How to destroy a hornet's nest even in a hard-to-reach place. How to destroy a hornet's nest: recommendations How to get rid of a nest in the wall of a house

Any acquaintance with wasps on its territory can turn into a whole tragedy. Not only do they build their nests on balconies, in garages, in attics, but also, sensing something was wrong, they actively go on the attack. If at least one wasp stings you, then the rest of its relatives, smelling the chemical release of pheromones, will follow its example. It will not be possible to bring out all the black-and-yellow "terrorists" one by one. This needs to be done en masse! How? It's simple: you need to get rid of their hiding place! Today I will tell you about how to destroy vespiary.

Beneficial insects

In general, wasps themselves - like ants - are quite settling on suburban area, they are engaged in pollination of plants, and also prevent the appearance and reproduction of other insects that harm your garden. However, if the wasps built their dwelling right next to you, then it is necessary to take measures for their execution. Do not put yourself and your loved ones in danger! So let's find out how to deal with

alien execution

Method number 1

The hive can be destroyed mechanically. Any procedure aimed at solving the problem of how to destroy a hornet's nest must take place under the condition of complete safety for oneself. Take care of your clothes. It should be tight, put gloves on your hands, and a beekeeper's mask on your face. "Arm" with a few Early in the morning, while the wasps are sleeping, put on the nest several packages that have been nested in advance. The nest should be inside the package. Quickly tear it off the base and tie it in a knot. After that, place it in a tight bag (for example, from sugar or potatoes). Keep in mind that this must be done for your safety, because wasps can gnaw through polyethylene with their jaws and break out! Next, you should take care of what to do with the hornet's nest in the bag. And here's what you need to do: pour boiling water into a bucket, lower the bag with wasps there and press something heavy on top. The bucket can be covered with a lid so that the water does not cool down. After 1 hour, the bees in such a "water bath" will die. Throw away the bag with their corpses in the landfill.

Method number 2

Today, the problem of how to destroy a hornet's nest is solved quite quickly and effectively thanks to special chemicals. Use aerosols "Moskitol", "Troapsil", "Prima" or "Dichlorvos". Dress tightly (don't forget the beekeeper's mask). Treat the hive early in the morning or very late in the evening (at night). After a couple of days, the entire colony of wasps will die or completely leave the hive. After that, you need to carefully remove the nest, because who knows, suddenly a dozen live wasps remained there. That is why remove the hive, as described in the first method - with the help of bags. As a "control shot" also drown the nest in a bucket of boiling water.

Method number 3

You can use modern wasp repellers! This is a special model of their nest. Nature has decreed that the wasps, noticing an extraneous nest, will no longer settle in this place! After all, these insects always protect their territory, not allowing "foreigners" to it. This method is also convenient in that you do not have to rack your brains over solving the problem of how to destroy a hornet's nest and what to do with it later!

There is no person in the world who has not seen wasps at least once in his life. Everyone knows that you can’t touch them, they can bite quite hard.

This is an insect whose body is painted in yellow and black stripes. Depending on the species, its length is from 2 to 3.5 cm. There are two pairs of wings on the back, and the back ones are closely connected with the front ones and there is a feeling that there are only two of them.

The eyes consist of a large number of facets, which allows them to look simultaneously in different directions. In addition to compound eyes, she has three more eyes, which are located at the top of the head.

The insect is also interesting in that it has multifunctional antennae-antennae. They play the role of organs of smell and touch, in addition to this, and taste buds.

Features of the life of wasps, their role

Insects live in nests that are built from a material similar to cardboard. They cannot extract wax. They build nests, spherical in appearance, which they try to place under a rocky surface, on branches, under the roofs of residential buildings.

The nests contain hexagonal cells, which are arranged in several tiers.

The colony exists for one summer period, in the future, males and worker wasps die. Only fertilized females remain overwintering.

When spring comes, she independently begins to build new housing for herself. To search for a new place, they quite often fly into human housing, attics and other buildings.

They mainly feed their offspring with small insects, including arachnids. Adults, on the other hand, eat the nectar of flowers, as well as the blood that they suck from their victims.

Basically, most individuals are used to living alone. Only the female is able to take care of future offspring.

The most dangerous are vespins and hornets. They are able to sting their prey with their sting several times at a time.

Insects of this species, in addition to harm, also bring enormous benefits. They effectively destroy pests, do not allow them to multiply rapidly. They, like bees, perfectly pollinate plants, therefore, they take part in the reproduction of useful plants.

For example, in some countries, to attract gardens, special plants are planted for them, in the form of bait.

Wasps can bite a person, but, as noted, they only pursue the one who offended them.

Ways to get rid of a hornet's nest

There are many options for destruction. They can be destroyed with chemicals, all kinds folk ways, destroy manually, i.e. physically.


Chemical products are currently sold in outlets in huge numbers. It is noteworthy that they can be destroyed with drugs that are used in the fight against domestic pests.

For example, you can use the following tools:

  • Karbofos. A proven and inexpensive drug that will effectively destroy insects. It has one drawback - it smells rather sharply and unpleasantly.
  • Get. A modern and powerful tool that destroys wasps and other insects, while not negatively affecting people and pets.
  • Cucaracha. Very effective drug However, sometimes it can be quite difficult to find it in retail outlets.
  • Executioner.
  • Raptor.
  • Aerosol pesticide.
  • Minap 22 and others.

Garden standard preparations used to kill pests have an excellent effect.

Important! It should be noted that preparations that are made in the form of a spray or aerosol work best. Powders for destruction will not help, it is impossible to sprinkle the nest with them, but it is possible to use them for making baits.

Gels for the destruction of cockroaches will help perfectly. They can treat the surface near the nest in several places. In this case, adults will eat the gel themselves, and also bring it to the nest to feed the larvae and queen.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are used quite often. These include various methods that people have come up with and effectively use them.

One of the most effective ways- to kill insects. It will take a lot of time (from several days to 1-2 weeks). This option will work great if people rarely appear in locations wasp nests.

The following option works great:

  • Take a bowl or a used tin can.
  • Place the bait inside the container. To do this, you can take honey and some beer (you can do without it, the main thing in this case is sweet bait.)
  • Add 0.5 - 1 tsp. boric acid or borax (it will be a poisonous substance).
  • Mix all the above ingredients thoroughly.
  • At night, when the insects are dormant, place the bait near the nest.
  • If, after the "treat" is eaten, the wasps are still alive, place another part of the prepared mixture.
  • Boric acid has a poisonous effect not only on cockroaches in an apartment, but also on wasps. For this reason, poisonous baits are prepared on its basis.

As practice shows, after a few weeks, all flying representatives die. It should be noted that with this poisonous agent, he feeds the larvae and the uterus, so they also die.

This option can be used by installing containers with the mixture in attics and other residential buildings.

Physical methods are also used quite often.

For example, you can apply the following:

  • Burn the hated nest. It should be noted right away that this option is not only effective, but also a fire hazard. The nest will burn with a huge flame. Such actions must be carried out very carefully and under constant supervision. Do not use this method when there are objects made of paper, wallpaper, wood or plastic nearby.
  • You can drown a hornet's nest. This option is very effective, but requires maximum skill. To use this method, it is necessary to fill the container with water to the very brim, at night raise it so that the nest is completely in the water.

The liquid container should stand for several hours. To make sure that the insects have died completely, you need to knock on the nest with some object. If no buzzing is heard, then all the inhabitants are dead. In any case, this option is very dangerous.

  • Another the right way. At night, with the help of mounting foam, process the nest. It, expanding, will cover the entire settlement as a whole, the insects will have nowhere to go and they will die inside their homes. In the morning, all that remains is to pluck the nest and throw it away.

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Fight against earthen wasps and their nests

They got their name exclusively among the people, this does not exist among scientists. The only difference is that the wasps made their nest in the ground.

There may be several reasons: lack of space on roofs, attics, or they decided to take a nest of some small animal that is convenient for them. They are called paper wasps, their vital activity is no different from other insects.

You can get rid of them using all the same folk methods:

  • You can burn the nest. To do this, pour gasoline or kerosene into it and carefully set it on fire. The wasp dwelling will completely burn out along with its inhabitants.
  • Fill the nest with boiling water. It should be noted that this option may not bring desired result the first time, so the procedure must be repeated. After each treatment, the entrance to the nest should be closed with something heavy and airtight so that angry individuals cannot get out and bite a person.
  • You can use insecticides. It is necessary to make a strong solution of the product and fill it with a nest. For this purpose, take Kukaracha, Dichlorvos, Aktara. Plug the entrance to the nest with a rag treated with the same preparation. The option is quite effective, but expensive.
  • Lures displayed near the nest are also widely used. Boric acid or other odorless poison dissolves in syrup or honey. Insects, eating it, die. The mixture must be constantly added and within 2 weeks they will completely die.

Whatever options people use to get rid of dangerous insects, you should not forget about safety precautions so that the results are not disastrous.

Precautions and Mistakes When Destroying Nests

Fighting always requires special attention so as not to be bitten by these insects. It often happens that wasps, protecting their home, can attack a person in a swarm, which will lead to disastrous results.

When performing procedures for deliverance, you should follow simple rules:

  • All work must be done at night, when the wasps fall asleep and become inactive.
  • You need to put on a protective gown, a beekeeper mask, gloves and goggles.
  • You need to move smoothly, carefully, without sudden unnecessary movements and screams.

If something goes wrong, you need to leave, but at the same time smoothly and calmly.

Wasps can pounce and bite hard. In no case should you scream and wave your arms, as the insects will become more aggressive. You need to return to the intended goal after a few hours, when they calm down. It is best to postpone the destruction procedure for a day.

What to do after the destruction of the nest?

  • After the actions taken to destroy, it is necessary to quickly leave the "battlefield".
  • If the struggle was with earthen wasps, it is necessary to clog or bury the place where the nest was located after processing.
  • During the entire winter period, it is necessary to shoot down and destroy all found nests.
  • You can hang a few fake nests on the trees. The fact is that wasps are territorial insects and will not settle near other colonies. This can be great to deceive insects.
  • No need to plant near the house fruit trees and shrubs. Fallen fruits attract insects, and they can make a nest nearby.
  • Garbage bins and cisterns should be hermetically sealed, the smell of food will attract insects, and they can settle in the trash can.
  • Per winter period seal all cracks and holes. This is necessary so that the wasps, at the beginning of spring, cannot return.

What to do if bitten by a wasp?

Vinegars can lead to various irreversible consequences.


  • There is a sharp pain at the site of injury.
  • Very quickly there is a swelling near the bite.
  • There is an intolerable itch.
  • The body begins to turn red, the temperature rises at the site of damage.

The first thing to do after an injury:

  • Do not panic and calm down as much as possible.
  • Try to suck the poison out of the wound.
  • Apply an acidic product (a piece of apple, orange or lemon) to the damaged area. This will help neutralize the toxic substance in the wound that has not healed.
  • After that, apply a cold object: a product from the freezer, cold metal, a piece of ice.
  • Against the occurrence of an allergic reaction, drink a tablet of Suprastin.
  • If a wasp has bitten a child, treat the injury site with hydrogen peroxide, green paint or vodka.
  • Apply a compress to the bite site. This will slow down the movement of blood flow, along with it, the spread of poison throughout the body.
  • The compress must be kept for at least half an hour, then lubricate with a drug that helps relieve inflammation, itching and swelling. These include Fenistil, Insectline, Menovazin.
  • In the absence of drugs, you can attach parsley root, a clove of garlic, a slice of lemon. Great help essential oil, which moisten the cloth and apply to the area of ​​​​vinegar.
  • If allergic reactions occur, immediately visit a medical facility.

The owner of any apartment at least once in his life may find himself in a situation where wasps are found on his balcony or loggia. Occasionally, wasps accidentally flying onto the balcony in most cases do not pose a problem - there is no point in fighting them, just open the window and set them free.

Another thing is when these uninvited guests decide to settle here (or somewhere nearby) by building their nest. In this case, the wasps on the balcony begin to pose a serious threat, because they are unlikely to indifferently endure constantly coming out on " Fresh air and the people disturbing them. Very soon, unpleasant neighbors will begin to sting all household members indiscriminately: animals, children, and yourself, in the end.

This means only one thing - the fight against wasps on the balcony should begin immediately. As soon as you notice that meetings with these insects have already become constant, you should immediately look for ways to get rid of them, without waiting for the growth of the hornet's nest.

In order to get the wasps out of the balcony once and for all, you first need to try to find their nest. Moreover, it is far from always located in plain sight and directly inside the loggia or balcony - there are a number of nuances here ...

As a rule, wasps have settled on the balcony since autumn. A young female finds a secluded place for wintering among the rubble of old things, and in the spring - with the onset of heat - she begins to build a nest here or under the ceiling. In the event that the owner of the apartment misses this moment even a little, it will be already difficult to get close to the dwelling of the insects - there will be too many wasps and they will already be able to defend themselves.

Most often, wasps on the balcony start:

  • under the ceiling inside;
  • under the eaves outside;
  • outside under the windowsill;
  • in pipes for draining rainwater;
  • between walls and sheathing - both inside and outside;
  • with a lot of trash - right in the middle of it.

Despite the variety of places suitable for building a nest, finding its location is usually not so difficult: to understand where to look for the dwelling of insects, you just need to sit still for half an hour on the balcony and watch exactly where the wasps fly. If such observations did not help, then most likely the nest is located somewhere outside, and the wasps need to be observed from the window.

But you should not categorically start dismantling the rubbish on the balcony or move the lining in search of a nest: wasps can suddenly attack. For a successful outcome of the fight against insects, it is necessary to at least roughly imagine the location of their nest in advance, but you need to look for it carefully.

On a note

The nest of wasps at the very beginning looks like a small cone-shaped grayish mold with honeycombs, attached to the ceiling or wall. It is not visible at all in cracks or pipes, but it is noticeable how insects constantly fly in and out of there.

In the photo - nests of wasps on different stages the buildings:

Wasp nest on the balcony: the main methods of destruction

So, let's assume that the first task is successfully completed: either the wasp nest has already been found, or there is a clear idea where it is. Now we need to destroy it. Moreover, it is to destroy, and not humanely remove and carry away, because in the latter case there is a high risk of suffering from bites (with a large number of them, it can even be life-threatening).

Just kicking the wasps out of the balcony, waving, for example, a newspaper, will not work: they will defend their nest to the last. Insects can either be destroyed or capitulated and leave the balcony in their power.

How can you get rid of a wasp nest on the balcony? There are several effective ways that are worth dwelling on in detail.

The first one is one of the most long ways struggle - to poison the wasps themselves. It will take several days (or even weeks), but it is well suited if the owners rarely visit the balcony.

To remove insects in this way, a simple bowl is taken, tin or a plastic bottle, in the walls of which large holes are cut. Half a glass of beer is poured inside the makeshift feeder and honey is added (you can do without beer, the main thing here is the sweet bait). Half a teaspoon of borax or boric acid is also added here (they play the role of a poison), after which all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

At night, when the wasps are inactive, a feeder with poisoned bait is placed near their nest, and the door to the balcony is tightly closed. If after a few days all the bait is eaten and there are still live wasps left, you will need to add another portion of the mixture to the feeder.

Practice shows that sooner or later (as a rule, it takes a week or two), all wasps, without exception, die. By the way, they also feed their larvae and the uterus with poisoned bait.

This breeding method can also be used if the wasps start in the attic.

The second method of dealing with wasps on the balcony is burning the nest. This method, for obvious reasons, is extremely fire hazardous (the nest will burn with a big flame), so it is reasonable to use it only in cases where the dwelling hangs, for example, on the outer concrete wall of the balcony or under the ceiling away from plastic lining and wallpaper.


Burning a hornet's nest - although the most effective method destruction, but at the same time the most dangerous. You can not use it if there is paper (including wallpaper), wood and furniture, plastic, textiles, carpets nearby.

In order to implement this method of getting rid of wasps within the balcony, in the evening you can pour gasoline or kerosene into a bottle of household chemicals, and close the container itself with a lid with a spray bottle. The nest of wasps is almost paper, and therefore it flares up quickly enough - you just need to spray it a little with a combustible composition at night and immediately set it on fire.

The third way - quite fast and fireproof, but requiring some skill - is drowning the nest in water.

It is worth noting that this method of dealing with wasps has one feature: the insect dwelling must be attached in the middle of a flat ceiling, otherwise it will be problematic to implement the method.

To remove the wasps from the balcony by this method, a bucket is taken, filled to the brim with water and at night rises so that its edges rest against the ceiling, and the nest is completely submerged in water. Within a few hours, the water container should fit snugly against the ceiling, therefore, as a rule, it is supported from below by some object suitable in height - for example, an ordinary stepladder.


Before you remove the bucket, you should still play it safe and knock on it with a hard object. If the buzzing of the wasps is not heard after that, it means that they died. Otherwise, lowering the bucket is very dangerous!

By the way, this method can be successfully used on country cottage if, for example, a nest of hornets appears there - the closest relatives of wasps. In addition, along with the first method of destruction, the third can also be used to remove wasps from the attic.

And finally, the last of the most effective ways to exterminate wasps is to use against them insecticides. This method very efficient but somewhat labor intensive.

A dense and necessarily sealed (without holes) plastic bag is taken, into which a little of any powerful wasp remedy is poured (you can read about them below). At night, the bag is put on the nest, and the neck of the plastic trap is attached to the surface around it with tape so that the wasps cannot get out. Insects will die within a few hours, so you should not rush to check the effectiveness of this method.

After the destruction of wasps in any way in order to avoid unpleasant consequences it is always necessary to check if there are any live insects in the nest. To do this, it is enough to knock on it with a long stick or a metal rod.

Means for baiting wasps

Probably the first thing that comes to mind when wasps start on the balcony is their extermination with insecticidal chemicals.

To date, quite a lot of such drugs are being produced, and some can be used as a poison. For example, here are some of them:

  • Karbofos is a relatively inexpensive, but effective drug (although it has a strong unpleasant odor);
  • Get is a powerful modern insecticide that is odorless and relatively safe for humans;
  • Tetrix or Cucaracha are one of the most powerful tools, however, it is not easy to find them for sale, they are expensive and smell very strong;
  • Sinuzan;
  • Microcin;
  • Minap 22;
  • Delta Zone;
  • Cucaracha;
  • Executioner.

An important point to pay attention to Special attention, is that liquid concentrates diluted in water for subsequent spraying in the form of a spray, or ready-to-use aerosols, are better suited to combat wasps on the balcony.

But powders here, alas, will not work (you will not sprinkle them on the nest; but powders can be suitable for making poisoned baits).

In order to drive out wasps from a balcony or loggia, you can also use some standard garden preparations to protect plants from pests.

If you like the option of preparing poisoned baits, then for this you can add all the same insecticides to the sweet syrup: Get, Delta Zone, Cucaracha. Cockroach gels are also good, which you can simply anoint in several places near the nest. Adult wasps will eat the poison themselves, as well as bring it into their home to feed the larvae and queen.

Safety rules for the destruction of wasps on the balcony

The fight against wasps on the balcony, no matter what method is used for this purpose, is still not a safe event. Insects are ready to defend the nest even at the cost of their own lives, and for humans, multiple bites can be fraught with serious consequences.

That is why, in order to avoid an attack, all work on removing wasps should be carried out:

  • in the most closed clothing, gloves and, preferably, a beekeeper's mask;
  • at night, when the wasps are inactive and have poor vision;
  • quickly so that the insects do not have time to react;
  • at open door to the apartment, so that in the event of an attack by wasps, a retreat route would always be ready.

If something did not go according to plan, and the wasps began to attack, you must immediately run into the room and close the door behind you. After half an hour or an hour, the insects will calm down, and the attempt can be repeated.

How to get rid of a wasp that accidentally flew onto the balcony?

If on your covered balcony the wasp flew in by accident, it should not be killed: it will not cause any harm, but on the street it will be of great use.

A single wasp is very easy to catch and release. To do this, it is enough to take an empty Matchbox, cover them with a wasp on the glass or wall and, without moving the boxes away from the surface, close. Open it, respectively, you need already outside the window so that the insect can fly away.

Similarly, you can catch a wasp with an empty glass jar. Sometimes you don’t even need to use a lid, but just quickly put the wasp jar out of the window.

What to do so that the wasps on the balcony will no longer start

As you may have noticed, breeding wasps is a rather laborious process. Therefore, as in many other areas, it is much easier to prevent a potential problem than to eliminate it after the fact.

To prevent the appearance of wasps on the balcony, you just need to follow some simple rules:

  • do not allow accumulations of old unnecessary things on the loggia or balcony, among which wasps successfully hide or find convenient places for the nest;
  • close all the cracks between the walls and the cladding;
  • install a thin grate outside the pipe to drain the water;
  • if the balcony is open, visit it regularly and inspect the ceilings and walls.

In general, wasps simply cannot physically settle on well-groomed, clean and glazed balconies. So draw certain conclusions and always keep clean not only your apartment, but also your balcony!

The original way to get rid of wasps

Interesting video: wasps in the house on the balcony

In modern city apartments, as a rule, window systems that prevent flying insects from entering the home from the outside. But on the other hand, there are dachas where people come to relax and join healthy lifestyle life of the townspeople. Life in the country is like an idyll: fresh air, birds singing, fruits straight from the tree and vegetables only from the garden. It's time to make raspberry jam. Suddenly, a large “paper” nest full of wasps is found in the attic.

And then a completely good-natured and benevolent, at first glance, person suddenly becomes a vicious and uncompromising destroyer, striving to destroy the hornet's nest at all costs. Dichlorvos and kerosene, polyurethane foam and smoke bombs, soap solution and bags of insecticide, a bucket of water and a plasma torch are used, followed by a call to the emergency response team.

If you try to stop the panic, you can even generalize the experience accumulated in the irreconcilable struggle.

How to get rid of wasp nests

Before deciding how to remove a hornet's nest, it can be helpful to first locate it, assess the risks, and, if a military operation is imminent, act according to the situation. All methods known to us come down to two options for impact: destruction and forced resettlement. Both, for safety reasons, are best done during a period of minimal insect activity - in the cool season or, in extreme cases, at night. In any case, you need a tight protective suit, gloves, ideally a beekeeper's mask.

Tough measures related to destruction

  • A tight plastic bag is carefully thrown over the nest, which is then separated from the surface to which the nest is attached, after which the bag is quickly and tightly closed. The method of destroying the package along with the nest depends on the artist's imagination. Most often, they are burned in an intense flame of a fire or, placed in a bucket and crushed with a load, poured with boiling water.
  • Copiously spray the nest with kerosene. Of all petroleum products, kerosene has the best penetrating power. The hornet's nest is made of "paper" - wood, crushed to a slurry and sealed with saliva. Kerosene very quickly soaks both the paper and the chitinous body of the wasp, blocking breathing. Insects that get kerosene die instantly.
  • If the nest is in an inaccessible place, from which there is only one exit, use mounting foam. In this case, you need to make sure that the hole is blown out thoroughly and there is not the slightest gap.
  • Dichlorvos and others special means work reliably only when the nest can be isolated from air. For example, tightly cover with some kind of container immediately after spraying.

Humane measures involving resettlement

  • For the resettlement of a wasp family, the plastic bag method described above is quite suitable. With the difference that the final phase of the ritual murder is replaced by the ritual giving of life by shaking the package. Of course, still at night and having previously moved as far as possible from human habitats.
  • A strongly smelling aggressive substance is located in the immediate vicinity of the nest. It can be ground red pepper, a basin with diluted Domestos or used oil drained from the crankcase of a car. Insecticides are also suitable: most likely, they will lead to lethal outcome a slightly different character - the wasps will fly to another place.
  • The best way it is safe to remove the hornet's nest in the house, especially if this house is a summer cottage, it is to wait for winter. In winter, the nest is carefully separated from the place of attachment (but gloves will not interfere), and is destroyed. There are no live wasps in it anyway. After that, the place where the nest was based, and, preferably, everything around is treated with insecticides or other means. Then in the spring, returning from memory to their old nest, not finding it and not finding the former place attractive, the female wasps will fly away in search of more favorable conditions.

The role of the wasp in the biocenosis

It would be at least a naive delusion to think that the wasps are white, fluffy, and only busy with cute smiles at passers-by. Yes, no one thinks so, because they still know from childhood that wasps are yellow with black stripes, buzz and sting painfully (if you are not careful). But what is quite justified for children's maximalism, spontaneity and, excuse me, primitiveness of perception, it causes regret and annoyance when found in adults.

Approximately in the middle of the time interval between childhood and youth, therefore, at school, a person learns that everything in nature is interconnected. That the same wasps, for example, intensively feed their larvae with other insects, including those that are pests of garden and horticultural crops. After all, wasps, although they love sweets, are predominantly predators in their main specialty. In addition, many wasps lay their larvae in the bodies of caterpillars and beetles; and the larvae, having hatched, eat their victims from the inside.

Before the onset of cold weather, female wasps leave their nests and find secluded places for wintering. All other individuals die. True, with the advent of spring, females try to return to their old nests. And the wasp, like all living creatures in this world, is part of the food chain. It is considered that natural enemy the wasp is just one bird. No, not a shrike that feasts on bees. This bird is a bee-eater.

As adults, most people forget or don't want to know what they learned in school. Just think, some kind of biocenosis; right serious problem: wasps win! Therefore, the task is on the agenda: to get rid of wasp nests. Meanwhile, the wasps do not know that they built their nest on your territory, and not vice versa. However, they do not try to attack people unless they are provoked, of course.

Ambition and reality

Evolution is a slow, multi-vector and unpredictable process. At some stage, most likely relatively recently, man decided that he had already evolved enough and now he could declare himself the king of Nature. And at the same time - to make decisions: what in Nature is useful, and what, on the contrary, is harmful. One day, an evolved man saw a wasp near his house. Having thought a little about the prospects of living together (in the neighborhood), the person came to a firm conviction: the wasp hive should be removed.

Someone, tell an evolved person to calm down and stop waving his arms (the wasps are already nervous): firstly, there are no wasp hives. Secondly, since it was impatient to resettle a family of wasps, it is not at all necessary to kill them. Of course, the destruction of one hornet's nest will not destroy the ecosystem. But as a result of the economic activities of the King of Nature, one species from the kingdom of fauna dies out almost daily and one species from the kingdom of flora dies out weekly.

If everything continues to go at such a pace, then ... You should not indulge in the illusion that people will eventually remain on the planet in splendid isolation. People will die out, and not the last ones. To prevent this from happening, it would be nice to learn to live in harmony with Nature, that is, letting others live. Don't kill the sedge!

The wasp family is extensive. Despite their desire to settle closer to people, peaceful coexistence with them is impossible due to their harmful activities, so a person is forced to fight these pests.

There are many methods of dealing with wasps. Most of them are aimed at the physical destruction of insects. These include the use of homemade traps, open baits, destruction of nests using chemical and other means. The use of ecological folk remedies is aimed at scaring away wasps.

Reasons to get rid of wasps

Wasps do not have a strictly scientific definition. They are divided into two main categories: single and public.

Solitary individuals do not build nests. Social wasps live in families of up to several thousand insects, build strong nests, and are able to reproduce. The most common of the second category are paper wasps.

For their nests, insects choose well-protected places (under a roof, in loggias, in hollows of trees, in the ground). To get under the roof, they are able to gnaw through a tunnel through insulation, cement, wood paneling. Getting them out of there becomes impossible. Despite the fact that they are beneficial in destroying flies and other insects, the harm from them is more significant.

There are several reasons why you need to get rid of wasps:

  • wasp stings, especially hornet stings, are very painful. They are toxic, cause great swelling, and in people prone to allergic reactions, suffocation, anaphylactic shock and often lead to death;
  • wasps love landfills, rotting spoiled food, therefore they are carriers of gastrointestinal infections;
  • only a few insects in a short time can destroy the crop of one fruit tree or a berry bush, and a colony to destroy the entire crop of the vineyard;
  • wasps cause significant damage to apiaries, stealing honey and killing bees.

The use of traps and baits

Fighting wasps is a time-consuming and unsafe occupation, because any attempt to bring out a nest can be met with a furious rebuff from the residents. Therefore, it is important to choose the time for these works. The best time for this is spring, when the insects are not yet very active and are just starting to build nests. In early spring it is necessary to examine the most likely places for their nesting in the country house, in a private house (roofs, sheds, separate toilets, hollow trees, etc.). Paper wasps love to settle in wooden houses, since they use wood to make paper, from which they build nests. Old nests must be removed and the attachment points wiped with kerosene, diesel fuel or gasoline - it is definitely not possible to return to the treated areas of the wasp.

If the pests in the house are wound up in a small amount, then they will help get rid of them. homemade traps. They are made from plastic bottles. To do this, cut off the conical part, grease it with oil, place the bait in the bottle itself in the form of an odorous viscous mass (old jam, honey) or watermelon peel, melon with poison, close it with a cone (neck down), and the trap is ready. Wasps, getting inside, cannot get out of it and die. To increase the effectiveness of the bottle, you need to hold it open for a while. The fact is that wasps, like bees, have scouts who notify the family about the appearance of new sources of nectar, and as soon as several wasps begin to spin around, it can be closed. In this way, you can lime the entire colony.

Such traps can be hung close to the nest when it is not available. First, holes must be pricked in the upper part of the bottle with an awl so that air can pass through them and the smell of the bait spreads around. Such traps are used by all experienced beekeepers and growers.

As traps, you can use flat objects, smeared with an adhesive composition, with a bait placed in the middle. Insects, falling on them, stick and die. Adhesive tapes are commercially available for this purpose.

Many summer residents use open baits with insecticidal preparations. In their use, there is a risk that they can poison the bees and they must be installed in a place inaccessible to pets. By experimenting with "nectar", you can choose a composition to which the bees do not react. Wasps really like beer and fermented kvass with sugar. Styrofoam trays are well suited as a container - they have inclined edges, porous material and it is convenient for insects to take the bait.

Such baits should be exhibited not only in summer, but also in autumn, when the wasps begin to feed the brood, which will go into the winter, and poison it - something that the summer resident's hand could not reach is completed by chemistry.

Folk remedies - time-tested methods

Getting rid of pests in the house should be proven in practice folk remedies. They are good because they are not dangerous for humans and pets. Most of them are aimed at repelling insects.

Wasps don't like the smell of vinegar. If you spray them with curtains, curtains and tulle, then insects will not fly into this room. Vinegar can be replaced with gum dissolved in water. Its smell will scare pests away from the house for a long time.

As preventive measure against the settlement of insects, the room can be smoked with smoke by burning fresh spruce and pine needles in a portable potbelly stove.

Craftsmen have learned to make homemade insecticides. Peppermint oil diluted with water is a good example of this. It is used as a spray, when spraying wasps die from it.

The composition, consisting of 2 servings of celandine juice and 1 serving of St. John's wort juice, added to sweet bait, also serves as a good insecticide.

Soapy water kills pests. Once on them, she clings to her wings. Insects lose their ability to fly and die.

The use of chemicals

The use of chemistry always gives good results when baiting any pests, but they also have a detrimental effect on people and pets. Therefore, they must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions.

The following drugs are effective in removing wasps:

  • Troapsil. Allows you to fight all types of insects.
  • Mosquitol. Produced in aerosol cans and they are good at handling nests in non-residential premises.
  • Executioner and others.

Close proximity to such harmful and unpredictable insects as wasps is dangerous to health, and sometimes human life. If safe ways getting rid of them turned out to be insufficient, and the risk of using dangerous methods seemed unjustified, you can always contact the SES or the Ministry of Emergency Situations, whose specialists will help get rid of unwanted neighbors. Please note that this service is paid.

Destruction of available nests

It is impossible to get rid of wasps by one persecution, therefore, only by destroying the hornet's nest, you can expect that this colony will not return to you. This operation is risky and cannot be avoided without the use of chemicals and necessary preparation.

First, you need to choose the time when to do it. The best time is early morning or late evening when the wasps are sleeping. Happy it under no circumstances should be done. At this time, only the guards remain in the nest, the rest fly away to work, and when they return home and do not find it, the angry ones will begin to rush about and take revenge on everyone who turns up under their "hot" sting. But even a well-chosen time does not guarantee that you will not run into an awake guard who, in a rage, can inflict up to 5-6 poisonous bites.

Therefore, it is necessary to take care of suitable clothing that will protect you. Uniforms should be made of dense fabric, only leather gloves (the hornet's textile sting easily pierces). The head should be especially protected (hornets hit the head and hands most of all). Suitable for this Mosquito nets, plastic shields, masks of welders and always tight hats or hoods.

The use of chemicals before removing the nest is necessary in order to stupefy, disorientate insects. All of the above insecticides are suitable for this purpose. You can also use household chemicals:

  • dichlorvos;
  • domestos;
  • bleach.

After treating a hornet's nest with one of these preparations, it is necessary to wrap it in a plastic bag, remove it, tie the bag and then burn it. The action of chemicals is long, so wasps will not want to nest in the treated area for a long time. I am.

A nest hanging on a thin branch can be drowned in a bucket of water: close the lid and get rid of it after a while, and treat the attachment point with potassium permanganate.

Destruction of nests located in inaccessible places

There are colonies of wasps that live underground, near withered trees, in their root system. Such nests can be filled with water, having previously sprinkled the entrances with poison. Moreover, this must be done with a large volume of water from the hose (a bucket of water will not stop them, but will make them angry, and you will be bitten). It is necessary to fill in until the water goes back, and then cover the entrances with some object.

In the absence of running water, you can use the "gas attack". To do this, use the well-known carbide. Put a few pieces of it at the entrances, fill it with water and the gas formed as a result of the reaction will fill all the underground tunnels. Carbide can be replaced with several cans of dichlorvos. It will not be possible to destroy the entire family at once, so these operations must be carried out several times.

Chemical preparations "Smelnet" and "Get" are produced in microcapsules, they act for a long time and have proven themselves very well in the fight against wasps that have settled under the roof and in other inaccessible places. You need to pour them at the entrances made by the wasps of the tunnels, and they themselves will bring the poison into the nest on their paws. In a week, the entire colony will die.

A nest located in a narrow gap in a drainpipe must be filled with dichlorvos or gasoline, covered with a board, and after a few hours it can be removed.