What to close the seams between the gender boards. What to close the gaps between the floor and the wall? Choosing materials and recommendations

Very often before the coloring floor, the question arises how to repair the floor. During the board, the board is breathtaking, begin to creak, and it is an absolutely normal phenomenon. As technology develops, the methods become even more perfect. Therefore, when the need arises to eliminate the defects, you just need to choose the method that is more like.

Total slot removal scheme:

  • Prepare materials.
  • Clear cracks.
  • Fill them.
  • Material must dry.
  • Collect, remove irregularities.
  • Paint.

Blood reconstruction species

Wooden floor repair can be divided:

  • Dismantling and busting of all Halves. Such major work should be started if the clefts have achieved huge sizes. The boards must be carefully and thoroughly overlooked, to overtake unevenly dried edges, leave only the whole and strong flooring.
  • Partial disassembly. It is carried out when there are wide holes and screens.
  • Sealing a small number of small gaps. Used most often.


It should be remembered that there are always a few space for airborne space between the boards and in case of the natural extension of the boards. If the gaps become too big, then they need to be treated.

  1. Construction foam. The slots can be sealing by construction foam. First you need to dismantle the plinth, then clean the gaps, and then to fit them. Peno can be laid down a few foam. After drying, it is necessary to remove the extra foam, and at the top for tightness to sharpen.
  2. Glue + sawdust. Troubleshooting is carried out using adhesive compositions. There are two types:
  • Wood sawdust swelling two hours in boiling water, then they are well stirred. In bulk mass pour PVA or joinery glue and mix before the appearance of a tight consistency. The mixture is applied to the purified surface, thoroughly tram in the gap, but without effort. After complete frost, remove irregularities, for example, to treat sandpaper.
  • You can make a mixture of glue, cement and sawdust. To the composition you can mix coloring substances. The method can still be used to create perfectly smooth floor.

3. Wood putty. If they are small and there is no desire to prepare the repair mixes on their own, then you can buy a putty. It is important to take into account the nuance: over time, the putty is cracking. It is optimal to use if, as a result, the floor closes plywood.

4. Pleaster and paper. The easiest and inexpensive way. Paper is poured with water. While she swells, the Clauster is preparing, a copper cunery is added to it (approximately 1:10). The vitrios will prevent insect reproduction. Then the paper mass is pressed, added to the hubble and mixed.

5. Cord . A long-proven popular method is used to eliminate slots not only on the floor, but also in wooden walls. Initially, it is necessary to choose the ropes of the required diameter and length. Cord to deceive glue. Then the putty is mixed, sawdust and glue. The rope is plugged into crevice, and the remaining space floods the cooked mixture.

6. Klinia . A sufficient complex way implies that the gaps will be clogged with thin rails that are stesany under the species of the wedge. It is very important to competently and accurately adjust the wedges under the size of the intervals. Wedge and slot must be treated with glue, then incur in the slot into the gap, to sweep the rubber image. If the wedge is not fully entered, then the excessive material can be removed by the plane.

Other repair methods

In construction stores, you can also purchase other materials and remove the gaps by other methods.

  • Tow . Wide well-known linen material, not lost demand even against the background of the emergence of new modern compositions. Packs can be tamped in a gap with any girlfriend. For reliability it needs to be treated with joinery glue.
  • Cement and epoxy glue. The two ingredients are kneaded in equal proportions, are perfect for masking small gaps. It is necessary to pour the mixture with the fact that after drying there will be natural seating.
  • Plywood . Extreme measure when they are too much. Plywood is fastened with self-drawing and closes all the flaws of the floor.
  • Sealant with a nozzle in the form of a syringe. Great sealants on acrylic and silicone basis. They close cracks without any effort. This material with a long service life is very reliable and proven.

The slots in the wooden floor can occur at any time on any of its plot. Before starting work, it is necessary to assess the materials to eliminate the shortcomings, the locations of their localization and disassemble the technology of work to eliminate the ladies of gender.

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During the operation of wooden floors, the board begin to dispel and deform, which leads to the occurrence of gaps between them. In most cases, such a defect is not a reason to replace the floors, as it is easy to eliminate it. In this article, we will consider in detail how the sealing of the gaps in the wooden floor of different compositions is performed.

Seeling slots

Options than you can close the cracks in the wooden floor there is quite a lot.

The most common are the following:

  • Glue with sawdust;
  • Cement composition;
  • Putty;
  • Cleaster with paper;
  • Cord;
  • Silicon hermetic.

Below more for more information with all these options.

Glue with sawdusts

This method is quite universal, as it can be used on different parts of the wooden floor.

Work in this case is carried out in the following way:

  • Initially, it is necessary to prepare sawdust - fall asleep them into a suitable container and pour boiling water. The resulting mass must be mixed before the formation of a homogeneous composition. After that, the sawdust must be left for several hours so that they are swollen.
  • Next, in sawdust you need to add PVA glue and mix until the formation of the grade consistency.
  • Then, before making a gap in the wooden floor, you need to carefully prepare them - clean from dust and dirty plaque. If necessary, the space between the boards needs to be slightly expanded so that it can be completely filled with the prepared composition.
  • Next, with the help of a small spatula, you must apply the adhesive composition on the slit and the tamper of it inside.


If there is no desire to mess around with making putty with their own hands, you can use the finished putty on the tree. True, it should be noted that this option is the easiest, however, not always reliable. The fact is that many species of putty are quickly cracking and tremendous.

Therefore, choosing than to sharpen the slots in a wooden floor, it is better to give preference to acrylic or latex composition. They will quickly dry, do not smell and at the same time do not crack over time.

If a putty for a tree is selected as a material - sealing slots in the floor is carried out by the same principle that is described above for other mixtures. You can apply it as rubber and metal narrow spatula.

Cleaster and paper

To create this tool, you will need:

  • Paste;
  • Paper;
  • A small amount of copper mood, which will protect the floors from insects.

This putty is quite strong, with its minimum price.

It is performed as follows:

  • You need to cut paper into small pieces and pour water.

  • Then you should cook the hube from flour or starch. To do this, water must be brought to a boil, after which it is gradually falling asleep into it one of the selected ingredients. At the same time, the mixture must be mixed thoroughly so that there were no lumps in it.
  • Further, you need to add copper vigor in a 1:10 ratio to the finished and cooled Clayster.
  • After that, you need to grind the paper with your hands and add it to the holter. As a result, a homogeneous and pretty thick gap consistency should be obtained.

As in all previous cases, to achieve a qualitative result, before closeing the cracks in the wooden floor, they must be prepared well, clearing from any contamination and peeling surfaces. After that, the mixture you need to fill the space between the boards and how best it can be rapidly.

Seeling cord

This option is good because it allows not only to eliminate the space between the boards, but also get rid of their unpleasant violep.

To perform repair, the following materials will be needed in this way:

  • Twine, cord or rope of suitable diameter;
  • Sawdust;
  • Carpentry glue;
  • Wood putty.

Work is performed in this order:

  • The cord must be moistened in the adhesive composition so that it is smeared on all sides.
  • Then you need to make a mixture of putty, glue and sawdust.
  • Next, the rope must be put into the space between the boards to a depth of several millimeters.
  • Then it is necessary to apply the prepared mixture over the cord. Moreover, the mask must rise a bit above the floor, since it will definitely give a shrinkage in the process of drying.

If the floors "play", and it is not possible to firmly fix them, in this case it is best to apply silicone sealant for sealing slots in a wooden floor.

The process of its application is extremely simple:

  • The composition is recruited in the syringe.
  • Then the tip of the syringe is lowered into the prepared gap and the sealant is extruded.

Due to the fact that silicone, even after drying, remains elastic, such an embelling can last for quite a long time.

Seeling space between wall and floor

Separately, it should be said about how to remove the slots in the wooden floor, arising between the boards and walls. Immediately it should be said that in the case when the gap is 1-2 cm, then it can be not embedded, as it.

If the distance reaches 5 cm and more, then it can be sealing this space in two ways:

  • With the help of foam;
  • Fill in the space by mounting foam.

Before using the mounting foam, the surface to which it will be applied, it is necessary to moisten with water from the sprayer.

Here, perhaps, all the most common ways to get rid of the gaps in the wooden floor.


As we found out, the methods of sealing the gaps in the wooden floors there is a lot, and all the options discussed above are quite effective. Therefore, it follows from the state of the floor and the presence of certain ingredients.

You can get acquainted with the additional Some information on this topic from the video in this article.

Wooden floor - decoration of any house. However, a tree is a fragile material that requires constant care and over time can lose its qualities and attractiveness. Due to the long-term operation, the floors from the tree begin to creak, the boards can refuse, the slots appear, and the coating has to be repaired. The sealing of the gaps in the wooden floor is a painstaking case, but easily fulfilled and die even a person who does not have special skills. There are several options to bring the floors in order and thereby extending their service life.

Condemno repair of wooden floors can be divided into three types:

  1. Full, which includes dismantling the former coating and the bulkhead of the flooring;
  2. Partial - does not require a complete dismantling;
  3. "Cosmetic" - sealing the slots in the wooden floor.

The first option is the most time consuming. It is necessary in cases where the lags of the crates are damaged to which the floor board is on. With the help of scrap and hammer with a nail-container, a coating is dismantled. The boards are carefully examined for the availability of defects, the copies that have come into disrepair should be replaced with new ones. If necessary, lags are subject to replacement. After that, the floors shake again. Boards are adjusted to each other close and fixed on the lags. After repair, perhaps the differences in height will appear. Aligns the floor with the plane.

If damage to the boards are local in nature, then the complete dismantling is not required. If there are wide gaps between the boards, it is enough to remove the flooring in the right place and lay a new one.

Replacing part of a wooden flooring in a photo

With neat operation and timely care of the wooden floor, you can do with cosmetic repairs and only close the gaps. This work can be performed in various ways. The choice of the method depends on the causes of the appearance of the gaps, the place of defects and their size.

Rake or Wedge

One of the most common and efficient ways to get rid of the gaps in the floor of the tree - the use of rails. Their advantage is that the rails, pre-missing glue, are very flexible and therefore they are easy to score. Consider the repair by this method.

  • Cutter handle the slots between the boards, drive the wrenches.
  • From dry pine boards make rakes of the desired size. For example, for a slit of 8 mm will be 7.5 mm. Reiki must have a fascinated book form like a wedge.
  • Apply glue on the rails and cracks.
  • Insert the rails and beat them with a Cyan or a conventional hammer, putting a bunch on top of the rail. If there are minor defects, they can be sharpened with a mixture of sawdust and PVA.

Sealing slots using wedges
  • After drying the adhesive composition, pollute the surface with the help of a grinder with sandpaper.
  • Disguise the traces of repair. To do this, it is necessary to stick a paint tape along the board so that the joke is impaired, and then apply the sampling (or selected in the tone of paint) and varnish.

Visual Scheme Racing Between Boards

Glue with sawdusts

Repair wooden floors can also be used with glue mixed with sawdust. There are two options here: prepare a mixture of glue and sawdust or add more cement.

Option One:

  1. Pour boiling water sawdust shallow fraction and mix thoroughly.
  2. Leave a mixture to swell on one or two hours and mix again.
  3. Add to sawtresses PVA or joinery glue and knead the mixture to the same.
  4. Clean the gaps from dirt and dust. If necessary, the upper part of the gaps can be expanded.
  5. Apply an adhesive mass on the slot and tamper inward. Split the mixture and remove excess.
  6. After drying the glue (it will take 48-72 hours) pollute the gaps of sandpaper or bother with a special tool.

Option Second:

  • To knead the glue. To two parts of the glue, add 15 parts of hot water and mix until uniformity. Then add five parts of cement and five parts of sawdust. Stir and give the solution to strengthen for 10 minutes. The mixture can be immediately given the desired color by adding a thick oil paint or coloring pigment into it.
  • Clean the slots in the floor and smear them with glue, which was used to prepare the mixture.
  • The mass itself must first warm and then quickly close the gaps between the floorboards, aligning the surface with the spatula.
  • After 14 days, when the applied mass is completely dry, align the surface with abrasive materials.

Homemade putty for sealing small slots and cracks: a mixture of sawdust and glue PVA

This method is applicable not only for sealing the slots in the floors from the tree, but also for aligning the surface of the floors.

Other repair methods

Those who have no time or desire to bother with mixing of the adhesive solution can take advantage of the simplest ways of sealing the gaps. For example, you can buy in the store putty on a tree. However, it should be noted that, firstly, this method is applicable if the gaps in the floors are small, and secondly, the repair will not be durable, since the putty has a property with time cracking and crumble.

Main Methods for Cosmetic Wooden Floor Repair

One of the cheapest ways to get rid of the gaps between the boards - with the help of paper, alee and copper mood. How it's done?

  1. Small pieces of paper pour water and give to spill.
  2. Prepare from flour (starch) and water Clauster.
  3. In a warm holister add copper cunery in a ratio of 1:10.
  4. Squeeze the paper mass, grind it and add to the holter. Mix the mass thoroughly. As a result, it must have a homogeneous, thick consistency.
  5. Clean the gaps from dust and dirt.
  6. Mail with a mass of the gap, moving the surface.
  7. Align the surface with abrasive materials.
  8. After drying the composition of painting the floor.

Repair wooden floor can also be repaired using a cord. So you can not only close the gaps, but also the flooring. For work, you will need a cord on the width of gaps, sawdust, putty and joiner and pva.

  • Cheat with glue cord.
  • Mix glue, sawdust and putty.
  • To lay the twine in the crack so that the distance between it and the surface of the floor was not more than 4 mm.
  • Fill this distance to the prepared mass. From above, there must be a small surplus, as the mass, gradually hidden, "sits".

Shock shoe circuit

If the floor spray mouse

If the house has mouse, they can bother the floor, and the gap will appear. The above-mentioned sealing methods cannot do here, because an unpleasant story may repeat. To prevent it, the slots must first fill the cement and broken glass mixture. After that, the gap is closed with a putty (you can use the shop or independently prepare the mixture). Then the place of repair is burned and covered with paint.

For better sealing instead of cement and broken glass, a concrete solution with an aluminum crumb can be used.

In addition to the described methods, close the cracks between the floorboards there are many others. The most modern ones, according to professionals, is considered to use sealants on silicone or acrylic basis, which are designed specifically for wood work. If you have something to add written comments!

Traditional natural wood floors are beautiful in all respects - they are environmentally safe, easy to install, beautiful and practical. However, from all materials, wooden boards are most susceptible to various deformations.

So, during operation, almost in any wooden floor appear gaps between the boards. These gaps contribute to rotting, through them a large amount of heat breaks, dust and dirt accumulates in them. If the gaps appeared, they must be seal. How best to do it?

The reasons for the formation of slots

The gaps between the gender boards can be formed due to a variety of factors:

  • Temperature deformations. Due to regular temperature fluctuations, the tree dries, the joints of the coating elements become wider. It avoids this helps material dried at a plant with a special method, in which all water is removed from the tree cells using a vacuum. The usual boards dry for several years and during this time they change markedly in size.
  • Rodents who spoil wood. Just close the flaws in this case are not enough, it is also necessary to get rid of mice or at least not to give them to break the floor, starting the cat.
  • Errors when laying boards. In this case, you need to securely fasten the coating, and then it is already squeezing the gaps.
  • Poor ventilation, as a result of which the tree rotates quickly. In this case, the joints should be equipped, you will need to equip the ventilation grille in the wooden floor.

Modern methods of repair


Shoot the slit in the wooden floor with putty is the easiest way, but this option does not differ in strength. If the boards continue to move during operation, the putty quickly cracks and have to do everything again. In addition, putty is very noticeable against the background of wood texture.

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If the gaps are dynamic, their lubrication material must also be movable, having good elasticity. To ensure such characteristics, sealants based on acrylic or silicone are used. The shuttering process is as follows:

  • the surface of the floor is cleaned and dried;
  • the joints of the boards are filled with the mounting gun;
  • the sealant is smeared with a spatula.

Silicone sealant can be selected suitable to the floor. Acrylic-based sealants are also an excellent option. They are resistant to temperature fluctuations and high humidity, easily polished, they can be painted and varnished. The tensile strength is very high - the slot can stretch twice without losing the integrity of the sealant.

Mounting foam

Close the joints of the boards in the floor with this substance is very simple. We need only a special pistol and plastic soft tube, which is compressed and shoved in the slot. Foam should be applied evenly and with a small pressure. It is necessary to act quickly, as foam hardens almost instantly.

The narrow slot can not be lured from the inside, but causing a foam from above. It is necessary to smear the foam not a spatula, since the material to the metal is tight. It is better to use a wet wooden bar, lubricated with soapy solution. Surplus foam are removed by the stationery knife after drying.

The disadvantages of foam is its ability to collapse under the action of ultraviolet, porosity and attracting dust. But the layer of mounting foam works well as a heater.


If an additional finishing coating layer will be lying on the wooden floor, and the attractiveness of the seams is not important, you can simply flush the joints with a construction wide scotch. His edges are fasten with a board with a stapler. Scotch perfectly protects the room from drafts and flowing through the butts of the cold boards.

Traditional methods

These methods of sealing gaps are tested by time and often turn out to be optimal.

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Wooden rails

Close the rack is very simple. Technology method is such:

  • The edges of the boards are processed by a manual cutter.
  • Suitable rains are cut. It is best to take pine boards, as they are easier to process.
  • The edges of the genital board and the side faces of the rail are lubricated with adhesive mortar.
  • The rail is inserted into the gap and fixed reliably. The remaining intervals can be sealing the mixture of glue with sawdust.
  • The resulting surface is polished with a ribbon grinding machine or manually. It needs to be protected by glasses and a respirator, as a lot of dust will be formed.
  • A stalk pasted painting tape.
  • The renovated floor is painted and covered with varnish.
  • Putty of girlfriend

An old recipe for putty, according to which you can make a smear with your own hands, is a sticky composition of wood resin and sawdust.

You can also mix sawtresses with PVA glue. The resulting mixture is perfectly connected with a tree, and after drying it becomes very solid and durable. Minus only in the roughness of such a putty, to give a decent appearance will have to thoroughly treat it with emery paper. In addition, this material darkens during operation.

Similar recipe - a mixture of varnish and wood dust.

Floor sewing plates plywood, chipboard, drywall

You can apply other similar materials. It is recommended to close the jokes of the boards in this way in the case of very wide gaps that no longer smelled. On top of the layer of plywood sheets or other material it will be possible to put any decorative coating.

On the old wooden floor, a frame of miniature lag is formed. To do this, it is necessary to apply a ram from durable wood. Bruces are installed in a step of 60 cm, depending on the thickness of the sheets of the coating. Under these elements, it is necessary to lay the pieces of linoleum or rubberoid to absorb the load on the floor.

Eco-friendly, warm floor of a clean tree was and always remains out of any mod or trends. All in it is good - and design, and comfort, and practicality. But there is one "but" - gaps. Their education is perhaps the most significant lack of any wooden floor. First of all, the cracks in the floor are worried about many in that it is cold. It is inevitable if the foundation under the floor is ventilated through external products - through them just frosty air, which is simply dragged into the room. Even bad slits in the wooden floor in that they are clogged with everything that can be dirt, dust, organic matter. This not only gives the surface an inesthetical look, but it turns out to be a detrimental and for the boards themselves - they can start grew.

But the problem is quite solved - just pick one method or method that you will be easier to apply.

Find out the reasons and solve the problem

But look at the source of the slots first, from which we will be repelled.

Cause number 1. Wood drying

It is clear that any wooden boards dry out with time - and this is the first, and the most common cause of the appearance of the gaps. In this case, then it is better to purchase boards that are treated at the plant by the method of "vacuum drying" when intracellular moisture is completely removed, and impregnation should be impregnated. With such material about the drying, you can not worry.

But the usual wooden floor dries from three to six years. And the most problematic in this plan is pine - it is necessary to shift it three times three times, and only after that you will have a normal floor that you can cycle. That is why, if the floorboard is still in good condition and, in fact, still dries - beat the floor. You will be surprised, but after the shrinkage you suddenly can enter a few more extra beds!

Something similar happens when working with eurodosks. And then, when you are pre-acclimatized the boards themselves, and there should not have problems, but equally, even with the power pressed, there are up to 0.5 mm cracks between the boards. In this case, even before grinding, it is necessary to shake such openings with a mixture of PVA glue, sawdust and paint, and it is a rubber spatula, then pass it away and remove it too much.

Cause number 2. Dry air

Put next to the heating radiaries with water, and follow the behavior of the slots throughout the day. If those have become noticeably less - in your house just too dry air. And if you run the entire floor now and hide the boards as close as possible, then in the summer they will argue and go "waves." Therefore, for greater confidence, purchase a hygrometer - moisture meter, and check the air to this parameter.

For example, for example, we note that the sleeved air is bad and for health, and therefore should be thought about the sprayers and other devices that can solve this problem.

Cause number 3. Small rodents

If the gaps arose due to the active activities of mice - they just close them. After all, new! Therefore, first get rid of rodents or maximally control their population, and only then we work with the slits. How to get rid of? Here are some ways:

  1. Take a good cat. It is a cat, cats, in nature, more lazy. And it will be enough that the mice are learning the smell of the hunter - now they will not risk tearing their way there, where such a danger, and peacefully remain under the floor. The ferrets are afraid even more, by the way.
  2. Arrange glue mousetrap - if there are too many mice, and they started it, then this method is good as a mechanical decrease in the number of rodents.
  3. Scatter under the floor dry pepper mint - animals strong smells do not like.
  4. Purchase a modern ultrasonic repeller. Only a good device, and not a cheap Chinese fake, from which there will be no sense.
  5. There is also such an effective way: sealing gaps cement mixed with broken glass. Small uninvited guests do not like it, believe me.

To completely be expelled from the house of rodents, like bacteria, it is impossible. But make housing as clean and safe full possible.

Cause №4. Montage errors

Sometimes slots arise from the fact that the boards are "walking." And this is a direct consequence of improper installation. And, if the boards "walk", then even the best sealant will break away - it will remain just with one of the sides. It all depends here on how the floor "tightly" is immobilized. If the maximum - no putty in the cracks will not crack, but if the boards are a little bend a little - then it is necessary.

And to not "walked" the boards, and the sealants in the cracks did not break off, bring them to lagham - ordinary nails, but at an angle.

Cause №5. Violation of ventilation

The slits of this kind arise from the fact that the wood is simply turning into a duch. Be sure to fully inspect the wooden floor - in what condition is it? Perhaps the top is still solid, and below all the boards rotted. In this case, only overhaul with a complete cordon, and nothing else.

If you can correct the situation, then act as follows:

If the cold do you have from under the floor, and even the low-challenging gaps are passed to the draft, in this case it is better to close the products themselves tightly (which is increasingly and more often do it), to carry out a vent hole through the room itself (there is special lattice , And leave the small distances between the boards alone until spring when they are strung.

But, if the lags just seen a little, do this:

Pay attention also to such an important point. If you have the only ventilation underground - through the slots in the floor, then closing them completely, you will make the boards rot. Just explore first, do you have a product or ventilation grille. After all, it often happens that the townspeople buy themselves in early spring cottage with wooden floors, and by the summer they are already being defeated when walking - just the former owner closed the resulting for winter, which is technologically correct, and no one has opened them in the spring. And the boards, as they say, "suffocated." And raw basements also love earthen fleas, which in winter easily pop up in a residential premises.

If your underground is not ventilated through the foundation or a special system of air inflow system, then in the corners of the floor, make ventilation holes. Otherwise, dampness and quickly rotting wood will be provided, because before that your floors had small or noticeable gaps between the boards, where the necessary air arrived, and now you will chain them. If the underground is too cold, and you are worried about the heat insulation of the floor, insert ventilation instead of corners, organize through the foundation.

But sometimes, when the board managed to spoil and the gaps made itself felt, it is necessary to replace the whole section of the floor:

We use modern means

The choice of such funds today is huge!

Means number 1. Special putty

Let's say frankly: factory wipers for cracks - not the best option. First, they are often cracked, and secondly - the number of colors is limited, why the seams then stand out on the floor. Although some relate to this point quite optimistic - after all, it turns out a good imitation of decks.

Means number 2. Silicone sealant

Wood - material alive, and therefore the fillers for the gap should also be elastic. Sealants for wood today are sold mainly two species - acrylic and silicone.

Use silicone sealant for sealing slots correctly:

  1. We carry out a thorough dry, and then wet cleaning of surfaces.
  2. Well dried by floor.
  3. Fill all the slots.

For the convenience of administration of sealant, use the mounting syringe - not only the material saves, but also the ability to get the most hard to reach places.

Means number 3. Acrylic sealant

We buy a special sealant for wood. It is sold in all modern construction stores, in special tubes and the most different color. One of the best brands - Kimtec Laminat. This sealant has a well tolerate moisture and temperature drops, it is easy to grind and lacquered. Good reviews are also about Sikaflex-11FC sealant - even with expansion up to 200% of the thickness of such a cracking, no cracks arise, no breaks.

Unlike silicone sealant, acrylic does not smell with vinegar, absolutely transparent (it is water-based), and is well washed away from the hands.

Means number 4. Pistol with mounting foam

On his spout, put on a thin tube from the cocktail, flatten it and so shove into the gap. Squeeze the tube is comfortable simple passage. Adjust the gun on a weak feed. Work quickly, because Foam quickly freezes, and it is better to have several such tubes with you. If the gap is too narrow, and there it does not even go there, then just leaving it to the hole. Press the foam is needed flat object - wet broken bar. Do not worry about environmental friendliness: the dried mounting foam does not release anything into the air.

Only, in no case, do not try to remove it with a spatula of still raw - everything around everything is flawed, and it will be difficult to wash it difficult. Just after drying, gently cut the sharp knife. But even dry she is sufficiently sticky and porous, the whole dirt will be stretching to it. In addition, the foam is destroyed from sunlight, and therefore be sure to fill such slots in several layers.

Mounting foam as a material for sealing the slots is also good in that it creates additional thermal insulation.

Means number 5. Reinforced Scotch

If the aesthetic moment is not important, or on the wooden floor - carpet, then just close the gap with a gray reinforced tape, 5 cm wide. Secure it along the edges of the stapler, and you can forget about drafts or smells.

We use proven "grandfathers" methods

But there are older, but the methods proven with centuries. Each of them has their pros and cons, but sometimes such simple solutions are more effective than modern means.

Method number 1. Rail

Close the large slots in the floor can also be as well as rail:

  • Step 1. Cutting the gap with a milling manual machine so that their edges become smooth.
  • Step 2. Cut the rails that are suitable for the desired dimensions. As for the wood material, the most convenient for you will work with a pine - it is sufficiently puffy.
  • Step 3. With glue by lubricating the edges of the gap and the Boca Rake. Use for this tank from under the sealant.
  • Step 4. Fix the rail in the slot, and the voids that remained, fill in the adhesive mixture with wood sawdust.
  • Step 5. Grind the boards with an electric belt machine. Be sure to wear a respirator and glasses, close the respiratory organs.
  • Step 6. According to the treated boards glue a painting tape that hides the joint.
  • Step 7. We select the paint or varnish the desired tone and disguise, thus, the entire recovery process.

Method number 2. Homemade putty

You can make a good putty for cracks yourself. Purchase the composition based on the binding resin, and collect small sawdust. Mix all this, and the resulting component make a slot.

For this purpose, resin OSMO is also suitable, but the reviews about Barm are not the best - those who tried to close such a binder, complained about a strong unpleasant smell and a small amount in the packaging of the means itself.

Method number 3. Ordinary harness

The gaps that do not exceed one centimeter, easy to close the harness. Next, fill it with the same red or varnish as the floor itself. Everything is simple.

Method number 4. Glue with sawdusts

But the "Dedovsky" way to mix the PVA with woody dust is bad because such a putty darkens over time and looks inaccurately.

Method number 5. Pacle with paint

We take the usual pass for fixing compounds Plumbing pipes, mix with PVA glue, lay in the gap and cover paint.

Method number 6. Oil with wax

Small gaps are covered with flaxseed with wax, it is definitely hot - so the wax is crushed into cracks. The only requirement - the floor before such works should be perfectly clean, otherwise, along with the wax in the gap and dirt will be born.

Method number 7. Plywood and slabs chipboard, ox

In very bad cases, when the slots are huge, simply clog their wood plugs and lay a layer of wood-puffled plate or Phane. Only on top of all this it will be possible to fit the finish decorative coating.

A little more about the process itself. Fasten Phanera Samores with plastic dowels. And so that the plywood is not deformed in places of fastening of the self-tapping screws, it is necessary to make holes in it and treat them with a large diameter drill. As an option - zenker. This will allow mounting the screws "Woven", clove with the surface.

Self-tapping screws. Carnat the Phaneur on the lags can also be on "liquid nails", and fix it with nails.

Sections of the crates can fill in any heat insulating material, except mineral wool. Leave the slots - if plywood sheets will touch with each other, in the future you cannot avoid a violep. Carefully also twist the screws - "drowned" caps often end in the fact that the self-tapping screws themselves break, and slips appear around the caps. See the process itself in more detail:

Method number 8. Bustylate with ropes

This method is not bad for the biggest slots that are difficult to fill even with a sealant.

Method number 9. Wood dust

Another "Dedovsky Method" - wood dust mixed with a lacquer for the floor. It is not easy to assemble her, but the result will definitely please.

Method number 10. Cord

This method is one of the fastest and reliable:

  • Step 1. Mix the epoxy mixture with a hardener in the proportion of 1: 1.
  • Step 2. The resulting mixture is added to the cement solution.
  • Step 3. Fill it with a mixture of the gap so tight, as far as possible - so that then everything does not spoil the shrinkage.
  • Step 4. Take a rope cord into wide slots.
  • Step 5. As soon as the mixture is freezing, which will happen quickly, cover it with paint or varnish in the floor tone.

If the slab overlap is uneven, then under the lags it is necessary to put the bins, and on them - the segments of the linoleum or rubberoid. On one wooden stands of lagows can not be described - there must be compensators, because The tree is subject to temperature expansion.

And sometimes, in a situation with a very old destroyed floor, it is easier to replace it with a good concrete tie:

That's the whole collection of methods - choose the one that seemed to you the most simple and rational.