Visor above the entrance: beautiful and original design options. Metal canopy over the porch - we protect the entrance from rain and sun Canopy lining

“The river begins from the blue stream”, and the entrance to the house starts from the porch and the awning above it. This is a kind of visiting card of every home owner. The visor over the porch, see the photo examples of successful solutions in the galleries, bears not only a huge aesthetic load, decorating the facade of the house, but also performs a lot of practical functions, the main of which is to protect the street extension from precipitation, making the entrance to the house more comfortable.

In this article we will figure out what options for awnings over the porch are, what materials are used for construction, we will consider the most successful, beautiful and almost universal design solutions for such extensions. And of course, we will focus on how to correctly calculate the size of the canopy for the porch, what parameters must be taken into account when designing, and how to make a canopy over the porch with our own hands.

Design features of awnings, roofs and canopies

Hip roof over the porch covered with tiles

Support for the visor

Depending on the way the extension is supported, the roof can be held on vertical posts, or it can hang on special brackets on the wall of the house. The location of the support points depends mainly on the condition of the load-bearing wall of the condition, on the dimensions and materials for the canopy. The design of the porch with a canopy also plays an important role for the type of support structure, the photos demonstrate this well. Thus, the canopy can be attached to the house and be part of the building, or it can be an independent structure, with its own foundation and supports. In principle, supports for the canopy can be placed on the upper platform of the porch, fastening the structure with anchors, or digging individual holes and cementing the pillars, having previously arranged a gravel-sand cushion.

Forged canopies over the porch, photo of a structure with complex geometry

Supports for canopies are made of different materials, the simplest and lightest, of course, made of wood, but they need preliminary treatment with an antiseptic and a fireproof composition. It is unlikely that anything can compare with the beauty of wood, and the possibilities of modern cutting make it possible to purchase beautiful openwork elements at a very reasonable price, the aesthetic effect of such decor fully compensates for all costs.

Visor over the porch, photo of a wooden extension on the pillars

Semicircular canopy made of metal and polycarbonate, schematically the main bearing elements of the visor

We will take as the basis of the visor an independent wooden extension above the entrance door, on pillars, with a lean-to roof, a kind of hut-veranda on chicken legs.

It is interesting: Do you know why the huts in fairy tales are on chicken legs? In fact, even in antiquity, people noticed that after fires, in swampy areas, the remains of coniferous trees stand like skeletons for centuries, do not rot, do not deteriorate. The people at that time were savvy, and immediately understood what was the matter. It turns out that if a pine log is smoked in thick smoke on coals, then the resin under heat treatment forms a strong protective layer, the wood becomes practically invulnerable, nothing is afraid of it: it is not water, nor microorganisms, nor rot. Therefore, during the construction, the columnar foundation was made of such stoned logs, and houses on such a foundation stood for more than a century. It was only later, in fairy tales, that they came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bdrawing emotional, running huts on giant chicken legs.

First, you need to transfer the drawings of the visor to the terrain, carefully measure the dimensions, hammer the pegs around the perimeter, and peel off the top layer of soil. To add a canopy with a size of 2 * 1 m, a height of 2.2 m, you will need 2 pillars-logs, 2.5 m long, and 2 2.7 m each, treated with antifungal antiseptics, water-repellent and fire retardants. Those parts of the supports that will be dug into the ground must be smoked or coated with mastic.

To install vertical supports in the corners, holes are dug with a depth of 0.7 m, a layer of 200 mm of sand is poured on the bottom, a layer of crushed stone of 200 mm is poured on it, everything is rammed. Concrete is mixed, a little mortar is poured to the bottom, a pillar is installed, leveled, strictly vertically, it is advisable to make struts to fix the pillars in this position, concrete mixture is added so that the hole is completely filled. After 7 days, when the concrete has set, the supports are sawn to the desired level, we remind you that the minimum height of the canopy should be 2.2 m.

Diagrams of the main types of canopies for the porch

Further, from the bars, the pillars are strapped around the perimeter, be sure to check the geometry of the perimeter so that the logs do not fall to the sides. The pillars at the facade are attached to the load-bearing wall of the main building with anchors or metal corners, so we tie the two structures together.

On top of the support logs, logs are laid, on which the rafters are attached, in increments of 200-300 mm; for these purposes, wooden bars with a cross section of 50 * 50 mm are quite suitable.

Cone canopy on pillars reliably protects the porch from precipitation

Important: In order for the structure to be airtight, the gap between the facade of the house and the extension must be carefully repaired. For this, a strip of galvanized metal is suitable, which must be bent along, the part that is adjacent to the house must be recessed into the facade. The strip is coated with liquid bitumen resin, and screwed with self-tapping screws. Sometimes polyurethane foam is used for sealing, but it degrades over time from exposure to UV rays and moisture.

But then it all depends on your needs, you can cover the rafters with a profiled sheet, polycarbonate or slate, on this, the manufacture of a canopy over the porch can be considered complete. But zealous owners understand that such a visor is not durable, therefore a layer of waterproofing is placed on the rafter system, it can be a roofing material or a vapor barrier membrane, it is attached to the rafters with the help of a crate - it can be slats of 20 * 20 mm, and for a soft roof it is better to use boards tightly fitted to each other. Roofing material is laid on the crate.

Even a small forged visor can become a facade decoration

At the end we make an ebb tide. The gutter is fixed parallel to the building façade, to the outer edge of the roof, slightly sloping. A chain is fixed at the corner of the drain, along which the water will gently drain to the ground. Then you can start finishing the canopy, its design depends on the design and budget for the visor.

Be sure to watch the video in which ready-made samples of canopies in front of the porch from different materials are selected.

Read more about choosing and installing a visor

What to make a lightweight visor?

A polycarbonate canopy over the porch is the easiest option to protect the entrance group from precipitation. It looks light and airy, you can make it yourself. Visors and awnings over the entrance, the photo illustrates this well, it is better to do it from colored, cellular polycarbonate, 10-12 mm thick. Durable material with stiffening ribs withstands difficult mechanical and climatic loads. Before buying, try to twist the sheet slightly, if cracks start - the material is not of high quality. Bend only transversely so that the stiffeners are perpendicular to the bend.

The visor over the porch is often installed on a metal frame. Mensols - sold ready-made, you can also make your own from metal, add serial forging jewelry for beauty. For a polycarbonate canopy with a depth of 1-1.2 m, a bracket with a 0.6 m fit to the wall and a concave diagonal is sufficient. The sheet is mounted on a special mount with a thermal washer; plugs should be installed on the ends.

How to calculate the correct size of the porch roof?

According to the normative regulations, the upper platform should be 1.5 times the width of the entrance door (1.2 1.5 m), a comfortable porch width of at least 0.8 m.The porch roof should extend beyond the dimensions of the steps by 0.2-0.3 m so that the water does not drain onto the entrance group.

A porch with a polycarbonate roof, photo below, can be very modest in size, and vice versa, a whole covered complex in front of the house. In order to save money, it is necessary to take into account the standard sheet sizes: 6000
2050 mm, you can buy a half - 3000 mm / 2050 mm and a quarter - 1500/2050 mm, just enough for a small canopy to protect the upper platform from precipitation. It is recommended to grind the cut edge with a fine abrasive to ensure better adhesion of the docking and end strips. When installing larger structures, do not forget to purchase a docking strip, with which you can aesthetically and tightly seal the joint. Fasten polycarbonate outwards only with the UV-resistant side, the marking is indicated on the protective foam.

What should you consider before making a porch awning?

Before making a visor over the porch, you need to decide on the size and materials for manufacturing. Visors are cable-stayed (suspended on top holders) - small-sized structures made of light materials, cantilever ones - they are fastened with embedded walls in the body and support ones - on poles, columns, walls, corner holders abutting against the wall. Removal of struts at least a third of the removal of the canopy.

When you have decided on the parameters of the visor, it is necessary to organize a blind area around the porch so that storm water does not erode the soil, and if the house is higher than 2 floors, then the installation of a drain pipe is required. For small canopies, the frame is made in the form of holders or a simple frame, for larger sheds it is recommended to make trusses with additional reinforcement, and with a width of 3.5 meters, a truss rafter system is required. On ridge roofs and in places with high wind loads, additional fasteners for the roofing material are required.

What awnings are in fashion now?

The familiar awning over the porch of a private house is increasingly being replaced by awnings. In fact, this is a roof made of durable fabric, moisture resistant, non-fading from UV rays, well protecting from precipitation and withstanding hail. Stationary awnings have been known since ancient times - awnings over the entrance with a fabric roof.

Of interest are modern pull-out systems in which the degree of opening and the angle of inclination can be adjusted. The awnings are adjusted depending on the intensity of the sun in order to control the illumination of the room. Awnings are installed not only above the door, but also above the windows. But this is not only a visor for the house, if you additionally protect the porch with vertical awnings, you get a closed terrace, which, if necessary, can easily be converted into an open canopy. And if you buy vertical racks in the kit, which can be installed even in soft soil, then you will get a whole gazebo in front of the house.

How to quickly build a visor with your own hands?

The easiest way to build a canopy over the porch with your own hands is from a bar. Making wood products does not require special equipment, a hacksaw and a hammer are enough. Drawings can be made by hand, after calculating the size of the extension.

Holders are made in the form of a right-angled triangle, with legs of 0.6 and 0.9 m, the short side is firmly attached to the wall with anchors. The structure is pulled together by transverse bars, the element against the wall is additionally attracted to the house. The tree is treated with protective compounds, painted. Slate, profiled sheet will serve as roofing material. You can also buy ready-made pipe holders or forged ones on the market, attach them to the wall above the porch, laying a polycarbonate sheet on top.

What kind of roofing material to choose for a wooden shed to the house?

The entrance group is a small architectural group that performs not only the practical function of protecting the porch, but also carries an aesthetic load, and must harmoniously fit into the overall architectural ensemble. According to the recommendation of experts, the roof on a wooden shed to the house should be made of the same material that covered the main roof - this is ideal. Practical construction shows that a wooden canopy over the porch can be covered with any material that would delicately fit into the exterior. If unsure, take samples of the material and select a roof locally.

For example, due to the transparency of polycarbonate, the roof of it is airy and almost invisible, so this material is universal. A small canopy can be covered with slate or corrugated sheet to match the color of the main roof. On a large wooden shed to the house with supports and a gable roof, soft tiles are suitable, they also come in different colors, so you can choose a close color.

How to seal the joint between the polycarbonate canopy and the wall?

The visor over the porch made of polycarbonate does not provide a snug fit of the sheet to the wall, in order to avoid smudges on the facade, it is necessary to seal the joint. On sale you can find a special wall profile, as in the photo. Visors made of polycarbonate, according to reviews, still leak, the profile does not provide reliable sealing.

To cope with the problem, the joint must first be degreased, treated with primer, then filled with colorless silicone sealant and only then the bar must be fastened. The sealant can be mixed with mineral insulation and the joint can be sealed tightly with this mixture. A large gap is sealed with facade rubber. Additionally, you should build a galvanized steel ebb.

What metal is better to make a canopy?

A metal canopy over the porch is a practical and beautiful option to protect the entrance to the house. The metal frame is able to withstand any roof. The most beautiful is forged, the most practical is made of stainless steel, it does not corrode. With your own hands, a frame for small and medium canopies up to 2 m wide should be cooked from a reinforced profile with a section of 20 * 20 mm, a wall of 2 mm. For large structures, a corner or pipe 40 * 40 mm, wall thickness at least 2 mm.

To reduce weight, you can apply a 20 * 40 profile, but additional drawings and diagrams with the calculation of stiffeners will be required. The profile thickness is determined by the weight of the roofing material and snow loads. For light materials, for example, polycarbonate, you can make more elegant metal canopies, photo. For the Polonso farm, you can use steel, galvanized pipes and aluminum. The calculation of the pipe section and wall thickness in each case is carried out individually, since these criteria depend on the dimensions of the building.

What kind of rafter system to choose for a canopy?

The device of the rafter system for the shed depends on the design of the roof of the main house and the architectural features of the facade of knowledge. Most often, a one- or two-slope roof is arranged so as not to overload the exterior with design excesses. In the country or in a private house, it is advisable to build a lean-to canopy with your own hands, before making a frame, it is enough to calculate the angle of inclination of the roof. To calculate the structure, cross-section of load-bearing elements, wind load, one should be guided by section 2.01.07-85 of SNiP, since with an increase in the slope of the slopes and an increase in the size of the building, the loads also increase. The average angle of inclination of the lean-to roof over the porch is 20-25 o.

Different roofing materials are used depending on the slope. For rolls, 5 o is also permissible, metal tiles are placed on a slope with a slope of less than 30 o, in regions with a high rainfall of 45 o. The professional sheet can be laid on the roof with a slope of 9-20 o.

For which awnings is metal roofing suitable?

The metal roof canopy is suitable for all types of roofs of the main house. Metal tiles can be of different colors, so choosing the right shade is not difficult. It is a very budget material, lightweight and practical. Due to its low weight, the metal tile practically does not create loads, therefore, the construction of a bulky frame is not required. But the material is very noisy, so extraneous sounds will disturb during hail and rain.

A do-it-yourself canopy made of metal tiles is constructed in several stages. The rafter system is covered with lathing, slats or moisture resistant plywood. The first sheet is laid with an offset of up to 40 mm, the second with a side overlap, without distortions and gaps. The next row is laid with an approach to the previous one by at least 100 mm. Self-tapping screws with EPDM gaskets are used for fixing. At the junction of the slopes, seals are installed, on which the ridge strip is fixed.

In order not to get wet in the rain and not languish in the sun while opening the front doors, you need some kind of protection. Usually a visor is made above the porch or just above the door. In some cases, the canopy can also cover the steps and even the walkway or part of it. How to make such a structure, what materials and we'll talk further.

Types and types

If we talk about the structure as a whole, the canopy or canopy over the porch consists of a frame and roofing material (cladding). There may also be support posts that support the outer edge of the canopy. They are optional. They are needed when there is no certainty that a structure without additional supports will be able to withstand settlements.

Precipitation is generally understood to mean snow. In regions with a lot of snow, you can either make the slope of the canopy steep so that the snow melts quickly, or install additional supports. You can do both, as they usually do - the safety / durability margin calms and instills confidence.

Frame and rack materials

The frame and supports of the visor above the entrance door are made of:

The most popular material for the manufacture of a canopy frame over a porch lately is a profiled pipe. With equal dimensions and wall thickness with a round pipe (if we compare the diagonal and diameter), the profile has greater rigidity. At the same time, it has a wide variety of sections - a square and a rectangle with different sides, it can be bent into arcs, it is easier to weld and fasten to walls, it goes well with elements of traditional or cold forging, and is the same in terms of durability as other steel products. In general, it is the profiled pipe that is in favor today.

What is the lining of the canopy over the porch made of?

If we talk about materials for facing the visor above the porch, there is a very wide choice. Very often, the canopy over the entrance to the house is made of the same material as the roof. And this is correct, since in this case a harmonious design of the house is obtained. With this solution, any roofing material is used:

The second option is to use the material that is used in the fence. In this case, both the design style and decor elements should be recognizable. This will create a single ensemble with the site. Here materials can be as follows:

  • slate (usually flat, but not fact);
  • professional flooring;
  • polycarbonate;
  • wooden plank.

And the third design option for the canopy over the porch is to put a canopy "neutral" in style and material. These include:

Glass is the least commonly used. It is necessary to use reinforced types such as triplex, and they not only are roads, but also weigh solidly, so that additional suspensions or powerful support columns are definitely required. And if we consider that sheet polycarbonate or plastic in appearance is not much different from glass, it becomes clear why glass is unpopular.

Canopy shapes

There are more than a dozen forms of visors over the front door. The easiest to manufacture is a lean-to canopy. Requires a minimum of effort and materials, and can look pretty good. Its downside is that when the snow melts, the snowdrift will be in front of your door and it will urgently need to be eliminated. Other models with forward-leaning slopes suffer from the same "disease". These are excellent options for regions with little snowy winters, but with hot sun - not quite for our latitudes. Although, if you are not afraid of the need for urgent snow removal, you can do any of the options.

It is a little more difficult to make a gable visor (which is a house) and a simple arch. They are good in that the melted snow is on the sides of the entrance and, even with a large amount of it, there is no need to urgently remove it. So for regions with a lot of snow, these are the best models.

How to connect a porch visor and a house wall

One of the most difficult moments is to dock the covering of the canopy over the porch so that water does not flow down the wall. Usually, standard methods of joining the roof are used - using a baffle plate. This method is suitable for any roofing material, as well as sheet metal and wood. You just need to choose the right color. There are two approaches here: to match the wall or to match the roofing of the visor. The options are equal, so it's up to you to decide / choose.

A groove is made under the baffle bar in the wall (5-7 mm deep). The edge of the strip is inserted into the groove, fastened, the seam is sealed with a moisture-resistant sealant for external use. The other edge of the plank rests on the roofing material. When water runs down the wall, it flows onto the bar, from it, bypassing the joint, onto the roofing material and further into or directly to the ground - whoever has done it.

If you use metal tiles, sellers have a special wall profile. It can also be used with other materials - it is important to choose the color. The standard assembly includes rubber seals, which are placed a couple of centimeters from the outer edge. In this case, in strong winds, water and debris do not fall under the bar.

If the visor over the front door and porch is made of polycarbonate, glass or plastic sheet, the method described above is unacceptable - it looks too rough. In this case, there are two options:

There are no other good options. You can only combine the two for reliability.

How to fix if the wall is multilayer

Recently, more and more buildings have multilayer external walls - ventilated facades, insulation ... The load-bearing part of the wall is closed by a couple of layers of materials, the bearing capacity of which is only enough to hold its own weight. You will not be able to attach anything to them. The entire load must fall on the load-bearing wall.

Even if the outer layer is a finishing brick, it doesn't cost anything to attach to it. Laying is usually carried out in half a brick. So it only looks solid on the outside. The weight of even the smallest and lightest canopy will not withstand, and the support columns do not help either.

Therefore, with any multi-layer wall, holes are made in all finishing / insulation layers, the structural elements are attached to the load-bearing wall.

Single slope visor: design features

An inclined or straight single-slope visor is the simplest thing that can be. Straight lines are rare in our country - they are not very functional, but there are a lot of sloped slopes.

At the heart of an inclined single-slope visor is a right-angled triangle. The right angle lies against the wall, and the length of the sides depends on the desired slope.

In the simplest case, you can weld three identical triangles from a profiled pipe (as in the picture above), make holes in them for fasteners (at least three). These three elements can be connected into a single whole using the roofing battens - as shown. And you can weld cross members from the same pipe (but of a smaller section) or strip, corner. This option - with metal lintels - is more suitable for a canopy over a porch made of polycarbonate or plastic. It is also good for a metal sheet - it will be convenient to weld it on or screw in self-tapping screws.

There is also an option with a variable angle of inclination. This is a rectangular frame with lathing lintels, to which a lightweight roofing material is attached. This frame is fastened above the entrance with the help of a wall beam fixed to the wall (we described how to make the connection above).

Depending on the required angle of inclination, struts are made. They can be metal or wood. Fixed to the frame.

If desired, this option can be made with an adjustable tilt angle. Make the fastening of the frame and struts to the wall movable (on hinges, for example), make several holes in the frame. By rearranging the struts in different holes, you can get a different angle of inclination. For doors, this feature is not too relevant - perhaps for glass doors - to block out too bright sun, but for windows it can come in handy.

Gable canopy frame

There are at least two ways to assemble a canopy with two slopes: from two or more (depending on the length of the canopy) triangular rafters or from two rectangular frames with a crate, fixed with crossbars. The second option is shown in the figure below, and the first will be a little further.

A canopy with a house is one of the popular options

Method one

Two quadrangles are assembled from a bar or thick board, which are united by a ridge board. The angle of inclination of the slopes is set by saws on the ridge, fixed with crossbars - a spacer bar. Since the roofing material is laid down from the ridge, the battens are packed in the opposite direction. Soft shingles require continuous flooring. It can be moisture resistant plywood or.

Brackets are also assembled on the ground - stops that will transfer the load from the visor to a large area of \u200b\u200bthe wall. It is better to assemble the structure on the ground (without fastening the roofing material). In order to raise and secure the canopy, assistants or the services of a manipulator will be required.

Method two

The second option is the assembly of individual truss structures. Maybe this option will seem easier to you - all gable roofs are assembled according to this principle.

Here, too, a frame is assembled from a bar and brackets are needed. But the frame lies in a horizontal plane, resting on the brackets. Two or three triangles of rafters are assembled, which rest on the ridge beam, and it rests on the rack, which is fixed to the frame with the second end. It turns out a mini-model of a conventional rafter system.

To improve the appearance, bevels are placed near the rack. In the photo above, they are curved, but this is far from necessary. You can simply make it from a bar by sawing it at the desired angle. It is also better to assemble the system on the ground - it will not work exactly to connect at a height.

Made of metal

If the frame of the visor is made of a metal pipe, everything is much simpler. The pipe has a large bearing capacity, so there are much fewer supporting and auxiliary elements.

Two identical triangles are cooked - according to the size of the future canopy. They are connected with jumpers, the length of which is determined by the "depth" of the visor. To prevent the cladding from sagging, additional crossbars are welded on.

The finished canopy structure is complemented with brackets - stops. In the picture above, the canopy above the porch has only a support without slopes. For regions with little snow in winter, this is enough, but to keep a solid mass of snow, you will need a mowing or stand. Or maybe both (as in the diagram below).

Decorative items are optional. There may be an ordinary triangle.

Arched visor over the porch: manufacturing features

The canopy over the entrance door in the form of an arch cannot be called difficult to manufacture. It is more convenient to make this shape from a steel pipe, moreover, from a profile, rectangular section. With the help (you can also manually, but this is more difficult), several arches of the same size are made. They are connected with jumpers, the length of which is determined by the desired size of the roofing part.

Arched design - the simplest of the options

The first and last arches are connected by horizontal bridges, brackets or, as in the picture above, ordinary stops are welded to the last.

You can often see double arches with decorative and not very filling. They are typical for large structures. Still, the windage and snow load are large and it is better to play it safe by making a margin of safety than to do everything anew.

Photo ideas

The canopy above the porch is not only above the front door, but also above the terrace too

Wooden canopy over the entrance in the form of a house - options with support posts under the tiles

The canopy has always been not only a decorative part of the house, but also a functional component. Agree, it is not entirely pleasant to look for keys, open a door or wait for the owners in the pouring rain or snow. Therefore, making a small visor is quite logical, especially for owners of a private house or apartment with a separate entrance.

Canopy over the porch

A properly designed visor design has many advantages that cannot be overestimated. Let's see some of them.

  1. Protection from weather "surprises". Rain, snow, even hail are less terrible under the visor. Moreover, protection is not only about physical personal comfort. A well-made canopy is a guarantee that your porch will last longer. After all, cement, concrete, brick, paving slabs - all this easily becomes unusable with constant exposure to moisture, especially if 180 days a year on such a porch will literally "stand" water.
  2. Thanks to the right awning, you can achieve a comfortable diffusion of light over the porch.
  3. Aesthetically, such a porch will look like a complete original composition.

Dimensions of the finished visor

An important question for everyone who decided to organize and decorate their porch. There are many materials, among them glass, ondulin, slate, wood, polymer can be distinguished. The latter, by the way, is the most optimal. Why? See below.

Any organic material, being in constant interaction with the environment, precipitation, will require repair much faster than a polymer. In this case, polycarbonate is ideal. It will let in the sun's rays, which is important after rainy days, to dry the porch; moreover, polycarbonate has a higher level of strength and practicality. He is not afraid of weather conditions and mechanical influences. This is especially important if there is a window above the visor, and there are children in the house who can accidentally or in order to explore the world throw something heavy. In the case of glass, instant damage is possible. Polycarbonate will continue to remain in the right form.

In addition to its high strength, the polycarbonate canopy is fireproof. The material does not support combustion, this is very important, because, recall, the visor is in the open air, which means that the effect of high temperatures, for example, in summer, is not excluded.

Flexibility is another benefit. A polymer visor can be not only rectangular, but also arched, which looks more beautiful.

Polycarbonate does not conduct heat, does not allow air to pass through, which means that in a well-designed canopy, you can hide from a strong gusty wind. And coziness, as they say, should start from the threshold.

A large color palette is another positive quality. You can make your canopy original. The solution may be the most unpredictable. As for the same qualities of glass, you should immediately pay attention to the fact that the color in the glass is achieved by applying a special tinting film, which can eventually peel off and take away with it all the aesthetics of the porch, giving it an untidy look at once. Due to the fact that the material itself is painted during the manufacture of polycarbonate, then, even after some time, the color will remain the same.

Do it yourself

It is not difficult to make a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands, the main thing is to take the issue seriously.

In the photo you can see the amount of material, its correct calculation, design, additional materials, accessories and, of course, the process of work itself. Although here it is better to watch not a photo, but a video, because some of the nuances may be incomprehensible.

To design a canopy with your own hands, you first need to take measurements. This is done using a tape measure, measuring the length, depth, depending on the shape, width of the canopy. Then the required amount of polycarbonate is calculated.

You can buy the material at any building supermarket or in the market. The cost of a sheet varies and depends on its density, color, type. For example, cellular polycarbonate (this is the one that has hollow cells in the cut) will be cheaper than monolithic, which is completely cast.

After the drawings, you need to start cutting and preparing all the parts. Everything is "cut" according to the measurements taken. It is best to use high-quality fittings, metal supports, they can be from shaped pipes or forged decorative metal. In the photo you can see both the one and the other material. As for the fasteners, it is also better to calculate them at the design stage of the drawing. Then it will be easier to pick them up.

For proper fastening and installation, it is worth knowing some of the properties of polycarbonate, such as, for example, flexibility and resistance. The material can be cut with a grinder or a hacksaw, but this requires effort. Although after cutting the material does not crumble, it does not crack during operation. It is easy to bend it with your own hands to the desired format of the grooves prepared in advance.

For example, for better bending, it is worth using a plastic profile, in which slots with a step of every 4-5 cm will not be superfluous, for better elasticity.

We make a canopy over the porch made of polycarbonate with our own hands: solution options, drawings, photo and video instructions

Recommendations for self-erection of a polycarbonate canopy over the porch.

Construction of houses

The construction of a canopy over the porch opens up a lot of advantages for the owner of the house, among which, first of all, the protection of the entrance of the building from the effects of precipitation and ultraviolet radiation. The choice of polycarbonate as a material for the construction of the porch allows you to make a presentable visor of any shape and configuration. We will talk about the manufacturing features of this building element further.

Benefits of using polycarbonate for the construction of the visor

Polycarbonate, first of all, will allow you to scatter solar radiation, thereby not shading the structure. In addition, the transmission of ultraviolet radiation allows you to quickly dry the visor, after precipitation.

Polycarbonate is an inorganic material that, when interacting with the environment, does not lose its properties in any way.

Polycarbonate products are quite practical and durable. They are resistant to mechanical stress, including hail. They tolerate temperature changes well, are fireproof and practically non-flammable.

Another significant advantage of polycarbonate is its flexibility, with the help of which the visor will acquire any required shape and configuration.

Polycarbonate is not able to conduct heat and air, and therefore it will provide reliable protection from the wind.

In addition, when choosing polycarbonate, there is a huge variety of colors and shades that will harmoniously fit into almost any exterior. This material is not able to fade in the sun, since the technology of applying a color pigment involves dyeing it directly during the solidification of the material.

Among the advantages of using polycarbonate are:

  • fire safety and resistance to fire;
  • high level of flexibility;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • good thermal insulation characteristics;
  • variety of colors;
  • resistance to burnout;
  • resistance to corrosion, decay, mold and mildew;
  • ease of processing.

Requirements for a polycarbonate porch canopy

Before making a visor, you should first of all determine the main functions that it will perform. Among the minimum number of requirements, we note:

  • the ability to withstand not only its own weight, but also the load from snow, rain, wind, etc .;
  • since moisture gets on the roof, you should take care of the presence of a storage tank or a rain collection system;
  • it is preferable if the visor will protect not only the front door, but the entire porch;
  • the visor should be in harmony with the general appearance of the entire building.

Functions and design of the canopy over the porch

Arrangement of the entrance area in a building requires a canopy that protects the door from moisture, sun or wind. In addition, the porch canopy serves an aesthetic function, thereby giving a finished and attractive appearance to the entrance area.

There are a huge number of porch design options, which differ in shape, configuration and materials used in the process of their construction.

Before you get to know them, we propose to consider the main functions that are assigned to the visor over the porch:

  • providing protection - as mentioned earlier, the visor protects the entrance of the house from moisture, wind and solar radiation;
  • giving the building coziness and warmth - in the winter season, it is more convenient to open the door on which there is a canopy, as it protects a person leaving or entering the house from the cold;
  • complementing the design and general exterior of the visit is another important function of the canopy.

The construction of a visor for the front door is not a complicated procedure, since this element is sold both in finished form and in the form of materials for its construction.

The main thing is to take into account the wishes of all residents of the house and match the visor with the individual characteristics of the building itself. In addition, you should take into account the properties of durability and the practical purpose of acquiring this element of the exterior.

The appearance and beauty of the whole house depends on the design of the visor. In order for the visor to really become a decoration of the building, one should, when choosing materials, for its manufacture, compare it with the general exterior. For example, when arranging a visor for a wooden house, it is better to give preference to wood in combination with other environmentally friendly materials, if you plan to install the visor in a brick house, then metal with polycarbonate is perfect for making the visor.

The roof of the canopy and the entire building must also be in harmony with each other. When choosing the color of the visor, two rules should be followed:

  • the shade must completely match one of the primary colors of the building;
  • the color of the visor should contrast with the overall exterior.

Visor over the porch photos and varieties

One of the most popular are custom-made visors. In this case, the customer receives a high-quality and practical coating, ready for use. In addition, in addition to material investments, you do not need to spend time and effort to manufacture this element of the exterior.

Among the most popular designs of visors, in relation to the material from which they are made, one should highlight:

1. Polycarbonate visor shape.

This type of visor has a lot of advantages, including quality, practicality, power, reliability, durability. In addition, polycarbonate has a fairly presentable appearance, it combines well with other materials, and has a huge color palette. In addition, making a polycarbonate visor with your own hands is quite simple, this procedure does not take much time.

2. Steel visors.

A simpler in appearance, but at the same time, an affordable option, is the manufacture of a canopy over the porch made of steel. To complete this procedure, you will need a welding machine and certain skills to work with it. Although the steel structure has a certain reliability and durability, it requires careful maintenance from its owner, and above all, treatment with anti-corrosion compounds.

3. The use of corrugated board for the manufacture of a visor.

If this finishing material is used when arranging a roof, fence or gate, then its use in this case is quite appropriate. The disadvantages of this visor include its instability against mechanical damage.

4. Construction of the plastic visor.

This option has the same advantages as a polycarbonate canopy, but only if the plastic selected for the work is of high quality and is intended for exterior decoration of buildings. The frame for installing plastic is made of any materials in the form of wood, iron, the same plastic, etc. Among the positive qualities of this material are its strength, durability and lightness of construction.

5. Metal roofing for the construction of the visor.

This type of canopies is quite heavy, it is installed if the roof is also trimmed with metal tiles.

6. The use of forging is not an ordinary solution.

This type of visor has a presentable, luxurious appearance. Although its cost is quite high, it will really become a real decoration of the building.

The option of using forging with other types of materials is possible, such as cellular polycarbonate, bituminous tiles, plastic. Since the structure is quite heavy, its installation must be done with high quality.

7. Wooden canopies over the porch.

This version of the porch has a wooden frame, which is covered with any type of roofing or finishing materials in the form of tiles, polycarbonate, plastic, etc. This type of visor is most often installed in houses made of laminated veneer lumber or log house.

Polycarbonate porch canopy: types and device

The main components of any visor are:

  • frame - the main part that receives and distributes all the load;
  • external covering - roofing or finishing material.

In relation to the installation method, visors are:

  • supporting - they are massive, they require steel pipes or wooden supports for fixation;
  • suspended - a more simplified version, they are small in size and are mounted on the wall of the building.

Steel structures will last longer, but their construction requires experience and special equipment.

Quite common in the manufacture of a visor, the use of rolled metal. A welding machine or bolts are used to assemble the main part. Before the installation of the product, it undergoes sanding, application of primer and further painting.

Please note that the steel structure is heavier than the wooden structure. To lighten the load on the building, aluminum is used.

Do-it-yourself visor over the porch: manufacturing technology

Before constructing a canopy over the porch, it is necessary to draw up a drawing and a draft of the future structure. Thus, it will be possible to calculate the future type of visor, the required amount of materials that will be required in the work.

Please note that too narrow a structure is not able to provide reliable protection of the entrance door from the weather. The minimum canopy length is 800 mm. The width of the structure should be 500 mm larger than the entrance door. In order to avoid the accumulation of debris or snow on the roof surface, a visor should be made with a slope.

Tip: The supporting structure is built separately and then installed ready-made.

In order to build a durable polycarbonate canopy over the porch, you will need:

  • sheets of cellular polycarbonate, the thickness of which is more than one centimeter, thus, it will be possible to give the roof stability;
  • steel shaped pipes;
  • welding machine;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • measuring tape;
  • building level;
  • pencil.

Tip: To fix the cellular polycarbonate on the surface, you need special self-tapping screws that have thermal washers that ensure reliable fastening.

Installation instructions for a polycarbonate visor:

1. Make a marking on the wall of the house, on which mark the attachment points for the support structure for the canopy. For these purposes, use a tape measure, a level and a pencil.

2. Use shaped tubes to make the frame of the structure. It is better to choose pipes with a triangular section; use welding to connect them. In the absence of experience with a welding machine, it is better to trust a professional, since the strength of the fastening and the reliability of the structure directly depend on the quality of welding.

3. Please note that the number of jumpers that increase the rigidity of the structure depends on the length of the frame.

Tip: To improve the appearance of the visor, all seams formed during the welding process are treated with sandpaper.

4. Using a drill and a metal tool, make holes for mounting bolts and fixing the structure to the wall. The minimum number of holes is 4.

5. To install the visor, at least two people are required, since its weight will not allow one person to install and fix it.

7. The next step is to install polycarbonate. The end sections of the product are subjected to the installation of a special sealing tape, which is inserted into the profile.

8. Please note that the sheets are not attached to each other end-to-end, you should leave a few millimeters of space between them, which will compensate for the thermal expansion of the material.

9. At the junction of the canopy with the wall, sealant is applied to all joints. This prevents moisture from entering the front door.

10. Use the metal bar to replace the sealant.

Polycarbonate canopy over the porch: installation instructions, Building portal

Construction of houses The construction of a canopy above the porch opens up a lot of advantages for the owner of the house, among which, first of all, the protection of the entrance of the building from the effects of atmospheric

Polycarbonate porch canopy: manufacturing technology

A porch canopy is not just a useful, but a necessary addition. It is unpleasant to look for keys standing in the rain and snow, and even a small visor will allow you to temporarily hide from the weather. In addition, this protective structure will increase the durability of a brick or concrete porch, as it will protect them from the destructive effects of moisture. It is not so difficult to make a polycarbonate porch canopy with your own hands, and such a structure can serve for a long time.

Types and options for polycarbonate awnings

You can quickly build a canopy over a porch made of polycarbonate with your own hands, but it is important to decide on the design and develop drawings that indicate all the dimensions and the general appearance of the structure. You can order a ready-made frame or make it yourself from metal pipes.

Welding is used for the connection, it is important to protect the welded seams from corrosion as much as possible. There are several options for polycarbonate designs:

  • Simple tilting canopy on supports. This is the easiest construction to build, one or more sheets of material are enough for it. The slope should be sufficient to ensure snow melting, polycarbonate can be in harmony with the color of the roofing. However, such a system has an important disadvantage: rainwater and snow will roll directly onto the path in front of the porch, which will cause ice in the spring and autumn.
  • Arched structure with 4 supports. A semicircular polycarbonate canopy builds quickly and looks very beautiful, it can be attached to almost any porch. A semicircular frame can be ordered ready-made, or you can calculate it yourself, but it will be quite difficult.
  • Semicircular visor on two supports. It can be made wall-mounted: it is installed on brackets attached to several points on the wall - this solution looks very elegant, especially if you provide the frame with forged decorations.

  • It will be interesting to look at the canopy, combined with the adjoining area, which will start from the gate. Such a large structure requires powerful supports, and instead of a frame, semicircular trusses with an accurate load calculation are used. This design will allow you to put the car for a while and not walk in the rain and snow to the porch. Preparation of the project and calculation of the canopy The canopy for the porch with your own hands can be made in different sizes: it can only cover the steps of the porch or even a small space around. In this case, it will become a good protection for concrete steps, and ice will not form on them. You can think of a canopy that will start from the porch and be located over the entire path to the house. Such an indoor gallery will be convenient for walking even in bad weather.

    You can also use the H-shaped profile if the project has to connect two or more sheets. The finished structure will be lightweight, so a columnar concrete base will be enough for it. You can install a canopy with two or four posts, it depends on the size and weight of the structure.

    Preparation of the base and installation of the frame

    It is necessary to purchase polycarbonate sheets with a thickness of 8-10 mm: they can withstand constant wind and snow loads. In addition, buy pipes for the frame, fasteners, a screwdriver, tape measure, pencil and level.

    To make a frame, you will need a welding machine and the ability to work with it. Sometimes it's better to find a professional welder than to try to create a normal weld yourself.

    Preparatory work includes mandatory leveling of the site, debris removal and installation of the base. How to make a canopy over the porch yourself with two support pillars? Basic steps:

  • Preparing the base for installing the canopy. It is necessary to dig 2 holes for the installation of support pillars, their depth reaches 1 meter. At the bottom of the holes, a layer of sand with gravel is poured and compacted, the base should be square with a side of 40-50 cm. In some cases, screw piles are used as a base, which are immersed into the ground by at least 1200 mm.
  • Marking is applied to the wall: using a tape measure, a level and a pencil, the place where the frame is attached is marked. The canopy should be located so that it does not interfere with the free climbing of the steps for a person of any height.
  • The frame is welded and the weld points need to be sanded. To protect against corrosion, the metal is primed, after which it is painted in the selected color. Most often, metal racks are given a practical black finish.
  • Supports are installed in the pits, after which concrete mortar is poured. He needs to be given time to dry. The second part of the frame is attached to the wall using anchor bolts or other fasteners, depending on the wall material.
  • A crate is installed on the main frame, to which polycarbonate will be attached. It can be straight or arched, in the second case, metal pipes must be bent to give the correct shape.
  • Polycarbonate bends and attaches to the frame. To do this, you need to drill holes in the metal base, the diameter of which will be several millimeters larger than the diameter of the screws.

    O-rings are installed in them, and the polycarbonate sheets are connected to the frame with self-tapping screws. From above, the attachment points are closed with special washers with plugs. This will ensure a tight connection.

    It should be remembered that this material expands under the influence of heat: to avoid deformation, you need to leave gaps of several millimeters on each side. The sides of the polycarbonate sheets are also covered with a special profile to prevent dust and debris from accumulating in the cells.

    Decorative possibilities of polycarbonate

    One of the advantages of polycarbonate over profiled sheet and other materials is its special decorative qualities. The sheets can have a bright juicy color, a transparent or translucent structure allows them to let the sun's rays through. The canopy should be in harmony with the general design of the house, for this it can be matched in color to the walls and roofing, as well as to the porch itself.

    The metal frame can look interesting if you take care of its decoration. To do this, you can use several options:

  • Unusual stylized shape of wireframes. A simple arched visor or marquise is not the only solution. You can custom-make a canopy with two curved slopes in the Chinese style, there are other interesting options that will give the site a special flavor. In combination with bright colors, such a structure will look elegant and festive.
  • Forged jewelry is one of the most common options. Metallic lace is a very pleasant-looking decoration, in addition, it can be very varied and interesting. Interesting patterns and forged curls do not feel stress, so you can not limit your imagination. However, it must be remembered that too heavy decorations will additionally affect the foundation, so it must have a margin of safety.

  • Non-standard color solutions. This is a full-fledged decorative element of the house, because it is on the porch that guests and the owners themselves will look at the first moment. You can choose a contrasting color that will attract attention from afar. Polycarbonate allows you to realize the most interesting design fantasies and decorate the house with an original graceful visor of any shape. It can be used to make not only an arch, but also a dome, an awning, with its help you can build a porch closed on all sides. Since it can be of any color, the porch can be decorated in any style and turn it into an important decorative element of the entire building.

    How to make a polycarbonate porch canopy yourself: step by step instructions

    Do-it-yourself polycarbonate canopy over the porch: types and options for designs, project preparation and calculation, rules for pouring the base and installing the frame, decorative material possibilities

Do-it-yourself polycarbonate canopy over the porch (photo): layout, installation

Arrangement of a canopy over the porch is a necessity, because the structure protects the front door from precipitation and scorching sunlight. It is not difficult to find a suitable material for construction, but it is better to use universal options that will not lose aesthetics when changing the cladding of the house. One of these is polycarbonate.

It transmits light well, is easy to process, unlike plastic and glass. Thanks to the stiffening ribs, the coating withstands considerable snow loads in winter. A change in temperature regime is not terrible for the material, as is the effect of aggressive media. But the main advantage is the ability to give the sheets a curved shape, which makes the canopy original. This solution will look harmonious with any facade decoration.

Polycarbonate porch canopy: layout

Even small additions to a house require careful planning, drawing up and calculating the amount of materials. When developing a metal frame, the thickness of the profiles or pipes used, design features are taken into account. This is an important stage, because the durability of the canopy and safe operation depend on the correctness of the calculations.

The following factors deserve attention when planning:

Dimensions of the structure and individual elements of the frame;

Types of materials used;

Type of polycarbonate sheet (honeycomb / monolithic);

Method of fastening the structure to the house;

Fasteners and hardware required to complete the connection;

Drawings from different angles.

Materials and tools

To install a polycarbonate canopy, you will need materials:

Steel profiles or metal corners for the manufacture of the frame;

End connecting profile;

Primer, paint for metal.

If the frame design provides for the presence of supports, then you need to prepare sand, cement, crushed stone and the supports themselves. They are often made of metal pipes or steel profiles, wooden elements are not suitable for this. To perform concreting you will need:

2 shovels (shovel, bayonet);

container for kneading;

You will also need tools:

Measuring devices (tape measure, level);

If the frame is assembled by welding, then it is worth preparing a welding machine.

Diy polycarbonate canopy installation sequence on supports

1. Clear a place near the porch. Dig a place for pits for concreting the supports. The number of holes is determined by the technological distance between them (from 1 to 1.5 m). The depth of penetration is 0.6-0.8 m, depending on the parameters of the structure and the characteristics of the soil.

2. Seal the bottom of the pits with a tamper and make a bed of sand and gravel (5 cm each). Install the formwork.

3. On the wall of the house, fix the beam horizontally at the level of the frame cross beam.

4. Weld the tendrils of the reinforcement to the ends of the support posts for additional stability. Place the supports in the pits, level them vertically and pour concrete.

5. After the concrete has finally hardened, a frame is attached to the posts, which is made of a metal profile (60 x 60 mm or 100 x 100 mm). Metal parameters depend on the load. Frame elements can be connected using bolts or welding. Experts recommend using the welding method for large sheds, this will make the structure strong and reliable in operation. To complete the lathing, a profile of a smaller section (20 x 20 mm) is used.

6. Cover the frame installed on the supports with an anti-corrosion compound and decorative coating after the first layer has dried.

7. Cut polycarbonate according to drawings. The parameters of the roof decking exceed the dimensions of the frame by 10-15 cm on three sides. Only at the place of docking with the house, an increase is not required. The thickness of the material for the canopy should not be less than 8 mm. If the structure has a rounded shape, you can use an eight millimeter sheet, and when building a flat roof - at least 10 mm.

Cutting is done with a circular saw or hacksaw. Do not vibrate the blade during cutting, otherwise cracks may form. A protective film will help to reduce the risk of damage to the material, so it is not removed from the surface until the installation is completed.

8. Before fixing the polycarbonate to the frame, you need to make holes in it for attaching to the docking profiles. They are installed on the frame first. During drilling, you need to make sure that the holes are slightly larger than the diameter of the screw. This will simplify installation and prevent deformation of the polycarbonate.

9. Lay the roof sheathing on the battens and secure with self-tapping screws. It is recommended to leave a gap of 2-3 mm at the joints of the sheets. This will make it possible for the material to expand when heated, without forming cracks and chips.

10. Fix the end profile to the end faces of the polycarbonate.

If the connections were made using bolts, then periodically check the degree of their tightening. With gusty winds and cyclones, these zones can relax, which will lead to skewing of the structure.

Do-it-yourself polycarbonate canopy over the porch (photo): layout, installation

Do-it-yourself polycarbonate canopy over the porch (photo): layout, installation Arrangement of a canopy over the porch is a necessity, because the structure protects the front door from precipitation and

The traditional use of roofing materials in the construction of awnings and canopies is being replaced by the use of innovative polycarbonate material. Possession of unique properties made it possible to significantly expand the forms and significantly reduce the technical requirements for structures.

Polycarbonate is a polymer plastic widely used in many construction sites.Has established itself as a high-strength material with a low specific gravity. Today it has become an alternative replacement for PVC panels. Production of sheets is carried out by processing, extrusion of polycarbonate granules.


The purpose of the canopies and canopies is to protect a confined space from the elements of the external environment: rain, snow, wind and intense sunlight. The structure is erected with the help of supports, the forms embody all the fantasies of the equipping owner from simple to exclusive design solutions.

The basis of the popularity of polycarbonate consists of the features of the qualities and characteristics of this material:

  • plasticity and ability to transmit light expands the options for use;
  • light weight allows the use of lightweight bearing supports;
  • the ability to tolerate large temperature changes;
  • insulating properties, heat is retained throughout the structure;

  • a variety of ready-made colors of polycarbonate sheets, so you can choose what is most suitable for a particular case;
  • ease and pleasantness of work during installation, you can cut the sheet with a regular office knife, does not require special devices and tools;
  • despite its light transmittance, polycarbonate filters and protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • fastening to the frame is possible using ordinary self-tapping screws;
  • the main technical characteristic of the material is its strength, achieved due to its viscosity;

Polycarbonate canopies are most often placed over a door or welded staircase. Such a kind of roof can be suspended and have various nodes. It is desirable that a beautiful finish is present. You can sheathe the product yourself.


Taking into account the features and advantages of polycarbonate visor structures, it is permissible to divide them by type.

Simple single slope

An easy-to-implement option that requires minimal investment. Designed for structures with one slope of the ramp; they do not require additional efforts during manufacture and installation. Installation work is accessible even to a non-professional.

The single-slope design does not require profile bending during installation work. Therefore, there are no restrictions when choosing the thickness of the starting material.

When erecting a structure from this kind of coating, the use of scaffolding is not required, only longitudinal and transverse beams are used.

Most often, this type is used for an extension to a standing house or any other structure.

Of the shortcomings, a small slope angle of the resulting roof stands out, as a result of which in winter snow deposits will accumulate on it and cleaning will be required.

Arched awnings and canopies

Affordable, similarly unpretentious in installation, they have an arched appearance. The main difference from the first option is the completeness and aesthetics of the finished structure. Making a curved frame and increasing the coverage area require additional financial investments.

This type is especially popular today.They can be seen in private yards and in cities when arranging covered parking lots, bus stops and gallery passages between buildings.

The shape of a semicircle allows the snow to slide freely under its own weight, but in the rain, water flows down on both sides of the shelter. A pleasant feature is that the probability of damage to such a roof is very low, since the lowered sidewalls protect against strong wind gusts. This type is suitable for both small canopies and for installing a roof over large structures.

Bending the profile becomes difficult when doing it alone.

Multi-slope structures

It is a structure that combines several types of slopes: both straight and curved. This combination increases the cost of the finished product.

During construction, the main difficulty is choosing the right angle for joining the slopes, however, the operational characteristics of the finished structure increase significantly.

Lowered ends give better surface protection:

  • from the elements of nature - wind and precipitation;
  • slope angles prevent the accumulation of snow deposits;
  • the frame of the structure is made more rigid, which increases the strength of the structure as a whole.

It is used for parking lots, arranging a barbecue area, roofing pavilions and gazebos.

Complex or cascading awnings

They combine all types of structures. Require the development of projects and drawings, large financial investments. Installation work must be carried out by highly qualified personnel. The client receives an exclusive design building according to his individual wishes.

The scope of this type of roofing is installation over summer gardens, staircases, gazebos and other structures.

This method of manufacturing the roof is especially important from the aesthetic point of view of the finished structure, and due to the arrangement of the vaults in a cascade, the precipitation is diverted to the side.

Projects and drawings

The durability of the structure can only be guaranteed with the correct selection of the frame dimensions and the technical characteristics of polycarbonate, its thickness and quality.

Before the start of construction, a construction project is drawn up using the following parameters:

  1. the purpose of the visor design;
  2. when choosing, take into account the climatic conditions of the area;
  3. technical characteristics of the building.

  • wickets and gates;
  • outlets;
  • open summer grounds and terraces of cafes and restaurants;
  • greenhouses;
  • arch;
  • canopy;
  • visor.

Calculation of component racks, polycarbonate sheets and guides is made.

When self-constructing light buildings in the form of awnings or canopies, it is possible to resort to the calculation using an online calculator. For the design of more complex structures, you should resort to the help of specialists.

Using the example of a visor in the form, we will clearly consider the drawing up of a drawing and a project.

Before making a polycarbonate canopy with your own hands, you will need to draw up detailed design drawings. But this is possible only after determining the location of its location, since the point of support of the frame depends on this.

The location distinguishes three types of completed structures.

  1. Free-standing, independent. Depending on the size, it requires arrangement of the foundation. All points of support are made in the form of pillars along its perimeter.
  2. Annex building. The frame for such a structure is made of beam-supporting. One of the sides of the ramp has points of support for free-standing posts. The second side rests on a beam fixed to the wall of the building. When used to connect an extension with an organic structure of metal embedded on a load-bearing wall, the method of fastening is called cantilever-supporting.
  3. Traditional visors. As a rule, they are fixed by the cantilever method to the mortgages in the wall of the room.

DIY frame

The initial task and the first stage is to create a project, calculate the source materials and create a drawing:

  1. we plan the size of the building, taking into account its location;
  2. when choosing a roof option, the loads from precipitation and wind are taken into account;
  3. design solutions for the design of the frame and the color of the sheets are chosen from the general concept of the surrounding structures.

Having collected all the information, you can start calculating the source materials and drawings of the frame. When drawing up the drawing, the exact dimensions and shape of the roof, technical parameters and material of the supports and the frame itself, the number of fasteners and their characteristics are used.

Particular attention should be paid to the standard size of all types of polycarbonate sheets.Therefore, the joints between them must necessarily fall on the crate.

The width of the profile girders is taken into account based on the parameters of the roofing material itself.

The height of the future structure directly depends on the wishes of the user; nevertheless, it is recommended that the lowest point of the roof is located at a level of about 180 cm from the floor.

To create the frame, the support posts are calculated subject to the following standards:

  • the minimum allowable section is forty by forty millimeters;
  • if the supports are made of metal, the thickness is chosen from one millimeter;
  • the thickness of the foundation pillars is laid with a value greater than ten millimeters from the taken section of the support posts;
  • the depth of the foundation is at least half a meter;
  • for rafters, a profile with a cross section of at least twenty millimeters is used, for the lathing, a thickness of fifteen millimeters is used.

For the correct manufacture of the frame with your own hands, the drawings must be drawn up very accurately and in detail.

If the plans include the construction of a structure with an area of \u200b\u200beight square meters or more, it is better to entrust the creation of a project, drawings and calculation of materials to specialists. The roof area above such a building is quite large, and only a specialist can calculate the load level. Errors in calculations lead to deformation of the frame or complete collapse of the entire building.

The choice of material for the frame in the construction markets is quite wide and varied.

For polycarbonate structures, the following materials are commonly used.

  1. Metal profile. Has a long service life. It is unpretentious and requires minimal maintenance in the form of treatment with anti-corrosion agents. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the large weight of the frame and its high price.
  2. Rolled metal pipes, for example, aluminum profiles. The advantages are the same as for the metal profile. Of the minuses, the round section is not so convenient for welding or other fastening methods.
  3. Wooden beams, rounded or shaped. An environmentally friendly, living material, if the frame of the building is stylized for a specific design. When doing work with your own hands, you need a carpenter's skill, the tree requires some care, and its performance is not so durable.

Installation and finishing works

Polycarbonate sheets are presented on the construction markets in two classic versions.


They are impact-resistant panels with a matte or transparent surface. Inside the shell, there are balloons with stiffening ribs oriented along the entire length of the panel. This type has increased heat saving, increased strength and low weight. A feature is the ability to change the shape, bend sheets in their cold state. Their use in structures with complex geometry is relevant.

The thickness offered by manufacturers has a range of product options from four to twelve millimeters inclusive.


They have an optically absolutely transparent appearance. There are no voids inside. The sheets are less flexible, which does not affect the impact resistance of the material.

At the moment, there are already on sale new innovations of monolithic polycarbonate with an anti-abrasive coating and a wave-like version. The latter option looks like a metal tile, and is already quite often used for roof repairs.

The standard sheet size is 210 centimeters wide and six, twelve meters long.

For a simple polycarbonate visor, a sheet thickness of four, eight millimeters is suitable.In regions where precipitation in the form of snow is increased, or rather strong gusts of wind are observed, the thickness is chosen from ten millimeters.

On request, construction markets offer a service for cutting blanks. Usually, to minimize waste, the length is made in multiples of the width of the sheet.

For installation work, you will need the following set of materials and tools:

  1. polycarbonate sheets - the color is chosen in accordance with the color scheme of the building;
  2. visor frame;
  3. welding machine;
  4. a set of self-tapping screws;
  5. electric drill and screwdriver;
  6. tape measure and level;
  7. indelible pencil.

Before starting the process of installing a canopy or canopy over the entrance group, it is necessary to make an accurate marking of the places where the frame is attached to the building.

The construction of a canopy over the porch opens up a lot of advantages for the owner of the house, among which, first of all, the protection of the entrance of the building from the effects of precipitation and ultraviolet radiation. The choice of polycarbonate as a material for the construction of the porch allows you to make a presentable visor of any shape and configuration. We will talk about the manufacturing features of this building element further.

Benefits of using polycarbonate for the construction of the visor

Polycarbonate, first of all, will allow you to scatter solar radiation, thereby not shading the structure. In addition, the transmission of ultraviolet radiation allows you to quickly dry the visor, after precipitation.

Polycarbonate is an inorganic material that, when interacting with the environment, does not lose its properties in any way.

Polycarbonate products are quite practical and durable. They are resistant to mechanical stress, including hail. They tolerate temperature changes well, are fireproof and practically non-flammable.

Another significant advantage of polycarbonate is its flexibility, with the help of which the visor will acquire any required shape and configuration.

Polycarbonate is not able to conduct heat and air, and therefore it will provide reliable protection from the wind.

In addition, when choosing polycarbonate, there is a huge variety of colors and shades that will harmoniously fit into almost any exterior. This material is not able to fade in the sun, since the technology of applying a color pigment involves dyeing it directly during the solidification of the material.

Among the advantages of using polycarbonate are:

  • fire safety and resistance to fire;
  • high level of flexibility;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • good thermal insulation characteristics;
  • variety of colors;
  • resistance to burnout;
  • resistance to corrosion, decay, mold and mildew;
  • ease of processing.

Requirements for a polycarbonate porch canopy

Before making a visor, you should first of all determine the main functions that it will perform. Among the minimum number of requirements, we note:

  • the ability to withstand not only its own weight, but also the load from snow, rain, wind, etc .;
  • since moisture gets on the roof, you should take care of the presence of a storage tank or a rain collection system;
  • it is preferable if the visor will protect not only the front door, but the entire porch;
  • the visor should be in harmony with the general appearance of the entire building.

Functions and design of the canopy over the porch

Arrangement of the entrance area in a building requires a canopy that protects the door from moisture, sun or wind. In addition, the porch canopy serves an aesthetic function, thereby giving a finished and attractive appearance to the entrance area.

There are a huge number of porch design options, which differ in shape, configuration and materials used in the process of their construction.

Before you get to know them, we propose to consider the main functions that are assigned to the visor over the porch:

  • providing protection - as mentioned earlier, the visor protects the entrance of the house from moisture, wind and solar radiation;
  • giving the building coziness and warmth - in the winter season, it is more convenient to open the door on which there is a canopy, as it protects a person leaving or entering the house from the cold;
  • complementing the design and general exterior of the visit is another important function of the canopy.

The construction of a visor for the front door is not a complicated procedure, since this element is sold both in finished form and in the form of materials for its construction.

The main thing is to take into account the wishes of all residents of the house and match the visor with the individual characteristics of the building itself. In addition, you should take into account the properties of durability and the practical purpose of acquiring this element of the exterior.

The appearance and beauty of the whole house depends on the design of the visor. In order for the visor to really become a decoration of the building, one should, when choosing materials, for its manufacture, compare it with the general exterior. For example, when arranging a visor for a wooden house, it is better to give preference to wood in combination with other environmentally friendly materials, if you plan to install the visor in a brick house, then metal with polycarbonate is perfect for making the visor.

The roof of the canopy and the entire building must also be in harmony with each other. When choosing the color of the visor, two rules should be followed:

  • the shade must completely match one of the primary colors of the building;
  • the color of the visor should contrast with the overall exterior.

Visor over the porch photos and varieties

Some of the most popular are custom-made visors. In this case, the customer receives a high-quality and practical coating, ready for use. In addition, in addition to material investments, you do not need to spend time and effort to manufacture this element of the exterior.

Among the most popular designs of visors, in relation to the material from which they are made, one should highlight:

1. Polycarbonate visor shape.

This type of visor has a lot of advantages, including quality, practicality, power, reliability, durability. In addition, polycarbonate has a fairly presentable appearance, it combines well with other materials, and has a huge color palette. In addition, making a polycarbonate visor with your own hands is quite simple, this procedure does not take much time.

2. Steel visors.

A simpler in appearance, but at the same time, an affordable option, is the manufacture of a canopy over the porch made of steel. To complete this procedure, you will need a welding machine and certain skills to work with it. Although the steel structure has a certain reliability and durability, it requires careful maintenance from its owner, and above all, treatment with anti-corrosion compounds.

3. The use of corrugated board for the manufacture of a visor.

If this finishing material is used when arranging a roof, fence or gate, then its use in this case is quite appropriate. The disadvantages of this visor include its instability against mechanical damage.

4. Construction of the plastic visor.

This option has the same advantages as a polycarbonate canopy, but only if the plastic selected for the work is of high quality and is intended for exterior decoration of buildings. The frame for installing plastic is made of any materials in the form of wood, iron, the same plastic, etc. Among the positive qualities of this material are its strength, durability and lightness of construction.

5. Metal roofing for the construction of the visor.

This type of canopies is quite heavy, it is installed if the roof is also trimmed with metal tiles.

6. The use of forging is not an ordinary solution.

This type of visor has a presentable, luxurious appearance. Although its cost is quite high, it will really become a real decoration of the building.

The option of using forging with other types of materials is possible, such as cellular polycarbonate, bituminous tiles, plastic. Since the structure is quite heavy, its installation must be done with high quality.

7. Wooden canopies over the porch.

This version of the porch has a wooden frame, which is covered with any type of roofing or finishing materials in the form of tiles, polycarbonate, plastic, etc. This type of visor is most often installed in houses made of laminated veneer lumber or log house.

Polycarbonate porch canopy: types and device

The main components of any visor are:

  • frame - the main part that receives and distributes all the load;
  • external covering - roofing or finishing material.

In relation to the installation method, visors are:

  • supporting - they are massive, they require steel pipes or wooden supports for fixation;
  • suspended - a more simplified version, they are small in size and are mounted on the wall of the building.

In relation to the shape, visors are:

  • arched;
  • tent-roofed;
  • two- and one-pitched.

In addition, there is the option of building an open structure that does not have walls. A closed canopy is a canopy with walls on both sides. The choice of one or another type of visor depends entirely on the individual characteristics of the building and the functions that are assigned to this element.

In relation to the frame option, the visors are:

  • wooden;
  • metal.

The first option has a lower cost. It is simpler to operate, but has a short lifespan.

Steel structures will last longer, but their construction requires experience and special equipment.

Quite common in the manufacture of a visor, the use of rolled metal. A welding machine or bolts are used to assemble the main part. Before the installation of the product, it undergoes sanding, application of primer and further painting.

Please note that the steel structure is heavier than the wooden structure. To lighten the load on the building, aluminum is used.

Do-it-yourself visor over the porch: manufacturing technology

Before constructing a canopy over the porch, it is necessary to draw up a drawing and a draft of the future structure. Thus, it will be possible to calculate the future type of visor, the required amount of materials that will be required in the work.

Please note that too narrow a structure is not able to provide reliable protection of the entrance door from the weather. The minimum canopy length is 800 mm. The width of the structure should be 500 mm larger than the entrance door. In order to avoid the accumulation of debris or snow on the roof surface, a visor should be made with a slope.

Tip: The supporting structure is built separately and then installed ready-made.

In order to build a durable polycarbonate canopy over the porch, you will need:

  • sheets of cellular polycarbonate, the thickness of which is more than one centimeter, thus, it will be possible to give the roof stability;
  • steel shaped pipes;
  • welding machine;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • measuring tape;
  • building level;
  • pencil.

Tip: To fix the cellular polycarbonate on the surface, you need special self-tapping screws that have thermal washers that ensure reliable fastening.

Installation instructions for a polycarbonate visor:

1. Make a marking on the wall of the house, on which mark the attachment points for the support structure for the canopy. For these purposes, use a tape measure, a level and a pencil.

2. Use shaped tubes to make the frame of the structure. It is better to choose pipes with a triangular section; use welding to connect them. In the absence of experience with a welding machine, it is better to trust a professional, since the strength of the fastening and the reliability of the structure directly depend on the quality of welding.

3. Please note that the number of jumpers that increase the rigidity of the structure depends on the length of the frame.

Tip: To improve the appearance of the visor, all seams formed during the welding process are treated with sandpaper.

4. Using a drill and a metal tool, make holes for mounting bolts and fixing the structure to the wall. The minimum number of holes is 4.

5. To install the visor, at least two people are required, since its weight will not allow one person to install and fix it.

7. The next step is to install polycarbonate. The end sections of the product are subjected to the installation of a special sealing tape, which is inserted into the profile.

8. Please note that the sheets are not attached to each other end-to-end, you should leave a few millimeters of space between them, which will compensate for the thermal expansion of the material.

9. At the junction of the canopy with the wall, sealant is applied to all joints. This prevents moisture from entering the front door.

10. Use the metal bar to replace the sealant.

How to make a visor over the porch, video: