As at home to germinate walnut for landing. How to grow walnut of walnut or by vaccinating a walnut of walnut of walnut at home

Tell me, can we grow nuts from the market from the market? Tried - it does not work.

Your permanent reader I.A. Mokes, Nizhny Novgorod region.

The question is answered by Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Yevgeny Anatolyevich Vasin.

It is possible to grow walnut in this way, if the bought nut is not fried and fresh, that is, from the crop of this year. There are several ways to germinate nuts. Simplest - Sowing In the land of freshly collected (bought autumn) nuts of the new crop. In last year's nuts, the germination will (if it is) is very low. And if they were kept for several years, then your efforts on germination are equal to zero - tested by bitter personal experience.

For autumn landing, it is necessary to choose a place on a plot where the soil is not acidic, as the nut grows better on the soils from weakly acid to weakly alkaline. Place to switch to the bayonet shovel, make a trouser with a depth of 8-10 cm and put your nuts (it is better to plant a few pieces for a greater warranty) on the edge, fall asleep their soil. To water autumn landing no need, since the moisture is accumulated for the winter natural way. In places where winter snow, walnut beds need to be inspired by fallen foliage, dry grass, etc. Layer 10-20 cm. This mulch will contribute to the preservation of moisture under it. If spring is dry and early, watering walnut beds. As the soil warms, the nuts will start germinate, but not evenly, but within 5-10 days and up to 1 month. Sometimes nuts rose in a year, so do not hurry to choose the nuts until the next spring.

In addition to saving moisture in the spring, mulch can protect young shoots from sun burns. To do this, select light mulch materials (sawdust, grass). If the mulching layer has been large from autumn, it must be reduced to 5 cm, but it is not completely removed from the above reasons.

If you purchased nuts late in the fall and did not have time to put them under the winter in the ground, then there are other ways of pre-sowing preparation. This stratification and soaking before spring landing. Each of them has its subtleties and nuances. The main one: the nuts must pass the cold rest period from 30 to 90 (120) days. It depends on the genetic features of the seed material (that is, nuts) and the deadlines when the nuts appear.

Nuts with thick shells (1.5 mm and more) must be put on cold stratification, and with a shell thickness up to 1.5 mm and especially less than 1.0 mm, it is better to soak and germinate in heat.

Stratification. Before bookmarking the stratification of nuts, it is necessary to soak in water room temperature 2-3 days with a daily change of water. The substrate for stratification of nuts can serve wet, steady chilled sawdust or wet squeezed sand, better than river. Wooden shallow boxes or leaky pans are suitable as a container. First, fall asleep in the container layer of wet sawdust or sand, lay out nuts on the edge and fall asleep with their substrate (sawdust or sand). Then the container with nuts put into the room with a temperature of +3 .. + 7c. Once a month, the nuts check and, if necessary, carry out moisturizing the substrate. Attention! The substrate should not be raw, but only wet, especially closer to the spring. Otherwise, the nut does not germinate, but moldy. Humidity in sawdust is determined as follows: when they compress them in a fist, water should be cooked, and not flow. Wet sand scatters a little. Closer to the spring, nuts must be checked 1-2 times a week with stirring of the substrate. In the early germination of the roots, it is necessary to reduce the storage temperature to +1 .. + 2C, and before disembarking, gradually increase the temperature for several days.

Planted nuts in the ground after the minus spring frost. From above the soil mulch sawders to save germs from solar burns. You can build the similarity of the greenhouse, but it is not necessary.

Another way is spring soaking. Before that, nuts must pass "dry" cold storage at temperatures below + 10c, better if it is within +1 .. + 5C, not less than 30 days. Making nuts start about a month before the expected landing of them into the ground. It is convenient to do it in a wide shallow dish. Water should cover the nut on half of its height or slightly deeper. Some nuts float, and some drown. Long at the bottom of them undesirable - they may suffocate. If nuts float too high, they can be broken. They can be empty or risen. In the latter case, they need more time on the set of moisture. For room temperature Nuts are soaked 2-5 (7) days before the extension of the flaps. With increasing temperature to +30 .. + 35c, the soaking process is reduced. I had a case when the nut processed for one day of soaking at a water temperature +35 .. + 40С, that is, it is not only Nabuch, absorbing enough moisture, but he frowned his root. It was a very finest nut with a healing thickness of 0.6 mm. After the flaps of nuts diverged, they are ready for germination.

Such nuts are placed in the container for the extension (see above). The temperature in the room where the germination passes should be +25 .. + 28С. The moisture of sawdust has already been said. Nuts germinate for 5-10 days, sometimes a little earlier. When the roots reaching the length of 0.5-1.0 cm, the nuts are transferred to the cold storage with the temperature +3 .. + 5C and hold there before landing in the ground. When planting nuts in the spring after stratification with roots or without them, they are plugged on 5-7 cm. Before planting a trouser or pits, the nuts are stacked on a wet soil. From above, they are sprinkled with soil and mulched sawdust.

Above lists the main masses of the germs of the genus of the genus Juglans. Of course, there are other ways of pre-sowing nut seed preparation, but these are already subtleties that are important for specialists.

When shoots appear, the main care is reduced to weeding weeds, soil looser, watering. In the middle lane best fertilizer - This is ash. From the second half of summer it is given to better aging wood and preparation for winter. For winter annolete plant It is better to climb.

In the previous article about walnuts, it was said that this mighty spreader trees with a powerful crown. This statement is true in part, as nut trees, like people, are and giants under 20 m, and there are also dwarfs with growth in two meters. It all depends on the genotype. But this is a separate conversation.

Please note, in photo 2 - not a sighter, and the graft seedling of walnut, which can be found on sale.

E.A. Vasin, Cand. from the sciences, Tula

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Wood walnut Refers to the Orekhov family. In a different way, this species is called Greek or royal. Walnut in Wildlife found his permanent refuge in Western Transcaucasia, Northern India, on Tien Shan, in North China, Greece, in the north of India, in Malaya Asia, and even in Norway. Although the most gorgeous natural nuts can be found in the south of Kyrgyzstan.

general information

Initial origin of walnut and his homeland is Iran. But this expense is diverged. He is attributed to the Indian, Chinese and even Japanese beginning.

Historical sources indicate that this culture from Greece fell into Rome, and then spread in Germany, Bulgaria, Switzerland and France. And even to Ukraine, this tree fell from Romania and Moldova, but already called Voloschi.

Walnut is a large tree reaching 25 m in height. Its powerful trunk can come in gripping to 7 meters. Complex unpaired leaves up to 7 cm, uniformly located on the branches, form an extensive crown. On one tree can be revealed both female and male flowerswhich in May is pollinated by the wind.

The spherical bone fruit of walnut is located inside the leathery of the octurian at the time of ripening. The nut inner component is separated by incomplete partitions to which the edible kernel is adjacent. The weight of one fetus can reach 17 g.

heat-seeking and lives up to 400 years. Its wood belongs to valuable rocks and is often used to produce designer furniture. From his leaves make dye for textiles. To date, Turkey, China, Ukraine, Iran and the United States are the main manufacturers of this valuable tree.

Landing and soil requirements

Walnut seedlings are usually planted in the spring, although in the southern regions in the fall. This tree is not particularly welcomed to the soil, but clay soil It is better to enrich the compost or peat. Walnut very lightSo for its landing you need to choose solar places, otherwise the seedling can die. And the nut does not like the place with high levels humidity. The optimal hydrogen indicator of the soil is pH from 5.5 to 5.8.

Before planting walnut, it is necessary to carefully inspect the seedlings. Patients who dried and fugged roots and shoots need to be removed, and then lower the roots into the clay mixture with the following contents:

  • Water.
  • ¼ decomposed manure.
  • ¾ clay.
  • You can add growth stimulants to this consistency - epin or humate.

None of nuts are rich useful substances So, like walnut. In addition to a number of vitamins and minerals, there are many fatty unsaturated acids and proteins necessary for the human body in its kernels. For a long time, the ability of nuclei has a positive effect on immunity, improving the work of the intestines, to normalize blood sugar levels. it indispensable assistant In the treatment of anemia, disease of cardio-vascular system. Even a small handful of its fruit improves the overall condition of the human body, increases performance and contributes to an increase in the activity of the brain.

It is not surprising that very many owners of summer and household plots dream of growing this tree at home to always have the reserves of delicious and healthy fruits.

Culture from Central Asia. The tree was quite common in China, India and Greece. It was the Greek merchants that brought him to us, so fruit and called walnuts. This is a rather thermal-loving culture, and for a long time It was believed that it can be grown only in the southern regions.

However, today, thanks to some climatic changes and selection workThe plant is successfully grown in the central region and in the South Urals.

In this article, we will talk about how to grow a nut on its plot.

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw perfect lawn In the cinema, on Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

To grow a walnut tree, you will need bones. Selecting the fruits to land, you should pay attention not only to the quality of the bone, but also on the variety. IN this process There are several nuances that should be considered:

  • it is better to collect fruits from trees growing close to your home - so you will definitely believe that the seedling will come true and will give a crop in time;
  • if the bones for landing will have to buy, be sure to ask the description of the variety, turning special attention on resistance to its exposure to low temperatures;
  • in the southern regions, the culture will feel comfortable, but for landing in colder regions (in the Volga region, in the Urals, in Western Siberia) are suitable such well-known frost-resistant varietiesas ideal and sexy;
  • selecting the fruits for landing, you should pay attention to the condition and shape of the shell: it must be the right outlines and not have damage;
  • the seed blank time comes when the upper green shell of nuts begins to be covered by cracks;

  • having revealed large fruit, Check them in a dry ventilated room at room temperature. If you plan to plant bones in the fall, then this can not be done;
  • experienced gardeners advise the fall of seeds in the spring. Optimal time - early April, when the soil has already warmed up to +10;
  • additional stratification is recommended to accelerate the germ before disembarking. A varieties having a thicker shell stratify at least three months at a temperature of a little more than 0 degrees (from 0 to 7). For fruits with a thinner shell, it will be enough 45 days and temperatures to +18.

The landing is carried out in pre-prepared wells.

  1. For this purpose, a pit, a diameter and a depth of 50 cm should be dried at the landing site.
  2. The bottom of the pit is filled with a mixture of soil and humus with the addition of ash (at the rate of 2 cup of ash on the bucket of humus). In the process of further growth of the plant, a partial replacement of the soil is possible by this mixture along the diameter of the tree crown.
  3. In the prepared wells lay out three bones at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other.
  4. The depth of the disembarkation depends on the size of the nut. So, larger bones are planted at a depth of 10-12 cm, and smaller - 7-9 cm.
  5. Laying nuts when landing follows sideways on the edge.
  6. Next, the land must be slightly pressing and pouring.

We grow saplings

From the planted fetus, a tree will grow in a while, but will it be viable and can they develop correctly? Suddenly planting material was not very high quality, and you have to repeat everything first? To your efforts and time do not disappear for nothing, experienced gardeners are recommended to begin to apply the method of growing seedlings. To do this, you will need:

  • more fruit for planting and equipped rampant board;
  • choose a well-lit plot protected from wind;
  • the soil on the selected area is dripped in autumn and make humus;
  • the landing of nuts in the southern regions begin in the first days of April, in the central strip and in the Urals, the landing time is shifted for two weeks;
  • nuts are sowing with rows, the distance between which should be 50 cm. In a row between the plants should be at least 15 cm. This is a prerequisite;
  • the depth of seed landing, depending on the size, varies from 7 to 12 cm;
  • the land in the alarms regularly loose and remove weeds. In arid weather, crops need to water.

After 1-2 years you will have ready-to-land on permanent place Saplings.

After equipping such a selection, you will have a great opportunity to choose from the total number of plants the most vitial and fast-growing.

If you have assembled the planting material in the fall and you want to get ready for planted plant already on the next spring, try to grow a sapling pot:

  1. For this, selected nuts wash and lowered in dishes with water.
  2. Pulling them should be for the week.
  3. Seeding seeds is carried out in well-humidized sand.
  4. After the nuts germinate, they are planted into the pot with a soil.
  5. Grown at home plants Before landing in the ground, it is necessary to temper some time. For this, the pot is delivered at day time to the street and leave in the shaded, protected from the winds.

Planting a seedling for a permanent place, try not to allow mechanical damage to the barrel and the root system. It is very important to straighten and gently decompose the roots. Starting the process stands from the lowest roots, sprinkling gradually their layer of land and laying out the following. The most upper roots should be at a depth of 7-8 cm from the surface of the soil.

Selection of place for landing

Another one an important point When growing walnut is the choice of place. If you choose it correctly, it will allow the plant to develop well and delight you with a large harvest.

It should be remembered that the walnut is a light-loving plant. The tree landed on a well-lit will have a scattered crown, and the fruits will be tied up on all branches.

Some nuances should be observed:

  1. The distance to the nearest trees should be at least 5 meters. Take into account the fact that the scorched walnut will block free access of sunlight with lower plants close to it. Perhaps they will need to transplant.
  2. Do not put a tree next to the house or other buildings, as powerful roots can damage the foundation.
  3. Soil at the landing site should not be very dense and have close to the surface groundwater. If the composition of the soil does not quite satisfy the requirements, it is necessary to carry out partial replacement.
  4. Those who wish to grow this culture in Siberia and in the Urals it is recommended to land seedlings in solar places protected from wind.
  5. To increase the amount of active summer temperatures, planting a tree is necessary near the house with the south or southwestern side.


Saplings, especially in the first years after disembarking years, need to be care:

  1. Near the tree, it is necessary to regularly loose soil and remove weeds.
  2. Remembering that the upper roots are close to the surface of the soil, cultivate the soil must be not deeper than 5 cm.
  3. During the first three years, it is necessary to form a tree trunk. For this, the side shoots remove each year.
  4. The optimal height of the start of the formation of the crown is considered to be 1.5-2 m. If there is a need to trim the branches, hold it like most fruit trees- Spring.
  5. So that the plant does not lose a large amount of juice, the branches are removed in early June.
  6. Watering young tree It must be carried out at least 1-2 times a month. Plants above 4 m watered not so intense.

Following such a simple rules, you can easily grow this culture in your site, and further enjoy its delicious and healthy fruits.

Hello, dear friends!

The climate has significantly changed and lovers began to grow walnut of seeds from seeds already in the suburbs, along with peaches and decorative yuks. Powerful nut roots penetrate deep into the ground and become increasing for winter frosts, which has made the southern culture of attractive to cultivation in the central region.

How to grow walnut of seeds

To obtain full, high-quality and healthy seedlings, only large mature nuts with an intact shell are taken. A good planting material is difficult to find even in hypermarkets, so high-quality Kuban walnut is better looking for vegetable tents.

Sowing is carried out in the fall and in the spring, pre-settled the seeds for three days in water, then in the Rosto stimulator "Zircon" or similar as much time. When soaking nuts, the fluid is changed daily, merging the old, as the oversupported of essential and tanning substances from the shell in the tank is formed, the concentration of which can harm the germination of the cores.

After a weekly water procedure, the nuts are planted into containers, having them sideways, blocking 6-8 cm into a moistened soil, on top of which they make a sandy "pillow" with a finger thick and covered with polyethylene.

Approximate deadlines of seeds from the store cannot be predicted, they can climb ten days, a month or half of the year, because the time of their collection, the storage time and other components affecting the speed of germination are unknown. Without the use of stimulants falling in autumn natural way ripe seed, in May already gives a sprout on open space. Lined artificially nuts in March, please spare in containers for 10 days.

Acquired seeds can be preserved to massive landings in the spring, hacking them into moistened sand and placing the corridor in the cool tambone, where potatoes usually stood or in the basement. A month before the May landing, the nuts are carried in light, warm room, change or shift in the other sand and shed a growth stimulator to speed up the formation of a new life.

At the request of the gardener, germinated seedlings are transferred to open area Either move indoors until October landing. By cultivating seedlings in the conditions of closed soil, it is necessary to transplanten the young in the tank for two fingers in a large diameter twice for the season than the previous ones in diameter.

Walnut, obtained from the seed, has a valuable property - often seedlings are superior in all characteristics maternal tree. The usefulness of the vaccination is indisputable in terms of the guaranteed preparation of fruiting copies during mass cultivation, it is practically not carried out at the amateur level. Because of the peculiarities of the wood structure and the roast of the nut, it is even difficult to determine even experienced gardener And it is considered supreme skill. In Krasnodar private nurseries, where valuable culture grown in most areas, instead of vaccinations use dedovsky fashion - Of the three year old seedlings select the strongest and correctly formed, rejecting weak and sluggish.

Conducting growing walnut of seeds with compliance with agrotechnology, with timely feeding and thoughtful care, Grastered in April, landed in May on the planned site, already in September grows in a 15 centimeter prepared seedling, the time to repel the roots of over 35 cm long.

A good host, the fruiting of the walnut grown from the seed occurs on the 4-5 season after landing, ahead of the generally accepted standards for agrotechnik for three years.

See you, friends!

There are two options for planting walnuts: seedlings and seeds (nuts). Consider each of the options in more detail:

  • Saplings.

In order to plant a tree at home, it is necessary to get a seedlove. It can be purchased in specialized sales points or take the young escape of the plant from acquaintances. If you buy a seedling, then pay attention, first, on the bark - it must be without damage. Secondly, take a look at root system - The main root must be without damage. Only a strong two-year-old seedling, the thickness of the trunk of which is not less than 1 cm, is able to quickly take root and avoid various diseases.

As for the time of landing, there is no one here. Some gardeners argue that the landing must be carried out only in the fall, since at this time the tree has a slowdown in a slowing down, and therefore even a weak seedling with cortex violations are easier to take root and avoid infection. Other gardeners believe that the planting of walnut in spring is the only correct option. I will need to hold work on landing in early spring, before swelling the kidneys. Since there is no uniform opinion, it is worth navigating the climatic zone in which the site is located. So, residents of the southern regions, thanks to the warm climate, even in winter, Saplings land better in autumn, residents northern Regions landing work It is better to engage in early spring - a young church planted for winter may not transfer strong frosts and die. All better residents middle stripbecause they can land seedlings as early spring and late in autumn: In this case, the young church has equal chances to take root and grow.

The planting of the seedling is as follows: in the selected place, the pits are prepared by a depth of 50-60 cm, with a diameter of 1m. In the holes are laid potash and phosphoric fertilizers, humus, lime after which the future tree is placed in them so that its root neck is 3-5 cm above the ground. The hole falls asleep the earth, which is necessary to tightly raise around the plant, after which it is abundant watering.

Cultivation of seeds

Planting walnut seeds more time-consuming, but an interesting occupation in terms of at least a country experiment. First you need to select the planting material. For planting, we select only high-quality nuts, the shell of which is not too soft or too solid. In addition, the shell should not be damaged, and the nuts themselves should be large enough.

It is curious that opinions about the preparation of nuts towards landing are quite highly different - some believe that to ensure germination it is necessary to remove the outer shell, others are confident that nuts should be planted only in pristine. Alas, but the point in a long dispute has not yet been set, because if you first put the walnut, you can use the same way, and in another way. The only condition that is equally suitable for both methods is the choice of seeds. The easiest way to do this by placing nuts into water tanks. Part of the seed will go under the water, the part will remain on the surface. And despite the fact that both those and others are suitable for landing, but the sinking seeds have a chance of exist noticeably higher, as they have a solid and large core. By the way, this method is perfect for the selection of purified seeds, but it is necessary to apply it only with the condition if the shell does not have damage.

Next, you can go one of two ways: the first one - to plant the selected material in pots or special containers and after a couple of years with proper care you will have a great sapling, ready to transplant in open sad. The second option is to plant the prepared nuts immediately into open soil.

When planting a nut into the pots, it is necessary to do the following: 4 months before the landing, it is necessary to put the nut into wet sand and ensure that the environment in which the planting material is not placed, but also was not too wet.

Capacity with sand and nuts planted in it must be placed in cool place. Ideally, if it is the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, or you can use the basement or in the end the balcony.

Thus, nuts undergo stratification, which improves their germination, and in the future and the fruction of the tree. When it came to plant a nut, you need to get it and put in a pot with the prepared fertile soilDeploying 4-5 cm. Specific leaving plant does not require, during two years it is necessary to carry out timely watering, soil loosening, the removal of weeds.

In the question of how to plant a walnut in an open ground in the conditions of the middle band, all gardeners agree that if you put the seeds to the depth equal to their greater length, they will not be tritely survived not only winter, but even spring freezes (if The landing for some reason is produced in spring).

Blowing nuts are made to a depth of 1/2 - 2/3 of the shovel, since it can only save it from the extreme effects of reduced temperature. And only in the southern regions the landing depth selection rule large length Semen are relevant. But in the northern latitudes of landing in the autumn period there may be a speech, and will have to be engaged in the extension at home.

When landing into open soil, the seeds are placed three immediately, with a distance between them at 12-15 cm. In this way, you can provide the best germination, well, if all three will go, then after two years you have to choose one, the strongest seedling, and the rest Or sit down to other places, or delete at all.

Preparation of soil

Of course, it is impossible to hang seeds where it fell, because good germination, confident growth and fruiting is seriously dependent on how correctly the place was chosen and how well it was prepared.

First of all, it should be remembered that the plant is a heat-loving, and therefore the land will have to choose from well insulated places pricework. In addition, walnut does not tolerate crashes, because there should be no high trees and shrubs around the future tree (like pears, apple trees, crishes), but small shrubs (currants, raspberry, gooseberry) in a radius of at least three meters may already be present . Walnut landing interval - at least 10 meters.

Soil preparation is quite simple, but prolonged. Begins late spring From the deepening of the fertile layer - the soil is covered with a depth of 0.7-1m and the width of 0.5 m. In the resulting pit, the fertile layer of the soil, taken on the same plot, fall asleep. Further, throughout the time before the late place for landing, it is frozen to improve the aeration and removal of weeds.

Finally, it should be said that even with a thorough observance of all conditions and rules, taste and abundance of the harvest on a new tree can seriously differ from maternal both in the best and worse, and even the seedlings in nurseries are not a guarantee of delicious and large walnuts. However, even if the fruits disappoint you, the Tree itself will become an excellent decoration of the site, besides, it will be possible to make attempts to achieve their goal even.