How to properly and quickly cover furniture with self-adhesive foil. Technique and techniques for working with film

Renovation is a process that takes a lot of time and effort. It is in the process of changing the room that you can understand that old furniture is no longer so attractive. Buying a new one is not profitable, and many people get used to the items of their interior, so they ask themselves how to paste wallpaper over the cabinet? There is nothing difficult in this work, if you approach the issue seriously and prepare all the necessary materials.

We all know that wallpapering furniture has become very popular. Now many decorate it with various stencils, stickers, paint with bright paintwork materials, while significantly extending its useful life. Pasting with paper is one of the most inexpensive options decoration, which greatly attracts lovers of originality. But not only standard wallpapers are suitable for this entertaining procedure. Cabinets can be pasted over with the following materials:

  • photo wallpaper;
  • paper wallpaper;
  • non-woven or vinyl wallpapers;
  • the cloth;
  • self-adhesive wallpaper.

Wall murals on the wardrobe should not only match your taste guidelines, but also fully match the style of the room. But simple ones don't go out of fashion design solutions play of colors. If the room is more light colors, bright or dark wallpaper will become a real highlight of the room and vice versa. If the sliding wardrobe has a built-in structure, then original version can be its interior decoration.

Cabinet with interior decoration wallpaper

You can also glue the old cabinet with wallpaper left over from the repair. Vinyl wallpaper with a relief looks especially good, as it has good thickness and relief on the surface, which allows you to hide minor flaws in furniture. Now in hardware stores, you can easily find self-adhesive film with various patterns. It is designed specifically for this design, is easy to apply, prevents moisture ingress and does not require special care.

Preparatory work

If you have already purchased the photomurals for the old wardrobe, then do not forget about the building material. The list of necessary items includes:

Necessary accessories

  • pencil, tape measure, ruler;
  • sandpaper;
  • construction glue or PVA;
  • roller or brush;
  • cloths for smoothing the wallpaper.

DIY cabinet update is pretty simple job, but having its own nuances. For example, some pieces of furniture may lose their original appearanceeg handles or hinges. In addition, this will interfere with further operation, so it would be wiser to replace them with new ones.

Before gluing, be sure to prepare the surface. The old coating is removed with sandpaper. If the cabinet was covered with varnish, then it can be heated with a construction hairdryer and the paintwork can be removed from the surface with a scraper, but after that it can be carefully sanded. After that, remove all dust from the surface with a damp cloth and let the furniture dry well.

In order for the pasting to be even, you can disassemble the cabinet fittings. This will allow you to better glue joints and other hard to reach places... Remember, the assembly after the work should be done only when the product is completely dry, this may take from three hours to a day.

Pasting process

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There should not be any difficulties with self-adhesive film, since all that is required of you is to correctly take measurements and cut out the details on the roll. FROM plain wallpaper the process will take a little longer. First of all, you should prepare all the necessary parts for your locker. Here you will also have to take all measurements and transfer them to paper. Next, we coat the surface of the product with construction glue or PVA. It will not be difficult to apply pieces of wallpaper, as they are not very large.

When purchasing photomurals for an old wardrobe, pay attention to the picture. It must fit exactly to the size of the cabinet, especially for certain drawings, for example, in a children's room. It is necessary to glue with them more carefully, controlling the joints and transitions.

The glued surface is gently smoothed with a piece of soft cloth in order to remove the remaining air under the paper. For fabric covering, a special pressure roller is used. When carrying out all work in the room, get rid of possible drafts. Just like wallpapering walls, this process can affect the quality of the result. As a result, the entire surface of the cabinet can be covered with a layer of varnish. This will not only protect the surface from external influence, but it will also give you the opportunity to take care of the furniture without harming it.

There is nothing complicated in modern furniture decoration, but the result will be significantly different from if the cabinet was simply painted or varnished. The site contains photo and video materials on this topic, as well as original ideas for decorating interior items. Having tried yourself in this case, you will understand that it is almost impossible to purchase such a product in a store.

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Imagine a situation - it wasn't long before the planned renovation, but the furniture located in the house got wet or, conversely, dried out. Another option is to move to a rented apartment that has a very poor environment that negatively affects the people living in the room.

The best solution to the problem in this case would be a self-adhesive film for furniture, which will quickly improve the situation without resorting to significant costs. This material is available in a variety of options that provide the ability perfect match specific modification for each specific case.

If you want to subject your furniture to a quick and high-quality restoration using film, then you should seriously approach the choice required material... In particular, it is worth checking carefully what substance it is made of, because there are often cheap polypropylene and polyethylene models on the market, which are fundamentally impossible to glue over a large object.

The best option would be traditionally used in many areas human activities polyvinyl chloride (PVC), from which high quality self-adhesive film is made.

You also need to pay attention to the presence of an additional protective layer. For example, pasting kitchen table will require extremely high strength, since this piece of furniture is constantly exposed to high stress, aggressive external environment and impacts from sharp objects.

If you ignore this requirement, then the self-adhesive film will not last even one month - soon only individual flaps will remain of it.

In addition, high-strength material should also be glued to the table in the nursery - it will protect furniture from spilled paints, ink from disassembled pens, as well as other contaminants that are almost impossible to remove from wood-based panels.

Using cheap self-adhesive film, many people are surprised to find that after a while it loses its original brightness of colors - they have to re-glue the material on furniture, risking damage to it and spending additional money.

In order to avoid such a problem, it is necessary to choose a model with an additional layer of ultraviolet stabilization - such a film is shown in the photo above. Besides, given view protection can also be useful when using a transparent layer that is glued to various objects - it prevents the exposure of harmful harsh sunlight to furniture and household appliances.

The most expensive modifications are distinguished by the presence of other layers - in particular, moisture-resistant self-adhesive film is suitable for the kitchen and bathroom. In close proximity to heating devicesrepresented by a stove, a boiler, a water heater, the pasting is done using a thermally stable polymer.

As in the past, this self-adhesive film can be used as an individual protective means - in the photo above, you can see the option with the protection of the tree from the accumulation of excess moisture.

Aesthetic properties

Depending on what goals you want to achieve, the optimal self-adhesive film for this application may have different kinds... Therefore, before gluing this material, create small project repair in the form of a sketch.

You will do the most right thing if you take the original photo of the room and apply a drawing to it using a graphic editor.

Those who are not very good at using specialized software, it is worth using the self-adhesive film itself, which can be easily applied to paper.

In order to visually create more space in the room, you should glue a mirror layer on some furniture. Such a decision will make original item in the design of the premises, and will also help improve the psychological comfort of residents small apartments... In this case, pasting is usually done using a matte material - an overly bright self-adhesive film can overshadow all other parts of the room, distracting too much attention.

In the photo, you can also see that even reflective material can have different color tones - you can also choose any of them that best suits the overall design concept.

Lovers of natural materials can be recommended to choose a self-adhesive film, stylized as:

  • a rock;
  • ceramics;
  • wood;
  • the cloth.

However, it is worth gluing it to furniture only if the product is of a sufficiently high quality. Often on the market there are goods produced by Chinese enterprises that have an unaesthetic appearance. To stick such a film means to spoil the appearance of the room with a cheap imitation, which does not even remotely resemble the original.

You will do the right thing if you choose a self-adhesive backing renowned manufacturer - in this case, you can get the result, like that, which is shown in the photo.

In addition, a glossy self-adhesive film is widely represented on the market, which has a rather original appearance. The scope of its application is rooms with a low level of illumination and not intended for permanent residence of people. In particular, gloss can be used to decorate furniture in the hallway or corridor.

For the kitchen, bedroom, hallway, office, it is better to choose a matte version. In addition, self-adhesive film with good performance light reflection is suitable for original design ceiling.

If you want to fully give free rein to your artistic imagination, then you can glue not a monochromatic material, but real works of art made in the form of a polymer coating.

An example would be original kitchen, which is shown in the photo - it is not difficult to buy such an option, and its price will not be much higher than that of a traditional self-adhesive film. In this case, it is necessary to observe the same condition as when choosing a product for natural material - only high quality will allow you to achieve the beauty of the image.

Method of work

The beauty of a self-adhesive film is that in order to properly stick such a finishing product, you do not need to invite a professional worker. It is enough just to perform a simple preparation, which is quite within the power of any person.

The main condition is to glue the film only in good lighting conditions, otherwise you may not notice minor defects, which will be impossible to eliminate later.

First of all, it is necessary that the furniture is smooth and does not have external defects in the form of tubercles, large cracks, frozen paint drops, burrs, etc. Therefore, before applying the self-adhesive surface, it is worth polishing the object with which you plan to work. This can be done both with the help of manual tools, and using a special electric machine with brushes.

The final stage will be degreasing the surface - this is necessary condition, without which the self-adhesive backing can shrink, forming numerous folds and depressions.

In addition, it is allowed to glue the material only on perfectly clean furniture - otherwise, dirt will cause rapid peeling. decorative coating... After completing all the preparation processes, you can proceed to cutting the film itself.

You just need to cut the required piece, outlining its shape and dimensions in advance. Don't worry if you don't have a large enough lineup - many manufacturers pre-line the back of their products into squares with specified side widths. It remains only to glue the film by removing protective covering from the sticky part - gently attach it to the workpiece, starting from the top. As you go down, gradually smooth it out to release excess air from under it, which is the cause of the formation of serious defects.

Self-adhesive foil can be used to update the design of any furniture. The properties of the material imply its use for restoration purposes. They can replace cracked laminate and veneer, hide partially or completely damaged facades, completely paste over the old cabinet (table) and give them a different look or enhance performance characteristics... The process of renovating furniture with self-adhesive film is not difficult, but it requires a certain amount of patience and knowledge of the sequence of how to glue the old cabinet with self-adhesive film and what tools are needed.

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To choose a self-adhesive film for decorating an old cabinet, you need to familiarize yourself with the properties and characteristics of this coating, pay attention to the structure, base material, surface type, decorative design and appointment.

All films are based on polyester, propylene and polyvinyl chloride. Additionally, plasticizers, stabilizers, pigments, paper, natural and synthetic fabrics can be added.

The self-adhesive film consists of three main parts:

  • The surface is made of paper, polymer film or metallized foil.
  • Acrylic or rubber adhesive base.
  • Protective siliconized paper backing. Retains the adhesive side of the film and peels off before gluing.

There are calendered films that are capable of stretching under the influence of high temperatures and shrink during cooling. It is better to use them in order to glue the cabinet with smooth smooth facades. If you need to decorate rough or corrugated facades with self-adhesive film, hide the existing protrusions, they prefer casting materials.

The surface fabric differs in structure, it can be:

If everyone quality characteristics affect the durability and scope, the appearance of the furniture depends on the type of surface. There are the following types:

  1. Glossy film - highly reflective. It can be used to glue over the facade in dark and small rooms.
  2. Matte - has a soft surface. The canvas is used in good lighting conditions.
  3. Mirror.
  4. Transparent coating - excellent for processing glass elements in the facades.
  5. Holographic material.

When choosing, take into account the size of the parts that will be pasted over. Purchase the most suitable roll of film to avoid a lot of waste. The length can be 2 and 15 m, the width is 45, 67.5, 90 cm.

Pasting the cabinet

The process of renovating furniture with film is simple, but it requires patience and knowledge of how to paste over the cabinet and what tools are needed.

Required tools and materials

To start updating cabinets, in addition to adhesive cloth, you will need a number of tools at hand:

  • ruler or tape measure;
  • pencil or marker;
  • scissors, stationery knife;
  • silicone spatula or dry rags;
  • spray bottle with soapy water;


Self-adhesive tape gluing of a polished cabinet begins with surface preparation. From the very beginning, remove all removable accessories. For convenience, you can remove the doors from the hinges.

It is necessary to carefully inspect all furniture for protruding fasteners, chips and cracks in the coating, since in the future all these defects will appear. Self-tapping screws and bolts just need to be tightened with a screwdriver or a key, and it will be more difficult to cope with irregularities. You will have to level the surface with a putty, and then process sandpaper.

After leveling, they proceed to cleaning and degreasing using any detergent and ethyl alcohol.

If the cabinet is made of wood, MDF or chipboard without additional coating, a thin coat of furniture primer can be applied to enhance adhesion and let it dry.

Wrapping the cabinet

When gluing the film, 2 methods are used - wet and dry. The positive outcome of the whole process will depend on the choice of the right one.

The dry method is advisable to use when processing small areas, applying decorative elements, in corner areas or if the surface is uneven.

For dry gluing, you must first separate small area after releasing the glue base, apply the film to the fixing point and level. Further, as it is glued, the substrate is pulled back, and the sheet is gradually fixed and aligned in parallel with a silicone spatula.

If the question arose of how to properly glue the old cabinet completely and at the same time eliminate the likelihood of creases and other defects, it would be better to use the wet method.

The process consists in sticking the film on a damp base, which will allow you to correct mistakes immediately in the process.

To moisten the adhesive layer, use a spray gun in the "fog" mode. For this, the substrate is completely removed. For wetting, a soap solution is prepared from 10 ml of detergent and 1 liter of water. The main rule for wet method - do not overdo it with moisture. This greatly slows down adhesion and causes the material to slip.

The prepared canvas is placed on a cabinet and moisture is squeezed out from the center to the edges, while holding the surfaces together. The remaining solution will completely evaporate after 48 hours. After a day, you need to process the canvas with a roller again.

In the same sequence, we glue over all the walls and facades.

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Renew the interior of the house and apartment with minimal cost self-adhesive film will help. Self-adhesive PVC film is a polyvinyl chloride film with printed patterns and sometimes embossed. Self-adhesive PVC film consists of three layers. Upper layer - this is the film itself with a printed pattern, what you will see during operation. The middle layer is the glue that adheres the film to the surface. Bottom - anti-adhesive (non-stick) paper siliconized backing on back side films. The purpose of the substrate is to protect the adhesive and the film during storage.

Preparation under pVC finish film
Preparation under pVC wrapping film is exactly the same as the preparation for high-quality painting. For the convenience and quality of pasting, it is better to remove the kitchen facades in advance. The surface of the facade must be thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper. After cleaning, remove all formed dust with a wet cloth or sponge. After that, it is advisable to prime the surface.
If you plan to paste over the ends of the furniture, then sharp corners it is better to round it (in this case, the film will not tear at the corners over time).

Covering kitchen facades with foil
Because the surface of the facade is in a horizontal position, it is much easier to glue the PVC film. Measured sheets of film, cut to size, must be rolled up into mini-rolls and unrolled during the gluing process, rolling on the furniture sheet. The film must be partially (10-15 cm) separated from the protective paper and glued, starting from the inside of the facade. At the fold, the film must be carefully bent, and at the end of the facade wipe thoroughly to prevent unevenness. After that, pulling on the film, you need to gradually glue the self-adhesive from top to bottom, while simultaneously removing the paper backing and rolling out the mini-roll. It is better to smooth the film with a cloth or a special rubber scraper. After pasting the main surface, you need to make an approach to the end and the inside of the facade.
If at the ends the film falls unevenly and folds appear, then it is better to trim them with a sharp construction knife or razor.

You can get rid of bubbles like this: pierce or make an inconspicuous cut in the center of the air bubble. After that, drive out all the air, carefully ironing the film towards the puncture site.
If the facade of the kitchen is visible from the inside, then you need to glue the inside of the kitchen furniture.

Benefits PVC films
The price of PVC film is not high, and the choice of its colors is varied. In addition to drawing, embossing may also be present on expensive films.

The film becomes less dirty during operation and is easier to wash and wipe, it is more resistant to accidental damage. Self-adhesive is durable and hygienic, and does not emit after pasting harmful substances, which is especially important for the kitchen.

Any design fantasies can be realized with self-adhesive film. Its advantages are that it is environmentally friendly, waterproof, resistant to high temperatures, durable, inexpensive. It can be used to paste over the kitchen, bathroom, doors and walls in the room, update old furniture... What materials you need andinstruments? self-adhesive film in rolls primer, varnish, dishwashing detergent, ruler, scissors or knife, wallpaper glue, hand-held hairdryer Sequence of actions: 1. Prepare the surface to be pasted with the film. It should be smooth, clean, free of dust and grease. You can use dishwashing detergent to degrease. Smooth surfaces (metal, glass, plastic) must be slightly moistened with water and detergent before gluing. Porous, rough surfaces such as plywood, wood, cork, fabric, plaster, ceramic tile must not be wet before pasting.


To ensure that wooden surfaces without varnish coating better pasted over, prime themprimer or polyester varnish or methyl wallpaper glue... Cracked or uneven substrates should be smoothed out with a putty, sanded and primed with acrylic based primer. 2. Cut the film. This is easy to do as it has a centimeter scale printed on the paper on the back of the self-adhesive tape. It is best to use a knife to cut into long, straight pieces. Better to cut with a small margin. Stick on the film. To do this, separate the paper from the film by about 5 cm. Apply the film to the surface and glue the separated edge.

Then take your time and evenly pull the paper off the remaining adhesive tape by hand. Take a soft towel in your other hand and smooth out the film. Smooth from the middle to the edges to avoid air bubbles. If they do appear, pierce them with a needlein order to release the air. 3. Paste over the edges and corners. If the edges are round, in order to paste over them, the film must be heated with a hand-held hairdryer, after which you can easily bend it and stick it. If you are using film as a book cover, cut the corners of the film that protrude at a 45-degree angle. After that, they just need to be bent and glued. 4. Make up some panels. Make an allowance of about 1.5 cm and place the panels on top of each other so that there is a slight overlap. Then cut through both layers evenly with a knife, remove the strips that you will cut, then press the edges tightly. Places at the junction can be sealed with a border on top. 5. If you need to cover large surfaces, anoint the surface with wallpaper glue and, while damp, apply the film, adjusting it to fit. Then press it down with a rag or sponge and smooth it out.

If the film sticks very quickly and you cannot move it as it should, dust the surface with talcum powder or powder. In this case, it will stick more slowly.

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Do not forget:

1.Before buying the film, you need to measure the surface of the furniture that needs pasting. Considering that the film in rolls can be of different lengths, you need to choose this option so that you do not have to join the film again.

2. Clean the glued surface

The surface to be glued must be smooth. It must be cleaned of various contaminants. It is best to do this with a sponge and detergent. It is also necessary to remove the fittings that interfere with the pasting process. If on wooden surface there is no lacquer layer, it must be coated with an acrylic primer.

3. Cut parts

The dimensions on the film are marked on the seamy side. You need to draw the necessary details and cut them out with scissors or a paint knife.

4. Moisten the furniture surface

Very often you need to add freshness to the interior, you need to refresh furniture, or lengthen the life of a new one. But, the lack of finances sometimes becomes an obstacle to the implementation of your ideas. Do you have a question about how to paste over old furniture?

Material advantages and a huge selection

Self-adhesive furniture film will come to the rescue. Renovating furniture with self-adhesive tape is just a great idea. It allows you to quickly, inexpensively repair things dear to your heart. And this material simply amazes with a wide range of applications. Self-adhesive decorative film for furniture stands out. To find out where to buy a self-adhesive film for furniture, just look at specialized sites on the net. It can be purchased in stores building materials, and you can buy a self-adhesive film in the online store. There you can also specify how to glue the self-adhesive film.


  • Not affected by high temperatures;
  • Huge spectrum color solutions and textures;
  • Various coatings and patterns;
  • In addition to self-adhesive, borders and edging are created;
  • This material is used for functional and aesthetic purposes;
  • The speed of work with this material;
  • It does not collect dirt and dust;
  • The material does not need frequent maintenance;
  • Perfectly complements the decor;
  • Long service time.

About types of films

Self-adhesive looks impressive reflective film for glass and printing on self-adhesive films. It is sold in rolls of different widths.

Self-adhesive films for kitchens and other models consist of three layers:

  • Facial;
  • Adhesive for self-adhesive films;
  • Protective.

For the manufacture of the surface layer are used:

  • Polymer film;
  • Metallized foil;
  • Paper.

For the manufacture of the fixing layer, use:

  • Rubber;
  • Acrylic.

Siliconized paper is used to protect the glue surface, which is removed during operation.

Self-adhesive furniture film is produced different technologies... Depending on the equipment used by the manufacturers, it is divided into the following types:

  • Injection molding;
  • Calendered.

The first type is more convenient for work, it preserves its original color longer, and gives more possibilities for application. It is a heat-resistant self-adhesive film. And you only need to stick it on a flat and smooth base. It fits perfectly on chipboard. And, the fact that the casting material stretches without heat treatments allows it to cover rough, protruding surfaces. It is convenient to repair not only the furniture, but also the door. Before gluing the door with self-adhesive film, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages: it is resistant to shrinkage, the calendered material can "shrink" over time.

Varieties of flowers

Self-adhesive foil for children's furniture is very convenient. Due to the fact that it is very popular, manufacturers release it in many colors. There are more than seventy different patterns of just one version "under the tree". These are from the most standard, classic patterns (for example, "Alcantara"), and including the most unusual (for example, "Chinese bamboo").

Unusual drawings look very interesting. These are a variety of relief patterns, marble, brick, leather, self-adhesive velvet film, and various motifs for children. With this material, you can imitate wood, plastic, fabric, foil. A special effect is achieved when a black self-adhesive film is used. Dubna self-adhesive film is also popular.

What materials are used


  1. for the bathroom;
  2. for finishing furniture;
  3. for finishing work surface in the kitchen, or office.
  4. Children's rooms;
  5. when finishing doors;
  6. when decorating windows;
  7. for glass surfaces.

What furniture can this material be applied to

This is a very popular way to decorate and decorate furniture, old doors, freshen up the look of glass, and boring walls. The main advantage is that it is a moisture resistant self-adhesive film, excellent washable.

Before sticking the self-adhesive film on furniture, carefully prepare the base for work. And before you renew your kitchen with a self-adhesive film, pick one that is not afraid of the influence of moisture.

Just for all the work to go smoothly, you must know some of the tricks and secrets of this work. Then you will not make mistakes. And you can cover the cabinet with self-adhesive film, self-adhesive film is suitable for a kitchen set, and for other furniture.

If you take a film for finishing a kitchen or bathroom, then give preference to models that are resistant to moisture.

Criterias of choice

It should be noted right away that the oracal self-adhesive film and the German self-adhesive film have high quality. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the selection criteria for this material:

  • Quality. This is the first thing to pay attention to. On the market, self-adhesive for furniture as provided from polyethylene. Its service life is not very long, so opt for a PVC product.
  • What is the condition of the surface that you plan to paste over. If you haven't asked the question in advance: “Is it possible to glue on old film? " and pasted over old and unstable furniture, various tears and flaking may appear. For such purposes, you should take the material that is produced by the injection method.
  • Possible damage. For areas that do not have roughness and protrusions, you can use metallized foil. Metallized foil is not suitable for children's furniture. Otherwise, expect scratches and damage.
  • Consider the future aesthetic appearance. Color, shades, design is an individual decision of everyone. But, there are rules that cannot be ignored.

For dark-colored furniture, use a patterned film. If gaps appear over time, they will not be so noticeable.

Film application steps

The process of pasting itself is not particularly difficult. Carefully read the recommendations on the protective layer and learn how to glue the self-adhesive tape.

The work consists of the following stages:

  • Foundation preparation;
  • Fixation of the material.

How to properly stick a self-adhesive film on furniture? Training. Tighten the fasteners that connect the pieces of furniture. Make sure there are no cracks or delamination. We seal all defects with putty, and after drying, sand with sandpaper. After that, you need to degrease.

Furniture covered with self-adhesive film looks very good.

When you stick decorative material, and made some mistake, then until the canvas grabs, you can fix everything. If a few hours pass, and everything is attached, then nothing can be changed.

Dry pasting

How to glue the furniture with self-adhesive tape correctly? Bonding to a prepared base is performed in several steps:

  • Performing the required measurements;
  • Cutting pieces of film required sizes (in this case, plotter cutting of self-adhesive film is often used).

In the same way, the doors are glued with self-adhesive.

If you do not know how to stick a self-adhesive film without bubbles, then for this during work, make sure that no creases and air bubbles arise. The air must be removed with a thin needle.

Wet wrapping

At the same time, the film on the chipboard can move, and this is very convenient when you need to fix it so that there are no irregularities. It takes twelve hours to set. Then the furniture covered with self-adhesive film can be used.

Some tips for working with film:

  • If it sticks to the base too quickly, dust it with a little bit of powder. You will have more time to connect the picture with high quality;
  • In order for the sheets to stick well to glass and metal, the base must be slightly wetted. To do this, add a little detergent to the water. Then we shoot protective layer, and put the sheet on a damp base.

For cleaning, do not use products that can leave scratches. Do not use them with aggressive substances.

It is very easy to clean, and it does not matter where it is: on the door, on the wall, on glass, or on furniture. To care for it, rinse it with water. If the contamination does not clean up, then try removing it with an alcohol solution.

If something went wrong (how to remove it correctly)

If you are bored with the film, then it is not recommended to paint it. Gluing a new layer onto the old one, too convenient way... It will have to be removed. How to remove self-adhesive film from furniture:

  • Before peeling off the self-adhesive film from furniture, wet the surface hot water, and use a flat and sharp object.
  • You can try working with a hairdryer. Better fit industrial dryer, or heater-fan.
  • Remains of glue are removed with a solvent, alcohol, or gasoline.

This material is almost universal. With it, you can completely change your home at any time without spending a lot of money. And life will sparkle with new colors. Furniture covered with self-adhesive film will become beautiful in a matter of seconds.