The name of drinking water in two words. Drinking water of well-known manufacturers was dangerous to health

Despite the fact that the market for production and sales is large enough, today there is no objective scientific research on the basis of which it would be possible to make a rating of the quality of bottled water. Although ratings can be found on various sites, for the most part they are based on data that are not verifiable. As a result, it is better to blindly not trust the drafters of these ratings, but to study the composition of water and other data to make the right decision. However, no one is stopping you from creating your personal rating of bottled water based on your own preferences.

We all know from the school geography course that there is much more water on Earth than land. But the problem is that its bulk is the salt water of the seas and oceans, suitable only for its indigenous inhabitants - fish, whales, dolphins, etc. Man needs fresh water for life. Until recently, we were sure that it was enough on our planet, and that you could die of thirst only in the Sahara desert. It was not without reason that a well-known proverb formed: "Just how to give a drink."

But the twentieth century, with its rapid development of technological progress, made its disappointing corrections, and now we are increasingly hearing that ordinary water will very soon become not only vital for mankind, but the most important strategic resource - much more needed than the notorious oil and gas , gold and diamonds. And this is understandable: people have lived without oil and gas for thousands of years, without gold and diamonds it is also not so difficult to do, but drinking water is in second place after air in the ranking of things necessary for life. Alas, thanks to the same ill-fated technological progress that people admired so much a hundred years ago — from the point of view of history, this period of time is negligible — its reserves have noticeably been depleted, and the quality has become frighteningly low.

What kind of water do we drink?

To make sure of this once again, you don’t need to go far, just open the water tap in your kitchen or bathroom. Very often, the liquid flowing from there in appearance and smell resembles anything, but not water, and we become scared at the thought that we will have to drink it, or cook food from it. Of course, drinking water is purified at special facilities, but what is the cost of cleaning using well-known chlorination? You do not need to have a degree in biology in order to realize that cheap and affordable bleach is not the most useful substance for our internal organs: just smell it enough. Getting rid of - as if - with its help, the immediate risk of catching an infection, we are ruining our health in the future.

Moreover, after saturation with chlorine, water goes to our apartments through a water supply system, often laid several decades ago, whose condition leaves much to be desired - and this is still mildly said. There, among other things, it is also saturated with rust, and rust is not the same iron, which doctors have always told us about the benefits. Thus, the amount of the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in it is on the verge of this very limit.

How effective are water filters?

Many of the city residents, trying to somehow rectify the situation, install household filters for water purification on the in-house water pipes - in the last decade this product has become unusually popular among residents of megacities, including Muscovites. Such filters are really able to correct the situation, but only slightly, and only for a while. Sometimes the degree of contamination of tap water is so great that it is simply impossible to achieve its high-quality purification using conventional filtration: what can household filters do where industrial ones are powerless?

The cassettes of these filters very quickly fail, and they must be constantly changed, otherwise the reverse process will begin: the dirt from the overflowed filters will fall back into the water passing through them, making it even more dirty. In this situation, the only way out is to buy bottled water for drinking and cooking. In the distribution network, the choice of such water is now unusually rich, and to figure out which of the offered brands deserves the greatest consumer confidence, it is worth looking at the rating of bottled drinking water.

Selection of bottled water

First, let's try to figure out what water is on the shelves of grocery supermarkets. All drinking water must fully comply with sanitary standards and state standards. Otherwise, it simply will not go on sale. In the trading floors there are two of its types: mineral and simple drinking. In addition, it is still carbonated and non-carbonated. Mineral is also subdivided into a dining room, intended for drinking by healthy people, and medicinal, containing substances that are useful in certain ailments of internal organs. It can be natural, extracted from natural mineral sources, or artificially saturated at special facilities with the necessary elements of the periodic table.

If you are interested in a large amount of drinking water, then you may be interested in buying.

If you choose drinking water, then it will be interesting for you to read an article about which water is most beneficial for health on this one.

And for the right choice of the best water for the cooler, it will be interesting for you to familiarize yourself with this one.

As expected, everything artificial is not at all what is natural, and if we have a choice, we always give preference to the latter. But how to distinguish natural mineral water from synthetic water? First of all, on the label: it must necessarily indicate the place of production, the number of the well and other data confirming its natural origin. In the second - at a price: a natural product is, of course, higher than an artificial one: after all, extracting water from a well or from a water supply system, as they say, is two big differences. Therefore, expressed by A.S. Pushkin in his tale, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dangers of the pursuit of cheapness is valid in this case. When thinking about whether to buy what is cheaper, or what is more expensive, it is worth remembering not only how your choice will affect the wallet, but also how it will affect your body.

Now - about drinking water. Of course, mineral water is also intended for drinking, but it is still not worth using it everyday, for this purpose ordinary table water is better. Yes, and brew tea, as well as cook food, it is better in plain fresh water. I don’t think it’s necessary to talk about the fact that you should not try to cook borsch on soda. Minerals are present to one degree or another in all types of water, it’s just that their concentration in the mineral water is much higher, and it is hardly reasonable to use it in large quantities.

In the end, the task of water is not only to saturate our cells with life-giving moisture, but also to dissolve and remove various toxins and excess salts from them. Ordinary water, of course, copes with this much better than mineral. But what is ordinary water like? In principle, in the same way as in the case of mineral, options are possible: purified tap water, or extracted from artesian wells drilled deep into the earth.

Ways to clean drinking water

To clean the first, two methods are used:

  • Reverse osmosisconsisting in passing through several membranes with microscopic holes that can trap any impurities;
  • Coagulation, in which special coagulants are added to the water, causing impurities to precipitate, which is then removed.

The first method, quite expensive, allows you to purify water by almost a hundred percent. Everything would be fine if it were not for one “but”: along with harmful impurities, useful substances also leave it, and it turns into a distilled one. Once in the body, such water begins to take away these substances from it, saturating to the desired level, and then removes them. To avoid such an effect, manufacturers have to artificially saturate it with the necessary salts and minerals after osmosis, and such procedures do not affect its quality in the best way.

Coagulation is the easiest and cheapest way to clean, which manufacturers use in 70% of cases, as regards its quality - as they say, history is silent about it.

After all that has been said, it becomes clear that, as in the case of mineral water, the natural option is, of course, preferable. It is such drinking water, extracted from artesian wells from great depths, that our company Cheremis delivers to its customers - residents of the metropolitan metropolis. In the ranking of bottled water, it is at the top of the list, since it fully meets all the necessary requirements, does not need additional purification and can be used both for drinking and for cooking, as well as for use in coolers, which you can.

In those countries where the problem of drinking water is especially severe, it is produced from sea water. This video shows the entire production process:

Terms of cooperation with our company

We deliver water to customers' home or office addresses in containers that are most suitable for this - plastic cylinders with a capacity of 5 gallons (or 19 liters, which is one and the same, but sounds much more familiar and understandable). Such a bottle lasts for a sufficiently long period, and at the cost of its purchase is much more profitable than the equal in volume of the number of "one and a half" or five-liter. And if the client concludes an agreement with us for the systematic supply of drinking water, it costs him even less. We are convinced that our bottled water of 19 l, whose rating is growing due to customer reviews, is worth it to draw up such an agreement. The ratio of the quality and price of the water we supply is one of the best in the region, everyone who can try it is convinced of this.

Our company offers two types of bottled water:

  • « Mari spring»- Premium natural water with excellent mineral composition, which is ideal for daily use;
  • « Elite»- Purified drinking water. Rigidity and mineral composition are fully consistent with state and international standards.

A few decades ago, few could imagine that fresh water could be sold. It was believed that humanity was provided with water for years to come, but everything has changed: water is becoming a scarce commodity, and a business is being built around it. The number of regions with a shortage of fresh water is constantly increasing, and if earlier water could not be enough for agricultural activities, now people are left without water for drinking. In Russia, despite its rich natural resources, high-quality drinking water is also the subject of utmost attention. People are increasingly resorting to finding the best option for drinking water at a reasonable price.

Unfortunately, the lack of high-quality drinking water was imposed on most of the country's residents: somewhere, the housing and communal services system was in ruin, somewhere, money was saved on water treatment facilities and the construction of the pipeline, somewhere there was not enough control on the part of government bodies on the quality of the water sold and the methods her cleaning. The population has to independently search for sources of clean drinking water.

Drinking water should be useful, and usefulness is determined by the content of substances in it. The composition and amount of mineral salts in the water determines whether such drinking water is suitable for the physiological needs of a person. Any more or less high-quality bottled drinking water should be accompanied by information on the level of mineralization.

Micro- and macro-elements in drinking water should be in the optimal amount, and not on the principle of “more is better”. The safety and quality of water by its composition is determined by almost fifty parameters, some of which are determined by the content of sodium, potassium, calcium, silver, magnesium, chlorides, bicarbonates, sulfates, phosphates, heavy metals, nitrates in water. And this is not a complete list of substances that we receive daily with water.

In the Russian market, fewer than five brands of drinking water satisfy the quality and safety requirements to the maximum. The manufacturer of each of the brands has access to an artesian well, modern equipment and a proven control system. Such plants are located in large regional centers, so they manage to maintain high quality at low costs, which makes such water more accessible to the mass consumer.

This does not mean that there is quality water in only a few places throughout the country - you need to carefully approach the selection process. Focus on the label, which should contain information that the product is of the “highest category”, and it is better to buy the water itself only in large retail chains, where the chance of running into counterfeit is much lower. “Artesian water” in an incomprehensible container from a local store may well turn out to be ordinary tap water, well, if it went through at least some simple cleaning.

Already, water of good, and even higher quality, cannot be cheap. Even with the similarity of a water bottle, you should not think that the contents are equivalent. The chemical composition cannot be determined by eye, so it’s worth getting an idea of \u200b\u200bthe products offered in order to buy only proven water with good characteristics in the future.

The rating of the most useful and clean drinking water at the moment is as follows:

1. Fiji (UK). On the island of Viti Levu, artesian water of unsurpassed purity is mined. Water contains a large number of minerals that are beneficial to the human body. It is important that in Fiji water, silicon dioxide is found, which is actively used by the body in its continuous work.

2.   San Benedetto (Italy).  The best mineral water from Italy, which can be found in Europe and beyond. A balanced composition, the highest degree of purity and a low content of minerals give this water an unforgettable taste, bestowed by nature itself. Water is extracted from a well that goes deep into the bowels to spill it in its original form.

  Acqua panna   (Italy) . Mineral water without gases, which is very popular. It seemed to be created in order to be a favorite among their own kind, being the favorite water of professional chefs. The taste of water is soft, for which sommeliers and chefs fell in love with it. The company actively cooperates with representatives of the world of haute cuisine.
4.   Evian (France).   This brand is well known in Europe, the USA and Canada. The cost of water is high, since it is extracted at the same source in France.  Perrier, France. Another representative of French expensive drinking water. Like Evian, it is a premium brand. Since 1992, the company is part of the Nestle concern.5.   VOSS (Norway).  Scandinavian drinking water produced in Norway. The birthplace of this crystal clear water is the glaciers and cliffs of Norway. Pure water is good for the body, and the stylish packaging of this "northern" water will be a great addition to your image.6.   Waiwera (New Zealand).   World famous mineral water produced in New Zealand. It has healing properties. The source from where it is extracted is already several millennia, which gives the right to be called mineral water one of the oldest on the planet.


  Badoit (France).   French premium brand, which is very popular both in the manufacturing country and beyond. Water is distinguished by its natural taste.


  Harrogate spa (Great Britain).   Mineral water undergoing natural purification in the production process. Volcanic rocks occurring at great depths pass this water through themselves, ensuring its purity and rich mineral composition. Water does not contain sodium and has a sweet aftertaste.9.   Wildalp (Austria).  This mineral water has appeared on the Russian market recently. It belongs to the premium segment, which is confirmed by its unsurpassed taste and excellent degree of purification.10.   Borjomi (Georgia).  It is well known to all countries that were once part of the USSR. Water is especially popular in Georgia and Ukraine, but is available in forty countries. Taste of Borjomi is unique, so she simply can not find analogues. The average salinity of water is 6 mg / l, but a low salt concentration is observed. Such a unique composition makes water not only an excellent therapeutic agent, but also does not limit its intake.


  San Pellegrino (Italy). A popular European brand of drinking sparkling water. Distributed in Europe and the USA. The history of this mineral water has been going on for six centuries. Since the late 1980s, the brand has also entered the Nestle group. Water is high in magnesium and calcium, which is good for bones.


  Volvic (France).Another representative of the French mineral waters. The brand is known in more than fifty countries of the world. A key feature of this mineral water is the natural filtration of volcanic minerals and rocks. In the process of extraction, water passes through six porous rocks.Water of poor quality must be determined, but it will have to be done in appearance - unfortunately, you cannot open the bottle and drink directly in the store. Pay attention to the label immediately. Producers who care about consumers will always have full information on the chemical composition of water on the label, its category, place of production is indicated. The etiquette should contain information about the registration of the manufacturer in the relevant state bodies. The quality of labels and bottles can also say a lot. Counterfeit products at first glance may look like the original, but the quality immediately gives out a fake. The well-known manufacturers have also completed the design of the bottle with the label so that their products are pleasant to buy and drink. The risk of counterfeiting is much less in large stores, as they usually work with trusted suppliers, which also make no sense to resort to the services of scammers. You can order laboratory tests to assess water quality yourself if you have any doubts about this.

Mineral water: healing

Healing water in a liter of liquid contains more than 10 grams of minerals. This amount is considered increased. The composition of water is replete with elements and substances that are beneficial for the body, which can have a positive effect on various organs of the body. The etiquette of such water must necessarily indicate the degree of mineralization and the complete composition.

In the assortment of pharmacies, such water may be present, but it was originally drunk at medical resorts. The use of medicinal water directly from the source significantly increases its benefit.

Healing mineral water is poorly distributed, as it has a high cost, is difficult to deliver and store - stores prefer to sell water at a simpler level.

Mineral water: canteen

However, many experts advise not to use such water for cooking, but to drink it exclusively. The boiling process is accompanied by the release of mineral salts into the sediment, where chemical reactions lead to the appearance of compounds harmful to the body, especially to the kidneys.

Mineral water: medical and dining room

In this type of water, mineral substances in one liter should be present in a volume of 1 to 10 grams. Less mineralization is allowed, but the amount of components such as iodine, iron, boron, arsenic and silicon should be determined. The name of this type of mineral water speaks for itself: it can be both preventive and ordinary dining room. However, the constant use of such water in unnormalized quantities can harm the body, since the abundance of minerals will lead to a shift in the salt balance. Treatment with such water is possible only as directed by a specialist.

Bottled water sales are growing every year. Many people buy bottled water not only in hot weather outside, but also for daily use at home. How not to make a mistake with the choice? Roskontrol experts selected 12 popular brands of drinking and mineral water at a price of 20 to 150 rubles (from 6000 to 44 500 Belarusian rubles) for one and a half liters and conducted laboratory tests to find out which water is safe and high-quality.

For the examination, bottled water was purchased: “Shishkin Forest”, Bonaqua, “Holy Spring”, Evian, “Lipetsk Pump”, Cristaline, Vittel, “Just the ABC”, Nestle Pure Life, Aparan, Aqua Minerale, “D” (“Dixie” ").

1st place.  Water "D" ("Dixie") drinking non-carbonated. Price from 12 Russian rubles (3550 Belarusian) per liter. The number of points scored is 86.

Water, which is produced in the Nizhny Novgorod region by order of the Dixy distribution network, is recognized by experts as the most useful. She has an ideal composition for the content of micro and macro elements.

2nd place.  Vittel mineral non-carbonated. Price from 63 Russian rubles per liter (18,700). The number of points is 72.

Mineral water Vittel made in France, according to the results of the examination, is recognized as natural and safe. Its disadvantages include low fluorine content.

3rd place.  Evian mineral non-carbonated. Price from 84 Russian rubles per liter (25,000). The number of points is 71.

Evian water meets all safety requirements - no microbes, nitrates and other harmful components were found in it. But there are more useful elements - calcium and magnesium - than in other tested samples.

4th place.  "Lipetsk pump-room" drinking non-carbonated. Price from 16 Russian rubles (4700). The number of points is 66.

This water turned out to be the most delicious among the tested samples. But according to the results of laboratory tests, Lipetsk pump room is far from a leader: in terms of total mineralization and fluorine content, water does not reach the physiological norm.

5th place.  Aqua Minerale drinking non-carbonated. Price from 32 Russian rubles (9450). The number of points is 61.

6th place.  Nestle Pure Life drinking non-carbonated. Price from 25 Russian rubles (7400). The number of points is 59.

The label on the Nestle water indicates that it is a deeply purified water. Indeed, it was cleaned of harmful substances well, but, unfortunately, during cleaning, there were much less useful elements in it.

7th place.  "Just the alphabet" drinking non-carbonated. Price from 14 Russian rubles (4150). It is blacklisted.

Beautiful words on the label of this water - "pure water", "ideal for cooking", "does not form scale" - turned out to be true only partially. There will really be little scum from this water: there is too little calcium and magnesium in it, but you can’t call it purest: the number of microbes in this water exceeds the norm by 70 times.

8th place.  "Shishkin Forest" drinking non-carbonated. Price from 17 Russian rubles (5000). The sample is blacklisted for consumer fraud.

Shishkin Forest water does not correspond to the first category indicated on the label, according to the content of macronutrients. It is safe for occasional use, but if you drink it every day, it can be harmful.

9th place.  Bonaqua drinking non-carbonated. Price from 23 Russian rubles (6800). It is blacklisted.

Drinking water under the Bonaqua brand does not meet safety requirements: an examination showed that the source of water supply from which it is obtained could be contaminated with waste water.

The results of the examination are commented by Rufina Mikhailova, MD, head of the laboratory for drinking water supply hygiene and sanitary protection of water bodies, A. N. Sysin Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene:

“Any water before packaging goes through the preparation stage. There are many technologies for water purification - depending on the initial quality of the water. The only requirement is that chlorine should not be used to disinfect water intended for bottling. If the water is initially close to ideal and only a few items are exceeded, simple filters are used.

The most common technology is reverse osmosis. It allows you to get sterile, perfectly clean water - special membrane filters trap all impurities, guaranteeing a stable quality of purified water. But here the opposite effect arises - unfortunately, with too thorough cleaning, water is deprived of not only harmful but also useful substances. By its properties, such water approaches distilled. "

It is known that, for proper metabolism and normal functioning of the body, an adult should drink from 2 to 3 liters of water per day. Information about the quality of tap water is completely discouraging to comply with this recommendation, so more and more Russians prefer water in bottles.

19 liters of health

Making the right choice among companies offering bottled water is not so simple. Manufacturers compete fiercely with each other, so they often go for marketing tricks. A beautiful label often conceals ordinary tap water that has undergone a deep cleaning process. If there is no information about the origin of water, then most likely the water is not natural, and the necessary content of trace elements and minerals is achieved by technologies using various physicochemical methods.

There are dozens of companies in the St. Petersburg market engaged in the production and sale of bottled water. Prices vary in a very wide range - from 150 rubles / bottle (drinking water "Sosnovskaya Tsaritsa") to 610 rubles / bottle (water "Key Premium", Polyustrovo). It should be understood that cheap water, as a rule, is purified tap water. And for example, the artesian physiologically complete drinking water “Aqualine Natural Premium” in a high-quality polycarbonate container costs only 250 rubles / bottle. For an objective rating water in St. Petersburg reliable information is required in the bottles based on the results of independent examinations, which are carried out either at the request of the manufacturer or according to consumer complaints, therefore, for most brands there is simply no such information. However, on thematic forums and review sites you can find a lot of useful information, on the basis of which to create a consumer rating of water in bottles of 19 liters.

Given the price ratio, service, informative labels and the number of reviews, the TOP-5 rating of drinking water in St. Petersburg is as follows *:

  1. Artesian water Aqualine
  2. Mineral water Arkhyz
  3. Drinking water deep cleaning Nestle
  4. Artesian Water Spring Edge
  5. Water Rosinka Polyustrovo

The process of preparing and washing containers has a significant impact on the quality of water in 19 liter bottles. No matter how clean the water from the artesian well is, poor-quality handling of the returnable packaging can cause serious microbiological contamination. And the key factor in this matter is the container itself, more precisely the material from which it is made. Due to its low cost, PET containers are most common (if the containers are dark blue, then they are definitely PET). But the best option is a container made of polycarbonate (artificial glass substitute). Polycarbonate containers are several times more expensive than PET, but it is absolutely safe and able to withstand the most rigorous sanitization, unlike PET containers, which lose their consumer properties after just a few turns.

“A” - this is the word “water” in the language of the ancient Sumerians and the first letter of the alphabets of almost all peoples also sounds. And, indeed, water is so important that without it there would be no life on Earth. But in the XXI century, when medicine and technology are very developed, we have moved far from nature, forgot the wonderful properties of water that restore our health, lost folk recipes that can help each of us. One of these recipes is a balanced diet and consumption of drinking quality water.

Young mothers or parental committees in schools often look for good quality water, but there is not much water in the highest category and children's water on the market. And sometimes parents just don’t know how to choose her.

We all know how to choose quality products in the store, such as vegetables, meat. It turns out that water has its own quality. Water can also deteriorate like any product, it has special storage conditions (do not put in the light, for example), shelf life (the smaller the volume of water, the longer it is stored), preservatives are added in some waters, as in food products.

Of all the waters, drinking can be distinguished, which can be drunk without restrictions every day. The opposite is mineral water, which has healing properties (it also includes “table water”). In Russia, there are 4 categories of water quality: tap water, bottled water: 1 category, higher and children's. The lowest requirements are for tap water, and the highest are for children.

The chemical composition, as well as the type of water source will make it clear to us how our body will absorb this water.

Everyone has tap water. (SanPin of 2002). In Moscow - the water source from the tap is the Moscow River and the reservoir of the Canal named after Moscow-Klyazminskoe and Uchinskoe). Moscow tap water is very high quality. It is checked for at least 56 indicators. Plus there are additional dimensions. New filters are introduced every year: ozonation, membrane filtration, ultra-violet filter. But the documents of SanPin about this water are mentioned only from the point of view of its safety and harmlessness to the body. Since it is impossible to remove all harmful substances from the Moscow river. The enumeration of chemicals that remain there after cleaning in scanty safe doses has been allocated over 50 pages. In order to neutralize these substances, they mainly use the main water purifier: chlorine or its derivatives for water purification (sodium hypochloride, for example). And even in the shower we have to inhale its vapors, all harmful substances enter the bloodstream through the lungs, chlorine leaches proteins from the hair, and dandruff begins. In the digestive tract, water with chlorine kills our own immune bacteria - interferon. If you cook with tap water, then be sure to defend the water (it is better for 3 hours), freeze, and also boil for a short time, while opening the window (so dioxins disappear). A chlorine filter would not be out of place.

As a counterweight to tap water, scientists from the Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Health named after A.N. Sysina developed San Ping for bottled water. It is much better than tap quality. And the state is prohibited from chlorinating bottled water. High-quality bottled water is simply necessary for those people who have poor health, pregnant women, the elderly, children, and just people who want to reduce the use of toxic substances. It is known that the constituent minerals are better absorbed by the body from water than from food. In addition, very often when consuming refined, frozen foods, and then cooked on fire, up to 80% of macro and micronutrients are lost, and when they are deficient, the body processes them into fats. Therefore, it is doubly necessary to replenish the reserves of trace elements with water.

Category 1 water. This is the largest part of the water that is found today on store shelves in Moscow and Moscow Region (60%), but not the highest quality. In SanPin (, water of the 1st category is also mentioned only from the point of view of its harmlessness to the body. This water is improved compared to tap water. By origin it can be natural (wells, wells, rivers, lakes, reservoirs), as well as artificially created (taken, for example, from a water supply system and refined). Now you can make drinking water from any water. Water must comply with GOST R 51232-98, GOST 2761, SanPin, remove all impurities from it using the strongest filters, make it essentially dead, and micro and macro elements are artificially added using solutions of mineral additives, for example, " Dewdrops. " Category 1 water allows preservatives, which is prohibited for children's water.

Top quality category. Water of the highest category in the Russian market is about 15%. This is physiologically complete water - water that has the properties of the internal environment of the body. It is checked in Russia in 93 indicators. Water of the highest category is much more harmonious for cells. In San Pin on bottled water, many years of research by our and foreign scientists on the relationship of the mineral composition with our well-being are reflected. For plain drinking water, in comparison with mineral water, GOST is prohibited to attribute medicinal properties. Nevertheless, due to the optimal composition of salts and other elements, water accelerates the processes of cell recovery, tissue regeneration, activates metabolic processes in the body, flushes toxins and waste from intercellular fluid and the whole body, helps with heartburn and pressure. With regular use of high-quality water, children improve their memory, and it is easier for them to pass an exam, in adults, kidney stones, pancreas resolve, the body's aging slows down, the skin becomes elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Water fastens the solid structures in the cell itself, and more precisely in the cell membrane (a hydroskeleton is created in the cells due to the "incompressibility" of the water, and therefore, water protects against bones and organs, serves as a lubricant for joints in the elderly.

SanPin of 2002 for bottled water defines this water as “optimal in quality (from independent, usually underground, water sources). Such a formulation suggests that water of the highest category can be not only natural (having a harmonious structure, memory), but also artificially created. Recently, companies have appeared that make water not only in the first category of quality, but also in the highest category. But water from a natural water source, of course, will be much more harmonious than artificially created water. However, iodine or fluoride can still be added to water if there is not much of it in natural water. In fairness, I must say that water artificially created in the highest category will also be better than category 1 water in its macro and micro indicators. Preservatives can also be added to water of the highest category. And it is forbidden for children's water.

About the dining room water!

There is another type of water - the canteen, which most of all causes disputes between scientists, and confuses consumers.

"Table water" is legally classified as mineral water, which is healing water. However, mineral waters have a specific formula, for example, chloride-sulfate, and are used for certain indications: iron deficiency anemia, chronic cystitis, urethritis, etc. You need to apply them no more than 1 month and take a significant break.

According to the total content of minerals, “table” waters are referred to fresh and drinking waters (mineralization 1 g / l), but in them, as well as in mineral water, there may be more than some separate component: chlorides, iron, etc. That is why it is important to see the content of the individual components on the label! And on the label, in addition to the fact that the water is “canteen”, recommendations should be written on its use. The increased content of a particular mineral can be dangerous for people with relevant diseases.

“Table” water accounts for a significant part of the water: 25% of all packaged water sold to the population and these are quite well-known brands of water that are supplied, including to children's institutions. The prices for some of them even exceed the price of baby water.

Bottom line: when choosing a water supplier, you should pay attention to the category of water. Be sure to check the water in the register of Rospotrebnadzor and carefully look at the certificate. It should be noted that in the category 1 water certificate the words “1 category” are not always written, but it is noted that the water of this brand complies with the sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods subject to sanitary-epidemiological surveillance. And only in the link to the document on the Internet it is indicated that water is of the 1st category. You should also ask the full chemical composition of the water.

Such data is required, as any manufacturer has been issued a certificate or certificate for water, where there should be a complete list of analyzes on 93 indicators. Less information about the quality of water itself will be information about the awards of the enterprise, participation in various exhibitions, tenders and competitions.

The most important labels on water labels (GOST label labels: GOST R 52109-2003, GOST 51074-2003, GOST R 23109-03) are the name of the water, its type (category), production date, storage conditions, shelf life, chemical and physical water composition (content of anions and cations, general salinity, hardness). It is also important to indicate the source of water intake, that is, the number of the well. Producers of natural water indicate the number of the well from which it is extracted. Manufacturers of "artificial" waters, as a rule, do not specify this.

On the importance of sanitizing the cooler!

Bottled drinking water reaches a person through a cooler and a pump. A very important point in maintaining water quality is timely cleaning of the cooler and pump. Sanitizing and replacing the pump is not an overkill, but a necessity. A dirty cooler and, as a result, blooming water, moldy water, smell can very well cause poisoning.

You can not ignore the rules of hygiene when using the cooler: you must remove the labels from the bottle before putting the bottle on the cooler. The labels from the bottles, in addition to adding dirt to the water, also clog the cooler taps.

It is necessary to take the bottle with clean hands, clean the neck of the bottle with water and a funnel with a needle into which the bottle is installed with a damp cloth.

If you drink Divo water, then our organization recommends that you carry out sanitization of the cooler once every 6 months.

With intensive use of the cooler, it is advisable to carry out sanitization more often - once every 3 months.

It is also necessary to carry out sanitization of new equipment, and when switching from one water to another, after repair work in the room or after prolonged storage of the cooler. In some cases, for example, new equipment, you can sanitize the cooler yourself at home: instructions. On our site you can familiarize yourself with the rules for connecting and operating the cooler in the "Equipment Maintenance" section.

So now you know what kind of water is best for your child.

All criteria for choosing quality water are contained in the article: