Bathroom repair do-it-yourself - the best ways to create a beautiful interior! (71 photos). We make budget repairs in the bathroom: cheap options for decoration rooms cheap bathroom repair with your own hands

How to separate the bathroom of cheap, is a relative concept. Depends on the financial condition and its personal wishes.

If you can focus on most of the population living in apartment buildings, you can pick up several enough budget options.

But before we need to consider savings while performing finishing works.

Production of work on their own or attracting third-party specialists. Naturally, the implementation of the work complex will independently save a significant amount of money.

The wage of hired workers to carve finances is quite difficult, the only option, choose a specialist who has proposed the smallest value of its services.

Choosing a finish type. Rational planning and use of modern materials can provide an opportunity to reduce budget for dozens percent.

The use of single-type materials for finishing, differing in price. This method will reduce the cost of 10 ... 20%, but the likelihood is great to be mistaken with the choice of materials and run into the fake.

Conclusion: The decoration of the bathroom with minimal cost is possible when performing work on their own, from low-cost materials, using a rational finish type.

The object of finishing works will be considered bathrooms located in brick or panel houses ("Khrushcheki", "Brezhnevka"), as well as more modern buildings, consisting of 9 ... 14 floors with a model layout that came from the era of Soviet times.

Coloring with paint and varnish materials

This method is the most budget, low-cost on materials and the number of invested labor.

Preparation of the base, which includes repairing the surface of the walls by applying plaster and shtcloth. Processing with antiseptic compositions.

The priming of the surface with acrylic primers from the Aqua - Stop series is to fasten the base structure and create a moisture-resistant film.

Application of paintwork - can be used by conventional enamels based on pentaftles (alkyd resins), components of which are created on the basis of a smooth moisture resistant decorative coating.

The disadvantage is a sharp smell when drying will turn around two days in the air. Another option is the use of acrylic enamels. They have no sharp smell and drying occurs within 1..3 hours. But the price is almost two times higher, compared with PF - enamels.

Sealing baths with walls with plastic elements or ceramic borders.

Finishing price will be about 2000 ... 3000 rubles.

Fucking wallpaper

For wet premises, vinyl wallpapers with moisture-resistant coating are used - "washable." The surface of the walls, especially with brick uneven partitions, is required to thoroughly align in order to give it flatness.

The lack of such a type of finish is to enter the moisture on the seams between the wallpaper sooner or later leads to detachment of the coating.

The use of decorative finishing material based on fiberglass will help to avoid such trouble, and will significantly extend the service life.

The estimated costs of 2000 ... 6000 rubles.

Coating sheet panels

The size of the PVC panel (polyvinyl chloride) is 1 x 495 x 955 mm (thickness, width, length). Produced in a variety of color schemes and various textures.

Under these products, a sufficiently flat surface is required, so the alignment of the plaster should be more thorough than when processing paint. Instead of operation of painting works, panel stickers are made.

The decorative material is fixed on the wall by glue from the series "Liquid" nails used in wet rooms and containing antiseptic additives against mold and fungus. It is possible to use polyurethane mounting foam. The panel processing is carried out by scissors or stationery knife.

The cost of hotels will be 4000 ... 6000 rubles.

Another budget version from the series "How to separate the bathroom junior" is the use of traditional plastic panels, which are products in the form of a board.

Application of plastic panels

The plastic panel is made from PVC and it looks structurally in the form of a boards with a width of 100 ... 500 mm, a length of 2600 ... 3000 mm. The cut shows that between the two sheets there are ribs of rigidity that give the product strength and ease.

The fixation of the panels is carried out in several ways:

  • Fastening on a wooden, metal or plastic inches by kleimers, self-tapping screws or braces from the furniture pistol,
  • Glitting on glue compositions from the series "Liquid" nails

Installation on polyurethane mounting foam.

In the latter case, it is possible to lower the procedure of alignment of the walls, is explained by the properties of the foam, which expanding, fills the emptiness between the wall and the panel.

The sealing of the joint between the panels and the actual bathroom is carried out by silicone sanitary sealant or by means of flexible plastic plinth.

An approximate amount of expenses is in the range of 5000 ... 7000 rubles.

The above finishing options were considered for cases of independent work. With the workplace, the cost of costs increases by about twice.

Finishing the bathroom in cheap and cheap solutions depends entirely on what materials, who will, and how finishing work will be carried out.

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How to separate the bathroom cheap: choose the available materials
The article will tell about what and relatively cheap can be sewn the bathroom.

Even with a small budget, you can make a beautiful and practical bathroom in the purchase of new housing or long stay in the old one there is a need for repair. Any updates are associated with costs that do not always afford even the most economical person. In the absence of a significant amount of money, it is not necessary to postpone the replacement of a spoiled finish in a long box. It will be wiser to plan the budgetary repair using inexpensive, but quality materials. And start with the bathroom, which is one of the most important premises in the house.

Where to start inexpensive renovation in the bathroom

Repair, like any changes, begins to get rid of the old and unnecessary. And this process can be called the most pleasant and easy part of the work: the coatings that have learned their own century can be safely removed from the walls and the ceiling, without experienceing for their safety.

Purification of the room is made in several stages:

  • Disconnecting plumbing,
  • Removal of old coating from walls, floor and ceiling,
  • Removing the former layers of plaster, screed and waterproofing residues,
  • Cleansing the room from dirt and dust.

Going to make repairs in the bathroom, first of all it is worth choosing a finishing material for the floor and walls

After getting rid of the garbage, all surfaces need to be aligned with cement mortar. The slots must be treated with sealant.

Mandatory stage - waterproofing room. For gender, you can use a coating composition, which is applied to the screed into one or two layers.

Cheap renovation in the bathroom with your own hands: requirements for materials

The bathroom is characterized by a special microclimate, which leads to a rapid wear of materials. Therefore, making even a low-budget repair, it is worth choosing a finish, the operational indicators of which correspond to the requirements.

The materials used must have the following properties:

  • High humidity resistance,
  • The presence of antiseptic additives that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold
  • Resistance to aggressive compositions used for bathroom cleaning,
  • Ease of care.

When buying materials for the bathroom, it is worth asking the seller a certificate confirming their quality

The optimal option for the bathroom is smooth surfaces. Due to the absence of irregularities and various volumetric patterns, the material does not accumulate the dirt, while maintaining the initial look for many years.

Choosing a finish, you should also pay attention to the possibility of self-installation. A simple repair, made with your own hands, will require smaller costs (about two times).

What to attach the bathroom cheap: we decorate the walls

A significant part of the costs falls on the design of walls with the largest area, if compared with the rest of the finished surfaces. One of the variants of the class "Economy" is wallpaper, but before placing them with a bathroom, you should think well. This type of finish is very unstable to high humidity in the room.

Staining with water-repellent emulsion is the cheapest way to design walls. For decoration, a special composition is used on a polyester or acrylic basis, which is applied to the surface after aligning it. Paint is holding for 5 to 8 years.

In the bathroom you need to choose a tile of this color and texture so that it is harmoniously combined with other finishing materials and furniture objects

Among budget versions, the following types of finishes also have the necessary properties:

  • Plastic panels,
  • Ceramic tile.

PVC panels are inexpensive material, which allows you to save not only finances, but also time. Plastic stripes fastened with each other do not require pre-alignment of the walls and removal of the old finish. Installation of panels is performed quickly and will be even forces even non-professional.

Wanting to make a small bath inexpensively, you can consider styling wall tiles. This material is resistant to moisture and mechanical damage, has a huge number of colors. Bathroom, trimmed with tiles, looks beautiful and neat. A small budget in this case will not be a problem: you can purchase domestic products that have more democratic prices.

Bathroom repair options: how to separate the ceiling and floor

Ceiling can be made in the same way as the walls. For example, paint white paint or install plastic panels. This option is the most economical and practical.

For a small bathroom, an ideal solution can be the installation of a tensioning canvas. The cost of such a finish depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, so the installation of the mounted ceiling in a small restroom will cost cheaper than the other options. Especially if you refuse the idea of \u200b\u200bthe design canvas and make a white matte.

PVC panels are well suited as a finishing material for the ceiling

Floor finishing is the most important task that depends on the safety of the use of the entire plumbing. That is why experts recommend to renew the waterproofing in the room, and then refund the coating itself.

Two materials are suitable for finishing the floor in the bathroom, having high durability and diverse design:

Linoleum will cost cheaper tiles, but if we are talking about a small bathroom or toilet, there will be no special difference in their cost. Therefore, the choice of coating in this case depends on personal preferences. However, it is worth considering that the installation of linoleum is simple enough and carried out with their own hands, which also significantly reduces costs. Giving preference to tiles, you will have to work hard with its laying. Or separate the floor by resorting to the help of a specialist.

Repair of a small bath: update plumbing

Buying baths and sinks - the largest line of expenses during repair. However, you can save in this case. The solution to the problem will not be acquired new equipment, but the restoration of the old one.

If the bathroom is small, then with its design it is worth applying materials and furniture of light shades

The update is carried out in two ways:

  • Application of two-component polyester enamel on the inner surface of the bath (the cheapest option),
  • Restoration of liquid acrylic (it will cost more, but the result will be more resistant and beautiful).

If the bath is in a completely deplorable state, you can buy an acrylic insert. This is a special insert that is attached inside the bowl with the help of sealant.

The listed methods may seem not budget, because are not very cheap. However, in any case, it will be profitable to restore the old bath than buy a new one.

DIY repair of the bathroom can be carried out with almost any sufficiency. It is only important to carefully plan the whole process and acquire the necessary materials. The modern market offers a variety of finishes, so it is not difficult to choose high-quality coverage of the low cost. The main thing is not to get carried away, trying to save as much as possible: you need to pay attention not only to the price of the material, but also on its properties.

We make budget repairs in the bathroom: cheap options for decoration
Budget repairs in the bathroom requires careful preparation and selection of materials that meet all requirements. About the types of inexpensive finishes and ways of savings during repairs in the bathrooms - read further.

The question of how to get a bathroom to separate the bathroom, worries many people of our country. The average salary does not allow to make expensive repairs in the apartment and forced to resort to the search for the budget option. Some of them for some reason believe that their dream is not amenable to realization, but in fact it is not. It is possible to achieve aesthetism, comfort, durability and safety of the planned repair, using even relatively inexpensive materials. How to do it?

How to save on materials without loss of quality?

It should be understood that expensive is not always qualitative, and vice versa. The high price may be due, say, the ability to use in special situations, while your conditions do not require such self-dedication. Improve the cost can considerable remoteness of the store from the production capacity of the company. Sometimes overpay accounts for well-promoted brand. It is not worth excluding the difference in living standards in different countries - if the goods are produced in a state with high average population incomes and high salary for all employees, the inhabitants of all other countries are forced to reset to this very transcendent salary if they want to buy specific products. In general, to separate the bathroom cheap, you should approach the task with the mind.

The high price for finishing materials does not always speak about their quality, so if there is no desire to overpay, you need to approach the choice with the mind

Economic glue

Let's start with a simple - from the tile, or rather, with glue for her. The tile is one of the main materials for the decoration of the walls and the floor in the bathroom, and if it is often not worth saving on the tile itself, then the glue is often overpayed. Consumers often prefer the famous glue Cerezite, refusing to cheaper moment, not even suspecting that both trademarks belong to one company. Of course, two options differ in each other by the hardness range, however, for ordinary home repair, the difference is usually not. If there is still some sense for the walls to acquire more expensive consumables, then from the floor tile and with the moment it will not disappear, unless you do not arrange a dance floor in the bathroom.

Registration of walls

At first glance, it is obvious that the most expensive tile options may look prestigious, but those who want to save more often are interested in another question - is there a difference in strength and durability? It should be noted that usually it is still not - you can separate the walls of the wall for the decades ahead.

The price difference is usually due to the attitude towards appearance - if expensive models are a real masterpiece, then budget options often seem to do something, but most often it is just a visual deception.

The manufacturer can also save on a non-slip coating, but if the finish is selected for the walls, it is not too fundamentally. Another thing is that the laying of the tile usually requires the involvement of professionals, therefore, in any case, this is not the cheapest option.

You can noticeably save, having received an approximately similar result, if we separate the walls of the bathroom with plastic panels. According to the variety of colors, they are not inferior to Kafel, but they cost much cheaper and much easier is installed. Unlike tiles, damaged fragments are much easier to replace, in addition, the commands can be hidden under the panels. The installation of the panels does not require the level alignment, however, due to the additional fastening profiles, the bathroom area can slightly decrease.

Plastic Panels - Economical Bathroom Finishing Option

Of course, the most budget version of the repair is painting walls. Even the most expensive paint will cost the owner cheaper than the same plastic panels, especially since even a child can perform the work, because the only thing that really needs it is accuracy. However, this option is very limited in application - if the walls are curves, then it will have to refuse it. Of course, it is possible to align the wall, but it is not easy to bring it to the ideal, and the challenge of a specialist forces to strike out this way of registration from the list of inexpensive.

Floor design

For the floor, the ideal option is also a tile - it is, although it is expensive, it is still optimal in practicality and durability.

The most practical option for flooring for the bathroom is considered a tile, the cost of which varies in a wide range

Linoleum usually goes in classic competitors, but it should be borne in mind that an attempt to acquire cheaper it is fraught with rapid destruction of repair - the material does not perceive the constant humidity.

Actually, the most budget decision to update the floor covering in the bathroom is just a new mat, if possible, pick it up to the walls and other finishes. At the same time, in order to avoid the appearance of mold, the rug should be regularly raised and wipe the floor under it.

Ceiling and lighting

Repair of the ceiling surface in the bathroom with a limited budget involves the use of plastic panels that allow you to integrate spotlights into the ceiling.

Plastic panels on the ceiling in the bathroom

However, the lighting devices can be left on the wall, the main thing is that they are correctly placed.

A competent approach to the layout of the room, as well as purity and order will make it visually attractive and decent expensive guests.


Save on the plumbing and pipes is undesirable, because any accident will make the owner start repairing the bathroom from scratch. Quality must be maximum, just sometimes makes sense not to acquire a new plumbing, but to restore the old one. If the bath has not lost its integrity, but has problems with enameled coating, it is better to resume it - modern materials allow to carry out a different kind of enamel restoration, and it is much cheaper to buy a new bathroom bowl.

Making repairs in the bathroom, it is not necessary to purchase a new plumbing, you can simply renovate the old

The option and purchase on the market of equipment that has already been used - construction companies conducted by regular repairs in public institutions (such as hotels) can hand off removal to repeated resale. In this case, it usually passes the restoration to a normal functional level and is noticeably cheaper.

Recent details in the design of the bathroom

When the interior is almost ready, it remains to add the last strokes that will make the room ready for use on purpose - it's about the curtain, shelves and hangers.

Accessories for the bathroom can be purchased the simplest and inexpensive, from this it will not be worse

The curtain can be found at quite low prices, if it is made of film or inexpensive fabric. If you have the opportunity to invest a little more money now, in order to put less on, it's worth a little overpay for a storm from waterproof fabric - it will defectly protect from splashing water and serves longer. It is important to choose the beautiful design of the accessory, and then its low cost will not seem obvious.

As for the shelves and hangers, they need to be simply correctly placed by hitting the total color gamut. If the shelves are taking care and order, the guest will not notice a special difference between expensive and cheap accessories, and vice versa - it makes no sense to overpay for the shelf, if the appearance of jars on it causes vague doubts about the owner's solvency.

How to get a cheap bathroom: what can be saved on?
How cheaper to separate the bathroom. What is worth saving, and what is not. How not to overpay for plumbing. Budget version of wall repair, floor and ceiling.

Repair in the bathroom - business cost. To date, rates in the construction services market are such that the team of professionals will have to pay at least 50% of the value of materials. Self performing work will allow you to save significantly. However, this process requires not only extensive knowledge in many areas (from the installation of sockets before pipe wiring), but also skill. On how to repair the bathroom with your own hands, let's talk in this article.


Before you get involved in the adventure called "DIY repair", learn prices. Check out the proposals in the professional sphere, count the cost of materials, the time you plan to spend on the repair, and decide whether to do it yourself. It is difficult to predict costs with high accuracy, however, it is possible to rely on the following relevant prices:

  • tile tile outdoor (30 * 30 cm) - from 50 rubles. per pieces;
  • tile tile for walls (15 * 15 cm) - from 40 rubles. per pieces;
  • porcelain stove - from 50 rubles. per pieces;
  • plasterboard moisture resistant (250 * 120 * 1.25 cm) - from 300 rubles. per sheet;
  • pVC panels (30 * 10 * 0.5 cm) - from 15 rubles. per pieces;
  • floor bulk - from 200 rubles. 10 l.;
  • bulk floor with insulation - from 600 rubles. per square. m.;
  • latex paint - from 300 rubles. for 3 kg.;
  • sealant - from 300 rubles. for 300 ml;
  • grout for tile seams - from 130 rubles. for 2 kg;
  • primer - from 250 rubles. for 10 kg;
  • polypropylene pipes - from 24 rubles. per square. m. for cold water, from 50 rubles. per square. m. for hot;
  • sewer tube - from 50 rubles. per square. m.;
  • pipe fittings (adapters, couplings, corners) - 60% of the price of pipes;
  • tile glue - from 25 rubles. for 5 l;
  • shower cabin - from 18 thousand rubles;
  • bath - from 6 thousand rubles;
  • toiletz - from 3.5 thousand rubles;
  • sink - from 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • furniture with water-repellent film - from 2 thousand rubles. for the sink tumba;
  • heated towel rail - from 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • mixer - from 1 thousand rubles.
plant in the interior

original combination of flowers

bright curtain in a light interior

green accents in the white interior

bright decor

beige, white, purple colors and chandelier in the interior

Pay attention to the quality characteristics of the goods. Facing material should be resistant to moisture and pair, the effects of salts, cleaning agents, including aggressive.


The most common option is a tile with dimensions of 30 * 30 cm. Thus, one plate is sufficient to cover 0.09 square meters. m. surface. Divide the total floor area on the area of \u200b\u200beach tile, get the required amount of material. Buy by 7% more than received when calculating to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances (battle, irregular cutting). A good replacement of the cafée can be a porcelain stoneware. It is durable and decorative, but it is a little more expensive. Calculation of the desired quantity by the same scheme.

mosaic floor

large green tile on the floor


Popular Facing Materials:

  • tile tile - durable, moistureproof, with a wide palette of colors;
  • pVC panels are cheap, decorative;
  • moisture-resistant wallpaper - a special composition, which is impregnated with paper, reliably protects against moisture and steam, but is suitable only for well-ventilated premises;
  • latex paint - the coating will protect against fungus and steam only in the case of applying to several layers;
  • decorative plaster - requires perfectly smooth walls, does not twist from a couple, but it retains the primordial look for a long time.

Calculation of the required amount of tiles, mosaic, marble, PVC wall panels is carried out according to the same rules that for sex. Painting consumption per quarter. m. Usually indicated on the packaging of goods. To estimate the desired number of wallpaper, divide the perimeter of the room to the roll width. All materials are better to purchase with a slight margin.

wall Decoration Tile with Patterns

wall decoration panels

wall decoration by wallpaper


The optimal solution for the ceiling during budget repairs is staining with moisture resistant paint, the use of plaster or PVC records. Some use glass, they are practical, easy to install. Specific skills for their sticking are not required.

gypsum Carton Ceiling With Spots Lights

Pipes and fitting

Polypropylene pipes are cheaper than metal plastic, it is easier to connect them with welding in the monolith, hide behind the tile or in a plasterboard box. They are well bent without loss of insulation properties. Fittings choose from solid plastics canvas, they are perfectly protected from leaks, they serve for a long time. Metal is suitable only for connecting the boiler. Pipes will be needed for toilet bowl, sink, washing machine, bidet, bath or shower. Based on where water is planned, decide on the amount.

aesthetic box for pipes and butterflies on the walls

sitting in the box


To carry out self-repair you will need:

  • slab;
  • diamond drill;
  • lighthouses for leveling;
  • level;
  • apparatus for welding polypropylene pipes;
  • drill;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • spanners;
  • screwdrivers;
  • putty knife;
  • paint brushes;
  • buckets and basins for kneading solutions;
  • screw agents for removing excess material (fabric, sanding slicer).

The set of props changes depending on the type of material selected. Do not rush to acquire the tool. To save, you can rent it.

Stages of repair

Work plan

Make a detailed action plan with all the nuances. Decide which items you want to replace, and which you can patch, renovate and leave. Draw an exemplary sketch, select a color gamut, make a scheme of the location of water intake, electrical appliances, plumbing points. Count the estimate, decide on the type of material and its value. Some salons have a free processing service if you purchase facing material.


Remove plumbing: bath, furniture, sink. The toilet can be left. Then proceed to the dismantling of the old finish: the ceiling and wall coating. Burst bags for garbage and patience. If the tile stacker on conscience performed its work, you will need a hammer, chisel, drill and perforator. Installation with a perforator speeds up the process, but increases the amount of dust. On accuracy and cleanliness can be forgotten. Oil paint is removed by a special solution.

Upgrading communications

Old cast iron pipes for drain will have to be removed, replacing with polypropylene. It is necessary to make a liner to the planned points of water intake - bath, sink, washing machine. When placing pipes, do not forget about the place of installation of meters. To avoid water stagnation, put pipes in the tilt. Provide the podium for the shower cabin, if you plan to put it. Do not neglect this advice to avoid water stagnation. The minimum sling angle is 5%. Think out the ways to mask the wiring: you can make it possible to make the box of drywall, after tiping them with tiles.

Do not forget to update the wiring. It must meet all safety rules (possess a high degree of protection) and functional. Outdoor and hidden cable laying is allowed. We advise you to provide a minimum of 3 outlets: near the mirror surface, for the household washing machine and an additional (for a boiler, an electric heated towel rail).

Installation of floor covering

Repair of the floor begins with a screed. If the insulation is not, consider only the tile thickness. If you plan to use the "Warm floor" system, add 3-4 cm to the screed. With its installation will have to sweat. He can be:

  • aqueous - pipe system with heating from central water supply;
  • film - infrared frame with thermoregulation;
  • electric - design from the heating elements operating from the network.

Only a person who works well vested in electricity will be able to implement this venture.

The work plan without a complex insulation system is as follows:

  • processing of concrete slab deep penetrating primer;
  • installing the reinforcement grid;
  • laying a simple insulation (polystylene) on the reinforcement grid;
  • installation of beacons in terms of level (the distance between them is 60-70 cm);
  • preparation of a mixture for fill;
  • poured solution, alignment;
  • removal of beacons;
  • removal of irregularities (grinding, grout).

The mixture is frozen on average for 12 hours.

Wall covering


Place the walls before laying, achieve an ideally smooth surface. Then cover their primer and water-repellent mastic. The next stage is to apply markup for laying (use a construction marker, stencil). After the surface is drawn, it will remain planted tiles on glue. Be sure to use plastic crosses in order to get perfectly smooth seams. It is better to insert 4 crosses on one tile, having them in the middle of each side. The last stage is rubbing seams. Do not forget to pull the cross, for this you may need pliers.

trim tile and plaster


PVC panels - budget replacement of ceramics. Do not limit yourself with white. Now there are options in the extensive colors: under the stone, with ornaments for every taste, imitating brick, metal. On the installation of plastic at a certain level of skill, it will take 1 evening. For prepared, smooth walls of the panel are planting with liquid nails, a metal profile is used in other cases.

plastic panels


Prefer special material with high moisture resistance. Usually use vinyl coating. It is dense, meets the stated requirements. Glue wallpaper on smooth, twisted walls covered with a makeup against fungus, mold. Glue also use a special suitable for rooms with high humidity.

beautiful Wallpaper with Birds and Butterflies

Installation of the ceiling

It is easier and cheaper to use plaster mixes. Most still gives preference to suspended structures, considering them more aesthetic. Let's talk about their varieties.


As in the case of walls, the ceiling of PVC panels is the most budget option. They are attached to the metal profile, the installation takes a couple of hours. Despite the low cost, modern plastic panels are difficult to distinguish from the stretch ceiling, which is extremely difficult to install it yourself. Now produce PVC rakes of different forms, in a rich color palette, which allows you to create bizarre multi-tiered structures.

reiki PVC and spotlights on the ceiling


Look for special moisture resistant plasterboard in stores. Installation of the box is not complicated. With the help of sheets, you can create niches for lamps, ornamental borders. It should be remembered that the design "eats" 7-10 cm of height.

plasterboard designs on the ceiling


The glossy vinyl film of a light shade visually expands the room, despite the fact that he gives the ceiling for several centimeters due to the feature of the installation. However, the gloss is clearly visible traces of condensate. It is better to give preference to matte varieties.

glossy stretch ceiling

Installation of sanitary ware

Lastly, the plumbing is mounted: shower cabin or bath, toilet, bidet, sink, mixers. Tip: not necessarily buy a new bath if old suits you on dimensions. It can be updated by covering acrylic. Optionally and opportunities (depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room) the cabinet under the sink is installed, the closet for towels.

budget plumbing

little sitting bath

miniature Sink without Cumbers

Secrets of economy

For the last, we will give several valuable advice on repairs without loss of quality.

  • Take a look at domestic finishing materials and plumbing manufacturers. You are overpaying for brand known foreign marks. Now there are many products from Russia and the CIS on the market at an excellent price that are not inferior in quality by foreign.
  • Plan care carefully. No estimate easy to go beyond the budget, the risk of spontaneous purchases is great. Lay 10% for unforeseen circumstances.
  • Monitor city flea market offers. People often give the remnants of the material for free (pickup), and not approached plumbing at a price below market.
  • If you did not use the insulation when you tie a floor, put a fluffy anti-slip rug near the sink and toilet bowl. You do not have to endure the cold tile.
  • Even if during the repair you used cheap materials, beautiful clean towels, an interesting curtain for a shower and an organizer for accessories (toothbrushes, cotton wheels and wands) convert the most budgetary repair. Use suspended storage supports and maintain cleanliness indoors. Do not litter it.

bright accessories enliven any interior

Before doing independent repairs in the bathroom, appreciate your strength. You will save money, but spend a lot of time and strength. Such work requires specific knowledge in the field of repair, at least several hours per day, responsibility and accuracy. On average, engaged in the main 8-hour work. A person will independently be able to repair the bathroom in a couple of months. We hope that the tips of our article will help you to carry out. Good luck!

In our difficult time, people often lack finances. But repair is still needed. And it is desirable that the bathroom has a decent appearance and at the same time served five to seven years. In such situations it will be useful to learn how to make the repair of the bathroom, spending the minimum of funds.

DIY repair of the bathroom: how to choose budget materials

Today, the industry produces building materials of all sorts of price categories, calculated on the consumer of the most different level of wealth. It can be the goods of economical, standard and elite classes. There are very cheap materials on sale, but their advantage is only in a low price. The quality and appearance of such products do not withstand critics.

Performance of dismantling work will independently help reduce costs.

Many works can be made independently, not attracting specialists. For example, the ceiling under the ceiling with plastic lining does not require any special skills. Installation of plumbing is also not difficult. Toilet bowl, bath, washbasin - it can do everything alone. It is only important not to hurry, carefully examine the range, calculate all the stages of the work performed, then the successful result will be provided.

As for building materials, it is more expedient to choose the goods of the economy-class and the standard price segment. Both of these types of materials are practically no qualities. The same manufacturer can produce similar products under various trading signs. The first will be considered a product of the standard class, and the second is an economical option, and they will only be worthwhile. World standards provide certain quality criteria, for example, the density of building mixtures to frozen should be not lower than a certain threshold. In economical materials, this indicator will be closer to the lower value. This statement is true in relation to consumables.

You can do without buying new plumbing, but to restore the old

As for the finishing materials, plumbing devices and other things, the low price is completely identical to poor quality. It is only necessary to take into account the load mode, which will be subject to the product. For example, an outdoor tile should be stronger wall. With proper selection and installation, the tile in the bathroom can serve more than fifteen years.

If you have decided to hold a budget bathroom repair, a photo samples of which can be seen in the gallery of this article, should not be purchased building materials of elite classes. Their quality is not higher than that of budget products, and they only won due to their aesthetic.

Painted walls and well-chosen to them in the tone accessories will make design flawless

Ability to perform economical repair

In order for the result of the work performed, it is necessary to carefully work a preliminary project carefully, well think over possible finish options and choose the most suitable you.

The main part of the costs make up the following items:

  • the price of the work carried out;
  • the cost of building materials and transport services.

Thus, it is quite realistic to reduce repair costs, and can be saved at both points. If you carefully examine the information how to make budget repairs in the bathroom with your own hands, it can be concluded that most of the work is fairly easily performed independently, significantly reducing the costs.

Many repair work can be performed with their own hands.

It makes no sense to resort to help professionals only for complex moments, such as electricity gasket, water supply device, and tile laying. It is very important that work on electrical engineering is performed only by specialists.

Please note that the cable must be a good and well-surrounded. You can use only one-piece wire segments, and the distribution box must be placed exclusively outside the bathroom.

Question, how to make a cheap repair in the bathroom with your own hands worries many owners. To express priorities between savings and quality of the design of the premises, such recommendations should be followed:

  1. Work work with your own hands. Most of the repairs are desirable to perform independently, since the rates for specialists can exceed the cost of materials. All work on dismantling is better to spend on their own.
  2. The presence of your own tool. It is necessary to think over the design features of the repair in such a way as to reduce the dismantling work as much as possible. Easy and speed up the task will help the basic set of tools. In addition, it will significantly reduce financial costs. It is recommended to get at least a minimum set, which will include a drill with a set of drills (desirable shock), a bits perforator, a cutting grinder with metal and concrete disks.
  3. Economical materials. Significantly saved the acquisition of budgetary building materials. But there are things on which it is not worth saving, because the subsequent replacement can do the most expensive purchase of high-quality products. But in some cases you can reasonably reduce costs.

Reducing the financial cost of repair of the bathroom

If you need to repair the bathroom cheap and qualitatively, special attention is paid to the scrupulous planning of expenses. Detailed estimate will help you to save money. It is necessary to carry out a thorough comparative analysis of the price policy market. In addition, on the Internet, as a rule, many materials with a substantial discount can be purchased, especially when purchasing wholesale.

Even from inexpensive, but high-quality materials you can create a cozy and stylish interior.

To revive the boring interior and diversify surface statics, experts recommend buying inexpensive accessories and little things that will add comfort to comfort and become an appropriate addition to the design. Shelves, hooks, soaps, rubber mats, curtains and other decorative elements can become additional convenience and decoration.

It is not worth buying building materials and techniques of well-known manufacturers, because you will have to pay extra charge. Brand things a priori are more expensive. Much more profitable will be acquired by building materials issued by domestic companies, as well as the production of our nearest neighbors - Poland, the Czech Republic, Finland. These will be high-quality, certified products. Of course, we are not talking about the products from China the lowest price segment. However, their average cost products will be quite good. Remember that it is impossible to sacrifice the quality and aesthetics for the sake of savings.

Casting walls with glass windows will save money on the repairs of the bathroom

Save on repair ceiling

To arrange the original and unusual interior of the bathroom, and at the same time save funds, it is first of all to pay attention to cheap methods of finishing the ceiling indoor.

Smooth ceiling can be simply painted in any color.

Stretch designs look attractive and rich, however, they differ in high cost. However, the appearance of plastic panels is no worse. An important advantage of suspended systems is that with their help, any irregularities on the ceiling plane are easily leveled. In addition, this type of finish allows you to create multi-level structures. PVC lining refers to moisture-resistant materials, that is, you can not be afraid of floodings. Inside the rack ceiling easily pave an electrical cable and mount the lighting. The price of such a system comes out quite budget. Economical options for repairs of the bathroom, photos of which will demonstrate the feasibility of such actions, are presented below.

Rack ceiling made of plastic in its practicality, a little inferior to the stretch

If the ceiling has only minor irregularities, it can be simply painted. To do this, it is necessary to remove the old top layer of the coating, impose a putty, sanding irregularities, and handle the primer. After that, the paint is applied in several layers. This finish will cost completely cheap, but looks quite attractive.

Blood Flooring

The specifics of the bathroom consists of constantly high humidity with insufficient air exchange. Therefore, the flooring should be resistant to moisture, as well as wear. The ceramic tile is best answered by these requirements. If you are considering a budget breakdown of a bathroom, it is not necessary to acquire an expensive tile of elite classes - it is quite possible to do with domestic analogues. In our country, the industry produces a lot of such materials, the value of which will pleasantly surprise you. In addition, sales and stores are often held sales, where you can buy facing products with a significant discount.

Waterproof Linoleum will be a reliable coating for the floor of the bathroom

There is an even cheaper floor finish option, such as linoleum. The market presents a wide range of such coatings of all kinds of colors and textures. There are even water resistant varieties of PVC linoleum. The main advantage of this material will be that it is possible to put it literally for several hours. Linoleum does not require sticking - pressed by plinth, he will smooth and leveled himself.

Wall finish options

The domestic tile, which can be bought from the remains in the market or stock, will be optimal at the ratio of price and quality. By purchasing the discounted goods can be saved fifty percent of the cost or even more.

The tile of domestic production will cost cheaper than foreign analogues

A monophonic tile, decorated with friezes or decorative inserts, will look quite decent. And the price will be released at all.

Inexpensive renovation in the bathroom, the photo of the samples of which are presented in the gallery of the article, can be performed by putting the walls with PVC panels. There is a huge selection of domestic and foreign samples that take attention. Plastic lining is produced all sorts of colors and textures. There are also panels with imitation tiles, marble or wood.

Plastic panels can be made and walls and a bathroom ceiling

Professionals recommend choosing materials intended for external work, since the plastic from which they are made are much thicker and stronger, and therefore will serve much longer. PVC panels can be easily mounted independently. Such work will not require special skills and takes a very little time.

With the right approach, reasonable planning and competently compiled estimate, it is quite realistic to carry out budget repairs of the bathroom. Significantly reduce financial costs will help the rational selection of building materials and independent execution of the maximum part of the work. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, the beautiful interior will cause the admiration of your guests and please you for more than a dozen years.

It is considered the most expensive. Qualitatively to carry out the procedure for registration, without resorting to the services of professional companies, it will be quite difficult. However, often buyers with a small budget are practiced. For the bathroom, you should purchase high-quality materials that are capable of serve in conditions of high humidity. It should be understood that it is the properties that characterize purchased goods will affect the duration of their operation.

After buying a new housing, some financial difficulties fall on any family. That is why the finish option must be rationally to ensure not only a long period of operation, but also a pleasant appearance of the room. Ideally, if you do everything right, you can get the highest possible restoration of the room with minimal costs. Next will be described on how to fulfill budget repairs of the bathroom and toilet (photo in the article) on your own.

Requirements for materials

Even if the finishing materials are inexpensive, they must fully comply with all construction standards. This is due to the fact that in the bathroom, the microclimate has a number of features that accelerate deterioration. At the time of thinking about the purchase, it is necessary to take into account that in such a room the humidity is increased, there is practically no ventilation and constant significant temperature differences occur. That is why all materials with which the finish is performed must have certain qualities. Then the budget repairs of the bath and the toilet will succeed at 100%.

Resistance to moisture

It should be understood that any finishing materials that are intended for use in the bathroom should have water-repellent properties. In such a room, the walls and the floor will be in contact with moisture, ferry and hot air.

The next moment to pay attention to is resistance to the formation of fungus and mold. It is desirable to give preference to a finish having antiseptic additives, they will help prevent the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms. This is due to the fact that indoors are constantly wet, so fungal and mold begin to accumulate quite quickly.

Resistance to chemistry

Finishing materials resistant to applying household chemicals will become the most optimal solution. Any hostess understands that the bathroom should be as clean as possible, and it is impossible to monitor hygiene without using aggressive detergents. Accordingly, it follows that it is easily transferring the impact of chemicals. Among the materials that can "boast" such property, there are also inexpensive, which is especially important when performing budget repairs in the bathroom.

Easy to care and install

Another important property is simplicity. When repairing repair, you need to choose those materials that have a smooth surface, easily cleansed from dirt. Thanks to this, it will be easy to maintain order.

Selecting the materials, making budget repairs in the bathroom, it is also necessary to take into account the simplicity of their installation. The simpler it is done, the better the owner will be better. It should be understood that if you have to hire professionals, the cost of repair may increase in two, or even three times.

Wall decoration

This surface has the largest area. For the design of the walls is spent, as a rule, most of all means. If you want to reduce costs, you need to choose high-quality materials that are not so expensive. Do not rush to buy. In order to save, you should visit proven shopping centers, shops or seek help from buyers' reviewers who have already acquired one or another type of finish and tried it in practice. Wanting to make budget repairs in the bathroom, it is impossible to stop on the first embodiment. At the same time, it is fundamentally important to make the right choice in favor of the ratio of price and quality.


The most budget and qualitative option will be staining. What is the plus of this method? The cost is maximally available, and anyone can paint the wall. As a rule, the bathroom uses moisture-resistant options on a polyester or acrylic basis. They are applied in several layers, rollers, brushes or paintopult are applied. Before applying the material, it is necessary to level the walls, so the staining process may take a lot of time, more than a week. From the minuses it should be noted that such a type of finishing retains a fresh appearance of no more than 8 years. In addition, the walls look attractive, it is advisable to charge professionals. It is to this method of finishing that specialists advise people to resort to people who want to carry out the most budget repairs in the bathroom with their own hands.

Plastic panels

They are also often used in wall cladding. This option also does not apply to the list of expensive. We are talking about covering panels. They are created from PVC. Who does not understand what it is, it should be explained. Such strips are made of cellular plastic. Their length rarely exceeds 3 m, and the width is 40 cm. It is connected with a spike groove. Such a panel does not require additional alignment of the walls, it can also be stuck on top of the old finish. That is why this option is in demand with budget repairs in the bathroom.

Ceramic tile

Popular option for wall design is a ceramic tile. It costs more, but it has many advantages. First, the tile is resistant to mechanical damage, and secondly, it is capable of withstanding temperature differences and humidity. This option will be excellent for those who do not want to go beyond their budget, but I would like to get a pretty high-quality finish. Among the inexpensive demand is the ceramic tile of domestic and Belarusian production.

Priority finish

It is worth noting: if there is no possibility and time to perform high-quality repair in the bathroom, and it is urgently needed, the best option will be the use of plastic panels. They are easy to assemble even inexperienced people: no need to prepare the walls to this process, as well as purify from the old finish. Such material is ideal for budget repairs bath. The photo is the direct confirmation.

Wall paint selection

As already mentioned, the bathroom is a fairly specific room, so it is necessary to use paints with antibacterial properties and moisture-resistant effect. Otherwise, the coating can flap, the fungus will quickly appear. The most common colors are silicone, latex, acrylic. They cost inexpensively and have excellent performance. It should be noted that the water mixtures do not have an unpleasant caustic smell, and silicone - can be a hydrobarier.

Traditional oil paints do not possess the above advantages. They are quite quickly covered by cracks, so they are better not to use them in the bathroom. Even by conducting budget repairs in the bathroom, you should avoid such facing tools.

If you want to choose shades other than white, then you should give preference to calm and warm tones. It is desirable to abandon the dark, since this option will visually reduces the space. Bright stains and complex drawings will also not bring the "highlight" in the design. Soft pastel colors will expand the room and additionally fill it with light.

Paint can be chosen matte, glossy or semi-shy. The first option will allow to remove drops, lower, also such a material can hide all wall defects. What is not suitable for budget repairs with your own hands?

Choice of wallpaper

Immediately need to say that they should be waterproof. While buying should pay attention to the material. It should not be subtle, and you should also ask about manufacturing technology. Most often use vinyl wallpapers on a flieslinic basis. They are modern, have high operating rates, durable, can continue to withstand water. Today it is easy to find a suitable decor. It should be noted from the disadvantages only to the checked cost, as well as the impossibility of installing on an ordinary wallpaper glue: will have to buy a special mixture.

The second wallpapers in popularity are washing. They refer to a cheaper segment, since in their characteristics inferior to the above described. Most often use them in the sections of walls where direct contact with water does not occur.

Self-adhesive wallpapers are the most expensive. They are created from a polymer film that is sold in various design. From the disadvantages it should be noted not only the cost, but also how difficult is the installation. Moreover, before applying, it is necessary to make the surface perfectly smooth. Another good facing option for the budget repairs of the bathroom. This photo is present in the article.


The floor finish is also an important task, since the safety of all households depends on it, and the convenience of operation depends on it. Professionals do not advise using cheap options that do not have surface waterproofing. After all, it is precisely similar materials that rarely help with leakage or breakage of any home appliances. It should be noted that if the housing repair was quite a long time, and the age of the room is more than 30 years, then it is desirable to open the old floor during the reconstruction of the bathroom and update completely waterproofing. At the same time, it is necessary to use loose, painting or rolled materials. It also applies to budget options for the bathroom.

The second in importance is the question of which type of finishing to choose. Inexpensive is Linoleum. This material is perfectly coping with mechanical exposure, it is wear-resistant, also pleases with its small price. Such a modern finish option can serve at least 15 years, after which it changes with maximum ease.

Next, the second most popular among economical users is tile. You can buy both ceramic and porcelain. If your bathroom does not differ in the overall area of \u200b\u200bthe floor, then it will take quite a few material to finish. Due to this, you do not have to spend large sums. This option will remain a budget for those who will independently perform installation.

Professionals say that during the repair, regardless of restrictions in its financing, it is necessary to remove the old floor right to the concrete base. After that, make waterproofing and only then align the surface using the screed. Only in this case the bathroom will be maximally protected from leaks.


Traditionally, in Russian apartments, baths are most often used, not showers. That is why the cost of replacing the container for washing can be quite large. They make up, as a rule, from a quarter to half of all expenses. Experienced people working in the field of design of bathrooms notice that it is better not to change all the equipment on the cheap, but to improve the materials that are already available. For this purpose, reconstruction methods are used, allowing to carry out budget repairs of the bathroom with their own hands. What are we talking about?

Bath can be re-enabled. This method will be the most inexpensive, which will allow not only to restore the appearance, but also give shine. You should apply enamel on the inner surface. This can be done independently without resorting to the help of professionals. It is best to use a special composition of a polyester type. Pass the brush should be two or three times. You can also use a roller or spray gun. In general, for the budget version of the bath repair, such a method is suitable.

The next coherent process should be called a restoration of liquid acrylic. The cast-iron bath can be restored with this material. You need to apply it on the inner surface using brushes. This method is also called the "bulk bath." It should be noted that it costs more than enamel, but its effect is more resistant.

Also the budget option is the repair of cast-iron bath. Perform it by installing an acrylic liner. If the product is already completely in bad condition, it can be restored by a similar material that is installed in the base of the bathroom. The insert should be glued or sealant or special glue. It is expensive, but the cost of acquiring such a bowl will be much smaller than the price of the bath itself.

According to reviews, many give priority inexpensive, but rather effective bath enameling procedure. It allows you to improve the appearance of the product. In addition, this tool guarantees the minimum of costs, which is ideal for the budget repairs of the bathroom with their own hands.

If you want to do cheap renovation in the bathroom with your own hands, we will give you some tips, following which, economical repairs in the bathroom will be a very real event.

Let's deal with you, on which you can save when repairing in the bathroom, without significant loss as repair.

If you attach your budget for the repair of the bathroom and it turned out that you are not affordable, then you should not fall into despair. After all, even the economy version of the bathroom can be very attractive externally. In addition, it will not be difficult to make it yourself that even more will reduce your repair.

Budget repair options in the bathroom

So, the budget was determined. Let's catch what work requires the greatest costs.

Replacing plumbing and mixers.

If your plumbing is in good condition - excellent, it will solicitively save the cost of repairs in the bathroom. If not - consider the restoration option. For example, the bath can be restored by acrylic. And simplifier simply disassemble and replace outdated gaskets to cleanse them from a limescale by ordinary vinegar. What we do not recommend save, it is on hoses to mixers. The flood from the burst hose will turn over the entire savings on the repair.

Replacing communications.

Water and sewer pipes, fittings, heated towel rail, etc., are expensive by themselves. But the work on their laying implies the stroke of the walls or the ugly external gasket of communications. There is already a cheaper repair in the bathroom difficult to get rid. Therefore, we recommend considering such options:

  • If the pipes did not rot and the location arranges you - paint them with good enamel.
  • You can also "sew" communications in the plastic box, or in the made of moisture-resistant drywall. How to make a frame from a metal profile, read our article "".

Repair ceiling.

The budget option for repairing the ceiling in the bathroom will be the usual painting of latex waterfront paint. But this is if you have a smooth ceiling. If you need to align it, then inexpensive repair option will be:

  • Stucco ceiling with subsequent putty and painting
  • Ceiling decoration by plastic PVC panels

To plaster the ceiling, clean it from old paint or bliss. Hold up his primer deep penetration well. Apply a plaster solution on the ceiling and crumple it with a plastering grater. Give the solution a little bit and firing it with a grater again. After drying the plaster, apply primer again. After a few hours you can start to the shtlock. Apply a putty thin layer starting from the edges or from a spacious space. So you will not leave dents on the already applied fresh putty. Give her to dry, align the sandpaper or skirt. Apply primer and repeat the cycle again. The ceiling can then be painted.

To finish the ceiling with a bathroom with plastic panels, it is necessary to use galvanized metal products to create a carrier frame. Do not use wooden slats for these purposes. In the conditions of high humidity of the bathroom, they rotate very quickly.

Note or level the horizontal line around the perimeter. Secure the guide profile on it. Make a crate using a wide profile 60x27 mm. Secure the panels on it and.

Repair of walls

The most budgetary and economical repair of the walls will be a simple painting. Apply the paint should be on the prepared surface of the wall. For this, the wall should be smooth, clean and projected. Do not forget to apply penetrating waterproofing before painting. Choose the paint moisture-proof. Best of all latex or acrylic water emulsion.

Another inexpensive options for finishing and repairing walls in the bathroom - PVC panels. Here the sequence of actions is practically the same as in the case of the ceiling.

If you have a good one on the walls, but the old ceramic tile can not be changed, but restored. Today there are a lot of "chemistry" for the restoration of the surface of the tile and interputric seams. The same option can be used for tiles on the floor.

Pole repair

If the restoration of the tile on the floor is not your choice, that is, other ways to make a floor repair in the bathroom.

For example, you can put on the floor of the linoleum. It is an inexpensive material, moisture-resistant, quickly mounted.

You can still make a bulk sex. For more information about the options for repairing floors, see our topic "".