Calculation of the number of pvc panels. Wall decoration - accurate calculation and installation of PVC panels Consumption of PVC panels per 1 m2

Many may say that this type of ceiling looks cheap and simple, but with the right approach and choice of high-quality materials, pvc panels for the ceiling can look no worse than stretch or plasterboard counterparts. There are also seamless panels in which the joint is visible only at a certain anglem.

The advantages of such a ceiling are many.:

  • There is no particular need to involve a master or specialist in the work. Even without building skills, subject to accuracy, and with a minimum of effort, you can do everything yourself. The main thing to remember is that pvc panels are quite delicate and do not like rough handling during work. Even minor blows to them with a hand or a tool can leave dents, which in their integrity can ruin the overall appearance (see).
  • A very large selection in stores will satisfy your wishes for any room. The panels are available on the market in different colors, widths, structures and appearance. There are also panels that simulate different surfaces, such as stone or wood..

  • Such a ceiling can hide everything - it will become much easier to install a video camera, because it is based on a suspended frame, behind which you can easily hide all the necessary communications (electrical wiring, sewage, ventilation ducts). Thanks to its design, all panels can be disassembled and reassembled without damage, thus gaining access to all hidden communications
  • Plastic ceilings are very easy to clean and easy to clean (see).

So, let's proceed directly to the installation technology:
What do we need:

  • Drill
  • Wooden slats or metal profile
  • Screws, dowels
  • Furniture gun
  • U-shaped corners or ceiling plinth
  • Hacksaw or jigsaw
  • Level
  • To determine the number of panels on the ceiling, you need to multiply the length of the room by the width, this figure will be equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling. In the same way, multiply the length of the panel by its width, finding out the area... It remains only to divide the square of the ceiling by the area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling panels and round the figure up - the resulting number will be equal to the number of panels. Experts recommend adding about 10-15% to the size of the ceiling for trimming.
  • To calculate the number of required strips, you can perform such operations. Divide the width of the room by 0.3 and multiply by the length of the same room - the result will be the length of all slats in linear meters.

How to calculate the amount of materials needed

We start by installing the frame

  1. Wooden frame
  • We fasten the slats with screws (wooden base) or dowels (concrete base) to the ceiling with a distance of about 35-40 centimeters between them.
  • With the help of a level, or a rule, the entire frame must be adjusted. All planks must be in the same plane.
  • In the place where the chandelier or lamp is attached, the frame should be reinforced with an additional bar

Tip: When installing the frame in rooms with high humidity, try to avoid working with a wooden frame. Wood is a material that is sensitive to changes in humidity and temperature. It turns and deforms, which can lead to defects on the ceiling, and even to the destruction of the entire structure. In a bathroom, sauna, outdoors, and other rooms with difficult operating conditions, it is better to use metal CD and UD profiles. Which are also used in the installation of plasterboard ceilings, and are more resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, perfectly serve to ensure that your ceilings serve for many years.

  1. Frame made of metal profile
  • Along the perimeter of the ceiling, it is necessary to install the UD profile on the wall, fixing it with dowels to the wall. The distance between the fixing plugs should be approximately 50 - 55 centimeters.
  • On the ceiling, in those places where the frame should pass, it is necessary to fix the suspensions to the ceiling with dowels (if the base is concrete) or screws (if the base is wooden).
  • Cut the CD profile to the required length, and insert both ends into the profile - already fixed on the wall and fix it with screws

  • Then it is necessary, using a level, a rule, or a stretched fishing line, to align all the profiles in one plane and fix it with suspensions.
  • Before installing PVC panels, all electrical wires and communications should be laid.

Installation of PVC panels

  • When the frame is ready, it is necessary to fix the starting bar along the perimeter of the ceiling with self-tapping screws.

  • The first panel must be cut to the length of the room and one end inserted into the starter bar. Then gently bend the PVC panel lengthwise and insert the other side.
  • After making sure that it is in place, the PVC panel can be fixed with screws or a furniture gun (on a wooden frame).
  • The next panel is installed in the first, while hiding all the attachment points. It is worth paying attention to whether it completely entered the groove first, there should be no gaps between the panels.

Tip: Before screwing on the panel, make sure that it is fully pressed down along its entire length. If it is long and fails to attach evenly (without sagging), get yourself an assistant.

  • Having reached the place where the lamp or chandelier should be installed, make a hole in the panel, and thread the wire, only after that the panel can be fixed. Do not forget that in the place where the chandelier should be, there must be a wooden strip or metal profile. In order to avoid sagging or crushing PVC panels by the lamp.
  • The last panel, the most difficult to install, needs to be cut lengthwise to obtain the desired width. Then insert into the groove of the previous one, and carefully prying the starting rail, gradually install the cut edge of the PVC panel there.
  • The ceiling is completely installed, it remains only to wipe the dark dust off with a damp cloth.

Tip: Be careful when installing, because if you accidentally damage one panel, you will have to disassemble the ceiling to this panel in order to replace it.

You can find out more information by watching the video:

It is not difficult to make PVC ceiling on your own, but how nice it is to sit in a cozy room and enjoy your own work.

How much will it cost to make a bathroom with panels? The bathroom is combined.

Hello Maria. Indeed, plastic bathroom panels are a great solution!

As for the cost, let's calculate. Because if you did not indicate the area of \u200b\u200byour bathroom, then we will make the calculation based on the cost of 1 running meter of the wall.

A running meter is the length of the wall. We will count in this way, and not for example in terms of area, simply because the length of the panels is usually 2.7 meters. And since we will not trim the wall from scraps, we will proceed from the fact that one plastic panel will cover the wall by 25 centimeters (standard panel width) in length. Those. for cladding 1 meter of the wall, we need 4 plastic panels.

The average cost of one PVC panel is 200 rubles. They are both cheaper (up to 100 rubles) and more expensive (up to 500 rubles for one bar).

Thus, for 1 meter of wall, we will spend about 800 rubles.

Move on. To attach the panels to the walls, we need guides for the plastic panels. For each wall - 4 pcs. their average cost is 50 rubles apiece, i.e. all 4 walls will take about 800 rubles for guides.

Let's add to our calculations such small consumables as self-tapping screws and plastic corners - on average, 50 rubles per 1 meter of wall. (Recall a meter of a wall is not a square meter, but a length).

For clarity, let's calculate the cost of materials for a standard bathroom measuring 2.5 by 2 meters (we do not take into account the height of the ceilings, because in any case the panels are 2.7 meters). The total linear footage of the walls \u003d 2.5 + 2 + 2.5 + 2 \u003d 9 meters.

Your bathroom has at least 1 door that doesn't need plastic panels. However, the material is always taken with a margin, because trims are very likely, so we will take with a margin for 9 meters of walls. Those. in total we need 36 plastic panels for this bathroom

We consider:

36 panels * 200 rubles \u003d 7200 rubles - will be spent on PVC panels;

800 rubles will go to guides;

and, 9 meters of walls for 50 rubles \u003d 450 rubles - it will go to various little things and corners.

Total: 7200 + 800 + 450 \u003d 8450 rubles bathroom materials will cost 2.5 by 2 meters.

Specifically for your bathroom, you can calculate the cost of materials yourself, according to our template.

How much does the work of specialists cost

For small bathrooms, the cost of a specialist's work will cost from 6,000 to 8,000 rubles.

If you want to save that with our help, you can cut costs in half by doing everything yourself.

Before finishing plastic panels necessary calculate the amountvarious profiles, fasteners, PVC panels and rails for lathing... This article provides a technique that will help you determine the approximate amount of material for mounting pVC panels.

Calculation of the number of rais for the crate:

To calculate the number of rai, you need to measure the total wall length and ceiling heightin meters. Then divide the ceiling height by distance between panels (no more than 0.5 m), round up the resulting number to a larger one and multiply by the total length of the walls. After that, similarly calculate the footage of the slats for window and door openings, and subtract it from the resulting number.

When calculationit is necessary to take into account that the lathing is done along the perimeter of the walls. Therefore, to the total length of the slats, you need to add two more vertical slats for each wall, the length of which is ceiling heights... To the resulting number, you also need to add the perimeter of window and door openings.

After all calculationsto the length of the yards, it is necessary to add 5% for overlaps and cuts and round the result up to a whole number.

For convenience, below is formula for calculating the number of battens of the crate:

where L ray - length of rais, m; l - the total length of the room, m; h - ceiling height, m; a - distance between panels, taken from 0.2 to 0.5 m; L pr - the length of the rail in window and door openings, m; P - perimeter of window and door openings, m; k - a safety factor of 5% (1.05 is accepted).

Calculation of the number of plastic panels:

For calculation of PVC panels need to calculate wall areaand subtract from it window areaand doors... The resulting number is divided by the area of \u200b\u200bthe panel. It is recommended to add 10% to the resulting figure for overlaps and cuts and round the resulting number to a larger integer.

Below is the

where N - the number of panels, pCS; l - the total length of the room, m; h - ceiling height, m; S pr - area of \u200b\u200bwindow and door openings, m 2; l pan - panel length, m; h pan - panel height, m; k - a safety factor of 10% (1.1 is accepted).

Same number of panelscan be found by dividing total wall length on the panel width... In this case number of panelsfor finishing surfaces above the door, as well as above and below the windows, they are calculated separately.

Calculation of mounting profiles for plastic panels:

Mounting profiles are sold individually, the length of one piece is usually 3 m.

If the installation is in progress inner and outer corners, then it is necessary to measure separately the height of all external and internal corners into the room, divide the resulting dimensions by 3 m. For framing window and door openings - the sum of the perimeters of windows and doors divided by 3 m (windows are measured on four sides, doorways on three sides, except for the bottom width), add the resulting number to the length of the outer corners. Round off the values \u200b\u200bof the numbers to a larger integer, the result will be the required number of corners in pieces.

If the installation is in progress universal angle, which is sold by meters, then you need to add everything indoor and outdoor catch lengths, as well as the perimeters of window and door openings, to obtain the required length of the corner.

Calculationrequired number fillets... The perimeter of the ceiling is measured, the resulting number is divided by 3 and rounded to a larger integer. You may also need internal and external corners for the ceiling plinth, quantity which will equal number of inner and outer cornersindoors respectively.

Start profile. amountdepends on joints with walls made of other materials. From the starting profile, you need to start the installation of panels on each of the walls, so for calculationyou need the height of the corners from which the installation of the panels will begin, the resulting number must be divided by 3 m and rounded to a whole larger.

Calculation of fasteners for mounting plastic panels:

If the battens are attached to a brick or reinforced concrete wall, dowel nails, the consumption of which is 1 pc. for every 0.5 m of rail.

Also necessary nails, screws or staples, the number of which can be found by multiplying number of panelsand mounting profiles for the number of rows of rails (so if the fastening is carried out using screws, quantityrows of rails 8, panels 10 pcs., profiles 2 pcs., then you need 96 screws).

Before finishing plastic panels necessary calculate the amountvarious profiles, fasteners, PVC panels and rails for lathing... This article provides a technique that will help you determine the approximate amount of material for mounting pVC panels.

Calculation of the number of rais for the crate:

To calculate the number of rai, you need to measure the total wall length and ceiling heightin meters. Then divide the ceiling height by distance between panels (no more than 0.5 m), round up the resulting number to a larger one and multiply by the total length of the walls. After that, similarly calculate the footage of the slats for window and door openings, and subtract it from the resulting number.

When calculationit is necessary to take into account that the lathing is done along the perimeter of the walls. Therefore, to the total length of the slats, you need to add two more vertical slats for each wall, the length of which is ceiling heights... To the resulting number, you also need to add the perimeter of window and door openings.

After all calculationsto the length of the yards, it is necessary to add 5% for overlaps and cuts and round the result up to a whole number.

For convenience, below is formula for calculating the number of battens:

where L ray - length of rais, m; l - the total length of the room, m; h - ceiling height, m; a - distance between panels, taken from 0.2 to 0.5 m; L pr - the length of the rail in window and door openings, m; P - the perimeter of window and door openings, m; k - a safety factor of 5% (1.05 is accepted).

Calculation of the number of plastic panels:

For calculation of PVC panels need to calculate wall areaand subtract from it window areaand doors... The resulting number is divided by the area of \u200b\u200bthe panel. It is recommended to add 10% to the resulting figure for overlaps and cuts and round the resulting number to a larger integer.

Below is:

where N - the number of panels, pCS; l - the total length of the room, m; h - ceiling height, m; S pr - area of \u200b\u200bwindow and door openings, m 2; l pan - panel length, m; h pan - panel height, m; k - a safety factor of 10% (1.1 is accepted).

Same number of panelscan be found by dividing total wall length on the panel width... In this case number of panelsfor finishing surfaces above the door, as well as above and below the windows, they are calculated separately.

Calculation of mounting profiles for plastic panels:

Mounting profiles are sold individually, the length of one piece is usually 3 m.

If the installation is in progress inner and outer corners, then it is necessary to measure separately the height of all external and internal corners into the room, divide the resulting dimensions by 3 m. For framing window and door openings - the sum of the perimeters of windows and doors divided by 3 m (windows are measured on four sides, doorways on three sides, except for the bottom width), add the resulting number to the length of the outer corners. Round off the values \u200b\u200bof the numbers to a larger integer, the result will be the required number of corners in pieces.

If the installation is in progress universal angle, which is sold by meters, then you need to add everything indoor and outdoor catch lengths, as well as the perimeters of window and door openings, to obtain the required length of the corner.

Calculationrequired number fillets... The perimeter of the ceiling is measured, the resulting number is divided by 3 and rounded to a larger integer. You may also need internal and external corners for the ceiling plinth, quantity which will equal number of inner and outer cornersindoors respectively.

Start profile. amountdepends on joints with walls made of other materials. From the starting profile, you need to start the installation of panels on each of the walls, so for calculationyou need the height of the corners from which the installation of the panels will begin, the resulting number must be divided by 3 m and rounded to a whole larger.

The construction market is constantly evolving, offering the consumer inexpensive and high-quality products, so repairs can be done easily and with pleasure. Modern building materials make it possible to carry out finishing work with your own hands quickly and without the involvement of professionals. These materials include plastic panels, which are often used for ceiling decoration in residential and office premises.

Plastic panels are some of the cheapest options for decorating a bathroom.

The ceiling made of plastic panels is a metal or wooden frame, sheathed with PVC clapboard. Plastic can be of various sizes, the most popular are products with a length of 2.7 and 3 m and a width of 25 and 50 cm. Inside, such panels have stiffeners and a hollow base, so they are light and durable. For ease of installation on the sidewalls, they have docking locks. How to sew with your own hands?

Plastic ceiling panels are different from similar products used for wall cladding. They are much lighter as they only have to support their own weight. Wall panels are more durable, while ceiling panels can be damaged even by hand. Therefore, all work should be done with the utmost care.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ceiling decoration with plastic panels has its positive aspects:

  1. In the frame of the structure, you can hide electrical wiring, ventilation and other communications.
  2. Installation of recessed lights and lighting is easy. They are resistant to high temperatures and do not emit unpleasant odors. Therefore, the usual electrical wiring can be replaced with circuits for installing LEDs, halogen and spotlights.
  3. Simple assembly and disassembly process.
  4. Possibility of installing additional insulation from noise, moisture, sound into the frame.
  5. Wall panels are strong, durable, plastic, moisture and fire resistant, do not fade in the sun, and are easy to clean.
  6. When finishing, you can ignore the uneven surface.

The ceiling made of plastic panels also has its negative sides:

  1. Cheap plastic can let light through from downlights.
  2. The seams between the panels are visible to the naked eye.
  3. There is no possibility of making a multi-level structure or bending.
  4. Part of the room height is lost.

The frame for installing the panels must necessarily be metal, since the tree quickly rots and collapses.

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Types of PVC profiles

You will need not only the panels themselves, but also the accessories. When visiting the construction market for the first time, because of the variety of PVC profiles, an inexperienced buyer may be confused. But each species has its own special purpose.

  1. Start profiles are the most commonly used. They are needed for fixing the panel around the perimeter of the room on the line of the mounted ceiling.
  2. The outside and inside plastic corners are needed to make nice joints in the corners of the room.
  3. H-profiles connect the ends of several panels.
  4. A plastic skirting board is needed to hide the ends of the panels. This is the same starter profile, only with a decorative finish.
  5. F-profiles are required to hide the ends. They can be useful when decorating adjacent walls with various materials.

Universal plastic corners hide any joints.

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Calculation of materials

It is better to clad the ceiling with materials of typical sizes 5-10 mm thick, 250-500 mm wide. Typically, panels are supplied in standard lengths of 2.7-3 m, but there are also 4-meter samples.

The area of \u200b\u200beach panel can be seen on the package. Their required number will be equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling divided by the area of \u200b\u200bone panel.When calculating the required volume of materials, be sure to add a margin of 15%, which will be used for trimming and scrap. So, 10 PVC plates are needed for the ceiling, adding a stock, we get 11.5 panels (it is advisable to round up).

To calculate the amount of profile required, the ceiling area must be divided into strips spaced 60 cm apart: along them the mounting guides will be installed. Additionally, you will need a rigid profile for perimeter sheathing. If desired, metal profiles can be replaced with a wooden crate, but the useful life of such a structure will be much shorter.

Ceiling skirting boards are sold in 3 meter segments. To calculate the required amount, you need to divide the length around the perimeter by 3, round the resulting number up.

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Ceiling installation

Before starting work, the walls and ceiling must be checked for hidden wiring. To do this, you can use a special detector or invite a professional.

In no case should the plastic panel be glued directly onto the concrete - the lack of ventilation between the panel and the ceiling is unacceptable.

In order to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the room associated with the appearance of fungus or mold, the surface of the ceiling should be treated with an antiseptic solution. Then you need to decide on the height of the false ceiling. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the lighting devices, which will be installed directly in the panel. Usually, a plastic suspended ceiling is installed at a distance of 6-7 cm from the rough surface.

At the level of the drawn line with screws, it is necessary to fix special corners under the base of the ceiling. After fixing the corners along the perimeter of the line, guides are installed on them. They must be fixed directly to the rough ceiling using long self-tapping screws, and the self-tapping screw must be driven in so that its head is at the level of the line on the walls and guide corners. The guides are attached in 60-100 cm increments.

After that, you need to prepare the plastic panels. With a hacksaw for metal, they need to set the desired size. The slab should be cut about 5 mm less than the length of the room. To obtain a perfectly flat edge, it must be sanded with sandpaper. After that, the protective film is removed from the panels. Care must be taken to avoid crushing the panel.

Holes for lighting fixtures are made in predetermined places. They can be done either with an ordinary sharp knife or with a special drill attachment.

You need to take care of the supply of electrical wires to the ceiling in advance. After the lighting fixtures are inserted into the grooves prepared for them, you can start installing the panels. They must be fastened across the profiles. The first panel slides close to the wall in order to be in the profile on three sides. The last 4 side is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws. The following panels need to be fixed in the same way, but one side is fixed to the previous panel.

So it is required to fix all panels except the last one. Before attaching it, it is necessary to align the ceiling using the guides by twisting or loosening the screws. The level of the ceiling should be the same everywhere.

Next, you need to give the last panel the required width and insert it into the grooves.