How much does a chemical analysis of water cost? Well water analysis

A person drinks water every day, not thinking about the degree of its safety. However, this source of life can contain harmful chemicals, germs and other types of threats. It is for this that the analysis of water from the well is done, the price of which depends on the number of analyzed indicators.
Even if the content of impurities is too small, the systematic intake of such water can lead to a deterioration in personal health. Salts, as a rule, accumulate in the human body, heavy metals poison it, microbes cause disease.

What determines the price for analyzing water from a well?

Nowadays, it is easy to find those who analyze any kind of water.
The cost of this rather simple procedure mainly depends on the set of indicators chosen. Their number is determined by the client himself. The recommended amount is determined based on the source. We are convinced that analyzing water from a well in Moscow, the price of which is quite acceptable, will be the right first step in water treatment.
For consideration drinking water from the water supply system, which is treated with bleach, it is enough to choose several indicators:

  • How cloudy the water is.
  • Her color.
  • Smell.
  • Aftertaste.
  • PH pH.
  • The hardness of the liquid.
  • As far as possible oxidizability.
  • Residual chlorine.
  • The presence of alkalis.
  • Iron content.
  • Hydrocarbonates.
  • Nitrates.
  • The amount of salt.
  • Manganese.

Situations in which you should limit yourself to express analysis:

  • Water is already well studied and the current process is being monitored.
  • To determine the overall water quality situation.

With this type of analysis, a large error of indicators is allowed. It is carried out for certain types of elements. For an in-depth study of the liquid, it is necessary to do a general analysis of water from a well in Moscow. The price of this analysis will be slightly higher.

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Analysis of water from a well for sand.

24 indicators.

  • Turbidity
  • chromaticity
  • smell
  • smack
  • general stiffness
  • permanganate oxidizability
  • general iron
  • iron dissolved
  • manganese
  • chlorides
  • nitrates
  • sulfates
  • total salt content
  • suofids
  • hydrogen sulfide
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • alkalinity
  • hydrocarbonates
  • nitrogen (ammonium)
  • phosphates
  • silicon
  • suspended matter

Price: 4000 rub.

On the this moment wells are the simplest and most affordable source of water in the absence of central water supply. Wells are especially relevant in the seasonal private sector, where year-round water consumption is not required. Analysis of water from the well will make sure of the sanitary and epidemiological safety of the source of open water supply.

Our laboratory analyzes the water from the well for an extremely wide range of possible pollutants.

Features of water pollution in a well

Wells, wells, water supply - all these are sources with their pros and cons, unique in terms of availability and quality. Therefore, it is necessary to consider each of them separately. The well is open system for the extraction of groundwater. Its key feature is precisely "openness", which is the main problem. Most often, these sources are subject to external pollution from surface runoff by water seepage through the ground, it can be sewage water and sediments carrying dissolved substances from industrial areas. Therefore, in addition to the fact that ground water itself may not be itself best quality, there is a danger external influence... Since the source is open, this can lead to stagnation of water, especially if various can get there: small animals and their waste products, fallen leaves and branches.

A combination of negative factors can lead to an increase in the number of microorganisms, among which there may be pathogens. Note that among the majority of water supply sources, the chemical and bacteriological indicators of the well are subject to the most significant changes. This is one of the reasons why it is necessary to analyze the water from the well.

Key indicators in the analysis of water in wells

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that there are certain substances and components,
which need to be checked in this type of source first. Directly possible groundwater pollutants: