Bath do it yourself: projects, photos, description of construction stages. Bath at your own hands: Project, Materials and Guidelines, how to build a bath How to build a small bath at the country area

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How to build a bath at the cottage

Building a bath and its further arrangement on their own is not a lesson. But after all, fulfilled. Initially, it is worth thinking about choosing the necessary materials and components. It is worth noting that today there are many building materials that are perfect for the construction of cottages. Therefore, in choosing these materials you can easily get confused. However, you should not worry. After all, the special portal of today will tell you how to build a bath in the country with your own hands inexpensive. Here we will give useful tips and show a special video with which it will be possible to implement this process correctly.

How to define a place to build a bath

To, the bath served for a long time first need to make a competent choice of space for the future bath. In this case, our advice will be simply helpful.

  • The location of the bath should choose away from any reservoir. Why do you need to do so? It turns out that it can just flood with water.
  • You can make a bath additionally, attaching it to the existing home, or build it as a separate building. These options differ from each other with their unique advantages and disadvantages. In any case, only you can choose the appropriate option for the construction of a future bath.
  • The most suitable place for the construction of a future bath is the most extreme part of your land or courtyard.
  • For a bath, it is necessary to properly provide a good system of future ventilation and a competent discharge of wastewater.
  • Wrong will be considered the place selected for the construction, located near the road.
  • The right choice for this construction is considered the southern part of a plot or yard. It turns out that in the southern part of the land, the finished bath will receive a maximum of sunlight. In addition, in this part of the courtyard, the bath will be protected from the wind. Indeed, if you build a bath in the southern part of your yard, you can make a stay of holidaymakers there are most comfortable and very pleasant.
  • If you are decided to attach a bath to an existing home, then in this case you need to comply with fire safety requirements.
  • The future place to build this structure is desirable to choose away from the nearest neighboring houses, since your bath may lead to an inconvenience for a full-fledged recreation of people living with you.
  • The windows in the bath can be better located in the western part of the finished structure.
  • The bath must be built close to the existing well, at a distance of about 15-20m.

This publication will allow you to fully answer how to build a bath in the country. Let's continue to talk about this process.

So, before we build a bath, it is necessary to correctly draw and design the future structure. Competently choose the future area of \u200b\u200byour bath. Remember that it should be at least 6 sq.m. For 1 person in this building. Suppose if there will be 5 people to visit the bath, respectively, the area should be 30 square meters. As a rule, there should be a room allocated under the steam room. Also in the bath you need to place a rest room and the pre-banker. In organizing the premises, which should be in the bath, it is necessary to solve which area to determine for the listed future rooms.

First you need to design and draw the drawings of the future bath. In the drawings it is worth turning on:

  1. General project Bani.
  2. The project of all rooms that will be in this room.
  3. Roof drawing.
  4. Description of the fastening of the bar.
  5. Schemes of the future ceiling and floor.
  6. Future installation options in the future bath.

All listed schemes and projects can be prepared by themselves. Also, similar drawings have the opportunity to find on the Internet accessible sites on the Internet or any other sources. In general, considering a large amount of these drawings and projects of the future bath, we can conclude that they are almost similar to each other, and have only small differences.

Required selection of components and materials for the bath

For the construction of a bath using a bar, you need to purchase the necessary components and various materials for this.

  • To build a bath, you should buy a building material - a bar, which will have a 150 mm cross section.
  • For the flooring of the future floor in the bath you need to buy a wooden board. A trimming board, which has a four-meter length with a cross-section of 15 centimeters serves as a faithful choice.
  • The material for the ceiling is usually the boards of clapboard.
  • You must also take care of buying all sorts of materials for finishing work indoors. In most cases, the use of wooden surveillance is greatly popular for finishing in the bath.
  • It is also important to buy a certain number of vapor barrier materials - various tapes or films in their properties. For the bath, the material is most often used - foam or polyethylene film.
  • For the finished bath, it is recommended to purchase materials for insulation of the ready-made ceiling. Most builders stop their choice on eco-house or on the Minvat. These materials are environmentally friendly and have good heat and sound insulation. Therefore, they are perfect for the insulation of the ceiling in the bath.
  • Bani construction involves the use of asbestos-cement materials to ensure good and so necessary thermal insulation in the bath. The most practical and effective is such material as a sheet asbestos. As a rule, these sheets are placed and strengthened on the walls located near the stove and chimney.
  • Bath construction is impossible to submit without foundation. Therefore, for the manufacture of the foundation of modern baths, materials are used with bulk properties - sand, cement and crushed stone.
  • During the construction of the bath, it is necessary to use materials for the final roof finish. In this case, you can resort to various options you like. The main form of the future roof is the main type of future roof. It should not stand out strongly against the background of surrounding neighboring houses or buildings.
  • It is desirable to build a future bath in the spring. This is necessary so that after the end of all works, time is left for the shrinkage of this room. Also, all materials used in the construction of the bath must dry. Cement should be purchased before conducting construction work. In this case, it will not deteriorate.

General Instructions for Construction Bath

Bath construction must be made in several stages. First, work is carried out to prepare a place for construction, and then the arrangement of rooms with all sorts of accessories and components.

Prepare a place for construction. The required place you need to start clearing, remove the garbage, the roots of plants or trees. This work is necessary to obtain a more flat place for the future foundation.

Production of the foundation. The most popular view of the existing work on the manufacture of foundation is a foundation having a support in the form of columns. First of all, it is worth digging the required number of pits to accommodate the future support of our foundation. Their installation is carried out under the desired angle on the total perimeter of the structure and where there are areas intersecting with walls. These pillars are set, as a rule, depending on the characteristics of the existing soil at the site of the structure and from the load that will act on the support. The depth of the necessary holes for the foundation should be approximately 110-160 cm. Failure to make all pits is needed by a mixture consisting of sand and pebbles. The depth of the layer must be 13-20 cm. In finished pits it is necessary to establish cement pipes, observing a clear vertical level. In each of them, placing reinforcement consisting of metal rods. Pull pipes should be concrete containing fittings. This design must be given time for 5-6 days to strengthen and solidify. After that, let's start working on the layout between the pillars of the wall in the Pollipich.

Production of roofs and walls of the future bath. For the manufacture of the walls of the future room, a ram of 150 by 150 mm is used. On the finished and isolated special material, the foundation lays the bars, resorting to the so-called method "in the paw". Stacking a bar for walls produce the desired height necessarily making intervals for future doors and windows in this structure. Between the layers of the laid bars are paving a special insulation.

Accessories for the operation of the bath. The upper part of the walls are fed under the roof and are strengthened in accordance with this form of the roof of the room. Rafters fastened to the final layer of a bar of construction brackets. If you choose your pick-up roof, the rafters are required to secure two supports or internal or external. Having a duplex roof, you should, the existing lower parts of the rafted the walls on the walls. And the upper parts of the rafter join each other and acquire the shape of the skate.

Arrangement indoor. Initially, it is necessary to start arrangement from the desired system of communications. About such communication, as the sewage costs to take care before the start of the fill of the foundation. First of all, make a drain pit or well outside the future bath. The connection with the pit is made with the help of a pipe laid under a specific slope.

After performing these works, you should go to the manufacture of flooring indoors. There are several of his species - concrete or wooden. The decoration of concrete floors was produced using a tile. This material is very practical. Paul made of wood makes water with a lead through it. Run it is very simple. Boards with certain gaps nail to the installed lags. Most builders use a hatch for imaging, closing it with a special grille. When applying this technology, you need to lay the floor with a necessary slope. In this case, all the accumulated water will go out through the hatch into the pipe, and from there to fall into the drainage pit.

To increase the life of wood, our advice to you - perform the bathing of the bath every time, after visiting it.

In the bath, it is also necessary to produce good heat-moisture-vapor barrier, using the materials you need. Engagement windows and doors. Spend electricity.

Production and installation of shelves and stoves in the bath

The appearance and constructive feature of your chosen shelves in the bath can be any. The shelves are installed in the following order - the first work was made of the installation of the frame, with the use of wooden bars, and then the right boards are nailed to it.

By purchasing a stove for a bath, people, in most cases, stop at the choice of the product that most liked the appearance. Also, many are engaged in the laying of stone stove independently, and some people buy special equipment for baths or a device with heating elements.

Accessories and accessories for the operation of the bath

All sorts of components and accessories for the adoption of the bath on sale there is a huge amount. You can buy for your finished bath: various wooden buckets and tanks, oak brooms, mugs, plates and other necessary attributes. Interior inside the bath can be different, depending on your preferences and taste.

Now you know how to build a bath at the dacha with your own hands in stages.

How to build a bath at the dacha with your own hands inexpensively useful recommendations and video

So, before we build a bath, it is necessary to correctly draw and design the future structure. Competently choose the future area of \u200b\u200byour bath. Remember that it should be at least 6 sq.m.

Bath at your own hands: Step-by-step instructions

A trip to the cottage is a joyful event, as you can go to the garden or landscaping of the site, and then relax, falling in the bath, provided that it is there. We will tell you how to make a bath in the country with your own hands, demonstrate drawings, schemes and photo instructions. We will have a lot to work hard, but it is worth it.

In your imagination, you are probably already seeing how to fit to the bath, open the door and get into a warm and cozy pregnant, and then in the pair. Yes! That is how everything will be, but a little later. First you need:

  • choose a suitable project;
  • familiarize yourself with the stages of construction;
  • purchase construction material;
  • build a bath and bring all communications;
  • perform an internal finish and only then steam.

If, after reading the entry, you did not lose the desire to make a bath at the cottage, then continue the topic, considering all the stages of construction.

Choosing a place for the construction of a bath

You need to choose a place under the bath

Often, summer cottages do not differ in large sizes, but besides personal preferences and convenience, there are norms that need to be followed. First consider preferences.

  1. It would be better to put a bath on an elevation, which will significantly simplify the organization of the drain of water.
  2. Well, when the bath is located next to the reservoir or river.
  3. The rays of the setting sun, penetrating the pair through the window, will remove stress, but it is necessary to simultaneously make it so that the entrance to the bath is well visible from the dacha house window. So you can observe the crossbath and children, especially when the pool is built before entering the entrance.
  4. The bath can be made in the form of an extension to the house.

In order not to have conflict situations with the authorities or neighbors, it is necessary to comply with the prescriptions of SNiP 30-02-97. By paying attention to Section 6, paragraphs 6, 7 and 8, you will find comprehensive information on the placement of the structure on the site, but we only give those numbers that you need to choose the best place for the bath.

Considering the fire safety measures for the buildings located on opposite sides, you need to stick to the distances specified in the table:

Distance that directly depends on the material used in the construction of the structure

The same buildings using wooden elements

Wooden and similar buildings

As for the requirements relative to the distances to the neighboring site, they are also unambiguous.

The minimum allowable distance between the buildings located at the neighboring area

Different Rada economic buildings (they can be attributed to both a bath)

It is also important to take into account the requirements of the location of buildings on its site - from the Garden House of the shower, the bath and sauna should be at a distance of at least 8 m.

By the way, non-compliance with these rules can lead to a court proceedings with a neighbor and demolition or transfer of a bath to another place.

Project Bani.

Choosing a banner project, it is important to take into account the material from which it will be built. There may be several types of structure:

  1. Frame bath.
  2. Wooden bath (from a bar or a rounded log).
  3. Bath of brick, stone or blocks.
  4. Building from Arbolit.

Deciding with the material, when choosing a project, make sure that it fits you in all criteria.

Laying a small bath 6 × 3 m

Bath Planning Option Sir

Bath Planning for Dacha

Bath plan 6 × 6 m

Selection of material

So choosing a suitable project, in accordance with its requirements, building materials should be prepared.

  • Most often, summer residents prefer to build frame structures, as they are cheapest and with their task successfully cope. In addition, due to the small weight of such a design, the foundation also does not have to spend a lot.
  • The most favorite buildings are wooden. The cost of such a building will be somewhat higher, and the foundation will need to be done stronger, in contrast to the frame structure. Built in the country a good wooden bath does not need insulation.
  • Stone and brick are infrequently used to build a bath in the country. This is due to the fact that for such a heavy structure, a strong foundation is needed, and the walls are needed during long absence and such a bath must be warm up for a long time. The exceptions are the buildings of foam and gas blocks. The strength of the foundation requires not such high, the walls are warm, but it is important to consider that this building material is very hygroscopic, so it needs to be protected from moisture.
  • Arbolit is also often used in the construction of baths. Walls can be monolithic or elevated from blocks. The structure is warm, durable and inexpensive.

Materials for walls

Since our article talks about several possible options for using various building materials, consider them separately.

Frame structure

Material for a frame bath must be of good quality, and bars dry and smooth

The walls of such a bath are manufactured in the lattice design. For frame walls, it will be necessary:

  • Bar of various sections, the size and number of which is indicated in the project.
  • Insulated material with high thermal insulation qualities for filling the frame. Again, you need to adhere to the requirements regarding the use of one or another insulation, but here you need to take into account that in the documentation it is often indicated by one type of material, but not all possible. If the specified material is too expensive, you can refer to the forums to clarify what is acceptable in your area.
  • Material for the frame of the frame outside and from the inside. Most often, OSB plates, cutting board, siding or block houses use the outdoor building of the building, while the lining is used from the inside.

Wooden bath

Using a rounded log can be very quickly taken by a bath, as everything is prepared in advance at the factory

For the construction of walls can be used:

  • Natural chopped tree.
  • Edged timber.
  • Profiled timber.
  • Glued bar.
  • Rounded log.

Brick Bath, Stone or Blocks

Walls of such a bath can be made of such materials:

  • Brick (ceramic or silicate).
  • Stone (Booth, Limestone, Rakushnyak).
  • Block (foam, slag, gas blocks).

Building from Arbolita

Arbolit durable and easy, therefore, too, is often used in construction work

If you have the possibility of inexpensive, get the sawdust (and maybe there is yours), then at home it is quite possible to make arbolite blocks of quite high quality. Also, this building material in the form of finished blocks is on sale. Walls are erected very quickly. Another advantage of using arbolit is the possibility of manufacturing monolithic walls by filling into the formwork of the cement-chip solution.

Materials for the ceiling in the bath

The pre-equipment and rest room are warm rooms, so it is recommended to use materials with low thermal conductivity - aspen, a lamp or alder.

To cover the ceiling, the steers are preferable to use wooden lining, as it can withstand high temperature. In this room, it is impossible to use products from pine or ate, with heating from this wood, resin begins to stand out. Also, you can not hed up the ceiling by Fiberboard and chipboard sheets, since moisture and high temperature contribute to the release of vapors capable of harming human health.

Materials for insulation and vaporizolation

It is advisable to perform outdoor insulation only under the condition that the bath is heated. It is unlikely that someone will make such a luxury in the country, so we consider the materials for the inner insulation of the unheated bath.

A frame bath does not need to be insulated, since the thermal insulation is laid inside the design. In a wooden bath, you need to make a crate in which the insulation will be inserted. Other types of baths need insulation made by more complex technology.

To perform work, a mineral wool will be required, the thickness of which is selected depending on the material used in the construction of the bath and climatic conditions. It is usually placed a layer of at least 50 mm. The insulation can be in the form of mats or rolls.

As for vaporizolation, it is important to know that this is not waterproofing. Each has its own purpose. Even inexpensive vaporizolation will fulfill its role, while the waterproofing used is not for its intended purpose, it is possible to reduce all the works.

What you especially need to pay attention is that it is not to purchase a fake.

Decoration Materials

Because it is about the bath in the country, we will not talk about chic finishes. The optimal option will be the use of a tree: lining or similar facing materials.

As for the outer decoration, it can be any material that is used to cover houses. If the bath is made of a rounded log, it would be unreasonable to close the already beautiful facade of something else.

Bani construction

Now consider how the construction of the bath can be completed in the country with your own hands. It is clear that the work will be easier to fulfill with the assistant who can be someone from family members. In the initial stage of work, some orders can be given to children. Of course, they will do not all and not as fast as they would like, but if they feel that they need them, then they will then be more careful to refer to the bath built with their participation.

But we will be realistic, small children will help a little, and if you build alone, it will be a long definition, especially since some work to perform alone simply will not work. In the course of reading the article, you will see when and how many assistants may need - it will help everyone to plan.

So, the plan is selected, the location was determined, now we will proceed to markup on the ground. For this, it is necessary in accordance with the scale specified in the project, transfer the contour of the bath to the area. In the place where the angle of the building will be, a long peg (or fittings) will be clogged, and the lengths of two walls located at an angle of 90 ° are measured. The following peasants are clogged there, and the distances of other walls are measured. Finally, the last - the fourth peg is clogged.

Now that there is a marked perimeter of the future structure, you need to check how straight the angles turned out. To do this, you need to check on the axes - measure the distance from one knife to another. The data obtained must coincide. If this is not the case, the plane needs to be shifted, "rooting" the longest axis. After that, it will be necessary to check not only the axes, but also other sizes, and, if necessary, re-correct.

If the foundation is a ribbon, then a small discrepancy can be left, but for the pile or bar foundation, the markup must be very accurate.

So we marked the dimensions of the bath in accordance with the design data. Further markup is performed depending on which foundation. You can learn more about this from the table.

Where applies and how the markup is performed

Slab foundation

This type of foundation due to its high cost is made only in cases where it is not necessary without it. Marking is performed by the size of the structure or a little more when it is necessary that the foundation is wider and longer than the bath.

Fine breeding ribbon foundation

A very common type of foundation. Comparatively inexpensive and durable. The markup is performed in such a way that the tape poured concrete passed through the perimeter of the building and under the redesters.

Foundation columnal

This kind of foundation also often can be found. Maintaining wooden buildings on it is mainly used. Depending on the size of the bath, the markup is performed by the number of manufactured supports.

Screw foundation

It is believed that this kind of foundation is new, but this is an erroneous conclusion made on the basis that it has become recently used in civil engineering. The screw foundation passed the test of time, since the military had long started using it. The advantage of the foundation device on screw piles is the speed and easy installation. The second advantage is that there is no need to perform earthworks, so the site will remain clean. In addition, with its help you can build a bath even on a plot that has a significant bias.

Marking is done by the number of piles and no deviation to the side is allowed.

Weigh everything in advance, and then take a final decision regarding the choice of the foundation type.

Pouring foundation

The manufacture of fine-breeding belt foundation is acceptable under such conditions:

  1. Soil on a plot of dry and incomprehensible.
  2. The level of groundwater is quite low.
  3. In winter, frost is not very strong.
  4. Buildings are not heavy.

Do not seek to guess the type of foundation for a hard structure. If not sure, you invite specialists who, by performing the appropriate checks, will give an accurate answer.

Let's start with a simpler and most frequently manufactured for the bath of a small-brewed foundation.

  • We have an outdoor markup, now you need to perform internal, taking into account the fact that the width of the foundation should be at least 50 cm, and it should be beyond the structure of 5-10 cm on each side. Therefore, if the bath is 3 × 4 m, then the greatest size on the outer perimeter will be 3.2 × 4.2 m.
  • It is important to take into account the place of installation of the furnace and at the same time make the foundation and under it.
  • For convenience at the corners you need to install structures made of wood, similar to benches. They must be set in one plane at the height of the future formwork and to attach the measuring cord to them. How to do it, shown in the illustration.

For a belt foundation, the markup is performed both by outdoor and internal contour

  • It is necessary to remove the fertile top layer of the soil and remove it to the side, then dig a trench, clay from which it will be possible to use as a subtype.
  • As for the depth of the trench, then in some cases it can be 35 cm. Much depends on the depth of the freezing and the soil itself. It is necessary to get to the durable clay layer and in no case should not stop on the ground. Therefore, the depth is most often within 50-60 cm.
  • The bottom of the trench should be aligned by checking it horizontal level.
  • Now the turn of the sand isfeit. You need to pour the sand layer inside the trench, a thickness of at least 15 cm, moisten with water and well tumped. To do this, it would be more convenient to use vibrotambovka, but it is possible to manually manually, with the help of a handle brushed to it.
  • The next layer is poured with a rubble of the middle faction and also thoroughly tram.
  • Now it has come a timber series, the height of which should reach the stretched cord. You can make it from girlfriend or forest, prepared for other purposes, since this temporary design is shortly after the foundation will be dismantled. Finished shields need to be installed along the trench and fasten well, otherwise the bolted concrete can move them off the place.

The formwork must be securely fixed. You can also immediately insert the sleeve to conduct communications later.

  • In order not to stain the boards, and so that the concrete does not flow through the slots, from the inside the formwork is closed by a polyethylene film that needs to be secured by a stapler or thin nails.
  • Now it is necessary to make a frame made of metal or plastic reinforcement, bonded knitting wire.

You can perform all calculations in our online calculator.

  • The manufactured frame must not reach the edges of 5 cm. It should be carefully omitted into the trench so as not to break the protective film film. To raise the frame over the subfolder, you need to put pieces of granite under it, since it, unlike brick, does not crush under the influence of moisture.
  • If there will be any communication through the foundation, then for them you need to leave holes, which will help the sleeves, as done on the photo from above. The same applies to the manufacturer.
  • Place your time so as to pour the foundation by concrete per day, since the breaks are unacceptable here - then the tape will not be monolithic. Conveniently concrete to deliver a mixer and pour directly from it, otherwise it will have to be kneaded in the concrete mixer, at the rate of the cement M400 grade 1 bucket, sand - 3, crushed stone (or gravel) - 5 buckets.
  • Concrete flooded foundation should be sealing a vibrator or stack. After the shrinkage, you need to add some concrete and align the platform. If there is a foundation for a wooden house, then in a non-frozen concrete, you must fix the foundation bolts.
  • Not earlier than in a week you can remove the formwork.

It should be remembered that the concrete has not yet gained full strength, so it needs to be treated carefully or wait 28 days, and only then build a bath.

Laying wall

When building a bath from blocks, stone or brick, it is necessary to level the foundation for cement-sandy solution in terms of leveling the foundation, and put on it the rubberoid folded twice. The masonry begins with the corners. By installing the first blocks on the cement-sandy solution, you need to make sure that they are in the same plane and only after that the top outer edge is stretched by a twine, which serves as a masonry of a number of construction material.

When laying the following row, the masonry mixture may differ: on cement-sandy solution, a wall of brick and an enclaring is erected, whereas for masonry of lightweight blocks, mixtures recommended by the manufacturer are used.

By installing jumpers above the doors and windows, you need to install on top of the formwork and manufacture armoomas, securing the foundation bolts in it for the subsequent mounting of the Mauerlat board. After solidification of the concrete, it will be possible to start the roof.

Construction of a frame of a bath

The basis of such a bath is a frame of wood, which is insulated and trimmed by various types of finishing materials. You need to choose high-quality materials and comply with the sequence of their installation.

For the manufacture of the frame, boards from well-dried larch, aspen or linden, because this wood has low thermal conductivity. Made shields will be resistant to deformation.

The foundation is made frame of lower strapping from a bar 100 × 100 mm. At the ends of the bars, it is necessary to make cuts in half thickness and bore with each other self-drawing. If the bars are used 50 × 100 mm, the framework can be used to make online with metal corners. The dimensions of the bar depend on the type of foundation, design and size of the bath.

Production of base for frame bath

  • At the next stage, an end strapping board is installed, and the lags of the floor are attached to it. Used timber 50 × 100 mm.
  • On the opposite side of the lags are trimmed with such a calculation so that the second ending board can be installed.
  • Lagi should be placed so that the insulation is close to the close-up between them, then the end strapping boards are nourished.
  • The wall frame is assembled from a bar of 50 × 100 mm, and then installed in its places, all parts are fastened into a single design.

To ensure steamed frame bath, you need to use a vapor barrier film, which will avoid the accumulation of humidity inside the frame. Mineral wool or fiberglass is used as thermal insulation material. They are able to provide a high level of sealing, without disturbing the natural air exchange.

Warming and the walls of the walls are preferable to perform after mounting the roof. This approach will protect the tree and insulation from wetting.

Concrete floor with wooden flooring

If only the flooring remains in the frame bath and the sex board is left, then for other buildings you will have to work more - you need to install lags, make a draft floor, secure steam barrier, lay the insulation, to perform waterproofing, to determine the gender, which in a few years have to be changed. Given that the cottage in the country will not be thorough to dry out due to the lack of time for this, because after the weekend it will be necessary to take advantage of the city, if there is such an opportunity, it will be preferable to make a concrete floor and bold it with tiles. Wooden shields are stacked on it, which can be taken out for drying in the barn and calmly go home.

Wooden floor with insulation

It is clear that for a skeleton and other building installed on a bar or pile foundation, only a wooden floor with insulation is acceptable. In more detail about this process, it is described in the two following rollers.

Roof construction

Above any bath must be a reliable roof, but its creation options can be different. In any case, it is necessary to put waterproofing, and then thermal insulation, think about the type of roof and the choice of suitable roofing material. Without waterproofing, the pairs will freely penetrate into the attic, and, settling on beams and rafters, will contribute to their rapid destruction. In addition, the condensate forms on the roofing material will begin to drain on the insulation, which will affect the properties and durability of the latter.

A large influence on the choice of type of roof is the type of terrain, as it is necessary to take into account the technical parameters of the structure.

  • So, in the country village, especially when it is located among high trees, you can safely make a high batch roof.
  • If the cottage is located in the steppe zone, blurred by all winds, the bias for the roof must be made minimal.
  • With small sizes of the bath and minor snow, the roof load can be made single. The same roof is most often made on the bath attached to the house.

Internal and outdoor

Although the inner finish is most often used wood, not all wood is suitable for this purpose. It is necessary to correctly pick up the material, especially for the steam room, in which a high temperature is created with a high humidity. Immediately it is worth saying that it is impossible to use lumber from pine, as well as dvp, chipboard and linoleum. Therefore, you need to acquire licens or linden lining.

As for other premises, there are no such extreme conditions there, therefore, there are no such high requirements for the material used - which cannot be used in the steam room, it is perfect for a relaxation room and a pre-banker. Pine lining in the pre-banker will have a pleasant fragrance and create a feeling of comfort.

The finish of the wooden and brick bath can be carried out almost the same. Initially, the lamp is attached to the wall, and the lining is attached to it. The exception is the pair, in which the crate must be a heat transfer foil.

The outer decoration is performed not only to make the bath beautiful, but also for its protection.

You have left to choose the appropriate material and separate the facade.

Ventilation in the bath

Sometimes it is also found that such an opinion is that good ventilation in the steam room has nothing to do, as it turns out everything through it, and it is done very weak, or it is absent at all. But there is another extreme when the ventilation process is not controlled, and the heat is disappeared from the bath. In such a steam room above it is very hot, and the feet flas down.

In fact, during the adoption of bath procedures, the air in the room should be updated 2-3 times an hour, but this is not enough, since the ventilation must be correctly made. Usually the inlet is located below near the boiler, and the exhaust under the ceiling from the opposite side. At that time, while the pair warms up, the exhaust window is closed. Then it opens, and warm air begins to rapidly leave the room. As a result, the pair becomes cool and uncomfortable. You can make ventilation as in the diagram.

Air circulation in steam room

Such a device allows you to restrain the warm air under the ceiling, and the outward comes out half cooled through the hole below (b), so it will be comfortable in a steam room. When you need to thoroughly check the pair, the upper vent hole opens (a).

In addition to the wage, ventilation is necessary in each room of the bath. In order not to lose the precious warmth, it can be done so that it is possible to close the ventilation holes in those hours when there is no need for ventilation.

Canopy and all furniture for the country bath can be made independently. If there is no desire to make something else, then the network has many offers for the sale of all necessary for the cottage.

With a great desire to save on the furniture, you can reconsider old stocks. Maybe there is something that needs to be repaired, but no hands do not reach it? After a small restoration, such furniture can last a considerable period. The main requirement is not to use furniture from chipboard, as this material will very quickly deteriorate from the big humidity.

Bath plan 6 × 7.2 m

6 × 6 m

5 × 4 m

4 × 4 m

3 × 5 m

3 × 3 m

Photo: Original Baths

Bath in the country, do it yourself - photos, schemes, drawings, video

Learn about how the bath is built in the country with your own hands. The article describes several types of baths that can be built in the country.

Build a bath in the country with your own hands

The bath at the cottage is one of the best places to rest Balca at the cottage - a real sweat after a difficult day. It can also be an alternative to an ordinary recreation at the cottage with kebab and soft drinks. But, in addition, this is the best option to put yourself in order and relax to relax.

Many of us use a bath for various cases. For someone, this is the tradition of Saturday Day, for other people - a reason to collect a company of friends and brightly complete a challenging week. But, despite the position, the bath at the cottage is a real miracle, and that is why almost every dachaney just dreams of a similar building.

You can build a bath in the country in several ways - contacting specialists offering a wide variety of projects, or by yourself, trying to save and fill your hand in a new business. By and large, for experienced dacities, the verandas and terraces are built with their own hands, construct arbors and canopies, it's not so difficult, but if you are taken for construction for the first time, serious problems may arise. It is worth solving them before, having studied not only the options for baths, projects and construction methods, but also studying the main stages of the construction process.

We choose the type of construction under the bath

Depending on the region, the cost of materials, as well as personal requirements, it is necessary to choose the main construction material. It may be a brick or tree, as the most popular of building materials.

Independent and characteristics of a bath of wood or bricks, because materials are distinguished by the qualities and properties, reliability and durability, ease of use.

It is very often that the bath is built on the basis of a ready-made building, which simply stands out for a room under the steam room and a wet room. Then things are much easier. But it happens that the construction occurs from scratch, and then we are faced with the task of learning absolutely all stages of construction - the choice of the site, the plan of construction, the overall project and the estimation, the foundation and distillation of the walls, the external and interior decoration, other work on arrangement and decor .

We perfectly understand that after reading our article, it is rather difficult to immediately take a hammer in your hands and to drive the bathhouse at the country area. But we will try to bring you up as much as possible to the process and explain all its subtleties so that such work has become much easier for you!

Choose the best place under the bath

Thanks to communication with people who have been built not one bath for their lives, and also continue to deal with this case and now, we learned many interesting facts that we share with you. So, initially, we will talk about where it is best to build a bath in the country area:

  • Do not build a bath near the reservoir, in close proximity to the water, as the construction can be flooded with floods;
  • An excellent option is considered an extension to a residential building or any other building - saving materials and energy saving;
  • Most correctly build a bath in the backyard, where there are no drafts, in the silence of trees;
  • Be sure to think about waterproofing, vaporizolation and ventilation at the initial stages of construction, because the bath is inclined to create unpleasant flavors, if it is built incorrectly or not secured due care;
  • Do not begin the construction of the road or fields - dust in the inner wet premises;
  • The south side is the most suitable for construction;
  • Think about both fire safety, as the risk of unpleasant situations is great here;
  • If there is such an opportunity, start the construction of the neighborhood from the neighboring territory. So you will not observe envious or condemning views, and provoke scandals because of the noisy rest or flavors of the bath;
  • Building in remote from a well or well place at least 15-20 m.

How to avoid mistakes in construction

As it were, you plan to build a building, neither described the future result, upon completion you will not like something. This is a 100% guarantee, because there is no ideal in our world. But there is always the opportunity to minimize all construction errors and decor, which lead to disappointments. Therefore, we recommend carefully considering the following:

  • Do not forget about the right planning of internal areas. It is believed that the bath for 2-3 people should be about 10 m2;
  • The optimal height of the inner premises is 2-2.2 m. If lower, it is sufficiently inconvenient, if higher is the irrational costs of coolants and long-term warm-up time;
  • Try to place the door in the bath from the south side, and the windows - with Western or South-Western;
  • It is advisable to make windows small, as, in principle, and doors. If options are possible with windows, the doors are advisable to make no more than 70 cm in width and no more than 180 in height. Also need a high threshold. Of course, it creates some inconvenience, but seriously reduces heat loss;
  • Materials for construction Choose not only by aesthetic data, preference give to light materials with high power saving;
  • Regardless of the construction materials, maximum attention to pay safety and high-quality equipment;
  • Severely go to the selection of wood for internal arrangement, do not use the wood-resistant wood.

What to build a bath

At the moment there are many options, among which it is worth choosing. But if you pay attention to the latest technologies of rapid erection, then save here it will not work. Of course, the frame bath is erected in just a few days, but it will be hidden in a penny. Therefore, it is worth looking for an option more acceptable, for many of us in general, from used materials, such as brick or slag block. And why not, because this building will easily serve several decades ...

In fact, now you can build from anything, if only the requirements and budget, as well as the characteristics of the future building, were combined with your opinion about the new bath.

Bath in the country with your own hands

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to build a bath, and therefore many of our readers who are solved on this process will begin it from intermediate stages, for example, from finishing the finished building and interior. Therefore, we will not talk about how to build a bath from a bar or build a frame bathhouse, but sim sim simply consider the most acceptable for all the brick or slag block.

Stages of construction We have already discussed in the brief list, now it is also necessary to consider each of them in detail!

Correctly choosing a place under the area, calculating it from garbage and any row, the roam of trenches under the fill of the belt foundation. Of course, a column foundation can be used under the bar or log, but it is better to fill under the brick.

As in any standard villa building, when we talked about arbors, sheds and other facilities, you need to correctly calculate the parameters of the foundation. In addition, you need to create all the necessary layers of pillow, from gravel and sand, choose material for reinforcement, possibly even fiberglass fittings.

When the trench is ready for the foundation, and the reinforcement is installed inside, pour concrete and give him a few days to settle. Naturally, pour it better higher by arranging a formwork by 20-30 cm above the surface of the Earth so that it does not have to start the masonry in direct contact with the soil.

It is necessary to take care of both waterproofing, which can be coating or made from the frontieroid, in the old manner. Sometimes the film is used, but it all depends strictly on the type of construction.

Do not forget about engineering communications for the baths that can be started inside to the fill of the foundation or already in the process of masonry walls.


Depending on the material and type of masonry, a solution should be selected, as well as the speed of work. The thing is that the masonry cannot be performed too quickly, as the brick can swim and work will stop. Therefore, we immediately determine, in a brick or grapich, we build, and maybe in general, choose a slagoblock or aerated concrete.

The masonry is starting carefully, corresponding to the work plan and the project, we move up, constantly using the level and plumb. Do not forget about the placement of windows and doors, cover the openings by columns, we produce the extender.

At the initial stage, the laying can be laid down and laugs under the floor, work with communications.

Roof Device

When external and internal walls are expelled, the quality of work is verified and you are ready to continue, you must move to the roof device.

The first thing you need is to bring down the roof base into a single design and set the rafted on it, by the way, you can also be ready. When this stage is completed, you can move to the device of the crate.

Depending on how the overlap was installed in the bath, you should immediately think about the chimney for the furnace. Perhaps the conclusion will be through the wall, but do not forget about the possibility of output through the overlap and roof, which means that the holes for the chimney will be needed.

After, we turn to the roof device, which we somehow said in detail. The roof materials can be very different, starting with the same slate, and ending with expensive tiles. But here we focus on weight, reliability, fire safety and many other, fashionable and necessary factors today.

Upon completion of roofing work, go down, because now you need to finish everything with the floor.

No problems arise with the floor, however there are many disputes about its insulation. As we found out, it is necessary to insulate the base of the ground from the inside to get the best characteristics of energy saving and really warm and dry floor.

For this, in the basement, on brick or raised foundation, we produce insulation of mineral wool and waterproofing. Next, we fill the floor under the washing room, not forgetting about the pipes of water supply and sewage, and we produce a dry backfill under the floor in the rest of the rooms. You can use clamzit for this.

Now it remains to lay a layer of insulation and vaporizolation, make a small gap, literally at 1-2 cm, and to store the board.

Internal and external finish

Let's start with thermal insulation, since for the bath this stage is very important. Many are insulated outside, but why should we warm the cold brick, if the same layer of the insulation can be put from the inside. Therefore, outside the decorative finish or additional insulation of foam, and inside the mandatory insulation of mineral wool.

It is performed as follows - the walls are covered with waterproofing, a wooden lamp is applied, then a layer of mineral wool and vapor polypoles are fixed on the surface. Most often, it is an aluminum foil, on top of which and the finish occurs.

Now the ceilings. It also should not arise any difficulties, since the process is identical to the insulation of bath walls. But the ceiling is also insulating on an attic room, where fiberglass is stacked between the beams. The grainsite or mineral wool layer, a layer of vaporizolation and a rough finish are fitted on top. Cement screed is possible, depending on the production technology of overlapping.

The interior decoration of the bathrooms is made by lining, external - in any material, the design of which is most interesting for you. It can be siding, plaster and painting, composite materials, facing brick and so on.

During the finish, it is necessary to install the furnace, make a safe chimney withdrawal, to maximize all the holes on the outputs. More details about the furnaces for the baths we will still talk in the future!

Installing windows and doors

This stage will not be a complex test for you, since we have already told you how to install windows in the country, and about the doors mentioned more than once. Try only to choose high-quality materials and make an installation correctly, because the energy saving of interior depends on it.

You can choose wooden or metal-plastic doors and windows, order glass doors to the sauna, but you yourself understand that it is in the tree that everything will be the most natural and warmth!

Arrangement of a country bath

We do not take to solve for you, as harmony and compliance with your taste in this case - above all, and it is possible to create a similar effect yourself. Therefore, try to approach the design, to furnish the room for recreation, to supply the bath with all the necessary - decor and accessories. We recommend to learn about the budget version of the bathroom.

Do not forget that the light is needed in the bath. Here we recommend that you contact a qualified electrician, which will make a layout and installation in accordance with all the requirements of wet premises. The plumbing can also be called on the test of their own work, because the water supply to the bath and sewage is no less important!

Each stage of construction of a bath in the country is complicated in its own way. Naturally, you can re-read a lot of interesting articles, watch lessons or contact directly to specialists for the minimum help. But here you should understand that only a personal desire will allow you to start and complete the project. If it is just an idea that seems to be simple and feasible for a couple of days, it is better not to take for the process. We move strength, time and money, make an accurate and correct project, and only then proceed to work. Well, when you have questions about this topic, specialists will be happy to answer them. We recommend finding how to choose a stove for a bath.

Build a bath in the country with your own hands

The bath at the cottage is a real sweat after a difficult day. It can also be an alternative to an ordinary recreation at the cottage with kebab and soft drinks. But, in addition, this is the best option to put yourself in order and relax to relax.

What could be more pleasant than after the work done in the country area, get into your own bathhouse, wash off the dirt and relax with soul and body? Of course, a gorgeous saucer with a swimming pool at the cottage - non-disabilities for many luxury, so it is worth looking at the projects of small structures and build you like your own hands, investing the minimum of funds and receiving the maximum benefit and pleasure.

A small bath can be built on frame technology, put out foam / gas / slag blocks, bricks, folded a log cabin or timber. The most eco-friendly material is wood, but bricks and blocks are more durable, reliable and fireproof.

Table. Comparative price table for materials for the construction of walls of the bath

MaterialBrand / Model / Type / GradeSize / section, mmPrice in Rubble
M150250*120*65 16.90 rubles. per piece (on the pallet 240 pieces)
First grade100*100*6000 Price per 1 m3 from 5500 to 6700 rubles.
First grade150*150*6000 5500-6900 rub. For 1 cubic meter.
First grade40*100*6000 7500 rub. For 1 m3
2.3 grades40*150*6000 5500 rub. For 1 m3
- 9*1250*2500 548
- 12*1250*2500 802
- 60*250*50 40 rubles. apiece (in one cubic meter 133 pieces)

Prices for foam blocks


Project economy bath

After reviewing the prices of materials, you can see that it is more profitable to build a bath from blocks or by Canadian technology. Moreover, the latter will be more profitable if part of the materials use used or low-grade (for example, instead of a edged board, you can apply the unedged, adding the colors of the country bath). More accurate data on the consumption of materials can be obtained after the design and estimates.

It is extremely important before the construction of the construction of the Bani project, calculate the number of materials, mark all the sizes and at the same time plan not only the location of the premises, but also to furnishings in them.

Device shelf in steam room Choosing a bath size

The main premises in any, even the smallest bath is a steam room. Here are the shelves in two or three floors and the Kamenka. Even if the cottage plot is small, and the bathhouse is planned to put a very modest, the parley department cannot be made of 3-4 square meters at the same time on the simultaneous stay of two people (visitors should be comfortable to bathe brooms, sit and lie in the police grounds). Such norms are due to security considerations (in a very close steam room, it is easily burning about a hotbed chop or wheels with hot steam).

Also, if the entire oven is completely in the steam room and the fuel is loaded from the same room, it is worth increasing the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room for another 1-2 meters to conveniently store and throw up the firewood in the firebox. Immediately in front of the furnace, the prestituct sheet with dimensions of 1x1 m is defined, which is also noted on the plan-scheme of the future bath.

In the bath, water procedures will certainly be provided, respectively, you should think about a small shower, located in a separate room or adjacent to the steam. The second option when the steam room and the oil is combined, allows you to save space and reduce the cost of installing sewer sewers, interior partitions.

The last important room of the bathroom is a dressing room or a pre-banker. Shopping and hangers for visitors should fit here, the locker for bath accessories, perhaps a small table. An option is also possible, in which the Kamenka is located in the steam room, and the loading door goes to the pre-banner, which saves on heating.

In the Ban Economy you can do without:

  • plumbing system. But you will have to equip a stove with a tank and bring water by buckets manually;
  • separate bathroom. These amenities can be taken out into the street or in the country house if the bath in the country will be used only in the warm season.

But without electricity and sewage, it will not do without electricity, therefore it is desirable to order or build a septic / cesspool / drainage pit, as well as to stretch the power line to the place of construction of the bath, because the candle is very uncomfortable.

Be sure to specify on the plan scheme:

  • dimensions of the building and each room separately;
  • the height of the ceilings and the total height of the bath;
  • furnace location;
  • parties to which doors will open, including the furnace;
  • the location of windows (in the steam window is located at a height from 185 to 195 cm from the floor and not above the shelf);
  • the location of the socket and switch, shield and lamps (products are used only with the level of moisture protection above IP54).

Below are several projects of small single-storey country baths.

Video - Bath Design

Video - Bani Project. Compilation

Construction of a small frame economy Bath in the country

Let's start with the base of the bath - foundation. Since the bath will be small and relatively easy, it will not be necessary to pour a monolithic plate or make a swelled reinforced ribbon. For a single-storey bath of a fairly columnar foundation from blocks or asbestos pipes with concrete flooded in them.

Stage 1. Marking

This stage is required for any type of construction. Choose a place on the plot where the bath will stand.

We take 4 kias and plumb. Strictly vertically drive into the first amount in the soil, that is, we note the first corner of the house. From this point, lay the length of one of the walls, scoring the second count. We associate both cavities with a cord.

Similarly, we put the third col and the fourth. We check the equality of the diagonals of the markup, if necessary, correct the stakes and the cord.

Also, we mark the place where interior partitions will be located.

Arming a shovel and remove the top layer of the soil along with the grass inside the pickling. Align the bottom of the resulting foundation horizontally, tamper it.

Video - Conducting the markup of the foundation

Stage 2. Fundam

Consider the option of arrangement of a column foundation from concrete blocks with dimensions of 20 * 20 * 40 cm. Their price ranges from 45 to 60 rubles per 1st thing. You can use ordinary bricks (13-16 rubles per piece), including used.

We take the boring or shovel and start digging the wells with dimensions of 50x50 cm for blocks or 35x35 cm for bricks. The distance between the wells is not more than 2 m, the depth of each is approximately half the meter. The wells must be located at the corners of the house, under the bearing walls and interior partitions.

The bottom of each well trambra, we sleep with a layer of sand, rubble (each layer up to 10 cm) and again repeat the process of sealing.

Crushed stone poured with liquid cement milk. In the center of each well stitching one steel rod strictly vertically.

Lay out bricks or blocks around the bar for 2 pcs. In each row.

The columns must rise above the soil at 20-30 cm. We check the horizontal of the entire base, stretching the rope and using a bubble level. If necessary, compensate for the irregularities of the cement mortar layer.

Each column is covered with a piece of rubberoid.

Stage 3. Frame Economy Bath

For a frame, you can use a 100 * 100 cm timing or 150 * 150 cm. On the bearing elements it is not worth saving. Also, the wood is desirable to impregnate with flame-protected composition.

The lower strapping consists of 4-bars.

The connection of the angles by the "in the paw" or "in Poltera".

Connection of Bruces Lower Strapping

At sticking out of angular columns, rebar cutting the threads (pins on the intermediate columns can be cutting). In the ends of the bars drill holes under these pins. We cut the ends of Bruusyev according to the scheme.

We collect the bottom strapping, putting the bars on the pins. Top tighten nuts and lock nuts from above.

Between the vertical beams you feed the horizontal jumpers from the bar 50x50 mm. Corner racks strengthen bonds from the board 50x100 mm.

It remains to make an upper strapping. To do this, use a 50 mm thick board, which is screwed to the ends of the vertical beams with long wood screws.

Prices for wooden bars

wooden bars

Stage 4. Pol

Consider an example of an unintellive flooring in the bath. In order not to spend time on the hatching of lumber, we take fastener perforated corners, self-tapping screws and collect gender lags. We put the boards 50x100 cm between the bars of the lower strapping on the edge, withstand the distance between the lags 40-45 cm.

Assembling floor overlap from the board in the position "on the edge" for greater rigidity

Floor lags can be covered with OSB-3 sheets (approximately 480-550 rubles per sheet 1250x2500 mm and a thickness of 9 mm) or use the same wooden boards from which lags are made. In the draft floor, you need to provide a hole for mounting a drain ladder from a washing or steam.

Under the wooden roughing floor, be sure to pull the isospan or other steam-protected film.

To insulate the floor, on top of the draft floor again, the lags are labeled between which we put the crumples, sawdust or red moss, cover the entire "pie" with a waterproofing film and collect piqule floors from boards or moisture-resistant plywood (from 260 rubles. Per sheet 4 varieties in size 1525x1525 mm and 4 mm thick). The use of foam as insulation, including packing, is possible only in the pre-tribbon.

Prices for isospan

Stage 5. Roof

Before making a roof, we collect the upper overlap (ceiling). We use the same fasteners and boards, which were used when installing lag flooring.

The roof for the skeleton boat is better to make a double. It will make the bath outwardly more attractive, and the space under the roof will easily be converted to a bed or warehouse for brooms. On the other hand, there will be fewer materials on the single-table design.

Templates for drinking rafters, racks, floor lag

Table. Types of roofs, schemes

Roof type, illustrationDignityDescription
Flat or single-table

Saving materials, ease of assembly, the ability to operate the roof.
For a bath wide up to 6 meters, it is permissible to organize flat roofs with a bias of 10-25 degrees and tilting rafters.
The overlap is organized from coniferous bars from 100x100 to 150x200 mm. Stacking step from 40 cm to 1 m.
Over the beams are harvested solid without gaps of a cutting board or OSB, further mounted a lamp for a heater - clamzite with a layer of 10 cm, minvati or polystyrene foam.
On top of the insulation, several layers of rubberoid or other moisture protection material are laid. The roof itself can be organized from the professional sheet treated with antiseptic boards, etc.
Double. Suitable for bathing area\u003e 12 sq.m.

The possibility of using an attic on economic purposes or for overnight. Roof resistant and durableThe angle of inclination of the roof is selected from 30 to 45 degrees depending on the type of terrain.
To install such a roof, the upper strapping and mauelalat should be made from the bar. The rafter farms are triangles are eaten with a jumper between the ribs (rigel). The rafters are based on Maurylalat and can hang a maximum half meter. The rafters are cut down the pattern, assemble in the farm using metal fasteners and long screws.
The first farms are mounted on the foregrounds, then with the interval to one and a half meters - the rest of the rafters.
On top of the rafted, a lattice of a rail or board is styled, steam barrier is stretched, after which the roofing material is fixed, for example, a professionalist.

Video - Roof construction

Stage 6. Internal and exterior decoration

Table. Short description of the stages of insulation, isolation and decoration by economy bath

Order of workSchemeDescription

Polyfoam will provide the walls of the bath with additional rigidity and will retain heat. For installation, we use the mounting foam and PSB-C-15. I cut out the pieces of foam according to the distance between the frame racks, we insert the foam between them, the cracks are stupid.
It is recommended to cut out the foam of 0.5-1 cm more on dimensions than the existing openings to avoid slots.
We use 2x5 cm rails. Brepimir horizontally. Fixation we carry out the tree screws. The distance between the rails take an equal width of the insulation.
Between the slat rails lay the plates of mineral wool. Top mats stretch the polypropylene cord, fix it with small carnations or stapler.
On the outside, the bath can be chopped by OSB-3 sheets, which further stack or paint or paint. Also an acceptable option will be finishing the unedged board or siding.
From the outdoor side of the bath under the layer of finishing material, the brappiness is a windproof film (pergamine can be applied).
From the inside on the walls and ceiling, we stretch the vapor barrier with a foil thickness from 80 μR. Fix the allen strips with a metallized scotch.
Internal sheathing Traditional material for interior decoration - lining. Economy option - aspen. Pine lining in the steam room is better not to use.
In the selection of the walls, it is permissible to obey PVC panels or moisture-resistant plasterboard, then paint.
Outdoor sheath Many interesting materials are used as an external sheaving, such as shingle or dunca. These are thin wooden planks that are attached nails to the walls, and the rows are fixed with a small overlay (top to the bottom). Eco-friendly and economical solution.

Stage 7. Ventilation

Economy Banya - Surely the room is compact, but this does not exclude the need for its ventilation.

The hole for the air flow is traditionally shuting up near the heater, closer to the floor, and the installation of the ventilation valve is made simultaneously with insulation and wall decoration. Air flow from the supply ventilation channel should fall on the heating element of the furnace. It is especially important to equip effective ventilation if the furnace door does not enter the pre-banner, but in the pair.

The exhaust vent hole should be closer to the ceiling. The extract must be equipped with a damper. Air output is organized along the ventilation pipe to the roof, the pod's head board is closed by a grid from insects.

Natural ventilation can be organized by a small window located at a height of 185 cm above the floor level. The ventilation will occur with the open window and door doors.

Video - Ventilation in the bath

Prices for Bath Fans

fan for bath

Stage 8. Bath Equipment

Having gathered with your own hands with a bath, make a metal furnace with a heat exchanger and remote tank for water. The main thing is to install asbestos cardboard on the floor and the wall behind the furnace, close it with a steel sheet so that there is no self-burning of wooden surfaces.

Calculation of the load on the floor and rafters for a single metal furnace is not necessary, the design of the floor from the lag 150x50 mm in a step of 45-50 cm and the gender board with a thickness of 5 cm will handle the heel.

The wiring in the bath is paved either until the finish finish of the walls (hidden type), or after (outdoor). Luminaires and sockets are purchased and installed strictly moisture protection, class above IP 54. Must require the installation of a separate electrical tailor and protecting all cables from moisture.

Prices for asbestos cardboard

asbestoste cardboard

Other interesting projects Economy Ban

Very unusual, but from this no less comfortable bath-barrel is a cylindrical wooden structure on two supports, inside-divided by 2-3 compartments, the far of which is steaming. The bath is mobile, takes little space, economical and economical (for heating a small steam room you need quite some fuel).

Bath barrels turnkey stand from 35 to 220 thousand rubles. In practice, to assemble such a bath on its own, it takes twice as much as the means and not a lot of time and effort.

The assembly-disassembly of the bath is possible and the account of the used boards 45x90 or 50x90 mm with the spin-groove compound. The length of the barrel depending on the boards used is 2.5-5 meters. Construction fixation is carried out by metal hoops. Additionally, the bath can be equipped with a porch, roof, visor.

Water in a barrel is given through the holes in the floor. If you plan to install such a bath in the country, it is worth removing the soil layer, fall asleep with it with rubble, tamper, and set the bath itself to a pair of sustainable massive concrete blocks. The rules for installation of the furnace, wiring gaskets are standard for any type of wooden bath, including economy class.

A small bath with your own hands is an excellent option when the territory near the house or in the courtyard of giving is limited. In addition, with such a decision you can significantly save the budget, but as a result, get a full-fledged place of rest, which will not only make it possible to remove stress after a hard day, but to improve your health and have a nice time with family and friends.

Examples of projects

In the perfect version of the bath includes 4 rooms in its design:

  • pre-banker;
  • restroom;
  • washer;

You can expand the functionality of some rooms by combining them with each other. It does not lose comfort from stay. The total structure of the structure will largely depend on how many people will be at the same time being inside.

  • 1.20 m × 2.50 m. Very compact solution. In this case, the bath consists of only two rooms: a steam room and a pre-banker. The sizes of the first are 1.20 m × 1.50 m, the second one - 1 m × 1.20 m. The rest room is not provided, and in the pre-tribades it can be calmly change clothes. Washing can be combined with a parillery. Such sizes will be enough for one person.
  • 2.50 m × 2.50 m. By the number of rooms - as the first option. The size of the steam room is 2.50 m × 1.50 m, the pre-banker 1 m × 2.50 m. It will be possible to organize an additional place to store firewood. In such conditions, two people quietly fit.
  • 3 m × 3 m. This option can be planned differently. If there is a desire so that three people be placed in the steam, then it can be made of 3 m × 1.50 m in size, can be made separately, putting a shower cabin there. The size of this room will be 1 m × 1.50 m. There is also a pre-banker 2 m × 1.5 m. You can combine the washing and steam room, then the space remains that you can use under the recreation room, which will also serve as a pre-banker.
  • 4 m × 3 m. In this case, it can be separated for a steam 4 m 2 (for example, 2 m × 2 m). The washing will take 1 m × 1.50 m, 2 m × 3 m remains for the rest room. In such conditions, four people can safely fit. They can simultaneously be in the steam room, as well as enjoy communication in the pre-tribbon.
  • 4 m × 4 m. On this territory you can already turn around well. The steam room can be left the size of 2 m × 2 m. A separate prebator is to make a size of 2 m × 1.50 m. The rest room in this case is obtained 4 m × 2 m (one of the sides will be 2.50 m). Washing can be combined with a rest room, for this, an electric boiler is installed and a shower cabin. They can be placed in one of the corners of the room, which will not take much space.

These are indicative examples. You can easily vary the size of the room in the available limits. You may want to reduce the steam room, because It is not necessary that there are 4 people at the same time. At the same time, it will be possible to expand the space of the rest room.

Note! All measurements are given in perfect values \u200b\u200bwithout taking into account the thickness of the redesign. Made it for greater clarity. In the case when the bath will be adjacent to the house, then it can be made in the form of one room of the steam. At the same time, a bathroom will perform in the role of the washer, and the rest of the territory is available for recreation.

We choose the material

To build walls, you can use a different material. Much will depend on what project you have chosen, as well as from the planned amount of money. For example, you can use ordinary brick. How to build a brick bath, you can read. At the same time, the following points will be positive:

  • availability;
  • simplicity delivery;
  • relative simplicity of construction;
  • long service life (with proper care - up to 150 years);
  • simplicity;
  • the possibility of combining with the main structure;
  • when using a new brick, there is no need for facing;
  • freedom choice of form of construction.

To the negative parties can be attributed:

  • high cost of material;
  • the need for good ventilation, because Brick has bad steam water;
  • machine such a bath takes longer than the construction of wood;
  • big expenses for internal finish.

Along with the brick, foam block is often used. This is more progressive material it has characteristic only for it properties:

  • low weight with a large size;
  • high laying speed;
  • simplicity fitting block forms;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • relatively low price;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • subject to recommendations - a small consumption of glue.

There is also its own spoon

  • unequal pores can be a problem when hanging furniture;
  • for several months, shrinkage may occur;
  • bad bending resistance.

The most favorite way of manufacture is a pinned log. We can say a lot about his advantages, just some:

  • high environmental friendliness;
  • nice appearance;
  • low heat capacity;
  • no need for internal and external finishes;
  • pleasant inner atmosphere.

The negative side is:

  • unprofitable to use in small buildings;
  • some complexity of the construction;
  • high cost of material;
  • great shrinkage time.

One of the cheapest and rapid options is the construction of a frame design. For this method, minimal construction skills will be needed. The advantages are:

  • lack of need for a massive foundation;
  • availability of materials;
  • relatively low cost compared to other options;
  • ease of care;
  • very fast warming up the steam room with good insulation;
  • simplicity of commissioning of communications;
  • seismic resistance;
  • no shrinkage.

Of the minuses, you can note the need for a good sound insulation. High level of humidity - transmission of various vibrations, which can cause inconvenience. It is also important to take care of good ventilation so that the moisture is not accumulated inside, which will lead to the development of fungus and mold.

Ribbon foundation

In the case when a small bath is really planned, it makes no sense to draw the foundation for the level of ground freezing. It will only increase the total cost of the project. With competent manufacture and waterproofing, you do not have to worry about the fact that the walls will be cold. This type of foundation will be relevant for any of the listed buildings.

At the layout stage, the foundation provides a supply of necessary communications. It can be a water supply and sewer plums for water from a washing.

Note! If it is known that in your area the soils have high mobility, then the unlucky foundation will be a bad option, because it can easily collapse under the pressure of the layers. In this case, it is better to estimate the possibility of installing piles.

Pile Fundam

There are several ways to build the foundation. Piles can be burbot and scoring. In the first case, the well is clogged, formwork is made, rods are lowered for reinforcement and all space is filled with concrete. In the second embodiment, ready-made concrete, wooden or metal columns with a pointed end are clogged. The most suitable options for a small bath will be screw. They consist of a metal base in the form of a pipe and blades that contribute to the immersion of supports in the ground. They can be purchased or making themselves. If you have chosen the second option, then you need to act like this:

In each of the described options, separate support elements for the stove should also be provided, especially if you plan to use the heater. This is very important, because its weight can be large, which can lead to damage to the floor and lag.

Note! Such a foundation will be an ideal solution for frame structures, log builds, as well as small boxes from foam block. If the ground is in the area where construction is planned quite durable and stony, then you can apply something between the pile and tape foundation - the column. In this case, individual pits with a size of 50 × 50 cm are digging through each meter at a level below the fruit of the soil. The formwork is installed inside, the metallic shap and the solution is poured.

Erecting brick walls

For the bath, it is better to use a red brick that has passed heat treatment and has a smaller thermal capacity. To calculate the amount of the required material, you need to calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach wall. For this width multiplied by length. Then it is necessary to divide this number to the area of \u200b\u200bone brick. The area of \u200b\u200bmasonry seams can be neglected, because Anyway, you will need to make a stock in case of a fight or marriage.

The wall can be erected using several ways:

  • two bricks with outdoor insulation.
  • with air gaps, they make up about 6 cm;
  • with a layer of insulation between two rows of bricks.

Works begin with the construction of corners. This is an important process, because They will subsequently provide the correctness of the whole design. To observe the vertical level of future walls, in the corners there are two metal profiles of 5 × 5 cm and a length of equal to the height of future walls. They are exhibited by level and fixed by dosy. Between them stretches the line to the height of one row. After it is laid, the fishing line is rearranged at the next height. The seam thickness should be about 20-25 mm. It is necessary to apply it for a distance of no more than meter so that he does not have time to dry. Additionally, the plane is checked with a bubble level. In the event that the second and third type of masonry is selected, then you need to deliver a dressing between the two walls. This is ensured by the transverse laying of two bricks opposite each other after certain intervals. Also, each row should go with the displacement of the Polkirpich to ensure the overall weaving of the entire plane.

Over the windows or doorways it is necessary to install a jumper. Usually it is reinforced concrete. You can purchase it already ready or pour it directly in place. It should go for the openings at least 25 cm. The backups are installed, the wooden board is mounted on them. Two rows of bricks are laid out on the edge. Between them there are reinforcement rods, which should also go beyond the opening of a 25 cm opening, while it is better to get it up to intertwine with existing masonry. Concrete poured inside. After full frost (usually 10-12 days), the lower stands can be dismantled and removed the logs.

Walls from foam blocks

The general principle of laying will be the same as in the previous case. Starting also follows from the corners that should be accurately and clearly exhibited.

In the same way, guides from the profiled tube are performed. But there are nuances:

  • In order to achieve the best clutch, the base row is laid on the cement solution. Sand ratio is better to do 1: 3. It is very important to withstand the horizontal plane so that all other rows also lay down correctly.
  • All other rows are fixed on special glue.
  • The thickness of the glue layer should not exceed 5 mm. Only in this case will be able to achieve perfect thermal insulation.
  • After every 3 rows, a metal grid is placed in the seam, which serves to give additional stiffness.
  • Foam blocks are put on the edge.
  • Jumpers above doors and windows are performed in the same way as in the case of brickwork.

Walls from Srub

This option pops up in the imagination when it comes to the bath. For its manufacture, you will need to be riddled with a pinned or profiled log. From this material it is better to make an outer wall. Because The design is small, it is good if the rearrangements are frame.

After the construction of the walls is completed, the primary cacopat is produced. In the process of which the hanging insulation is simply clogged into the joints. Full shrinkage of the building can last more than 1.5 years.

Frame walls

After the construction of the foundation for such a design, an additional basis is made. It is performed according to the example of the framework, which was mentioned above. For corner racks, we will need exactly the same timber as for the foundation. In addition, it will be necessary to stock up the cutting board with a length of equal to the height of future walls, the width of the width and a thickness of 5-10 cm.

Crossing the roof

For small buildings, an ideal solution will be a single roof. It is necessary to plan its manufacture at the design stage. It is very important that it was the possibility of one wall to raise above another. When it is done, then in the case of a wall of brick and foam block to the upper end, waterproofing from a biket or rubberoid is stacked. Additional beams are mounted on it, which I will serve as Mauerlat. They are attached to the base with the help of anchor bolts or closed studs. From above stacked the beams to which the lamp will be cut. To Mauerlat, they can be fixed using metal corners.

In another embodiment, the walls are made the same. Ceiling beams are stacked at Mauerlat. On one of the sides, vertical boards are installed, which will form the fronton, the rafting legs are lowered onto another wall. In the place of the adjoining to Mauerlat, they are cut under the desired angle. Fixed with metal corners. To make it easier to withstand the roof in the same plane, two extreme elements are first installed. Between them stretches the twine, which will serve as the level.

The ceiling is necessarily insulating. Top on the ceiling crossbars fasten the parobarar. In this role can be dense foil. In the space between the beams, the insulation is laid in the form of mineral wool. Additionally, it is closed with a plastic film. From the inside, a liner is made using wooden lining or grinding edged board. Read more about warming ceiling in the bath.

Note! For the house from the bar when attaching the rafter feet to Mauerlat, it is better to use floating corners. It is necessary that during the shrinkage did not break the roof.

Finish straight

An integral component of each bath is a furnace. It can be made independently made of sheet material or metal pipe of large diameter. In another embodiment, it is laid out of the brick, but in this case it can occupy a large space. For a small space, it is better to use electrical options that are purchased ready.

The shelves are mounted inside the steam. It is better not to use coniferous wood wood, because When heated, it can highlight the resin, which will result in burns. A good material for her will be aspen, larch, linden or oak. With a small space, there will be a width of 40 cm, more convenient when there is a stand under the legs. The fastener must be flung flush so as not to burn the skin (it should also be made of stainless material). Better if the whole design is collected on the sewage.

For wiring, you must use a cable in a double braid. It is better if it is non-combustible (usually in the marking there is a prefix "NG"). Be sure to lay the conductor in the corrugation. In the steam room, switches are not mounted. Luminaires are used with IP68 index.

Take care of good ventilation. To do this, you can install an adjustable trim valve, as well as anemostats with an output to the fronton through the roof. It will be enough to ensure that after receiving steam baths, all the moisture was removed.

As you could see, there are no restrictions on what you can build a small bath. Choose the option that best suits you.


Frame shield with a porch

Almost every owner of his own home dreams of a bath. And even if you are not going to build a bath with your own hands, then at least to understand the variety of projects of baths and their small secrets.

Did you know that before the construction of the bath is important to orient it on the sides of the world? Usually, the door to the bathhouse is located on the south side - the snow is placed there before and you don't have to often do it with clearing. But the windows are better to locate in the West - in the evening they will be more light, because, we usually go to the bath in the evenings.

The bath is built from wood, brick, from natural stone or concrete structures. The advantage of a tree bathture is that they are superbly kept warm and built from environmentally friendly material - spruce or pines. For a bath, an additional ventilation is not required from a wooden bar. The tree perfectly "breathes" enough to install the ventilation grille.

Winter forest is used to build a log cabin - it is denser and less susceptible to rotting. Do not hurry to plant a bath when the log is ready - it should be standn up for a year, and only then you can start finishing work.

At the initial stage of construction, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the choice of places like a bath. It can be erected as a detached building or attach to a house or other residential building.

Many believe that the connection of the bath and at home can add dampness and unpleasant odor in the house. But if proper waterproofing, ventilation and sewage are laid in the bath, then there should be no aforementioned problems.

On the other hand, the bath made as a separate building, more fireproof, and a small veranda at the bath can fully replace the garden gazebo.

A very important point in the construction of a bath is a bookmark of the foundation. The foundation may be ribbon, columnar or pile. For the construction of the bath with their own hands, the best foundation is considered to be the best, which consists of concrete piles put on a depth of about 1.5 meters. This foundation is made of stone, brick or concrete.

To finish the bath inside, it is better to use the material from such tree breeds as a poplar, alder or oxygen, as they have a high moisture resistance and weak thermal conductivity. We recommend the floors too from a tree because it is weakly heated. But the tree has a tendency to rot, therefore it is better to make the collapsible floor and at least once a year to air to be dried and dry in the sun.

Shelves in the bath can not be very large. The main thing is that they can be free to sit or comfortably lie. The size of the pair must be about 6 square meters. m. - So the wood does not need a lot for warming up, and not closely. In the right Russian bath, the air temperature is about 60 degrees, and the humidity is 40%. Compare with the Finnish sauna, where the temperature is 90 degrees and humidity 10%.

For the construction of a bath with their own hands, the choice of stoves for heating steam room is an important point. From the type of furnace, the "lightness" of steam depends. The brick oven is warming up longer, and it should be arranged for about an hour - but the couple is perfect, light. The iron furnace warms up quickly, the ugar does not threaten, but the steam is tougher.

The furnace must be installed on the foundation. In no case should not touch the walls of the bath. Consider the fact that the furnace needs to be placed so that all the rooms of the bath are heated at once. To date, the ovens with an extended firebox are very popular. Such furnaces allow drowning in a steam room from a pre-banker. A good oven evenly distributes heat all over the bath.

Bath layout includes three main premises: steam room, shower and rest room.

In addition to these premises, the bath may include a small outdoor pool, because, the bath is not only steam and heat, but also hardening outdoors. After all, after a steam room, it is necessary to close the pores - and the cold water of the external water reservoir is best coped with this.

If you do not have the opportunity to build a bath from logs, you can choose another option of construction from the so-called "wooden bricks".

With such construction, wooden chocks fit into cement mortar as bricks.

So you will not only save on the construction of the bath, but also get a more fireproof option.

Such a bath looks quite decently inside, and, moreover, in this way you can easily build a rarely found toll bath.

Bath layout will allow you to carefully consider the required functionality from your bath and more accurately predict your costs and labor costs.

Bath layout 1.

Bath layout 2.

Bath layout 3.

Bath layout 4.

Bath layout 5.

Banya - the place is not easy, the bath has long been considered to be the most real Lekarem - "In the bath it is reopened!" But there is a bath and their legends. So in the times of paganism, the Slavs, well, natopying the baths and laying out there clean clothes, closed it tightly and went. It was the time when the dead ancestors were soared.

In the days of early Christianity, the bath was considered a suspicious place. It was forbidden in the bath to hang icons and put a bathing utensil to the house. After the bath, a person had to get himself with cold water or plunge into the river - to drive from himself evil. After visiting the bath, it was impossible to go to the church, it was sin to wash on the Orthodox holidays, as well as on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Thus, the bathroom was Saturday.

The spirit of the bath is a banner, demanded respect for himself and forbade himself to go to the bath after the onset of darkness, and take a drunk bath. A large miscratus was to rush the person soaring in a bath or leave in the bath without supervision of the child - they could be dragged by a bath spirit.

If you are going to build a bath on your summer cottage, we hope that our little tips come in handy. And the long-standing traditions that we told you about will help you not only enjoy the bath visit, but also to be extremely attentive next to the hot stub and ferry.
After all, the bath do it yourself - it is a fascinating and useful thing, you may be interested to get acquainted with the modern versions of the bath in our video:

Little bathroom baths - a few interesting projects for independent construction

Banya - This is one of the main buildings on the modern household plot. Here you can relax and relax from economic and garden work by correcting health. However, in order to bath building Functioning correctly, when it is construction, you should consider a number of nuances.

Traditional sauna Includes several functional premises, however, due to the territorial limitations of the inadlines, the home masters seek to maximize the dimensions of the structure. Sometimes at the same time decreases the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises, and in some cases from something of them and it is necessary to abandon.

This article outlines several useful advice on design and construction of small bath buildings.

Features of bath buildings

Traditional Russian sauna Produced from a tree. However, today such buildings can be built from any building blocks.

Ideally bath building Must include the following premises:

  1. Pregnant. This is an ordinary entrance hall or changing room in which the wardrobe is located, which is hanging clothes of bath visitors, as well as a place for storing fuel.
  2. Restroom - usually the biggest room in Banwhere the table is located, followed by tea drinking and conduct conversations with friends.
  3. Washingwhere water container is located for receiving cooling procedures.
  4. Pairbasic place in the bathwhere installed furnace-heater, Heating air in the steam room.

Unfortunately, in view of saving space, such a set of rooms is far from each banWhat will be said below.

Causes of the construction of a small bath

Nowadays little bath for cottages can be built for several reasons:

  1. Lack of free space.
  2. Low price, because costs with small-sized construction will be much less.
  3. From practical considerations. The smaller the building, it is easier and has less pressure on the foundation, respectively, it is easier to contain it in proper form. And a single person or a small family simply simply to build a whole led for receiving bath procedures.

On the distribution of space in small baths

If your goal is little bath at your own hands, To save space, you should listen to such advice:

  1. Pregnant and rest room Most often combine into one large room. Naturally, if it does not plan to operate the bath with several people at once, then the rest room is better to make a small, cozy room, putting a table on four people and four tools.

Tip! Use exceptionally simple wooden furniture. Upholstered furniture, covered skin or fabric for such premises is not suitable, because the constant humidity is extremely negatively affecting the appearance of such a upholstery.

You also need to decide, from which room the fuel will be loaded into the furnace.

Often the oven is loaded from the rest room, because:

  • It is more convenient to store firewood here, in which case they do not need to be included in the steam room.
  • Despite the small size of the steam room, load fuel from this room will be inconvenient.

  • One wall has a place for storing firewood, chimney sash and the door to the steam room.
  • The opposite wall has a wardrobe and a table with chairs.

Tip! The interior of the rest room should be as simple as possible. Before decorating it with various subjects, think about whether they are suitable for this room. Skins and stuffed animals is a clearly unsuccessful choice.

  1. If you plan to build a very small bath (for example, 3 by 3 meters), then you can also refuse rest.

In this case, you need to do the following:

  • At the entrance is a small hallway, which fits the cabinet and a place for storing fuel.
  • Fuel loading is carried out in the steam room.
  • The interior consists of three rooms: hallway, washing and steam rooms.

Calculation of space under the room

Wanting build a small bathIt is very important not to overdo it, because the considerations of saving space should not be higher than the functionality of the room.

  1. The volume of recreation room should be counted with the fact that each visitor accounts for 2-3 square meters of the square.
  2. The area of \u200b\u200bthe washing room is calculated similar to the rest room.
  3. The steam room may be closer, here will be enough one and a half or two square meters per person.

It is desirable that one small window is located in each room. This will save you the cost of electricity when receiving bath procedures during the daytime.

Tip! The windows should be placed at an altitude of the average human growth, that is, at a distance of 185-190 cm from the floor.

Construction planning - Very responsible stage, since it is when developing a plan, further comfort is determined from the use of a bath. Therefore, constituting little bath project for givingYou should maximally compare all "for" and "against" to get the most functional structure.

Little baths for giving photos