It is possible to shine in June perennial carnations. What to do with cuttings of roses after cutting? Diseases and possible pests of cloves

The first cuttings are removed 2 months after the chiefship seas, depending on the time of their landing. To do this, use mature shoots that have 4-5 intercosals. Mature stalks must have 2 well-developed interstices, 2-3 pairs of leaves, sultan and round stem (Fig. 17, a). On the shoot, there are 2-3 developed nodes to ensure future harvest. So that the Musicians are well produced, you should not shoot cuttings from all shoots at the same time. Collecting cuttings are carried out regularly: in the summer - daily, in winter - in two weeks.

In winter, a mature escape can have 6-7 intercosals, so the cuttings are filmed with three pairs of leaves.

In the spring and summer, the shoots are ripening faster, and the cuttings can be removed with two interstices, a rounded thick stem, a widespid sheet with a plate and formed by the Sultan. The weight of the cuttings, depending on the time of year, changes and should be in winter at least 4-5 g, and in spring and summer 6-9 g. Sometimes the cuttings reach the maximum mass of 12-15 g. Such cuttings are removed only with young plants - from the upper escapes of the second order, as well as with ungually landing or shaded-vanya, with additional irradiation. The greater the mass of the cutting, the better quality material. Plants obtained from cuttings weighing more than 7 g are developing faster and bloom two weeks earlier than from cuttings weighing 3 g (with simultaneous removal).

In the spring and at the beginning of the summer, the development of lateral kidneys is observed on a mature shoot. It is noted that cuttings with such shoots already in rooting go to growth, and in the future they give very productive plants that bloom 2-3 weeks earlier.

Cuttings better to shoot in the morning when the plant has

good tour. Usually they are closed under node hands. On the correctly removed cutting under the node, part of the stem with a length of 0.5-1 cm with smooth edges (without burrs) remains. It is not recommended to remove the lower leaves, as it is noticed that such cuttings are rotten faster and rooted worse. In addition, the removal of a part of the assimilation apparatus delays the rooting process. Cuttings can be pulled out with the "leg", above the node. In this case, the lower leaves in rooting do not come into contact with the substrate and do not rot.

Before the next collection of cuttings, uterine plants, cloves (per day) are abundantly watered. It makes it easier to catch the cuttings and prevents them from withering. When the plant loses the tour, the cuttings are poorly separated from the shoots, crushed and in the future they are worse.

Cuttings, taken from shoots ready to form an upheat flower (induced), are considered to be overgrown. They are inappropriate to use for rooting. The yield of rooted cuttings in this case will be low even under favorable conditions of shilling. Increase the percentage of their rooting is not even soaking in heteroacexin. After a 4-week stay on the racks, they look healthy, tourists, but remain without roots. Such cuttings differ from the standard elongated interstices: 4-5 cm instead

2-3 cm (see Fig. 17, B). The length of the cuttings taken from the overgrown shoots with three interstices reaches 12-15 cm. In plants obtained from such cuttings, productivity decreases. The number of vegetative kidneys on a cutlets does not exceed three, and, as you know, they constitute the basis of the branching of the bush and provide a crop. One of them when landing a cutlery is buried in the ground, and only two kidneys remain for the formation of the bush.

Carnation cuttings quickly lose water and when landing in the sipheavier state poorly rooted, as they are not able to absorb from the substrate moisture to a normal turgora. Therefore, it is impossible to allow pauses between the removal of cuttings and the landing of them on rooting, especially when processing growth stimulants with a dry way. If there was still a small wilting of cuttings, they are installed vertically into plastic containers
In an aqueous solution of the growth stimulator by 4 -12 h and transferred to a cool dark room.

In some cases, the cuttings are stored in special chambers for several months. Since the main demand for planting material happens in the first half of the year, summer cuttings It is advisable to accumulate and save until winter. Such high-quality cuttings in winter are well rooted and allowed a full boarding material at the beginning of next year. In this case, dry cuttings are immediately caught in small polyethylene bags of 25 pcs., Fold in cardboard boxes (50x40x20 cm, up to 25-30 packages). You can store cuttings and without packages in cardboard boxes, eliminated polyethylene film, in a vertical position up to 400 pcs. In each box, there is a label with a variety, quantity and dates of cuttings.

Initially, the boxes are installed on racks in a room with a temperature of 6-8 ° C for two days, then they are transferred to constant storage in chambers with a constant temperature not higher than 1-3 ° C, a humidity of 70-78% and 5-6-fold air exchange per day. Even a short-term increase in temperature for several degrees is unacceptable, since the condensate is formed, which leads to an outbreak mushroom diseases and the mass death of cuttings. The optimal duration of storage of cuttings in the chambers is 3-4 months, only well-ridden cuttings are saved for so long. For more than four months, the cuttings are not stored, as it increases the likelihood of mushroom diseases. Before rooting, they are brought into a warmer room (8 ° C) for two days.

For the prevention of cutting diseases before rooting, disinfected for 15 minutes in a suspension of one of the fungicides: Topcin-M (0.2%), benomila or its analogues (0.1-0.2%) or excellent

(0.15%) together with beomylon (0.05%).

To stimulate root formation processes use growth regulators that cause influx organic substances In the location of the root formation, which leads to the thickening and growing of the tissues and the formation of roots. Growth regulators are kept in a well-closed glass dishes, in a dark and dry place (when stored in the light and in the raw room, drugs are quickly losing activity).

Cornering of cuttings is further enhanced when they are treated with a mixture of growth stimulant with vitamin C (ascorbic acid) or B1 (thiamine). This contributes to simultaneous and more rapid growth Escapes of rooted cuttings. In industrial practice for processing, the following methods are convenient: immersion of the bottom of the cuttings into the aqueous solution of the growth regulator, foaming into the growth paste or powder, watering the substrate with a stimulator.

The cuttings are placed on 4 h in 0.05% aqueous aqueous solution of heteroacexin (winter) or 0.0015% solution of uindolylmalaic acid (summer). Processing is carried out in a darkened room at a temperature not higher than 20-23 ° C. Highel temperature (28-30 ° C) can lead to cerebral poisoning. Green cuttings are immersed in a solution of 2-4 cm (no more than 7 sizes).

Powder mixture of the stimulator is made as follows. In a measuring flask, a starting concentrated solution is prepared at the rate of 1 mg per 1 ml of alcohol (50-70%). Then the desired amount of the solution is taken to the hitch (for example, to obtain 0.5% powder - respectively, 10 g talc and 5 ml of solution), everything is thoroughly stirred, topping alcohol or water, and then dried at 50 ° C.

Before processing the cutting, the cuttings are slightly soaked in a 0.01% solution of potassium mangartage, drops shake and immerse the bases in the powder. Plants land carefully so that the powder does not face.

The mixture and of the following components are used: 400 g of talc, 60 mg of a-naphthyl amuscic acid and 20 mg of thiamine.

A positive result gives presets of cuttings (3 ° C) for 7-10 days. In this case, the level of rooting is reduced by the week. .

The cuttings are rooted in greenhouses on well-equipped racks with a subsorative heating, providing the temperature of the soil 22-23 ° C.

For rooting cuttings, various substrates use. Basic requirements for them: loose addition (optimal air content-15-50% total) and high moisture intensity. These requirements are satisfying perlite (grades 100 or 75) or a mixture of perlit and the rigoric peat (2-1); For meristemic
Cherenkov better use pure sand. The pre-rack is washed with water, disinfect with 0.5% insecticide and fungicides. The substrate pumped on the racks with a layer of 5-6 cm, moisturized, stirred, slightly seal and labeled according to the 4x4 or 4x5 cm scheme (500-600 cuttings are planted on 1 ml). The cuttings are perturbed to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, slightly crimped and immediately watered with a fine sieve with water. The term of rooting Chenkov -21-30 days.

Substrate on racks heated hot waterwhich is in metal pipes laid in the substrate layer. Hot water Served from boiler room or from an autonomous electrocotel. The temperature regulators of the mouth-3 are used to control the temperature, which are controlled by electromagnetic valves using an intermediate relay. The sensor operates at a voltage of 24 W of DC. When water heating the substrate uses a recycling system. You can use edcto-heating.

The optimal mode is created if the air temperature is 3-5 ° C below the substrate temperature. The temperature of the substrate at the base of the cuttings should be 19-20 ° C for 10 days after landing, then it is reduced to 17-18 ° C to avoid pulling between interstitial during the last stage of rooting. Air temperature in winter is maintained at no lower than 13, in the summer - not higher than 20 ° C.

Air humidity in the leaves zone for newly planted cuttings should be 70-80%. To maintain the desired humidity of the air during the rooting of the cuttings above the rack, it is easy to rising film shelters, which simplifies the care of plants. You can also use fog-forming installations, watering tracks between racks, rare ventilation. Summer installation includes up to 2-3 or more than an hour, in winter -

2-3 times a day with an exposure of 8 s.

The control of the fog-forming settings with the nozzles of the deflector type is carried out from the moisture sensor of the sheet surface "Electronic list". When the sheet is drying, the signal is sent to turn on, opens solenoid valveWater enters the system and its finely dispersed broke through the nozzles. Sent on the leaves of cuttings, water provides a decrease in the leaf temperature by 3-5 ° C compared with the air temperature. When operating the fog-forming installations, air humidity is set at 70-80%, the moisture content of the substrate -70-75%. This mode is especially necessary in the first 10-12 days.

With the appearance of the roots (for the 10-16th day after landing), air humidity reduce up to 60%, watering is reduced to one time per hour with the same exposure, in the future it is watered once every two hours and less often. If necessary, the cuttings of the cuttings with a 0.2% solution of calcium nitrate are carried out.

2-3 days before the release of cuttings reduce the humidity of the substrate, the argument is perlite to such a state so that it crushes after compression, but the drying is not allowed.

The release of high-quality cuttings is ensured by creating optimal conditions For their rooting. The light mode is of great importance: during the summer, the darkening is used, from September to April - additional irradiation: photoperiod 12 hours, the specific power is 180 W / ml. On the 10-12th day after landing, when a callus is formed, the cuttings are shoved. It is advisable to use the moving installation in increments of 12 and 8 hours.

Preparing for the sample roofed cuttings have three well-formed interstices and a compact root system with a length of 2-7 cm. The yield of rooted cuttings with 1 ml of the inventory of greenhouses on average for

11 months reaches more than 660 pcs. The rooting is about 90%.

The root cuttings of the carnations are packaged in packages of 20-25 pcs, which are placed in boxes (boxes) with a label, where the variety, reproduction, the number of plants, sampling date and the brigade number are indicated. It is allowed to store rooted cuttings packed, but not closed on top, at a temperature of 1-3 ° C, the relative humidity of 70% and air shift is 5-6 times a day. From the day of the fishing before landing, the cuttings store no more than 2 weeks (GOST 25622-83. Strenniki carnations of removable and chrysanthemum Indian).

The reproduction of the carnation of the grass. After a friendly flowering, this pillow-shaped carnation gives good self-sacker. And it does not matter, it grows on a flowerbed or around her pebble coating. Seedlings may appear in the seemingly not prepared and not suitable for germination conditions - among the stones where there is no soil. And this quality is wonderful, because when the bush is breeding, it is not so easy to dew.

It is convenient to do this with the help of a small transplant scroll that captures the root system along with the soil. At the same time, the roots are practically damaged. After planting the plants watered well.

To carry the self-seeing plants to a permanent place is better when they are still small, and the root is not too much and deepened in the "chosen" place.

Reproduction of grinding cloves for preservation of a variety

For this, vegetative shoots are approximately 10-12 cm long, although you can use longer. From the cutter you need to remove the leaves on the two lower nodes. Then the blade cut out a shallow longitudinal groove from the bottom of the cutting - up, up to the second interstice. Sit down sloping down into the light sand substrate. For complete success, it is important that the planting mixture is pre-diskmed, for example, a solution of manganese, or crooked. For rooting, you can use and perlite. After planting a substrate to moisten, cut the cuttings with a film and put in the half. If rooting the cuttings in the house, then do it better on the eastern windowsill, on the street - in the greenhouse, and it is better to hide them into the shadow of plants.

It is very convenient to root in the outbreak (at a distance of 1/3 of the top) with a plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters. Three or four cuttings are accommodated there. But do not forget first a third of the tanks to fill in a small clay or loss of foam and only then pour a substrate. After planting, the capped top of the bottle is combined with the bottom and stick to the scotch. The plug in the first days is discovered as needed to air, in a week and a half can be opened at all. Watering carefully so that water flows around the edge of the bottle.

After about 15-20 days, it will be possible to see the roots through the transparent walls. When the raptitizer is fixed and new leaves will appear on them, they are seated in separate containers or planted into the garden, to the shovel.

The mixture for planting to use loose, moisture-permeable and quite nutritious. Usually mixed humid, peat and sand (1: 3: 1). You can take a ready-made universal substrate with a neutral reaction of the pH, adding a little sand into it. If there are no mineral fertilizers in the purchased soil, it is desirable to include in the landing mixture comprehensive according to the instructions, reducing the dose of half.

For planting cuttings, separate plastic pots with a diameter of 9 cm are used. Polished cuttings make up together on a warm littering window sill and to cover spanbond. It creates some kind of greenhouse planting effect. Soil support wet.

According to the resumed growth of the tops, determine whether the cuttings were rooted. After that, gradually teach them to open Sun.. At the same time, you can begin to feed the mineral fertilizer solution.

Finished seedlings Carnations - as a gift

Usually, seedlings from rooted cuttings or seeds are bought in mid-May. Well, if it is in separate pots, grown and with buds. We do not advise you to take specimens with yellowed foliage or if there are spots on them and shoots, as it is most likely a disease, and only in best case - Sign of bad care.

At home, passing the plant into a large container with nutritious, moisture, and well-transmitting soil, pour it. To make it easier to adapt, you can spray several times the crown. The place is needed solar, although varieties with drooping shoots need to protect against the midday sun. After the first flowering, it is usually cut, and at the end of the season they bloom again.

Reproduction of Carnish Carnation and Shining

It is usually cut off one or two fourth 10-15 cm long. Do it in the spring when you cut off the shoots on the aged bushes to rejuvenate them at least for the current season. Sut off the shoots and purposefully for breeding, at the end of May, when you can already distinguish and exclude floral tops. Can be rooted and fused, remaining from trimming after flowering - some survive!

Reproduction of cloves with letters

From time to time, a part of the bushes of gardening carnations falls out, therefore it is desirable to update them annually. In a not too thickened flower bed, when there is no threat to damage the neighboring plants, part of the bush is sitting down. If this is impossible to do it, take a few more weaves from each bustle and sprinkle their land. Over time, the tanks are rooted, they can be separated and transplant to a new place. For this method of reproduction of the carnation, it is important to use only a few shoots. Popped large beam, as a rule, moldsheet and dies. Or in the spring (you can, after flowering), tear off the green young shoots and plant them, folding together for several pieces. At the same time tightly crimp the soil and watered. It is better to do this in rainy weather. Planting in a half, the soil to save moisture is desirable to mulch.

It is very convenient to plant a cutlery in the pots are capacked between shrubs, and they need to pull them on a light soil with a glider, and on a heavy side, turning the surface of the soil to the light. In the first case, the polishing moisture will be collected in the well and preserved longer, and in the second - on the contrary, flock. Yes, and then, when landing for a permanent place, it will not be necessary to pay a lot of attention to the plant - just translate and pour. And it does not matter that the plants in the rotated pots will grow not vertically relative to the pot, all this is easy to adjust when landing at a permanent place. In fact, in pots, it is possible to root and pumps, putting the container (and even better small packages with soil) under the shoots. Behind them will have to take care of rooting.

The reproduction of Chinese carnations

If climatic conditions do not allow to leave a plant in the garden, it is easy to save it in the winter in the house. In the fall, select instances that are not yet blooming, transfer them to pots and bring to the house. At first, plants can be understood slightly, but with regular abundant irrigation it is easy to restore. Another option - in July-August to separate young sockets from an adult bush and root them. Such small rapties and preserve easier, and they take place much less. And by the end of winter, without backlighting and even on the northern windowsill, magnificent bushes are formed, which can be used as a satellite.

The cuttings are not cut, but climbed. Sit into separate cups immediately and cover with packages. To ventilate about once a week. Soon young light green leaves begin to grow, but the plants are left under the film for another one or two weeks.

For rooting, the mixture is used from sand and garden land (1: 2). When grilling in February-March, young plants bloom in June-July.

In the autumn of last year, visiting a friend, got a bad stalk of room cloves.

Taking the cutlets noted that the clove itself is very beautiful, but the bush is not compact, spread and as if rash. Already then I realized that the landing was most likely not correctly made, but the familiar began to confine that she had already had a carnation for several years and always looks like this, allegedly she was ampel, which was very surprised.
From one cutter I did a few.

Wrapped around the lower leaves planted the cuttings into the ground mixture. Soil I made a combined. At the bottom of the pot put drainage about 1-2 cm. Drainage with small gravel and coarse sand. Next, the soil mixture was embroidered with sifted turf, humidiation and peat taken in equal proportions. Literature, as a rule, recommends that the sanding of the sand layer, but I do not see the point. When the ground, I can visually determine the moisture content of the earth under the cuttings, and when the sand, then I do not understand how much wet land. Therefore, when rooting something, never spill sand.
To reproduce the carnations, it is recommended to take the lower stubborn shoots on the cuttings, but since I got, that I was not, the choice was not, then from it I made a cutlery.
Considering the fact that the best time for overlooking from February to April and from September to October, and I was already November, I had a slightly doubted about the need of such a pavement, but I so wanted to have such a clove that I risked.

The cuttings cut the lower leaves, the camert did not break. I pre-put the cutlets in the water because the leaves and stem seemed to me slightly led. When the cuttings fully gained a tour, about 20-30 minutes later I took a landing. On each cutlery I had 3-4 intersgalges. When landing 2 intercourse I buried, and 2 remained from above.
A steaming installation, of course, I do not have. Therefore, putting a cutlery in a pot, I put it in the package, and the package was blind from above. Formed a primitive mini greenhouse. Since the cold has already begun, and the most warm room I had a room with northern windows, I hoisted my greenhouse on the northern window.

During the rooting, which lasted about a month, I literally once opened the package and watered the soil. Watering conducted a rain warm, surrounded water, so that the water was going in the pallet. Water from the pallet did not remove, so it was in the guy, creating additional humidity at the same time.
When the tops of the cuttings were touched into growth, according to all the rules of the agricultural engineering, they had to be placed. I did not do that. The meaning of this was that I needed cuttings.

Therefore, I raised the plant until it could be pinned it, the september itself can be asked as a cutter. So I came with all the cuttings.
After cutting the tops of the cuttings started to let side shootsI also in no hurry to quit, and waited for the moment when the tailor goes to the stalk.
Given the fact that the case was in winter, and the north window is not completely covered. I had to move my "landings" in a cooler, but lighter room, and here I noticed that it was quite 16-18 ° C for the shilling, but with an increase in cutting light intensity. began to look healthier.
I want to note the fact that I spent the whole winter and the beginning of the spring, and everything was alive for a single cutlery. At the same time, I did not use any additional rooters.
In the spring, when the sun on the southern window became more intensively soldered, I slightly moved the pots, so that the straight solar rays would not get to the plant itself.
I was seeded by plants on different pots in the same substrate as it was carried out. At the same time, each nearest sliced \u200b\u200bcutlets of Sazhala next to mastelenic plant And did not even cover the package, and they also rooted perfectly. But the transplant process itself tried to spend very carefully, without damaging the young roots.
Replanting bushes decided to conduct an experiment. In one pot planted on the same level on what the clove grew up, and in the other deepened. As a result, I became the owner of unique knowledge. Carnation must be deepened. It is an in-depth landing that makes the bush compact. Soothes do not fall, do not fall apart and keep on their own.
But for Kusta with a very surface landing, it was necessary to invent different tricks so that his twigs did not fall.

For this, I made small brackets. You can make them with usually wire.
Pressing a twig to the soil and shutting up a bracket, the stalk is tight enough and does not fall under the severity of the flower head.
From the moment of shilling up to the moment of flowering, I passed 9 months. Of course, if I did not raise a cutlery, but pinned out of since it should be over the third intersception, my cloves would bloom a lot before. But I wanted to have a lot of cuttings, and see whether the shilling time is influenced by the process itself. As a result, reached the desired one.
Now, when the clove is fighting, carefully cutting a flower.

Where it needs to be done very well visible. I make a cut above that place where the escape is going on again.
I want to note that it is best to plant a few bushes in one pot on one pot, then they will create a beautiful bouquet, and one bush looks alone.
To watering the room carnation is not indifferent. Leaving an earthen room without moisturizing for several days, the leaves begin to lose the tour, and the flower shoots lean. But with the conduct of watering, the tour is restored, and shoots rise. Watering I spend in winter with melt snow water, and in the spring, autumn and summer rain. Water is exposed in room conditions.
Because I have in one pot and Mercenaries, and the cuttings for rooting did not spend. Judging by my bushes, they are not needed.

The photo shows everything that I was able to draw and grow in the winter. Now I will enjoy the beauty and unmatched aroma.

Reproduction of cloves with cuttings from a bouquet

Turkish carnation is grown as a two-seat. In the first year, the rosette of the leaves is formed, for the second year, the Turkish carnation has plenty of more than a month. Fragrant flowers of various colors are collected in shields.

Growing Turkish cloves

You can grow these flowers through seedlings or straight sowing into the ground. To avoid diseases of plants, the soil before sowing is desirable to shed a hot dark pink solution of manganese. Seeds to seedlings are sown in March - early April, in open sad - In May or June, according to a 5 × 5 cm scheme. Good results gives mulching of crops with a mixture of sand and wood ash in equal parts.

Shoots are dive, and at the end of summer, young plants can be planted on the prepared sections at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. Thus, in the first year a bush is formed, which next year reaches a height of 40-50 cm and from mid-June it pleases with large inflorescences. The resulting leaves in the first year is recommended to cover the plant on the winter.

Vegetative breeding methods of Turkish cloves

There is a vegetative way of breeding. If you liked some kind of variety, then at the end of July, the beginning of August, the carnation can be multiplied with the decodes. To do this, the plants are flexible to the ground, fasten with studs and sprinkle soil. The top end of the stem is tied up to the peg so that it is constantly in a vertical position. After two or three weeks, the roots are formed in the nodes, and some time later, and shoots. Autumn root shoots cut off from parent plant And sit down.

Turkish cloves breed and cuttings, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom stems that have not formed inflorescences. From the Samiew of last year, good bushes are growing up 5-10 cm high, which can be searched in the fall. These flowers grow perfectly in the sun, and in a half. It is suitable for almost any soil, but the best plants are developing on light loams with a weakly acidic and neutral soil reaction. Space the cloves with separate groups, in the form of slattes, Kurtin next to plants, blooming later.

Turkish carnation, pest protection

From the pests most often on these colors there are beards and a web tick. To combat these insects, the freshly prepared infusion is effective potato tops (10 liters of water take 1.2 kg of green or 0.6-0.8 kg of dry tops with leaves, insist for 1.5 days, then add 1 tbsp. Spoon of liquid soap). It is better to spray the carnation in the morning or evening.

If your pets annoy the mice, spread to their moves near the landings of perennials and two-bowls poisoned bait. And in winter, to combat rodents, be sure to fit, condense the snow near the trunks of trees and shrubs (especially during thaws).

Maria Dolzhenko, Vereya

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Shining Carnations Shabo, Landing and Care

All summer from the end of June to late autumn until low temperatures are installed, the flowering of cloves shabo. It is grown for flower-cleavering flower beds, breakfasts, mixboraders, landscaping balconies and loggias, as well as for potted culture, gives a very good cut.

Care for clove shabo is simple, and after cutting, flowers are saved in water up to 1-2 weeks. Modify the valuable type of carnation can be cut from last year's bushes.

In the fall, the best bushings of the cloves shabo dig up with a lore land and transplanted into the pots. Then bloom will continue until mid-November or longer. Contain them until spring in cool place With good lighting. The shoots are shortened and limit all winter in "Food and Drink."

At the beginning of the spring, they begin to feed and water that stimulates the active reflection of the cuttings. In order to get a flowering clove in July, already in February - early March, the stubborn shoots are 5-7 cm long long. It is better to take new shoots from the middle part of last year's stem. Some flower trees are considered to "grab" one last year's leaf.

On the cutlets make a skeleton cut in the intersality and deepen the cuttings into wet sand. The percentage of rooted cuttings increases, if we use the drug that stimulates the formation of roots.

From above, the planting capacity is covered with a polyethylene package or a glass jar. The first week of carnation cuttings often spray and shape. The roots are formed for 15-18 days.

According to the observation of amateur flower, the cloves of the Shabo, grown out of the cuttings, is not so strong as the seed, the quality of the cutting is quite normal. This shilling method is often practiced in order to preserve the most sorted variety, especially terry.

Landing the cloves Shabo into open ground.

In general, the clove shabo cold-resistant and is not afraid of frosts, the first seedlings are planted in an open ground - from the beginning of May (at the end of April). If the weather does not allow, landing can be transferred to a later date - in the second half of May. The rooted cuttings are planted in May-June.

Place for planting Choose a light, protected from the north and northeast from the icy wind. Soil - fertile, neutral. The distance between the young plants (cuttings) is 20 cm. If the clove shabo will be used for cutting, the distance between the plants should be increased to 30-40 cm.

You can stick to such a planting scheme of seedlings: 25 x 25 cm or 30 x 20 cm - 14-16 plants per 1 kV. m, when disembarking, without destroying the earth with roots. Do not block the plants, because even with a slightly gloss, the carnation is leaving noticeably worse.

The strong gusts of the wind easily break the fragile stems, so it's worth a more carefully pick a place for it. By the need to bushing, cloves are tied up to spicks. In case of frost and strong gusts of the winding, it is advisable to cover Loutrasil.

What is the care of cloves Shabo?

Like many cultural plants, planting, where colorful carnation flowers grow, should be released from weeds, water, and also fertilize during growth and flowering.

Feed the carnation in a standard way ... First, focus on nitrogen-containing fertilizers is made, and in the period of bootonization and at the beginning of blooming requires more potassium. If the cloves of the Shabo clove at the base of the leaves appear lighter color, then this is a signal that you need to enhance feeding with nitrogen fertilizers.

For good blossom Shabo cloves are picked by small "portions", but often every 2 weeks. This plant is afraid of fresh organic matter.

Carnation Shabo - blossom and cut.

If the colors of the cloves shabo are grown on the cut, then definitely remove all the steps (to the sixth knot) and side buds. In this case, you can get a rather large flower - up to 7 cm in diameter. Coloros are cut in the morning or evening under the sixth node.

If the clove shabo is grown for sale or for a kind of official event, then the flowers are cut into the half-walled booth phase. Cut flowers well tolerate transportation and persist in water 5-10 days.

Carnation Shabo tolerates small autumn frosts. However, after them, some of the leaves can beat, this does not affect the development of plants. In separate snowy soft winter cloves, SCABO overwhelms even in the open soil. But this option in middle lane You can consider only as a successful experiment.

How to root cloves from a bouquet

In open ground, carnations can be soiled or in early spring, or under the winter. IN winter time The rooted cuttings are stored in cool conditions of the greenhouse at a temperature of 0. And the spring make a transplant to the ground.

It is extremely comfortable to plant a cutlery into the pots-supasted bushings, while it is necessary to jumped them on light soil with gluke, and on heavy side, turning the surface of the earth to the light. You can make them with usually wire. In a not very thickened flower bed, when there is no danger to destroy the adjacent plants, some of the coastal is sit down.

The place is necessary solar, although grades with diligent shoots need to protect against the midday sun. From above, the planting container is covered with a polyethylene package or a glass jar. For such a method of reproduction of carnations, only a few shoots are fundamentally use. At the same time, each subsequent sliced \u200b\u200bstalks sat next to the uterine plant and did not even cover the package, and they also rooted perfectly.

How to land the carnation. Leaving land without moisturizing for several days, the leaves begin to lose the tour, and the flower shoots lean. And it does not matter that the plants in the rotated pots will grow not vertically relative to the pot, all this is simply adjusted when disembarking at a constant place. In fact, in pots, it is possible to root and pumps, putting the container and even better small packages with soil under the shoots.

At the same time tightly crimped around their soil and watered. Sut off the shoots and deliberately for breeding, at the end of May, when the floral tips can already be distinguished. In a not very thickened flower bed, when there is no danger to destroy the adjacent plants, some of the coastal is sit down.

From time to time, part of the gardened carnation bushes falls out, because once a year it is better to update them. It is better to take the newest shoots from the middle part of last year's stem.

In the autumn, select instances that are not yet blooming, transfer them to the pots and bring to the house. Behind them will have to take care of rooting. But with the conduct of watering, the tour is restored, and shoots rise. If it is actually how to root it. Yes, and later, when disembarking, it will not be necessary to pay a lot of attention to the plant - just translated and pour.

To watering the room carnation is not phlegmantic. If the weather does not allow, landing can be transferred to the latest period - in the 2nd half of May. Do this in the spring, when you cut off the shoots on the aged bushes, to rejuvenate them at least for the current season. Replanting bushes decided to spend experience. Traditionally, one or two fans are cut off long. See the first week of the cuttings of the carnations are often sprayed and shared.

Specifically, an in-depth landing makes a bunch of small. Where it needs to be done extremely excellent. Other option - in July-August, separate the brutal young sockets from adult and root them. I have one flower in the bouquet of the carnation, but such a wonderful thing, and the correlation wanted, the rooting passes in two or three weeks high humidity and temperature +15 ° C.

Over time, the tanks are rooted, they can be separated and transplant to a new place. It is better to do this in rainy weather. If the climatic conditions are not allowed to leave the plant in the garden, it is simply saved in the winter day in the house. From the moment of shilling up to the moment of flowering, I passed 9 months. Watering, I spend in the winter season with melt snow water, and in the spring season, in the autumn time and in the summer season of the rain. After throwing out extremely small shoots, it was selected suitable for rooting about 5 cm long and a bit larger than the lower leaves from their range. Chinese brilliance of first blossoms are traditionally cut, and at the end of the season they bloom again.

At the same time, I did not take advantage of any additional rooters. As a result, reached the desired.

Roots are formed for a day. Either when wondering heads. Naturally, if I would not raise a cutlery, but pinned out of since it should be over the third intersception, my cloves would bloom on a lot more. On the cutlets make a skewed cut in the interstice and deepen a stalk into a wet sand. Well-established cuttings land in May-June. But the transplant process itself tried to spend extremely carefully, without damaging the young roots. But I wanted to have a lot of cuttings, and if the time of shilling the process was affected by the process.

Water is exposed in room criteria. But for a bush with an extremely surface landing, you had to invent various tricks, so that the twigs did not fall. Carnation landing feeding care breeding. Since I have in one pot and Mercenaries, and the cuttings did not hold the cuttings for rooting.

In the first case, the polishing moisture will be collected in the well and is kept longer, and in the second - on the contrary, flock. Pressing a twig to the soil and shutting up a bracket, the cuttings are pretty firmly and does not fall under the weight of the flower head. Planting in a half, the soil to preserve water is better to mulk.

In general, the cloves shabo cold-resistant and not afraid of frosts, the seedlings are first planted into the open ground - from the beginning of May at the end of April. Popped large beam, as a rule, moldsheet and dies. I wish to note that it is best to plant a few bush in one pot on one pot, then they will create a beautiful bouquet, and one bush looks alone. Soil - fertile, neutral.

Can I grow a carnation at home in a pot?

First, the plants can fill a little, but with constant abundant irrigation, they are simply restored. Soothes do not fall, do not fall apart and keeps out without the help of others. For this I made minor brackets. In the first case, the polishing moisture will be collected in the well and is kept longer, and in the second - on the contrary, flock. According to the observation of amateur flower, cloves, grown out from cuttings, is not so powerful as the seed, the quality of the cut is completely ordinary.

On the this momentWhen the carnation is fighting, cutting a flower carefully. I was seeded by plants on various pots in the same substrate as having studied. I am breating, but they were unsurpassed and turned out to be completely fresh and elastic - as if they were buried not a few months ago, and absolutely recently ... Cutting and disembarking Crennodes of cloves. Having had a good preservation of cloves overwhelmed in the earth, I began to work. The percentage of rooted cuttings is growing, if the product, stimulating the formation of roots.

It is possible to root and fan, the remaining trimming of blooming - some survive! Either in the spring season, you can and apart blossoms tear up greenish young shoots and plant them, folding in a few pieces. If the flowers of cloves shabo are grown on a cut, then they certainly remove all steps to the sixth knot and side buds. If it is impossible to do it, take a few ride away from each bush and sprinkle their land. Sowing cloves - duration: Tatiana has 22 views.

I make a cut above the place where the escape is going again. This method Highlights are often practiced, in order to save the most painted grade, especially terry. Distance between young plants with cuttings - 20 cm. If the cloves of the Shabo can be used for cutting, the distance between the plants should be incremented to see. In one pot planted on the same level on what the clove grew up, and in a different deepened. In the spring, when the sun on the southern window became most intensively pressing, I slightly moved the pots, so that the straight sun rays did not get to the plant itself.

Leaving land without moisturizing for several days, the leaves begin to lose the tour, and the flower shoots lean. As a result, I became the owner of unique knowledge. How to root roses from a bouquet.

Place for disembarkation Choose a light, protected from the north and northeast from the ice wind.

Comments on the section "How to root cloves from a bouquet"

How to grow cloves at home

Watering plants should be neat, not abundant. For greater stability, they can be sank. This is especially true when seedling is drawn up. Seed seedlings needed after 2-3 real leaves appear. In the future, you need to take care of quenching the seedlings. In the open ground, it is usually planted at the end of May - early June. The distance between the plants is observed about 20 cm. This is what concerns landing cloves by seeds .

Now let's talk about the reproduction of this flower. The reproduction of the carnation is possible with stalling, with a veneer, vegetative way. At the same time, not for all types of carnations, the division of the bush will be suitable. At carnation root system It consists of the main root, from which many sidelines grow. There are cases that there is a root of side shoots. As a result, a new plant is obtained. If we talk about hybrid and varietal varieties Carnations, in this case, resort to special reproduction with the help of cuttings. Because it came about the stallion, it would be worth it to say about the timing. The best period for the overlap is the end of May - the beginning of June.

Process itself proposition of cloves Crennies It is the following: you need to perform a cut directly under the node. The cutlets must have a length of about 10 cm and contain 3-4 nodes. Bottom leaves are deleted. Next you need to perform an incision for a third of the thickness of the stem. To do this, you can use a sharp knife. The incision is carried out along the length of the lower intercouss. After the operations were performed, the cuttings are placed in a prepared moistened substrate and further into the cool greenhouse. Formation of roots occurs within 2-3 weeks.

As for the reproduction of gag, then this method is used for carnations that have long vegetative shoots. These cloves include bearded and Turkish. The method also assumes the cutting of escape and consolidate it to the soil. After that, it should be covered with sand and periodically water. The main thing is to ensure that the outbreak of the stem section is constantly in the wet soil. When the roots are formed, the growth of shoots begins from the node located above. After that, you can proceed to the separation of a new plant and landing.

For growing carnations at home Care is to apply feeding throughout the summer, which uses complex fertilizers. The frequency of feeding once every 2-3 weeks. The only thing that should not be used is fresh manure. As mentioned above for the carnation, good lighting is necessary. If the plant feels a lack of light, the foliage becomes small, blossom scanty. There are such varieties sadroom carnationswhich are very sensitive to the plus temperatures in the winter. In particular, this refers to those plants that reached the flowering stage. This is stated to the fact that since the autumn, garden cloves need to be covered with a sweetheart. It is necessary to clean it only after regular freezes will be afraid.

Diseases of cloves

Simple ways of breeding roses with cuttings

Roses - a noble flower grown on the plot.

The reproduction of roses with cuttings is a simple method of "cloning" plants that satisfy flowerflowers or decorative qualities, or resistance to weather testing of the local climate, or two of these parameters at once.

So that the cuttings have taken root and in the future pleased with beautiful buds, you need to know and comply with some simple recommendations regarding choice planting material and ways to prepare for landing in soil, care.

Read here the features of planting Clematis in the spring.

What roses can be donors for cutting cuttings?

Everything. Even from a presented bouquet. Given that, that flowers are domestic, and not Dutch. Focused by preservatives to the state "are able to hold out a record number of days in all its glory, but forever lost the ability to" reincarnation ".

Although, if the gardener has a very "light" hand, then why not try to grow rose from an overseas guest, no particularly hoping for a positive result of the venture?

How detached stem is suitable for shilling? Calm one of the spikes located on it.

Spiky easily separated? So, the rose can be chopped onto the cuttings.

The stem who did not have time to be worn is more likely to take care. After performing the preliminary marking on the branch, strive so that the cuttings accounted for areas with greenish, juicy bark, and not cracked light brown.

Part of the flower water assures that the percentage of survival among the June cuttings is higher than that of cut and lined in the ground later.

If the climate of your region is moderate temperatures throughout warm season, in time in passing rains, then yes, it is better to spend the procedure at the beginning of summer.

Other lovers experiment with reproduction of flowers with cuttings, should be "looked around" on the wind rose and seasonal temperature characteristics of a particular climatic zone.

Owners of greenhouses or bulk window sills, grinding roses are engaged at any time of the year.

To take into account the features of the climate, it is necessary to resolve: leave rooted "seedlings" on the ground in winter, or move them under the roof, transplanting to the vases. In the strong, below 20 degrees of frost, even sheltered "seedlings" - can not survive the cold.

How to smear rose stem from soil?

Using donors from the soil, choose stems with not yet formed to the end of buds. Attentively examining the "patient", immediately, if any, rejected the area with skin, resembling the surface of the tree.

Long stems are divided into several pieces up to 7-8 cm long, following at least two to three kidneys and a pair of leaves.

If the donor twig is short, then only one seedling is formed from it.

Separating the body of the cutlets from the stem, the first cut is strictly perpendicular to the stalk, the second is the bottom of the "kids" - at an angle of 45 degrees, to the way as an endless knife.

The lower cut is performed immediately under the kidney serving the battery nutrientsthat will help the cutlets faster to get roots.

When to shine roses from a bouquet?

Especially desperate flowerflowers who have no strength to raise the hand on a presented beauty immediately, porky bouquets after the leaf fall of petals begin.

Before this moment, the flowers are immersed daily at night in the container with clean water, Watching the lower edges of the buds do not come into contact with the liquid.

However, if you really want to get into the collection of the same rose as in the bouquet, it is better not to risk, and a couple of instances from it will be disassembered immediately.

What to do with cuttings of roses after cutting?

Sliced \u200b\u200bstems are cleaned from all buds, and at the same time almost from all the leaves, leaving for the possibility to carry out the processes of photosynthesis, only a couple of twigs.

So that they cannot intensively give moisture, they are "filmed", cutting off from leaves to half from each.

The prepared cuttings per day are put into an aqueous solution of some fertilizer that stimulates the root formation (for example, heteroacexin, corneumine). The next day, "Saplings" are placed to root in:

  • priming;
  • potato tubers;
  • in vases;
  • in the container with water.
  • How to properly root the rose cuttings in the ground?

    Choosing a secluded place, where in summer afternoon the flowers will not feel like on a frying pan, break down a few trenches-a variety of 15 cm deep.

    For three quarters, they are filled with a nutrient mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand - one part.

    Chernozem, humus or a weathered lower peat - two parts. The top back of the thickness of two centimeters should be made of sand, pre-sainted and washed.

    Above each ridge or immediately above all install a removable wooden or metal carcass - To pull the film, which will provide "seedlings" greenhouse conditions.

    If there are few cuttings, there will be separately to plant them, then the role of the greenhouse for each can perform the cropped plastic bottle or glass bank.

    The cuttings are planted into the finished ridges with a slope in one direction in such a way that the lower edge of the stem does not come into contact with the nutrient component of the trench.

    The roots are better developed in a sanding environment that is well transmitting moisture. It will not give to develop putrid processes around the generated root system.

    After disembarking into the ground, the cuttings are isolated from the world stretched on the frame of the film. So that the temperature remains inside the greenhouse at a given level - within 25 degrees, the design is shared when it is too hot on the street. Three times a day spend a slight spraying of ridge with clean water, lifting the coating.

    This allows you to support the humidity favorable for "seedlings". With excessive moisture, the greenhouse is ventilated, briefly lifting one of the edges of the film.

    After three weeks, the cuttings begin to start the roots. Kidney "Saplintsev" also begin to be intensified, which determine the growth of escapes.

    After that, the humidity inside the greenhouses should be gradually reduced due to longer ventilation in the morning.

    Active growth of shoots and first leaflets will be prompted that plants no longer need greenhouse conditions. However, to give roses from the burning midday sun is still necessary.

    How do the cuttings root in potato tubers?

    Potato uterines provide "seedlings" roses not only moisture, but also starch, which is very useful for cuttings that have no own root system, nor sufficient deciduous cover participating in photosynthesis processes.

    The cuttings are harvested along the usual scheme. Sorted, without spots of rotting and other sores, peeled from dirt and eye potatoes, pierced with a cutlery, deepening the lower edge of a sapling centimeter for two.

    "Posted" all the available "seedlings" in the uterus, the latter are placed in ridge trenches filled with clean sand. The top barrel of tubers should little look out of the soil.

    The ridge is covered with a whole frame with a film, or each of the "seedlings" plastic / glass jar is covered.

    Watering is performed as the earth dries. Once a week, the watering water is enriched with sugar, adding a couple of teaspoons of sugar sand into a glass of liquid.

    For 14 days, "Saplings" regularly ventilate. After another 14 days, the shelter is cleaned - with favorable weather conditions.

    How do the cuttings root in the vases?

    In the vasons, the cuttings of roses are planted on the same technique as in the ground.

    With the only difference that the lower layer of soil in the pot should consist of pebbles, ceramisite - for drainage.

    On top of it pour fertile soil from treated garden land. Last layer - sandy.

    The placement of the cutting in the rone is performed by the same scheme as in the gardening ground.

    How do the root system of "seedlings" roses in water?

    The cuttings peeled from the leaves put in a can with clean water and remove the container into a warm room with scattered light.

    The liquid changes once every two days, passing the cuttings for the appearance of mold (which began to spit the cuttings, should be disposed of immediately).

    After 21-23 days around the lower edge of the stems begins to form a whitish cloud - Callus. Cleaning "seedlings" from it should not be, as it is a precursor of the development of the root system.

    The reached real roots will prompt that future roses are time to plant in the ground, where their first time should be placed under the film or banks.

    Which begins with the appearance of heat in the spring and to the first frosts in the fall. Graceful and strict, simple, monochrome and multicolor flowers cozy are cozy at the flower beds and alpine slides. Each plant needs a special approach. Creating compositions, select certain flowers. Among them, the numerous detachment of carnations, universal for use and superbly suitable for use in landscape design.

    Beauty of the Mediterranean

    Carnation garden long-term - herbate plant, differing in unique aroma and blossom. Many species make up this detachment. Among them, it is possible to distinguish the carnation of the filament, grass, sandy, lush grayish-blue, etc. The nodular stem of the data of the representatives of the flora has a light gray or blue color. The elongated pair leaves are distributed over the entire length of the stem, reaching height from forty to sixty centimeters. They form bushes that have a slightly developed root system, the depth of which reaches from ten to twenty centimeters.

    Separate descriptions deserve flowers. Depending on the varietal affiliation, they can be different in shape, and in color, as well as consisting of single or several rows of petals that have dissected or smooth oval edges. The wint of the carnation is five-floor. Small or large inflorescences are also distinguished by a length of the flower. It looks very impressive terry flower. Garden clove has a multi-colored bright color, and inflorescences can be monochrome or multicolored. Pastel tender coloring prevail, while the color spectrum is quite large. Most often it is bright red, pink and white tones. However, not the exception of purple and yellow. Multicolor inflorescences are especially effective.

    In the autumn period of the plant form seed boxes filled with seeds. Carnation garden has many different species and varieties with distinctive characteristics. Each of them has its amazing features.

    Carnish carnation (terry)

    If you need to create a green carpet in the flower arrangement, best Plant can not found. Amazing perennial has the ability to grow, forming bushes that fills like carpeted floating Required flower bed spaces. This is the campid carnation garden. On the stems reaching a height of thirty-forty centimeters, numerous bright inflorescences with a subtle aroma are praying.

    Flowering falls on May-July, September. Flowers Cell Carnations most often have pink, red, raspberry or white color. Especially beautiful terry grades Alba, "Dzatemon", "Romance" and "Granat". Also pay attention to the repair and dwarf shapes. These plants are rather unpretentious, possess good winter-hardy qualities.

    Soil forms of flowers

    Carnation Garden Herbwink - beautiful flowering perennial. Perfect for alpine Gork, low border compositions. The low-spirited stems of colors reach from ten to thirty centimeters. Small leaves have a dark green color. Herbal looks very effectively during flowering. This is a fantastic natural carpet of bright colors reaching 1.5-2 cm diameter. They are monochrome or multicolored with bright red, pink or white color. Travyanka unpretentious plant. The distinctive characteristic of this species is good drought resistance and winter hardiness. The plant does not require shelter for the winter. For flower beds and flower beds, sandy poor soils are dismisted. Plants do not tolerate the convergence completely. The first buds appear in early June. Blossom will delight before autumn. In the autumn period, gray-brown boxes, filled with small black seeds, which are used for sowing in an open ground or for growing seedlings next season. The life expectancy of perennial is from four to six years.

    Carnation Garden Herbank will always be a decoration of the garden. Every variety is good in its own way. Surprisingly decorative herbal "Confettic mix". Small soil plants bloom in June. Flower carved petals have a two-color color. Bright white edges of the flower have a purple-violent middle.

    Sandician carnation

    This is a miniature rather unpretentious plant. Very beautiful flowers having a peristo-fringe form. Stems reach a length of up to thirty centimeters. Busting easily tolerate transplant. Will delight blossom in July-August.

    Placement of flowers in the garden

    When landing a garden carnation, regardless of the variety, you need to take into account several features. The thermal-loving plant will require good sunlight. Plots for growing these colors are discharged at open areas of the garden. Sufficient lighting - an indispensable condition long flowering. Garden carnation is not capricious and easy to care, is not demanding of the soil fertility.

    Perfectly approach areas with light, moisture-permeable soil with low acidity. Most of the varieties have good drought-resistant and frost-resistant qualities. In winter, plants do not require shelter. Landing the garden cloves is made by a pre-grown seedling or seeds, which are collected after flowering in the autumn period. In early spring Restored seeds for seeds are pre-prepared. The soil is treated with garden rakes. Seeding areas are planted with sand and seed seeds. Sowing should not be sparse.

    Caring for flower bed

    Unpretentious carnation garden long-term, the care of which is pretty simple. The luxurious view in combination with the availability of cultivation makes plants of this species popular with gardeners, flower and specialists in landscape design. In the spring, placing plants placing places and proceed to sowing seeds or disembarking pre-grown seedlings. Last year's landings check, remove the raised plant stems.

    Care is to loosen soil and regular watering, during which water should not fall on the leaves, stalks and flowers of the plant. It should be moderate. Unacceptable overalling of the soil. Incorrect flower moisture mode can cause the development of diseases and damage to plants.

    An important agrotechnical event is feeding, which will achieve the most favorable conditions in which the plants will develop well and delight long quality flowering. The cultivation of the garden carnation provides several times for making fertilizers. The first feeding comes on spring period. This is the time of formation of buds. Flowers will be bright and numerous when making special complex fertilizers for flowering plants. During the formation of inflorescences and blooming colors, it is necessary to make the following application of fertilizers. It should be noted that fresh manure and chlorine-containing potash fertilizers cannot be used as a feeder for flowers. Their use is unacceptable. Flowering stops in the fall. Flower beds and flower beds inspect. Wrapped the stalks of plants and cut dry inflorescences and seed boxes. Winters without a special shelter of the chair of the garden. Caring and warming for the winter is not required.

    Diseases and pests

    Like any culture, garden carnation requires preventive measures to ensure normal growth. The main pests include: nematodes, trips, bear. The fight against them is to use chemical preparations. When spraying plants, the instructions indicated on the preparations are strictly performed.

    Dangerous for flowers of this species are viral diseases such as fuzariosis, alternariasis, rust and collity. The affected plant loses its attractiveness and even dies. Manifestations of these diseases are similar. On the leaves and stems, brown spots or a naiza flare appear. In addition to the listed diseases, garden carnation is affected by fungus. Care with compliance with the correct moisturizing and regular soil loosenings, removal of weeds, restriction of nitrogen and use aquatic solution The main mineral fertilizers will help reduce the likelihood of disease damage. High level Agrotechnical measures in a complex with regular feeders significantly reduces the level of damage to infectious diseases.


    Planning and creating flower compositions Provides a certain amount of planting material. Initially, the sections should be planned, where the garden long-term carnation is planted. The reproduction provides for seeding seeds directly into open soil or growing the necessary amount of planting material in conditions of closed soil, as well as a vegetative method for producing seedlings.

    Obtaining planting material

    The cultivation of the garden cloves is considered to be more reliable and frequently used, allowing to obtain a sufficiently high-quality planting material of the selected variety in the desired quantity. In the conditions of closed soil use plastic containers. Also seeds are sown in the greenhouses or spring greenhouses. To determine the required number of seedlings, there are flower beds, where the garden long-term carnation is planted. The reproduction involves obtaining seedlings of a certain variety of colors with high pre-prepared seeds. At the end of January. Seeds of cloves in prophylactic purposes are subjected to pre-sowing processing. They are soaked in a weak solution of manganese. Boxes fill with light soil, which includes:

    • one part of the peat;
    • three pieces of sand;
    • two pieces of turf land;
    • two parts of the compost.

    The soil in front of the sowing is calcined or shed a weak solution of manganese. Sowing material is laid out into the grooves in such a way that future shoots will not be thickened. After that, the soil is smoothed and slightly seal and moisturized. Containers are placed in places with air temperature 22 degrees Celsius. Under favorable conditions, the first shoots appear in a week, after the Garden clove was sown. Sea treatment requires compliance with light and temperature mode. Light mode can be provided with luminescent lamps. In case of violation of the plant will be weak, which will affect the quality of the planting material.

    In the phase of two real leaves, the plants are searched in separate containers or in containers, making landing rather sparse. Further care The seedlings lies in moderate watering. It is not allowed to moisten the soil. Also needed feeding with complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants. Seedling will be ready for landing in open ground at a permanent place at the end of May or early June.

    Vegetative method for producing planting material

    In addition to the ever, the reproduction of garden cloves is possible with stalling and grooves. The planting material for rooting is harvested in late May or early June. Stem perennial Plant. Cut over the node and remove all the bottom leaves. The cuttings are placed in the substrate and moisturize. The root system will appear in two or three weeks.

    The types of plants, which have long stems, reproduce. They make small cuts at the bottom of the intersals. Prepared stalks fix brackets at the ground level. The decodes are sprinkled with the earth and moisturize. The root system is formed in the door. After their formation, the drains are separated from the main plant and used as a landing material in a new place. All grades of the grass are easily multiplied by the division of the bush.