the zamiokulkas to a more lit place, feed it regularly.
Zamioculcas cryingSometimes droplets of moisture appear on the leaf plates, looking like teardrops. This is an alarm signal that indicates mechanical damage or improper care.Follow agricultural practices.

Zamioculcas can be affected by spider mites. You can determine the appearance of a pest by a thin cobweb and deformed, lagging behind in the development of the upper leaves. To combat it, acaricides are used, such as Neoron, Fitoverm, Aktofit. The plant is treated at least twice, with a weekly interval. Without the second processing, it makes no sense to do the first; the same goes for periodicity.

Zamioculcas or in the common people "dollar tree" is a plant very popular with the population of Russia. There are a number of reasons for this: the first is the properties attributed to this plant to attract good luck and money, the second is, of course, the simplicity of keeping the flower.

Zamioculcas is very unpretentious, it easily tolerates dry air, rare watering, as well as imperfections in soil and lighting. However, nevertheless, in order for the flower to please the eye, a number of conditions will have to be observed. About them and much more further and will be discussed.

Dollar tree - Zamioculcas.

Zamioculcas(lat. Zamioculcas) is a monotypic genus of plants of the Aroid family ( Araceae), represented by a single species Zamioculcas zamielifolia(Zamioculcas zamiifolia), originating from tropical Africa.

First described in 1828 by tropical plant collector Conrad Loddiges as Caladium zamiifolium Lodd., then in 1856 by Heinrich Wilhelm Schott as Zamioculcas loddigesii Schott, in 1908 Adolf Engler, director of the Berlin Botanical Garden, gave it the modern name Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Lodd.) Engl..

Over the past few years, the dollar tree has become one of the most popular plants among flower growers. According to the practice of Feng Shui, this flower promises prosperity and wealth to its owners. That is why it has become fashionable to give zamiokulkas for birthdays and housewarmings. The second reason for the great popularity of the dollar tree is its very simple care. Growing a plant at home does not require special attention.

Dollar tree: photo, flower description

The plant got its name because of the green, glossy beautiful leaves. One fleshy leaf contains about ten feathers. The height of the tree, with good care, can reach more than one meter. Its tuberous root stores water that the plant needs during periods of drought. According to its properties, Zamioculcas is similar to Crassula or money tree.

growing in at home dollar plant rarely blooms . A dollar flower is an ear of light pink, light yellow or white, covered on the outside with a large leaf. In length, it reaches 8 cm. It does not differ in special decorative effect, and is a bit like a spathiphyllum flower.

Features of growing zamiokulkas

Zamioculcas is very undemanding, relatively easy to tolerate dry air, insufficient watering, various lighting and soil composition. However, in order to achieve the best results in its breeding, it is still necessary to create certain conditions for its maintenance.


  • Zamioculcas is photophilous, so he needs to choose a well-lit place. However, the first few days the flower must adapt to new conditions, so he needs to pick up a place with partial shade.
  • In the future, the plant can put on the windowsill shading it from direct sunlight. Otherwise, the leaves may get burned and become covered with yellow spots.

Temperature regime

  • The dollar tree will grow and bloom well in the summer at a room temperature of + 25C.
  • In winter, the flower needs a lower temperature at which it will gain strength for active growth in the summer. Flower growers recommend keeping the plant at a temperature of no more than + 16C. You can even take out a pot of zamiokulkas to an insulated loggia, if the temperature there does not fall below + 12C.

Rules for watering and feeding

Watering is one of the most important elements of flower care. It is irrigation errors that are the main cause of plant death, so it is especially important to know how to water Zamioculcas correctly. It must be remembered that this drought-resistant succulent tolerates a lack of moisture better than its excess.

Long-term maintenance without water, of course, makes the plant spend internal reserves on its vital activity, it leads to yellowing and falling off of the leaf plates in the upper part of the leaf. But even if the flower drops its leaves completely, the rhizome will remain alive, and when watering is resumed, the succulent will begin to vegetate again. Frequent waterlogging, on the contrary, leads to rotting of the roots and rhizomes, and in this case, without taking radical measures, the plant may die.

The flower is watered abundantly so that the tuber can store some liquid, but rarely, providing an interval at which the soil in the pot dries out no less than half the volume. Soft water is used, settled for at least 12 hours, its excess is immediately drained from the pan. The frequency of watering depends on the season. In the spring and summer months, when Zamioculcas is actively growing, water more often and more abundantly, usually with a pot size of more than 17 cm in diameter once every 2 weeks, in smaller containers - once a week. In winter, during the dormant period, moisture is limited to a minimum, no more than 1 time per month.

Feed with fertilizer for cacti or succulents, you can use universal flower fertilizer in half the dosage. Top dressing is applied only from spring to mid-autumn, when the flower is actively developing, with a frequency of 2-4 weeks. In winter, they are completely excluded.

An important condition for the successful cultivation of Zamioculcas is the adjustment of measures to care for it in accordance with external factors. So, at a higher temperature, the flower should be provided with more lighting, increased watering and fertilizing, with a lack of light, on the contrary, water and fertilize less, and also lower the temperature, etc.

The plant in nature grows in arid conditions, therefore it tolerates the dry air of city apartments well. It does not require spraying, it is only necessary to wipe the leaves from time to time with a damp sponge to remove dust, or wash it with a warm shower for the same purpose. In the latter case, the earthen ball is covered with polyethylene to avoid waterlogging. When grown outdoors, the flower is sufficient natural moistening with rainwater.

In a potted culture, zamiokulkas can reach 1 m in height, as the leaves grow, it needs support to ensure the stability of the flower. For these purposes, it is best to use designs with rings.

Rooting and division of zamiokulkas

The plant is slow growing and does not require frequent transplants. Its root system does not tolerate damage to an earthy coma, so it is important to know how to properly plant a zamiokulkas so as not to harm the flower. Transplantation is carried out only by transshipment, so as not to injure the tuber and roots, the soil is completely replaced only if absolutely necessary - if the plant is sick or needs to be divided.

The division of Zamioculcas is usually carried out in order to rejuvenate old, overgrown specimens, while the divided parts are used for reproduction. At home, this method of reproduction has a number of advantages, since growing a zamiokulkas from a leaf cutting or even part of a leaf is a task that is not too technically difficult, but very time-consuming, and when dividing, you can get the finished plant much faster.

  • On the other hand, planting zamiokulkas without damaging the root system is almost impossible, while cuttings are much less traumatic for a flower.
  • The divided parts adapt for a long time, sometimes for six months, without growing leaves until Zamioculcas is fully rooted. How to care for a flower during this period?
  • In the first week, it is limited in watering, in the future, if the leaves remain green and healthy in appearance, they provide normal care.

Soil and earth from soil for zamiokulkas

Zamiokulkas does not impose special requirements on the soil. You can use commercially available substrates for cacti and succulents, or cook them yourself, mixing leafy, soddy soil, peat and sand in equal amounts, adding a little charcoal to prevent root rot (approximately a handful per liter of finished mixture).

The composition may be different, the main thing is that the soil for Zamioculcas is loose, air and water permeable, preferably neutral acidity. Clay soils are completely unsuitable for these purposes, moisture is retained in them and air access to the roots is not provided. The land for Zamioculcas should not be too nutritious, the more sand in the substrate, the better its water permeability and the more often the flower can be watered.

The container for planting should be chosen in accordance with the size of the root system, not too spacious, exceeding the previous size by only a few centimeters. A prerequisite is good drainage, it should occupy at least a quarter of the volume of the pot.

  • In conclusion, it should be noted that the growing popularity of the plant is caused not only by its decorative qualities, but to a large extent by its unpretentiousness and ease of care. Zamioculcas are widely used by phytodesigners to decorate various interiors. They can be placed not only in bright rooms, but also in places with insufficient or even artificial lighting, the flower looks impressive both in high floor vases and in small containers. Tolerance to growing conditions, combined with undemanding care and spectacular appearance, makes the plant suitable for growing in residential and office buildings, as well as in the lobbies of hotels, medical institutions, and other public places.

Zamiokulkas pests

The plant is rarely affected by insects, apparently due to the thick glossy skin that covers the leaves.

Of the pests of Zamioculcas, sometimes there are:

  • Aphids often appear if the plant is taken out into the open air for the summer. Affected leaves curl, discolor, then turn yellow and fall off. It is destroyed by ready-made insect repellents such as decis, intavir, actellik or fitoverm.

  • Thrips, often moving from neighboring plants, while silvery lesions appear on the leaves, the stems are bent, traces of excrement are visible. To destroy this persistent pest, repeated treatment with insecticides (intavir, karate, actellik, karbofos, etc.) is used.

  • Mealybugs that infect plants in conditions of too dry air, rather large pests visible to the naked eye, suck the juices from the leaves and young shoots, which is why the flower lags behind in growth, the leaves deform and fall off, leave sugary cotton-like secretions, on which they settle in further sooty fungi. With a mild form of damage, insects are mechanically removed with a damp sponge moistened with a soap or alcohol solution; in more complex cases, they are treated with pesticides (intavir, decis, actelik, etc.). Sometimes you have to try several drugs to choose the most effective.

After any treatment with insecticides in a day, the flower is washed with a warm shower, while not forgetting to cover the soil in the pot with polyethylene. If necessary, spraying is repeated several times, until the pest is completely destroyed.

Zamiokulkas flowering

It is characteristic that flowers of different sexes are located separately on the cob, female - from below, male - from above, and between them there is a zone of sterile flowers. Due to this structure of the inflorescence, its self-pollination is impossible.

Outside, the ear is covered with a modified leaf, called a spathe, 5-8 cm long, light green in color, which makes it difficult to distinguish among the foliage.

Flowering plant

Such a nondescript blooming zamiokulkas is explained by the habitat of the succulent in nature, it is pollinated by the wind or a few crawling insects that live in the hot mountain steppes in the homeland of the plant. Perhaps this is also related to the location of the inflorescence, it appears on a low, from 3 to 20 cm, peduncle directly from the tuber, very close to the soil surface, which probably makes it easier for creeping insects to access the flowers.

  • Below are a few photos of Zamioculcas flowering, which show that at first the cob grows up, then, as it matures, its peduncle bends to the ground.
  • In nature, after fertilization, brown berries containing seeds are formed. When grown in pots, like most other aroid species, the seeds do not ripen.

Zamioculcas bloomed, what to do

Sometimes amateur flower growers have a question, does Zamiokulkas bloom at all in room culture, and what conditions does he need to create for this? It is widely believed that in an apartment a succulent blooms only in adulthood, when it grows significantly. However, many flower growers testify that young specimens also bloom, but only if they create an optimal light, thermal and water regime.

Zamioculcas bloomed in the photo

In particular, although the plant is considered shade-tolerant, and grows well on northern windows, it will not bloom in such lighting. But if you place this inhabitant of the African rocky plateaus on the eastern or southern window, you can see how zamiokulkas blooms, even at a fairly young age.

  • Despite the inconspicuousness and inconspicuousness of the inflorescence, its exotic appearance and rarity of appearance brought to life a number of interesting signs.
  • So, the flower is popularly called “female happiness”, it is believed that the plant will bring happiness to its mistress in her personal life, but for this it is necessary, firstly, that they not buy it, but receive it as a gift, and secondly, that the zamiokulkas should bloom .
  • Perhaps the origin of the sign and name is associated with the peculiar appearance and location of the cob, which evokes certain associations with the main male dignity.

It should be noted that if a plant produces an inflorescence, but new shoots do not appear, this indicates its aging and the need to worry about reproduction to replace it with younger specimens.

Although indoor zamiokulkas does not differ in spectacular flowering, which also happens quite rarely and only when optimal conditions for growth are created, this does not prevent it from remaining one of the most unpretentious and decorative indoor plants, which is becoming increasingly popular among flower growers around the world.

Zamioculcas flower: types and varieties

The genus Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas) includes only one species, Zamioculcas zamielistny (Z. Zamifolia). Sometimes in the literature it is found under the name "Zamiokulkas Loddigesa" (Z. Loddigesii).

Zamioculcas Zamifolia in the photo

Zamioculcas Loddigesii pictured


This name was given to the flower in 1856 in honor of its discoverer, exotic plant collector Conrad Loddiges, and existed in scientific circles until the early 20th century. In 1908, the director of the Berlin Botanical Garden, Adolf Engler, first introduced the name "zamiokulkas zamielist", and since then it has been considered generally accepted.

Professional flower growers call this name a succulent, and its popularity in room culture has given rise to many popular names inspired by appearance, origin or signs associated with it. The plant is known colloquially as the "Zanzibar pearl" or "Zanzibar gem" because of its natural habitat; an aroid palm tree, an eternal tree or a fat man, because of the original appearance and slow growth characteristic of a flower. It is often called a dollar tree, perhaps because of the shape and color of the leaves, the rather high price or the property attributed to the succulent to attract banknotes to the house, and in American currency. Another common folk name for zamiokulkas, female happiness, is associated with a sign according to which, when the plant blooms, which happens quite rarely at home, her female happiness will finally come to his mistress.

The zamiokulkas flower is very popular in China, they consider it a talisman that brings money luck to the house, and they call it beautifully and solemnly - Chinese New Year festive plant, or Chinese New Year holiday plant.

plant varieties

There are several varieties of Zamioculcas, which are not distinguished into separate species, but are considered natural variations. This, for example, lanceolate zamiokulkas (Z. Lanceolata), found in Mozambique and characterized by more elongated lanceolate leaf blades, was first described by the German botanist Gustav Albert Peter in 1929.

Previously, another variety was assigned to the genus, Zamiakulkas Boivin (Z. boivinii Decne), also growing in the mountain forests of East Africa and first described in 1870, however, according to modern classification, the plant is assigned to gonatopus, another genus of the aroid family, and is now called gonatopus Boivin (Gonatopus boivinii).

Zamioculcas boivinii Decne pictured

Gonatopus boivinii pictured

Since the flower has been introduced into culture recently, its botanical appearance is mainly found on sale. However, the growing popularity of this houseplant stimulates breeding efforts to create new cultivated forms, and in 2007 the first cultivar, the Zamicro miniature variety, was introduced to the market. Unlike the large zamiokulkas zamioculcas, a natural species that grows up to 1 m, this variety is not higher than 60 cm in height and has smaller graceful leaves.

Dollar tree: pruning and pest control

Many have a dollar tree on their windowsill. Even children know how to care for this pet. The indoor pet, which got its name from the appearance of the leaves, is not as capricious as, for example, a Christmas star flower, fashionista eustoma or murray.

  • His homeland is East Africa. The appearance of the African representative is quite spectacular. From the tuber hidden underground, 4-6 high shiny dissected leaves depart. Zamioculcas in the interior
  • Dollar tree - so called zamiokulkas because of its unusual, but very attractive leaf shape. For many centuries, this representative has been considered a real talisman, a symbol of domestic well-being and wealth.
  • Watering, temperature, humidity - the minimum care that a dollar tree requires. Reproduction is carried out most often by cuttings. Pruning and pest control are more difficult. Therefore, we will dwell on these stages of care in more detail.

How to protect the plant from insects?

A dollar tree at home is susceptible to attack by pests. This happens due to improper care. Therefore, despite the unpretentiousness of the pet, one should not neglect the recommendations of specialists. The most common insects that infect the trunk and foliage are the spider mite and the scale insect.

Insects appear only when the air is too dry. You can find them with a careful examination of the crown. If you notice a light cobweb on the leaves, and your dollar tree turns yellow for no apparent reason, then this is the work of intruders.

The scab on the stems appears as small black dots. It is recommended to use a warm soapy solution from laundry soap to combat it. Processing will be needed more than once, it is recommended to observe the plant for another couple of weeks. After a soapy shower, the pot is covered with a plastic bag, it is better to rearrange the rest of the indoor flowers to another place, having previously examined it.

The plant is also affected by spider mites. You can find it on the surface of the leaves. The insect itself is very small, whitish or reddish in color. It is easy to notice by damage and spots, the presence of a light silvery cobweb on the foliage. There are two ways to deal with such a guest, one of which is the same soap solution. But it is best to immediately use acaricides, drugs that are specifically designed to eliminate such pests.

If insects are found at the initial stage, then the pet can be easily and quickly cured. It is impossible to delay here, as the plant may soon dry out and die.

fashionable haircut

We figured out how to get rid of Zamioculcas pests. How to care for him further and do pruning is the next stage of our conversation. This question is important for anyone who decides to start such an attractive plant with leaves that strongly resemble coins. Care itself was described in our previous articles, so let's take a closer look at molding.

  • Why does a tree need a haircut? Any plant requires a proper balance of water and light. Zamioculcas, which is easy to care for, is able to form its own crown, which has a positive effect on its growth, but it does not happen so rarely that pruning is still required. In this case, it is necessary to plan it for the period when the greatest growth is observed, that is, the juice moves along the stem very actively.
  • It is best to prune when the twigs begin to grow only upwards, but not to the sides. To give the crown a beautiful spherical shape, you should carefully remove the top kidney, which receives the most nutrients. Next, side branches that have grown too much or the direction of their growth is wrong are eliminated. After such molding, the crown acquires the desired shape.

Transplant preparation

  • After molding, the dollar tree flower begins to actively throw out the lower buds, which will eventually become independent branches.
  • But you will have to make sure that all parts of the plant receive the same nutrition, otherwise the crown will turn out to be one-sided, some branches will dry out.
  • If one of the young branches began to grow faster than the others, then it is better to cut it off so that the crown retains its attractive appearance.

You can not pruning in the winter, as the money tree at home during this period completely stops growth. If you start cutting branches in winter, then new shoots will become pale, elongated, they will not have enough food. The best time for molding is spring. At this time, all the buds grow evenly, the leaves-coins are plump, justifying the name of the tree.

The dollar tree, which is easy to care for, usually requires almost no pruning. It is recommended to remove only dried, crooked, diseased branches, without touching healthy ones. Zamioculcas differs from other indoor plants in that it is able to independently form its own crown.

To trim the lignified parts, you need to use a secateurs or sharp scissors, but the leaves and buds are pinched without much difficulty. The plant is easily restored, the affected areas heal quickly, completely hiding the stumps under new shoots.

Attention and care

Caring for a pet is quite simple, it resists diseases well, insects damage it only when the rules of care are not followed. Sometimes pruning is required to improve the nutrition of the branches, getting them the proper level of light. As you can see, making a fashionable haircut is simple and fast. Due attention and care will surely turn your pet into a wonderful green creature that brings good luck and happiness to the house.

This succulent is in many ways similar to its counterparts. However, caring for it is somewhat different.

If you want Zamioculcas to delight you with beautiful dark green leaves for a long time, follow the tips below.

What are the secrets of proper plant care?

  1. Zamioculcas does not like excessive glaze. It tolerates a slight drought better than waterlogging. Given the tuberous root system, you need to water the plant only around the perimeter of the pot, trying not to flood its core.
  2. In spring and summer, the plant is desirable feed with every watering. And through times – in autumn-winter. In this case, the usual mineral fertilizer for decorative leafy plants or succulents or urea should be used. Unlike many brethren, Zamioculcas loves foliar feeding, regardless of the season. 3. The plant sometimes "cries", which indicates high humidity. Droplets can also be an alarm signal given by a tuber overflowing with water due to excessive watering.
  3. Green handsome man turn yellow, which is a clear sign of a problem. If, with a lack of moisture, its stem wrinkles slightly, like other succulents, then yellowness does not indicate dryness of the soil, but waterlogging, which led to the decay of the tuber. In this case, the plant must be urgently transplanted, ruthlessly removing the damaged tuber and thoroughly cleaning the rhizome so that it does not have decaying shoots. After a transplant for about two weeks, Zamioculcas should not be watered.
  4. Zamioculcas grows and develops better in cramped pots, so transplant it follows after the stem-like rhizomes rest against the walls of the vessel, practically “tear” it.
  5. Do not experiment and place this flower in deep shadow- this will lead to a violation of the water and air balances, thinning of the stems, fading colors. Best of all - soft diffused light.
  6. Preferring non-waterlogged rocky soil, Zamioculcas at the same time loves spraying, so once a month it is worth washing it in the shower, while covering the soil. This procedure is especially needed in the winter, when central heating is “raging” in the apartments.
  7. breeds Zamioculcas is quite easy. A fresh cutting should be placed in an earthen substrate or a glass of water, where a nodule with processes is formed within 2 weeks. After rooting, the primary leaves turn yellow and die off, which is the norm. Zamioculcas grows for a long time, and you should not be zealous with growth stimulants, otherwise the plant will die forever.

With proper care, the plant can please not too bright, but such a pleasant "cob" of ivory color in a pale green bedspread.


  • Features of care
  • "Woman's happiness"
  • "Money Tree"

Signs and superstitions associated with Zamioculcas are usually positive. This home plant is considered a symbol of prosperity, wealth and female happiness. The flower is very popular: it is purchased for the office, at home. Depending on the species, it can reach from 60 centimeters to 1.5 meters in height. Its leaves are dense, fleshy, dark green, they are the decoration of any home. With proper care, he can please a very interesting flower that resembles a banana or an ear of corn in its shape.

First of all, signs associate zamiokulkas with financial well-being.

Features of care

In the people, this plant is sometimes called "female happiness", "money tree". In general, it has a very positive energy. Zamioculcas has an unpretentious disposition, but blooms extremely rarely. To do this, he, as a woman, needs care, love and reverent care. Zamioculcas is a succulent, so it does not like excessive watering, the leaves can turn black from excess moisture. Another name for the flower is the Zanzibar gem or emerald tree, so it requires simple, but decent care.

  • He does not like the flower and dry air, it turns yellow from it, so it is recommended to spray the leaves. He likes cramped pots, in a new, fresh soil, after transplanting, he will give “kids”.
  • In winter, he needs a moderate temperature.
  • And in the summer it can live perfectly on a balcony, veranda or even on the street at moderate temperatures without drops.
  • In winter, it is better not to spray or fertilize the plant. Only when the air is very dry at home, it is necessary to moisten the leaves.

The leaves have poisonous juice and can cause an allergic reaction, so it is better to handle the plant with gloves and not let it be chewed by pets - food poisoning, allergies and digestive disorders in the latter are possible.

"Woman's happiness"

The people gave this name to the plant because it blooms, just as a woman becomes prettier, that is, only in care, care and love. It is with this attitude that he will delight his family with his unusual flowering, delicate fragrance. So women, with a good attitude, delight with their beauty and blooming appearance. Separately, flower growers note the shape of the Zamioculcas flower, which resembles a phallic symbol, thus representing happiness in the personal life of any woman.

It is believed that such a plant with its flowering promises a quick marriage, family happiness and joy. A woman in whose house this beautiful flower bloomed will bathe in the rays of love, male attention, gifts and self-care.

The sign says that in order for a flower to bring happiness to the house, it should not be purchased in a store, but must be received as a gift or "steal".

The signs strictly stipulate that even in the case when the flower was presented, it is necessary to give coins to the donor for it. When a man himself gives this plant to a woman, he must also receive a "ransom" for it. Then the plant will grow better, and in the house of both the one who received such a gift and the one who gave it, there will always be happiness and prosperity.

"Money Tree"

When receiving a plant as a gift, it is customary to give coins to the donor.

This is another name for a flower. It is probably associated with the shape and color of its leaves, reminiscent of many green bills - dollars. When the leaves of the plant are green, healthy, do not fall off, do not turn black or turn yellow, this means that a strong dollar flow is coming into the house, the house has excellent monetary energy.

When a tree becomes ill, and so badly that the process cannot be reversed, and the flower cannot be cured, then the cash reserves will melt.

  • To stop this process, you need to get a new young and healthy flower.
  • A young tree must be placed next to the old one, then the latter will convey the positive attitude that it once had.
  • The plant will definitely share with its successor the feeling of love and care that the owners gave it.
  • Then the new flower will surely bring cash flow to the house and prevent financial losses that could occur after the death of the first plant.

Feng Shui experts recommend placing zamiokulkas in the wealth zone, which, according to this theory, is located in the southeast. A few coins should be buried in a pot with a plant, then there will certainly be prosperity and prosperity in the house.

The history of the home plant zamiokulkas and its use in culture

The flower was first described in 1829 by Conrad Loddiges, a well-known collector and founder of one of the largest English nurseries of exotic plants. Then, due to the similarity of the appearance of the sheets with the zamia, a representative of the tropical flora of the American continent, it was given the name Caladium zamiifolium (Caladium zamiifolium), and attributed to the genus Caladium of the aroid family. However, already in 1856, the Austrian botanist Heinrich Wilhelm Schott identified the plant in a separate genus under the name Zamioculcas Loddiges (Zamioculcas loddigesii). Since 1908, it has been called Zamioculcas Zamiefolia.

  • Despite the fact that the flower has been known to botanists for a long time, interest in it as a room culture arose only in the 90s of the last century.
  • In 1996, individual specimens first appeared at flower auctions in Holland, and quickly gained wide popularity among professional and amateur flower growers.
  • The growing demand for the plant stimulates breeding work to create new varieties.
  • In 2007, the first cultivar appeared on sale, more compact (not higher than 60 cm) compared to the natural species, and, accordingly, with smaller leaves.

As a home plant, Zamioculcas has a number of undeniable advantages. Its exotic appearance with spectacular hard glossy leaves is combined with amazing unpretentiousness and ease of care. Unlike other representatives of the aroid family, this drought-resistant succulent does not require high humidity, tolerates irregular watering, and tolerates lack of light well.

The popularity of the flower is evidenced by the existence of a number of signs associated with it. Many believe that his presence in the house brings good luck in financial matters, which is probably why people call Zamioculcas a dollar tree. It is believed that it contributes to the influx of US currency, perhaps due to the appearance of the leaves, fleshy, green and oblong. Conversely, they say that if the succulent began to hurt, you can expect financial difficulties. There is also a sign that you can’t give a process from a flower for nothing, you need to get at least some kind of payment for it.

  • When breeding a culture at home, it must be borne in mind that, like all members of the aroid family, Zamioculcas is poisonous, or, to be more precise, belongs to conditionally dangerous plants.
  • The juice contained in the leaves can lead to allergic reactions, and if ingested, to intestinal disorders.
  • If this succulent grows in an apartment, standard safety measures should be taken: use gloves when pruning and transplanting, wash hands thoroughly after work, and also keep the flower away from small children and pets.

Today, Zamioculcas is at the peak of its popularity. The imposing appearance, slow growth and ease of care have made it fashionable not only among amateur flower growers, but also among professional phytodesigners. A plant grown in tub culture is perfect for landscaping offices, it can decorate any, even the most fashionable interior. In the photos below, zamiokulkas are used as a design element in residential and office premises.


Today, many people know the direction of Feng Shui, which is the Taoist practice of symbolic exploration of space.

  • The main goal of this teaching is to achieve maximum harmony and comfort in a person's environment. Symbols and feng shui talismans are of great importance in it. For example, to attract currency to the house, a dollar tree is used, in another way - zamiokulkas.
  • It should not be confused with the money tree - these are completely different plants. The dollar tree does not have such rounded leaves as the fat woman - the money tree. Although in action they are somewhat similar: both attract wealth to the house, promote peace in the family, strengthen love and bestow good luck.

A symbol that attracts female happiness

The dollar tree is a beautiful ornamental houseplant. Sometimes it is popularly called female happiness. Although the name "female happiness", according to many, belongs to another flower.

However, practice proves that Zamiokulkas, a dollar tree, can miraculously attract the real thing, namely female happiness, to its mistress.

Probably, the appearance of the flower, which the dollar tree is famous for, symbolizes the phallus in Feng Shui. Indeed, the exotic Zamioculcas plant blooms at the time of flowering with a creative cob of impressive size. And symbols of this kind from ancient times included the concepts of intercourse, sex, love, a strong family.

  • But in order for the action of the flower to have power in this direction, it is necessary that a plant called "zamiokulkas" be sure to be donated by someone.
  • And, of course, the power of zamioculcas is revealed precisely at the moment of flowering. However, it is quite difficult to get the dollar tree to bloom.

Talisman that attracts dollars

The very name "dollar tree", which is used colloquially by the people, indicates its direct relationship to the finances of its owner. This flower, according to Feng Shui, has the power to attract dollars to the house where it is located.

  • Zamiokulkas differs from the well-known fat woman in that it is not necessary to bury coins in its pot, as required by activating the properties of the money tree. But you can put a few cents or a dollar bill under the pot - this will enhance its effect.
  • Also, the properties of a houseplant called a dollar tree are favorably affected by dollars placed on its branches, like additional leaves. They are sometimes twisted with pounds in such a way that the pyramid depicted on the banknote is directed upwards.
  • It can also be very effective to increase the activity of zamioculcas if the dollar tree is watered with pre-charged water. To recharge water, you need to lower a few cents into a container with liquid for a quarter of an hour. After the dollar tree is watered with charged water, the coins should be put in a wallet and carried with you.

An important point in Feng Shui to attract money is the place where the houseplant Zamioculcas will be placed. A correctly defined sector of wealth will enhance the properties of this talisman.

It is believed that according to Feng Shui, you can find the area responsible for human well-being using a special tool - the Bagua grid.

Thus, the Zamioculcas plant should be located in the southeast square of the room. Although many connoisseurs of the teachings of Feng Shui consider this statement controversial. They are sure that this tree brings wealth, regardless of its location in the dwelling of its owner.

But the fact that the zamiokulkas plant, in no case, can not be installed directly on the windowsill, where the sun's rays fall, is confirmed by everything - the tree prefers shade and cannot stand direct sunlight.

A symbol that brings good luck to its owners

The opinion of experts about the amazing plant zamiokulkas also agree that it is able to attract good luck to the house. Actually, any plant, according to the practice of Feng Shui, has such a property, it is only important to install it or a symbol that carries this meaning (drawing, photograph, artificial model, figurine, etc.) in the place on the Bagua grid where correction is required.

However, Zamioculcas is the most powerful plant in this sense, so this property should not be neglected.

Environment indicator

Sometimes such a nuisance happens: no matter how hard the owner of the home or the hostess tries to take care of indoor plants, they do not want to grow into anything: they wither, bend, have yellow dry leaves ... What's the matter?

It turns out that all plants, and especially zamiokulkas, have an extremely strong effect on negative energy that is invisible to the human eye. That is, if the zamiokulkas tree has an unprepossessing appearance, you should take care of the environment.

  • It is possible that zamioculcas senses the approaching troubles and tries to warn its owner about the impending disaster. Therefore, in this case, you should be extremely careful in making serious decisions, reconsider your outlook on life. Lies, dishonesty towards other people will definitely affect the state of the dollar tree - an indicator of the environment.
  • Often this condition is due to the accumulation of negative energy in the room. Therefore, it is urgent to carry out a general cleaning in the dwelling and throw out all the rubbish, especially from the mezzanines and cabinets!
  • It is also good to carry out cleansing procedures indoors with the help of candles, holy water and prayer.
  • It is very important to change your behavior: swearing, insults, especially swearing and obscene language, must leave the premises forever!
  • Each plant responds well to kind and affectionate words - you should refer to the flower, rewarding it with gentle epithets. Sometimes you can ask a silent pet in a whisper about something - often a plant helps to fulfill a desire if it does not bring evil and harm to anyone.
  • But is it possible that the state of the flower depends on the care of it? Then it makes sense to carefully read the article on how to care for it, how to feed it, how to transplant it, what kind of soil the plant prefers, with what regularity it should be watered.

To give happiness to others is to receive a thousand times more!

There is another important point, the fulfillment of which can bring its owner favorable indicators on the entire scale of action of an amazing plant called zamiokulkas. It consists in the fact that when propagating this plant, you cannot sell a pot with a new dollar tree - this can nullify all the properties of the mother plant and even transfer them to a state with a minus sign.

But a flower given from a pure soul can greatly enhance its capabilities. Giving, each person receives many times more than what he parted with.

The Zamioculcas dollar tree outwardly resembles a fat woman - a money tree, only differs in its larger size and massiveness. Both plants symbolize financial well-being, only the task of the fat woman is to take care of the family budget, and the zamioculcas is to attract more funds, moreover, in a currency that will become savings and bring income to the owner.

This is how followers of Taoist practice view this domestic vegetation and give recommendations on how to make a green pet “work” for the benefit of the owner. In turn, flower growers appreciate the dollar tree for its unpretentiousness and spectacular noble appearance.

The Zamioculcas plant, popularly nicknamed the dollar or currency tree, comes from Africa. It is a member of the Aroideae family, the only subspecies of Zamioculcas zamiifolia. He feels good in the climatic conditions of Europe, Asia, America, Mexico, Australia and Brazil. In Russia, it is found as a room or office flower.

It is somewhat reminiscent of zamiya - an evergreen relict plant. And the word “zamia” itself has Latin roots and is translated as “losses” or “damage”. In addition, in different parts of the world, the flower is found under different names: the pearl of Zanzibar, the eternal or golden tree, the aroid palm. It is also sometimes called the opposite: female happiness or a flower of celibacy.

In culture, the tree appeared relatively recently, flower growers learned about it only at the end of the last century. But, it almost immediately became popular in the world of floriculture due to sales at Dutch flower auctions, which are world famous.

Many Zamiokulkas liked because of the high decorative qualities, it is great for almost any interior. With good care, it grows up to one and a half meters, is a perennial, but life expectancy does not exceed 10 years.

The plant is a succulent with thick, straight stems. It can store moisture, filling it not only with stems and foliage, but also with tubers. This allows the tree to endure even prolonged droughts.

The leaves of Zamioculcas are fleshy, with a dark green, glossy surface and pointed ends. They are arranged in pairs, symmetrically. The succulent blooms rarely, throwing out a short thick peduncle, on which a creamy flower similar to an ear appears. It is covered with a coverlet of a light green hue, so it is not so easy to notice the flowering of the dollar tree.

Popular types

Selection work with this succulent is still ongoing, and it brought its first fruits in 2007, when botanists brought out a miniature bushy tree, Zamicro, on the basis of Zamioculcas, the height of which was only 40–60 cm.


The main type of succulent that is found in the natural environment is Zamioculcas Zamielia, named after the gymnosperm Zamii,
the common name is lodgedges.
For the first time, botanists discovered it in the 30s of the 19th century; it is most common in Madagascar. Russian flower growers learned about the dollar tree only at the beginning of the 21st century, when specimens of this exotic plant were brought from Europe.
This home flower is quite expensive, however, this does not affect its high popularity.
Loddiges looks very impressive, forming a rosette of large pinnate leaves. The root system has a large tuber.



Another representative of the species, which in its homeland, in South Africa, is called the “pearl from Zanzibar”. Like the previous species, it prefers to grow on the coast of Madagascar.
A large tuber of a flower, like other parts of it, perfectly absorbs moisture, however, the succulent likes regular watering and a spray shower. Feels bad in dry air.
Zamioculcas buaven has beautiful foliage, leathery, emerald green, with smooth edges. Like other representatives, it blooms extremely rarely and this period does not last long.
With good care and frequent feeding, the tree grows significantly, so it is better to plant it in wide, stable containers. Suitable for novice gardeners.

And also there are various variations of the dollar tree, however, they are quite rare.

Zamioculcas in the house: pros and cons

A lot of superstitions hovers around this succulent, in fact, this can be understood by the abundance of capacious additional names. So what does the money tree promise the owner, or scientifically - African Zamioculcas? It is worth considering the main beliefs associated with it:

Succulents attract wealth

The appearance of this flower in the house is a good sign, soon its inhabitants will experience an increase in the level of well-being. The Taoist Feng Shui practice claims that Zamioculcas, like a magnet, attracts money to a home.

But in order for the symbol to work, it is necessary to put a pot of succulents in the apartment in the wealth zone, which is located in the southeast. Naturally, this place should be suitable for growing tropical vegetation. And you can also put a few coins of foreign currency under the pot or in the ground.

Zamioculcas flower is a symbol of female happiness

It is believed that this plant can solve many problems of the fair sex if you put a pot with a dollar tree in the room. It will help a single girl find a soul mate or feel the joy of motherhood.

This action is due to the phallic shape of succulent flowers, there is a belief among the people that they can attract male energy. But here there is one caveat - it is advisable not to buy a flower, but to receive it as a gift. Best of all, if it is presented by a woman who has a happy marriage, this will significantly increase the chances of attracting a worthy, reliable man to the house.

This succulent is a tree of celibacy

Why in one case only positive qualities are attributed to him, and in the other - negative ones? Most likely, the reason for this is the similarity of the foliage of the dollar tree with the leaves of the spathiphyllum, which is considered a muzhegon.

It is interesting! The surest sign that a green pet is doing its “work” is its flowering, which occurs infrequently in nature, and is extremely rare at home. And if this happened, then only good things await the owner ahead: success, good luck in business and on the personal front, happiness. In the case when a person has changes coming, but he can’t decide on them in any way, and suddenly a zamiokulkas blooms - this is a signal that he is on the right track and everything planned will definitely succeed.

Whether it is worth planting such an ambiguous indoor plant as a dollar tree in the house, the grower must decide for himself. But, it is important to remember that this is a rather large succulent that needs special care.

Caring for a dollar tree at home

This flower is a succulent plant and usually lovers of such vegetation have no problems growing it. The same conditions are suitable for him as for other "thrifty" green pets. Beginners should get acquainted with the features of keeping a tropical guest.

Adaptation period

Experienced flower growers advise: if you bought a zamiokulkas, you should give it time to adapt to a new room, air, temperature, humidity and other indicators. As a rule, these succulents are grown in greenhouses, conditions that are as close to natural as possible. After they are planted in transport soil and a compact container. During the move, the trees are under a lot of stress and in the store or even in the owner's house they can shed their leaves. You should not panic - the tree will recover and grow its dollar leaves.

It is not recommended to transplant it immediately, if the flower is not particularly crowded and it is in suitable soil, you can wait 3-4 weeks. But, when the soil is too oily or vice versa - poor, and the tuber does not have enough space, you can not do without a transplant.
The event should be carried out carefully:

  • The plant is removed from the transport tank along with the soil.
  • It must be gently shaken and planted in fresh soil and a spacious pot.
  • It is better to refuse watering in the first two to three weeks, and after a while, water the succulent carefully - infrequently, in small portions, you can start with spraying.

It is important! For sale, flowers from abroad most often come in a transport substrate, which is practically unsuitable for their life and subsequently, in most cases, are not transplanted. Therefore, moving a green pet to a suitable land can be a salvation for him.

Suitable lighting

The dollar tree in this matter is unpretentious, it is able to grow from the shade and in the sun, however, the African zamiokulkas, as a true tropical inhabitant, loves bright lighting and develops more evenly and quickly under such conditions.

It is advisable to place a pot with a tree in a well-lit place; in bright, diffused light, the foliage of the succulent will retain a rich green tint. The tree tolerates direct sunlight well, however, the leaves become more faded in color.

In winter, the succulent may experience a lack of lighting, so it is advisable to place it closer to the light source, for example, on a window on the south side.

Temperature regime

It is directly related to the season:

  • in summer, the preferred air temperature is +25 - +30 degrees;
  • in autumn - varies from +16 to +22 degrees;
  • in winter - the average is - + 16 degrees, a decrease is undesirable;
  • in spring - the temperature should gradually increase, from +16 to +20 - +22 degrees.

It is important! Lowering the temperature is dangerous for the dollar tree. In the cold, the plant not only stops growing, but can get sick and even die.

Soil mixture for Zamioculcas

Like other succulent plants, the dollar tree needs light, nutritious soil. You can purchase a ready-made mixture designed for cacti and succulents, or you can prepare it yourself by mixing leafy, grain soil, adding peat and coarse sand. It is also recommended to add a little expanded clay crumb.

It is important to take care that excessive moisture does not linger in the soil, due to which the roots and tuber of the tree can rot. To do this, a layer of drainage material should be poured onto the bottom of the pot - brick chips, fine gravel, perlite, vermiculite, pieces of ceramics.
The bottom of the container must have drain holes.

Forced and planned transplant

This succulent has a powerful, strong root system, however, it is easy to damage it, which will lead to the death of the tree. And in order to reduce possible risks, Zamioculcas should be transplanted subject to certain rules and recommendations:

  • dollar tree - a typical slow-growing succulent, in which new leaves appear no more than 2 times in six months, so the flower does not need frequent transplants;
  • scheduled transplants should be carried out when the roots of the plant grow - on average, young succulents need 1 transplant per year, adults - once every 2-3 years;
  • if the pet is transplanted from the substrate, then this material must be removed carefully, without damaging the roots;
  • the most gentle method is the “transshipment” method, it maximally preserves the integrity of the Zamioculcas measles system, which is highly sensitive.

It is important! Do not neglect the "transshipment" method and completely remove the old earth from the flower roots. This can cause damage to the roots and subsequent death of the African tree. An exception is the transplant of a pet whose root system is infected with rot.

The root system is placed in a new pot along with the old soil and sprinkled with fresh soil mixture to the edges of the container. The full immersion of the root in the tank is not required, it is desirable that the tubers be slightly visible on the surface. You can water the transplanted zamiokulkas a couple of weeks after the event.

The dollar tree does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. This leads to lethargy, yellowing of the foliage and rotting of the roots and tuber. A timely transplant will help save a tropical plant:

  • in this case, you need to remove the root from the soil, clean it without damaging the parts;
  • it is important to conduct a thorough inspection of the root system and if rotten dark brown areas are found, they should be removed;
  • after that, you need to rinse the rhizome under running warm water and dry it thoroughly in the open air;
  • The tree is ready to be transplanted into new soil.

If an emergency transplant is required, then it should be carried out immediately, but it is better to postpone the planned “move” until the spring period - at the end of March - the beginning of April. In winter, the succulent rests and is not recommended to be disturbed.

Watering mode and humidity level

This succulent accumulates water, and with all parts, and retains it, spending sparingly if necessary. Like other similar plants, it does not need excessive watering, and experienced flower growers note that it is better to underfill Zamioculcas than to overdo it. Excessive moisture is especially dangerous in winter.

In summer, the tree is watered every 5-7 days, in winter, especially if the flower is kept cool - no more than once every two weeks, or even less often. From November to February, you can limit yourself to one watering per month.

Water should be at room temperature, well settled, rainwater is ideal.

The plant is not sensitive to air humidity, so no humidifiers or other devices are needed. It is recommended to wipe the foliage from time to time with a damp cloth, hitting the dust, which makes it difficult for air to enter the cells of the leaf plate.

You can arrange a monthly shower succulent, it invigorates and refreshes a tropical plant. However, it is important to ensure that no water remains in the container after the procedure; the pot is put in its original place only when all the liquid has drained from it.

pruning succulent

How to cut zamiokulkas, and most importantly, does this tropical plant need a similar procedure? As it turned out, it is carried out for several reasons:

  • to give the tree any shape, increasing its decorative properties;
  • to rejuvenate a succulent, the lower part of which is stiff;
  • Zamioculcas pruning is possible if the owner wants to propagate the dollar tree;
  • damaged or diseased parts of the plant are also cut off.

It is possible to cut all parts of the succulent: rhizome with tubers, leaves with cuttings and individual leaf blades. To reduce injury to the flower, it is recommended to manipulate with a sharp knife or secateurs. Sections of cuts are dried and sprinkled with activated or charcoal powder.

How does the dollar tree reproduce?

Zamioculcas is distinguished by unpretentiousness and ease of care, the same applies to the propagation of succulents. There are several ways:

Tuber division

An effective method that is very simple and effective. To grow new zamiokulkas, it is enough to divide the root system of the tree into 2-3 parts during transplantation and plant them in different containers. The process algorithm is as follows:

  • After removing the plant from the soil, the tuber should be examined for the presence of growth points. Each separated part must have at least one, so that later shoots form from it.
  • The rhizome is divided with a sharp blade, it is recommended to sprinkle the sections of the shoots with activated or charcoal powder, and then dry them in the open air.
  • Then the plant is immediately placed in a pot, the soil mixture should be light, sterile. You can make its consistency looser by adding a little vermiculite to the soil.
  • Part of the tree is sunk into the ground so that the root-leaf boundary is slightly higher above the ground.
  • Planting should be watered only after 3-4 days, with a “dry” mode, the flower will cost the moisture contained in the flower bed.

It is important! The Zamioculcas tuber, which has only one growth bud, is not suitable for division. This procedure can lead to the death of the mother plant.


Another way to propagate a tropical plant, which is recommended during the growing season - in the spring. Healthy cuttings are used as planting material, and succulents bought in the flower department are not suitable for these purposes. The latter is due to the fact that the flower contains many chemicals that stimulate the active growth of the plant, regardless of the season.

The method includes the following steps:

  • You should choose a healthy branch, cut it with a sharp knife with a disinfected blade and divide it into several parts.
  • The stalk is dried in the air during the day.
  • The cut point is processed with a root and placed in a small container with loose soil, there must be drainage holes in the pot.
  • It is desirable for branches to provide greenhouse conditions by covering them with glass containers or film. The planting should be protected from direct sunlight, as the material may rot against the background of condensate accumulation.

In two weeks, the branches will turn into young plants - with a tuber, roots, shoots, new branches and foliage. You can use top dressing that activates the growth of new branches.

Reproduction by leaves

Not the fastest, but quite a simple and effective option for propagating an African tree. The whole process can take from 8 weeks to six months. It is carried out in stages:

  • Using a disinfected blade, cut off a large, strong leaf, preferably with a stem. Such material will give roots faster than a young leaf.
  • The sheet dries for 2-3 hours in the air, after which the cut is sprinkled with a stimulant drug - Zircon, Kornevin or crushed activated carbon.
  • Some flower growers keep the leaf in water until the roots appear, but most often they are immediately placed with a light substrate and create a greenhouse effect. A leaf without a stalk can be placed in clean sand or perlite.
  • A layer of drainage should be placed at the bottom of the tank. A couple of times a day you need to open the container and ventilate.
  • Instead of watering, it is recommended to spray the soil and leaves, this will avoid waterlogging and rotting of the planting.

With proper care and appropriate conditions, cuttings and leaves begin to take root after 6-8 weeks.

Fertilization: rules and features

A succulent plant should be fed carefully, focusing on the needs of a guest from the tropics. As in the case of watering, it is important not to overdo it here:

  • The first time you can fertilize in the spring, after transplanting Zamiokulkas into a pot. A young tree during the growing season needs a lot of nutrients for proper growth and development.
  • In winter, a healthy succulent does not require fertilizers; top dressing is applied only if there are signs of a lack of any elements.
  • Since spring, the dollar tree is fertilized, but not more than 2 times a month.
  • You can use liquid complex formulations for cacti or succulents.
  • 2 methods are used: spraying the aerial part of the tree with a nutrient solution and watering the roots. The first method is only suitable for healthy plants that do not show signs of disease or depletion.
  • It is recommended to apply funds to the soil after watering.

It is important! During the tying of buds, Zamioculcas should not be fed. After the process is completed, fertilization resumes.

What fertilizers are suitable for a dollar tree? Experienced flower growers are advised to alternate organic and mineral products:

  • Litter - suitable for root feeding, a mixture of water and fertilizer (3: 1) insist 3-4 days, diluted 1:25 with water.
  • Compost - used in the form of mulch, which is laid out on the ground in a layer of 2–4 cm.
  • Sapropel - dressing from lake silt - liquid or granules, which are diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 before application.
  • Wood ash - it is diluted in water, 5 tsp. per 1 liter, insist for a week, watered with a composition - 0.1 l per 1 kg of soil.
  • Sawdust - applied to the soil as mulch.
  • Peat - placed in a 5 cm layer and mixed with the top layer of soil.

Mineral fertilizers

A wide variety of products are produced, and each has its own properties that can both harm the flower and support it:

  • Agricola - the composition is rich in various trace elements, it is diluted in a liter of water - 0.5 tsp. and bring into the ground once every one and a half weeks. It is not allowed to get the product on the aerial parts of the succulent.
  • Agricola Aqua is a ready-made composition that is used for watering and spraying plants. When using it, the tree grows more actively, flowering and budding last longer.
  • Pokon is a ready-made fertilizer, it is considered dangerous for people and animals, so you should only work with it if you have personal protective equipment.
  • Uniflor-growth is a nitrogen-containing top dressing that has a positive effect on the growth of the aerial part of the succulent. A solution is prepared from it - 3 ml of the drug per liter of water.
  • Master color is a drug necessary for the prevention of chlorosis.

During the growing season, fertilizers intended for decorative and deciduous vegetation can be applied. Only it is necessary to dilute the funds by 2 times, lowering the concentration of active substances. The event is held no more than 2 times in 4 weeks.

The main mistakes in the care and maintenance of the dollar tree

Often, the owners of a dollar tree are at a loss, why such an unpretentious succulent does not grow? Yes, the plant is unpretentious, however, it is still important to consider that its natural environment is the arid regions of the tropics and it has certain needs. The following signs should alarm the owner of Zamioculcas:

Foliage yellowing

If yellowness affects the lower lobes of old leaves, then we are talking about a natural process and there is nothing to worry about. After they die, young arrows appear, from which emerald green leaves unfold.

Sudden yellowing and fall of foliage is a sign of drying out of the succulent. The flower prepared itself, deciding that a drought had come. If you carefully add moisture in small portions, the green part of the flower will recover.

In addition, this can happen with sudden temperature changes, due to drafts, lack of lighting. Yellowing of the tips signal that the tree is too hot.

If the young foliage has acquired a yellow color, then most likely the earthen coma has become waterlogged and an emergency transplant is required to save the succulent.

The appearance of spots

Under the influence of direct sunlight, burnt areas may appear on the foliage of a tree - spots of a yellowish-brownish color. Dark spots are a sign of a violation in care, perhaps the container with the plant is in a draft, cold, or it is watered incorrectly.

spotted stem

In this case, a more detailed diagnosis is required, since the appearance of spots on the stem can be either a sign of inappropriate maintenance and care, or a symptom of scab infection or the development of an infection.

If dark, purple-tinged spots appear on this part of the succulent, you should not worry - this is a biological feature of an adult flower.

slow growth

You should not expect rapid growth from a succulent; normally, it grows 1-2 leaves per year. You should worry if there is no growth at all. The reason for this may be the following:

  • oily, heavy, clay soil;
  • placing a flower in a container that is too spacious;
  • lack of any substances in the earth.

In most cases, with timely rehabilitation measures, it is possible to save the plant. However, sometimes the malaise of a succulent is associated with diseases, then emergency measures are required and the treatment of a green pet is mandatory.

Dollar Tree Diseases

Not all indoor flowers have the same good health and immunity as this African plant. But zamiokulkas can also get sick and most often it is affected by root or stem rot.

It is not so easy to detect signs of damage to the roots, but the disease manifests itself very clearly on the stem - it is covered with wet necrotic spots that spread upward from the root neck.
Symptoms of root rot are as follows: growth retardation, stem flabbiness, yellowing of foliage.

If the disease is detected at an early stage, then the succulent can be saved by carrying out a complete transplant, replacing the soil and pot, after removing the affected parts or cleaning them to deep layers. It is recommended to hold the plant for a quarter of an hour in a fungicidal solution and let it dry for an hour and a half. After the flower is placed in a new soil.

Initially, the tree is not watered, after a few days you can put some water in the pan. The lean watering regime is maintained for 10-12 weeks.

African succulent pests

spider mite

It draws life-giving juices from the plant, and in addition, it secretes a sweet, sticky liquid that attracts insects that carry viral and bacterial infections. Where the scale insect settles, spots of a dark shade appear.

The pet needs treatment - treatment with soapy water and spraying with insecticidal agents.


More often, garden plantings suffer from these small insects, but these pests and indoor plants are capable of infecting. There are many folk remedies for aphids, but they are ineffective and it is better to immediately resort to insecticides - Fitoverm, Decis, Intavir.


The most insidious pests from which it is not so easy to rid a succulent. It will take several treatments with various drugs that need to be changed.


The people called them hairy lice, they harm both the above-ground part of the flowers and the underground part, laying eggs in the ground. Therefore, only processing the leaves will not give a positive result. A complete transplant of the succulent is required with the removal of insect nests from the root system.

The tree is removed from the ground, washed with soapy water and then treated with an insecticidal agent.

If the owner knows what to do in this or that case, immediately reacts to the changes that have occurred with the pet, then it is not difficult for him to cure him and help him recover.


Zamioculcas is an incredible plant with unique properties attributed to it. It has high decorative properties and gives a special flavor to any interior. Beautiful, spectacular, attracts wealth and prosperity, and at the same time, even a novice grower can afford it, which makes the dollar tree an even more attractive indoor dweller.

The dollar tree, or scientifically zamioculcas, is a fairly common plant with which many signs and superstitions are associated. Not to be confused with the money tree, which has thicker, rounder leaves. A dollar tree came to us from the tropical jungles of South Africa and quickly gained popularity around the world.

The plant was named for its fleshy and oblong leaves, similar to banknotes. The dollar tree is trying for financial well-being, even if a person does not believe in superstitions and omens. Therefore, you can consider it a great gift for every person.

Zamioculcas is simultaneously considered a flower of celibacy and female happiness. Why such opposite names, you ask? And here's why: the flowering of the dollar tree is similar to the spathiphyllum flower, and according to popular beliefs, it drives men out of the house, along with this, this flower, on the contrary, guarantees a faithful life partner and does not allow you to remain lonely.

In order for Zamioculcas to become only an assistant for you in your personal life, you must either receive a plant already in a pot as a gift (and be sure to pay a small amount of money for it), or “pull off” a leaf of an adult plant in order to grow it yourself.

Put a flower in the living room or at the workplace, avoid placing it in the bedroom. And do not give leaves to anyone in the future if asked for cultivation. You should not immediately get hopeful - the dollar tree rarely blooms, but requires constant care and attention, although not particularly whimsical.

Is it possible to keep a dollar tree in the house

Although there are many examples that tell about the bad effects of a flower, this plant is well characterized by flower growers. The only thing to remember is that there is poisonous juice in its leaves, so keep children away from it and work with it yourself with gloves.

It is highly recommended to keep it at home, as the dollar tree shares its energy, helps to sleep peacefully and cleans the surrounding air well. In addition, it always pleases the eye with its bright greenery and interesting form of flowering. Although for most people this is still a way to monitor their financial well-being.

Why does a flower bloom

The plant can bloom only after a few years at an already adult age. If such an event happened and you still have zamiokulkas in your house, put them nearby, then the flowering plant will share its energy and strength with them.

There is still no consensus, but here are the most common options for what a dollar tree can bloom for:

  • moving to a new home;
  • the imminent addition of the family;
  • unexpected inheritance;
  • a significant salary increase;
  • harmony and understanding in the family.

I also have one copy growing, and as soon as I see the beginning of a new branch, I rejoice at my husband: “Well, that’s it, he’ll give us money this month.” And you know, almost always after some short time, our family managed to earn more than usual.

My dollar tree only tried to bloom once, 2 years after it was given to me as a housewarming gift. Unfortunately, he did not succeed in growing to full inflorescence, perhaps my breakthrough in financial well-being is still ahead, since quite often new branches with fresh green leaves sprout on it.

feng shui dollar tree

According to Chinese Feng Shui, the dollar tree is also considered a method of attracting money and wealth. It is important to consider the location of the flower in the premises.

  1. Zamioculcas should only be planted in fresh new soil and not transplanted into a pot from another plant.
  2. During planting, put a few coins in the ground, which will transfer their energy to the plant and positively affect its condition and development.
  3. It is better to put a flower on the southeast side of the dwelling.

According to Feng Shui, it is customary to give a dollar tree for an event that marks something new, like entering a new home, the beginning of the New Year or a birthday. And then, according to legend, the plant will increase its positive power by several hundred times.

How to plant a flower so that it brings money

There is a ritual that will allow you to attract wealth to your home if you have zamiokulkas growing. Roll the dollar bill into cones and attach it to the flower so that it holds tightly, and put a metal coin under the pot.

In addition, some, according to a sign, water their plant with “money water”. To do this, the coins are poured with cool water and insisted for a couple of days, and then watered. Coins are not pulled out until the water for irrigation runs out.

If a flower for some reason begins to fade, in no case should it be thrown away. Only treat or buy a second plant - then a healthy dollar tree will enrich the first one with its energy.

Zamioculcas and negative energy

Periodically, we notice a black streak in our lives that we can’t cope with, and this is reflected in our plants. The dollar tree, like no other plant, is very sensitive to the surrounding negative energy, even if a person does not notice it. And if your tree began to fade or began to lose its color and freshness, you urgently need to take care of the environment.

Thus, the plant with all its appearance shows signs that the owner is in trouble. Listen to your flower and think carefully about your life, maybe you should change something? If you lie to someone, hide something terrible, or swear with everyone right and left, then this will definitely affect the zamiokulkas.

If it is difficult to start from the head and life, start from home - throw out everything unnecessary, and treat the dollar tree affectionately and set it and yourself only for the good.

flower care

The most favorable conditions for the plant are:

  • Temperature not less than 15 °С in winter and not less than 18 °С in summer.
  • Moderate watering, in which the leaves do not dry out and fall off, and at the same time the roots do not rot from an excess of water.
  • A small shade is good for the growth of new branches and leaves.
  • Transplantation occurs at the beginning of spring, when the moon is growing, and only if the roots become cramped in the current vessel. They do not like frequent changes.
  • Like all flowers, Zamioculcas loves to be talked to and treated like a friend.

The money tree loves one owner, who will take care of him. If there are a lot of those who want to be rich, then you need to create your own source of well-being for each.

Whether or not to believe in the power of the dollar tree is up to you. But you should not completely rely only on a flower, because you yourself are the blacksmith of your own happiness. You feed your green talisman with your energy, which pleases you in gratitude with its beautiful healthy appearance.