How to sharpen a knife from the meat grinder. Why stupid and how to make knives from the meat grinder

The content of household appliances in working condition - the desire of each mistress. However, some elements sometimes do not so easily maintain in the right form. Here, for example, how to put the knife for the meat grinder at home, not everyone knows. Still, without this small detail, the hostess will not be able to prepare many meat dishes. It is worth considering some practical advice, how to make such a sharpening and how to use it at the same time.

Varieties of knife

Before you begin sharpening such a detail, it is necessary to determine what type it applies to. The fact is that knives in different meat grinders can differ slightly, and therefore requires a different approach to sharpening. When choosing a method, it is advisable to refer to the manufacturer's instructions and take into account their recommendations.

It is necessary to figure out the principle of the meat grinder. Not everyone understands that the cutting part is not only a cruciform knife, but also a circle with holes. The main point when the operation of this device is how smooth both surfaces and how close they are located to each other.

When does the hostess begin to feel that the cutting details in the meat grinder fastened? Most often it happens when irregularities and deepening appear on the cross-shaped knob. It is this factor that is regarded by a person as a blunt cutting detail. So it's time to put it up.

Is it possible on the question of sharpening such tools to do without the help of specialists? Fortunately, possibly. To do this, it is necessary to consider the main devices with which you can qualitatively perform this process.

How to do it yourself

In fact, not only experienced masters have everything necessary for sharpening. Our everyday life has many items that can be successfully used for this purpose. With what can you point out such a detail?

It is worth considering the use of such sharpening means:

  • grindstone;
  • wooden bar and emery;
  • special bars included in the kit;
  • bulgarian;
  • grinding circle.

It should be found how a grinding stone can help in this difficult.

Use of grinding stone

It is necessary to understand the basic rule: whatever you use for sharpening, it should be an object with small grain. When using a stone or emery with large fractions, the sharpening will be low-quality.If the process is incorrect, the part can be spoiled.

Cash the details of the meat grinder in several ways. For the process, a stone should be prepared, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich will exceed the area of \u200b\u200bthe knife itself. The cutting details themselves are desirable to wash before draining and wipe dry.

  1. Position the grinding stone on a flat surface.
  2. Place the knife on it right on it to the side, which in the assembled form adjoins the disk with the holes.
  3. Perform circular motions cutting element, gradually increasing the speed of movements.
  4. In the process, slightly pressed into the part, thereby speeding up sharpening and increasing its quality.

If you need to put into order too stupid knives, try the following way. It is a little more difficult, however, with its help you can even sharpen the most dull blade.

  1. Protect your hands with gloves.
  2. Secure the knife from the meat grinder or just take it in your hand.
  3. Start the other hand to perform circular movements, pressing the stone to the knife surface.
  4. Repeat the action several times, giving small breaks after the knife heating.

Important! For sharpening such parts it is not recommended to use automatic machinery. The fact is that when metal overheating, the knife may lose its properties. If he got burned slightly, do not cool it in cold water. He must cool gradually.

This is one of the simplest methods. Now you should discuss a little use of sandpaper.

The most popular way: wooden bar and sandpaper

This method is especially relevant in cases where the item has blurred slightly. Sand paper can be of different density. To select a suitable level of graininess, it is necessary to repel from the thickness of the metal itself.What it is denser - the higher the emery grit should be.
Even if you use the paper with a large number of fractions when sharpening, it is advisable to use small grain to use small grain, perhaps even zero. It will help even better polish the surface, and the sharpness of the part is enough for more time.

Cover wooden lump emery. Better - fasten it on Bruke. Gently trituit with a knife on the surface of the sandpaper. Repeat the procedure until the item is sharpening.

Important! Sometimes sharpening require both cutting details: both cruciform, and a disk with holes. If necessary, any procedure can be repeated with each element.

After the item is sharpened, it should be washed and wipe dry.

How to apply bars coming in a set with a meat grinder

If, together with the device, there is a block for sharpening, there is no need to look for alternatives. Such bars are best suited to metal from which the cutting detail is made. In addition, their form and method of application are very simple, and any hostess will be able to use it. How to perform sharpening of this type?

Bruks have a definite form. To sharpen a knife with the help of this device, it is enough just to wear this bar instead of a disc with holes. After that, you need to repeat actions as with the grinding of products. It is important to rotate the handle with a uniform speed, gradually increasing it.

In order to sharpen the disc dish itself, you must use the second bar. It is put on instead of a cruciform knife. After you will rotate the handle for a while, remove the traces on the bar. Most likely, your cutting details are already sharpened.

How to use Bulgarian

If you want to sharpen a knife with any automatic equipment, you can not forget about the rules of personal safety. Also, the knife itself can significantly lose in quality after such sharpening. The best option is to do everything manually. If you still want to use the grinder, pay attention to the following recommendations.

  • Protect the blade itself, after having finished it with sunflower oil.
  • When working with a grinder, do frequent breaks to exclude, overheating a knife.
  • Secure the cutting detail on the pin.
  • Turn on the grinder.
  • Strictly at right angles make sharpening.

To drain, with the help of a grinder, you can use special nozzles on velcro. The degree of graininess can also be adjusted by changing these nozzles. If you do everything correctly, sharpening quality will be not bad.

Using a grinding circle

Of course, if this device is not in the farm, it is not recommended to specifically acquire it. Working with a grinding circle requires the masters of skill and caution.

  1. Remove the knife and treat it with oil.
  2. Turn on the grinding circle on small revolutions.
  3. Protect your hands.
  4. Holding the knife with hand, press it to the rotating circle.
  5. Periodically interrupt the work in order to make the metal cool.

After the detail is made, it can be washed and dried. If you do everything right, then the item will remain acute and efficiently polished products for a long time.

The video below will help assimilate the material and will show its practical application.

For many years, the knife from the meat grinder was a problem for me. Rather, I was afraid to spoil him, so I preferred not to experiment at home, but to attach together with ordinary Kitchen knives to the master who worked on a professional machine. However, then I'm tired of it. And the trips to the other end of the city stopped fit into the work schedule. And the toad began to choke, because at the price of several sharpeners you could buy a new knife. In general, I had to master a new craft.

Method 1: Female Unusual

The first thing I went to shop of householders and asked the seller to show all the devices for sharpening knives from the meat grinders that are in stock. He shrugged, slid for me an indifferent look and stated that they had no such, there was no such and hardly everyday.

I continued to insist. If there are meat grinders and knives on sale, it means that there is a subject that is able to restore the performance of these knives. Let him even from under the adjustment, even from under the ground will be given, but otherwise I still will not leave. The seller thought about a minute, then revived, went to some stand and a minute later returned with a file in his hand. It was him that he solemnly handed me, saying that this file was called Musat and together we will be happy forever.

The fact that ordinary knives can be molded using a file somewhere heard somewhere. But about the fact that it is used to sharpen the knives from the meat grinder, I was unknown. However, the thing was interesting, it cost inexpensively, and I would definitely find the use of her, so I decided to buy.

As a result, I have repeatedly made attempts to bring a knife in order, using that Musat. No positive changes were observed, rather, even on the contrary. But ordinary knives were not bad, which, however, did not solve the problem with the meat grinder.

Method 2: sandpaper paper

Warm autumn day to pass the time remaining before receiving the dentist, I decided to walk in the market. It was very conveniently located (almost next to the clinic), and there was always on what to see.

So this time, passing between rows with all sorts of things, I involuntarily overheard the conversation of the seller with the buyer who demanded to give him an emery for sharpening knives. It was interested in me, so, waiting when a man leaves and taking advantage of the lack of other customers, arranged the interrogation of a person who stood on the other side of the counter. It should be noted, his patience was limitless. It is for this reason that half an hour I went ravoisi with a set of 10 sheets of waterproof sandpaper for metal processing.

As the seller assured, to sharpen the knives emers easier than simple. Especially if these are knives from the meat grinder. The sharpening process itself, he said, looked like this:

  1. You need to put a piece of paper on a very flat, smooth surface. If it is a buggy, ribbed or some more, nothing good will succeed. Even one little grazing, which fell under the sandpaper of the sandpaper, is able to spoil everything.
  2. Top to hoisting the knife so that he touched the cutting edges to the abrasive surface.
  3. Put a knife with your fingers and rotate it counterclockwise. It is very important to do this exactly, and not the opposite.
  4. After some time, the edges will begin to glisten. When the silver-shiny will become the whole surface, the sharpening process can be considered complete.

However, this is not all. So that the meat grinder does not work worse than the jaw meghalodon, it is required to put a metal mesh in order (a circle with holes), through which mince passes. Manipulation with it is carried out the same as with a knife, but it is desirable to bring it to a flat brilliance on both sides. By the way, you can rotate the grid in any direction, and not strictly counterclockwise.

Since this method approached both for electric meat grinder, and for manual, I decided to first experience it on knives from a cheaper device. I did everything as I advised the seller, gathered a meat grinder, pulled out of the refrigerator purchased on the occasion of meat and really surprised - the old woman of the meat grinder of Molla Beef as if it was apples. And this is despite the fact that she had native knives - 1958 release.

To conduct a re-experiment, now with the participation of a knife from a modern and fairly expensive meat grinder, it was no longer scary. And the result was again pleased! In the future, I am 5 or 6, I used exclusively in this way, and now he remains in my favorites.

Method 3: Abrasive Circle

If it were not for the next chance, I would hardly have learned from someone about this way. First, because it was no longer interested in such information, and secondly, because it seems to me, few people use.

Once late in the evening I was engaged in anything else as canning tomatoes. When the arrows on the clock showed a half minutes eleven, it turned out that the salt was over in the house. The last store closed another hour ago, and the yield was alone - go for salt to a midnight neighbor.

Being invited to the kitchen, I noticed a strange set on the table - among the spare parts from the disassembled meat grinder there was something like the same form as the grid, but without holes, through which the minced meat. I do not know how to restrain curiosity, so I immediately asked the name and purpose of this subject. They turned out to be a special abrasive circle for sharpening a knife from the meat grinder. Enjoy it easy:

  1. It is enough to collect a meat grinder, folding the parts in the usual order, however, instead of the grid, install this very circle and tighten the cape nut (one that holds the grid, knife and auger together) so that the handle is turned with the effort.
  2. Twist the handle in the opposite direction (counterclockwise) until the cutting edges of the knife become smooth and shiny.

Severate such an abrasive circle for sharpening knives from the meat grinder is not easy. You will have to go through the flea markets or ask the familiar grandparents, whether they did not break too much. I was lucky to find it on the bulletin board and buy for counting pennies - 40 rubles. Now I most often use it, which is very convenient.

In my "Pigs of Experience", so far there are only two ways to put the knife from the meat grinder. I can recommend them with a clean conscience to everyone who needs this recommendation. However, I think there are other, no less interesting and efficient options. Tell us how to deal with this task you use the services of professionals or purchased a device that can be used at home?

I remember my childhood: the sixties of the last century. Oh, what delicious dumplings did my Ural Grandfather!

He brought veal from the bazaar, beef, lamb, pork. The portion was laid out in a wooden quarrel, the minced meat chopped with acute figured sch, and the meat grinder did not recognize. He said that she even puts meat with sharp knives, violates his taste.

However, we will analyze how to put the knife from the meat grinder at home. After all, now the meat is unlikely to cut the meat.

How the meat grinder works: simple words

When rotating the knob, the screw shaft is pushing meat forward. It fills the holes of the lattice and is cut into four blades of a movable knife.

The high-quality cutting of meat occurs when the four-odd knife is tightly pressed against the lattice: both of these elements work on the slice of fibers,

The clarity of the adjacent knives and the exclusion of the gap between them provide:

  1. the washer installed on the shank of the auger;
  2. clamping ragged shaft fastening nut.

If the thickness of the washers and the threads of the nuts will not be enough, then a gap between the movable knife and the grill will arise, which will not allow quality to chop meat.

Dumb facets of the knife and potholes on the lattice plate very much worsen the quality of the meat grinder.

How to just sharpen a movable knife

The cutting edge of each blade is formed by the angle of intersection of the plane of contact with the grille and the side.

Its value\u003e 70 ÷ 80 degrees is formed by the plant. When sharpening at home, it is recommended to save the exhibited size. Therefore, the driving angle is restored by sharpening in two planes.

How to reliably straighten the side surface of a meat grinder

This side can be corrected by all the ways that the most popular at home processing on:

  • emery circle;
  • bruke;
  • sharpening stone.

Emery wheel

The position of the knife demonstrates the photo.

However, two mistakes are clearly seen here, which often admit newcomers:

  1. Large grain of stone;
  2. Worn side surface of the emery circle.

They cannot be allowed: the knife will be spoiled.

Sharpening on Bruke

Each knife blade with a side side is alternately treated on a grinding bar.

It should be fixed strictly in the plane of the factory angle. If the knife deviates due to a loose fit, there will be no good result.

Sharpening on ceramics

Homemade ceramics. Of course, they are inferior in quality to a professional set of tools, but allow you to safely perform household tasks.

Metal sawdust will be seeded on the sharpening. They must be periodically watered with water.

How to fix the knife in the main plane

At home, two ways are most available:

  1. Grinding bars, stones, ceramics with fixed sharpening plane;
  2. Small-grained sandpaper - zero.

Sharpening on ceramics

The knife is placed the main plane on solid abrasive material. Press it with your fingers in the middle part, providing uniform fit of the surfaces, and are torn in circular motion.

The saws formed on the stone should be flushed off.

Sharpening on sandpaper

This technology repeats the work on a solid abrasive material. However, sandpaper is easily deformed, crushed. Its bends are heterogeneously handled the metal.

Therefore, the sandpaper is placed on a solid surface (steel plate, thick glass), fixing in various ways. You can simply wrap her wooden bar.

How to control the quality of sharpening

The processed surface should be periodically visually examined with bright lighting.

It will allow good to see the process of removing oxides, sowing, crack removal and dents. The work is performed until the surface alignment has all four blades.

Strengthen lattice sharpening secrets

Knife grid to handle more difficult:

  • the inner cavity of each hole is not available for processing, and it is the second side of the angle forming the cutting edge;
  • the surface of contact with a movable knife is large;
  • requirements for the precision processing of the plane are high.

What you need to know about the stone

For processing it is best to use a new abrasive material with a small grain and perfectly smooth surface. It is checked by the side of the metal line on the lumen, applying a stone in various positions to the working plane. So any irregularities will be well noticeable. Defectory can not work.

The working area of \u200b\u200bthe abrasive material on each side should exceed at least twice the diameter of the circle of the knife grid.

Tricks technology

The grille must be evenly pressed to the surface of the abrasive material. For this, it has three fingers at once.

They create the same force of climbing the treated surface to the abrasive. The lattice is driven with small turns in the horizontal plane, slightly rotating around the axis. In this case, the metal is removed evenly.

Features of wetting water

Bar and grid need to be wetted: abrasive paste is created from the exhaust particles.

First processing, when the excess metal layer is removed with a disturbed geometry, this paste speeds up the processing process.

However, at the end of the process, this abrasive paste must often rinse: it, penetrating inside the holes of the lattice, destroys the vertical wall, twists the corner of the cutting edge.

Work with Bru

The sharpening process must be monitored by the cluster of sawdust on the stone and the traces of the abrasive material in the knife: scratches on metal should be distributed chaotic.


The technology is the same, but additionally control the smooth state of the sandpaper surface.

How to Easily Check Quality Collaboration Knives

The knives are already sharpened to the satisfactory state, they reflect the bright light.

Pretty surfaces after sharpening are well held.

However, we should put a movable knife with a blade on the grille and assess the value of the lumen in several positions. The maximum value of the deviation of the surfaces is permissible in the thickness of our hair.

The more accurate fit of the surfaces is very difficult: polishing machines are needed with a special set of abrasive discs.

This is already professional processing of metals, and we consider the question of how to put the knife from the meat grinder at home the most affordable tool.

If you still have some questions, then use the Comment section. I will answer with joy.

The meat grinder is an object familiar to all housewives. It is used to grind food from time immemorial. Interestingly, despite the continuous improvement of the design and the appearance as an alternative to electrical meat grinders (for example, Philips, Zelmer, etc.), the principle of action of this simplest mechanism remained unchanged. The same eternal is the question of how to make knives for the meat grinder, if they fucked.

Operating principle

Regardless of the appearance and type of drive (mechanical or electrical), which drives the mechanism, all screw (classic) meat grinders are equipped:

  • a fixed knife mesh;
  • movable cross-shaped (four-blade) knife.

Such a mechanism works as follows: The rotating auger presses part of meat or any other product into the holes with the sharp edges of the fixed mesh, and the cruciform knife separates it from the bulk. At the same time, the sharp of their cutting edges sharpened, the less the load on the drive and the faster the process of turning the product into mince is passed.

Important! On the efficiency of the meat grinder affects not only the sharpness of the cutting parts. Equally important is how tightly their plane fit to each other. In addition, uniform adjacent should be provided throughout the plane of contacting knives.

In the process of work, the cutting edges are gradually stupid. This is especially characteristic of a movable four-sandy knife, on sharp grade of which irregularities and deepening appear over time. The sharp edges of the mesh holes can also be fused and, in addition, it is possible to break the parts of the part, as a result of which an unacceptable gap appears between the knives. All these defects are eliminated when they sharpen, which can be done with their own hands.

Cutting knife

It is best to sharpen the sharp edges of the cutting details of meat grinders will be able to in any mechanical workshop equipped with a plane-grinding machine. However, at home this work can be done no less than qualitatively. The process of sharpening knives is quite simple, so it is possible to implement it and at home. To do this, you will need a minimum set of tools. In addition, a number of manufacturers are put in the delivery of its meat grinders Special sandpaper bars designed to sharpen the cutting edges of both parts.


It is possible to end up the sharp faces of the cutting details of the meat grinder using materials and tools that are easy to find in every home. For this use:

  • grinding stone with small grain;

  • fine-grained emery paper (sandpaper), which is pre-covered by any solid object with an ideally smooth surface;

Sharpening methodology

Sharpening surfaces that in the assembled position come into contact with each other, is carried out as follows.

If knives very stupid or rusty, you can swam them in another way.

  1. The detail is fixed on a fixed base.
  2. Put gloves, take a grinding stone in the hands, pressed it to the surface of the knife and carry out circular movements counterclockwise.
  3. The final tapping of the cutting edges is carried out according to the method described earlier.

To speed up the process in this case, you can fasten the knife into a drill and on small revolutions in reverse mode to carry out primary processing Cutting surfaces. In this case, the part is fixed in the cartridge of the drill, after passing the appropriate screw through the diameter through the central hole of the knife. The finishing surfaces of the surfaces are carried out by hand, as described above.

Sharpening abrasive discs

Recently manufacturers advanced mechanical meat grinder 2 special abrasive sharpenersintended for users to point knives on their own. There are such devices and free sale. Use them as follows:

  • collecting a meat grinder, one of the knives, for example, is fixed, replaced with an abrasive disc;

  • slowly rotating the meat grinder handle, sharpen a 4-blade knife;
  • then the grid is placed in its place, and instead of a movable knife, the second abrasive sharpener is installed;
  • also, slow rotation of the handle leads to the movement of auger with a cross-tree knife, while carrying out the edit of the mesh surface.

Tip! For high-quality sharpening of the sharp edges and the adjustment of the adjacent surfaces of the parts, it is enough to perform from 25 to 90 reversal of auger.

Quality control processing

After completing the sharpening process, it is necessary to make sure that the flatness of the adjacent surfaces of both parts were not broken. For this, they are connected and, turning alone on the other, control the degree of fit of the planes. Knives should "stick" to each other, so their rotation in such a state will be carried out with effort. At the same time, the gaps in separate places are not allowed more than 0.05 mm (the thickness of the human hair). Otherwise, even very sharply sharpened parts will work unsatisfactory, therefore with a bad fit of the surfaces to each other, the process of their finishes will need to repeat.

To improve the quality of the processing of cutting surfaces of meat grinders, experienced professionals recommend:

  • before sharpening, lubricate knives with any food oil (sunflower, olive or similar) - this will avoid overheating cutting edges;
  • in the process of sharpening, make the abrasive surface with water;
  • when draining knives periodically turn around their own axis.

As can be seen from the above, the process of sharpening the cutting parts of the meat grinder is not complicated and does not require large skills. If there is perfection, time and desire, then the device necessary in the kitchen is easily returned to the working condition, facilitating the cooking process.

The best meat grinders according to buyers

Meat grinder POLARIS PMG 3043L PROGEAR INSIDE on Yandex Market

Moulinex me 542810 meat grinder on Yandex Market

BBK MG2003 meat grinder on Yandex Market

Meat grinder Kitfort KT-2103 on Yandex Market

Meat grinder Unit UGR 466 on Yandex Market

Sharpening knives of meat grinders in our 225 p. for sharpening a knife and 225 p. For sharpening grid meat grinder.

Sharpening meat grinders produced

Our workshop is located

We are open 7 days a week from 10:00 to 20:00

When necessary cash the knives of meat grinders?

Usually begins to be interested in us when the manufacture of minced meas becomes a time-consuming process that takes a lot of time and effort. In this case, the meat grinder can simply fail, much more energy is spent on its work, it is infinitely overheated and can simply not withstand the motor.

The storage knives of the meat grinder make the process of making minced me too painful and time consuming. To avoid such problems, you need to monitor the sharpness and quality of sharpening knives. Usually, special workshops are engaged in this, but you can put knives on your own, at home.

The cost of sharpening knives for meat grids and grilles of meat grids is from 200 rubles.

Each house currently has a meat grinder in the kitchen. It can be mechanical or electrical, but the principle of work and that, and other meat grinders in principle the same. They differ only in that the mechanical meat grinder needs to be twisted manually, and the engine is built into the electrical, which facilitates the process of making minced meas and speeds up the process several times.

In addition to homemade household meat grinders, they are used in industry in the manufacture of minced meat in large volumes. They differ from domestic dimensions and power, used mainly in the production of semi-finished products at catering enterprises.
The most common meat grinder consists of a fixed mesh knife with fine holes and a knife consisting of four petals. Using a screw, the processed product falls between the knife holes and the product is separated by parts of the total mass. The sharp edges of the knife cut the product and crushed it to the state of the minced. The easier it is the knob of the meat grinder, the sharper knife is sharpened.

Each of the meat grinder knives has its equal importance.
Therefore, to sharpening each of them should be responsible.

The sharpening knives for the meat grinders of mobile is not very laborious, it is particularly easier to sharpen with the help of electrical out, withstanding the angles within about 70-80 degrees. It is important that all the edges of the knife that are addressed towards the grid amounted to a single plane. To properly perform this condition, you need to press the knife to a piece of sandpaper with small crumbs, the "zero" is best. In those areas where there was contact with abrasive, brighter areas will remain than on the entire surface of the knife. The processing should be performed until the entire surface becomes brighter, at the same time, by this action you remove all the jar and burrs from the cutting edges of the knife.

The sharpening of the knives of the meat grinder should not be carried out manually. Inaccuracy of manual sharpening can cause a non-ideal closure of surfaces. Professional stands only 200-250 r.

You can use the grinding machine, these machines are always available in all instrumental workshops and repair shops, where they work with metals.

The sharpening of the fixed knife is much more complicated, because the metal layer is replaced mainly from the ends, and the whole area is much greater, it means that the requirements for high sharpening sharpening requirements are quite large.

We will have to be patient and sufficient time. You will need abrasive bar, so you need to make sure in advance using the line that the abrasive platform is installed strictly horizontally. Then the knife lattice falls on the surface of the bar and carries it to the bar, slowly turning the knife grid, so that the scratches are in chaotic order. The bar should be wrapped with water, then the stuck surface will be much cleaner. Abrasive grains will make their job, even those who have turned or are fragmented, and the water will hold them like "pasta".

After the knives are sharpened, you need to connect them together. This is done by rotating them alone differently, while controlling the degree of clamp. Know that well and correctly sharpened knives for the meat grinder will work well and easily, you do not have to suffer when cooking minced me, as it happens if the knives are not sharpened correctly.

We perform the following sharpening work:

  • Approximate price 400 rubles.
  • Approximate price of 300 rubles.
  • Approximate price 200 rubles.
  • Approximate price 150 rub.
  • Approximate price of 350 rubles.
  • Approximate price 250 rubles.
  • approximate price 250 rubles
  • Approximate price 250 rubles.
  • Approximate price 450 rubles.
  • Approximate price 225 rub.
  • Approximate price of 300 rubles.
  • Approximate price 220 rub.