Persian cyclamen from seeds. How to grow cyclamen from seeds at home: step-by-step instructions with photos and videos

Cyclamen (dryak, earthen radish, earthen bread) is a decorative perennial about 15 cm high. Tuberous rhizome. Long-petiolate heart-shaped leaves are collected in basal rosettes.

The flowers are drooping, located on long pedicels, which, after flowering, twist in a spiral. The corolla is five-part, the lobes are slightly bent. The color of the flower can be purple, pink, white. The countries of Asia Minor and the Mediterranean are considered the birthplace of cyclamen.

Cyclamen after purchase

Done: you have acquired beautiful cyclamen or it was presented to you. looks gorgeous, completely covered in flowers, and a little scary to disturb him. But if you delay the transshipment, you can lose this handsome man or he will simply get sick, losing all his attractiveness.

Therefore, gather your courage and carry out a simple procedure for transferring a plant from a pot with temporary soil to a new spacious pot with nutritious soil (we take a universal soil for flowering).

The video will tell you about the transshipment of cyclamen after purchase:

Conditions for growing cyclamen at home

The state of the cyclamen directly depends on the temperature regime: it actively grows when it is cool and humid, when the temperature rises, it begins to prepare for a dormant period. V heating season this feature makes it difficult to care for the cyclamen. But overcoming all the whims of this plant, you will enjoy bright flowering for many years.


The main rule for cyclamen is accuracy and moderation. An earthen lump should not be overmoistened or overdried. The flower can often be affected by root rot, so it is better to use bottom watering: place the plant pot in a tray of water and remove after 15 minutes. You can pour water from the top, but in small portions, moving along the edge of the pot. During the flowering period, you need to water a little more abundantly. After flowering, watering is reduced, and by the dormant period (begins in March) they stop altogether.

Thermal and light conditions

Do not keep the cyclamen near heat sources - this will provoke the shedding of leaves and a transition to dormancy. Maintain moisture. You can put a tray with wet pebbles or an aquarium near the plant. Spray occasionally until buds appear.

Direct sunlight causes burns in the plant. Cyclamen needs diffused light or partial shade. The best option there will be western or eastern window sills. On the northern windows, the flower will suffer from a lack of light, and on the southern windows, shading is necessary.

The soil

For normal growth, cyclamen needs a nutritious, drained soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. You can prepare a mixture of sod, leafy soil, humus and sand in equal proportions. The acidity of the soil can be determined using special test strips.

You need to stir a pinch of earth in water, wait until a precipitate appears, and lower the test strip into the resulting solution. Check the result against the scale on the package. In the absence of such test strips, you can determine the approximate acidity by reaction with vinegar - pour it over a handful of earth. If there are few bubbles, then the reaction is neutral, if there are many, the soil is alkaline, if there are none at all, the soil is acidic.

You don't have to suffer and buy ready soil for cyclamen or just a universal primer available in any specialty store.

How to make cyclamen bloom

Prerequisites for flowering cyclamen:

  • the size of the pot should be suitable: in a spacious or cramped container, flowering will slow down;
  • a sufficient amount of nutrients;
  • suitable acidity of the soil;
  • correct planting: when planting a Persian cyclamen, you need to leave the top of the tuber above the ground, for other species - deepen the roots completely;
  • it is necessary to provide a period of rest and the correct exit from it.

Start feeding the cyclamen. For the growth of leaves, apply complex mineral fertilizers every two weeks. With the appearance of buds, reduce the dose of nitrogen, and the amount of potassium and phosphorus should be slightly increased.

Growing cyclamen from seeds

Cyclamen can be propagated by seed and tuber division.

It is better to purchase seeds at a flower shop, paying attention to their shelf life, because they germinate up to 2 years.

How to collect seeds?

To collect seeds at home, you need to pollinate the plant yourself. Using a cotton swab or brush, transfer pollen from one flower to another, pollinate on sunny days in the morning, it is better to repeat the procedure several times. Ripe seeds are recommended to be stored for a couple of months. Then soak them in Zircon and sow.

How to prepare zircon seeds for sowing, watch the video:

How to sow

  • For use a mixture of peat or leaf soil with vermiculite in equal proportions.
  • It is enough to spread the seeds on the surface of the soil and cover with a thin layer of earth.
  • It is necessary to maintain a temperature of 20 ° C, from a higher temperature the seeds will go into hibernation, and from a lower temperature, there is a high probability of decay.
  • Moisten and ventilate the plantings periodically.

  • Seedlings will begin to appear in 4-6 weeks. After that, the bowl with the seedlings should be placed in a well-lit place without direct sunlight, maintain the air temperature at 15-17 ° C.

  • When small tubers appear at the seedlings and the plants grow, transplant them into separate containers.
  • A week after transplanting, you need to apply mineral fertilizers, reducing the dose by half from that indicated on the package.

Plants need to be careful not to disturb the integrity of the root system. Do not deepen the tubers, leave the planting level the same as before transplanting. So the flower will develop correctly and will not be susceptible to various diseases or growth retardation.

The video will tell you about growing cyclamen from seeds:

Cyclamens will bloom in a year and a half. But flowering can begin much later - after 3-4 years. Passionate flower growers are not upset: the longer you wait for the result, the more pleasant it is to reap the fruits of your labor. And the flowering of the beautiful Cyclomene is worth the effort!

Reproduction of cyclamen by dividing the tuber

  • In the spring or summer (during the dormant period of the plant), dig the tuber out of the soil and cut it into pieces so that each division has a bud and roots.
  • Dry the sections, treat with fungicide or crushed charcoal.
  • Divide the cuttings into separate pots and place them in the greenhouse or cover with a plastic cup.
  • When choosing tubers for planting in a store, pay attention to their condition: they should be elastic, not wrinkled, without rotten spots.

Cyclamen transplant

  • It is better not to transplant a flowering plant, this can destroy it.
  • It is ideal to transplant at the beginning of the active growing season (August-September). That is, after a dormant period, when leaves begin to appear.
  • The new pot should be slightly larger than the old one.
  • Be sure to lay the drainage from crushed rubble, expanded clay.
  • Before planting, it is advisable to shed the soil with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Persian cyclamen tubers are buried in the soil by 2/3, and all the rest - completely.
  • Place the transplanted plant in a warm, bright place, and increase watering as new leaves grow.

How to transplant a cyclamen, the video will tell:

Rest period of cyclamen

  • By the end of spring and early summer, after the end of flowering, the cyclamen will begin a dormant period.
  • Withered flowers and leaves must be cut off, watering should be reduced to a minimum, preventing the soil from completely drying out.
  • The pot with the tuber should be placed or laid on its side in a cool place with good ventilation. Store this way until fall.
  • At the beginning of autumn, you need to bring the plant out of hibernation - take it out into the light and gradually increase watering.

How the cyclomen falls asleep, we look at the video:

Why does cyclamen turn yellow and what to do

Cyclamen is a capricious plant; it reacts sharply to errors in care. Cyclamen leaves can turn yellow for the following reasons:

The ugly shape of the leaves testifies to the attack of the cyclamen mite, they become tough, the plant stops growing, the peduncles are bent, the flowers wither. Conventional insecticides will not help here. The plant will have to be destroyed.

From overdrying or waterlogging of an earthen coma in combination with a low temperature, flower stalks can grow shorter than leaves and bloom under them.

Gray rot appears from waterlogged cold air and poor ventilation. Leaves turn yellow, covered with gray mold. Infected plant parts must be carefully removed (mold spores spread through the air when moving). Treat with fungicide. For prevention, reduce watering, ventilate the room.

The sharp wilting of the leaves and the putrid smell of the root system indicate the appearance wet rot... There is no escape from her. Infection occurs through contaminated water or another diseased plant.

Fusarium fungal disease affects vascular system plants. It is manifested by yellowing of the leaves, often on one side of the plant. Over time, the disease spreads completely. In the initial stages, you can save with special preparations from a flower shop.

Types of cyclamen with photos and names

The genus Cyclamen L. consists of 15 species. consider the most common in indoor floriculture.

Persian cyclamen Cyclamen persicum

Originally from the Eastern Mediterranean. The leaves are heart-shaped, dark green in color with a marble pattern. Flowers are simple and double, have a color from white to all sorts of shades of red. Flowering begins in September. The rest period lasts 2 months: May-June.

Cyclamen European or blushing, purple Cyclamen purpurascens

The natural habitat is Central and Southern Europe. This species is also called alpine violet. Interestingly, the flowers exude aroma depending on the color of the flower: the darker the shade, the stronger the aroma. It is the only species that does not shed its leaves during hibernation.

Cyclamen kosky or Caucasian cyclamen coum subsp. caucasicum

It was first found on the island of Kos, after which it was named. It is also found in the Caucasus. A feature of the species are petals sharply expanding from the base, and they also have a dark speck.

Cyclamen ivy or Neapolitan Cyclamen hederifolium

The leaves have notched-toothed edges, due to which they are similar to ivy leaves. Flowers appear before leaves in September and November.

In indoor floriculture, Persian cyclamen is the most popular. Many varieties have been bred from it, divided by the height of the peduncles into undersized (up to 15 cm), medium-sized (15-22 cm) and standard (20-30 cm).

The most popular varieties of homemade cyclamen:

Spring Moth, Scarlet Moth, Charlie, Rose, Leela, Flamingo, Topaz, Selphida, Rembrandt, Bellissima, Elf.

Cyclamen is a tuberous plant of the primrose family. It differs from most indoor plants in winter flowering. There is an opinion that he is capricious, difficult to care for. If you know his needs and comply with them, then making friends with him is quite simple.

Choosing the right seeds

It is worth going to flower shop, packs of Persian cyclamen seeds with beautiful pictures are striking. Immediately there is a desire to have such flowers at home. And questions arise: "How to grow a cyclamen from seeds?", "Is it worth getting involved?" In practice, it turns out that there is nothing difficult in this, you just need to be patient, since seedlings sprout for a long time and grow slowly at first.

The advantage of seed-grown cyclamen

The cyclamen from seeds, grown by you, will initially be adapted to the climate of your home, therefore, it will have a much better chance of living a long life, unlike purchased in a store.


Seeds must be soaked for 24 hours before sowing, for example, by spreading them out on a damp cloth or cotton pad... Prepare the seed container by making holes in it. Spread a layer of drainage about 2 cm and disinfected soil (it is preferable to use ready-made "Terra Vita Floral") at least 6 cm. Spread the seeds on a moistened surface of the earth, sprinkle on top with a layer of soil 1.5 cm.

Seed germination conditions

It is advisable to put the container with crops in cool place with temperatures up to 20 0 С, in such conditions the seeds will germinate within 4 weeks. At higher temperatures, it will take twice as long to wait for seedlings. Depending on the variety and the freshness of the seeds, they can germinate for up to three months. No light is required for this process. The crops can be covered with something, you can leave them in the open air. It is imperative to monitor the moisture content of the soil, neither flooding nor overdrying should be allowed.

How cyclamen germinates from seeds

A month and a half later, the loops of the shoots will appear. Cyclamen from seeds germinates as follows: first, a root with a tiny tuber appears, it takes root in the ground, then a shoot loop with a leaf unfolds. Sometimes the seed skin is not removed from the leaf. It is better not to touch the "cap", it will be removed by itself. But my hands are itching, I want to take it off. One can try to do this using nail scissors, but after sprinkling and allowing it to swell. The operation may fail, and the leaf will come off. Unpleasant, but not fatal. The next leaf will grow from the tuber.

The first years of plant life

If the seedlings are planted deeply, then it is necessary to free the tuber from the ground by 1/3 part so that the growth point does not rot. For the first three months, it seems that the cyclamen from seeds grows very slowly. At this time, he actively grows tuber and roots. The second leaf may appear a month after the first. The main thing is not to dry out the seedlings during this period, the soil should always be moistened, but not wet. It is better to water along the edge of the pot, without getting on the tuber.


When the second or third leaf appears, the plant must be planted in separate containers. It is imperative to dive with a clod of earth. As a rule, the transplant is painless, and growth is accelerated after it.

A few words about leaving

Up to 6 months, seedlings can not be fed. After six months, you can use mineral fertilizer for flowering plants... Such plants grown from seed can bloom during the first year, but more often it happens later. Persian cyclamen from seeds is not afraid of low temperatures and drafts. If it is contained in cold room, then the rosette of leaves in it is formed compact, and if in a warm one, it is looser. It does not need additional lighting, it only needs a cool windowsill and proper watering.


Cyclamen from seeds is an interesting and inexpensive way acquire a whole collection of beautiful plants.

Cyclamen is a flowering and very pleasant plant that has grown in popularity lately. Its two types are most common as indoor crops: European and Persian cyclamen. Both species simply captivate with their original and lovely flowers.

When growing cyclamen from seeds, first of all, you will need to be patient for the first six months. For lovers of this magnificent plant, this period is the most difficult because during the first six months the seedlings emerge and grow rather slowly. To grow cyclamen at home, you should adhere to certain instructions:

  • in February - March, it is best to sow the seeds of this plant in the soil. When at this time it was not possible to sow the seed for some reason, then you should wait until August;
  • before sowing, the seeds must be soaked for 18 hours in a prepared solution (4 drops of "Epin-extra" are diluted in half a glass of water);
  • then you should prepare the potting mix. This will require mix peat with leafy soil in equal amounts, then moisten, put in a container and cover it with an opaque lid;
  • it is necessary to sow the treated seeds into the container to a depth of about 1 centimeter and at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other. Then cover the container with the seeds with a lid and leave in a place where the air temperature is kept within 18-20 ° С. Approximately 1-2 months the sown seeds will germinate;
  • when seedlings appear, the container must be moved to a well-lit place so that direct sunlight does not fall on the senses. You can even shade the plants a little, if necessary;
  • seedlings dive into pots when there are at least two leaves on the plants. The mixture for pots is as follows: humus, sand, turf and leafy earth are mixed in equal parts. 2-3 plants can be planted in one pot at a time;
  • after six months, the plants should be transplanted into pots, the diameter of which does not exceed 7 centimeters. The plant transplant mixture is used in the same composition as when diving plants. A third of the tuber should protrude above the soil surface;
  • watering should be done carefully so that no water gets on the leaves and tuber, and the room temperature does not exceed 20 ° C;
  • the first flowers when growing cyclamen from seeds should bloom in the second year after sowing them.

Beautiful compositions of cyclamen

Features of growing cyclamen

Every person who wants to grow cyclamen from seeds should remember about features of plant care... The future growth of cyclamen directly depends on this:

Bright and original flowers cyclamen in their appearance resembles the sun. Inspiration, joy and sunshine color overwhelm the flowers of this beautiful flower. Cyclamen is very useful to keep in such houses where people with a changeable, soft, pliable character live, emotional condition which often depends on the opinions and moods of others. Sunny flowers of cyclamen are capable of liberate closed energy... Thanks to this flower, a relaxed and light atmosphere is created in the house, causing a desire for each other to do something pleasant.

Cyclamen is a home flower popular for its beautiful blooms. In the photo and live, its petals resemble the wings of butterflies. The plant is not difficult to grow with your own hands. However, in order to propagate or transplant it, special conditions are needed. The flower is most often grown from seed. How to cultivate cyclamen, photo and step by step recommendations florists.

Description and features of cyclamen

In order for this indoor plant formed and gave flowers, it will take a year painstaking care and attention. But the colorful flowering of cyclamen will last about 3 months. Plant characteristics:

  • height - 30 cm;
  • leaves grow from the root, heart-shaped, leathery to the touch;
  • color - dark green with a silvery sheen;
  • root - a rounded bulb with a diameter of 15 cm, which has a single growth point;
  • flowers consist of oval bent petals, pointed at one end;
  • color - from white to rich purple.

Flowering cyclamen

Selection of seeds for propagation of cyclamen

Planting this crop begins with a choice seed... The seeds can be purchased at a specialty store or collected from flowering plants yourself.

The first option is preferable for those who are going to grow a certain variety and get the expected result in terms of size and color of flowers. Florists advise to choose renowned manufacturers... The germination rate of such seeds is approximately 80%. If you use several varieties at the same time, you can get a colorful flower garden on the windowsill.

Attention! The shelf life of purchased seeds is 2 years.

If you nevertheless decide to collect the seed with your own hands, the flower must be pollinated. Manipulations are recommended in the morning:

  1. Using a regular brush, transfer pollen from one flower to another. Various plants are better pollinated. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
  2. After pollination, potassium sulfate must be added to the ground in a pot.
  3. Wait until the end of flowering and the appearance of boxes with seeds. Rip them off before they burst.
  4. You should not dry the boxes. Wrap them in napkins and wait for them to crack. Collect and use seeds.

Presowing seed preparation: ways to strengthen seedlings

Any seeds must be pre-treated in order to sprout better. The first way is to omit planting material in a container with cold water... Dishwashing detergent should be dissolved in water, at the rate of 2 drops per 150-200 ml. You need to soak the seeds for 3 days, while changing the solution daily. The water should neither warm up nor freeze. The second processing option is soaking in a slightly pink potassium permanganate for 13-14 hours.

Cyclamen seeds

Another way is to use special preparations Zircon or Epin. They should be diluted in a ratio of 3 drops per 300 ml of water and the seeds should be soaked for 16 hours. To carry out any of these procedures correctly, dip the cheesecloth or cotton pad rolled in several layers into the liquid. Place the seeds on one edge of the material and cover with the second.

Soil preparation and planting cyclamen

A lightweight substrate from a specialist store is great for filling pots. However, you can make it yourself, from the same ingredients. To do this, mix peat and deciduous humus (or vermiculite) in equal proportions. Drainage holes are needed in the container where the flower will grow. Place a layer of expanded clay, pebbles or styrofoam at the bottom of the container to protect the tubers from rotting.

Seeds can be planted in two ways:

  1. Dig shallow grooves and place the material in them.
  2. Spread them out on a damp soil surface.

The distance between the seeds should be 3-4 cm. In both cases, the seed should be sprinkled with a thin layer of substrate.

Cyclamen care

For the seeds to germinate, place the pot in a cool and dark place. It is noticed that seedlings appear faster at + 15 ° С (1 month) than even at + 18 ° С (2 months or longer). The flower does not tolerate drying out of the soil. Monitor regular watering at any stage of growth.

Seedlings of cyclamen

Features of cyclamen care:

  1. Avoid direct sunlight on the plant. However, the room should still be well lit.
  2. Optimal temperature regime for a plant: + 10 ° С in winter, about + 20 ... + 23 ° С in summer.
  3. A young flower will need feeding. Until the cyclamen begins to form buds, mineral fertilizers can be applied to the soil.

Before flowering, the buds of the plant should be sprayed. With the onset of flowering, the need for water in cyclamen increases sharply, spraying should be stopped. When the culture fades, watering gradually stops. It is better to pluck yellowed leaves. Faded corollas must be cut off along with the peduncle. The plant gradually goes into a dormant state.

Cyclamen is transplanted in late summer or early autumn, when young leaves appear on the plant:

  • pick up a not very spacious pot;
  • arrange drainage;
  • disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Young cyclamen

The plant is usually transferred with an earthen clod. The root tuber must be buried no more than 2/3.
Cyclamen is sensitive to pests and rather gentle to care for. Therefore, in order for the plant to delight you every year with bright flowering, perform all the manipulations with it carefully.

Cyclamen is a wonderful plant of the primroses family, delighting us with its flowering in the most severe time of the year - in winter. Cyclamen Persian (this is the most beautiful view for growing at home) - a plant with a short daylight hours, it does not need any additional lights. All you need is a window sill (preferably cool) and watering. Cyclamen loves light, but can grow and bloom successfully on windows of any orientation, shaded from the midday sun. Cyclamen is far from being as delicate as you imagine, in nature it grows in a rather harsh climate, on rocky high-mountain slopes in Israel, Greece, Turkey, etc. Cyclamen is much more resistant to diseases and pests than, for example, a violet.

You can get a cyclamen in two ways: buy a ready-made plant in a store or grow it from seeds. I'll tell you about the adaptation of store plants another time, here I want to show you how to grow cyclamen from seeds. You can also buy a baby cyclamen home cultivation, but there are only a few people who implement such children.

Growing cyclamen from seeds is no more difficult than growing tomatoes. All you need to do is be patient for the first six months. This is the most difficult stage for lovers of such plants, since the seedlings emerge and grow very slowly during the first six months.

Cyclamen grown from seeds is unpretentious, it is initially adapted to the conditions of your home, which cannot be said about store-bought plants that are grown in greenhouses with a fair amount of fertilizers and hormones, and are also often sold with an additional weight of pests. The chances of a store cyclamen to survive at home are 50/50.

It looks like a ripe cyclamen fruit with ripe seeds - shake the seeds out of the box, dry them for several days and you can sow! The germination rate of "home" seeds is 100%, and they grow much faster and more friendly than their "store" counterparts. But it should be noted that often the germination and store seeds are 80 or even 100%. Rarely come across low-germination - 30% of seeds emerge. I came across non-germinating seeds only once - and I have grown more than one hundred of them.

Seeds sown:

Before sowing, we soak the seeds for 1 day in warm water, for example, in a cotton pad. The sowing container must necessarily have drain holes for water drainage, you also need to make drainage (foam, expanded clay) at the bottom, 1.5-2 cm. We pour earth into the sowing container (I use "terra-vita"), the earth should be about 6-7 cm, a little soil water and spread the seeds at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Sprinkle on top with a layer of earth 1.5-2 cm.

It is better to place the seeds in a cool place, from +10 to +20 - in the cool, the seeds germinate faster. Many people write that the seeds require darkness - this is not necessary, but a low temperature is desirable. At a temperature of +10 +20 seeds germinate in four weeks, if the temperature is above +20 - after 8 weeks and longer. On average, the period from sowing to germination ranges from 1 to 3 months. Make sure that the seeds do not dry out, but they should not be "poured" either, the soil should be moderately moist. If you nevertheless closed the container with crops, ventilate it periodically.

1 month as they rose, 2 months from the day of sowing:

About a month or two after sowing, the first pink-purple shoots will appear. A cyclamen seed germinates like this: first, a root with a tiny tuber comes out - it takes root in the soil, then a shoot loop with a leaf unfolds. At this stage frequent problem amateurs - non-peeling seed peel on a single seedling leaf. Usually, if the humidity is high enough, the seedlings gradually take off their "cap", but it happens that they stay in it for a long time - in fact, this is not scary, because new leaves will come from the nodule in the ground. Many amateurs take off their "caps" to stubborn seedlings on their own - armed with tweezers or nail scissors, you first need to spray the peel in 40 minutes so that it softens, or put a piece of wet cotton wool on it.

If your hands are not shaking with a hangover, you can try this method. Its disadvantage is that you can tear off a single leaf of a seedling along with this peel. But this is not fatal either - I repeat, new leaves will come from the nodule. Nevertheless, if you are not sure of your ability to do such jewelry operations, refrain and just wait until the seedlings themselves get rid of the remnants of the seed. You can spray them lightly during this period. But make sure that the crops are not waterlogged, the soil should be moist, but not wet.

Also at this time, if the seedlings were planted deeply, it is necessary to free the top of the nodule from the ground, the cyclamen nodule should be freed from the soil by 1/3 so that the growth point does not rot. This also applies to adult plants; in adults, ½ above the soil level is allowed.

4 months from the date of sowing:

For the first 3 months, cyclamen seedlings practically do not grow - at first glance. At this time, they actively grow nodules and root system, practically no new leaves appear, for the first 3 months the seedling can stand with 1 leaf. Sometimes the second leaf appears a month after germination, sometimes longer - after 3 months. At this time, you need to ensure that the babies do not dry out, in general, in the first year of life, cyclamens love constantly moist soil. This is the key to confident plant growth. Plants can be kept at temperatures from +5 (tested) and above.

4 months from the date of sowing:

When the seedlings have a second / third leaf, they can be planted (dived). Typically, picking occurs 3-4 months after sowing. You need to dive carefully, with a lump of earth, you can use seedling boxes or small pots / cups for further cultivation, not forgetting about drainage. Seedlings tolerate picking well and significantly increase in growth after it.

Seedlings 6 months from the date of sowing:

This is how seedlings look at 6 months from the date of sowing. The most difficult stage is over! Now everything will go faster and more fun! For the first six months, it is better not to feed cyclamen seedlings at all, then you can use a weak solution mineral fertilizer for blooming. You can do without it.

9 months from the date of sowing:

This is how the seedlings look at 9 months from the date of sowing. They are already pleasing to the eye. Many have flower buds. By the year, seedlings usually bloom or bloom in a little over a year.

This seedling is 1 year old, it is already with buds, is about to bloom. I want to draw your attention to the fact that it is located on an unheated loggia, where the temperature drops to 0-5 C. In the coolness, cyclamens form a very compact rosette of leaves, but even at higher temperatures these plants feel great (on my windowsill it rises to +30) - just the rosette will be looser. Also, cyclamens are not afraid of drafts - none of my cyclamen froze when I aired the room in winter at -30.

An important point is watering, I always water from above along the edge of the pot, I never used watering in a pan. The only thing you need to pay attention to when watering: do not pour water on the tuber and the point of growth of the plant. Can rot. Water the soil around the edge of the pot.

Until a year, cyclamens like to keep the soil moist, after a year, adults during the summer months need moderate watering - once every few days, with a little water.

These plants are slightly more than a year, in nature, summer is a dormant period for Persian cyclamens, but modern Persian cyclamens have lost a clear line between a dormant period and a period of active growth and flowering. Therefore, the "Persians" often bloom in summer. My cyclamen "fantasy" blooms continuously from the end of November 2009 to the present day (August 2010). But if in the summer your plant has dropped some of the foliage, it means that the cyclamen is retiring, watering should be reduced, but in no case should you stop watering altogether. The pot with the plant can be removed in the shade, you can leave it in the same place. A transplant into fresh soil is usually done at the end of August, before the active growth of cyclamen begins.

Information based on my personal experience and knowledge gleaned from various sources. Good luck, dear cyclamen lovers !!!