Moving a gas pipe in an apartment: what you need to know Moving a gas pipe in an apartment

Measures to transfer the pipe supplying gas to your apartment are classified as especially dangerous and must be carried out by representatives of the gas service of the region. Despite the costs associated with such a transfer, you should not even try to do it yourself. First of all, you need to think about the risks that you may expose yourself, your family members and the entire residential building as a whole. All things considered, the cost of transfer gas pipe in the apartment will not seem too high to you.

This article discusses some of the nuances of transferring pipes, after reading which you will get at least some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe order of operations performed during this. This is done so that you can control the work of specialists in accordance with your wishes for the transfer.

Organization of the process

Immediately before starting work, you should contact the local branch of Gorgaz and write an application for the transfer of pipes. According to your application, a specialist should come and conduct a technical examination. Based on the results of the survey, a conclusion is prepared, which includes the following conclusions and data:

  • is it possible at all to transfer the gas pipe in your case;
  • what materials will be required for these activities;
  • approximate costs (estimate).

The specialists you called must have a certificate of the established form with permission to work with gas. Upon completion of all installation operations, "gas workers" must draw up an act on the work performed and make an appropriate entry in the gas passport.

Procedure for transferring gas pipes

The order of operations performed by specialists when transferring gas pipes usually looks like this:

  1. First of all, with the help of a valve, the gas supply channel to the apartment is blocked.
  2. After that, the gas pipeline is purged, which allows removing gas residues from it.
  3. In the place allocated for connection, the remains of the unnecessary pipeline are cut off and welded “tightly”.
  4. Then, in the place of the main line intended for connection, a hole is prepared, to which the outlet from the gas stove will be welded. (A valve must be built into the resulting outlet, through which the gas flow is shut off).
  5. Immediately prior to connecting the cooker, the built-in gas cock and welded joint must be tested for leaks.

In some cases, a special flexible hose no more than 2 meters long is used to connect the gas stove to the outlet.

piping requirements

When laying gas pipes in domestic premises, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Distance from gas pipeline to any building structures(sewer or water mains, for example) should be selected taking into account that free access is provided to them.
  2. Gas lines must not be laid over doors and window openings and ventilation grilles.
  3. The minimum distance between the gas pipelines built into the wall and the electrical communication lines already in the apartment must comply with the requirements of the PUE.
  4. The laying of a gas pipeline line in the municipal and private residential sectors should be carried out at a height not lower than 2.4 meters from the floor level.
  5. Openly laid gas pipelines must be fastened to walls, ceilings or other structures using hooks, brackets or special clamps with a pitch established by the requirements of SNiP.
  6. Installation of gas pipelines with so-called "wet" gas must be carried out with a slope of at least 3.5%. (if available in the line gas meter you can enter the slope immediately after it).
  7. The vertical lines of the gas pipeline at the points of their intersection with any structures should be placed in a special case. The gap formed between the pipes and the case must be filled with rubber sheets, tarred tow or other elastic material.
  8. The end part of such a fence should be at least 3 cm from the floor level, and its diameter is chosen so that a gap of at least 5-10 millimeters remains between the pipe and the case.

Gas pipelines located within enclosed spaces(including those laid in cases) must be processed protective layer paints. As protective coating most commonly used waterproof lacquer dyes. After the transfer of the gas pipe in the apartment, all consumers connected to the main line are usually connected by forming a rigid connection with them.

A photo

Most delicious and appetizing dishes appear on the tables when using natural gas. Many owners would like this fuel to enter the kitchen almost imperceptibly, without violating the harmony and integrity of the style and design that they have been working on for a long time. Meanwhile, playing with gas pipelines and utilities can be fraught - gas is not a toy. In pursuit of style, you can lose everything, including life. If the pipe is not arranged where it would be desirable, it is possible to transfer the gas pipe. But this should be done correctly and in accordance with the rules. How exactly - we will consider in our today's article.

Reasons for the transfer

Any work on the transfer or replacement of pipes, especially those that require the use of welding equipment, must be carried out by the masters of Gorgaz or any other authorized organizations. After receiving and processing an application from the residents of the apartment, they always try to find out the reasons for the alterations.

Most often, the transfer of a gas pipe in the kitchen is performed for several reasons. This may be a replacement for an old gas equipment. For example, instead of an old water heater, apartment owners want to install a new one that needs more space. Also one of the popular reasons is overhaul kitchen premises, transferring the stove, changing the location of the gas meter.

Often, gas pipe relocation is performed in new homes, where the basic position of important kitchen equipment defies any logic and simple explanation. For example, if in a kitchen with an area of ​​15 square meters the stove is installed near the window, the sink is located in the opposite corner, the hood is in a completely different direction, above the entrance to the room. In this case, residents have to independently correct the mistakes of architects and designers. The stove is installed closer to the sink, so that the cooking process is more comfortable.

One of the most common causes- purchase of new furniture for the kitchen, in which the equipment is built. This is, for example, an oven or a hob. In this case, the gas pipe needs to be made a little shorter or longer. The size depends on where the installation of the equipment is planned.

To find out how best to carry out the transfer of a gas pipe, you should contact the city design companies so that specialists draw up a diagram. The thing is that in the case of typical city apartments, the reinstallation of risers, pipes and gas equipment from kitchens to living quarters is strictly prohibited. And even in the case when you need to combine the kitchen and the room, you also need to get permission.

Do I need approval to move or replace a gas pipeline?

Only special authorized bodies can decide to change the design of the supply system. Any dismantling or assembly work should only be carried out by qualified professionals. It is forbidden to carry out the transfer of a gas pipe in the kitchen without coordination. Even such a simple operation as trimming an element by an unfortunate 10 centimeters must be consistent with the gorgaz. Any work on gas pipelines is risky and is classified as dangerous.

How to get a work permit

To apply for a permit, you need to follow a few steps. The first step is to find out the contacts of the gas service at the place of registration. Further, when the necessary information is available, you should consult with specialists and explain the situation to them. After that, an application is drawn up - its standard form. Further, on the basis of an application, a representative of the gas company will arrive at the apartment. He will conduct an inspection, get acquainted with the wishes, answer the questions of interest. Often at this stage, plans change - the transfer may not meet security requirements.

Next, the final scheme for the transfer of the pipe is approved, and an estimate is drawn up. The entire package of documents is drawn up by the relevant organization providing these services. The start of work will be possible only after the consent of the owner of the apartment.

If the transfer conditions are suitable, then it remains only to pay for this service and agree with the masters on a suitable time for the work.

The approval process can take up to five days. If the procedure is extended for a longer period, then only if the homeowners have not found a compromise with representatives of the gas service. Even minor factors that violate the norms for the installation of gas equipment can cause the transfer of a gas pipe to fail.

SNiP requirements

In order for the approval process not to take much time and to be successful, it is better to know in advance all the basic provisions about the arrangement of gas systems in residential premises. For this, a document under the number SNiP 2.04.08-87 is well suited.

According to him, the kitchen must be equipped with natural supply and exhaust ventilation. There must be a window with vents, as well as ventilation duct with good traction. If the walls in the kitchen, as well as the ceiling, are finished with flammable materials, it is better to apply plaster or metal sheets.

The pipe is one of the links in the transportation system, which supplies gas to the consumer - the stove, oven, water heater. Therefore, how the equipment is placed is as important as piping. This must be remembered.

It is important to know that in the process of transferring the gas pipe in the apartment, the stopcock must not be removed. This element is mandatory in all gas systems. With any changes in the design, it is important to ensure that the crane is nearby. If the tap is hidden under the countertop, then access to it should be through a cabinet without a wall at the back.

How is the transfer carried out?

It is strictly forbidden to perform any transfer work on your own. It is dangerous to get even into a flexible eyeliner. The process of cutting, lengthening the pipe or transferring it should also be carried out only by representatives of the gas company. But it is important to know some features in working with pipes.


Most often, the team comes to the client within a week after the successful coordination of the transfer of the gas pipe in the apartment took place. TO present moment it is already known exactly which of the sections need to be extended, reduced or dismantled, where it will be installed optional equipment.

Kitchen equipment and equipment is purchased entirely at the expense of the owner of the property. It is better to find out from the masters in advance what else you may need for the transfer work. If you need to connect a stove or oven, you need to purchase a bellows hose. metal pipe masters will bring with them.

To avoid any delays in work, it is better to remove from the zone extra furniture or any other items that might get in the way.


When moving gas pipes in a private house or apartment, you need to cut a piece from the old pipe and weld a new one, but in a different direction. For this, using special tool old elements are removed. When restoring or repairing the branch that comes from the riser, you should leave the area where the new crane will be. This piece of pipe cannot be dismantled and changed.

Sometimes people living in upper floors, ask the masters to dismantle big piece pipes that rise from floor to ceiling, and even bent down 180 degrees. This is strictly prohibited. The way out is to change the design so that the faucet can be hidden under the countertop.

Wiring options

Work related to the transfer of gas pipes in a house or apartment is carried out according to the standard scheme. Elements move in a plane parallel to the walls or ceiling. Diagonal and any crooked placement is strictly prohibited. Most often, the outlet from the riser goes down, or the vertical fragment is transferred to one of the sides.

Basic transfer rules

In the process of changing the direction of the gas pipeline in the apartment, certain rules must be taken into account. Gas wiring in the apartment is open. Any elements perform only a camouflage role and should not be securely fixed. Pipelines are not laid through ventilation channels, doors and windows. This is strictly prohibited. Metal pipes are used. The method of fastening the hoses to the pipe is only rigid. Transitions through partitions between walls must be equipped with special sleeves.

Pipe transfer in sections

Among the reasons for the need to carry out these works, one can single out an unfortunate location that does not allow building a house or any other buildings on the site. There is a law that restricts construction with a foundation when work is carried out close to a gas pipe. Also another unpleasant reason displacements - an unsuccessful location of the pipe even before the purchase of the site. But all this can be fixed. In what way?

In this case, all operations are carried out in the same way as in the case of apartments. The first step is to call an authorized person who will inspect everything. Next, assemble the package required documents. Then the site will be visited by craftsmen who will carry out the transfer of the gas pipe on the site. IN this process there are features. They are indicated in the relevant SNiPs.

Among the main requirements are the following - the distance between the foundation of the building and the gas pipeline should be more than two meters. Pipes in which the pressure is average should be at a distance of four meters from the house. Systems with high pressure- at a distance of at least seven meters. Also, according to building rules, the gas pipe must be placed in such a way that it is at least five meters away from the door or window opening. From the roof - at a distance of two meters.

Experts know all these norms and will be able to professionally cope with this task without any risk. Changing the position of the pipes yourself is very dangerous, and you should not do this.

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Gas pipes in the kitchen: is it possible to redo the piping to the stove

This article is an attempt to clearly explain that a resident apartment building can do it with his own hands with an internal gas pipeline in his apartment. I will pay attention to the restrictions set out in normative documentation, and I will tell you about my own practical experience regarding how and with what you can move the gas pipe in the kitchen. So, let's go.

Hands off!

Let's talk about prohibitions first. Yes, yes, dear reader, I have no doubt that you are full of enthusiasm and eager to carry out the transfer of the gas pipe in the kitchen yourself. However, take the restrictions I have listed as seriously as possible:

  • You can not move the gas riser in the kitchen. All you can do is change where the branch is attached to it or the length of this branch;

  • Do not use indoors polyethylene and in general plastic pipes . SNiP 2.04.08-87 in clause 4.85 expressly states that polyethylene is prohibited for laying in residential buildings, and in clause 6.2 it indicates what materials should be used;

Extract from SNiP: gas pipelines from steel pipes should be installed inside buildings and structures. To connect gas appliances, it is permissible to use rubber or rubber-fabric sleeves (read - reinforced gas hoses). However, it is still recommended to use hard eyeliners.

  • It is impossible to block common plug, ball valves and gate valves at the inlets and risers of gas supply. If at the time when you turn off the gas, someone cooks food, the fire will go out, and after starting it will continue to flow into the kitchen. The result of such a development of events is usually described in TV reports by bystanders: there is no one among the residents to tell about it;

Captain Evidence suggests: for any work related to disconnecting the riser and carried out by gas service specialists, it is necessary that the residents of all apartments be at home. At launch, all tenants are notified about it personally.

  • Finally, the main thing: PB (safety rules) 12-368-00 prohibit any gas hazardous work carried out by persons who have not been instructed and examined in safe working methods.

Simply put: only a representative of Gorgaz or a licensed gas equipment maintenance company should connect any gas appliances.

What will happen

If you are fabulously lucky and you, without the necessary knowledge and practical experience, do not allow a gas leak, your amateur performance will be revealed at the very first scheduled inspection of gas equipment by representatives of the gas service.

The consequences are unpredictable: they can either turn a blind eye to the work you have done or draw up a protocol on an administrative offense that endangered the life and health of people.

Worst scenario... Comrades, I won't spoil your mood. What is a gas explosion in a residential building - everyone represents.

fly in the ointment

There are two reasons:

  1. Timing. Drafting and approval may take three to four months;
  2. Price. The project, together with the work, will cost from 10 to 40 - 50 thousand rubles.

Only shhh

So, what to do if you are still very impatient to move the gas stove or shorten the gas pipe outlet?


No, no, mon ami, do not rush to pick up the keys and the hacksaw. In the beginning - a little tedious, but necessary for familiarization with regulatory requirements.

The norms for a gas pipe in the kitchen are set out in the document I have already mentioned - SNiP 2.04.08-87.

  • Gas distribution in a residential building must be performed predominantly at the weld. Threaded and other collapsible connections are allowed only on connections to shut-off valves, gas meters and consumer devices;

FROM practical side for us, this means that the internal gas pipeline in the apartment cannot be assembled from pieces. Climbing to the gas pipeline with welding, not being able to completely turn it off, really, is not worth it.
One more nuance: this paragraph of SNiP does not prohibit the use collapsible connections completely, but only recommends to refrain from them.

  • All detachable connections must be made in places accessible for inspection and repair. In non-separable kitchen furniture they should not be hidden;
  • The gas pipe must be laid, as a rule, openly;
  • If there are several gas consumers, shut-off valves must be installed in front of each of them;
  • In places of passage of people (for example, above or in the hallway), the gas pipe must run at a height of at least 220 centimeters. What is the instruction connected with - I think you can not explain;
  • Steel internal gas pipelines are recommended to be painted for corrosion protection. At the same time, the decor of the gas pipe in the kitchen or in the hallway must be waterproof.


After tap

First and foremost: in the vast majority of cases, you don’t need to cut or cut anything. To transfer the slab, it is enough to lengthen the connection between it and the shut-off valve. To hide the untidy steel eyeliner, you can simply build a cabinet around it (of course, collapsible or with wide-opening doors).

How can you connect a stove or other gas appliance without violating the requirements of SNiP?

Corrugated stainless steel pipe. In this case, the key requirements will be met:

  • The connection to the device will be rigid (corrugated stainless pipe obviously has nothing to do with hoses);
  • Wiring will be done steel pipe. Who's to say that stainless steel is not steel?

When corrugated stainless pipe had not yet appeared on the Russian market, I successfully endured gas stoves oxygen or acetylene hose on steel or brass fittings.
To fix the hose on the fitting, an aluminum clamp was used for a screwdriver.

Stainless steel connections are mounted on compression fittings: the pipe is inserted into the fitting with a loose union nut, after which it is tightened and compresses the pipe with a silicone seal.

The threads on the connections of the fittings with the plate branch pipe and the tap are wound up with FUM tape.

At start-up, all detachable connections must be checked for gas leaks: soap suds are applied to each of them with a brush. If it bubbles, the connection needs to be sorted out.

Do not test connections with a lit match. It's not a matter of safety: for a gas to explode, you need its mixture with air in sufficient concentration.
The fact is that in small concentrations, with minor leaks, it simply does not catch fire.

Faucet replacement

Soviet-style gas plug valves are not very convenient to use and need regular maintenance. In particular, the cork must be liberally lubricated. The lubricant fills the grooves to prevent gas leaks and reduces the force required to turn the plug.

Can I change the faucet myself?

If so, the rate of gas outflow from the pipe will be minimal, and the pressure will not prevent the installation of a new valve instead of the old one.

The replacement algorithm looks like this:

All work is carried out only with the machines turned off in electrical panel and with the windows wide open.
Violation of this simple and understandable rule can lead to a gas explosion.

What to change the gas valve? On a modern cork. Its purpose for gas is indicated by the yellow marking of the handle.

Thread cutting

How to cut a gas pipe in the kitchen and cut a thread on it?

With due observance of safety rules, this work is no more dangerous than the previous one:

  1. We are preparing a tool - a hacksaw for metal, a rough file and a die according to the diameter of the pipe (as a rule, the connection to the stove has a size of DN 15). In addition to the tool, you will need a FUM tape and any lubricant - up to motor mining or a solarium;
  2. We make a wooden or rubber chopstick according to the size of the pipe. Its dimensions should not prevent you from cutting threads on the outer surface of the cut eyeliner;
  3. We de-energize the whole apartment. Namely, automatic machines, and not switches and cords pulled out of the socket. Any accidental spark can be fatal;
  4. We open wide all the windows in the apartment;
  5. We disassemble the squeegee, remove the crane and insert a chopik in its place;
  6. With a file, we remove the outer chamfer on the pipe at an angle of 15 - 20 degrees to its longitudinal axis. This will be the entry for the die;
  7. We lubricate the entry and the first few centimeters of the eyeliner;
  8. We put the die with a guide frame on the eyeliner;

  1. Pressing it against the pipe, we make a call and cut five threads of thread;
  2. We wind the thread with FUM tape;
  3. We take out the chopstick and immediately screw the tap onto the thread.


Comrades, I remind you once again: work with gas equipment- the area where amateur performance is truly dangerous. Just don't forget about it. As always, the video in this article will bring to your attention Additional materials. Feel free to share your own experience in the comments. Good luck!

July 26, 2016

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To move a gas pipe in an apartment / house, you need to invite specialists - this process requires specific knowledge. But if a person is familiar with the construction business, represents the principle of gas flow into a dwelling and knows how to work with his hands, then the transfer of a gas pipe can be done on his own. True, for this you will need to familiarize yourself with the rules for performing the work in question.

How to move a gas pipe, following the rules?

The reasons why the transfer of a gas pipe is required can be very different - rearranging the stove and furniture in the kitchen, technical malfunctions of the gas pipeline, inconvenient location of pipes, and so on. Regardless of what specifically prompted the process in question, you need to read the instructions for its implementation and strictly adhere to the recommendations of specialists.

Step-by-step instructions for transferring a gas pipe:

  1. Turn off the tap that supplies gas to the apartment / house.
  2. Blow out the pipe to remove any remaining gas from it.
  3. The part of the pipe that is not needed is cut off. The resulting hole is carefully welded.
  4. In the place where the new pipe is supposed to be placed, a hole is made with a drill.
  5. A pipe of the required length is welded to the resulting hole.
  6. The crane is mounted using a special tape or ordinary tow and paint - this will provide the necessary seal.
  7. A branch is installed to the stove and other household appliances, but already with the help of threaded connections - the welding work is over.
  8. The gas pipe (both the old section and the newly welded one) must be securely fastened to the wall.

having let gas into the already transferred pipe, it is necessary to make sure that there is no leakage. This is done with an ordinary soap solution - it is applied with a brush to all connections on the gas pipe, and if a bubble appears in at least one place, then you must immediately stop the flow of gas into the pipe and do all the work again according to the above step-by-step instructions.

If a specialist is invited for the type of work in question, then do not forget to check if he has a special permit for carrying out the transfer of a gas pipe.

Many people try to carry out the transfer of a gas pipe with a flexible bellows hose - this is prohibited. This type of hose can only be used to connect gas appliances and its length should not exceed 2 meters.

How to draw up and agree on the transfer of a gas pipe

This work is associated with a risk to life and therefore the transfer of the gas pipe must be documented. What needs to be done for this:

  1. Find a gas service organization at your place of residence - you need to apply for the transfer of a gas pipe. According to this application, a master comes to the house, who makes an inspection of the place, determines the possibility of transferring, makes calculations and makes an estimate.
  2. After the work is paid, a day is appointed for the transfer of the gas pipe. Do not forget to check in advance for the availability of certificates / permits from the organization to carry out such work.
  3. The specialists who arrived on the appointed day must present their documents, and the customer must check the dates of their last recertification.
  4. After completion of work, all changes must be made to the gas passport.

How should the gas system be located correctly

The gas pipeline in the apartment / house should be located so that it has free access - the system must be periodically inspected and repaired. Around the gas pipeline in the apartment / house there should not be sewer or water communications. In addition, the distances that are permissible between the gas pipeline and telecommunication lines must be fully respected.

Brackets, hooks, hangers and clamps can be used to fasten gas pipes to the wall. And according to the standards, all gas pipes are painted, for which only waterproof paints are used.

Any work related to the gas pipeline, including the transfer of the pipe, should be carried out only as a last resort, when it is really necessary - you should not “disturb” the gas pipeline system once again. But even if such a need arose, it is advisable to invite a specialist with a permit to carry out the work - the risk of accidents during work and during subsequent operation will decrease to zero.

How to move a gas pipe in a private house with your own hands

It is very responsible to transfer the gas system in the house, therefore, without certain knowledge and experience, if you do not prepare for this event, it is better not to do such work with your own hands all alone, even gas service specialists do not recommend doing this without appropriate consultation. The services of professionals for hire are often expensive, but remember that this is the price of your security, and this is not so expensive.

It is necessary to consider some important nuances of the transfer work, how to transfer gas pipes. This is necessary in order to navigate the stages of the process, what needs to be done for what. In addition, in order to make an accurate forecast of possible options for the location of the gas line in the apartment, whether it can be placed where you thought of or not.

The procedure for changing the location of the gas system in the house

Action briefing to help transfer the gas system

Moving the gas pipe for a specialist is a simple job and is performed in this order:

1. gas valve it is necessary to shut off the gas supply to the dwelling;

2. Blow out the gas pipeline in order to remove the remnants of the gas substance from its cavity;

3. In the connecting section where the connection with the gas pipeline takes place, it is necessary to cut off the pipes that are not useful and weld the hole that is left of them;

4. In the places where it is planned to insert a gas pipe, it is necessary to drill a hole and weld an outlet device made of a metal product to the gas pipeline;

5. Mount a valve to the outlet mechanism and drain to the gas stove and, if necessary, to other household items using a threaded connection;

It must be remembered that household appliances are connected to the gas outlet device using a flexible silicone tube, the length of which should be no more than 2 meters. Such a tube may ensure that the transfer of the gas system may not be necessary.

6. Before connecting all appliances, the gas supply valve that has been newly installed and the new gas system with existing welds must be checked for leaks.

The processes associated with the gas system require a special permit, which is held by specialists who are tested every year to confirm their qualifications, skills and knowledge.

How to move a gas pipe in a private house with your own hands

What is the way out if there is a need to move the gas line?

Initially, before all events, you need to apply to the gas organization. You need to apply to the organization of the district where the applicant lives. Indicate in the paper that it became necessary to transfer the gas system.

A gasman, a gas service specialist will come to the address indicated in the application, inspect the premises where the gas pipes are located and announce the verdict on the possibilities of transfer gas system or it's just not possible. In case of a positive decision, he will perform the necessary settlement operations and write an estimate. There are times when it is necessary to draw up a new technical plan of the apartment, taking into account the planned transfer of the gas system. After the payment for the arrival of a specialist and his work will be made at the cash departments of the gas service enterprise, the date of the arrival of the brigade to carry out the work will be determined.

It is important to know that, being in the gas service, you need to ask them if they have a certificate for carrying out work on the transfer of the gas system. Such a document should be provided for review without hindrance, without delaying time.

After a team of professional workers arrives, you need to make sure of their professional qualities, you can ask them for an identity document, which should indicate their qualifications and the date of the last test. Only after verifying such information, allow the brigade to transfer the gas system. After the work is completed, the gas workers must provide an act of work done and enter such information into the gas documents of the apartment.

How to move a gas pipe in the kitchen with your own hands

The standards provided for by the building rules for the location of gas lines in the apartment

The gap of the gas pipeline, which is laid in the floor covering or is in an open position in the apartment to various buildings for construction purposes or other pipeline structures (pipes for sewerage or water supply products, heating system) and technological devices should be such as to ensure easily accessible inspection, repair and the installation of a gas pipeline structure and the fittings that will be installed additionally. The gas pipeline in such a situation should not intersect with ventilation grilles, door and window openings.

How to move a gas pipe to another room

A certain gap must be maintained between the gas pipeline channel passing in the partition and the communication devices, which are calculated in accordance with all the requirements of technological rules. Such documents are provided for work with broadcasting and communication cables.

Between the gas pipeline and the power supply communication that runs inside the apartment, the smallest possible contact gap is calculated in accordance with all standards.

It is possible to lay a gas pipeline structure in a residential area at the height provided for this, which is 2.3 meters from the floor covering to the bottom of the gas pipe, in the presence of heaters for the product (heat-insulating coating) to the lower section of the heaters.

Fixing for gas pipeline structures that are laid in the open and attached to partitions, various ceilings and decorative objects in the room should be done using a bracket, hooks, clamp elements and suspension devices. The gap between the fasteners of the gas pipeline structure must be selected in strict accordance with the requirements of building codes and regulations.

It is necessary to lay a gas pipeline that transports gas in a wet state, taking into account the obligatory slope of at least 3%. It should be borne in mind that in the case of the presence of counting devices, the slope is determined from such a device.

The vertical gas pipeline structure in the area where it intersects with the building must be installed in a duct. All existing gaps between and the gas pipeline are filled with resin-impregnated tow, rubber bushings or other elastic material can be used.

The ends of the box at least 4 cm must have a protrusion from floor covering. And the diameter of the duct must be determined in such a way that a gap of at least 6 mm is formed between the duct and the gas pipeline structure, taking into account the diameter parameter of the pipe up to 33 mm, not less than 11 mm in the case of a larger diameter of the gas pipeline.

Gas pipeline systems inside the building, even those that are laid in the channel, provide for the painting process. It is necessary to paint using water-resistant varnishes and paints.

Gas equipment must be connected to the gas pipeline using rigid connecting nodes. It is also worth remembering that all the same, in any work with the gas pipeline there are risks of negative consequences, so if you want to transfer the gas system in a residential area only because of decorative wishes, you should refuse such an undertaking. If, nevertheless, a decision is made to transfer, the installation process must be carried out when none of the relatives is at home.

The kitchen is both a gastronomic workshop and a gathering place for the whole family, so it is important that this popular space is both functional and beautiful. Sometimes the achievement of harmony interfere network engineering: pipes spoil plans and destroy beauty. Is it possible to move the gas pipe in the kitchen? Let's figure it out.

Preparatory stage

As they say, a good plan is half the battle. If you want to move the gas pipe, you need to determine where, and even better, think over a couple of options (if one of them turns out to be impracticable, then the craftsmen will immediately consider another). You need to fix your notes, and even better, draw them so that it is more convenient to explain what you want. Meanwhile, the flight of your imagination will be somewhat limited. Get acquainted with the mandatory standards that the gas pipeline must comply with.

It's important to know! Before digesting a gas pipe in an apartment, think about whether it will be enough for you to extend the network with a flexible hose with allowable length up to 3 meters.

As a rule, the need to transfer the pipe arises after the purchase of an apartment - before repair

Requirements for the gas supply system

So, the transfer of a gas pipe in an apartment is possible only if the following conditions are met:

  • the network (in any fragment) should have unhindered access;
  • windows, doors should not be in the way of communications;
  • it is forbidden to pass the system through ventilation;
  • the minimum distance of pipes from the floor is 2.2 m;
  • the intersection of the network fragments with the walls must be done in a special way (pipes should be packed in construction cases protruding 3 cm beyond the plaster);
  • the elements must be fastened firmly - rigid connections;
  • it is not allowed to hide the system behind the casing (only if the structure is easily removed).

It's important to know! Even if you are a jack-of-all-trades, you know how to move a gas pipe in an apartment and have carried out such work more than once, you still need permission from the relevant authority, because the gas service must be aware of what changes have occurred, whether this will lead to an accident or tragic consequences. And no matter in which section the gas pipe is transferred. If you disobey, you will have to pay a fine equal to 5-10 minimum wages. In addition, you will have to return the previous layout of communications at your own expense.

The scheme of laying the network through the walls

Getting permission

As you understand, the redevelopment of gas pipes in the apartment is approved by the appropriate authority. In addition, the employees of the same office will turn the plan approved by you into reality. Consider a step-by-step guide of actions:

  1. Collection and preparation of documents (passport, documents for the right to own an apartment, plan / description of redevelopment, etc.).
  2. Visit to the gas service.
  3. Specialist consultation (you will be told which package of documents to provide/show, and you will also be given a sample application).
  4. Filling out an application in which you should write your address and outline the request itself (based on these data, a decision will be made whether it is possible to move the gas pipe in the apartment).
  5. Waiting for a representative of the gas service, who will issue a "verdict" - whether it is realistic to fulfill your request or not, and he may also offer his own solution to the problem.
  6. Familiarization with the estimate / transfer plan that the master will make for you. Document approval.
  7. Payment for services. You will need to compensate for the work of the team working both on the preparation of the estimate and on its practical implementation. It is difficult to say in advance how much it costs to move a gas pipe in the kitchen, since a lot depends on the volume and complexity of the work, meanwhile, you don’t have much choice, except to decide on an “underground” redevelopment and implement it yourself (but remember the fine).
  8. Provision of conditions and premises for carrying out the approved block of actions.
  9. Quality control check of the work performed (carefully inspect and check the connection points for strength, make sure that there is no blue fuel leakage in the system by covering the mounting surface with soapy foam).
  10. Signing the act of acceptance of work, and do not forget to keep one of the copies for yourself, because it is a guarantee that in case of failure - the mistakes of the masters will redo everything for you for free.

Connection must be tight

Carrying out work

Is it possible to move the gas pipe in the kitchen with your own hands? As you understand, not by law, but it is up to you to decide whether to obey the rules. If you want to risk, study the work. However, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with such a manual, at least in order to control the work of the masters.

Tools and materials

To carry out the work you will need:

  • flexible hose;
  • tap;
  • brackets/clamps;
  • tow / sealant;
  • drill;
  • grinder / hacksaw;
  • keys;
  • purge device;
  • brush;
  • soap;
  • dye;
  • gloves;
  • welding mask;
  • sandpaper.

It's important to know! In no case do not check if there is a blue fuel leak with a lit match or lighter, bringing the flame to the junctions, otherwise you risk blowing up the entire entrance.

One of the most reliable crane models

Process description

  1. Stopping the supply of blue fuel. You simply need to close the tap through which gas enters the house.
  2. System purge. Such an action is required. First, you will remove the remaining gas from the network. Secondly, clean the pipes of debris, thereby improving the quality of the blue fuel supply.
  3. Pipe cutting. At this stage, you need to remove the fragment of the structure that bothers you. Simply cut off.
  4. Welding the hole that appeared after the removal of the pipe.
  5. Drilling a hole in the place where it is planned to insert a new structural fragment. For this process you will need a drill.
  6. Welding a branch of the existing system with a new one.
  7. Installing a faucet on the opposite side of the pipe. Do not forget that the connection must be airtight (use a special tape, tow or ready-made sealant).
  8. Fixing a new fragment of the structure, for which the pipe is attached to the wall with clamps / brackets.
  9. Connecting a flexible hose to a faucet (for connecting a stove, column or other appliances).
  10. Checking the quality of the work performed. A soap solution should be prepared and applied with a brush to the surface of the pipe and the junction. If a leak exists, bubbles will appear.

Is the tightness checked by the master? Stay close, watch out for bubbles

If the entire block of work is done by a team that came from the relevant service, you will only have to follow the conscientiousness of the craftsmen and follow step 10 to be sure that everything is done as it should. When the workers leave the house, and the pipes are dry, do not forget to cover them with paint in order to avoid the corrosion process and make the structure more beautiful.

Worth paying attention! When buying flexible hoses, pay attention to the length. If you purchase a product that is too long, you will no longer be able to shorten it, because according to the technology it is forbidden to cut such hoses.

Do not forget to get a new passport of the premises in which changes have been made.

Everything is ready!

Agree, moving a gas pipe in the kitchen is not such a difficult task if you know how to approach the process.

Video: pipe transfer process

The apartment is being renovated, and the pipes were laid during the construction of the house at least half a century ago. Therefore, when planning repairs in an apartment, look at the technical documentation and see how long the pipeline has been serving, it may be time to replace this unit. Otherwise, later, when the operation of the pipeline continues after the expiration of the period, problems will arise - the gas will come out through the holes and the repair will have to be carried out partial, under the threat of an explosion or new problems in the future. This kind of communication is not a joke, be careful here.

Replacement of gas pipes in the apartment is carried out by a gas service worker

But before repair, keep in mind that cutting the gas pipe in the apartment is done by a grinder and the consequences of such work will not go unnoticed. Therefore, it is not possible to change some pipes; such a replacement requires repair of the apartment as a whole.

Replacing pipes with new ones

First, understand that the alteration of the gas wiring in the apartment is not carried out independently, as this will lead to problems with both the housing office and neighboring residents in case of inept actions. Replacement of equipment and is carried out only by the utility contractor company. At the same time, keep in mind that it is impossible to complete such work in one day, the tie-in will not do without welding, you will have to work specifically. Yes, and first, the calculation of the necessary materials and the amount of work carried out is carried out. Calculate in advance the funds that will be spent on the purchase of materials, the pipe is not a cheap thing.

How is the replacement work done?

When repairs are required, you call a specialist in these matters. The master, having reached the place of work and having drawn up an agreement, first of all makes sure that there are no strangers at the place of work, smokers leave the house so as not to accidentally cause an explosion. For safety reasons at the place of work, the foreman hangs out a special sign indicating the nature of the work being carried out. Accordingly, the electrician will not be able to work simultaneously with the gas master - one spark at the wrong moment and an explosion.

Before cutting, the fitter shuts off the feed. The crane shuts off the supply as a whole, not only to the place prepared for work. Please note in advance that it is strictly forbidden to engage in self-purging into the rooms of the apartment. Once the safety precautions have been thought about, the pipeline begins.

Tool for replacing a section of a gas pipeline

For work you will need such a tool:

  1. Bulgarian for cutting old elements and cutting new segments;
  2. Cutting and grinding wheels;
  3. Perforator for attaching pipe brackets to walls;
  4. Gas and wrenches, screwdrivers;
  5. Sealant.

Having collected the right tool, the installation of gas pipes in the apartment will be quick and hassle-free.

The old gas pipeline in the apartment looks ugly

Analysis of the pipeline for leaks in the valve, laying flanged joints, case

A dangerous thing and launching into the updated pipes of gas is not allowed until it is visually and experimentally seen that this step is safe. Visually, the specialist checks that each necessary plug is in the right place, and the stove, boiler and column are correctly connected to the system. In addition, before start-up, the gas pipeline is subjected to a purge, which is necessary to displace oxygen from the system. Purge is carried out simultaneously with chemical analysis samples of the composition leaving the pipe.

Please note that you need to make a tie-in into the gas pipe so that later the chem. analysis showed the presence of oxygen in the composition of less than one percent. Gas leaving the system should burn evenly and without problems and exit without shocks and pops. When checking the performance of the system, be aware that in no case should the purge be carried out inside the room or in the ventilation. Before starting to check, make sure that the windows are open and, just in case, normal ventilation of the room is ensured. At verification work come to the aid of the master and follow the operation of the gas system and equipment in the first minutes.

We crash into the central pipeline

Tapping into a gas pipeline under pressure is not carried out by residents; multi-storey buildings are completed with the necessary elements for this even before delivery. But those who built a private house according to an individual layout face this problem and for them such information will be just in place.

We prepare the necessary documents

To obtain permission to connect to a gas pipeline or redo the wiring in an apartment, the following list of documents will be required:

  • Technical documents for the apartment, original;
  • Scheme of the piece of land on which the house stands, shown in the gas service. The diagram indicates the pipeline of gas, water, sewerage and heating;
  • Attach the documentation for the equipment that you are going to install and operate. This is a quality certificate, a maintenance contract and a permit for operation in a residential area;
  • Chimney inspection report.
The set of documents for replacing gas pipes in an apartment is not very large

Getting permission from the service

In order for the tie-in to the low-pressure gas pipeline to pass normally, first get permission for this in Gorgaz. There, find out how the main gas pipeline runs and what methods they will recommend. Each element of the purchased gas equipment is agreed with the designer, who then draws up a project for the gasification of the premises. After that, the economic department calculates approximate cost works and incites estimates. Study the contract carefully before signing - check each item so that the contractor equips the house with gas in a quality manner.

If you need to crash into a gas pipe, but have neither the time nor the desire to engage in projects, then the technical service engineer, based on the provided scheme, will draw up a plan to order, select the appropriate equipment for heating and gasification of the constructed premises.

The developed project is then agreed with you and with the executive company that will install the equipment.

When the plan is prepared, an agreement is drawn up for a private house and for monitoring the performance of work by the gas city service. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but an important rule of good gasification is a careful reading of the drawn up contract and other documentation that is issued by the gas service. After each document is assembled, the tie-in into the gas pipe under pressure begins, and upon completion of this moment, the technical documentation is signed.

The completed tie-in to the gas pipeline is accepted by a special commission, which includes members from the city gas service and from the executive company. When the price for replacing the gas pipes in the apartment is paid, and the system is running, the gas workers put seals on the gas equipment so that only they have access to the inside.


Installing a home gas pipeline: the frequency of replacing the internal line with a tap

The pipeline has been installed in the house for more than one day - even having drawn up a plan, the fitters think over how best to perform the installation in order to save gas in the apartment. It happens that moments not indicated on the plan create difficulties and you have to shorten the gas pipe in the kitchen or, on the contrary, add a couple of extra centimeters. Such events are evaluated by the commission so that later there are no problems due to such spontaneous changes in the existing scheme. Please note that any changes in the gas pipeline are coordinated with the city gas service, illegal tapping into the gas pipeline in a built house is punishable by a large fine. And if inept actions lead to an explosion and victims, then imprisonment.

Before and after the reconstruction of the gas pipeline in the apartment

Therefore, even the replacement of the gas valve in the apartment is not carried out on its own - a service is called for this. What can we say about the complete replacement of gas equipment, you should not do this on your own in any case.

After the installers connect the house to the main pipeline, the first test run is carried out - the pipes are checked for leaks. After making sure that each element is corrected, the installers will only have to carry out work on adjusting and adapting gas equipment to the specific conditions of the built house. In the future, adjustment work and Maintenance conducted by the company that sold you gas equipment, if there is an agreement drawn up on this account.

In reality, the launch of a gas pipeline is not like that. simple task as it appears at first glance. First of all, the presence of each plug and the normal installation of taps in front of the stove and boiler are visually checked. Then the pipes are purged so that pure oxygen comes out from the inside - this interferes with the normal passage of gas. The tightness of the joints is checked using a classic soap foam, which is applied to the joints - if the foam bubbles, then there is a leak, which inflates the foam with air. Having eliminated the problems and launched the gas into the pipes, the operation of the equipment during the first day requires enhanced monitoring. Replacing a gas pipeline requires a lot of experience in this specificity.

Qualified specialists will quickly and efficiently transfer the gas pipe to the right place!

You do not need to worry about turning off the gas at the riser, we will take care of this ourselves!

The price includes departure and necessary materials(pipes, fasteners, gaskets, seals, etc.). No surcharges and surcharges on the spot!

When ordering this service, a new gas valve as a gift!

If you are doing repairs in the apartment, and the gas pipe interferes with you, our specialists will help you put it in place!

Everyone who makes repairs in an apartment that has gas pipes, sooner or later, before or after choosing a kitchen, is faced with such a problem when a gas pipe is located in the middle and will simply ruin the whole appearance kitchen, corridor or will not allow you to install appliances at all ...

The cost of work can be clarified by phone, from photographs, on the spot. To get the exact cost, you need to more accurately state the problem.

You can send photos through the feedback form, sms, WhatsApp, Viber - 89857277305 or on email: [email protected] website

Move the gas pipe - Procedure

    We need to understand the task, for this it is necessary to understand how the gas pipeline is going now, and what you want to get as a result;

    If it is difficult to explain in a telephone conversation - send overview photos of the situation to us;

    If it is not possible to send a photo, our specialist will come to the object for viewing;

    If the scope of work is agreed, we will be able to choose the time and accept the application.

When contacting our company, you will receive:

    Free consultation, assistance in choosing the location of the pipe and tap;

    Transparent prices, no surcharges, surcharges on the spot;

    Understanding of current requirements and rules for violations;

    The shortest terms, from the moment of a call before execution up to 48 hours;

Our specialists will perform work at the highest level of quality and safety!

Tip: it is better to transfer pipes in the apartment until the repair is completed, while there is no finishing!

Often the thought does not immediately come to mind, how best to arrange the gas pipes, because there is no experience in this matter.

For many years of experience, we have prepared for you some wise advice:

  • Each gas appliance requires a separate gas cock. For independent oven and hob separate branches are required for welding.
  • Remove the faucet under the countertop.
    Don’t like the look of the kitchen when a pipe with a tap and a hose runs through the apron? You can move the branch with a crane under the countertop, to the height allowed by the rules. Please note that the gas pipeline should not be located in the washing area, as well as in boxes occupied by appliances! It is necessary to provide access to the gas pipeline for use, inspection and maintenance. We recommend placing the tap in a free box at least 40 cm wide.
  • Do not block gas pipes! We are approached by clients who once did this a long time ago, and now they are asking to bring the pipes outside in order to sleep peacefully.

Norms and rules for the location of gas pipes in the apartment

To perform high-quality installation or transfer of gas pipes, you must follow the rules.

There can be a large number of violations that people are not even aware of (More than 100)!

To answer possible questions, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of them:

  • It is forbidden to connect a gas appliance with several hoses, the hose must be solid;
  • Gas pipes and equipment are prohibited from being located in residential premises;
  • It is impossible to wall up gas pipes, laying in niches is not allowed. Gas pipes throughout must be accessible for inspection and maintenance;
  • Each gas appliance requires a separate gas cock. Up to the tap, the gas pipeline must be without threaded connections;
  • Minimum Height location of horizontal sections of the gas pipe - 50 cm from the floor;
  • The gas pipeline must not cross the electrical cable. The distance between them must be at least 10 cm at the intersection. (40 cm with parallel laying);
  • In a room with gas equipment, there must be a door;
  • The gas valve must be in close proximity to the device, always in the same room;
  • Flexible connections (hoses) are used only for connection from the faucet to the appliance. The hose must not cross the gas pipe;
  • Geyser can not be installed in the toilet;
  • The gas pipeline must not cross the ventilation duct;
  • The gas valve must not be directly above the stove (hot zone).

Examples of work on the transfer of a gas pipe in an apartment

On the this example the gas riser simply did not allow the kitchen furniture to be placed. The forces of our organization was moved to a corner.