The first tooth appeared. How many months do babies start cutting their first teeth?

When a baby's first tooth is cut, signs and customs will allow you to learn about his subsequent fate and improve it. You can get acquainted with them using this article.

In the article:

The first tooth in a child - signs

The first teeth in children appear at the age of 4 to 7 months. Ancestors believed that when this happens ahead of time, the mother foreshadows the bearing of another child. AND paid attention to which one appeared first. When one of the top - the child will have a brother or sister just a year younger.

Late eruption of the first tooth means that the baby will grow up to be an extraordinary person and with talent, a tendency to a certain kind of activity. But in some countries, they think about it the other way around.

When there is a gap between the front upper teeth, and the edge of a coin can be placed in it, this is considered a good omen. It means that a child with such teeth will grow up to be a successful and lucky person, will be popular with the opposite sex.

Beliefs about the first teeth say that when their appearance takes longer than it should be and causes problems, the child will grow up to be a moody and irritable person. With a tendency to depression or become a bore or a whiner.

Children are born with teeth, it turns out that the first of them appeared during their stay in the mother's womb. It was believed that such children either die or survive and become when they reach the right age. A similar importance was attached to the eruption of the upper canines first. Now, such signs are not given importance.

Silver spoon for the first tooth

Among the many signs and customs that are associated with the appearance of the first tooth in a child, there is an ancient belief about a silver spoon. When the child's teeth began to cut, he was presented with a silver spoon. The godparents did this and did not forget to knock on the first tooth with this spoon. The tradition is associated with the beginning of complementary feeding and that soon it will be useful to him.

The custom of donating a silver spoon, when the first tooth comes out, promises that all subsequent ones in the child will be strong throughout life. But this is not the only meaning. It is believed that the whole life of a son or daughter will be happy.

Godfathers or other relatives gave a spoon in advance. And the cooled one was put into the mouth when problems with teething appeared, when pain appeared and the temperature rose. To make the teeth strong and not hurt, they let the child chew.

The ancestors believed that during the teething period, children are weaker protected from the influence of dark forces, so they tried to spend time with them at night. This also eased the condition of the child - teeth are not cut without problems.

Beliefs about the first missing tooth

Every child will lose their baby teeth. There are also signs about this phenomenon that came to us from antiquity. Almost all peoples have them, and recently modern versions have appeared. One of them is about the tooth fairy. She leaves the little ones with gifts under the pillow in exchange for a tooth. It was invented by a Spanish children's writer.

During the first months of life, the baby smiles at his parents with a toothless smile. But mom and dad are looking forward to the appearance of the milk incisors. This will mean that the baby has already grown a little and can prepare for eating tough foods. By the age of three, the child should have all milk teeth and chew any food without problems. Which teeth are cut first? For all babies, this process occurs in different ways. However, there is a scheme, deviations from which may indicate a lag in the development of the crumb.

When are the first teeth cut?

Every mother should know how to help a child. First of all, parents should pay attention to changes in the baby's behavior. If he became restless, salivation increased, you can expect the first incisors to appear soon. The onset of the moment when the child has the first tooth depends on several factors. First of all, it is heredity. If mom and dad began to erupt late in infancy, you should not expect another from the child. The nutrition of the crumbs also matters. A small body should receive a sufficient amount of calcium. If the baby is breastfed, the mother should eat more dairy products.

Oddly enough, climatic conditions can also affect teething. In hot countries, babies' first milk incisors appear much earlier. Also, if a child was born at the end of May and the first months of his life fall in the summer, his teeth may appear a little earlier. The process is also influenced by the sex of the child. As a rule, girls become the happy owners of the first milk teeth earlier.

Which teeth are cut first in a child? In this, all pediatricians are unanimous. The lower incisors appear first. Although, of course, there are exceptions to the rule. If the baby first of all begins to appear molars or eye teeth, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Signs of eruption

How do you know if your child's teeth are starting to erupt? This question is partly rhetorical. It is impossible to judge only one state of the baby. It is possible to say for sure that the incisors begin to cut through the baby only when the first tooth appears. However, it is worth paying attention to some points. How do children get teething? The first signs of cutting will appear in the mouth of the crumbs. Pay attention to the baby's gums. If they are reddened and swollen, the first teeth can be expected soon.

Cutting out the first incisors is a lengthy process. The baby can become restless long before the first tooth appears. Already from 3 months, babies begin to pull everything into their mouths. In this way, they try to scratch their gums. The crumbs may increase salivation. You should also pay attention to the sour smell from the baby's mouth. It appears as a result of the decomposition of particles of the mucous membrane. The first tooth literally breaks its way to the surface.

During teething, the child's immunity is significantly reduced. Therefore, more alarming symptoms may appear, such as fever, redness of the throat, diarrhea, cough, etc. At this time, it is undesirable to visit public places with the child. The baby's body should get stronger. It is also undesirable to be vaccinated at a time when the baby's first tooth erupts. The outcome of medical intervention can be unpredictable. A child's poor health cannot always be attributed to teething. Be sure to call a pediatrician at home. The specialist will make an accurate diagnosis and suggest how to avoid complications.

Scheme and timing of teething

Any doctor can only roughly tell from how many months the first teeth are being cut. This process is different for each child. However, there is a rough outline. Most babies develop lower and upper incisors first. This usually happens by 8 months. There are also early babies whose teeth begin to erupt by 4 months. The next four incisors usually appear on the first birthday. Thus, a one-year-old child may already have eight teeth. The first molars appear until one and a half years. Then the fangs cut through. This is followed by the second molars. They appear last.

Mom will immediately understand that the crumbs are teething. The timing of teething in children can be very different. If a baby has the first incisor at 4 months, this does not mean at all that the rest of the teeth will appear as quickly. For some, the whole process takes no more than a year. But in some children, all the teeth cannot erupt even in three years. The late appearance of the first incisors should not be cause for panic. However, it is still worth seeking advice from a pediatrician. Perhaps the baby is not consuming enough calcium. And this is harmful to the entire bone apparatus.

Teething too early is also not a cause for pride. If the first incisors in the crumbs appeared before the age of 4 months, it is worth conducting an examination for endocrine disorders. There are cases when babies are already born with their first teeth. Such incisors are removed so that the mother can fully breastfeed the baby.

Baby adentia

If, after a year, the baby's teeth still do not appear, it is recommended to consult a dentist. In most cases, the specialist at the appointment finds swollen gums. Thanks to a small massage, it is possible to stimulate the process. Which teeth are cut first, the doctor will notice right away. But in rare cases, a diagnosis of adentia can be made. This is the complete absence of tooth buds. There are several types of this disease. With complete edentulousness, the baby may be completely left without teeth. There may be several reasons for the disease. For example, a congenital trait due to genetic factors or an infectious disease suffered by the mother during pregnancy.

With full or partial adentia in children, prosthetics are performed from the age of three. Such babies should be constantly registered with the dentist and regularly come for examination. The fact is that the pressure of the prosthesis can contribute to the lag in the development of the jaw. In the future, the child may develop problems with chewing food. When treating an ailment with prosthetics, complications may arise. They are associated with jaw atrophy. Pressure sores, inflammation can also develop. Parents will have to carefully monitor the child's oral cavity. Proper hygiene is essential.

Adentia is a complex disease with unpleasant consequences. You can't let the illness take its course. First of all, the baby is threatened by psychological discomfort. A child without teeth will not be able to fully attend school and communicate with peers. Therefore, you should definitely think about installing a high-quality prosthesis.

How can I help my baby?

Many people are familiar with the pain of teething wisdom teeth. Young children experience approximately the same sensations when the first incisors appear. Parents need to know how to help their little ones get through this difficult period. At what age are the first teeth cut? Symptoms may appear as early as 2 months. Pain syndrome is excellent for relieving massage. Parents can do it with washed hands. Use your thumb or forefinger to lightly press on your gums. With such manipulations, most babies immediately calm down.

Cold helps to relieve itching and pain perfectly. There are special teether toys on sale. They are a small container filled with liquid. Such a toy, before giving to the baby, must be placed in the refrigerator. The baby will bite the teether and cool the painful gums.

There are also medications. It is recommended to use them in the most extreme cases. If the baby is very moody, does not sleep well at night, you can use special cooling antiseptic gels. Before using any medication, it is worth consulting your pediatrician. The specialist will tell you at what age the first teeth begin to cut and how to ease the suffering of the baby.

How to take care of your first teeth?

As soon as the first milk teeth erupt, parents have new responsibilities. Even one incisor must be properly cared for. Hygiene is of the utmost importance. In this way, adults form the child's proper oral care habits. In addition, the health of permanent incisors and molars.

For cleaning the first teeth, special silicone tips are sold in pharmacies. It is not necessary to use the paste. It is enough to moisten the nozzle in ordinary boiled water. Toothpastes are used when at least four teeth appear in the baby's mouth. In this case, it is worth paying attention to pastes with a minimum fluorine content. Regardless of which teeth are cut first, care should be taken with extreme care. The brush should be used with soft bristles so as not to damage the weak enamel of the first incisors.

Associated problems with teething

Many parents are concerned about the age at which the first tooth is cut. It can only be answered approximately. All children are individual. But the problems with teething in almost all babies are the same. As soon as the first milk teeth begin to appear, the immunity of infants is significantly reduced. As a result, the child becomes vulnerable to many infectious diseases. They can also appear in the oral cavity. The most common childhood illness is stomatitis.

During the period of teething, it is worth limiting the child's communication with peers. Better to walk separately from large groups of children. It is also worth visiting the clinic in case of emergency. Better to call the pediatrician at home. It is worth closely monitoring the condition of the crumbs. If the body temperature rises, it is recommended to call emergency help.

Profuse salivation during teething

Increased salivation in a baby after the second month of life is absolutely normal. Regardless of which teeth are cut first, the child experiences discomfort in the gums. As a result, an abundant amount of saliva appears. This symptom cannot be ignored. Saliva falls on the baby's chin, irritating the delicate skin. Itching and rashes may develop, which will make the baby even more uncomfortable.

How can I help my child? Parents need to know how teething occurs in children. The pediatrician will be able to tell the timing, order. Informed mums and dads will be able to prepare in advance for such unpleasant symptoms as increased salivation and moods. The first step is to eliminate the discomfort in the gums. Special gels will help to cope with this task. If the baby does not experience pain, salivation will also decrease. At home, it is undesirable to get involved in medication. The gel can be used before walking or sleeping at night. Also, a regular pacifier will come to the rescue. Thanks to this device, the child swallows saliva without any problems.

Caries of milk teeth

Regardless of which teeth are cut first (upper or lower), their quality depends on many factors. Some children do not know at all what a dentist is. Others have to meet a doctor from an early age. As soon as a dark speck appears on a milk tooth, you should immediately go to a specialist.

Previously, it was believed that there was no need to treat milk teeth. After all, they fall out and are replaced by permanent incisors. In fact, the condition of the permanent ones directly depends on the quality of milk teeth. Bad teeth are a source of infection. It is not only the oral cavity that suffers, but the entire body. To keep your teeth intact for longer, you should eat less sweets and maintain proper hygiene. It is advisable for the kid to clean them after each meal.

You need to make it a rule to visit your pediatric dentist regularly. Modern kids are no longer afraid to treat their teeth. The latest equipment is used, which does not cause discomfort. During the treatment, the dentist will tell the child's parents which teeth are cut first and how to properly care for them.

Let's sum up

Teething of deciduous teeth is a complex process that causes discomfort for babies and anxiety for parents. It doesn't matter which teeth are cut first in children. It is important to provide timely and proper care for the baby's oral cavity. An adult child will delight parents with a snow-white smile.

Already in the maternity hospital, a woman receives all the necessary information about how to care for a newborn: feed, walk, bathe, etc. Parents do not even think about the fact that after a while their teeth will begin to erupt. But time flies forward rapidly and there comes a moment when the baby's first teeth begin to erupt. This is a very difficult period for a baby, since the body temperature can rise, there is strong salivation, the baby becomes moody, sleep is disturbed. How can I help my child? We will try to find out this, as well as analyze when and in what sequence the first teeth begin to erupt.

When do milk teeth start to grow?

The appearance of the first teeth is an important stage in the life of a child under one year old, which means that he begins to grow up. Teething usually occurs at 6 months, but in some children this happens earlier (at 3 - 4 months) or much later (at 8 - 10 months).

How to understand that the child will soon have the first teeth? The following symptoms are eloquent evidence of this:

  • redness of the gums and their swelling;
  • the child's desire to keep something constantly in his mouth, bite and chew toys;
  • vomiting;
  • temperature increase;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • diathesis;
  • increased salivation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • tearfulness;
  • restless sleep;
  • cough, nasal congestion.

All children endure this period in different ways, some are painful, and some quite easily. There is no single scheme according to which one can judge the time of the appearance of teeth, since this is all individual. However, according to existing regulations, the first teeth should appear closer to 6 months, and by the year they should already be 6 - 8... But this does not always happen. In some children, even a year, there are no signs of eruption and this is considered a variant of the norm, unless we are talking about the reasons that prevent the beginning of the process (developmental anomalies, diseases, etc.). Therefore, it is impossible to establish precisely the time when the first teeth will erupt.

Factors affecting the timing of eruption

In order to know with confidence when to expect the appearance of the first teeth, it is necessary to take into account external and internal factors, such as:

  • genetic characteristics;
  • child's nutrition, as well as the quality of the water he uses;
  • living climate;
  • endocrinological diseases.

When it becomes clear that teeth will not appear soon, then we can assume the presence of pathologies associated with congenital anomalies or developmental disorders. These can be the following ailments:

  • Adentia, which is a congenital pathologycharacterized by the complete absence of tooth buds. That is why they have nowhere to appear. Edentia is determined using an X-ray or a radiovisiograph.
  • Rickets is mainly a childhood disease, the development of which occurs due to the inability of the body to assimilate the required amount of vitamin D. As a result, the body does not receive enough calcium salts, which are necessary for the growth and development of tissues. This disorder can lead to late appearance of teeth.

Teething sequence

The order in which the child's first teeth begin to climb is laid down by nature itself. Usually the lower front teeth appear first, followed by the upper ones. Canine teeth grow hard enough, and the formation of the milk dentition is completely completed by the age of three... The central incisors of the lower dentition, which appear first, can grow both simultaneously and in turn. The upper incisors are cut next on the principle of pairing.

After that, lateral incisors appear: first two lower teeth, and then two upper teeth. At the age of one, the child usually has all the incisors: four at the bottom and at the top. Then the canines erupt, and then all the other teeth.

So, the scheme for the eruption of milk teeth in a child is presented as follows:

  • Central incisors. The lower ones appear at 6 - 10 months, and the upper ones - at 7 - 12.
  • Lateral incisors. The upper ones begin to climb first at 9 - 11 months, and then the lower ones - at 11 - 13 months.
  • Small molars. Usually the lower ones appear first at 12 - 18 months, and then the upper ones - at 13 - 19 months.
  • Fangs. The lower ones erupt at 18 - 20 months, and the upper ones - at 16 - 18 months.
  • Large molars. The lower ones climb at 20 - 31 months, the upper ones - at 25 - 33 months.

It should be remembered that this scheme is approximate and this order may vary. Dentists note that recently, quite often the lower lateral incisors begin to climb firstand then the top ones. It also happens that fangs appear first, and only then small molars.

By the age of three, a child has 20 teeth. But it may be that such an amount is cut much earlier, for example, at 2 years. They fall out at six - seven years old, giving way to permanent ones.

Dangerous complications when teething milk teeth

When the child's first teeth begin to climb, then he has a digestive upset, the temperature rises, a stuffy nose and a cough. But such symptoms are typical for many diseases. So how to determine that it is teething, and does not manifest itself in this way pathology?

Moist cough

When the first teeth begin to appear, symptoms such as profuse salivation and mild cough are considered quite normal. Saliva accumulates in the throat, so the lying baby wants to get rid of it and clears his throat. A wet cough may also appear while sitting, but this is much less common. It usually takes 2-3 days without any special treatment.

It is quite another matter when the child's cough is very strong and frequent, with copious sputum. If it lasts more than two days and is accompanied by shortness of breath and wheezing, then an urgent need to consult a doctor.

Runny nose

When children develop teeth, the amount of mucus in the nose increases. It is usually liquid and transparent. Such a runny nose is mild and disappears in 3 to 4 days. It is treated with a simple rinsing of the nose to remove the accumulated mucus.

But parents should be on their guard in the event that profuse coryza, with greenish or cloudy white mucus... If it does not go away after three days, then you should consult a pediatrician.

Elevated temperature

When teeth are erupting, bioactive substances begin to be produced in the baby's gums. Such the process causes an increase in body temperature to 37 - 38 degreeswhich lasts 1 - 2 days. After that, the baby's condition is normalized. You can bring down the temperature with the help of antipyretic drugs, which are harmless to young children.

But when the baby's well-being does not improve, and the temperature lasts for more than two days, then this is a serious reason to see a doctor. You should also immediately contact a pediatrician if the child's temperature rises above 39 degrees.


When children have teeth, the body begins to increase the activity of salivation. As a result of this, the baby swallows saliva all the time, which contributes to the acceleration of intestinal motility. This causes diarrhea with watery stools.... The act of defecation does not occur so often, only 2 to 3 times a day and usually takes place in two to three days.

A doctor should be consulted if the diarrhea lasts a long time, is frequent and intense, which can provoke dehydration in the child. Parents should also be alerted to blood in the stool or the presence of mucus. Sometimes the opposite condition can be observed - constipation, which should not last more than 3 to 4 days. The doctor must give recommendations on how to help the baby cleanse the intestines.

How can I help my child?

To make the baby easier to endure the period of teething, you can use the following methods:

  • Devices - teethersinside which there is a gel or liquid filler. With the help of them, the child satisfies the need for chewing. They should be used chilled, thereby reducing itching and burning. The disadvantage of such a device is the need for constant cooling.
  • Bottles, nippleswhich are also designed to satisfy the chewing needs of children. When choosing a nipple, it is necessary to take into account its shape, since if it is incorrect, it will lead to an incorrect bite in the future. It is best to use special orthodontic nipples made of latex or silicone.
  • Gum massage... To do this, use gauze swabs dipped in water. This allows not only to eliminate discomfort in the oral cavity, but also to carry out its hygiene. It is important to keep the movements neat and smooth.
  • Using a fingertip... With the help of such a brush, the child's oral cavity is taken care of, at the same time soothing the teething sites.

Thus, during the eruption of the first teeth in a child, he is very much in need of maternal attention and care. Therefore, you should not be afraid to spoil him, but as often as possible apply the baby to the breast and spend as much time with him as possible. This is what will help him to get through such a difficult time easier.

If your child's first milk tooth falls out, you don't need to panic, but you shouldn't be negligent about this event either. If you are not superstitious, you can save the "relic" in a beautiful box along with other important items that remind you of your baby's early childhood, or donate a lost milk tooth to a stem cell bank.

But superstitious people are better off performing all the rituals recommended by folk wisdom. So what to do with the child's first fallen milk tooth, and how to calm the child as soon as possible, if the loss caused him negative emotions - on this occasion, the peoples of the world have developed different traditions - you can choose any one to your taste.

Is it possible to store baby milk teeth - signs

There are different opinions on this matter. Biological material in the form of teeth is a desirable item for magical rituals. Through milk teeth, you can spoil, make a love spell, harm in another way.

Can you imagine what would happen if a witch or a sorcerer stole them? Therefore, it is not recommended to store fallen milk in the house, and to try to make amulets or talismans out of them. The best amulet is the teeth in the mouth in place.

What to do with the fallen milk teeth - nomadic peoples simply bury them in order to protect the child from damage, and attract good luck to the baby. But the residents of villages and villages have a different point of view. They make amulets. To do this, children's fallen teeth are wrapped in red cloth, tied with red thread and a special conspiracy is read.

When a child's first teeth are cut, it creates problems for everyone around.

The baby's temperature rises, he tries to gnaw something, screams a lot with tears. Connoisseurs of folk wisdom have dealt with this problem using the methods of household safe magic.

The baby's cradle was surrounded with special amulets and talismans, and the baby was allowed to gnaw on the charmed things. This helped to protect and anesthetize the process of eruption of milk, and even to shape the offspring of the desired fate. For example, for the development of courage, judgment, wisdom, the child was given the fang of a wolf.

The very first milk tooth is considered the main one; many superstitions are associated with it. According to tradition, as soon as he came out into the world, the godparents should immediately give the baby a silver spoon. After that (according to popular belief) the teeth grow strong and beautiful. There is nothing surprising in this tradition.

Silver is a natural antiseptic, a universal magic metal that can protect a child's mouth not only from pathogenic microbes, but also from evil spirits hunting for an innocent soul (it is believed that evil spirits are attracted by the smell of blood).

Folk omens about milk teeth allow us to predict what the fate of the baby will be like when he grows up:

  • Early teething indicates the imminent replenishment of the family (the baby will have a brother or sister).
  • When the baby's upper teeth first appear, the addition in the family can be expected in the same year.
  • By the number of the first-born by the year, they wondered about the number of future children in the family.
  • A long and difficult eruption foreshadowed a difficult character in a child. It was believed that the baby would be moody and whiny.
  • If the first milk teeth are very late in appearance, this is a sign of the great talents of the child, of future luck or wealth.
  • When, contrary to the norms, he first appears in the top row, this means that later an adult will be the creator of his own destiny, if he wishes, he will be able to radically change it.
  • The kids were forbidden to spit out the window (otherwise a severe toothache could not be avoided).
  • A baby born with teeth is a great sign. The boy will become a commander, and the girl will be very lucky with the marriage.

If a baby had the very first canines, this was considered a very bad omen. It was said about such a child that he would live very badly.

Can you just throw it away

If you just throw out the first milk tooth, then the baby will suffer from insomnia

According to superstition, this should not be done. It has been noticed that if you just throw out the first milk tooth, then the baby will suffer from insomnia, and new ones will grow incorrectly.

According to belief in the afterlife, you need to present them. In the event of a shortage, the soul will have to return to the real world in search. From a practical point of view, milk teeth are a storehouse of stem cells that can save a person's life. But there are other reasons as well.

Another sign warns: if a tooth falls into the possession of an animal, then a person will have animal fangs.

And from real superstitions it follows that a grown-up child will leave far and forever from his parents who neglected his first baby tooth that fell out.

Popular wisdom is not limited to this, and offers a number of signs about the gap between the upper teeth:

  1. The presence of a gap between the front teeth of the child was a sign that a person would become a merry fellow, a joker - they say about such personalities: "the soul of the company."
  2. When a child has a gap, this portends an enhanced development of his intellectual abilities, speaks of a good disposition.
  3. Another interpretation of the gap between the teeth is a sign of an insidious person, prone to deceit, capable of deception.
  4. If a coin passes freely in the gap, this gives out the future rich man (English sign).
  5. The gap portends poverty and an unhappy life (Chinese omen).
  6. Rare teeth are an indicator of an irresponsible and frivolous person.
  7. Small ones, who are cramped in their places, give out a stingy person, characterized by increased "harmfulness", who at the same time tends to often fall in love.
  8. Tooth decay (for a child or an adult) is a harbinger of loss, or a warning that you are busy with an impossible task.

Parting with milk is stress for the baby. To neutralize unpleasant feelings, parents come up with different stories, teach the child to “say goodbye” correctly.

Giving a milk tooth to a spirit, a fairy, or a mouse is an ancient tradition. If a toddler gives up a loss in an organized manner, he should receive a gift. The purpose of this ritual is to support the child, create a special mood in him, and simply please.

Give to the fairy

This tradition was invented by Louis Colom, a writer of the 18th century. He composed a fairy tale for the young king of Spain, when a high-ranking offspring had the first dairy at 8 years old. Just the story was about a fairy who takes a baby tooth that has been put there by a baby under the pillow and leaves a nice gift in its place.

Telling all these tales to your child, do not forget to add that whole teeth in good condition are valued more expensive than damaged ones, you can get better gifts for them. So the child will be more willing to monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity.

Transfer to mouse

Our great-grandmothers also advised me to say: "Mouse, mouse, take the milk tooth, and bring me a new one, bone and strong," and throw it under the floor. Most likely, this sign is due to the fact that rodents have strong incisors, and the same strong teeth will grow in a child.

And the appeal to the mouse is due to the fact that these small animals were widespread in villages. They set up their dwellings under the floors and behind the stove. Therefore, the teeth were thrown into the oven or into the basement so that the mouse could surely discover the cherished gift.

Such a tradition (giving a tooth to a mouse) existed not only in Russia, but also in Germany and other European countries. And the Slavs, throwing a lost tooth into the stove, hoped that the brownie would take it.

Despite the numerous traditions when changing teeth, it is a good idea to consult a dentist

Traditions and beliefs of other peoples about milk teeth

The folk wisdom of the population of different countries abounds in different rituals for lost teeth. If such an important exciting event happened to your child, choose what to do.


In this country of business people, the tale of the "tooth fairy" is widespread, which in return brings a material reward in the form of a coin.


Here, instead of a fairy, an ant comes at night and replaces the tooth with money.


In order for new ones to grow well, Polish children bury them in the garden.


In the north of the country there are people who believe that a tooth that has fallen out must certainly be burned. This ritual simultaneously eliminates the possibility of abduction, use by sorcerers, and gives a chance that a new strong incisor will grow instead of the one dropped.

In addition, the British believe that the baby tooth must be destroyed in any way so that it does not enter the stomach of any animal. Otherwise, the child will have an ugly smile, or ugly fangs will appear, like an animal that has swallowed a tooth.

Gypsy camp

Representatives of the freedom-loving people bury a child's fallen milk tooth in the steppe or throw it to the moon (when the night star is in a growing phase). At the same time, they read special conspiracies to attract wealth. Gypsies believe that in this way they will attract good luck, which will help their child throughout their lives, and protect them from troubles and enemies.

Japan, Asian countries

Eastern traditions associated with milk teeth are aimed at protecting against the evil eye. To do this, the lower ones are hidden under the porch, and the upper ones are thrown onto the roof of the house. At the same time, parents read the conspiracy.

Despite the many traditions, when changing teeth, it is a good idea to consult a dentist. The doctor will tell you how best to stop the blood, treat the wound to prevent the development of infection and not attract the attention of evil spirits. And stories and myths will help your child cope with fear, add confidence and tranquility in later life.

Teething is a painful process for both mom and baby. Learn more about first teeth symptoms and sedatives to help ease this awkward life stage.

Briefly about teething

The process by which a child's tooth breaks through the gum. It usually occurs between 6 and 24 months.

When are the first teeth cut?

The onset of eruption symptoms is usually several days ahead of the onset of the tooth. While a baby's first tooth can appear between 4 and 10 months of age, it usually erupts at around 6 months of age. Some dentists report a familial pattern of “early,” “medium,” or “late” eruptions.

Natal teeth are a relatively rare condition that is characterized by the presence of a tooth at birth. The frequency of such an event is one in 2000-3000 births. Usually such a single and often poorly formed tooth is a unique event for a normal child. Rarely, the presence of a natal tooth is just one of several unusual physical findings that make up the syndrome. If it is likely to occur, consultation with a dentist and / or geneticist may be helpful. The natal tooth often falls out and is usually removed before the newborn is discharged from hospital to eliminate the risk of aspiration into the lungs.

What are the symptoms of the appearance of the first teeth?

Teething is usually associated with discomfort in the gum and jaw area as a baby's tooth prepares to break soft tissue. As it moves under the gum surface, the gum may appear slightly red or swollen. Occasionally, a fluid-filled area similar to a "blood bladder" is visible above the erupting tooth. Some protruding teeth may be more sensitive than others. Molars often cause severe discomfort due to their large surface, which cannot “cut” the gum tissue like a capable incisor does. With the exception of third molars (wisdom teeth), eruption of permanent teeth rarely causes the discomfort associated with the appearance of "baby" (primary or milk) teeth.

Below is a list of common first teeth symptoms.

Irritability. It causes discomfort from eruption. The first teeth and molars bring the most inconvenience to the child.

How to help: extra time with your baby can relieve toothache and provide comfort and relaxation.

Salivation / skin rash. Teething stimulates the production of saliva, which leads to a rash.

Cough. Teething saliva can cause an occasional cough.

How to help: if your cough is accompanied by a high fever and symptoms of a cold or flu, see your pediatrician. A high fever is not associated with teething, but is actually a sign that a child is sick.

Biting and gnawing.Resisting pressure from under the gums can relieve pain.

How to help: something cold works great.

Slight rise in temperature.36.6ºC to 37.7ºC: Occurs when an infant puts unclean hands in its mouth.

See your pediatrician if the temperature rises above 38ºC or does not drop in any way, because this may not be teething, but a more serious illness.

How to help: use an appropriate pain reliever for your baby's age and consult your pediatrician about the manufacturer and the correct dosage.

Rubbing the cheeks and stretching the ears. Pain in the gums can radiate to the cheek and ear, especially when molars are erupting. Babies rub these areas because they experience severe discomfort and irritation. Be aware that stretching or rubbing your ears can also be a sign of an ear infection, so check with your pediatrician if this symptom persists or is accompanied by a high fever.

How to help: to help with this discomfort, rub and massage your gums with a clean finger for one to two minutes.

Diarrhea. Many people believe that the increased salivation that occurs during teething can cause loose stools. Remember that diarrhea can be a sign of a severe infection, so see your pediatrician if your stool becomes watery. Such a symptom may indicate that the child is at risk of dehydration. Contact with a specialist is especially important if the diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting or high fever.

It is important to note that the appearance of teeth is not associated with the following symptoms:

  • high fever (especially over 38ºC);
  • severe diarrhea, runny nose, and persistent cough;
  • prolonged nervousness;
  • severe body rash.

Does Teething Promote High Temperatures?

Studies have not shown a causal relationship between teething and the development of fever. Viral infections, which usually occur independently and simultaneously with the appearance of the first teeth, can cause fever. However, the eruption virus does not exist.

Can teething cause vomiting?

The appearance of teeth has no causal relationship with vomiting. As professional dentists note, teething does not cause fever, runny nose, cough, or diarrhea. The only thing that it causes is the appearance of teeth.

What is the order of teething in babies?

Below is a graph of the appearance of primary teeth.

What is the duration of teething?

At the age of 6 to 12 years, the roots of 20 "children's" teeth degenerate, which allows 32 permanent "adult" teeth to grow. Third molars (“wisdom teeth”) do not have a prior “child” version and usually erupt in mid to late adolescence. They are often removed due to their tendency to crowding and orientation curves.

Children usually experience intermittent discomfort for a few days before a tooth erupts across the gum line. Some worry more than others, especially during the transition of teeth through tissues deep into the gum line. Most likely, molars, due to their shape, are associated with discomfort during the appearance of teeth.

When should you tell your dentist about teething pain?

Since both the appearance of teeth and high fever, nervousness and diarrhea are extremely common, they constantly occur at the same time. Other illnesses or disorders (such as viral infections) are much more likely to cause fever, fussiness, and / or nasal congestion with coughs and diarrhea. If you experience any of the symptoms, it is important to see a doctor. Do not assume that teething is causing them.

What medicines are used to treat toothache?

The need for pain relievers is controversial.

Medicines placed on the gums

While some parents approve of topical medications, studies don't always prove their benefits. In May 2011, the FDA issued a warning to avoid the use of oral medications containing the local anesthetic benzocaine (such as Orajel). It is the main ingredient in many over-the-counter sprays, lozenges, and gels. An FDA warning points to an association of benzocaine with methemoglobinemia, a rare but extremely serious complication. This side effect severely limits the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout the body, which can be fatal.

People who develop methemoglobinemia become pale, dizzy, confused, and short of breath. Heart palpitations are also common. This adverse reaction can develop with the first or after several exposures to benzocaine. Anyone with these symptoms should seek immediate medical attention. Special medications are needed to eliminate these side effects.

Alcohol should never be used to numb the gums.

Medications taken by mouth to relieve pain

Ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) may help with pain. The first should not be given to infants under 6 months of age. Medication should only be used a few times when other home care methods are not helping. Care should be taken not to overdo it during the teething period. The medicine can mask some of the symptoms that are important to understanding the situation. Do not give medicines that contain aspirin to children. No prescription medications are usually prescribed for teething.

What home remedies relieve pain?

Babies who have teething often feel better with light pressure on their gums. For this reason, many doctors recommend gently rubbing your gums with a clean finger or asking your child to bite with a clean rag. If the pain during teething causes feeding problems, then another nipple or using a cup will help relieve the discomfort. Cold objects also reduce inflammation. Experienced parents use frozen washcloths and ice cubes for this purpose.

Be careful to avoid prolonged contact of very cold objects with your gums. Never put anything in your child's mouth (including teething cookies) that could cause choking. Homeopathic teething medicines should be viewed with caution as the quality and concentration of the ingredients are not guaranteed. Such products are not subject to FDA (Food and Drug Administration) reviews.

How to take care of your baby's new teeth?

Oral hygiene can be started even before the first tooth erupts. In this regard, daily cleaning of the gums in the morning and in the evening using the washbasin used to cleanse the face and hands after eating is very effective. Fluoride has been shown to be extremely effective in reducing the development of tooth decay and associated dental cavities. Since the amount of fluoride varies with the source of water, consult your pediatrician or dentist regarding any supplements required.

Recommendations are often based on the concentration of fluoride in the water intake and the age of the child. Its excess can cause permanent staining of the teeth. Baby teeth seem to be most vulnerable during the first three years of life. For this reason, fluoridated toothpaste is rarely needed for children under 3 years of age. A mother's fluoride supplementation during pregnancy will not do any good for dental density and will not protect a baby's milk or permanent teeth from subsequent caries.

Fluorosis - forms

Babies and children should never take a bottle in their crib. Formula, breast milk, cow's milk, soy milk, and juice can all be linked to tooth decay. Ingestion of sticky dried fruits (such as raisins) or other foods heavily loaded with sugar (such as candy) is also associated with increased cavity formation.

Table. Features of the care of baby teeth.

Care methodDescription
Lip lift every monthGently lift your baby's upper lip once a month to check the condition of his mouth. This is a quick and easy way to see if there is tooth decay (holes).
Using a cupWhen your baby is 6 months old, it is important to prepare him to drink liquids from a cup. Start small and it will be easier for you to wean him off the chest or bottle.
Fluoride toothpasteYour child needs a toothpaste with a fluoride content of less than 1000 parts per million (ppm).
Brushing your teeth twice a dayBrush your baby's teeth morning and evening using a soft bristled brush.

When to take your child to the dentist?

The first dental visit should be at the age of one year. If the delayed schedule is selected, the last time for the first visit to the specialist is 3 years. Trauma, problems with the development of the jaw, toothache, staining of the teeth and unusual changes in their shape oblige parents to seek professional help. read the article.

Video - The first teeth in a child. Three main rules