The ceiling is painted with water-based paint. We paint the ceiling with "water emulsion": from preparation to the last layer

It so happens that when painting the ceiling, the old paintwork is removed, but sometimes this stage is skipped. If you do everything right, then even in this situation, the result will be surprisingly good. After reading the article, you will learn how staining with old paint is carried out.

Process features

Ceiling painting is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. As a rule, before this process, workers clean off the old finish layer. The fact is that a thick layer of old paint can show through and spoil the appearance of the surface. If cracks appear on the ceiling, then the matter is completely hopeless - no matter how you paint over them, they will still be visible. If the repair has not been carried out for a long time, then under a layer of old paint you may even find mold, which will negate all your attempts to renew the surface.

If there are no such serious problems, then you can safely apply a new layer of water-based emulsion, acrylic on the old paint. Take a close look at your ceiling. If its appearance suits you, and the pieces of paint do not fall off, you can leave everything as it is.

Professionals advise you to pay attention to the following: if you have painted the ceiling with water-based paint before, then you are in luck. It is better than whitewashing. Even if this type of paint begins to flake off and fall off in pieces, it may not be completely removed. You can safely restrict yourself to surface cleaning by removing flaking pieces and cleaning the area around them. After this short work, you can safely apply a new coat of paint.

Paint selection

If you decide to cover the ceiling with paint over an old layer of material, then you will have to face the question of choosing the right option. Different paints are used for such works. Each type has its own advantages and a number of disadvantages.


Perhaps this type of paint is the most popular. It is good because it is highly resistant to all kinds of dirt and dries quickly. So you can safely use this material, for example, in the kitchen, where the work with food is not always neat.

This paint also withstands high humidity well.If any dirt appears on the painted surface, it can be safely removed with a damp cloth or napkin, without fear of cracking the paint.

Acrylic paint can be safely applied to a wide variety of surfaces. It fits well on metal, wood, plastic, and even on already plastered bases.

Painting with acrylic is also good because it perfectly hides minor surface imperfections. Textured paint is able to mask small cracks or places where pieces of the coating have already fallen off.

It is also pleasant that such a coating dries quickly and retains its color for a long time. Even if you paint the ceiling in a room where the sun's rays are constantly falling on it, the paint will fade and fade far from immediately. However, there is one caveat: when choosing this type of paint, remember that the color of the coating applied to the ceiling will be slightly different from the one you see on the package, because the material immediately darkens. This cannot be called such a big drawback, because there are a lot of colors, and you can always find exactly the shade that will suit you in the end.

With all these positive aspects, it is worth noting that the paint is not that expensive. You can buy a kilogram of paint for about a thousand rubles. And it will be consumed rather slowly - you will need less packaging of material to paint the ceiling in a medium-sized room. About 100 g of paint is consumed per square meter.


There are several other types of paints that are suitable for the ceiling. One of the most expensive options is latex. This paint is ideal for painting the ceiling over an old layer. The fact is that it perfectly masks defects, microcracks on any surfaces. The ceiling painted with this material can be easily washed or wiped with a brush.


Cracks (up to two millimeters) can also be masked by silicate paint. However, it is more expensive than most analogues.

In addition, it is also important to remember that silicate paints, as a rule, are not used in residential premises.

Water emulsion

Ceilings are also often painted with water dispersion paint. However, it should be used in dry rooms - for example, in living rooms or bedrooms. A coating of this type does not tolerate high humidity and quickly becomes covered with cracks, dark spots (in the bathroom or even in the kitchen). The cost of water-dispersion paint is low, which is what makes it popular. In addition, it can be matte or glossy, which is convenient for those who decorate their premises in a certain style and do not want to disturb the harmony in the room.

You can choose any of these basic types of paint for repainting the ceiling. It can be dense and structural, oily, very light - it all depends on what kind of ceiling you have, what your financial capabilities are.


The next step is choosing the right tools. Most often, either a roller or wide brushes are used to paint the ceiling.


Brushes of different sizes can be used both for coloring the base and for joints, finishing elements. When painting the main part of the ceiling, they are not very effective.

If you decide to paint such a large surface with brushes, then choose the widest. The joints with the walls, stucco molding and other decorative details are just more convenient to paint over with brushes.


It is much more convenient to paint the ceiling with a roller. Foam tools are used to paint the ceiling. The second most popular option is a roller with a fabric base. The length of this ceiling painting tool can vary from five to thirty centimeters.

Spray gun

It is most effective to use a spray gun. However, not everyone prefers this option. The fact is that the spray gun is not only more expensive than all other devices, but also more difficult to use. If you are not a professional, then you will need to adapt to the spray gun first.

How to dilute and calculate the amount?

Having decided on the type of paint and tools, you can proceed to the preparatory work. First, you will need to dilute the required amount of material.

Paint consumption depends on how large your room is., the ceiling area is very important. As a rule, all the necessary information to help you calculate the paint is on the package. Check out this information.

Choosing a water-based paint, you will see on the packaging that you should not dilute it. If the product you bought has already thickened, then you can slightly dilute it with water. Otherwise, just stir the paint, roll it out on the pallet and start painting.

The preparation of other ceiling paints is not much different. You will also need to add a little water to the acrylic mixture. It is best to use the product immediately after stirring it. You should not let it freeze.

Subtleties of application

Painting the ceiling without first removing the old paint layer is slightly different from the usual repair work. You will save a little time, because you do not have to completely remove the old layer and putty or primer the ceiling again. It will be enough to work out the areas with cracks and remove the falling off pieces of paint and varnish material. If the paint is peeling, it will need to be corrected, otherwise the surface of the ceiling will appear uneven and sloppy.

When you have dealt with the most noticeable flaws, you will need to move on to the main work.The diluted paint should be poured into the tray - there should not be too much of it so that the residues do not dry out or be thrown away later.

Ceiling painting starts from the most inaccessible places. Go over them with a narrow brush so that there are no gaps. After that, you can paint the entire surface. It is most convenient to work with a roller. So you can quickly paint over the ceiling over the old layer and paint over cracks, stains.

It is recommended to paint the ceiling in this way in several stages. The first layer may not be applied very carefully, but the second will need to be worked very well. You should start working with the second layer only after the first one is completely dry.

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint? The abundance of various finishing methods does not exclude the popularity of ceiling painting today. Such coverage attracts with its availability and the ability to do all the work with your own hands. However, not everyone knows how to paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion correctly.

The article talks about the nuances in preparing the base for applying paint, about the technology of painting the ceiling with water-based paint with your own hands.

What compositions are used to paint the ceiling

In the old days, the most popular ceiling coatings were chalk and lime mortars. The only advantage of such coatings is their low cost.

Now such works are performed with water-based paints:

  • The most popular of this type of coating are acrylic paints. Their features:
    1. quite good properties during operation;
    2. the use of different compositions depending on the type of premises where repairs are required.

    Compared to other similar ones, their cost is slightly higher.

    To paint the ceiling you will need:

    • Spray gun (see Types of spray guns: how to choose the right one)... The use of such a device is the most convenient, fairly fast and high-quality coating method. But such a device costs quite serious money, which is often inaccessible to an ordinary amateur to make repairs on his own. In this case, it is worth using the cheaper tools shown in the photo.

    • Paint roller - it is the main tool for finishing the ceiling.

Previously, ceilings were most often decorated with whitewash, but now this look is not a priority. Therefore, now everyone is covering the whitewash with other materials. If you are going to paint, is it possible to paint the ceiling after whitewashing? We will deal with this in the article below.

Water-based paint is significantly different from other types. It dries much faster. The fastest drying paint only needs two hours. The water emulsion will not harm health, there are no toxic substances in its composition. You can work without a mask, there is no need to close the room until it is completely dry. Due to the absence of harmful substances, the paint has no smell.

After it, you do not need to ventilate the room.

  • The choice of colors is not limited. With the help of the color scheme, you can independently make the shade you need. The paint is sold primarily in white.
  • The paint is easy to apply, anyone can do it yourself. The water emulsion will serve you 15 years without shedding. Moreover, it is inexpensive.
  • There are also disadvantages to water emulsion. The temperature during operation should not be lower than 5 degrees. Painting is possible only in the warm season or in a heated room.
  • The paint does not like direct mechanical influences, over time it will rub off, and will wash off from frequent cleaning. She doesn't like water very much.

Types of water-based paint

The water emulsion is divided into 4 types according to its composition: acrylic, silicone, silicate, mineral. Some will cost more, others less. Let's consider them in more detail.

Acrylic paint. It is used most often, but it also costs a lot. Possesses the highest quality set of characteristics. Suitable for interior and exterior painting. Due to the content of acrylic, the paint is waterproof.

It can be washed without risk of abrasion, used in rooms with high humidity. It is easiest to apply and does not absorb into the surface. If the paint contains latex, it can close small cracks. Acrylic paint is not subject to fading: it is not afraid of the sun. At the same time, it is safe, does not emit unpleasant odors: you can paint a nursery or a kitchen.

Silicone. The paint is suitable for rooms with high humidity. More suitable than acrylic. The structure of silicone is much more elastic than latex, which means it can hide larger cracks. The paint allows steam to pass through, which will save you from the appearance of mold and mildew. You may not additionally impregnate with antifungal compounds. Good for bath or kitchen. Dirt-repellent - no need to clean the surface frequently.

Silicate. Ideal for decorating your home from the outside. Not suitable for interior decoration. Can be used for outdoor use or in non-heated annexes. Long service life and resistance to any weather conditions make it the best paint for exterior decoration.

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint for whitewash

It is still not recommended to paint the whitewash. You must first remove it. Whitewash painting is possible only if it is in perfect condition: if it does not crumble or crack. Try running a clean roller over it. If the whitewash does not remain on the roller and does not start to fall off, then you can paint directly on it.

If the whitewash is swollen, cracked, then paint cannot be applied to the whitewash. Otherwise, it will begin to crumble right in the process of work. The paint will be uneven and your ceiling will be hopelessly damaged.

If you still plan to apply paint to the whitewash layer, then all you need to do is just prime the ceiling surface. After that, try again to disturb the surface, and if there is no shedding, then go to work.

Ceiling preparation

The first thing to do when working with paint is to take out all the furniture. Of course, you can cover it with a film, but there is no guarantee that there are no holes in it or it will not break. It's better to endure everything. Use gloves and a mask when working. Lime is not good for your health.

Whitewash is easier to remove when wet. Use warm soapy water. Apply it around the entire perimeter of the ceiling. Change the water as it gets dirty. Treat the entire ceiling carefully.

If you have a thin layer of whitewash, you can remove it when soaked with a regular roller. Also wet it with water periodically. You can use a brush instead of a roller. For ease of use, you can use a spray bottle and moisten the ceiling with it, and remove the coating with a sponge.

If the whitewash is not removed in this way, then you will have to work with a spatula. Scrape the whitewash off the ceiling with it.

Another way to remove is with paste. It simply sticks to the whitewash and, after drying, transforms into a film that is easier to peel off. You can make the paste yourself. Add flour or starch to boiled water. Stir gradually to prevent lump formation. Cool the mixture slightly and apply to the ceiling with a roller or brush, spreading evenly. Then wait until the mass is dry and forms a crust. Remove it with a spatula.

If this does not help, you can only remove the whitewash with a grinder. Drinking will be enough, so close the door and put on a protective suit. Then you will need to thoroughly wash the entire room. It is desirable several times with special means.

And the most radical way of getting rid is with acid. You need to work with full protection: goggles, mask, gloves and a suit. Add acetic acid to water in small portions. There should be no more than 3% acid per volume of water. The order is exactly this: water, then small portions of acid, otherwise it will react. Use a brush to apply the solution to the ceiling and then remove the coating with a trowel or brush. The surface of the ceiling must be washed with soapy water.

After removing the whitewash, putty all cracks and holes. Prime the surface. Choose a primer exactly for the paint that you will apply. Preferably from one manufacturer.

Ceiling painting

Before applying, you need to add color. The main difficulty is to dilute at once as much as is needed for coating, otherwise it will be very difficult to get exactly the same color.

Pour a little paint into a measuring container. Inject the color through the syringe. It is important to use measuring containers, since it is by these measurements that you will be guided when adding color to the main container. Memorize the results obtained and calculate how much color you need for the volume of your paint bucket. After you have mixed them, try to smear a little on a small area, and see if this is the color you want.

The instructions for the paint describe in detail how and in what quantities to dilute it. The paint is mixed before application and water is added. The composition is mixed and poured into a paint bath. Dip the brush periodically in the bath, and wipe off the excess. So paint over the entire ceiling. If your coating has absorbed a lot of paint, apply a second coat.

The problem of how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint, commonly called water-based paint, remains relevant now, despite the emergence of many newer and more modern finishing materials.

Water emulsion - what is it like?

For many decades in a row, water-based paint was the most popular option for finishing ceiling surfaces. Everyone liked its versatility and high environmental friendliness, as well as the ability to choose the right shade for interior decoration.

Ceilings painted with water emulsion retain their aesthetic appearance for a long time, and their care is as simple as possible. Moreover, the cost of such paint is low, which reduces the cost of repair work.

A water emulsion is a suspension consisting of pigment elements and polymer particles that dissolve in certain proportions with prepared water. After such a composition is applied to the surface to be painted, active evaporation of the liquid contained in the paint begins. At the same time, polymer particles are securely attached to the ceiling and form a coating highly resistant to high humidity.

To achieve the highest quality result of painting the ceiling with your own hands, you should choose the right water-based composition. Such paints include a variety of additives that can radically change the properties of an aqueous emulsion. For ceilings, you can use the following types of water-based compositions:

  • Polyvinyl acetate. The cheapest paints. Surfaces treated with them must not be washed. May only be used in dry rooms. Cannot be used in the kitchen or bathroom.
  • Acrylic. This is perhaps the most popular type of water-based paint, which perfectly protects the ceiling from moisture. Acrylic compounds are used in any premises. The ceilings painted with them can be washed repeatedly and thoroughly.
  • Latex. Paints capable of leveling ceiling surfaces. There is only one drawback of such formulations - they are expensive.

For painting ceiling surfaces, experts advise choosing semi-mat and semi-gloss water emulsions. The former are able to "mask" minor flaws in ceilings, while the latter do not hide existing defects, but they are easy to care for.

How to prepare the ceiling for painting with water-based emulsion?

It is impossible to paint the surface with a water-based composition without preliminary preparation. It is imperative to remove old paint or whitewash from the ceiling. Lime and chalk whitewash are removed with a paint roller, which is moistened with water, and a metal spatula (to scrape off the "ingrained" coating). After such processing of the ceiling, it will need to be thoroughly washed with a sponge.

It is more laborious to remove the old water emulsion with your own hands. As mentioned, the water-based paint adheres very tightly to the ceiling. Therefore, it is unrealistic to remove it by wetting it with a roller. You will have to work hard to remove the peeled areas of the old coating from the surface. This procedure is best done with a paint spatula.

You can simplify the process as follows:

  • twice abundantly moisten the old coating with water (with a foam roller or from a spray bottle);
  • create a draft in the room;
  • remove swollen pieces of old paint.

Use the described technique to greatly facilitate the operation of removing the old coating with your own hands.

After cleaning the ceiling, it needs to be leveled. Typically, a thin-layer plastic putty is used for these purposes. It adheres perfectly to the ceiling surface and makes it truly flat. You can additionally grind the filler layer using fine-grain sandpaper.

It is also carried out in another way, using a special oil-based whitewash-putty. It must be distributed with a brush or roller (as evenly as possible) over the surface on which all existing gaps and cracks are pre-filled. Then it will be correct to prime the ceiling with a thin layer of water-based paint that you plan to use.

Now the surface is completely ready and we will describe in detail how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint.

The use of water-based paint requires knowledge of the rules for its application. If you do not study them, you will get, as a result of painting work, a ceiling with pronounced dark and light spots, stripes from the passage of a roller or a brush, and conspicuous irregularities in the painting. The recommendations below will help you avoid this.

Always start painting at joints and corners between ceiling and wall surfaces. The very first one should process the corner that is at the maximum distance from the entrance to the room. These problem areas are painted with a wide paintbrush. It needs to be half moistened in a water emulsion and squeezed out a little, make a 3-5-centimeter passage around the entire perimeter of the room. Thanks to this technique, when you use a roller to paint, the corners and joints of the walls to the ceiling will be similar in shade and uniformity to the rest of the surface.

The main work on painting the ceiling with water-based emulsion is carried out with a roller. With its help, you need to perform three passes. The first passage of the water emulsion is carried out parallel to the sun's rays entering the room through the window, the second - perpendicular to the window, the third - in the direction of the window opening.

After each staining, you should wait at least 8 hours (optimal - 12) and only then apply the next layer of paint.

Follow these tips, and you will 100% be able to paint the ceiling with your own hands correctly and without difficulty. The very same technology for painting the surface with water-based emulsion is quite simple:

  1. Collect paint in a wide container (for example, in a small bath).
  2. Wet the roller in a water emulsion and evenly distribute the composition over it (just swipe it a couple of times over any rough surface with a painting tool).
  3. You make the first pass (you drive the roller from left to right) from the corner farthest from the entrance in the room, then you pass again, but now from right to left.
  4. Remove excess water emulsion from the ceiling with a dry roller - slide it over the painted surface and it collects all unnecessary paint.

Note! It is recommended to do the last staining with a new roller. Then the ceiling will be painted really evenly and without the slightest flaws.

During the drying of the surface painted with water emulsion, it is required to protect the room from the penetration of the sun's rays and drafts. Do not use heaters or other electrical appliances to dry the applied paint.

Ceiling decoration, including painting, is perhaps the most time-consuming part of the repair. Modern technologies make this process much easier. Especially popular recently are water-based paints - high-quality materials that are quite easy to use. But painting the ceiling with water emulsion also has its own secrets and features that must be taken into account when working.

Required tools and materials

First of all, you need to choose the right paint. According to its composition, a water emulsion is:

  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • silicate;
  • latex.

But even the composition is not the most important thing that you need to pay attention to. A more important indicator is the hiding power of the paint. It is very simple to recognize it: the more square meters, which is enough for 1 liter of paint, the better.

A wide color palette is far from the only plus of water-based paints

If you intend to treat ceilings in rooms with high humidity (for example, in the kitchen or bathroom), buy a water-based paint for wet rooms. Do not forget about the presence of anti-mold components in its composition. In addition, paint for such rooms must be washable. In dry rooms, you can use a conventional water emulsion.

A careful reading of the label on the jar will help you make your choice. Certain inscriptions need explanation.

  1. "The paint is highly resistant to dry abrasion" - the painted surface must not be exposed to moisture. Cleaning only with a vacuum cleaner or dry cloth.
  2. "The paint can be used in dry rooms with reduced operational load" - for painting the ceiling in the kitchen and bathroom, where there is high humidity and a large amount of greasy fumes, such a product is not suitable.
  3. "Indelible paint, with high resistance to abrasion" - ceilings painted with such paint can be easily and painlessly wet cleaned without the use of special detergents.
  4. "The paint is highly resistant to abrasion during intensive washing and is dirt-repellent" - the best coating for the ceiling. You can easily clean the surface even with the use of detergents.

The choice between glossy and matt water-based paint depends only on your taste. But keep in mind that a matte finish will visually increase the height of the room, mask small defects, but it will be difficult to wash. Glossy paint looks more spectacular, easier to clean and does not wear out for a long time, while maintaining its quality characteristics. But she can easily identify all the minor flaws on the ceiling. It is believed that the best choice is a semi-gloss or semi-gloss paint.

Note! If you buy several cans of water-based paint, require that they are all from the same batch. Otherwise, the paint can be of different shades. It is also important that a store selling such paint has an insulated warehouse: low temperatures lead to a violation of the structure of the water emulsion and a loss of its quality.

Also, be sure to purchase a primer - it must be used when painting. If you need to repair the ceiling, then buy another solution to remove old paint and putty.

A can of water-based paint, a brush, a roller and a bath - everything you need to work

Now let's move on to the necessary tools for work. You will need:

  • putty knife;
  • paint bath;
  • a roller about 20 cm wide with medium pile (velor and foam rubber coats are absolutely not suitable);
  • fine grit sandpaper;
  • thin brush 5–8 cm wide for painting corners and edges.

You've probably noticed the remark about the nap roller. The fact is that the foam roller will leave bubbles on the surface, and the velor does not absorb enough paint, and you will very often have to dip the tool into the bath. Consider this when buying.

Telescopic roller handle helps you to avoid the need for a stepladder

If for some reason you do not want or cannot use a stepladder when painting the ceiling, a telescopic roller handle will help you.

Preliminary preparation and processing of the ceiling

Before you start painting with water-based emulsion, the ceiling must be prepared for subsequent work.

To get a positive result of the work, do not paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion over the old layer. It must be removed with a spatula, using an alkaline detergent, and then rinse the ceiling with clean water and allow to dry.

To simplify the task, use this simple technique:

  1. Moisten the ceiling with plenty of water (you can use a spray bottle or foam roller to do this).
  2. After half an hour, repeat the procedure. The old coating will be well saturated with moisture.
  3. The next step is to create a draft in the room. Open all windows and doors and blisters will form on the surface of the ceiling. You can easily remove such a wet layer of the old coating with a spatula.

After this pre-treatment, inaccuracies may become visible on the ceiling surface. They are easy enough to eliminate: open all the cracks and treat them with a finishing putty. After it dries, the surface must be wiped with sandpaper, and the dust must be wiped off with a damp cloth or removed with a vacuum cleaner.

During the preparation of the ceiling for painting, it may be necessary to eliminate minor errors

Now proceed to priming the ceiling. Use a deep penetration primer for this. Once dry, paint can be applied to the surface.

Too uneven surface with potholes and uneven inter-tile joints indicates the need for major repairs.

The process of painting the ceiling with water-based paint

It is good that progress does not stand still, and not only several methods can be applied to perform the same work, but also various auxiliary devices. For example, you can paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion manually or using a spray gun.

Roller painting

  1. Carefully remove the lid from the jar and stir the contents thoroughly. In some cases, water-based paint must be diluted to the required thickness with water (information about this, as a rule, is contained in the instructions). Usually, this requires no more than 10% water from the total paint volume.

    Open the can, stir the paint and dilute with water if necessary

  2. First, brush the corners and edges of the ceiling along the walls. This will help you not to stain the walls during subsequent work.

    First, paint over the corners and edges with a brush.

  3. Pour a small amount of paint into a paint bath. Dip a roller in it and roll it over the corrugated surface so that the paint is evenly distributed and its excess is removed.

    Draw paint on a roller and wipe off excess on the tray

  4. Start painting from the window across the direction of the sun's rays, gradually moving deeper into the room.
  5. When the first coat of paint is dry, apply the second. This should also be done from the window, but along the direction of the sun's rays. So you will eliminate all unpainted areas that have escaped your sight, but would certainly appear over time.

    This diagram will show you how to properly apply paint layers to the ceiling.

  6. Small bumps and bubbles found after drying the surface, carefully remove with fine-grained sandpaper.

    Minor flaws that have arisen in the process can be wiped with sandpaper and, if necessary, painted over with a brush

The whole process, taking into account the drying of the layers, can take you several days. It is recommended to carry out painting work in the morning and in the early evening: during this period, the sun's rays fall on the surface optimally, this will help you to correctly assess how evenly the paint has lay.

Video on the correct painting of the ceiling with a water emulsion using a roller

Application of a spray gun

You will enjoy this job: it is quick and easy compared to using a roller. The most important thing in the process is to achieve a thin, as uniform layer as possible.

1. Before you start painting the ceiling, move the nozzle of the device away from the surface to be painted, as the spray gun throws out a lot of paint in the first seconds.

Before starting work "bleed" a small amount of paint from the device

2. When the spray is uniform, paint the ceiling. Separate the spray gun from the ceiling surface should be a distance of 30 to 50 cm. Move the nozzle at a speed of about 5 seconds per 1 running meter. In this case, direct the jet strictly perpendicular to the painted surface of the ceiling.

Hold spray gun at required distance from surface

3. To simplify the process, divide the surface mentally into squares. Paint them in turn, first with movements across, then along. In this case, do not linger for a long time in one area, otherwise the layer will turn out to be thick, and the paint will flow down. Maintain an even pace while coloring.

You need to work with a spray gun according to the already known scheme: one layer - across the direction of the light, the second - along

How to paint the ceiling with a spray gun - video

Secrets and features of work: how to avoid mistakes and correct shortcomings on the go

If during the staining process you violated the technology and applied the water-based paint unevenly, places with different shades may form (light from them is reflected in varying degrees of intensity), to avoid this, observe the direction of staining.

Do not try to correct such irregularities until the surface is dry - this will exacerbate the problem. Wait until it is completely dry and apply another layer to hide imperfections. If this does not help, remove the layer with sandpaper and apply again.

When painting a drywall ceiling, do not use paint that is too thinly diluted with water. It can soak the paper layer of the finishing material so much that the surface is covered with bubbles and begins to exfoliate. And since the ceiling is not a wall for you, heartless gravity will do its job up to the fact that the surface will have to be overhauled. We are not pursuing such goals, right?

It is better to paint the plastered ceiling with water-based emulsion using a spray gun. This device will distribute the paint over the ceiling much more evenly than a roller. But don't forget to apply a primer first.

If the ceiling was previously whitewashed, it is better to wash off the old layer. The water-based paint applied to the lime or whitewash will not only lie unevenly, but will also begin to exfoliate. The same applies to old paint: if light damage appears on it, remove the layer.

Small mistakes and inaccuracies in painting the ceiling can be easily corrected with a roller and a brush.

To prevent streaks on the ceiling during painting, first apply a layer of diluted water-based paint with a wide roller. After drying, you can easily consider all the flaws. When you do the main painting, pay special attention to these areas and treat them carefully.

Be sure to observe the direction of the layers: the penultimate layer should be perpendicular to the window, and the last one should be parallel. Take your time - wait until the layers are completely dry.

Excess paint can be removed in the following way: roll over the surface with a roller, on which there is no paint left, and its pile will absorb all excess.

Errors when working with a spray gun

If you do not move the spray gun nozzle quickly enough during work, the water emulsion on the ceiling will collect in small drops. Collect the excess with a sponge and, after drying, apply another coat of paint.

Too thick will cause the paint to peel off. Places where delamination has appeared, putty, rub with emery and prime, and paint again after drying. It is advisable to apply another coat of paint.

With some drawbacks in painting with a spray gun, you may need additional putty and primer

Have small bumps and grains appeared on the ceiling after painting? Surely the paint used was initially dirty. To get rid of such a marriage, go over the entire surface of the ceiling with emery and paint it again, only strain the paint through gauze first.

As you can see, it is enough to follow the recommendations and simple rules so that painting the ceiling with water-based paint does not become too problematic and time-consuming for you. Both the roller and the spray gun are excellent helpers in this matter, and our advice will surely make your task easier. Share with us in the comments your experience of painting the ceiling with water-based paint or ask questions on the topic. Good luck and comfort to your home!