How to decorate a room for a newborn and his mother. Design and rules for arranging a children's room for a newborn

In addition to the competent arrangement of the children's room, taking into account right choice everything that is necessary for the baby and mother, one must not forget about decorating her space. After all, it should be not only safe and comfortable, but also aesthetic. Moreover, all aesthetics must be directed in such a way that any decoration contributes to the harmonious development of a small person who is beginning to explore the vast world of images, sensations, sounds.

Influence of decor

Everything that surrounds the baby affects his psychological state. Too bright environment with large aggressive accents will irritate him, increase nervous excitability, and prevent him from calming down. Therefore, from the first days of a girl's or boy's life, they should be surrounded by calm tones with slight color spots that will arouse interest and positive emotions.

Each child is talented from birth, but it is rather difficult to develop their abilities on their own. You can help the baby different ways, including properly decorating the newborn's room.

with wall painting

Quality and minimalism in design

The most important requirement for all materials used for decoration, arrangement, production of furniture or accessories for the nursery is their environmental friendliness. Everything that is present in this room must either be natural or have an appropriate certificate. The body of newborns is sensitive to the effects chemical substances, irritants, allergens, so you should purchase only good quality products.

When choosing textiles, you need to abandon heavy fabrics that accumulate dust and block air access. For a newborn's room, it is better to use transparent tulle - it does not interfere with the movement of air, creates a feeling of cleanliness, lightness. From it you can sew curtains on the windows, a canopy or curtains on the bed.

Wall mural with fairy tale characters decorate any nursery

If a daughter was born

Often girls' rooms are decorated. But it should be borne in mind that a newborn may have an allergic reaction to pollen, so flowering varieties should be avoided.

Do not overload the nursery with dolls or soft toys. It is better to gradually add new ones, taking into account the age-related change in the taste of the baby. For the first time, a couple of soft toys-pillows in the crib are enough and the same amount for decorating the room.

For little son

When decorating a newborn’s room, neutral or “boyish” colors are used - all shades of blue, green, yellow. Since they are sharper, it is recommended to choose lighter tones.

For boys, a minimalist interior is best suited, in which only the essentials are present. A few small soft toys, a ball, will be enough. Just like a girl, a growing boy's tastes and needs will change, so don't buy too many toys at once.

Ideas and principles for decorating space

Decorating a newborn's room is not difficult to do on your own. For this, they are used as finished goods or accessories, and handmade.

The beginning of the beginning - the decor of the crib

By by and large, the first room of the child should be called a crib. Indeed, immediately after the birth, the baby spends several weeks almost constantly in it (with the exception of feeding, communication, walking). Therefore, it is the decoration of the bed that needs to be given maximum attention. If you decide on your own, then the chosen color and pattern will provide it with an original and beautiful decoration.

The most important accessory is a mobile, which you can purchase or make a design with your own hands. It is attached from above to the crib, and since the newborn lies on his back most of the time, he is constantly in his field of vision. Multi-colored elements, collected in a colorful three-dimensional composition, arouse the interest of the crumbs, contribute to its development, and also perfectly decorate the interior.

Another functional accessory is a crib curtain. It should be borne in mind that these are not just decorations, but protection for the baby from bright light, dust or extraneous movement that interferes with sleep. They can also be used as a full-fledged element of the interior, giving the entire room an original style.

interior decoration

To saturate the newborn's room with color and decor, additional decoration of walls and furniture is performed. For this are used:

  • - when choosing them, preference should be given simple images, which will be clearly visible from the crib. At first, you can stick only black and white, and then gradually add colors, because newborns in the first months recognize only black and white;
  • - this work is easy to do on your own, using special stencils.

Similarly, you can decorate any piece of furniture.

To decorate a newborn's room, you need to use not only tips and tricks, but also your imagination. You should also understand the sense of proportion, since harmony, tenderness, lightness are important for the first room of the baby.

photo:, iriana88w, 3dimentii,, gorvik,,, poligonchik, vav163

The appearance of a baby in the family is a great and joyful event. For a new family member, you need to prepare a room.

Parents always try to decorate the interior for the child as best as possible: this also applies to the arrangement of the baby's room.

True, they sometimes get too carried away with trifles, leaving important things unattended. What should be in the children's room?

The main difference between a nursery for a baby who has recently been born, from ordinary rooms for children is that when it is arranged, the opinion of the child is not taken into account, because the newborn does not care; the environment should be comfortable for his parents.

What should be taken into account when applying?

When creating the interior of a room for a newborn, you need to consider a number of points:

  • it is desirable that the room for the baby is located near the bedroom of the parents. If the child wakes up at night, mom and dad will immediately hear;
  • no need to buy a large number of toys and accessories. Acquire things gradually, as the child grows;
  • make sure that extraneous sounds do not penetrate into the baby's room. Newborns are very light sleepers, sound from TV or noisy neighbors will interfere with the child's sleep;
  • kids need a familiar environment: only among familiar things will they be comfortable.

In the first four years, children are very susceptible to new information. Let there be a fairy-tale world in the child's room.

Advice. Decorate the room with pictures of animals: this will positively affect the development of the baby.

Make sure the nursery has enough fresh air, but there were no drafts. Windows need to be given Special attention. When a child turns one year old, he will begin to actively explore the space around him. Make sure that the little discoverer does not get injured.

Safety is the main principle of decorating a nursery for a baby: sockets only where necessary, and as high as possible from the floor surface so that the child cannot reach them.


Choose furniture with rounded shapes.

The main piece of furniture in the nursery of a recently born baby is a crib. Sleep takes up most of the time in newborns.

It is best to purchase a wooden crib with a lattice. The safety of the baby will be ensured by high sides. It will be an advantage if the height of the mattress can be adjusted at the crib.

Important! It will be more convenient to lay the baby if one of the sides is lowered.

The bed may have skids or wheels. There are also combined models.

In the first six months, when the baby is not yet able to crawl, a cradle equipped with wheels will come in handy. It is convenient to move such a cradle around the house, and the child will be constantly next to his mother.

The requirements for a mattress for a newborn crib are rigidity and breathability. The best filler for children's mattresses - coconut fiber.

There is no need to close the crib with curtains: they prevent the flow of air. Fabric upholstery from the sides are also not needed, because they close the view to the child.

Advice. Place the crib in a place where the light is not too bright, away from radiators and drafts.

There is no need for a large amount of furniture: a playpen and small cabinets for storing toys are enough.

In the nursery of a newborn, you can not do without a changing table. It is recommended to put it near the closet where the baby care accessories are located.

Manufacturers offer folding models of changing tables. These tables have shelves for diapers and other baby accessories.

You can also use an overhead changing table. It is installed on the bed and practically does not take up space: it is best option for small rooms.

The overhead table can also be installed on a chest of drawers. When the baby grows up, and there is no need for a table, you simply remove it.

It will be necessary to purchase a chair for the mother so that she can comfortably feed and rock the child.

Newborns need breast milk. Make sure that the place for feeding is convenient for both the baby and the mother. Choose a chair that has soft armrests, also a special stand will not hurt so that mom can put her feet on it. Additional comfort will provide small pillows.

Important so that the changing table is well lit. next to him, as additional source lighting, you can install a floor lamp.

In the nursery, it is necessary to equip a place to store the baby's things. To do this, you can use the rack; simple design can be made by hand.

Furniture, like other items in the nursery, should be made of safe materials that do not cause allergies.

Wall decoration

The most suitable color palette for the walls in a newborn's room is colorful small patterns on a light background.

The color scheme of the walls can be universal or combined with the floor.

The most suitable colors for wall decor in the nursery are soft blue, pale pink and mint shades. Cream and noble beige are suitable for both a girl's room and a boy's.

The wall at the head of the bed can be decorated in a brighter color. When the child is in the crib, he will not see this wall, so the bright shade will not interfere with his sleep.

Newborns do not perceive colors, but when the baby starts to crawl, he wants to touch everything, so it’s good if the finish is with a slight relief: decorate the walls with textured wallpaper.

Grown up kids love to draw, and very often they try to do it on the surrounding surfaces. In such a case, washable wallpaper will come to the rescue, from which it is easy to remove the “creations” of a small artist.

It is desirable to divide the nursery into several zones with different functional purpose, and the easiest way to do this is with color: make the corner for games brighter, sleeping place decorate in neutral shades.

You can place accents with the help of turquoise color.

Floor and ceiling

Infants who have not yet learned to walk crawl a lot, which means that the choice of flooring for the nursery must be approached especially responsibly.

It is advisable to use more than one material for the floor in the child's room. In the play area, it is better to lay carpet.

There is an opinion that one of the best options for flooring in a nursery is cork. Such flooring non-slip, it is easy to remove dirt from it, it is practical option. Cork soft, warm and hypoallergenic.

Laminate can also be used as a floor covering in a nursery: this material retains heat well and is resistant to moisture. Good decision- natural parquet: such a floor will be warm.

Important! In no case do not use linoleum - this is a slippery coating, besides it is cold and can cause allergies.

The ceiling in the baby's room is the most appropriate place in order to place decorations conducive to the development of the child. Mounted are popular decorative elements and balls glowing at night. These accessories are recommended to be placed above the crib.


Lighting in a newborn's room should be as natural as possible. Decorate windows with transparent curtains that let in sunlight. In the evening, it is desirable to create diffused light so that the child can play. In the nursery, moderate lighting is needed: not too bright, but not dim.

Experts in the field of child psychology are sure that the interior of the room is very important for the full development of the baby. The task of parents is to make the environment safe. You need to start equipping the nursery before the baby is born: this will allow you to think over the interior design of the children's room to the smallest detail and achieve the best result.

Children's for a boy

There are many design options for a boy's nursery. Most often used classic style.

A room for a newborn boy can be decorated in maritime theme. This option involves the use of white and blue shades: white will make the blue more expressive. A chocolate shade will complement these colors well.

Accessories will help to emphasize the marine orientation. Decorate the windows with curtains with patterns in the form of anchors, and cover the bed with a bedspread with boats.

Girl's room

Most often, for the interior design of a newborn girl, they choose White color, pale apricot, pink and other pastel shades. Parents are trying to turn the room into the chambers of a little princess.

A good idea is to decorate the walls with wallpaper with butterflies. On the wall you can hang a mirror resembling a butterfly in shape, pick up curtains with the same pattern.

Very often, a nursery for a newborn girl is decorated in the Provence style. french style involves the use of a large number of lace and ruffles, delicate shades are welcome, beautiful curtains and distinguishing feature this design trend floral patterns. This decor looks just charming.

The Provence-style environment that surrounds a girl from birth will help raise a noble lady.

Another good option for decorating the room of a little princess who has recently been born is the shabby chic style. This design direction is characterized by bizarre patterns, beautiful drapery. The room is decorated in pastel colors, and golden hues give special sophistication to the interior.

Read about how to make it stylish, modern and functional: different approaches to design, different results. See examples in the photo gallery.

How to put the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui? The answer is in the article - in detail, with diagrams and examples.

Styles for decor

There are quite a few styles that are suitable for room design, both for a newborn boy and for a girl.

Great for decorating a baby's room modern style. This style direction involves the use of straight lines and functional pieces of furniture. In such a design, simplicity combined with comfort comes to the fore. Such an environment is unpretentious and practical.

The interior of the nursery, decorated in Art Nouveau style, is distinguished by charm and elegance. The design uses a large number of unusual things that are perfectly combined with each other.

It takes a lot of effort to decorate a newborn's bedroom in modern style, but the result is worth the time and effort.

An unusual option for decorating a room for a baby is the safari style. To create a design in this "African" style, natural wood or materials that skillfully imitate it are used. The decoration is dominated by shades of bedding colors and chocolate color. The interior will be complemented by drawings of animals from the distant savannah.

Another suitable direction for children's decor is the English style. The decoration is dominated by rounded shapes. The decor is stiff: a similar design has similar features with retro style. To equip and create an English-style nursery interior, you need to spend a lot of time and make a lot of effort. English decor only at first glance seems simple: in fact, all elements are carefully thought out and form a single composition.

One of the most practical solutions- arrange a nursery for a newly born baby in the style of minimalism. In such an environment, there is nothing superfluous, all elements are functional.

Take note! Classic style in the interior design of a nursery for a newborn is most popular. Used in decor gentle colors, forms are distinguished by sophistication, every detail is thought out. Such an interior will become the pride of parents.

A good option for decorating a nursery is the loft style. Bright details stand out against a light background, which, in combination with straight lines, visually expand the room. The room seems brighter and more spacious. The baby will soon begin to get acquainted with the environment around him, and he will need a lot of space.

A stylish environment allows you to create a "children's variation" scandinavian style. In the usual version, this style is distinguished by restraint, but bright colors are added to the interior of the nursery, giving tenderness to the decor.

Objects surrounding the baby affect its development. The nursery should have interesting details that will allow him to learn the world around him step by step.

Decorate your baby's room with wood appliqués. You can hang decorative letters and pictures of cute animals on the wall.

Photographs in which happy parents are captured with a baby will help to give the room coziness.


photo gallery

We offer to draw fresh ideas for decorating the interior of a children's room for a newborn in the photo selection below:

One of the main chores at the birth of a baby is the arrangement of a children's room for him. How best to do this, what must be observed and what should be discarded so that the newborn child in his room is cozy and comfortable?

General requirements for a room for a newborn baby

Any pediatrician, as well as any person with worldly experience, can tell you what the basic requirements should be for a room for a newborn baby. There are not so many such requirements, and it is desirable that all of them be met. The well-being and proper development of the child ultimately depends on how they are fulfilled. Here are the requirements:

  • The air temperature in the room must be regulated;
  • The room should be ventilated and properly lit. The light in it should not be too bright so that it does not irritate the baby, and at the same time, there should be enough light, otherwise the baby may be afraid of the dark;
  • Extraneous noises that will disturb the child should not penetrate the room. In addition, reliable noise isolation will allow other family members to feel natural and not lower their voices to a whisper every time;
  • Walls should be finished with exclusively safe, natural materials;
  • The color of the walls, ceiling, floor and furniture should be calm, light and warm tones that have a calming effect on the baby, as well as on his mother.

Nursery design

Design requirements are very important. Here the child will spend a lot of time, grow up, develop, play, relax, gain experience. Therefore, everything here must be provided for to the very last detail.

It is best to divide the room into zones. One zone should be for games, the other for relaxation, the third will be needed by the child when he grows up and starts doing classes or needlework, in other words, he begins to learn.

There are several ways to divide a room into zones. One of these ways is the appropriate arrangement of furniture. Another way is floor wall coverings or wallpaper. For example, that part of the space where the baby's bed is located can be covered with photo wallpapers with muted, soft colors so that the child falls asleep more calmly. And, say, a part of the room where the child will play can be pasted over with photo wallpapers depicting toys, various animals, nature, etc.

There can be many options here. At the same time, designers and child psychologists advise placing the play area in the center of the room or next to the window. Firstly, natural lighting is much better in such places. Secondly, the child feels more confident in the middle of the room. Thirdly, at the window in the future you can put a table at which the child will study.

10 newborn baby room design ideas

How best to finish the walls

There can also be many options for wall decoration in this case. However, it is best to finish the walls in the children's room with such materials:

  • Washable wallpaper;
  • Wallpaper for painting;
  • Paint.

When decorating walls, you need to consider several points. If the walls are covered with wallpaper, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the wallpaper will have to be periodically changed to new ones. Firstly, children love to draw on wallpaper, and this process is difficult to follow. And secondly, during outdoor games, the child will sooner or later tear off the wallpaper.

The most preferred wallpaper for a child's room is paper or vinyl. It is very desirable that they be monophonic and not too bright. No drawings on the wallpaper are needed, otherwise the child will quickly get tired, as bright colors irritate his nervous system. As for the paint, it should be waterproof acrylic and odorless.

What should be the flooring in the children's room

There are also many requirements for flooring. It must be from natural, environmentally friendly safe material. It could be:

  • Laminate;
  • Cork coating;
  • Wooden floor or parquet.

For obvious reasons, the floor in the children's room should be of high quality, without cracks and burrs. It is desirable that when laying the floor, the seams are carefully sealed. Since the child will move around the floor (first crawling, and then walking), the flooring should be easy to clean. But carpet covering highly undesirable here. The carpet, as you know, actively absorbs dust, and it is quite difficult to remove it from there.

What color should the children's room be?

Partly already mentioned above color finish rooms for the baby. Let us dwell on this in more detail - especially since there are specific features which should be taken into account. Of course, what color to decorate the room in depends largely on the parents. But at the same time, the following points must be taken into account:

  • Too bright colors excite the child's psyche, so it is better not to use red or bright orange colors in the decoration;
  • For the same reason, avoid dark colors: brown, emerald, purple, blue;
  • The best option is calm (cream, blue, olive, gray, salad) colors that soothe the child;
  • Bright blotches can only be used to indicate areas inside the room or to highlight with their help some places that the child must remember;
  • It is generally accepted that when decorating the walls in a baby's room, there should not be more than three colors. Too much color has a stimulating effect on the child and can even lead to diseases.

Room for a boy and a girl

Child psychologists, pediatricians, grandparents, as well as experienced parents assure that in terms of design, a room for a newborn boy and a newborn girl should be different from each other. In a boy's room, the overall tone should be light, but fragments of brown, blue, gray, and even black are acceptable (and even highly recommended). It is believed that strict dark tones help to bring up purely masculine qualities of character in a boy: confidence, determination, perseverance in achieving the goal. In general, the design of the room for the boy should be kept in more restrained colors than for girls.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Designers sometimes call a room for a little girl a "princess room" or a "fairy room." It would be great if it was framed in pink colors. And even better if pink color will be combined with other colors: beige, gray, turquoise, chocolate. There is a lot of scope for design fantasies here. The main thing is not to overdo it and not make the “princess room” pink beyond measure, as a result of which it can become cloying and uncomfortable.

"Correct" ceiling and "correct" lighting

As for the ceiling, there are also certain requirements for it. It is believed that the ceiling in terms of design should not be too complicated and pretentious. It is better if it is a simple, even ceiling. There are the following reasons for this:

  1. Firstly, a volumetric ceiling always causes a feeling of bulkiness and heaviness (in such cases they say that it “presses”). Accordingly, a “pressing” ceiling can frighten a child.
  2. Secondly, on relief ceiling dust settles, which is quite difficult to remove from there.

It should also be borne in mind that the baby, lying in the crib, most often looks at the ceiling. Therefore, it is not recommended to paint the ceiling in bright colors. If there is still some kind of stucco molding on the ceiling, then it must also be painted in soothing colors. However, in this case it is best to do stretch ceiling.

Very important role lighting plays for the baby. Until the child reaches the age of three months, his vision must be protected from direct impact sunlight. In addition, you need to take care of the correct lighting of the room with electric light sources. For this you need:

  • Cover all windows in the room with curtains natural fabric, which will scatter and dim the sunlight. Linen or linen fabric of plain calm colors is best suited here. These should be simple curtains without any frills and other design frills. Complex curtains collect too much dust;
  • Windows must be equipped with mosquito nets;
  • In fixtures located on the ceiling, fluorescent lamps should be installed;
  • Alternatively, you can do without overhead lighting at all, using sconces, table lamps or floor lamps;
  • If there is a special place for changing the baby, it should be equipped with a separate light source.

What should be the furniture

Let's start with the bed. There is probably no need to explain in detail the importance of a crib for an infant. Therefore, equipping the nursery, first of all, you should take care of this particular piece of furniture. The main advantage of the crib is that it should be comfortable for the child, and also convenient for the adult caring for the baby. Since you have to bend over and pick up your baby, the side of the crib must be designed in such a way that it goes up and down.

There are certain requirements that have been tested for many centuries on how exactly to place the crib. Usually it is placed in a place where it is calm and quiet. The bed should not be exposed to sunlight. The crib should not be placed near a door, or near sockets, switches, or wall lamps. If possible, the crib is installed on a specially made podium.

Currently, there are many varieties of baby cribs: with a specially equipped changing area, with additional drawers for linen, etc. If parents intend to rock the baby, then instead of a crib they can buy a cradle. In modern furniture stores, many varieties of cradles are sold. It can be a cradle on wheels or a cradle equipped with pendulum mechanisms. Such mechanisms are divided into longitudinal, transverse and universal.

It is very important what material the bed or cradle is made of. You should not buy a crib and bassinet that are made of synthetic materials. The bed (or cradle) for the baby should be made of natural wood. In addition, you need to pay attention to the fact that the crib has not been varnished or painted. Varnish, paint or synthetics can cause allergic diseases in a child.

As for other furniture, there should not be much of it in the children's room. In general, in addition to the crib or cradle, the set of furniture here should be as follows:

  • Chest of drawers for storing children's clothes, toys and other necessary things;
  • Changing table;
  • A chair in which it will be convenient for the mother to feed the baby.

Maintaining a comfortable temperature and cleanliness in the room for the baby

It is very important to know that excessively humid, as well as overdried air, is harmful for a child. All kinds of harmful bacteria develop in excessively humid or overdried air. The ideal air humidity for a baby is at least 50, maximum 70 percent. There are many ways to make the air humidity optimal:

  • Air with low humidity usually occurs in winter in rooms where central heating. In this case, a special humidifier is useful. In the absence of a humidifier, you can use the old proven method - hang wet towels on batteries, changing them periodically;
  • Air with high humidity usually happens in autumn or spring. In this case, the room must be ventilated as often as possible. It is clear that here it is necessary to take measures so that the child does not catch a cold;
  • It must be remembered that the children's room must be ventilated at least 3-4 times a day. Be sure to air it before putting the child to bed.

Of great importance is the temperature in the children's room. The temperature must be constantly monitored and adjusted if necessary. The most comfortable temperature for a baby is 20-22 degrees. When bathing a child, the room temperature should be higher - 25-28 degrees. When the baby grows up and begins to move, the temperature in the room should be 18-22 degrees - so that the child, actively moving, does not overheat.

The nursery needs to be cleaned daily. In addition to routine cleaning, general cleaning is required at least once a month. It includes washing curtains, washing windows, wiping walls and ceilings. It should be noted here that such cleaning must be carried out without the use of chemicals.

Anna Sheina: Children's room renovation

How do we decorate our children's room? What is in the nursery: furniture for the newborn, toys, lighting and much more:

Make the daughter's room pink and the son's blue. This standard option, for sure, will quickly bore you. Yes, and the baby will be more fun to live in some yellow, light green, orange room. Just do not overdo it with the brightness of the tone and the number of colors.


Give preference to neutral tones - white, light gray, light yellow, pale orange, beige. The sleeping area can be painted in light green or pale turquoise - it soothes. Do not use more than two colors. After all, the baby will have to not only play and frolic, but also relax there. And do not place bright spots in front of the crib.

Often parents do not want to make the walls of the room white or beige, believing that the space will become boring. But you need to consider what color the furniture, curtains, drawings on the walls will be, how many toys will fit on the shelves. With a riotous variety of colors, choosing intense shades for walls is definitely not worth it - this can overload the child's psyche. White and beige are wonderful companions that will balance any bright interior.


Wall decoration is an important task that affects the way a child perceives the world. The best option will divide the room into zones - play and for relaxation - and decorate the first of them in brighter colors, and make the second bright and calm. The renovation in the room is not done for a year, so think about the future. Obviously, your little one will grow up and start drawing on all surfaces. Can be pre-painted lower part walls with gray, green paint, suitable for crayons like on a school board. Try to choose materials that can be washed.

3. Gender

Babies in the first few years of life spend a lot of time on the floor: they play, learn to crawl and walk. That is why it is important to choose the right cover. It should not be cold and too slippery so that the child is not injured. Useful for legs if the flooring in the nursery is rough or rough. And it is better to choose a coating that is not afraid of water, such as vinyl tiles.


That's where your imagination can roam, so it's in the design of the ceiling. Since a newborn is forced to spend the first months of life lying down, looking at the ceiling will probably become one of his favorite activities. Therefore, various interesting figures can be hung on the ceiling or decorated with luminous stars. Whether it will be just a painted or stretch ceiling, plasterboard or plastic, even or multi-level - it is important that the ceiling is safe, something that pleases your child and complements the interior.


A storm of emotions and a joyful expectation of the baby being born makes parents overly clutter up his room with all sorts of necessary things, as it seems to them. At the same time, if you think about it, in the first months of life, the baby does not need so much. Therefore, you should not litter the nursery with all kinds of tables, chairs, walkers and a tricycle. This is what he will need later, but for now these things will only create inconvenience. The items needed now are a crib, a changing table, a night light, toys and a small chest of drawers. All additions are up to you.


While your baby grows up, he will have time to paint your unusually beautiful wallpaper. It is possible that he will try to tear off the applications on the walls and furniture that you pasted with such love. Perhaps it will get handles from lockers, and fringe from curtains. And the specific "infant" decor will still require replacement in a couple of years.


Concentrate in one place in the room (for example, on the table) what you may need at any time: diapers, diapers, blouses, some baby care items. Arrange everything so that you do not have to look for what you need for a long time, rummaging through cabinets and drawers. Everything should always lie in its place, because all sorts of surprises often happen to the baby, and you should always easily and quickly navigate in the space of the nursery.

8. BED

It is this detail of the interior that is especially important for the crumbs, since he will spend most of his time in it. It must be made from natural materials and be strong and reliable. Bed linen should also be made of soft natural fabrics, and it is better to refuse decorative canopies. These interior details certainly seem cute and delicate, but they are colossal sources of dust, which is undesirable in a child's room.


They should be large and let in a lot of light. For the safety of the baby, place the crib away from the window so that the child is not disturbed by bright light and drafts. In addition, when the baby grows up, he may try to open the window, which can end in tragedy. Think about it ahead of time to prevent problems.


Buy a bassinet that converts into a crib for two or three year old, and a changing table in a year or two would easily turn into a convenient table for games. After all, babies in the first years grow and develop so quickly that things must keep up with them.


Create a separate space in the room where the baby will be awake. Let toys lie there, a place will be “cleared” for rolling cars or building pyramids, chairs, a table, a wardrobe do not interfere with the path. The child should play with pleasure, he needs a certain place for this. And at the same time, you should not worry that, having played too much, he will crawl in the wrong direction and hurt himself on the leg of the table, turn the chair over onto himself.


When creating a place to sleep in a nursery, first of all, take care of the health of your crumbs, and only then about original decor. Put the baby in the crib with a thin small blanket and a small flat pillow (a diaper folded in four is enough). The sheet should tightly fit the mattress in all corners, it is best if it is with an elastic band or a zipper. And tie a special fabric bumper to the bars of the crib so that the child does not hit his head.


Place the crib so that it is not too close to the window so that direct sunlight does not shine on the child's face in summer. And it is important that the baby, getting up in the crib, cannot reach something dangerous: sockets, a cord from a night light, glass jars and bottles on the changing table, scissors or a thermometer.


Do not forget that your baby grows and develops every day, and by placing all kinds of decorative elements around the room (pillows in the form of suns and animals, toy hares and dolls, musical spinning pendants), you attract the child's attention to them. Therefore, place them so that it is convenient for the baby to view them. And from time to time change places and completely replace others. The decor of the children's room should turn out to be mobile, as if changing along with its inhabitant.


They help the baby develop faster. About six months after birth, your baby will need a transforming chair, playpen, walkers - all these devices will make it easier for you to care for your child, and they will help him grow and develop faster.


Let in the nursery there will be only those things that are suitable for the child by age in this moment. If you have been given a lot of clothes and toys for growth, do not put it all at once in the room of a newborn baby. Let the nursery have what the baby needs now, and as he grows up, you will remove unnecessary things from the room and bring things that the baby has already grown to.

Do not overload the nursery space with unnecessary boxes and drawers, it is enough to have one convenient basket for toys. But it is desirable that it closes and stows somewhere in a corner or under the bed, and you, while rocking the child, do not stumble on it every time, and the baby himself does not stumble upon it, crawling around the room.


When placing furniture in the nursery, hanging shelves and arranging racks, imagine that in just 5-6 months your baby will start to get up and want to touch, pull and even taste what is within his reach. And here it is important to be prepared for the fact that the baby will begin to explore the surroundings in your absence: he will suddenly get up and hit his head on a shelf or on the corner of a table that is close to the bed. Think this through ahead of time.

18. Get serious about your lighting choices

The light in the child's room should not be too bright, but constantly dim and muffled light will do you a disservice: this is both a strain on the baby's eyesight and the likelihood of missing something in appearance crumbs (pallor, rash, peeling of the skin). It is best if there is a chandelier with one or two shades on the ceiling, and a night light on the wall (but high enough above the bed).


Place a changing table close to the crib, but so that the baby cannot reach it. On it, place all the accessories that are needed for changing, washing and feeding the baby, so that you can easily use them at any time. Be sure to put a sofa for yourself or comfortable armchair, where it will be comfortable for you to feed the baby or just nice to sit with him in your arms.


If you do not live in a new house, and are not sure that with the onset of cold weather the wind will not walk around the room, install PVC windows. Organize the effect of micro-ventilation.


Place sockets behind the closet or put plugs on them so that the baby, even if he violates your strict prohibition and reaches for them, will not be shocked.


Buy only quality furniture from natural materials. Give preference to wicker baskets and hanging racks from textiles instead of drawers and shelves made of plastic, especially if it is of dubious composition and production. Buy only furniture that has an international certificate that allows it to be used for a newborn baby. Don't wrap your baby's room vinyl wallpaper, do not place a carpet with a high or loose pile on the floor. It is better to choose a cotton rug that you can wash in washing machine. For windows, cotton or linen curtains are also suitable, loyal to frequent washing. After all, the room of a small child is a place where he is almost constantly, and everything that surrounds him there affects his health.


Do not overdo it with the purchase of carpets, decorative pillows, soft toys. Products made of wool and plush collect a lot of dust and can cause allergies in the baby. Therefore, for the sake of decor, it is not necessary to plant funny plush animals all over the room or hang cheerful bright rugs on the walls. Buy for the nursery only what you really need.


Moms often choose wallpapers with bright bears, bunnies, balls for the nursery ... Of course, adults have such affection in the nursery: they think that the child should also like funny pictures. But in fact, not everything is so simple! According to psychologists and pediatricians, static and similar figures of animals and toys on the walls quickly begin to annoy the baby. He becomes capricious, falls asleep badly, eats without appetite, and all because of the wallpaper! For eyes and nervous system crumbs are more useful calm plain wallpaper: beige, pink, salad, blue, pale yellow.

25. TOYS

Relatives of the baby try to overwhelm him with toys from the first days of life. This is in vain, because the baby will not be able to play with all the toys at once, in the first months he does not need so much, and later they will bother him and he, obviously, will require something new. In addition, the abundance of soft toys in the room can be dangerous for the baby, as they collect a lot of dust and require regular cleaning.


Make sure that there are no noisy neighbors behind the wall of the baby’s room, as such “cohabitation” can disturb the baby’s sleep and often disturb him. Perhaps you need to think about soundproofing or organize a nursery in another room.


It is necessary to take into account: plugs for sockets, stoppers for windows, a door without a lock, corner bumpers for corners, curtains without ropes and beads. Chests of drawers and other furniture with a tipping risk for a child must be attached to the wall.


If you live in own house, then you have the opportunity to conduct water and install a sink. This saves mothers so much, who are forced to wash the child several times a day every day. If you are still planning to buy an apartment, choose one where the children's room has a toilet next to it. It is desirable that there are 2 of them in the apartment.


Try to leave as much free space as possible for the future. The child will grow up, for movement and hobbies you need a place. Also provide space for a desk.


Decorating a bedroom for a newborn is an important task for parents. The emotions and comfort of the baby depend on this.

It is best to decorate a room for the birth of a baby with your own hands, since not a single service will do this with love and soul. The day when a new mother comes home with her baby is an exciting event for all family members. When relatives are united by true bonds of love, they cannot ignore this event.

Why is it important

The newly-made dad usually takes a special part in the event, often with the support of his parents, mother-in-law with father-in-law or other relatives. And in large cities, and even in many villages, numerous agencies offer their services for decorating rooms and organizing a family holiday.

All you need is just pay them and that's it. organizational issues fall on their shoulders. However, it is best to prepare the meeting of the newborn yourself. After all, first of all, it is a holiday of the baby and his mother. Who, if not close relatives, knows what style and features of the event will be most suitable?

At first glance, the idea of ​​​​decorating a room for the birth of a child may seem daunting. In fact, by spending a minimum of money and showing perseverance with creativity, you can create an unforgettable atmosphere with your own hands.

Where to begin

First you need to choose the theme of decoration, having previously assessed the space in the rooms. If parents have the opportunity to allocate their own room to the baby, this is excellent, because then the whole room is a “bridgehead” for creative creativity.

Unfortunately, not everyone has such an opportunity, so some have to limit themselves to decorating only a part of the room allocated for the child. Usually, a bright, cozy, warm place is chosen for this, so you need to create decor not in the entire parental room, but only in a certain corner.

Before you start preparing the design of jewelry, you need to take care of cleanliness. Even if you do not take hygiene into account, it is hardly the most beautiful garland will look attractive next to sagging cobwebs. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning.


Perhaps the most popular decoration of any event related to children is balls. This is not surprising, because the use of this simple accessory has advantages:

1 Easy enough to change color scheme and balloons will be suitable for any event. For example, you can come up with a design in advance, and then, making sure that the daughter was born, embody the conceived idea in pink colors, and if the son - in blue;

2 You can buy balls inexpensively. Almost anywhere you can get a good discount for a wholesale purchase;

3 Inflating balloons is easy. If you buy those that are inflated with helium, then you don’t need to bother at all.

The only thing you need to think about well is balloon compositions. You can lay them out on the floor, you can attach them to the ceiling (helium), some of them can make a whole inscription. It is also important to think about how to quickly remove the balloons after the baby arrives from the hospital, as they can burst and scare him a lot.

In some stores you can find balloons to decorate the room for the birth of a child. They can be in the form of angels, baby faces, feet, strollers and other items of a suitable theme.

Look great Balloons on the ledge. With the help of the most common, cheap balls, you can create entire compositions. It is very easy to make flowers: inflate 5-6 balloons of the same color to small size, and one, the middle of the flower, choose a different color.

Make several such compositions, attach them with adhesive tape or tie them with threads, and attach elongated green balls (leaves) between them.


Ideas for making modern cakes are very different from what they had 10-20 years ago. Now the cake is not just cakes soaked in cream, decorated with roses. Masters make masterpieces that are timed specifically for a particular celebration.

An important nuance to consider is that it takes a lot of time to make a cake, usually at least three days, so you need to take care of this in advance. It is a good idea to decorate the cake with mastic figurines of the corresponding theme. It can be a baby in a stroller, baby supplies and other decorations.

Photo cakes are also popular. You can add the baby's mother, on which she is in the last stages, and next to the children's paraphernalia. You can complement the decor with the help of holiday candles.

A special option is to use a cake in cases where it is supposed to turn off the light. In such an atmosphere, a birthday cake with candles will look especially appropriate.

A good idea is a biography cake, which indicates data about the born baby: first name, middle name, last name, height, weight, parents' names and other interesting information. Of course, the child himself will not remember such a cake, but they will admire it years later, looking at the photo.


Engaging in the preparation of a bouquet is certainly a “male” business. Of course, all invited guests, if any, will come with flowers, but the task of the young dad is to surpass everyone else with a bouquet prepared in advance. Naturally, the decoration of the room at the birth of a child with a bouquet is intended more for the mother, however, the needs of the baby must also be taken into account.

There are many options for decorating a room with such bouquets that would not harm the baby, but at the same time would look aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. If earlier bouquets of artificial flowers were considered exclusively mourning, then modern ideas decor allow you to adapt them even to such an event as the birth of a child.

For the manufacture of flowers, corrugated paper of various types can be used, bright colors. They can be placed both in ordinary bouquets wrapped in paper and in a basket. A fashionable idea is also to give a bouquet of soft toys. The absolute advantage of such a room decoration is originality and practicality.

For several months, the bouquet will stand in its original form, and then it will gradually be disassembled into “spare parts”, the growing child will have ready-made toys. Such practicality of bouquets of soft toys justifies their high cost.

You can prepare several bouquets and make them a whole children's table. There may be fresh flowers, which will then be transferred to another room, and a bouquet of soft toys, which will last for a long time.

You can also complement the decor of the room with bouquets of sweets that guests will love. Considering that the baby’s mother can hardly eat sweets, another option can be prepared for her - fruit bouquet.


The idea of ​​​​drawing a festive poster is appropriate for almost any celebration. When it comes to decorating the room at the birth of a child, there are many ways to do it. Here are just a few of them:

With photos

You can make a whole collection of photos by putting in it pictures taken during pregnancy, ultrasound results, happy shots from the hospital and other family photos.

poster for writing wishes to relatives

With quotes

You can find many on the Internet funny quotes appropriate for an event such as the birth of a child. They can be printed on a printer or written with multi-colored markers.

There can be several posters, you can decorate with them not only the room or corner of the newborn, but the whole apartment or house. This will help create a special, cozy festive atmosphere.