How to make a closet under the stairs. How to make a wardrobe under the stairs yourself? Open shelving - practical decoration for the back of the steps

Modern design thought is extremely restless and inventive, and sometimes seeks to use every piece of free space to accommodate something useful and functional there.

The staircase in the house is a great field for creativity.

A lot can be placed under its span: shelves, a wardrobe with doors, a recreation area, even equip a small office there.

The most functional option is to place shelves in the space under the stairs.

It is possible that you have already thought about it. Maybe they even wondered: "How to make a wardrobe under the stairs with your own hands?"

First you need to understand the merits and demerits of cabinets under the stairs in the house.The advantages of this interior element are obvious.

As any coin has two sides, so in the installation of a built-in wardrobe under the stairs in the house there are "stumbling blocks". They must be considered before starting work.Let's conditionally call them disadvantages:

Types and features

The main quality of the cabinet under the stairs is its convenience and practical arrangement in space. This is what must first of all be assessed by choosing its external and internal appearance.Design options:

  • Shelves under the stairs;

    On the shelves, you can store your favorite volumes and pleasant little things, notebooks with notes.

  • Glass showcase;

    A wine collection requires an appropriate thoughtful approach. You can display them behind transparent showcases - like in a museum.

  • Closet;

    If the size of the stairs allows, you can organize a mini-dressing room under the steps, arranging there storage places for shoes and seasonal clothes.

  • With conventional swing doors;

    Convenient cabinets make all things easily accessible and keep them clean and tidy.

  • With drawers;

    The design of drawers is suitable for storing documents, tools and other not too bulky things.

  • Headset;

    A kitchen under the stairs is a great option to save space in the house.

  • Combined options.

    A kitchen or dining area can be placed under the stairs, and the area under the steps of the structure is perfect for embedding numerous cabinets, which are indispensable in the kitchen.

The most affordable option is to simply mount the shelving. So, you can easily make a wardrobe under the stairs with your own hands. In some cases, this is even preferable.

If, for example, a staircase leads from a semi-basement, or you plan to use a space under the stairs in the house for storing books, framed photos and souvenirs.

Modern shelves under the stairs look beautiful. A showcase will help to hide them from excess dust.

Such a wardrobe will look modern and will not overload the room with its volume.

The sliding wardrobe built under the stairs will have sliding doors. This is a particularly successful design in cases where the access to the staircase is limited.

The scope of such doors will not take up extra room space, but you need to take into account the distance of their rollback to the sides.

Swing doors are suitable for spacious rooms.

Reliable and practical design will serve you faithfully for a long time.

Taking a niche under the stairs with drawers is a great idea. You just need to play with their width and, possibly, shape. This option will be convenient if the stairs have a decent depth.

It will be original to place small hidden boxes under the steps.

Another option is to simply place several hanging and floor cabinets at the bottom of the stairs. This option is convenient for the formation of a working and kitchen area, as they require space for placing equipment and various accessories.

Furniture items intended for under the stairs can be used ready-made, made by yourself or on order.

Combined options can combine the signs of any of the above types of stairs with a built-in wardrobe and other interior items.

A sofa under the stairs and several shelves for your favorite books are a great option for a seating area.

Furniture under the stairs and interior

In this section, we will answer the difficult question: "How to make a closet under the stairs appropriate in a particular room and really comfortable?" The first step is to look at what room it will be in.The closet under the stairs in the country, of course, has its own special specifics, in comparison with the same interior item in a two-level apartment.

In this case, it is easier to make a cabinet under the stairs with your own hands.

In general, the design depends on what is supposed to be stored in it. At the same dacha, not all things can be left for storage in street buildings, so put in it what you would like to bring into the house after an active holiday on your personal plot. In a cottage, a staircase can be almost everywhere: the variety of modern layouts allows this.

It makes sense to place especially valuable items under the stairs with a built-in wardrobe in the living room.

So that you can demonstrate them to guests, make several doors glass and equip them with lighting.The staircase to the attic in the office will obviously require a work area with shelves for books and documents. And under the stairs in the hallway, you must have a wardrobe and shoe boxes.


Basically, it's up to you to decide what size you need a closet under your home staircase. Whether it will clearly fit into the march, less or more. In their practice, designers sometimes bring one small part of a separate room into the understairs space: a dressing room or a bathroom.

Just provide the height so that you can stand up there at full height.

Also, small shelves can protrude slightly outside the stairs.Keep in mind - the number of things in the house tends to increase, so do not skimp on the shelves under the stairs to store them.

Materials, equipment, arrangement

Wood, metal, glass are materials to focus on.

Wardrobe stairs to order

If you choose this option, be sure to call the measurer or master at home: do not provide the numbers yourself.

Cooperate actively with specialists at the design stage! Be sure to inform how much space, what containers are needed for certain things, indicate the dimensions. Together in the catalog, select the style and color for doors, handles, match them with other elements of the room.

Particular attention should be paid to materials and components. It is better not to skimp on the durability of the structure.

The most important thing is to remember that you have outsourced your task to professionals. So don't be too annoying. A good option is to choose a certain frequency, and in accordance with it, inquire about the progress of work.

VIDEO: How to use the space under the stairs. The best home ideas.

50 photo ideas on how to use the space under the stairs:

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Our company promotes an interesting and practical interior project as a universal model of a wardrobe under the stairs. Pull-out wardrobe
, consisting of several storage modules, which are compactly and organically hidden under the flight of stairs. The concept is far from new. However, in our case, much attention is paid to the sliding mechanisms and the finishing of the sliding modules.

This deserves special approval and sets us apart from other manufacturers of similar furniture. Also, a distinctive feature is the advancement mechanisms. Applicable patented the runners are nou-hau and allow even a child to use the wardrobe without effort. An electrically driven version of the drawer is available.

In each of the modules, due to the great depth of the stairs, many things and objects can fit that did not have a place in the closets or dressing room. Or if there is a need for quick access to a certain category of things. For example, a wardrobe in the hallway, as a clothing and shoe or as a household wardrobe.
In addition, the presence of such a storage system as Stairs Cupboard , can save the very room in the house where the staircase is located, or adjacent rooms from bulky free-standing wardrobes, providing more free living space for you.

And the color of the spacious sections built into it, matched as much as possible to the stairs, makes the structure less bulky and easy for visual perception.
In addition to spacious shelves, pull-out modules can accommodate clothes hangers, mesh systems for storing shoes, drawers, specialized furniture fittings and other volumes for household items.

As already noted, the extension mechanisms are easy and very reliable in operation, so even a child can use them. This feature, the quality of the pull-out mechanisms, allows you to use the capacity of the cabinet to accommodate the children's department, for example, for toys.

The undeniable advantage of this successful solution is its low cost. For various interiors, we offer facades matching in color and style. And we recommend
various convenient options for internal filling of the system Ladder Wardrobe.

/ Pushkin district. Vacation home. Wardrobe under the stairs with pull-out shoe sections. Cost 52.000 (Video on our channel)

/ Novogorsk. Townhouse. Pull-out cabinets for household use under a wooden staircase. Price 37.000 (Video on our channel)

/ Podolsk district. Cottage. Pull-out wardrobe under the stairs in the hallway. For outerwear and footwear. (Price 95.000) Video on our Channel

/ Istra district. Private Wooden House. Simple small cabinet with deep utility drawers. The facades are made of Larch, similar to the staircase style from the same material. Cost 48.000

/ Vnukovo. Bristol. Wardrobe under the stairs. Drawer units and swing doors. Cost 80.000

/ Leninsky district. Cottage. Wardrobe under the stairs with pull-out sections combined with an open hallway. Cost 124.000

Do you have a multi-level apartment or a two-story cottage? This means that there was a staircase in the layout. Of course, if this is a helical structure, then the space under the stairs is simply absent, but if these are marching stairs (both with closed and open steps), then the entire area under them can be used with benefit.

How exactly to do this depends on the type of staircase, the height of the flight and even on the room in which the "free area" is located.

Storage systems under the stairs

How to use the space under the stairs in different rooms

If the staircase is located in the living room, then under it you can install:

  • home theater;
  • tV;
  • home library;
  • aquarium;
  • fireplace;
  • cozy reading chair;
  • sofa;
  • piano or other large musical instrument.

If the staircase is in the bedroom, then the free space can be turned into an office, or an additional place to relax.

Council. In the case when the under-ladder areas are located in the kitchen, they can be converted or all the overall household appliances or a sink can be taken out here. However, in the latter case, it will be necessary to lay all the necessary communications (water, electricity) and, of course, ventilation systems.

If we talk about the space under the stairs in general, without reference to a specific room, then eight interesting ideas can be distinguished at once:

  1. Library - you do not need a separate room for storing your book collection, if you arrange spacious shelves under the stairs. Or you can take out a bookcase and an armchair with a floor lamp here - an excellent corner for reading away from the hustle and bustle.
  2. Additional place to rest - sofa or lounger, made in accordance with the dimensions of the available space. It will be as cozy as a canopy bed, protected from prying eyes. There is no better option for an afternoon of relaxation or reading than this cozy corner.
  3. Cozy place to stay

  4. Home office. As a rule, the layout of typical houses does not provide for an office. But you can improve the area under the stairs - put here a table, a chair, the necessary shelves and you will get a full-fledged workplace for creativity, sewing, drawing or working at the computer.
  5. A complete workplace

    Computer desk and cabinet under the stairs

    Place of lessons for the student

  6. Bar counter, bar. A full-fledged bar under the stairs is a real salvation for owners of small kitchens. This is a functional and very practical solution that requires built-in wardrobes and high bar stools.
  7. The pull-out bar is hidden under the ladder

  8. Exhibition. Handmade embroidery, a collection of dolls, art canvases or author's modeling, sports cups - there is no better place for a collection than a separate room.
  9. A place for paintings or collections of things

  10. Home greenhouse. Your favorite flowers will help you organize a cozy green corner under the stairs. Just do not forget to use special phytolamps here, because this area cannot boast of good natural lighting. You can also install open racks here for varietal plants grown for sale - you do not have to look for a place in the house or to insulate the extension.
  11. Living plants are located in a place equipped for them

  12. Artificial reservoir - a fountain or waterfall, an aquarium or even a decorative pool. In the area under the stairs, you will get a corner with a pacifying water body, and you can not worry about expensive finishing in the living room, which often does not accept high humidity.
  13. Aquarium with live fish and turtles

  14. Play area, additional children's. The best own house for children is under the stairs. It's cozy, safe and so mysterious here. And you don't have to design a tree house or buy expensive imitation toys. All you need is a soft floor and a place for toys.
  15. A place for children to play

    How to equip a toilet or kitchen under the stairs

    If your house has a marching staircase, then the space under it will be quite enough for the location of an additional bathroom. Use here a small washstand and a compact toilet - in order for these plumbing accessories to fit comfortably for a person, a ladder of 8-10 steps will be enough.

    From the point of view of ergonomics, the ceiling height in such a space can be in the range of 2-2.7 meters, the length should be 2 meters or more, and the width should be more than 1.2 meters. This bathroom will be convenient for people of different heights.

    Small toilet in the space under the stairs

    Important. The bathroom must have all the necessary communications, as well as high-quality ventilation, otherwise mold will appear in the room very quickly.

    The nuances of the arrangement of kitchen elements

    The kitchen will require even more communications than the bathroom - this is electricity (many sockets for connecting household appliances and lighting devices), water supply, sewage drainage, ventilation. The kitchen under the stairs can have different dimensions - depending on the size of the staircase itself and its configuration.

    Sometimes only part of the items needed is placed here, and sometimes - a full-fledged room, especially if the rest of the premises in the house are very compact.

    The cooking area in the kitchen is located under the stairs

    How to arrange storage systems

    In a small niche under the stairs, you can create a set with different functional purposes:

    1. Chest of drawers or drawers for storing things not used in a certain season. Mirrors can be hung on the cabinets. It is clear that such furniture is made to order, because some of its facades will be beveled, but this is one of the most ergonomic solutions.
    2. Drawers under the stairs will not be superfluous

    3. Library. Books are placed on closed or open shelves. All the free space under the stairs can be occupied with books - just provide a stable small step-ladder if the shelves will stretch all the way to the ceiling.
    4. Bookshelves are located under the stairs

    5. Racks - you can hang two modest shelves here or create a complete storage system. It all depends on your needs, and on the size of the space under the stairs, as well as on how well this area will be viewed from different positions relative to the rest of the interior.
    6. Open shelving of shelves

    7. Closet or pantry for those things that need to be removed away from view. Mops, buckets, a vacuum cleaner or ironing board, tools - for anything that doesn't find a better place in the house, a closed storage room under the stairs will do.

    8. Stylish pantry hid indoors under the stairs

    9. Home garage. Bicycles, a stroller, a children's scooter or a car - they are used often and it is not very convenient to use the garage for permanent storage. This solution is especially justified if the staircase leads directly to the front door. Modern mounting systems allow you to hang bicycles directly from a staircase or to a wall - very convenient, since it does not take up space on the floor, and it looks unusual.
    10. Good storage space for bicycles and strollers

    11. Wine Vault. A storage device for wine in a house can be the best solution for houses on problem soils, where a standard basement structure cannot be performed. An interior with such an addition will look especially stylish.
    12. And under the stairs to the basement, you can place a collection of wines

    13. A place to store homemade products. Again, if your home doesn't have a basement, you can do it under the stairs. Then it is worthwhile to provide for some kind of doors to hide all your edible treasures. But this is a very convenient solution, because you do not have to leave the house every time you need another product.
    14. Retractable consoles for storing workpieces for the winter

    15. Place for a washing machine and clothes dryer. May contain drawers for storing detergents.
    16. The washing machine is hidden in a niche under the stairs

    Use the space under the stairs correctly - you can be sure that your home decoration will benefit from it.

Functional furniture allows keeping order in the house and creating coziness. A universal solution for private buildings - cupboards under the stairs in a house with two or more floors. Such wardrobes and closets allow you to free up space occupied by chests of drawers and large cabinets in rooms, and place kitchen equipment.

Rational organization of space

Staircase structures are most often installed in hallways where there is no way to place bulky pieces of furniture. A staircase to the second floor with built-in wardrobes will rationally solve the problem of storing blanks for the winter, books, tools, seasonal items. If the area under the stairs allows, then the owners can even equip whole rooms or a mini-kitchen there.

Laundry, books, tools are conveniently stored on shelves, small items can be folded in drawers under the stairs. Clothes options with bars and hangers are perfect for winter wardrobe and equipment: bulky jackets and fur coats, skis, sledges, etc. There are many options, but for each house an individual project is developed taking into account the characteristics of the room.

Storage options

You can make the most of the space under the steps by choosing the right option for the future cabinet-ladder. The type of construction directly depends on what is supposed to be stored there.

Open shelving

Arrange books, toys, arrange a wine cellar - all this is convenient to do on open shelves.

Such a solution can be interesting for enterprising owners who prefer to do housework themselves. The construction of such a structure will take a minimum of effort and time. The rack can also be used in the country. It will be convenient to put small inventory, seeds and other things in it.

Using the back of the step as a support to create a shelf is a practical solution.

In this way, you can place small items on the back of the stairs, leaving the rest of the space under the stairs free.


The horizontally arranged drawers look like a chest of drawers and slide out in the same way - using roller mechanisms. It is convenient to store small items and documents here. In order to keep a private house in order, various devices and tools are required. They will be stored in boxes securely and always in their place.

For the convenience of searching and maintaining order in the boxes on the front side, you can write what is stored in each of them. Thus, they provide compact storage of things and accurate sorting.

If the width of the staircase is more than 60 cm, then it is rational to place two or three volumetric compartments under it, each of which will be divided by shelves or drawers.

Such a system is not only convenient for storing various items, but also looks attractive in any interior. When closed, this structure looks like a cabinet with doors.

Wardrobe with hinged doors

Hinged cabinet doors allow access to all contents, unlike, for example, sliding wardrobes, where doors can close the shelves.

Inside the wardrobe there should be such devices:

  • hanger bar;
  • hooks for clothes;
  • shelf for hats;
  • section for storing shoes.

It is convenient to place a wardrobe for outerwear here also because of the different heights. This will create a small locker suitable for children, where they can put their belongings on their own. Having placed a compartment for children's clothing at the beginning of the staircase, you need to provide it with a large number of hooks so that guests have somewhere to hang their jackets.

You can organize a pantry for storing household utensils behind the cabinet door. Mops, buckets, rags and a vacuum cleaner - all this often does not find a place, hiding behind curtains and sofas or in the bathroom.

Here you won't even need to make shelves, but simply arrange things in their permanent place.

A practical solution for decorating the space under the stairs is to install a cabinet with sliding doors. The opening mechanism of this design allows you to save space in the room as much as possible. It is also attractive in this model that the external design can be different: using glass, mirror, plastic, natural wood, etc.

It is difficult to design and build such a piece of furniture on your own. Only a lot of experience in this business will allow you to accurately integrate a storage system with sliding doors. It is better to entrust the installation of the wardrobe to specialists.

The staircase slope is capable of interfering with the opening of the doors, so the system can be completed with other types of arrangement of the understairs space.

Kitchen cabinets

You can organize a work area for cooking in a small country house in the space under the stairs. This will leave extra room for the bedroom or living room.

The location of the working area in this place has both advantages and disadvantages. The kitchen will be compact, and the zones can be divided using partitions. It will fit a sink, cooking table, stove and refrigerator.

The choice of household appliances should be carried out taking into account the maximum possible height of the used space. This condition will not allow you to install a high and voluminous refrigerator. In addition, in most cases there are no windows, so high power lamps must be installed.

Glass showcase

The option of decorating free space under the rise to the second floor using glass partitions is used less often in residential premises. This idea will make it possible to visually facilitate any, even the heaviest structure of steps.

Dishes, handicrafts, cups, certificates, medals are often kept in a glass showcase. Glass will prevent dust and moisture from settling on things. It will add sophistication to the interior, and in combination with LED lighting, the new wardrobe will also become a bright corner in the house.

It will be difficult to create a drawing for placing glass display cases on your own. It is necessary to take into account many nuances, therefore contacting specialists is the only correct step towards obtaining the desired result.

Combination of methods

It is convenient and practical to combine different types of cabinets.

The combined design with drawers, shelves, hinged or sliding doors, glass elements makes it possible to efficiently use the entire space under the flight of stairs. A low distance between the floor and the ceiling can be equipped with drawers, a high one with large cabinets.

The combination of any design with open shelving will relieve the massive staircase.

The external design of a new piece of furniture with your own hands begins after the completion of all installation work. Shelves do not require a special approach to decoration. In most cases, the items stored there, be it books or dishes, decorate the place on their own. Adding LED elements to the shelves will attract attention and increase the illumination of the room.

It is useful to decorate the wardrobe in which things will be stored with the help of mirror cloths. The use of original fittings both on doors and drawers can also serve as a decoration. They are also often decorated with thermal film or photo wallpaper. A bright drawing will decorate the whole room.

The very fact of the useful use of the space under the stairs can already be considered a decorative element in the design of the home.

Do it yourself or to order?

The owners of country houses in most cases are enterprising people and can build anything with their own hands, but is it necessary to do it?

The creation of such a piece of furniture requires accuracy in measurements and high-quality execution of drawings. A qualified designer can create an interesting project that takes into account the wishes of the customer and organically fits into the interior. It is better to entrust the installation work to experienced specialists.

Making cabinets under the stairs to order is more expensive than doing the structure yourself. But in this case, the owner will receive not only a high-quality piece of furniture, created taking into account all the possibilities of space and wishes, but also a guarantee for the product.

The rational use of space has always interested the owners of private two-story houses. It will be useful in the country as well. On the one hand, it seems that if you have a huge house, you don't have to worry about such things as where to place furniture and they don't care about the empty space under the stairs to the second floor. But in fact, the harmonious and effective placement of furniture is in the foreground among competent owners.

Usually there is a place under the stairs to the second floor that is difficult to adapt to certain needs. Creative people with golden hands can solve this issue without problems.

You can beat the free space under the stairs in different ways:

  1. Ladder wardrobe. Used to store items of clothing and shoes - a very indispensable piece of furniture if the stairs to the second floor are in the hallway. You can equip a built-in wardrobe with, which will look perfect if the stairs are located near the front door.
  2. A closet under the stairs. If your home doesn't have a storage room, you can use the space under the stairs as a storage room. There you can place shelves with conservation or simply equip a mini-room for various things - clothes dryers, ironing boards, vacuum cleaners, bicycles or baby strollers. All the things you need, but spoil the appearance, can be hidden in this closet.
  3. Bookcase. The staircase leading to the second floor from the living room can be disguised as bookshelves and drawers. You don't have to make doors in such a wardrobe, books and various little things will fit well into the interior of any living room.
  4. Wine cabinet. If a staircase made of logs or concrete steps are in or near the dining room, the free space can be equipped with wine shelves. Each bottle must be in a separate compartment. But, as a rule, the owners equip wine shelves in the cellar, where a suitable temperature is maintained for storing alcohol.

For those who like to retire and sit in silence, you can equip a small cozy room, put a bed or sofa, hang a sconce. In such a place, you can always take refuge from everyday problems and devote yourself a couple of hours of relaxation.

How to make a wardrobe under the stairs with your own hands: preparatory work

In a two-story country house you cannot do without stairs to the 2nd floor. Often it takes up quite a lot of space, so the owners try to maximize the free space for their needs. The most advantageous option is to equip a closet under the stairs, where you can store different things - both necessary and rarely used.

The wardrobe has always been and will be an important piece of furniture in any home. Therefore, deciding to equip a built-in wardrobe in the space under the stairs, approach this decision with all seriousness.

Stages of creating a cabinet ladder:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare a rough drawing of what, ultimately, you want to see in your home - a wardrobe, bookcase or other cabinet.
  2. Think over the location of shelves, hangers and drawers. Indicate whether you want swing or sliding doors, or maybe you can do without them altogether.
  3. Calculate according to the created project the amount of necessary fittings and material for the interior decoration of the cabinet.
  4. Prepare the necessary tools - a grinder with a disc for wood, a hammer, a jigsaw, a tape measure and fastening materials (screws, nails, screws).
  5. Free up space for the future cabinet, if necessary, perform finishing work on the wall of the stairs - upholstery with plasterboard or wallpaper.
  6. Next, you need to make a pencil markings on the walls, which will show how the "insides" of the cabinet will be placed.

When purchasing materials, take with a margin, because you can incorrectly calculate the required amount or spoil something.

Built-in cabinet under the stairs: cabinet installation

If you have a jigsaw and skills in working with wood, you can independently cut wooden boards, MDF or chipboard into shelves according to the measurements taken. If this is not possible, then you need to contact a furniture warehouse, where specialists will make cuts according to your drawings. The main thing is to indicate the exact measurements, because the correct installation of the cabinet depends on this.

How is the work of installing the cabinet under the stairs:

  1. First of all, you need to cut the material into the required boards in length and width.
  2. The thickness of the shelves depends on what is planned to be placed on them - clothes, books, tools or jars of jam.
  3. If you plan to have a cabinet for two compartments, then you need to make a vertical partition of fiberboard or chipboard.
  4. To install the shelves, you need to fill wooden beams with a length in the depth of the cabinet on the supporting wall and on the partition. Shelves will be placed on them. The bars are screwed to the wall with self-tapping screws.
  5. The shelves themselves are also attached with self-tapping screws to the fixing bars.
  6. The most difficult part of making a cabinet is installing doors. Of course, it is better to hire a professional for this business, who will take measurements himself and make doors at the request of the client.
  7. When installing the door yourself, you need to purchase a door frame in the store for the size of the cabinet. The box is easily attached to the base with a screwdriver.
  8. Swing door hinges are attached to the door frame with nails.
  9. The doors themselves can be made to order or cut out of chipboard and decorated with various fittings. The hinged doors for the understairs wardrobe fit into the door hinges without any problems.

If all steps have been taken correctly, there will be no gap when the doors are closed and they will not be skewed.

Ladder with a wardrobe: DIY decorative trim

When the doors have already been installed, you can begin to decorate them. No special finishing is required for a bookcase, the spines of books will perfectly decorate the appearance of the shelves.

A wardrobe is quite another matter. Alternatively, if the staircase is in the hallway, you can make mirrored doors. It is very convenient, leaving the house, to take a look in the mirror and enjoy your appearance.

If there is no desire to cling to a mirror on the door or if there is a dressing table separately at the entrance, you can decorate the facade with various fittings or other materials.

Finishing options for shelves and cabinet doors under the stairs:

  1. The shelves and cabinets inside can be pasted over with wallpaper or self-adhesive - a special film that imitates different types of wood.
  2. A wardrobe with hinged or sliding doors can be decorated with photo wallpaper with a beautiful pattern that matches the design of the room.
  3. Standard wood doors can be decorated with beautiful room style handles - retro, classic or modern.

A white wardrobe under the stairs is a classic option that will suit any style of room.

Is it possible to equip a wardrobe with sliding doors under the stairs

Definitely yes! This is the most advantageous option for filling the free space under the steps that lead upstairs from the hallway. True, there is one small nuance that makes many owners think about the need for a cabinet with sliding doors.

The movement along the guides will be limited, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to fully open the cabinet to its entire width. For this reason, cabinets under the stairs are mostly equipped with doors that swing outward.

Lighting makes the stairs more functional and practical. You can find out how to light a staircase in an article on our website:

But in this case, you can find a way out. An original solution would be to equip the cabinet with two types of doors - swing and sliding. This will not only turn out to be a design highlight, but also become a very practical and convenient solution to the problem.

Important: the complete set of the cabinet must be selected based on your requests! Lots of shelves and drawers are not the best option if you need to store outerwear and all-season shoes.

Wardrobes under the stairs in the hallway: replacing the hanger and shoe rack

A wooden staircase leading to the upper floor directly from the hallway, from the front door, often clutters up the room and makes it impossible to equip the corridor with all the necessary pieces of furniture. In this case, a good option is to equip a closet under the stairs. The free space under the steps can be filled with a hanger for outerwear, shelves for shoes and drawers for all sorts of little things, such as keys, gloves and umbrellas.

Thinking about a dressing room, but don't know how to make it? You will learn how to equip a dressing room and fill it with storage systems from the article:

It is not necessary to make a closed wardrobe, an open wardrobe will also look beautiful if you correctly plan the insides and decorate it beautifully.

The design of the cabinet under the stairs in the hallway should match the style of the room. If the corridor is decorated in the Provence style, then the wardrobe should be in light colors, the high-tech style dictates the presence of mirrors and shiny finishes.

In any case, when installing a cabinet under the stairs, you need to think over its functional purpose, and only then engage in its manufacture.

How to mount a wardrobe under the stairs (video)

The space under the steps should not remain empty, it can be rationally used for your needs. All unnecessary things that cannot be taken out to the trash can be stored in a cabinet under the stairs. You can make such a cabinet with your own hands, but it is better to entrust some stages of manufacturing and installation to professionals.

Built-in wardrobe under the stairs (photo ideas)